1 00:00:01,750 --> 00:00:04,417 - Previously, 2 00:00:01,750 --> 00:00:04,417 on Henry Danger... 3 00:00:04,458 --> 00:00:05,625 - I got-- 4 00:00:10,333 --> 00:00:12,166 - What right do I have 5 00:00:10,333 --> 00:00:12,166 to take you around with me 6 00:00:12,208 --> 00:00:14,208 and put you in all kinds 7 00:00:12,208 --> 00:00:14,208 of dangerous situations? 8 00:00:14,250 --> 00:00:16,542 - Hey! I wanted this job 9 00:00:14,250 --> 00:00:16,542 and you need a sidekick. 10 00:00:16,583 --> 00:00:18,917 - I wish we could make 11 00:00:16,583 --> 00:00:18,917 Henry indestructible. 12 00:00:18,959 --> 00:00:21,834 - Too bad the machine that made 13 00:00:18,959 --> 00:00:21,834 me indestructible was destroyed. 14 00:00:21,875 --> 00:00:23,959 - The Densitizer 15 00:00:21,875 --> 00:00:23,959 was never destroyed. 16 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:25,417 - Piper's cooking dinner?! 17 00:00:25,458 --> 00:00:27,709 - Shh! 18 00:00:27,750 --> 00:00:29,834 - Well, I'm getting' outta here. 19 00:00:29,875 --> 00:00:32,417 - The Densitizer's been here 20 00:00:29,875 --> 00:00:32,417 the whole time I've known you? 21 00:00:32,458 --> 00:00:34,208 - Yes. 22 00:00:32,458 --> 00:00:34,208 - Then why can't Henry 23 00:00:34,250 --> 00:00:35,333 be densitized? 24 00:00:35,375 --> 00:00:37,291 - Because it won't work. 25 00:00:39,083 --> 00:00:40,375 - Oh jeez! 26 00:00:40,417 --> 00:00:43,583 - I say you can be made 27 00:00:40,417 --> 00:00:43,583 indestructible. 28 00:00:43,625 --> 00:00:46,458 - Dinner's ready! 29 00:00:46,500 --> 00:00:48,792 [ screams ] 30 00:00:48,834 --> 00:00:51,583 - Wait! No, no, no... 31 00:00:48,834 --> 00:00:51,583 Retreat! Retreat! 32 00:00:51,625 --> 00:00:54,291 - We are doing this again 33 00:00:51,625 --> 00:00:54,291 tomorrow night. 34 00:00:54,333 --> 00:00:55,709 - Woah! 35 00:00:59,875 --> 00:01:01,250 - You okay? How do you feel? 36 00:01:01,291 --> 00:01:03,834 - Maybe we should test-- 37 00:01:03,875 --> 00:01:06,333 I'm okay! 38 00:01:06,375 --> 00:01:08,375 - Oh my god! 39 00:01:06,375 --> 00:01:08,375 You're indestructible! 40 00:01:08,417 --> 00:01:10,750 - Yeah, I am! 41 00:01:10,792 --> 00:01:13,250 - And here we go. 42 00:01:10,792 --> 00:01:13,250 First joke of the morning. 43 00:01:13,291 --> 00:01:17,583 What did Jay-Z call his wife 44 00:01:13,291 --> 00:01:17,583 before they got married? 45 00:01:17,625 --> 00:01:18,667 - I dunno, what? 46 00:01:18,709 --> 00:01:20,542 - Fiancee! 47 00:01:27,750 --> 00:01:31,166 - Oh, man. This is not good. 48 00:01:34,875 --> 00:01:38,041 - Charlotte. Charlotte. 49 00:01:34,875 --> 00:01:38,041 Charlotte. Charlotte... 50 00:01:41,208 --> 00:01:43,041 - What's up? 51 00:01:41,208 --> 00:01:43,041 - Okay... 52 00:01:43,083 --> 00:01:45,041 You remember how, yesterday, 53 00:01:43,083 --> 00:01:45,041 after I was densitized, 54 00:01:45,083 --> 00:01:47,000 you and Schwoz asked me 55 00:01:45,083 --> 00:01:47,000 if I had any side-effects, 56 00:01:47,041 --> 00:01:49,333 and I said no, I didn't 57 00:01:47,041 --> 00:01:49,333 have any side-effects? 58 00:01:49,375 --> 00:01:50,500 - Yeah? 59 00:01:50,542 --> 00:01:51,834 - I think I have a side-effect. 60 00:01:51,875 --> 00:01:54,583 - Ugh, I knew it. 61 00:01:54,625 --> 00:01:56,500 So what side-effect 62 00:01:54,625 --> 00:01:56,500 do you have? 63 00:01:56,542 --> 00:01:58,542 Did you grow eyeballs 64 00:01:56,542 --> 00:01:58,542 on your butt?!? 65 00:01:58,583 --> 00:02:00,375 - No! 66 00:02:02,208 --> 00:02:03,500 - No! No! 67 00:02:03,542 --> 00:02:05,250 - Then what side-effect 68 00:02:03,542 --> 00:02:05,250 do you have? 69 00:02:05,291 --> 00:02:07,583 - When I laugh, 70 00:02:05,291 --> 00:02:07,583 fire comes out my-- 71 00:02:07,625 --> 00:02:08,834 - Henry! 72 00:02:08,875 --> 00:02:10,834 - D'ah! Piper's at my door. 73 00:02:10,875 --> 00:02:12,917 - Okay, but tell me 74 00:02:10,875 --> 00:02:12,917 what the side effect you-- 75 00:02:12,959 --> 00:02:16,500 - I-I can't talk now! 76 00:02:12,959 --> 00:02:16,500 Just come over! 77 00:02:16,542 --> 00:02:18,709 Okay Piper, just a sec-- 78 00:02:20,250 --> 00:02:22,375 - Where are my headphones? 79 00:02:22,417 --> 00:02:24,834 - Did you just kick 80 00:02:22,417 --> 00:02:24,834 open my door? 81 00:02:24,875 --> 00:02:26,709 - Mom said you had 82 00:02:24,875 --> 00:02:26,709 'em yesterday! 83 00:02:26,750 --> 00:02:28,500 Where are they? 84 00:02:28,542 --> 00:02:30,083 - Wait... 85 00:02:32,166 --> 00:02:35,375 It wasn't even locked! 86 00:02:35,417 --> 00:02:37,709 Will you get outta 87 00:02:35,417 --> 00:02:37,709 my closet? 88 00:02:37,750 --> 00:02:39,083 - What is this thing? 89 00:02:39,125 --> 00:02:41,500 - Oh, it's a Vomiting 90 00:02:39,125 --> 00:02:41,500 Vinnie doll. 91 00:02:41,542 --> 00:02:43,375 - Why would they call-- 92 00:02:45,125 --> 00:02:47,750 - Ahh! Gross! 93 00:02:53,291 --> 00:02:55,208 - Uh, did you just see that? 94 00:02:55,250 --> 00:02:59,375 - I can't see anything! 95 00:02:55,250 --> 00:02:59,375 Your doll vomited in my eyes! 96 00:03:00,834 --> 00:03:04,166 Mom! Henry's doll 97 00:03:00,834 --> 00:03:04,166 vomited in my eyes! 98 00:03:05,875 --> 00:03:07,333 - It all just kind 99 00:03:05,875 --> 00:03:07,333 of happened. 100 00:03:07,375 --> 00:03:09,542 - My dad was 101 00:03:07,375 --> 00:03:09,542 an irresponsible scientist. 102 00:03:09,583 --> 00:03:11,542 - I wanted an after-school 103 00:03:09,583 --> 00:03:11,542 job. 104 00:03:11,583 --> 00:03:14,375 - And by accident, 105 00:03:11,583 --> 00:03:14,375 he made me indestructible. 106 00:03:14,417 --> 00:03:16,250 Ah! 107 00:03:16,291 --> 00:03:19,875 - I went into this crazy store 108 00:03:16,291 --> 00:03:19,875 and met a pretty interesting guy 109 00:03:19,917 --> 00:03:21,458 - I'm going to blow your mind. 110 00:03:21,500 --> 00:03:23,959 Now I protect the good 111 00:03:21,500 --> 00:03:23,959 citizens of Swellview. 112 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:25,166 who call me... 113 00:03:25,208 --> 00:03:26,166 - He turned out to be... 114 00:03:26,208 --> 00:03:27,208 - You know the name. 115 00:03:27,250 --> 00:03:28,166 - Captain Man! 116 00:03:28,208 --> 00:03:29,709 - That's right, Henry. 117 00:03:29,750 --> 00:03:32,417 In time, I realized 118 00:03:29,750 --> 00:03:32,417 that being a superhero 119 00:03:32,458 --> 00:03:33,875 is a lot to handle alone. 120 00:03:33,917 --> 00:03:35,000 - He wanted some help. 121 00:03:35,041 --> 00:03:36,500 - I needed a sidekick. 122 00:03:36,542 --> 00:03:38,250 - I, Henry Hart... 123 00:03:36,542 --> 00:03:38,250 - Pledge to never ever 124 00:03:38,291 --> 00:03:40,208 ever tell anyone... 125 00:03:38,291 --> 00:03:40,208 - That I'm Captain Man's 126 00:03:40,250 --> 00:03:41,750 secret sidekick. 127 00:03:40,250 --> 00:03:41,750 - It is done. 128 00:03:41,792 --> 00:03:43,375 - Now we blow bubbles. 129 00:03:43,417 --> 00:03:44,583 - And fight crime. 130 00:03:44,625 --> 00:03:46,166 - Feels good. 131 00:04:00,208 --> 00:04:01,083 - Call it. 132 00:04:01,125 --> 00:04:03,291 - Up the tube! 133 00:04:03,333 --> 00:04:04,875 Oh, my boot. 134 00:04:04,917 --> 00:04:05,667 - Ha ! 135 00:04:11,417 --> 00:04:14,041 - I'm so mad. 136 00:04:14,083 --> 00:04:16,834 - Well, baby, the doll's name 137 00:04:14,083 --> 00:04:16,834 is Vomiting Vinnie. 138 00:04:16,875 --> 00:04:19,041 What'd you expect him to do? 139 00:04:19,083 --> 00:04:19,834 Vinnie? 140 00:04:21,000 --> 00:04:22,875 - Hey, Mrs. Hart? 141 00:04:21,000 --> 00:04:22,875 - Yeah? 142 00:04:22,917 --> 00:04:27,166 - How much does it cost to buy 143 00:04:22,917 --> 00:04:27,166 four boneless chicken... um... 144 00:04:27,208 --> 00:04:28,500 - Chicken breasts? 145 00:04:28,542 --> 00:04:30,542 - Yeah, chicken... those. 146 00:04:30,583 --> 00:04:35,041 - Dude, just go buy everything 147 00:04:30,583 --> 00:04:35,041 on that grocery list. 148 00:04:35,083 --> 00:04:36,792 - But it's gonna be 149 00:04:35,083 --> 00:04:36,792 almost a hundred bucks! 150 00:04:36,834 --> 00:04:38,291 Why do I have to pay? 151 00:04:36,834 --> 00:04:38,291 - Hey! 152 00:04:38,333 --> 00:04:42,041 Who let four dogs 153 00:04:38,333 --> 00:04:42,041 eat the dinner 154 00:04:42,083 --> 00:04:45,250 I spent all day making 155 00:04:42,083 --> 00:04:45,250 yesterday? 156 00:04:45,291 --> 00:04:48,166 - Me, Jasper. 157 00:04:48,208 --> 00:04:50,875 - Y'know, we could all 158 00:04:48,208 --> 00:04:50,875 go out to eat tonight. 159 00:04:50,917 --> 00:04:52,375 - No! 160 00:04:50,917 --> 00:04:52,375 - But maybe... 161 00:04:52,417 --> 00:04:53,834 - I'm making dinner 162 00:04:53,875 --> 00:04:56,166 and everyone's going to 163 00:04:53,875 --> 00:04:56,166 put it in their mouth, 164 00:04:56,208 --> 00:04:59,125 chew it, swallow it, 165 00:04:56,208 --> 00:04:59,125 and love it! 166 00:05:01,375 --> 00:05:04,083 - Hey honey. I found 167 00:05:01,375 --> 00:05:04,083 the bin full of marbles. 168 00:05:04,125 --> 00:05:06,083 - Oh yay, the marbles. 169 00:05:06,125 --> 00:05:07,458 - Yeah, where do you want 'em? 170 00:05:07,500 --> 00:05:09,500 - Why don't you take 'em 171 00:05:07,500 --> 00:05:09,500 upstairs and put 'em 172 00:05:09,542 --> 00:05:11,750 in my closet by my other 173 00:05:09,542 --> 00:05:11,750 marbles? 174 00:05:11,792 --> 00:05:12,917 - Good call. 175 00:05:12,959 --> 00:05:14,458 - Hey, happy Saturday. 176 00:05:14,500 --> 00:05:16,083 - Oh, hey, Charlotte. 177 00:05:16,125 --> 00:05:17,417 - Henry, Charlotte's here. 178 00:05:17,458 --> 00:05:18,458 - She's here now? 179 00:05:18,500 --> 00:05:20,917 - Yeah. 180 00:05:27,000 --> 00:05:29,083 - Aw, Henry. 181 00:05:33,375 --> 00:05:36,417 - So, I was listening to 182 00:05:33,375 --> 00:05:36,417 the radio, and then NoJo says, 183 00:05:36,458 --> 00:05:39,166 "First joke of the morning. 184 00:05:36,458 --> 00:05:39,166 What did Jay-Z call his wife 185 00:05:39,208 --> 00:05:41,083 before they got married?" 186 00:05:39,208 --> 00:05:41,083 And then Dangl's like-- 187 00:05:41,125 --> 00:05:43,917 - Just tell me what 188 00:05:41,125 --> 00:05:43,917 side-effect you have! 189 00:05:44,917 --> 00:05:46,583 - Tickle my foot. 190 00:05:46,625 --> 00:05:49,959 - Eh, I don't do that. 191 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:51,417 - Tickle my foot! 192 00:05:55,542 --> 00:05:57,500 - Haha...ah! 193 00:05:57,542 --> 00:05:59,917 [ screams ] 194 00:06:01,709 --> 00:06:03,667 - Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! 195 00:06:03,709 --> 00:06:05,542 Don't scream or my parents 196 00:06:03,709 --> 00:06:05,542 will come out! 197 00:06:05,583 --> 00:06:07,458 - But fire just shot 198 00:06:05,583 --> 00:06:07,458 out of your mouth! 199 00:06:07,500 --> 00:06:09,500 - I know. I know. 200 00:06:07,500 --> 00:06:09,500 It happens when I laugh. 201 00:06:09,542 --> 00:06:11,959 And don't say I told you so. 202 00:06:09,542 --> 00:06:11,959 - I told you so, 203 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:13,500 I told you so, I told 204 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:13,500 you so! 205 00:06:13,542 --> 00:06:15,083 [ phone rings ] 206 00:06:15,125 --> 00:06:17,667 - Ah! It's Ray! It's Ray! 207 00:06:15,125 --> 00:06:17,667 - Well, answer it! 208 00:06:17,709 --> 00:06:18,667 - Okay, hide. 209 00:06:18,709 --> 00:06:20,375 - Why do I have to hide? 210 00:06:20,417 --> 00:06:22,959 - I don't know, I'm panicking, 211 00:06:20,417 --> 00:06:22,959 just hide okay, hurry... 212 00:06:27,291 --> 00:06:29,500 - Henry! You gotta hurry up 213 00:06:27,291 --> 00:06:29,500 and get to Junk-N-Stuff. 214 00:06:29,542 --> 00:06:31,333 I got somethin' really 215 00:06:29,542 --> 00:06:31,333 cool to show ya! 216 00:06:31,375 --> 00:06:33,041 - Okay, I'll get there 217 00:06:31,375 --> 00:06:33,041 as soon as I can. 218 00:06:33,083 --> 00:06:35,542 - Right. Oh, and Henry... 219 00:06:33,083 --> 00:06:35,542 - Yeah. 220 00:06:35,583 --> 00:06:38,208 - Why is Charlotte hiding 221 00:06:35,583 --> 00:06:38,208 in that bush? 222 00:06:38,250 --> 00:06:41,041 - Hey, you tell me. 223 00:06:51,834 --> 00:06:52,834 - Hey, Ray. 224 00:06:52,875 --> 00:06:53,792 - Hi, Ray. 225 00:06:53,834 --> 00:06:55,125 - "Hey, Ray. Hi, Ray?" 226 00:06:55,166 --> 00:06:56,417 That's all you guys 227 00:06:55,166 --> 00:06:56,417 are gonna say? 228 00:06:56,458 --> 00:06:57,750 You don't see this 229 00:06:56,458 --> 00:06:57,750 gigantic cannon? 230 00:06:57,792 --> 00:06:59,792 - Aw, hey, cannon. 231 00:06:57,792 --> 00:06:59,792 - Hi, cannon. 232 00:06:59,834 --> 00:07:01,667 - Come on! Look at this baby! 233 00:07:01,709 --> 00:07:03,166 - Yeah, it's-it's ugh... 234 00:07:03,208 --> 00:07:04,959 - This is just like the cannon 235 00:07:03,208 --> 00:07:04,959 that fired the first shot 236 00:07:05,000 --> 00:07:07,500 at the Battle of Swellview. 237 00:07:07,542 --> 00:07:10,750 Just imagine 238 00:07:07,542 --> 00:07:10,750 this cannon going BOOM! 239 00:07:12,250 --> 00:07:15,291 and then the enemy 240 00:07:12,250 --> 00:07:15,291 was probably all "Ahh..." 241 00:07:15,333 --> 00:07:18,083 and I bet people watching 242 00:07:15,333 --> 00:07:18,083 were like "Whaaat? 243 00:07:19,333 --> 00:07:21,083 - Where'd you get this thing? 244 00:07:21,125 --> 00:07:22,709 - Oh, that vintage weapons 245 00:07:21,125 --> 00:07:22,709 store that went outta business. 246 00:07:22,750 --> 00:07:23,792 - Always Loaded? 247 00:07:23,834 --> 00:07:25,166 - Yeah. 248 00:07:25,208 --> 00:07:27,333 - 'Kay, Ray, I gotta 249 00:07:25,208 --> 00:07:27,333 talk to you. 250 00:07:27,375 --> 00:07:29,875 - Yeah, he's really 251 00:07:27,375 --> 00:07:29,875 gotta talk to you. 252 00:07:29,917 --> 00:07:32,750 - Alright, well, just first, 253 00:07:29,917 --> 00:07:32,750 flip that closed sign to open, 254 00:07:32,792 --> 00:07:33,750 will ya? 255 00:07:33,792 --> 00:07:35,208 - Yeah, sure. 256 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:37,709 - Hey, what's this chain for? 257 00:07:37,750 --> 00:07:40,041 - Hmm, I dunno, lemme see. 258 00:07:47,250 --> 00:07:49,667 - Henry? Kid! 259 00:07:54,792 --> 00:07:59,041 - Stupid cannon ball! 260 00:07:54,792 --> 00:07:59,041 You killed my friend! 261 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:14,291 - Wow! 262 00:08:15,792 --> 00:08:19,792 - How could you be talking? 263 00:08:15,792 --> 00:08:19,792 And living?! 264 00:08:21,917 --> 00:08:23,875 - 'Cause... I'm fine. 265 00:08:23,917 --> 00:08:26,875 - You can't be fine, you just... 266 00:08:23,917 --> 00:08:26,875 You just took a cannon ball 267 00:08:26,917 --> 00:08:28,709 to the gut 268 00:08:26,917 --> 00:08:28,709 at point blank range! 269 00:08:28,750 --> 00:08:30,083 - Yeah... 270 00:08:31,792 --> 00:08:34,125 - Henry, did you... 271 00:08:43,500 --> 00:08:44,500 - Ow. 272 00:08:51,333 --> 00:08:53,166 Ow. 273 00:08:53,208 --> 00:08:57,458 - You're... 274 00:08:53,208 --> 00:08:57,458 you're indestructible. 275 00:08:59,208 --> 00:09:02,333 - [ both ] Surprise. 276 00:09:04,500 --> 00:09:06,583 - We did it yesterday. 277 00:09:06,625 --> 00:09:09,500 - And it worked? 278 00:09:06,625 --> 00:09:09,500 That's amazing! 279 00:09:09,542 --> 00:09:11,500 No side-effects! 280 00:09:11,542 --> 00:09:13,875 - Eh. 281 00:09:27,208 --> 00:09:29,875 - Okay. I'm ready to test him. 282 00:09:29,917 --> 00:09:31,291 - Finally. 283 00:09:29,917 --> 00:09:31,291 - Here we go. 284 00:09:31,333 --> 00:09:34,250 - So, is Henry fully 285 00:09:31,333 --> 00:09:34,250 indestructible? 286 00:09:34,291 --> 00:09:35,959 - Oh ya, he is. 287 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:38,959 - Or else your cannon 288 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:38,959 woulda killed me. 289 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:43,083 - I know, we lucked out 290 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:43,083 on that one, didn't we? 291 00:09:45,709 --> 00:09:47,625 - So what about Henry 292 00:09:45,709 --> 00:09:47,625 laughing fire? 293 00:09:47,667 --> 00:09:49,417 - That's what we're going 294 00:09:47,667 --> 00:09:49,417 to test right now. 295 00:09:49,458 --> 00:09:52,625 Now Henry, you sit still, 296 00:09:49,458 --> 00:09:52,625 and watch me and Ray. 297 00:09:52,667 --> 00:09:53,667 - What are we doin'? 298 00:09:53,709 --> 00:09:55,166 - Come, come... 299 00:09:58,208 --> 00:10:02,709 - Now, we begin the test 300 00:09:58,208 --> 00:10:02,709 with my homemade Schwoz-amole. 301 00:10:04,792 --> 00:10:06,291 - Ah, darn it. 302 00:10:06,333 --> 00:10:08,834 My Schwoz-amole smells funky. 303 00:10:10,500 --> 00:10:12,750 - Really? Here, let me smell it. 304 00:10:15,709 --> 00:10:16,709 - Schwoz! 305 00:10:30,250 --> 00:10:33,375 - Okay, when the machine 306 00:10:30,250 --> 00:10:33,375 make Henry indestructible, 307 00:10:33,417 --> 00:10:36,208 it also mutated 308 00:10:33,417 --> 00:10:36,208 his throat muscles, 309 00:10:36,250 --> 00:10:38,875 and that's why fire 310 00:10:36,250 --> 00:10:38,875 now shoots from his mouth 311 00:10:38,917 --> 00:10:39,917 when he laughs. 312 00:10:39,959 --> 00:10:42,959 - Well...awesome! 313 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:44,291 - What? 314 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:44,291 - Dude! 315 00:10:44,333 --> 00:10:46,208 - How is this awesome? 316 00:10:44,333 --> 00:10:46,208 - Because! 317 00:10:46,250 --> 00:10:47,959 Now, whenever Henry 318 00:10:46,250 --> 00:10:47,959 and I fight bad guys, 319 00:10:48,000 --> 00:10:49,583 if one of them 320 00:10:48,000 --> 00:10:49,583 pulls a weapon, 321 00:10:49,625 --> 00:10:52,041 all Henry's gotta do 322 00:10:49,625 --> 00:10:52,041 is be all, "Hahaha". 323 00:10:52,083 --> 00:10:55,208 and the bad guys'll be like, 324 00:10:52,083 --> 00:10:55,208 "Ahh, my face is melting." 325 00:10:55,250 --> 00:10:57,208 Why did I commit this crime?" 326 00:10:57,250 --> 00:11:00,083 And I'll be like, "Exactly." 327 00:11:00,125 --> 00:11:04,166 - Oh, yeah, but what if 328 00:11:00,125 --> 00:11:04,166 I'm out with a girl and I laugh, 329 00:11:04,208 --> 00:11:05,542 and then she's all: 330 00:11:05,583 --> 00:11:07,417 "Oh no! Why did I go out 331 00:11:05,583 --> 00:11:07,417 with this guy? 332 00:11:07,458 --> 00:11:10,041 He's shooting fire at my face!" 333 00:11:10,083 --> 00:11:13,083 - He's right, 334 00:11:10,083 --> 00:11:13,083 girls do not like that. 335 00:11:13,625 --> 00:11:15,291 - So I mean, what do we do? 336 00:11:15,333 --> 00:11:16,917 - Ugh... Pfft... 337 00:11:16,959 --> 00:11:19,041 - Well, maybe I can make 338 00:11:16,959 --> 00:11:19,041 some technical adjustments 339 00:11:19,083 --> 00:11:20,875 to the Densitizer machine-- 340 00:11:20,917 --> 00:11:23,041 - Whoah, whoah, so that Henry 341 00:11:20,917 --> 00:11:23,041 could stay indestructible, 342 00:11:23,083 --> 00:11:24,792 but not laugh with fire? 343 00:11:24,834 --> 00:11:27,125 - Okay, uh, who is Schwoz? 344 00:11:24,834 --> 00:11:27,125 Uh, you? 345 00:11:27,166 --> 00:11:29,208 - No. 346 00:11:27,166 --> 00:11:29,208 - Then maybe you let me 347 00:11:29,250 --> 00:11:33,000 say the Schwoz things. 348 00:11:29,250 --> 00:11:33,000 How about that? 349 00:11:33,041 --> 00:11:35,291 - 'Kay, let's all just go 350 00:11:33,041 --> 00:11:35,291 check out the Densitizer, 351 00:11:35,333 --> 00:11:37,458 and see if Schwoz can figure 352 00:11:35,333 --> 00:11:37,458 out a way to-- 353 00:11:37,500 --> 00:11:40,166 - Oh wait. Hang on a sec. 354 00:11:37,500 --> 00:11:40,166 Hang on a sec. 355 00:11:40,208 --> 00:11:41,834 Hey, Dad, what's up? 356 00:11:40,208 --> 00:11:41,834 - Where are you? 357 00:11:41,875 --> 00:11:44,083 It's almost dinner time. 358 00:11:44,125 --> 00:11:46,458 - Oh, dinner... 359 00:11:46,500 --> 00:11:48,166 - No, no, no. 360 00:11:46,500 --> 00:11:48,166 - You can't go have dinner 361 00:11:48,208 --> 00:11:49,583 with your family! 362 00:11:49,625 --> 00:11:51,333 - What if you laugh? 363 00:11:51,375 --> 00:11:53,375 - Uh, you know, Dad, 364 00:11:51,375 --> 00:11:53,375 I'm kinda stuck at work 365 00:11:53,417 --> 00:11:55,083 so I don't, I don't think I'm 366 00:11:53,417 --> 00:11:55,083 gonna' be able to-- 367 00:11:55,125 --> 00:11:57,208 - Henry, if you're not home 368 00:11:55,125 --> 00:11:57,208 for dinner in exactly 369 00:11:57,250 --> 00:11:59,750 twenty four minutes, 370 00:11:57,250 --> 00:11:59,750 I'll tell your mother you said 371 00:11:59,792 --> 00:12:01,750 she smells bad. 372 00:12:01,792 --> 00:12:03,917 - What? I never said that 373 00:12:01,792 --> 00:12:03,917 about Mom! 374 00:12:03,959 --> 00:12:06,750 - Hey Honey! Guess what Henry 375 00:12:03,959 --> 00:12:06,750 just said about you! 376 00:12:06,792 --> 00:12:08,709 - Okay, I'm on my way! 377 00:12:11,041 --> 00:12:12,583 - Okay guys, I gotta go home. 378 00:12:12,625 --> 00:12:14,792 But as soon as I'm done 379 00:12:12,625 --> 00:12:14,792 with dinner we got... 380 00:12:16,125 --> 00:12:18,417 - Well, I like the 381 00:12:16,125 --> 00:12:18,417 Schwoz-amole. 382 00:12:20,625 --> 00:12:22,583 Don't judge me. 383 00:12:38,458 --> 00:12:40,166 - Okay! Dinner's ready! 384 00:12:40,208 --> 00:12:42,458 - I'm here! 385 00:12:40,208 --> 00:12:42,458 Mom, you smell great. 386 00:12:44,333 --> 00:12:45,709 - Thanks? 387 00:12:45,750 --> 00:12:49,125 - Okay, who's hungry 388 00:12:45,750 --> 00:12:49,125 for my food? 389 00:12:49,166 --> 00:12:51,125 - Eh... 390 00:12:49,166 --> 00:12:51,125 - Uh... 391 00:12:51,166 --> 00:12:53,792 - Oh! Uh, wait one thing 392 00:12:51,166 --> 00:12:53,792 before we all have dinner... 393 00:12:53,834 --> 00:12:55,667 - What's that? 394 00:12:53,834 --> 00:12:55,667 - What? 395 00:12:55,709 --> 00:12:58,458 - Well, I mean, I just feel 396 00:12:55,709 --> 00:12:58,458 that Piper worked really hard 397 00:12:58,500 --> 00:13:00,709 to make this dinner, 398 00:12:58,500 --> 00:13:00,709 so we should all take it 399 00:13:00,750 --> 00:13:02,834 very seriously. 400 00:13:02,875 --> 00:13:06,333 Like, nobody should 401 00:13:02,875 --> 00:13:06,333 make any jokes or... 402 00:13:06,375 --> 00:13:09,583 do anything funny, 403 00:13:06,375 --> 00:13:09,583 especially unexpectedly. 404 00:13:09,625 --> 00:13:13,542 - Okay, everyone sit down. 405 00:13:13,583 --> 00:13:16,208 - Wait! We have to wait 406 00:13:13,583 --> 00:13:16,208 for Jasper and his cousin. 407 00:13:16,250 --> 00:13:17,667 - Ooh, that's right. 408 00:13:17,709 --> 00:13:19,375 - Wait, Jasper's bringing 409 00:13:17,709 --> 00:13:19,375 his cousin? 410 00:13:19,417 --> 00:13:21,750 - Yeah! The one who's 411 00:13:19,417 --> 00:13:21,750 a stand-up comedian. 412 00:13:23,917 --> 00:13:26,333 - We're here. We're hungry. 413 00:13:23,917 --> 00:13:26,333 Get used to it. 414 00:13:26,375 --> 00:13:28,542 - Oh man. 415 00:13:28,583 --> 00:13:31,000 - Ah, you're Dex Dunlop! 416 00:13:31,041 --> 00:13:33,000 - He's my second cousin. 417 00:13:33,041 --> 00:13:37,250 - Yeah, don't say that out loud. 418 00:13:38,625 --> 00:13:41,625 - So Dex, I hear you won 419 00:13:38,625 --> 00:13:41,625 best comedian in Swellview. 420 00:13:41,667 --> 00:13:43,542 - Well-- 421 00:13:41,667 --> 00:13:43,542 - He sure did. 422 00:13:43,583 --> 00:13:45,542 There's nobody funnier 423 00:13:43,583 --> 00:13:45,542 than my cuz. 424 00:13:45,583 --> 00:13:49,250 - Thanks, comin' from you 425 00:13:45,583 --> 00:13:49,250 that means so little. 426 00:13:52,417 --> 00:13:53,709 - Burn! 427 00:14:01,083 --> 00:14:02,917 - Googles on. 428 00:14:02,959 --> 00:14:06,291 - Come on! Are we gonna' 429 00:14:02,959 --> 00:14:06,291 start this test or what? 430 00:14:06,333 --> 00:14:08,041 - Yeah! Here we go. 431 00:14:08,083 --> 00:14:11,959 Voosh...veek...Veezle! 432 00:14:23,583 --> 00:14:25,000 - Disengage! 433 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:38,000 - So how'd it go? 434 00:14:39,917 --> 00:14:42,000 - What went wrong? 435 00:14:39,917 --> 00:14:42,000 - Ah, he tried to run too much 436 00:14:42,041 --> 00:14:43,583 power through this thing. 437 00:14:43,625 --> 00:14:45,792 - Well, I need some kind 438 00:14:43,625 --> 00:14:45,792 of conductor to connect 439 00:14:45,834 --> 00:14:48,667 the particle Densitizer 440 00:14:45,834 --> 00:14:48,667 to the molecular transducer! 441 00:14:48,709 --> 00:14:50,709 - Dude, there's nothing in 442 00:14:48,709 --> 00:14:50,709 Swellview that'll conduct 443 00:14:50,750 --> 00:14:52,583 that much power 444 00:14:50,750 --> 00:14:52,583 without melting or burning out. 445 00:14:52,625 --> 00:14:54,333 - Well, don't you think 446 00:14:52,625 --> 00:14:54,333 I know that? 447 00:14:56,041 --> 00:14:58,000 - Wait, hang on... 448 00:14:58,041 --> 00:15:00,333 don't human beings 449 00:14:58,041 --> 00:15:00,333 conduct electricity? 450 00:15:00,375 --> 00:15:01,542 Our bodies? 451 00:15:01,583 --> 00:15:03,417 - Well, sure. 452 00:15:01,583 --> 00:15:03,417 - Yeah, but if we try to use 453 00:15:03,458 --> 00:15:05,125 a human being to connect 454 00:15:05,166 --> 00:15:07,291 the particle Densitizer 455 00:15:05,166 --> 00:15:07,291 to the molecular transducer, 456 00:15:07,333 --> 00:15:10,125 the person would be fried 457 00:15:07,333 --> 00:15:10,125 like a Mexican fish stick. 458 00:15:10,166 --> 00:15:14,500 - Uh, not if that 459 00:15:10,166 --> 00:15:14,500 person were... 460 00:15:14,542 --> 00:15:16,500 indestructible. 461 00:15:23,041 --> 00:15:26,041 - So, how does everybody 462 00:15:23,041 --> 00:15:26,041 like my tuna parmesan? 463 00:15:26,083 --> 00:15:28,333 - Oh, it's so good. 464 00:15:26,083 --> 00:15:28,333 - Oh, it's great. 465 00:15:28,375 --> 00:15:29,792 - I'm lovin' it. 466 00:15:29,834 --> 00:15:32,875 - Yay! I'll get more tuna sauce. 467 00:15:41,500 --> 00:15:42,834 - Here's more sauce. 468 00:15:42,875 --> 00:15:45,000 - Oh, thank god. 469 00:15:42,875 --> 00:15:45,000 - Yay. 470 00:15:49,208 --> 00:15:51,208 - So, Dex... 471 00:15:49,208 --> 00:15:51,208 - Yeah. 472 00:15:51,250 --> 00:15:54,583 - Tell me one 473 00:15:51,250 --> 00:15:54,583 of your insult jokes. 474 00:15:54,625 --> 00:15:58,792 - No! Please, no jokes. 475 00:15:58,834 --> 00:16:01,458 I mean, we're all here 476 00:15:58,834 --> 00:16:01,458 for Piper's wonderful dinner, 477 00:16:01,500 --> 00:16:04,041 so nobody say anything funny. 478 00:16:06,208 --> 00:16:09,834 - Well, in that case, 479 00:16:06,208 --> 00:16:09,834 Jasper should tell the jokes. 480 00:16:13,250 --> 00:16:15,750 - Just kidding, I'll do one. 481 00:16:13,250 --> 00:16:15,750 Uh, knock knock. 482 00:16:15,792 --> 00:16:17,458 - Ooh. Who's there? 483 00:16:17,500 --> 00:16:20,417 - Idiot. 484 00:16:17,500 --> 00:16:20,417 - Idiot who? 485 00:16:20,458 --> 00:16:24,000 - You. You're an idiot. 486 00:16:27,417 --> 00:16:28,792 - I walked right into that one. 487 00:16:28,834 --> 00:16:31,250 - It's funny 'cause it's true. 488 00:16:32,709 --> 00:16:34,792 - Do another joke! 489 00:16:34,834 --> 00:16:37,333 - All right. 490 00:16:34,834 --> 00:16:37,333 Uh, you guys like magic? 491 00:16:37,375 --> 00:16:38,291 - Yeah! Yeah! 492 00:16:38,333 --> 00:16:40,166 - I like serious magic. 493 00:16:40,208 --> 00:16:42,750 'Cause, magic is like an art, 494 00:16:40,208 --> 00:16:42,750 and it should be taken seriously 495 00:16:42,792 --> 00:16:44,125 and never laughed at. 496 00:16:44,166 --> 00:16:47,000 So, let's keep the magic 497 00:16:44,166 --> 00:16:47,000 serious, okay? 498 00:16:49,166 --> 00:16:52,291 - All right, here's some 499 00:16:49,166 --> 00:16:52,291 "serious" magic. 500 00:16:55,667 --> 00:16:58,959 [ blows nose ] 501 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:04,959 - That's a lot of mucus. 502 00:17:06,375 --> 00:17:10,667 - All right. Now Jasper, 503 00:17:06,375 --> 00:17:10,667 hold out your hand. 504 00:17:10,709 --> 00:17:12,500 Now squeeze it tight. 505 00:17:12,542 --> 00:17:14,917 - 'Kay... 506 00:17:15,792 --> 00:17:17,625 Okay what's next? 507 00:17:17,667 --> 00:17:20,000 - Nothin'! I'm done. 508 00:17:23,875 --> 00:17:26,291 - He made me squeeze 509 00:17:23,875 --> 00:17:26,291 the snot! Haha! 510 00:17:37,500 --> 00:17:38,792 - Woo. 511 00:17:38,834 --> 00:17:41,000 [ phone rings ] 512 00:17:41,041 --> 00:17:43,041 - Hey Kid! Listen-- 513 00:17:43,083 --> 00:17:44,417 - Okay, don't say anything funny 514 00:17:44,458 --> 00:17:46,166 or I'll end up 515 00:17:44,458 --> 00:17:46,166 roasting my wrist! 516 00:17:46,208 --> 00:17:47,834 - Relax, you're 517 00:17:46,208 --> 00:17:47,834 indestructible now. 518 00:17:47,875 --> 00:17:49,375 - It'll still hurt! 519 00:17:49,417 --> 00:17:51,417 - So, I'm hoping to be 520 00:17:49,417 --> 00:17:51,417 on The Tonight Show, 521 00:17:51,458 --> 00:17:54,834 'cause I'm pretty sure 522 00:17:51,458 --> 00:17:54,834 Jimmy Fallon would love me. 523 00:17:59,625 --> 00:18:01,083 - What? 524 00:18:01,125 --> 00:18:03,875 - Did you just put my food 525 00:18:01,125 --> 00:18:03,875 under the table? 526 00:18:03,917 --> 00:18:06,333 - Uh... what's a table? 527 00:18:07,291 --> 00:18:08,458 - Hey, quick thinking. 528 00:18:15,834 --> 00:18:17,917 - Anyone else? 529 00:18:24,291 --> 00:18:27,667 - So, you've all been putting 530 00:18:24,291 --> 00:18:27,667 my tuna parmesan under the table 531 00:18:27,709 --> 00:18:29,542 this whole time?! 532 00:18:29,583 --> 00:18:31,333 - Sweetie, we're not saying 533 00:18:29,583 --> 00:18:31,333 that your food is awful... 534 00:18:31,375 --> 00:18:32,875 - Then what are you saying? 535 00:18:32,917 --> 00:18:36,208 - That... 536 00:18:36,250 --> 00:18:39,083 it's really bad! 537 00:18:39,125 --> 00:18:40,709 - So, what do you mean? 538 00:18:40,750 --> 00:18:43,291 - Yeah, we think we re-rigged 539 00:18:40,750 --> 00:18:43,291 the Densitizer 540 00:18:43,333 --> 00:18:44,834 so it'll fix your fire problem. 541 00:18:44,875 --> 00:18:46,083 - You do? 542 00:18:46,125 --> 00:18:48,125 - Yeah, so just hurry up 543 00:18:46,125 --> 00:18:48,125 and get to the Man Cave. 544 00:18:48,166 --> 00:18:49,667 - Okay, but first 545 00:18:48,166 --> 00:18:49,667 I gotta find a way 546 00:18:49,709 --> 00:18:54,834 to get out of this dumb 547 00:18:49,709 --> 00:18:54,834 family dinner. One sec. 548 00:18:54,875 --> 00:18:58,834 - Ya know what? If you guys 549 00:18:54,875 --> 00:18:58,834 don't like my dinner, 550 00:18:58,875 --> 00:19:00,834 then dinner is over! 551 00:19:12,041 --> 00:19:14,375 - I found a way. 552 00:19:17,709 --> 00:19:20,291 So, you sure this 553 00:19:17,709 --> 00:19:20,291 thing is gonna fix 554 00:19:20,333 --> 00:19:22,333 my fire-laughing problem? 555 00:19:22,375 --> 00:19:24,291 - Eh, pretty sure. 556 00:19:26,125 --> 00:19:28,417 - But I won't be 557 00:19:26,125 --> 00:19:28,417 indestructible anymore? 558 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:31,583 - We don't know. 559 00:19:31,625 --> 00:19:35,917 - Well then, 560 00:19:31,625 --> 00:19:35,917 before I do this, Ray? 561 00:19:35,959 --> 00:19:38,458 - Yeah Kid? 562 00:19:38,500 --> 00:19:42,417 - One time? Just in case 563 00:19:38,500 --> 00:19:42,417 it's my last chance? 564 00:19:46,250 --> 00:19:47,750 - Sure Kid. 565 00:19:49,625 --> 00:19:51,542 - Ew, no! What--what 566 00:19:49,625 --> 00:19:51,542 are ya doin', man?! 567 00:19:51,583 --> 00:19:53,750 - What? You tapped your cheek! 568 00:19:53,792 --> 00:19:58,250 - I didn't want you to kiss it! 569 00:19:53,792 --> 00:19:58,250 I wanted you to punch it! 570 00:19:58,291 --> 00:20:00,166 While I'm still 571 00:19:58,291 --> 00:20:00,166 indestructible! 572 00:20:00,208 --> 00:20:01,750 - Oh...Okay...Hehe... 573 00:20:04,834 --> 00:20:06,125 - I'm okay. 574 00:20:06,166 --> 00:20:08,208 - Ah, classic... 575 00:20:08,250 --> 00:20:10,000 - All right. Let's do this. 576 00:20:10,041 --> 00:20:11,834 - Googles on. 577 00:20:13,583 --> 00:20:15,667 - Wait, wait... 578 00:20:13,583 --> 00:20:15,667 Do I get goggles? 579 00:20:15,709 --> 00:20:17,500 - Eh, we only have three pair. 580 00:20:20,125 --> 00:20:23,458 - Voosh, veek, veezle! 581 00:20:43,834 --> 00:20:45,583 - Oog-Schtoomp! 582 00:20:52,625 --> 00:20:57,125 - Woo! That felt awesome! 583 00:20:57,166 --> 00:20:58,959 - Henry, are you all right? 584 00:20:59,000 --> 00:21:00,917 - Yeah, I think so. 585 00:21:00,959 --> 00:21:03,417 - Okay, how do we make him 586 00:21:00,959 --> 00:21:03,417 laugh, to see if fire comes out? 587 00:21:03,458 --> 00:21:06,959 - Ooh! Ray! Do your impression 588 00:21:03,458 --> 00:21:06,959 of Schwoz taking a shower. 589 00:21:07,000 --> 00:21:08,625 - Aw, yeah... 590 00:21:08,667 --> 00:21:10,458 - Good idea, 591 00:21:08,667 --> 00:21:10,458 that'll make Henry laugh. 592 00:21:12,375 --> 00:21:15,125 Ah, I am Schwoz, 593 00:21:12,375 --> 00:21:15,125 I am Schwoz, 594 00:21:15,166 --> 00:21:16,458 dirty, dirty Schwoz! 595 00:21:16,500 --> 00:21:18,333 Ooh, hello Mister Soap! 596 00:21:18,375 --> 00:21:20,542 You're going on 597 00:21:18,375 --> 00:21:20,542 a disgusting adventure! 598 00:21:20,583 --> 00:21:23,500 Ah, ah, get in my 599 00:21:20,583 --> 00:21:23,500 belly button. 600 00:21:23,542 --> 00:21:25,500 Ah, ah... 601 00:21:31,625 --> 00:21:34,417 - It worked! 602 00:21:31,625 --> 00:21:34,417 I laughed and no fire! 603 00:21:34,458 --> 00:21:36,542 - Yeah! Awesome! 604 00:21:36,583 --> 00:21:38,750 Ooh, wait wait! 605 00:21:36,583 --> 00:21:38,750 - What's up? What? 606 00:21:38,792 --> 00:21:41,083 - We don't know if Henry's 607 00:21:38,792 --> 00:21:41,083 still indestructible or not. 608 00:21:41,125 --> 00:21:42,542 - Oh... 609 00:21:47,625 --> 00:21:51,542 - He's back to normal! 610 00:22:00,208 --> 00:22:03,792 [ music ] 611 00:22:23,583 --> 00:22:24,625 [ oven bell ] 612 00:22:24,667 --> 00:22:26,083 - Mmm...