1 00:00:01,084 --> 00:00:03,837 Dre: Life is filled with responsibility. 2 00:00:03,837 --> 00:00:05,714 You've got to keep food on the table, 3 00:00:05,714 --> 00:00:08,300 a roof over your family's head, 4 00:00:08,300 --> 00:00:11,178 and you've got to keep your wardrobe fly 5 00:00:11,178 --> 00:00:13,597 and your shoe game on point. 6 00:00:13,597 --> 00:00:17,226 But every now and again, you've got to relax, 7 00:00:17,226 --> 00:00:18,727 take a little time for yourself, 8 00:00:18,727 --> 00:00:21,021 and recharge. 9 00:00:21,021 --> 00:00:23,440 You can even do little mini‐breaks. 10 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:25,234 Like when I take out the garbage, 11 00:00:25,234 --> 00:00:27,694 I give myself a little treat. 12 00:00:27,694 --> 00:00:29,988 That's my thing. 13 00:00:29,988 --> 00:00:33,659 But I don't judge anybody for how they choose to relax. 14 00:00:33,659 --> 00:00:35,786 Man: [ Coughs ] I say if it's not hurting nobody, do you. 15 00:00:35,786 --> 00:00:37,371 Whew! 16 00:00:38,622 --> 00:00:39,790 [ Indistinct conversation ] 17 00:00:39,790 --> 00:00:40,958 What the...? 18 00:00:40,958 --> 00:00:43,335 Oh. Hey, Dad. 19 00:00:43,335 --> 00:00:44,962 You trying to hit this? 20 00:00:44,962 --> 00:00:48,966 I know I said no judgment, but this stupid [bleep] 21 00:00:54,763 --> 00:00:56,473 What were you thinking? 22 00:00:56,473 --> 00:00:58,100 Anyone could have seen you outside. 23 00:00:58,100 --> 00:00:59,559 Janine could have called the cops. 24 00:00:59,559 --> 00:01:01,812 Hell, I could have called the cops. You know what? 25 00:01:01,812 --> 00:01:03,313 I'm gonna call the cops right now. Junior: Whoa, whoa. 26 00:01:03,313 --> 00:01:05,524 You are blowing this way out of proportion. 27 00:01:05,524 --> 00:01:08,026 Smoking weed has been legal in California for years. 28 00:01:08,026 --> 00:01:10,904 It may be legal here, but it's not legal everywhere. 29 00:01:10,904 --> 00:01:13,156 What happens if you have a joint on you, forgot, 30 00:01:13,156 --> 00:01:14,825 and took a trip to Singapore? 31 00:01:14,825 --> 00:01:16,952 Google "White kid getting caned" 32 00:01:16,952 --> 00:01:18,704 and tell me if your high was worth it. 33 00:01:18,704 --> 00:01:19,788 [ Door opens ] Rainbow: Hey, guys. 34 00:01:19,788 --> 00:01:21,290 Weirdest thing. 35 00:01:21,290 --> 00:01:24,126 I just got wildly nostalgic for the commune, 36 00:01:24,126 --> 00:01:25,460 and I don't know why. 37 00:01:25,460 --> 00:01:28,589 Uh, Wiz Khalifa Junior here is why. Huh? 38 00:01:28,589 --> 00:01:31,258 I caught him outside smoking "the gateway." Did you? 39 00:01:31,258 --> 00:01:32,426 It was just one hit, Mom. 40 00:01:32,426 --> 00:01:33,760 I didn't know you smoked, sweetie. 41 00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:35,762 I do from time to time, to take the edge off. 42 00:01:35,762 --> 00:01:38,348 What edge? You live at home. 43 00:01:38,348 --> 00:01:41,476 You can't be a two‐day college drop‐out and a stoner. 44 00:01:41,476 --> 00:01:42,853 Boy, pick a struggle. 45 00:01:42,853 --> 00:01:46,440 We are both genuinely sorry for doing something 46 00:01:46,440 --> 00:01:48,483 that makes you uncomfortable on your property. 47 00:01:48,483 --> 00:01:50,485 See? Even she knows y'all were wrong. 48 00:01:50,485 --> 00:01:51,778 Um... We were. We were. 49 00:01:51,778 --> 00:01:53,113 Although, to be clear, 50 00:01:53,113 --> 00:01:54,781 I‐I'm not apologizing for smoking. 51 00:01:54,781 --> 00:01:56,825 I'm just apologizing for doing it on your property. 52 00:01:56,825 --> 00:01:58,327 Now, if you'll excuse me, 53 00:01:58,327 --> 00:02:00,287 the bowl's kicked in, and I am very hungry. 54 00:02:00,287 --> 00:02:02,497 Um, can I have some of these? 55 00:02:02,497 --> 00:02:04,624 Yeah, go ahead, sweetie. Thank you. 56 00:02:04,624 --> 00:02:06,668 Junior, you are a grown‐up now, 57 00:02:06,668 --> 00:02:08,503 so we can't tell you what to do. [ Scoffs ] 58 00:02:08,503 --> 00:02:10,464 But you do have younger siblings, 59 00:02:10,464 --> 00:02:12,633 so all we ask is that you don't partake in the house, okay? 60 00:02:12,633 --> 00:02:14,551 What kind of parenting is that? 61 00:02:14,551 --> 00:02:15,552 What are you talking about? 62 00:02:15,552 --> 00:02:16,678 I guess it's gonna be okay 63 00:02:16,678 --> 00:02:17,804 if he starts calling you "Rainbow." 64 00:02:17,804 --> 00:02:19,014 I wouldn't mind that. 65 00:02:19,014 --> 00:02:20,641 It's kinda cool, right? 66 00:02:20,641 --> 00:02:22,934 He needs to know that he's a Black man in America 67 00:02:22,934 --> 00:02:25,270 and he cannot do drugs. 68 00:02:25,270 --> 00:02:27,230 Would you rather I have a drink? 69 00:02:27,230 --> 00:02:28,857 Because smoking marijuana 70 00:02:28,857 --> 00:02:31,234 isn't any more harmful than drinking alcohol. 71 00:02:31,234 --> 00:02:32,694 This man is not wrong. 72 00:02:32,694 --> 00:02:35,030 The only time that I have seen people come into the ER 73 00:02:35,030 --> 00:02:36,740 with complications from marijuana 74 00:02:36,740 --> 00:02:39,743 is because they have had too many crab legs from Red Lobster. 75 00:02:39,743 --> 00:02:40,744 Okurr? 76 00:02:40,744 --> 00:02:41,745 [ Trilling ] Okurr! 77 00:02:41,745 --> 00:02:43,163 [ Both laugh ] 78 00:02:43,163 --> 00:02:45,540 And you call yourself a doctor. 79 00:02:45,540 --> 00:02:47,668 Face it, Dad, you're on the wrong side of this. Mm‐hmm. 80 00:02:47,668 --> 00:02:49,878 [ Cellphone rings ] Oh. 81 00:02:49,878 --> 00:02:52,339 Hey. 82 00:02:52,339 --> 00:02:53,507 I gotta go. 83 00:02:53,507 --> 00:02:55,676 Olivia needs me to deliver more Goldfish 84 00:02:55,676 --> 00:02:57,678 to the neighbor's kids' treehouse. 85 00:02:57,678 --> 00:02:59,054 Hmm. Hey. 86 00:02:59,054 --> 00:03:01,264 I knew we should have never listened to Bob Marley 87 00:03:01,264 --> 00:03:02,891 when he was in the womb. 88 00:03:02,891 --> 00:03:04,059 I'm gonna go search his bedroom 89 00:03:04,059 --> 00:03:06,061 for Altoid cans. Mm. 90 00:03:06,061 --> 00:03:07,646 Bob Marley was the only thing 91 00:03:07,646 --> 00:03:10,065 that stopped that boy from kicking. 92 00:03:10,065 --> 00:03:11,858 Diane: Jack, I need your help. 93 00:03:11,858 --> 00:03:14,194 After months of hanging out with the seniors, 94 00:03:14,194 --> 00:03:16,154 my talents have been recognized. 95 00:03:16,154 --> 00:03:17,614 They want me to lead the senior prank. 96 00:03:17,614 --> 00:03:19,449 Oh, and you need an alibi. 97 00:03:19,449 --> 00:03:20,742 What do you want me to go with? 98 00:03:20,742 --> 00:03:21,785 Rumbling in the tum? 99 00:03:21,785 --> 00:03:22,869 Migraine for days? 100 00:03:22,869 --> 00:03:24,454 Uterus stuff? 101 00:03:24,454 --> 00:03:26,915 No, Jack. I do not need an alibi. Oh. 102 00:03:26,915 --> 00:03:29,209 They've been watching you. They like your drip. 103 00:03:29,209 --> 00:03:30,961 You know, you've got real popular kid energy. 104 00:03:30,961 --> 00:03:32,546 I've always thought that, 105 00:03:32,546 --> 00:03:34,631 but a popular kid doesn't say it, you know? 106 00:03:34,631 --> 00:03:36,758 Great. Now, are you in, or you out? 107 00:03:36,758 --> 00:03:38,051 Wow, Diane. 108 00:03:38,051 --> 00:03:40,095 I don't know what to say. 109 00:03:40,095 --> 00:03:41,096 I don't know what to wear. 110 00:03:41,096 --> 00:03:42,764 Man, don't make it weird. 111 00:03:42,764 --> 00:03:44,850 Just follow my lead. Okay. 112 00:03:44,850 --> 00:03:46,977 Seriously, can I assume that you'll tell me what to wear? 113 00:03:46,977 --> 00:03:49,396 My first thought was overalls, and I know that's wrong. 114 00:03:49,396 --> 00:03:51,606 ♪♪ 115 00:03:51,606 --> 00:03:53,108 Oh, God. 116 00:03:53,108 --> 00:03:55,485 Your brother let a skunk in this house again? 117 00:03:55,485 --> 00:03:56,736 What? 118 00:03:56,736 --> 00:03:58,071 They're not pets. 119 00:03:58,071 --> 00:03:59,656 I don't smell anything. 120 00:03:59,656 --> 00:04:01,908 It's definitely coming from right here 121 00:04:01,908 --> 00:04:03,869 in your general direction. 122 00:04:03,869 --> 00:04:05,620 Wait a minute. 123 00:04:05,620 --> 00:04:08,081 Are you smoking that, um... 124 00:04:08,081 --> 00:04:10,208 Ah Sookie Now? 125 00:04:10,208 --> 00:04:11,293 What? 126 00:04:11,293 --> 00:04:12,210 Me? 127 00:04:12,210 --> 00:04:13,128 No. 128 00:04:13,128 --> 00:04:14,212 Don't lie to me, Junior. 129 00:04:14,212 --> 00:04:17,090 My mother used to say if you wallow in weed, 130 00:04:17,090 --> 00:04:18,341 you will be weed. 131 00:04:18,341 --> 00:04:19,426 Tshh. 132 00:04:19,426 --> 00:04:21,428 I'm so sorry, Grandma. It was Olivia. 133 00:04:21,428 --> 00:04:25,098 She made me stay in the car while she smoked the marijuana. 134 00:04:25,098 --> 00:04:27,434 I didn't even like it. Mm‐hmm. 135 00:04:27,434 --> 00:04:30,228 I know a temptress when I see one. Mm‐hmm. 136 00:04:30,228 --> 00:04:32,814 What with that beautiful skin and ‐‐ and ‐‐ 137 00:04:32,814 --> 00:04:35,108 and that killer curl pattern 138 00:04:35,108 --> 00:04:38,028 and Kyla Pratt vibes. Yep. 139 00:04:38,028 --> 00:04:39,404 Those are the ways she's tempted me. 140 00:04:39,404 --> 00:04:42,616 Well, fortunately, there's a way back for the both of you. 141 00:04:42,616 --> 00:04:43,909 Mm‐hmm. 142 00:04:43,909 --> 00:04:46,787 At my church's youth revival this weekend. 143 00:04:46,787 --> 00:04:49,623 We're there, if you think they'll have us. 144 00:04:49,623 --> 00:04:51,333 Oh, they'll have you. [ Softly ] Okay. 145 00:04:51,333 --> 00:04:54,169 They let Janet's grandson back in 146 00:04:54,169 --> 00:04:57,339 after what he did in that mall fountain. [ Chuckles ] 147 00:04:57,339 --> 00:04:59,716 Thanks for giving me another chance, Grandma. 148 00:04:59,716 --> 00:05:02,469 I'm sorry I let you down. 149 00:05:02,469 --> 00:05:05,347 But I know that family is more important than drugs. 150 00:05:05,347 --> 00:05:07,933 Oh, what a mighty God we serve. 151 00:05:07,933 --> 00:05:08,975 Mm. Amen. 152 00:05:08,975 --> 00:05:10,268 Alright, alright. 153 00:05:10,268 --> 00:05:12,354 Pick me up Sunday afternoon, 154 00:05:12,354 --> 00:05:15,649 and bring your new King James version, alright? 155 00:05:15,649 --> 00:05:18,944 None of that New Living Testament crap. 156 00:05:18,944 --> 00:05:21,530 [ Chuckles ] Yeah. 157 00:05:21,530 --> 00:05:23,156 Bow and Junior may have been acting 158 00:05:23,156 --> 00:05:24,866 like weed wasn't a big deal, 159 00:05:24,866 --> 00:05:26,743 but they weren't living in the real world. 160 00:05:26,743 --> 00:05:27,744 Stevens: Hey, Dre. 161 00:05:27,744 --> 00:05:29,412 You will be pleased to find out 162 00:05:29,412 --> 00:05:31,039 that the elevator finally got fixed. 163 00:05:31,039 --> 00:05:32,791 No more one flight of stairs for you. 164 00:05:32,791 --> 00:05:34,501 Eh. Great. 165 00:05:34,501 --> 00:05:36,086 Why are you not celebrating? 166 00:05:36,086 --> 00:05:38,922 You called that flight of stairs your "own personal 'Misery'" ‐‐ 167 00:05:38,922 --> 00:05:40,465 the Kathy Bates kind. 168 00:05:40,465 --> 00:05:42,634 I caught Junior getting high. 169 00:05:42,634 --> 00:05:43,635 Oh, no. 170 00:05:43,635 --> 00:05:45,220 You hate when he feels good. 171 00:05:45,220 --> 00:05:46,513 Stevens: I'm so sorry to hear that, Dre. 172 00:05:46,513 --> 00:05:48,431 I know how hard you've worked 173 00:05:48,431 --> 00:05:50,809 to give your family these incredible opportunities, 174 00:05:50,809 --> 00:05:53,562 and there goes Junior, throwing it all away on crack. 175 00:05:53,562 --> 00:05:54,396 [ Gasps ] 176 00:05:54,396 --> 00:05:56,106 Crack? 177 00:05:56,106 --> 00:05:57,774 Man, I caught him smoking weed. 178 00:05:57,774 --> 00:05:58,817 [ Chuckling ] Oh. Okay. 179 00:05:58,817 --> 00:06:00,485 So, then, why are you so upset? 180 00:06:00,485 --> 00:06:03,655 Yeah, I assume you smoke, too, based on your loud sweaters 181 00:06:03,655 --> 00:06:06,116 and the fact that you're always eating microwave s'mores. 182 00:06:06,116 --> 00:06:07,576 I'm not a drug guy, Charlie. 183 00:06:07,576 --> 00:06:11,246 Come on, Dre. Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Martha Stewart. 184 00:06:11,246 --> 00:06:12,747 You know, a lot of successful people 185 00:06:12,747 --> 00:06:14,082 got down with the sticky icky. 186 00:06:14,082 --> 00:06:16,293 Okay, look, the fact of the matter is 187 00:06:16,293 --> 00:06:18,461 Black people get judged for doing it 188 00:06:18,461 --> 00:06:19,671 in a way that White people don't. 189 00:06:19,671 --> 00:06:21,339 Yeah. 190 00:06:21,339 --> 00:06:23,258 Like washing your hair every day, or becoming a cop. 191 00:06:23,258 --> 00:06:25,135 The War on Drugs has it 192 00:06:25,135 --> 00:06:26,803 so that we are four times more likely 193 00:06:26,803 --> 00:06:28,555 to get arrested for marijuana possession 194 00:06:28,555 --> 00:06:31,057 than White people, and that's after legalization. 195 00:06:31,057 --> 00:06:32,517 It's not worth the risks. 196 00:06:32,517 --> 00:06:34,102 I hear everything you're saying, Dre, 197 00:06:34,102 --> 00:06:35,770 but let me offer this counterpoint ‐‐ 198 00:06:35,770 --> 00:06:37,939 weed is amazing. 199 00:06:37,939 --> 00:06:40,525 Without it, we wouldn't have the music of Cypress Hill... 200 00:06:40,525 --> 00:06:42,402 Mm. ...or the cinematic masterpiece 201 00:06:42,402 --> 00:06:44,487 which is "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"... Mm. 202 00:06:44,487 --> 00:06:46,698 ...or my podcast, 203 00:06:46,698 --> 00:06:48,116 which I'm too shy to release. 204 00:06:48,116 --> 00:06:49,200 You're not releasing it? 205 00:06:49,200 --> 00:06:51,703 Charlie, we worked on that for six hours. 206 00:06:51,703 --> 00:06:52,912 Dre, why would you deny yourself 207 00:06:52,912 --> 00:06:54,080 one of the world's greatest pleasures? 208 00:06:54,080 --> 00:06:55,332 Check it out. 209 00:06:55,332 --> 00:06:57,250 Imagine feeling God inside you, 210 00:06:57,250 --> 00:06:59,836 and that God's body is made out of a heating pad 211 00:06:59,836 --> 00:07:02,172 and He takes all the things that's bothering you 212 00:07:02,172 --> 00:07:03,882 and put it in this box for a little while 213 00:07:03,882 --> 00:07:05,800 so you can feel free. 214 00:07:05,800 --> 00:07:06,968 Is that how you feel? 215 00:07:06,968 --> 00:07:08,136 Yeah. 216 00:07:08,136 --> 00:07:09,304 That's my way of getting level 217 00:07:09,304 --> 00:07:11,473 and dealing with the stress of racism, work, 218 00:07:11,473 --> 00:07:13,475 and the fact that my son is 219 00:07:13,475 --> 00:07:15,518 garnishing all my wages to pay for back rent. 220 00:07:15,518 --> 00:07:17,103 Oh, my God. 221 00:07:17,103 --> 00:07:18,897 You're high right now, aren't you? 222 00:07:18,897 --> 00:07:20,231 Oh, yeah, look at those eyes. 223 00:07:20,231 --> 00:07:22,233 It's not my fault that I got bored on my way to work. 224 00:07:23,151 --> 00:07:23,985 Not all the muffins. Hey. 225 00:07:23,985 --> 00:07:26,071 Oh. 226 00:07:26,071 --> 00:07:27,739 Had that chocolate one all lined up. 227 00:07:27,739 --> 00:07:29,908 My head was spinning from the fact 228 00:07:29,908 --> 00:07:32,786 that everyone was down with weed. 229 00:07:32,786 --> 00:07:36,498 Maybe the world had changed, and I was just being old. 230 00:07:36,498 --> 00:07:38,917 I was wrong about the 3‐pointer ruining the NBA. 231 00:07:38,917 --> 00:07:40,251 [ Cellphone chimes ] 232 00:07:40,251 --> 00:07:43,380 Maybe that's what the world is telling me. 233 00:07:43,380 --> 00:07:46,508 I mean, Nancy Reagan goes on "Diff'rent Strokes" once 234 00:07:46,508 --> 00:07:49,928 and I'm supposed to not ever enjoy myself again? 235 00:07:49,928 --> 00:07:53,390 Look, I want to be able to sit back, turn my brain off, 236 00:07:53,390 --> 00:07:54,974 and catch a vibe. 237 00:07:54,974 --> 00:07:56,768 Damn it. 238 00:07:56,768 --> 00:07:57,936 I'm a grown‐up. 239 00:07:57,936 --> 00:07:59,604 [ Magazine slams ] I can do what I want. 240 00:08:00,772 --> 00:08:02,607 Babe? Yeah? 241 00:08:02,607 --> 00:08:05,819 Let's get rid of the kids this weekend and get high. 242 00:08:05,819 --> 00:08:09,072 [ Imitates David Wooderson ] Alright, alright, alright. 243 00:08:12,534 --> 00:08:14,536 So, it was finally Friday. 244 00:08:14,536 --> 00:08:15,870 But unlike Ice Cube in the movie, 245 00:08:15,870 --> 00:08:17,872 I did have something to do ‐‐ 246 00:08:17,872 --> 00:08:20,667 get my kids out of the house so I could get high. 247 00:08:20,667 --> 00:08:21,960 So high. 248 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:23,545 Alright, there you go. 249 00:08:23,545 --> 00:08:27,048 You guys go out there and, uh, have some fun. 250 00:08:27,048 --> 00:08:29,134 Generous amount. Mm‐hmm. 251 00:08:29,134 --> 00:08:30,635 I'm not suspicious at all. 252 00:08:30,635 --> 00:08:32,971 Yeah, last time you emptied your wallet like this, 253 00:08:32,971 --> 00:08:34,180 we ended up with a little brother. 254 00:08:34,180 --> 00:08:36,099 Laser vasectomy, okay? 255 00:08:36,099 --> 00:08:37,267 So, we good. 256 00:08:37,267 --> 00:08:38,727 Now get out of here before I change my mind. 257 00:08:38,727 --> 00:08:39,602 Go. Skedaddle. 258 00:08:39,602 --> 00:08:41,354 Scoot! Go! 259 00:08:41,354 --> 00:08:43,314 Me and your mama got some business to do. 260 00:08:43,314 --> 00:08:44,858 [ Door closes ] [ Chuckles ] 261 00:08:44,858 --> 00:08:45,859 Dre: They're gone. 262 00:08:45,859 --> 00:08:47,902 [ Laughs ] Let's get faded! 263 00:08:47,902 --> 00:08:50,113 [ Laughs ] Great. Okay, Dre. 264 00:08:50,113 --> 00:08:52,323 I have all the pretzel variations. 265 00:08:52,323 --> 00:08:54,617 I've got rods, I've got twists, 266 00:08:54,617 --> 00:08:57,495 I've got chocolate‐covered, peanut‐butter‐filled, 267 00:08:57,495 --> 00:09:00,957 and pretzel‐wrapped hot dogs from the mall. 268 00:09:00,957 --> 00:09:03,001 Ooh. And ‐‐ [ Clears throat ] 269 00:09:03,001 --> 00:09:04,335 Pizza bagels? 270 00:09:04,335 --> 00:09:05,587 Pretzel. 271 00:09:05,587 --> 00:09:06,713 Okay. [ Laughs ] 272 00:09:06,713 --> 00:09:07,797 Now we straight. 273 00:09:07,797 --> 00:09:09,299 How you doin'? Hey, babe, 274 00:09:09,299 --> 00:09:10,675 let's get some drugs. Let's get them. 275 00:09:10,675 --> 00:09:11,968 Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna call my guy. 276 00:09:11,968 --> 00:09:12,886 Do it. 277 00:09:12,886 --> 00:09:14,804 Ladarius! 278 00:09:14,804 --> 00:09:17,807 Man, y'all got a lot of fruit trees out there. 279 00:09:17,807 --> 00:09:19,768 Ladarius is your guy? Dre: Mm‐hmm. 280 00:09:19,768 --> 00:09:21,102 So, how we gonna do this, Ladarius? 281 00:09:21,102 --> 00:09:22,312 We gonna roll past Lueders Park 282 00:09:22,312 --> 00:09:23,646 and you gonna get some of that Pressure House 283 00:09:23,646 --> 00:09:24,856 that you used to smoke as a kid? 284 00:09:24,856 --> 00:09:27,233 Actually, this is how we do it now. 285 00:09:27,233 --> 00:09:28,610 Hmm. 286 00:09:28,610 --> 00:09:29,611 An app? Mm‐hmm. 287 00:09:29,611 --> 00:09:31,237 Come on, man. 288 00:09:31,237 --> 00:09:32,739 I thought we were gonna buy something from a dude 289 00:09:32,739 --> 00:09:34,365 riding a beach cruiser with a pit bull 290 00:09:34,365 --> 00:09:36,326 who stays at your house a little too long. 291 00:09:36,326 --> 00:09:38,369 Dre, nobody uses the weed man anymore. 292 00:09:38,369 --> 00:09:40,538 Everyone does dispensaries or delivery. 293 00:09:40,538 --> 00:09:42,415 Man, I'll show you. Just give me your ID. Hey, now. 294 00:09:42,415 --> 00:09:44,042 What? So they can track me? 295 00:09:44,042 --> 00:09:45,543 So when they change the laws, 296 00:09:45,543 --> 00:09:46,795 they can say I broke the laws 297 00:09:46,795 --> 00:09:48,254 and take away my right to vote? 298 00:09:48,254 --> 00:09:49,964 Hell no. Okay. I'll put my info in. 299 00:09:49,964 --> 00:09:50,965 Fine. What? 300 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:52,967 So they can track you? 301 00:09:52,967 --> 00:09:54,427 What about your medical license? 302 00:09:54,427 --> 00:09:56,262 We need your income. 303 00:09:56,262 --> 00:09:57,722 [ Whispering ] I'm irresponsible with money. 304 00:09:57,722 --> 00:09:58,598 [ Whispering ] Yes, we know. 305 00:09:58,598 --> 00:09:59,849 I'll just put in my info. 306 00:09:59,849 --> 00:10:01,851 You guys could really use this weed. 307 00:10:01,851 --> 00:10:03,186 [ Laughs ] [ Normal voice ] Oh, yeah. 308 00:10:03,186 --> 00:10:04,813 I bought you something to tide you over. 309 00:10:04,813 --> 00:10:05,605 Okay. [ Normal voice ] Oh, did you? 310 00:10:05,605 --> 00:10:07,148 Oh, did ya? Okay. 311 00:10:07,148 --> 00:10:08,316 Alright, baby. 312 00:10:08,316 --> 00:10:09,359 [ Chuckles ] 313 00:10:09,359 --> 00:10:10,568 Okay, on the count of three, Dre. 314 00:10:10,568 --> 00:10:11,444 One. 315 00:10:11,444 --> 00:10:12,529 Two. 316 00:10:12,529 --> 00:10:14,155 Three. 317 00:10:14,155 --> 00:10:15,698 Mm. 318 00:10:15,698 --> 00:10:17,325 Mm, mm, mm‐mm. 319 00:10:17,325 --> 00:10:18,743 Baby, put it in your mouth. I am. 320 00:10:18,743 --> 00:10:20,787 I'm just trying to make it warm and soft. 321 00:10:20,787 --> 00:10:21,996 [ Can rattling ] 322 00:10:21,996 --> 00:10:23,873 Diane, this is amazing. 323 00:10:23,873 --> 00:10:25,875 Greg Curtis called me "pahtnah." 324 00:10:25,875 --> 00:10:26,835 Don't get excited. 325 00:10:26,835 --> 00:10:28,086 He calls the math teacher "pahtnah." 326 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:29,379 [ Person whistles ] Oh. Okay. 327 00:10:29,379 --> 00:10:31,798 You stay here, and if you see anybody coming, 328 00:10:31,798 --> 00:10:32,882 make the sound of a crow 329 00:10:32,882 --> 00:10:34,134 so we know we have to get out of here. 330 00:10:34,134 --> 00:10:35,593 [ Caws hoarsely ] Yeah. 331 00:10:35,593 --> 00:10:36,594 Just like that, 332 00:10:36,594 --> 00:10:38,429 but, uh, you know, not terrible. 333 00:10:38,429 --> 00:10:40,223 Wait. Y‐You're leaving me here all by myself? 334 00:10:40,223 --> 00:10:42,642 I‐I thought I was part of the team. 335 00:10:42,642 --> 00:10:43,726 Yeah, you are. 336 00:10:43,726 --> 00:10:45,103 You're the lookout. 337 00:10:45,103 --> 00:10:46,146 And right now, I need you to be 338 00:10:46,146 --> 00:10:48,773 the best lookout you can be, okay? 339 00:10:48,773 --> 00:10:49,732 Thanks, friend. 340 00:10:52,610 --> 00:10:53,611 [ Caws sadly ] 341 00:10:53,611 --> 00:10:56,072 [ Crow caws ] 342 00:10:56,072 --> 00:10:58,074 Don't try to make me feel better. 343 00:10:59,701 --> 00:11:01,786 While the kids were up to no good, 344 00:11:01,786 --> 00:11:03,413 Junior was trying to drag Olivia 345 00:11:03,413 --> 00:11:05,832 into his problems with my mom. 346 00:11:05,832 --> 00:11:06,875 Wait, are you serious? 347 00:11:06,875 --> 00:11:08,001 You actually want me 348 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:10,003 to go to a church revival with your grandma? 349 00:11:10,003 --> 00:11:13,965 I'm not proud of it, but she smelled weed and... 350 00:11:13,965 --> 00:11:16,009 I blamed it on you. 351 00:11:16,009 --> 00:11:17,468 Now she thinks we're lost souls, 352 00:11:17,468 --> 00:11:19,095 and I need to restore her faith in me. What? 353 00:11:19,095 --> 00:11:21,139 I am super sorry about it, 354 00:11:21,139 --> 00:11:24,142 but in my family, we like to keep my grandma happy. 355 00:11:24,142 --> 00:11:25,602 You know you're going alone, right? 356 00:11:25,602 --> 00:11:26,978 Come on, you might see someone 357 00:11:26,978 --> 00:11:29,522 catch the Holy Spirit and pass out. Okay. 358 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:32,650 Look, I respect how it goes in your family, 359 00:11:32,650 --> 00:11:35,737 but it's not healthy to do something you don't want to do 360 00:11:35,737 --> 00:11:37,739 just because it makes someone else happy. [ Sighs ] 361 00:11:37,739 --> 00:11:40,074 Even if it's your grandmother. 362 00:11:40,074 --> 00:11:41,492 Okay. 363 00:11:41,492 --> 00:11:42,410 I get it. 364 00:11:42,410 --> 00:11:43,620 You don't have to come. 365 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:44,704 I'll just tell my grandma 366 00:11:44,704 --> 00:11:46,039 you're going to your own church revival. 367 00:11:46,039 --> 00:11:47,040 Junior! 368 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:49,125 She has blown up a boat. 369 00:11:49,125 --> 00:11:51,628 Babe? Yeah? 370 00:11:51,628 --> 00:11:53,129 ♪ I wanna thrive... ♪ 371 00:11:53,129 --> 00:11:56,549 I have avoided weed for so long. 372 00:11:56,549 --> 00:11:57,926 I know. 373 00:11:57,926 --> 00:12:00,261 And it's fine. Oh, yeah, it is. 374 00:12:00,261 --> 00:12:03,348 I've never felt so at peace in my life. 375 00:12:03,348 --> 00:12:06,184 [ Sniffs ] 376 00:12:06,184 --> 00:12:08,311 And I love the smell of crayons. 377 00:12:08,311 --> 00:12:09,229 [ Sniffs ] 378 00:12:09,229 --> 00:12:11,439 I'm making art, Bow. Mm. 379 00:12:11,439 --> 00:12:13,566 I'm able to access a part of me 380 00:12:13,566 --> 00:12:15,610 that has never been touched. 381 00:12:15,610 --> 00:12:16,653 [ Crayons clatter ] 382 00:12:16,653 --> 00:12:18,696 This isn't art. 383 00:12:18,696 --> 00:12:20,657 This is Dre. 384 00:12:20,657 --> 00:12:22,784 Do you think that I could open a healing retreat 385 00:12:22,784 --> 00:12:24,577 where people go to get healed? 386 00:12:24,577 --> 00:12:27,956 People could go to reconnect with their souls, and... 387 00:12:27,956 --> 00:12:31,000 we could sip tea and bake cookies. 388 00:12:31,000 --> 00:12:32,585 Wait a minute. Yes? 389 00:12:32,585 --> 00:12:33,795 You mean to tell me all this time, 390 00:12:33,795 --> 00:12:35,296 you've known how to bake? 391 00:12:35,296 --> 00:12:37,131 Oh. 392 00:12:37,131 --> 00:12:39,634 I'm such a lucky man! 393 00:12:39,634 --> 00:12:41,094 [ Both laugh ] 394 00:12:41,094 --> 00:12:42,303 [ Video call rings ] 395 00:12:42,303 --> 00:12:43,263 [ Gasps ] Uh‐oh. 396 00:12:43,263 --> 00:12:44,264 Baby! 397 00:12:44,264 --> 00:12:45,890 Baby! 398 00:12:45,890 --> 00:12:47,308 [ Gasps ] It's Principal Biggs! 399 00:12:47,308 --> 00:12:48,518 Okay, we're caught. 400 00:12:48,518 --> 00:12:49,769 She knows. No. 401 00:12:49,769 --> 00:12:51,437 She knows. It's okay. It's okay. 402 00:12:51,437 --> 00:12:54,232 I watched my mom talk to teachers high all the time. 403 00:12:54,232 --> 00:12:55,233 All you need to do ‐‐ 404 00:12:55,233 --> 00:12:56,442 Okay, what you need to do, 405 00:12:56,442 --> 00:12:58,528 you need to use huge words. Okay. 406 00:12:58,528 --> 00:12:59,862 And you gotta talk really slow. 407 00:12:59,862 --> 00:13:01,364 No! No, Bow, I got this. 408 00:13:01,364 --> 00:13:02,699 It'll work. It'll work. I got this. No, I got this. 409 00:13:02,699 --> 00:13:04,867 Hey, Biggsy. [ Chuckles ] 410 00:13:04,867 --> 00:13:06,244 To what do we owe the pleasure? 411 00:13:06,244 --> 00:13:08,371 Guess whose kids got caught 412 00:13:08,371 --> 00:13:11,040 painting the word "moist" onto the football field? 413 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:12,792 Who? The Conners'? 414 00:13:12,792 --> 00:13:15,169 Meet me at the school and get your damn kids, 415 00:13:15,169 --> 00:13:16,713 and then we need to have a talk. 416 00:13:16,713 --> 00:13:17,755 [ Call ends ] 417 00:13:17,755 --> 00:13:19,007 Okay, Bow, 418 00:13:19,007 --> 00:13:21,134 I‐I can't go get the kids like this. 419 00:13:21,134 --> 00:13:22,635 It's okay. I can't drive like this. 420 00:13:22,635 --> 00:13:24,470 I can barely talk like this. It's okay. 421 00:13:24,470 --> 00:13:28,349 See, this is exactly what I was afraid of. 422 00:13:28,349 --> 00:13:30,143 We're gonna have to go walk to get the kids. 423 00:13:30,143 --> 00:13:32,020 Then we'll get stopped by the police 424 00:13:32,020 --> 00:13:34,689 because we will be suspicious‐looking Black people 425 00:13:34,689 --> 00:13:36,441 and they will arrest us and we'll go to jail 426 00:13:36,441 --> 00:13:39,402 and I'll lose my job... 427 00:13:39,402 --> 00:13:41,612 and everything that we've worked so hard to 428 00:13:41,612 --> 00:13:44,240 will crumble to dust because I made a mistake! 429 00:13:44,240 --> 00:13:46,617 How could I be so stupid? No. 430 00:13:46,617 --> 00:13:49,287 Oh, I should have listened to Jesse Jackson 431 00:13:49,287 --> 00:13:52,165 when he said nope to dope and ugh to drugs! 432 00:13:52,165 --> 00:13:53,708 Ohhhhh! 433 00:13:53,708 --> 00:13:54,709 [ Sighs ] 434 00:13:59,297 --> 00:14:00,298 [ Clears throat ] 435 00:14:00,298 --> 00:14:02,842 Hello. Welcome home. 436 00:14:02,842 --> 00:14:04,052 Diane: Uh... Yep. 437 00:14:04,052 --> 00:14:05,845 Okay. 438 00:14:05,845 --> 00:14:09,515 Everybody is home safe and sound. Yay. 439 00:14:09,515 --> 00:14:11,726 Ms. Biggs want to talk to you guys on Monday. 440 00:14:11,726 --> 00:14:13,227 Okay. Oh ‐‐ 441 00:14:13,227 --> 00:14:14,771 She hopes your hemorrhoid surgery goes fine. 442 00:14:14,771 --> 00:14:16,522 Rainbow: What? Hmm. Why would she say that? 443 00:14:16,522 --> 00:14:19,275 You ask me for a favor, I set the terms. 444 00:14:19,275 --> 00:14:20,818 Hey ‐‐ Wow. 445 00:14:22,111 --> 00:14:24,989 So... [ Chuckles nervously ] 446 00:14:24,989 --> 00:14:28,743 I just want to remind you guys that in this country, 447 00:14:28,743 --> 00:14:30,620 we are innocent ‐‐ 448 00:14:30,620 --> 00:14:33,456 There is spray paint on his hands. Go upstairs. 449 00:14:33,456 --> 00:14:35,792 No, no, no. I‐I can explain. 450 00:14:35,792 --> 00:14:38,544 I was, uh ‐‐ I was spray...painting. 451 00:14:38,544 --> 00:14:39,712 Rainbow: No. No. 452 00:14:39,712 --> 00:14:40,880 Come on, Jack. 453 00:14:40,880 --> 00:14:42,590 I cracked. 454 00:14:42,590 --> 00:14:45,134 [ Scoffs ] Unbelievable. 455 00:14:45,134 --> 00:14:47,595 Man. We messed this up. 456 00:14:47,595 --> 00:14:49,639 Well... 457 00:14:49,639 --> 00:14:51,307 at least they didn't know we were high. [ Chuckles ] 458 00:14:51,307 --> 00:14:53,142 They probably just think Devante hid our keys 459 00:14:53,142 --> 00:14:54,268 and we'll find them tomorrow. 460 00:14:54,268 --> 00:14:55,436 Okay. 461 00:14:55,436 --> 00:14:57,021 All of this right here? Yes. 462 00:14:57,021 --> 00:14:58,481 This is just a part of why 463 00:14:58,481 --> 00:15:00,775 I do not do the marijuana. 464 00:15:00,775 --> 00:15:03,111 Dre, it worked for me. 465 00:15:03,111 --> 00:15:05,404 It did. I was so relaxed, 466 00:15:05,404 --> 00:15:07,740 and I got reconnected to my younger self. 467 00:15:07,740 --> 00:15:09,659 Bow, you were talking to a pineapple. 468 00:15:09,659 --> 00:15:10,743 No, Dre. 469 00:15:10,743 --> 00:15:13,079 A pineapple was talking to me. 470 00:15:13,079 --> 00:15:15,873 Listen, come on, come on. 471 00:15:15,873 --> 00:15:18,126 You know it was fun. It wasn't that bad. 472 00:15:18,126 --> 00:15:19,418 Well... 473 00:15:19,418 --> 00:15:21,295 You're right. It was fun at first. 474 00:15:21,295 --> 00:15:23,131 But then we got that call, 475 00:15:23,131 --> 00:15:25,133 and I started to spiral out... 476 00:15:25,133 --> 00:15:26,384 Yeah. ...and then it became 477 00:15:26,384 --> 00:15:28,261 the opposite of relaxing. 478 00:15:28,261 --> 00:15:30,138 It was like a ‐‐ a living nightmare 479 00:15:30,138 --> 00:15:31,764 that I couldn't get out of. 480 00:15:31,764 --> 00:15:33,975 When you're high, you are extra dramatic. Okay, look. 481 00:15:33,975 --> 00:15:35,685 I wish that I could let my guard down. 482 00:15:35,685 --> 00:15:38,396 I wish that I could turn my brain off 483 00:15:38,396 --> 00:15:42,150 and know that everything was going to be all good, 484 00:15:42,150 --> 00:15:44,610 but I can't, because deep down inside, 485 00:15:44,610 --> 00:15:47,822 I know that everything is not going to be all good. 486 00:15:47,822 --> 00:15:49,824 I‐I'm always on alert. 487 00:15:49,824 --> 00:15:51,117 [ Slaps legs softly ] 488 00:15:51,117 --> 00:15:53,327 I hear you. 489 00:15:53,327 --> 00:15:55,371 But that's what the weed was for. 490 00:15:55,371 --> 00:15:58,082 Come on. To take all this stuff off your shoulders, Dre, 491 00:15:58,082 --> 00:15:59,750 so you could just chill out. 492 00:15:59,750 --> 00:16:01,127 Okay, hey. 493 00:16:01,127 --> 00:16:03,296 I think it's too late for me to learn 494 00:16:03,296 --> 00:16:05,006 how to turn all of that off. Okay. 495 00:16:05,006 --> 00:16:07,133 And honestly, I don't want to, 496 00:16:07,133 --> 00:16:08,593 because it's just not me. 497 00:16:08,593 --> 00:16:09,802 Okay. 498 00:16:09,802 --> 00:16:10,887 If edibles aren't for you, 499 00:16:10,887 --> 00:16:12,138 then we need to find something else 500 00:16:12,138 --> 00:16:13,222 that's gonna help you relax. 501 00:16:13,222 --> 00:16:14,932 Okay. 502 00:16:14,932 --> 00:16:18,227 Because sitting on that floor coloring 503 00:16:18,227 --> 00:16:21,939 was the most fun that I have had in such a long time. 504 00:16:21,939 --> 00:16:23,649 Yeah. Me too. [ Laughs ] 505 00:16:23,649 --> 00:16:25,526 [ Inhales deeply, sighs ] 506 00:16:25,526 --> 00:16:26,319 [ Clears throat ] 507 00:16:29,113 --> 00:16:31,199 I'm still a little high. 508 00:16:31,199 --> 00:16:32,658 Hey, baby. Hey. 509 00:16:32,658 --> 00:16:35,411 Just let me grab my butterscotches 510 00:16:35,411 --> 00:16:36,787 to pass out to the kids at church, 511 00:16:36,787 --> 00:16:38,289 and we can go. 512 00:16:38,289 --> 00:16:39,790 Where's your little girlfriend? 513 00:16:39,790 --> 00:16:41,500 Olivia had to study, 514 00:16:41,500 --> 00:16:44,879 but I am ready to close the door on my life of sin. 515 00:16:44,879 --> 00:16:47,798 So, she chose marijuana over you. 516 00:16:47,798 --> 00:16:49,675 I doubt she's studying. 517 00:16:49,675 --> 00:16:51,552 Probably somewhere blazing up. 518 00:16:51,552 --> 00:16:53,262 Grandma, please don't talk about her that way. 519 00:16:53,262 --> 00:16:54,805 She is not a bad person. 520 00:16:54,805 --> 00:16:56,599 But is she a good person? 521 00:16:56,599 --> 00:16:58,226 I don't know if hanging out with her 522 00:16:58,226 --> 00:17:00,770 is gonna get you a seat in the Kingdom. 523 00:17:00,770 --> 00:17:02,605 And there ain't no water hoses in Hell. 524 00:17:02,605 --> 00:17:03,898 [ Bag unzips ] 525 00:17:03,898 --> 00:17:06,234 My girlfriend is not going to Hell. 526 00:17:06,234 --> 00:17:07,610 [ Scoffs ] And to tell you the truth, 527 00:17:07,610 --> 00:17:08,861 she's not studying, 528 00:17:08,861 --> 00:17:10,529 but she's also not blazing up. 529 00:17:10,529 --> 00:17:13,783 She just didn't want to come to the revival, Grandma. 530 00:17:13,783 --> 00:17:15,493 And if I'm coming clean, 531 00:17:15,493 --> 00:17:20,081 the weed that you smelled was mine, not Olivia's. 532 00:17:20,081 --> 00:17:21,082 I'm sorry. 533 00:17:21,082 --> 00:17:22,959 Junior. 534 00:17:22,959 --> 00:17:26,545 You know how I feel about, uh...marijuana. 535 00:17:26,545 --> 00:17:28,047 I know. 536 00:17:28,047 --> 00:17:30,758 And you decided to tell me the truth anyway. 537 00:17:30,758 --> 00:17:32,093 Just like your father 538 00:17:32,093 --> 00:17:34,262 when he started dating your mother. 539 00:17:34,262 --> 00:17:36,931 Before her, I could say any old thing 540 00:17:36,931 --> 00:17:38,432 about the heifers he dated. 541 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:40,101 Hmm. 542 00:17:40,101 --> 00:17:44,105 But when I called your mother a "hippie dirt woman," 543 00:17:44,105 --> 00:17:46,107 he asked me not to talk about her like that. 544 00:17:46,107 --> 00:17:47,567 What? [ Chuckles ] 545 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:50,861 That's how I knew that hippie dirt woman was special. 546 00:17:50,861 --> 00:17:52,905 So is Olivia. 547 00:17:52,905 --> 00:17:55,241 Well, I'm happy for you, 548 00:17:55,241 --> 00:17:57,410 and I'm glad you told me the truth. 549 00:17:57,410 --> 00:17:59,453 Thanks, Grandma. Mm, alright. 550 00:17:59,453 --> 00:18:01,622 Where the hell you think you're going? 551 00:18:01,622 --> 00:18:03,791 Oh, I was just gonna go outside and ‐‐ Unh‐unh‐unh‐unh‐unh‐unh. 552 00:18:03,791 --> 00:18:05,418 You're coming to church with me. 553 00:18:05,418 --> 00:18:07,378 The revival's gonna shake that weed 554 00:18:07,378 --> 00:18:08,462 right out of your soul. 555 00:18:08,462 --> 00:18:10,548 And put on a suit. You look like a clown. 556 00:18:10,548 --> 00:18:11,882 Come on. 557 00:18:11,882 --> 00:18:14,176 ♪♪ 558 00:18:14,176 --> 00:18:16,721 Look, Jack, I'm sorry I got you in trouble. 559 00:18:16,721 --> 00:18:19,015 Diane, I'm not mad we got caught. 560 00:18:19,015 --> 00:18:21,350 I'm mad that you told me everyone admired my drip 561 00:18:21,350 --> 00:18:23,060 when all you really needed was a lookout. 562 00:18:23,060 --> 00:18:24,562 Jack, what are you talking about? 563 00:18:24,562 --> 00:18:25,646 You were part of the team. 564 00:18:25,646 --> 00:18:27,648 The worst part of the team. 565 00:18:27,648 --> 00:18:29,233 The part no one wants. 566 00:18:29,233 --> 00:18:31,736 You invited me because I was the only sucker who would do it. 567 00:18:31,736 --> 00:18:33,112 No, I invited you 568 00:18:33,112 --> 00:18:35,031 because you're the only person I trust. 569 00:18:35,031 --> 00:18:37,158 Anyone else would have bailed when those floodlights hit, 570 00:18:37,158 --> 00:18:38,743 but you tried to warn us. 571 00:18:38,743 --> 00:18:41,495 It's not your fault that they had the exits covered. 572 00:18:41,495 --> 00:18:42,913 It actually may have been. 573 00:18:42,913 --> 00:18:44,123 I probably shouldn't have Instagrammed 574 00:18:44,123 --> 00:18:45,875 my lookout position. 575 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:48,753 You know, before I got my phone taken away, 576 00:18:48,753 --> 00:18:51,172 everyone was texting about what a great guy you are. 577 00:18:51,172 --> 00:18:53,132 Greg Curtis even got your number 578 00:18:53,132 --> 00:18:54,550 so he could invite you to his next party. 579 00:18:54,550 --> 00:18:55,551 Oh. 580 00:18:55,551 --> 00:18:56,677 For real? Mm‐hmm. 581 00:18:56,677 --> 00:18:59,096 That's so cool. 582 00:18:59,096 --> 00:19:01,098 Oh, God, what am I gonna wear? 583 00:19:01,098 --> 00:19:02,475 Greg's probably going to juvie, 584 00:19:02,475 --> 00:19:04,143 so we got time to figure that out. 585 00:19:05,227 --> 00:19:07,355 Hey, son, you got a second? 586 00:19:09,315 --> 00:19:11,150 I know I came down really hard on you 587 00:19:11,150 --> 00:19:12,443 about the weed thing, 588 00:19:12,443 --> 00:19:14,737 but hear me out. 589 00:19:14,737 --> 00:19:16,739 I don't trust that the world is ready 590 00:19:16,739 --> 00:19:19,992 to see a Black man smoke weed without consequences. 591 00:19:19,992 --> 00:19:21,369 I mean, hell, 592 00:19:21,369 --> 00:19:23,746 I get nervous checking my cellphone on the corner. 593 00:19:23,746 --> 00:19:24,747 [ Both chuckle ] 594 00:19:24,747 --> 00:19:26,707 No, I ‐‐ I get it. 595 00:19:26,707 --> 00:19:28,876 I know that people look at me smoking differently 596 00:19:28,876 --> 00:19:30,419 than if I were my White friends. 597 00:19:30,419 --> 00:19:32,213 That is why I'm extra cautious, 598 00:19:32,213 --> 00:19:34,298 but I appreciate you looking out. 599 00:19:34,298 --> 00:19:37,385 If I'm being honest, son... 600 00:19:37,385 --> 00:19:39,637 I'm jealous that you can get high 601 00:19:39,637 --> 00:19:40,846 and tune out the world. [ Chuckles ] 602 00:19:40,846 --> 00:19:42,223 I mean, I got high, 603 00:19:42,223 --> 00:19:43,849 and I checked all of our security cameras. 604 00:19:43,849 --> 00:19:45,476 We got a blind spot in the garage. 605 00:19:45,476 --> 00:19:48,562 Oh, yeah, that sounds like the opposite of fun. 606 00:19:48,562 --> 00:19:49,897 You know, when I'm faded, 607 00:19:49,897 --> 00:19:51,816 I like to throw a bunch of towels in the dryer 608 00:19:51,816 --> 00:19:53,317 and then wrap them around myself 609 00:19:53,317 --> 00:19:54,735 and pretend that I'm in the womb. 610 00:19:54,735 --> 00:19:56,237 And that works, huh? 611 00:19:56,237 --> 00:19:56,987 Yeah. 612 00:19:56,987 --> 00:19:58,989 Never felt safer. 613 00:19:58,989 --> 00:20:01,826 But if it doesn't work for you and it makes you feel paranoid, 614 00:20:01,826 --> 00:20:03,160 it's just not for you. 615 00:20:03,160 --> 00:20:06,288 Well, son, as long as you're being safe. 616 00:20:06,288 --> 00:20:07,748 You know, I'm... 617 00:20:07,748 --> 00:20:09,542 I'm just happy that you found something 618 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:12,420 that helps you relax. 619 00:20:12,420 --> 00:20:14,964 And you know if you ever want to hang out, 620 00:20:14,964 --> 00:20:16,674 we don't have to smoke. 621 00:20:16,674 --> 00:20:18,050 Oh, no, I think I'm gonna need 622 00:20:18,050 --> 00:20:19,343 a little bit of something, though. [ Chuckles ] 623 00:20:19,343 --> 00:20:20,803 Hey, you wanna play some "2K"? 624 00:20:20,803 --> 00:20:22,304 Oh, yeah. I'm down. 625 00:20:22,304 --> 00:20:25,099 Just let me, uh, run to the garage for a second. 626 00:20:25,099 --> 00:20:26,600 Oh. Okay. Yeah. 627 00:20:26,600 --> 00:20:28,060 Yeah. Yeah. Do that. 628 00:20:28,060 --> 00:20:30,187 Oh! Hey. 629 00:20:30,187 --> 00:20:33,232 Let me show you that, uh, blind spot in the garage. 630 00:20:33,232 --> 00:20:34,358 Why don't you? 631 00:20:34,358 --> 00:20:36,068 [ Both laugh ] 632 00:20:39,739 --> 00:20:44,702 ♪♪ 633 00:20:44,702 --> 00:20:46,162 [ Ball creaks ] 634 00:20:46,162 --> 00:20:49,999 ♪♪ 635 00:20:49,999 --> 00:20:51,751 Jack: What is she doing? 636 00:20:51,751 --> 00:20:53,085 I guess it's true. 637 00:20:53,085 --> 00:20:54,920 A working mother never sleeps. 638 00:20:57,006 --> 00:20:59,300 Is she talking to a pineapple? 639 00:21:01,510 --> 00:21:03,429 Oh, honey.