1 00:00:05,172 --> 00:00:06,506 Catboy! 2 00:00:06,506 --> 00:00:07,841 Owlette! 3 00:00:07,841 --> 00:00:08,967 Gekko! 4 00:00:08,967 --> 00:00:10,093 ALL: Let's go! 5 00:00:10,093 --> 00:00:11,261 MAN: ♪ Who goes into the night 6 00:00:11,261 --> 00:00:14,348 ♪ So they can save the day 7 00:00:14,348 --> 00:00:16,767 ♪ Who are these heroes 8 00:00:16,767 --> 00:00:18,769 ♪ To show you the way 9 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:22,147 ALL: ♪ PJ Masks We're the PJ Masks 10 00:00:22,147 --> 00:00:24,358 ♪ PJ Masks We're the PJ Masks 11 00:00:24,358 --> 00:00:26,693 ♪ Coz bedtimeIs the right time 12 00:00:26,693 --> 00:00:28,320 ♪ To fight crime 13 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:29,571 I can't think of a rhyme! 14 00:00:29,571 --> 00:00:32,241 ♪ PJ Masks We're the PJ Masks 15 00:00:32,241 --> 00:00:34,743 ♪ PJ Masks We're the PJ Masks 16 00:00:36,537 --> 00:00:37,746 ♪ PJ Masks! 17 00:00:40,290 --> 00:00:42,000 (OWLETTE READING) 18 00:00:42,584 --> 00:00:44,211 A museum trip. 19 00:00:44,211 --> 00:00:49,216 Sometimes, even a genius needs help thinking up brilliant plans for badness. 20 00:00:50,801 --> 00:00:52,511 Hmm... (GASPS) 21 00:00:52,511 --> 00:00:53,929 I don't think so. 22 00:00:56,181 --> 00:00:57,307 Next. 23 00:01:00,143 --> 00:01:01,228 Uh‐uh. 24 00:01:01,687 --> 00:01:02,813 Whoa! 25 00:01:02,813 --> 00:01:05,524 Hmm... "Ancient seed 26 00:01:05,524 --> 00:01:09,278 discovered 3000 years ago in a faraway jungle." 27 00:01:09,695 --> 00:01:11,446 Interesting. 28 00:01:12,114 --> 00:01:14,366 You're coming with me, seed. 29 00:01:14,533 --> 00:01:16,410 (LAUGHS MISCHIEVOUSLY) 30 00:01:19,204 --> 00:01:22,958 Huh! A drip of toxic naughtiness, 31 00:01:22,958 --> 00:01:25,752 and a drop of chemical badness. 32 00:01:28,547 --> 00:01:30,924 (LAUGHS HYSTERICALLY) 33 00:01:33,427 --> 00:01:37,431 Hmm... let's try an evil energy beam. 34 00:01:41,143 --> 00:01:42,519 (LAUGHS HYSTERICALLY) 35 00:01:44,438 --> 00:01:45,731 (LAUGHS QUIETLY) 36 00:01:46,773 --> 00:01:48,066 (PUFFS) Whoa! 37 00:01:49,109 --> 00:01:50,444 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 38 00:01:51,528 --> 00:01:52,654 (GROWLS) 39 00:01:53,739 --> 00:01:55,991 Obviously, I meant to do that. 40 00:01:58,160 --> 00:01:59,411 Hello. 41 00:01:59,411 --> 00:02:00,787 (RUMBLING) Whoa! 42 00:02:01,455 --> 00:02:03,123 Scary plant thing! 43 00:02:05,417 --> 00:02:06,460 Huh? 44 00:02:07,377 --> 00:02:08,587 Hello. 45 00:02:13,884 --> 00:02:15,218 (YAWNS) 46 00:02:17,304 --> 00:02:19,056 Huh? (CHUCKLES) 47 00:02:19,222 --> 00:02:22,059 Orticia's here. 48 00:02:22,517 --> 00:02:23,560 Where is it? 49 00:02:24,061 --> 00:02:25,812 My glowy‐growy seed. 50 00:02:26,271 --> 00:02:29,191 ♪ Glowy‐ grow glowy seedy weedy ♪ 51 00:02:34,071 --> 00:02:35,364 (RUMBLING) (CHUCKLES) 52 00:02:36,281 --> 00:02:38,116 Beautiful! 53 00:02:51,213 --> 00:02:52,839 Whoa! 54 00:02:56,885 --> 00:03:00,138 Hmm... so nice‐y! 55 00:03:00,138 --> 00:03:02,766 Nice‐y? I don't think so. 56 00:03:02,766 --> 00:03:05,727 And yet, very impressive indeed. 57 00:03:06,019 --> 00:03:07,437 Who are you? 58 00:03:07,646 --> 00:03:10,857 Romeo, also known as your Creator. 59 00:03:10,857 --> 00:03:15,529 I made you, so I guess you can say, I made this plant, too. 60 00:03:15,529 --> 00:03:16,655 You're welcome. 61 00:03:16,655 --> 00:03:18,782 This is my Plant‐y. 62 00:03:18,782 --> 00:03:21,993 Nah‐huh. You and your plants are mine. 63 00:03:21,993 --> 00:03:23,578 Makes sense after all. 64 00:03:23,578 --> 00:03:26,206 I'm the baddest genius inventor, ever. 65 00:03:28,375 --> 00:03:29,418 Ow! 66 00:03:29,418 --> 00:03:31,545 Leave my Plant‐y alone! 67 00:03:31,545 --> 00:03:33,296 Huh? Whoa! 68 00:03:33,296 --> 00:03:34,714 (SCREAMS) 69 00:03:35,799 --> 00:03:39,010 ♪ Feel my green and growy power 70 00:03:39,136 --> 00:03:42,472 ♪ Feel it in your leaves and rooties 71 00:03:42,472 --> 00:03:46,476 ♪ I will make you sprout and flower 72 00:03:46,852 --> 00:03:52,190 ♪ Grow grow grow my little beauties ♪ 73 00:03:52,607 --> 00:03:54,443 Wow, that is bad. 74 00:03:54,568 --> 00:03:57,654 Anyone who touches this plant is in big trouble. 75 00:03:57,654 --> 00:04:01,908 Ha! I know who won't be able to keep their meddling hands off of it. 76 00:04:01,908 --> 00:04:06,079 Or do I mean paws? Or feathery wings? 77 00:04:07,205 --> 00:04:09,166 Uh‐huh? Whoa! 78 00:04:09,541 --> 00:04:11,126 Oh, yes. Ow! 79 00:04:11,293 --> 00:04:14,713 Another unstoppably evil plan of mine... ow! 80 00:04:15,088 --> 00:04:17,299 Is coming together perfectly. 81 00:04:19,718 --> 00:04:21,303 (LAUGHING) 82 00:04:23,513 --> 00:04:24,681 Race you. 83 00:04:24,848 --> 00:04:26,767 You're on! I'll win! 84 00:04:27,058 --> 00:04:28,185 Huh? 85 00:04:28,685 --> 00:04:31,521 "No entry. Dangerous plant" 86 00:04:31,897 --> 00:04:35,817 Looks like someone or something got here before us. 87 00:04:36,234 --> 00:04:38,695 PJ Masks, we're on our way! 88 00:04:38,695 --> 00:04:41,865 ALL: Into the night to save the day! 89 00:04:42,783 --> 00:04:44,493 NARRATOR: Night in the city, 90 00:04:44,493 --> 00:04:46,411 and a brave band of heroes 91 00:04:46,411 --> 00:04:48,497 is ready to face fiendish villains 92 00:04:48,497 --> 00:04:51,583 to stop them messing with your day. 93 00:04:51,583 --> 00:04:52,834 (CHUCKLING) (WHOOSHING) 94 00:04:54,169 --> 00:04:56,004 Amaya becomes... 95 00:04:57,547 --> 00:04:59,007 Owlette! 96 00:05:00,550 --> 00:05:01,718 (BEEPING) 97 00:05:01,718 --> 00:05:02,969 Yeah! 98 00:05:03,345 --> 00:05:04,930 NARRATOR: Greg becomes... 99 00:05:07,682 --> 00:05:08,934 Gekko! 100 00:05:10,602 --> 00:05:11,645 Yeah! 101 00:05:12,562 --> 00:05:14,439 NARRATOR: Connor becomes... 102 00:05:14,439 --> 00:05:15,482 (CRACKLING) 103 00:05:15,649 --> 00:05:16,942 Catboy! 104 00:05:17,651 --> 00:05:18,735 (MEOWING) 105 00:05:18,735 --> 00:05:20,111 (WHOOSHING) 106 00:05:24,449 --> 00:05:26,952 The PJ Masks! 107 00:05:27,494 --> 00:05:31,081 ♪ Feel my green and growy power ♪ 108 00:05:31,081 --> 00:05:32,874 Oh! Orticia! 109 00:05:32,874 --> 00:05:33,959 (GROANS) 110 00:05:34,292 --> 00:05:35,752 (LAUGHS MISCHIEVOUSLY) 111 00:05:36,920 --> 00:05:38,213 Stop! 112 00:05:38,922 --> 00:05:41,925 Oh, please don't take the gardening trowel. 113 00:05:42,092 --> 00:05:43,593 OWLETTE: Guys, this way. 114 00:05:43,802 --> 00:05:45,011 Perfect. 115 00:05:45,595 --> 00:05:48,431 Those PJ's are going to get Orticia‐fied. 116 00:05:48,723 --> 00:05:51,560 Even when my evil inventions go wrong, 117 00:05:51,560 --> 00:05:53,228 they go so right. 118 00:05:53,228 --> 00:05:54,271 CATBOY: Come on. 119 00:05:58,108 --> 00:06:00,235 By my cat. Blittering blizzards! 120 00:06:00,235 --> 00:06:03,822 ORTICIA: ♪ Feel my green and growy power ♪ 121 00:06:04,281 --> 00:06:05,907 Uh, hello. 122 00:06:06,491 --> 00:06:08,994 How dare you move my Plant‐y? 123 00:06:08,994 --> 00:06:12,414 Your Plant‐y is taking over the park. 124 00:06:12,414 --> 00:06:13,498 ORTICIA: So? 125 00:06:13,498 --> 00:06:16,251 Um, first things first, we're the PJ Masks. 126 00:06:16,251 --> 00:06:18,003 We look after the city. 127 00:06:18,003 --> 00:06:20,005 And you are? 128 00:06:20,005 --> 00:06:22,632 Orticia. And this is my plant. 129 00:06:22,966 --> 00:06:24,259 Leave it alone! 130 00:06:24,634 --> 00:06:26,136 I'm not sure we can do that. 131 00:06:26,136 --> 00:06:28,889 You see, lots of people want to use the park and... 132 00:06:28,889 --> 00:06:30,056 Whoa! 133 00:06:31,391 --> 00:06:32,392 Ah! 134 00:06:34,477 --> 00:06:35,604 (GASPS) 135 00:06:35,604 --> 00:06:37,397 By my cat's whiskers! 136 00:06:37,814 --> 00:06:39,441 That plant's bad! 137 00:06:39,441 --> 00:06:41,693 (SCREAMS) And Prickly! 138 00:06:41,693 --> 00:06:43,737 CATBOY: What? GEKKO: Ouch! Stop! 139 00:06:44,195 --> 00:06:45,447 OWLETTE: No. 140 00:06:45,447 --> 00:06:46,573 (ALL SHOUTING) 141 00:06:46,573 --> 00:06:49,367 That'll stop you bothering my Plant‐y. 142 00:06:49,367 --> 00:06:50,869 Let us out! 143 00:06:51,828 --> 00:06:56,541 This plant is so strong. It's got muscles. Green ones. 144 00:06:56,541 --> 00:06:57,834 (GRUNTS) 145 00:06:57,834 --> 00:06:59,294 Get us free, Gekko. 146 00:07:00,795 --> 00:07:04,341 Sorry, I can't use mine. I can't move. 147 00:07:04,341 --> 00:07:07,010 Where is she? Orticia! 148 00:07:08,345 --> 00:07:09,804 Well, this is a pickle. 149 00:07:09,804 --> 00:07:12,432 ROMEO: (LAUGHS MISCHIEVOUSLY) It is indeed. 150 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:13,642 ALL: Romeo! 151 00:07:14,017 --> 00:07:18,063 But of course, who else could be behind a plan this brilliant? 152 00:07:18,063 --> 00:07:20,106 Make a creepy growy girl, 153 00:07:20,106 --> 00:07:24,110 then get her to use her horrible plant to get the PJ Masks. 154 00:07:24,611 --> 00:07:27,697 Oh, Orticia, you've done my work for me. 155 00:07:27,906 --> 00:07:31,660 So, I'm left to... uh, smell the roses. 156 00:07:31,660 --> 00:07:32,911 Ha! I mean... 157 00:07:33,119 --> 00:07:34,579 There! Ah! 158 00:07:34,579 --> 00:07:39,501 Now, none of you can stop my Plant‐y from growing as big as it wants. 159 00:07:40,418 --> 00:07:42,003 Let me go! 160 00:07:42,003 --> 00:07:45,507 Okay, Romeo. You got us into this mess. 161 00:07:45,674 --> 00:07:46,883 And your only chance 162 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:49,052 of getting out of it is helping us. 163 00:07:49,052 --> 00:07:50,303 Help you? 164 00:07:50,303 --> 00:07:51,930 I'll fix this my own way. 165 00:07:52,222 --> 00:07:55,392 Little growy girl, I made you, remember? 166 00:07:55,392 --> 00:07:57,602 So get this plant off me. 167 00:07:57,602 --> 00:07:58,687 (GRUNTS) 168 00:08:01,606 --> 00:08:03,983 Do you see what I... See? 169 00:08:03,983 --> 00:08:04,984 Yeah! 170 00:08:05,110 --> 00:08:06,277 We can do this! 171 00:08:06,653 --> 00:08:09,489 Romeo, get ready to swing into action. 172 00:08:09,489 --> 00:08:10,782 I will not! 173 00:08:10,782 --> 00:08:13,493 Like I will do anything you PJ's say. 174 00:08:13,493 --> 00:08:14,744 (GRUNTS) 175 00:08:17,455 --> 00:08:19,999 Stop! I do not like this. 176 00:08:19,999 --> 00:08:22,335 Get that gardening trowel and we'll stop. 177 00:08:22,502 --> 00:08:23,586 (CHUCKLING) 178 00:08:23,586 --> 00:08:24,629 No way! 179 00:08:24,629 --> 00:08:25,922 Whoa! 180 00:08:25,922 --> 00:08:27,757 Okay, fine. 181 00:08:27,757 --> 00:08:29,592 Three... OWLETTE: Two... 182 00:08:30,093 --> 00:08:31,344 One! 183 00:08:32,971 --> 00:08:34,222 Yay! 184 00:08:34,222 --> 00:08:36,391 (ALL SCREAMING) 185 00:08:37,058 --> 00:08:38,268 (THUDS) 186 00:08:38,518 --> 00:08:39,769 (GRUNTS IN ANGER) 187 00:08:39,894 --> 00:08:43,314 Romeo, you've gotta help us stop this growy girl that you made. 188 00:08:43,815 --> 00:08:47,902 Well, I would, except, I'd rather stop you. 189 00:08:48,111 --> 00:08:49,237 Blast ray! 190 00:08:49,362 --> 00:08:50,655 ALL: Whoa! 191 00:08:50,655 --> 00:08:54,117 Oh, Orticia, the PJ Masks are trying to get away. 192 00:08:54,784 --> 00:08:56,161 Come and find them. 193 00:08:56,828 --> 00:08:58,830 You hurt my Plant‐y. 194 00:08:58,830 --> 00:09:01,166 What? They did. Not me. 195 00:09:01,166 --> 00:09:02,959 Whoa! No! 196 00:09:04,252 --> 00:09:05,462 (MUFFLED SPEAKING) 197 00:09:06,254 --> 00:09:07,297 Huh? 198 00:09:08,631 --> 00:09:09,716 Uh... 199 00:09:10,550 --> 00:09:11,634 Hmm... 200 00:09:11,634 --> 00:09:12,969 (GIGGLING) 201 00:09:15,180 --> 00:09:16,389 (SIGHS IN RELIEF) 202 00:09:18,725 --> 00:09:21,436 Psst, Romeo, can you hear us? 203 00:09:21,436 --> 00:09:22,979 (MUFFLED SPEAKING) 204 00:09:22,979 --> 00:09:28,485 So, again, your best chance of getting out of this is to help us. Will you? 205 00:09:28,985 --> 00:09:30,070 (MUFFLED SPEAKING) 206 00:09:30,278 --> 00:09:33,031 You saw Orticia make this creepy plant. 207 00:09:33,031 --> 00:09:35,158 Now, how do we stop it growing? 208 00:09:35,158 --> 00:09:36,534 (MUFFLED SPEAKING) 209 00:09:42,457 --> 00:09:43,541 (SHUSHES) 210 00:09:43,541 --> 00:09:45,001 Cat ears. (MUFFLED SPEAKING) 211 00:09:45,168 --> 00:09:46,711 Say that again, Romeo. 212 00:09:46,711 --> 00:09:48,671 (MUFFLED SPEAKING) 213 00:09:49,130 --> 00:09:51,925 He said she used a glowing seed to make the plant grow. 214 00:09:51,925 --> 00:09:53,676 That's its power source. 215 00:09:53,676 --> 00:09:55,011 Owl Eyes! 216 00:09:56,679 --> 00:09:57,806 There! 217 00:09:57,806 --> 00:09:59,349 (ALL CHUCKLING) 218 00:10:00,183 --> 00:10:03,394 Hey, no one touches my glow‐y growy seed. 219 00:10:03,394 --> 00:10:04,687 (GRUNTS) 220 00:10:06,564 --> 00:10:09,192 Super Gekko shield! 221 00:10:09,984 --> 00:10:12,570 Leave my Plant‐y alone! 222 00:10:12,946 --> 00:10:14,781 This is no ordinary Plant‐y. 223 00:10:15,115 --> 00:10:18,576 It's a vicious, um, monster Plant‐y. 224 00:10:19,119 --> 00:10:21,204 And it's destroying the park. 225 00:10:22,872 --> 00:10:25,250 Can't you make nice plants instead? 226 00:10:25,250 --> 00:10:27,710 My Plant‐y is nice. 227 00:10:27,710 --> 00:10:29,462 To me it's nice. 228 00:10:29,587 --> 00:10:31,714 Get them, Plant‐y. Get them! 229 00:10:32,549 --> 00:10:34,008 Go, Gekko, go! 230 00:10:34,008 --> 00:10:36,052 Get the seed, now! 231 00:10:36,344 --> 00:10:37,387 On it! 232 00:10:37,720 --> 00:10:39,180 (GRUNTS) 233 00:10:40,515 --> 00:10:43,643 Super Gekko Muscles! 234 00:10:45,436 --> 00:10:47,063 No! Stop! 235 00:10:50,775 --> 00:10:51,818 (WHOOSHES) 236 00:10:51,818 --> 00:10:52,819 Uh... 237 00:10:57,115 --> 00:10:58,616 No! 238 00:11:01,035 --> 00:11:02,120 BOTH: Whoa! 239 00:11:02,495 --> 00:11:03,621 (BOTH GROAN) 240 00:11:05,290 --> 00:11:06,457 Ah! (THUDS) 241 00:11:11,171 --> 00:11:12,922 Sorry, Plant‐y. 242 00:11:12,922 --> 00:11:14,632 Look what you've done. 243 00:11:14,632 --> 00:11:16,426 We had no choice. 244 00:11:16,426 --> 00:11:18,970 We're taking this little guy back to HQ. 245 00:11:18,970 --> 00:11:23,266 Maybe PJ Robot can find out how we can make it a nice Plant‐y. 246 00:11:23,558 --> 00:11:26,352 I have more grow‐y glow‐y seeds. 247 00:11:26,561 --> 00:11:29,480 You can't stop me making more plants. 248 00:11:29,480 --> 00:11:31,024 You'll see. 249 00:11:32,275 --> 00:11:34,611 I guess that didn't go so well. 250 00:11:34,611 --> 00:11:37,697 One thing went well. You helped us get free. 251 00:11:37,697 --> 00:11:41,409 Yeah, Romeo. Working together saved the day. 252 00:11:41,659 --> 00:11:43,494 Maybe try that next time. 253 00:11:43,494 --> 00:11:44,746 Are you kidding? 254 00:11:44,746 --> 00:11:47,707 Give up being bad, just because of one little mistake? 255 00:11:47,832 --> 00:11:50,001 No way. That's not me. 256 00:11:50,585 --> 00:11:53,004 See you next time, PJ Pests. 257 00:11:53,004 --> 00:11:55,089 He sure is a villain. 258 00:11:55,215 --> 00:11:58,927 And he made that little green girl. No wonder she's strange. 259 00:11:59,219 --> 00:12:01,137 What's she gonna do next? 260 00:12:01,137 --> 00:12:03,640 At least, we escaped her plant this time. 261 00:12:03,932 --> 00:12:06,476 PJ Masks, all shout hooray! 262 00:12:06,476 --> 00:12:10,063 ALL: 'Cause in the night, we saved the day! 263 00:12:11,231 --> 00:12:13,149 (GEKKO READING) 264 00:12:13,858 --> 00:12:17,779 So team, new villain in town. Orticia, the... 265 00:12:17,779 --> 00:12:22,033 Spooky plant girl created by an out of control Romeo experiment. 266 00:12:22,033 --> 00:12:24,077 That plant she made was scary. 267 00:12:24,619 --> 00:12:26,579 And I usually like plants. 268 00:12:27,372 --> 00:12:29,207 Check out these little guys. 269 00:12:29,874 --> 00:12:31,834 (GIGGLES) Pumpkins. 270 00:12:31,834 --> 00:12:35,588 I water them every day and, um, sing them a song. 271 00:12:35,588 --> 00:12:39,300 ♪ Three little pumpkins growing every day 272 00:12:39,300 --> 00:12:42,512 ♪ Three little pumpkins so shiny and... 273 00:12:42,637 --> 00:12:44,889 ♪ Orange ♪ 274 00:12:44,889 --> 00:12:45,974 (CHUCKLES) 275 00:12:45,974 --> 00:12:48,851 Um, Greg, that song doesn't... 276 00:12:48,851 --> 00:12:50,353 Rhyme. I know. 277 00:12:50,353 --> 00:12:53,231 But my little pumpkins don't mind, do ya? 278 00:12:53,648 --> 00:12:56,776 We should be able to think of something that rhymes with orange. 279 00:12:57,026 --> 00:12:59,445 Creepy weed! I don't think so. 280 00:13:00,154 --> 00:13:02,198 No. Creepy weed right there. 281 00:13:02,198 --> 00:13:03,157 Huh? 282 00:13:04,534 --> 00:13:05,535 (GROWLING) 283 00:13:05,910 --> 00:13:07,453 It growled at me. 284 00:13:07,453 --> 00:13:08,830 Orticia is back. 285 00:13:09,038 --> 00:13:10,540 Growing more mean plants. 286 00:13:10,832 --> 00:13:12,834 Time for a different kind of gardening. 287 00:13:13,001 --> 00:13:15,295 PJ Masks, we're on our way! 288 00:13:15,295 --> 00:13:18,423 ALL: Into the night, to save the day! 289 00:13:19,674 --> 00:13:21,301 NARRATOR: Night in the city, 290 00:13:21,592 --> 00:13:23,094 and a brave band of heroes 291 00:13:23,094 --> 00:13:25,513 is ready to face fiendish villains 292 00:13:25,513 --> 00:13:28,349 to stop them messing with your day. 293 00:13:28,349 --> 00:13:29,642 (CHUCKLES) (WHOOSHES) 294 00:13:31,436 --> 00:13:32,854 Amaya becomes... 295 00:13:34,856 --> 00:13:35,815 Owlette! 296 00:13:37,900 --> 00:13:38,943 (BEEPING) 297 00:13:38,943 --> 00:13:39,944 Yeah! 298 00:13:40,570 --> 00:13:41,738 NARRATOR: Greg becomes... 299 00:13:44,574 --> 00:13:45,575 Gekko! 300 00:13:47,326 --> 00:13:48,327 Yeah! 301 00:13:49,746 --> 00:13:51,080 NARRATOR: Connor becomes... 302 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:52,749 (CRACKLING) 303 00:13:52,749 --> 00:13:53,791 Catboy! 304 00:13:54,625 --> 00:13:55,668 (MEOWING) 305 00:13:55,668 --> 00:13:57,336 (WHOOSHING) 306 00:14:01,758 --> 00:14:03,426 The PJ Masks! 307 00:14:06,387 --> 00:14:08,556 OWLETTE: Um, creepy one, 308 00:14:08,681 --> 00:14:10,558 stingy one... Hmm! 309 00:14:10,975 --> 00:14:12,060 That one looks okay. 310 00:14:12,060 --> 00:14:13,102 (GROWLS) 311 00:14:13,102 --> 00:14:14,687 (GASPS) Fluttering feathers! 312 00:14:14,896 --> 00:14:17,190 (LAUGHING) 313 00:14:18,149 --> 00:14:19,859 Growy, growy... 314 00:14:19,859 --> 00:14:20,860 grow. 315 00:14:23,863 --> 00:14:25,323 So nice‐y. 316 00:14:25,865 --> 00:14:26,866 Huh? 317 00:14:30,161 --> 00:14:33,331 ♪ Feel my green and growy power 318 00:14:33,873 --> 00:14:37,126 ♪ Feel it in your leaves and rooties 319 00:14:37,543 --> 00:14:41,672 ♪ I will make you sprout and flower 320 00:14:42,298 --> 00:14:45,927 ♪ Grow, grow, grow my little beauties ♪ 321 00:14:51,766 --> 00:14:53,518 (MISCHIEVOUS LAUGHTER) 322 00:14:57,105 --> 00:14:58,689 Oh! Hello. 323 00:15:04,320 --> 00:15:06,531 (TIRES SCREECHING) 324 00:15:07,365 --> 00:15:08,574 Spiky weed ahead. 325 00:15:15,081 --> 00:15:16,165 Ah! 326 00:15:16,165 --> 00:15:17,625 Careful not to be prickled. 327 00:15:17,792 --> 00:15:19,585 This is a tough gardening job. 328 00:15:20,169 --> 00:15:21,254 (GASPS) 329 00:15:21,254 --> 00:15:22,672 Gasping Gekko! 330 00:15:22,964 --> 00:15:24,674 It nearly prickled me. 331 00:15:25,007 --> 00:15:26,926 Why can't Orticia make nice plants? 332 00:15:27,176 --> 00:15:28,970 Like my... (PUMPKINS LAUGHING) 333 00:15:28,970 --> 00:15:30,012 GEKKO: Pumpkins? 334 00:15:30,388 --> 00:15:31,806 I remember you. 335 00:15:32,140 --> 00:15:34,642 You took my nice Plant‐y away. 336 00:15:34,642 --> 00:15:36,310 It wasn't a nice Plant‐y. 337 00:15:36,811 --> 00:15:38,479 It grabbed us with its muscles. 338 00:15:38,646 --> 00:15:40,982 What have you done to my pumpkins? 339 00:15:41,315 --> 00:15:42,525 Yours? 340 00:15:42,525 --> 00:15:43,609 No, no, no. 341 00:15:43,609 --> 00:15:44,819 They're mine. 342 00:15:44,944 --> 00:15:46,863 Um, they're actually Gekko's. 343 00:15:47,071 --> 00:15:48,573 He grew them from seeds. 344 00:15:48,573 --> 00:15:50,074 Easy peasy. 345 00:15:50,241 --> 00:15:53,744 Did you grow them eyesy's, little armsy's? 346 00:15:54,287 --> 00:15:56,122 Make them come alive? 347 00:15:56,122 --> 00:15:58,082 That's not my type of gardening. 348 00:15:58,499 --> 00:16:00,960 I wouldn't have wanted them to turn out like this. 349 00:16:00,960 --> 00:16:02,003 They're mean. 350 00:16:02,003 --> 00:16:03,129 No. 351 00:16:03,129 --> 00:16:04,630 They're my little beauties. 352 00:16:09,886 --> 00:16:10,970 (EXPLOSION) 353 00:16:13,514 --> 00:16:14,515 Huh? 354 00:16:17,894 --> 00:16:18,895 Stop that. 355 00:16:20,104 --> 00:16:22,440 Don't touch them. They're mine. 356 00:16:22,773 --> 00:16:23,733 Attack! 357 00:16:24,692 --> 00:16:25,985 By my cat's whiskers! 358 00:16:26,652 --> 00:16:27,737 Whoa! 359 00:16:27,737 --> 00:16:28,779 Whoa! 360 00:16:28,779 --> 00:16:29,780 Hey! 361 00:16:33,159 --> 00:16:34,410 My pumpkins. 362 00:16:34,410 --> 00:16:38,748 All that watering and singing, and they've grown up bad. 363 00:16:38,748 --> 00:16:40,082 It's not your fault. 364 00:16:40,374 --> 00:16:43,044 Orticia did this with her creepy plant power. 365 00:16:43,461 --> 00:16:45,796 But they're mine. I grew them. 366 00:16:46,088 --> 00:16:48,966 I've got to stop them doing bad stuff. 367 00:16:50,218 --> 00:16:51,219 Wait. 368 00:16:56,766 --> 00:16:58,100 Okay, pumpkins. 369 00:16:58,392 --> 00:17:00,394 It's nice to see you all grown up. 370 00:17:00,645 --> 00:17:02,521 But you can't wreck the place. 371 00:17:04,857 --> 00:17:06,943 Super lizard shield. 372 00:17:07,693 --> 00:17:08,778 (GROANING) 373 00:17:10,112 --> 00:17:11,989 Gaping Gekkos! 374 00:17:11,989 --> 00:17:13,032 CATBOY: Gekko! 375 00:17:16,160 --> 00:17:18,537 Now, this is a tough gardening job. 376 00:17:18,537 --> 00:17:21,123 OWLETTE: Maybe we need to find out more about gardens. 377 00:17:21,791 --> 00:17:25,586 Unusual vegetables, farming, crop management? 378 00:17:25,670 --> 00:17:26,754 (GASPS) 379 00:17:26,754 --> 00:17:27,922 The library. 380 00:17:30,800 --> 00:17:31,801 GEKKO: Okay. 381 00:17:32,260 --> 00:17:33,594 Plant books. 382 00:17:33,594 --> 00:17:35,680 I've got some from the magic section, 383 00:17:35,888 --> 00:17:38,975 because that's part of what Orticia is too, right? 384 00:17:39,350 --> 00:17:40,851 I think she's more science. 385 00:17:41,894 --> 00:17:43,938 She was made by a Romeo experiment. 386 00:17:44,647 --> 00:17:47,066 Whatever she is, we're gonna find out how to handle her. 387 00:17:47,066 --> 00:17:48,067 (THUD) 388 00:17:49,026 --> 00:17:50,027 OWLETTE: Pumpkin alert. 389 00:17:52,989 --> 00:17:54,532 (ALL GROANING) 390 00:17:54,532 --> 00:17:56,117 (THUDDING) 391 00:17:59,036 --> 00:18:00,538 Gardening tools. 392 00:18:00,538 --> 00:18:01,998 Maybe that's it. 393 00:18:01,998 --> 00:18:04,375 We just need a special tool for pumpkin gardening. 394 00:18:04,709 --> 00:18:05,626 PJ Robot? 395 00:18:05,960 --> 00:18:07,753 I've got a job for you. 396 00:18:08,462 --> 00:18:10,673 Power Fur Ball! 397 00:18:10,673 --> 00:18:12,466 Owl Wing Wind! 398 00:18:14,468 --> 00:18:16,512 (CHUCKLES) Look, pumpkin. 399 00:18:16,804 --> 00:18:19,640 It's a funny plant that goes quack quack. 400 00:18:20,099 --> 00:18:22,727 Look, lovely yellow leaves. 401 00:18:24,395 --> 00:18:25,396 (GROANS) 402 00:18:25,563 --> 00:18:27,732 (GASPS) You like reading? 403 00:18:27,732 --> 00:18:29,442 Only about plants. 404 00:18:29,442 --> 00:18:30,693 Okay. 405 00:18:30,693 --> 00:18:32,361 Why don't you read more plant books, 406 00:18:32,612 --> 00:18:35,323 more fun than breaking things with naughty pumpkins. 407 00:18:35,740 --> 00:18:37,116 They're not naughty. 408 00:18:37,366 --> 00:18:38,576 They're beautiful, 409 00:18:38,784 --> 00:18:39,785 and mine. 410 00:18:40,328 --> 00:18:41,370 Attack! 411 00:18:41,370 --> 00:18:42,371 OWLETTE: Whoa! 412 00:18:43,873 --> 00:18:45,082 Whoa! 413 00:18:45,750 --> 00:18:47,668 (CATBOY SCREAMING) 414 00:18:52,006 --> 00:18:53,090 (CHUCKLING) 415 00:18:56,010 --> 00:18:58,471 I like it. You hold it like this, 416 00:18:58,471 --> 00:19:00,681 and catch a naughty pumpkin like this. 417 00:19:01,015 --> 00:19:02,350 (ELECTRONIC BEEPS) 418 00:19:02,350 --> 00:19:04,018 What do we do then? 419 00:19:04,185 --> 00:19:05,436 I guess we talk to it 420 00:19:05,436 --> 00:19:07,229 about how it's not cool to break stuff. 421 00:19:07,605 --> 00:19:09,732 OWLETTE: Gekko, pumpkins incoming! 422 00:19:09,732 --> 00:19:10,775 (GASPS) 423 00:19:10,775 --> 00:19:11,776 Gotta go. 424 00:19:19,116 --> 00:19:20,242 BOTH: Whoa! 425 00:19:24,246 --> 00:19:25,331 (GASPS) 426 00:19:26,415 --> 00:19:27,792 Don't worry, team. 427 00:19:27,792 --> 00:19:30,836 it's Gekko the gardener to the rescue. 428 00:19:34,215 --> 00:19:36,217 Whoa, what am I doing? 429 00:19:40,805 --> 00:19:42,390 Gasping Gekkos! 430 00:19:47,645 --> 00:19:49,188 Pumpkin patch. 431 00:19:49,897 --> 00:19:51,148 ALL: Uh‐oh! 432 00:19:51,148 --> 00:19:52,149 Huh? 433 00:19:52,692 --> 00:19:53,776 (GASPS) 434 00:19:53,776 --> 00:19:54,777 (GASPS) 435 00:19:59,365 --> 00:20:01,075 More muscly green stuff. 436 00:20:01,575 --> 00:20:04,912 You stop me growing my lovely planty's. 437 00:20:04,912 --> 00:20:07,873 Now I will grow them everywhere. 438 00:20:07,998 --> 00:20:10,167 Your plants aren't lovely, 439 00:20:11,085 --> 00:20:13,462 They're spiky and they do bad things. 440 00:20:13,462 --> 00:20:15,506 No, they're beautiful. 441 00:20:15,631 --> 00:20:17,800 Only I can grow plants like them. 442 00:20:17,800 --> 00:20:18,801 Look. 443 00:20:19,385 --> 00:20:23,097 ♪ Feel my green and growy power ♪ 444 00:20:23,264 --> 00:20:24,598 Lovely. 445 00:20:26,809 --> 00:20:29,311 At the library, she seemed okay. 446 00:20:29,311 --> 00:20:31,605 Come on. She's trapped us. 447 00:20:31,605 --> 00:20:34,150 With her mean pumpkin sidekicks. 448 00:20:34,442 --> 00:20:36,902 They used to be so cute. 449 00:20:37,153 --> 00:20:39,780 I'm sorry. You worked so hard 450 00:20:39,780 --> 00:20:41,949 watering them, singing to them. 451 00:20:41,949 --> 00:20:45,453 ♪ Three little pumpkins growing every day 452 00:20:45,661 --> 00:20:49,415 ♪ Three little pumpkins so shiny and orange ♪ 453 00:20:50,541 --> 00:20:52,293 That rhyme sure needs work. 454 00:20:53,294 --> 00:20:54,628 (PUMPKINS LAUGHING) 455 00:20:57,465 --> 00:20:59,592 Gekko, sing it again. 456 00:21:00,134 --> 00:21:02,303 But Catboy said it needs work. 457 00:21:02,720 --> 00:21:03,971 Just sing it. 458 00:21:05,306 --> 00:21:06,974 ♪ Three little pumpkins 459 00:21:06,974 --> 00:21:09,059 ♪ You're my favorite vegetables 460 00:21:09,560 --> 00:21:13,522 ♪ Three little pumpkins The Catboy's got a flat tire ♪ 461 00:21:13,898 --> 00:21:15,149 They like it. 462 00:21:15,149 --> 00:21:16,400 They're happy. Look! 463 00:21:16,567 --> 00:21:18,861 It's making them remember the growing days, 464 00:21:18,861 --> 00:21:20,112 when they were babies. 465 00:21:20,529 --> 00:21:21,822 Keep singing. 466 00:21:21,822 --> 00:21:25,785 ♪ Three little pumpkins Can you set us free, please 467 00:21:25,785 --> 00:21:29,789 ♪ Three little pumpkins Trying to be heroes ♪ 468 00:21:32,708 --> 00:21:35,169 Yeah, good pumpkins. 469 00:21:35,169 --> 00:21:38,589 ♪ Three little pumpkins Saving the day 470 00:21:39,006 --> 00:21:40,883 ♪ Three little pumpkins... 471 00:21:40,883 --> 00:21:41,967 Oh, look! 472 00:21:41,967 --> 00:21:43,677 ♪ Here comes Orticia 473 00:21:44,261 --> 00:21:45,679 Now that one really doesn't rhyme. 474 00:21:46,180 --> 00:21:47,932 No! There she is. 475 00:21:49,683 --> 00:21:50,684 ALL: Whoa! 476 00:21:52,603 --> 00:21:54,688 Just in time. Let's scram. 477 00:21:59,985 --> 00:22:01,904 Pumpkins, what happened? 478 00:22:02,238 --> 00:22:03,322 Get them! 479 00:22:06,283 --> 00:22:07,868 I'll get them. 480 00:22:12,832 --> 00:22:14,208 Look out. 481 00:22:14,208 --> 00:22:15,417 She's going to catch us. 482 00:22:15,876 --> 00:22:17,795 Use our powers together. 483 00:22:18,546 --> 00:22:21,173 Super Gekko Muscle! 484 00:22:21,757 --> 00:22:23,551 Owl Wing Wind! 485 00:22:24,218 --> 00:22:25,886 Super Cat Stripe! 486 00:22:28,514 --> 00:22:30,266 (ALL SCREAMING) 487 00:22:31,058 --> 00:22:33,227 Brace for impact! 488 00:22:33,477 --> 00:22:35,396 (ALL SCREAMING) 489 00:22:38,774 --> 00:22:40,693 Silly PJ Masky's. 490 00:22:41,485 --> 00:22:43,070 Silly pumpkins. 491 00:22:43,070 --> 00:22:47,116 You would be ordinary vegetables, if it wasn't for me. 492 00:22:47,616 --> 00:22:48,951 (BLOWING RASPBERRY) 493 00:22:52,329 --> 00:22:55,457 Ha! See, they do what I say. 494 00:22:55,875 --> 00:22:57,918 But why don't you like them when they're nice? 495 00:22:58,085 --> 00:23:00,170 Because then, they're not mine. 496 00:23:00,713 --> 00:23:03,090 I'll show you next time, PJ Masks. 497 00:23:03,340 --> 00:23:06,051 I'll grow my plants everywhere. 498 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:09,263 Sorry you didn't get your pumpkins back, buddy. 499 00:23:09,430 --> 00:23:12,266 (EXHALES) They grow up so fast. 500 00:23:12,266 --> 00:23:13,267 Yeah. 501 00:23:13,559 --> 00:23:16,312 I just wish they didn't grow up to be such meanies. 502 00:23:16,312 --> 00:23:17,396 (GASPS) 503 00:23:17,396 --> 00:23:19,023 Cat Ears. Listen. 504 00:23:19,315 --> 00:23:20,524 (PUMPKINS HUMMING) 505 00:23:20,524 --> 00:23:21,817 ORTICIA: Stop! 506 00:23:22,818 --> 00:23:24,486 Be bad, now! 507 00:23:27,197 --> 00:23:29,283 No way are those pumpkins staying mean. 508 00:23:29,825 --> 00:23:31,660 Too many happy memories. 509 00:23:32,369 --> 00:23:34,496 PJ Masks, all shout hooray! 510 00:23:34,496 --> 00:23:35,831 ALL: 'Cause in the night... 511 00:23:35,831 --> 00:23:37,666 ORTICIA: Come back, now! 512 00:23:37,666 --> 00:23:39,335 ...we saved the day!