1 00:00:58,224 --> 00:01:00,226 The Lion Guard. 2 00:01:01,311 --> 00:01:03,021 Fire from the Sky. 3 00:01:10,820 --> 00:01:11,821 Incoming! 4 00:01:14,908 --> 00:01:16,826 Fire! Fire from the sky! 5 00:01:17,952 --> 00:01:19,371 Fire? No! 6 00:01:19,454 --> 00:01:20,747 Does that mean Scar? 7 00:01:21,039 --> 00:01:23,833 Beshte, Ono, Bunga, take care of the fire. 8 00:01:24,209 --> 00:01:26,628 Fuli, we'll get the giraffes to safety. 9 00:01:26,711 --> 00:01:28,546 Giraffes, this way. 10 00:01:28,630 --> 00:01:30,674 Everyone follow Kion. 11 00:01:35,470 --> 00:01:37,764 -I got this one. -And I got this one. 12 00:01:38,348 --> 00:01:40,558 Awk! And that one almost got me. 13 00:01:40,934 --> 00:01:42,686 Don't worry. You'll be safe here. 14 00:01:43,561 --> 00:01:46,398 -Ow. -Safe from the fire, at least. 15 00:01:46,481 --> 00:01:48,483 All clear, Kion. Fire's out. 16 00:01:48,775 --> 00:01:50,777 Okay, giraffes. You're good to go. 17 00:01:51,236 --> 00:01:52,779 Ahh, thank goodness. 18 00:01:54,698 --> 00:01:57,992 Scar's gotta be behind all this fire falling from the sky. 19 00:01:58,076 --> 00:01:59,202 But how's he doing it? 20 00:01:59,285 --> 00:02:01,079 Ono? Any ideas? 21 00:02:01,162 --> 00:02:02,455 I wish I knew. 22 00:02:02,539 --> 00:02:05,834 But no matter how high I fly, it's always coming from above me. 23 00:02:05,917 --> 00:02:08,294 Well, maybe next time, you can try to fly even higher. 24 00:02:08,378 --> 00:02:09,587 I'll do my best. 25 00:02:09,879 --> 00:02:12,048 And now's your chance. Look. 26 00:02:12,507 --> 00:02:14,676 They're falling over Chakula Plains. 27 00:02:15,010 --> 00:02:16,094 Here I go. 28 00:02:17,220 --> 00:02:21,391 And we're back on fire patrol. Chakula Plains, fast. 29 00:02:26,938 --> 00:02:27,939 Hmm. 30 00:02:31,067 --> 00:02:33,028 Oh, they're coming from up there, 31 00:02:34,320 --> 00:02:35,739 above the clouds... 32 00:02:39,576 --> 00:02:41,244 Air... too thin... 33 00:02:41,870 --> 00:02:43,747 Can't go any higher. 34 00:02:48,752 --> 00:02:50,170 There. That's the last one. 35 00:02:50,587 --> 00:02:51,880 Till the next one. 36 00:02:53,381 --> 00:02:55,050 -Whew. -Ono? 37 00:02:55,633 --> 00:02:59,220 I flew as high as I could, but I still couldn't get high enough. 38 00:02:59,304 --> 00:03:01,806 It's okay, Ono. I know you did your best. 39 00:03:02,223 --> 00:03:05,769 It's just that egrets can only fly so high. 40 00:03:05,852 --> 00:03:09,230 Hey, wait. I know somebody who can fly really high. 41 00:03:09,314 --> 00:03:10,315 Her name's Anga. 42 00:03:10,398 --> 00:03:11,649 Is she a bird? 43 00:03:11,733 --> 00:03:15,236 Yeah, Little B. She's a bird. Anga's a martial eagle. 44 00:03:15,320 --> 00:03:17,322 A martial eagle. 45 00:03:17,405 --> 00:03:21,701 Oh, they're amazing flyers. And they do fly high. Very high. 46 00:03:21,785 --> 00:03:23,370 Common knowledge, really. 47 00:03:23,453 --> 00:03:24,496 You think she'd help us? 48 00:03:24,579 --> 00:03:25,747 I think so. 49 00:03:25,830 --> 00:03:28,249 I don't know her that well. She doesn't talk much. 50 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:29,959 Well, let's go ask her. 51 00:03:33,546 --> 00:03:36,049 Anga? Anga? 52 00:03:36,132 --> 00:03:38,218 Hmm. I don't see her. 53 00:03:38,301 --> 00:03:40,553 But I'm pretty sure she lives in one of these trees. 54 00:03:40,637 --> 00:03:43,181 Hey, what's that up there? Another fire stick? 55 00:03:46,017 --> 00:03:48,770 Thankfully, no. It's a martial eagle. 56 00:03:49,187 --> 00:03:50,313 That must be Anga. 57 00:03:50,397 --> 00:03:52,816 Hey, Anga! Down here! 58 00:03:53,149 --> 00:03:54,442 Anga lenga. 59 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:57,237 She's coming down pretty fast. 60 00:03:57,320 --> 00:03:58,405 And right at us. 61 00:03:59,364 --> 00:04:01,533 -You do something to make her mad? -Me? 62 00:04:01,616 --> 00:04:03,284 I don't think she's gonna stop. 63 00:04:05,245 --> 00:04:08,123 Hevi kabisa! Everyone duck! 64 00:04:14,879 --> 00:04:15,922 Hi. 65 00:04:17,048 --> 00:04:21,386 Whoa. That landing was un-Bunga-lievable. 66 00:04:21,594 --> 00:04:23,513 I agree. For once. 67 00:04:23,596 --> 00:04:26,099 Hey, Anga. I want you to meet Kion and the-- 68 00:04:26,182 --> 00:04:28,560 Lion Guard. I know who you are. 69 00:04:29,019 --> 00:04:30,228 Course you do. 70 00:04:30,311 --> 00:04:32,856 We are the Protectors of the Pride Lands. 71 00:04:37,318 --> 00:04:39,237 Defenders of the Circle of Life? 72 00:04:42,157 --> 00:04:44,117 Uh, aren't we? 73 00:04:44,200 --> 00:04:45,660 Of course we are. 74 00:04:45,744 --> 00:04:48,830 But if you know who we are, why did you buzz us like that? 75 00:04:49,748 --> 00:04:51,124 That's how I land. 76 00:04:53,376 --> 00:04:56,379 So, Anga, we were hoping you could help us. 77 00:04:56,463 --> 00:05:00,300 We need someone who can fly really, really high, like you. 78 00:05:04,179 --> 00:05:06,348 Sure seems like you're the right bird for the job. 79 00:05:06,431 --> 00:05:10,060 Did we mention it's a job with the Lion Guard? 80 00:05:13,229 --> 00:05:15,357 Let me talk to her, bird to bird. 81 00:05:16,775 --> 00:05:18,860 Anga, you would really be helping us out if-- 82 00:05:18,943 --> 00:05:20,945 -I'm in. -But you're the only one who can... 83 00:05:21,446 --> 00:05:23,323 Wait, did she just say she'd do it? 84 00:05:23,406 --> 00:05:25,658 -Heh. Sounds like it. -Yep. 85 00:05:26,826 --> 00:05:28,328 So when do we start? 86 00:05:30,747 --> 00:05:32,707 Hapana! More fire sticks. 87 00:05:33,208 --> 00:05:35,168 Falling over Embamba Canyon. 88 00:05:35,251 --> 00:05:37,504 Then we start now. Let's go. 89 00:05:41,091 --> 00:05:44,386 Ono, Anga, find out where those fire sticks are coming from. 90 00:05:44,469 --> 00:05:45,929 We'll put out the fires. 91 00:05:46,012 --> 00:05:48,306 Affirmative. Come on, Ang-- Oh. 92 00:05:52,644 --> 00:05:54,062 They're coming from up there. 93 00:05:56,398 --> 00:05:58,608 Getting... hard to breathe again. 94 00:05:58,692 --> 00:06:01,236 Save your breath, Ono. I got this. 95 00:06:01,319 --> 00:06:02,696 Anga lenga. 96 00:06:03,446 --> 00:06:06,574 Remember, whatever you find, report back to me. 97 00:06:06,658 --> 00:06:07,659 Gotcha. 98 00:06:17,502 --> 00:06:18,503 Hmm. 99 00:06:21,798 --> 00:06:24,884 Vultures? Those bone pickers. 100 00:06:24,968 --> 00:06:26,219 Anga lenga. 101 00:06:27,595 --> 00:06:29,889 Oh, dear. Seems we've been spotted. 102 00:06:30,348 --> 00:06:32,100 By an eagle, no less. 103 00:06:32,392 --> 00:06:33,893 Should we break off the attack? 104 00:06:34,477 --> 00:06:36,730 Not without putting it to a vote. 105 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:39,274 Oi. She's getting closer. 106 00:06:39,357 --> 00:06:41,443 Ah. Then I propose we break off the attack 107 00:06:41,526 --> 00:06:44,821 and reconvene somewhere safe to discuss whether we should break off the attack. 108 00:06:44,904 --> 00:06:46,072 - All in favor? - Aye. 109 00:06:51,536 --> 00:06:55,373 Ahh. They're lucky I promised to report back to Ono. 110 00:06:58,501 --> 00:07:00,170 Everyone! Everyone! 111 00:07:00,253 --> 00:07:01,379 We figured it out. 112 00:07:02,130 --> 00:07:05,383 -Mm? -Or Anga figured it out, really. 113 00:07:08,678 --> 00:07:12,182 Uh, Anga? You wanna tell them? 114 00:07:13,767 --> 00:07:14,851 It's the vultures. 115 00:07:14,934 --> 00:07:16,728 They're the ones dropping the fire sticks. 116 00:07:16,811 --> 00:07:19,647 - Vultures? - That's why we couldn't spot them. 117 00:07:19,731 --> 00:07:22,484 Vultures can fly very, very high. 118 00:07:22,567 --> 00:07:23,902 Common knowledge, really. 119 00:07:24,319 --> 00:07:26,279 Scar must have put them up to it. 120 00:07:26,571 --> 00:07:30,116 Well, it ends now. Now we know what we're up against. 121 00:07:30,200 --> 00:07:31,201 Thanks, Anga. 122 00:07:31,493 --> 00:07:35,205 We're not gonna let Scar's vultures control the Pride Lands' skies. 123 00:07:35,288 --> 00:07:36,581 That's right. 124 00:07:36,664 --> 00:07:38,541 Let me at them vultures. 125 00:07:38,625 --> 00:07:40,460 Bunga, you can't fly. 126 00:07:40,543 --> 00:07:42,379 So? Anga can carry me up. 127 00:07:42,462 --> 00:07:45,131 Then I'll send those vultures flying. 128 00:07:45,215 --> 00:07:47,050 Hyah! Hyah! Hunh! Give me a lift? 129 00:07:48,802 --> 00:07:51,262 Is that a yes? 130 00:07:51,805 --> 00:07:53,515 You know, Bunga's right. 131 00:07:53,598 --> 00:07:55,100 -I am? -He is? 132 00:07:55,183 --> 00:07:59,187 Yeah. If we're gonna fight the vultures, we need sky power. 133 00:07:59,270 --> 00:08:01,439 Hear that? Let's go, Anga. 134 00:08:01,523 --> 00:08:02,732 Zuka-- Unh! 135 00:08:03,608 --> 00:08:04,651 ...zama. 136 00:08:05,485 --> 00:08:07,404 Not like that, Bunga. 137 00:08:07,487 --> 00:08:10,240 What we need are birds. And lots of them. 138 00:08:10,323 --> 00:08:12,325 Yes. That could totally work. 139 00:08:12,409 --> 00:08:14,619 The trick is getting all the birds to come together. 140 00:08:14,703 --> 00:08:17,956 Yeah. Birds can be kind of flighty. 141 00:08:18,456 --> 00:08:20,625 Get it? Birds? They fly? 142 00:08:20,709 --> 00:08:21,835 Of course. 143 00:08:21,918 --> 00:08:24,713 I know who can help us assemble a squadron of birds. 144 00:08:24,796 --> 00:08:25,839 Hadithi. 145 00:08:26,464 --> 00:08:27,507 Hadithi? 146 00:08:29,843 --> 00:08:30,927 Interesting. 147 00:08:31,761 --> 00:08:32,804 Great idea, Ono. 148 00:08:32,887 --> 00:08:35,306 Wherever Hadithi goes, birds follow. 149 00:08:35,390 --> 00:08:38,643 Last I heard, Hadithi was hanging out near the Urembo River. 150 00:08:38,727 --> 00:08:42,355 Okay. Ono, go ask Hadithi if he'd be willing to help. 151 00:08:42,731 --> 00:08:43,732 On it. 152 00:08:44,566 --> 00:08:47,235 Thanks for your help, Anga. Nice meeting you. 153 00:08:47,694 --> 00:08:50,071 I could come too. To find Hadithi. 154 00:08:50,155 --> 00:08:51,489 Or whatever. 155 00:08:51,823 --> 00:08:53,074 Sure. Come on. 156 00:08:53,491 --> 00:08:54,576 Fantastic. 157 00:08:58,830 --> 00:09:00,999 You martial eagles sure fly high. 158 00:09:01,875 --> 00:09:02,876 We do. 159 00:09:04,169 --> 00:09:06,588 And you're a very impressive flyer, Anga. 160 00:09:07,589 --> 00:09:08,631 Thanks. 161 00:09:11,343 --> 00:09:14,846 I wish I could do that fast swoop and sudden stop like you. 162 00:09:14,929 --> 00:09:15,930 You do? 163 00:09:16,473 --> 00:09:19,225 But you're Ono, keenest of sight. 164 00:09:19,309 --> 00:09:22,395 You're really special. Any eagle can swoop and stop. 165 00:09:22,479 --> 00:09:24,314 Oh, not just any eagle. 166 00:09:24,397 --> 00:09:27,233 Well, it's pretty easy. Come on. I'll show you. 167 00:09:35,950 --> 00:09:39,412 ♪ Take a deep breath And I'll show you how ♪ 168 00:09:39,496 --> 00:09:42,582 ♪ We'll soar as high As your wings will allow ♪ 169 00:09:43,333 --> 00:09:46,169 ♪ Now swing them back And lead with your beak ♪ 170 00:09:46,503 --> 00:09:47,587 ♪ Swoop and dive ♪ 171 00:09:48,755 --> 00:09:50,048 ♪ And try not to speak ♪ 172 00:09:50,340 --> 00:09:53,843 ♪ Our wings are the same But not much more ♪ 173 00:09:53,927 --> 00:09:58,807 ♪ But even so We still see and soar ♪ 174 00:09:58,890 --> 00:10:01,142 ♪ Height and sight ♪ 175 00:10:01,851 --> 00:10:05,063 ♪ To fly and to see ♪ 176 00:10:05,980 --> 00:10:09,109 ♪ We learn from each other ♪ 177 00:10:09,192 --> 00:10:12,529 ♪ So come and follow me ♪ 178 00:10:15,699 --> 00:10:18,201 ♪ I can see bugs From high in the sky ♪ 179 00:10:18,576 --> 00:10:22,497 ♪ I can stop a nose dive midair While I fly ♪ 180 00:10:23,123 --> 00:10:26,001 ♪ Look down there See the turaco nest? ♪ 181 00:10:26,084 --> 00:10:27,627 ♪ Third tree from the cliff? ♪ 182 00:10:27,711 --> 00:10:29,921 ♪ Hey, yeah I'm impressed ♪ 183 00:10:30,296 --> 00:10:33,633 ♪ Our wings are the same But not much more ♪ 184 00:10:33,717 --> 00:10:39,931 ♪ But even so We still see and soar ♪ 185 00:10:40,348 --> 00:10:42,642 ♪ Height and sight ♪ 186 00:10:43,393 --> 00:10:47,147 ♪ To fly and to see ♪ 187 00:10:47,564 --> 00:10:50,734 ♪ We learn from each other ♪ 188 00:10:50,817 --> 00:10:54,779 ♪ So come and follow me ♪ 189 00:10:55,155 --> 00:10:57,657 ♪ Height and sight ♪ 190 00:10:58,199 --> 00:11:02,120 ♪ To fly and to see ♪ 191 00:11:02,454 --> 00:11:05,540 ♪ We learn from each other ♪ 192 00:11:05,623 --> 00:11:12,422 ♪ So come and follow me ♪ 193 00:11:12,922 --> 00:11:15,800 ♪ So come and follow me ♪ 194 00:11:16,885 --> 00:11:17,969 There's the Urembo River. 195 00:11:20,055 --> 00:11:21,514 Ahh! And there's Hadithi. 196 00:11:23,266 --> 00:11:28,438 And then I rescued the klipspringers from the hyenas. 197 00:11:28,521 --> 00:11:29,898 Ooh. 198 00:11:29,981 --> 00:11:33,902 Oh. I hope he's not back to taking credit for things he didn't do. 199 00:11:34,235 --> 00:11:36,071 Which I never could have done 200 00:11:36,154 --> 00:11:40,909 without Ono of the Lion Guard showing me how to be a real hero. 201 00:11:40,992 --> 00:11:42,077 Ahh. 202 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:44,788 Huh. What do you know? 203 00:11:44,871 --> 00:11:47,082 Come on, Anga. Let me introduce you. 204 00:11:50,001 --> 00:11:55,799 Ono! I was just telling these fine birds about our adventures. 205 00:11:55,882 --> 00:12:00,553 Everyone, meet Ono, hero of the Pride Lands. 206 00:12:01,012 --> 00:12:04,766 -Ono. -Of the Lion Guard. Wow. 207 00:12:04,849 --> 00:12:06,559 Uh, hi, everybody. 208 00:12:07,185 --> 00:12:09,938 Um, Hadithi, this is my friend Anga. 209 00:12:10,021 --> 00:12:12,732 Well, any friend of Ono's is a friend of mine. 210 00:12:12,816 --> 00:12:13,942 What do you say, Anga? 211 00:12:14,025 --> 00:12:16,027 Uh... Um... 212 00:12:17,028 --> 00:12:18,154 You're Hadithi! 213 00:12:18,405 --> 00:12:20,365 Indeed, I am. 214 00:12:20,699 --> 00:12:22,951 He's Hadithi! Hadithi the Hero! 215 00:12:23,201 --> 00:12:26,830 ♪ Hadithi the Hero Wherever he goes ♪ 216 00:12:27,330 --> 00:12:29,416 Yes. That's me. 217 00:12:30,125 --> 00:12:32,669 So to what do I owe this honor, old friend? 218 00:12:32,752 --> 00:12:34,963 The Lion Guard needs you, Hadithi. 219 00:12:35,046 --> 00:12:37,090 Actually, all the Pride Lands need you. 220 00:12:37,549 --> 00:12:41,052 Me? Why would the Pride Lands need me? 221 00:12:41,136 --> 00:12:44,139 -You're Hadithi. -Ah. Well, yes, of course. 222 00:12:44,222 --> 00:12:46,057 Well, then. Let's be off. 223 00:12:46,850 --> 00:12:49,477 "You're Hadithi"? What was I thinking? 224 00:12:52,981 --> 00:12:54,190 I think that's them. 225 00:12:54,274 --> 00:12:56,234 Yep. They got Hadithi. 226 00:12:58,111 --> 00:13:00,155 Think we should tell all the birds about Hadithi? 227 00:13:02,866 --> 00:13:04,534 I think they figured it out. 228 00:13:12,917 --> 00:13:14,544 Thanks for coming, Hadithi. 229 00:13:15,253 --> 00:13:18,423 Uh, everyone? Everyone?! 230 00:13:19,132 --> 00:13:20,800 Please listen! 231 00:13:27,557 --> 00:13:32,228 My fellow birds. It's good to see you all again. 232 00:13:32,312 --> 00:13:34,105 We missed you, Hadithi. 233 00:13:34,439 --> 00:13:37,150 And I've missed each and every one of you. 234 00:13:39,944 --> 00:13:43,281 But, I believe Kion has something important to tell us. 235 00:13:44,366 --> 00:13:45,909 We've recently learned 236 00:13:45,992 --> 00:13:48,495 that the fire sticks falling on the Pride Lands 237 00:13:48,578 --> 00:13:49,954 are coming from the vultures. 238 00:13:51,164 --> 00:13:54,084 And that's why we've asked all of you here. 239 00:13:54,167 --> 00:13:58,004 The Lion Guard has shown great bravery protecting you, 240 00:13:58,088 --> 00:13:59,923 especially on the ground. 241 00:14:00,006 --> 00:14:03,927 But now we need to control the skies. 242 00:14:04,010 --> 00:14:08,640 The Outlanders want to scare us. But I won't let that happen. 243 00:14:08,723 --> 00:14:14,938 Together we'll teach them not to mess with the birds of the Pride Lands. 244 00:14:17,232 --> 00:14:19,651 Are they cheering? I don't talk bird. 245 00:14:20,985 --> 00:14:21,986 Wait a tick. 246 00:14:22,237 --> 00:14:24,447 Anga? You see what I see? 247 00:14:27,909 --> 00:14:28,952 Smoke trails. 248 00:14:29,244 --> 00:14:30,662 And you know what that means. 249 00:14:30,995 --> 00:14:32,914 So will you join me? 250 00:14:33,331 --> 00:14:35,417 Are we together? 251 00:14:35,500 --> 00:14:36,543 Vultures! 252 00:14:38,044 --> 00:14:40,588 It looks they're headed for the Maumivu Thorn Patch. 253 00:14:40,672 --> 00:14:44,050 Those thorn bushes are so dried out they'll catch fire right away. 254 00:14:44,134 --> 00:14:45,635 And with all the sharp thorns? 255 00:14:46,052 --> 00:14:48,847 Once the fire's started, we'll never be able to put it out. 256 00:14:49,139 --> 00:14:52,851 Hadithi, Ono, don't let the vultures make it to the thorn patch. 257 00:14:53,268 --> 00:14:57,022 -Affirmative. -Birds of the Pride Lands... 258 00:14:57,397 --> 00:14:58,732 No, that doesn't sound right. 259 00:14:59,107 --> 00:15:03,486 Hadithi's High-Flying Heroes, follow me. 260 00:15:03,820 --> 00:15:08,616 Together, we will protect the skies of the Pride Lands. 261 00:15:14,789 --> 00:15:17,459 What I wouldn't give to be a bird right now. 262 00:15:18,376 --> 00:15:21,338 We still have plenty of work to do down here, Bunga. 263 00:15:21,421 --> 00:15:23,590 Maumivu Thorn Patch. Let's go. 264 00:15:27,969 --> 00:15:30,388 There. Aim for the smoke trails. 265 00:15:30,472 --> 00:15:35,435 All right, everyone. This is it. Let's stop them. 266 00:15:39,230 --> 00:15:41,816 Hmm. If we can see them coming... 267 00:15:43,276 --> 00:15:45,028 they can probably see us. 268 00:15:51,076 --> 00:15:52,202 Remember, everyone, 269 00:15:52,285 --> 00:15:54,788 Scar wants this fire at Maumivu Thorn Patch. 270 00:15:54,871 --> 00:15:56,998 So don't drop your fire before then. 271 00:15:57,082 --> 00:15:58,583 Is that clear, Mwoga? 272 00:15:58,667 --> 00:16:01,044 Uh, yeah, Mzingo. But look. 273 00:16:01,920 --> 00:16:02,921 Oh, dear. 274 00:16:03,004 --> 00:16:05,090 Quite a few Pride Land birds coming towards us. 275 00:16:05,173 --> 00:16:08,134 -What do we do? -What we always do. 276 00:16:08,218 --> 00:16:09,844 Fly higher than they can. 277 00:16:09,928 --> 00:16:13,014 Emergency resolution to gain altitude. Those in favor? 278 00:16:13,098 --> 00:16:14,099 Aye. 279 00:16:15,100 --> 00:16:17,769 Everyone, they're trying to fly above us. 280 00:16:18,561 --> 00:16:23,316 Heh, heh. I do so enjoy looking down on Pride Landers. 281 00:16:23,400 --> 00:16:24,484 Anga lenga. 282 00:16:31,866 --> 00:16:33,410 Was that your little friend? 283 00:16:33,493 --> 00:16:36,371 Little? No. Friend? Yes. 284 00:16:36,454 --> 00:16:37,664 Indeed. 285 00:16:38,248 --> 00:16:43,086 High-Flying Heroes, engage! 286 00:16:44,379 --> 00:16:46,548 Whoa! Look at them go. 287 00:16:50,510 --> 00:16:52,470 And here come the fire sticks. 288 00:16:52,554 --> 00:16:55,890 I got them, Kion. Twende kiboko. 289 00:17:00,812 --> 00:17:04,482 - Nice. - Way to go, Big B. Uh-oh. 290 00:17:09,863 --> 00:17:11,781 Great work. Let's keep it up. 291 00:17:13,908 --> 00:17:15,660 Oi! Get out of me face! 292 00:17:16,661 --> 00:17:19,664 Green bee-eaters, help Ono. 293 00:17:22,792 --> 00:17:24,794 Whoa! Look what you made me do. 294 00:17:24,878 --> 00:17:26,755 Hapana! Incoming! 295 00:17:27,630 --> 00:17:31,259 Got it. Zuka zama! 296 00:17:35,847 --> 00:17:38,391 Dirt. Is there anything it can't do? 297 00:17:39,017 --> 00:17:41,811 Reconvene! Reconvene! 298 00:17:44,356 --> 00:17:45,774 Are they leaving? 299 00:17:45,857 --> 00:17:47,025 Did we win? 300 00:17:47,108 --> 00:17:50,362 I don't think so. They're going back for more fire sticks. 301 00:17:50,445 --> 00:17:51,988 We'll see about that. 302 00:17:52,072 --> 00:17:54,574 Green bee-eaters, follow us. 303 00:17:56,826 --> 00:17:57,869 Oh, dear. 304 00:18:02,374 --> 00:18:04,542 Two against one? That's hardly fair. 305 00:18:08,588 --> 00:18:10,965 - Hyah! Aah! - Whoa! 306 00:18:19,683 --> 00:18:21,351 Hapana! Anga! 307 00:18:23,311 --> 00:18:26,064 Gotta dive faster. Just like Anga showed me. 308 00:18:29,359 --> 00:18:30,443 I got you... 309 00:18:31,361 --> 00:18:33,530 You got me? Who's got you? 310 00:18:33,613 --> 00:18:34,906 Oh... 311 00:18:37,158 --> 00:18:38,201 What? 312 00:18:38,660 --> 00:18:39,911 I've got you both. 313 00:18:43,081 --> 00:18:44,124 Hapana! 314 00:18:45,834 --> 00:18:46,835 Oh, no. 315 00:18:46,918 --> 00:18:48,169 Pull up! Pull up! 316 00:18:52,048 --> 00:18:54,592 Phew. You okay, Anga? 317 00:18:55,969 --> 00:18:57,012 Hadithi! 318 00:18:58,930 --> 00:19:00,056 Everyone okay? 319 00:19:00,140 --> 00:19:02,142 Fine. Just need a second. 320 00:19:02,225 --> 00:19:04,602 I'm Hadithi. I'll be fine. 321 00:19:05,020 --> 00:19:08,648 As soon as I get out of these thorns. 322 00:19:08,732 --> 00:19:11,484 We gotta get back up there and stop those vultures. 323 00:19:12,318 --> 00:19:15,030 I'm afraid I'm grounded for the moment. 324 00:19:15,572 --> 00:19:17,032 Kion, use the Roar. 325 00:19:17,115 --> 00:19:19,451 Blast those vultures out of the sky. 326 00:19:19,534 --> 00:19:22,287 And all the Pride Lands birds along with them? 327 00:19:22,370 --> 00:19:25,206 Yeah. The vultures are too spread out. 328 00:19:25,665 --> 00:19:28,960 But if the Pride Lands birds got the Vultures all in one place... 329 00:19:29,794 --> 00:19:32,714 Hadithi, we need you to lead them in one last maneuver. 330 00:19:32,797 --> 00:19:36,009 Sorry. Even if I could extricate myself, 331 00:19:36,092 --> 00:19:37,927 I'm not sure I'd be sky-worthy. 332 00:19:39,971 --> 00:19:41,473 You can lead them, Ono. 333 00:19:41,848 --> 00:19:42,849 Me? 334 00:19:43,516 --> 00:19:44,893 I know you can do it. 335 00:19:45,268 --> 00:19:49,064 Sometimes you have no choice, Ono. You just have to lead. 336 00:19:52,275 --> 00:19:53,818 Right. I'll do it. 337 00:19:54,444 --> 00:19:57,280 -But, Anga, I'll need your help. -You got it. 338 00:19:59,074 --> 00:20:00,742 Go get them, kids. 339 00:20:00,825 --> 00:20:02,494 I believe in you both. 340 00:20:03,286 --> 00:20:05,914 Hadithi believes in me? 341 00:20:05,997 --> 00:20:07,165 Better believe it. 342 00:20:09,834 --> 00:20:12,337 Everyone? Everyone! 343 00:20:12,420 --> 00:20:15,882 Ahem. Listen to me! 344 00:20:21,763 --> 00:20:24,265 -Here's the plan. -He's doing it. 345 00:20:31,314 --> 00:20:34,067 Reconvene. Reconvene. 346 00:20:34,150 --> 00:20:36,111 Ah, what now? 347 00:20:48,123 --> 00:20:50,041 I'm getting dizzy. 348 00:20:50,125 --> 00:20:52,794 - I propose we fly higher. - Aye. 349 00:20:54,004 --> 00:20:55,338 Oh, no, you don't. 350 00:21:00,635 --> 00:21:03,555 Pride Landers, Anga, clear out. 351 00:21:06,850 --> 00:21:08,476 All clear, Kion! 352 00:21:29,414 --> 00:21:31,166 I knew you could do it. 353 00:21:31,249 --> 00:21:34,210 Thanks, Hadithi. That means a lot coming from you. 354 00:21:34,294 --> 00:21:37,005 And that means a lot coming from you. 355 00:21:37,088 --> 00:21:41,051 Those vultures will think twice before coming back to the Pride Lands. 356 00:21:41,134 --> 00:21:44,179 And if they do come back, we'll be ready for them, 357 00:21:44,262 --> 00:21:46,681 thanks to the birds of the Pride Lands. 358 00:21:49,434 --> 00:21:50,977 So, Anga? 359 00:21:51,061 --> 00:21:53,396 How'd you like working with Hadithi and the Lion Guard? 360 00:21:55,857 --> 00:21:57,067 I could get used to it. 361 00:22:26,638 --> 00:22:28,848 ♪ Look out Here comes the Lion Guard ♪