1 00:00:00,667 --> 00:00:02,419   [Axe]   Previously on   Billions.      2 00:00:02,460 --> 00:00:04,546       It needs to be legalized,                 and federally.            3 00:00:04,587 --> 00:00:06,047          Yeah, right on, hop-head.  4 00:00:06,089 --> 00:00:07,382  My two enemies have linked up.     5 00:00:07,424 --> 00:00:09,843  Whatever he's goin' after,          I'm gonna take it.                 6 00:00:09,884 --> 00:00:12,554        This is about control                over me one last time.        7 00:00:12,595 --> 00:00:15,098        D'you want to be done?                 Then let's be done.         8 00:00:15,140 --> 00:00:16,516            I sold to Axe.            9 00:00:16,558 --> 00:00:19,602  I have to share some shit that's   making me feel seriously awk.      10 00:00:19,644 --> 00:00:22,105  Taylor went behind Axe's back       to lay off the cannabis deal       11 00:00:22,147 --> 00:00:23,064           to a third party.          12 00:00:23,106 --> 00:00:24,399           Whoa, fuck. Who?           13 00:00:24,441 --> 00:00:25,692        [Wendy]   Lawrence Boyd.        14 00:00:25,734 --> 00:00:27,485         You can't really say                    you're playing            15 00:00:27,527 --> 00:00:29,529  unless you're willing               to put your highest value          16 00:00:29,571 --> 00:00:30,905           pieces on the board.        17 00:00:30,947 --> 00:00:32,741        [Axe]   My country house.                It is now your house.        18 00:00:32,782 --> 00:00:35,118        Just cross out                        Prince's name in the deal      19 00:00:35,160 --> 00:00:36,411             and put mine in.          20 00:00:36,453 --> 00:00:38,872       And I will use                        his due diligence as my own.    21 00:00:38,913 --> 00:00:39,873              Fuck yeah!              22 00:00:39,914 --> 00:00:42,042          He actually closed                     on that money.            23 00:00:42,083 --> 00:00:43,334        Time to arrest Winslow.       24 00:00:43,376 --> 00:00:45,920  You found the one CEO who also      happened to be running             25 00:00:45,962 --> 00:00:47,464        a criminal enterprise.        26 00:00:47,505 --> 00:00:49,591       Just another drug dealer               moving major weight.         27 00:00:49,632 --> 00:00:51,176  Douse the fucking smokes. Now!     28 00:00:51,217 --> 00:00:52,886               Sometime                       in the next 24 hours,        29 00:00:52,927 --> 00:00:54,596         they believe they'll                 have you in custody.         30 00:00:54,637 --> 00:00:57,432  And they don't believe              you have a way out this time.      31 00:00:57,474 --> 00:00:58,600  What do you want us to do?         32 00:00:58,641 --> 00:01:01,186        I have no fucking idea.       33 00:01:32,801 --> 00:01:35,303  He here? Up in his office?         34 00:01:35,345 --> 00:01:37,263        Where else he gonna be?       35 00:01:37,305 --> 00:01:39,808       It is his office, right?       36 00:01:41,643 --> 00:01:43,103               For now.               37 00:01:52,737 --> 00:01:55,115  So I finally got a clean test.     38 00:01:55,156 --> 00:01:56,616        Just in time for this.        39 00:01:56,658 --> 00:01:58,243         Worst-case it for me.        40 00:01:58,284 --> 00:01:59,702             No point in that.        41 00:01:59,744 --> 00:02:01,162  We need to mount a vigorous--      42 00:02:01,204 --> 00:02:02,705            Worst-case it.            43 00:02:02,747 --> 00:02:04,707           You want to talk                   worst-case scenarios?        44 00:02:04,749 --> 00:02:08,461             Okay. But it'll be                   a mood killer.           45 00:02:08,503 --> 00:02:10,672  It's hard to kill                   what's already dead, Orrin.        46 00:02:10,713 --> 00:02:12,090             [Orrin] Fair.            47 00:02:12,132 --> 00:02:13,758          Okay. Worst case is         48 00:02:13,800 --> 00:02:16,553  the NYAG has you                    on a pu-pu platter                 49 00:02:16,594 --> 00:02:18,763  of violations related               to Winslow's arrest.               50 00:02:18,805 --> 00:02:20,473        As the head of a bank,        51 00:02:20,515 --> 00:02:22,684                 it is your                 fiduciary responsibility       52 00:02:22,725 --> 00:02:24,477               to know your                   customer's business--        53 00:02:24,519 --> 00:02:25,687              the fact that                      she was selling           54 00:02:25,728 --> 00:02:27,021            and processing,                       through Axe Bank,        55 00:02:27,063 --> 00:02:28,565            the proceeds of                       illegal marijuana.       56 00:02:28,606 --> 00:02:31,359           So... I'm the farmer                 in the fucking dell.       57 00:02:31,401 --> 00:02:32,819          Right in the center                    of the circle.            58 00:02:32,861 --> 00:02:35,613        Worse, Rhoades can work                with the Manhattan DA       59 00:02:35,655 --> 00:02:38,992  and potentially his old cronies     at the US Attorney's Office        60 00:02:39,033 --> 00:02:41,703  to use that as a gateway            to local, state, and federal       61 00:02:41,744 --> 00:02:43,371  money-laundering violations        62 00:02:43,413 --> 00:02:45,540             and false records                   and statements.           63 00:02:45,582 --> 00:02:48,585              They will see you             are more than negligent,       64 00:02:48,626 --> 00:02:52,547  that you willfully ignored          and actually conspired             65 00:02:52,589 --> 00:02:53,923  with the money-laundering.         66 00:02:53,965 --> 00:02:58,386            This will have                   real teeth criminally.        67 00:02:58,428 --> 00:03:00,388  Fangs, because they go deep        68 00:03:00,430 --> 00:03:02,223  and suck the life out of you.      69 00:03:02,265 --> 00:03:03,266                 Fuck!                70 00:03:03,308 --> 00:03:05,518  How many years am I facing?        71 00:03:05,560 --> 00:03:07,979  We'll pick off the shakier          aspects of the case.               72 00:03:08,021 --> 00:03:11,608  We'll claim there were efforts      made to conceal by Winslow.        73 00:03:11,649 --> 00:03:14,152       We'll work the jury pool                 for maximum weakness       74 00:03:14,194 --> 00:03:15,570           and/or affinity.           75 00:03:15,612 --> 00:03:17,322               Worst. Case.           76 00:03:17,363 --> 00:03:18,656      Don't make me say it again.     77 00:03:18,698 --> 00:03:20,491           Now. How many years?       78 00:03:20,533 --> 00:03:23,369           Fifteen, 20, likely,       79 00:03:23,411 --> 00:03:25,121       for you as the chairman.       80 00:03:25,163 --> 00:03:26,414            For the CEO...            81 00:03:26,456 --> 00:03:28,708           But I hardly had                 a chance to do anything.       82 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:30,710              I'm a figurehead.              You know it. I know it.       83 00:03:30,752 --> 00:03:31,753       They definitely know it.       84 00:03:31,794 --> 00:03:33,338  They don't give a shit, Wags.      85 00:03:33,379 --> 00:03:34,547            No, they don't.           86 00:03:34,589 --> 00:03:37,258            Your name's on                 the contract as CEO, Wags.      87 00:03:37,300 --> 00:03:38,843  You signed. It was notarized.      88 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:40,803        So you take the weight               right along with Bobby.       89 00:03:40,845 --> 00:03:43,264  Isn't this,                         I don't know, entrapment?          90 00:03:43,306 --> 00:03:46,100  Only if Chuck induced Winslow       to grow the illicit crop.          91 00:03:46,142 --> 00:03:48,102  He likely found out                 about this after the fact          92 00:03:48,144 --> 00:03:49,062             and used it.             93 00:03:49,103 --> 00:03:52,482  But whatever he did wrong,          whatever was out of line,          94 00:03:52,523 --> 00:03:54,108           -I will dig into.                    -Damn right.               95 00:03:54,150 --> 00:03:58,238     Because believe me, you will      find there's plenty out of line.  96 00:03:58,279 --> 00:03:59,948       This way this guy rolls.       97 00:03:59,989 --> 00:04:01,908  And we need to show the world.     98 00:04:01,950 --> 00:04:04,160  The freezing of your assets,        along with Axe Bank's              99 00:04:04,202 --> 00:04:06,329             and Axe Asset                     Management's funds,         100 00:04:06,371 --> 00:04:09,499  will coincide with the issuance     of an arrest warrant on you.       101 00:04:09,540 --> 00:04:11,000             Jesus Christ.            102 00:04:11,042 --> 00:04:15,171  They're gonna arrest                and freeze me too, aren't they?    103 00:04:15,213 --> 00:04:16,506             Motherfucker.            104 00:04:16,547 --> 00:04:19,801  This has been defined as a          worst-case scenario meeting, so,  105 00:04:19,842 --> 00:04:22,387  yes, of course they are, Wags.     106 00:04:22,428 --> 00:04:24,305            Fast or slow...           107 00:04:24,347 --> 00:04:26,432  how do you want to play it?        108 00:04:32,897 --> 00:04:36,109           Let 'em bring it.                     Let's get it on.          109 00:04:36,150 --> 00:04:38,194  I'll make it happen as              quickly as possible, then.         110 00:04:38,236 --> 00:04:40,238  I can arrange a surrender,          but you'll have to honor it.       111 00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:42,490       You can't do a runaround                  like last time.           112 00:04:42,532 --> 00:04:43,908          Oh, I'll honor it.          113 00:04:43,950 --> 00:04:47,787       More than that, I'm gonna          fight it loudly and publicly.    114 00:04:47,829 --> 00:04:52,959  And once and for all,               because he's in my way now,        115 00:04:53,001 --> 00:04:56,296  on things that are even more        important than business.           116 00:04:58,965 --> 00:05:02,218          So push the timeline                on this, Orrin. Fast.        117 00:05:02,260 --> 00:05:05,179        The arrest, the battle,                   the victory.             118 00:05:05,221 --> 00:05:07,140                I will.               119 00:05:07,181 --> 00:05:10,435          I can't handle your                 defense myself, Wags.        120 00:05:10,476 --> 00:05:12,395  But I'll put you with a killer.    121 00:05:12,437 --> 00:05:15,023  Talk later in                       the ante meridiem, Bobby.          122 00:05:17,817 --> 00:05:19,610            Don't you have                   a meeting to attend to?       123 00:05:19,652 --> 00:05:22,989         Seems that should now                 become the priority.        124 00:05:24,157 --> 00:05:25,366                 Yeah.                125 00:05:28,995 --> 00:05:32,165       Before I go, I need you              to understand something.       126 00:05:33,207 --> 00:05:34,334               I can't.               127 00:05:34,375 --> 00:05:36,627       There's no scenario where            I survive a year in jail,      128 00:05:36,669 --> 00:05:38,880            much less what                   we're looking at here.        129 00:05:38,921 --> 00:05:40,882  You're not going to jail.          130 00:05:43,634 --> 00:05:47,847       Well, you might.                It's probable, actually.           131 00:05:47,889 --> 00:05:50,433  But you are a lot stronger          than you think you are.            132 00:05:50,475 --> 00:05:52,018  I know exactly how strong I am,    133 00:05:52,060 --> 00:05:54,604  and it's one notch less             than strong enough for jail.       134 00:05:54,645 --> 00:05:55,980  We'll get with consultants.        135 00:05:56,022 --> 00:05:58,232  I'll have it all                    organized for ourselves.           136 00:05:58,274 --> 00:05:59,233             It will suck,            137 00:05:59,275 --> 00:06:02,528        but this is something                you will live through.        138 00:06:03,529 --> 00:06:04,781                 Axe,                 139 00:06:04,822 --> 00:06:06,699     I worship at your altar, sir.    140 00:06:06,741 --> 00:06:10,578         But I'm telling you                  right now, I'm never         141 00:06:10,620 --> 00:06:13,956       walking into a jail cell             with my name on it.            142 00:06:13,998 --> 00:06:18,753        Whatever I have to do,                     I'll do it.             143 00:06:18,795 --> 00:06:20,421            I believe you.            144 00:06:22,382 --> 00:06:24,842  Thanks for telling me.             145 00:06:24,884 --> 00:06:27,929  But we are a long way               from walking into a cell.          146 00:06:47,865 --> 00:06:50,076             [door opens]             147 00:06:57,375 --> 00:06:59,377                [sighs]               148 00:06:59,419 --> 00:07:02,713        Not really the kickoff                I envisioned for us.         149 00:07:04,173 --> 00:07:07,093        I wanted a conscious...       150 00:07:08,594 --> 00:07:10,096             a beginning.             151 00:07:12,181 --> 00:07:14,767       I pictured thatched huts                 over blue water.           152 00:07:14,809 --> 00:07:16,936            Not courtrooms.                       Board shorts.            153 00:07:16,978 --> 00:07:18,479          Not suits and ties.         154 00:07:18,521 --> 00:07:21,190  Yeah, well, that's the thing        about something real.              155 00:07:21,232 --> 00:07:23,234  It doesn't have to look             like a fantasy.                    156 00:07:23,276 --> 00:07:26,362                [sighs]                         You're still in?           157 00:07:26,404 --> 00:07:28,573  Where am I standing?               158 00:07:28,614 --> 00:07:30,575  Where I always have.               159 00:07:30,616 --> 00:07:32,118  Back-to-back with you,             160 00:07:32,160 --> 00:07:34,662        wading into                    the fight together...              161 00:07:34,704 --> 00:07:36,247                [sighs]               162 00:07:36,289 --> 00:07:39,459  ...which means getting              back to the office before          163 00:07:39,500 --> 00:07:41,252  all this really breaks.            164 00:07:41,294 --> 00:07:43,463  Deal with the troops                     while you...                   165 00:07:43,504 --> 00:07:44,547                 Yeah.                166 00:07:44,589 --> 00:07:48,092       Start breaking things...                   as discussed.            167 00:07:56,184 --> 00:07:57,518        Warrants are imminent.        168 00:07:57,560 --> 00:08:00,897  And I have to say, the idea of      him being surprised like this...  169 00:08:00,938 --> 00:08:02,106              [chuckles]              170 00:08:02,148 --> 00:08:03,900         Oh, there's something                   glorious in it.           171 00:08:03,941 --> 00:08:05,109              His plane?              172 00:08:05,151 --> 00:08:06,527          Uh, being watched.          173 00:08:06,569 --> 00:08:07,945  Poised to seize both of them.      174 00:08:07,987 --> 00:08:09,113  Tail numbers have no-fly orders.  175 00:08:09,155 --> 00:08:11,949  -Smart.                             -Oh, no circus this time.          176 00:08:11,991 --> 00:08:13,993  The assets are ready to go          into the deep freeze.              177 00:08:14,035 --> 00:08:15,495  So now it's down                    to the perp walk.                  178 00:08:15,536 --> 00:08:16,829  What do you have planned?          179 00:08:16,871 --> 00:08:18,789  The lefty guns scoop up             while he's about to do a job,      180 00:08:18,831 --> 00:08:20,666  or the shake-and-wake                  while he's in bed?               181 00:08:20,708 --> 00:08:21,834        I considered all of it.       182 00:08:21,876 --> 00:08:23,878             But I want it                    to be at the office.         183 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:29,133  I walk him out rear-cuffed          in front of his loyal troops.      184 00:08:29,175 --> 00:08:31,177       Let them see him broken.       185 00:08:31,219 --> 00:08:33,513         Let that break them.         186 00:08:35,264 --> 00:08:37,016            You seem tired.                        Late night?             187 00:08:37,058 --> 00:08:40,186  Nah. Just couldn't                  sleep on account of                 all the excitement.                188 00:08:40,228 --> 00:08:41,979  What about Winslow?                 What are you gonna--               189 00:08:42,021 --> 00:08:43,439           Oh, that's wired.          190 00:08:43,481 --> 00:08:45,775  She's in custody but has been       provided access to a cell phone    191 00:08:45,816 --> 00:08:48,110  in case he calls,                   so as not to raise suspicion.      192 00:08:48,152 --> 00:08:49,779      Nice. Seems like                 you covered all the--              193 00:08:49,820 --> 00:08:52,240        We're aware you plan on              arresting my client           194 00:08:52,281 --> 00:08:54,534        Robert Axelrod shortly.       195 00:08:57,161 --> 00:08:58,579  It is the policy of this office    196 00:08:58,621 --> 00:09:01,999       not to comment on ongoing       investigations, if there is one.  197 00:09:02,041 --> 00:09:06,087         Mr. Attorney General,                   Chuck, come on.           198 00:09:06,128 --> 00:09:08,756         Let's spare everyone                    the raree-show            199 00:09:08,798 --> 00:09:10,883       and set a surrender date.      200 00:09:10,925 --> 00:09:12,885  I'm thinking 24 hours from now,    201 00:09:12,927 --> 00:09:15,721            with the place                 to be mutually agreed upon.     202 00:09:18,432 --> 00:09:22,311         If I agree, if you say              Axelrod will surrender,       203 00:09:22,353 --> 00:09:24,605            it's your word,                     your law license,          204 00:09:24,647 --> 00:09:27,858       and your ass on the line,                    Mr. Bach.              205 00:09:27,900 --> 00:09:29,694  Assurances have been made,         206 00:09:29,735 --> 00:09:33,698  so I can make them to you.          But hey,                           207 00:09:33,739 --> 00:09:35,992           see for yourself.          208 00:09:36,033 --> 00:09:38,286              ...what amounts to                a campaign against me,       209 00:09:38,327 --> 00:09:42,873      resulting in what I understand       is to be yet another arrest.     210 00:09:42,915 --> 00:09:44,917               So I say to                      the Attorney General,        211 00:09:44,959 --> 00:09:46,168             come on, Chuck.           212 00:09:46,210 --> 00:09:48,129             Come on down here                    and arrest me now.         213 00:09:48,170 --> 00:09:49,171           I can prove my innocence.  214 00:09:49,213 --> 00:09:52,466               Fuck me.                         He's downstairs.           215 00:09:52,508 --> 00:09:54,594       Right across the street.       216 00:09:55,928 --> 00:09:57,346       ...and so you know, as I do,    217 00:09:57,388 --> 00:10:01,559        that whatever kind of                 supposed crime I committed     218 00:10:01,601 --> 00:10:05,062           is really just the crime              of living and breathing     219 00:10:05,104 --> 00:10:07,064            in Chuck Rhoades's                     general vicinity.         220 00:10:07,106 --> 00:10:08,357            This is fucked.           221 00:10:08,399 --> 00:10:09,984          Yeah. But our man's                fucking 'em right back,       222 00:10:10,026 --> 00:10:12,153  and in their backyard, no less.    223 00:10:12,194 --> 00:10:14,280  This seems like going up            to a murder hornet's nest,         224 00:10:14,322 --> 00:10:17,241    shaking it and almost              asking it to sting you.            225 00:10:17,283 --> 00:10:19,410           If Bobby Axelrod                  shook a hornet's nest,        226 00:10:19,452 --> 00:10:20,953  the goddamn hornet                  ought to have                      227 00:10:20,995 --> 00:10:22,413  the goddamn sense                   to stay inside.                    228 00:10:22,455 --> 00:10:25,416  I don't know, Dollar Bill.          A hornet's kind of like me.        229 00:10:25,458 --> 00:10:28,878  Once we're in attack mode,          we don't fucking retreat.          230 00:10:28,919 --> 00:10:30,046        You're freaking me out.       231 00:10:30,087 --> 00:10:31,881               But look,                    now is the time to stand       232 00:10:31,922 --> 00:10:34,050        to get this thing done                  once and for all.          233 00:10:34,091 --> 00:10:35,343          So come on, Chuck.          234 00:10:35,384 --> 00:10:39,972  Charge me with something and see   if you can make it stick.          235 00:10:40,014 --> 00:10:41,182                  Oh.                 236 00:10:41,223 --> 00:10:43,601        So, then, you heard me.               Where are the cuffs?         237 00:10:43,643 --> 00:10:45,436  Oh... you don't get                 to decide the when and where       238 00:10:45,478 --> 00:10:47,146           -on my timetable.                       -[chuckles]             239 00:10:47,188 --> 00:10:50,524    It appears that your timetable       is as many years as you like.     240 00:10:50,566 --> 00:10:53,861  But it seems like just yesterday   you were striding in my office     241 00:10:53,903 --> 00:10:55,696            to tell me that                 you had nothing to lose.       242 00:10:55,738 --> 00:10:57,239           Or was it the day                    before yesterday,          243 00:10:57,281 --> 00:10:59,575        and yesterday was when                 you were telling me         244 00:10:59,617 --> 00:11:03,120      that it was worth it                 for you to go down with me.     245 00:11:03,162 --> 00:11:06,082          This is personal.                    It's not judicial.          246 00:11:06,123 --> 00:11:08,793      And this is when I finally           get my chance to prove it.      247 00:11:08,834 --> 00:11:10,127               Oh, yes.               248 00:11:10,169 --> 00:11:14,048  He will get the day in court        he so richly deserves.             249 00:11:14,090 --> 00:11:17,593  Once I have everything in order,   and I will, quite soon,            250 00:11:17,635 --> 00:11:18,469             it'll happen.            251 00:11:18,511 --> 00:11:21,055           Mr. Axelrod will                     surrender to me.           252 00:11:21,097 --> 00:11:23,516         That's a legal term,                 to be clear, Chuck.          253 00:11:23,557 --> 00:11:24,725              [chuckles]              254 00:11:24,767 --> 00:11:27,770        So I will. Technically.       255 00:11:27,812 --> 00:11:28,979           But know this...           256 00:11:29,021 --> 00:11:32,900        I will be fighting you                 to my dying breath.         257 00:11:32,942 --> 00:11:34,193  [reporter 1]                        Another word before you go?        258 00:11:34,235 --> 00:11:35,361       [reporter 2]                         Mr. Rhodes before you leave.  259 00:11:35,403 --> 00:11:39,031      [camera shutters clicking]      260 00:11:50,835 --> 00:11:52,378  So then, any more questions?       261 00:11:52,420 --> 00:11:55,631  I will answer whatever              my mouthpiece will allow.          262 00:11:55,673 --> 00:11:56,716              [clamoring]             263 00:11:56,757 --> 00:11:59,093              [applause]              264 00:11:59,135 --> 00:12:00,344      Well, I want to cheer too,      265 00:12:00,386 --> 00:12:02,221        but these circumstances                feel trepidatious.          266 00:12:02,263 --> 00:12:05,474  Yeah, I'm feeling discomfited       about my future.                   267 00:12:05,516 --> 00:12:07,101               Oh, look,                    the fucking vocab twins.       268 00:12:07,143 --> 00:12:08,352  You guys aren't getting it.        269 00:12:08,394 --> 00:12:11,230  You don't drag an                   alley fighter into an alley.       270 00:12:11,272 --> 00:12:13,691  'Cause that's what Axe is,          an alley fighter,                  271 00:12:13,733 --> 00:12:15,067            a real Carboni.           272 00:12:15,109 --> 00:12:17,194  And that's where Chuck Rhoades      just dragged him.                  273 00:12:17,236 --> 00:12:19,947  While they're alley fighting,       where does that leave us?          274 00:12:19,989 --> 00:12:21,407       It leaves you head down,                   eyes forward,            275 00:12:21,449 --> 00:12:23,826        doing good work earning               returns for the firm--       276 00:12:23,868 --> 00:12:25,661             or the bank,                      as the case may be.         277 00:12:25,703 --> 00:12:26,954  The rest will sort itself out.     278 00:12:26,996 --> 00:12:29,290               Much like                   the recent unpleasantness.      279 00:12:29,331 --> 00:12:32,042         We need to stay calm                     and unified.             280 00:12:32,084 --> 00:12:33,461          That'll be a first                     for this place.           281 00:12:33,502 --> 00:12:36,380  Yeah. And won't the assets          be frozen and seized?              282 00:12:36,422 --> 00:12:39,133  He'll come up with a workaround.   Like he has in the past.           283 00:12:39,175 --> 00:12:40,593         Like he always does.         284 00:12:40,634 --> 00:12:44,096  Yes, I'm-- I'm sure some kind of   arrangement will be struck.        285 00:12:44,138 --> 00:12:46,223  Near-term,                          the negative press will suck.      286 00:12:46,265 --> 00:12:47,850         But in the long run,         287 00:12:47,892 --> 00:12:51,645  we will win, as we always have.    288 00:12:51,687 --> 00:12:53,397        So was his getting out                     ahead of it             289 00:12:53,439 --> 00:12:56,358        with a press conference                 part of the plan?          290 00:12:56,400 --> 00:12:58,402        These things are fluid.       291 00:13:02,281 --> 00:13:03,991             I can't spare                    the time or the focus        292 00:13:04,033 --> 00:13:05,618        to take the two of you                    apart today.             293 00:13:05,659 --> 00:13:08,996  But if I did, believe me, you'd     be lying on the floor in pieces.  294 00:13:09,038 --> 00:13:10,372       Taylor, I can understand                   why you think            295 00:13:10,414 --> 00:13:12,124            anything you do                   to him is justified.         296 00:13:12,166 --> 00:13:15,628  You've basically become him,        on his worst day.                  297 00:13:15,669 --> 00:13:17,087               But Rian,              298 00:13:17,129 --> 00:13:19,965       you still have the spark               of a soul about you.         299 00:13:20,007 --> 00:13:22,218  The way you used me for--          300 00:13:22,259 --> 00:13:25,012        Not even your own ends,                   but Taylor's?            301 00:13:25,054 --> 00:13:28,182  If you don't about-face now,        this minute,                       302 00:13:28,224 --> 00:13:30,309       you won't even recognize                   who you were             303 00:13:30,351 --> 00:13:32,102       by the time you turn 26.       304 00:13:43,113 --> 00:13:45,366           I thought you had                 your arms around this.        305 00:13:45,407 --> 00:13:46,700             I did. I do.             306 00:13:46,742 --> 00:13:48,619  Believe me,                         I'm taking fucking measures.       307 00:13:48,661 --> 00:13:51,330  I hope so. Because a wounded        and cornered Bobby Axelrod         308 00:13:51,372 --> 00:13:53,499  is not something many survive.     309 00:13:56,585 --> 00:13:57,962  I'm not for firing squads.         310 00:13:58,003 --> 00:13:59,213            -Good to know.                           -Yeah.                311 00:13:59,255 --> 00:14:00,464        I saw the Kubrick film                     as a tyke,              312 00:14:00,506 --> 00:14:02,424          turned me off 'em.                     But if I were,            313 00:14:02,466 --> 00:14:06,428       it would be for those who          leak secrets to enemy forces,    314 00:14:06,470 --> 00:14:08,222  leave us unprotected against--     315 00:14:08,264 --> 00:14:09,390              Yes. True.              316 00:14:09,431 --> 00:14:11,308  I could tell you stories.          317 00:14:11,350 --> 00:14:12,726  Yeah, I'm sure you could, Karl.    318 00:14:12,768 --> 00:14:15,229  But right now,                      the story we need to tell          319 00:14:15,271 --> 00:14:18,649  is that of the arrest and           conviction of Robert Axelrod.      320 00:14:18,691 --> 00:14:22,528          Later, we will find                and punish the leaker.        321 00:14:22,570 --> 00:14:24,238  Not against the wall, though.      322 00:14:24,280 --> 00:14:26,031     We'll stop just short of that.  323 00:14:26,073 --> 00:14:27,157                 Yes.                 324 00:14:27,199 --> 00:14:29,493            For now, I want                  surveillance on Axelrod       325 00:14:29,535 --> 00:14:30,578       to prevent any bullshit.       326 00:14:30,619 --> 00:14:32,288         I want Michael Wagner                     scooped up.             327 00:14:32,329 --> 00:14:35,332           We'll sweat him.                   Work on him to flip.         328 00:14:35,374 --> 00:14:38,419  Probably useless,                   but I want my time in the ring.    329 00:14:38,460 --> 00:14:39,670            You'll have it.           330 00:14:39,712 --> 00:14:42,089  We need to put Axe in a spot        where he takes a plea.             331 00:14:42,131 --> 00:14:43,299               No trial.              332 00:14:43,340 --> 00:14:46,302         No popularity contest              or chance to manipulate.       333 00:14:46,343 --> 00:14:47,553             Hmm. We move                    to sequester the jury,        334 00:14:47,595 --> 00:14:49,179           so that he can't                     try to buy them.           335 00:14:49,221 --> 00:14:51,265  But, Chuck, we do have              a strong enough case to--          336 00:14:51,307 --> 00:14:52,892        As we have in the past.       337 00:14:52,933 --> 00:14:53,934                  No.                 338 00:14:53,976 --> 00:14:55,519  We make him admit his guilt.       339 00:14:55,561 --> 00:14:56,645         Take his punishment.         340 00:14:56,687 --> 00:14:59,189           We win with a plea                  even before a trial         341 00:14:59,231 --> 00:15:01,275           because that win,                      that justice,            342 00:15:01,317 --> 00:15:03,110        is the important thing.       343 00:15:03,152 --> 00:15:04,778     As Patrick Ewing knows well,     344 00:15:04,820 --> 00:15:06,947          don't settle                         for a finger roll,          345 00:15:06,989 --> 00:15:08,616        dunk the fucking ball.        346 00:15:08,657 --> 00:15:11,911            I don't even understand             what Wendy was saying,    347 00:15:11,952 --> 00:15:13,787          but it made me feel icky.  348 00:15:13,829 --> 00:15:14,914  No, she is right.                  349 00:15:14,955 --> 00:15:17,666  You won't recognize yourself        by the end of our time together.  350 00:15:17,708 --> 00:15:19,793  Because that person                 you were lied to herself           351 00:15:19,835 --> 00:15:21,587     about who she was                 and what she wanted.               352 00:15:21,629 --> 00:15:24,214    That was a person who              became artsy and quirky            353 00:15:24,256 --> 00:15:27,134       and analytical when             she was picked on as a kid         354 00:15:27,176 --> 00:15:30,012  instead of using what                   she really felt,                355 00:15:30,054 --> 00:15:31,305  which was hatred.                  356 00:15:31,347 --> 00:15:34,141           I did not. I don't hate.  357 00:15:34,183 --> 00:15:37,519  You do. You've turned it               into something else.             358 00:15:37,561 --> 00:15:39,355       Like I used to.                359 00:15:39,396 --> 00:15:41,899  But it was impressed                upon me that instead,              360 00:15:41,941 --> 00:15:43,150  and listen to me here,             361 00:15:43,192 --> 00:15:47,154  instead, it's best                    turned into fuel                  362 00:15:47,196 --> 00:15:49,657  because it's effective.            363 00:15:49,698 --> 00:15:52,576  And nothing burns as clean.        364 00:15:56,455 --> 00:15:59,625  [Axe]    This is not                  a usual investment meeting.        365 00:15:59,667 --> 00:16:01,335  For this next little stretch,      366 00:16:01,377 --> 00:16:03,963  I'll be relaying my                 instructions to you remotely.      367 00:16:04,004 --> 00:16:05,214                         As will I.  368 00:16:05,255 --> 00:16:07,466  We won't be in the office           as much as usual.                  369 00:16:07,508 --> 00:16:09,009  So it's goodbye for now            370 00:16:09,051 --> 00:16:10,719  while we take cover to fight.      371 00:16:10,761 --> 00:16:13,263  But we will be back at it           again soon enough.                 372 00:16:13,305 --> 00:16:14,932  We'll hold it                       down for you, boss.                373 00:16:14,974 --> 00:16:16,350  I know you will, Bill.             374 00:16:16,392 --> 00:16:18,560  That's why there'll always be       a place for an operator like you  375 00:16:18,602 --> 00:16:19,645  in the money business.             376 00:16:19,687 --> 00:16:21,563  And your place is here,             Axe Cap.                           377 00:16:21,605 --> 00:16:24,441  Now, keep your eyes open            for opportunity, even now.         378 00:16:24,483 --> 00:16:26,318              You got it.             379 00:16:26,360 --> 00:16:27,903  It feels like we're at the end.    380 00:16:27,945 --> 00:16:31,991  Nah, the end of the beginning       is all, Ben Kim.                   381 00:16:33,993 --> 00:16:35,202               Come on.               382 00:16:41,792 --> 00:16:42,960              All right?              383 00:16:45,337 --> 00:16:48,298  Sean, how much is in                the Foundation right now?          384 00:16:48,340 --> 00:16:50,509                   The princely sum                    of 570 million.    385 00:16:50,551 --> 00:16:52,469  We're gonna need a war chest        for this battle.                   386 00:16:52,511 --> 00:16:56,598  I need to have it transferred to   a new entity for the time being.  387 00:16:56,640 --> 00:16:58,100  I'll send you the information.     388 00:16:58,142 --> 00:17:02,104  I have always had a plan at         the ready for this contingency.    389 00:17:02,146 --> 00:17:03,397           Able man you are.          390 00:17:03,439 --> 00:17:05,607  We'll be back at those              good works soon enough.            391 00:17:05,649 --> 00:17:09,987                  As always,                   I serve at your pleasure.  392 00:17:12,031 --> 00:17:14,408               [exhales]              393 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:17,661        [footsteps approaching]       394 00:17:19,038 --> 00:17:21,999       Catch up with you later.       395 00:17:24,585 --> 00:17:25,794               [exhales]              396 00:17:25,836 --> 00:17:28,422  I didn't think I needed to hear     what the rest of them did.         397 00:17:28,464 --> 00:17:29,882  And I didn't think you'd show.     398 00:17:29,923 --> 00:17:32,801           -I'm not scared.                   -I know what you did.        399 00:17:32,843 --> 00:17:35,429            That Boyd move                  with the cannabis company      400 00:17:35,471 --> 00:17:38,265         wasn't self-interest                   or a greed play.           401 00:17:38,307 --> 00:17:39,600        You fucking baited me.        402 00:17:39,641 --> 00:17:40,893  [scoff] You once said to me        403 00:17:40,934 --> 00:17:44,229  you didn't think you                learned enough from me yet.        404 00:17:44,271 --> 00:17:45,773       Seems like now you have.       405 00:17:45,814 --> 00:17:48,859          I thought we'd come                    together here.            406 00:17:48,901 --> 00:17:52,112  You forced me back into working     for you practically at gunpoint.  407 00:17:52,154 --> 00:17:54,198  So along the way, you thought       you'd team up with Chuck           408 00:17:54,239 --> 00:17:55,407              to fuck me?             409 00:17:55,449 --> 00:17:57,785          I decided it right              from the start, as you know.     410 00:17:57,826 --> 00:17:59,620             I just forgot                     for a little while.         411 00:17:59,661 --> 00:18:00,662                Uh-huh.               412 00:18:00,704 --> 00:18:03,123         Even though it was me                  that took you in?          413 00:18:03,165 --> 00:18:05,626  Just another fucking math nerd?    414 00:18:05,667 --> 00:18:07,669  One with potential to be sure,     415 00:18:07,711 --> 00:18:09,171           but one of many.           416 00:18:09,213 --> 00:18:10,506  If you had more than one of me,    417 00:18:10,547 --> 00:18:12,716         you'd have gotten rid             of the actual me long ago.      418 00:18:12,758 --> 00:18:16,095        But you didn't because            I am a special fucking case,     419 00:18:16,136 --> 00:18:17,596         as you might put it.         420 00:18:17,638 --> 00:18:19,890  Not so special you didn't need      me to platform you.                421 00:18:19,932 --> 00:18:22,267  I propped you up,                   brought you along,                 422 00:18:22,309 --> 00:18:24,394     gave you the keys to              a fucking space shuttle.           423 00:18:24,436 --> 00:18:27,272          I thought you wanted                to get rich together,        424 00:18:27,314 --> 00:18:28,941        and I let that fool me.       425 00:18:28,982 --> 00:18:31,819           But your problem,                     as an investor,           426 00:18:31,860 --> 00:18:34,738  is that your idealism is at war     with your profit drive.            427 00:18:34,780 --> 00:18:36,532         And one day that will                      ruin you.              428 00:18:36,573 --> 00:18:40,119    While your problem, as a boss,          as a mentor, as a person,      429 00:18:40,160 --> 00:18:42,579      is you see my work product,          my company, me,                 430 00:18:42,621 --> 00:18:44,706          as yours to do with                    as you see fit.           431 00:18:44,748 --> 00:18:47,709           And so now you've                   killed your mentor.         432 00:18:47,751 --> 00:18:49,086           Congratulations.           433 00:18:49,128 --> 00:18:51,630          Must mean... what?          434 00:18:51,672 --> 00:18:54,341          Now you're strong?          435 00:18:54,383 --> 00:18:55,843             You can lead?            436 00:18:55,884 --> 00:18:56,844                Maybe.                437 00:18:56,885 --> 00:18:58,804         I did think I'd feel               better about it, though,       438 00:18:58,846 --> 00:19:01,265      have some sense of victory               or accomplishment.          439 00:19:01,306 --> 00:19:04,309       You never did react well                  to competition.           440 00:19:04,351 --> 00:19:05,602                  No.                 441 00:19:05,644 --> 00:19:07,521      But I have come to realize                I'll do anything           442 00:19:07,563 --> 00:19:08,856         for my own autonomy.         443 00:19:08,897 --> 00:19:11,692       So you figured you'd let               the government freeze        444 00:19:11,733 --> 00:19:12,901        everything that's mine,       445 00:19:12,943 --> 00:19:14,570        and then go to your pal                   Chuck Rhoades            446 00:19:14,611 --> 00:19:17,573       and break off your piece             and go off on your own?        447 00:19:17,614 --> 00:19:20,951     Something along those lines.     448 00:19:21,743 --> 00:19:24,955               But now,                      all I really feel is...       449 00:19:25,706 --> 00:19:26,874               sadness.               450 00:19:26,915 --> 00:19:30,669       That I want to thank you,            as ridiculous as that is.      451 00:19:30,711 --> 00:19:33,005          And I think I'm...          452 00:19:34,173 --> 00:19:35,924            no, I am sorry.           453 00:19:35,966 --> 00:19:38,385      Sorry that it came to this.     454 00:19:38,427 --> 00:19:39,386       You're sorry?                  455 00:19:39,428 --> 00:19:42,389  Shit. You'll get over it.          456 00:19:42,431 --> 00:19:44,016  The amount of time you spend       457 00:19:44,057 --> 00:19:46,768  feeling bad over slitting           your enemies' throats              458 00:19:46,810 --> 00:19:49,062  will get shorter and shorter        in the future                      459 00:19:49,104 --> 00:19:52,024  until it's barely                     a fucking blip.                   460 00:19:54,193 --> 00:19:55,360  And if you don't get over it,      461 00:19:55,402 --> 00:19:56,904  well, you can bring me                    some cookies                  462 00:19:56,945 --> 00:20:00,866  to Wallkill Correctional                 on visiting day.               463 00:20:00,908 --> 00:20:05,037  But I don't think it's                 gonna go that way.               464 00:20:05,871 --> 00:20:08,040  And I think you know that.         465 00:20:22,930 --> 00:20:24,139  [Chuck] Well, Mr. Wagner,          466 00:20:24,181 --> 00:20:26,975  we find ourselves                   across the table once again.       467 00:20:27,017 --> 00:20:31,230  Only this time, you don't have      your master to hide behind.        468 00:20:31,271 --> 00:20:32,606  I have Neal, here, though.         469 00:20:32,648 --> 00:20:34,733  [scoffs] 'Fraid that's              not going to be much help.         470 00:20:34,775 --> 00:20:38,278    Oh, you're facing up               to 25 years, friend-o.             471 00:20:38,320 --> 00:20:39,863  Two bits.   Vente-cinco.             472 00:20:39,905 --> 00:20:42,616  That's what a bank CEO like you     who's driven clear over            473 00:20:42,658 --> 00:20:45,118      the lane markers                 of Know Your Customer,             474 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:48,538  smack into the guardrails           of Anti-Money Laundering laws,     475 00:20:48,580 --> 00:20:49,831  is staring down.                   476 00:20:49,873 --> 00:20:52,084         Long time. You'll be             a senior citizen looking for     477 00:20:52,125 --> 00:20:54,378      your Social Security check            by the time you get out.       478 00:20:54,419 --> 00:20:56,213          If Social Security                  even exists by then.         479 00:20:56,255 --> 00:20:59,841  But there is a golden ladder        reaching down to you,              480 00:20:59,883 --> 00:21:01,760  and I am the one extending it.     481 00:21:01,802 --> 00:21:06,139  All you have to do is place         the blame where it belongs         482 00:21:06,181 --> 00:21:08,100  and grab on.                       483 00:21:08,141 --> 00:21:11,228       You're talking about me              cooperating against Axe?       484 00:21:11,270 --> 00:21:12,729                 I am.                485 00:21:12,771 --> 00:21:15,732  Spare us the time and effort        of feigning loyalty.               486 00:21:15,774 --> 00:21:18,986  Just shed that dry,                      flaking skin                   487 00:21:19,027 --> 00:21:22,823  like the reptile you are            and slither away shiny and new.    488 00:21:22,864 --> 00:21:24,533           [Sacker] Tell us                    how he steered you.         489 00:21:24,574 --> 00:21:25,784          How he forced you.          490 00:21:25,826 --> 00:21:28,620  How he knew about the bad ton       of unregulated marijuana           491 00:21:28,662 --> 00:21:32,082         and yet made the bank               take the cash on board.       492 00:21:38,297 --> 00:21:39,840                 Shit.                493 00:21:42,134 --> 00:21:43,093            You know what?            494 00:21:43,135 --> 00:21:45,637       Life's too fucking short.            Let's do this.                 495 00:21:45,679 --> 00:21:48,140  Mr. Wagner, please, let me          represent your interests here.     496 00:21:48,181 --> 00:21:49,891            -It's my job--                         -Thank you,             497 00:21:49,933 --> 00:21:51,810  and, respectfully, you're           the best lawyer in the world,      498 00:21:51,852 --> 00:21:53,895  but zip it, Neal.                   You'll get paid either way.        499 00:21:53,937 --> 00:21:56,398       Get the papers drawn up              while I clear my throat.       500 00:21:56,440 --> 00:21:58,942  You should probably also            relocate me while you're at it.    501 00:21:58,984 --> 00:22:01,570  I hear Idaho's a nice place        502 00:22:01,611 --> 00:22:04,364  for people with certain beliefs.  503 00:22:04,406 --> 00:22:05,824  Can you be my case officer?        504 00:22:05,866 --> 00:22:08,035  You should put me someplace         where spaghetti marinara           505 00:22:08,076 --> 00:22:10,495  is egg noodles with ketchup.       506 00:22:10,537 --> 00:22:12,289  Will I get to wear a wire?         507 00:22:12,331 --> 00:22:16,126  I hear the batteries make           your balls warm and tingly--       508 00:22:16,168 --> 00:22:18,795  Okay, smart guy.                    You can stop fuckin' around.       509 00:22:18,837 --> 00:22:20,714          Why don't you stop                     fuckin' around?           510 00:22:20,756 --> 00:22:24,092  This is a closed meeting.           Your presence is improper.         511 00:22:24,134 --> 00:22:26,803  No. What you're                     doing here is improper.            512 00:22:26,845 --> 00:22:28,388            You interested                    in what he's selling,        513 00:22:28,430 --> 00:22:29,598  or should I take it from here?     514 00:22:29,639 --> 00:22:31,141              I leave it                     in your capable hands.        515 00:22:31,183 --> 00:22:34,144  Better learn to slice the garlic   nice and thin for the joint.       516 00:22:34,186 --> 00:22:37,481  Only it's gonna be on top of        Spam for you two, not steak.       517 00:22:37,522 --> 00:22:39,232         Okay. Come on, Neal.         518 00:22:39,274 --> 00:22:42,402      Shut off your meter.                 He doesn't need your help.      519 00:22:42,444 --> 00:22:43,737         I don't use a meter.         520 00:22:43,779 --> 00:22:46,073          Bach really owes me                     one for this.            521 00:22:46,114 --> 00:22:48,158  I ought to arrest                   your ass right now.                522 00:22:48,200 --> 00:22:50,702             If you could,                   you would have already.       523 00:22:50,744 --> 00:22:53,622  Besides, I didn't see               any of your cops out there.        524 00:22:53,663 --> 00:22:55,082        You gonna chase me down                   the hallway?             525 00:22:55,123 --> 00:22:56,917      'Cause you can't catch me.      526 00:22:56,958 --> 00:23:00,879      She could, maybe. Not you.      527 00:23:00,921 --> 00:23:03,924     Oh, you will be                   taken soon enough.                 528 00:23:03,965 --> 00:23:05,092  As stipulated by your lawyer.      529 00:23:05,133 --> 00:23:06,843      A straight-up                    bad bankin' charge.                530 00:23:06,885 --> 00:23:09,054  [scoffs] The dirty money            got dangled in front of you,       531 00:23:09,096 --> 00:23:12,307      and you hit it like              a rising fuckin' tarpon.           532 00:23:12,349 --> 00:23:16,728    And now you're got dead            to rights. How's it feel?          533 00:23:16,770 --> 00:23:18,647          It feels like maybe                I'm gonna start pulling       534 00:23:18,688 --> 00:23:21,358          your boat backwards.                'Cause I'm no tarpon.        535 00:23:21,400 --> 00:23:23,652      I'm a fucking Great White.      536 00:23:23,693 --> 00:23:24,778       Don't you know that yet?       537 00:23:24,820 --> 00:23:26,780  [chuckles] Well. No matter.        538 00:23:26,822 --> 00:23:28,990  Even the biggest get landed.       539 00:23:29,032 --> 00:23:31,785           Yeah, they end up                 strung up over the dock       540 00:23:31,827 --> 00:23:33,078  with their bellies sliced open     541 00:23:33,120 --> 00:23:35,872  and people standing around them     smiling for pictures.              542 00:23:35,914 --> 00:23:39,209           That's what I've                    always been to you.         543 00:23:39,251 --> 00:23:40,460               A trophy.              544 00:23:40,502 --> 00:23:43,463               The   trophy.             545 00:23:43,505 --> 00:23:44,714       You can't make anything,       546 00:23:44,756 --> 00:23:46,925            build anything,                earn anything on your own.      547 00:23:46,967 --> 00:23:50,178  So you try to boost yourself up     by tearing me down.                548 00:23:50,220 --> 00:23:52,431         No, you said it once                     a while back,            549 00:23:52,472 --> 00:23:57,185  about what happens to a lawman      once he puts the star on.          550 00:23:57,227 --> 00:24:01,148  Well, seems you were right.         I am a lawman.                     551 00:24:01,189 --> 00:24:04,401  And that star sunk in deep          and reminded me.                   552 00:24:04,443 --> 00:24:07,404               It's more than that,                though, isn't it?      553 00:24:07,446 --> 00:24:10,115             There are fights a man               measures himself by,    554 00:24:10,157 --> 00:24:11,783                   fights that take                     more out of him  555 00:24:11,825 --> 00:24:14,202                  than even winning                    gives him back.    556 00:24:14,244 --> 00:24:17,456              Fights that make him.                  Ali had Frazier.     557 00:24:17,497 --> 00:24:19,374             -I have you.                         -No, no, no.             558 00:24:19,416 --> 00:24:20,584              I have you.             559 00:24:20,625 --> 00:24:22,085          I'm Ali in this parallel.  560 00:24:22,127 --> 00:24:23,545  Another thing                       we can disagree on.                561 00:24:23,587 --> 00:24:24,838                        Why, Chuck?  562 00:24:24,880 --> 00:24:29,050      What is it about me                  that won't let you break off?  563 00:24:29,092 --> 00:24:30,427             Is it Wendy?             564 00:24:30,469 --> 00:24:33,346      'Cause you know I never              tried to take her from you.     565 00:24:33,388 --> 00:24:36,057          And if I have her now,               you lost her on your own.  566 00:24:36,099 --> 00:24:38,643             I don't need                     the fucking reminder.        567 00:24:38,685 --> 00:24:40,103           And I don't know.                       Not really.             568 00:24:40,145 --> 00:24:44,608    It's something to do with her,               but it's more.            569 00:24:44,649 --> 00:24:46,818            Guys like you--           570 00:24:46,860 --> 00:24:48,028               No, you.               571 00:24:48,069 --> 00:24:49,696  You've accumulated so much         572 00:24:49,738 --> 00:24:52,199         you think laws                     don't apply to you.            573 00:24:52,240 --> 00:24:54,034  And I'm not talking                 about the laws of man,             574 00:24:54,075 --> 00:24:55,368  the ones written down on paper.    575 00:24:55,410 --> 00:24:58,705  I'm talking about the               immutable laws of the universe.    576 00:24:58,747 --> 00:25:00,665  About fairness and right.          577 00:25:00,707 --> 00:25:02,501            Who says we have                    to live by those?          578 00:25:02,542 --> 00:25:06,171       Maybe we can create our own,        if we have the audacity.       579 00:25:06,213 --> 00:25:08,965       And who appointed you the            keeper of these cosmic rules  580 00:25:09,007 --> 00:25:11,259          in the first place?                The fucking arrogance.        581 00:25:11,301 --> 00:25:13,178  On my part? You're the one          who just said you created          582 00:25:13,220 --> 00:25:16,014     your own system                   of right and wrong,                583 00:25:16,056 --> 00:25:17,098  like some fucking deity.           584 00:25:17,140 --> 00:25:19,100          I didn't presume to that.  585 00:25:19,142 --> 00:25:21,186               I arrived at it.       586 00:25:21,228 --> 00:25:22,812          A Titan steals fire         587 00:25:22,854 --> 00:25:25,899  and gets his liver eaten            every day for punishment.          588 00:25:25,941 --> 00:25:28,109      Another one picks                the wrong side in a war            589 00:25:28,151 --> 00:25:31,071         and has to hold               the world on his shoulders         590 00:25:31,112 --> 00:25:32,989       for all time.                  591 00:25:33,031 --> 00:25:35,158  A king tells a secret              592 00:25:35,200 --> 00:25:38,578  and has to push a rock up           a hill for his trouble.            593 00:25:38,620 --> 00:25:40,956  Believe it if you will,             or look for the metaphor in it,    594 00:25:40,997 --> 00:25:43,500  one thing's for sure.               We are not very good               595 00:25:43,542 --> 00:25:45,835  at being fucking happy, are we?    596 00:25:47,587 --> 00:25:48,797                Happy.                597 00:25:48,838 --> 00:25:50,006             What's that?             598 00:25:50,048 --> 00:25:51,883      Family dinners every night?     599 00:25:51,925 --> 00:25:53,176       Playing 18 on the weekend      600 00:25:53,218 --> 00:25:56,179          and going to Nevi's                   at Christmas time?         601 00:25:56,888 --> 00:25:58,348  Some version of it.                602 00:25:58,390 --> 00:26:00,767        That the kind of happy                  you're aiming at?          603 00:26:00,809 --> 00:26:02,936  No, you know it ain't.             604 00:26:02,978 --> 00:26:05,021        So you gotta aim at me.       605 00:26:05,063 --> 00:26:07,315            Right or wrong.                   And when it's wrong,         606 00:26:07,357 --> 00:26:09,901         you gin up some shit                   to make it work.           607 00:26:11,778 --> 00:26:15,198  Un-fucking-believable!             608 00:26:15,240 --> 00:26:19,202  You actually believe                   you're innocent.                 609 00:26:19,244 --> 00:26:21,079  Well, I might not have              known until right now              610 00:26:21,121 --> 00:26:23,456      just how badly                   you need to go down.               611 00:26:23,498 --> 00:26:25,500        Oh, you're gonna learn               just how innocent I am        612 00:26:25,542 --> 00:26:28,169      when that jury foreman               reads it out in open court      613 00:26:28,211 --> 00:26:30,505         for the whole fucking                   world to hear!            614 00:26:30,547 --> 00:26:33,883  Well, we'll see about that,         soon enough.                       615 00:26:33,925 --> 00:26:36,094                 Yes.                 616 00:26:36,136 --> 00:26:37,429               We will.               617 00:26:43,935 --> 00:26:45,186          Tell me one thing.          618 00:26:45,228 --> 00:26:47,105  Who leaked the arrest to you?      619 00:26:47,147 --> 00:26:48,607         [scoffs] Who are you?        620 00:26:48,648 --> 00:26:53,528  Kojak with a riding crop up         his ass instead of a lollipop?     621 00:26:53,570 --> 00:26:55,614  Figure it out for yourself.        622 00:26:59,326 --> 00:27:03,622         [rock music playing]         623 00:27:03,663 --> 00:27:06,291               [typing]               624 00:27:11,880 --> 00:27:15,842        Are you lonely tonight?      625 00:27:15,884 --> 00:27:20,430        Are you out on the road?     626 00:27:21,306 --> 00:27:23,141            I'm headed home          627 00:27:23,183 --> 00:27:27,646        To go it alone again...      628 00:27:28,563 --> 00:27:31,650         What I told you before              about using the hate...       629 00:27:31,691 --> 00:27:33,735         it may work for you.         630 00:27:33,777 --> 00:27:35,236  But I should never have said it.  631 00:27:35,278 --> 00:27:38,490                 -No?                                 -No.                 632 00:27:38,531 --> 00:27:40,575  The advice I should have            given you about working here--     633 00:27:40,617 --> 00:27:43,078            or anywhere in                    this business really,        634 00:27:43,119 --> 00:27:45,664  if remaining resemblant             to the person you are now          635 00:27:45,705 --> 00:27:47,082        matters to you at all--       636 00:27:47,123 --> 00:27:50,335       is what Agatha the precog                 tells Anderton.           637 00:27:52,879 --> 00:27:54,005                 Run.                 638 00:27:54,047 --> 00:27:55,465                 Run.                 639 00:27:55,507 --> 00:28:00,887       If I see you here again,             it'll be to my benefit.        640 00:28:00,929 --> 00:28:02,847          But I hope I don't.         641 00:28:05,350 --> 00:28:10,522               I'm realizing                      what I've lost           642 00:28:10,563 --> 00:28:12,941           And what I've left        643 00:28:12,982 --> 00:28:15,110           And taking it home        644 00:28:15,151 --> 00:28:18,029          To go it alone again       645 00:28:18,071 --> 00:28:20,115            After 20 years                      in the music game          646 00:28:20,156 --> 00:28:21,783          and another few in                      the pot game,            647 00:28:21,825 --> 00:28:24,369        you'd think I'd already               been screwed more ways       648 00:28:24,411 --> 00:28:25,662        than in the Kama Sutra.       649 00:28:25,704 --> 00:28:31,126        But you guys went full               Trudy and Sting on me.        650 00:28:31,167 --> 00:28:34,462           Okay. Here's how                    I did what I did...         651 00:28:34,504 --> 00:28:36,214         I'll do what I'm told       652 00:28:36,256 --> 00:28:40,593   And buy what I'm sold again     653 00:28:42,387 --> 00:28:44,639           She was enough...         654 00:28:44,681 --> 00:28:47,434           [knocks on door]           655 00:28:47,475 --> 00:28:49,894          Get us in front of                     the grand jury.           656 00:28:51,229 --> 00:28:53,273       The wound that won't heal     657 00:28:53,314 --> 00:28:57,736       Is pain I can't feel again   658 00:29:04,033 --> 00:29:05,577           [cellphone rings]          659 00:29:08,079 --> 00:29:09,456      There's no way to say this       660 00:29:09,497 --> 00:29:11,583          without it coming off                 as a bit dramatic.           661 00:29:11,624 --> 00:29:13,460  [scoffs] If ever                    a situation called for it.         662 00:29:13,501 --> 00:29:16,254     [Bach]   It's time                      to surrender, Bobby.             663 00:29:16,296 --> 00:29:17,630      At the heliport.                 664 00:29:17,672 --> 00:29:21,718      Chuck got what he needed              to make it official.             665 00:29:21,760 --> 00:29:23,595            I'm on my way.            666 00:29:50,663 --> 00:29:51,790                 Sir.                 667 00:30:22,529 --> 00:30:26,157  What are we fighting about          this afternoon, Sonny Boy?         668 00:30:26,199 --> 00:30:27,200                Uh....                669 00:30:27,242 --> 00:30:30,495        No, Dad. I just, uh....       670 00:30:32,872 --> 00:30:34,249         Well, shit, old man.         671 00:30:34,290 --> 00:30:36,709            I came over to                  make the peace with you.       672 00:30:36,751 --> 00:30:40,839  I didn't raise you                  to make gestures like that.        673 00:30:42,423 --> 00:30:45,468        I found myself, uh....        674 00:30:49,556 --> 00:30:51,224        Well, I [clears throat]       675 00:30:51,266 --> 00:30:54,060           was on my way to                   arrest Bobby Axelrod,        676 00:30:54,102 --> 00:30:57,188              and I found                     myself contemplative.        677 00:30:57,230 --> 00:31:00,984         There was one person                   I wanted to see.           678 00:31:01,025 --> 00:31:03,903            And it was you.           679 00:31:03,945 --> 00:31:05,864              Good. Ill.              680 00:31:05,905 --> 00:31:08,366       Motherfucker. Sweetheart.      681 00:31:08,408 --> 00:31:10,869          In whatever role...         682 00:31:12,036 --> 00:31:13,997           you're my father.          683 00:31:16,374 --> 00:31:17,750             And all I do             684 00:31:17,792 --> 00:31:20,670        is in reaction to that                    in some way.             685 00:31:20,712 --> 00:31:23,339       What about the fact that                  I tried to fuck           686 00:31:23,381 --> 00:31:26,092        your entire life's work                  the other day?            687 00:31:26,134 --> 00:31:30,179        You're willing to just                 forget about that?          688 00:31:30,221 --> 00:31:34,726  And the fact that you knew          I would, and used it.              689 00:31:34,767 --> 00:31:38,688             You have been                 through a terrible ordeal.      690 00:31:39,439 --> 00:31:43,318         I watched you almost                accept your own death.        691 00:31:43,359 --> 00:31:48,072     Anybody would come out of            that questioning everything.     692 00:31:48,114 --> 00:31:49,616         Even their loyalties.        693 00:31:49,657 --> 00:31:51,576    If I were you,                     I wouldn't go in                   694 00:31:51,618 --> 00:31:55,163  for the sentimental                 reveries just yet.                 695 00:31:55,204 --> 00:31:59,167  You've had Axelrod                  in cuffs before, Sonny.            696 00:31:59,208 --> 00:32:02,045        Doesn't mean                   you'll keep him there.             697 00:32:02,086 --> 00:32:05,214     I guess it's possible, Pops.     698 00:32:05,256 --> 00:32:06,841         But I like our odds.         699 00:32:06,883 --> 00:32:10,178  That was supposed to get a very     different reaction out of you.     700 00:32:10,219 --> 00:32:12,639  You were supposed to snap at me.  701 00:32:12,680 --> 00:32:15,391  Call me out for not                   believing in you,                 702 00:32:15,433 --> 00:32:16,976  but you didn't.                    703 00:32:18,811 --> 00:32:20,939  Oh, shit.                          704 00:32:21,564 --> 00:32:23,358  You actually                        have him this time.                705 00:32:23,399 --> 00:32:25,109  That's why you're here.            706 00:32:27,153 --> 00:32:29,822  This is beyond crowing.            707 00:32:29,864 --> 00:32:33,660  You've actually won,                     haven't you?                   708 00:32:35,620 --> 00:32:40,667      That also means that I           backed the wrong gladiator.        709 00:32:40,708 --> 00:32:44,629  I looked at the situation           from all the angles,               710 00:32:44,671 --> 00:32:48,424  and put my money down on Axe.      711 00:32:48,466 --> 00:32:50,426  And you whupped him.               712 00:32:50,468 --> 00:32:53,805  I guess it's finally happened.     713 00:32:55,390 --> 00:32:58,184  [sighs] I went and got old.        714 00:33:06,192 --> 00:33:07,986               Bye, Dad.              715 00:33:16,411 --> 00:33:18,663         Bring me my daughter.        716 00:33:23,876 --> 00:33:25,837          Leave her with me.          717 00:33:26,921 --> 00:33:29,298          I need to tell her                      a few things.            718 00:33:29,340 --> 00:33:33,344         Firstly, your brother        719 00:33:33,386 --> 00:33:37,015  may not always be a good man.      720 00:33:38,433 --> 00:33:41,561          But he is indeed...         721 00:33:42,311 --> 00:33:45,189           a very great man.          722 00:34:01,831 --> 00:34:05,752   I wish I was a neutron bomb     723 00:34:05,793 --> 00:34:09,756        For once I could go off      724 00:34:09,797 --> 00:34:13,760        I wish I was a sacrifice     725 00:34:13,801 --> 00:34:18,473       But somehow still lived on   726 00:34:18,514 --> 00:34:22,685       I wish I was a sentimental   727 00:34:22,727 --> 00:34:26,731        Ornament you hung on...      728 00:34:28,149 --> 00:34:29,984       I guess we all got the call.  729 00:34:30,026 --> 00:34:31,402             Yes, we did.             730 00:34:37,325 --> 00:34:38,743                  Even you.           731 00:34:39,619 --> 00:34:41,621                 Yes.                 732 00:34:43,748 --> 00:34:47,794              For 50 million                      hands upraised           733 00:34:47,835 --> 00:34:51,130       And open toward the sky...   734 00:34:51,172 --> 00:34:54,092            [siren chirps]            735 00:35:02,433 --> 00:35:05,686         I wish I was a sailor       736 00:35:05,728 --> 00:35:09,524               With someone                    who waited for me...        737 00:35:09,565 --> 00:35:11,651             We're finally                  working together, Chuck.       738 00:35:11,692 --> 00:35:13,528      You're a man of your word.      739 00:35:13,569 --> 00:35:15,446  Appears that I am.                 740 00:35:18,950 --> 00:35:24,038        I wish I was a messenger     741 00:35:24,080 --> 00:35:27,125  Well, here we are at the            appointed time and place.          742 00:35:27,166 --> 00:35:28,543  Don't gloat, Chuck.                743 00:35:28,584 --> 00:35:31,420  I'll do my                          level best not to.                 744 00:35:31,462 --> 00:35:33,256  No easy task, though.              745 00:35:35,883 --> 00:35:38,594             -You Wagner?                            -Yeah.                746 00:35:38,636 --> 00:35:40,179             What's this?             747 00:35:45,518 --> 00:35:48,980        [helicopter approaches]       748 00:36:22,346 --> 00:36:23,931  Even when you know it's coming,    749 00:36:23,973 --> 00:36:25,933     that last moment of freedom,     750 00:36:25,975 --> 00:36:27,518     it's hard to leave it behind.    751 00:36:27,560 --> 00:36:30,313        Pull him out of there!        752 00:36:48,206 --> 00:36:51,292            We got nothing.           753 00:36:51,334 --> 00:36:53,502  Where's he at?                     754 00:37:25,534 --> 00:37:28,621          I came to the meet                   because you texted.         755 00:37:28,663 --> 00:37:31,624           Because I wanted                  to look into your eyes,       756 00:37:31,666 --> 00:37:33,376      not make any kind of deal.      757 00:37:33,417 --> 00:37:35,628               My guy wants to talk                    to your guy.       758 00:37:35,670 --> 00:37:37,588  Hasn't he done enough?             759 00:37:37,630 --> 00:37:38,714  Why should he?                     760 00:37:38,756 --> 00:37:40,424           If you can't see it,                 then you really gotta      761 00:37:40,466 --> 00:37:41,842           make the meet happen.      762 00:37:41,884 --> 00:37:43,511      Because Axe has laser vision,  763 00:37:43,552 --> 00:37:46,097            and he will see exactly                 what the win is.      764 00:37:46,138 --> 00:37:49,475               [exhales]              765 00:37:50,559 --> 00:37:53,312  Believe I know                      who our leak is.                   766 00:38:05,032 --> 00:38:06,492             You use your                     night vision goggles         767 00:38:06,534 --> 00:38:08,703       to help you make your way                along the water?           768 00:38:08,744 --> 00:38:10,621  That's the way the law              really knows someone's in it       769 00:38:10,663 --> 00:38:13,708  for the thrill, you know?           When they get the goggles going.  770 00:38:13,749 --> 00:38:15,418             Yeah, the law                    didn't see me because        771 00:38:15,459 --> 00:38:16,877  they're watching the front door.  772 00:38:16,919 --> 00:38:18,462      And not how I get my kicks.     773 00:38:18,504 --> 00:38:20,131             I assure you,                    I take no pleasure--         774 00:38:20,172 --> 00:38:23,009     No, no, of course not.            That would be indecorous.          775 00:38:23,050 --> 00:38:25,052  No, it's fine to set a guy up,      lead him to slaughter,             776 00:38:25,094 --> 00:38:27,763      but to laugh...                  that's the line, huh?              777 00:38:27,805 --> 00:38:30,766         Yes, that's the line.                   I take no joy.            778 00:38:30,808 --> 00:38:33,686  You don't have to believe me,       but it would serve you to do so,  779 00:38:33,728 --> 00:38:35,313  to expand your set of beliefs.     780 00:38:35,354 --> 00:38:38,899  So what would you have me           put my faith in, Mikey boy?        781 00:38:38,941 --> 00:38:40,568       Let's start with some facts.  782 00:38:40,609 --> 00:38:42,737      Then we can segue into faith.  783 00:38:42,778 --> 00:38:46,615        I find it easier to convert         the skeptical that way.       784 00:38:46,657 --> 00:38:48,993          The moment you're                    actually indicted,          785 00:38:49,035 --> 00:38:51,871      eight billion of                     your money is frozen solid.     786 00:38:51,912 --> 00:38:55,541  You probably have five, 600         in your charitable foundation.     787 00:38:55,583 --> 00:38:57,835        Another three-quarters               of a billion offshore.        788 00:38:57,877 --> 00:39:00,588  A few hundred here or there         the government hasn't found yet,  789 00:39:00,629 --> 00:39:02,381            but they will.            790 00:39:02,423 --> 00:39:03,549      And you're facing 25 years      791 00:39:03,591 --> 00:39:05,092         in state and federal                   banking charges.           792 00:39:05,134 --> 00:39:09,722      You'll want to go to trial,          and you probably will.          793 00:39:09,764 --> 00:39:13,559        But billionaires aren't              that popular right now.       794 00:39:13,601 --> 00:39:15,728       This country's strangled                 with inequality,           795 00:39:15,770 --> 00:39:18,522      and you're about to become           the new poster boy.             796 00:39:19,899 --> 00:39:21,901       Your best bet is a plea.       797 00:39:21,942 --> 00:39:25,321  Ten years in state custody          with the possibility of time off  798 00:39:25,363 --> 00:39:26,530          for good behavior.          799 00:39:26,572 --> 00:39:27,782         Lop off another year         800 00:39:27,823 --> 00:39:29,658          for a drug-alcohol                  intervention program,        801 00:39:29,700 --> 00:39:32,328  and you're still looking at six.  802 00:39:32,370 --> 00:39:34,038            Can you do six?           803 00:39:35,414 --> 00:39:36,999               Could I?               804 00:39:37,041 --> 00:39:39,460             I don't know.            805 00:39:39,502 --> 00:39:41,545             The pandemic                      felt like solitary,         806 00:39:41,587 --> 00:39:43,839       and I had cars and planes      807 00:39:43,881 --> 00:39:46,842          and five properties                    to choose from.           808 00:39:46,884 --> 00:39:50,763      But every man has to answer          that question for himself.      809 00:39:50,805 --> 00:39:52,807       And then there's running.      810 00:39:52,848 --> 00:39:57,686      Roman soldiers on campaign           carried three days' rations     811 00:39:57,728 --> 00:39:58,854             and foraged.             812 00:39:58,896 --> 00:40:01,482        Going to ground with                 under a billion liquid        813 00:40:01,524 --> 00:40:02,566      is your equivalent of that.     814 00:40:02,608 --> 00:40:03,901  Okay.                               So that's the windup.              815 00:40:03,943 --> 00:40:05,444  When do you deliver                 the fucking pitch?                 816 00:40:05,486 --> 00:40:08,447     The fucking pitch is coming,             and it's nasty, Axe,         817 00:40:08,489 --> 00:40:12,118      a cutter down and breaking             inside the last second.       818 00:40:12,159 --> 00:40:14,495      A real Louisiana Lightning                    special.               819 00:40:14,537 --> 00:40:15,830  See, you enjoyed that.             820 00:40:15,871 --> 00:40:18,707        You bring it out of me,                what can tell you.          821 00:40:21,043 --> 00:40:22,920           Look, I won here.          822 00:40:22,962 --> 00:40:25,423  I cut you down. Put you away.      823 00:40:26,882 --> 00:40:28,634           But behind bars?           824 00:40:28,676 --> 00:40:30,344           While that may be                     part of Chuck's           825 00:40:30,386 --> 00:40:33,764     Cheryl Tiegs fishnet fantasy,           it's not part of mine.        826 00:40:33,806 --> 00:40:36,851             I don't care.                    I just want you gone.        827 00:40:36,892 --> 00:40:38,018           And now you are.           828 00:40:38,060 --> 00:40:41,605  But you see something more,         don't you?                         829 00:40:41,647 --> 00:40:43,357                 I do.                830 00:40:43,399 --> 00:40:47,027  I'll give you 2 billion             walk-away money for Axe Holding,  831 00:40:47,069 --> 00:40:49,155        the bank, and the asset                  management arm,           832 00:40:49,196 --> 00:40:50,906  including Taylor Mason Carbon.     833 00:40:50,948 --> 00:40:52,199         We make the deal now,        834 00:40:52,241 --> 00:40:53,951            get it papered                   before you're arrested        835 00:40:53,993 --> 00:40:55,035       and barred from selling.       836 00:40:55,077 --> 00:40:56,912     That's a steep                    discount you want.                 837 00:40:56,954 --> 00:40:58,372  Pennies on the fuckin' dollar.     838 00:40:58,414 --> 00:41:00,958    Guys with sucking chest wounds       should save their breath          839 00:41:01,000 --> 00:41:02,960       and not try to negotiate.      840 00:41:03,002 --> 00:41:05,296     Your billions, they're gone.     841 00:41:05,337 --> 00:41:07,298            No good to you.           842 00:41:07,339 --> 00:41:10,134          Me? I might be able                to reorganize the bank,       843 00:41:10,176 --> 00:41:12,887  keep your investors on board        and restart that business.         844 00:41:12,928 --> 00:41:14,680  And then one day your buddy         the Attorney General               845 00:41:14,722 --> 00:41:16,348  unfreezes my money for you?        846 00:41:16,390 --> 00:41:19,894  I have a white paper that says      this transaction is legal,         847 00:41:19,935 --> 00:41:23,022           because right now                  you're not indicted.         848 00:41:23,063 --> 00:41:25,274         You've not been told                     you will be.             849 00:41:25,316 --> 00:41:27,067     Your lawyer's not been told.     850 00:41:27,109 --> 00:41:28,652      And even if he freezes it,      851 00:41:28,694 --> 00:41:32,781            I'll find a way                    to get it unfrozen.         852 00:41:36,035 --> 00:41:39,872  Long time since I was on            the other side of one of these.    853 00:41:39,914 --> 00:41:42,333            In a real way.                          [scoffs]               854 00:41:44,502 --> 00:41:46,837            It feels, um...           855 00:41:48,881 --> 00:41:50,591                 wow.                 856 00:41:50,633 --> 00:41:52,927  So this is what it is               to lose.                           857 00:41:52,968 --> 00:41:54,512  Okay.                              858 00:42:01,060 --> 00:42:03,812        Fine.                          We do the deal.                    859 00:42:03,854 --> 00:42:04,939  With one exception--               860 00:42:04,980 --> 00:42:06,732  Taylor Mason Carbon.                     Let them go.                   861 00:42:06,774 --> 00:42:08,359  Break 'em off of Axe Cap.          862 00:42:09,777 --> 00:42:11,111              No can do.              863 00:42:11,153 --> 00:42:13,739          I worked with Wendy                  and Taylor briefly.         864 00:42:13,781 --> 00:42:15,783        I want them, need them.       865 00:42:15,824 --> 00:42:16,909        That's a deal breaker.        866 00:42:16,951 --> 00:42:19,161  So you get it all?                 867 00:42:19,203 --> 00:42:21,539  My money. My companies.                     My people.                  868 00:42:21,580 --> 00:42:22,873  Win, win, win.                     869 00:42:24,291 --> 00:42:26,710  And me nowhere to be found.        870 00:42:26,752 --> 00:42:28,379                 Yes.                 871 00:42:29,588 --> 00:42:31,882        That I consider a win.        872 00:42:38,931 --> 00:42:40,599  Goddamnit.                         873 00:42:43,727 --> 00:42:44,979              I'm sorry.              874 00:42:45,020 --> 00:42:48,107  You know he never would have        if there was any other way.        875 00:42:48,148 --> 00:42:50,150          [Chuck] Mr. Wagner,         876 00:42:50,192 --> 00:42:54,780  this leaves   you   holding the bag,   now doesn't it?                    877 00:43:11,338 --> 00:43:14,717  [Gramm] As the CEO of the bank,    878 00:43:14,758 --> 00:43:16,051  you'll be fucking prosecuted.      879 00:43:16,093 --> 00:43:17,469            [chuckling] No.           880 00:43:17,511 --> 00:43:20,180  You see, I'm just a guy             who was offered a CEO job.         881 00:43:20,222 --> 00:43:21,807  I never did take it, though.       882 00:43:21,849 --> 00:43:24,226  See right here? Never signed.      883 00:43:24,268 --> 00:43:27,771  We have carte fucking blanche       on company records.                884 00:43:27,813 --> 00:43:28,856  We'll find the real one.           885 00:43:28,897 --> 00:43:30,983        Oh, shit. No, we won't.       886 00:43:31,025 --> 00:43:33,319          Yeah, Bobby Axelrod                   was the cosigner,          887 00:43:33,360 --> 00:43:34,778  so you can get him to testify.     888 00:43:34,820 --> 00:43:37,489  But I don't see that happening.     So good luck.                      889 00:43:37,531 --> 00:43:39,325        [Sacker] We can't waste                our time with them.         890 00:43:39,366 --> 00:43:41,452  We need to get the FAA, recheck     the no-fly list Axe was on.        891 00:43:41,493 --> 00:43:44,288         -Look at air traffic.                -No point.                   892 00:43:44,330 --> 00:43:47,583  Mrs. Sacker, Mrs. Gramm,           893 00:43:47,625 --> 00:43:49,793  when someone leaves                 a burning sack of excrement        894 00:43:49,835 --> 00:43:51,462       on your doorstep                and rings your doorbell,           895 00:43:51,503 --> 00:43:55,424  it's best not to stomp it out,      lest you get covered in shit.      896 00:43:57,718 --> 00:44:02,431  [Axe] I used to think it was        a total waste of $60 million.      897 00:44:02,473 --> 00:44:03,849  The third plane?                   898 00:44:03,891 --> 00:44:05,476  Of course it's a waste,            899 00:44:05,517 --> 00:44:07,770     just like everything              in the top right corner            900 00:44:07,811 --> 00:44:10,856       of the risk                     and control matrix.                901 00:44:10,898 --> 00:44:12,316  Right up until you need it.        902 00:44:12,358 --> 00:44:14,526             So how does this work?  903 00:44:14,568 --> 00:44:19,948          I'm a little too tall                to fit into a cello case.  904 00:44:19,990 --> 00:44:22,409       Outfitted as                    a private cargo jet.               905 00:44:22,451 --> 00:44:24,953  Special container                   that houses a regular seat.        906 00:44:24,995 --> 00:44:26,622  You'll be quite comfortable,        I assure you.                      907 00:44:26,664 --> 00:44:29,375  Medical instruments on              the manifest, no passengers.       908 00:44:29,416 --> 00:44:33,295  You'll board the chopper               to satisfy the tail,             909 00:44:33,337 --> 00:44:35,964  and then pass through               out into a waiting vehicle.        910 00:44:36,006 --> 00:44:38,634  I'll have things taken              care of on the other end           911 00:44:38,676 --> 00:44:41,387  long before you land.              912 00:44:41,428 --> 00:44:43,681  It's good to be the king.          913 00:44:45,224 --> 00:44:46,975                 Hall,                914 00:44:47,017 --> 00:44:49,687     you are a true professional.     915 00:44:51,021 --> 00:44:53,774  In other circumstances,            916 00:44:53,816 --> 00:44:55,984  those words coming from you        917 00:44:56,026 --> 00:44:59,363  would actually, uh,                     make me smile.                  918 00:45:01,699 --> 00:45:03,075       Fuck!                          919 00:45:03,117 --> 00:45:04,410                Well...               920 00:45:04,451 --> 00:45:09,665           this turned into                   a tough day, Rhoades.        921 00:45:09,707 --> 00:45:10,999            I need a drink.           922 00:45:19,758 --> 00:45:20,968               Let's go.              923 00:45:21,009 --> 00:45:22,386              All right.              924 00:45:39,737 --> 00:45:41,447       [scoffs]                       925 00:45:41,488 --> 00:45:44,074  Whoever was on the tail,                  they got beat.                926 00:45:44,116 --> 00:45:47,619  It's not their fault,               but never use them again.          927 00:45:47,661 --> 00:45:49,413              This is....             928 00:45:51,498 --> 00:45:53,584         It's done! Fall back!        929 00:45:54,460 --> 00:45:56,462  But start thinking of                    the next move,                 930 00:45:56,503 --> 00:45:59,715  and the move after because          done does not mean finished.       931 00:45:59,757 --> 00:46:01,592  Not in this case.                  932 00:46:02,468 --> 00:46:04,344  Mr. Bach, you made assurances.     933 00:46:04,386 --> 00:46:05,929  You will be hearing from us.       934 00:46:05,971 --> 00:46:09,558  Oh, I'll be looking                 forward to it.                     935 00:46:20,277 --> 00:46:23,363  Didn't figure he'd leave                 you behind, huh?               936 00:46:23,405 --> 00:46:26,200  After all that effort,                  all that history,               937 00:46:26,241 --> 00:46:28,577  to just ghost you like that?       938 00:46:28,619 --> 00:46:31,079  Guess you bet on                    a bad pony, Wend.                  939 00:46:31,121 --> 00:46:32,623                Chuck!                940 00:46:35,083 --> 00:46:37,127  Sorry for your loss.               941 00:46:49,348 --> 00:46:51,141  You knew.                          942 00:46:53,060 --> 00:46:54,353       I knew? What did I know?       943 00:46:54,394 --> 00:46:55,646  That he wasn't gonna show.         944 00:46:55,687 --> 00:46:58,357  You're acting busted up,              but you were in on it.            945 00:46:58,398 --> 00:47:00,484  You fucking knew it all.           946 00:47:02,903 --> 00:47:05,239             [Axe] You got here           just in time for the sunrise.    947 00:47:05,280 --> 00:47:08,116  [Wendy] Yeah.                       It's nice here, like this.         948 00:47:08,158 --> 00:47:10,452  We can base out of here             while we fight the case.           949 00:47:10,494 --> 00:47:13,747  Do, like, four nights a week,       Thursday to Sunday?                950 00:47:13,789 --> 00:47:17,000         Yeah. Different options              I'm exploring at this time  951 00:47:17,042 --> 00:47:19,211          for defending my liberty.  952 00:47:19,253 --> 00:47:20,546  How different?                     953 00:47:20,587 --> 00:47:24,007      Oh, you know, there have been           certain developments.       954 00:47:24,049 --> 00:47:26,343                   Could turn out                    very nicely for us.  955 00:47:26,385 --> 00:47:28,679                   Very strong move                    I'm thinking of.  956 00:47:30,430 --> 00:47:33,141  You're talking in                   generalities, like a...            957 00:47:33,183 --> 00:47:35,394  like a politician                   or something.                      958 00:47:38,438 --> 00:47:40,732  Talk to me like Axe would.         959 00:47:41,984 --> 00:47:43,527           I realized this:           960 00:47:44,570 --> 00:47:48,156         I can't spend my life              being some caged animal.       961 00:47:48,198 --> 00:47:49,366              Just can't.             962 00:47:49,408 --> 00:47:51,493         -Right. We're gonna--                -No.                         963 00:47:51,535 --> 00:47:56,290         I stay, the truth is,              after the fight, I lose.       964 00:47:56,331 --> 00:47:58,208             They got me.                      I'm going to jail.          965 00:47:58,250 --> 00:48:00,043  I don't accept that.               966 00:48:00,085 --> 00:48:01,128          You don't have to.          967 00:48:01,169 --> 00:48:04,298     I'm not staying and fighting.    968 00:48:04,339 --> 00:48:06,049        I'm getting outta here.       969 00:48:07,885 --> 00:48:08,844  Where?                             970 00:48:08,886 --> 00:48:10,470     To a place on the Continent.     971 00:48:10,512 --> 00:48:13,724  Where there's no extradition        for certain financial crimes.      972 00:48:13,765 --> 00:48:16,977          Where I'll be able                to monitor the arguments       973 00:48:17,019 --> 00:48:19,104              my lawyers                     are making from there.        974 00:48:21,315 --> 00:48:22,566               We will.               975 00:48:23,817 --> 00:48:25,444               Together.              976 00:48:26,862 --> 00:48:28,906             Come with me.            977 00:48:28,947 --> 00:48:30,574  [scoffs]                           978 00:48:32,743 --> 00:48:34,578  So much of me...                   979 00:48:36,079 --> 00:48:38,665  nearly all of me                    wants to say yes.                  980 00:48:38,707 --> 00:48:41,084                  Which part of you                   is saying no?       981 00:48:43,211 --> 00:48:47,007    [scoffs] Look, being               on the run with you...             982 00:48:47,049 --> 00:48:50,302  that part, us together,                    like that...                 983 00:48:50,344 --> 00:48:55,015       I can't think of                anything more exciting,            984 00:48:55,057 --> 00:48:57,392  more enticing, but...              985 00:48:57,434 --> 00:49:00,604  I mean, come on, Bobby.             Leaving my life. My kids.          986 00:49:00,646 --> 00:49:03,231       Think of what                   that would do to me,               987 00:49:03,273 --> 00:49:04,942  who it would turn me into.         988 00:49:08,779 --> 00:49:12,199  It would ruin whatever              was between us, eventually.        989 00:49:12,240 --> 00:49:15,577     Because the kind of               woman who'd do that...             990 00:49:15,619 --> 00:49:18,997  the truth is, you wouldn't want     the version of me that would go.  991 00:49:19,039 --> 00:49:21,291           Believe me, I'd take it.  992 00:49:24,336 --> 00:49:26,380  If you stay, I'm in.               993 00:49:26,421 --> 00:49:29,633  Whatever that means.                   In all the ways.                 994 00:49:29,675 --> 00:49:32,970  Including jailhouse visits,         if it comes to that.               995 00:49:37,683 --> 00:49:41,144     I'm sorry,                           I can't let it come to that.     996 00:49:45,607 --> 00:49:47,818  And I can't come with you.         997 00:49:49,277 --> 00:49:51,154  I just can't.                      998 00:50:01,081 --> 00:50:03,834               [exhales]              999 00:50:04,918 --> 00:50:08,171        If we can't finish it,                 we can't start it.          1000 00:50:13,093 --> 00:50:14,344               Not now.               1001 00:50:46,501 --> 00:50:48,086            Once upon a time         1002 00:50:48,128 --> 00:50:49,379          You dressed so fine        1003 00:50:49,421 --> 00:50:52,591          Threw the bums a dime                   in your prime            1004 00:50:52,632 --> 00:50:54,718              Didn't you?            1005 00:50:56,136 --> 00:50:59,556   People call say 'beware doll,     you're bound to fall'             1006 00:50:59,598 --> 00:51:02,601       You thought they were all     1007 00:51:02,642 --> 00:51:04,394              Kidding you            1008 00:51:07,564 --> 00:51:09,941              You used to            1009 00:51:09,983 --> 00:51:12,527              Laugh about            1010 00:51:12,569 --> 00:51:14,696           Everybody that was        1011 00:51:14,738 --> 00:51:16,615              Hanging out            1012 00:51:16,656 --> 00:51:20,410       Now you don't talk so loud   1013 00:51:21,578 --> 00:51:23,663             Now you don't           1014 00:51:23,705 --> 00:51:25,749             Seem so proud           1015 00:51:25,791 --> 00:51:29,711               About having                      to be scrounging          1016 00:51:29,753 --> 00:51:33,298           Your next meal...         1017 00:51:40,555 --> 00:51:42,057            Robert Axelrod?           1018 00:51:45,477 --> 00:51:47,938        Your new passport, sir.       1019 00:51:52,567 --> 00:51:54,444              Thank you.              1020 00:52:02,202 --> 00:52:03,703                [sighs]               1021 00:52:03,745 --> 00:52:07,457         Wilkomme   to Switzerland,                  Herr Axelrod.            1022 00:52:07,499 --> 00:52:09,126        Everything is in order.       1023 00:52:10,544 --> 00:52:12,754            How does it feel         1024 00:52:14,840 --> 00:52:17,968         To be without a home?       1025 00:52:19,886 --> 00:52:22,973        Like a complete unknown      1026 00:52:24,641 --> 00:52:28,019          Like a rolling stone       1027 00:52:37,654 --> 00:52:41,700           Ahh, you've gone to             the finest school, all right   1028 00:52:41,741 --> 00:52:45,495        Miss Lonely, but you know              you only used to get        1029 00:52:45,537 --> 00:52:47,372              Juiced in it           1030 00:52:47,414 --> 00:52:48,790                Stark.                1031 00:52:51,042 --> 00:52:52,085           We'll warm it up.          1032 00:52:52,127 --> 00:52:54,713             Yes. We will.            1033 00:52:55,714 --> 00:52:57,966        "Write it on your heart       1034 00:52:58,008 --> 00:52:59,384            that every day            1035 00:52:59,426 --> 00:53:02,429  is the best day of the year."      1036 00:53:02,470 --> 00:53:04,848          Emerson said that.          1037 00:53:06,224 --> 00:53:07,851       And if every day is such,      1038 00:53:07,893 --> 00:53:09,811         then even this, yes,         1039 00:53:09,853 --> 00:53:12,189       this is such a day, too.       1040 00:53:13,148 --> 00:53:17,444     This company, formerly known            as Axe Holding Company,       1041 00:53:17,485 --> 00:53:19,779         Axe Asset Management,                    and Axe Bank,            1042 00:53:19,821 --> 00:53:22,532     and before that, Axe Capital,    1043 00:53:22,574 --> 00:53:24,367          belongs to me now.          1044 00:53:27,871 --> 00:53:30,207       You'll find I don't much           speak about things that way,     1045 00:53:30,248 --> 00:53:31,458         about who gets what,         1046 00:53:31,499 --> 00:53:33,585         who shined by closing                 such and such deal,         1047 00:53:33,627 --> 00:53:36,046       but I think it is                    important, crucial even,       1048 00:53:36,087 --> 00:53:40,508  to begin by stating in the          most plain terms what this is.     1049 00:53:42,135 --> 00:53:43,887          And what this is...         1050 00:53:45,305 --> 00:53:46,890               is mine.               1051 00:53:49,809 --> 00:53:51,686       Oh, hey, this is Scooter.      1052 00:53:51,728 --> 00:53:53,730         You may come to think                of him as my Wags.           1053 00:53:53,772 --> 00:53:56,441  Better dressed,                     better mannered.                   1054 00:53:56,483 --> 00:53:57,692  Perhaps not quite as much fun      1055 00:53:57,734 --> 00:53:59,361  at an all-you-can-eat                     Vegas buffet                  1056 00:53:59,402 --> 00:54:01,404  or a mud wrestling                  establishment,                     1057 00:54:01,446 --> 00:54:03,406  which are things                    of the past, anyway,               1058 00:54:03,448 --> 00:54:06,534  but still pretty fun.              1059 00:54:06,576 --> 00:54:08,495          You may know I come                  from private equity         1060 00:54:08,536 --> 00:54:09,829  and the venture capital world.     1061 00:54:09,871 --> 00:54:11,957       That I've been a founder                 and an operator.           1062 00:54:11,998 --> 00:54:15,377  But after the roller coaster        ride the markets have been on,     1063 00:54:15,418 --> 00:54:18,546  I suddenly see opportunity          in equities.                       1064 00:54:18,588 --> 00:54:20,507         Unparalleled fucking         1065 00:54:20,548 --> 00:54:22,801             opportunity.             1066 00:54:26,763 --> 00:54:28,890  Anyone who wants                    to get wealthy--                   1067 00:54:28,932 --> 00:54:30,976  rich, in your language--            can stay,                          1068 00:54:31,017 --> 00:54:33,728  and we can discuss your place       in the new organization.           1069 00:54:33,770 --> 00:54:38,233           Otherwise, now is                  a good time to leave.        1070 00:54:44,197 --> 00:54:45,782             [Dollar Bill]                     Last couple years,          1071 00:54:45,824 --> 00:54:48,743       I think I lost my hunger.      1072 00:54:48,785 --> 00:54:51,454               My drive,                       my reason to get up         1073 00:54:51,496 --> 00:54:54,541      and do what the fuck I do.      1074 00:54:54,582 --> 00:54:58,003           You just gave it                    back to me, Prince.         1075 00:55:00,046 --> 00:55:03,967            I'll see you on               the goddamn field of battle.     1076 00:55:23,528 --> 00:55:25,280         Not so fast, you two.        1077 00:55:37,625 --> 00:55:42,088                 I guess we're                  Tessio and Clemenza now.  1078 00:55:42,130 --> 00:55:43,673          Well, that one I've seen.  1079 00:55:43,715 --> 00:55:46,968  Well, only one of them turned       out to be loyal and useful.        1080 00:55:47,010 --> 00:55:49,888        We'll see how that goes                 with you, Wagner.          1081 00:55:51,389 --> 00:55:52,682                Right.                1082 00:55:52,724 --> 00:55:55,226         [elevator bell rings]        1083 00:56:04,069 --> 00:56:06,529  He here? Up in his office?         1084 00:56:06,571 --> 00:56:08,531        Where else he gonna be?       1085 00:56:08,573 --> 00:56:10,492       It is his office, right?       1086 00:56:12,243 --> 00:56:13,661               For now.               1087 00:56:35,600 --> 00:56:37,560         You can't do it, huh?        1088 00:56:37,602 --> 00:56:40,563        I worked for a legend.        1089 00:56:40,605 --> 00:56:41,439               I'm out.               1090 00:56:41,481 --> 00:56:42,941          Yeah. This place...         1091 00:56:42,982 --> 00:56:45,402          I'm outta here too.         1092 00:56:50,949 --> 00:56:52,534               Team up?               1093 00:56:53,785 --> 00:56:55,245                 Done.                1094 00:56:57,872 --> 00:57:01,292              [hammering]             1095 00:57:04,712 --> 00:57:06,131  I hope when this all calms down    1096 00:57:06,172 --> 00:57:07,882          and you really                       look at it, and me,         1097 00:57:07,924 --> 00:57:09,426            that you won't                     even want to leave.         1098 00:57:09,467 --> 00:57:12,762  But the thing of it is, we can't   even if we want to, right?         1099 00:57:12,804 --> 00:57:15,181     You could. You couldn't work                anywhere else,            1100 00:57:15,223 --> 00:57:17,225              and I'd own                     all you left behind.         1101 00:57:17,267 --> 00:57:19,811  Because you are now                 the majority owner                 1102 00:57:19,853 --> 00:57:20,895  of Taylor Mason Carbon.            1103 00:57:20,937 --> 00:57:22,772     When I said, "It's all mine,"    1104 00:57:22,814 --> 00:57:24,065      that is what I meant, all.      1105 00:57:24,107 --> 00:57:26,818         Including Axe's piece                    of your shop,            1106 00:57:26,860 --> 00:57:29,195     which is the majority piece.     1107 00:57:29,237 --> 00:57:30,780        But this will work out                  for both of you.           1108 00:57:30,822 --> 00:57:32,532        I can feel it already.        1109 00:57:32,574 --> 00:57:35,160             [door opens]             1110 00:57:37,620 --> 00:57:39,122           When, Mikey boy?           1111 00:57:39,164 --> 00:57:44,252  Hmm. When did you decide            to break ranks and betray me?      1112 00:57:44,294 --> 00:57:48,465  Because-- and let's make sure       to let all the Axe enthusiasts     1113 00:57:48,506 --> 00:57:49,799  among us know, going forward,      1114 00:57:49,841 --> 00:57:52,927         you were in lockstep                with me on nailing him.       1115 00:57:52,969 --> 00:57:55,013      Right up until you weren't.     1116 00:57:55,054 --> 00:57:58,308          Well, Chuck, I was               never really in your ranks.     1117 00:57:58,349 --> 00:57:59,642          Never in lockstep.          1118 00:57:59,684 --> 00:58:01,853         We just had a similar                 problem for a while.        1119 00:58:01,895 --> 00:58:03,688                Uh-huh.               1120 00:58:04,731 --> 00:58:07,650        Now, you're my problem.       1121 00:58:07,692 --> 00:58:10,612           And you know what                    I do to problems.          1122 00:58:10,653 --> 00:58:12,030  Let 'em fester?                    1123 00:58:12,071 --> 00:58:15,492          No. I do what I did                    to the last guy           1124 00:58:15,533 --> 00:58:16,826        who sat in that chair.        1125 00:58:16,868 --> 00:58:18,203          I get rid of them.          1126 00:58:18,244 --> 00:58:22,040           No. I got rid of                   the guy in the chair.        1127 00:58:22,081 --> 00:58:24,501         Know how we know this                     to be true?             1128 00:58:32,634 --> 00:58:34,302            [slight groan]            1129 00:58:34,344 --> 00:58:37,472          'Cause I'm the one                     sitting in it.            1130 00:58:37,514 --> 00:58:39,557          Not for long, pal.          1131 00:58:40,558 --> 00:58:42,644         Not for fucking long.        1132 00:58:42,685 --> 00:58:47,190       You used to ride on a chrome       horse with your diplomat        1133 00:58:47,232 --> 00:58:52,320       Who carried on his shoulder         a Siamese cat                   1134 00:58:52,362 --> 00:58:57,116              Ain't it hard                  when you discovered that      1135 00:58:57,158 --> 00:59:02,205             He really wasn't                     where it's at            1136 00:59:02,247 --> 00:59:07,085              After he took                    from you everything         1137 00:59:07,126 --> 00:59:11,339             He could steal          1138 00:59:11,381 --> 00:59:14,717           How does it feel?         1139 00:59:16,636 --> 00:59:19,222            How does it feel?         1140 00:59:21,224 --> 00:59:25,853          To have on your own        1141 00:59:25,895 --> 00:59:29,274         With no direction home      1142 00:59:30,733 --> 00:59:34,112        Like a complete unknown      1143 00:59:35,863 --> 00:59:39,284          Like a Rolling Stone       1144 00:59:49,043 --> 00:59:52,005              Ahh, princess                       on a steeple             1145 00:59:52,046 --> 00:59:53,756       And all the pretty people     1146 00:59:53,798 --> 00:59:56,301          They're all drinkin',               thinkin' that they...