1 00:00:02,002 --> 00:00:03,336              Mike Prince             2 00:00:03,378 --> 00:00:05,255         is Axe's real enemy.         3 00:00:05,296 --> 00:00:07,424         I want to officially               welcome each of you to...      4 00:00:07,465 --> 00:00:09,009         Taylor Mason Carbon!         5 00:00:09,050 --> 00:00:10,969              -[cheering]                    -Whoo! Nice. All right!       6 00:00:11,011 --> 00:00:13,304        You know my new artist,             Tanner? He's not workin'.      7 00:00:13,346 --> 00:00:14,764            You know what,                     let me talk to him.         8 00:00:20,562 --> 00:00:22,439          This happened to be                a Nico Tanner original?       9 00:00:24,399 --> 00:00:26,401               [groans]               10 00:00:26,443 --> 00:00:27,986              The doctors                    are running some tests,       11 00:00:28,028 --> 00:00:29,696         but they think he'll               need a kidney transplant.      12 00:00:29,738 --> 00:00:31,823           My father wasn't                  healthy enough to pass        13 00:00:31,865 --> 00:00:33,742           the workup to get                   on the donor list.          14 00:00:33,783 --> 00:00:35,326             I have a guy.            15 00:00:35,368 --> 00:00:37,203         They need you to rip                 a letter on my behalf        16 00:00:37,245 --> 00:00:38,913       out of the SEC and grease                    the skids              17 00:00:38,955 --> 00:00:40,540            -to a charter.                           -Sure.                18 00:00:40,582 --> 00:00:43,084         Welcome to the NYAG.         19 00:00:43,126 --> 00:00:45,003        Today, you're gonna go               after a cabinet member.       20 00:00:45,045 --> 00:00:47,964      Secretary of the Treasury,                  Todd Krakow.             21 00:00:48,006 --> 00:00:50,425           We have a problem                  with the assignment.         22 00:00:50,467 --> 00:00:54,220             I'm not part of                   a criminal enterprise...      23 00:00:54,262 --> 00:00:55,972          He's out. Fired by                    the White House.           24 00:00:56,014 --> 00:00:57,891             [whispering]                  Back to square fuckin' one!     25 00:00:57,932 --> 00:01:02,562          Is this a reward or                 to teach me a lesson?        26 00:01:02,604 --> 00:01:04,397                 Both.                27 00:01:04,439 --> 00:01:06,316          We need a rockstar                   in our corner, too.         28 00:01:06,357 --> 00:01:07,567             Mike Prince.             29 00:01:07,609 --> 00:01:09,569        Go to him. Enlist him.                      Team up.               30 00:01:09,611 --> 00:01:12,030           Get me anyone who                  can help us find out         31 00:01:12,072 --> 00:01:15,241       what is near and dear to          Michael Thomas Aquinas Prince.    32 00:01:15,283 --> 00:01:17,744        Because when I find out               what matters to him,         33 00:01:17,786 --> 00:01:20,455         I am going to fuckin'                     destroy it.             34 00:01:20,497 --> 00:01:23,541     And him right along with it.     35 00:01:43,144 --> 00:01:45,647         [Royal music playing]        36 00:01:54,697 --> 00:01:56,616                [sighs]               37 00:01:56,658 --> 00:01:58,618         [speaking in Danish]         38 00:02:10,839 --> 00:02:13,216                [sighs]               39 00:02:14,300 --> 00:02:16,094                  Ah.                 40 00:02:16,136 --> 00:02:18,596        You're putting on this                  little show here           41 00:02:18,638 --> 00:02:20,723          instead of at home                 and instead of managing       42 00:02:20,765 --> 00:02:22,809    our underperforming employees.    43 00:02:22,851 --> 00:02:24,811            That means you                  got somethin' to tell me.      44 00:02:24,853 --> 00:02:27,856         You read me like the                Sunday papers, honcho.        45 00:02:27,897 --> 00:02:30,150            I was re-toxing                 last night at the Aviary       46 00:02:30,191 --> 00:02:32,277            and learned one                  Michael Prince is ready       47 00:02:32,318 --> 00:02:34,529            to be confirmed                 Ambassador Extraordinary       48 00:02:34,571 --> 00:02:36,281    and Plenipotentiary to Denmark.  49 00:02:36,322 --> 00:02:37,824        You don't fuckin' say.        50 00:02:37,866 --> 00:02:39,701                 I do.                51 00:02:39,742 --> 00:02:42,495     And while I saw the upside in        him posting up in Copenhagen,    52 00:02:42,537 --> 00:02:44,998         I also envisioned him                  parachuting back           53 00:02:45,039 --> 00:02:48,001          into our fair city,                   the anointed one.          54 00:02:48,042 --> 00:02:52,839       So I decided to give him              a smorgasbord of shit.        55 00:02:52,881 --> 00:02:55,341       I spent the last 18 hours                 in a whirlwind            56 00:02:55,383 --> 00:02:57,677            of Mike Prince                  research-wining, dining,       57 00:02:57,719 --> 00:02:59,429          drugging, grooming,         58 00:02:59,470 --> 00:03:00,847      levering, horse-trading...      59 00:03:00,889 --> 00:03:02,182           And the dividend?          60 00:03:02,223 --> 00:03:03,600         Prince keeps himself                      locked down             61 00:03:03,641 --> 00:03:05,602           Fort Knox-style.                   But one Roger Dunbar,        62 00:03:05,643 --> 00:03:08,188       known to you as Scooter,                  is our way in.            63 00:03:08,229 --> 00:03:09,814         The man likes to play               the angles at football        64 00:03:09,856 --> 00:03:11,691  and basketball and horse racing.  65 00:03:11,733 --> 00:03:13,359      Scooter's a sports bettor?      66 00:03:13,401 --> 00:03:16,487         On a staggering scale              through numerous fronts.       67 00:03:16,529 --> 00:03:18,156      He's trying to disguise it,     68 00:03:18,198 --> 00:03:21,284       but no way he can afford              the inevitable swings.        69 00:03:21,326 --> 00:03:24,287       He's leaking like a raft              at a kid's pool party.        70 00:03:24,329 --> 00:03:26,956           And his leaks are                     Prince's leaks.           71 00:03:26,998 --> 00:03:29,292       The sort of vulnerability                 that stops you            72 00:03:29,334 --> 00:03:31,169        from getting government                security clearance.         73 00:03:31,211 --> 00:03:33,713         And for good reason.         74 00:03:33,755 --> 00:03:35,840         Nail him to the pyre,                 douse him with oil,         75 00:03:35,882 --> 00:03:37,217         and light his ass up.        76 00:03:37,258 --> 00:03:40,553        Yes. Joan of Arc style.       77 00:03:40,595 --> 00:03:42,055        But first, a quick nap.       78 00:03:44,140 --> 00:03:45,516                [sighs]               79 00:03:50,480 --> 00:03:54,025       Watch yourself with them            when you go in there later.     80 00:03:54,067 --> 00:03:55,109           You make it sound                   like I'm going into         81 00:03:55,151 --> 00:03:56,653    the lion enclosure at the zoo.    82 00:03:56,694 --> 00:03:57,946              [chuckles]              83 00:03:57,987 --> 00:03:59,489     Axe Cap's been called worse.     84 00:03:59,530 --> 00:04:01,199                 Yeah.                85 00:04:01,241 --> 00:04:02,700        Or are you just afraid               I'm gonna say something       86 00:04:02,742 --> 00:04:04,160         to make you look bad?        87 00:04:04,202 --> 00:04:07,580        -Fuck no. The opposite.                    -[chuckles]             88 00:04:07,622 --> 00:04:08,998           Just... if you're                     not used to it,           89 00:04:09,040 --> 00:04:10,541            the money talk                     from my colleagues          90 00:04:10,583 --> 00:04:13,753          can be relentless,                 shameless, suffocating.       91 00:04:13,795 --> 00:04:15,421             Ah. You know,            92 00:04:15,463 --> 00:04:18,258         only rich people get              embarrassed by money talk.      93 00:04:18,299 --> 00:04:20,260    The rest of us get embarrassed     because we don't have any money.  94 00:04:20,301 --> 00:04:23,221        My job is to train them              to tune every fiber of        95 00:04:23,263 --> 00:04:24,931          their being to get                  as much as they can.         96 00:04:24,973 --> 00:04:27,058           But I've seen the              negative effect it can have.     97 00:04:27,100 --> 00:04:28,935        It can restrict growth                   in other ways.            98 00:04:28,977 --> 00:04:31,104        Well, you can say that,             'cause you're one of 'em.      99 00:04:31,145 --> 00:04:32,939             You're rich.             100 00:04:34,607 --> 00:04:36,192          How much you make?          101 00:04:38,653 --> 00:04:40,613               -Really?                              -Yeah.                102 00:04:40,655 --> 00:04:42,657         It'll clarify things.        103 00:04:42,699 --> 00:04:44,575             My bonus was                     $9 million last year.        104 00:04:46,619 --> 00:04:48,162                Jesus.                105 00:04:48,204 --> 00:04:50,123       Look, I get that some of                this is new to you.         106 00:04:50,164 --> 00:04:51,291                And...                107 00:04:51,332 --> 00:04:52,458    you can be who you want to be.    108 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:54,502        But y-you just seem...        109 00:04:54,544 --> 00:04:56,212               [inhales]              110 00:04:56,254 --> 00:04:58,172    I don't know, overly interested          in what those buyers         111 00:04:58,214 --> 00:04:59,924         like Lisa had to say                   the other night.           112 00:04:59,966 --> 00:05:02,885      But when we met, you acted           like money is like chains.      113 00:05:02,927 --> 00:05:06,848            So I guess I'm                    just saying, beware.         114 00:05:06,889 --> 00:05:09,767           Yeah, I hear you.          115 00:05:09,809 --> 00:05:12,312        It's just that now that            I have a little bit of it,      116 00:05:12,353 --> 00:05:13,938           that money, I...           117 00:05:13,980 --> 00:05:15,898             it's startin'                    to feel like freedom.        118 00:05:19,152 --> 00:05:20,111                 Karl!                119 00:05:20,153 --> 00:05:21,487               You rang?              120 00:05:24,699 --> 00:05:26,993    You look ready to toss your cap       into the air at West Point.     121 00:05:27,035 --> 00:05:29,162              Don't make                    a whole thing out of it.       122 00:05:29,203 --> 00:05:31,497       Pull the record of every              prisoner I've put away.       123 00:05:31,539 --> 00:05:34,000          -Here and at SDNY.                   -Criminal records?          124 00:05:34,042 --> 00:05:36,085       Uh, no, medical records.       125 00:05:36,127 --> 00:05:37,670       I'm lookin' for a kidney.      126 00:05:37,712 --> 00:05:39,672           Pristine quality.                 [clicks tongue] Primo.        127 00:05:39,714 --> 00:05:41,507              Ah, Chuck.                    Shoppin' for the old man.      128 00:05:41,549 --> 00:05:42,925               I get it.              129 00:05:42,967 --> 00:05:44,427       I used to walk six miles                  to the army PX            130 00:05:44,469 --> 00:05:46,554            to get my dad a                     pack of Lucky's.           131 00:05:46,596 --> 00:05:48,723           -How's he doin'?                           -Hm.                 132 00:05:48,765 --> 00:05:50,850         Like Clint Eastwood.               Straight-backed but uh--       133 00:05:50,892 --> 00:05:53,144      But sometimes, he just gets          that lost look in the eyes      134 00:05:53,186 --> 00:05:54,812          and starts talking                    to the furniture?          135 00:05:54,854 --> 00:05:56,481              In a sense.             136 00:05:56,522 --> 00:05:58,524            Rough for him.                      Rougher for you.           137 00:05:58,566 --> 00:05:59,734                 Hmm.                 138 00:05:59,776 --> 00:06:01,110  Gets the old compassion flowing.  139 00:06:01,152 --> 00:06:02,362         I'll grab what I can.        140 00:06:03,780 --> 00:06:06,366       Gotta tell ya, it works.                  You look great.           141 00:06:06,407 --> 00:06:08,409         -Don't make a whole--                       -Copy!                142 00:06:13,623 --> 00:06:15,792         I heard you fell back                to the country place.        143 00:06:15,833 --> 00:06:18,002      Yeah, trying to figure out            how much to sell it for.       144 00:06:18,044 --> 00:06:19,837       Lara always liked it. Me?      145 00:06:19,879 --> 00:06:22,215       I can't stand the quiet.                  You interested?           146 00:06:22,256 --> 00:06:24,217      Nah, too rich for my blood.     147 00:06:24,258 --> 00:06:26,552      But you're still interested           in a bank charter, right?      148 00:06:26,594 --> 00:06:28,388            -You know I am.                         -Well...               149 00:06:28,429 --> 00:06:30,515          There may be a way                  around our obstacle.         150 00:06:30,556 --> 00:06:32,558    When we heard that Rhoades was       teaching up at the law school,    151 00:06:32,600 --> 00:06:34,727      I tapped some Yale connects             I know from boating.         152 00:06:34,769 --> 00:06:38,731     And it turns out he was using       a bunch of the law school kids    153 00:06:38,773 --> 00:06:40,650            as a think tank                    to take out Krakow.         154 00:06:41,859 --> 00:06:43,236             Motherfucker.            155 00:06:43,277 --> 00:06:45,446      So I ran my own think tank.     156 00:06:52,745 --> 00:06:55,415    Feels like time for a recount.    157 00:06:55,456 --> 00:06:56,958                Do it.                158 00:06:56,999 --> 00:06:58,918         Find a true believer                amongst those acolytes        159 00:06:58,960 --> 00:07:01,838     and let's get Rhoades caught           in a crossfire hurricane.      160 00:07:01,879 --> 00:07:03,923     And find me another charter.               Get Victor on it.          161 00:07:13,766 --> 00:07:15,935       Designing for the space?       162 00:07:15,977 --> 00:07:17,645              Making sure                      it's lit properly.          163 00:07:17,687 --> 00:07:20,440        Right. Like Von Sydow,                     not Dusty.              164 00:07:20,481 --> 00:07:22,442       [imitating] "I don't sell              my work by the yard."        165 00:07:22,483 --> 00:07:24,777  I get it. I studied art history.  166 00:07:26,028 --> 00:07:27,780        And yet you work here.        167 00:07:27,822 --> 00:07:29,282      Well, in a way, so do you.      168 00:07:30,324 --> 00:07:31,409           Who fuck are you?          169 00:07:31,451 --> 00:07:33,411           The name's Mafee.          170 00:07:33,453 --> 00:07:35,288             I don't think                     I'll remember that.         171 00:07:38,833 --> 00:07:40,460          Do you own any art?         172 00:07:40,501 --> 00:07:42,128         I have a hand-painted                   production cell           173 00:07:42,170 --> 00:07:44,881          from the movie   Tron                with the young Bridges.       174 00:07:44,922 --> 00:07:46,466                -Not--                             -Obviously.             175 00:07:46,507 --> 00:07:48,217       I meant as an investment.      176 00:07:48,259 --> 00:07:49,760             Oh, not yet.                   But I'll start acquiring       177 00:07:49,802 --> 00:07:52,305     in the next 12 to 18 months.     178 00:07:52,346 --> 00:07:55,141          -What do you like?                    -No fuckin' idea.          179 00:07:55,183 --> 00:07:57,602      I don't know anything about           the underlying commodity.      180 00:07:57,643 --> 00:07:58,853            Don't need to.            181 00:07:58,895 --> 00:08:00,646           Just that it can                      go up in value.           182 00:08:00,688 --> 00:08:03,024        It's speculation, with             an option for manipulation.     183 00:08:09,906 --> 00:08:11,449     What'll you give me for that?    184 00:08:25,087 --> 00:08:26,923      You were worried about me,                 and I beat 'em.           185 00:08:26,964 --> 00:08:29,425             That group of                    overpaid philistines         186 00:08:29,467 --> 00:08:31,677         just gave me $3,200.                 for a signed doodle.         187 00:08:31,719 --> 00:08:33,804              -Seriously?                            -Yeah.                188 00:08:35,389 --> 00:08:36,349                  Hm.                 189 00:08:38,976 --> 00:08:40,895         [indistinct chatter]         190 00:08:43,648 --> 00:08:45,358            It's great that                 you guys are doing this.       191 00:08:45,399 --> 00:08:46,692           So many so-called                    impact investors,          192 00:08:46,734 --> 00:08:48,319        they don't really care.       193 00:08:48,361 --> 00:08:49,987        We're money where your              mouth is type of people.       194 00:08:50,029 --> 00:08:51,864         [presenter]   And now,                 please welcome our host       195 00:08:51,906 --> 00:08:53,866             for the evening,                      Mike Novogratz.           196 00:08:53,908 --> 00:08:56,494          [audience cheering]         197 00:08:56,536 --> 00:08:57,954              [Novogratz]                    I want to thank all of you     198 00:08:57,995 --> 00:08:59,622        for supporting us tonight.     199 00:08:59,664 --> 00:09:01,624  The mission of the Bail Project    200 00:09:01,666 --> 00:09:04,126           is to combat racial                 and economic disparities      201 00:09:04,168 --> 00:09:05,545            within our broken                 criminal justice system...     202 00:09:05,586 --> 00:09:06,796        -[Rian] Mock tuna wrap?                   -No, thanks.             203 00:09:06,837 --> 00:09:10,007             Maybe. Whoa.             204 00:09:15,555 --> 00:09:19,225        Take the pretend tuna.                    And a napkin.            205 00:09:19,267 --> 00:09:21,894              -So you...                              -Yes.                206 00:09:21,936 --> 00:09:24,772            I... have to go                   grind some daiquiris.        207 00:09:24,814 --> 00:09:27,233    Wait, it's not daiquiri season.        And you don't grind them.      208 00:09:27,275 --> 00:09:29,986     I don't know why I said that.           I gotta go. [chuckles]        209 00:09:30,027 --> 00:09:31,737              [Novogratz]                  ...if you want to dig deeper,    210 00:09:31,779 --> 00:09:34,115              you can pay in                     Bitcoin or dollars.         211 00:09:34,156 --> 00:09:35,992            And I'm giving you                    a good reason to.          212 00:09:36,033 --> 00:09:37,201          It's my great pleasure                 to introduce to you         213 00:09:37,243 --> 00:09:39,328      a friend of the Bail Project,    214 00:09:39,370 --> 00:09:41,372           an American hero...         215 00:09:41,414 --> 00:09:44,083       my friend, Mr. Jason Isbell.    216 00:09:44,125 --> 00:09:46,085          [audience cheering]         217 00:09:52,300 --> 00:09:53,926              Thank you all.           218 00:09:53,968 --> 00:09:57,430            If you ever spent                  even one night in jail,       219 00:09:57,471 --> 00:10:01,392         then you understand just           how precious your freedom is.    220 00:10:01,434 --> 00:10:03,686       And if you're a human being               with your eyes open,        221 00:10:03,728 --> 00:10:05,730             you realize that          222 00:10:05,771 --> 00:10:08,774      freedom isn't exactly equally            available for everybody.      223 00:10:08,816 --> 00:10:11,110         So I'm happy to be here                with you this evening.       224 00:10:11,152 --> 00:10:12,778        [Isbell strums guitar]        225 00:10:25,541 --> 00:10:28,169           I couldn't be happy                 in the city at night        226 00:10:28,210 --> 00:10:31,130         You can't see the stars               for the neon lights         227 00:10:31,172 --> 00:10:34,091           The sidewalk's dirty               and the river's worse        228 00:10:34,133 --> 00:10:37,178          The underground trains                all run in reverse         229 00:10:37,219 --> 00:10:40,306               Nobody here                      can dance like me          230 00:10:40,348 --> 00:10:43,267         Everybody's clapping on              the one and the three        231 00:10:43,309 --> 00:10:45,645                  Am I               232 00:10:45,686 --> 00:10:47,938          The last of my kind?       233 00:10:49,357 --> 00:10:51,484                  Am I               234 00:10:51,525 --> 00:10:54,195          The last of my kind?       235 00:10:55,946 --> 00:10:58,574              So many people                    with so much to do         236 00:10:58,616 --> 00:11:02,161           The winter's so cold                your hands turn blue        237 00:11:02,203 --> 00:11:04,664           Old men sleeping on                  the filthy ground          238 00:11:04,705 --> 00:11:07,667        They spend their whole day             just walking around         239 00:11:07,708 --> 00:11:10,836           And nobody else here                   seems to care            240 00:11:10,878 --> 00:11:13,839        They walk right past them           like they ain't even there     241 00:11:13,881 --> 00:11:16,092                  Am I               242 00:11:16,133 --> 00:11:18,678        - The last of my kind?               -[cell phone chimes]         243 00:11:29,730 --> 00:11:32,066               Oh, shit!              244 00:11:32,108 --> 00:11:33,442               [scoffs]               245 00:11:42,410 --> 00:11:43,536               [scoffs]               246 00:11:48,791 --> 00:11:50,584           This isn't great.          247 00:11:50,626 --> 00:11:55,464       A picture of you burning            a bathtub full of ballots?      248 00:11:55,506 --> 00:11:57,174                  No.                 249 00:11:57,216 --> 00:11:59,051     Back in college, junior year.                   [sighs]               250 00:11:59,093 --> 00:12:00,720       You rigged the election?       251 00:12:00,761 --> 00:12:02,388           You really wanted               to be president of the YCC.     252 00:12:02,430 --> 00:12:04,223            More than that.           253 00:12:04,265 --> 00:12:06,308      Look closely and you'll see           the name of my opponent,       254 00:12:06,350 --> 00:12:08,561           Robertson Wycoff.          255 00:12:08,602 --> 00:12:11,647          Oh my God, this guy                was straight out of the       256 00:12:11,689 --> 00:12:14,692     Niedermeyer from   Animal House        school of student government.    257 00:12:14,734 --> 00:12:16,068           Ah, I'm starting                to remember you telling me      258 00:12:16,110 --> 00:12:17,570       about this in law school.      259 00:12:17,611 --> 00:12:18,904         He was like a fascist                  back then, right?          260 00:12:18,946 --> 00:12:20,406          I remember the times,        261 00:12:20,448 --> 00:12:23,576        we were pro-divestment,                  anti-apartheid.           262 00:12:23,617 --> 00:12:25,578      He leaned more status quo,      263 00:12:25,619 --> 00:12:28,289           said South Africa                   wasn't our problem.         264 00:12:28,330 --> 00:12:30,291           You couldn't risk                    letting him win.           265 00:12:30,332 --> 00:12:32,585               No, indeed.             266 00:12:32,626 --> 00:12:35,755      So some friends of mine did      the Saybrook College vote tally,  267 00:12:35,796 --> 00:12:40,217     which meant we could suppress           my opponent's turnout.        268 00:12:40,259 --> 00:12:42,094            Retroactively.            269 00:12:42,136 --> 00:12:44,138       You stole a student election            and posed for pictures.       270 00:12:44,180 --> 00:12:45,765               [scoffs]               271 00:12:45,806 --> 00:12:47,767         Our own little homage               to "Landslide Lyndon."        272 00:12:47,808 --> 00:12:49,602            People find out                 you turned your dorm room      273 00:12:49,643 --> 00:12:51,896       into Tammany Hall, that's           a potential career killer.      274 00:12:51,937 --> 00:12:55,107       And I have been sent this             memento mori,   anonymously,     275 00:12:55,149 --> 00:12:56,734           with the gracious                  opportunity to resign        276 00:12:56,776 --> 00:12:58,652       my teaching post at Yale.      277 00:12:58,694 --> 00:12:59,862        It's extortion. You can't.     278 00:12:59,904 --> 00:13:01,530           I don't plan to.           279 00:13:01,572 --> 00:13:03,199    You have any idea who sent it?    280 00:13:03,240 --> 00:13:04,784                 I do.                281 00:13:04,825 --> 00:13:07,077     A recalcitrant former pupil.     282 00:13:07,119 --> 00:13:08,204               [scoffs]               283 00:13:08,245 --> 00:13:10,289  And much like a disobedient dog,  284 00:13:11,582 --> 00:13:13,626       I will bring him to heel.      285 00:13:15,461 --> 00:13:17,922             I forget that                    when you have a boss,        286 00:13:17,963 --> 00:13:19,715         they can summon you.         287 00:13:19,757 --> 00:13:21,467  Or is that more of a king thing?  288 00:13:21,509 --> 00:13:24,470             Both? Anyway,                    here I am, summoned.         289 00:13:24,512 --> 00:13:25,554            Close the door.           290 00:13:30,643 --> 00:13:33,312  I want to talk about last night.           If you ran into me,         291 00:13:33,354 --> 00:13:34,939        you can run into people               we do business with.         292 00:13:34,980 --> 00:13:36,315            People who will                     wonder about you,          293 00:13:36,357 --> 00:13:37,691       about what kind of place                   I'm running,             294 00:13:37,733 --> 00:13:38,859        why I don't pay enough                    for my people            295 00:13:38,901 --> 00:13:40,945       not to work second jobs.       296 00:13:40,986 --> 00:13:42,363           I can wear a wig.          297 00:13:42,404 --> 00:13:43,697           I have no desire                 to make you uncomfortable      298 00:13:43,739 --> 00:13:45,533         or to job shame you.         299 00:13:45,574 --> 00:13:46,992         What's with the gig?         300 00:13:47,034 --> 00:13:48,661          It's a gig economy.         301 00:13:48,702 --> 00:13:50,120           For some people.           302 00:13:50,162 --> 00:13:52,373          Not mid-six-figure                   pre-bonus analysts.         303 00:13:52,414 --> 00:13:54,375     My roommates and I have been          doing the   Party Down   thing      304 00:13:54,416 --> 00:13:56,877          together ever since                  we got to the city.         305 00:13:56,919 --> 00:13:58,546           So you don't want                  to leave them behind.        306 00:13:58,587 --> 00:14:00,339     There are less laborious ways              to keep in touch.          307 00:14:00,381 --> 00:14:02,550           A WhatsApp group,               the occasional escape room.     308 00:14:02,591 --> 00:14:04,593              Uh... hmm.              309 00:14:04,635 --> 00:14:06,512      I get the distinction now.      310 00:14:06,554 --> 00:14:08,597    You're my boss, but not a king.  311 00:14:08,639 --> 00:14:10,641        You don't own my time.        312 00:14:10,683 --> 00:14:12,685     We have a work relationship.     313 00:14:12,726 --> 00:14:15,020        Let's keep it that way.                       Cool?                314 00:14:15,062 --> 00:14:16,689                 Kewl.                315 00:14:16,730 --> 00:14:19,024          That time I said it              with the K and W spelling.      316 00:14:19,066 --> 00:14:20,860          Could you hear it?                       [chuckles]              317 00:14:20,901 --> 00:14:22,820       Thanks for your concern.       318 00:14:22,862 --> 00:14:24,405        Now back to work we go.       319 00:14:26,907 --> 00:14:29,493      Oh, leave it open, closed?      320 00:14:29,535 --> 00:14:30,744          I'm feeling closed.         321 00:14:42,214 --> 00:14:44,383          You take steps yet?         322 00:14:44,425 --> 00:14:46,010          Uh... percolating.          323 00:14:46,051 --> 00:14:47,386            I'll get to it.           324 00:14:47,428 --> 00:14:49,597              What's up?                      You seem phlegmatic.         325 00:14:49,638 --> 00:14:51,432              -Even for--                      -No, no, I'm fine.          326 00:14:51,473 --> 00:14:53,559       I'm just in attack mode,                     and, uh--              327 00:14:53,601 --> 00:14:55,728         Come on, Mamoun's is                 the cleanest falafel         328 00:14:55,769 --> 00:14:58,814       outside of the Holy Land.         You haven't even touched yours.  329 00:14:58,856 --> 00:15:00,608              [muttering]             330 00:15:00,649 --> 00:15:03,777            The thing with                  the woman I was seeing--       331 00:15:03,819 --> 00:15:05,195        [sighs] --that's over.        332 00:15:05,237 --> 00:15:07,573        Oh... she was a keeper,                     you said.              333 00:15:07,615 --> 00:15:10,075      Yeah, that's what most guys        would call someone that smart,    334 00:15:10,117 --> 00:15:12,953     beautiful, kind, and willing          to throw them a threesome.      335 00:15:14,079 --> 00:15:15,581                Wowza.                336 00:15:15,623 --> 00:15:17,374             -You'd think.                    -You didn't like it?         337 00:15:17,416 --> 00:15:19,251            No. I liked it.           338 00:15:19,293 --> 00:15:20,753         Of course I liked it.        339 00:15:20,794 --> 00:15:22,087              [chuckles]              340 00:15:22,129 --> 00:15:23,422     Give me pistachio ice cream,     341 00:15:23,464 --> 00:15:24,757        I'll eat it and smile,        342 00:15:24,798 --> 00:15:27,259       as Diamond David Lee Roth                   would say.              343 00:15:27,301 --> 00:15:30,054              But, yeah,                      it was uncomfortable.        344 00:15:30,095 --> 00:15:31,764       It's just too many limbs.      345 00:15:31,805 --> 00:15:33,599               -[laughs]                      -Too many questions.         346 00:15:33,641 --> 00:15:35,392              [chuckling]                        Oh, what to do.           347 00:15:35,434 --> 00:15:36,852                 Yeah.                348 00:15:36,894 --> 00:15:38,729          Give me rum raisin,                  on the other hand,          349 00:15:38,771 --> 00:15:42,066      I'll inhale the whole pint           and root around the fridge      350 00:15:42,107 --> 00:15:43,943         to find another one.         351 00:15:43,984 --> 00:15:45,945    And that's what I was missing.    352 00:15:45,986 --> 00:15:48,113        Well, Cat seems pretty,               you know, liberated.         353 00:15:48,155 --> 00:15:50,157     Have you broached the subject          of what you really want?       354 00:15:50,199 --> 00:15:52,284            A-as you said,                 she's smart and sensitive.      355 00:15:52,326 --> 00:15:53,994      And she saw-- [stammering]      356 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:55,496            She saw that it                     would never work,          357 00:15:55,537 --> 00:15:56,872       not all the way from me.       358 00:15:56,914 --> 00:15:59,208       Not without, you know...                  [clicks tongue]           359 00:15:59,249 --> 00:16:00,834       And so she said something               along the lines of,         360 00:16:00,876 --> 00:16:02,461      "We'll always have Paris."      361 00:16:02,503 --> 00:16:05,714          Only the words she              used were harsher, you know?     362 00:16:05,756 --> 00:16:07,132    And all about wasting her time.  363 00:16:07,174 --> 00:16:08,759               -[sighs]                              -Shit.                364 00:16:08,801 --> 00:16:10,761          And now I got some                   goddamn college kid         365 00:16:10,803 --> 00:16:12,346       wasting my fucking time.       366 00:16:12,388 --> 00:16:13,931         Well, whatever you're                    feeling about            367 00:16:13,973 --> 00:16:16,558         what she did to you,                      do to him.              368 00:16:16,600 --> 00:16:18,143            And I'll help.            369 00:16:58,183 --> 00:17:00,019        You want half my turkey                and chopped liver?          370 00:17:00,060 --> 00:17:01,437         Underrated sandwich.         371 00:17:01,478 --> 00:17:03,355    Bet I can name two better ones.  372 00:17:03,397 --> 00:17:06,358    And I just know you want in on       the other side of that action.    373 00:17:06,400 --> 00:17:09,153             -Why would I?               -'Cause, like Michael Cheritto,  374 00:17:09,194 --> 00:17:12,322               for you,                     the action is the juice.       375 00:17:12,364 --> 00:17:13,615            Don't know him.           376 00:17:13,657 --> 00:17:15,159         You should see   Heat.         377 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:17,036              On my list.             378 00:17:17,077 --> 00:17:18,746         But I get that you're                  saying you think           379 00:17:18,787 --> 00:17:20,789         -I'm a gambling man.                  -I don't think it.          380 00:17:20,831 --> 00:17:22,458            I observed it.            381 00:17:22,499 --> 00:17:24,043          Those guys are just                scattered to the wind.        382 00:17:24,084 --> 00:17:25,210         They're your runners,                  placing your bets          383 00:17:25,252 --> 00:17:27,046  so they don't track back to you.  384 00:17:27,087 --> 00:17:29,131        But I tracked it back.        385 00:17:29,173 --> 00:17:31,884         Look, those guys are               a street marketing team.       386 00:17:31,925 --> 00:17:33,677       I'm building out a brand                 on a new company.          387 00:17:33,719 --> 00:17:35,471               Bullshit.              388 00:17:35,512 --> 00:17:38,849     This hobby of yours makes you          vulnerable to extortion.       389 00:17:38,891 --> 00:17:41,351     And that extortion has come.     390 00:17:41,393 --> 00:17:44,229     Prince finds out about this,               he shitcans you,           391 00:17:44,271 --> 00:17:45,981         then you're an orphan                 without a purpose.          392 00:17:47,191 --> 00:17:49,151            I thought I was                      so GD careful.            393 00:17:49,193 --> 00:17:51,070       None of that matters now.      394 00:17:51,111 --> 00:17:52,571            Give up Prince.           395 00:17:53,906 --> 00:17:55,199           Nothin' to give.           396 00:17:55,240 --> 00:17:57,242          He may be the best                      at bleaching.            397 00:17:57,284 --> 00:17:59,411            But no one gets                   to 11 figures clean.         398 00:18:00,662 --> 00:18:02,247               Go home.               399 00:18:02,289 --> 00:18:04,083          Remember the thing.         400 00:18:04,124 --> 00:18:06,126         Come tell Axe and me.        401 00:18:06,168 --> 00:18:07,961     And your life stays the same.    402 00:18:08,003 --> 00:18:11,256          Don't, and you lose              everything you hold sacred.     403 00:18:31,276 --> 00:18:33,278           Glad you accepted                  my offer to drop by.         404 00:18:33,320 --> 00:18:35,614           I didn't like the              circumstances you left under.    405 00:18:37,741 --> 00:18:40,119        Never bad to march with              your conscience intact.       406 00:18:40,160 --> 00:18:42,746      Not sure I agree with that.     407 00:18:42,788 --> 00:18:46,959    Conscience can be a little bit        like those old nonstick pans.    408 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:49,044        Flakes off under heat.        409 00:18:49,086 --> 00:18:52,131        Produces noxious fumes           that ruin the whole enterprise.  410 00:18:52,172 --> 00:18:54,091           Now, what you're                    really looking for          411 00:18:54,133 --> 00:18:56,301         is a cast iron soul.         412 00:18:57,386 --> 00:18:58,637          Durable, seasoned.          413 00:18:59,888 --> 00:19:01,765          If I wanted advice                  about pots and pans,         414 00:19:01,807 --> 00:19:03,767          I'd have signed up                to intern for Guy Fieri.       415 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:05,853              [chuckles]              416 00:19:05,894 --> 00:19:08,939         Well then, here's the             advice you really came for.     417 00:19:08,981 --> 00:19:10,732            Sign your name            418 00:19:10,774 --> 00:19:12,776       to everything you write.       419 00:19:12,818 --> 00:19:14,111           I don't know what                  you're talking about.        420 00:19:14,153 --> 00:19:17,739    You do. And you should own it.    421 00:19:17,781 --> 00:19:19,366          C'mon, do what your                   Chef Fieri does.           422 00:19:19,408 --> 00:19:21,743          Use your leverage.                  Don't throw it away.         423 00:19:21,785 --> 00:19:23,954         Hell, he started out                  with a '67 Camaro,          424 00:19:23,996 --> 00:19:26,498           bleached goatee,              and a hankering for Sloppy Joe,  425 00:19:26,540 --> 00:19:28,000            and he ended up                      with an empire.           426 00:19:28,041 --> 00:19:29,710       Morality isn't leverage.       427 00:19:29,751 --> 00:19:31,920       Democracy isn't leverage.                    Decency--              428 00:19:31,962 --> 00:19:34,464      It was a student election.      429 00:19:34,506 --> 00:19:37,885       To decide who got to woo           Oingo Boingo to Spring Fling     430 00:19:37,926 --> 00:19:40,095             and push them                    not to play Sun City.        431 00:19:40,137 --> 00:19:43,140       It wasn't   Il Duce   in '34.      432 00:19:43,182 --> 00:19:44,266         There's a difference.        433 00:19:44,308 --> 00:19:45,517       Not as much as you think.      434 00:19:45,559 --> 00:19:47,686        One leads to the other.       435 00:19:47,728 --> 00:19:50,105               Oh, fuck.              436 00:19:50,147 --> 00:19:52,691          I can tell how good               that felt to you to say.       437 00:19:52,733 --> 00:19:55,360    Problem is, it's just not true.  438 00:20:00,073 --> 00:20:01,491     You're right about one thing.    439 00:20:01,533 --> 00:20:04,119         Sending an anonymous                    email was weak.           440 00:20:04,161 --> 00:20:06,538        I answer for that now.        441 00:20:06,580 --> 00:20:09,541        Just like you will have            to answer for your mistake.     442 00:20:09,583 --> 00:20:10,542               [scoffs]               443 00:20:12,669 --> 00:20:14,504                 Huh.                 444 00:20:14,546 --> 00:20:17,007      See, this is where old days               I'd have appealed          445 00:20:17,049 --> 00:20:19,259    to your fear and greed centers.  446 00:20:21,303 --> 00:20:23,388        Dangled an unattainable                post-graduation job         447 00:20:23,430 --> 00:20:25,432           in front of you,                  or the specter of some        448 00:20:25,474 --> 00:20:27,684         member of your family             getting into legal trouble.     449 00:20:27,726 --> 00:20:29,770               Instead,               450 00:20:29,811 --> 00:20:33,190      allow me to share with you           a lesson from my own life.      451 00:20:33,232 --> 00:20:34,858          So it's guilt then,                     I'm guessin'.            452 00:20:34,900 --> 00:20:36,360            Listen, Merle.            453 00:20:36,401 --> 00:20:37,903           I don't know you,          454 00:20:37,945 --> 00:20:39,613        or what you do or plan                to do with your life.        455 00:20:39,655 --> 00:20:41,949           But I know this.           456 00:20:41,990 --> 00:20:44,409          If you move me out                   by using blackmail,         457 00:20:44,451 --> 00:20:46,745          you will be setting               yourself up for a life...      458 00:20:48,288 --> 00:20:49,748              [chuckles]              459 00:20:49,790 --> 00:20:51,583     well, a life quite like mine.    460 00:20:53,335 --> 00:20:55,087        One open to moments of        461 00:20:55,128 --> 00:20:57,256     deep regret and loss of face.    462 00:20:57,297 --> 00:20:58,924        Ah, the stern warning.        463 00:20:58,966 --> 00:21:00,676    The wisdom from down the road.    464 00:21:00,717 --> 00:21:03,095        I'm giving you the most              valuable thing I have:        465 00:21:04,137 --> 00:21:05,847             perspective.             466 00:21:05,889 --> 00:21:08,558          You have the chance               to live a life of honor.       467 00:21:08,600 --> 00:21:10,269     To sleep through the night--     468 00:21:10,310 --> 00:21:12,354            You know what?                   I already have a father       469 00:21:12,396 --> 00:21:15,065     who sells me his bad choices,             his object lessons.         470 00:21:15,107 --> 00:21:19,236            You have a day                    to resign gracefully.        471 00:21:19,278 --> 00:21:22,322       After that, I'm blasting               the picture out wide.        472 00:21:28,161 --> 00:21:29,413             [door closes]            473 00:21:31,832 --> 00:21:34,626       I may have a vote-rigging             problem on my horizon.        474 00:21:34,668 --> 00:21:36,795          I assume you're not             teeing up a big, juicy case.     475 00:21:36,837 --> 00:21:38,463         Oh, in this scenario,        476 00:21:38,505 --> 00:21:40,173          I'm the golf ball.                  Take a look at this.         477 00:21:41,216 --> 00:21:42,426                Hmm...                478 00:21:42,467 --> 00:21:45,095             Nice lighter.                         ST. Dupont?             479 00:21:45,137 --> 00:21:47,597    Let's talk about those ballots         I'm taking the lighter to.      480 00:21:47,639 --> 00:21:49,099                 Hmm.                 481 00:21:49,141 --> 00:21:51,018      Does the election-tampering                  bother you?             482 00:21:51,059 --> 00:21:53,395    Nah, I'd have a bigger problem       if you weren't in it to win it.  483 00:21:53,437 --> 00:21:55,981        I was on the right side           of history, if that matters.     484 00:21:56,023 --> 00:21:58,483          Yeah, no, not much.         485 00:21:58,525 --> 00:22:00,235               [inhales]              486 00:22:00,277 --> 00:22:01,945            Look, you were                     practically a kid.          487 00:22:01,987 --> 00:22:03,488           I am guessing you                    had your reasons           488 00:22:03,530 --> 00:22:04,990             or were just                    practicing your moves.        489 00:22:05,032 --> 00:22:07,617          But now as a state                 constitutional officer,       490 00:22:07,659 --> 00:22:10,329  your voters may feel differently       about this if it gets out.      491 00:22:10,370 --> 00:22:12,080         That's why I'm here.         492 00:22:12,122 --> 00:22:13,999     You want me to tee up a big,                  juicy case,             493 00:22:14,041 --> 00:22:16,251         one that screams out                 justice and fairness,        494 00:22:16,293 --> 00:22:18,337        and bumps your tee time             right off the front page.      495 00:22:18,378 --> 00:22:20,130              I do. Yes.              496 00:22:20,172 --> 00:22:22,257            As you'd say...                      "Let me work."            497 00:22:27,387 --> 00:22:29,556        I will need you to sign          a contract that states clearly    498 00:22:29,598 --> 00:22:31,850    you're exclusively working here            and nowhere else.          499 00:22:31,892 --> 00:22:33,018         And if I won't sign?         500 00:22:33,060 --> 00:22:34,686    I think maybe then you're gone.  501 00:22:34,728 --> 00:22:36,229       I can't have people here              who are less committed        502 00:22:36,271 --> 00:22:37,731           than contestants                     on   The Bachelor.           503 00:22:37,773 --> 00:22:39,358        There is no way you've                      even seen              504 00:22:39,399 --> 00:22:40,734     one episode of   The Bachelor.                 How can you--            505 00:22:40,776 --> 00:22:42,152         Sometimes it helps me                    fall asleep.             506 00:22:42,194 --> 00:22:43,362     Their insipid self-confidence    507 00:22:43,403 --> 00:22:44,905      and beauty is a somnolent.      508 00:22:44,946 --> 00:22:46,698           But the point is,                  if you work with me,         509 00:22:46,740 --> 00:22:48,367          I need your blood,              because that is what I give.     510 00:22:48,408 --> 00:22:50,243             I don't know.            511 00:22:50,285 --> 00:22:52,579      I want you here. You think              clearly. That's rare.        512 00:22:52,621 --> 00:22:53,997           But you can also                   communicate clearly.         513 00:22:54,039 --> 00:22:55,707        The combo is more rare.       514 00:22:55,749 --> 00:22:57,542           And then there's                   the ability to charm,        515 00:22:57,584 --> 00:22:59,544    get people on your side without       resorting to cheap tricks.      516 00:22:59,586 --> 00:23:02,881         Plus, also, I can see              you struggling to remain       517 00:23:02,923 --> 00:23:05,050         a good person despite                  the temptations.           518 00:23:05,092 --> 00:23:07,010        It would seem a mistake                  to fire someone           519 00:23:07,052 --> 00:23:09,304    with those characteristics, no?  520 00:23:09,346 --> 00:23:10,680       I don't want to fire you.      521 00:23:10,722 --> 00:23:12,224          You want to own me.         522 00:23:13,266 --> 00:23:14,643         And that's not cool.         523 00:23:15,769 --> 00:23:17,062       You haven't answered me.       524 00:23:17,104 --> 00:23:18,730                Right.                525 00:23:27,364 --> 00:23:28,907          [cell phone chimes]         526 00:23:38,291 --> 00:23:39,876                 Oh...                527 00:23:44,756 --> 00:23:46,758                Ya likes?              528 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:48,969         I dug like Indiana Jones                in the Ark picture.         529 00:23:49,010 --> 00:23:50,429              I see that.             530 00:23:50,470 --> 00:23:52,472           These are potent.          531 00:23:52,514 --> 00:23:54,933             And could be                     quite helpful to me.         532 00:23:54,975 --> 00:23:56,601       Yeah. I and everyone now       533 00:23:56,643 --> 00:23:58,270          not only understand              why you stole the election,     534 00:23:58,311 --> 00:24:00,188         but we're rooting for                 you in retrospect.          535 00:24:00,230 --> 00:24:02,899         You had to take him out.              By any means necessary.       536 00:24:02,941 --> 00:24:04,568               If Yale's                     student body president        537 00:24:04,609 --> 00:24:06,278         was anti-divestment,         538 00:24:06,319 --> 00:24:07,904         picking the speakers                   for every event,           539 00:24:07,946 --> 00:24:09,614            stacking the decks                    at every meeting.          540 00:24:09,656 --> 00:24:11,408              His own quotes                   and speeches say it all.      541 00:24:11,450 --> 00:24:12,784        How did you get these?        542 00:24:12,826 --> 00:24:14,286        That's a question I expect     543 00:24:14,327 --> 00:24:15,954         from my brother-in-law,                    the garmento.            544 00:24:15,996 --> 00:24:17,789      The point is, use this stuff.    545 00:24:17,831 --> 00:24:19,416      And then even if that picture              of you is released,         546 00:24:19,458 --> 00:24:20,792         the story will be...         547 00:24:20,834 --> 00:24:22,627           you were fighting                institutionalized racism       548 00:24:22,669 --> 00:24:24,379         and slaying a dragon.        549 00:24:24,421 --> 00:24:25,964      A dragon who currently serves    550 00:24:26,006 --> 00:24:28,049              as the beloved                     university chaplain.        551 00:24:30,010 --> 00:24:32,804          I looked him up, too.                 A lifetime of service.       552 00:24:32,846 --> 00:24:34,806           So he turned out                     to be a good guy           553 00:24:34,848 --> 00:24:36,308        because you saved him.        554 00:24:36,349 --> 00:24:37,517             [door knocks]            555 00:24:40,228 --> 00:24:41,813              Hey, boss.              556 00:24:41,855 --> 00:24:43,106          Uh, attorney-client                   or broheim time?           557 00:24:44,649 --> 00:24:45,817        [Ira]   Just signing off.       558 00:24:45,859 --> 00:24:46,985              Thank you.              559 00:24:48,028 --> 00:24:49,112           What's up, Karl?           560 00:24:49,154 --> 00:24:50,322              Got a hit.              561 00:24:50,363 --> 00:24:52,157      Prisoner named Aman Dekel.      562 00:24:52,199 --> 00:24:54,159         He matches a certain                   profile you need.          563 00:24:54,201 --> 00:24:55,994         Clean bill of health                   on this one, too.          564 00:24:56,036 --> 00:24:57,579            Not a drinker.            565 00:24:57,621 --> 00:24:59,956         Religious man who was               incarcerated for crimes       566 00:24:59,998 --> 00:25:01,958       in the name of his maker.      567 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:04,753       Looney. But the required                 pristine kidneys.          568 00:25:04,794 --> 00:25:06,630             Outstanding.                       You make contact?          569 00:25:06,671 --> 00:25:08,882                I did.                    He's expecting you tomorrow.     570 00:25:08,924 --> 00:25:12,010      He will sacrifice the bean          for payment to be negotiated     571 00:25:12,052 --> 00:25:14,304            and the ability                   to move out of state         572 00:25:14,346 --> 00:25:16,515         to be with his family              as soon as he's released.      573 00:25:16,556 --> 00:25:18,517         That can be arranged.        574 00:25:20,143 --> 00:25:21,895         Ah, the things we do                for those we love huh?        575 00:25:27,526 --> 00:25:29,444           [cell door slams]          576 00:25:33,490 --> 00:25:35,158         Thank you very much.         577 00:25:35,200 --> 00:25:37,077           -[scoffing] Ugh.                        -[chuckles]             578 00:25:39,079 --> 00:25:40,997            Doctor Gilbert.           579 00:25:41,039 --> 00:25:44,125     I know what you're doing here         and who you hoped to meet,      580 00:25:44,167 --> 00:25:48,088       but I'm afraid Aman Dekel           isn't gonna make it today.      581 00:25:48,129 --> 00:25:50,882            And neither are                  the beautiful glomeruli       582 00:25:50,924 --> 00:25:52,551            in his kidneys.           583 00:25:52,592 --> 00:25:55,554             -Is that so?                   -When you put me in here,      584 00:25:55,595 --> 00:25:58,848      I became more powerful than         you could ever have imagined.    585 00:25:58,890 --> 00:26:00,600               [laughs]               586 00:26:00,642 --> 00:26:03,478       Well, less powerful than,               say, any free man.          587 00:26:03,520 --> 00:26:06,856         From one perspective,                 but from another...         588 00:26:06,898 --> 00:26:09,276           the residents of                     this institution           589 00:26:09,317 --> 00:26:11,361              come to me                     with their afflictions.       590 00:26:11,403 --> 00:26:13,113            And I give them                   better treatment than        591 00:26:13,154 --> 00:26:15,156      the hacks in the infirmary.     592 00:26:15,198 --> 00:26:17,367    And that's why they were happy    593 00:26:17,409 --> 00:26:20,328             to come to me                     and to lure you in.         594 00:26:20,370 --> 00:26:24,416      And why you will never get            what you're lookin' for.       595 00:26:24,457 --> 00:26:26,001             It's not me,             596 00:26:26,042 --> 00:26:28,253          but my father that                  you're doing this to.        597 00:26:28,295 --> 00:26:32,173             All the same.                  Organ failure is beastly.      598 00:26:32,215 --> 00:26:34,426            [clicks tongue]                     Took my own mom.           599 00:26:34,467 --> 00:26:36,761          We're talking total                physiologic breakdown.        600 00:26:36,803 --> 00:26:38,221             Incontinence.            601 00:26:38,263 --> 00:26:39,681           Your dad will be                 wishing for incontinence,      602 00:26:39,723 --> 00:26:41,349         because urine output                      will cease              603 00:26:41,391 --> 00:26:43,184               and then                       the swelling comes...        604 00:26:43,226 --> 00:26:45,604          the feet, the legs                   and the... [sighs]          605 00:26:45,645 --> 00:26:47,272     the pain that that brings...     606 00:26:47,314 --> 00:26:49,899            it's pain that                     makes you pass out          607 00:26:49,941 --> 00:26:53,945      and wish you never wake up.              Vomiting, seizures.         608 00:26:53,987 --> 00:26:55,947               Whoo-hoo.              609 00:26:55,989 --> 00:26:58,199             [laughs] Oy.             610 00:26:58,241 --> 00:27:01,786       You've really gotten away       from that whole do no harm deal.  611 00:27:01,828 --> 00:27:03,580           It's what happens                    when your ideals           612 00:27:03,622 --> 00:27:05,665        get turned inside out.        613 00:27:07,584 --> 00:27:10,211          You know well what                   I'm talking about.          614 00:27:10,253 --> 00:27:11,463                Guard!                615 00:27:18,178 --> 00:27:19,596       How's your sister, Jerry?      616 00:27:19,638 --> 00:27:21,973         Much better, thanks.         617 00:27:22,015 --> 00:27:25,310         It's a tricky medical         condition that was misdiagnosed.  618 00:27:25,352 --> 00:27:26,645            Ovarian cysts.            619 00:27:26,686 --> 00:27:28,438      They thought it was cancer.     620 00:27:28,480 --> 00:27:30,440       They would've gutted her.      621 00:27:30,482 --> 00:27:33,485     You were right about getting          a second opinion downstate.     622 00:27:33,526 --> 00:27:34,944          You need anything?          623 00:27:34,986 --> 00:27:37,238       Hmm. I'd love a LaCroix.       624 00:27:37,280 --> 00:27:39,908           And an escort for                  the Attorney General.        625 00:27:39,949 --> 00:27:42,077             He's leaving.            626 00:27:42,118 --> 00:27:43,161                [Jerry]                        Come on. Let's go.          627 00:27:46,956 --> 00:27:48,416              [groaning]              628 00:27:51,378 --> 00:27:55,840      You know, I'm not visiting         any more prisons anytime soon.    629 00:27:55,882 --> 00:27:58,510          It's always a punch                 in the fucking face.         630 00:27:58,551 --> 00:27:59,844              [chuckles]              631 00:28:09,604 --> 00:28:11,398            -Thanks, Peach.                         -Mm-hmm.               632 00:28:36,047 --> 00:28:37,799       You got my smoke signal.       633 00:28:37,841 --> 00:28:42,345      I did. Thanks for the trip                down memory lane.          634 00:28:42,387 --> 00:28:44,556        It was nicer to relive                than it was to live.         635 00:28:44,597 --> 00:28:46,057              [chuckles]              636 00:28:47,892 --> 00:28:49,436           What do you want?          637 00:28:51,730 --> 00:28:52,731                 This.                638 00:28:57,026 --> 00:28:57,986            [clicks tongue]           639 00:28:58,027 --> 00:28:59,195               [sighing]              640 00:28:59,237 --> 00:29:01,072        Phew. Healthcare proxy?       641 00:29:02,657 --> 00:29:03,783                Why me?               642 00:29:03,825 --> 00:29:05,452     Because Roxanne's too young.     643 00:29:05,493 --> 00:29:06,995        She'll never let me go.       644 00:29:07,036 --> 00:29:08,580             She will keep                 the machines on for years,      645 00:29:08,621 --> 00:29:10,707         hoping for a miracle                  while I crap myself         646 00:29:10,749 --> 00:29:12,876        and the money runs out.       647 00:29:12,917 --> 00:29:14,502          And Chuck, he might                  pull the plug when          648 00:29:14,544 --> 00:29:16,129  I'm in the middle of a sentence.  649 00:29:16,171 --> 00:29:18,173         He's doing everything                 he can to help you.         650 00:29:18,214 --> 00:29:20,341             Sure, he is.             651 00:29:20,383 --> 00:29:23,720     But you, you're the one with          liquid silver in her veins,     652 00:29:23,762 --> 00:29:25,638        the cool-headed killer.       653 00:29:25,680 --> 00:29:28,933       You'll do the right thing               at the right time.          654 00:29:28,975 --> 00:29:32,562         At the "right time,"                  you'll be comatose,         655 00:29:32,604 --> 00:29:34,314      completely incommunicative,     656 00:29:34,355 --> 00:29:35,899      and you want me to come in               waving this around          657 00:29:35,940 --> 00:29:37,400           in front of your                    young wife and son?         658 00:29:37,442 --> 00:29:38,902      It'll be a total shit show.     659 00:29:38,943 --> 00:29:40,195      That's why I'm asking you.      660 00:29:40,236 --> 00:29:41,946            No, I-- I pray,           661 00:29:41,988 --> 00:29:44,115      to the extent that I pray,      662 00:29:44,157 --> 00:29:46,284         that these decisions                  never need be made.         663 00:29:47,786 --> 00:29:48,995                But...                664 00:29:51,456 --> 00:29:55,919             if the worst                    comes to pass, Wendy...       665 00:29:55,960 --> 00:29:58,463       if I hit the fucking wall      666 00:29:58,505 --> 00:30:00,757       and become a full gomer,       667 00:30:00,799 --> 00:30:06,137      I need you to be clear-eyed             and punch my ticket.         668 00:30:11,184 --> 00:30:12,477          Can I count on you?         669 00:30:12,519 --> 00:30:14,062                [sighs]               670 00:30:15,480 --> 00:30:16,523              Sure, Dad.              671 00:30:18,399 --> 00:30:20,610          If it comes to it,                   I'll put you down.          672 00:30:22,028 --> 00:30:23,988         [door opens, closes]         673 00:30:24,030 --> 00:30:25,281          That's a good girl.         674 00:30:34,582 --> 00:30:36,668                [Chuck]                              I see.                675 00:30:36,709 --> 00:30:38,628          While I've been out               scouring the countryside       676 00:30:38,670 --> 00:30:40,713       trying to save your life,      677 00:30:40,755 --> 00:30:44,509          you put your trust                    in someone else.           678 00:30:44,551 --> 00:30:46,219          Oh, I've been doing                what needs to be done.        679 00:30:46,261 --> 00:30:48,263      Or are you here to tell me      680 00:30:48,304 --> 00:30:51,224       that you found me a donor             and it isn't necessary?       681 00:30:51,266 --> 00:30:52,517               [exhales]              682 00:30:54,727 --> 00:30:56,104                  No.                 683 00:30:56,145 --> 00:30:58,189         Unfortunately, it is.        684 00:30:58,231 --> 00:31:00,525          I'll leave you two                to settle your business.       685 00:31:21,087 --> 00:31:22,547       Scooter's on his way up.       686 00:31:22,589 --> 00:31:24,507         Heh. Longest elevator                  ride of his life.          687 00:31:24,549 --> 00:31:26,509       I knew he was gonna cave.      688 00:31:26,551 --> 00:31:28,720     Saw it in his eyes that he'd         do anything to save himself.     689 00:31:28,761 --> 00:31:30,179         [elevator bell rings]        690 00:31:39,772 --> 00:31:42,775          You look surprised.                  Was I not invited?          691 00:31:47,238 --> 00:31:48,948     I felt, in a way, that I was.    692 00:31:48,990 --> 00:31:50,867           Or at least that                my invitation was implied.      693 00:31:52,452 --> 00:31:54,162              Love this.              694 00:31:54,203 --> 00:31:58,833             Raw concrete.                       Very wabi-sabi.           695 00:31:58,875 --> 00:32:01,002         You have Rande Gerber                  decorate for ya?           696 00:32:01,044 --> 00:32:03,254                [sighs]               697 00:32:03,296 --> 00:32:05,006           Threw yourself at                    the merciful hem           698 00:32:05,048 --> 00:32:06,758         of the Shogun skirts?        699 00:32:06,799 --> 00:32:09,093      Not exactly. He was already            well aware of the bets.       700 00:32:09,135 --> 00:32:10,720        Because they were his.        701 00:32:10,762 --> 00:32:12,513       Too bad. Ambassador with       702 00:32:12,555 --> 00:32:14,057     a gambling problem's a no-go.    703 00:32:14,098 --> 00:32:16,267           No problem here.           704 00:32:16,309 --> 00:32:19,228        I have a better winning        percentage than the Vegas books.  705 00:32:19,270 --> 00:32:21,606        Plus, sports betting is             now legal in this state.       706 00:32:21,648 --> 00:32:23,733         Those runners you saw              placed the action for me       707 00:32:23,775 --> 00:32:25,610          at the sports books                  at upstate casinos.         708 00:32:25,652 --> 00:32:27,111       Because that much money,                 with my profile,           709 00:32:27,153 --> 00:32:28,780      would have moved the lines.     710 00:32:28,821 --> 00:32:30,782         Yes. You had your man                    put 'em down             711 00:32:30,823 --> 00:32:32,116      to get you a better price.      712 00:32:32,158 --> 00:32:33,785          Protect and serve.          713 00:32:33,826 --> 00:32:35,453         Don't worry, though,                my records are orderly.       714 00:32:35,495 --> 00:32:37,455       We have it all documented              in exquisite detail.         715 00:32:37,497 --> 00:32:39,165    Taxes paid on all the profits.    716 00:32:39,207 --> 00:32:40,750           And the Danes are                    a sporting bunch.          717 00:32:40,792 --> 00:32:42,585        They love a good wager.       718 00:32:46,172 --> 00:32:48,132          You made a mistake                   coming here, Mike.          719 00:32:48,174 --> 00:32:50,093           I smoked you out.          720 00:32:50,134 --> 00:32:52,011         You could have had me               wasting my time on this       721 00:32:52,053 --> 00:32:54,097     until your post was clinched.    722 00:32:54,138 --> 00:32:56,474         But now I know which              direction I need to go in.      723 00:32:56,516 --> 00:33:00,895     Without meaning to, you guys         have just revealed it to me.     724 00:33:00,937 --> 00:33:02,939         You're trying to put                     a read on me?            725 00:33:02,981 --> 00:33:05,149             Steady hands,                    no micro-expressions,        726 00:33:05,191 --> 00:33:06,943            nothing there.            727 00:33:06,985 --> 00:33:09,153        So you can look as long        and hard as you want at my life,  728 00:33:09,195 --> 00:33:10,989           past or present.           729 00:33:11,030 --> 00:33:12,907            There's nothing                 there for you to chew on.      730 00:33:12,949 --> 00:33:14,117               You sure?              731 00:33:14,158 --> 00:33:15,910        When a man's bluffing,        732 00:33:15,952 --> 00:33:17,996            he looks a guy                     right in the eyes.          733 00:33:18,037 --> 00:33:19,622           I look people in                      the eye because           734 00:33:19,664 --> 00:33:21,165         I believe in myself.         735 00:33:21,207 --> 00:33:23,251  And I like to connect with them.  736 00:33:23,292 --> 00:33:25,628      Which is one of the things             I love about the Danes,       737 00:33:25,670 --> 00:33:27,338             their warmth.            738 00:33:27,380 --> 00:33:29,799          They have the most                   delightful demeanor         739 00:33:29,841 --> 00:33:31,843         and a wonderful word                to describe their state       740 00:33:31,884 --> 00:33:33,845          of cozy well-being.         741 00:33:35,013 --> 00:33:36,681                  Hygge.               742 00:33:36,723 --> 00:33:39,684        It's the contentment of             feeling warm, being warm.      743 00:33:39,726 --> 00:33:41,853         Danes are   hygge-like.        744 00:33:41,894 --> 00:33:43,730       And in the time I will be            spending in their midst,       745 00:33:43,771 --> 00:33:46,190           I plan to embrace                   their way of life.          746 00:33:46,232 --> 00:33:48,484     While you will remain here--     747 00:33:48,526 --> 00:33:50,236             Cold, lonely,            748 00:33:51,696 --> 00:33:53,072            self-obsessed,            749 00:33:53,114 --> 00:33:55,575          and most assuredly                     not   hygge-like.           750 00:34:05,168 --> 00:34:06,377                 Fuck.                751 00:34:08,546 --> 00:34:10,048    I didn't anticipate the carom.    752 00:34:10,089 --> 00:34:11,632  But what did you pick up on him?  753 00:34:11,674 --> 00:34:14,010         Not a goddamn thing.                I was fucking bluffing.       754 00:34:14,052 --> 00:34:16,220             Next time you                     bring me something,         755 00:34:16,262 --> 00:34:18,056       make sure it's something.      756 00:34:18,097 --> 00:34:20,016    You'll always be my guy, Wags.    757 00:34:20,058 --> 00:34:23,102     But don't make me have to get       another guy that you report to.  758 00:34:28,566 --> 00:34:30,651         Now, I said something                 to this kid, Merle.         759 00:34:30,693 --> 00:34:32,653  About the cost of these actions.  760 00:34:32,695 --> 00:34:34,739            [clears throat]           761 00:34:34,781 --> 00:34:37,408       And although I was merely           trying to influence him...      762 00:34:37,450 --> 00:34:40,870           Fuck, Ira, I was                    him at law school.          763 00:34:40,912 --> 00:34:43,748            And if someone,              anyone had tried to warn me off  764 00:34:43,790 --> 00:34:45,917          becoming who I did,                  I'd have listened.          765 00:34:45,958 --> 00:34:48,961      I was right there with you,      and I know exactly who you were,  766 00:34:49,003 --> 00:34:51,547    the smartest and most rigorous            student in our class.        767 00:34:51,589 --> 00:34:53,758         The only one who ever              doubted you was you, man.      768 00:34:53,800 --> 00:34:55,927          And y-you wouldn't                      have listened            769 00:34:55,968 --> 00:34:57,637        to any kind of warning        770 00:34:57,678 --> 00:35:00,014        or bromide from anyone,               especially not some--        771 00:35:00,056 --> 00:35:01,682        Some grizzled old pol?        772 00:35:01,724 --> 00:35:03,559      Yeah, something like that.      773 00:35:03,601 --> 00:35:08,147      You know, I always figured         I'd keep growing in a real way.  774 00:35:08,189 --> 00:35:10,817      That the worst parts of me             would recede over time,       775 00:35:10,858 --> 00:35:14,237       that I'd be able to will           myself forward to the better.    776 00:35:14,278 --> 00:35:16,114             Oh, instead?             777 00:35:16,155 --> 00:35:18,950     As 50 looms, you come to see         that those sub-optimal parts,    778 00:35:18,991 --> 00:35:20,535        the bugs, as it were...       779 00:35:20,576 --> 00:35:22,411              [chuckles]                        They aren't bugs.          780 00:35:22,453 --> 00:35:24,372     No. Turns out, they are you.     781 00:35:24,413 --> 00:35:26,124                 Hmm.                      Might not be an age thing.      782 00:35:26,165 --> 00:35:27,708      From the moment our parents           look at us a certain way,      783 00:35:27,750 --> 00:35:31,796            it might all be                   set in fucking stone.        784 00:35:31,838 --> 00:35:34,132           You gotta deploy                 the materials I gave you.      785 00:35:36,467 --> 00:35:37,635                 Nope.                786 00:35:39,095 --> 00:35:41,097    I'm shredding these printouts.    787 00:35:41,139 --> 00:35:43,391       And I need you to destroy              the original package         788 00:35:43,432 --> 00:35:44,976           you put together.          789 00:35:45,017 --> 00:35:46,769           [sighs] I won't.           790 00:35:46,811 --> 00:35:48,354         And neither will you.        791 00:35:48,396 --> 00:35:50,982           I'm glad to know                   that you've changed.         792 00:35:51,023 --> 00:35:52,692            In your heart.            793 00:35:52,733 --> 00:35:54,610          But just... what if              you didn't tell your heart      794 00:35:54,652 --> 00:35:57,155      what you were doing yet and        first you got out of this jam?    795 00:35:57,196 --> 00:35:58,990              This kid is                        coming for you.           796 00:35:59,031 --> 00:36:02,827          If he had a pistol,             would you let him shoot you?     797 00:36:02,869 --> 00:36:04,620       No, you'd defend yourself      798 00:36:04,662 --> 00:36:06,998  and then go about making amends.  799 00:36:07,039 --> 00:36:09,208           Once you knew you                  were still breathing.        800 00:36:10,334 --> 00:36:11,836           Do the same here.          801 00:36:13,880 --> 00:36:15,673           I know you better                 than you know yourself.       802 00:36:15,715 --> 00:36:18,593       And I know what you need.      803 00:36:18,634 --> 00:36:20,178                 So...                804 00:36:20,219 --> 00:36:22,346         you take that and do                the thing you have to.        805 00:36:25,558 --> 00:36:26,851                [sighs]               806 00:36:34,066 --> 00:36:35,193                 Yes?                 807 00:36:37,320 --> 00:36:39,155         What's he doing here?        808 00:36:39,197 --> 00:36:41,365           He's part of it.           809 00:36:41,407 --> 00:36:42,783               Part of?               810 00:36:42,825 --> 00:36:43,743             Such a thing.            811 00:36:45,494 --> 00:36:47,038               What is?               812 00:36:47,079 --> 00:36:49,207         [exhales] A violation                   of this scope,            813 00:36:49,248 --> 00:36:51,167          given your history?         814 00:36:51,209 --> 00:36:53,878    And to think I wouldn't have a       system in place to monitor you,  815 00:36:53,920 --> 00:36:55,588          given said history.         816 00:36:55,630 --> 00:36:57,298             [whispering]                  That's downright insulting.     817 00:36:58,466 --> 00:37:00,301            [clicks tongue]                       Such a thing.            818 00:37:00,343 --> 00:37:02,011        All right. That's quite                  enough of that.           819 00:37:02,053 --> 00:37:03,971          Though, incredibly,                     he is right.             820 00:37:04,013 --> 00:37:06,224          Why are you running                   a search through           821 00:37:06,265 --> 00:37:08,226            the employees'                      medical records?           822 00:37:11,354 --> 00:37:13,272                  Go.                 823 00:37:13,314 --> 00:37:15,316            Traditionally,                    the scent hound gets         824 00:37:15,358 --> 00:37:18,361         to tear at the quarry                   at hunt's end.            825 00:37:18,402 --> 00:37:20,696                 Out.                 826 00:37:20,738 --> 00:37:23,407        It's nothing personal.                   Just business.            827 00:37:23,449 --> 00:37:25,243          I always liked you.         828 00:37:32,208 --> 00:37:33,584         It's Chuck's father.         829 00:37:33,626 --> 00:37:35,920            He's gonna die                  unless he gets a kidney.       830 00:37:35,962 --> 00:37:37,588           -So I thought I--              -You should have come to me.     831 00:37:37,630 --> 00:37:39,090            Would you have                   let me run the search?        832 00:37:39,131 --> 00:37:41,759           No. But I'd have                   saved you from that.         833 00:37:41,801 --> 00:37:43,261         We haven't been able                  to save each other          834 00:37:43,302 --> 00:37:44,762           from much lately.          835 00:37:45,888 --> 00:37:47,223          Since you're here,          836 00:37:47,265 --> 00:37:49,267              let me try.             837 00:37:49,308 --> 00:37:50,851             Mike Prince.             838 00:37:50,893 --> 00:37:52,270              Let it go.              839 00:37:52,311 --> 00:37:53,896            I sat with him,                       with Taylor.             840 00:37:53,938 --> 00:37:55,273       He's not out to hurt you.      841 00:37:55,314 --> 00:37:57,441         If he wasn't before,                      he is now.              842 00:37:57,483 --> 00:37:59,068           Because he knows                      my intentions.            843 00:37:59,110 --> 00:38:01,362           Let it go anyway.                      In the past,             844 00:38:01,404 --> 00:38:03,364    when I have nudged, counseled,    845 00:38:03,406 --> 00:38:05,574         warned you to lay off              against other opponents,       846 00:38:05,616 --> 00:38:07,410         it's because you were                  beating yourself.          847 00:38:07,451 --> 00:38:09,161      Being rash, lacking focus,      848 00:38:09,203 --> 00:38:10,871           becoming consumed                    by your own rage.          849 00:38:10,913 --> 00:38:12,665           But in this case,                  it's something else.         850 00:38:12,707 --> 00:38:14,458        He'll likely beat you.        851 00:38:14,500 --> 00:38:15,751        I beat him in Yonkers.        852 00:38:15,793 --> 00:38:17,211               Did you?               853 00:38:17,253 --> 00:38:18,754            Or did he kinda                  let you have that one?        854 00:38:18,796 --> 00:38:21,090           This is a strange                 fucking pep talk, Wend.       855 00:38:21,132 --> 00:38:22,633    Because I'm not giving you one.  856 00:38:22,675 --> 00:38:24,593               [scoffs]               857 00:38:24,635 --> 00:38:26,429         Do you know how many              sports movies I've watched      858 00:38:26,470 --> 00:38:28,222        over the last 20 years?                   All of them.             859 00:38:28,264 --> 00:38:30,433            So believe me,                    I know how to do 'em.        860 00:38:30,474 --> 00:38:34,437       And I have the right poll                for this moment.           861 00:38:34,478 --> 00:38:38,316    You think he's   Tin Cup   McAvoy,           and you're Don Johnson,       862 00:38:38,357 --> 00:38:40,651       and you'll let the quirk           in his character defeat him,     863 00:38:40,693 --> 00:38:42,486         but it might just be                 the other way around.        864 00:38:42,528 --> 00:38:44,405        Not gonna keep putting                 balls in the drink.         865 00:38:44,447 --> 00:38:46,574     That's what Roy thought, too.    866 00:38:46,615 --> 00:38:48,492        But once guys like you                   and him commit,           867 00:38:48,534 --> 00:38:50,411       you'll keep hitting until          there are no more Pro V-Ones     868 00:38:50,453 --> 00:38:51,996        -left in your golf bag.                      -Right.               869 00:38:52,038 --> 00:38:53,622            So what do you                    suggest I do instead?        870 00:38:53,664 --> 00:38:55,666        Figure out who or what        871 00:38:55,708 --> 00:38:57,752            from your past                  you're still furious at,       872 00:38:57,793 --> 00:38:59,337        because that's where it             always really comes from,      873 00:38:59,378 --> 00:39:03,007      and go hit that. Or finally             decide to let it go.         874 00:39:04,508 --> 00:39:06,677               The past.              875 00:39:06,719 --> 00:39:07,845             You're right.            876 00:39:09,055 --> 00:39:11,015     It's always the fucking past.    877 00:39:13,476 --> 00:39:15,019        Wags. In here, please.        878 00:39:25,946 --> 00:39:28,741             Axe Capital!             879 00:39:28,783 --> 00:39:30,534          We've been looking                 to hit all of Prince's        880 00:39:30,576 --> 00:39:32,286           current holdings                  and businesses, right?        881 00:39:32,328 --> 00:39:33,913            As was ordered.                      To create a dip           882 00:39:33,954 --> 00:39:34,955             in the value                       of his portfolio           883 00:39:34,997 --> 00:39:35,956        before the big feature        884 00:39:35,998 --> 00:39:37,750       on him airs on   The Hour.       885 00:39:37,792 --> 00:39:40,544         Axe figured out we're             aiming at the wrong target.     886 00:39:40,586 --> 00:39:42,213         We were with Prince.                   And Prince said,           887 00:39:42,254 --> 00:39:44,131         "You can look as long         and hard as you want in my life,  888 00:39:44,173 --> 00:39:45,883           past and present.          889 00:39:45,925 --> 00:39:47,968         There's nothing there                for you to chew on."         890 00:39:48,010 --> 00:39:49,845       But no one said anything       891 00:39:49,887 --> 00:39:51,555            about his past.           892 00:39:51,597 --> 00:39:53,140      Axe picked up on his tell.      893 00:39:53,182 --> 00:39:54,892          He's got a secret.          894 00:39:56,102 --> 00:39:58,145           Fucking find it.           895 00:39:59,688 --> 00:40:01,982           Hey. You know how                   we had feelers out          896 00:40:02,024 --> 00:40:03,234          on a half-dozen of                  those shady companies        897 00:40:03,275 --> 00:40:05,027  crying out for public execution?  898 00:40:05,069 --> 00:40:06,987       -Yeah, Axe filled me in.            -We're like a fishing boat      899 00:40:07,029 --> 00:40:09,073         with a bunch of lines                   over the side.            900 00:40:09,115 --> 00:40:10,241           And we got a tug.          901 00:40:10,282 --> 00:40:11,659      It's called Plaintif-Full.      902 00:40:11,700 --> 00:40:13,244                 Good.                903 00:40:13,285 --> 00:40:15,287         Chum the local press.               Wait for another bite,        904 00:40:15,329 --> 00:40:16,664      then set the fucking hook.      905 00:40:22,169 --> 00:40:23,712             [door opens]             906 00:40:24,964 --> 00:40:26,132         Dean Walker is here.         907 00:40:27,425 --> 00:40:28,467           I imagine she is.          908 00:40:31,137 --> 00:40:32,221               [exhales]              909 00:40:35,474 --> 00:40:37,101                  Hm.                 910 00:40:37,143 --> 00:40:39,311          I had a visit from             a young man named Merle Howard    911 00:40:39,353 --> 00:40:41,772           -a few hours ago.                         -I see.               912 00:40:41,814 --> 00:40:43,441      He wanted to throw himself                  on the mercy             913 00:40:43,482 --> 00:40:45,443      of the court, so to speak.      914 00:40:45,484 --> 00:40:47,445        He told me of his plans                 to blackmail you,          915 00:40:47,486 --> 00:40:50,281        get you ousted, and how             you talked him out of it.      916 00:40:50,322 --> 00:40:53,159           He literally said                   he'd misjudged you          917 00:40:53,200 --> 00:40:54,994             and wanted to                    report himself to me         918 00:40:55,035 --> 00:40:56,579     for an honor code violation.     919 00:40:57,997 --> 00:40:59,582       I forgave him, of course.      920 00:40:59,623 --> 00:41:01,625      And he asked that I'd drop               the entire matter.          921 00:41:01,667 --> 00:41:03,127               -Really?                             -Mm-hmm.               922 00:41:04,336 --> 00:41:05,796        So I did some good. Ha!       923 00:41:06,839 --> 00:41:08,466     Well, that is wonderful news.    924 00:41:08,507 --> 00:41:10,968         Yet we live in an age                that doesn't give me         925 00:41:11,010 --> 00:41:14,889    that opportunity to let it go.    926 00:41:14,930 --> 00:41:16,765          If a student knows                 something and tells me,       927 00:41:16,807 --> 00:41:18,726           I have no choice                  but to investigate it.        928 00:41:18,767 --> 00:41:20,853     That picture of you, Chuck...    929 00:41:20,895 --> 00:41:24,273     what it says about the whole          foundation of your career.      930 00:41:24,315 --> 00:41:26,108           You have to know                    there was context.          931 00:41:27,485 --> 00:41:29,487       I was part of a movement       932 00:41:29,528 --> 00:41:31,989     to push the Yale Corporation             to divest holdings--         933 00:41:32,031 --> 00:41:34,992         You stole an election                 for social justice?         934 00:41:35,034 --> 00:41:37,828           Divestment itself                   was in the balance?         935 00:41:37,870 --> 00:41:39,163        I could make that case.       936 00:41:39,205 --> 00:41:40,664              Against the                   Robertson Wycoff I know?       937 00:41:40,706 --> 00:41:42,166         Sounds like a reach.         938 00:41:42,208 --> 00:41:43,959          Here's your window.                     Closing fast.            939 00:41:53,719 --> 00:41:55,012               [scoffs]               940 00:42:04,897 --> 00:42:06,899           I guess I thought                I could make a difference      941 00:42:08,359 --> 00:42:09,652       by winning that election.      942 00:42:09,693 --> 00:42:11,820             So you have.             943 00:42:11,862 --> 00:42:14,198       And I'm sure that picture           of you will never come out.     944 00:42:14,240 --> 00:42:17,326            Merle kept it.                 Said he was destroying it.      945 00:42:17,368 --> 00:42:19,286          Well, then is there                 a way we can consider        946 00:42:19,328 --> 00:42:20,538         this a closed matter?        947 00:42:20,579 --> 00:42:22,456              Not quite.              948 00:42:22,498 --> 00:42:24,458          That's not the only                 thing Merle told me.         949 00:42:24,500 --> 00:42:27,419      He also mentioned a student         law clinic you put together.     950 00:42:27,461 --> 00:42:29,547     He'd made his peace with it.             But from where I sit,        951 00:42:29,588 --> 00:42:31,173            it sounds like                    a goddamn hit squad.         952 00:42:31,215 --> 00:42:32,716                I see.                953 00:42:32,758 --> 00:42:34,677          Yale Law School is                   the nation's finest         954 00:42:34,718 --> 00:42:37,012    because we refuse to compromise           on our principles.          955 00:42:37,054 --> 00:42:39,348        Even if the money came                from outside sources,        956 00:42:39,390 --> 00:42:41,058       even if it was voluntary.      957 00:42:41,100 --> 00:42:43,227     This is against school policy    958 00:42:43,269 --> 00:42:44,687      and non-fucking-negotiable.     959 00:42:47,231 --> 00:42:49,191           Then I step down.                     [clicks tongue]           960 00:42:49,233 --> 00:42:51,569           And you redirect                     the money funding          961 00:42:51,610 --> 00:42:52,736             the operation                     back to my office--         962 00:42:52,778 --> 00:42:54,697     No. We'll keep the bestowal.     963 00:42:54,738 --> 00:42:56,407            And use it for                  the good and fair purpose      964 00:42:56,448 --> 00:42:57,908           for which it was                     meant to be used.          965 00:42:57,950 --> 00:43:00,077     But I accept your resignation    966 00:43:00,119 --> 00:43:01,620        and I thank you for it.       967 00:43:04,707 --> 00:43:06,083       You did do a good thing.       968 00:43:06,125 --> 00:43:07,501             Two, really.             969 00:43:07,543 --> 00:43:09,336           Merle Howard has                     a chance to be a           970 00:43:09,378 --> 00:43:11,213     productive member of society.    971 00:43:11,255 --> 00:43:14,800       And Yale is now protected             from a mentor like you.       972 00:43:16,802 --> 00:43:20,514         [door opens, closes]         973 00:43:20,556 --> 00:43:22,433                [sighs]               974 00:43:28,147 --> 00:43:29,607              Rough day?              975 00:43:29,648 --> 00:43:31,150             Not my best.             976 00:43:32,276 --> 00:43:34,278         But I did something.         977 00:43:36,447 --> 00:43:38,824       I actually kept a promise             to myself, a good one.        978 00:43:40,159 --> 00:43:41,827             So that's...             979 00:43:41,869 --> 00:43:44,079     I guess the word is progress.    980 00:43:44,121 --> 00:43:46,332        Hmm. So you feel great?       981 00:43:46,373 --> 00:43:48,334    Oh, let's not get carried away.  982 00:43:48,375 --> 00:43:50,628         Well, maybe this will                take it over the top.        983 00:43:50,669 --> 00:43:53,631      I was researching some big,          juicy cases that would put      984 00:43:53,672 --> 00:43:55,758         a halo over your head              and found a small article      985 00:43:55,799 --> 00:43:58,093        in a local paper about               some neighborhood folks       986 00:43:58,135 --> 00:44:00,471           that got fleeced                    by a payday lender.         987 00:44:00,512 --> 00:44:02,056    Company's called Plaintif-Full.  988 00:44:02,097 --> 00:44:04,433       [scoffs] Are they as bad              as their name suggests?       989 00:44:04,475 --> 00:44:06,894         Bad-faith operators.                      Predatory.              990 00:44:06,935 --> 00:44:09,730      Well, I no longer need it.      991 00:44:09,772 --> 00:44:11,857         But I am in the mood                 to take someone down.        992 00:44:13,192 --> 00:44:15,319               [scoffs]               993 00:44:15,361 --> 00:44:18,113          Let's do it because              it's the right thing to do.     994 00:44:18,155 --> 00:44:19,406              Refreshing.             995 00:44:19,448 --> 00:44:20,783              Old school.                      Move fast on this.          996 00:44:20,824 --> 00:44:22,326             You know it.             997 00:44:25,287 --> 00:44:26,497             [door closes]            998 00:44:29,124 --> 00:44:30,584               I got it.              999 00:44:30,626 --> 00:44:32,670        When you said the past,       1000 00:44:32,711 --> 00:44:34,963          it jogged my memory              of an old   Fortune   article.      1001 00:44:35,005 --> 00:44:36,632          I used to read 'em                     on the crapper.           1002 00:44:36,674 --> 00:44:38,842        Is that the actual one                  from the crapper?          1003 00:44:38,884 --> 00:44:42,471         No, I pulled that one                  out of archives.           1004 00:44:42,513 --> 00:44:45,391          The story is about               Prince's deceased partner,      1005 00:44:45,432 --> 00:44:47,017             David Fells.             1006 00:44:47,059 --> 00:44:49,395        Now Prince sold off 40%             of his company years ago       1007 00:44:49,436 --> 00:44:51,647        to Microsoft, back when              Fells was still alive.        1008 00:44:51,689 --> 00:44:53,732      It was his first big score.              His first billion.          1009 00:44:53,774 --> 00:44:57,194       But he's always famously           refused to sell off the rest.    1010 00:44:57,236 --> 00:44:59,530          To give up control.         1011 00:44:59,571 --> 00:45:00,531                 And?                 1012 00:45:00,572 --> 00:45:02,032                And...                1013 00:45:02,074 --> 00:45:03,909          this might be a way               for you to wrest control       1014 00:45:03,951 --> 00:45:05,619        of his goddamn company                    from within,             1015 00:45:05,661 --> 00:45:07,329          like a Guinea worm.         1016 00:45:07,371 --> 00:45:09,123            Because Fells's                founder's shares come with      1017 00:45:09,164 --> 00:45:11,750       ten to one voting rights.      1018 00:45:11,792 --> 00:45:13,711            You get those,            1019 00:45:13,752 --> 00:45:15,629    you can stage a boardroom coup.  1020 00:45:15,671 --> 00:45:17,506          I've been in touch                with Fells's next of kin,      1021 00:45:17,548 --> 00:45:19,133              his mother.             1022 00:45:19,174 --> 00:45:20,843         She's agreed to meet.        1023 00:45:20,884 --> 00:45:24,805        [smacks lips] And she's              no fan of Mike Prince.        1024 00:45:24,847 --> 00:45:26,890        -How do you know that?                  -'Cause she said,          1025 00:45:26,932 --> 00:45:29,893      "I have just what you need            to torpedo Mike Prince."       1026 00:45:29,935 --> 00:45:32,396     She has the founder's shares         and the super voting rights.     1027 00:45:33,939 --> 00:45:35,566      What else could that mean?      1028 00:45:35,607 --> 00:45:37,401           Fuel up your jet?          1029 00:45:37,443 --> 00:45:38,652             You know it.             1030 00:45:38,694 --> 00:45:40,070           Bring her to me.           1031 00:45:43,949 --> 00:45:44,908          [Axe] Mrs. Fells...         1032 00:45:44,950 --> 00:45:46,410              Oh, Brenda.             1033 00:45:46,452 --> 00:45:48,412                Brenda.               1034 00:45:48,454 --> 00:45:50,247    I'm gonna to put this bluntly,                 and I'm not             1035 00:45:50,289 --> 00:45:53,083       gonna bother negotiating.      1036 00:45:53,125 --> 00:45:56,253     I will back up an armored car           for your son's shares.        1037 00:45:56,295 --> 00:45:58,714            I-- I'm sorry,                     I don't have them.          1038 00:45:58,756 --> 00:46:00,549               Uh-uh...               1039 00:46:00,591 --> 00:46:03,844     he sold them before he died,              to Michael Prince.          1040 00:46:03,886 --> 00:46:05,721        I shouldn't have come.        1041 00:46:05,763 --> 00:46:08,640             Well, ma'am,                       that is too bad.           1042 00:46:08,682 --> 00:46:10,392       But you knew this before                  I flew you in.            1043 00:46:10,434 --> 00:46:12,686          And you didn't say                      don't, so...             1044 00:46:12,728 --> 00:46:15,856      That leads me to believe it           might be something else.       1045 00:46:15,898 --> 00:46:17,983           Oh, I'm sure it's                     something else.           1046 00:46:18,025 --> 00:46:21,779       It's something I've known             and carried for years,        1047 00:46:21,820 --> 00:46:23,697      since my s-all right, look.     1048 00:46:24,782 --> 00:46:26,742           I signed an NDA.           1049 00:46:26,784 --> 00:46:29,787     Prince came to me years ago,         right after David was buried.    1050 00:46:29,828 --> 00:46:33,373           He gave me money                    and he had me sign.         1051 00:46:33,415 --> 00:46:35,459  This is just you and me talking.  1052 00:46:37,085 --> 00:46:39,797         Whatever you tell me,                and if it's valuable,        1053 00:46:39,838 --> 00:46:41,590             and I use it,            1054 00:46:41,632 --> 00:46:44,927        I will cover any losses             or liabilities you face.       1055 00:46:44,968 --> 00:46:46,970             Only an idiot                    would take your word         1056 00:46:47,012 --> 00:46:48,764         and not write this up                    with lawyers.            1057 00:46:48,806 --> 00:46:50,724             Only an idiot                    would make the offer.        1058 00:46:52,476 --> 00:46:53,852               [scoffs]               1059 00:46:58,357 --> 00:47:00,275         My son was brilliant,        1060 00:47:00,317 --> 00:47:02,319         but he was troubled.         1061 00:47:02,361 --> 00:47:04,863        He had trouble finding             his way through the world.      1062 00:47:06,323 --> 00:47:08,283    He didn't make friends easily.    1063 00:47:08,325 --> 00:47:11,495      And then he started in with          the drinking and the drugs.     1064 00:47:12,788 --> 00:47:14,915      Except for Michael Prince.      1065 00:47:14,957 --> 00:47:19,086       Those two spent thousands         of hours in my garage working.    1066 00:47:19,127 --> 00:47:21,630         You know, Prince was                 like the forward face        1067 00:47:21,672 --> 00:47:25,592        of all my son's genius.       1068 00:47:25,634 --> 00:47:27,469           And then one day,                    he stops by with           1069 00:47:27,511 --> 00:47:32,099           what seemed like                   a windfall, $200,000.        1070 00:47:32,140 --> 00:47:34,434          He said he'd gotten                 a licensing agreement        1071 00:47:34,476 --> 00:47:36,520         and that he would buy            David's piece of the company     1072 00:47:36,562 --> 00:47:38,856       to take the pressure off.      1073 00:47:38,897 --> 00:47:40,691            So David could                    chill out, you know,         1074 00:47:40,732 --> 00:47:43,318          clean up, dry out.          1075 00:47:43,360 --> 00:47:46,530          He said that while               the first one didn't work,      1076 00:47:46,572 --> 00:47:48,365           they would start                       a new company            1077 00:47:48,407 --> 00:47:49,950     when David was strong again.     1078 00:47:49,992 --> 00:47:52,035      And-and to tip the scales,      1079 00:47:52,077 --> 00:47:54,872           he brought along                   the check and tickets        1080 00:47:54,913 --> 00:47:57,708         to Rio for Carnival.         1081 00:47:57,749 --> 00:48:00,335         Michael's gonna join                 him on the last day.         1082 00:48:00,377 --> 00:48:05,132      So David accepted, he went.     1083 00:48:05,173 --> 00:48:07,175      And then the Microsoft deal                was announced,            1084 00:48:07,217 --> 00:48:10,387    and the numbers were reported,       and Michael Prince had made...    1085 00:48:10,429 --> 00:48:12,389        wh-- uh a hundred times       1086 00:48:12,431 --> 00:48:14,266         what he'd paid David,                     a thousand.             1087 00:48:14,308 --> 00:48:15,976           He knew the offer                       was coming.             1088 00:48:16,018 --> 00:48:17,895             Oh, he knew,                     and he stalled it off        1089 00:48:17,936 --> 00:48:19,980            until he could                    secure David's piece.        1090 00:48:20,022 --> 00:48:22,566       Made it look like a favor          and put him out in the cold.     1091 00:48:26,194 --> 00:48:28,614          I mean, do you know         1092 00:48:28,655 --> 00:48:31,617            what that does                      to a 25-year-old?          1093 00:48:31,658 --> 00:48:33,577        To lose out like that?        1094 00:48:33,619 --> 00:48:36,079         I mean, to be stabbed                in the back like that        1095 00:48:36,121 --> 00:48:37,414         by your best friend?         1096 00:48:39,416 --> 00:48:43,170        The drinking and using                went into overdrive.         1097 00:48:43,211 --> 00:48:45,255            He said he was                     ready to come home.         1098 00:48:45,297 --> 00:48:46,423            But he didn't.            1099 00:48:46,465 --> 00:48:48,050          He-- he went dark.          1100 00:48:48,091 --> 00:48:50,052         And he wound up dying                    a month later            1101 00:48:50,093 --> 00:48:52,095       in a single-car accident.      1102 00:48:53,889 --> 00:48:55,599            Michael Prince            1103 00:48:55,641 --> 00:48:58,101           built his fortune                   on my son's grave.          1104 00:49:25,754 --> 00:49:27,130               [exhales]              1105 00:49:28,590 --> 00:49:30,133          I was supposed to--         1106 00:49:31,760 --> 00:49:33,720         by now I was supposed               to be done with my PhD        1107 00:49:33,762 --> 00:49:35,889        in economic philosophy                    at U Chicago.            1108 00:49:35,931 --> 00:49:38,725          I'd have published                    my dissertation.           1109 00:49:38,767 --> 00:49:41,144        But then Bobby Axelrod            put a promise of mentorship,     1110 00:49:41,186 --> 00:49:43,605        a meeting of the minds,                a kinship of ideas,         1111 00:49:43,647 --> 00:49:47,317    and a way of seeing the markets         I'd never felt before,        1112 00:49:47,359 --> 00:49:50,153           and so much money              in front of me that I just...    1113 00:49:50,195 --> 00:49:51,405          I never even called                     the professor            1114 00:49:51,446 --> 00:49:52,656            I was supposed                      to go work with.           1115 00:49:52,698 --> 00:49:55,158            I just withdrew                     from the program.          1116 00:49:55,200 --> 00:49:57,494         You wish you were at               the place fun goes to die      1117 00:49:57,536 --> 00:49:59,496      instead of making jillions      1118 00:49:59,538 --> 00:50:02,499          solving unsolvable                   puzzles every day?          1119 00:50:02,541 --> 00:50:03,834         I never thought I was                 the kind of person          1120 00:50:03,875 --> 00:50:05,502             who would be                     tempted by all this.         1121 00:50:05,544 --> 00:50:08,005            And then I told               myself that anyone, everyone,    1122 00:50:08,046 --> 00:50:10,007         would lose a piece of                themselves for this.         1123 00:50:10,048 --> 00:50:12,509            It made me able                  to justify what I did.        1124 00:50:12,551 --> 00:50:14,553         And then here I was.         1125 00:50:14,594 --> 00:50:16,680     And it was the perfect chance          to conduct an experiment,      1126 00:50:16,722 --> 00:50:18,682             a test case.             1127 00:50:18,724 --> 00:50:21,226        Part of you wants me to           make the escape you couldn't.    1128 00:50:21,268 --> 00:50:23,812          But the other part                    wants me to stay.          1129 00:50:23,854 --> 00:50:26,648      To prove to you that no one         can resist the clarion call.     1130 00:50:26,690 --> 00:50:28,650         I'm on the wrong side                 of our generation.          1131 00:50:28,692 --> 00:50:30,402       Even just the four years                 between when Axe           1132 00:50:30,444 --> 00:50:32,029         put the choice to me,                     and now...              1133 00:50:32,070 --> 00:50:34,364         No, yeah, you're old.                      I'm not.               1134 00:50:34,406 --> 00:50:37,534       But I'm not sitting here             like I'm better than you.      1135 00:50:37,576 --> 00:50:39,077            Fuck. [scoffs]            1136 00:50:39,119 --> 00:50:41,246          You chose something                   sturdy and real,           1137 00:50:41,288 --> 00:50:43,999           and where, like,                      you could land.           1138 00:50:44,041 --> 00:50:46,251          I'm still floating.         1139 00:50:46,293 --> 00:50:48,879    That's what I've been thinking         about since we last talked.     1140 00:50:48,920 --> 00:50:51,214       -How I'm caught between.                     -Really?               1141 00:50:51,256 --> 00:50:53,300      I don't want to go work in           the Ford plant for 40 years     1142 00:50:53,341 --> 00:50:54,718          like a rivet head.          1143 00:50:54,760 --> 00:50:56,928              But knowing                   I'm really in something?       1144 00:50:56,970 --> 00:50:58,388                [sighs]               1145 00:50:58,430 --> 00:51:00,057        Yeah, that seems good.        1146 00:51:02,684 --> 00:51:05,062            I'm gonna ditch                   the catering company.        1147 00:51:05,103 --> 00:51:07,564       Good. But I can't let you                just go and do it          1148 00:51:07,606 --> 00:51:09,733     without warning you what else          you need to be ready for.      1149 00:51:09,775 --> 00:51:12,194        What else one gives up                to go on the journey.        1150 00:51:12,235 --> 00:51:14,237           Oh, so what else                      do you give up?           1151 00:51:14,279 --> 00:51:16,073      Nights, weekends, holidays.     1152 00:51:16,114 --> 00:51:17,657        Your world will become               a series of data sets,        1153 00:51:17,699 --> 00:51:19,159       line items on a P and L.       1154 00:51:19,201 --> 00:51:21,620        Everything broken down                 into basis points.          1155 00:51:21,661 --> 00:51:23,038          And your victories                 will not be the money,        1156 00:51:23,080 --> 00:51:24,706            the thing that                    anybody can measure,         1157 00:51:24,748 --> 00:51:26,708          but the stuff they               can't begin to appreciate.      1158 00:51:26,750 --> 00:51:28,251            Looking beyond                    what's quantifiable,         1159 00:51:28,293 --> 00:51:30,796        the subtle refinements,             the elegance of success.       1160 00:51:34,966 --> 00:51:36,593    I'll quit the catering company.  1161 00:51:36,635 --> 00:51:38,929             Then buy it.                  Turn it over to my friends.     1162 00:51:38,970 --> 00:51:41,223             Nice gesture.                  They won't appreciate it.      1163 00:51:41,264 --> 00:51:43,391       But at least you'll know          you did a good thing for them.    1164 00:51:43,433 --> 00:51:45,560          Your real friends,           few as they may be, will get it.  1165 00:51:45,602 --> 00:51:46,770       And the ones that don't,       1166 00:51:46,812 --> 00:51:47,979     don't have the capacity to be    1167 00:51:48,021 --> 00:51:49,314     the kind of friend you need.     1168 00:51:51,108 --> 00:51:52,692       So instead of friendship,      1169 00:51:52,734 --> 00:51:54,486         you have to use work                   to fill the void?          1170 00:51:54,528 --> 00:51:55,987             I guess I do.            1171 00:51:58,156 --> 00:51:59,783                [sighs]               1172 00:52:22,180 --> 00:52:23,223           Thanks for this.           1173 00:52:23,265 --> 00:52:24,641      [Axe] Yeah, he was in town.     1174 00:52:24,683 --> 00:52:26,601     I figured he'd dig the work.     1175 00:52:26,643 --> 00:52:28,645    This is really good work, man.    1176 00:52:28,687 --> 00:52:30,772            [Tanner] Cool.            1177 00:52:30,814 --> 00:52:32,649             I dig yours.             1178 00:52:32,691 --> 00:52:34,818       Hey. You know, maybe you              want to commission one.       1179 00:52:36,153 --> 00:52:38,113            I spend most of                    my money on guitars         1180 00:52:38,155 --> 00:52:40,824      -but I'm thinking about it.              -Yeah, good. Good.          1181 00:52:40,866 --> 00:52:42,826           Hey, you want to                 come by my place tonight?      1182 00:52:42,868 --> 00:52:44,828         I'm having my team by            for a special viewing party.     1183 00:52:44,870 --> 00:52:46,496          Oh, no, thank you.          1184 00:52:46,538 --> 00:52:48,665         I-I don't ever really               feel comfortable around       1185 00:52:48,707 --> 00:52:50,125       the financial set, right?      1186 00:52:50,167 --> 00:52:51,626         Oh, yeah. [chuckles]         1187 00:52:52,878 --> 00:52:54,671              But there--                    there are some upsides.       1188 00:52:54,713 --> 00:52:56,506     Only thing that sounds worse                is hanging out            1189 00:52:56,548 --> 00:52:58,216     with record label executives.    1190 00:52:58,258 --> 00:52:59,509            Especially when                    I'm trying to work.         1191 00:52:59,551 --> 00:53:01,178      I just want to do my thing.     1192 00:53:01,219 --> 00:53:03,013          I don't want to be                somebody's trick monkey.       1193 00:53:05,515 --> 00:53:07,601          Anyway, thanks for                 showing me this stuff.        1194 00:53:07,642 --> 00:53:09,186             Really good.                     Really inspirational.        1195 00:53:09,227 --> 00:53:10,729              Oh, thanks.             1196 00:53:13,648 --> 00:53:15,692        -Hey see you in a bit.                       -Yeah.                1197 00:53:17,694 --> 00:53:21,698        ["It's Good To Be King"                by Tom Petty plays]         1198 00:53:24,576 --> 00:53:26,161                -Okay.                          -[light chatter]           1199 00:53:26,203 --> 00:53:28,496              [laughter]              1200 00:53:28,538 --> 00:53:30,457            Does the paint                     get on your stuff?          1201 00:53:30,498 --> 00:53:32,542        Or do you like, add it?       1202 00:53:32,584 --> 00:53:34,586          Tuk, you shouldn't                     bother the man.           1203 00:53:34,628 --> 00:53:35,754      He doesn't like small talk.     1204 00:53:35,795 --> 00:53:37,339           What-- what, uh,           1205 00:53:37,380 --> 00:53:38,840            what is it that                   you're trying to ask?        1206 00:53:38,882 --> 00:53:40,675         I just dropped 10K on                  this Gucci jacket          1207 00:53:40,717 --> 00:53:42,510      to wear out to clubs, but--     1208 00:53:42,552 --> 00:53:44,554         but now I'm thinking               if I splash some paint--       1209 00:53:44,596 --> 00:53:45,889               Oh, Tuk.               1210 00:53:45,931 --> 00:53:47,224           Yeah, you really                    shouldn't do that.          1211 00:53:47,265 --> 00:53:48,725           You'll just ruin                    your jacket, loser.         1212 00:53:48,767 --> 00:53:50,560               Exactly.               1213 00:53:50,602 --> 00:53:52,229    The artist thing works for him           because he's an artist.       1214 00:53:52,270 --> 00:53:53,772             [Dollar Bill]                     Get your own game,          1215 00:53:53,813 --> 00:53:56,399         like buying the girl                  the $10,000 jacket.         1216 00:53:56,441 --> 00:53:58,360           Maybe you'll get                  some gratitude points.        1217 00:54:02,197 --> 00:54:03,573               Oh, Tuk.               1218 00:54:04,991 --> 00:54:07,035       ...of your own little town   1219 00:54:09,412 --> 00:54:13,750   Yeah, the world would swing     1220 00:54:15,460 --> 00:54:19,422                Oh, if I             1221 00:54:19,464 --> 00:54:20,840               Were king             1222 00:54:22,968 --> 00:54:26,429          Hi. I heard we had                  to watch this thing.         1223 00:54:26,471 --> 00:54:28,265       My friends were going out      1224 00:54:28,306 --> 00:54:30,934           and I didn't know                where else to go really.       1225 00:54:33,311 --> 00:54:36,606             -Do you mind?                      -[laptop chatter]          1226 00:54:36,648 --> 00:54:39,776          It's good to be king       1227 00:54:39,818 --> 00:54:43,238         And have your own way       1228 00:54:43,280 --> 00:54:46,241         Get a feeling of peace      1229 00:54:46,283 --> 00:54:48,410         At the end of the day       1230 00:54:50,495 --> 00:54:52,497            Mr. Ambassador,                     your   habiliments.          1231 00:54:56,376 --> 00:54:58,420         All right, everyone.         1232 00:54:58,461 --> 00:55:00,338       You are gonna like this.       1233 00:55:04,259 --> 00:55:06,052      He's a self-made billionaire,    1234 00:55:06,094 --> 00:55:08,054           an advocate for the               environment and our future,     1235 00:55:08,096 --> 00:55:11,599         a man who asks the tough            questions about inequality.     1236 00:55:11,641 --> 00:55:13,310        But to paraphrase Balzac,      1237 00:55:13,351 --> 00:55:15,395       behind every great fortune,     1238 00:55:15,437 --> 00:55:17,314         there is great cruelty.       1239 00:55:17,355 --> 00:55:19,149      And in the case of Mr. Prince,  1240 00:55:19,190 --> 00:55:21,109        exploitation and betrayal.     1241 00:55:21,151 --> 00:55:22,652  Over the next part of the hour,    1242 00:55:22,694 --> 00:55:24,821             we will explore                       a fortune stolen          1243 00:55:24,863 --> 00:55:26,239          and a legacy pilfered.       1244 00:55:29,034 --> 00:55:30,577             It's been hard.           1245 00:55:30,618 --> 00:55:33,496        It's been brutal, really,      1246 00:55:33,538 --> 00:55:36,166            to watch the world                    celebrate this man         1247 00:55:38,001 --> 00:55:41,004         and know the truth about               what he did to my son,       1248 00:55:41,046 --> 00:55:44,174         which is steal from him                   and destroy him.          1249 00:55:53,058 --> 00:55:54,976       You best hope you are not             Dollar Bill's mission,        1250 00:55:55,018 --> 00:55:57,062         because he will ride               you down like Tombstone.       1251 00:55:57,103 --> 00:55:58,480              [chuckling]             1252 00:55:58,521 --> 00:56:00,815         [chants] Dollar Bill!                    Dollar Bill!             1253 00:56:02,567 --> 00:56:04,361        It helps to make friends     1254 00:56:06,321 --> 00:56:07,530          Anyone seen Tanner?         1255 00:56:07,572 --> 00:56:09,032               [all] No.              1256 00:56:15,830 --> 00:56:19,042              That fish?                      He went for the lure.        1257 00:56:19,084 --> 00:56:20,126          And he got hooked.          1258 00:56:20,168 --> 00:56:21,961              Fuck yeah!              1259 00:56:22,003 --> 00:56:23,671          Pick up the company                     on the cheap.            1260 00:56:23,713 --> 00:56:25,548             Already done.            1261 00:56:25,590 --> 00:56:26,549               [grunts]               1262 00:56:27,884 --> 00:56:29,552          [cell phone chimes]         1263 00:56:43,274 --> 00:56:44,734         Pull Plaintif-Full's                  corporate charter,          1264 00:56:44,776 --> 00:56:45,902        -their company by-laws.                   -That is what            1265 00:56:45,944 --> 00:56:47,904     I'm elbow deep in right now.     1266 00:56:47,946 --> 00:56:51,074    Why would Axe care about buying     up a marginal shitbag operation  1267 00:56:51,116 --> 00:56:54,035        that after our takedown             has basically zero value?      1268 00:56:54,077 --> 00:56:56,121         What are we missing?                      What angle?             1269 00:56:56,162 --> 00:56:57,747      Not what angle, what asset.     1270 00:57:00,041 --> 00:57:01,626         The way they got away                with a bunch of their        1271 00:57:01,668 --> 00:57:03,169           unethical lending                  is doing it in-house.        1272 00:57:03,211 --> 00:57:04,712       They have a bank charter.      1273 00:57:04,754 --> 00:57:06,089          They have a fucking                     bank charter.            1274 00:57:08,133 --> 00:57:09,259                [sighs]               1275 00:57:11,469 --> 00:57:13,763     We just delivered Axe's bank.    1276 00:57:13,805 --> 00:57:16,266           Jenny said, when she              was just five years old       1277 00:57:16,307 --> 00:57:18,810            There was nothin'                    happening at all          1278 00:57:22,564 --> 00:57:25,233              Every time she                    puts on the radio          1279 00:57:25,275 --> 00:57:27,777            There was nothin'                   goin' down at all          1280 00:57:27,819 --> 00:57:31,448               Not at all            1281 00:57:31,489 --> 00:57:34,200        Then, one fine mornin' she          puts on a New York station     1282 00:57:34,242 --> 00:57:36,077                They know,                     she don't believe...        1283 00:57:36,119 --> 00:57:38,455     You disappeared. You weren't             answering your phone.        1284 00:57:38,496 --> 00:57:39,956              Don't talk!             1285 00:57:41,458 --> 00:57:43,126            Just saying hi.           1286 00:57:45,170 --> 00:57:46,963             Can I watch?             1287 00:57:47,005 --> 00:57:48,798     You can stay, you can leave,             you can do whatever.         1288 00:57:50,133 --> 00:57:52,051           You wanted pure?           1289 00:57:52,093 --> 00:57:53,970        This is pure as I got!        1290 00:57:57,348 --> 00:57:59,726             Make yourself                    a drink if you want.         1291 00:57:59,767 --> 00:58:01,311         You just let me work.        1292 00:58:18,828 --> 00:58:21,372         Jenny said, when she was           just about five years old      1293 00:58:21,414 --> 00:58:23,833        "You know, my parents are          gonna be the death of us all"    1294 00:58:27,212 --> 00:58:30,256               Two TV sets                    and two Cadillac cars        1295 00:58:30,298 --> 00:58:33,760             Well, you know,                ain't gonna help me at all     1296 00:58:33,801 --> 00:58:36,179         No, just your time do       1297 00:58:36,221 --> 00:58:39,349        Then, one fine morning she         turns on a New York station     1298 00:58:39,390 --> 00:58:42,101           She doesn't believe                what she hears at all        1299 00:58:44,687 --> 00:58:47,023             Ooh, she started                    dancin' to that           1300 00:58:47,065 --> 00:58:49,150            Fine, fine music         1301 00:58:49,192 --> 00:58:52,195            You know, her life               was saved by rock'n'roll