1 00:00:05,039 --> 00:00:06,874 So, you guys moved out of this house, 2 00:00:06,974 --> 00:00:09,009 and now you want to move back in? 3 00:00:09,110 --> 00:00:10,878 (clears throat) Allow me to explain -- 4 00:00:10,978 --> 00:00:11,945 Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. 5 00:00:12,046 --> 00:00:14,582 Before you do, um, how are the scones? 6 00:00:14,682 --> 00:00:17,085 -They're okay. -Yeah, they taste pretty good. 7 00:00:17,185 --> 00:00:18,886 Good. Okay, go ahead. Tell me your story. 8 00:00:18,986 --> 00:00:21,689 Well, to secure me a spot at St. Orlando's... 9 00:00:21,789 --> 00:00:23,624 Mommy moved us out of this house 10 00:00:23,724 --> 00:00:25,893 and into a bigger house that we bought 11 00:00:25,993 --> 00:00:26,960 using the money that my dad made 12 00:00:27,061 --> 00:00:29,263 selling part of his restaurant to Michael Bolton. 13 00:00:29,363 --> 00:00:32,100 But when that house was too fancy 14 00:00:32,200 --> 00:00:34,468 and Emery got my admission to St. Orlando's revoked, 15 00:00:34,568 --> 00:00:37,071 we decided to move back here to our old house. 16 00:00:37,171 --> 00:00:38,739 Good luck with high school, losers! 17 00:00:38,839 --> 00:00:39,707 Also, Eddie was rude to his friends 18 00:00:39,807 --> 00:00:41,275 so now he doesn't have any friends. 19 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:44,778 So anyway, that's why we need you to move out. 20 00:00:44,878 --> 00:00:46,147 What do you need, 5, 10 minutes? 21 00:00:46,247 --> 00:00:49,317 You know what? I've signed a lease here, so... 22 00:00:49,417 --> 00:00:50,651 my hands are kinda tied. 23 00:00:50,751 --> 00:00:52,886 Maybe you guys could move into a hotel 24 00:00:52,986 --> 00:00:54,555 until you find a new place. 25 00:00:55,989 --> 00:00:58,392 Welcome to Hotel Honey! (laughs softly) 26 00:01:02,230 --> 00:01:03,831 Are you sure it's okay to stay here? 27 00:01:03,931 --> 00:01:05,633 There's so many of us. 28 00:01:05,733 --> 00:01:08,302 Are you kidding? Stay as long you like. 29 00:01:08,402 --> 00:01:10,171 My home is your home. 30 00:01:12,473 --> 00:01:15,976 (hair dryer blowing) 31 00:01:16,076 --> 00:01:18,579 Mr. Huang's been blow-drying his hair for 45 minutes! 32 00:01:18,679 --> 00:01:21,982 You're a man! You always look exactly the same! 33 00:01:22,082 --> 00:01:23,517 (pounding on bathroom door, TV chatter) 34 00:01:23,617 --> 00:01:25,353 Good morning! 35 00:01:25,453 --> 00:01:27,321 Hey, I didn't know you had the Game Show Channel -- 36 00:01:27,421 --> 00:01:29,123 It's "Cincinnati," you idiot! 37 00:01:29,223 --> 00:01:33,961 Wow, you all really made yourselves at home... 38 00:01:34,061 --> 00:01:35,863 overnight. 39 00:01:35,963 --> 00:01:39,099 (grunts) You have really strong doorjambs. 40 00:01:39,200 --> 00:01:40,301 Thank you. 41 00:01:40,401 --> 00:01:43,604 Don't buy a vowel Come on! 42 00:01:43,704 --> 00:01:45,473 You're out of cereal. 43 00:01:46,974 --> 00:01:49,277 ** 44 00:01:49,377 --> 00:01:50,478 * Fresh off the boat 45 00:01:50,578 --> 00:01:52,180 * I'm gettin' mine everywhere I go * 46 00:01:52,280 --> 00:01:54,482 * If you don't know, homey, now you know * 47 00:01:54,582 --> 00:01:56,150 * Fresh off the boat 48 00:01:56,250 --> 00:01:58,152 * Homey, you don't know where I come from * 49 00:01:58,252 --> 00:01:59,520 * But I know where I'm goin' 50 00:01:59,620 --> 00:02:02,223 * I'm fresh off the boat 51 00:02:05,826 --> 00:02:07,628 Thou damned whale. 52 00:02:07,728 --> 00:02:08,962 (chuckles) 53 00:02:09,062 --> 00:02:11,299 St. Orlando's might have taken away my admission, 54 00:02:11,399 --> 00:02:14,001 but they can't take away their summer reading list. 55 00:02:16,069 --> 00:02:18,639 If you want to read something a little more fun, 56 00:02:18,739 --> 00:02:21,575 we have plenty of Nicole's old books on the shelf. 57 00:02:24,578 --> 00:02:26,714 I'm sorry, where are your books? 58 00:02:26,814 --> 00:02:28,249 Behind this trash? 59 00:02:28,349 --> 00:02:31,419 (scoffs) Logan Likes Mary Anne. 60 00:02:31,519 --> 00:02:33,521 So? 61 00:02:33,621 --> 00:02:35,189 (book thuds) 62 00:02:35,289 --> 00:02:36,524 LOUIS: Honey! Good news. 63 00:02:36,624 --> 00:02:39,092 We just got off the phone with our old landlord, Murray, 64 00:02:39,193 --> 00:02:41,929 and he says he's open to selling us our house back. 65 00:02:42,029 --> 00:02:46,834 Oh. So soon? Aw, boo, but you just got here. 66 00:02:46,934 --> 00:02:48,736 I'm going over there later today to do a walk-through. 67 00:02:48,836 --> 00:02:49,737 Do you want to join me? 68 00:02:49,837 --> 00:02:51,605 You could hold my purse while I negotiate. 69 00:02:51,705 --> 00:02:54,242 Absolutely. Anything to help. 70 00:02:54,342 --> 00:02:55,443 (door opens) 71 00:02:55,543 --> 00:02:58,178 Well, if it isn't Emery "The Tool Man" Huang. 72 00:02:58,279 --> 00:02:59,380 (as Tim Allen) Ho-ho-ho-ho! 73 00:02:59,480 --> 00:03:01,582 (both chuckle) That's good. 74 00:03:01,682 --> 00:03:03,617 I'm building a new birdhouse for Marvin and Honey. 75 00:03:03,717 --> 00:03:06,454 You know, your old man knows his way around a lathe. 76 00:03:06,554 --> 00:03:09,122 I once flirted with the idea of going into construction. 77 00:03:09,223 --> 00:03:10,724 Had a name picked out and everything -- 78 00:03:10,824 --> 00:03:12,593 Huang Construction. 79 00:03:12,693 --> 00:03:13,627 Do you want to help? 80 00:03:13,727 --> 00:03:15,229 It'd be fun to work on it together. 81 00:03:15,329 --> 00:03:18,031 (pager beeping) Oh. 82 00:03:18,131 --> 00:03:20,701 Hmm. I wish I could, but I got to go to work. 83 00:03:20,801 --> 00:03:21,802 Duty calls. 84 00:03:21,902 --> 00:03:23,637 Oh. Okay. 85 00:03:23,737 --> 00:03:25,573 No problem. Have fun. 86 00:03:25,673 --> 00:03:29,710 (door opens, closes) 87 00:03:29,810 --> 00:03:31,745 Oh! Hey, Nicole. 88 00:03:31,845 --> 00:03:34,114 Um... I like your towel. 89 00:03:34,214 --> 00:03:37,318 Thanks. It's, uh, Pumbaa from The Lion King. 90 00:03:37,418 --> 00:03:38,919 Uh... 91 00:03:39,019 --> 00:03:40,954 Well, I should go get ready. 92 00:03:41,054 --> 00:03:42,656 Um, I'm driving some of my friends to the mall 93 00:03:42,756 --> 00:03:44,224 to go see that movie Contact. 94 00:03:44,325 --> 00:03:46,126 You have a car? Yep. 95 00:03:46,226 --> 00:03:48,228 My dad got me a Saturn for not getting held back again. 96 00:03:48,329 --> 00:03:49,430 It's a "you're progressing 97 00:03:49,530 --> 00:03:51,499 at the pace you should be moving at" present. 98 00:03:51,599 --> 00:03:53,567 You set the bar low. Dope. 99 00:03:53,667 --> 00:03:56,737 My boo Alison's at band camp all summer on that woodwind tip. 100 00:03:56,837 --> 00:04:00,007 So I guess I'll just hang with the fellas, see what's good. 101 00:04:00,107 --> 00:04:03,110 (metal scraping) 102 00:04:06,414 --> 00:04:09,283 Hey, guys, what's up? You guys catch the ER finale? 103 00:04:09,383 --> 00:04:12,586 Uh, what are you doing? What do you mean? 104 00:04:12,686 --> 00:04:14,288 You called us losers, remember? 105 00:04:14,388 --> 00:04:15,423 You're still mad about that? 106 00:04:15,523 --> 00:04:16,657 That was weeks ago. 107 00:04:16,757 --> 00:04:19,593 Can you fools believe Dr. Ross kissed Nurse Hathaway? 108 00:04:19,693 --> 00:04:20,828 Twist! 109 00:04:20,928 --> 00:04:22,830 To be fair, their chemistry's been steadily building 110 00:04:22,930 --> 00:04:23,831 since season one -- 111 00:04:23,931 --> 00:04:25,966 Brian. 112 00:04:27,167 --> 00:04:30,003 (sighs) You know what? Fine. 113 00:04:30,103 --> 00:04:32,039 I don't need you guys. 114 00:04:35,309 --> 00:04:38,812 The ER finale made me cry. 115 00:04:38,912 --> 00:04:42,015 (indistinct conversations) 116 00:04:42,115 --> 00:04:43,317 Hmm. 117 00:04:43,417 --> 00:04:44,718 He knows! 118 00:04:44,818 --> 00:04:46,019 Who knows? About what? 119 00:04:46,119 --> 00:04:48,456 Kenny Rogers knows about our success. 120 00:04:48,556 --> 00:04:49,890 I sent him a summer update 121 00:04:49,990 --> 00:04:51,892 on company letterhead. 122 00:04:51,992 --> 00:04:55,062 "My new business venture is going great. 123 00:04:55,162 --> 00:04:56,997 Yeah, we're successful, all right. 124 00:04:57,097 --> 00:04:58,298 So successful that I'm sure 125 00:04:58,399 --> 00:05:00,501 we'll expand Michael Bolton's Cattleman's Ranch 126 00:05:00,601 --> 00:05:03,036 both domestically and abroad. 127 00:05:03,136 --> 00:05:05,072 Who knows, maybe we'll even put one on the moon. 128 00:05:05,172 --> 00:05:08,241 Ha ha. Your friend, Michael Bolton." 129 00:05:08,342 --> 00:05:09,510 (screams) 130 00:05:09,610 --> 00:05:12,580 I'm so baaaaad. 131 00:05:12,680 --> 00:05:14,715 Right. Um, I should get to work. 132 00:05:14,815 --> 00:05:16,584 No, you should take some time off, 133 00:05:16,684 --> 00:05:18,185 spend some time with your family. 134 00:05:18,285 --> 00:05:19,520 Ah, that's very nice, Michael, 135 00:05:19,620 --> 00:05:20,821 but I couldn't do that to you. 136 00:05:20,921 --> 00:05:22,990 Nonsense. We're partners. 137 00:05:23,090 --> 00:05:25,826 When Grammy season rolls around, I'll rely on you. 138 00:05:25,926 --> 00:05:27,260 Until then... 139 00:05:27,361 --> 00:05:30,097 * Lean on me 140 00:05:30,197 --> 00:05:32,700 (applause) 141 00:05:34,835 --> 00:05:36,069 Huh. 142 00:05:36,169 --> 00:05:37,070 Are you sure? 143 00:05:37,170 --> 00:05:39,239 Go. I'll take care of things here... 144 00:05:39,339 --> 00:05:40,374 (southern accent) partner. 145 00:05:43,411 --> 00:05:46,414 And finally, here's the kitchen. 146 00:05:46,514 --> 00:05:48,682 Which of course you already know 'cause you used to live here. 147 00:05:48,782 --> 00:05:51,685 -Mm-hmm. -Sorry about this. 148 00:05:51,785 --> 00:05:53,454 I know you just moved in. Oh, that's okay. 149 00:05:53,554 --> 00:05:55,589 This kind of thing happens to me constantly. 150 00:05:55,689 --> 00:05:58,225 Whenever I hang my hat, somebody takes away the hook. 151 00:05:58,325 --> 00:05:59,960 Did you just come up with that? 152 00:06:00,060 --> 00:06:02,596 Well, I used to design mugs. 153 00:06:02,696 --> 00:06:03,564 Oh. 154 00:06:03,664 --> 00:06:05,599 Okay, if that's everything, 155 00:06:05,699 --> 00:06:06,967 I'll start drawing up the paperwork. 156 00:06:07,067 --> 00:06:08,569 JESSICA: Not so fast. 157 00:06:08,669 --> 00:06:13,641 ** 158 00:06:13,741 --> 00:06:16,544 Loose knob! When were you going to tell me? 159 00:06:16,644 --> 00:06:20,047 Um, also the, uh, dishwasher doesn't work. 160 00:06:20,147 --> 00:06:22,115 I think somebody disconnected it. 161 00:06:22,215 --> 00:06:24,985 Slumlord! 162 00:06:25,085 --> 00:06:27,287 I'm afraid there's just too much undisclosed damage 163 00:06:27,387 --> 00:06:29,490 for me to move forward at the current price. 164 00:06:29,590 --> 00:06:31,559 But your family caused the damage. 165 00:06:31,659 --> 00:06:32,826 Here come the mind games. 166 00:06:32,926 --> 00:06:34,227 Well, how do you know 167 00:06:34,327 --> 00:06:38,298 that it wasn't this blond nightmare right here? 168 00:06:38,398 --> 00:06:39,900 Oh, hey, that reminds me -- 169 00:06:40,000 --> 00:06:42,302 I saved your mail for you. 170 00:06:42,402 --> 00:06:44,171 Oh, thank you. 171 00:06:45,839 --> 00:06:48,576 TEEN GIRL (ethereal voice): Evan. 172 00:06:48,676 --> 00:06:50,444 TEEN GIRL #2: Evan. 173 00:06:50,544 --> 00:06:52,012 Read us, Evan. 174 00:06:52,112 --> 00:06:53,847 We're light and fun. 175 00:06:53,947 --> 00:06:56,116 ( laughter ) 176 00:06:56,216 --> 00:06:57,651 Read us. 177 00:06:57,751 --> 00:07:00,287 TEEN GIRLS: You know you want to. 178 00:07:00,387 --> 00:07:01,321 (door opens) 179 00:07:02,623 --> 00:07:04,692 I just don't understand why you would sabotage your own sale. 180 00:07:04,792 --> 00:07:08,161 Relax. Acting disinterested was just a tactic. 181 00:07:08,261 --> 00:07:09,663 He's gonna sleep on it tonight, 182 00:07:09,763 --> 00:07:11,765 and then he'll come back with a lower offer to -- 183 00:07:11,865 --> 00:07:13,133 Oh, my God! 184 00:07:13,233 --> 00:07:15,836 I'm gonna be on Wheel of Fortune! 185 00:07:15,936 --> 00:07:17,170 (inhales sharply) 186 00:07:17,270 --> 00:07:22,175 (both scream) 187 00:07:24,712 --> 00:07:30,283 (screaming) 188 00:07:30,383 --> 00:07:32,686 (inhales sharply) What on Earth... 189 00:07:32,786 --> 00:07:34,488 EVAN: Mommy applied to be on Wheel of Fortune 190 00:07:34,588 --> 00:07:36,557 as soon as she became a U.S. citizen. 191 00:07:36,657 --> 00:07:38,492 She started watching when she was pregnant with Eddie. 192 00:07:38,592 --> 00:07:40,360 That's why all our names start with "E." 193 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:41,829 It's her favorite vowel. 194 00:07:41,929 --> 00:07:44,231 I was a contestant on Studs once. 195 00:07:44,331 --> 00:07:47,234 "Wheel of Fortune is coming to Orlando, Jessica Huang. 196 00:07:47,334 --> 00:07:49,637 We invite you and your best friend 197 00:07:49,737 --> 00:07:53,373 to compete on our annual 'Best Friends Week.'" 198 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:57,177 Honey, will you be my best-friends partner? 199 00:07:57,277 --> 00:07:58,746 Sure. It sounds fun. 200 00:07:58,846 --> 00:08:01,148 But back to the house thing. 201 00:08:01,248 --> 00:08:03,216 If you're gonna make that counter-offer tomorrow -- 202 00:08:03,316 --> 00:08:04,918 They'll be plenty of time for that after Wheel. 203 00:08:05,018 --> 00:08:07,555 Right now, we need to practice. 204 00:08:09,857 --> 00:08:11,692 (exhales sharply) 205 00:08:11,792 --> 00:08:13,426 Are those all your board games? 206 00:08:13,527 --> 00:08:14,862 Yes! 207 00:08:14,962 --> 00:08:16,396 Where'd my wedding dress go? 208 00:08:16,496 --> 00:08:18,331 I rolled it up and I put it inside the Monopoly. 209 00:08:18,431 --> 00:08:20,400 Your veil is inside the Hungry Hungry Hippo. 210 00:08:25,072 --> 00:08:26,273 (slurps) 211 00:08:26,373 --> 00:08:28,008 (tires screech) 212 00:08:28,108 --> 00:08:30,678 Hey! You want a ride home? 213 00:08:30,778 --> 00:08:33,013 (music playing on radio) So, my friends met some boys and ditched the movie. 214 00:08:33,113 --> 00:08:34,748 Apparently, guys are more important 215 00:08:34,848 --> 00:08:36,550 than watching Jodie Foster go to space. 216 00:08:36,650 --> 00:08:37,551 Uh-huh. 217 00:08:37,651 --> 00:08:40,120 Are you excited to start high school? 218 00:08:40,220 --> 00:08:41,789 I guess. 219 00:08:41,889 --> 00:08:42,890 (music stops) 220 00:08:42,990 --> 00:08:44,524 Okay, spill it. 221 00:08:44,625 --> 00:08:46,126 You've said two words since you've got in. 222 00:08:46,226 --> 00:08:47,260 What's up? 223 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:48,862 It's nothing. Forget it. 224 00:08:48,962 --> 00:08:51,732 Hey, whatever it is, you can trust me. 225 00:08:51,832 --> 00:08:55,135 What we talk about in the Saturn stays in the Saturn. 226 00:08:58,305 --> 00:09:01,742 See? Safe space. 227 00:09:01,842 --> 00:09:03,476 My friends aren't my friends anymore, 228 00:09:03,577 --> 00:09:05,545 and my girlfriend's gone for the whole summer, 229 00:09:05,646 --> 00:09:07,080 and who knows what it's gonna be like between us 230 00:09:07,180 --> 00:09:08,048 when she gets back. 231 00:09:08,148 --> 00:09:10,283 Now I have nobody, 232 00:09:10,383 --> 00:09:11,585 and I'm scared I'll have to start high school alone. 233 00:09:11,685 --> 00:09:14,421 Maybe this is just the start of something new for you. 234 00:09:14,521 --> 00:09:17,157 The hardest thing about figuring out who you really are 235 00:09:17,257 --> 00:09:19,960 is letting go of who you used to be, you know? 236 00:09:21,128 --> 00:09:23,731 Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. 237 00:09:30,570 --> 00:09:33,306 It's cool to talk to somebody who understands. 238 00:09:33,406 --> 00:09:35,909 Kinda like the... (thinking) Oh, my God. 239 00:09:36,009 --> 00:09:38,245 Did Nicole just put her hand on my shoulder? 240 00:09:38,345 --> 00:09:40,648 She did! Is is still there? 241 00:09:40,748 --> 00:09:41,649 Don't look, fool! 242 00:09:42,783 --> 00:09:45,118 Can we hang out again and talk, just the two of us? 243 00:09:45,218 --> 00:09:47,420 W-We can go to The Spicy Gecko. 244 00:09:47,520 --> 00:09:49,156 They don't charge for chips. 245 00:09:49,256 --> 00:09:51,992 Did Nicole just ask me out? 246 00:09:52,092 --> 00:09:53,460 But I have a girlfriend. 247 00:09:53,560 --> 00:09:56,930 I mean, I like Alison, but Nicole's my first crush -- 248 00:09:57,030 --> 00:09:57,998 (horn honks) 249 00:09:58,098 --> 00:10:01,769 Pull...in!! 250 00:10:05,673 --> 00:10:08,441 I think you guys are gonna love your new house. 251 00:10:08,541 --> 00:10:10,477 Even you, Jeremy. (Jeremy chirps) 252 00:10:10,577 --> 00:10:13,280 Hey, Dad, what are you doing home so early? 253 00:10:13,380 --> 00:10:14,782 I'm taking a few days off. 254 00:10:14,882 --> 00:10:16,984 Thought we could build that birdhouse together. 255 00:10:17,084 --> 00:10:19,820 Huang Construction... and Son. 256 00:10:19,920 --> 00:10:21,822 That'd be awesome! I could use the help. 257 00:10:21,922 --> 00:10:24,224 (pager beeping) 258 00:10:24,324 --> 00:10:26,226 It's okay if you need to take it. 259 00:10:26,326 --> 00:10:27,695 I know you're busy. 260 00:10:27,795 --> 00:10:29,396 I am busy... 261 00:10:29,496 --> 00:10:31,231 building a birdhouse with my son. 262 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:35,669 (both chuckle) 263 00:10:41,541 --> 00:10:43,677 I'll solve. "Birthday cake." 264 00:10:43,777 --> 00:10:46,980 (sighs) 265 00:10:47,080 --> 00:10:48,215 (sighs) 266 00:10:48,315 --> 00:10:49,850 Honey, get your head in the game! 267 00:10:49,950 --> 00:10:51,018 What if they bring back 268 00:10:51,118 --> 00:10:52,820 returning best-friends champions, Don and Lisa? 269 00:10:52,920 --> 00:10:55,088 What then? 270 00:10:55,188 --> 00:10:56,323 (gasps) 271 00:10:58,358 --> 00:11:00,393 What a crazy tree. 272 00:11:00,493 --> 00:11:03,864 Okay, reset. We'll go again. 273 00:11:03,964 --> 00:11:07,701 Jessica, we have done nothing but practice for an entire week. 274 00:11:07,801 --> 00:11:09,102 I'm exhausted. 275 00:11:09,202 --> 00:11:11,705 And my house is... Are you wearing my shirt? 276 00:11:11,805 --> 00:11:13,573 Yes. Your laundry's backed up. 277 00:11:13,673 --> 00:11:16,009 You know, it is very hard sharing a space 278 00:11:16,109 --> 00:11:17,577 with a whole other family. 279 00:11:17,677 --> 00:11:19,747 Yeah, speaking of that, 280 00:11:19,847 --> 00:11:21,448 where are you on the counter-offer? 281 00:11:21,548 --> 00:11:22,850 I mean, no rush. 282 00:11:22,950 --> 00:11:26,386 I love having you here, but have you heard from Murray at all? 283 00:11:26,486 --> 00:11:28,722 Yes. I put in the offer two days ago and he accepted 284 00:11:28,822 --> 00:11:30,724 because, like I said, he is weak. 285 00:11:30,824 --> 00:11:33,126 So we're going to go over the contract this afternoon, 286 00:11:33,226 --> 00:11:34,594 and we should be out of here very soon. 287 00:11:34,694 --> 00:11:37,130 Ah-- Uh-- No! 288 00:11:37,230 --> 00:11:38,932 Not -- Not too soon, I hope. 289 00:11:39,032 --> 00:11:42,035 Okay, let's go over the Wheel plan again. 290 00:11:42,135 --> 00:11:44,905 Never buy a vowel because they're a waste of money. 291 00:11:45,005 --> 00:11:46,206 If one of us wants to solve, 292 00:11:46,306 --> 00:11:48,776 squeeze the other person's arm three times 293 00:11:48,876 --> 00:11:49,943 and then sound it out. 294 00:11:50,043 --> 00:11:52,312 Sound it out because when I hear you talking, 295 00:11:52,412 --> 00:11:54,414 it might spark something for me. 296 00:11:54,514 --> 00:11:57,985 Keep up the chatter -- How about we take the night off? 297 00:11:58,085 --> 00:11:59,419 I haven't seen Marvin all week 298 00:11:59,519 --> 00:12:01,889 and I would love some private time, just me and him. 299 00:12:03,123 --> 00:12:04,424 "Private time"? 300 00:12:04,524 --> 00:12:06,259 She can't wait until after Wheel 301 00:12:06,359 --> 00:12:07,795 to have dinner with her husband? 302 00:12:07,895 --> 00:12:10,463 Well, not everybody has your work ethic. (sighs) 303 00:12:10,563 --> 00:12:11,832 Speaking of, Emery and I 304 00:12:11,932 --> 00:12:13,666 bought all the lumber for the birdhouse. 305 00:12:13,767 --> 00:12:15,302 Construction starts tomorrow. 306 00:12:15,402 --> 00:12:16,970 Uh-huh. I don't know where Honey's head is at, 307 00:12:17,070 --> 00:12:18,405 but it's not on the wheel. 308 00:12:18,505 --> 00:12:21,942 Yesterday, she tried to buy a number, Louis. 309 00:12:22,042 --> 00:12:24,111 A number. 310 00:12:24,211 --> 00:12:26,947 I just hope she gets her head in the game. 311 00:12:29,182 --> 00:12:30,517 Good night. 312 00:12:33,753 --> 00:12:36,289 More wine, sweet pea? 313 00:12:40,160 --> 00:12:43,997 ** 314 00:12:44,097 --> 00:12:48,001 The wheel looks so much smaller in real life. 315 00:12:48,101 --> 00:12:49,169 Are you trembling? 316 00:12:49,269 --> 00:12:51,438 That's what happens when you touch your dreams. 317 00:12:51,538 --> 00:12:52,672 (inhales sharply) 318 00:12:52,772 --> 00:12:54,875 Thanks for bringing me. 319 00:12:54,975 --> 00:12:56,609 I'm gonna miss you when you move out. 320 00:12:56,709 --> 00:12:58,812 Oh, I didn't tell you? That's not happening anymore. 321 00:12:58,912 --> 00:13:01,949 Murray wouldn't agree to repaint, so I withdrew my offer. 322 00:13:02,049 --> 00:13:04,284 I told him, "I have all the time in the world." 323 00:13:04,384 --> 00:13:06,954 We could just stay with you for as long as it takes. 324 00:13:07,054 --> 00:13:08,856 (bell rings) 325 00:13:08,956 --> 00:13:11,524 JESSICA AND AUDIENCE: Wheel...of... 326 00:13:11,624 --> 00:13:13,493 ...Fortune! ...Fortune! 327 00:13:13,593 --> 00:13:16,129 (cheers and applause) 328 00:13:16,229 --> 00:13:18,465 (screams) 329 00:13:18,565 --> 00:13:19,699 Yes! 330 00:13:22,836 --> 00:13:23,837 -An N. -Yes, three N's. 331 00:13:23,937 --> 00:13:24,905 -(screams) -There you go. 332 00:13:25,005 --> 00:13:26,373 Yes! 333 00:13:26,473 --> 00:13:28,208 Yeah! 334 00:13:29,877 --> 00:13:31,211 Oh, no! 335 00:13:31,311 --> 00:13:32,312 (exhales sharply) 336 00:13:32,412 --> 00:13:34,081 I thought it was going to land on Bankrupt, 337 00:13:34,181 --> 00:13:36,483 but it landed on the one after Bankrupt! 338 00:13:36,583 --> 00:13:38,085 (exhales sharply) 339 00:13:38,185 --> 00:13:41,554 Dentist... dent...wash... 340 00:13:41,654 --> 00:13:43,991 "Denzel Washington D.C.!" 341 00:13:44,091 --> 00:13:45,725 You got it! That's it! 342 00:13:45,825 --> 00:13:47,427 (screams) 343 00:13:47,527 --> 00:13:48,996 Okay, let's uh, find out a little bit more 344 00:13:49,096 --> 00:13:50,097 about our contestants. 345 00:13:50,197 --> 00:13:52,432 Jessica, it says here you're a horror novelist 346 00:13:52,532 --> 00:13:53,566 and a real-estate mogul. 347 00:13:53,666 --> 00:13:55,903 I don't know which one of those is scarier. 348 00:13:56,003 --> 00:13:58,238 (laughter) Pat! 349 00:13:58,338 --> 00:13:59,940 And, uh, Honey is your best friend 350 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:01,441 and your business partner. 351 00:14:01,541 --> 00:14:03,743 Honey, what's it like working with your best friend? 352 00:14:03,843 --> 00:14:05,845 Awful, Pat. (laughter) 353 00:14:05,946 --> 00:14:08,115 Well, working with friends can be hard. 354 00:14:08,215 --> 00:14:10,884 Especially when they start stealing your yogurts 355 00:14:10,984 --> 00:14:12,685 from the work fridge. 356 00:14:12,785 --> 00:14:15,122 (gritting teeth) If I see an unmarked Yoplait, 357 00:14:15,222 --> 00:14:17,124 I'm eating it! 358 00:14:17,224 --> 00:14:19,359 Let's move on to round two. 359 00:14:20,961 --> 00:14:22,029 Hey, Dave. 360 00:14:22,129 --> 00:14:25,032 You can't be here, Eddie. We're not friends anymore. 361 00:14:25,132 --> 00:14:28,902 I know, but I need some advice, and I have nowhere else to turn. 362 00:14:29,002 --> 00:14:31,804 What do you do if two girls like you? 363 00:14:31,905 --> 00:14:33,206 I don't understand the question. 364 00:14:33,306 --> 00:14:35,408 I mean, what do you do if you have a girlfriend, 365 00:14:35,508 --> 00:14:37,210 but then this other girl who's really cool 366 00:14:37,310 --> 00:14:39,212 asks you to go eat chips at The Spicy Gecko? 367 00:14:39,312 --> 00:14:40,480 The Spicy Gecko? 368 00:14:40,580 --> 00:14:42,649 That's the darkest Mexican restaurant in town. 369 00:14:42,749 --> 00:14:44,117 The only reason anyone goes there 370 00:14:44,217 --> 00:14:45,818 is to have complete privacy. 371 00:14:45,919 --> 00:14:47,820 What do I do? (snaps fingers) 372 00:14:47,921 --> 00:14:50,123 You should send yourself flowers. 373 00:14:50,223 --> 00:14:51,124 How does that help? 374 00:14:51,224 --> 00:14:52,459 I don't know. 375 00:14:52,559 --> 00:14:53,826 But my mom does it a lot. 376 00:14:54,962 --> 00:14:56,964 LOUIS: ...and if we put the wishing well here, 377 00:14:57,064 --> 00:14:58,265 that frees up room for... 378 00:14:58,365 --> 00:15:00,300 The hedge maze! I knew you'd get it. 379 00:15:00,400 --> 00:15:02,169 All that's left now is to break ground. 380 00:15:02,269 --> 00:15:03,303 You ready, son? 381 00:15:03,403 --> 00:15:04,671 Is The Secret World of Alex Mack 382 00:15:04,771 --> 00:15:06,339 the best show on television? 383 00:15:07,407 --> 00:15:08,641 It is. I'm ready, Dad. 384 00:15:08,741 --> 00:15:12,612 (chuckles) * Don't sweat the technique 385 00:15:12,712 --> 00:15:14,647 * Let's trace the hits and check the file * 386 00:15:14,747 --> 00:15:16,783 * Let see who bit to detect the style * 387 00:15:16,883 --> 00:15:19,286 * I flip the script so they can't get foul * 388 00:15:19,386 --> 00:15:21,488 * At least not now, it'll take a while * 389 00:15:21,588 --> 00:15:24,124 * I change the pace to complete the beat * 390 00:15:24,224 --> 00:15:26,626 * Cause when I speak, they freak to sweat the technique * 391 00:15:26,726 --> 00:15:27,827 (echoing) * The technique 392 00:15:27,927 --> 00:15:29,997 (birdhouse creaking) 393 00:15:30,097 --> 00:15:32,132 (ominous music plays) It looks... 394 00:15:32,232 --> 00:15:34,334 less welcoming than in the drawing. 395 00:15:34,434 --> 00:15:36,336 Why is it making that weird creaking sound? 396 00:15:36,436 --> 00:15:38,171 (creaking continues) 397 00:15:38,271 --> 00:15:40,807 Oh, it's, uh, probably just the floorboards settling. 398 00:15:40,907 --> 00:15:43,176 Heh. That's...normal. 399 00:15:43,276 --> 00:15:46,713 (doorbell rings eerily) Oh, uh, neat. 400 00:15:46,813 --> 00:15:48,681 You didn't tell me you put in a doorbell. 401 00:15:48,781 --> 00:15:50,117 (hushed voice) I didn't. 402 00:15:50,217 --> 00:15:53,186 ** 403 00:15:53,286 --> 00:15:56,323 (chips crunching) 404 00:15:56,423 --> 00:15:59,059 Good free chips. 405 00:15:59,159 --> 00:16:01,294 Yeah. Crunchy. 406 00:16:04,064 --> 00:16:05,532 I'm glad we're doing this. 407 00:16:05,632 --> 00:16:07,900 Right. Me too. 408 00:16:08,001 --> 00:16:10,503 There's something I want to tell you, 409 00:16:10,603 --> 00:16:12,805 but I don't want to make things weird between us, 410 00:16:12,905 --> 00:16:14,674 because I feel so comfortable around you and -- 411 00:16:14,774 --> 00:16:17,044 Nicole. I think you're awesome. 412 00:16:17,144 --> 00:16:19,712 Any guy would be lucky to have you as his girlfriend. 413 00:16:19,812 --> 00:16:21,814 But I already have one -- 414 00:16:21,914 --> 00:16:24,817 Alison -- and she's great. 415 00:16:24,917 --> 00:16:28,721 I'm sorry, but my answer is no. 416 00:16:28,821 --> 00:16:32,025 I think I might like girls. 417 00:16:36,663 --> 00:16:38,265 (chip crunches) 418 00:16:51,511 --> 00:16:54,347 I'm sorry if I made things weird. 419 00:16:54,447 --> 00:16:57,950 I've never told anybody that before. 420 00:16:58,051 --> 00:17:01,521 And it feels really strange saying it out loud. 421 00:17:01,621 --> 00:17:02,922 Uh-huh. Right. 422 00:17:03,022 --> 00:17:06,559 But you're my friend, and you're easy to talk to, 423 00:17:06,659 --> 00:17:09,429 so I thought you would understand, you know? Yep. 424 00:17:09,529 --> 00:17:11,731 Please don't tell anybody yet. 425 00:17:11,831 --> 00:17:13,600 I'm still trying to figure stuff out. 426 00:17:13,700 --> 00:17:15,102 Yeah, okay. 427 00:17:21,941 --> 00:17:23,610 (sighs) 428 00:17:23,710 --> 00:17:28,381 ** 429 00:17:28,481 --> 00:17:30,650 Uh, Eddie, what are you doing? 430 00:17:30,750 --> 00:17:35,054 What we talk about in the Saturn stays in the Saturn, remember? 431 00:17:35,155 --> 00:17:38,125 Which is good because I have so many questions. 432 00:17:40,560 --> 00:17:42,795 So when did you, like, turn gay? 433 00:17:42,895 --> 00:17:45,165 Well, you don't "turn." 434 00:17:45,265 --> 00:17:46,166 I'm not a werewolf. 435 00:17:46,266 --> 00:17:48,268 Interesting. 436 00:17:48,368 --> 00:17:50,470 So does this change what kind of jeans you're gonna wear? 437 00:17:50,570 --> 00:17:51,971 Uh (laughing) no. 438 00:17:52,071 --> 00:17:52,939 T! 439 00:17:53,039 --> 00:17:56,109 No, there's no T. I'm sorry. 440 00:17:56,209 --> 00:17:57,177 Honey and Jessica? 441 00:17:57,277 --> 00:17:59,312 We'd like to buy an O! 442 00:17:59,412 --> 00:18:01,248 As in "Overstaying Your Welcome." 443 00:18:01,348 --> 00:18:03,082 Honey, we said no buying vowels. They're a waste of money -- 444 00:18:03,183 --> 00:18:05,352 There are 11 O's! 445 00:18:05,452 --> 00:18:07,254 (cheers and applause) 446 00:18:07,354 --> 00:18:09,356 That's the hardest Vanna will work in her life. 447 00:18:09,456 --> 00:18:10,923 (gritting teeth) Ignore him, Vanna. 448 00:18:11,023 --> 00:18:12,525 Just do your job. 449 00:18:15,262 --> 00:18:18,765 "Oo Oo Oo I wanna be like You Oo Oo!" 450 00:18:18,865 --> 00:18:20,367 That's it! You got it! 451 00:18:20,467 --> 00:18:25,004 And you win a two-week best-friends cruise 452 00:18:25,104 --> 00:18:26,473 to beautiful Cozumel! Yes! 453 00:18:26,573 --> 00:18:28,341 Yes! More time together! 454 00:18:28,441 --> 00:18:31,010 Honey, you can hold my purse while I snorkel! 455 00:18:31,110 --> 00:18:33,713 You know what? No. That's it. 456 00:18:33,813 --> 00:18:35,782 That's it. I'm done, Jessica. 457 00:18:35,882 --> 00:18:37,984 First, you move your family in 458 00:18:38,084 --> 00:18:39,352 and you take over my entire house, 459 00:18:39,452 --> 00:18:41,888 and then instead of looking for a permanent place to live, 460 00:18:41,988 --> 00:18:43,990 you take advantage of my hospitality 461 00:18:44,090 --> 00:18:45,992 and you spend all of your time practicing 462 00:18:46,092 --> 00:18:47,026 for this stupid game show. 463 00:18:47,126 --> 00:18:49,296 And not once did you say "thank you." 464 00:18:49,396 --> 00:18:51,864 (audience oohs) 465 00:18:51,964 --> 00:18:54,534 You said, "Stay as long as you like." 466 00:18:54,634 --> 00:18:57,136 If you wanted us to leave, why didn't you just tell me? 467 00:18:57,237 --> 00:18:59,038 Because I'm Southern. 468 00:18:59,138 --> 00:19:01,874 We're built on hospitality and charm. 469 00:19:01,974 --> 00:19:05,412 We say things like, "Aww, what a cute baby," 470 00:19:05,512 --> 00:19:07,480 and, "Your wedding was beautiful," 471 00:19:07,580 --> 00:19:08,881 but we don't mean it. 472 00:19:08,981 --> 00:19:10,517 We're very nice liars. 473 00:19:10,617 --> 00:19:11,751 And you're supposed to know that. 474 00:19:11,851 --> 00:19:13,886 It's an unspoken understanding. 475 00:19:15,222 --> 00:19:17,990 Honey, I shouldn't have invited you on this show. 476 00:19:18,090 --> 00:19:19,592 You're not my best friend. 477 00:19:19,692 --> 00:19:20,927 (audience gasps) 478 00:19:21,027 --> 00:19:22,562 You're my family. 479 00:19:23,830 --> 00:19:26,499 And where I come from, it is an unspoken understanding 480 00:19:26,599 --> 00:19:28,768 that you don't say thank you to your family 481 00:19:28,868 --> 00:19:30,370 because you don't need to. 482 00:19:30,470 --> 00:19:33,440 You know they'll always have your back 483 00:19:33,540 --> 00:19:36,409 no matter how hard things get. 484 00:19:36,509 --> 00:19:38,578 And you will always have theirs. 485 00:19:38,678 --> 00:19:41,414 I think of you like family, too. 486 00:19:41,514 --> 00:19:44,617 Extended family who you love but don't want to live with. 487 00:19:44,717 --> 00:19:47,720 I'll call Murray back tonight, and I will accept his offer. 488 00:19:47,820 --> 00:19:49,856 What about him refusing to repaint the house? 489 00:19:49,956 --> 00:19:51,924 (voice breaking) I'll make Eddie do it. 490 00:19:52,024 --> 00:19:53,793 (audience awws) 491 00:19:53,926 --> 00:19:56,062 (cheers and applause) 492 00:19:59,266 --> 00:20:01,067 I'm sorry we ruined Best Friends Week. 493 00:20:01,167 --> 00:20:04,904 Real best friends fight because they care. 494 00:20:05,004 --> 00:20:07,407 Sometimes you're hardest on the people 495 00:20:07,507 --> 00:20:10,310 who...who matter to you the most. 496 00:20:10,410 --> 00:20:12,412 (exhales sharply) Ding. 497 00:20:12,512 --> 00:20:15,648 (voice breaking) There's only one U. 498 00:20:15,748 --> 00:20:16,949 (cheers and applause) 499 00:20:19,419 --> 00:20:22,655 Well, thank you for letting us stay. You're welcome any time. 500 00:20:22,755 --> 00:20:24,391 Southern, right? 501 00:20:24,491 --> 00:20:26,893 Mm-hmm. (laughs) 502 00:20:31,898 --> 00:20:35,101 Well...nothing I can say. 503 00:20:37,604 --> 00:20:39,806 Uh, what is that? 504 00:20:39,906 --> 00:20:41,574 EMERY: It's a bird deck. 505 00:20:41,674 --> 00:20:42,975 A not-haunted bird deck. 506 00:20:43,075 --> 00:20:44,411 Trust us. It's better this way. 507 00:20:44,511 --> 00:20:45,945 (engine revving) 508 00:20:46,045 --> 00:20:47,480 (tires screech, door slams) 509 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:50,650 Louis! Where you been? I've been paging you all week! 510 00:20:50,750 --> 00:20:53,119 What's going on? We have an emergency. 511 00:20:53,219 --> 00:20:58,090 Kenny Rogers' Michael Bolton's Cattleman's Ranch? 512 00:20:58,190 --> 00:20:59,125 Uh... 513 00:20:59,225 --> 00:21:01,294 Michael! What happened? 514 00:21:01,394 --> 00:21:02,962 Kenny's a jealous man, Louis. 515 00:21:03,062 --> 00:21:05,665 An extremely wealthy, jealous man. 516 00:21:05,765 --> 00:21:08,368 He offered me a ridiculous amount of money 517 00:21:08,468 --> 00:21:09,836 for my half of the restaurant. 518 00:21:09,936 --> 00:21:11,203 But you said I could lean on you! 519 00:21:11,304 --> 00:21:12,305 You sang it! 520 00:21:12,405 --> 00:21:14,006 I'll never forget you, Louis. 521 00:21:14,106 --> 00:21:15,875 And we did have some great times, didn't we? 522 00:21:15,975 --> 00:21:17,677 Did we? 523 00:21:20,380 --> 00:21:24,317 (Louis sighs) Looks like The Gambler always wins. 524 00:21:24,417 --> 00:21:26,486 ** 525 00:21:29,556 --> 00:21:32,058 -- Captions by VITA --