1 00:00:06,125 --> 00:00:08,250 - C'mon, hurry up! 2 00:00:08,291 --> 00:00:09,500 - I'm going as fast as I can. 3 00:00:11,750 --> 00:00:12,792 Hey, what about forks? 4 00:00:12,834 --> 00:00:14,291 - Yes! 5 00:00:12,834 --> 00:00:14,291 Definitely hide the forks! 6 00:00:14,333 --> 00:00:15,834 You can kill a person 7 00:00:14,333 --> 00:00:15,834 with a fork! 8 00:00:15,875 --> 00:00:17,583 - Right! 9 00:00:17,625 --> 00:00:19,333 - Uh, mom...dad? 10 00:00:19,375 --> 00:00:21,208 - What, what is it, Henry?!? 11 00:00:19,375 --> 00:00:21,208 - What-what-what?!? 12 00:00:21,250 --> 00:00:23,208 - I...I just wanna know 13 00:00:21,250 --> 00:00:23,208 what you guys are doin'. 14 00:00:23,250 --> 00:00:24,500 - Well...y'know how 15 00:00:23,250 --> 00:00:24,500 Piper signed up 16 00:00:24,542 --> 00:00:25,625 for that weekend ski trip, 17 00:00:25,667 --> 00:00:27,250 with a bunch of kids 18 00:00:25,667 --> 00:00:27,250 from her class? 19 00:00:27,291 --> 00:00:28,959 - Uh, yeah, sure. 20 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:32,250 - That's why me and Henry are 21 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:32,250 havin' a boys weekend together. 22 00:00:32,291 --> 00:00:33,709 - Hey, can you not 23 00:00:32,291 --> 00:00:33,709 call us boys? 24 00:00:33,750 --> 00:00:36,166 - But we are boys. 25 00:00:36,208 --> 00:00:37,834 Baaaad boys! 26 00:00:39,542 --> 00:00:41,917 - Anyway, what's the problem 27 00:00:39,542 --> 00:00:41,917 with Piper's ski trip? 28 00:00:41,959 --> 00:00:44,750 - Well, y'know her friend... 29 00:00:41,959 --> 00:00:44,750 that girl Narlee? 30 00:00:44,792 --> 00:00:46,417 - Uh, yeah. 31 00:00:46,458 --> 00:00:48,583 - Well, Narlee's mom 32 00:00:46,458 --> 00:00:48,583 called to tell us 33 00:00:48,625 --> 00:00:51,291 that the other kids all left 34 00:00:48,625 --> 00:00:51,291 on the ski trip without Piper. 35 00:00:51,333 --> 00:00:52,875 - What?!? 36 00:00:51,333 --> 00:00:52,875 Why?!? 37 00:00:52,917 --> 00:00:54,083 - They didn't want her to go. 38 00:00:54,125 --> 00:00:56,250 - Well, what'd Piper say? 39 00:00:57,500 --> 00:00:59,917 - We haven't told her yet. 40 00:00:59,959 --> 00:01:02,750 - We're trying to hide 41 00:00:59,959 --> 00:01:02,750 everything dangerous first. 42 00:01:04,000 --> 00:01:07,166 - When did we stop being boys? 43 00:01:07,208 --> 00:01:08,583 - Hey! 44 00:01:07,208 --> 00:01:08,583 - Yeah... 45 00:01:08,625 --> 00:01:10,083 - Let's make Henry tell her! 46 00:01:08,625 --> 00:01:10,083 - Ooo, right! 47 00:01:10,125 --> 00:01:12,458 - Uh, no no no no, 48 00:01:12,500 --> 00:01:14,291 there's no way 49 00:01:12,500 --> 00:01:14,291 I'm telling Piper. 50 00:01:14,333 --> 00:01:15,417 - Tell me what? 51 00:01:15,458 --> 00:01:16,750 - Ah! 52 00:01:15,458 --> 00:01:16,750 - Oh god! 53 00:01:18,041 --> 00:01:20,750 - Dear god she has ski poles. 54 00:01:20,792 --> 00:01:21,917 -Okaaay... 55 00:01:21,959 --> 00:01:24,458 why do you all 56 00:01:21,959 --> 00:01:24,458 look so freaked out? 57 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:26,625 - Freaked out? 58 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:26,625 - What, me? 59 00:01:26,667 --> 00:01:29,250 - No, it's all good... 60 00:01:26,667 --> 00:01:29,250 - No idea what you're... 61 00:01:29,291 --> 00:01:31,667 - I'm not freaked out. 62 00:01:29,291 --> 00:01:31,667 - [ clears throat ] 63 00:01:31,709 --> 00:01:34,500 - Tell her. 64 00:01:31,709 --> 00:01:34,500 - I'm no...no. No! 65 00:01:36,208 --> 00:01:37,542 - Honey, I really think 66 00:01:36,208 --> 00:01:37,542 it's your place 67 00:01:37,583 --> 00:01:39,166 to tell Piper what 68 00:01:37,583 --> 00:01:39,166 happened with-- 69 00:01:39,208 --> 00:01:41,834 - I'll get it. 70 00:01:41,875 --> 00:01:43,625 - Did the doorbell ring? 71 00:01:41,875 --> 00:01:43,625 - I heard no doorbell. 72 00:01:43,667 --> 00:01:45,959 - The doorbell did not ring. 73 00:01:46,000 --> 00:01:47,625 - Oh heyyy. 74 00:01:47,667 --> 00:01:49,875 Sure, I'd love 75 00:01:47,667 --> 00:01:49,875 to go to the ball game. 76 00:01:49,917 --> 00:01:51,250 - Coward! 77 00:01:51,291 --> 00:01:53,083 - Mom? 78 00:01:51,291 --> 00:01:53,083 - Hmm? 79 00:01:53,125 --> 00:01:55,291 - What's up?!? 80 00:01:55,333 --> 00:01:58,291 - Well honey... 81 00:01:55,333 --> 00:01:58,291 Um, see, uhh... 82 00:01:58,333 --> 00:02:00,375 your brother has 83 00:01:58,333 --> 00:02:00,375 something to tell you. 84 00:02:03,250 --> 00:02:04,792 - Uh, hang on... 85 00:02:04,834 --> 00:02:07,417 I just got a video 86 00:02:04,834 --> 00:02:07,417 message from Narlee. 87 00:02:07,458 --> 00:02:10,083 - Ooo, yeah, you, 88 00:02:07,458 --> 00:02:10,083 you should watch that. 89 00:02:10,125 --> 00:02:11,333 - Yeah...I'm gonna. 90 00:02:14,458 --> 00:02:16,208 - Piper, if you're 91 00:02:14,458 --> 00:02:16,208 watching this video, 92 00:02:16,250 --> 00:02:17,709 we're already gone. 93 00:02:17,750 --> 00:02:21,250 - Gone? Why? 94 00:02:21,291 --> 00:02:24,875 - You're probably wondering why. 95 00:02:24,917 --> 00:02:27,458 Well, it's 'cuz 96 00:02:24,917 --> 00:02:27,458 of your bad temper. 97 00:02:27,500 --> 00:02:29,125 Y'know, it's like... 98 00:02:29,166 --> 00:02:30,959 every time something 99 00:02:29,166 --> 00:02:30,959 doesn't go your way, 100 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:33,959 you freak out and you 101 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:33,959 yell and scream... 102 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:37,041 and it's just not fun 103 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:37,041 to be around. 104 00:02:37,083 --> 00:02:39,291 - She's not wrong. 105 00:02:39,333 --> 00:02:42,834 - Anyway, we don't mean 106 00:02:39,333 --> 00:02:42,834 to hurt your feelings. 107 00:02:42,875 --> 00:02:45,834 It's just that we 108 00:02:42,875 --> 00:02:45,834 don't want you around. 109 00:02:45,875 --> 00:02:47,417 Ski ya later. 110 00:02:55,208 --> 00:02:58,959 - Piper? 111 00:02:55,208 --> 00:02:58,959 Are you okay, honey? 112 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:00,500 - I just... 113 00:03:00,542 --> 00:03:03,125 I didn't know that 114 00:03:00,542 --> 00:03:03,125 my friends don't like me. 115 00:03:06,625 --> 00:03:08,417 - Piper... 116 00:03:06,625 --> 00:03:08,417 - Careful! 117 00:03:08,458 --> 00:03:10,041 It could be a trick! 118 00:03:13,208 --> 00:03:15,417 - Hey... 119 00:03:15,458 --> 00:03:17,750 - I need to blow my nose. 120 00:03:17,792 --> 00:03:19,875 [ snorting ] 121 00:03:17,792 --> 00:03:19,875 - Okay...Okay... 122 00:03:25,291 --> 00:03:27,125 Here ya go. 123 00:03:27,166 --> 00:03:29,417 - What no...? 124 00:03:27,166 --> 00:03:29,417 - [ blows nose ] 125 00:03:31,583 --> 00:03:34,000 - Ahhh!!! 126 00:03:31,583 --> 00:03:34,000 Ugh... 127 00:03:34,041 --> 00:03:35,125 - Now listen. 128 00:03:35,166 --> 00:03:39,875 Your friends, 129 00:03:35,166 --> 00:03:39,875 they like you. 130 00:03:39,917 --> 00:03:41,458 The only thing 131 00:03:39,917 --> 00:03:41,458 they don't like 132 00:03:41,500 --> 00:03:44,542 is when you get mad 133 00:03:41,500 --> 00:03:44,542 and you start yelling 134 00:03:44,583 --> 00:03:46,166 and having temper tantrums. 135 00:03:46,208 --> 00:03:49,375 - He's right baby. 136 00:03:46,208 --> 00:03:49,375 People hate that. 137 00:03:49,417 --> 00:03:51,917 - Well what do I do? 138 00:03:51,959 --> 00:03:55,083 I can't help how I am 139 00:03:51,959 --> 00:03:55,083 when I get angry. 140 00:03:56,875 --> 00:03:58,750 - Yes, you can. 141 00:03:58,792 --> 00:04:01,208 Look, one of my teachers 142 00:03:58,792 --> 00:04:01,208 made this kid in my class, 143 00:04:01,250 --> 00:04:02,917 Mitch Bilsky, go to Jam Class. 144 00:04:02,959 --> 00:04:05,959 - Ooo, I love making jam. 145 00:04:02,959 --> 00:04:05,959 - Mom! Please. 146 00:04:08,125 --> 00:04:12,333 See, "JAM" stands for 147 00:04:08,125 --> 00:04:12,333 Junior Anger Management. 148 00:04:12,375 --> 00:04:15,792 They can help you learn to 149 00:04:12,375 --> 00:04:15,792 control your angry feelings. 150 00:04:15,834 --> 00:04:18,291 - Really? 151 00:04:15,834 --> 00:04:18,291 - Yeah... 152 00:04:18,333 --> 00:04:20,291 - Hey...where's the switch 153 00:04:18,333 --> 00:04:20,291 for the light above the sink? 154 00:04:20,333 --> 00:04:23,125 - Jasper. 155 00:04:20,333 --> 00:04:23,125 - Not now, okay? 156 00:04:23,166 --> 00:04:24,875 - Sweetie... 157 00:04:24,917 --> 00:04:27,041 you think you 158 00:04:24,917 --> 00:04:27,041 might wanna go? 159 00:04:27,083 --> 00:04:28,333 To Jam class? 160 00:04:28,375 --> 00:04:30,458 - I think I need to go. 161 00:04:32,250 --> 00:04:34,500 [ grinding ] 162 00:04:32,250 --> 00:04:34,500 - D'ahhhhh!!! 163 00:04:34,542 --> 00:04:36,375 My shirt's caught 164 00:04:34,542 --> 00:04:36,375 in the garbage disposal! 165 00:04:36,417 --> 00:04:38,792 - Wh--flip the switch! 166 00:04:36,417 --> 00:04:38,792 Flip the switch! 167 00:04:46,458 --> 00:04:47,834 - It all just kinda happened. 168 00:04:47,875 --> 00:04:49,208 I wanted an after-school job. 169 00:04:49,250 --> 00:04:51,208 But then, 170 00:04:49,250 --> 00:04:51,208 an indestructible superhero 171 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:52,500 hired me to be his sidekick. 172 00:04:52,542 --> 00:04:53,458 - Ah! 173 00:04:53,500 --> 00:04:54,583 - Now we blow bubbles... 174 00:04:54,625 --> 00:04:56,250 and fight crime. 175 00:04:54,625 --> 00:04:56,250 - Feels good. 176 00:04:56,291 --> 00:04:58,583 [ theme music ] 177 00:05:10,583 --> 00:05:12,125 - Call it. 178 00:05:10,583 --> 00:05:12,125 - Up the tube! 179 00:05:13,709 --> 00:05:15,750 - Aw, my boot! 180 00:05:13,709 --> 00:05:15,750 - Ha! 181 00:05:21,208 --> 00:05:24,625 - Junior Anger Management. 182 00:05:24,667 --> 00:05:26,166 It's important. 183 00:05:26,208 --> 00:05:29,125 And as we all learned in 184 00:05:26,208 --> 00:05:29,125 last week's Jam class... 185 00:05:29,166 --> 00:05:33,500 getting mad... 186 00:05:29,166 --> 00:05:33,500 stands for what? 187 00:05:33,542 --> 00:05:35,667 Anyone? 188 00:05:35,709 --> 00:05:37,125 Does it stand for... 189 00:05:37,166 --> 00:05:39,208 - Aaahhh! 190 00:05:40,542 --> 00:05:42,583 - Incorrect. 191 00:05:42,625 --> 00:05:44,583 "Mad" stands for... 192 00:05:44,625 --> 00:05:47,625 "My"... 193 00:05:44,625 --> 00:05:47,625 "Attitude"... 194 00:05:47,667 --> 00:05:49,083 is... 195 00:05:47,667 --> 00:05:49,083 "Dangerous." 196 00:05:49,125 --> 00:05:50,834 Now say it with me... 197 00:05:50,875 --> 00:05:54,208 Myyyyy aaaatituuuude 198 00:05:54,250 --> 00:05:59,709 is daaangerouuuussss. 199 00:05:59,750 --> 00:06:01,041 All right. 200 00:06:04,375 --> 00:06:07,959 - Hi. She's here for uh, 201 00:06:04,375 --> 00:06:07,959 Junior Anger Management. 202 00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:09,250 - Class started ten minutes ago. 203 00:06:09,291 --> 00:06:11,750 - Uh, right, sorry. 204 00:06:11,792 --> 00:06:13,041 Um, her name's Piper Hart, 205 00:06:13,083 --> 00:06:15,041 - Hey! Why are those turds 206 00:06:15,083 --> 00:06:17,792 interrupting our Jam class?!? 207 00:06:17,834 --> 00:06:18,875 - Sit down, Naomi. 208 00:06:18,917 --> 00:06:20,375 - I'm too angry to sit! 209 00:06:20,417 --> 00:06:22,125 - Then squeeze your bulb! 210 00:06:22,166 --> 00:06:25,750 - But-- 211 00:06:22,166 --> 00:06:25,750 - Squeeze your bulb! 212 00:06:25,792 --> 00:06:27,792 [ air spraying ] 213 00:06:29,583 --> 00:06:30,792 - Breathe it in. 214 00:06:34,875 --> 00:06:36,125 - Good. 215 00:06:34,875 --> 00:06:36,125 Now sit down. 216 00:06:36,166 --> 00:06:39,083 - Sure thing, Mister Kelvin. 217 00:06:41,208 --> 00:06:43,125 - Whoaaa, what just 218 00:06:41,208 --> 00:06:43,125 came out of her neck? 219 00:06:43,166 --> 00:06:45,291 - She's wearing an aroma collar. 220 00:06:45,333 --> 00:06:46,709 - What's that? 221 00:06:46,750 --> 00:06:49,208 It's a collar, 222 00:06:46,750 --> 00:06:49,208 connected to a canister 223 00:06:49,250 --> 00:06:51,125 filled with cactus fluid, 224 00:06:49,250 --> 00:06:51,125 eucalyptus, 225 00:06:51,166 --> 00:06:54,709 ginger, honeysuckle, 226 00:06:51,166 --> 00:06:54,709 and rabbit urine... 227 00:06:54,750 --> 00:06:56,792 which all mix together 228 00:06:54,750 --> 00:06:56,792 and form a special mist. 229 00:06:56,834 --> 00:07:01,250 - Ah..."special mist." 230 00:07:01,291 --> 00:07:03,208 - Yes, and when a person 231 00:07:01,291 --> 00:07:03,208 breathes it in, 232 00:07:03,250 --> 00:07:05,458 he or she instantly 233 00:07:03,250 --> 00:07:05,458 feels a sensation 234 00:07:05,500 --> 00:07:07,500 of calmness and well-being. 235 00:07:07,542 --> 00:07:09,417 - Wow! 236 00:07:07,542 --> 00:07:09,417 And it's safe? 237 00:07:09,458 --> 00:07:11,083 - I don't know-- 238 00:07:09,458 --> 00:07:11,083 why is she late? 239 00:07:11,125 --> 00:07:13,083 - We're late 'cuz my dad 240 00:07:13,125 --> 00:07:15,625 just had to take a left turn on 241 00:07:13,125 --> 00:07:15,625 the Swellview Turnpike... 242 00:07:15,667 --> 00:07:17,458 right after I said, 243 00:07:17,500 --> 00:07:19,834 Hey Dad, don't turn left 244 00:07:17,500 --> 00:07:19,834 on the Swellview Turnpike 245 00:07:19,875 --> 00:07:22,583 'cuz if ya do, we're gonna 246 00:07:19,875 --> 00:07:22,583 get stuck in the middle of... 247 00:07:27,333 --> 00:07:29,792 Hiiii, I'm Piper. 248 00:07:36,208 --> 00:07:38,166 - Can I borrow that? 249 00:07:46,959 --> 00:07:48,291 - Well, move over Chicago-- 250 00:07:48,333 --> 00:07:50,166 because Swellview 251 00:07:48,333 --> 00:07:50,166 is about to become 252 00:07:50,208 --> 00:07:52,166 "the windier" city. 253 00:07:52,208 --> 00:07:54,250 - Good one, Mary. 254 00:07:54,291 --> 00:07:56,000 Not really. 255 00:07:56,041 --> 00:07:57,250 Bring your pets inside, 256 00:07:57,291 --> 00:07:58,792 and tie your kid 257 00:07:57,291 --> 00:07:58,792 to something heavy, 258 00:07:58,834 --> 00:08:01,375 because a big ol' tornado 259 00:07:58,834 --> 00:08:01,375 is on the way to Swellview, 260 00:08:01,417 --> 00:08:04,083 and it's expected to 261 00:08:01,417 --> 00:08:04,083 cause powerful winds 262 00:08:04,125 --> 00:08:07,166 of up to 95 miles per hour. 263 00:08:07,208 --> 00:08:08,583 So now here's Mary 264 00:08:07,208 --> 00:08:08,583 with what she calls 265 00:08:08,625 --> 00:08:12,000 her tornay-doos, 266 00:08:08,625 --> 00:08:12,000 and tornay-don'ts. Mary? 267 00:08:12,041 --> 00:08:15,000 - Do stay inside. 268 00:08:15,041 --> 00:08:17,834 Don't go outside. 269 00:08:19,709 --> 00:08:21,166 - Awwww yeah. 270 00:08:19,709 --> 00:08:21,166 In other news... 271 00:08:23,333 --> 00:08:26,375 [ Captain Man moaning ] 272 00:08:27,917 --> 00:08:29,125 - Okaaaay... 273 00:08:29,166 --> 00:08:30,875 Girls pulling arms. 274 00:08:30,917 --> 00:08:33,959 Pumpkins being murdered. 275 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:37,166 - Why are you making them 276 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:37,166 hack up pumpkins? 277 00:08:37,208 --> 00:08:39,083 - Isn't it obvious? 278 00:08:39,125 --> 00:08:41,208 - No. 279 00:08:41,250 --> 00:08:43,250 - I'm on pep! 280 00:08:41,250 --> 00:08:43,250 P-E-P! 281 00:08:43,291 --> 00:08:46,250 - Pep? 282 00:08:43,291 --> 00:08:46,250 - Yeah! The pumpkin eating plan. 283 00:08:46,291 --> 00:08:47,792 All I eat 284 00:08:46,291 --> 00:08:47,792 are pumpkins now. 285 00:08:47,834 --> 00:08:50,166 Pumpkin juice, 286 00:08:47,834 --> 00:08:50,166 pumpkin smoothies, 287 00:08:50,208 --> 00:08:51,917 pumpkin patties, pumpkin pasta, 288 00:08:51,959 --> 00:08:53,208 pumpkin jerky, pumpkin... 289 00:08:53,250 --> 00:08:56,250 - Hey look! Everybody! 290 00:08:56,291 --> 00:08:58,375 Come look what I made! 291 00:09:01,083 --> 00:09:02,417 - Uh...what is that? 292 00:09:02,458 --> 00:09:04,959 - I call it a "breeze-eer." 293 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:06,917 You can use it if 294 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:06,917 there are strong winds. 295 00:09:06,959 --> 00:09:10,208 - Oh, is this about that tornado 296 00:09:06,959 --> 00:09:10,208 that's headed toward Swellview? 297 00:09:10,250 --> 00:09:12,125 - Yah! 298 00:09:10,250 --> 00:09:12,125 See, if the wind grabs you 299 00:09:12,166 --> 00:09:13,750 and lifts you 300 00:09:12,166 --> 00:09:13,750 off the ground, 301 00:09:13,792 --> 00:09:17,875 you can use these controls to 302 00:09:13,792 --> 00:09:17,875 turn yourself, and navagoot. 303 00:09:17,917 --> 00:09:19,166 - Navagoot? 304 00:09:19,208 --> 00:09:21,000 - I think he means navigate. 305 00:09:21,041 --> 00:09:24,500 - Navi-gaaeea-te... 306 00:09:24,542 --> 00:09:26,959 Hey! 307 00:09:24,542 --> 00:09:26,959 Who wants a breeze-eer? 308 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:29,041 - I'm fine. 309 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:29,041 - Nobody. Nobody wants that. 310 00:09:34,750 --> 00:09:37,041 - Oooka-vitch d'fobbo 311 00:09:34,750 --> 00:09:37,041 koobleem... 312 00:09:37,083 --> 00:09:40,083 mayim bialik Aziz Ansari... 313 00:09:40,125 --> 00:09:42,041 Dos videcto. 314 00:09:40,125 --> 00:09:42,041 Elos fit!!! 315 00:09:42,083 --> 00:09:44,166 Esdeno! Sva di! 316 00:09:42,083 --> 00:09:44,166 Sva da... 317 00:09:44,208 --> 00:09:45,291 - Hey Henry... 318 00:09:45,333 --> 00:09:46,417 did Piper start 319 00:09:45,333 --> 00:09:46,417 Junior Anger Management? 320 00:09:46,458 --> 00:09:48,125 - Uh, yeah. Me and my dad 321 00:09:48,166 --> 00:09:49,500 dropped her off 322 00:09:48,166 --> 00:09:49,500 there this morning. 323 00:09:49,542 --> 00:09:52,917 - Ha! 324 00:09:49,542 --> 00:09:52,917 - What? 325 00:09:52,959 --> 00:09:55,083 - Ha! 326 00:09:52,959 --> 00:09:55,083 As in, "Ha! 327 00:09:55,125 --> 00:09:56,125 Jam class is stupid." 328 00:09:56,166 --> 00:09:57,709 - No it's not. 329 00:09:57,750 --> 00:10:00,166 - Jam class helps 330 00:09:57,750 --> 00:10:00,166 a lotta angry kids. 331 00:10:00,208 --> 00:10:02,041 - Well, it's not 332 00:10:00,208 --> 00:10:02,041 gonna help Piper. 333 00:10:02,083 --> 00:10:03,250 - Why not? 334 00:10:03,291 --> 00:10:06,125 - Because she's an animal. 335 00:10:06,166 --> 00:10:09,083 - Yeah, and besides, 336 00:10:06,166 --> 00:10:09,083 people never change. 337 00:10:09,125 --> 00:10:10,250 That's why they say 338 00:10:10,291 --> 00:10:12,375 "Angry at five, angry at fifty" 339 00:10:12,417 --> 00:10:14,166 and uh "Once a freak, 340 00:10:12,417 --> 00:10:14,166 always a freak." 341 00:10:14,208 --> 00:10:16,500 - All right!!! 342 00:10:14,208 --> 00:10:16,500 All right!!! 343 00:10:16,542 --> 00:10:19,959 Anyway, I was at Piper's 344 00:10:16,542 --> 00:10:19,959 Jam class this morning 345 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:21,792 and I bet it does work. 346 00:10:21,834 --> 00:10:23,792 - Well...I tell ya what. 347 00:10:23,834 --> 00:10:26,083 Let go of me. 348 00:10:26,125 --> 00:10:29,083 I bet you that the day 349 00:10:26,125 --> 00:10:29,083 your sister is done 350 00:10:29,125 --> 00:10:30,917 with Jam class... 351 00:10:30,959 --> 00:10:34,792 I can get her to lose her 352 00:10:30,959 --> 00:10:34,792 temper that very same day. 353 00:10:34,834 --> 00:10:37,625 - Nah, I doubt it. 354 00:10:37,667 --> 00:10:40,083 'Cuz they have these 355 00:10:37,667 --> 00:10:40,083 cool aroma collars-- 356 00:10:40,125 --> 00:10:43,834 - Blobbity blobbity 357 00:10:40,125 --> 00:10:43,834 'roma collar... 358 00:10:43,875 --> 00:10:45,875 - All right it's a bet! 359 00:10:45,917 --> 00:10:47,125 - Yeah it's a bet! 360 00:10:47,166 --> 00:10:50,125 - Then I'm with team Henry. 361 00:10:50,166 --> 00:10:52,208 - Well, I'm on team Ray. 362 00:10:52,250 --> 00:10:54,291 - Take it away. 363 00:10:54,333 --> 00:10:55,750 - So, what's the bet? 364 00:10:55,792 --> 00:10:57,375 - The bet is... 365 00:10:57,417 --> 00:11:00,250 - When I get Piper 366 00:10:57,417 --> 00:11:00,250 to lose her temper... 367 00:11:00,291 --> 00:11:02,500 you and Charlotte gotta eat 368 00:11:02,542 --> 00:11:05,542 a big ol' bucket 369 00:11:02,542 --> 00:11:05,542 o' raw pumpkin guts. 370 00:11:07,542 --> 00:11:09,458 - So...when you fail 371 00:11:09,500 --> 00:11:11,333 to make Piper lose her temper, 372 00:11:11,375 --> 00:11:13,583 you and Jasper have to eat 373 00:11:11,375 --> 00:11:13,583 a big ol' bucket 374 00:11:13,625 --> 00:11:14,834 o' raw pumpkin guts? 375 00:11:14,875 --> 00:11:17,875 - Yeah! 376 00:11:14,875 --> 00:11:17,875 While wearing swim suits! 377 00:11:19,583 --> 00:11:21,291 - What? 378 00:11:21,333 --> 00:11:23,125 - I was just saying we should 379 00:11:21,333 --> 00:11:23,125 wear swimsuits when we're-- 380 00:11:23,166 --> 00:11:25,291 - Just...just be quiet. 381 00:11:26,750 --> 00:11:29,458 So we got a bet? 382 00:11:26,750 --> 00:11:29,458 - We got a bet. 383 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:32,792 - So just to confirm... 384 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:32,792 no swim suits? 385 00:11:32,834 --> 00:11:34,375 - Why? Why are you-- 386 00:11:32,834 --> 00:11:34,375 - Stop! Just stop talking. 387 00:11:44,125 --> 00:11:45,333 - Uh-huh...yeah, 388 00:11:45,375 --> 00:11:46,959 Piper comes home 389 00:11:45,375 --> 00:11:46,959 from JAM class tonight, 390 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:49,375 so I'm making her 391 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:49,375 favorite dinner... 392 00:11:49,417 --> 00:11:50,792 Ooo, I think he's here 393 00:11:49,417 --> 00:11:50,792 with Piper now. 394 00:11:50,834 --> 00:11:51,750 Okay bye. 395 00:11:51,792 --> 00:11:53,208 [ wind blowing outside ] 396 00:11:51,792 --> 00:11:53,208 - Mom! 397 00:11:53,250 --> 00:11:56,250 - Hey. 398 00:11:53,250 --> 00:11:56,250 - Hi Mrs. Hart. 399 00:11:56,291 --> 00:11:58,208 - Hello Mrs. Hart. 400 00:11:58,250 --> 00:11:59,750 - Hiii. I didn't know 401 00:11:59,792 --> 00:12:01,375 you were bringing 402 00:11:59,792 --> 00:12:01,375 friends to dinner. 403 00:12:01,417 --> 00:12:02,875 - Uh well I-- 404 00:12:02,917 --> 00:12:05,000 - Friends...and his boss, 405 00:12:02,917 --> 00:12:05,000 from Junk-N-Stuff. 406 00:12:05,041 --> 00:12:06,208 - Mom, you remember Ray. 407 00:12:06,250 --> 00:12:08,250 - Oh sure-- 408 00:12:06,250 --> 00:12:08,250 we've met a dozen times. 409 00:12:08,291 --> 00:12:09,542 - Ah...Fourteen. 410 00:12:09,583 --> 00:12:11,166 - Really? 411 00:12:09,583 --> 00:12:11,166 That's right I'm sorry... 412 00:12:11,208 --> 00:12:12,500 - Yeah there's... 413 00:12:12,542 --> 00:12:14,667 - Hey, can I uh... 414 00:12:12,542 --> 00:12:14,667 go up to your room for a sec? 415 00:12:14,709 --> 00:12:18,125 - Why? 416 00:12:14,709 --> 00:12:18,125 - You'll see. 417 00:12:18,166 --> 00:12:20,250 You'll all see. 418 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:23,041 [ text message rings ] 419 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:23,041 - Oh! 420 00:12:23,083 --> 00:12:24,834 Oh, it's Piper, 421 00:12:24,875 --> 00:12:26,250 she and your dad 422 00:12:24,875 --> 00:12:26,250 will be here any minute. 423 00:12:26,291 --> 00:12:28,125 I better go butter 424 00:12:26,291 --> 00:12:28,125 the lobster balls! 425 00:12:28,166 --> 00:12:30,208 - Lobster balls? 426 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:31,583 - Hey! 427 00:12:33,166 --> 00:12:35,750 Okay, before Piper gets here, 428 00:12:33,166 --> 00:12:35,750 let's go over the bet. 429 00:12:35,792 --> 00:12:38,500 - Okay. When Piper gets mad 430 00:12:35,792 --> 00:12:38,500 and loses her temper, 431 00:12:38,542 --> 00:12:40,333 Jasper and I win. 432 00:12:40,375 --> 00:12:41,542 And you two gotta eat a big ol' 433 00:12:41,583 --> 00:12:43,125 nasty bucket o' pumpkin guts. 434 00:12:43,166 --> 00:12:45,834 - Or...when Piper doesn't 435 00:12:43,166 --> 00:12:45,834 get mad and lose her temper, 436 00:12:45,875 --> 00:12:47,250 Henry and I win. 437 00:12:47,291 --> 00:12:48,959 - Yeah! And then you losers 438 00:12:49,000 --> 00:12:52,208 gotta eat a big ol' nasty 439 00:12:49,000 --> 00:12:52,208 bucket o' pumpkin guts. 440 00:12:53,166 --> 00:12:55,250 - Such a child. 441 00:12:55,291 --> 00:12:57,291 - Uhhh...guys... 442 00:12:57,333 --> 00:13:01,166 - Well...hello everyone. 443 00:13:01,208 --> 00:13:03,542 - Dude, we told you: 444 00:13:03,583 --> 00:13:05,458 the swim suit is not 445 00:13:03,583 --> 00:13:05,458 part of the bet. 446 00:13:05,500 --> 00:13:06,917 - Oh I know. 447 00:13:06,959 --> 00:13:09,125 - I'm just uh, 448 00:13:06,959 --> 00:13:09,125 showin' off my new one. 449 00:13:09,166 --> 00:13:12,125 Ehh? Ehh? 450 00:13:12,166 --> 00:13:15,375 - Uh-uh. Uh-uh. 451 00:13:16,583 --> 00:13:18,375 [ wind blowing outside ] 452 00:13:20,458 --> 00:13:22,083 - And look who's back! 453 00:13:22,125 --> 00:13:24,291 It's me and Piper! 454 00:13:24,333 --> 00:13:26,917 - Dad, please don't 455 00:13:24,333 --> 00:13:26,917 make a big deal. 456 00:13:26,959 --> 00:13:28,166 - Hi baby! 457 00:13:28,208 --> 00:13:30,000 Guess what we're having 458 00:13:28,208 --> 00:13:30,000 for dinner tonight! 459 00:13:30,041 --> 00:13:31,083 Lobster balls and fofu! 460 00:13:31,125 --> 00:13:33,792 - Seriously? 461 00:13:31,125 --> 00:13:33,792 - Yeah! 462 00:13:34,750 --> 00:13:36,542 - Wait, what is fofu? 463 00:13:36,583 --> 00:13:38,166 - Well, it tastes 464 00:13:36,583 --> 00:13:38,166 just like tofu. 465 00:13:38,208 --> 00:13:39,709 - But it's made with meat. 466 00:13:39,750 --> 00:13:42,041 - Ohhh. All right. 467 00:13:39,750 --> 00:13:42,041 - Ahhh that sounds pretty good. 468 00:13:44,375 --> 00:13:47,875 - ♪ Ji badowski 469 00:13:44,375 --> 00:13:47,875 Shi bishlnoke... ♪ 470 00:13:51,000 --> 00:13:52,834 Schwoz, I want you 471 00:13:52,875 --> 00:13:55,291 to imagine my voice 472 00:13:52,875 --> 00:13:55,291 as you read this. 473 00:13:55,333 --> 00:13:58,166 Okaaaay. 474 00:13:58,208 --> 00:13:59,500 RAY: We're low on pumpkins. 475 00:13:59,542 --> 00:14:01,792 So, I want you to go to 476 00:13:59,542 --> 00:14:01,792 the all-night market 477 00:14:01,834 --> 00:14:04,041 and buy fifty more 478 00:14:01,834 --> 00:14:04,041 large pumpkins. 479 00:14:04,083 --> 00:14:06,250 Your Boss, Ray. 480 00:14:06,291 --> 00:14:08,041 - No way! 481 00:14:08,083 --> 00:14:11,125 I'm not going outside in the 482 00:14:08,083 --> 00:14:11,125 middle of a tornado storm! 483 00:14:13,333 --> 00:14:15,000 Baaaahhhh! 484 00:14:16,667 --> 00:14:19,375 RAY: I don't care if 485 00:14:16,667 --> 00:14:19,375 there's a tornado storm. 486 00:14:20,291 --> 00:14:22,000 - Baaaahhhh! 487 00:14:25,959 --> 00:14:28,333 RAY: Pick up both notes 488 00:14:25,959 --> 00:14:28,333 you threw on the floor. 489 00:14:28,375 --> 00:14:30,875 And then go get the pumpkins. 490 00:14:33,667 --> 00:14:35,667 - Ray...would you like to 491 00:14:33,667 --> 00:14:35,667 try a lobster ball? 492 00:14:35,709 --> 00:14:39,750 - Would I like to? 493 00:14:35,709 --> 00:14:39,750 Oh yeah. 494 00:14:39,792 --> 00:14:41,500 But I'm on a strict 495 00:14:39,792 --> 00:14:41,500 PEP diet, so... 496 00:14:41,542 --> 00:14:44,083 - Oh, you mean 497 00:14:41,542 --> 00:14:44,083 the Pumpkin Eating Plan? 498 00:14:45,375 --> 00:14:46,792 - [ sighs ] 499 00:14:45,375 --> 00:14:46,792 You really get me. 500 00:14:48,250 --> 00:14:51,083 - I like corn. 501 00:14:51,125 --> 00:14:53,083 - Mmmm...this fofu really 502 00:14:51,125 --> 00:14:53,083 does taste like meat. 503 00:14:53,125 --> 00:14:56,000 - Yeah! 504 00:14:53,125 --> 00:14:56,000 But not the good meat. 505 00:14:57,375 --> 00:14:59,667 [ doorbell rings ] 506 00:14:57,375 --> 00:14:59,667 - Hmmm. Doorbell. 507 00:14:59,709 --> 00:15:02,458 I guess someone's at the door. 508 00:15:08,458 --> 00:15:11,083 - Uh, hi. 509 00:15:08,458 --> 00:15:11,083 - Hello. 510 00:15:11,125 --> 00:15:12,959 [ pony snorts ] 511 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:15,000 - Did someone order a pony? 512 00:15:15,041 --> 00:15:16,750 - A pony?!? 513 00:15:16,792 --> 00:15:20,625 - Wow...I wonder why 514 00:15:16,792 --> 00:15:20,625 there's a pony here. 515 00:15:23,792 --> 00:15:25,166 - Uh, it says here... 516 00:15:25,208 --> 00:15:28,125 "This beautiful pony 517 00:15:25,208 --> 00:15:28,125 is a present for Piper Hart." 518 00:15:28,166 --> 00:15:30,125 - Ahaha! 519 00:15:30,166 --> 00:15:31,583 - A present for Piper? 520 00:15:31,625 --> 00:15:34,625 Gosh, Piper, you must 521 00:15:31,625 --> 00:15:34,625 be so excited and happy. 522 00:15:34,667 --> 00:15:37,208 - I am! 523 00:15:34,667 --> 00:15:37,208 - Okay little girl here's your-- 524 00:15:37,250 --> 00:15:39,375 Wait. How old are you? 525 00:15:39,417 --> 00:15:41,458 - I'm eleven. 526 00:15:41,500 --> 00:15:43,166 - Oooooooooo. 527 00:15:41,500 --> 00:15:43,166 - Ooooooo. 528 00:15:45,750 --> 00:15:47,125 - Yeah, sorry kid-- 529 00:15:47,166 --> 00:15:51,083 ya gotta be at least 13 530 00:15:47,166 --> 00:15:51,083 to get a free pony. 531 00:15:51,125 --> 00:15:53,208 - But...what? 532 00:15:56,542 --> 00:16:00,709 - That...that jerk 533 00:15:56,542 --> 00:16:00,709 just took my pony away! 534 00:16:00,750 --> 00:16:02,083 - Uh-ohhhh... 535 00:16:02,125 --> 00:16:06,083 I think somebody's 536 00:16:02,125 --> 00:16:06,083 about to get angry. 537 00:16:06,125 --> 00:16:08,250 - Yeah I'm about to get angry! 538 00:16:08,291 --> 00:16:11,208 I've wanted a pony 539 00:16:08,291 --> 00:16:11,208 since I was 3 years old. 540 00:16:11,250 --> 00:16:15,000 Do you understand 541 00:16:11,250 --> 00:16:15,000 what it's like to have... 542 00:16:19,250 --> 00:16:23,542 That's a nice lookin' swim suit. 543 00:16:23,583 --> 00:16:25,917 - It is? 544 00:16:25,959 --> 00:16:28,375 - Oh yeah. 545 00:16:25,959 --> 00:16:28,375 It makes me happy. 546 00:16:28,417 --> 00:16:30,834 I'm gonna have some more fofu. 547 00:16:42,542 --> 00:16:44,709 - I cannot believe this... 548 00:16:44,750 --> 00:16:46,291 making me go 549 00:16:44,750 --> 00:16:46,291 get fifty pumpkins 550 00:16:46,333 --> 00:16:48,542 in the middle 551 00:16:46,333 --> 00:16:48,542 of a tornado storm... 552 00:16:52,458 --> 00:16:55,166 [ grunting ] 553 00:17:00,333 --> 00:17:02,667 Ahhhhh!!! 554 00:17:15,917 --> 00:17:18,208 - Ooo! Henry and Charlotte, 555 00:17:15,917 --> 00:17:18,208 I gotta show you guys 556 00:17:18,250 --> 00:17:19,417 somethin' really cool! 557 00:17:18,250 --> 00:17:19,417 Come on! 558 00:17:19,458 --> 00:17:21,041 - Hhhuhh... 559 00:17:25,250 --> 00:17:27,125 - Uh so... 560 00:17:27,166 --> 00:17:29,792 I have to go get 561 00:17:27,166 --> 00:17:29,792 something from my car... 562 00:17:29,834 --> 00:17:33,041 Outside...Okay. 563 00:17:38,291 --> 00:17:40,834 - AHHHHHH!!!!! 564 00:17:43,166 --> 00:17:45,834 I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!! 565 00:17:47,041 --> 00:17:48,291 - Wait...come back. 566 00:17:48,333 --> 00:17:49,625 - Dude, why would you think 567 00:17:49,667 --> 00:17:52,125 we'd care about 568 00:17:49,667 --> 00:17:52,125 seeing your big toe? 569 00:17:52,166 --> 00:17:54,333 - Because it's really unusual. 570 00:17:54,375 --> 00:17:56,000 - So is the rest a'you. 571 00:17:58,917 --> 00:18:02,959 - Wait...where's Ray? 572 00:18:04,250 --> 00:18:06,125 - I dunnoooo. 573 00:18:06,166 --> 00:18:07,291 - They're up to somethin'. 574 00:18:07,333 --> 00:18:10,458 - We better find him. 575 00:18:10,500 --> 00:18:13,166 [ blowing bubble ] 576 00:18:13,208 --> 00:18:15,250 - Ray! 577 00:18:19,083 --> 00:18:20,125 - Oh, hey Henry. 578 00:18:20,166 --> 00:18:21,959 - What are you up to? 579 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:23,458 Nothin', I'm just-- 580 00:18:23,500 --> 00:18:26,291 [ phone rings ] 581 00:18:26,333 --> 00:18:28,083 Schwoz. 582 00:18:28,125 --> 00:18:30,166 Hey Schwoz, 583 00:18:28,125 --> 00:18:30,166 you get my pumpkins? 584 00:18:30,208 --> 00:18:31,834 - Ray!!! Help me!!! 585 00:18:31,875 --> 00:18:34,125 I'm aloft! 586 00:18:34,166 --> 00:18:35,333 - Uh...look, 587 00:18:35,375 --> 00:18:37,000 I gotta go 588 00:18:35,375 --> 00:18:37,000 make a little girl mad. 589 00:18:37,041 --> 00:18:38,875 - But I need 590 00:18:37,041 --> 00:18:38,875 a place to land! 591 00:18:38,917 --> 00:18:40,417 Where are you?!? 592 00:18:40,458 --> 00:18:44,208 - Uh, I'm at Henry's house 593 00:18:40,458 --> 00:18:44,208 and I gotta go! 594 00:18:44,250 --> 00:18:46,333 - Wait! 595 00:18:47,959 --> 00:18:49,000 - What are you gonna do? 596 00:18:49,041 --> 00:18:50,834 - I'm gonna go win a bet, 597 00:18:50,875 --> 00:18:53,125 so that you and Charlotte 598 00:18:50,875 --> 00:18:53,125 have to eat pumpkin guts. 599 00:18:53,166 --> 00:18:55,625 - Dude... 600 00:18:53,166 --> 00:18:55,625 - Hahaha! 601 00:18:55,667 --> 00:18:57,208 Step aside, kid. 602 00:18:57,250 --> 00:19:00,792 Hello everyone! 603 00:18:57,250 --> 00:19:00,792 It's me, Captain Man. 604 00:19:00,834 --> 00:19:02,250 - Wow! 605 00:19:00,834 --> 00:19:02,250 - Look-it! 606 00:19:02,291 --> 00:19:04,291 - Captain Man! 607 00:19:02,291 --> 00:19:04,291 - Ah geez. 608 00:19:04,333 --> 00:19:07,083 - Wow. Captain Man-- 609 00:19:07,125 --> 00:19:08,500 what are you doing here, 610 00:19:08,542 --> 00:19:10,208 when there's nothing 611 00:19:08,542 --> 00:19:10,208 for you to do, 612 00:19:10,250 --> 00:19:12,083 and you probably should 613 00:19:10,250 --> 00:19:12,083 be leaving, maybe? 614 00:19:12,125 --> 00:19:14,208 - Yeah, why'd you come here?!? 615 00:19:12,125 --> 00:19:14,208 - Yeah. 616 00:19:14,250 --> 00:19:17,125 - Well, you're the president 617 00:19:14,250 --> 00:19:17,125 of my fan club, aren't ya'? 618 00:19:17,166 --> 00:19:19,250 The Man Fans? 619 00:19:17,166 --> 00:19:19,250 - Yeah, I am! 620 00:19:20,667 --> 00:19:22,583 - Or maybe not. 621 00:19:22,625 --> 00:19:24,667 - What? 622 00:19:22,625 --> 00:19:24,667 Whaddaya mean? 623 00:19:24,709 --> 00:19:27,291 - Uh...I'm sorry, 624 00:19:27,333 --> 00:19:29,125 but to be president 625 00:19:27,333 --> 00:19:29,125 of the Man Fans, 626 00:19:29,166 --> 00:19:33,208 you have to be at least 627 00:19:29,166 --> 00:19:33,208 4 foot, 10 inches tall. 628 00:19:33,250 --> 00:19:36,208 - She is! 629 00:19:33,250 --> 00:19:36,208 - Yeah, I am 4' 10". 630 00:19:36,250 --> 00:19:38,792 - Ha! 631 00:19:38,834 --> 00:19:42,208 Oh, uh... 632 00:19:38,834 --> 00:19:42,208 Sorry, I coughed. 633 00:19:42,250 --> 00:19:44,041 [ coughing ] 634 00:19:44,083 --> 00:19:45,959 - Uh, uhhh... 635 00:19:44,083 --> 00:19:45,959 Yeah, you-you know what? 636 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:48,250 Actually pfft, 637 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:48,250 what I meant to say was, 638 00:19:48,291 --> 00:19:51,166 uh, you can't be president 639 00:19:48,291 --> 00:19:51,166 of the Man Fans 640 00:19:51,208 --> 00:19:52,959 if you're 4'10". 641 00:19:53,000 --> 00:19:57,333 Which apparently you are, 642 00:19:53,000 --> 00:19:57,333 so sorry. 643 00:19:57,375 --> 00:19:59,208 - What?!? 644 00:19:57,375 --> 00:19:59,208 - That is so dumb! 645 00:19:59,250 --> 00:20:01,458 - Hey, I don't make the rules. 646 00:20:01,500 --> 00:20:03,959 - Well who does? 647 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:05,166 - A person. 648 00:20:07,041 --> 00:20:08,583 - This is insane! 649 00:20:08,625 --> 00:20:10,291 - Piper remember your bulb-- 650 00:20:08,625 --> 00:20:10,291 sque-squeeze your bulb. 651 00:20:10,333 --> 00:20:15,041 - No! I got elected the 652 00:20:10,333 --> 00:20:15,041 president of the Man Fans, 653 00:20:15,083 --> 00:20:17,834 fair and square! 654 00:20:17,875 --> 00:20:19,083 - Yeah, but that 655 00:20:17,875 --> 00:20:19,083 was probably back 656 00:20:19,125 --> 00:20:22,041 when you were 4'9", so... 657 00:20:22,083 --> 00:20:23,667 - Uh, here, let me squeeze 658 00:20:22,083 --> 00:20:23,667 your bulb for you. 659 00:20:23,709 --> 00:20:25,083 - No! 660 00:20:25,125 --> 00:20:29,458 Everyone get away 661 00:20:25,125 --> 00:20:29,458 from me and my bulb! 662 00:20:32,291 --> 00:20:34,917 - D'AAAYYYEEEEEEE!!!!!!! 663 00:20:34,959 --> 00:20:36,083 EYYAAAAAA!!!! 664 00:20:36,125 --> 00:20:39,792 - Okay. I'm really mad... 665 00:20:39,834 --> 00:20:42,959 But I'm not gonna 666 00:20:39,834 --> 00:20:42,959 lose my temper, 667 00:20:43,000 --> 00:20:46,166 because I've learned that if 668 00:20:43,000 --> 00:20:46,166 I do lose my temper, that-- 669 00:20:46,208 --> 00:20:48,166 - AHHHHHHHH!!!!! 670 00:21:00,667 --> 00:21:02,667 - Do I smell lobster balls? 671 00:21:06,166 --> 00:21:09,125 - Who is this man?!? 672 00:21:09,166 --> 00:21:12,709 - Ooo! Piper's collar 673 00:21:09,166 --> 00:21:12,709 broke and fell off! 674 00:21:14,166 --> 00:21:17,792 - P-Piper, c'mon now... 675 00:21:17,834 --> 00:21:20,208 there's no reason to lose 676 00:21:17,834 --> 00:21:20,208 your temper or anything. 677 00:21:20,250 --> 00:21:21,709 It's...it's all good-- 678 00:21:21,750 --> 00:21:23,250 - No reason?!? 679 00:21:25,333 --> 00:21:27,709 I had a pony that 680 00:21:25,333 --> 00:21:27,709 was repossessed! 681 00:21:29,208 --> 00:21:32,458 I got fired from the Man Fans 682 00:21:29,208 --> 00:21:32,458 because of my height! 683 00:21:34,667 --> 00:21:37,959 And then some insane man 684 00:21:34,667 --> 00:21:37,959 just fell through our roof 685 00:21:38,000 --> 00:21:40,041 and is eating all 686 00:21:38,000 --> 00:21:40,041 our lobster balls! 687 00:21:41,709 --> 00:21:43,667 - But-but...y-you like 688 00:21:41,709 --> 00:21:43,667 Jasper's new swim suit! 689 00:21:43,709 --> 00:21:46,125 - Yeah. remember, you said his 690 00:21:43,709 --> 00:21:46,125 new swim suit makes you happy! 691 00:21:46,166 --> 00:21:49,583 - Well I changed my mind! 692 00:21:49,625 --> 00:21:51,083 - Whoa whoa wait, 693 00:21:49,625 --> 00:21:51,083 what what are you-- 694 00:21:51,125 --> 00:21:53,792 [ fabric rips ] 695 00:21:51,125 --> 00:21:53,792 Ahhh! 696 00:21:53,834 --> 00:21:55,667 - D'ah! Gah! 697 00:21:58,333 --> 00:22:00,834 - Ahhhhhh! 698 00:21:58,333 --> 00:22:00,834 The lobster balls! 699 00:22:00,875 --> 00:22:01,917 - Hahahahaha!!! 700 00:22:01,959 --> 00:22:06,125 - I am not okay!!! 701 00:22:01,959 --> 00:22:06,125 Ulch!!!! 702 00:22:06,166 --> 00:22:10,375 - Ehhhhh...I'm okay. 703 00:22:20,959 --> 00:22:22,250 - It's better than fofu. 704 00:22:22,291 --> 00:22:24,750 - No it's not. 705 00:22:22,291 --> 00:22:24,750 - I know. 706 00:22:27,917 --> 00:22:29,667 [ oven bell ] 707 00:22:27,917 --> 00:22:29,667 - Mmm.