1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,040 [ Telephone rings ] 2 00:00:12,920 --> 00:00:16,710 [ Water rippling ] 3 00:00:16,710 --> 00:00:18,500 [ Insects chirping ] 4 00:00:21,710 --> 00:00:23,960 [ Bird calling ] 5 00:00:29,170 --> 00:00:31,290 [ Insects chirping ] 6 00:00:31,290 --> 00:00:33,290 [ Wind rushing ] 7 00:01:08,540 --> 00:01:10,790 iVámanos! 8 00:01:16,210 --> 00:01:17,210 iVámanos! 9 00:01:32,880 --> 00:01:34,670 [ Man Speaking Spanish ] 10 00:01:45,250 --> 00:01:47,120 [ Men Speaking Spanish ] 11 00:02:48,620 --> 00:02:52,120 [ Speaking Spanish ] 12 00:02:52,120 --> 00:02:54,500 Man: I can get you to Texas, California, Florida. 13 00:02:54,500 --> 00:02:56,380 Unless you got family somewhere, I'd go to California. 14 00:02:56,380 --> 00:02:59,330 Work all year in California. 15 00:02:59,330 --> 00:03:01,290 Orange card. 16 00:03:01,290 --> 00:03:06,040 Going to California. 17 00:03:06,040 --> 00:03:08,000 Next! 18 00:03:09,830 --> 00:03:12,210 [ Speaking Spanish ] 19 00:03:12,210 --> 00:03:13,920 [ Chair creaking ] 20 00:03:21,080 --> 00:03:23,460 Do you speak English? 21 00:03:25,210 --> 00:03:26,330 He speak English? 22 00:03:26,330 --> 00:03:27,710 ¿Hablas inglés? 23 00:03:27,710 --> 00:03:29,960 No. 24 00:03:29,960 --> 00:03:31,880 You have family where you want to go? 25 00:03:31,880 --> 00:03:34,750 I can get you across Texas, California, Florida. 26 00:03:34,750 --> 00:03:36,460 ¿Quires ir a Texas, California, Florida...? 27 00:03:36,460 --> 00:03:38,500 No. 28 00:03:38,500 --> 00:03:40,920 Unless you got family somewhere, I'd go to California. 29 00:03:40,920 --> 00:03:43,620 Work all year in California. 30 00:03:43,620 --> 00:03:46,290 Quiero ir a Carolina del Norte. 31 00:03:46,290 --> 00:03:49,000 He wants to go to North Carolina. 32 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:51,670 I know a crew chief in Florida. 33 00:03:51,670 --> 00:03:55,210 Get you there and get you work, get you someplace to live. 34 00:03:55,210 --> 00:03:58,250 Solamente quiero ir a Carolina del Norte. 35 00:03:58,250 --> 00:04:00,830 He only wants to go to North Carolina. 36 00:04:00,830 --> 00:04:02,880 Does he have family there? 37 00:04:02,880 --> 00:04:04,500 ¿Tienes familia ahí? 38 00:04:04,500 --> 00:04:06,790 Puedo pagarle para que me llevan hasta allá. 39 00:04:06,790 --> 00:04:09,330 Says he can pay. 40 00:04:09,330 --> 00:04:10,620 Has he got family? 41 00:04:10,620 --> 00:04:13,120 ¿Tienes familia? 42 00:04:16,710 --> 00:04:21,080 I can get you there, but it's gonna cost...up front. 43 00:04:21,080 --> 00:04:23,710 Vas a tener que pagarle ahorita. 44 00:04:23,710 --> 00:04:26,250 Le pago. 45 00:04:26,250 --> 00:04:27,750 He says he'll pay. 46 00:04:48,880 --> 00:04:51,830 [ Brakes squeal ] 47 00:04:51,830 --> 00:04:54,290 [ Police radio chatter ] 48 00:04:54,290 --> 00:04:57,330 ♪♪ 49 00:05:19,750 --> 00:05:22,790 ♪♪ 50 00:05:54,710 --> 00:05:55,500 [ Indistinct conversations ] 51 00:05:55,500 --> 00:05:57,500 Woman: 97. 52 00:05:59,040 --> 00:06:00,290 Liza: Can I get your name, please? 53 00:06:00,290 --> 00:06:01,620 Kimara: Kimara Walters. 54 00:06:01,620 --> 00:06:03,000 How can I help you, Kimara? 55 00:06:03,000 --> 00:06:04,670 Um, I need to pay my cable bill. 56 00:06:04,670 --> 00:06:06,040 Okay. Do you have a copy of the bill 57 00:06:06,040 --> 00:06:08,000 or the phone number associated with the account? 58 00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:09,750 Yes. 59 00:06:09,750 --> 00:06:11,290 [ Paper rustles ] 60 00:06:11,290 --> 00:06:13,500 [ Computer keys clacking ] 61 00:06:13,500 --> 00:06:15,420 [ Indistinct conversations ] 62 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:19,420 Woman: 99. 63 00:06:19,420 --> 00:06:21,420 Okay, so, this account has been inactive 64 00:06:21,420 --> 00:06:22,790 for more than 30 days, 65 00:06:22,790 --> 00:06:24,330 so we won't be able to reactivate it 66 00:06:24,330 --> 00:06:27,500 at the basic rate you were paying. 67 00:06:27,500 --> 00:06:29,710 What's the new rate? 68 00:06:29,710 --> 00:06:32,830 Our starter premium package begins at $59.99. 69 00:06:32,830 --> 00:06:34,880 That includes local channels -- 70 00:06:34,880 --> 00:06:37,250 That's twice what I was paying before. 71 00:06:37,250 --> 00:06:39,540 Your account has been inactive for more than 30 days. 72 00:06:39,540 --> 00:06:41,330 [ Cellphone ringing ] 73 00:06:41,330 --> 00:06:44,380 Any account that's been inactive for more than 30 days, 74 00:06:44,380 --> 00:06:46,250 it's considered fully terminated. [ Cellphone beeps ] 75 00:06:46,250 --> 00:06:48,830 Hi, uh, this is Kimara. 76 00:06:50,750 --> 00:06:52,960 Oh, yes. 77 00:06:52,960 --> 00:06:53,830 Yes. 78 00:06:53,830 --> 00:06:56,170 Um, give me one second. 79 00:07:00,920 --> 00:07:03,460 Ishmael? 80 00:07:03,460 --> 00:07:06,460 How are you doing? 81 00:07:06,460 --> 00:07:09,330 My name is Kimara. 82 00:07:09,330 --> 00:07:10,710 [ Door opens ] 83 00:07:10,710 --> 00:07:12,120 I want you to know you're not in trouble. 84 00:07:12,120 --> 00:07:13,250 [ Door closes ] 85 00:07:13,250 --> 00:07:15,460 I'm not with the police. 86 00:07:15,460 --> 00:07:16,880 Nobody wants to arrest you -- 87 00:07:16,880 --> 00:07:19,960 they only want to arrest your pimp. 88 00:07:19,960 --> 00:07:23,380 And if you let me, I'll do whatever I can to help you. 89 00:07:23,380 --> 00:07:24,920 I work for Project Open Road. 90 00:07:24,920 --> 00:07:26,460 We're a victims' assistance -- 91 00:07:26,460 --> 00:07:28,460 I'm not a victim. 92 00:07:28,460 --> 00:07:29,830 Well, we work with the police 93 00:07:29,830 --> 00:07:31,960 when they have cases like yours, 94 00:07:31,960 --> 00:07:33,460 people who are victims of exploi-- 95 00:07:33,460 --> 00:07:34,880 I'm not a victim. 96 00:07:38,380 --> 00:07:40,500 [ Clicks tongue ] 97 00:07:40,500 --> 00:07:43,330 I'm going to ask you some questions. 98 00:07:43,330 --> 00:07:45,500 Is that all right? 99 00:07:49,000 --> 00:07:51,620 Are you from around here? 100 00:07:51,620 --> 00:07:53,880 Did you travel here? 101 00:07:56,210 --> 00:07:59,040 Any family you want to talk to? 102 00:07:59,040 --> 00:08:01,620 Anybody you want us to contact for you? 103 00:08:05,880 --> 00:08:07,120 How old are you? 104 00:08:11,080 --> 00:08:12,540 Over 18? 105 00:08:14,620 --> 00:08:15,880 17? 106 00:08:17,670 --> 00:08:19,250 Under 17? 107 00:08:22,330 --> 00:08:24,250 Would you like to talk to the police about -- 108 00:08:24,250 --> 00:08:25,330 I don't want to talk to them. 109 00:08:25,330 --> 00:08:26,710 If you just tell them about your pimp -- 110 00:08:26,710 --> 00:08:28,830 I'm not talking to them. 111 00:08:28,830 --> 00:08:30,250 I'm not telling them nothing. 112 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:34,710 [ Sighs ] 113 00:08:37,620 --> 00:08:39,210 Do you have any place to stay? 114 00:08:42,080 --> 00:08:44,290 No. 115 00:08:44,290 --> 00:08:46,830 Do you want me to see if I can get you into a shelter? 116 00:08:51,920 --> 00:08:53,460 Abby: I just -- I just wish you'd got here, 117 00:08:53,460 --> 00:08:54,500 like, maybe at 5:00. Kimara: I know. 118 00:08:54,500 --> 00:08:55,580 We were at the police station. 119 00:08:55,580 --> 00:08:57,250 I know. Really, I tried, but... 120 00:08:57,250 --> 00:08:58,580 We don't have any beds. We're completely full. 121 00:08:58,580 --> 00:09:00,920 Abby -- underage, a runaway. 122 00:09:00,920 --> 00:09:03,880 No, I had to turn away a mother and her two kids. 123 00:09:03,880 --> 00:09:05,670 Her boyfriend is threatening to kill them all. 124 00:09:05,670 --> 00:09:10,000 I-I just -- I don't have anything. 125 00:09:10,000 --> 00:09:12,500 [ Sighs ] 126 00:09:12,500 --> 00:09:15,040 Did you try the Angel Fund Shelter? 127 00:09:15,040 --> 00:09:18,210 They don't shelter boys -- they only shelter women, 128 00:09:18,210 --> 00:09:21,620 and nobody else has any beds open. 129 00:09:27,420 --> 00:09:30,250 Bring him back in the morning, and I'll see what we have. 130 00:09:30,250 --> 00:09:33,580 I mean...we'll try and get him in. 131 00:09:35,710 --> 00:09:37,290 Okay. Okay. 132 00:09:37,290 --> 00:09:38,540 [ Breathes deeply ] 133 00:09:41,790 --> 00:09:45,420 Okay, come on. 134 00:09:48,620 --> 00:09:51,670 Kimara: I'm gonna check this church halfway house. 135 00:09:51,670 --> 00:09:55,830 It's in Gibsonville, but it's a bed for the night. 136 00:09:55,830 --> 00:10:00,000 I'll find you a better place in the morning. 137 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:00,830 I don't have a pimp. 138 00:10:02,540 --> 00:10:05,120 You kept calling Marquis my "pimp." 139 00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:08,040 He ain't no stranger. Marquis is my cuz. 140 00:10:08,040 --> 00:10:11,380 He's been looking out for me since I was like 6. 141 00:10:11,380 --> 00:10:14,080 He runs you. 142 00:10:14,080 --> 00:10:16,710 He doesn't "run" me. 143 00:10:16,710 --> 00:10:18,540 He sends you out to have sex for money. 144 00:10:18,540 --> 00:10:20,420 I go out. 145 00:10:21,670 --> 00:10:25,080 I go out, do things, and get paid. 146 00:10:25,080 --> 00:10:27,580 And most of the time, I don't have to do nothing 147 00:10:27,580 --> 00:10:29,580 but...some dude off. 148 00:10:32,500 --> 00:10:35,960 You want me to do what -- flip them burgers? 149 00:10:35,960 --> 00:10:38,750 Be like these fools hustling for no money? 150 00:10:38,750 --> 00:10:40,250 [ Scoffs ] 151 00:10:42,170 --> 00:10:44,540 I do how I do, 152 00:10:44,540 --> 00:10:49,580 and if there's trouble... Marquis handles it. 153 00:10:51,830 --> 00:10:55,120 He handles your money, too. 154 00:10:55,120 --> 00:10:59,120 And he tells you when you can come and go. 155 00:10:59,120 --> 00:11:03,250 And sometimes, when he doesn't like what you have to say... 156 00:11:03,250 --> 00:11:06,250 what does he do? 157 00:11:06,250 --> 00:11:08,750 Does he beat you? 158 00:11:08,750 --> 00:11:10,210 Hmm? 159 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:13,420 Does he make you do to him 160 00:11:13,420 --> 00:11:15,790 what you do to those paying customers? 161 00:11:23,080 --> 00:11:26,580 What happens if I get up and walk out of here? 162 00:11:29,620 --> 00:11:31,830 I'm not a cop. 163 00:11:31,830 --> 00:11:33,250 You're not in trouble. 164 00:11:33,250 --> 00:11:37,380 But you're trying to get -- whatever -- 165 00:11:37,380 --> 00:11:39,620 get me into a shelter or whatever. 166 00:11:39,620 --> 00:11:42,670 Yes, I'm trying. 167 00:11:42,670 --> 00:11:43,880 But you don't care. 168 00:11:45,290 --> 00:11:48,540 Ishmael, I do care. 169 00:11:48,540 --> 00:11:50,120 I do. 170 00:11:51,670 --> 00:11:56,250 I have sat here -- I-I mean right here -- 171 00:11:56,250 --> 00:11:59,540 with kids your age going through -- through -- 172 00:11:59,540 --> 00:12:02,120 you name it, they're going through it. 173 00:12:02,120 --> 00:12:05,670 They're going through worse. 174 00:12:05,670 --> 00:12:08,790 But one day, you figure out that you can do 175 00:12:08,790 --> 00:12:11,920 and you can do and you can do and do and do, 176 00:12:11,920 --> 00:12:16,790 but you can't make somebody else do something. 177 00:12:19,920 --> 00:12:24,000 So, yes, I'm trying to help. 178 00:12:24,000 --> 00:12:29,670 But that's all I can do...is try. 179 00:12:54,380 --> 00:12:55,210 Flemming: How's your father? 180 00:12:55,210 --> 00:12:56,580 Laurie Ann: Oh, he's -- he's been better, honestly. 181 00:12:56,580 --> 00:12:59,000 He's -- The years are -- are catching up to him. 182 00:12:59,000 --> 00:13:00,920 Catching up to all of us. 183 00:13:00,920 --> 00:13:02,580 Well, you tell him I said "hello." 184 00:13:02,580 --> 00:13:04,330 Tell him, as much as I appreciate the three of you, 185 00:13:04,330 --> 00:13:06,210 I wouldn't mind being across from him doing business. 186 00:13:06,210 --> 00:13:07,210 [ Laughter ] 187 00:13:07,210 --> 00:13:09,920 -Well, thank you. -Yeah. 188 00:13:09,920 --> 00:13:11,290 [ Sighs ] 189 00:13:11,290 --> 00:13:16,040 So...I wish I had something different to tell you. 190 00:13:16,040 --> 00:13:18,250 But...we're running your numbers, 191 00:13:18,250 --> 00:13:21,330 and the bids coming in from other produce suppliers 192 00:13:21,330 --> 00:13:22,420 are more competitive. 193 00:13:22,420 --> 00:13:24,460 They're not competitive. 194 00:13:24,460 --> 00:13:28,080 We can't compete with farms in Mexico and China. 195 00:13:28,080 --> 00:13:30,670 Workers getting paid $2 a day? 196 00:13:30,670 --> 00:13:32,210 $1 to pick tomatoes? 197 00:13:32,210 --> 00:13:33,830 We're not Whole Foods. 198 00:13:33,830 --> 00:13:36,380 Our customers demonstrate price sensitivity. 199 00:13:36,380 --> 00:13:37,920 They're cheap. 200 00:13:37,920 --> 00:13:39,460 They're value-aware. 201 00:13:39,460 --> 00:13:41,830 And guess what -- so am I. 202 00:13:41,830 --> 00:13:43,710 And so are most people. 203 00:13:43,710 --> 00:13:45,710 And your family's been doing this way too long 204 00:13:45,710 --> 00:13:47,460 to start blaming the customer 205 00:13:47,460 --> 00:13:48,670 for wanting to stretch their dollar. 206 00:13:48,670 --> 00:13:50,830 Oh, we don't blame the customer. 207 00:13:50,830 --> 00:13:53,210 The problem is there aren't 15 or 20 chains 208 00:13:53,210 --> 00:13:55,580 the way there was when it was dad's farm, 209 00:13:55,580 --> 00:13:57,500 when it was his dad's farm. 210 00:13:57,500 --> 00:14:00,040 There are about five buyers, and you all control the market. 211 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:02,120 You know what? 212 00:14:02,120 --> 00:14:05,790 And every year, it's about how you all can get more for less. 213 00:14:05,790 --> 00:14:09,380 JD, we've been doing business for a long time. 214 00:14:09,380 --> 00:14:11,120 So I'm gonna put some numbers in front of you, 215 00:14:11,120 --> 00:14:14,380 and if you can hit the numbers, great. 216 00:14:14,380 --> 00:14:16,580 We can keep doing business. 217 00:14:16,580 --> 00:14:18,120 But if you can't hit the numbers, 218 00:14:18,120 --> 00:14:20,040 then all I can tell you is 219 00:14:20,040 --> 00:14:21,250 I've got guys up in Bentonville, 220 00:14:21,250 --> 00:14:22,830 and they're running their P&L's, 221 00:14:22,830 --> 00:14:24,670 and that's generally all they care about. 222 00:14:24,670 --> 00:14:28,830 So...you know? 223 00:14:28,830 --> 00:14:30,330 I leave it to you. 224 00:14:33,330 --> 00:14:34,540 I -- 225 00:14:38,170 --> 00:14:41,210 Thanks, Flemming. [ Door opens ] 226 00:14:41,210 --> 00:14:42,580 [ Birds chirping ] 227 00:14:44,290 --> 00:14:45,540 Laurie Ann: And he sits there 228 00:14:45,540 --> 00:14:49,120 and pretends to give us his sympathies for Dad. 229 00:14:49,120 --> 00:14:51,290 JD: He and Dad were friends. 230 00:14:51,290 --> 00:14:54,540 Oh, Dad and him did business. 231 00:14:54,540 --> 00:14:57,790 That stretches as far as a dollar -- that's it. 232 00:14:57,790 --> 00:14:59,290 Well, we don't have enough workers this season as it is. 233 00:14:59,290 --> 00:15:00,880 Well, I don't know why not, 234 00:15:00,880 --> 00:15:02,580 since the borders are so out of control. 235 00:15:02,580 --> 00:15:04,000 [ Sighs ] 236 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:05,960 How we can get more workers 237 00:15:05,960 --> 00:15:07,380 and how we can get more of them 238 00:15:07,380 --> 00:15:09,920 to do more work for less money -- 239 00:15:09,920 --> 00:15:12,170 that's what it comes down to. 240 00:15:16,330 --> 00:15:18,250 Jeanette: Are you all right? 241 00:15:18,250 --> 00:15:21,750 Yeah. 242 00:15:21,750 --> 00:15:24,540 Laurie Anne sounded -- well, not good. 243 00:15:24,540 --> 00:15:26,830 She's just -- she's got a lot of stress... 244 00:15:26,830 --> 00:15:28,580 I know. ...taking over for Dad. 245 00:15:28,580 --> 00:15:30,170 I know. 246 00:15:30,170 --> 00:15:32,670 [ Sighs ] 247 00:15:39,080 --> 00:15:43,880 I'm gonna go see my sister Thursday. 248 00:15:47,670 --> 00:15:49,960 Want me to come? 249 00:15:51,120 --> 00:15:53,790 No. You don't have to. 250 00:15:53,790 --> 00:15:55,620 I just wanted to let you know. 251 00:15:55,620 --> 00:15:58,170 Tell Raelyn -- Tell her I said "hello." 252 00:16:02,620 --> 00:16:05,210 [ Machinery whirring, men speaking in Spanish ] 253 00:16:05,210 --> 00:16:08,170 Laurie Ann: It's a numbers game at this point. 254 00:16:08,170 --> 00:16:10,920 It's volume. 255 00:16:10,920 --> 00:16:13,330 We need people. 256 00:16:13,330 --> 00:16:16,960 And we need people who can work the fields. 257 00:16:16,960 --> 00:16:20,670 And we need people -- 258 00:16:20,670 --> 00:16:24,670 we need them to work at a price. 259 00:16:24,670 --> 00:16:28,120 So, I'm saying -- 260 00:16:28,120 --> 00:16:32,290 I'm saying get people in, okay? 261 00:16:32,290 --> 00:16:34,920 Get them in, get them on the farm, 262 00:16:34,920 --> 00:16:37,120 and get them working. 263 00:16:38,380 --> 00:16:40,000 Man: All right, guys, 264 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:43,790 you need to get me the trabajadores, the obreros. 265 00:16:43,790 --> 00:16:45,960 I need workers, all right? 266 00:16:45,960 --> 00:16:48,080 Now, I don't give a damn if they've done it before or not. 267 00:16:48,080 --> 00:16:50,460 If they can stand up and they can pick, 268 00:16:50,460 --> 00:16:52,500 I want you to get them for me. 269 00:16:52,500 --> 00:16:53,790 [ Speaking Spanish ] Let's go! 270 00:16:53,790 --> 00:16:55,210 And they need to want money -- you understand? 271 00:16:55,210 --> 00:16:56,790 -Move if you want work! -Let's go! Let's go! 272 00:16:56,790 --> 00:16:58,120 They got to want to hustle. 273 00:16:58,120 --> 00:16:59,750 Isaac: Hey, come here for a second. 274 00:16:59,750 --> 00:17:01,290 You bring me in people who want to hustle. 275 00:17:01,290 --> 00:17:03,380 You looking for work? ¿Buscan jale? 276 00:17:03,380 --> 00:17:04,620 All right? 277 00:17:04,620 --> 00:17:05,880 Now, times are tough. 278 00:17:05,880 --> 00:17:07,830 You can make like $200 a day. Man: A day? 279 00:17:07,830 --> 00:17:09,120 There are a whole lot of people out there, 280 00:17:09,120 --> 00:17:10,170 and they need money. 281 00:17:10,170 --> 00:17:12,170 You can make like $150. 282 00:17:12,170 --> 00:17:13,380 I thought you said $200. 283 00:17:13,380 --> 00:17:15,040 Those are the people we're looking for. 284 00:17:15,040 --> 00:17:17,460 No. I-It's just how much you pick -- that -- that's it. 285 00:17:17,460 --> 00:17:19,000 All right, you find them, and you get them in. 286 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:20,620 Where you headed? 287 00:17:22,620 --> 00:17:24,120 Patterson. 288 00:17:24,120 --> 00:17:26,120 Want a ride? 289 00:17:27,540 --> 00:17:29,540 No. 290 00:17:29,540 --> 00:17:31,250 It's hot out. 291 00:17:31,250 --> 00:17:33,710 You walking all the way to Patterson? 292 00:17:35,750 --> 00:17:38,080 You want a drink? 293 00:17:38,080 --> 00:17:39,500 It's hot out. 294 00:17:39,500 --> 00:17:41,830 You want something to drink? [ Brakes squeal ] 295 00:17:47,210 --> 00:17:48,670 You walking all the way to Patterson. 296 00:17:48,670 --> 00:17:50,880 It must take you an hour to walk there. 297 00:17:50,880 --> 00:17:52,040 [ Can opens ] 298 00:17:52,040 --> 00:17:54,290 What's going on in Patterson? 299 00:17:54,290 --> 00:17:56,460 I got friends. 300 00:17:56,460 --> 00:17:57,920 [ Can opens ] 301 00:17:57,920 --> 00:18:01,330 Must be some friends -- you walking an hour. 302 00:18:01,330 --> 00:18:03,120 They're good friends? 303 00:18:05,290 --> 00:18:07,880 Not really friends -- it's, um, this dude -- 304 00:18:07,880 --> 00:18:11,920 he, uh, he's got some scrips. 305 00:18:11,920 --> 00:18:13,040 Yeah? 306 00:18:13,040 --> 00:18:15,380 [ Slurps ] 307 00:18:15,380 --> 00:18:19,040 A little Roxi, gets them to me cheap, you know? 308 00:18:19,040 --> 00:18:19,920 Mm. 309 00:18:26,330 --> 00:18:27,960 [ Can clatters ] 310 00:18:34,670 --> 00:18:36,790 Go for it, man. 311 00:18:40,120 --> 00:18:41,960 If you need some helping out, I could help you out some. 312 00:18:41,960 --> 00:18:45,120 [ Can opens ] 313 00:18:45,120 --> 00:18:48,170 You could earn some money. 314 00:18:48,170 --> 00:18:49,710 Doing what? 315 00:18:49,710 --> 00:18:50,540 Pick tomatoes. 316 00:18:50,540 --> 00:18:52,170 [ Laughs ] 317 00:18:52,170 --> 00:18:53,920 Why are you laughing? 318 00:18:56,380 --> 00:19:00,250 Wait -- you sit there, drinking my beer, 319 00:19:00,250 --> 00:19:01,460 talking about how you're gonna walk 320 00:19:01,460 --> 00:19:03,000 all the way to Patterson 321 00:19:03,000 --> 00:19:04,920 to score some drugs with money you ain't got, 322 00:19:04,920 --> 00:19:07,880 a-and you're gonna laugh? 323 00:19:07,880 --> 00:19:10,080 No, no. I'm... 324 00:19:11,540 --> 00:19:13,040 What's funny? 325 00:19:14,620 --> 00:19:17,040 Just, tomatoes -- it sounds dumb. 326 00:19:17,040 --> 00:19:18,540 It's hard work. 327 00:19:18,540 --> 00:19:20,790 It's good work. 328 00:19:20,790 --> 00:19:23,210 See, I started picking, but I don't pick no more 329 00:19:23,210 --> 00:19:26,790 'cause I made something of myself. 330 00:19:26,790 --> 00:19:30,620 So, you, uh, you got a farm? 331 00:19:30,620 --> 00:19:33,210 No, this family that I work for -- 332 00:19:33,210 --> 00:19:36,420 they got a bunch of farms -- a bunch of 'em. 333 00:19:36,420 --> 00:19:37,920 And these farms got crew chiefs 334 00:19:37,920 --> 00:19:40,830 that got all these guys like me and my brother. 335 00:19:40,830 --> 00:19:42,210 Your brother? 336 00:19:42,210 --> 00:19:43,960 That's cool, working with your brother. 337 00:19:43,960 --> 00:19:46,080 Yeah, we're captains. 338 00:19:46,080 --> 00:19:47,380 So, me and Diego, we got to go out 339 00:19:47,380 --> 00:19:49,540 and get people to work the fields. 340 00:19:49,540 --> 00:19:51,170 It's good work. 341 00:19:51,170 --> 00:19:54,000 You could make like $200 a day picking. 342 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:55,540 $200? 343 00:19:55,540 --> 00:19:57,420 Depends on how much you pick, 344 00:19:57,420 --> 00:20:00,460 but, yeah, you can make some money. 345 00:20:07,710 --> 00:20:09,830 How 'bout you? Y-You got family around here? 346 00:20:12,170 --> 00:20:12,880 No. 347 00:20:12,880 --> 00:20:14,500 Nobody? 348 00:20:14,500 --> 00:20:16,330 I-I don't really got people. 349 00:20:16,330 --> 00:20:18,500 I got... 350 00:20:18,500 --> 00:20:21,420 I got a brother, but not like you. 351 00:20:21,420 --> 00:20:25,620 He -- He, uh -- He don't want nothing to do with me. 352 00:20:27,830 --> 00:20:29,420 Sorry to hear about that, man. 353 00:20:29,420 --> 00:20:32,000 That's how it is. It's nothing to be sorry about. 354 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:33,460 [ Can clatters ] 355 00:20:33,460 --> 00:20:37,500 Look...how 'bout you come work on the farm, get paid? 356 00:20:37,500 --> 00:20:39,290 Got a place to live out there, too. 357 00:20:39,290 --> 00:20:42,040 No rent, just get yourself settled. 358 00:20:42,040 --> 00:20:43,790 You need beer -- I got that. 359 00:20:43,790 --> 00:20:46,960 You need other stuff, I can get that, too. 360 00:20:53,540 --> 00:20:55,000 Look, hit me up. 361 00:20:55,000 --> 00:20:56,500 Pass those around if you know people. 362 00:20:56,500 --> 00:20:59,250 Looking to hire. 363 00:20:59,250 --> 00:21:00,500 Finish those, man. 364 00:21:00,500 --> 00:21:02,880 It's all yours. 365 00:21:09,620 --> 00:21:10,790 ♪ I just wanna let it go ♪ 366 00:21:10,790 --> 00:21:12,960 ♪ Let it go, let it go ♪ 367 00:21:12,960 --> 00:21:15,830 ♪ Know that I'm not easy to love ♪ 368 00:21:15,830 --> 00:21:18,920 ♪ But I'll make it easy on you... ♪ 369 00:21:18,920 --> 00:21:20,540 Maggie: I'm gonna give you some rouge, okay? 370 00:21:20,540 --> 00:21:21,500 Y-You like rouge? 371 00:21:21,500 --> 00:21:23,380 Sure. 372 00:21:23,380 --> 00:21:26,120 ♪ To think about it, baby, just trust ♪ 373 00:21:26,120 --> 00:21:28,580 ♪ I'mma do my best for us... ♪ 374 00:21:28,580 --> 00:21:30,330 You have beautiful skin. 375 00:21:30,330 --> 00:21:32,380 Thank you. 376 00:21:32,380 --> 00:21:35,040 You're either born with it or you're not. 377 00:21:35,040 --> 00:21:37,500 Bet your mother's got great skin, too. 378 00:21:37,500 --> 00:21:39,710 I guess. 379 00:21:39,710 --> 00:21:41,500 What about mascara? 380 00:21:41,500 --> 00:21:43,080 I don't use it much. 381 00:21:43,080 --> 00:21:44,170 You like this? 382 00:21:44,170 --> 00:21:45,540 Uh, yeah, sure. 383 00:21:45,540 --> 00:21:48,500 ♪ The melody of closure ♪ 384 00:21:48,500 --> 00:21:51,380 You about done? 385 00:21:51,380 --> 00:21:54,330 You almost done? 386 00:21:54,330 --> 00:21:55,880 Almost. 387 00:21:55,880 --> 00:21:59,250 ♪ When nobody's in a rush or hurt by love... ♪ 388 00:21:59,250 --> 00:22:00,380 Is that your boyfriend? 389 00:22:00,380 --> 00:22:01,960 Yeah. 390 00:22:01,960 --> 00:22:03,000 Everything all right with you? 391 00:22:03,000 --> 00:22:04,580 Yeah. You sure? 392 00:22:04,580 --> 00:22:07,330 I just -- we're having dinner with his sister -- 393 00:22:07,330 --> 00:22:09,580 his sister and her fiancé. Oh. 394 00:22:09,580 --> 00:22:11,460 And we're going to this, you know... 395 00:22:11,460 --> 00:22:12,830 really nice restaurant. 396 00:22:12,830 --> 00:22:14,040 Special occasion. 397 00:22:14,040 --> 00:22:16,210 He just wants me to look good. 398 00:22:16,210 --> 00:22:18,380 Well, you can learn to do this yourself, you know? 399 00:22:18,380 --> 00:22:21,330 Not that hard, just a little practice. 400 00:22:21,330 --> 00:22:24,880 It's good to be able to make yourself look pretty. 401 00:22:24,880 --> 00:22:27,500 Now, what about those lips, hmm? 402 00:22:27,500 --> 00:22:28,880 ♪ Baby, just trust ♪ 403 00:22:43,000 --> 00:22:44,170 [ Knocking on door ] 404 00:22:45,080 --> 00:22:46,880 You're early. Is that okay? 405 00:22:46,880 --> 00:22:49,380 Yeah, come on. 406 00:22:49,380 --> 00:22:52,330 [ Door creaks ] 407 00:22:52,330 --> 00:22:54,460 [ Door clicks ] 408 00:22:54,460 --> 00:22:56,290 It's nice. 409 00:22:56,290 --> 00:22:57,750 "Nice"? 410 00:22:57,750 --> 00:23:00,880 You don't get around much, huh? 411 00:23:00,880 --> 00:23:02,330 I have to make a call. 412 00:23:02,330 --> 00:23:03,620 Yeah. 413 00:23:03,620 --> 00:23:05,460 Whatever you got to do. 414 00:23:05,460 --> 00:23:07,540 You want a drink or something? No, I'm good. 415 00:23:07,540 --> 00:23:09,380 You sure? Mm-hmm. 416 00:23:12,380 --> 00:23:13,750 [ Cellphone beeps ] 417 00:23:16,460 --> 00:23:19,670 Hey. I'm here. 418 00:23:19,670 --> 00:23:20,710 Yeah. 419 00:23:22,500 --> 00:23:23,580 Okay. 420 00:23:25,790 --> 00:23:27,500 [ Cellphone beeps ] 421 00:23:27,500 --> 00:23:28,460 We good? 422 00:23:28,460 --> 00:23:30,170 Everything's good. 423 00:23:30,170 --> 00:23:31,830 You care for some music or anything? 424 00:23:31,830 --> 00:23:32,830 You want some music? 425 00:23:32,830 --> 00:23:33,830 Pick something. 426 00:23:33,830 --> 00:23:35,790 [ Device beeps ] 427 00:23:35,790 --> 00:23:39,080 It's going kind of old-school. 428 00:23:39,080 --> 00:23:43,170 [ Boston's "Hitch a Ride" playing ] 429 00:23:43,170 --> 00:23:44,790 What's up with your face? 430 00:23:44,790 --> 00:23:47,040 What's all that? 431 00:23:47,040 --> 00:23:49,620 When you answered the ad, you said you liked makeup. 432 00:23:49,620 --> 00:23:51,380 Never said that. 433 00:23:51,380 --> 00:23:53,380 You look like you're 30. 434 00:23:53,380 --> 00:23:55,120 How old are you? 435 00:23:55,120 --> 00:23:56,120 18. 436 00:23:56,120 --> 00:23:58,330 [ Laughs ] 437 00:23:58,330 --> 00:24:00,210 Good answer. 438 00:24:00,210 --> 00:24:03,210 You look like you're 30. 439 00:24:03,210 --> 00:24:05,540 Hold on. 440 00:24:05,540 --> 00:24:07,830 ♪ Never change my mind ♪ 441 00:24:07,830 --> 00:24:10,000 ♪ Going to sail away ♪ [ Door opens ] 442 00:24:10,000 --> 00:24:11,790 ♪ Sun lights another day ♪ 443 00:24:11,790 --> 00:24:13,880 ♪ Freedom on my mind ♪ 444 00:24:13,880 --> 00:24:17,000 ♪ Carry me away for the last time ♪ 445 00:24:17,000 --> 00:24:20,040 [ Water running ] ♪ Oh, oh, yeah ♪ 446 00:24:20,040 --> 00:24:23,080 ♪♪ 447 00:24:28,290 --> 00:24:30,960 ♪ Life is like the coldest winter ♪ 448 00:24:30,960 --> 00:24:34,000 Wipe all that off, okay? 449 00:24:34,000 --> 00:24:35,540 Take it off. 450 00:24:35,540 --> 00:24:37,000 ♪ People freeze the tears I cry ♪ 451 00:24:37,000 --> 00:24:39,290 ♪ Words of hail their minds are into ♪ 452 00:24:39,290 --> 00:24:41,000 Don't rush. 453 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:44,670 ♪ I've got to crack this ice and fly ♪ 454 00:24:44,670 --> 00:24:46,670 ♪ Going to hitch a ride ♪ 455 00:24:46,670 --> 00:24:48,710 ♪ Head for the other side ♪ 456 00:24:48,710 --> 00:24:49,830 ♪ Leave it all behind ♪ 457 00:24:49,830 --> 00:24:51,000 Do a good job. 458 00:24:51,000 --> 00:24:52,670 ♪ Never change my mind ♪ 459 00:24:52,670 --> 00:24:54,670 ♪ Going to sail away ♪ 460 00:24:54,670 --> 00:24:57,040 ♪ Sun lights another day ♪ 461 00:24:57,040 --> 00:24:59,000 ♪ Freedom on my mind ♪ 462 00:24:59,000 --> 00:25:00,880 ♪ Carry me away... ♪ 463 00:25:00,880 --> 00:25:02,670 [ Suspenseful music plays ] 464 00:25:23,620 --> 00:25:26,500 [ Door creaks ] 465 00:25:26,500 --> 00:25:27,710 [ Door clicks, music stops ] 466 00:25:29,250 --> 00:25:30,920 [ Vehicles passing ] 467 00:25:30,920 --> 00:25:32,290 Shae: I found this thing on the Internet. 468 00:25:32,290 --> 00:25:34,080 Christina: What is it? 469 00:25:34,080 --> 00:25:35,380 It's a list of words, of things that people feel, 470 00:25:35,380 --> 00:25:37,080 but they can't explain. 471 00:25:37,080 --> 00:25:40,330 Okay... 472 00:25:40,330 --> 00:25:41,960 So... 473 00:25:41,960 --> 00:25:45,040 "Onism -- the frustration of being -- 474 00:25:45,040 --> 00:25:46,170 What? 475 00:25:46,170 --> 00:25:47,330 They're made-up words. 476 00:25:47,330 --> 00:25:50,120 Oh. 477 00:25:50,120 --> 00:25:53,830 "Onism -- the frustration of being trapped in a body 478 00:25:53,830 --> 00:25:56,710 that can only exist in one place at a time." 479 00:25:58,830 --> 00:26:01,290 "Nodus tollens -- 480 00:26:01,290 --> 00:26:02,960 the realization that the story of your life 481 00:26:02,960 --> 00:26:04,620 doesn't make sense to you anymore." 482 00:26:04,620 --> 00:26:06,210 [ Laughs ] Oh, my God. 483 00:26:06,210 --> 00:26:10,670 That's me. 484 00:26:10,670 --> 00:26:14,330 "énou...énouement." 485 00:26:14,330 --> 00:26:16,920 I think that's how it's pronounced. 486 00:26:16,920 --> 00:26:21,670 "The pleasure and sadness of arriving in the future, 487 00:26:21,670 --> 00:26:23,250 but not being able to tell your past self 488 00:26:23,250 --> 00:26:25,250 of all the things you've discovered." 489 00:26:25,250 --> 00:26:27,290 [ Door creaks ] 490 00:26:44,210 --> 00:26:46,460 [ Insects chirping ] 491 00:27:04,330 --> 00:27:05,710 [ Car door closes ] 492 00:27:05,710 --> 00:27:08,210 [ Money rustling ] 493 00:27:08,210 --> 00:27:10,540 Why you glum? 494 00:27:10,540 --> 00:27:12,500 [ Sniffles ] 495 00:27:14,330 --> 00:27:19,500 Why...you...glum? 496 00:27:21,330 --> 00:27:22,500 I'm not. 497 00:27:26,120 --> 00:27:27,620 I'm not. 498 00:27:29,920 --> 00:27:32,380 [ Sniffling ] 499 00:27:32,380 --> 00:27:35,040 [ Engine starts ] 500 00:27:39,170 --> 00:27:42,330 ♪♪ 501 00:27:55,290 --> 00:27:57,620 Dr. Harlow: How are you feeling? 502 00:27:57,620 --> 00:27:59,290 Kimara: [ Sighs ] I don't know. 503 00:27:59,290 --> 00:28:00,880 How am I feeling? 504 00:28:00,880 --> 00:28:02,750 Well, I hope you're feeling good, physically. 505 00:28:02,750 --> 00:28:04,080 [ Door closes ] 506 00:28:04,080 --> 00:28:06,580 But I'm sorry -- I do have disappointing news. 507 00:28:06,580 --> 00:28:09,670 The IVF treatment didn't take. 508 00:28:09,670 --> 00:28:10,790 You're not pregnant. 509 00:28:14,040 --> 00:28:15,880 Okay. 510 00:28:15,880 --> 00:28:17,330 There are a number of factors 511 00:28:17,330 --> 00:28:19,830 that may have caused the cycle to be unsuccessful. 512 00:28:19,830 --> 00:28:23,580 The risk of a chromosomal abnormality is significant, 513 00:28:23,580 --> 00:28:25,920 so the embryo itself may have been nonviable. 514 00:28:25,920 --> 00:28:27,080 There may have been 515 00:28:27,080 --> 00:28:29,080 an underlying implantation disfunction. 516 00:28:29,080 --> 00:28:31,380 And, technically, it's not a failure. 517 00:28:31,380 --> 00:28:33,120 Every woman's biology is different 518 00:28:33,120 --> 00:28:34,960 and responds to medications and protoco-- 519 00:28:34,960 --> 00:28:36,290 [ Door creaks ] 520 00:28:38,670 --> 00:28:40,080 Jeanette: Come here! 521 00:28:40,080 --> 00:28:41,330 Give me a kiss. Auntie! 522 00:28:41,330 --> 00:28:43,040 Mm! Hi. 523 00:28:43,040 --> 00:28:44,420 You can take this. 524 00:28:44,420 --> 00:28:45,830 Hi, love. How are you? 525 00:28:45,830 --> 00:28:47,120 Mwah! 526 00:28:50,920 --> 00:28:53,080 [ Children playing in distance ] 527 00:28:53,080 --> 00:28:55,460 [ Door creaks ] 528 00:28:55,460 --> 00:28:58,000 Wow, like Christmas in July. 529 00:28:58,000 --> 00:28:59,830 You girls thank your auntie? 530 00:28:59,830 --> 00:29:01,960 -Hi. -Oh! 531 00:29:01,960 --> 00:29:03,210 Let me get this. 532 00:29:03,210 --> 00:29:04,420 [ Door creaks, clicks ] 533 00:29:04,420 --> 00:29:05,790 [ Dinnerware clatters ] 534 00:29:05,790 --> 00:29:07,710 [ Insects chirping ] 535 00:29:14,120 --> 00:29:16,580 Jeanette: How long has it been? 536 00:29:16,580 --> 00:29:18,170 Three weeks. 537 00:29:18,170 --> 00:29:19,880 And nothing? 538 00:29:19,880 --> 00:29:21,210 He hasn't tried to get in touch with you? 539 00:29:21,210 --> 00:29:22,380 He hasn't... 540 00:29:22,380 --> 00:29:24,460 He just left. 541 00:29:24,460 --> 00:29:26,540 Why didn't you call me? 542 00:29:26,540 --> 00:29:28,210 And say what? 543 00:29:28,210 --> 00:29:33,580 That your husband...you don't have to do things alone. 544 00:29:33,580 --> 00:29:34,880 I know. 545 00:29:34,880 --> 00:29:35,830 I can help. 546 00:29:35,830 --> 00:29:38,080 I know you can. 547 00:29:38,080 --> 00:29:40,250 [ Dog barking in distance ] 548 00:29:40,250 --> 00:29:41,540 Did he say anything? 549 00:29:41,540 --> 00:29:42,880 Is it -- Is... 550 00:29:44,460 --> 00:29:46,330 Was it a woman? 551 00:29:52,960 --> 00:29:54,670 You're better off without him. 552 00:29:54,670 --> 00:29:56,080 You are. 553 00:29:56,080 --> 00:29:57,750 He's got two kids. 554 00:29:57,750 --> 00:30:00,500 If he can't be around for his own girls... 555 00:30:00,500 --> 00:30:03,380 Well...he was around when I wasn't, 556 00:30:03,380 --> 00:30:05,830 so he's got that. 557 00:30:05,830 --> 00:30:07,710 [ Sighs ] 558 00:30:09,750 --> 00:30:12,080 [ Cup thumps lightly ] 559 00:30:12,080 --> 00:30:13,460 How's everything with you? 560 00:30:13,460 --> 00:30:16,420 Oh, things are -- you know -- 561 00:30:16,420 --> 00:30:18,080 they're okay. 562 00:30:20,500 --> 00:30:23,250 You don't got to pretend they aren't just for me. 563 00:30:24,710 --> 00:30:27,120 Carson's father's not doing too good, 564 00:30:27,120 --> 00:30:31,580 but, otherwise... things are okay. 565 00:30:47,670 --> 00:30:49,670 Nothing to talk about, huh? 566 00:30:52,620 --> 00:30:55,420 You should bring the girls out to the house sometime. 567 00:30:55,420 --> 00:30:57,460 I'm not doing that to you. 568 00:30:57,460 --> 00:30:58,960 I can get by. 569 00:30:58,960 --> 00:31:01,460 It's not about just getting by. 570 00:31:01,460 --> 00:31:05,830 I want you around more -- spend more time... 571 00:31:08,040 --> 00:31:09,500 I don't want to drive out here 572 00:31:09,500 --> 00:31:10,670 and listen to how your husband left you 573 00:31:10,670 --> 00:31:11,830 and not know what to say 574 00:31:11,830 --> 00:31:13,540 'cause we don't know each other anymore. 575 00:31:15,120 --> 00:31:16,170 Well, we don't. 576 00:31:24,460 --> 00:31:25,750 Jeanette: It's been three weeks. 577 00:31:25,750 --> 00:31:27,500 Carson: You know, he is -- he is a son of a bitch. 578 00:31:27,500 --> 00:31:28,960 That's pretty much what I told her. 579 00:31:28,960 --> 00:31:30,620 Does she -- Are -- Are -- Are the kids okay? 580 00:31:30,620 --> 00:31:32,120 I guess. 581 00:31:32,120 --> 00:31:34,830 I mean, I don't know how she's gonna -- 582 00:31:34,830 --> 00:31:38,250 $7.25 an hour, working part time. 583 00:31:39,830 --> 00:31:43,670 Do you think -- Do you think we could talk to Laurie Ann? 584 00:31:43,670 --> 00:31:45,830 No. Just -- Well, just -- just listen 585 00:31:45,830 --> 00:31:47,290 before you -- before you answer. 586 00:31:47,290 --> 00:31:49,250 Carson: The answer is "no." 587 00:31:49,250 --> 00:31:51,250 The answer you're gonna get from Laurie Ann is "no." 588 00:31:51,250 --> 00:31:52,420 Raelyn needs help. 589 00:31:52,420 --> 00:31:53,670 Well, I understand that. 590 00:31:53,670 --> 00:31:55,580 She's clean. She -- 591 00:31:55,580 --> 00:31:58,420 They -- They give her random drug tests at her work. 592 00:31:58,420 --> 00:32:00,080 That doesn't mean she's clean, huh? 593 00:32:00,080 --> 00:32:02,290 That just means she hasn't been caught again. 594 00:32:02,290 --> 00:32:03,460 She's my sister. 595 00:32:03,460 --> 00:32:05,170 And we tried to help her once. 596 00:32:05,170 --> 00:32:07,210 How many times does she have to say she's sorry? 597 00:32:07,210 --> 00:32:08,290 If you want -- If you want to, 598 00:32:08,290 --> 00:32:10,120 you know, send her a check. 599 00:32:10,120 --> 00:32:11,920 I want to get her a job. 600 00:32:11,920 --> 00:32:13,790 I-I want to get her a decent job. 601 00:32:13,790 --> 00:32:15,330 Yeah, well, it's not gonna be on the farm. 602 00:32:15,330 --> 00:32:16,710 Well, if you talk to Laurie Ann 603 00:32:16,710 --> 00:32:18,000 and you could just tell her -- 604 00:32:18,000 --> 00:32:20,750 I'm not doing that. Your sister stole money. 605 00:32:22,670 --> 00:32:26,330 She stole money from my dad after he gave her work. 606 00:32:26,330 --> 00:32:27,710 She did that to him. 607 00:32:27,710 --> 00:32:28,830 She did that to you. 608 00:32:28,830 --> 00:32:30,380 Raelyn wasn't well. 609 00:32:30,380 --> 00:32:32,040 I mean, she had problems. She -- She -- 610 00:32:32,040 --> 00:32:33,120 Problems. 611 00:32:33,120 --> 00:32:34,290 She wasn't well. 612 00:32:34,290 --> 00:32:35,750 I meant what I said -- 613 00:32:35,750 --> 00:32:38,540 if you want to write her a check. 614 00:32:38,540 --> 00:32:41,170 Just giving her money isn't the same as helping her. 615 00:32:49,380 --> 00:32:51,170 [ Birds chirping ] 616 00:33:02,880 --> 00:33:04,830 [ Brakes squeal ] 617 00:33:04,830 --> 00:33:08,790 [ Air brakes whoosh ] 618 00:33:08,790 --> 00:33:09,790 [ Door creaks ] 619 00:33:09,790 --> 00:33:11,790 [ Men speaking Spanish ] 620 00:33:21,290 --> 00:33:22,380 Matías: You speak English? 621 00:33:25,620 --> 00:33:26,830 [ Speaking Spanish ] 622 00:33:50,750 --> 00:33:51,750 No, no, no. 623 00:34:40,830 --> 00:34:42,290 Sí. 624 00:34:44,040 --> 00:34:46,000 Tú y tú, aquí. 625 00:34:50,880 --> 00:34:52,460 Ustedes dos... 626 00:34:53,540 --> 00:34:55,580 [ Door opens, closes ] 627 00:34:55,580 --> 00:34:57,120 [ Men speaking Spanish ] 628 00:35:02,710 --> 00:35:04,040 [ Speaks Spanish ] 629 00:35:18,290 --> 00:35:20,080 [ Grunts ] 630 00:35:20,080 --> 00:35:22,620 [ Breathing heavily ] 631 00:35:44,920 --> 00:35:47,000 [ Door chiming ] 632 00:35:47,000 --> 00:35:50,000 [ Siren wailing in distance ] 633 00:35:50,000 --> 00:35:51,920 Hey. 634 00:35:51,920 --> 00:35:54,000 [ Speaking indistinctly ] 635 00:35:58,210 --> 00:35:59,790 I don't -- I don't -- 636 00:35:59,790 --> 00:36:01,920 [ Speaking indistinctly ] 637 00:36:04,620 --> 00:36:06,330 [ Brakes squeal in distance ] 638 00:36:10,620 --> 00:36:12,710 Hey. 639 00:36:14,210 --> 00:36:17,120 Hey, doggie. Hey. 640 00:36:17,120 --> 00:36:18,790 What's his name? Bales. 641 00:36:18,790 --> 00:36:20,210 Bales? 642 00:36:20,210 --> 00:36:22,830 Hey, Bales. 643 00:36:22,830 --> 00:36:24,120 What are you doing? 644 00:36:24,120 --> 00:36:25,790 Just hanging. 645 00:36:25,790 --> 00:36:27,380 You want something to eat? 646 00:36:27,380 --> 00:36:28,580 You can have it. 647 00:36:28,580 --> 00:36:30,420 Yeah? Yeah. 648 00:36:30,420 --> 00:36:31,960 Take it. 649 00:36:37,170 --> 00:36:38,920 You want to come hang out with me and my guy? 650 00:36:38,920 --> 00:36:41,540 We got an apartment. 651 00:36:41,540 --> 00:36:43,500 He's cool. 652 00:36:43,500 --> 00:36:45,750 I live there with my girlfriends. 653 00:36:47,790 --> 00:36:48,960 We got weed. 654 00:36:55,790 --> 00:36:58,000 Nah. 655 00:36:58,000 --> 00:36:59,670 Just come hang out. 656 00:36:59,670 --> 00:37:01,250 [ Brakes squeal in distance ] 657 00:37:01,250 --> 00:37:02,380 I'm good. 658 00:37:06,210 --> 00:37:08,420 Bye, Bales. 659 00:37:08,420 --> 00:37:10,040 See you. 660 00:37:10,040 --> 00:37:11,960 [ Bales whines ] 661 00:37:15,080 --> 00:37:16,670 [ Insects chirping ] 662 00:37:16,670 --> 00:37:18,710 [ Dog barking in distance ] 663 00:37:52,670 --> 00:37:54,830 [ R&B music plays ] 664 00:38:09,750 --> 00:38:11,330 It's pretty, huh? 665 00:38:11,330 --> 00:38:14,420 What is it? 666 00:38:14,420 --> 00:38:16,670 Just something I found online. 667 00:38:16,670 --> 00:38:18,460 ♪ Oh, oh ♪ 668 00:38:18,460 --> 00:38:20,750 Shae. 669 00:38:20,750 --> 00:38:23,000 Let's go. 670 00:38:23,000 --> 00:38:24,960 Come on, get dressed. Let's go. 671 00:38:24,960 --> 00:38:26,750 [ Music continues ] 672 00:38:31,420 --> 00:38:33,460 [ Music stops ] 673 00:38:40,580 --> 00:38:42,290 [ Gearshift clicks, engine shuts off ] 674 00:38:42,290 --> 00:38:45,540 [ Keys jingling ] 675 00:38:45,540 --> 00:38:47,750 Have I been here before? 676 00:38:47,750 --> 00:38:48,750 I don't know. 677 00:38:48,750 --> 00:38:50,210 I guess. 678 00:38:52,120 --> 00:38:54,500 I feel like I've been here. 679 00:38:54,500 --> 00:38:55,920 Okay. 680 00:38:58,120 --> 00:38:59,580 Can you go with me? 681 00:38:59,580 --> 00:39:01,330 With you? 682 00:39:01,330 --> 00:39:03,290 And do what, hmm? 683 00:39:05,620 --> 00:39:07,330 Call me when you get in there. 684 00:39:09,710 --> 00:39:11,250 Get your ass up. 685 00:39:11,250 --> 00:39:12,460 Go do some work. 686 00:39:14,580 --> 00:39:16,580 [ Seat belt clicks ] 687 00:39:18,920 --> 00:39:20,670 [ Car door opens ] 688 00:39:23,790 --> 00:39:25,750 [ Car door closes ] 689 00:39:27,670 --> 00:39:29,170 [ Car seat creaks ] 690 00:39:29,170 --> 00:39:31,500 [ Sighs ] 691 00:39:31,500 --> 00:39:33,290 [ Insects chirping ] 692 00:39:52,210 --> 00:39:53,500 [ Cellphone buzzes ] 693 00:39:53,500 --> 00:39:55,420 [ Cellphone beeps ] 694 00:39:55,420 --> 00:39:57,330 Yeah, you got the money? 695 00:39:59,750 --> 00:40:01,330 Okay. 696 00:40:01,330 --> 00:40:02,540 [ Cellphone beeps ] 697 00:40:02,540 --> 00:40:03,580 It's all good? 698 00:40:03,580 --> 00:40:05,380 Yes. 699 00:40:06,000 --> 00:40:08,460 [ Breathing heavily ] 700 00:40:12,210 --> 00:40:14,170 Can I have a drink? 701 00:40:14,170 --> 00:40:15,290 [ Breathing heavily ] 702 00:40:15,290 --> 00:40:17,330 I don't have anything. 703 00:40:19,500 --> 00:40:21,040 Can I just... 704 00:40:21,040 --> 00:40:22,380 Mm. 705 00:40:22,380 --> 00:40:23,960 Can we go get a beer? 706 00:40:23,960 --> 00:40:26,540 [ Breathing heavily ] 707 00:40:28,330 --> 00:40:30,000 [ Whispers ] You like that? 708 00:40:32,580 --> 00:40:34,920 Yeah. 709 00:40:34,920 --> 00:40:37,120 Yeah? 710 00:40:37,120 --> 00:40:38,920 You like it? 711 00:40:40,380 --> 00:40:42,080 You like that? 712 00:40:42,080 --> 00:40:44,080 [ Suspenseful music plays ] 713 00:40:51,830 --> 00:40:55,580 [ Breathing heavily ] Come on. 714 00:40:55,580 --> 00:40:56,710 Come on. 715 00:40:58,380 --> 00:41:01,120 [ Groaning ] 716 00:41:01,120 --> 00:41:02,460 [ Music intensifies ] 717 00:41:02,460 --> 00:41:03,330 [ Music stops ] Freeze! 718 00:41:03,330 --> 00:41:04,540 [ Gun cocks ] Get your hands up! 719 00:41:04,540 --> 00:41:05,710 -Dude, what's going on?! -Freeze! 720 00:41:05,710 --> 00:41:06,670 -Get down! -Dude, what's going on?! 721 00:41:06,670 --> 00:41:08,170 Get your hands up! 722 00:41:08,170 --> 00:41:10,040 You all right? 723 00:41:10,040 --> 00:41:11,620 [ Thuds ] Come on, man! 724 00:41:11,620 --> 00:41:13,380 Other hand. [ Police radio chatter ] 725 00:41:13,380 --> 00:41:15,330 Check to see if the girl's okay. [ Handcuffs clicking ] 726 00:41:15,330 --> 00:41:16,920 [ Speaking indistinctly ] 727 00:41:16,920 --> 00:41:20,330 I got his hands. Going! Come on! 728 00:41:20,330 --> 00:41:21,380 [ Breathes sharply ] 729 00:41:21,380 --> 00:41:24,460 ♪♪ 730 00:41:26,920 --> 00:41:28,460 [ Door opens ] 731 00:41:28,460 --> 00:41:30,000 Kimara: Shae? [ Door closes ] 732 00:41:30,000 --> 00:41:33,000 My name is Kimara. 733 00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:36,380 I want you to know you're not in trouble. 734 00:41:36,380 --> 00:41:38,620 I'm not with the police. 735 00:41:38,620 --> 00:41:42,120 Nobody wants to arrest you. 736 00:41:42,120 --> 00:41:45,380 If you let me, I'll do everything I can to help you. 737 00:41:45,380 --> 00:41:48,790 ♪♪