1 00:00:00,397 --> 00:00:04,316 Elishia McKellar died, and when she came back, I was her. 2 00:00:04,317 --> 00:00:08,516 But before that, I was like you, and we were connected. 3 00:00:08,517 --> 00:00:11,710 I need to wash and I need some fresh clothes. 4 00:00:11,717 --> 00:00:15,448 - What did you do? - What I'm here to do. 5 00:00:15,552 --> 00:00:17,426 Turns out Owen here is a convicted murderer. 6 00:00:17,481 --> 00:00:19,367 Should I be worried about you? 7 00:00:19,375 --> 00:00:21,116 It was just one hit, and he died. 8 00:00:21,117 --> 00:00:22,858 You did eight years? 9 00:00:24,597 --> 00:00:28,800 If you can do this, then you can bring Elishia back... 10 00:00:30,477 --> 00:00:32,836 using her work. 11 00:00:32,837 --> 00:00:37,537 That man tried to extort money from your poor dear frail grandmother. 12 00:00:37,624 --> 00:00:38,664 Who the hell are you? 13 00:00:38,665 --> 00:00:41,424 We're the real fuckin' Fitzgeralds! 14 00:00:43,344 --> 00:00:44,623 Come on! 15 00:00:44,624 --> 00:00:46,944 - What's wrong? - What do you have to say about this? 16 00:00:49,624 --> 00:00:52,903 She was violated by the same mongrel who hurt you. 17 00:00:54,984 --> 00:00:56,223 Arghhhh! 18 00:00:56,224 --> 00:00:58,864 Do the Rennoxes still live on Franklin Street? 21 00:02:03,224 --> 00:02:05,623 You want another one? 22 00:02:05,624 --> 00:02:07,343 - Get out here! - Shit! 23 00:02:07,344 --> 00:02:09,903 Pete Rennox, you're a fucking coward! 24 00:02:09,904 --> 00:02:13,623 What the hell are you doing? Put that down. 25 00:02:13,624 --> 00:02:14,744 Why are you here? 26 00:02:14,745 --> 00:02:17,504 I live here. Pete's my brother. 27 00:02:18,784 --> 00:02:20,983 - You need to... - Get off me! 28 00:02:20,984 --> 00:02:22,304 drop it! 29 00:02:24,544 --> 00:02:26,943 I'm the victim here. 30 00:02:26,944 --> 00:02:28,863 Hey, do you know what he did to me? 31 00:02:28,864 --> 00:02:30,903 Whatever's happened, you need to calm... 32 00:02:30,904 --> 00:02:32,464 Your brother is a murderer! 33 00:02:34,464 --> 00:02:36,343 Chris! 34 00:02:36,344 --> 00:02:38,383 Get away from the window. 35 00:02:38,384 --> 00:02:40,424 Now! 36 00:02:51,144 --> 00:02:54,463 Ohh! Ohh! 37 00:02:54,464 --> 00:02:56,224 Kirstie? 38 00:02:58,704 --> 00:03:01,383 You arrest him right now. I want him locked up. 39 00:03:01,384 --> 00:03:04,143 Go back to the lake house, okay? 40 00:03:04,144 --> 00:03:08,223 He put his hands around my throat and he strangled me! 41 00:03:08,224 --> 00:03:11,704 He's got a tattoo right here, on his arm. Circles. 42 00:03:13,664 --> 00:03:15,503 - Yeah, I'll prove it. - No... 43 00:03:15,504 --> 00:03:17,983 - I will make him admit to it. - He won't remember! 44 00:03:17,984 --> 00:03:19,823 Bullshit. 45 00:03:19,824 --> 00:03:21,623 He rolled his car when he was 19, okay? 46 00:03:21,624 --> 00:03:22,824 He's got a brain injury. 47 00:03:22,825 --> 00:03:25,424 - Liar. - He won't know who you are. 48 00:03:26,664 --> 00:03:28,703 You're helpin' him get away with it. 49 00:03:28,704 --> 00:03:30,583 If you don't leave now, 50 00:03:30,584 --> 00:03:33,384 I'm gonna arrest you for disturbing the peace. 51 00:03:34,384 --> 00:03:36,144 Get out of here. 52 00:03:38,704 --> 00:03:40,704 This town sucks. 53 00:03:44,224 --> 00:03:47,104 And I bet you're all fuckin' in on it! 54 00:04:03,184 --> 00:04:05,103 Who's she? 55 00:04:05,104 --> 00:04:06,383 Why'd she do that? 56 00:04:06,384 --> 00:04:08,383 Can you get the dustpan? 57 00:04:08,384 --> 00:04:09,663 She called me a murderer. 58 00:04:09,664 --> 00:04:12,943 She's crazy. She... she doesn't know what she's talking about. 59 00:04:12,944 --> 00:04:15,303 Stop treating me like a fucking idiot! 60 00:04:15,304 --> 00:04:17,663 Tell me what she meant. 61 00:04:17,664 --> 00:04:20,783 Pete... she's a meth head. 62 00:04:20,784 --> 00:04:23,223 She doesn't know what she's talking about, all right? 63 00:04:23,224 --> 00:04:25,904 Come on, are you gonna help me clean up or what? 64 00:04:39,704 --> 00:04:41,823 Just tell me, Sarah. 65 00:04:41,824 --> 00:04:44,103 I just need to know where this came from. 66 00:04:44,104 --> 00:04:45,543 - You think I killed Elishia? - No! 67 00:04:45,544 --> 00:04:46,983 - You think I'm a murderer? - No. 68 00:04:46,984 --> 00:04:48,903 Well, clearly you think I've got something to do with it, 69 00:04:48,904 --> 00:04:50,583 otherwise you wouldn't be fucking freaking out. 70 00:04:50,584 --> 00:04:54,263 Well, just explain it to me, Sarah. Help me understand this. 71 00:04:54,264 --> 00:04:56,503 - What is this? - I was standing on the high street 72 00:04:56,504 --> 00:04:59,263 and all of this stuff just started coming out of me. 73 00:04:59,264 --> 00:05:02,343 All this blood and clots just started running down my legs. 74 00:05:02,344 --> 00:05:03,903 No, no, no, no, no. 75 00:05:03,904 --> 00:05:07,303 People staring at me like I was a freak and I didn't know what to do. 76 00:05:07,304 --> 00:05:10,143 And Linda from the Salvos gave me that shirt to clean myself with. 77 00:05:10,144 --> 00:05:12,903 Why didn't you call me? 78 00:05:12,904 --> 00:05:15,223 I didn't want you to see me like that. It was humiliating. 79 00:05:15,224 --> 00:05:16,823 - Call an ambulance? - No, I'm okay. 80 00:05:16,824 --> 00:05:18,024 - Are you okay? - I'm okay. 81 00:05:18,025 --> 00:05:20,143 - Are you in pain now? - I just feel a bit sick. 82 00:05:20,144 --> 00:05:22,903 Okay, I'm taking you to Ellen, okay? 83 00:05:22,904 --> 00:05:24,463 I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it before. 84 00:05:24,464 --> 00:05:25,783 - It's okay. It's okay. - I'm sorry. 85 00:05:25,784 --> 00:05:28,223 We'll go to the hospital. You just go to the car. 86 00:05:28,224 --> 00:05:29,384 I'll get Nia. 87 00:05:53,464 --> 00:05:54,464 Arghh! Ohh! 88 00:05:54,465 --> 00:05:58,623 Ohh! Arghh! Ahhh! Ohh! 89 00:05:58,624 --> 00:06:01,583 - Shit, he's having a heart attack! - No, he isn't. 90 00:06:01,584 --> 00:06:02,624 Ughh! Arghh! 91 00:06:02,625 --> 00:06:05,423 - Get him inside! - What are you gonna do? 92 00:06:05,424 --> 00:06:07,023 Arghh! Get off me! 93 00:06:07,024 --> 00:06:08,983 Hey, you bastards! 94 00:06:08,984 --> 00:06:12,264 Ohh! Ohh! 95 00:06:18,264 --> 00:06:19,783 Tie him up. 96 00:06:19,784 --> 00:06:23,464 Ahhh! Arghh. Ohh. Ohh. 97 00:06:27,864 --> 00:06:31,023 Ohh! Why don't you untie me? 98 00:06:31,024 --> 00:06:34,223 We can settle this like men, huh? 99 00:06:34,224 --> 00:06:36,303 Is he a bit of a nancy boy? 100 00:06:36,304 --> 00:06:38,103 I'd say he packs a punch like a pansy. 101 00:06:38,104 --> 00:06:39,583 He's winding you up. 102 00:06:39,584 --> 00:06:41,784 I don't need fuckin' subtitles. Find the will. 103 00:06:44,424 --> 00:06:46,343 You can't leave me down here forever. 104 00:06:46,344 --> 00:06:48,783 They're demolishing this place soon. 105 00:06:48,784 --> 00:06:51,023 If I leave you down here, you get buried alive. 106 00:06:51,024 --> 00:06:54,223 You won't do that, you know, boy. 107 00:06:54,224 --> 00:06:56,223 'Cause you've got the fortitude of a mad woman's custard. 108 00:06:56,224 --> 00:06:58,303 You're a gutless, yellow-bellied, lily-livered... 109 00:06:58,304 --> 00:07:01,383 Shut your mouth! 110 00:07:01,384 --> 00:07:03,983 Tell you what, I'll let you go on one condition. 111 00:07:03,984 --> 00:07:06,303 You forget about the stupid will, 112 00:07:06,304 --> 00:07:08,543 you stop harassing my family and you leave town. 113 00:07:08,544 --> 00:07:12,263 Oh, that's three conditions, none of which are acceptable. 114 00:07:12,264 --> 00:07:14,863 All right, hold him. 115 00:07:14,864 --> 00:07:17,104 Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! 116 00:07:18,304 --> 00:07:20,183 - The loyal lieutenant, huh? - Can you gag him? 117 00:07:20,184 --> 00:07:22,024 The loyal lieutenant. 118 00:07:23,584 --> 00:07:25,383 Do you always take orders from his bully, do ya? 119 00:07:25,384 --> 00:07:26,743 How long we gonna leave him down here? 120 00:07:26,744 --> 00:07:28,663 - Forever. - No, seriously... 121 00:07:28,664 --> 00:07:30,544 Just gag him! 122 00:07:36,624 --> 00:07:38,864 You wanna be locked down here forever? 123 00:07:47,824 --> 00:07:51,063 - Are you sure? - 'Course I'm sure! 124 00:07:51,064 --> 00:07:52,503 I remembered the whole thing. 125 00:07:52,504 --> 00:07:54,623 Now he's a spaz in a wheelchair, 126 00:07:54,624 --> 00:07:56,984 and his pig brother's helping him get away with it. 127 00:07:58,744 --> 00:08:00,823 Kev was right. There is no justice. 128 00:08:00,824 --> 00:08:02,703 Well, at least you've got answers now. 129 00:08:02,704 --> 00:08:04,423 It's more than I've got. 130 00:08:04,424 --> 00:08:05,943 Well, I went out and looked. 131 00:08:05,944 --> 00:08:08,983 You're not gonna get jack shit sitting here doing woodwork. 132 00:08:08,984 --> 00:08:10,864 I'm fortifying the house. 133 00:08:12,904 --> 00:08:15,824 How do I dial on this stupid thing? 134 00:09:03,304 --> 00:09:05,503 James, you need to get here now. 135 00:09:05,504 --> 00:09:08,143 What's happened? 136 00:09:08,144 --> 00:09:11,023 Pete Rennox killed me and your scumbag mate's covering for him. 137 00:09:11,024 --> 00:09:12,983 Kirstie, slow down. Is everyone else okay? 138 00:09:12,984 --> 00:09:15,263 What? I don't know. Did you hear what I just said? 139 00:09:15,264 --> 00:09:18,904 Yes. Just keep everybody else there, and I'll be there soon, okay? 140 00:09:20,784 --> 00:09:21,784 Sorry. 141 00:09:23,424 --> 00:09:25,303 Sarah's gonna be fine. 142 00:09:25,304 --> 00:09:28,903 Sutures are dissolving and the epithelium is repairing itself. 143 00:09:28,904 --> 00:09:31,823 I mean, it's... it's unusual for this to happen more than once, 144 00:09:31,824 --> 00:09:33,303 but it's nothing to worry about. 145 00:09:33,304 --> 00:09:35,503 She just needs rest and hydration. 146 00:09:35,504 --> 00:09:37,303 Okay. Great. 147 00:09:37,304 --> 00:09:38,903 Who was on the phone? 148 00:09:38,904 --> 00:09:40,583 Kirstie. 149 00:09:40,584 --> 00:09:42,223 If you need to go, you should go. 150 00:09:42,224 --> 00:09:43,783 I can drop you home. 151 00:09:43,784 --> 00:09:45,743 In like an hour or so, whenever you're feeling better. 152 00:09:45,744 --> 00:09:48,343 - Are you sure? - 'Course. 153 00:09:48,344 --> 00:09:50,263 - Okay, thank you. - Okay. 154 00:09:50,264 --> 00:09:52,344 - I won't be long. - Okay. 155 00:09:57,144 --> 00:09:59,583 I just really don't want to let him down. 156 00:09:59,584 --> 00:10:01,024 Don't worry about him. 157 00:10:02,544 --> 00:10:05,423 You shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself. 158 00:10:05,424 --> 00:10:09,223 You know, it's going to take time for things to get back to normal. 159 00:10:09,224 --> 00:10:11,543 I'd really like to be normal. 160 00:10:11,544 --> 00:10:12,944 Mmm. 161 00:10:14,424 --> 00:10:15,904 I've got things to do. 162 00:10:17,184 --> 00:10:18,863 What, like... like work? 163 00:10:18,864 --> 00:10:20,183 A task. 164 00:10:20,184 --> 00:10:21,344 Well, that's okay. 165 00:10:21,345 --> 00:10:23,423 You're more than just a mum, you know. 166 00:10:23,424 --> 00:10:25,023 I know. 167 00:10:25,024 --> 00:10:26,863 Plenty of women juggle their work with their kids. 168 00:10:26,864 --> 00:10:29,544 I mean, I'm doing it. 169 00:10:31,544 --> 00:10:34,464 And you, you are a tough chick. 170 00:10:36,184 --> 00:10:39,984 Whatever you think you need to do, you should just do it. 171 00:11:06,464 --> 00:11:07,703 Are you ready yet? 172 00:11:07,704 --> 00:11:10,343 This is a complex process. 173 00:11:10,344 --> 00:11:13,903 I know how to regenerate human muscles, but I... 174 00:11:13,904 --> 00:11:16,783 I've no idea how to trigger memories. 175 00:11:16,784 --> 00:11:19,383 To achieve that, I need to study Elishia's research and... 176 00:11:19,384 --> 00:11:20,824 it will take time. 177 00:11:27,464 --> 00:11:30,463 It will take time! 178 00:11:30,464 --> 00:11:32,384 Okay? 179 00:11:38,064 --> 00:11:40,663 So when are you gonna arrest him? 180 00:11:40,664 --> 00:11:42,743 What am I going to charge him with, Kirstie? You're alive. 181 00:11:42,744 --> 00:11:44,143 He can't get away with it. 182 00:11:44,144 --> 00:11:45,863 What he did to Kev, to those other girls. 183 00:11:45,864 --> 00:11:47,463 Go and speak to Vicky Carmichael. 184 00:11:47,464 --> 00:11:49,783 Okay, but right now, Pete Rennox is in a wheelchair. 185 00:11:49,784 --> 00:11:53,663 He's no danger to anybody, but Elishia's killer is. 186 00:11:53,664 --> 00:11:57,104 Can I have a word please, Kate? Outside? 187 00:12:07,584 --> 00:12:09,223 Is this about Owen? 188 00:12:09,224 --> 00:12:11,903 'Cause he told me what happened. He's not dangerous. 189 00:12:11,904 --> 00:12:13,303 Well, he killed someone. 190 00:12:13,304 --> 00:12:15,863 He made a mistake and clearly, he paid for it. 191 00:12:15,864 --> 00:12:18,343 Right, and does he have an alibi for the day Elishia was murdered? 192 00:12:18,344 --> 00:12:19,544 Oh, my God! 193 00:12:19,545 --> 00:12:20,943 - Does he? - This is ridiculous. 194 00:12:20,944 --> 00:12:21,944 That's a fair question, Kate. 195 00:12:21,945 --> 00:12:23,504 Oh, for fuck's sake, James! 196 00:12:24,864 --> 00:12:27,063 Stop pretending this is about him. This is about us. 197 00:12:27,064 --> 00:12:28,663 This is... 198 00:12:28,664 --> 00:12:30,703 This is about me moving on with someone, 199 00:12:30,704 --> 00:12:32,264 just like you moved on with Sarah. 200 00:12:34,704 --> 00:12:37,584 I know I need to let you go. I just don't know how. 201 00:12:42,504 --> 00:12:44,304 Tell me how. 202 00:12:46,224 --> 00:12:48,463 I don't know. 203 00:12:48,464 --> 00:12:52,143 Oi! No bloody secrets. We're a part of this too. 204 00:12:52,144 --> 00:12:53,623 We have to stick together. 205 00:12:53,624 --> 00:12:55,903 - Yeah, all protect each other. - What happened to Paddy? 206 00:12:55,904 --> 00:12:58,983 Last time I saw him, he was at the house at Corona Hill, 207 00:12:58,984 --> 00:13:00,024 where I left him. 208 00:13:01,024 --> 00:13:03,703 Okay, well, I'm bringing him back here. 209 00:13:03,704 --> 00:13:06,143 Until I find Elishia's killer, you need to protect yourselves. 210 00:13:06,144 --> 00:13:08,064 How? 211 00:13:16,064 --> 00:13:18,423 Confiscated weapons from the station. 212 00:13:18,424 --> 00:13:20,463 Ace! 213 00:13:20,464 --> 00:13:22,784 - You got any rifles? - No. 214 00:13:54,184 --> 00:13:56,264 Hey. 215 00:13:58,824 --> 00:14:00,464 You okay? 216 00:14:03,944 --> 00:14:05,824 I need your help. 217 00:14:12,584 --> 00:14:14,383 You keeping that? 218 00:14:14,384 --> 00:14:18,104 Hmm? No. 219 00:14:19,664 --> 00:14:22,544 Just make sure you stay in contact and stick together, okay? 220 00:14:27,504 --> 00:14:30,183 We'd be safer in public, around other people. 221 00:14:30,184 --> 00:14:31,903 Let's go to town. 222 00:14:31,904 --> 00:14:33,904 Sounds good to me. 223 00:14:40,984 --> 00:14:43,104 Paddy? 224 00:14:49,584 --> 00:14:50,944 Paddy? 225 00:15:13,184 --> 00:15:15,103 Shut up and listen to me! 226 00:15:15,104 --> 00:15:17,063 Now, listen, stop your blubbering, all right? 227 00:15:17,064 --> 00:15:18,383 Stop your blubbering. 228 00:15:18,384 --> 00:15:20,983 - No, no, he's just a boy! - Get off me! Get off me! 229 00:15:20,984 --> 00:15:23,343 Stop your blubbering and look me in the eye, you hear me? 230 00:15:23,344 --> 00:15:27,903 I'll fashion you into a Fitzgerald yet, yeah? 231 00:15:27,904 --> 00:15:29,104 Yeah! 232 00:15:29,105 --> 00:15:33,824 Yeah! Huh? 233 00:15:55,784 --> 00:15:58,623 Why the hell do you want to come back here? 234 00:15:58,624 --> 00:16:01,383 I had money hidden in here. 235 00:16:01,384 --> 00:16:03,504 Maybe I was killed for it. 236 00:16:28,184 --> 00:16:29,624 Hi, Russell. 237 00:16:33,664 --> 00:16:37,103 What... what'll it be? 238 00:16:37,104 --> 00:16:38,943 Ah, I'll just have a beer, please? 239 00:16:38,944 --> 00:16:43,504 And a double Bundy and Coke, and an orange juice. 240 00:16:44,424 --> 00:16:47,783 Hey, I've got some new information about Charlie Thompson. 241 00:16:47,784 --> 00:16:49,023 Is that right? 242 00:16:49,024 --> 00:16:52,943 You know, ah, Corona Hill used to be a hospital? 243 00:16:52,944 --> 00:16:54,303 Yeah, after the war. 244 00:16:54,304 --> 00:16:56,463 The, ah, the government took it over for a while. 245 00:16:56,464 --> 00:16:58,143 They kicked the Fitzgeralds out and they 246 00:16:58,144 --> 00:17:01,023 turned it into some kind of a repat centre. 247 00:17:01,024 --> 00:17:02,024 Charlie was a patient. 248 00:17:02,025 --> 00:17:06,144 Poor bugger. How long was he in there for? 249 00:17:07,184 --> 00:17:10,664 I'm not sure. But, ah... 250 00:17:11,984 --> 00:17:15,583 after he got out he, ah, came into some money. 251 00:17:15,584 --> 00:17:17,783 - You know about that? - No. 252 00:17:17,784 --> 00:17:19,423 No, I didn't know anything about that. 253 00:17:19,424 --> 00:17:20,624 I thought that he died a pauper. 254 00:17:20,625 --> 00:17:23,783 The only thing that he had left were his... were his medals. 255 00:17:23,784 --> 00:17:26,903 Wow. Here. 256 00:17:26,904 --> 00:17:30,983 Whoop! I've short-changed you. 257 00:17:30,984 --> 00:17:32,823 You've got me all distracted now. 258 00:17:32,824 --> 00:17:34,224 Oh! 259 00:17:39,424 --> 00:17:40,584 Final bets. 260 00:17:44,144 --> 00:17:46,623 Yeah! 261 00:17:46,624 --> 00:17:48,583 Hey, fellas. You don't win every round. 262 00:17:48,584 --> 00:17:51,263 Come on, you're not gonna let Henry come out on top, are ya? 263 00:17:51,264 --> 00:17:54,143 - You got more money. - Oh, one more! 264 00:17:54,144 --> 00:17:56,064 Simmo, you stingy bastard, give it here! 265 00:18:07,504 --> 00:18:09,383 He made money from gambling. 266 00:18:09,384 --> 00:18:11,783 I wonder what happened to it all? 267 00:18:11,784 --> 00:18:15,743 - Hey. Dying of thirst over 'ere. - Hello again. 268 00:18:15,744 --> 00:18:21,024 - Are you expecting a fight? - I like big jewellery. 269 00:18:24,824 --> 00:18:27,503 G'day, mate. The usual? 270 00:18:27,504 --> 00:18:29,144 Sure. 271 00:18:33,784 --> 00:18:36,264 There you go. 272 00:18:51,824 --> 00:18:55,504 What do you think makes us who we are, William? 273 00:18:57,104 --> 00:18:58,704 Our memories. 274 00:19:00,144 --> 00:19:03,463 Without memories, we're... we're just a shell. 275 00:19:03,464 --> 00:19:06,664 I can reanimate flesh and bone... 276 00:19:08,104 --> 00:19:12,784 but a body without consciousness is simply meat. 277 00:19:14,944 --> 00:19:20,184 I need to find the frequency that creates this exact pattern. 278 00:19:32,704 --> 00:19:34,823 Give me that box. 279 00:19:34,824 --> 00:19:36,784 That one, yeah. 280 00:19:38,344 --> 00:19:40,224 What is it? 281 00:19:42,304 --> 00:19:43,863 It's a box that makes sounds. 282 00:19:43,864 --> 00:19:46,304 We need something granular. 283 00:19:47,304 --> 00:19:49,024 Give me my swipe card. 284 00:19:53,024 --> 00:19:55,624 You need to trust me, William. 285 00:20:05,864 --> 00:20:08,944 I need some salt. Thank you. 286 00:20:19,264 --> 00:20:21,184 Now we can begin. 287 00:21:01,944 --> 00:21:04,503 Beau, looking for Paddy Fitzgerald. Have you seen him? 288 00:21:04,504 --> 00:21:05,863 Is he in trouble? 289 00:21:05,864 --> 00:21:08,103 No, he's not in trouble, but he might be in danger. 290 00:21:08,104 --> 00:21:10,224 Has this got something to do with my stepdad? 291 00:21:11,464 --> 00:21:14,743 No. Why would you say that? I thought Phil was on the rig. 292 00:21:14,744 --> 00:21:16,783 There was an accident. He had to come home. 293 00:21:16,784 --> 00:21:17,984 What accident? 294 00:21:17,985 --> 00:21:20,624 Ah, the rig blew up. He nearly carked it. 295 00:21:22,824 --> 00:21:24,343 When did he get back? 296 00:21:24,344 --> 00:21:26,224 About a few days ago. 297 00:21:27,224 --> 00:21:28,704 Okay, thank you. 298 00:21:31,184 --> 00:21:33,824 Yeah. You are such a good girl. 299 00:21:35,024 --> 00:21:38,703 She is almost fast asleep. 300 00:21:38,704 --> 00:21:41,903 Oh, a little stretch. 301 00:21:41,904 --> 00:21:43,944 That's the way. 302 00:21:45,864 --> 00:21:48,703 Oh, no, mate, you can't bring alcohol into a hospital. Sorry. 303 00:21:48,704 --> 00:21:49,864 Oh, no, no, it's fine. 304 00:21:49,865 --> 00:21:51,943 He's a friend of mine. He's going to give me a lift home. 305 00:21:51,944 --> 00:21:54,623 Oh. Well, I'm still happy to. 306 00:21:54,624 --> 00:21:57,903 It's fine. He's here now, so it's easy. 307 00:21:57,904 --> 00:21:59,343 Thank you. 308 00:21:59,344 --> 00:22:01,103 Yeah, okay. 309 00:22:01,104 --> 00:22:05,983 Ah, don't forget, like, if... if... if you're feeling out of your depth, 310 00:22:05,984 --> 00:22:07,983 - or you just need a break... - Yeah. 311 00:22:07,984 --> 00:22:09,943 um, give me a call, 'cause I'm more than happy 312 00:22:09,944 --> 00:22:11,543 to take her off your hands for a few hours. 313 00:22:11,544 --> 00:22:12,704 Thanks. 314 00:22:12,705 --> 00:22:16,143 I will... I'll see you soon, though, yeah, won't I? 315 00:22:16,144 --> 00:22:18,464 Drive carefully. 316 00:22:24,104 --> 00:22:26,303 You have unfinished business. 317 00:22:26,304 --> 00:22:28,103 I know. 318 00:22:28,104 --> 00:22:30,264 They're in town, not even hiding themselves. 319 00:22:33,704 --> 00:22:35,783 Why are you wasting your time on this? 320 00:22:35,784 --> 00:22:37,704 This isn't easy for me. 321 00:22:43,504 --> 00:22:47,343 I've achieved my purpose, but I'm still here. 322 00:22:47,344 --> 00:22:49,223 Maybe I'm supposed to help you. 323 00:22:49,224 --> 00:22:51,623 Well, then help me. 324 00:22:55,624 --> 00:22:58,343 You know, if Charlie was killed for his money, 325 00:22:58,344 --> 00:23:01,223 then maybe you were right. 326 00:23:01,224 --> 00:23:04,063 Maybe we were all murdered. 327 00:23:04,064 --> 00:23:06,064 You had cancer. 328 00:23:07,784 --> 00:23:09,783 I asked Sarah to help me die. 329 00:23:09,784 --> 00:23:11,384 - Shit. - Mm. 330 00:23:12,384 --> 00:23:15,263 Did she do it? 331 00:23:15,264 --> 00:23:16,743 Hey. 332 00:23:16,744 --> 00:23:18,823 I know who killed Elishia. I've just sent a photo through. 333 00:23:18,824 --> 00:23:20,263 His name is Phil Holden. 334 00:23:20,264 --> 00:23:22,623 I think he died and came back like Vic did. 335 00:23:22,624 --> 00:23:24,023 - Tell the others. - Okay. 336 00:23:24,024 --> 00:23:28,863 James thinks this is who killed Elishia. Phil Holden. 337 00:23:28,864 --> 00:23:31,143 Remember his face, all right? And tell Charlie. 338 00:23:31,144 --> 00:23:34,383 - Why? Where are you going? - I gotta go talk to Sarah. 339 00:23:34,384 --> 00:23:37,224 - You can't go out there on your own. - I'll be all right. 340 00:23:53,704 --> 00:23:55,344 Who was that? 341 00:23:56,544 --> 00:23:59,583 No one. 342 00:23:59,584 --> 00:24:02,544 This plastic's shithouse. You can't leave it like that. 343 00:24:03,544 --> 00:24:05,103 It's all we've got. 344 00:24:05,104 --> 00:24:07,863 You need proper gaffer, not fucking sticky tape. 345 00:24:07,864 --> 00:24:10,384 Well, why don't you bloody well fix it? 346 00:24:11,424 --> 00:24:14,784 I'll go into town, then do the job properly. 347 00:25:10,064 --> 00:25:12,023 Henry! 348 00:25:12,024 --> 00:25:15,744 Henry, you bloody mongrel! 349 00:25:23,624 --> 00:25:25,503 This is my money! 350 00:25:25,504 --> 00:25:27,943 You're not gonna need it! 351 00:25:55,304 --> 00:25:58,823 I was really sick. I had TB. 352 00:25:58,824 --> 00:26:00,824 So is that how you died? 353 00:26:02,024 --> 00:26:04,663 I don't know. Maybe. 354 00:26:04,664 --> 00:26:06,383 And what happened to your money? 355 00:26:06,384 --> 00:26:08,623 Well, I... I had a plan. 356 00:26:08,624 --> 00:26:10,623 I was... I was saving for something. 357 00:26:10,624 --> 00:26:11,983 Yeah, the statue. 358 00:26:11,984 --> 00:26:14,304 No. No, no, no. The... the statue was just part of it. 359 00:26:15,944 --> 00:26:17,464 I need to remember. 360 00:26:20,784 --> 00:26:23,103 Oi, wait, dickhead! 361 00:26:23,104 --> 00:26:24,624 We're supposed to stick together. 362 00:26:27,984 --> 00:26:30,824 Yeah, okay. I'll see you soon. 363 00:26:32,704 --> 00:26:34,383 Kate's coming here. 364 00:26:34,384 --> 00:26:35,544 Why? 365 00:26:35,545 --> 00:26:37,023 She wants to talk. 366 00:26:37,024 --> 00:26:39,224 Are you able to deal with her? 367 00:26:40,264 --> 00:26:41,663 Yeah. 368 00:26:41,664 --> 00:26:43,824 And do you have a weapon? 369 00:26:44,864 --> 00:26:46,504 In the bag. 370 00:26:54,704 --> 00:26:57,304 I'll find the others, and between us, we'll finish them. 371 00:27:25,224 --> 00:27:26,863 Oh, my God! 372 00:27:26,864 --> 00:27:28,344 Untie him. 373 00:27:37,464 --> 00:27:39,263 Ohh! 374 00:27:39,264 --> 00:27:41,263 There he is, huh? 375 00:27:41,264 --> 00:27:43,103 Did your conscience get the better of you? 376 00:27:43,104 --> 00:27:44,743 Has he been here all night? 377 00:27:44,744 --> 00:27:46,544 Yeah. 378 00:27:48,024 --> 00:27:52,823 Ohh, you know, if you wanted the will, 379 00:27:52,824 --> 00:27:55,104 all you had to do was ask. 380 00:27:58,104 --> 00:28:00,463 Oh, he stinks. He's pissed himself. 381 00:28:00,464 --> 00:28:03,063 Angus, shut up! Can you stand? 382 00:28:03,064 --> 00:28:04,863 Ahhhh! 383 00:28:04,864 --> 00:28:08,784 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm not an invalid. 384 00:28:12,824 --> 00:28:14,224 Where the hell have you been? 385 00:28:15,304 --> 00:28:18,463 There's, ah, there's something that I... I have to talk to you about. 386 00:28:18,464 --> 00:28:20,863 Oh, yeah? Kirstie Darrow? 387 00:28:20,864 --> 00:28:22,663 She told you? 388 00:28:22,664 --> 00:28:25,383 So you knew that it was Pete, all this time? 389 00:28:25,384 --> 00:28:28,744 He's my brother. He... he was my hero. 390 00:28:29,744 --> 00:28:32,783 No, I was just a kid when it was in all the papers, and... 391 00:28:32,784 --> 00:28:35,383 It was awful. 392 00:28:35,384 --> 00:28:37,024 I never forgot about her. 393 00:28:40,064 --> 00:28:41,663 We'll talk about Pete later. 394 00:28:41,664 --> 00:28:43,103 Now I need you to go to the lake house. 395 00:28:43,104 --> 00:28:45,643 I need you to protect Kirstie and the others. 396 00:28:45,644 --> 00:28:47,824 - Okay. - And look for Holden. 397 00:29:38,944 --> 00:29:42,584 Take his boots. He don't need 'em. 398 00:30:01,664 --> 00:30:03,623 What happened? 399 00:30:03,624 --> 00:30:05,623 What did you remember? 400 00:30:05,624 --> 00:30:07,104 I died. 401 00:30:08,344 --> 00:30:10,023 Twice. 402 00:30:10,024 --> 00:30:12,824 Before I was hanged... 403 00:30:14,624 --> 00:30:17,024 I drowned. 404 00:30:19,184 --> 00:30:20,864 Elishia was right. 405 00:30:22,944 --> 00:30:24,424 Before I was William Blackburn... 406 00:30:26,944 --> 00:30:29,144 I was something else. 407 00:30:34,944 --> 00:30:36,824 So this worked, then? 408 00:30:40,784 --> 00:30:42,264 I think we're ready. 409 00:31:02,424 --> 00:31:04,263 Anything? 410 00:31:04,264 --> 00:31:05,904 Nothin'. 411 00:31:07,584 --> 00:31:09,344 I can't remember. 412 00:31:11,504 --> 00:31:13,743 I'll meet you back at the lake. 413 00:31:13,744 --> 00:31:15,543 Where are you going? 414 00:31:15,544 --> 00:31:17,984 To get some fuckin' satisfaction. 415 00:31:49,064 --> 00:31:52,144 Yeah! 416 00:32:12,584 --> 00:32:15,984 This place... is for us. 417 00:32:17,024 --> 00:32:22,304 It's where we'll honour and remember our mates who didn't come back... 418 00:32:23,984 --> 00:32:25,504 and help those who did. 419 00:33:15,144 --> 00:33:18,143 What are you doing? Let go of my chair! 420 00:33:18,144 --> 00:33:20,144 What is your problem? 421 00:33:23,664 --> 00:33:25,623 - Remember me? - Bloody oath. 422 00:33:25,624 --> 00:33:27,903 - You owe us for a new window. - No. 423 00:33:27,904 --> 00:33:30,624 You can drop the act now, 'cause there's no one else around. 424 00:33:32,184 --> 00:33:34,624 Come on! Think back. Try harder! 425 00:33:36,104 --> 00:33:37,703 Fucking remember! 426 00:33:37,704 --> 00:33:39,383 I can't! 427 00:33:39,384 --> 00:33:42,183 Hey, where are you taking me? 428 00:33:42,184 --> 00:33:45,183 - Stop this! - Shut up! 429 00:33:51,064 --> 00:33:53,983 I'm going to call the police. You can't do this. 430 00:33:53,984 --> 00:33:55,064 What are you doing? 431 00:33:55,065 --> 00:33:56,583 You fuckin' crazy? 432 00:33:56,584 --> 00:33:58,143 How deep do you reckon that water is? 433 00:33:58,144 --> 00:33:59,743 I don't know. 434 00:33:59,744 --> 00:34:03,184 Only takes a few inches to drown. 435 00:34:04,584 --> 00:34:06,344 Do you remember me yet? 436 00:34:07,984 --> 00:34:11,504 My name is Kirstie Darrow! 437 00:34:14,704 --> 00:34:16,783 I know that name. 438 00:34:16,784 --> 00:34:17,984 How do I know that name? 439 00:34:17,985 --> 00:34:20,103 This is bullshit! 440 00:34:20,104 --> 00:34:21,823 You know what you did. 441 00:34:21,824 --> 00:34:23,303 I don't. I swear. Stop! 442 00:34:23,304 --> 00:34:25,744 - Fucking remember! - I can't! 443 00:34:29,144 --> 00:34:32,423 No one talks about stuff that happened before the accident. 444 00:34:32,424 --> 00:34:34,424 No one tells me anything. 445 00:34:35,904 --> 00:34:38,863 I know I was an arsehole. 446 00:34:38,864 --> 00:34:41,864 But whatever I did, it can't have... it can't have been as bad as that. 447 00:34:46,504 --> 00:34:50,104 You raped and murdered me. 448 00:34:51,824 --> 00:34:53,504 Jesus. 449 00:34:54,864 --> 00:34:57,424 Chris was right. You are a fuckin' head case. 450 00:34:58,904 --> 00:35:00,903 I should kill you. 451 00:35:00,904 --> 00:35:03,784 Look, I'm sorry you're upset. 452 00:35:05,384 --> 00:35:09,424 I deserve justice, and this chair is not enough. 453 00:35:10,424 --> 00:35:12,303 I'd like to go home now. 454 00:35:12,304 --> 00:35:14,144 Please take me home. 455 00:35:15,584 --> 00:35:17,344 It's not enough! 456 00:35:33,184 --> 00:35:35,983 I'm pleased to see they fit, at least. 457 00:35:35,984 --> 00:35:39,383 Ah. Very fetching, don't you think? 458 00:35:39,384 --> 00:35:41,384 Drink some water. 459 00:35:46,904 --> 00:35:48,904 Have you nothing stronger, no? 460 00:35:55,024 --> 00:35:57,103 How do you know so much about us? 461 00:35:57,104 --> 00:36:01,023 Ahh... 462 00:36:01,024 --> 00:36:02,703 I'm afraid you wouldn't believe me. 463 00:36:02,704 --> 00:36:05,303 You knew this house was called Kalinda. 464 00:36:05,304 --> 00:36:06,783 That's private family history. 465 00:36:06,784 --> 00:36:09,783 Patrick Fitzgerald changed the name before he died. 466 00:36:09,784 --> 00:36:11,424 The house was meant to be Kalinda's. 467 00:36:12,544 --> 00:36:14,544 So you know who she was? 468 00:36:16,984 --> 00:36:18,824 Prove it. 469 00:36:21,664 --> 00:36:24,183 These have been here as long as I remember. 470 00:36:24,184 --> 00:36:27,743 My grandfather knew what they meant, but he wouldn't tell me. 471 00:36:27,744 --> 00:36:32,743 Kalinda was a domestic. Captured Paddy's heart. 472 00:36:32,744 --> 00:36:35,303 She bore him a child. 473 00:36:35,304 --> 00:36:37,904 Paddy vowed to protect that child. 474 00:36:39,104 --> 00:36:40,904 And these carvings... 475 00:36:42,304 --> 00:36:44,223 they tell the story of Paddy and Kalinda. 476 00:36:44,224 --> 00:36:47,664 See there, that's 'white man'... 477 00:36:49,584 --> 00:36:51,464 and 'woman with child'. 478 00:37:25,224 --> 00:37:28,704 It's all right. We're married now. 479 00:37:35,664 --> 00:37:37,264 What about this? 480 00:37:40,224 --> 00:37:43,383 Kalinda must have carved that after Paddy's murder. 481 00:37:43,384 --> 00:37:49,024 It means... 'short journey'. 482 00:37:50,664 --> 00:37:52,263 Paddy knew there'd be consequences. 483 00:37:52,264 --> 00:37:55,583 He hid the will to protect Kalinda and their child from his family. 484 00:37:55,584 --> 00:37:58,703 But the family came after them. They came after Paddy. 485 00:37:58,704 --> 00:38:01,463 He died at his own son's hand. 486 00:38:01,464 --> 00:38:03,463 Bled out by his Sunday dinner. 487 00:38:03,464 --> 00:38:05,263 Well, if you really are a Fitzgerald, 488 00:38:05,264 --> 00:38:07,743 you have a duty to protect our history. 489 00:38:07,744 --> 00:38:09,103 To defend the family name. 490 00:38:09,104 --> 00:38:11,663 There's no honour in this family's past, I can tell you that. 491 00:38:11,664 --> 00:38:14,383 Its legacy is steeped in violence and lies. 492 00:38:14,384 --> 00:38:18,944 After Paddy died, Kalinda's people were hunted. Hunted down like dogs. 493 00:38:19,984 --> 00:38:22,583 And perhaps your grandfather knew the truth. 494 00:38:22,584 --> 00:38:25,224 Perhaps he carried that knowledge to his grave. 495 00:38:28,784 --> 00:38:30,264 And now it's your burden. 496 00:38:31,584 --> 00:38:33,064 Or your redemption. 497 00:38:52,944 --> 00:38:55,304 "You've called Sarah Hayes. Please leave a message." 498 00:39:02,504 --> 00:39:04,584 Come in. 499 00:39:09,624 --> 00:39:11,783 Hey. 500 00:39:11,784 --> 00:39:13,383 What did you want? 501 00:39:22,904 --> 00:39:24,783 I, um... 502 00:39:24,784 --> 00:39:28,664 I've started to remember my last few days in the hospice. 503 00:39:29,824 --> 00:39:32,343 And I... 504 00:39:32,344 --> 00:39:34,864 I think I asked you to help me die. 505 00:39:36,664 --> 00:39:40,104 And I just need to know if that's what actually happened. 506 00:39:48,344 --> 00:39:50,224 I hated seeing you like that. 507 00:39:51,904 --> 00:39:53,984 The look in your eyes. 508 00:39:55,224 --> 00:39:57,104 You were so scared. 509 00:39:59,064 --> 00:40:01,424 Yeah, I remember. 510 00:40:04,464 --> 00:40:07,943 You wanted help to die, but you couldn't put that on James, 511 00:40:07,944 --> 00:40:09,223 so you asked me. 512 00:40:09,224 --> 00:40:11,504 Like, you begged me. 513 00:40:12,984 --> 00:40:14,584 So, how'd we do it? 514 00:40:15,584 --> 00:40:22,464 I stole a box of hardcore painkillers from the hospital. 515 00:40:23,704 --> 00:40:28,504 And, what, I just... just took them all and fell asleep? 516 00:40:30,624 --> 00:40:32,264 No. 517 00:40:34,144 --> 00:40:35,904 I never gave them to you. 518 00:40:37,344 --> 00:40:39,264 I couldn't go through with it. 519 00:40:41,264 --> 00:40:43,144 So the cancer did kill me, then. 520 00:40:45,984 --> 00:40:49,264 It was cruel and ugly and it lasted for weeks. 521 00:40:50,904 --> 00:40:52,864 And then, when you did go... 522 00:40:54,784 --> 00:40:57,544 it wasn't peaceful, it was horrible. 523 00:41:00,264 --> 00:41:03,184 I hated myself for not doing what you asked. 524 00:41:04,264 --> 00:41:06,744 I let you down. I'm really sorry. 525 00:41:19,024 --> 00:41:21,464 Smudgie! 526 00:41:27,504 --> 00:41:28,903 What's happened? 527 00:41:28,904 --> 00:41:31,184 - Nothing. - Kate? 528 00:41:32,464 --> 00:41:33,704 Why didn't you answer the phone? 529 00:41:35,144 --> 00:41:37,023 It was on silent. Nia was asleep. 530 00:41:37,024 --> 00:41:39,143 Sarah, you can't do that. I need to be able to contact you... 531 00:41:39,144 --> 00:41:40,943 - at all times. - James, I'm fine. 532 00:41:40,944 --> 00:41:43,903 - You should have kept in the hospital. - Everything's okay. I'm fine. 533 00:41:43,904 --> 00:41:47,263 Hey, hey. It's okay, it's okay. There we go. 534 00:41:47,264 --> 00:41:49,104 I got ya, I got ya. 535 00:41:53,224 --> 00:41:55,343 You can't be walking around by yourself. 536 00:41:55,344 --> 00:41:56,703 Phil Holden's still out there. 537 00:41:56,704 --> 00:41:58,303 Why are you worried about Phil Holden? 538 00:41:58,304 --> 00:41:59,623 I think he killed Elishia. 539 00:41:59,624 --> 00:42:03,783 And I need to find him, but I can't do that if I'm worried about you. 540 00:42:03,784 --> 00:42:05,823 Yeah, Chris, go ahead. 541 00:42:05,824 --> 00:42:09,903 Hey, mate, I'm at the lake house, but, ah... no one's here. 542 00:42:09,904 --> 00:42:11,303 Where are the others? 543 00:42:11,304 --> 00:42:14,623 The Royal. We felt safer in public. 544 00:42:14,624 --> 00:42:16,383 Thing is, though, 545 00:42:16,384 --> 00:42:19,863 front door was open and, ah... 546 00:42:19,864 --> 00:42:21,703 mate, I reckon someone's been here. 547 00:42:21,704 --> 00:42:22,904 Stay there. I'll be there soon. 548 00:42:22,905 --> 00:42:24,584 I've gotta go, I'm sorry. 549 00:42:36,464 --> 00:42:38,824 Stay away from that house till you hear from me. 550 00:42:40,104 --> 00:42:42,144 Go to Owen's if you feel safer there. 551 00:43:05,504 --> 00:43:09,704 I tried to teach my grandsons to respect other people. 552 00:43:11,024 --> 00:43:14,024 Well, the dark heart of this family started beating long before them. 553 00:43:15,864 --> 00:43:17,384 The boys had no chance. 554 00:43:18,624 --> 00:43:22,024 I married a man just like my father, and so did Lucy. 555 00:43:23,664 --> 00:43:26,104 That house was always filled with hate. 556 00:43:27,704 --> 00:43:33,663 Please, don't report Matthew to the police. 557 00:43:33,664 --> 00:43:35,184 He's in enough trouble. 558 00:43:36,784 --> 00:43:39,024 I have no intention of involving the constabulary. 559 00:43:41,584 --> 00:43:44,343 Someone needs to break the cycle. 560 00:43:44,344 --> 00:43:48,463 You can do that, by honouring the will of Patrick Michael Fitzgerald. 561 00:43:48,464 --> 00:43:51,424 By accepting the truth of our family. 562 00:44:14,704 --> 00:44:16,903 It's Beau, isn't it? 563 00:44:16,904 --> 00:44:18,104 Yeah. 564 00:44:20,544 --> 00:44:22,184 Paddy's by the tree. 565 00:44:48,704 --> 00:44:52,183 This tree is where I commune with my Roison Dubh. 566 00:44:52,184 --> 00:44:54,383 My black rose. 567 00:44:54,384 --> 00:44:56,184 We've gotta go. You're not safe here. 568 00:44:57,904 --> 00:44:59,584 I'm not going anywhere. 569 00:45:37,584 --> 00:45:39,624 Hello? 570 00:45:42,424 --> 00:45:43,863 James? 571 00:45:43,864 --> 00:45:45,463 Kirstie. 572 00:45:45,464 --> 00:45:46,863 Oh! 573 00:45:46,864 --> 00:45:48,183 What the hell are you doing here? 574 00:45:48,184 --> 00:45:50,344 It's not safe here. You shouldn't be just wand... 575 00:45:51,384 --> 00:45:53,663 Get away from me! 576 00:45:53,664 --> 00:45:55,344 Freeze! Police! 577 00:46:48,224 --> 00:46:49,463 Arghh! 578 00:46:49,464 --> 00:46:51,863 - Jesus! Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm okay. 579 00:46:51,864 --> 00:46:52,944 Come on! 580 00:46:52,945 --> 00:46:55,424 - Kirstie? - In here! 581 00:46:57,584 --> 00:47:00,143 Drop it! Drop it! 582 00:47:01,904 --> 00:47:04,424 Oh! Ooh! Ooh! 583 00:47:09,144 --> 00:47:10,983 Argh! 584 00:47:10,984 --> 00:47:13,824 Stay down! Stay down! 585 00:47:24,504 --> 00:47:26,064 That's it. 586 00:47:29,664 --> 00:47:31,944 Yep. Got him. 587 00:47:33,624 --> 00:47:35,104 Got him. 588 00:47:36,864 --> 00:47:39,143 Get a bandage. 589 00:47:39,144 --> 00:47:40,264 He can fuckin' bleed to death. 590 00:47:40,265 --> 00:47:41,624 Just do it! 591 00:48:28,144 --> 00:48:30,583 Hello, mate. 592 00:48:30,584 --> 00:48:33,064 I was wondering when you'd end up here. 593 00:48:35,344 --> 00:48:38,064 Found out Charlie Thompson helped pay for this place. 594 00:48:39,064 --> 00:48:40,783 - Really? - Mm. 595 00:48:40,784 --> 00:48:41,944 Wow. 596 00:48:43,464 --> 00:48:45,943 He was dying, Russell. 597 00:48:45,944 --> 00:48:47,984 From TB. 598 00:48:49,744 --> 00:48:50,984 Oh. 599 00:48:52,184 --> 00:48:55,944 Those poor bastards were pariahs when they came back from the war. 600 00:48:58,144 --> 00:49:00,464 Nobody deserves to die like that. 601 00:49:02,664 --> 00:49:07,143 Still, if he founded this place, 602 00:49:07,144 --> 00:49:09,184 that would explain why his medals are here. 603 00:49:10,224 --> 00:49:11,664 They are? 604 00:49:18,384 --> 00:49:20,824 Huh! 605 00:49:25,624 --> 00:49:28,143 There's his British War Medal. 606 00:49:28,144 --> 00:49:31,583 That's the 1914 Star. 607 00:49:31,584 --> 00:49:34,343 That's his Victory Medal. 608 00:49:34,344 --> 00:49:38,624 And that's his Military Cross, for gallantry. 609 00:51:12,824 --> 00:51:14,863 Your great uncle was a hero. 610 00:51:14,864 --> 00:51:17,143 No, he wasn't. 611 00:51:17,144 --> 00:51:18,463 Look at what he achieved. 612 00:51:18,464 --> 00:51:20,063 - Look at... look at... - Bullshit! 613 00:51:20,064 --> 00:51:24,304 Charlie Thompson was a coward. He shot himself. 614 00:51:27,024 --> 00:51:29,103 Don't you dare judge him. 615 00:51:29,104 --> 00:51:31,903 You have no idea what he went through. 616 00:51:31,904 --> 00:51:34,023 You don't know what it's like, outliving people you love. 617 00:51:34,024 --> 00:51:36,743 Yeah, what the fuck do you know? 618 00:51:36,744 --> 00:51:38,504 I know plenty. 619 00:51:40,184 --> 00:51:43,344 I lost mates in the '80s. 620 00:51:44,584 --> 00:51:46,503 I held their hands and I... 621 00:51:46,504 --> 00:51:49,303 and I watched them die right in front of me. 622 00:51:49,304 --> 00:51:55,264 Young, gay men, full of life, wasted away to nothing. 623 00:51:58,024 --> 00:52:01,703 The walking wounded, that's what we are, me and Charlie. 624 00:52:01,704 --> 00:52:04,224 Walking bloody wounded. 625 00:52:08,984 --> 00:52:11,104 Doesn't matter how he died. 626 00:52:13,984 --> 00:52:15,943 He left one hell of a legacy. 627 00:52:15,944 --> 00:52:17,704 And I would... 628 00:52:21,464 --> 00:52:24,184 I would be proud to call him family. 629 00:52:31,784 --> 00:52:33,184 Now... 630 00:52:34,264 --> 00:52:36,504 why don't you go and get us a couple of beers? 631 00:53:00,744 --> 00:53:02,744 You okay? 632 00:53:06,744 --> 00:53:08,784 This doesn't mean we're even. 633 00:53:43,584 --> 00:53:45,423 Kate? 634 00:53:45,424 --> 00:53:46,864 Ohh! 635 00:53:49,104 --> 00:53:51,064 Kate? 636 00:53:52,064 --> 00:53:54,064 I'll come back later! 637 00:53:57,464 --> 00:54:00,743 So why are the constabulary so interested in your stepfather? 638 00:54:00,744 --> 00:54:02,344 'Cause he's a nutbag. 639 00:54:05,144 --> 00:54:07,223 What happened to your real father? 640 00:54:07,224 --> 00:54:09,624 He died, when I was a kid. 641 00:54:10,944 --> 00:54:12,384 Oh. 642 00:54:15,184 --> 00:54:17,304 Well, I wasn't much of a father myself. 643 00:54:20,824 --> 00:54:22,864 Yeah, I wish you'd been my dad. 644 00:54:27,944 --> 00:54:29,864 Paddy! 645 00:54:30,864 --> 00:54:33,903 Paddy! 646 00:54:33,904 --> 00:54:36,903 No! 647 00:54:36,904 --> 00:54:40,944 Paddy! Paddy! 648 00:54:43,584 --> 00:54:46,263 Wake up, Paddy! 649 00:54:46,264 --> 00:54:47,904 Paddy! 651 00:55:00,184 --> 00:55:03,263 There's more than one of you, isn't there? 652 00:55:03,264 --> 00:55:04,384 Who is it? 653 00:55:04,385 --> 00:55:08,343 Beau, this is Steve. He's a lawyer. He's here to make us an offer. 654 00:55:08,344 --> 00:55:09,743 What offer? 655 00:55:09,744 --> 00:55:11,223 I can't tell you what's going on. 656 00:55:11,224 --> 00:55:12,863 I told you the truth about me. 657 00:55:12,864 --> 00:55:15,183 - How much worse could this be? - It's worse. 658 00:55:15,184 --> 00:55:17,063 We need to protect ourselves. 659 00:55:17,064 --> 00:55:18,983 We go here. 660 00:55:18,984 --> 00:55:20,863 - You've gotta be kidding. - Noregard is secure. 661 00:55:20,864 --> 00:55:22,583 It's guarded and Heysen has offered to help. 662 00:55:22,584 --> 00:55:23,744 Can we trust her? 663 00:55:23,745 --> 00:55:27,943 Now, you're positive. This is the same stuff I was using before? 664 00:55:27,944 --> 00:55:29,383 Absolutely. 665 00:55:29,384 --> 00:55:31,823 Hey, what happened to that other lady? The nice doctor? 666 00:55:31,824 --> 00:55:33,584 She'll be back.