1 00:00:04,366 --> 00:00:06,268 [Chuck] Previously on Billions. 2 00:00:06,368 --> 00:00:07,609 You're still interested in a bank charter, right? 3 00:00:07,689 --> 00:00:08,790 You know I am. 4 00:00:08,890 --> 00:00:10,552 He has a new toy, a bank. 5 00:00:10,652 --> 00:00:12,954 And nothing to stop him from making mistakes. 6 00:00:13,054 --> 00:00:14,435 I'm the bait. 7 00:00:14,535 --> 00:00:16,657 And the bank is the trap. 8 00:00:18,058 --> 00:00:19,760 How are we taking down Bobby Axelrod? 9 00:00:19,860 --> 00:00:22,683 Axe used his black magic to get my commission squashed. 10 00:00:22,783 --> 00:00:25,245 Why'd you do it? Why'd you fuck him up like that? 11 00:00:25,345 --> 00:00:27,367 I've come to believe that you require oversight. 12 00:00:27,467 --> 00:00:29,649 Charles Rhodes Senior has been selected. 13 00:00:29,749 --> 00:00:31,250 [Chuck] You're the donor? 14 00:00:31,350 --> 00:00:33,332 My father is owned by him now. 15 00:00:33,432 --> 00:00:34,733 [Axe] We need some fucking deposits. 16 00:00:34,833 --> 00:00:36,415 There is cannabis money. 17 00:00:36,515 --> 00:00:38,096 Send me everything you have on it. 18 00:00:38,196 --> 00:00:39,658 Do you want to be done? Then let's be done. 19 00:00:39,758 --> 00:00:41,499 Pay me off in the next 48 hours. 20 00:00:41,599 --> 00:00:43,701 I need you to buy out my shares of Mase Carbon today. 21 00:00:43,801 --> 00:00:46,464 Welcome to my home. A Jeffersonian dinner. 22 00:00:46,564 --> 00:00:48,986 -We did it. -That argument was a nice touch. 23 00:00:49,086 --> 00:00:50,708 My two enemies have linked up. 24 00:00:50,808 --> 00:00:52,229 Find out which cannabis companies 25 00:00:52,329 --> 00:00:53,830 Mike Prince is pursuing. 26 00:00:53,930 --> 00:00:55,552 Whatever he's going after, I wanna take it. 27 00:00:55,652 --> 00:00:58,635 I was trying to ruin Tanner in your eyes. 28 00:00:58,735 --> 00:01:01,878 Because I couldn't stand you being with him or anyone. 29 00:01:01,978 --> 00:01:03,979 I feel the same things when I look at you. 30 00:01:23,277 --> 00:01:25,358 ["Wild Horses" by Rolling Stones playing] 31 00:01:43,455 --> 00:01:47,999 ♪ Childhood living... ♪ 32 00:01:48,099 --> 00:01:50,141 [elevator bell dings] 33 00:01:52,383 --> 00:01:53,684 Go fuck yourself! 34 00:01:53,784 --> 00:01:55,165 Huh? 35 00:01:55,265 --> 00:01:56,406 [Hard Bob] That's what he said. 36 00:01:56,506 --> 00:01:58,248 -Who? -Rhodes Senior, 37 00:01:58,348 --> 00:01:59,929 the leathery old bastard. 38 00:02:00,029 --> 00:02:01,531 Is Axe about or is he still down with the 'Vid? 39 00:02:01,631 --> 00:02:02,652 He's not here. 40 00:02:02,752 --> 00:02:04,754 Raise him. 41 00:02:09,438 --> 00:02:11,440 [phone rings] 42 00:02:13,041 --> 00:02:15,043 There's an issue. 43 00:02:16,204 --> 00:02:17,745 You're aware the bank's registered 44 00:02:17,845 --> 00:02:19,467 as a Delaware corp, 45 00:02:19,567 --> 00:02:21,629 so the state AG has say, 46 00:02:21,729 --> 00:02:24,351 and they've still got us in a probationary headlock. 47 00:02:24,451 --> 00:02:27,794 Prevents us from taking on a large 48 00:02:27,894 --> 00:02:29,836 concentrated depositor such as... 49 00:02:29,936 --> 00:02:31,878 -The cannabis business. -Right. 50 00:02:31,978 --> 00:02:34,881 Well, we need that fucking money. Bank's dead without it. 51 00:02:34,981 --> 00:02:36,642 A thought occurs. 52 00:02:36,742 --> 00:02:38,764 Isn't this what bankruptcy is for? 53 00:02:38,864 --> 00:02:42,367 Stick the bad shit on the bank's balance sheet and declare. 54 00:02:42,467 --> 00:02:44,810 Go back to Axe Cap, free and easy, the way it was. 55 00:02:44,910 --> 00:02:46,291 Nah, we burned the boats. 56 00:02:46,391 --> 00:02:47,772 New structure is asset management 57 00:02:47,872 --> 00:02:49,173 runs through the bank. 58 00:02:49,273 --> 00:02:50,535 It fails, we got a failed investment arm. 59 00:02:50,635 --> 00:02:52,376 Investors gone. Fuck! 60 00:02:52,476 --> 00:02:54,458 Which is why we so deliberately chose our special trustee 61 00:02:54,558 --> 00:02:56,460 for just such a moment as this, 62 00:02:56,560 --> 00:02:58,382 to recommend us in his report, 63 00:02:58,482 --> 00:02:59,623 only to be told-- 64 00:02:59,723 --> 00:03:01,304 "Go fuck yourself." 65 00:03:01,404 --> 00:03:03,106 Uh, excuse the mouth, ma'am. 66 00:03:03,206 --> 00:03:04,747 Not at all, Hard Bob. 67 00:03:04,847 --> 00:03:06,149 The old man figured out he had the leverage 68 00:03:06,249 --> 00:03:07,510 and he figured he'd use it. 69 00:03:07,610 --> 00:03:09,512 Why don't I go and talk to him? 70 00:03:09,612 --> 00:03:11,513 See if I can remind him of what the right thing is 71 00:03:11,613 --> 00:03:13,615 and to fucking do it. 72 00:03:19,540 --> 00:03:21,542 [knock at door] 73 00:03:22,703 --> 00:03:23,804 You look good. 74 00:03:23,904 --> 00:03:25,326 I should. 75 00:03:25,426 --> 00:03:27,368 Got the old ashes hauled this morning. 76 00:03:27,468 --> 00:03:28,649 Oh, okay. 77 00:03:28,749 --> 00:03:29,890 Got laid is what I mean. 78 00:03:29,990 --> 00:03:31,371 Yeah, copy on that. 79 00:03:31,471 --> 00:03:32,732 Test flight. 80 00:03:32,832 --> 00:03:34,894 Went fine, if not quite as vigorous 81 00:03:34,994 --> 00:03:37,256 a session as I might like, 82 00:03:37,356 --> 00:03:39,138 but building to it, building to it. 83 00:03:39,238 --> 00:03:40,740 Tonight, Roxanne is gonna-- 84 00:03:40,840 --> 00:03:42,381 That's far too much info 85 00:03:42,481 --> 00:03:43,862 for a former daughter-in-law. 86 00:03:43,962 --> 00:03:46,224 -We're also coworkers. -Even worse. 87 00:03:46,324 --> 00:03:49,147 And this renewed vitality is all thanks to Axe, 88 00:03:49,247 --> 00:03:51,749 as I imagine you are here to remind me. 89 00:03:51,849 --> 00:03:53,751 Who'd think you need reminding? 90 00:03:53,851 --> 00:03:55,713 I know you're grateful. 91 00:03:55,813 --> 00:03:58,876 I'm here to talk specifics about your mission. 92 00:03:58,976 --> 00:04:02,079 You guys need me to testify to the Delaware State AG 93 00:04:02,179 --> 00:04:04,481 on Axe's behalf about his character 94 00:04:04,581 --> 00:04:08,244 and the robust ethics on display at the bank 95 00:04:08,344 --> 00:04:09,285 and all that. 96 00:04:09,385 --> 00:04:10,326 Correct. 97 00:04:10,426 --> 00:04:12,088 The problem is... 98 00:04:12,188 --> 00:04:14,189 I would be lying. 99 00:04:14,870 --> 00:04:17,012 Lying is no more a problem for you 100 00:04:17,112 --> 00:04:19,654 than shooting free throws was for Steve Nash. 101 00:04:19,754 --> 00:04:21,376 You're excellent at it. 102 00:04:21,476 --> 00:04:23,458 It's what sets you apart from everyone else. 103 00:04:23,558 --> 00:04:25,620 What if I simply don't feel like it? 104 00:04:25,720 --> 00:04:29,863 Just walk away from the game, much as Mr. Nash did. 105 00:04:29,963 --> 00:04:32,866 Your feelings have nothing to do with repaying your debt. 106 00:04:32,966 --> 00:04:36,509 [chuckles] I'm why the damn bank exists. 107 00:04:36,609 --> 00:04:39,832 So I'd say I've already repaid my life debt to Axe 108 00:04:39,932 --> 00:04:42,034 with far more than a thank-you. 109 00:04:42,134 --> 00:04:44,757 Bullshit. We both know you'll be carrying 110 00:04:44,857 --> 00:04:47,839 that obligation around as long as that kidney's filtering. 111 00:04:47,939 --> 00:04:49,641 I got a new lease on life. 112 00:04:49,741 --> 00:04:51,403 I don't want to spend it in prison. 113 00:04:51,503 --> 00:04:53,525 You also don't want to spend it on the sidelines. 114 00:04:53,625 --> 00:04:55,166 That's why you hightailed it over to Chuck's 115 00:04:55,266 --> 00:04:56,607 at Bobby's behest. 116 00:04:56,707 --> 00:04:58,649 We both know you have zero problem 117 00:04:58,749 --> 00:05:00,751 being on his team. 118 00:05:01,552 --> 00:05:03,213 You just see an angle. 119 00:05:03,313 --> 00:05:05,515 Like the Schmatta kid himself. 120 00:05:06,516 --> 00:05:08,418 So I have to play it. 121 00:05:08,518 --> 00:05:09,859 What do you want? 122 00:05:09,959 --> 00:05:11,541 I want... 123 00:05:11,641 --> 00:05:13,743 to be 20 years younger. 124 00:05:13,843 --> 00:05:16,625 I'll take money and power. 125 00:05:16,725 --> 00:05:19,588 I want a nugget of his cannabis concession. 126 00:05:19,688 --> 00:05:21,870 He's never giving you ownership, you know that. 127 00:05:21,970 --> 00:05:23,431 Can we just skip the middle stages 128 00:05:23,531 --> 00:05:24,993 of this negotiation, please? 129 00:05:25,093 --> 00:05:27,135 Meaningful profit share. 130 00:05:27,935 --> 00:05:30,197 But I'll-I'll be honest with you. 131 00:05:30,297 --> 00:05:32,379 I feel less good about all this now. 132 00:05:33,260 --> 00:05:35,162 And that's not posturing. 133 00:05:35,262 --> 00:05:37,484 It's one thing to go against your own son. 134 00:05:37,584 --> 00:05:40,426 But when it's with his ex, 135 00:05:40,987 --> 00:05:42,368 and mortal enemy-- 136 00:05:42,468 --> 00:05:43,930 Well, knowing you as I do, 137 00:05:44,030 --> 00:05:46,372 I imagine when I get you your profit share, 138 00:05:46,472 --> 00:05:48,474 this goes away. 139 00:05:49,795 --> 00:05:51,136 Yeah. 140 00:05:51,236 --> 00:05:53,618 Knowing me as you do, 141 00:05:53,718 --> 00:05:55,720 I'd think so too. 142 00:06:02,366 --> 00:06:04,368 [door opens, closes] 143 00:06:10,493 --> 00:06:12,495 Welcome to New York. 144 00:06:13,056 --> 00:06:14,677 Trip okay? 145 00:06:14,777 --> 00:06:16,118 Other than having to lie to our friends 146 00:06:16,218 --> 00:06:17,480 about how we got here. 147 00:06:17,580 --> 00:06:19,682 I don't anymore. 148 00:06:19,782 --> 00:06:21,843 The thing is when we were in high school, 149 00:06:21,943 --> 00:06:23,565 I was embarrassed to fly private too. 150 00:06:23,665 --> 00:06:25,407 Instead of lying about flying private 151 00:06:25,507 --> 00:06:26,968 just bring your friends with you. 152 00:06:27,068 --> 00:06:28,209 Stop and pick them up on the way. 153 00:06:28,309 --> 00:06:29,450 I'd prefer to do the other thing, 154 00:06:29,550 --> 00:06:30,731 fly JetBlue. 155 00:06:30,831 --> 00:06:31,973 You think you do. 156 00:06:32,073 --> 00:06:33,854 Enough of our crap, Dad. 157 00:06:33,954 --> 00:06:36,056 How you hanging in after that massacre on TV? 158 00:06:36,156 --> 00:06:38,058 Believe me, I'm fine. Business is sharp elbows. 159 00:06:38,158 --> 00:06:39,820 I'm used to it. 160 00:06:39,920 --> 00:06:41,621 We're sure that's not really the way that happened. 161 00:06:41,721 --> 00:06:43,863 I talk about me and my issues 162 00:06:43,963 --> 00:06:45,385 with the folks here all day long. 163 00:06:45,485 --> 00:06:47,186 Let's talk about the two of you. 164 00:06:47,286 --> 00:06:49,548 Can't beat you at your game, so, sure. 165 00:06:49,648 --> 00:06:52,511 This summer, you guys should do a whole thing with your people. 166 00:06:52,611 --> 00:06:54,633 Start off at our place at Ile de Ré for a few weeks, 167 00:06:54,733 --> 00:06:56,234 trek through Europe. 168 00:06:56,334 --> 00:06:57,916 Guess we'll skip Copenhagen, huh? 169 00:06:58,016 --> 00:07:00,398 [chuckles] Yeah, yeah, cross it off. 170 00:07:00,498 --> 00:07:02,600 We want to work. We're ready. 171 00:07:02,700 --> 00:07:04,041 Overrated. 172 00:07:04,141 --> 00:07:05,923 You'll get there. 173 00:07:06,023 --> 00:07:07,965 We've been feeling like it's time to roll up the sleeves. 174 00:07:08,065 --> 00:07:09,406 Yeah. All my people, 175 00:07:09,506 --> 00:07:10,687 the ones you'd have me bring over there 176 00:07:10,787 --> 00:07:12,289 like we're on Bling Empire 177 00:07:12,389 --> 00:07:13,850 are gonna have sick internships and gigs. 178 00:07:13,950 --> 00:07:15,371 And then they'll all have jobs locked in 179 00:07:15,471 --> 00:07:16,973 if they aren't doing grad school. 180 00:07:17,073 --> 00:07:18,454 Everyone from B school has stuff locked in too. 181 00:07:18,554 --> 00:07:20,216 I don't regret much. 182 00:07:20,316 --> 00:07:21,657 But I regret not getting to just live a little 183 00:07:21,757 --> 00:07:23,499 when I was young. 184 00:07:23,599 --> 00:07:24,900 I couldn't afford to. I-- 185 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:26,782 I had to start. You don't. 186 00:07:26,882 --> 00:07:28,503 We're gonna fall behind. 187 00:07:28,603 --> 00:07:30,585 -Who're you gonna fall behind? -Our whole cohort, 188 00:07:30,685 --> 00:07:33,187 like moving in step with them, ahead of them. 189 00:07:33,287 --> 00:07:35,029 It's not a race like that. 190 00:07:35,129 --> 00:07:36,750 He still doesn't understand what we've been robbed of. 191 00:07:36,850 --> 00:07:38,352 -[scoffs] -Robbed? 192 00:07:38,452 --> 00:07:40,874 Yeah, of failing, of advancing on our own 193 00:07:40,974 --> 00:07:42,676 because we have to. 194 00:07:42,776 --> 00:07:44,477 You got to do a thing by yourself. 195 00:07:44,577 --> 00:07:45,999 We'll always be... 196 00:07:46,099 --> 00:07:47,480 Mike Prince's daughters. 197 00:07:47,580 --> 00:07:49,402 Yes. Someone will always say that garbage. 198 00:07:49,502 --> 00:07:51,003 You gotta tune it out. 199 00:07:51,103 --> 00:07:52,364 Hard to do when it's your own voice saying it. 200 00:07:52,464 --> 00:07:54,246 -[sighs] -It's not even about 201 00:07:54,346 --> 00:07:56,008 if having money makes things easier. 202 00:07:56,108 --> 00:07:58,130 It's just putting something on the line for real. 203 00:07:58,230 --> 00:07:59,971 And you were robbed of that? 204 00:08:00,071 --> 00:08:02,333 Yeah, we were. There's such a safe landing for us, 205 00:08:02,433 --> 00:08:04,015 no matter what. 206 00:08:04,115 --> 00:08:05,576 We might as well try. 207 00:08:05,676 --> 00:08:07,258 But also whatever jobs we get, 208 00:08:07,358 --> 00:08:09,179 people will think it's because of you anyway. 209 00:08:09,279 --> 00:08:11,281 That's true. At first. 210 00:08:13,763 --> 00:08:15,505 But hey, 211 00:08:15,605 --> 00:08:18,107 if you want a chance to fail... 212 00:08:18,207 --> 00:08:19,869 -We don't plan to fail. -Fine. 213 00:08:19,969 --> 00:08:22,391 [scoffs] If you want a chance to succeed, 214 00:08:22,491 --> 00:08:24,753 help me with Hypercube. 215 00:08:24,853 --> 00:08:26,955 -Your digital banking startup? -That's right. 216 00:08:27,055 --> 00:08:29,898 We need to onboard a major depositor client. 217 00:08:34,262 --> 00:08:36,564 Wait. Really? Weed? 218 00:08:36,664 --> 00:08:38,526 Lawful weed. 219 00:08:38,626 --> 00:08:41,608 Business and financial services for the legal cannabis industry. 220 00:08:41,708 --> 00:08:44,611 The woman who runs this company, getting her to jump on board 221 00:08:44,711 --> 00:08:47,714 will take insight, enthusiasm, 222 00:08:48,274 --> 00:08:50,456 an understanding of the space, intelligence. 223 00:08:50,556 --> 00:08:52,178 In a word, youth. 224 00:08:52,278 --> 00:08:53,979 Yours. 225 00:08:54,079 --> 00:08:56,522 You want to take a meeting? Win her over? 226 00:08:58,003 --> 00:08:59,665 Scooter will supervise at first, 227 00:08:59,765 --> 00:09:01,226 but you could be the client-facing piece 228 00:09:01,326 --> 00:09:03,328 in this space. 229 00:09:06,050 --> 00:09:08,032 -In. -Oh yeah, fully. 230 00:09:08,132 --> 00:09:09,593 And if it works out, can we stay involved? 231 00:09:09,693 --> 00:09:11,915 [chuckles] Try to close first. 232 00:09:12,015 --> 00:09:13,757 You don't have to worry about the rest now. 233 00:09:13,857 --> 00:09:15,479 Study up. 234 00:09:15,579 --> 00:09:18,081 [Liz] Okay, wow, this is very interesting. 235 00:09:18,181 --> 00:09:20,183 [Gail] Yeah, worth a shot. 236 00:09:20,623 --> 00:09:21,924 Dad, this is legit. 237 00:09:22,024 --> 00:09:24,707 [conversation continues faintly] 238 00:09:32,674 --> 00:09:34,976 That looks exquisite on you. 239 00:09:35,076 --> 00:09:37,699 Looks like Zales in a push-up bra. 240 00:09:37,799 --> 00:09:39,580 I want the 600-karat black opal, 241 00:09:39,680 --> 00:09:43,063 the uncut gem shit. What do you got? 242 00:09:43,163 --> 00:09:44,985 I may have something in my other case. 243 00:09:45,085 --> 00:09:47,267 Are we looking for an engagement? 244 00:09:47,367 --> 00:09:49,269 Does Superman take to the air because he needs 245 00:09:49,369 --> 00:09:51,991 to be in Chicago for a convention? 246 00:09:52,091 --> 00:09:54,654 He flies because he can. 247 00:09:55,454 --> 00:09:57,456 This is that. 248 00:09:59,978 --> 00:10:01,520 Are you sure you're ready? 249 00:10:01,620 --> 00:10:03,201 "I'm ready for anything" is basically 250 00:10:03,301 --> 00:10:04,843 my first, middle and last name. 251 00:10:04,943 --> 00:10:07,645 Even meeting my father? Most guys don't want to. 252 00:10:07,745 --> 00:10:09,687 Right. The dad dinner. 253 00:10:09,787 --> 00:10:11,489 Sure. 254 00:10:11,589 --> 00:10:13,370 I'll look him in the eye, give him a firm handshake, 255 00:10:13,470 --> 00:10:15,412 and assure him my intentions are honourable. 256 00:10:15,512 --> 00:10:17,414 He'll see right through that act. 257 00:10:17,514 --> 00:10:19,256 He's a lawyer, so he's spent his life 258 00:10:19,356 --> 00:10:20,817 slicing through bullshit artists. 259 00:10:20,917 --> 00:10:22,338 Hmm. 260 00:10:22,438 --> 00:10:23,539 He can look at people and know 261 00:10:23,639 --> 00:10:24,901 what's really inside of them. 262 00:10:25,001 --> 00:10:27,063 He's self-made. Tough. 263 00:10:27,163 --> 00:10:29,225 Chuck Norris tough or Guido the killer pimp? 264 00:10:29,325 --> 00:10:32,107 See, he'll get that reference, probably, and know if it's good. 265 00:10:32,207 --> 00:10:34,629 So I earn his respect by going toe to toe. 266 00:10:34,729 --> 00:10:35,630 Like a fighter. 267 00:10:35,730 --> 00:10:36,791 No, kiss his ass. 268 00:10:36,891 --> 00:10:38,273 -But do it well. -Ah. 269 00:10:38,373 --> 00:10:40,274 Trombone blown, Tom Byron-style. 270 00:10:40,374 --> 00:10:41,556 You got it. 271 00:10:41,656 --> 00:10:43,237 Another reference I don't-- 272 00:10:43,337 --> 00:10:44,959 The important thing is he will. 273 00:10:45,059 --> 00:10:47,060 Pigeon blood ruby. 274 00:10:48,782 --> 00:10:50,844 That's a hell of a stone. 275 00:10:50,944 --> 00:10:52,405 Keep it on ice. 276 00:10:52,505 --> 00:10:54,507 I'll call you back for it. 277 00:10:55,148 --> 00:10:56,969 After I succeed with Big Daddy. 278 00:10:57,069 --> 00:10:59,071 [Chelz chuckles] 279 00:11:00,232 --> 00:11:01,694 There's the precedent. 280 00:11:01,794 --> 00:11:03,175 That's one way to go. 281 00:11:03,275 --> 00:11:04,816 It's your call. 282 00:11:04,916 --> 00:11:06,918 Yeah. 283 00:11:08,199 --> 00:11:11,182 Wow. This is why we got into it, no? 284 00:11:11,282 --> 00:11:13,104 To argue before those nine robes? 285 00:11:13,204 --> 00:11:16,427 Even I can't be blasé about my first Supreme Court brief. 286 00:11:16,527 --> 00:11:18,148 -Hmm. -Though it's tempered 287 00:11:18,248 --> 00:11:20,070 by the fact that we're not really trying a case 288 00:11:20,170 --> 00:11:21,952 that might change the world but merely baiting a hook. 289 00:11:22,052 --> 00:11:24,554 The thing about arguments before SCOTUS is 290 00:11:24,654 --> 00:11:27,276 they are never about what they're purported to be about. 291 00:11:27,376 --> 00:11:28,798 Hmm. 292 00:11:28,898 --> 00:11:30,479 Neither are the opinions or dissents, 293 00:11:30,579 --> 00:11:33,082 but everyone just presses forward. 294 00:11:33,182 --> 00:11:35,764 As you are doing, Ms. Sacker, impressively. 295 00:11:35,864 --> 00:11:38,206 Oh, I'm gonna sell it because I believe it. 296 00:11:38,306 --> 00:11:39,888 And it will be in the record. 297 00:11:39,988 --> 00:11:42,130 Solicitor General DeGiulio shall be duly impressed. 298 00:11:42,230 --> 00:11:45,513 And soon enough it really will be you at the lectern. 299 00:11:47,675 --> 00:11:49,676 [elevator bell rings] 300 00:12:04,370 --> 00:12:06,371 Are those them? 301 00:12:10,695 --> 00:12:12,697 [exhales] 302 00:12:14,579 --> 00:12:17,902 These.. are the Glengarry leads. 303 00:12:18,382 --> 00:12:20,164 But do not try to steal them. 304 00:12:20,264 --> 00:12:23,447 They will be handed out to closers, which, 305 00:12:23,547 --> 00:12:25,248 unlike Dave Moss and Charlie Levine, 306 00:12:25,348 --> 00:12:27,410 you will be because Axe is. 307 00:12:27,510 --> 00:12:29,212 Those are the Auerbachs, aren't they? 308 00:12:29,312 --> 00:12:31,894 Axe used to talk about bringing them out for a huge win. 309 00:12:31,994 --> 00:12:33,376 They are indeed. 310 00:12:33,476 --> 00:12:35,257 -What's a--? -Red Auerbach, Tuk. 311 00:12:35,357 --> 00:12:38,200 Old-time Boston Celtics head coach and then GM and... 312 00:12:38,960 --> 00:12:41,263 You can't work here and not know this stuff. 313 00:12:41,363 --> 00:12:42,664 I've told you before. 314 00:12:42,764 --> 00:12:44,666 Ask me anything about wrestling. 315 00:12:44,766 --> 00:12:47,588 The NWA, AWA, WWWF. 316 00:12:47,688 --> 00:12:49,910 The Territories? I've got it. 317 00:12:50,010 --> 00:12:52,593 Even know who the Third Executioner was. 318 00:12:52,693 --> 00:12:54,474 I'm just not up on old-time basketball yet. 319 00:12:54,574 --> 00:12:57,317 Well, these cigars were very fucking significant. 320 00:12:57,417 --> 00:13:01,000 They were and are. Red Auerbach's Punch cigars. 321 00:13:01,100 --> 00:13:03,082 After bringing nine titles to the city of Boston, 322 00:13:03,182 --> 00:13:04,924 he could smoke wherever he damn pleased. 323 00:13:05,024 --> 00:13:07,206 But his favourite place was on the bench on the parquet 324 00:13:07,306 --> 00:13:10,649 of the old Boston Garden when victory was assured. 325 00:13:10,749 --> 00:13:12,691 Give me one of those, I'll light it up right here, 326 00:13:12,791 --> 00:13:14,692 deal with the smoke alarms and fines later. 327 00:13:14,792 --> 00:13:16,614 We'll smoke them when Red did: 328 00:13:16,714 --> 00:13:18,035 The moment victory is in hand, when our bank is solvent, 329 00:13:18,115 --> 00:13:20,117 not when the game is still in doubt. 330 00:13:28,044 --> 00:13:30,827 We really didn't have to do it like this. 331 00:13:30,927 --> 00:13:32,468 I would have wired it. 332 00:13:32,568 --> 00:13:35,591 Sometimes auspicious beginnings and auspicious 333 00:13:35,691 --> 00:13:37,273 endings need to be done in person. 334 00:13:37,373 --> 00:13:39,735 You wanted me to have to hand you 25 million. 335 00:13:42,978 --> 00:13:44,979 Like this. 336 00:13:48,663 --> 00:13:50,645 I guess I just wanted to see what it would be like 337 00:13:50,745 --> 00:13:53,167 to hold this much at once. 338 00:13:53,267 --> 00:13:55,589 Perhaps see if anything rushed through me. 339 00:13:57,270 --> 00:13:59,272 But, uh... 340 00:14:00,513 --> 00:14:02,515 No, 341 00:14:03,076 --> 00:14:05,077 just sadness. 342 00:14:06,479 --> 00:14:08,380 And a cold certainty that 343 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:10,582 none of this ever had to happen. 344 00:14:10,682 --> 00:14:12,264 There we agree. 345 00:14:12,364 --> 00:14:14,266 So you still get a rush from the money alone? 346 00:14:14,366 --> 00:14:16,367 Don't ask me those ki-- 347 00:14:17,008 --> 00:14:18,710 I'm gonna head out. 348 00:14:18,810 --> 00:14:21,712 And like that, lines are drawn. 349 00:14:21,812 --> 00:14:24,014 No, tattooed, permanently. 350 00:14:25,295 --> 00:14:27,357 Some of your money to me. 351 00:14:27,457 --> 00:14:29,079 The rest of you to him. 352 00:14:29,179 --> 00:14:31,241 Congratulations, then, are in order, to you. 353 00:14:31,341 --> 00:14:33,083 For orchestrating it all. 354 00:14:33,183 --> 00:14:34,964 Since the moment you set your sights 355 00:14:35,064 --> 00:14:36,686 on Axe five years ago, 356 00:14:36,786 --> 00:14:38,968 you have orchestrated a perfect plan 357 00:14:39,068 --> 00:14:42,010 to impel us together, which makes no sense. 358 00:14:42,110 --> 00:14:44,413 Unless someone knows you, 359 00:14:44,513 --> 00:14:46,514 which I have. 360 00:14:48,156 --> 00:14:50,158 Goodbye. 361 00:14:52,600 --> 00:14:54,722 [door opens, closes] 362 00:15:01,368 --> 00:15:03,369 [exhales] 363 00:15:04,290 --> 00:15:06,072 I'm hearing rumblings... 364 00:15:06,172 --> 00:15:08,034 that Solicitor General DeGiulio 365 00:15:08,134 --> 00:15:09,995 is awaiting a brief from the NY AG. 366 00:15:10,095 --> 00:15:12,278 Once he has it, he officially asks 367 00:15:12,378 --> 00:15:14,119 the Supreme Court to grant cert 368 00:15:14,219 --> 00:15:16,401 in a financial services case which 369 00:15:16,501 --> 00:15:19,924 would clear the way for processing cannabis money. 370 00:15:20,024 --> 00:15:22,166 I don't see SCOTUS saying no. 371 00:15:22,266 --> 00:15:24,969 Looks like your read on Chuck's plan was center mass. 372 00:15:25,069 --> 00:15:27,011 Track this brief. Use Hall. 373 00:15:27,111 --> 00:15:29,333 Make sure it says what we need it to say. 374 00:15:29,433 --> 00:15:31,254 I know you're anxious. 375 00:15:31,354 --> 00:15:34,457 But if you act and bank this money before cert is granted, 376 00:15:34,557 --> 00:15:36,459 and we can argue a coming change, 377 00:15:36,559 --> 00:15:38,461 you'll be whacked with civil charges. 378 00:15:38,561 --> 00:15:40,102 You could get your charter stripped. 379 00:15:40,202 --> 00:15:42,625 Which is why we have to act when it goes in, 380 00:15:42,725 --> 00:15:44,626 but right at that moment. 381 00:15:44,726 --> 00:15:46,308 Prince has made the same determination. 382 00:15:46,408 --> 00:15:48,410 We gotta vault over him. 383 00:15:49,411 --> 00:15:51,913 Axe, seems we have news. 384 00:15:52,013 --> 00:15:54,235 Tell me more about this company Prince is targeting. 385 00:15:54,335 --> 00:15:57,198 Called FYC, Fine Young Cannabis. 386 00:15:57,298 --> 00:15:58,959 CEO is Dawn Winslow, 387 00:15:59,059 --> 00:16:01,001 former music producer. 388 00:16:01,101 --> 00:16:02,923 She got outta that to pursue her true love. 389 00:16:03,023 --> 00:16:04,925 Now her company is a market leader, 390 00:16:05,025 --> 00:16:07,527 one point six bil in revenue last year alone. 391 00:16:07,627 --> 00:16:09,329 [Hard Bob] Axe, I gotta say, 392 00:16:09,429 --> 00:16:11,530 being too early is as bad as being too late. 393 00:16:11,630 --> 00:16:13,532 In this case worse. 394 00:16:13,632 --> 00:16:15,894 If you onboard this cash too quick, 395 00:16:15,994 --> 00:16:17,936 you'll get slapped with civil penalties. 396 00:16:18,036 --> 00:16:21,479 Thanks, Hard Bob. I already got that from my actual lawyer. 397 00:16:22,160 --> 00:16:24,582 And what do we got to land FYC? 398 00:16:24,682 --> 00:16:27,465 No, she's not gonna sign on for free checking. 399 00:16:27,565 --> 00:16:30,948 I hate to say it, but you need to outbid him. 400 00:16:31,048 --> 00:16:33,870 Banks are basically paying zero interest right now. 401 00:16:33,970 --> 00:16:35,352 We go the other way-- 402 00:16:35,452 --> 00:16:37,153 I don't like overpaying. Ever. 403 00:16:37,253 --> 00:16:38,835 But as a new bank, 404 00:16:38,935 --> 00:16:40,877 setting up a new desperate precedent like this 405 00:16:40,977 --> 00:16:42,979 is suicide. 406 00:16:45,381 --> 00:16:48,283 I know how Prince plans to lock up FYC: 407 00:16:48,383 --> 00:16:50,245 -with his daughters. -Cagey move. 408 00:16:50,345 --> 00:16:52,807 Good for branding and the CEO Winslow 409 00:16:52,907 --> 00:16:55,129 gets to look like she's mentoring the next gen. 410 00:16:55,229 --> 00:16:57,972 -Total bullshit, but cagey. -[Wags] What's our counter? 411 00:16:58,072 --> 00:16:59,533 What do we know about Winslow's leaks? 412 00:16:59,633 --> 00:17:01,575 Not fucking much. She's refusing to speak 413 00:17:01,675 --> 00:17:03,377 with anyone from Axe Bank. 414 00:17:03,477 --> 00:17:04,818 -Including...? -Including Axe. 415 00:17:04,918 --> 00:17:07,220 Lady says she's entering into an exclusive 416 00:17:07,320 --> 00:17:09,983 negotiating period with Prince. 417 00:17:10,083 --> 00:17:12,185 Lady says that means something. 418 00:17:12,285 --> 00:17:14,286 It means you all do better. 419 00:17:21,733 --> 00:17:24,516 We can't stop Prince from having his meeting with her, 420 00:17:24,616 --> 00:17:27,438 or from agreeing to a deal in principle, even. 421 00:17:27,538 --> 00:17:30,601 We gotta wedge in there in the moments right before closing. 422 00:17:30,701 --> 00:17:33,043 But Chieftain, if she won't even meet with you... 423 00:17:33,143 --> 00:17:34,845 She doesn't have a deal to shop yet. 424 00:17:34,945 --> 00:17:37,607 By the time she does, we need to top her. 425 00:17:37,707 --> 00:17:40,570 But believe me, before she locks it in, 426 00:17:40,670 --> 00:17:42,572 she's gonna have one last look at what's out there. 427 00:17:42,672 --> 00:17:44,053 It's human nature. 428 00:17:44,153 --> 00:17:46,355 And I'll be what she's starin' at. 429 00:17:48,877 --> 00:17:51,560 You don't look like the man I know you to be. 430 00:17:54,122 --> 00:17:55,824 And what man do you think that is? 431 00:17:55,924 --> 00:17:57,785 One on the verge of beating Bobby Axelrod 432 00:17:57,885 --> 00:18:00,167 and thumping his chest in triumph. 433 00:18:01,048 --> 00:18:03,490 What, did the meeting with Winslow fall through? 434 00:18:04,571 --> 00:18:07,194 Meeting's lined up, but I'm not. 435 00:18:07,294 --> 00:18:09,116 I'm not sure I can let it happen. 436 00:18:09,216 --> 00:18:11,438 I've been thinking we've done enough, 437 00:18:11,538 --> 00:18:14,280 and Axe can cruise on in there and take it. 438 00:18:14,380 --> 00:18:16,282 No, no, no. 439 00:18:16,382 --> 00:18:18,524 We need the rabbit zipping around the rail, 440 00:18:18,624 --> 00:18:20,926 so the greyhound chases it headlong. 441 00:18:21,026 --> 00:18:22,568 -You're the rabbit. -Mm-hm. 442 00:18:22,668 --> 00:18:24,730 Without you, maybe he stops and thinks about it 443 00:18:24,830 --> 00:18:26,831 instead of lunging. 444 00:18:28,953 --> 00:18:30,955 [exhales] 445 00:18:31,716 --> 00:18:34,438 You don't know if you can walk your daughters through the door. 446 00:18:35,879 --> 00:18:38,201 Deploy them like that. That's what this is. 447 00:18:39,282 --> 00:18:40,464 [sighs] 448 00:18:40,564 --> 00:18:42,185 Look, I get it. 449 00:18:42,285 --> 00:18:43,787 I'm living it with my old man. 450 00:18:43,887 --> 00:18:45,468 It's a little different. He's hardly an innocent. 451 00:18:45,568 --> 00:18:47,910 True. But... 452 00:18:48,010 --> 00:18:49,752 you can't really say you're playing 453 00:18:49,852 --> 00:18:52,194 unless you're willing to put your highest-value pieces 454 00:18:52,294 --> 00:18:53,836 on the board. 455 00:18:53,936 --> 00:18:55,837 They're not pieces. They're my children. 456 00:18:55,937 --> 00:18:57,199 My first charge in this world 457 00:18:57,299 --> 00:18:58,600 is to protect them, 458 00:18:58,700 --> 00:19:00,802 not set them off like flashbang grenades. 459 00:19:00,902 --> 00:19:02,884 You are protecting them. 460 00:19:02,984 --> 00:19:05,166 Better, you're arming them to protect themselves. 461 00:19:05,266 --> 00:19:07,328 Yes, a consequence of this action might be 462 00:19:07,428 --> 00:19:09,930 that they become wary, less open. 463 00:19:10,030 --> 00:19:12,532 That may be of some benefit in business. 464 00:19:12,632 --> 00:19:14,614 But I'm not doing this as a teaching tool. 465 00:19:14,714 --> 00:19:18,498 I'm doing it for my own aims and that is too bitter a lesson. 466 00:19:18,598 --> 00:19:21,120 [whispers] You can't safeguard your kids from pain. 467 00:19:21,961 --> 00:19:24,863 But you can protect them from evil. 468 00:19:24,963 --> 00:19:26,705 And we both know 469 00:19:26,805 --> 00:19:28,426 that's what Axe is. 470 00:19:28,526 --> 00:19:31,429 And that's what a world is that bows before him. 471 00:19:31,529 --> 00:19:34,011 They're how he knows you're serious. 472 00:19:34,892 --> 00:19:37,054 And that it hurts you to use them... 473 00:19:38,696 --> 00:19:40,777 that's why you're the man you are. 474 00:19:48,664 --> 00:19:50,666 Don't do it. 475 00:19:51,427 --> 00:19:54,049 Godammit! Diego is fired. 476 00:19:54,149 --> 00:19:56,171 He only tipped me off because I told him 477 00:19:56,271 --> 00:19:57,933 I was worried about you taking the car out 478 00:19:58,033 --> 00:19:59,534 while still recovering. 479 00:19:59,634 --> 00:20:01,656 He cares about your well-being, as do I. 480 00:20:01,756 --> 00:20:05,179 Touching, but I'm fit as Charles Atlas in '53. 481 00:20:05,279 --> 00:20:08,502 Well, then do to Axe and company 482 00:20:08,602 --> 00:20:10,924 what Mr. Atlas would do a ThighMaster. 483 00:20:11,725 --> 00:20:12,946 Squeeze him. 484 00:20:13,046 --> 00:20:15,028 Atlas, good as he was, is dead, 485 00:20:15,128 --> 00:20:17,791 and so is any chance of me doing what you want. 486 00:20:17,891 --> 00:20:20,593 Besides, his gag was isometrics, 487 00:20:20,693 --> 00:20:23,316 and it was that pretty blonde gal, 488 00:20:23,416 --> 00:20:25,878 Suzanne Somers, who made with the ThighMaster. 489 00:20:25,978 --> 00:20:29,001 No matter. I'm here to warn you. 490 00:20:29,101 --> 00:20:30,882 Don't be their rubber stamp. 491 00:20:30,982 --> 00:20:33,364 Take your duties more seriously than that. 492 00:20:33,464 --> 00:20:35,006 I know my duty. Always have. 493 00:20:35,106 --> 00:20:36,928 That's why you had food in your belly 494 00:20:37,028 --> 00:20:38,649 and a roof over your head 495 00:20:38,749 --> 00:20:42,012 and monogrammed boxer shorts in your closet. 496 00:20:42,112 --> 00:20:44,494 I will advise with discretion 497 00:20:44,594 --> 00:20:46,136 -and discernment. -[scoffs] 498 00:20:46,236 --> 00:20:48,498 Now whether it's what you want or not 499 00:20:48,598 --> 00:20:50,099 isn't my problem. 500 00:20:50,199 --> 00:20:52,301 You're so desperate to stay relevant, 501 00:20:52,401 --> 00:20:54,463 to stay in the game. 502 00:20:54,563 --> 00:20:57,006 You can't see that the game has passed you by-- 503 00:20:57,606 --> 00:21:00,148 Willie Mays in center field for the Mets, 504 00:21:00,248 --> 00:21:03,391 misunderstanding the dewy eyes in the crowd for love. 505 00:21:03,491 --> 00:21:05,353 [laughs] Oh, sonny boy. 506 00:21:05,453 --> 00:21:09,096 You just never understood me or the Say Hey Kid. 507 00:21:09,657 --> 00:21:12,139 You play until your feet break. 508 00:21:13,660 --> 00:21:17,044 And they carry you off the field in a box. 509 00:21:17,144 --> 00:21:19,666 And if that's not convenient for you, 510 00:21:21,107 --> 00:21:23,209 like Billy Joe Royal sang, 511 00:21:23,309 --> 00:21:25,951 "I never promised you a rose garden." 512 00:21:26,392 --> 00:21:27,373 [horn honks] 513 00:21:27,473 --> 00:21:29,475 [man] Sir. 514 00:21:33,318 --> 00:21:35,420 [revs engine] 515 00:21:35,520 --> 00:21:37,602 [tires squeal] 516 00:21:43,287 --> 00:21:47,411 [muffled conversation] 517 00:21:57,379 --> 00:21:59,381 Sorry, I'll be right back. 518 00:22:04,506 --> 00:22:06,408 Next generation's bright. 519 00:22:06,508 --> 00:22:08,169 The girls are tearin' it up. 520 00:22:08,269 --> 00:22:11,172 They prepped their pitch like Russian gymnasts. 521 00:22:11,272 --> 00:22:12,853 And Winslow? 522 00:22:12,953 --> 00:22:15,896 She's melting like a pad of butter on a short stack. 523 00:22:15,996 --> 00:22:17,337 I'll go get into final terms 524 00:22:17,437 --> 00:22:18,979 for onboarding her company's cash. 525 00:22:19,079 --> 00:22:21,081 Good. 526 00:22:23,563 --> 00:22:25,184 And if the account is seized, then the bank is liable... 527 00:22:25,284 --> 00:22:26,826 [phone buzzes] 528 00:22:26,926 --> 00:22:28,928 ...for not knowing which money came from where. 529 00:22:30,409 --> 00:22:31,510 He'll do it. 530 00:22:31,610 --> 00:22:32,551 [Prince] How do you know? 531 00:22:32,651 --> 00:22:34,273 I told him not to. 532 00:22:34,373 --> 00:22:36,034 Then I'm sorry. 533 00:22:36,134 --> 00:22:38,156 And... well done. 534 00:22:38,256 --> 00:22:42,300 [indistinct conversation] 535 00:22:44,381 --> 00:22:46,383 [sighs] 536 00:22:49,826 --> 00:22:51,288 Okay. 537 00:22:51,388 --> 00:22:54,090 Doing this in person, nice and official. 538 00:22:54,190 --> 00:22:57,573 So do you want to report what Delaware banking laws 539 00:22:57,673 --> 00:22:59,135 Axe Bank has violated? 540 00:22:59,235 --> 00:23:01,056 Or should I just read from the list 541 00:23:01,156 --> 00:23:03,158 and you nod and sign? 542 00:23:09,644 --> 00:23:11,646 Nothing to report. 543 00:23:13,407 --> 00:23:15,750 So he hasn't violated any laws? 544 00:23:15,850 --> 00:23:17,851 None that I'm aware of. 545 00:23:19,493 --> 00:23:23,817 No regulations on probationary terms? 546 00:23:27,180 --> 00:23:30,122 Has he painted outside the lines? 547 00:23:30,222 --> 00:23:32,585 On the contrary, noses are clean. 548 00:23:36,148 --> 00:23:37,769 I gotta say I'm... 549 00:23:37,869 --> 00:23:39,871 I'm a little confused. 550 00:23:40,231 --> 00:23:41,853 I'm the pin boy here. 551 00:23:41,953 --> 00:23:43,334 They're all set up for you to knock them down, 552 00:23:43,434 --> 00:23:45,176 at which point your son moves in, 553 00:23:45,276 --> 00:23:47,618 we sweep them up together as we prosecute jointly. 554 00:23:47,718 --> 00:23:49,900 I can't report what hasn't happened regardless 555 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:51,502 of my son's plans. 556 00:23:51,602 --> 00:23:55,645 I can only discharge my duty as I see fit. 557 00:23:56,726 --> 00:23:59,068 You understand that if this goes to prosecution, 558 00:23:59,168 --> 00:24:01,530 you are wrapping yourself right up in it? 559 00:24:02,291 --> 00:24:03,953 Gotcha. 560 00:24:04,053 --> 00:24:06,315 And my formal recommendation is, 561 00:24:06,415 --> 00:24:09,057 lift the probationary terms. 562 00:24:09,417 --> 00:24:11,419 [sighs] 563 00:24:13,101 --> 00:24:15,043 I'm not gonna pretend that I'm not confused, 564 00:24:15,143 --> 00:24:17,264 but I've done my part. 565 00:24:18,906 --> 00:24:21,789 I look forward to being clear of your fucked-up family. 566 00:24:23,030 --> 00:24:24,451 Okay. 567 00:24:24,551 --> 00:24:26,553 Axe Bank has passed its probation. 568 00:24:37,282 --> 00:24:38,984 [exhales] 569 00:24:39,084 --> 00:24:42,067 This bottle of d'Yquem Axe wanted you to enjoy 570 00:24:42,167 --> 00:24:44,429 is from the year you were born. 571 00:24:44,529 --> 00:24:46,911 These grapes have made the same journey you have. 572 00:24:47,011 --> 00:24:49,453 Turned out almost as rich. 573 00:24:50,094 --> 00:24:51,715 I love that trick. 574 00:24:51,815 --> 00:24:53,437 Lets the person on the receiving end 575 00:24:53,537 --> 00:24:56,039 know you put thought into it, and work. 576 00:24:56,139 --> 00:24:57,360 Hard to find those bottles. 577 00:24:57,460 --> 00:24:58,802 My compliments to Axe. 578 00:24:58,902 --> 00:25:00,964 Plus, it tastes like honey. 579 00:25:01,064 --> 00:25:03,166 [glasses clink] 580 00:25:03,266 --> 00:25:05,267 [sips] 581 00:25:06,148 --> 00:25:08,150 What does he need? 582 00:25:09,071 --> 00:25:10,852 Your networks to air ads 583 00:25:10,952 --> 00:25:13,014 by a certain legal cannabis company. 584 00:25:13,114 --> 00:25:14,736 Never been a tea smoker. 585 00:25:14,836 --> 00:25:17,258 Never loved the culture surrounding it either. 586 00:25:17,358 --> 00:25:19,260 And I don't see myself as being the first 587 00:25:19,360 --> 00:25:20,901 to break this particular barrier. 588 00:25:21,001 --> 00:25:22,943 You know, there are no commercials for pot. 589 00:25:23,043 --> 00:25:25,385 I can't really picture myself on the cover of High Times. 590 00:25:25,485 --> 00:25:27,347 What about Fortune? Forbes? 591 00:25:27,447 --> 00:25:30,350 You'd be on all of them, like Springsteen in 75. 592 00:25:30,450 --> 00:25:32,071 That was Time and Newsweek 593 00:25:32,171 --> 00:25:33,433 and the pressure nearly crushed him. 594 00:25:33,533 --> 00:25:34,954 No, no. It made him. 595 00:25:35,054 --> 00:25:36,475 Took him to the next level. 596 00:25:36,575 --> 00:25:38,597 I'd be a pariah amongst other networks 597 00:25:38,697 --> 00:25:40,559 and likely the FCC. 598 00:25:40,659 --> 00:25:42,160 For about five minutes. 599 00:25:42,260 --> 00:25:44,042 Then they'd be looking to catch up. 600 00:25:44,142 --> 00:25:45,764 Pretty picture. 601 00:25:45,864 --> 00:25:47,806 Thing is I've already got my board seat on the bank. 602 00:25:47,906 --> 00:25:50,088 I've already got enough of everything I need. 603 00:25:50,188 --> 00:25:52,129 Why should I put myself for it? 604 00:25:52,229 --> 00:25:53,931 For your daughter. 605 00:25:54,031 --> 00:25:55,612 We heard whispers she's running for Congress 606 00:25:55,712 --> 00:25:57,694 and that she's refusing to take your money, 607 00:25:57,794 --> 00:25:59,456 wants to look self-made. 608 00:25:59,556 --> 00:26:01,458 I admire my daughter and her convictions. 609 00:26:01,558 --> 00:26:04,340 Yes. But you also want her to win. 610 00:26:04,440 --> 00:26:06,782 So... Axe will see to it that enough money 611 00:26:06,882 --> 00:26:09,185 is funneled to her campaign looking like grassroots, 612 00:26:09,285 --> 00:26:12,508 Internet, small-donor Squad catnip, 613 00:26:12,608 --> 00:26:14,710 but enough in total to bury 614 00:26:14,810 --> 00:26:16,891 any and all of her opponents. 615 00:26:18,573 --> 00:26:20,915 Long as she doesn't know, she'll appreciate that. 616 00:26:21,015 --> 00:26:22,757 And I will too. 617 00:26:22,857 --> 00:26:24,859 Good. 618 00:26:28,462 --> 00:26:30,884 [Wags] Miss Winslow, this, aside from being 619 00:26:30,984 --> 00:26:32,886 the most expensive album ever sold, 620 00:26:32,986 --> 00:26:34,367 is pretty fuckin' cool. 621 00:26:34,467 --> 00:26:36,469 A gift to you from Bobby Axelrod. 622 00:26:38,511 --> 00:26:40,693 Wu Tang's Once Upon a Time in Shaolin? 623 00:26:40,793 --> 00:26:42,735 A single copy pressed. 624 00:26:42,835 --> 00:26:45,297 Heard of this but never heard it. 625 00:26:45,397 --> 00:26:47,859 Martin Shkreli paid $2 million for this a few years back. 626 00:26:47,959 --> 00:26:49,981 How the hell did you get it? 627 00:26:50,081 --> 00:26:52,083 Don't ask me how he got it. 628 00:26:52,523 --> 00:26:53,704 Ask him. 629 00:26:53,804 --> 00:26:55,666 Don't ask me either. 630 00:26:55,766 --> 00:26:57,388 I thought you would appreciate it and learn from him. 631 00:26:57,488 --> 00:26:59,269 Never get too big and too loud? 632 00:26:59,369 --> 00:27:02,472 Maybe. But his mistake was being in the wrong drug business. 633 00:27:02,572 --> 00:27:05,395 One that divided people instead of bringing them together. 634 00:27:05,495 --> 00:27:07,477 Don't do that. And don't gouge your customers 635 00:27:07,577 --> 00:27:09,238 and you can do this thing forever. 636 00:27:09,338 --> 00:27:10,760 Never do, never would. 637 00:27:10,860 --> 00:27:12,561 And I am in the right drug business. 638 00:27:12,661 --> 00:27:14,363 Brings people together the way "Wild Cherry" 639 00:27:14,463 --> 00:27:16,925 did folks on a dance floor upon a time. 640 00:27:17,025 --> 00:27:19,327 Is that insecticide keeping the red spider mites away? 641 00:27:19,427 --> 00:27:22,170 Febreze. So it doesn't smell like a Wesleyan dorm room 642 00:27:22,270 --> 00:27:24,272 when I finally get it into the system. 643 00:27:24,672 --> 00:27:25,733 Smart. 644 00:27:25,833 --> 00:27:26,894 I thank you for the present. 645 00:27:26,994 --> 00:27:28,856 It is a true fucking rarity. 646 00:27:28,956 --> 00:27:30,537 But like I told your people, 647 00:27:30,637 --> 00:27:32,619 I'm already committed to another negotiation. 648 00:27:32,719 --> 00:27:34,621 [Axe] Not so committed that you didn't want to see 649 00:27:34,721 --> 00:27:36,343 if you were missing out on something better. 650 00:27:36,443 --> 00:27:38,304 And you were right, because you are. 651 00:27:38,404 --> 00:27:41,267 Look, I'm sure he's offering you a square deal. 652 00:27:41,367 --> 00:27:43,269 And he's filling a need. 653 00:27:43,369 --> 00:27:45,030 You gotta be able to process and store 654 00:27:45,130 --> 00:27:46,552 your take someplace safe. 655 00:27:46,652 --> 00:27:48,273 But I can do that and more. 656 00:27:48,373 --> 00:27:49,955 I'm offering to take care of a need 657 00:27:50,055 --> 00:27:51,396 that no one else will touch. 658 00:27:51,496 --> 00:27:53,198 I'm offering legitimacy. 659 00:27:53,298 --> 00:27:55,560 I have a desirable product, a legal product. 660 00:27:55,660 --> 00:27:58,282 Some states recently marked it as an essential product. 661 00:27:58,382 --> 00:27:59,763 You're preaching to a man already walked 662 00:27:59,863 --> 00:28:01,405 the road to Damascus. 663 00:28:01,505 --> 00:28:03,447 But I can get you on TV, 664 00:28:03,547 --> 00:28:05,128 mainstream media buys. 665 00:28:05,228 --> 00:28:07,090 You can get that done? 666 00:28:07,190 --> 00:28:10,013 Networks and weblets avoid us like we're selling strychnine. 667 00:28:10,113 --> 00:28:12,014 Not anymore. 668 00:28:12,114 --> 00:28:15,457 Widespread ads targeted at your most coveted customers. 669 00:28:15,557 --> 00:28:18,340 Make your warehouse look way too small for your cash. 670 00:28:18,440 --> 00:28:20,862 I hate to walk away from my other suitor 671 00:28:20,962 --> 00:28:22,784 -this late in the game. -Yeah, I'm sure. 672 00:28:22,884 --> 00:28:24,546 But you'll note I didn't send someone 673 00:28:24,646 --> 00:28:26,427 who needs to learn business from you. 674 00:28:26,527 --> 00:28:28,389 I sent my Tom Hagen because I'm in quarantine. 675 00:28:28,489 --> 00:28:30,431 That just shows you how important this is to me. 676 00:28:30,531 --> 00:28:32,433 Look, you've built something very special here. 677 00:28:32,533 --> 00:28:34,354 Busted your ass to keep expanding it 678 00:28:34,454 --> 00:28:36,036 during some very tough times. 679 00:28:36,136 --> 00:28:37,797 Oh, that's for sure. 680 00:28:37,897 --> 00:28:40,260 Don't you owe it to yourself to go with the best deal? 681 00:28:43,022 --> 00:28:45,024 [sighs] 682 00:28:45,704 --> 00:28:47,706 I really do. 683 00:28:53,712 --> 00:28:55,934 Ah... the Solicitor General, as of a moment ago, 684 00:28:56,034 --> 00:28:58,156 is in receipt of your brief. 685 00:28:59,036 --> 00:29:01,038 [phone buzzes] 686 00:29:03,360 --> 00:29:05,302 [sighs] 687 00:29:05,402 --> 00:29:06,743 Excuse me. I have to go. 688 00:29:06,843 --> 00:29:08,505 -Ms. Sacker? -It's nothing. 689 00:29:08,605 --> 00:29:10,226 Is that right? 690 00:29:10,326 --> 00:29:13,089 Why don't you fill me in on the exact brand of nothing? 691 00:29:15,811 --> 00:29:18,194 Franklin Sacker announces he's relaxing policies 692 00:29:18,294 --> 00:29:20,636 with regard to advertising cannabinoids. 693 00:29:20,736 --> 00:29:22,317 Singled out one company in particular 694 00:29:22,417 --> 00:29:24,319 with some sugar-sweet words. 695 00:29:24,419 --> 00:29:26,201 Let me guess. 696 00:29:26,301 --> 00:29:27,802 Fine Young Cannabis. 697 00:29:27,902 --> 00:29:29,243 [scoffs] 698 00:29:29,343 --> 00:29:30,685 I guess my father is not the only one 699 00:29:30,785 --> 00:29:32,166 Axe has roped in. 700 00:29:32,266 --> 00:29:33,727 Look, I know that your instinct will be 701 00:29:33,827 --> 00:29:35,529 to confront your dad, to warn him-- 702 00:29:35,629 --> 00:29:36,650 I already warned him. 703 00:29:36,750 --> 00:29:38,211 With the Opportunity Zone. 704 00:29:38,311 --> 00:29:39,653 He ignored me. He should know better. 705 00:29:39,753 --> 00:29:41,294 Yes, he should. 706 00:29:41,394 --> 00:29:43,176 But perhaps he's been blinded by an Axelrod 707 00:29:43,276 --> 00:29:45,178 opportunity supernova. 708 00:29:45,278 --> 00:29:46,679 Only way to back him off is to let him know the law is coming. 709 00:29:46,759 --> 00:29:48,661 Uh... the thing about that is, 710 00:29:48,761 --> 00:29:51,123 if your dad backs out because he's rattled, 711 00:29:52,124 --> 00:29:53,625 Axe will rattle too. 712 00:29:53,725 --> 00:29:55,267 So... 713 00:29:55,367 --> 00:29:57,268 you gotta let him dangle. 714 00:29:57,368 --> 00:30:00,151 -Chuck-- -Whole operation gets blown 715 00:30:00,251 --> 00:30:02,333 if one piece gets out of order. 716 00:30:06,417 --> 00:30:08,078 Shit! 717 00:30:08,178 --> 00:30:10,460 [sighs] 718 00:30:11,341 --> 00:30:12,802 -[snips cigar] -Hm. 719 00:30:12,902 --> 00:30:14,524 Uh, do you really have to do it that way? 720 00:30:14,624 --> 00:30:15,965 What if I just bite the end off? 721 00:30:16,065 --> 00:30:17,927 It'll be wet and uneven. 722 00:30:18,027 --> 00:30:19,769 That's just something you saw in a movie. 723 00:30:19,869 --> 00:30:21,570 It is something I saw in a movie. 724 00:30:21,670 --> 00:30:23,212 And when the Wolverine did it-- 725 00:30:23,312 --> 00:30:25,734 We've been over this. You're not Wolverine. 726 00:30:25,834 --> 00:30:27,295 I can be. 727 00:30:27,395 --> 00:30:29,097 With the right diet and workout program. 728 00:30:29,197 --> 00:30:31,199 Yeah, and if I gargle enough, I can be Celine Dion. 729 00:30:33,601 --> 00:30:36,423 You going with a V-cutter? You'll wind up too deep. 730 00:30:36,523 --> 00:30:38,185 Something you've never heard before, Dollar Bill. 731 00:30:38,285 --> 00:30:40,287 [chuckles] 732 00:30:42,609 --> 00:30:44,070 [chuckles] 733 00:30:44,170 --> 00:30:45,592 I'm a punch cut man. 734 00:30:45,692 --> 00:30:48,194 Clean draw, prevents tar accumulation. 735 00:30:48,294 --> 00:30:49,515 [Victor] Too precious, 736 00:30:49,615 --> 00:30:51,157 too much chance of crumbling. 737 00:30:51,257 --> 00:30:52,798 I go guillotine all the way. 738 00:30:52,898 --> 00:30:54,940 One perfect, decisive chop. 739 00:31:00,785 --> 00:31:02,787 It's not fucking time! 740 00:31:04,909 --> 00:31:06,690 That's what Wags said at first, 741 00:31:06,790 --> 00:31:08,792 but then he passed them out to us. 742 00:31:09,513 --> 00:31:10,774 Because we won a round. 743 00:31:10,874 --> 00:31:12,496 Back in your pockets. 744 00:31:12,596 --> 00:31:14,097 You can hold on to 'em now 745 00:31:14,197 --> 00:31:16,399 but don't smoke 'em till Axe gives the word. 746 00:31:45,025 --> 00:31:47,527 I... like that you're giving them 747 00:31:47,627 --> 00:31:49,929 something to look forward to at the finish line. 748 00:31:50,029 --> 00:31:52,031 The cigars. 749 00:31:53,352 --> 00:31:55,474 Now, what are you giving yourself? 750 00:31:59,357 --> 00:32:01,399 [exhales] 751 00:32:02,440 --> 00:32:04,342 [smacks lips] 752 00:32:04,442 --> 00:32:06,444 You ever been to Fiji? 753 00:32:08,366 --> 00:32:10,988 No. But I know you have. 754 00:32:11,088 --> 00:32:13,090 Yeah. Last year, 755 00:32:13,971 --> 00:32:16,553 with Dean and Gordy. Came back early. 756 00:32:16,653 --> 00:32:18,855 Well, you said it was because the kids didn't like it. 757 00:32:21,858 --> 00:32:23,859 I didn't totally buy that. 758 00:32:24,300 --> 00:32:26,542 Yeah. Didn't think you did. 759 00:32:31,106 --> 00:32:33,428 And now, you know what I'm thinking about? 760 00:32:38,913 --> 00:32:43,797 The ocean there's the exact same temperature as the air. 761 00:32:45,639 --> 00:32:47,701 And so when you walk into the water, 762 00:32:47,801 --> 00:32:49,883 you don't even feel it. 763 00:32:53,326 --> 00:32:55,308 Fiji sounds... 764 00:32:55,408 --> 00:32:57,409 Yeah. 765 00:33:01,293 --> 00:33:02,754 [inhales] 766 00:33:02,854 --> 00:33:04,996 As soon as I get a clean of bill health. 767 00:33:05,096 --> 00:33:07,098 But first, victory smokes. 768 00:33:10,581 --> 00:33:12,583 Yeah. 769 00:33:15,586 --> 00:33:17,087 Thanks for making the trek to the sticks. 770 00:33:17,187 --> 00:33:19,169 Oh, it's not far from where I grew up. 771 00:33:19,269 --> 00:33:21,491 My elementary school is right around the corner. 772 00:33:21,591 --> 00:33:23,893 Oh, you gonna make that stop next? 773 00:33:23,993 --> 00:33:26,415 I'm gonna wait to go with Leslie Stahl and the camera crew 774 00:33:26,515 --> 00:33:28,017 before the next election. 775 00:33:28,117 --> 00:33:30,539 Maybe I'll squirt some tears 776 00:33:30,639 --> 00:33:32,821 when I look at the jungle gym I broke a tooth on. 777 00:33:32,921 --> 00:33:35,023 -Hmm. I'll be sure to watch. -Hm. 778 00:33:35,123 --> 00:33:37,605 Came across something that might interest you though. 779 00:33:38,806 --> 00:33:40,548 Criminal behavior in Manhattan. 780 00:33:40,648 --> 00:33:42,270 Is Rhoades hiding in a closet? 781 00:33:42,370 --> 00:33:44,071 -[scoffs] -Are you distracting me 782 00:33:44,171 --> 00:33:46,573 while someone plants something in the exhaust of my car? 783 00:33:47,454 --> 00:33:49,356 Truth? 784 00:33:49,456 --> 00:33:51,458 Chuck has no idea I'm even doing this. 785 00:33:59,265 --> 00:34:01,266 Your father. 786 00:34:01,747 --> 00:34:03,749 Jesus. 787 00:34:05,510 --> 00:34:06,852 Why? 788 00:34:06,952 --> 00:34:08,373 I'll answer the "what"-- price fixing. 789 00:34:08,473 --> 00:34:10,255 The evidence is in front of you. 790 00:34:10,355 --> 00:34:12,356 The only why I'll answer is, 791 00:34:13,197 --> 00:34:15,779 I don't want my fingerprints on this. 792 00:34:15,879 --> 00:34:18,102 As to why I need this done? 793 00:34:18,202 --> 00:34:19,903 Family shit. 794 00:34:20,003 --> 00:34:22,706 I thank God every day I grew up medium-poor. 795 00:34:22,806 --> 00:34:25,068 The ones with the Tiffany rattles 796 00:34:25,168 --> 00:34:27,310 could never stop warring with their own. 797 00:34:27,410 --> 00:34:30,172 Hmm. You know nothing about how I grew up. 798 00:34:31,533 --> 00:34:33,555 Yeah, we had some money. 799 00:34:33,655 --> 00:34:36,078 But I had to prove that I deserved my spot in the world 800 00:34:36,178 --> 00:34:38,079 every single day, 801 00:34:38,179 --> 00:34:41,763 much as you did in a different way. 802 00:34:41,863 --> 00:34:43,444 You don't go into the justice business 803 00:34:43,544 --> 00:34:44,885 because it's a fair world, 804 00:34:44,985 --> 00:34:47,147 you do it because you want to make it one. 805 00:34:48,389 --> 00:34:52,052 [phone buzzing] 806 00:34:52,152 --> 00:34:53,493 Yes. 807 00:34:53,593 --> 00:34:55,015 Are you ready to make your move? 808 00:34:55,115 --> 00:34:56,496 I already answered your question. 809 00:34:56,596 --> 00:34:58,097 And your people? I don't know them. 810 00:34:58,197 --> 00:35:00,099 -Can we trust them? -Can we trust anybody? 811 00:35:00,199 --> 00:35:02,381 Very few. And only one way to find out. 812 00:35:02,481 --> 00:35:03,422 [doorbell rings] 813 00:35:03,522 --> 00:35:04,463 My appointment's here. 814 00:35:04,563 --> 00:35:06,565 Say hi from me. 815 00:35:17,214 --> 00:35:19,396 My new office is only a few blocks away, 816 00:35:19,496 --> 00:35:21,618 but I guess you didn't want to be seen there. 817 00:35:22,539 --> 00:35:24,000 Congrats on the new job. 818 00:35:24,100 --> 00:35:26,182 The second life after Spartan-Ives. 819 00:35:28,224 --> 00:35:30,286 You always seem to play it tight. 820 00:35:30,386 --> 00:35:32,488 Like that about you. 821 00:35:32,588 --> 00:35:34,810 I might have been better off if I kept it locked down 822 00:35:34,910 --> 00:35:36,912 in the first place or... 823 00:35:37,552 --> 00:35:39,334 never came back. 824 00:35:39,434 --> 00:35:41,336 But the thing is, 825 00:35:41,436 --> 00:35:43,538 how many ports can you dock your yacht in 826 00:35:43,638 --> 00:35:45,420 before you get a little bit bored? 827 00:35:45,520 --> 00:35:46,741 Sixty. 828 00:35:46,841 --> 00:35:48,903 It's pretty close. 829 00:35:49,003 --> 00:35:50,945 Feels like you have a pitch for me. 830 00:35:51,045 --> 00:35:54,067 But if you want to sell me, you gotta loose your lips a little. 831 00:35:54,167 --> 00:35:56,469 Major player, very liquid in the cannabis space. 832 00:35:56,569 --> 00:35:57,470 You open to that? 833 00:35:57,570 --> 00:35:59,192 Open? 834 00:35:59,292 --> 00:36:01,354 I'm hippy flippin' right now. 835 00:36:01,454 --> 00:36:05,618 .25 G psilocybin with 1.5 mg MDMA booster. 836 00:36:06,458 --> 00:36:09,641 So I'm most assuredly open. 837 00:36:09,741 --> 00:36:11,683 In fact, if this is behind Axe's back, 838 00:36:11,783 --> 00:36:14,505 something I'd be taking from him... 839 00:36:15,346 --> 00:36:17,348 wide motherfucking open. 840 00:36:20,511 --> 00:36:22,413 I thought we had an understanding. 841 00:36:22,513 --> 00:36:24,374 I gave you an actual order, 842 00:36:24,474 --> 00:36:26,476 yet your father was just arrested. 843 00:36:37,726 --> 00:36:39,228 Don't pretend this is news to you. 844 00:36:39,328 --> 00:36:40,789 I told you I wouldn't alert him. I didn't. 845 00:36:40,889 --> 00:36:42,350 You took him off the field. 846 00:36:42,450 --> 00:36:44,272 A minor charge, some embarrassment, 847 00:36:44,372 --> 00:36:46,754 no jail time, to protect him from getting nailed 848 00:36:46,854 --> 00:36:48,356 as a board member in on the fix. 849 00:36:48,456 --> 00:36:49,917 Don't think that falls under our agreement. 850 00:36:50,017 --> 00:36:51,879 The one founded in transparency? 851 00:36:51,979 --> 00:36:54,081 It took a little while for that to stick on your side, 852 00:36:54,181 --> 00:36:55,722 so I guess I'm still catching up, 853 00:36:55,822 --> 00:36:57,004 but that shouldn't affect your main concern, 854 00:36:57,104 --> 00:36:58,805 Axlerod. 855 00:36:58,905 --> 00:37:01,287 Think of how this looks to him, like it was your move. 856 00:37:01,387 --> 00:37:04,330 Like you dinged my dad so Prince would stay in the lead. 857 00:37:04,430 --> 00:37:06,892 If this were truly a competition over the cannabis money 858 00:37:06,992 --> 00:37:08,534 that's exactly the kind of throat-cutting 859 00:37:08,634 --> 00:37:10,416 you would engage in. 860 00:37:10,516 --> 00:37:12,517 I helped sell it. 861 00:37:13,879 --> 00:37:15,140 You may be right. 862 00:37:15,240 --> 00:37:16,701 [exhales] 863 00:37:16,801 --> 00:37:19,744 But don't act like that's why you did it. 864 00:37:19,844 --> 00:37:21,946 We don't all enjoy sending our fathers to the wolves. 865 00:37:22,046 --> 00:37:23,427 We don't. 866 00:37:23,527 --> 00:37:25,269 But we do it, 867 00:37:25,369 --> 00:37:27,831 because we not only accomplish whatever we were after, 868 00:37:27,931 --> 00:37:30,393 we get the thing they wouldn't give us any other way... 869 00:37:30,493 --> 00:37:32,495 respect. 870 00:37:34,657 --> 00:37:35,798 [exhales] 871 00:37:35,898 --> 00:37:37,240 Oh, and by the way, 872 00:37:37,340 --> 00:37:40,082 Judge DeGiulio texted me about your brief. 873 00:37:40,182 --> 00:37:43,905 Quote, "Fucking seaworthy," unquote. High praise. 874 00:37:47,549 --> 00:37:49,550 Congratulations. 875 00:37:52,233 --> 00:37:54,235 [scoffs] 876 00:37:59,199 --> 00:38:01,261 Have you still not been able to reach Franklin Sacker? 877 00:38:01,361 --> 00:38:03,383 Radio silence. His office can't even find him. 878 00:38:03,483 --> 00:38:05,425 But you do have a message from Bach. 879 00:38:05,525 --> 00:38:07,547 The Solicitor General has the brief in his filing for cert. 880 00:38:07,647 --> 00:38:08,988 He said you-- 881 00:38:09,088 --> 00:38:11,090 Yeah, I know exactly what it means. 882 00:38:12,411 --> 00:38:16,154 I have another call. Mike Prince. 883 00:38:16,254 --> 00:38:19,117 Bobby, I feel a little like Cathy Moriarty in Raging Bull, 884 00:38:19,217 --> 00:38:20,798 the way you keep pursuing me 885 00:38:20,898 --> 00:38:22,600 even though you know it's no good for you. 886 00:38:22,700 --> 00:38:24,161 Weird way to start a call, Mike. 887 00:38:24,261 --> 00:38:26,003 Well, I'm expanding my perspective. 888 00:38:26,103 --> 00:38:29,046 I-- I've heard many times about Axe, the thought leader, 889 00:38:29,146 --> 00:38:31,808 the man ahead of the curve, doing his own thing. 890 00:38:31,908 --> 00:38:34,090 I don't know if he ever existed, but I haven't seen him. 891 00:38:34,190 --> 00:38:36,533 The Axe I'm acquainted with is a pirate, 892 00:38:36,633 --> 00:38:39,615 or in the lingua franca of your beloved New York streets, 893 00:38:39,715 --> 00:38:41,217 a goniff. 894 00:38:41,317 --> 00:38:44,299 You tried to steal from me again. 895 00:38:44,399 --> 00:38:45,781 It didn't work. 896 00:38:45,881 --> 00:38:47,743 Your media advantage is gone. 897 00:38:47,843 --> 00:38:50,185 Winslow and I have wrapped up our negotiations. 898 00:38:50,285 --> 00:38:52,267 And you know what you wound up with? 899 00:38:52,367 --> 00:38:55,069 Nothing in your hand but moonlight. 900 00:38:55,169 --> 00:38:57,711 I have strings attached to all of my fingers. 901 00:38:57,811 --> 00:38:59,553 When I yank 'em, 902 00:38:59,653 --> 00:39:01,815 you are gonna shake, rattle, and shit yourself. 903 00:39:13,826 --> 00:39:16,248 So this is what the inside of a therapist's office looks like. 904 00:39:16,348 --> 00:39:17,689 You've never been to therapy? 905 00:39:17,789 --> 00:39:19,091 Just fucking with you. 906 00:39:19,191 --> 00:39:21,192 Twice a week since I was 11. 907 00:39:22,273 --> 00:39:24,575 [sighs] I love the environment, 908 00:39:24,675 --> 00:39:27,418 like a model room in a department store. 909 00:39:27,518 --> 00:39:31,061 A focus group-tested simulacrum of cozy comfort, 910 00:39:31,161 --> 00:39:34,084 tasteful and personalised, but impersonal. 911 00:39:34,925 --> 00:39:36,546 I think this is where I feel most comfortable. 912 00:39:36,646 --> 00:39:39,148 -That's the idea. -Helpful. 913 00:39:39,248 --> 00:39:41,471 Because I have to share some shit that's making me feel 914 00:39:41,571 --> 00:39:44,193 seriously awk-ward, 915 00:39:44,293 --> 00:39:45,794 awkward. 916 00:39:45,894 --> 00:39:47,796 Yeah, I thought that's probably what you meant. 917 00:39:47,896 --> 00:39:49,998 I saw something I shouldn't have. 918 00:39:50,098 --> 00:39:51,920 And it's fucking me up. 919 00:39:52,020 --> 00:39:54,242 Normally, I keep that stuff to myself. 920 00:39:54,342 --> 00:39:56,124 Oof, what I have hidden about my mum from my grandma, 921 00:39:56,224 --> 00:39:58,846 and then also about my grandma from my mum. 922 00:39:58,946 --> 00:39:59,967 Do you wanna go there? 923 00:40:00,067 --> 00:40:01,408 I don't know. Do you? 924 00:40:01,508 --> 00:40:03,450 I'm a trained shrink. So, always. 925 00:40:03,550 --> 00:40:06,533 But... I think that's not actually what's bothering you. 926 00:40:06,633 --> 00:40:08,295 [sighs] 927 00:40:08,395 --> 00:40:10,296 I can't sit on this if I wanna keep working here. 928 00:40:10,396 --> 00:40:12,218 And I think I want to keep working here. 929 00:40:12,318 --> 00:40:14,580 But if I talk about it, maybe I can't work here anyway. 930 00:40:14,680 --> 00:40:16,382 What type of a paradox is that? 931 00:40:16,482 --> 00:40:17,783 One that probably only gets better 932 00:40:17,883 --> 00:40:18,864 if you take a deep breath... 933 00:40:18,964 --> 00:40:20,225 [takes deep breath] 934 00:40:20,325 --> 00:40:22,387 ...and actually tell me. 935 00:40:22,487 --> 00:40:24,469 I was in Taylor's office dropping stuff off 936 00:40:24,569 --> 00:40:26,651 and on their computer screen, ugh... 937 00:40:28,012 --> 00:40:29,674 Taylor had a meeting with Lawrence Boyd 938 00:40:29,774 --> 00:40:33,437 about a company we told Axe to pump the brakes on. 939 00:40:33,537 --> 00:40:36,159 Taylor went to a rival with the opposite advice? 940 00:40:36,259 --> 00:40:38,441 I don't wanna work in a place with secrets, lies, 941 00:40:38,541 --> 00:40:42,245 backstabbing, side-stabbing, any stabbing. 942 00:40:42,345 --> 00:40:43,966 Understandable. So I know how best to handle this. 943 00:40:44,066 --> 00:40:45,848 Are you confiding it to me in session 944 00:40:45,948 --> 00:40:48,731 or are you reporting to me as your boss at Mase Carbon? 945 00:40:48,831 --> 00:40:50,412 Whoa. 946 00:40:50,512 --> 00:40:53,255 You have made your life very complicated. 947 00:40:53,355 --> 00:40:56,137 I'm trying to make mine less so by offloading this. 948 00:40:56,237 --> 00:40:58,840 So... [chuckles] good luck with all of that. 949 00:41:05,606 --> 00:41:08,248 [sighs] 950 00:41:23,822 --> 00:41:24,963 I would like to have an abstract, 951 00:41:25,063 --> 00:41:26,685 hypothetical conversation 952 00:41:26,785 --> 00:41:28,967 about serving multiple masters. 953 00:41:29,067 --> 00:41:31,249 No, you don't. Not with me. 954 00:41:31,349 --> 00:41:32,610 If this were about Axe, you would say, 955 00:41:32,710 --> 00:41:34,532 "Axe, this is about Taylor." 956 00:41:34,632 --> 00:41:37,214 They did something you need to tell me without telling me. 957 00:41:37,314 --> 00:41:39,816 I really expected that to take a few more rounds. 958 00:41:39,916 --> 00:41:41,498 You're not the only person here who can solve a puzzle 959 00:41:41,598 --> 00:41:43,500 with just one letter on the board. 960 00:41:43,600 --> 00:41:46,783 I know when you want a drinking pal and when you have an agenda. 961 00:41:46,883 --> 00:41:49,025 Taylor went behind Axe's back to lay off the cannabis deal 962 00:41:49,125 --> 00:41:50,586 to a third party. 963 00:41:50,686 --> 00:41:52,267 Whoa, fuck. Who? 964 00:41:52,367 --> 00:41:53,509 Lawrence Boyd. 965 00:41:53,609 --> 00:41:55,470 Doubly fucked. 966 00:41:55,570 --> 00:41:57,572 I got it from here. 967 00:41:58,453 --> 00:42:00,235 I gotta ask you. 968 00:42:00,335 --> 00:42:01,876 Why aren't you on the phone with him right now? 969 00:42:01,976 --> 00:42:03,918 -Telling him about Taylor? -No. 970 00:42:04,018 --> 00:42:06,360 Trying to talk him out of taking on the cannabis money. 971 00:42:06,460 --> 00:42:07,881 You think he needs to be talked out of it? 972 00:42:07,981 --> 00:42:10,504 No. I think you think he does. 973 00:42:11,825 --> 00:42:15,468 Something's different, shifted. 974 00:42:17,150 --> 00:42:18,811 You're not divided between Axe and Taylor. 975 00:42:18,911 --> 00:42:20,973 You're divided between Axe and Axe. 976 00:42:21,073 --> 00:42:23,135 You don't want to be the one shouting him down anymore. 977 00:42:23,235 --> 00:42:25,517 Trying to tell him to ignore his instincts. Why not? 978 00:42:27,599 --> 00:42:29,381 Because that doesn't work with a-- a-- 979 00:42:29,481 --> 00:42:31,663 A partner? 980 00:42:31,763 --> 00:42:33,464 I get it. 981 00:42:33,564 --> 00:42:35,426 If you and Axe are gonna have another kind of thing, 982 00:42:35,526 --> 00:42:37,027 you need to make peace with who he is 983 00:42:37,127 --> 00:42:39,129 and stop trying to change him. 984 00:42:40,450 --> 00:42:42,432 Is that what's going on? 985 00:42:42,532 --> 00:42:44,534 Have you made that peace? 986 00:42:47,216 --> 00:42:49,218 Thank you for taking this to him. 987 00:42:53,262 --> 00:42:55,264 [sighs] 988 00:42:59,507 --> 00:43:01,509 [Gramm] Hey, Chuck. 989 00:43:06,113 --> 00:43:10,197 Uh, I know that Sacker tipped you off about her dad. 990 00:43:10,838 --> 00:43:13,900 Now, you had your headline and your fun. 991 00:43:14,000 --> 00:43:16,423 You don't need to pick up a penalty flag 992 00:43:16,523 --> 00:43:18,464 for the fire hydrant celebration. 993 00:43:18,564 --> 00:43:21,247 Franklin Sacker and Axelrod. 994 00:43:21,767 --> 00:43:24,630 Your father and Delaware. 995 00:43:24,730 --> 00:43:27,212 It's all connected. 996 00:43:28,253 --> 00:43:31,816 Your Jeffersonian dinner theater was setting up a move. 997 00:43:32,737 --> 00:43:35,920 There was no ideological fight. 998 00:43:36,020 --> 00:43:38,242 It was masking scent on a snare. 999 00:43:38,342 --> 00:43:39,964 You're working with Prince 1000 00:43:40,064 --> 00:43:41,445 -to bring down Axe. -[sighs] 1001 00:43:41,545 --> 00:43:42,766 And now what? Hmm? 1002 00:43:42,866 --> 00:43:44,768 You take this theory to him? 1003 00:43:44,868 --> 00:43:46,770 Win his eternal gratitude? 1004 00:43:46,870 --> 00:43:48,371 It'd be a real smile. 1005 00:43:48,471 --> 00:43:50,293 Oh, fun factor's high, I'll grant you that. 1006 00:43:50,393 --> 00:43:51,734 Sky fuckin' high. 1007 00:43:51,834 --> 00:43:53,256 And I'd have him forever in my debt. 1008 00:43:53,356 --> 00:43:55,217 -Powerful ally. -Hmm. For sure. 1009 00:43:55,317 --> 00:43:58,140 But then you become Mike Prince's eternal enemy. 1010 00:43:58,240 --> 00:43:59,221 Hmm. True. 1011 00:43:59,321 --> 00:44:00,502 And mine. 1012 00:44:00,602 --> 00:44:03,104 Hmm. All that power. 1013 00:44:03,204 --> 00:44:04,546 And pettiness. 1014 00:44:04,646 --> 00:44:06,187 Trained upon me. 1015 00:44:06,287 --> 00:44:08,109 Every bit of it. 1016 00:44:08,209 --> 00:44:10,211 So shoot your shot. 1017 00:44:11,131 --> 00:44:14,354 Our turf war over criminal cases is over. 1018 00:44:14,454 --> 00:44:16,276 I surrender. 1019 00:44:16,376 --> 00:44:19,759 Like Captain Fehler on U-boat 234. 1020 00:44:19,859 --> 00:44:22,802 From now on, you will clear all criminal cases with me? 1021 00:44:22,902 --> 00:44:26,906 Yes. Provided you grant me one imminent arrest. 1022 00:44:28,067 --> 00:44:30,549 Dawn Winslow and where she leads. 1023 00:44:31,109 --> 00:44:33,111 Enjoy it. 1024 00:44:35,673 --> 00:44:37,575 May be the only one 1025 00:44:37,675 --> 00:44:39,677 for quite some time. 1026 00:44:41,919 --> 00:44:42,860 [sighs] 1027 00:44:42,960 --> 00:44:44,962 [door opens, closes] 1028 00:44:48,885 --> 00:44:50,347 Your business makes money for Axe. 1029 00:44:50,447 --> 00:44:51,828 So you won't be put out of business. 1030 00:44:51,928 --> 00:44:53,509 There'll just be enough locks on it 1031 00:44:53,609 --> 00:44:55,231 that you'll suffocate if you fight too hard. 1032 00:44:55,331 --> 00:44:56,832 And who winds up holding the key? 1033 00:44:56,932 --> 00:44:58,154 -Take a guess. -[Spyros] I have to approve 1034 00:44:58,254 --> 00:45:00,356 any investment over seven figs. 1035 00:45:00,456 --> 00:45:01,997 That's every investment. 1036 00:45:02,097 --> 00:45:04,199 So I guess much like Andy Summers, 1037 00:45:04,299 --> 00:45:06,561 I'm on top of every move you make. 1038 00:45:06,661 --> 00:45:09,284 And you can no longer make soft dollar arrangements on your own. 1039 00:45:09,384 --> 00:45:11,686 Those are my relationships with other firms. 1040 00:45:11,786 --> 00:45:13,848 They're Hard Bob's relationships too now. 1041 00:45:13,948 --> 00:45:15,949 Because they all clear through him. 1042 00:45:16,590 --> 00:45:18,051 And what does Victor do? 1043 00:45:18,151 --> 00:45:20,153 Whatever you do. 1044 00:45:21,715 --> 00:45:23,416 I need to explain to Axe how these strictures-- 1045 00:45:23,516 --> 00:45:26,239 You don't talk to him. Or see him anymore. 1046 00:45:26,879 --> 00:45:29,201 The only face you see is mine. 1047 00:45:29,522 --> 00:45:31,523 Mine too. 1048 00:45:40,091 --> 00:45:42,313 We need to clear the atmosphere. 1049 00:45:42,413 --> 00:45:43,714 Victor, give us the room. 1050 00:45:43,814 --> 00:45:45,936 -No can. -Give us the fucking room. 1051 00:45:49,900 --> 00:45:51,902 Okay. 1052 00:45:57,747 --> 00:45:59,168 We're supposed to be partners, 1053 00:45:59,268 --> 00:46:00,850 but you freelanced on the Boyd play. 1054 00:46:00,950 --> 00:46:02,972 You're tracking my schedule now? What the fuck? 1055 00:46:03,072 --> 00:46:05,574 No. How the fuck do I excuse your lack of trust in me? 1056 00:46:05,674 --> 00:46:07,936 We may be looking at a foundational question here, 1057 00:46:08,036 --> 00:46:09,417 because are we partners? 1058 00:46:09,517 --> 00:46:11,659 On paper, kinda. In person, same. 1059 00:46:11,759 --> 00:46:13,621 Sometimes you act like it in the same way 1060 00:46:13,721 --> 00:46:15,783 you once acted as my shrink or my friend. 1061 00:46:15,883 --> 00:46:18,505 But Axe really controls it all, just like he always did. 1062 00:46:18,605 --> 00:46:20,727 So where does that leave me? 1063 00:46:23,490 --> 00:46:25,832 Well, sounds like at battle stations again. 1064 00:46:25,932 --> 00:46:28,755 Is that really what you want? 1065 00:46:28,855 --> 00:46:30,116 [sighs] 1066 00:46:30,216 --> 00:46:31,117 No. 1067 00:46:31,217 --> 00:46:32,758 Me neither. 1068 00:46:32,858 --> 00:46:34,480 I want to believe the best of you 1069 00:46:34,580 --> 00:46:36,562 because that's the kind of world I want to live in. 1070 00:46:36,662 --> 00:46:38,703 And like it or not, we're lashed together. 1071 00:46:41,025 --> 00:46:43,027 So? 1072 00:46:43,868 --> 00:46:46,390 I guess tell Victor to set up his fucking desk. 1073 00:46:51,835 --> 00:46:53,837 [door opens, closes] 1074 00:46:56,639 --> 00:46:58,421 I come bearing gifts, again. 1075 00:46:58,521 --> 00:47:00,423 Shocked you'd want to show your face after 1076 00:47:00,523 --> 00:47:02,865 your boss sold me something he couldn't deliver. 1077 00:47:02,965 --> 00:47:04,547 We've come back to you with an offer 1078 00:47:04,647 --> 00:47:06,468 we don't need anyone else for. Three percent. 1079 00:47:06,568 --> 00:47:08,550 -Interest on my money. -The going rate at most banks 1080 00:47:08,650 --> 00:47:10,112 right now is close to zero. 1081 00:47:10,212 --> 00:47:12,073 You just need to get your cash safe 1082 00:47:12,173 --> 00:47:14,395 and in the system, and we're offering you icing. 1083 00:47:14,495 --> 00:47:17,838 Nice. But not enough to walk away from Prince. 1084 00:47:17,938 --> 00:47:19,840 Axe thought you'd say that. 1085 00:47:19,940 --> 00:47:21,942 So there's also this. 1086 00:47:23,263 --> 00:47:26,666 I did let my subscription to Architectural Digest lapse. 1087 00:47:28,588 --> 00:47:31,150 [Axe] The house. My country house. 1088 00:47:32,111 --> 00:47:33,532 It is now your house. 1089 00:47:33,632 --> 00:47:34,934 This is my offer 1090 00:47:35,034 --> 00:47:36,295 and there's no shopping it. 1091 00:47:36,395 --> 00:47:37,976 I want your answer right now. 1092 00:47:38,076 --> 00:47:40,659 I wanted to give you something personally, 1093 00:47:40,759 --> 00:47:42,380 something that matters to me 1094 00:47:42,480 --> 00:47:44,142 so you know the kind of partner that I will be 1095 00:47:44,242 --> 00:47:45,823 -for you down the road. -You're on the water. 1096 00:47:45,923 --> 00:47:47,865 Why do you need an Olympic-sized indoor pool? 1097 00:47:47,965 --> 00:47:49,667 You'll appreciate it come October. 1098 00:47:49,767 --> 00:47:51,549 I think I will. 1099 00:47:51,649 --> 00:47:54,631 But I can't go through the whole due diligence process again. 1100 00:47:54,731 --> 00:47:56,593 Prince spent the last few weeks digging through 1101 00:47:56,693 --> 00:47:58,755 my entire business and I need to be done. 1102 00:47:58,855 --> 00:48:01,718 Just cross out Prince's name in the deal and put mine in. 1103 00:48:01,818 --> 00:48:05,661 And I will use his due diligence as my own and sign. 1104 00:48:08,063 --> 00:48:10,065 We have a deal. 1105 00:48:10,706 --> 00:48:12,968 Good. 1106 00:48:13,068 --> 00:48:16,030 [Wags] Now I can get back to more pressing business. 1107 00:48:35,728 --> 00:48:38,410 [forklift beeping] 1108 00:49:05,314 --> 00:49:07,136 [doorbell rings] 1109 00:49:07,236 --> 00:49:09,758 One last how-do-you-do before I meet Big Daddy? For luck? 1110 00:49:12,761 --> 00:49:14,763 Hmm. 1111 00:49:16,444 --> 00:49:18,446 [door opens] 1112 00:49:22,930 --> 00:49:24,432 Wagner! 1113 00:49:24,532 --> 00:49:26,954 Hey there, Dad. 1114 00:49:27,054 --> 00:49:28,755 Is it too soon? 1115 00:49:28,855 --> 00:49:31,898 I look forward to long talks, throwin' the ball around. 1116 00:49:32,739 --> 00:49:34,921 Is this the man you've been telling me about? 1117 00:49:35,021 --> 00:49:37,163 Wags, what is going on? 1118 00:49:37,263 --> 00:49:39,005 You two know each other? 1119 00:49:39,105 --> 00:49:40,646 Your old man threw down the gauntlet, 1120 00:49:40,746 --> 00:49:42,568 had me dress up like Carol Channing 1121 00:49:42,668 --> 00:49:45,410 only to spit in my eye. 1122 00:49:45,510 --> 00:49:47,832 I told him what I would do in his eye. 1123 00:49:48,593 --> 00:49:50,175 And now I have. 1124 00:49:50,275 --> 00:49:54,258 Wagner, you walking Special Victims Unit. 1125 00:49:54,358 --> 00:49:56,380 You defiled my offspring. 1126 00:49:56,480 --> 00:49:59,983 No doubt with a criminal combination of mendacity, 1127 00:50:00,083 --> 00:50:01,665 manipulation, and Spanish fly. 1128 00:50:01,765 --> 00:50:03,106 [chuckles] Oh no. 1129 00:50:03,206 --> 00:50:05,108 You raised a fine piece of daughter. 1130 00:50:05,208 --> 00:50:07,110 She knows her own mind and body. 1131 00:50:07,210 --> 00:50:09,952 And what a live body it is. 1132 00:50:10,052 --> 00:50:13,275 You knew he was my father the entire time? 1133 00:50:13,375 --> 00:50:15,237 That's what this has always been about? 1134 00:50:15,337 --> 00:50:16,678 The middle was real. 1135 00:50:16,778 --> 00:50:19,581 You motherfucker. 1136 00:50:20,381 --> 00:50:22,403 If you think my father knows how to get revenge, 1137 00:50:22,503 --> 00:50:25,286 you have no idea what I'm capable of. 1138 00:50:25,386 --> 00:50:27,588 Wait, wait. Chelz. 1139 00:50:28,188 --> 00:50:30,651 [groans] 1140 00:50:30,751 --> 00:50:34,234 I went looking in earnest and stopped on your profile. 1141 00:50:36,035 --> 00:50:38,258 Then I recognised your picture and your name. 1142 00:50:38,358 --> 00:50:39,619 [chuckles] Like I said, 1143 00:50:39,719 --> 00:50:41,140 the middle was real. 1144 00:50:41,240 --> 00:50:43,782 -Don't bother, Wagner. -Shut up, Mick. 1145 00:50:43,882 --> 00:50:45,984 Let him try and talk his way out of this, Dad. 1146 00:50:46,084 --> 00:50:48,226 It'll make it sweeter. 1147 00:50:48,326 --> 00:50:50,508 [Wags] What I felt for you wasn't just 1148 00:50:50,608 --> 00:50:51,629 lust. 1149 00:50:51,729 --> 00:50:54,792 Or amusement. Or respect. 1150 00:50:54,892 --> 00:50:57,515 I had to follow through on my revenge because, 1151 00:50:57,615 --> 00:50:58,756 well, because it's who I am. 1152 00:50:58,856 --> 00:51:00,317 I just fuckin' had to. 1153 00:51:00,417 --> 00:51:02,119 But it was hard. 1154 00:51:02,219 --> 00:51:04,361 [chuckling] It was fantastic, 1155 00:51:04,461 --> 00:51:06,523 but really, really hard. 1156 00:51:06,623 --> 00:51:08,625 Because... 1157 00:51:10,346 --> 00:51:12,768 I don't want to lose you. 1158 00:51:12,868 --> 00:51:15,030 And if there's any way you could see to forgive me 1159 00:51:16,552 --> 00:51:17,973 and give us a real shot-- 1160 00:51:18,073 --> 00:51:20,075 Wagner, you're disturbed. 1161 00:51:21,116 --> 00:51:24,058 Every great love story springs from the forbidden... 1162 00:51:24,158 --> 00:51:26,941 comes true against all obstacles of good family 1163 00:51:27,041 --> 00:51:29,103 and good taste because sometimes a heart 1164 00:51:29,203 --> 00:51:31,485 finds another heart it needs to be with. 1165 00:51:34,968 --> 00:51:36,970 You had me at the middle. 1166 00:51:49,741 --> 00:51:51,743 [typing] 1167 00:52:05,155 --> 00:52:06,416 Peach, 1168 00:52:06,516 --> 00:52:08,518 kill the smoke detectors. 1169 00:52:10,560 --> 00:52:12,602 I have had-- We have had 1170 00:52:13,402 --> 00:52:15,264 so many wins. 1171 00:52:15,364 --> 00:52:17,746 There were so many times that I almost pulled out 1172 00:52:17,846 --> 00:52:19,748 the Auerbachs. 1173 00:52:19,848 --> 00:52:21,630 Glad as hell that we waited. 1174 00:52:21,730 --> 00:52:24,352 Now light 'em up like you're that goddamn Grucci family. 1175 00:52:24,452 --> 00:52:26,274 [all cheer] 1176 00:52:26,374 --> 00:52:28,916 I'm strictly forbidden to smoke right now, 1177 00:52:29,016 --> 00:52:31,018 but I'm gonna do it anyway. 1178 00:52:32,940 --> 00:52:34,942 Fuck yeah! 1179 00:52:41,307 --> 00:52:42,889 Axe swallowed it. 1180 00:52:42,989 --> 00:52:44,991 He actually closed on that money. 1181 00:52:46,112 --> 00:52:48,374 Didn't do his own due diligence, just accepted Prince's 1182 00:52:48,474 --> 00:52:50,936 and took it down like sushi laced with polonium. 1183 00:52:51,036 --> 00:52:52,497 Wouldn't have happened without the efforts 1184 00:52:52,597 --> 00:52:54,299 of everyone in this room. 1185 00:52:54,399 --> 00:52:56,381 Or without great personal cost. 1186 00:52:56,481 --> 00:52:58,523 As all great triumphs require. 1187 00:53:00,044 --> 00:53:01,506 Liz and Gail are here. 1188 00:53:01,606 --> 00:53:03,828 They're coming up in the private elevator. 1189 00:53:03,928 --> 00:53:05,549 I pray that when they know what I've done, 1190 00:53:05,649 --> 00:53:07,231 that they'll understand. 1191 00:53:07,331 --> 00:53:08,752 We should go anyway. 1192 00:53:08,852 --> 00:53:10,714 Time to arrest Winslow. 1193 00:53:10,814 --> 00:53:13,276 A legal cannabis seller cannot make up for seasonal shortfall 1194 00:53:13,376 --> 00:53:16,199 by adding in a black-market crop of Humboldt County 1195 00:53:16,299 --> 00:53:17,760 with the legit stuff. 1196 00:53:17,860 --> 00:53:19,602 You've combed through all the possibilities. 1197 00:53:19,702 --> 00:53:21,283 Looked into every legal cannabis company 1198 00:53:21,383 --> 00:53:23,525 until you found the one CEO who also happened 1199 00:53:23,625 --> 00:53:25,247 to be running a criminal enterprise. 1200 00:53:25,347 --> 00:53:27,168 She's no longer a business pioneer. 1201 00:53:27,268 --> 00:53:29,350 Just another drug dealer moving major weight. 1202 00:53:30,952 --> 00:53:33,054 I'm betting she won't hold up long before flipping on Axe. 1203 00:53:33,154 --> 00:53:35,056 I'll leave with you. 1204 00:53:35,156 --> 00:53:37,157 In the name of decorum, let me show you the regular elevators. 1205 00:53:52,811 --> 00:53:54,273 [door opens] 1206 00:53:54,373 --> 00:53:56,875 [laughing and talking indistinctly] 1207 00:53:56,975 --> 00:53:59,217 So have the contracts been signed yet? 1208 00:54:01,059 --> 00:54:02,680 We didn't land the deal. 1209 00:54:02,780 --> 00:54:05,823 Winslow went with Bobby Axelrod's bank. 1210 00:54:07,104 --> 00:54:08,606 Shit. 1211 00:54:08,706 --> 00:54:10,647 Sorry, Dad. I thought we did really well. 1212 00:54:10,747 --> 00:54:12,249 Is it done-done? I mean, can we call 1213 00:54:12,349 --> 00:54:13,730 and ask her for another meeting? 1214 00:54:13,830 --> 00:54:15,652 That's exactly the right attitude. 1215 00:54:15,752 --> 00:54:17,774 Never quit. Never take no for an answer. 1216 00:54:17,874 --> 00:54:19,875 Remember that. 1217 00:54:22,838 --> 00:54:25,000 Actually, no, I can't. I won't lie to you. 1218 00:54:27,362 --> 00:54:30,085 This all worked out exactly how I knew it would. 1219 00:54:31,166 --> 00:54:33,067 Wait, what? 1220 00:54:33,167 --> 00:54:35,029 You wanted to lose? 1221 00:54:35,129 --> 00:54:37,271 I needed Bobby Axelrod to win the deal. 1222 00:54:37,371 --> 00:54:38,432 To bank the money. 1223 00:54:38,532 --> 00:54:40,034 You used us? 1224 00:54:40,134 --> 00:54:41,835 To what? Like, bait him in? 1225 00:54:41,935 --> 00:54:43,317 Gail, he didn't do that. 1226 00:54:43,417 --> 00:54:45,158 You didn't do that. 1227 00:54:45,258 --> 00:54:47,260 [sighs] 1228 00:54:48,101 --> 00:54:49,402 Wait, one sec. 1229 00:54:49,502 --> 00:54:51,784 Why did you want Axelrod to win? 1230 00:54:52,385 --> 00:54:54,046 So he'd go to jail. 1231 00:54:54,146 --> 00:54:56,248 Because that's also where Winslow's going. 1232 00:54:56,348 --> 00:54:58,370 Believe me when I tell you, 1233 00:54:58,470 --> 00:55:00,092 Mike Prince and his daughters 1234 00:55:00,192 --> 00:55:01,653 made the world a better place today. 1235 00:55:01,753 --> 00:55:03,134 You played us. 1236 00:55:03,234 --> 00:55:04,816 Dangled us out there like assholes-- 1237 00:55:04,916 --> 00:55:07,258 Hey, you wanted to know what it felt like. 1238 00:55:07,358 --> 00:55:08,619 And come on, you took one meeting. 1239 00:55:08,719 --> 00:55:10,261 We practiced our pitch all night. 1240 00:55:10,361 --> 00:55:12,062 Well, you got some experience. 1241 00:55:12,162 --> 00:55:14,625 Maybe rethink Europe, the JetBlue version, if you want. 1242 00:55:14,725 --> 00:55:16,266 [scoffs] Save it, Dad. 1243 00:55:16,366 --> 00:55:17,787 We're starting to know what your old partner 1244 00:55:17,887 --> 00:55:19,109 must have felt like-- 1245 00:55:19,209 --> 00:55:20,870 Hey, that crap is over the line. 1246 00:55:20,970 --> 00:55:22,592 This is business. This is what not having 1247 00:55:22,692 --> 00:55:24,193 a soft landing feels like. 1248 00:55:24,293 --> 00:55:25,915 You tear your butt when you hit the ground. 1249 00:55:26,015 --> 00:55:27,876 We didn't even have a chance to win. 1250 00:55:27,976 --> 00:55:30,919 Yeah. This time the odds were stacked against you. 1251 00:55:31,019 --> 00:55:32,721 Just like you said you wanted. 1252 00:55:32,821 --> 00:55:34,983 Now you haven't been robbed of it. 1253 00:55:35,583 --> 00:55:37,585 But, uh, 1254 00:55:38,065 --> 00:55:39,407 next time you'll do better. 1255 00:55:39,507 --> 00:55:41,408 I don't like this. 1256 00:55:41,508 --> 00:55:43,971 Or your face right now, Dad. 1257 00:55:44,071 --> 00:55:46,133 Yeah. This sucks. 1258 00:55:46,233 --> 00:55:49,396 Yeah, Mike Prince, you are kind of sucking right now. 1259 00:55:53,399 --> 00:55:55,401 [sighs] 1260 00:56:01,366 --> 00:56:03,388 You know they roll them on their thighs, 1261 00:56:03,488 --> 00:56:05,390 slow and steady. 1262 00:56:05,490 --> 00:56:08,072 The sweat intermingles, which gives it a distinct-- 1263 00:56:08,172 --> 00:56:09,634 I can't decide if that makes it 1264 00:56:09,734 --> 00:56:11,796 more or less appealing. 1265 00:56:11,896 --> 00:56:13,797 I think less, but I want to think more. 1266 00:56:13,897 --> 00:56:15,719 [elevator bell rings] 1267 00:56:15,819 --> 00:56:18,341 I'm not much for group gropes but I'll smoke one with you. 1268 00:56:19,182 --> 00:56:21,304 [sniffs] 1269 00:56:34,876 --> 00:56:36,338 You should join the party. 1270 00:56:36,438 --> 00:56:38,479 Heard that a lot of times in my life. 1271 00:56:41,722 --> 00:56:43,264 Thank you for what you did. 1272 00:56:43,364 --> 00:56:45,025 I know you were scared to go to Wendy like that. 1273 00:56:45,125 --> 00:56:47,227 -But we needed it. -Hmm. 1274 00:56:47,327 --> 00:56:49,830 Maybe the most exhilarating moment of my life. 1275 00:56:49,930 --> 00:56:51,791 [chuckles] 1276 00:56:51,891 --> 00:56:55,254 That and when I found a Tamagotchi emulator, oof. 1277 00:57:01,260 --> 00:57:03,202 God, it just feels like old times. 1278 00:57:03,302 --> 00:57:05,564 You know, there's been so much shit, 1279 00:57:05,664 --> 00:57:07,405 so much bad blood. 1280 00:57:07,505 --> 00:57:08,967 -[phone buzzing] -But a pure win like this, 1281 00:57:09,067 --> 00:57:11,068 after all we've been through? 1282 00:57:11,429 --> 00:57:13,431 Fuck, I miss these days. 1283 00:57:14,151 --> 00:57:17,214 The estimable Zino Davidoff once said, 1284 00:57:17,314 --> 00:57:19,496 "A cigar ought not to be smoked solely 1285 00:57:19,596 --> 00:57:22,219 with the mouth, but with the hand, 1286 00:57:22,319 --> 00:57:24,501 with the eyes, with the spirit. 1287 00:57:24,601 --> 00:57:25,822 Oh, Jesus. 1288 00:57:25,922 --> 00:57:27,263 Wow. 1289 00:57:27,363 --> 00:57:29,025 I believe a good cigar and glass of wine 1290 00:57:29,125 --> 00:57:30,706 and a good conversation 1291 00:57:30,806 --> 00:57:33,208 is as close to euphoria as one can get. 1292 00:57:33,929 --> 00:57:35,671 In a legal sense. 1293 00:57:35,771 --> 00:57:37,152 Davidoff again? 1294 00:57:37,252 --> 00:57:38,633 Sly Stallone. 1295 00:57:38,733 --> 00:57:40,955 [Tuk] Are these going to your head? 1296 00:57:41,055 --> 00:57:42,557 They're going to my head. 1297 00:57:42,657 --> 00:57:44,318 You're smoking a little fast. 1298 00:57:44,418 --> 00:57:45,880 I'm excited. 1299 00:57:45,980 --> 00:57:47,641 Douse the fucking smokes. 1300 00:57:47,741 --> 00:57:49,743 Now! 1301 00:57:50,984 --> 00:57:52,165 Get Axe up on the screen, now! 1302 00:57:52,265 --> 00:57:53,406 You got it. 1303 00:57:53,506 --> 00:57:56,669 ♪ You know who I am ♪ 1304 00:58:00,112 --> 00:58:03,315 ♪ You know I can't let you ♪ 1305 00:58:07,039 --> 00:58:10,321 Slide through my hands... ♪ 1306 00:58:10,882 --> 00:58:12,824 [Wags] Dawn Winslow was just arrested. 1307 00:58:12,924 --> 00:58:15,106 Criminal drug trafficking. They're coming for you next. 1308 00:58:15,206 --> 00:58:16,987 How me? It's gonna be legal. 1309 00:58:17,087 --> 00:58:19,089 Uh-uh. What she was selling wasn't. 1310 00:58:19,810 --> 00:58:21,672 Fuck! 1311 00:58:21,772 --> 00:58:23,513 If she goes down for that, and you bank the resulting money, 1312 00:58:23,613 --> 00:58:24,634 you are on the hook. 1313 00:58:24,734 --> 00:58:26,476 Specifics? 1314 00:58:26,576 --> 00:58:28,077 According to my guy, sometime in the next 24 hours 1315 00:58:28,177 --> 00:58:29,799 they believe they'll have you in custody, 1316 00:58:29,899 --> 00:58:33,162 and they don't believe you have a way out this time. 1317 00:58:33,262 --> 00:58:35,124 Just give the order and we move. 1318 00:58:35,224 --> 00:58:36,525 On your command. 1319 00:58:36,625 --> 00:58:38,827 ♪ Couldn't drag me away ♪ 1320 00:58:41,669 --> 00:58:45,353 ♪ I watched you suffer.. ♪ 1321 00:58:48,155 --> 00:58:49,457 What do you want us to do? 1322 00:58:49,557 --> 00:58:51,999 ♪ A dull aching pain... ♪ 1323 00:58:56,323 --> 00:58:58,364 I have no fucking idea. 1324 00:59:01,527 --> 00:59:04,850 ♪ To show me the same ♪ 1325 00:59:08,734 --> 00:59:13,738 ♪ No sweeping exits ♪ 1326 00:59:15,219 --> 00:59:20,264 ♪ Or offstage lines ♪ 1327 00:59:21,745 --> 00:59:26,830 ♪ Could make me feel bitter ♪ 1328 00:59:28,872 --> 00:59:31,914 ♪ Or treat you unkind ♪ 1329 00:59:35,918 --> 00:59:39,281 ♪ Wild horses ♪ 1330 00:59:41,403 --> 00:59:46,127 ♪ Couldn't drag me away ♪