1 00:00:00,001 --> 00:00:02,010 _ 2 00:00:02,031 --> 00:00:04,460 We don't have enough workers this season as it is. 3 00:00:04,481 --> 00:00:05,630 I don't know why not, 4 00:00:05,650 --> 00:00:07,541 since the borders are so out of control. 5 00:00:07,561 --> 00:00:08,843 We need people... 6 00:00:08,863 --> 00:00:10,711 We need them to work at a price. 7 00:00:10,731 --> 00:00:12,146 Do you speak English? 8 00:00:12,166 --> 00:00:13,214 No. 9 00:00:13,234 --> 00:00:15,316 Quiero ir a Carolina del Norte. 10 00:00:15,336 --> 00:00:17,618 He wants to go to North Carolina. 11 00:00:17,638 --> 00:00:19,420 Me and my brother, we got to go out 12 00:00:19,440 --> 00:00:20,888 and get people to work the fields. 13 00:00:20,908 --> 00:00:22,846 It's hot out. Want a ride? 14 00:00:22,867 --> 00:00:24,959 How 'bout you come work on the farm, get paid? 15 00:00:24,979 --> 00:00:26,360 You need beer... I got that. 16 00:00:26,380 --> 00:00:28,028 You want other stuff... 17 00:00:28,048 --> 00:00:29,597 Yeah, you got the money? 18 00:00:29,617 --> 00:00:31,498 - It's all good? - Yes. 19 00:00:31,518 --> 00:00:32,766 How old are you? 20 00:00:32,786 --> 00:00:33,801 18. 21 00:00:33,821 --> 00:00:35,302 Good answer. 22 00:00:35,322 --> 00:00:37,605 Freeze! Get your hands up! 23 00:00:37,625 --> 00:00:38,739 Shae? 24 00:00:38,759 --> 00:00:40,140 My name is Kimara. 25 00:00:40,160 --> 00:00:43,711 If you let me, I'll do everything I can to help you. 26 00:00:46,239 --> 00:00:48,415 It's all about sex right now. 27 00:00:48,435 --> 00:00:50,718 It's all about sex and drugs. 28 00:00:51,758 --> 00:00:53,487 There was this article in The Observer. 29 00:00:53,507 --> 00:00:56,390 It was all about the heroin crisis and sex trafficking 30 00:00:56,410 --> 00:00:58,343 and how these kids are trading their bodies 31 00:00:58,364 --> 00:00:59,393 to support their habits. 32 00:00:59,413 --> 00:01:00,527 Yeah, I read that. 33 00:01:00,547 --> 00:01:03,697 The D.A. read it, and now it is his mission in life 34 00:01:03,717 --> 00:01:06,433 to rid this county of drugs and prostitution... 35 00:01:06,453 --> 00:01:09,470 At least, until some other article gets written. 36 00:01:09,490 --> 00:01:12,406 Now we got this girl... Shae Reese. 37 00:01:12,426 --> 00:01:14,541 Mm-hmm. I talked to her. 38 00:01:14,561 --> 00:01:16,710 We need her to testify against her pimp. 39 00:01:16,730 --> 00:01:19,535 Mm, she... She doesn't want to help. 40 00:01:19,556 --> 00:01:21,148 She just wants to walk. 41 00:01:21,168 --> 00:01:23,384 She knows she's not facing any charges. 42 00:01:23,404 --> 00:01:25,920 Now, this pimp was running other kids. 43 00:01:25,940 --> 00:01:27,154 She's 17. 44 00:01:27,174 --> 00:01:29,023 If we can convict on trafficking a minor, 45 00:01:29,043 --> 00:01:30,124 that's a Class D felony. 46 00:01:30,144 --> 00:01:33,627 That sticks. That matters. 47 00:01:33,647 --> 00:01:36,363 Look, you know this girl has been in and out of the system 48 00:01:36,383 --> 00:01:37,765 God knows how many times. 49 00:01:37,785 --> 00:01:39,242 She's not gonna trust us cops. 50 00:01:39,263 --> 00:01:42,269 She's not gonna trust us prosecutors. 51 00:01:42,289 --> 00:01:45,072 You're not gonna be doing this alone. 52 00:01:45,092 --> 00:01:47,408 We will support you in every way. 53 00:01:47,428 --> 00:01:51,663 But if you could just put any extra focus on this girl... 54 00:01:54,708 --> 00:01:58,719 Billy Qualls. Your pimp. 55 00:01:58,739 --> 00:02:01,052 I'm not asking you... I'm telling you. 56 00:02:01,073 --> 00:02:02,914 He's under arrest. 57 00:02:05,079 --> 00:02:07,161 Am I in trouble? 58 00:02:07,181 --> 00:02:09,396 You're under the age of consent. 59 00:02:09,416 --> 00:02:11,999 You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't commit a crime. 60 00:02:12,019 --> 00:02:14,401 Nobody wants to prosecute you. 61 00:02:14,421 --> 00:02:15,735 The prosecutors... 62 00:02:15,756 --> 00:02:18,172 - They just want you to testify against Billy. - So I can go? 63 00:02:18,192 --> 00:02:19,673 I told them I'm not doing that. 64 00:02:19,693 --> 00:02:21,575 He ran you, 65 00:02:21,595 --> 00:02:22,910 and he ran five other kids. 66 00:02:22,930 --> 00:02:24,478 Get them to do it. 67 00:02:24,498 --> 00:02:27,065 Your testimony means more. 68 00:02:28,135 --> 00:02:29,616 He didn't do nothing to me. 69 00:02:29,636 --> 00:02:31,652 - All Billy did, he gave me someplace to live. - He sent you out 70 00:02:31,672 --> 00:02:34,221 and made you collect money for sex. 71 00:02:34,241 --> 00:02:36,290 I was bangin' people before I met Billy. 72 00:02:36,310 --> 00:02:39,493 How are you gonna put him in jail for what I was doing, anyway? 73 00:02:39,513 --> 00:02:42,224 You tell me it felt right... 74 00:02:42,245 --> 00:02:47,134 Going to a motel, going to an apartment, 75 00:02:47,154 --> 00:02:51,472 taking in some man who made you sick, 76 00:02:51,492 --> 00:02:54,742 and then taking the money... 77 00:02:54,762 --> 00:02:57,511 How much did you get a turn, Shae? 78 00:02:57,531 --> 00:03:01,648 $50? $30? 79 00:03:01,667 --> 00:03:06,452 And then taking that money back to Billy because he said so? 80 00:03:06,473 --> 00:03:10,642 And where was he? Was he anywhere around? 81 00:03:12,146 --> 00:03:15,195 You tell me that that felt right to you, 82 00:03:15,215 --> 00:03:17,531 and I'll leave you alone. 83 00:03:25,859 --> 00:03:28,909 When's the trial gonna be? 84 00:03:28,929 --> 00:03:34,982 There will be a few hearings, and the trial itself... 85 00:03:35,002 --> 00:03:38,218 Maybe nine months. 86 00:03:38,238 --> 00:03:39,887 I'm supposed to do what for nine months? 87 00:03:39,907 --> 00:03:42,094 We will get you into a jobs program. 88 00:03:42,115 --> 00:03:43,830 We'll get you into a shelter... 89 00:03:43,851 --> 00:03:46,160 For nine months? 90 00:03:49,550 --> 00:03:52,966 You got no idea when a trial would be. 91 00:03:52,986 --> 00:03:55,369 You just want me to hang out and be ready 92 00:03:55,389 --> 00:03:58,238 for when you all want me to speak against Billy. 93 00:04:03,230 --> 00:04:07,835 - Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- www.Addic7ed.com -- 94 00:04:14,208 --> 00:04:16,490 iándale! IDespiértate! 95 00:04:16,510 --> 00:04:18,525 ILas vans salen a las cinco en punto! 96 00:04:32,515 --> 00:04:34,010 _ 97 00:04:34,031 --> 00:04:35,442 _ 98 00:04:36,568 --> 00:04:38,945 _ 99 00:04:39,988 --> 00:04:41,823 _ 100 00:04:52,346 --> 00:04:54,027 ...hazel pecan finish. 101 00:04:54,047 --> 00:04:57,264 - Six fold-out leaves. - It's nice. 102 00:04:57,284 --> 00:05:00,200 - Made right here in North Carolina. - Is it in stock? 103 00:05:00,220 --> 00:05:02,202 It's hand-crafted. 104 00:05:02,222 --> 00:05:03,670 It would take about three months 105 00:05:03,690 --> 00:05:05,405 for a piece that's not on the floor. 106 00:05:05,425 --> 00:05:06,832 - Hello? - So, really, we're talking 107 00:05:06,853 --> 00:05:08,108 about one-of-a-kind pieces. 108 00:05:08,129 --> 00:05:10,512 - When? Last night? - They hold their value. 109 00:05:10,531 --> 00:05:11,359 - How many people? - I can't tell you in 110 00:05:11,379 --> 00:05:12,346 how many families these become heirlooms. 111 00:05:12,366 --> 00:05:15,449 - Oh, geez. Well, but not on the farm? - They really do. 112 00:05:15,469 --> 00:05:17,330 - Uh-huh. - Let Laurie Ann handle it. 113 00:05:17,351 --> 00:05:19,686 - Particularly with our dining sets. - JD, Laurie Ann will call Wilkens. 114 00:05:19,706 --> 00:05:21,688 - Could you, um, just... - No. Whatever... 115 00:05:21,708 --> 00:05:23,123 - Could you excuse me a moment? - Whatever you want to do, JD, 116 00:05:23,143 --> 00:05:25,726 that's on you, but you better talk to Laurie Ann first. 117 00:05:25,746 --> 00:05:28,028 N... 118 00:05:28,048 --> 00:05:30,931 - Everything okay? - Yeah. Nothing. Uh... 119 00:05:30,951 --> 00:05:33,367 There was a fire. 120 00:05:33,387 --> 00:05:35,068 - On the farm? - Uh, no. 121 00:05:35,088 --> 00:05:37,037 On, uh, one of the lots where they house the workers. 122 00:05:37,057 --> 00:05:39,373 - Did... Did anyone get hurt? - Yeah, some people were killed. 123 00:05:39,393 --> 00:05:41,775 - Who? - I don't know. Some workers. 124 00:05:41,795 --> 00:05:43,310 Was it... Was it anyone we know? 125 00:05:43,330 --> 00:05:46,113 I... I don't know. It was some workers. 126 00:05:46,133 --> 00:05:48,448 - It wasn't on the farm. - Do you need to go? 127 00:05:48,468 --> 00:05:49,583 - Do... Do you... - No. 128 00:05:49,603 --> 00:05:50,984 JD's talking to Laurie Ann. 129 00:05:51,004 --> 00:05:54,454 They'll, uh, they'll handle it. 130 00:05:54,474 --> 00:05:56,290 You okay? 131 00:05:56,310 --> 00:05:59,259 Yeah, uh, just... It's bad timing. 132 00:05:59,279 --> 00:06:02,981 Laurie Ann's got enough crap to deal with without this. 133 00:07:04,143 --> 00:07:06,059 So, what's the problem? 134 00:07:08,515 --> 00:07:10,163 I don't feel good. 135 00:07:10,183 --> 00:07:13,567 What's that mean? 136 00:07:13,587 --> 00:07:14,901 I don't feel good. 137 00:07:14,921 --> 00:07:16,236 You don't feel good, 138 00:07:16,256 --> 00:07:18,071 or you... you... You don't feel like working? 139 00:07:18,091 --> 00:07:20,207 - Hey, what's the problem? - No problem! 140 00:07:20,227 --> 00:07:22,976 You high? 141 00:07:22,996 --> 00:07:24,411 You... You high? 142 00:07:24,431 --> 00:07:26,380 - I'm trying. I... - You need to get up and get to work. 143 00:07:26,400 --> 00:07:28,048 I just need... It's hard. 144 00:07:28,068 --> 00:07:29,316 Isaac! What's the problem? 145 00:07:29,336 --> 00:07:31,084 - Come on. Get up. - Hey! 146 00:07:31,104 --> 00:07:32,653 - Get up! - What's the problem? 147 00:07:32,673 --> 00:07:35,907 No... No problem. Go do something! 148 00:07:52,420 --> 00:07:54,302 There are rules you have to follow. 149 00:07:54,323 --> 00:07:57,408 Disobeying any of the rules will lead to your expulsion. 150 00:07:57,428 --> 00:07:59,443 First, no drugs. 151 00:07:59,463 --> 00:08:01,112 You're not allowed to take drugs, 152 00:08:01,132 --> 00:08:03,247 and you're not allowed to have drugs on the property. 153 00:08:03,267 --> 00:08:06,050 There's chapel at 8:00 a.m. 154 00:08:06,070 --> 00:08:08,452 You must attend chapel every morning. 155 00:08:08,472 --> 00:08:09,587 I'm not religious. 156 00:08:09,607 --> 00:08:12,190 Chapel is not about conversion. 157 00:08:12,210 --> 00:08:13,858 It's about fellowship. 158 00:08:13,878 --> 00:08:16,093 You must attend chapel every morning. 159 00:08:16,289 --> 00:08:17,704 There's a work program 160 00:08:17,724 --> 00:08:19,973 for residents who've graduated from high school. 161 00:08:19,993 --> 00:08:22,576 For those who have not, we offer mandatory GED courses. 162 00:08:22,596 --> 00:08:24,444 Are you a high-school graduate? 163 00:08:24,464 --> 00:08:26,113 No. 164 00:08:26,133 --> 00:08:29,015 Then you will be expected to take the classes 165 00:08:29,035 --> 00:08:31,017 and pass your test. 166 00:08:31,037 --> 00:08:32,486 While you're a client, 167 00:08:32,506 --> 00:08:34,788 you may no possess any electronic devices, 168 00:08:34,808 --> 00:08:36,523 have any unauthorized visitors, 169 00:08:36,543 --> 00:08:39,144 and leave the property without consent. 170 00:08:47,654 --> 00:08:49,936 How many people stay in this room? 171 00:08:49,956 --> 00:08:53,057 Eight beds, eight girls. 172 00:08:54,127 --> 00:08:57,395 When I was with Billy, there was only six to a room. 173 00:09:03,403 --> 00:09:07,487 You say "slavery," and people think you're hysterical. 174 00:09:07,507 --> 00:09:10,290 Well, we are not. 175 00:09:10,310 --> 00:09:12,268 In North Carolina alone, 176 00:09:12,289 --> 00:09:17,831 39% of the state's 150,000 farm workers 177 00:09:17,851 --> 00:09:19,232 report being illegally trafficked 178 00:09:19,252 --> 00:09:20,934 or otherwise abused. 179 00:09:20,954 --> 00:09:23,537 So that is physical abuse, sexual abuse, 180 00:09:23,557 --> 00:09:26,206 death threats, and wage theft. 181 00:09:26,226 --> 00:09:28,141 And there's always, you know, the possibility of, 182 00:09:28,161 --> 00:09:30,477 you know, exposure to farm chemicals, 183 00:09:30,497 --> 00:09:32,479 toxins, pesticides. 184 00:09:32,499 --> 00:09:34,915 There's all that on one side, 185 00:09:34,935 --> 00:09:36,416 and on the other side, 186 00:09:36,436 --> 00:09:39,453 there is an agricultural business 187 00:09:39,473 --> 00:09:43,356 that brings in over $200 billion into the U.S. economy. 188 00:09:43,376 --> 00:09:46,678 So... guess which side has the edge. 189 00:09:48,648 --> 00:09:52,866 Okay, when you're dealing with workers in sex trafficking, 190 00:09:52,886 --> 00:09:53,997 in manual labor, 191 00:09:54,018 --> 00:09:57,671 in any area where there is a possibility of abuse, 192 00:09:57,691 --> 00:09:59,788 it's all about seeing the signs. 193 00:09:59,809 --> 00:10:00,725 Nice to see you. 194 00:10:00,746 --> 00:10:02,909 I'll see you guys next week. Thanks for coming. 195 00:10:02,929 --> 00:10:04,578 Good talk. 196 00:10:06,066 --> 00:10:09,115 Yeah, if there's a good way to talk about exploitation. 197 00:10:09,135 --> 00:10:10,817 But, you know, I just... 198 00:10:10,837 --> 00:10:13,887 I just try and, like, drive home the warning signs... 199 00:10:13,907 --> 00:10:18,191 You know, lack of communication, housing conditions, 200 00:10:18,211 --> 00:10:20,527 you know, the exposure to the heroin crisis. 201 00:10:20,547 --> 00:10:22,095 You know what I love? 202 00:10:22,115 --> 00:10:25,765 I love that we're supposed to call it a "crisis." 203 00:10:25,785 --> 00:10:28,435 Like, when it was crack in the inner cities, it was a... 204 00:10:28,455 --> 00:10:29,569 An epidemic. 205 00:10:29,589 --> 00:10:31,404 Yeah, epidemic, like the black plague. 206 00:10:31,424 --> 00:10:35,008 Now that's in heroin in the suburbs, it's a crisis. 207 00:10:35,028 --> 00:10:38,345 Just a... Just a bad thing that happens to good people. 208 00:10:38,365 --> 00:10:42,148 Gosh, Abby. I thought I was having a tough day. 209 00:10:42,168 --> 00:10:44,651 Oh, you... You can be a cynic 210 00:10:44,671 --> 00:10:47,120 and still have a heart of gold. 211 00:10:47,140 --> 00:10:49,322 Honestly, I mean, I don't think you can do this job 212 00:10:49,342 --> 00:10:50,991 and not be one. 213 00:10:51,011 --> 00:10:54,060 You know, I was with this girl today that I'm trying to help, 214 00:10:54,080 --> 00:10:57,998 and she says she thinks she's better off with her pimp. 215 00:10:58,018 --> 00:10:59,933 Ohh. 216 00:10:59,953 --> 00:11:01,073 Well, that's... 217 00:11:01,094 --> 00:11:03,288 That's not the first time you've heard that. 218 00:11:06,893 --> 00:11:10,977 No. No, it's... It's not, but it's... 219 00:11:10,997 --> 00:11:13,813 You know, you go through this space early on 220 00:11:13,833 --> 00:11:16,149 that you hear something like that, 221 00:11:16,169 --> 00:11:19,352 and it depresses you, you know? 222 00:11:19,372 --> 00:11:21,521 And then you teach yourself 223 00:11:21,541 --> 00:11:24,891 not to let their perspective get to you, and... 224 00:11:24,911 --> 00:11:27,694 Then you realize that the things you hear, 225 00:11:27,714 --> 00:11:31,049 the things these kids say... It just doesn't quite... 226 00:11:34,354 --> 00:11:38,122 It just doesn't bring the pain the way it used to. 227 00:11:41,928 --> 00:11:45,412 You feel like you're burning out. 228 00:11:45,432 --> 00:11:48,900 Abby, I feel like... 229 00:11:51,271 --> 00:11:53,386 I feel like I'm on this lifeboat 230 00:11:53,406 --> 00:11:56,690 that only holds 10 people, 231 00:11:56,710 --> 00:11:58,658 and there was a time that I didn't care 232 00:11:58,678 --> 00:12:00,293 that it only held 10 people. 233 00:12:00,313 --> 00:12:02,395 I'd try to get 100 people on that boat. 234 00:12:02,415 --> 00:12:05,465 But now... 235 00:12:05,485 --> 00:12:09,269 I just accept 10 is all I can get. 236 00:12:09,289 --> 00:12:11,838 Maybe 10. 237 00:12:11,858 --> 00:12:15,075 Don't accept it. 238 00:12:15,095 --> 00:12:18,511 Listen. 239 00:12:18,531 --> 00:12:20,814 Keep fighting the fight. 240 00:12:20,834 --> 00:12:23,101 Keep fighting it. 241 00:13:07,213 --> 00:13:11,031 Le estás causando dolor. 242 00:13:11,051 --> 00:13:13,433 - ÿO ni siquiera te importa? - Luis... 243 00:13:13,453 --> 00:13:15,468 ÿNo te importa lo que estás causando? 244 00:13:15,488 --> 00:13:17,337 De todos modos me voy. 245 00:13:17,357 --> 00:13:20,958 ÿNo te importa cómo la estás haciendo sentir? 246 00:13:24,164 --> 00:13:26,079 ITeo! 247 00:13:26,099 --> 00:13:27,414 ITeo! 248 00:13:35,245 --> 00:13:38,458 IVamanos! Come on, let's go! 249 00:13:40,219 --> 00:13:42,046 _ 250 00:13:42,626 --> 00:13:44,156 _ 251 00:13:44,177 --> 00:13:45,852 _ 252 00:13:45,873 --> 00:13:48,661 _ 253 00:15:05,377 --> 00:15:07,406 _ 254 00:15:09,784 --> 00:15:12,245 _ 255 00:15:16,374 --> 00:15:17,959 _ 256 00:15:18,793 --> 00:15:20,586 _ 257 00:15:20,780 --> 00:15:22,595 _ 258 00:15:24,192 --> 00:15:26,417 _ 259 00:15:26,726 --> 00:15:28,845 _ 260 00:15:29,679 --> 00:15:32,140 _ 261 00:15:33,141 --> 00:15:34,725 _ 262 00:15:34,746 --> 00:15:36,123 _ 263 00:15:45,111 --> 00:15:46,154 _ 264 00:15:49,532 --> 00:15:51,492 - _ - _ 265 00:15:51,868 --> 00:15:52,869 _ 266 00:15:53,828 --> 00:15:54,954 _ 267 00:15:56,038 --> 00:15:59,125 _ 268 00:16:00,001 --> 00:16:02,083 _ 269 00:16:02,104 --> 00:16:04,922 _ 270 00:16:05,631 --> 00:16:07,466 _ 271 00:16:07,487 --> 00:16:10,303 _ 272 00:16:11,502 --> 00:16:12,722 _ 273 00:16:12,743 --> 00:16:14,515 _ 274 00:16:18,644 --> 00:16:20,146 _ 275 00:16:23,934 --> 00:16:26,652 _ 276 00:16:26,652 --> 00:16:27,994 _ 277 00:16:28,015 --> 00:16:29,280 _ 278 00:16:29,301 --> 00:16:30,767 No. 279 00:16:30,788 --> 00:16:33,075 _ 280 00:16:33,951 --> 00:16:35,953 _ 281 00:16:36,153 --> 00:16:38,280 _ 282 00:16:38,310 --> 00:16:41,042 _ 283 00:16:41,459 --> 00:16:44,212 _ 284 00:16:45,963 --> 00:16:47,798 _ 285 00:16:48,633 --> 00:16:52,136 _ 286 00:16:54,493 --> 00:16:56,421 _ 287 00:17:08,569 --> 00:17:10,212 Do you currently use drugs? 288 00:17:10,233 --> 00:17:12,121 Yes. 289 00:17:12,140 --> 00:17:13,085 Do you self-administer 290 00:17:13,106 --> 00:17:15,356 - drugs using needles? - No. 291 00:17:15,376 --> 00:17:16,925 What drugs do you use? 292 00:17:16,945 --> 00:17:20,361 Weed. Oxy when I can get it. 293 00:17:20,381 --> 00:17:22,764 I drink. 294 00:17:22,784 --> 00:17:24,499 Okay. What do you drink? 295 00:17:24,519 --> 00:17:25,885 Whatever. 296 00:17:27,255 --> 00:17:28,970 When's the last time you used drugs? 297 00:17:28,989 --> 00:17:30,270 Yesterday. 298 00:17:30,291 --> 00:17:31,973 Are you addicted? 299 00:17:31,993 --> 00:17:33,975 I don't know. 300 00:17:33,995 --> 00:17:35,677 Since you last used, have you experienced 301 00:17:35,697 --> 00:17:37,011 any increased pain sensitivity 302 00:17:37,031 --> 00:17:38,479 or gastrointestinal problems, 303 00:17:38,499 --> 00:17:40,381 such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting? 304 00:17:40,401 --> 00:17:42,350 No. 305 00:17:42,371 --> 00:17:44,700 Okay, do you have any other health issues or concerns? 306 00:17:44,721 --> 00:17:45,720 No. 307 00:17:49,310 --> 00:17:50,743 Yeah. 308 00:17:52,880 --> 00:17:55,047 I'm pregnant. 309 00:17:57,752 --> 00:17:59,267 How far along are you? 310 00:17:59,287 --> 00:18:02,303 Almost four weeks. 311 00:18:02,323 --> 00:18:04,472 Have you ever been pregnant before? 312 00:18:04,492 --> 00:18:05,773 Yeah. 313 00:18:05,793 --> 00:18:08,060 And how did that pregnancy end? 314 00:18:10,365 --> 00:18:12,131 It ended. 315 00:18:24,937 --> 00:18:27,273 _ 316 00:18:28,436 --> 00:18:30,192 _ 317 00:18:31,132 --> 00:18:32,361 _ 318 00:18:33,070 --> 00:18:34,780 _ 319 00:18:35,448 --> 00:18:37,283 _ 320 00:18:37,658 --> 00:18:39,910 _ 321 00:18:40,870 --> 00:18:41,954 _ 322 00:19:07,772 --> 00:19:09,033 _ 323 00:19:09,054 --> 00:19:11,525 _ 324 00:19:12,493 --> 00:19:15,348 $20, I will tell you about your son. 325 00:19:15,369 --> 00:19:16,978 Quiero dinero. Veinte dólares. 326 00:19:16,998 --> 00:19:19,447 Dile que pruebe que lo conoce primero. 327 00:19:19,467 --> 00:19:22,417 Tell him something about the boy. 328 00:19:22,437 --> 00:19:25,053 He was, uh, 17, 18 years old. 329 00:19:25,073 --> 00:19:26,988 Diecisiete, dieciocho años. 330 00:19:27,008 --> 00:19:28,390 - He worked, not hard. - Trabajaba, pero no duro. 331 00:19:28,410 --> 00:19:29,923 Kept talking about going to New York. 332 00:19:29,944 --> 00:19:31,312 Hablaba de irse pa Nueva York. 333 00:19:31,333 --> 00:19:32,827 The reason he was here... 334 00:19:32,847 --> 00:19:34,362 He was gonna work his way to New York. 335 00:19:36,651 --> 00:19:39,067 Thought he was gonna own a restaurant there one day. 336 00:19:39,087 --> 00:19:40,835 Quería ser dueño de un restaurante. 337 00:19:40,855 --> 00:19:41,969 A little kid, 338 00:19:41,989 --> 00:19:43,604 but he had big things in his head. 339 00:19:43,624 --> 00:19:46,258 Era un chiquillo, pero tenía sueños grandes. 340 00:19:51,232 --> 00:19:52,983 _ 341 00:19:54,134 --> 00:19:55,736 _ 342 00:20:00,541 --> 00:20:03,812 Your boy... he was no good for working the fields. 343 00:20:03,833 --> 00:20:05,993 Talk a lot. 344 00:20:06,013 --> 00:20:07,395 Tell good stories. 345 00:20:07,415 --> 00:20:08,729 He was funny. 346 00:20:08,749 --> 00:20:10,231 Made people laugh. 347 00:20:10,251 --> 00:20:12,667 But the bosses... They don't like that. 348 00:20:12,687 --> 00:20:14,102 Pero a los jefes no les gustaba eso. 349 00:20:14,122 --> 00:20:16,370 Bosses only want people to work. 350 00:20:16,390 --> 00:20:18,039 Quieren que la gente trabaje. 351 00:20:18,059 --> 00:20:20,141 - ÿQué le pasó? - What happened? 352 00:20:20,161 --> 00:20:22,944 One day, the bosses come around, 353 00:20:22,964 --> 00:20:25,428 hear him telling his stories one too many times. 354 00:20:25,449 --> 00:20:28,609 Los jefes se cansaron de escuchar sus historias... 355 00:20:28,727 --> 00:20:30,187 _ 356 00:20:30,208 --> 00:20:32,440 _ 357 00:20:32,461 --> 00:20:34,789 He says his son was a big talker. 358 00:20:34,809 --> 00:20:36,457 Not just talk. 359 00:20:36,477 --> 00:20:40,361 The bosses got in your boy's face... he don't back down. 360 00:20:40,381 --> 00:20:42,063 Los jefes lo querían ponerlo en su lugar, 361 00:20:42,083 --> 00:20:43,464 pero él no se dejó. 362 00:20:43,484 --> 00:20:45,466 ÿFue el que empezó el problema? 363 00:20:45,486 --> 00:20:47,034 Teo started trouble? 364 00:20:47,054 --> 00:20:49,971 Teo didn't start anything. He just wouldn't back down. 365 00:20:49,992 --> 00:20:54,040 Told you... He's a boy, but big in his head. 366 00:20:54,061 --> 00:20:56,577 So the bosses, they don't want that. 367 00:20:56,597 --> 00:20:58,746 Your son was lucky. 368 00:20:58,766 --> 00:21:02,482 I see the bosses, they get mad. 369 00:21:02,503 --> 00:21:04,252 Bad things. 370 00:21:04,272 --> 00:21:07,555 This time, all they do... They tell him to move on. 371 00:21:07,575 --> 00:21:09,241 Pero nomás le ordernaron que se fuera. 372 00:21:10,644 --> 00:21:13,277 _ 373 00:21:13,298 --> 00:21:14,629 No, no. 374 00:21:14,649 --> 00:21:17,765 The bosses, they don't pay him what they owe him. 375 00:21:19,267 --> 00:21:21,969 He's got no money, so... 376 00:21:21,989 --> 00:21:25,572 A couple of farms around here, they are desperate. 377 00:21:25,593 --> 00:21:27,575 They hire anybody. 378 00:21:27,595 --> 00:21:29,461 Contratan a quien sea. 379 00:21:36,470 --> 00:21:40,087 People like your boy. He tells good stories. 380 00:21:40,107 --> 00:21:42,020 He's here somewhere. 381 00:21:42,041 --> 00:21:43,724 He'll be easy to find. 382 00:21:43,744 --> 00:21:45,511 Va ser fácil de hallarlo. 383 00:22:15,009 --> 00:22:16,257 Hey! 384 00:22:16,277 --> 00:22:18,477 Hey! 385 00:22:32,058 --> 00:22:33,691 Hey. 386 00:22:33,712 --> 00:22:34,831 _ 387 00:22:42,722 --> 00:22:43,988 _ 388 00:22:44,321 --> 00:22:45,656 _ 389 00:22:46,448 --> 00:22:47,741 _ 390 00:22:50,286 --> 00:22:51,620 _ 391 00:22:52,079 --> 00:22:53,372 _ 392 00:22:54,665 --> 00:22:56,500 _ 393 00:22:57,075 --> 00:22:58,465 _ 394 00:22:58,486 --> 00:23:00,368 What are you going to do, huh? 395 00:23:00,388 --> 00:23:02,670 Are you gonna have me arrested 396 00:23:02,690 --> 00:23:05,706 because you hire undocumented workers? Huh? 397 00:23:05,726 --> 00:23:07,475 Are you gonna tell the police 398 00:23:07,495 --> 00:23:09,910 that you don't pay people what you owe? 399 00:23:09,930 --> 00:23:13,614 That you have us living 20 people in a box, 400 00:23:13,634 --> 00:23:16,984 como animales? 401 00:23:17,004 --> 00:23:18,819 Yeah. 402 00:23:18,839 --> 00:23:20,515 So tell them all that. 403 00:23:20,536 --> 00:23:21,886 Go ahead. 404 00:23:24,945 --> 00:23:27,094 Call them. 405 00:23:27,114 --> 00:23:29,782 Call the police. 406 00:23:47,452 --> 00:23:49,278 No, you can't be like that with them. 407 00:23:49,299 --> 00:23:50,333 You know what I'm saying? 408 00:23:50,354 --> 00:23:54,272 These trabajadores... They work for you. 409 00:23:58,196 --> 00:24:00,611 You got to work them. 410 00:24:00,631 --> 00:24:02,798 I work 'em. 411 00:24:03,935 --> 00:24:05,616 I seen you going soft 412 00:24:05,636 --> 00:24:07,985 for that fool you brought to the farm. 413 00:24:08,005 --> 00:24:09,353 He's sick. 414 00:24:09,373 --> 00:24:12,374 Of what? 415 00:24:14,479 --> 00:24:16,194 Huh? 416 00:24:16,214 --> 00:24:18,763 Oxy fever. 417 00:24:18,783 --> 00:24:21,632 White Trash-itis. 418 00:24:21,652 --> 00:24:23,167 Mira... 419 00:24:23,187 --> 00:24:25,403 They ain't your girlfriend. 420 00:24:25,423 --> 00:24:28,272 They ain't your dog. 421 00:24:28,292 --> 00:24:31,427 You ain't got to do nothing but make them work. 422 00:24:33,331 --> 00:24:36,247 And that stringy white bitch ain't nothing but a junkie, 423 00:24:36,267 --> 00:24:38,501 and you are out here going soft for him. 424 00:24:41,372 --> 00:24:43,272 I'm not soft. 425 00:24:44,208 --> 00:24:46,408 Mm. 426 00:24:49,981 --> 00:24:51,929 Listen to me, okay? 427 00:24:51,949 --> 00:24:54,999 I don't care, people... 428 00:24:55,019 --> 00:25:00,004 Mexican, black, white... 429 00:25:00,024 --> 00:25:02,291 They got to carry their own weight. 430 00:25:04,028 --> 00:25:06,210 Yeah. 431 00:25:06,230 --> 00:25:11,048 You and me... we worked our asses off in those fields. 432 00:25:11,068 --> 00:25:12,984 You remember? 433 00:25:13,004 --> 00:25:15,253 Mm. 434 00:25:15,273 --> 00:25:17,221 Now these bosses... They don't care 435 00:25:17,241 --> 00:25:19,957 which kind of fool does the picking. 436 00:25:19,977 --> 00:25:22,411 That's just disrespectful. 437 00:25:25,750 --> 00:25:28,099 If they ain't gonna respect us, 438 00:25:28,119 --> 00:25:30,635 then you got to respect yourself. 439 00:25:30,655 --> 00:25:34,172 And I'm telling you... 440 00:25:34,192 --> 00:25:36,440 you playing around with this white bitch 441 00:25:36,460 --> 00:25:38,609 is not how it gets done. 442 00:25:50,942 --> 00:25:53,291 Hey. 443 00:25:53,311 --> 00:25:54,944 Hey. 444 00:25:58,240 --> 00:26:00,392 You got to get it together, you know? 445 00:26:02,453 --> 00:26:05,203 Yeah? 446 00:26:05,223 --> 00:26:06,871 Yeah. 447 00:26:06,891 --> 00:26:11,342 You... You lit up all... All day. 448 00:26:11,362 --> 00:26:13,444 I wasn't high. 449 00:26:13,464 --> 00:26:15,980 I mean, you're puking all over the place. 450 00:26:16,000 --> 00:26:18,583 I wasn't high. I... 451 00:26:18,603 --> 00:26:21,352 I'm just trying to get through the day. 452 00:26:21,372 --> 00:26:24,055 Everybody else out there working, 453 00:26:24,075 --> 00:26:26,390 and you're lying in the dirt. 454 00:26:26,410 --> 00:26:28,659 I'm the one that brought you in. 455 00:26:28,679 --> 00:26:30,027 You're gonna make me look bad. 456 00:26:30,047 --> 00:26:32,982 I'm not trying to make you look bad. 457 00:26:35,286 --> 00:26:37,052 Look, I... 458 00:26:39,490 --> 00:26:41,038 I know... 459 00:26:41,058 --> 00:26:43,040 I know I'm not cutting it. I know. 460 00:26:43,060 --> 00:26:45,843 So, I'm... I'm telling you. 461 00:26:45,863 --> 00:26:48,546 I'm trying to get on it 'cause I... 462 00:26:48,566 --> 00:26:51,282 I feel good about being here and working. 463 00:26:51,302 --> 00:26:53,584 I do. Serious. 464 00:26:53,604 --> 00:26:56,220 I don't... I don't want to be sitting around all day, 465 00:26:56,240 --> 00:26:57,588 messed up. 466 00:26:57,608 --> 00:26:59,357 I don't want to hang out with those kind of people. 467 00:26:59,377 --> 00:27:02,693 They... They can't get their... together, you know? 468 00:27:02,713 --> 00:27:05,529 I don't... 469 00:27:05,549 --> 00:27:08,766 I don't want to be like that. 470 00:27:08,786 --> 00:27:11,053 I, uh... 471 00:27:12,757 --> 00:27:14,872 I texted my brother. 472 00:27:14,892 --> 00:27:18,376 I told him I was working, told him I-I got a job. 473 00:27:18,396 --> 00:27:20,329 He, uh... 474 00:27:21,799 --> 00:27:23,681 He just thought I was trying to hit him up, 475 00:27:23,701 --> 00:27:28,619 but I told him, "I don't need any money." 476 00:27:28,639 --> 00:27:32,456 I told him I was making money. 477 00:27:32,476 --> 00:27:36,460 But he, uh... He didn't... 478 00:27:36,480 --> 00:27:38,663 Anyway, he, uh... 479 00:27:38,683 --> 00:27:42,551 I told him I didn't need money. 480 00:28:59,663 --> 00:29:02,012 - What's up, Aunty? - Jason, are you serious? 481 00:29:02,032 --> 00:29:03,961 - You are not taller than me. - I guess. 482 00:29:03,982 --> 00:29:05,867 It freaks me out every time I say it... 483 00:29:05,888 --> 00:29:08,037 Jason's going on his college tour. 484 00:29:08,058 --> 00:29:09,478 You know, two more years, and that's it. 485 00:29:09,498 --> 00:29:10,654 Yeah? Where's he looking? 486 00:29:10,674 --> 00:29:12,289 Well, right now, he keeps talking about 487 00:29:12,309 --> 00:29:13,424 wanting to go to Duke, 488 00:29:13,444 --> 00:29:14,959 but he doesn't have Duke grades. 489 00:29:14,979 --> 00:29:16,660 He's looking into UNC. 490 00:29:16,680 --> 00:29:19,463 Denise wants him to look at Syracuse. 491 00:29:19,483 --> 00:29:21,132 Listen, try and talk her out of it. 492 00:29:21,152 --> 00:29:24,468 Hey, I am not getting into any domestic disputes. 493 00:29:26,991 --> 00:29:30,374 So, um, can I throw something at you? 494 00:29:30,394 --> 00:29:32,843 Yeah. 495 00:29:32,863 --> 00:29:34,245 It's kind of personal. 496 00:29:34,265 --> 00:29:35,764 Okay. 497 00:29:37,268 --> 00:29:38,883 Um... 498 00:29:38,903 --> 00:29:42,871 I've been trying, and I mean trying... 499 00:29:45,829 --> 00:29:50,461 I've been getting IVF treatments, 500 00:29:50,481 --> 00:29:53,097 and they haven't taken. 501 00:29:53,117 --> 00:29:57,101 And it's rough because I really want a family, 502 00:29:57,121 --> 00:29:59,570 but these treatments, they're no joke. 503 00:29:59,590 --> 00:30:02,072 - They're expensive. - Expensive like... 504 00:30:02,092 --> 00:30:05,810 Like $12,000 a cycle. Plus medications. 505 00:30:05,830 --> 00:30:07,378 Damn. Yeah. 506 00:30:07,398 --> 00:30:10,681 And I've already had two cycles. 507 00:30:10,701 --> 00:30:12,468 You need money? 508 00:30:13,871 --> 00:30:16,120 What I need... 509 00:30:18,542 --> 00:30:21,892 Having a baby like this... 510 00:30:21,912 --> 00:30:24,395 The doctor talks about the science 511 00:30:24,415 --> 00:30:27,765 and... and everything's an "adjustment" 512 00:30:27,785 --> 00:30:29,700 or an "enhancement," 513 00:30:29,720 --> 00:30:32,303 and, "Just move on to the next office, 514 00:30:32,323 --> 00:30:34,405 and we'll help you fill out the paperwork." 515 00:30:34,425 --> 00:30:37,007 And... 516 00:30:37,027 --> 00:30:39,677 The rooms are cold. 517 00:30:39,697 --> 00:30:43,098 The sperm donor's anonymous. 518 00:30:46,604 --> 00:30:51,388 It's just lonely trying to have a baby like this. 519 00:30:51,408 --> 00:30:55,777 Shouldn't be this lonely trying to have a family. 520 00:30:57,915 --> 00:31:01,031 But if this is gonna happen, 521 00:31:01,051 --> 00:31:03,000 I don't want the donor 522 00:31:03,020 --> 00:31:08,005 to be some number on a form. 523 00:31:08,025 --> 00:31:11,126 I want it to be somebody I know. 524 00:31:13,130 --> 00:31:15,130 I want it to be a good man. 525 00:31:22,806 --> 00:31:25,923 That was a compliment. 526 00:31:25,943 --> 00:31:28,592 That's a compliment. That's, uh... 527 00:31:28,612 --> 00:31:31,228 You know, um... 528 00:31:31,248 --> 00:31:32,663 There was a time... 529 00:31:32,683 --> 00:31:35,900 Yeah. There was a time. 530 00:31:35,920 --> 00:31:41,038 What, 20-whatever years ago? 531 00:31:41,058 --> 00:31:44,008 Look, if I had to keep it real, 532 00:31:44,028 --> 00:31:48,078 uh, I still sometimes think about... 533 00:31:48,098 --> 00:31:51,649 Jason could have been ours. 534 00:31:51,669 --> 00:31:54,403 And when you think about that...? 535 00:31:55,706 --> 00:31:58,222 When I think about it... 536 00:31:58,242 --> 00:32:00,976 It could have been pretty good. 537 00:32:08,886 --> 00:32:12,703 I got to, uh... 538 00:32:12,723 --> 00:32:14,104 Yeah, I know. I-I know. 539 00:32:14,124 --> 00:32:16,440 You need to... You need to think about it. 540 00:32:16,460 --> 00:32:18,609 I've got to talk to Denise. 541 00:32:18,629 --> 00:32:20,110 I mean, that was part of the plan, right? 542 00:32:20,130 --> 00:32:22,246 I actually talk about this with my wife? 543 00:32:22,266 --> 00:32:25,500 That was part of the plan. 544 00:32:28,606 --> 00:32:32,107 You really want a kid that bad? 545 00:32:39,742 --> 00:32:42,124 Yeah. 546 00:32:42,152 --> 00:32:46,737 I really want a kid that bad. 547 00:33:00,237 --> 00:33:01,970 Let me, uh... 548 00:33:04,808 --> 00:33:07,691 Give me a couple of days. 549 00:33:40,714 --> 00:33:42,362 Thank you. 550 00:33:46,520 --> 00:33:50,404 I'm so glad... You have grown up so much. 551 00:34:01,268 --> 00:34:02,749 Do you remember Ben Whitlock? 552 00:34:02,769 --> 00:34:04,518 I can tell by that look she doesn't. 553 00:34:04,538 --> 00:34:07,554 That's not true. Ben. And your wife, uh, Marcy. 554 00:34:07,574 --> 00:34:10,791 Now, see, if I had a memory like that, I'd be in politics. 555 00:34:12,279 --> 00:34:14,161 She's got enough work making me sound smart. 556 00:34:14,181 --> 00:34:15,729 No. 557 00:34:38,004 --> 00:34:39,519 - JD. - Mm? 558 00:34:39,539 --> 00:34:41,455 - You doing okay? - Doing good. 559 00:34:41,475 --> 00:34:42,989 - Yeah? - Yeah. 560 00:34:43,009 --> 00:34:44,891 - Oh... - That's okay. 561 00:34:44,911 --> 00:34:46,560 I got it. I got it. I got it. No, no. 562 00:34:46,580 --> 00:34:48,128 - It's all right. - Let me get it. Don't do that. 563 00:34:48,148 --> 00:34:49,329 - Here. - Get... Jeanette, stop it! 564 00:34:49,349 --> 00:34:50,697 Oh, my. 565 00:34:50,717 --> 00:34:54,935 I'm... I-I-I don't like people running around after me. 566 00:34:54,955 --> 00:34:56,937 Ah. You know that. Never did. 567 00:34:58,158 --> 00:35:00,607 Tammy didn't come tonight? 568 00:35:00,627 --> 00:35:05,145 Uh, doesn't like my mood lately. 569 00:35:05,165 --> 00:35:07,647 What were you and Laurie Ann talking about? 570 00:35:07,667 --> 00:35:10,717 She didn't seem happy. 571 00:35:10,737 --> 00:35:12,052 I know. 572 00:35:12,072 --> 00:35:14,654 I know. That's not my business. 573 00:35:14,674 --> 00:35:16,990 [Music continues 574 00:35:17,010 --> 00:35:20,260 Carson said there was a fire. 575 00:35:20,280 --> 00:35:22,113 Yeah. 576 00:35:24,050 --> 00:35:27,167 Is everything okay? 577 00:35:27,187 --> 00:35:29,669 Some people got killed. 578 00:35:29,689 --> 00:35:32,806 15. 579 00:35:32,826 --> 00:35:35,560 I'm sorry. 580 00:35:46,807 --> 00:35:48,121 I'm gonna get an Uber. 581 00:35:48,141 --> 00:35:50,508 You staying? 582 00:35:53,113 --> 00:35:54,761 Yeah, I guess we are. 583 00:35:54,781 --> 00:35:56,429 I'm... I'm gonna... I'm gonna... 584 00:35:56,449 --> 00:35:58,098 I'm just gonna get an Uber. 585 00:36:06,660 --> 00:36:11,111 Well, we're gonna take care of that. Tuesday. 586 00:36:11,131 --> 00:36:12,913 - All right, I look forward to that. - Thank you. 587 00:36:12,933 --> 00:36:14,648 I-I just... I want to say goodbye to Laurie Ann. 588 00:36:14,668 --> 00:36:15,882 - Thank you. - Good night. 589 00:36:15,902 --> 00:36:17,117 - What? - Just... Just... 590 00:36:17,137 --> 00:36:18,919 Laurie Ann, I want to thank you for having us. 591 00:36:18,939 --> 00:36:21,288 - Well, of course. - It was really nice tonight. 592 00:36:21,308 --> 00:36:22,756 - Really nice. - Oh, good. Good. 593 00:36:22,776 --> 00:36:25,759 Is everything okay? 594 00:36:25,779 --> 00:36:27,460 Thank you. Yeah. 595 00:36:27,480 --> 00:36:29,729 - You sure? - Yeah, everything's fine. 596 00:36:29,749 --> 00:36:33,767 Y'all keep saying that, but... 597 00:36:33,787 --> 00:36:35,535 Carson's been on pins, and... 598 00:36:35,555 --> 00:36:38,438 - Well, he shouldn't be. - ...JD's beside himself. 599 00:36:38,458 --> 00:36:40,106 Well, with Daddy how he is, 600 00:36:40,126 --> 00:36:42,442 things just been hitting JD harder lately. 601 00:36:42,462 --> 00:36:44,311 Jeanette, will just come on? 602 00:36:44,331 --> 00:36:47,747 What... What happened with this fire? 603 00:36:47,767 --> 00:36:50,483 Is it something we need do something about, or...? 604 00:36:50,503 --> 00:36:52,819 I think that we all feel badly. 605 00:36:52,839 --> 00:36:55,055 Yeah, but I-is... Is there anything 606 00:36:55,075 --> 00:36:56,156 we should for anyone 607 00:36:56,176 --> 00:36:57,891 or anything I-I should do? 608 00:36:57,911 --> 00:37:00,026 Well, people, unfortunately... 609 00:37:00,046 --> 00:37:03,163 Sometimes people confuse doing something good 610 00:37:03,183 --> 00:37:07,133 with having done something wrong. 611 00:37:07,153 --> 00:37:09,636 These folks have our prayers. 612 00:37:09,656 --> 00:37:12,339 And Lord knows you've been around the farm long enough 613 00:37:12,359 --> 00:37:14,541 to know that they're strong. 614 00:37:14,561 --> 00:37:17,410 Night, Jeanette. 615 00:37:17,430 --> 00:37:20,380 Carson, you get home safe, okay? 616 00:37:20,400 --> 00:37:21,966 Mm-hmm. 617 00:37:53,667 --> 00:37:55,515 There's hardly anything online. 618 00:37:55,535 --> 00:37:57,484 There's almost nothing at all. 619 00:37:57,504 --> 00:37:59,175 Yeah, but what do you want them to say? 620 00:37:59,196 --> 00:38:00,387 People died. 621 00:38:00,407 --> 00:38:02,589 You know, the news... All it is, 622 00:38:02,609 --> 00:38:04,291 is... It's bad things happening. 623 00:38:04,311 --> 00:38:06,359 It's... They're... They're not gonna write up 624 00:38:06,379 --> 00:38:07,761 every little thing. 625 00:38:07,781 --> 00:38:09,763 15 people. 626 00:38:09,783 --> 00:38:11,498 It's like that, uh, plane crash. 627 00:38:11,518 --> 00:38:12,632 Doesn't seem like a little thing. Two weeks ago. 628 00:38:12,652 --> 00:38:14,000 Four people died. 629 00:38:14,020 --> 00:38:15,235 And as upset as you all are... 630 00:38:15,255 --> 00:38:16,736 I didn't hear anything about it until... 631 00:38:16,756 --> 00:38:18,939 I'm just worried about you and JD. 632 00:38:18,959 --> 00:38:21,474 Well, why are you... It's like you're morbid about this. 633 00:38:21,494 --> 00:38:22,842 No, it concerns you. 634 00:38:22,862 --> 00:38:25,679 It concerns... thank you, honey... your workers. 635 00:38:25,699 --> 00:38:28,448 Come on. It wasn't... They weren't on the farm. 636 00:38:28,468 --> 00:38:29,649 So you don't care? 637 00:38:29,669 --> 00:38:32,686 Geez. You are talking in circles. 638 00:38:32,706 --> 00:38:34,421 Yeah, I care. 639 00:38:34,441 --> 00:38:36,690 I care. I just... I don't... 640 00:38:36,710 --> 00:38:38,725 What... I... What am I supposed to do about it? 641 00:38:38,745 --> 00:38:41,061 JD was upset. 642 00:38:41,081 --> 00:38:42,562 JD was drunk. 643 00:38:42,582 --> 00:38:45,498 - Well, why was he drinking? - Because JD is a drunk. 644 00:38:45,518 --> 00:38:47,267 No, why did he have to get himself drunk at the barbecue? 645 00:38:47,287 --> 00:38:48,601 His own wife didn't want to be with him. 646 00:38:48,621 --> 00:38:50,103 Gosh, you know, you really... 647 00:38:50,123 --> 00:38:52,323 You need to go some... spend some time with your sister. 648 00:38:53,927 --> 00:38:56,476 What? 649 00:38:56,496 --> 00:38:59,212 Well, ever since you... You went and saw her, 650 00:38:59,232 --> 00:39:00,880 you've been, like... I don't know. 651 00:39:00,900 --> 00:39:03,883 You've been like you need to work something out 652 00:39:03,903 --> 00:39:06,920 or... or... or something's eating on you. 653 00:39:06,940 --> 00:39:08,621 Don't do that to me. 654 00:39:08,641 --> 00:39:11,791 Well, the only thing that's changed much 655 00:39:11,811 --> 00:39:13,326 in the last couple of weeks 656 00:39:13,346 --> 00:39:15,462 is you started seeing Raelyn again. 657 00:39:15,482 --> 00:39:16,796 And you need to... 658 00:39:16,816 --> 00:39:19,199 Whatever you feel about your sister, 659 00:39:19,219 --> 00:39:21,134 you need to deal with that. 660 00:39:21,154 --> 00:39:23,737 Well, I don't need you telling me 661 00:39:23,757 --> 00:39:25,405 how I should feel about my sister. 662 00:39:25,425 --> 00:39:28,108 Oh, yeah, but you figure you're gonna tell us 663 00:39:28,128 --> 00:39:31,095 what we should feel about some people we don't even know! 664 00:39:51,184 --> 00:39:52,365 Okay, I got to go. 665 00:39:52,385 --> 00:39:54,267 Okay. Bye. 666 00:39:54,287 --> 00:39:56,687 - Bye. - I love you. 667 00:40:12,056 --> 00:40:14,220 The fire started in the middle of the night. 668 00:40:14,240 --> 00:40:18,892 One of the workers had a, uh... one of them little fans. 669 00:40:18,912 --> 00:40:21,728 Bad wiring. Shorted out. 670 00:40:21,748 --> 00:40:25,532 The flame jumped some fabric and burned through the place. 671 00:40:25,552 --> 00:40:28,201 15 people in these trailers? 672 00:40:28,221 --> 00:40:30,136 There was more than 15 people. 673 00:40:30,156 --> 00:40:32,439 Only six of them got out. 674 00:40:32,459 --> 00:40:34,474 There was no other door? 675 00:40:34,494 --> 00:40:37,343 They couldn't get out through a window? 676 00:40:37,363 --> 00:40:40,547 Sometimes the workers nail chicken wire to the windows 677 00:40:40,567 --> 00:40:43,183 so that no one breaks in while they're in the fields. 678 00:40:43,203 --> 00:40:46,152 They were trapped inside? 679 00:40:46,172 --> 00:40:49,689 We tell them not to do it. They don't listen. 680 00:41:01,459 --> 00:41:06,672 - Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- www.Addic7ed.com --