1 00:00:00,265 --> 00:00:02,257 Everyone loves summer. 2 00:00:02,320 --> 00:00:05,132 It's when the whole family gets to travel, see concerts, 3 00:00:05,187 --> 00:00:07,023 and take in the wonders of the world. 4 00:00:07,101 --> 00:00:11,303 And 2020 was the greatest summer of the Johnsons' lives. 5 00:00:11,404 --> 00:00:12,804 I'm playing. 6 00:00:12,850 --> 00:00:15,427 You know we haven't done a damn thing since corona hit. 7 00:00:15,452 --> 00:00:17,037 The virus literally said, 8 00:00:17,070 --> 00:00:19,072 "Y'all better stay your Black ass inside 9 00:00:19,097 --> 00:00:20,740 before I whoop y'all ass." 10 00:00:20,765 --> 00:00:22,230 And we did. 11 00:00:22,231 --> 00:00:23,898 Coming into the year, I didn't think 12 00:00:23,899 --> 00:00:27,692 some virus half a world away was gonna be a big deal. 13 00:00:27,717 --> 00:00:29,059 But then March hit. 14 00:00:29,084 --> 00:00:30,533 And it's official. 15 00:00:30,558 --> 00:00:33,692 The NBA will be the first major sport to shut down. 16 00:00:33,717 --> 00:00:35,718 Damn you, Rudy Gobert! 17 00:00:35,719 --> 00:00:38,888 This is all your fault, you nasty-ass French bastard! 18 00:00:38,889 --> 00:00:41,057 It was a dark time, 19 00:00:41,058 --> 00:00:44,312 but I had to admit... I was lucky to have my job. 20 00:00:44,337 --> 00:00:48,077 And best of all, I formed a tighter bond with my family. 21 00:00:48,102 --> 00:00:51,573 Earl, is my negligee dry yet? 22 00:00:51,598 --> 00:00:53,104 Why don't you drag that wagon in here 23 00:00:53,129 --> 00:00:55,860 - and see for yourself? - Nothing brings you closer 24 00:00:55,885 --> 00:00:58,115 than experiencing a shared trauma. 25 00:00:58,166 --> 00:01:00,219 Like watching my mom and Pops 26 00:01:00,244 --> 00:01:02,224 treat quarantine like a honeymoon. 27 00:01:02,249 --> 00:01:05,327 Come on, girl, let's get to folding. 28 00:01:05,374 --> 00:01:07,375 So we were getting through it. 29 00:01:07,376 --> 00:01:10,378 Dr. Rainbow Johnson was working on the front lines, 30 00:01:10,379 --> 00:01:12,380 but she didn't let that slow her down. 31 00:01:12,381 --> 00:01:14,757 I finally got off of work, 32 00:01:14,758 --> 00:01:16,759 and I got everybody dinner! 33 00:01:16,760 --> 00:01:19,261 Okay, that's, uh... that's nice, babe, 34 00:01:19,262 --> 00:01:21,263 but I think we're gonna, uh... 35 00:01:21,264 --> 00:01:23,057 I think we're gonna eat cereal for dinner. 36 00:01:23,058 --> 00:01:24,350 Ohh... come on, babe. 37 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:26,811 I've got six bags of sushi! 38 00:01:26,812 --> 00:01:28,145 Your heart is in the right place, 39 00:01:28,146 --> 00:01:31,649 but, uh, nobody wants to eat your... 40 00:01:31,650 --> 00:01:33,067 your nasty corona food. 41 00:01:33,068 --> 00:01:35,069 And remember, before you come in... 42 00:01:35,070 --> 00:01:37,071 - hose off. - Uh-huh, of course. 43 00:01:37,072 --> 00:01:40,574 You know what, it's fine! Means there's more for me! 44 00:01:40,575 --> 00:01:44,542 I've always wanted to drink a gallon of miso soup! 45 00:01:46,322 --> 00:01:49,127 Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx www.addic7ed.com 46 00:01:53,088 --> 00:01:54,797 Good morning, everyone. 47 00:01:54,798 --> 00:01:57,807 - Good morning. - Ah, there she is... 48 00:01:57,832 --> 00:02:00,332 our American hero. 49 00:02:00,417 --> 00:02:03,516 It doesn't have to be 7:00 for me to applaud you. 50 00:02:03,541 --> 00:02:05,391 - Thank you. God, I love that. - Mm. 51 00:02:05,392 --> 00:02:07,059 A-Are you still doing this, son? 52 00:02:07,060 --> 00:02:08,561 Still clapping for my mother 53 00:02:08,562 --> 00:02:11,355 who is fighting a deadly virus? 54 00:02:11,356 --> 00:02:15,025 I will never grow tired of honoring your sacrifices, Mom, 55 00:02:15,026 --> 00:02:17,027 - unlike this one. Right? - Hmm. Talk to me. 56 00:02:17,028 --> 00:02:19,697 I honor your mama every night 57 00:02:19,698 --> 00:02:22,199 - she allows me to. - Junior, it's okay. 58 00:02:22,200 --> 00:02:24,201 All right. I know how you support me. 59 00:02:24,202 --> 00:02:25,536 You don't need to clap out loud. 60 00:02:25,537 --> 00:02:26,620 You can clap in your heart. 61 00:02:26,621 --> 00:02:28,007 You don't mean that. 62 00:02:28,032 --> 00:02:29,717 No, I don't. Let me hear it! 63 00:02:29,742 --> 00:02:32,460 Go, go! Hey! Hey! Hey! 64 00:02:32,461 --> 00:02:35,254 Hey! I'm essential! I'm essential! Hey! 65 00:02:35,255 --> 00:02:37,423 - Don't do that. - C'mon, man... 66 00:02:37,424 --> 00:02:39,091 I am sorry, Dad. 67 00:02:39,092 --> 00:02:41,427 I am just proud to be the son 68 00:02:41,428 --> 00:02:44,305 - of an essential worker. - Yep. 69 00:02:44,306 --> 00:02:48,893 Two... essential workers. 70 00:02:48,894 --> 00:02:50,269 - Two? - Mm-hmm. 71 00:02:50,270 --> 00:02:51,437 Where? Where? 72 00:02:51,438 --> 00:02:52,772 Me. 73 00:02:52,773 --> 00:02:54,231 - You? - Oh. 74 00:02:54,232 --> 00:02:55,733 Yes. Yes, me. 75 00:02:55,734 --> 00:02:57,318 Oh. Oh! 76 00:02:58,570 --> 00:03:00,753 I gotta get this. 77 00:03:00,778 --> 00:03:01,906 It is Olivia. 78 00:03:01,907 --> 00:03:04,575 We have been doing pandemic video dates... 79 00:03:04,576 --> 00:03:06,410 - Hi, Olivia! - Hey, girl. What's up? 80 00:03:06,411 --> 00:03:08,948 Are you trying to get her to break up with you? 81 00:03:08,973 --> 00:03:10,706 - Leave him alone. - Oh, oh, hey! Hey! 82 00:03:10,707 --> 00:03:11,707 Olivia! Olivia. 83 00:03:11,708 --> 00:03:13,709 Would you consider 84 00:03:13,710 --> 00:03:16,061 a senior advertising executive 85 00:03:16,086 --> 00:03:17,463 an essential worker? 86 00:03:17,464 --> 00:03:19,465 No. Not at all. 87 00:03:19,466 --> 00:03:20,800 Why would you even ask me that? 88 00:03:20,801 --> 00:03:22,885 Hmm. 89 00:03:22,886 --> 00:03:25,054 - Sorry, sweetheart. - What does she know? 90 00:03:25,055 --> 00:03:26,222 She dates Junior. 91 00:03:26,223 --> 00:03:29,350 Look, I make inspirational commercials 92 00:03:29,351 --> 00:03:31,519 - that give people hope. - Mm-hmm. 93 00:03:31,520 --> 00:03:34,313 You mean to tell me that's not essential? 94 00:03:34,314 --> 00:03:36,649 Essential to maintaining 95 00:03:36,650 --> 00:03:40,255 the basic needs of society? 96 00:03:40,280 --> 00:03:42,696 Let me think on that. No. 97 00:03:42,697 --> 00:03:44,114 Of all the haters out there, 98 00:03:44,115 --> 00:03:46,784 I would have never thought that you would become one. 99 00:03:46,785 --> 00:03:49,286 Now, if you'll excuse me, 100 00:03:49,287 --> 00:03:51,580 I've got to get to my essential job 101 00:03:51,581 --> 00:03:54,083 where I place a blanket 102 00:03:54,084 --> 00:03:55,918 on the shoulders of America. 103 00:03:55,919 --> 00:03:57,253 Um, Dre. 104 00:03:57,254 --> 00:03:58,420 Essential workers 105 00:03:58,421 --> 00:04:01,090 do not wear basketball shorts on the job. 106 00:04:04,928 --> 00:04:08,097 Usually I have time to stop by Starbucks 107 00:04:08,098 --> 00:04:11,392 and get my caramel Frapp to take my mind off home drama, 108 00:04:11,393 --> 00:04:14,228 but my five-second COVID commute changed that. 109 00:04:16,923 --> 00:04:18,857 You guys are never gonna believe this. 110 00:04:18,858 --> 00:04:23,988 My family thinks that what we do isn't essential. 111 00:04:23,989 --> 00:04:26,657 Wait, why does your office look different, Stevens? 112 00:04:26,658 --> 00:04:29,159 Oh, I decided to move to my Palm Beach house. 113 00:04:29,160 --> 00:04:31,662 It's, uh... quality of life is so much better here. 114 00:04:31,663 --> 00:04:35,270 I have a full staff of cooks, maids, seamstresses, and farmers 115 00:04:35,295 --> 00:04:36,380 who tend to the land, 116 00:04:36,405 --> 00:04:37,626 and they work with the animals... 117 00:04:37,627 --> 00:04:39,223 Wait, wait, wait, wait. Is that safe? 118 00:04:39,248 --> 00:04:40,351 All those people in and out? 119 00:04:40,376 --> 00:04:41,624 We don't let them leave. 120 00:04:41,649 --> 00:04:43,242 So, where do they live? 121 00:04:43,267 --> 00:04:47,031 We keep them in, uh, smaller, poorer-quality homes 122 00:04:47,056 --> 00:04:48,429 here on the plan... the property. 123 00:04:48,454 --> 00:04:50,249 Stevens, are those people sl... 124 00:04:50,274 --> 00:04:51,538 Look, Dre, let's go back 125 00:04:51,563 --> 00:04:53,392 to talking about your family, okay? 126 00:04:53,393 --> 00:04:55,013 They are way off base, by the way. 127 00:04:55,038 --> 00:04:57,474 We are 110% essential. 128 00:04:57,499 --> 00:04:58,564 Yep. 129 00:04:58,565 --> 00:05:00,180 In a world where you don't know who to trust, 130 00:05:00,205 --> 00:05:01,525 we're the ones telling you that it's safe 131 00:05:01,526 --> 00:05:03,360 to order takeout from Astro Burger. 132 00:05:03,361 --> 00:05:04,862 Yes, we do that, 133 00:05:04,863 --> 00:05:07,698 but we have a bigger influence, too. 134 00:05:07,699 --> 00:05:10,289 We craft powerful images 135 00:05:10,314 --> 00:05:13,409 that deliver messages to people that feed the soul! 136 00:05:13,434 --> 00:05:14,471 Exactly, Dre. 137 00:05:14,496 --> 00:05:16,573 People need to know that there's a brighter tomorrow. 138 00:05:16,598 --> 00:05:19,919 And in that brighter tomorrow, they are gonna need stuff. 139 00:05:19,920 --> 00:05:22,105 No, what they need is a sense 140 00:05:22,130 --> 00:05:24,256 that things are going to get better. 141 00:05:24,288 --> 00:05:27,123 We are comforting people in a time of crisis. 142 00:05:27,162 --> 00:05:29,664 Yes. Comforting them with the message... 143 00:05:29,665 --> 00:05:31,499 "Don't forget what's important. 144 00:05:31,500 --> 00:05:32,500 Stuff." 145 00:05:32,501 --> 00:05:34,002 - Mm. - Yeah. 146 00:05:34,003 --> 00:05:34,962 "Go get it." 147 00:05:34,963 --> 00:05:36,963 I don't think you guys are hearing me. 148 00:05:36,964 --> 00:05:38,631 We give people hope. 149 00:05:38,632 --> 00:05:39,716 Exactly, Dre. 150 00:05:39,717 --> 00:05:41,801 We sell cars and mayonnaise to people 151 00:05:41,826 --> 00:05:44,147 that "hope" their jobs are coming back... 152 00:05:48,475 --> 00:05:49,642 But they're not, though. 153 00:05:54,898 --> 00:05:56,846 Hey, Junior, what is all that honking? 154 00:05:56,871 --> 00:05:58,693 Did your grandmother forget to close her robe again? 155 00:05:58,694 --> 00:06:01,946 No, Janine is having one of those drive-by birthdays, 156 00:06:01,947 --> 00:06:04,449 but it's more like a drive-by stop-and-talk. 157 00:06:04,450 --> 00:06:07,035 Look at all those maskless savages. 158 00:06:07,036 --> 00:06:08,369 Junior, don't be so hard on them. 159 00:06:08,370 --> 00:06:09,871 Come on. No, no, no, no, no. 160 00:06:09,872 --> 00:06:14,208 The government is falling down on its job, okay? 161 00:06:14,209 --> 00:06:16,252 People are getting totally mixed messages, 162 00:06:16,253 --> 00:06:17,420 and they don't know what to believe 163 00:06:17,421 --> 00:06:19,172 about what's safe and what's not. 164 00:06:19,173 --> 00:06:20,506 - So, you know. - All right. 165 00:06:20,507 --> 00:06:22,508 But I m... Wait. Oh, my God, are they hugging? 166 00:06:22,509 --> 00:06:23,676 Oh, my God, they're hugging! 167 00:06:23,677 --> 00:06:25,261 Hey! You can't hug! 168 00:06:25,262 --> 00:06:27,430 How do they know the fibers from their coat 169 00:06:27,431 --> 00:06:29,015 aren't passing the virus? 170 00:06:29,016 --> 00:06:31,267 We don't know how long the virus lives on coats. 171 00:06:31,292 --> 00:06:33,186 They just don't think it's real. 172 00:06:33,187 --> 00:06:36,103 They don't. But I know it's real because I see it every day. 173 00:06:36,128 --> 00:06:37,899 And when I clock in in a few hours, 174 00:06:37,900 --> 00:06:39,317 I'm gonna see it again. 175 00:06:39,318 --> 00:06:42,153 And that's why there are not enough pots in this house 176 00:06:42,154 --> 00:06:43,154 for me to bang on. 177 00:06:43,155 --> 00:06:44,322 - Mm-mm-mm. - This is upsetting. 178 00:06:44,323 --> 00:06:45,656 - Thanks, Junior. - Oh. 179 00:06:46,658 --> 00:06:48,659 I should go wash my hands. 180 00:06:48,660 --> 00:06:49,786 Hey. 181 00:06:49,787 --> 00:06:51,287 That's my boy. 182 00:06:51,288 --> 00:06:52,580 Hey! 183 00:06:52,581 --> 00:06:54,171 While Junior was draining 184 00:06:54,196 --> 00:06:56,167 our supply of hand sanitizer... 185 00:06:56,168 --> 00:06:58,002 Hey! Put a mask on! 186 00:06:58,003 --> 00:06:59,629 ...I decided to test my influence 187 00:06:59,630 --> 00:07:01,433 on a real audience... 188 00:07:02,012 --> 00:07:04,050 In these unprecedented times, 189 00:07:04,051 --> 00:07:07,887 it's easy to feel like your entire life has slipped away. 190 00:07:07,888 --> 00:07:10,056 But even in these darkest of days, 191 00:07:10,057 --> 00:07:13,059 there's one thing we'll always have... 192 00:07:13,060 --> 00:07:14,727 home. 193 00:07:14,728 --> 00:07:16,562 Homestead Mayo. 194 00:07:16,563 --> 00:07:18,689 We will rise again. 195 00:07:18,690 --> 00:07:22,485 So, how did the ad make you feel? 196 00:07:22,486 --> 00:07:24,487 We were... 197 00:07:24,488 --> 00:07:26,823 - We were supposed to feel something? - Yes. 198 00:07:26,824 --> 00:07:28,324 What about you, Jack? 199 00:07:28,325 --> 00:07:31,327 Um... It made me feel, um... 200 00:07:31,328 --> 00:07:32,453 Can you come back to me? 201 00:07:32,454 --> 00:07:33,872 Both of you felt nothing? 202 00:07:35,457 --> 00:07:37,291 But what about the message? 203 00:07:37,292 --> 00:07:40,086 "We will rise again." 204 00:07:40,087 --> 00:07:41,754 - Oh, yeah, I heard that. - Hmm. 205 00:07:41,755 --> 00:07:43,256 Sounds like something a dictator says 206 00:07:43,257 --> 00:07:45,258 as he's walking up the steps of the gallows. 207 00:07:45,259 --> 00:07:48,094 - But, hey, that's not my criticism. - Yeah. 208 00:07:48,095 --> 00:07:50,638 Oh, so you guys didn't feel anything? 209 00:07:50,639 --> 00:07:51,973 Sad. 210 00:07:51,974 --> 00:07:53,266 For you. 211 00:07:53,267 --> 00:07:55,601 You know what? 212 00:07:55,602 --> 00:07:57,603 We should give Dad some space. 213 00:07:57,604 --> 00:08:00,314 Privacy is very important in these trying times. 214 00:08:00,338 --> 00:08:01,381 Yeah. 215 00:08:04,717 --> 00:08:06,014 Hey. 216 00:08:06,071 --> 00:08:07,822 - Mm. - What did I miss, guys? 217 00:08:07,823 --> 00:08:09,156 Nothing. 218 00:08:09,157 --> 00:08:11,405 - It's been real quiet in there. - What is wrong with you? 219 00:08:11,444 --> 00:08:13,243 You don't say "It's real quiet" in a hospital 220 00:08:13,244 --> 00:08:14,578 during a pandemic. 221 00:08:14,579 --> 00:08:17,080 Go away, Larry! Go away! You're banned! 222 00:08:17,081 --> 00:08:18,582 Go! 223 00:08:18,583 --> 00:08:21,043 And not more pizza. My God. 224 00:08:21,044 --> 00:08:24,379 They call us heroes, 225 00:08:24,380 --> 00:08:27,549 but I bet you when Batman saved Gotham, 226 00:08:27,550 --> 00:08:29,551 he got more than Hot 'n' Ready. 227 00:08:29,552 --> 00:08:31,470 Yeah. This hero needs a vegetable. 228 00:08:31,471 --> 00:08:32,471 - Yeah. - Yeah, forget that. 229 00:08:32,472 --> 00:08:33,806 Pay off my med school loans. 230 00:08:33,807 --> 00:08:36,139 Right. Uh-oh, uh-oh. 231 00:08:36,164 --> 00:08:37,726 A stranger at my door. 232 00:08:37,727 --> 00:08:39,228 That's just what you want 233 00:08:39,229 --> 00:08:42,189 right in the middle of a highly infectious virus. 234 00:08:42,190 --> 00:08:44,024 That's nice. 235 00:08:44,025 --> 00:08:45,150 Oh. 236 00:08:45,151 --> 00:08:46,610 Wait, is that... 237 00:08:47,654 --> 00:08:50,155 No... 238 00:08:50,156 --> 00:08:51,365 Olivia? 239 00:08:51,366 --> 00:08:52,449 Who's Olivia? 240 00:08:52,450 --> 00:08:54,451 Larry! 241 00:08:54,452 --> 00:08:56,121 Go. 242 00:08:58,972 --> 00:09:01,751 - That can't be her. - Who? 243 00:09:01,793 --> 00:09:03,252 Junior's girlfriend. 244 00:09:03,253 --> 00:09:05,087 There's no way he's gonna sneak in a girl 245 00:09:05,088 --> 00:09:07,256 in your house during quarantine. 246 00:09:07,257 --> 00:09:08,257 - Right? - I'm kidding. 247 00:09:08,258 --> 00:09:09,758 It's definitely her. They're smashing. 248 00:09:09,759 --> 00:09:12,427 Can you not talk about my son that way, please? 249 00:09:12,428 --> 00:09:13,512 We're just jealous. 250 00:09:13,513 --> 00:09:15,347 He's got no job, lives with his parents, 251 00:09:15,348 --> 00:09:17,933 and, clearly, his mom doesn't hold him to any standards. 252 00:09:17,934 --> 00:09:19,184 You know what? You sound dumb. 253 00:09:19,185 --> 00:09:22,437 Both of you sound dumb, and you sound like dentists, okay? 254 00:09:22,438 --> 00:09:25,395 Junior knows that he cannot break our family bubble, okay? 255 00:09:25,420 --> 00:09:26,900 And I'm gonna prove it to you. 256 00:09:26,901 --> 00:09:28,068 Yes, I am. 257 00:09:28,069 --> 00:09:30,529 Hey, Siri, call my emergency contact. 258 00:09:30,530 --> 00:09:32,866 My husband's an idiot. 259 00:09:34,033 --> 00:09:35,367 Hey, Mom. 260 00:09:35,368 --> 00:09:36,702 Hey, sweetheart. 261 00:09:36,703 --> 00:09:38,370 I was just looking at the doorbell cam, 262 00:09:38,371 --> 00:09:39,580 and I thought I saw Olivia. 263 00:09:39,581 --> 00:09:41,171 She wasn't at the house, was she? 264 00:09:41,196 --> 00:09:42,833 - Olivia? - Yeah. 265 00:09:42,834 --> 00:09:45,460 Here? No, no, no, no, no. 266 00:09:45,461 --> 00:09:46,758 That's what I thought, okay. 267 00:09:46,783 --> 00:09:48,839 I'll see you at home later, all right? Bye, honey. 268 00:09:48,840 --> 00:09:50,174 See? 269 00:09:50,175 --> 00:09:52,509 - Yep, you showed us. - Mm-hmm. 270 00:09:52,510 --> 00:09:54,511 Showed us that your son has no problem 271 00:09:54,512 --> 00:09:55,773 lying to your face. 272 00:09:55,798 --> 00:09:57,139 - What? - Pop! 273 00:09:57,140 --> 00:09:58,640 That's your bubble. 274 00:09:58,641 --> 00:10:01,643 While Bow was fighting with nerds, 275 00:10:01,644 --> 00:10:04,646 I was fighting to light up the soul of a nation. 276 00:10:04,647 --> 00:10:05,772 Hey, son. 277 00:10:05,773 --> 00:10:08,442 - Yeah? - Tell me this. 278 00:10:08,443 --> 00:10:11,278 What was the most inspirational commercial 279 00:10:11,279 --> 00:10:12,613 that you've ever seen? 280 00:10:12,614 --> 00:10:14,114 Hmm... 281 00:10:14,115 --> 00:10:15,449 Oh, that one where the dog 282 00:10:15,450 --> 00:10:17,541 has to figure out where to invest his bone. 283 00:10:17,566 --> 00:10:20,198 Oh... that was a good one. 284 00:10:20,223 --> 00:10:21,205 Yeah. 285 00:10:21,206 --> 00:10:23,123 You know, but I got to go bigger than that. 286 00:10:23,124 --> 00:10:25,125 I've got to create a campaign 287 00:10:25,126 --> 00:10:28,253 that's just as powerful as the "Be Like Mike" ad. 288 00:10:28,254 --> 00:10:29,523 - Wow. - It... 289 00:10:29,548 --> 00:10:32,257 It had me thinking that anything was possible 290 00:10:32,258 --> 00:10:34,593 as long as I was willing to put in the work. 291 00:10:34,594 --> 00:10:37,512 To inspire people to that degree 292 00:10:37,513 --> 00:10:39,181 so I can know I'm making a difference 293 00:10:39,182 --> 00:10:40,682 while I'm sticking it to your mama... 294 00:10:40,683 --> 00:10:42,100 that's what I need to do. 295 00:10:42,101 --> 00:10:47,605 Hey, son, what is the world in need of right now? 296 00:10:47,630 --> 00:10:49,650 - A vaccine. - Okay, what's after that? 297 00:10:49,651 --> 00:10:51,144 Universal healthcare. 298 00:10:51,169 --> 00:10:53,378 Rent forgiveness. Universal basic income. 299 00:10:53,379 --> 00:10:55,380 Say something that's possible. 300 00:10:55,381 --> 00:10:58,550 That's the thing. Everything that I want is impossible. 301 00:10:58,551 --> 00:11:00,552 I want to take my lady by the hand and whisk her 302 00:11:00,553 --> 00:11:02,679 to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. 303 00:11:02,680 --> 00:11:04,014 I want to get a gentle adjustment 304 00:11:04,015 --> 00:11:05,766 from my yoga teacher. 305 00:11:05,767 --> 00:11:08,144 I want to dap up my friends. 306 00:11:10,229 --> 00:11:11,730 That's it. 307 00:11:11,731 --> 00:11:12,814 What? 308 00:11:12,815 --> 00:11:14,983 That's it, son! 309 00:11:14,984 --> 00:11:16,818 People want to be touched. 310 00:11:16,819 --> 00:11:20,352 Th-The power... of hands! 311 00:11:20,377 --> 00:11:23,825 Yes! The human touch! I got... Hey! 312 00:11:23,826 --> 00:11:25,994 Hey. Where you going? 313 00:11:25,995 --> 00:11:28,163 It's... It's probably for the best. 314 00:11:28,164 --> 00:11:31,083 I... I didn't want to take another shower anyway. 315 00:11:31,084 --> 00:11:33,085 Well, now I have to go shower my hand. 316 00:11:33,115 --> 00:11:35,340 - Excuse me. Excuse me. - All right, okay. 317 00:11:35,365 --> 00:11:36,922 Excuse me. Six feet. 318 00:11:36,923 --> 00:11:37,923 All right, the blades again? 319 00:11:37,924 --> 00:11:39,383 Six feet. Yes, again. 320 00:11:39,998 --> 00:11:42,127 You don't understand Junior, all right? 321 00:11:42,152 --> 00:11:45,205 There is no one that is more committed to our safety 322 00:11:45,230 --> 00:11:46,473 than my Junior. 323 00:11:46,474 --> 00:11:48,642 Well, everyone is, right, to a certain point. 324 00:11:48,643 --> 00:11:51,770 Until it comes to that haircut or that birthday party. 325 00:11:51,771 --> 00:11:53,271 Plus no one believes how sick you can get 326 00:11:53,272 --> 00:11:54,940 until you've seen what we've seen. 327 00:11:54,941 --> 00:11:56,274 Well, Junior does. 328 00:11:56,275 --> 00:11:58,235 - Does he? - Yeah. 329 00:11:58,236 --> 00:12:02,280 Okay, all right, look. 330 00:12:02,281 --> 00:12:04,074 It's probably just a delivery person. 331 00:12:04,075 --> 00:12:05,450 The camera's really vague. 332 00:12:05,451 --> 00:12:07,452 You can't really see, but he said it's not her. 333 00:12:07,453 --> 00:12:08,980 - Mm-hmm. - That's all the proof I need. Just look. 334 00:12:09,005 --> 00:12:10,288 Hey, babe. It's Olivia. 335 00:12:10,289 --> 00:12:11,957 I'll meet you out back. 336 00:12:11,958 --> 00:12:14,334 Ooh, where do you think she's dropping the package? 337 00:12:15,670 --> 00:12:18,797 Thank you all for coming. 338 00:12:18,798 --> 00:12:21,466 Oh, look how handsome our son is, Earl. 339 00:12:21,467 --> 00:12:24,511 You look like RuPaul out of drag. 340 00:12:24,512 --> 00:12:25,595 - Mm. - Hey. Yeah. 341 00:12:25,596 --> 00:12:27,097 Thank you, Mama. All right. 342 00:12:27,098 --> 00:12:29,266 I-I know you're probably all wondering 343 00:12:29,267 --> 00:12:31,101 where I've been for a little while. 344 00:12:31,102 --> 00:12:32,227 I haven't. 345 00:12:32,228 --> 00:12:33,895 I firmly believe it's every father's right 346 00:12:33,896 --> 00:12:36,565 to disappear for as long as he sees fit. 347 00:12:36,566 --> 00:12:39,234 I've been working on my masterpiece, 348 00:12:39,235 --> 00:12:42,237 and I'm finally finished. 349 00:12:42,238 --> 00:12:43,572 You know, it's a delicate marriage 350 00:12:43,573 --> 00:12:45,073 between art and commerce 351 00:12:45,074 --> 00:12:47,909 that birthed a baby named hope. 352 00:12:47,910 --> 00:12:51,413 - Mm-hmm. - I call it: "Touch." 353 00:12:52,374 --> 00:12:53,701 Hands. 354 00:12:53,726 --> 00:12:55,185 We all have them. 355 00:12:55,210 --> 00:12:57,270 And we ask them to do a lot. 356 00:12:57,295 --> 00:13:00,297 But really, hands are meant to touch. 357 00:13:00,322 --> 00:13:03,764 Today touching is a weapon. 358 00:13:03,843 --> 00:13:05,591 Touching is dangerous. 359 00:13:05,636 --> 00:13:09,491 But one day soon, we'll return to normal. 360 00:13:09,516 --> 00:13:11,641 And your hands will touch again... 361 00:13:11,642 --> 00:13:13,390 And we'll be ready 362 00:13:13,415 --> 00:13:15,937 with Soft Hands Lotion. 363 00:13:18,274 --> 00:13:19,442 Powerful, right? 364 00:13:20,695 --> 00:13:25,029 Take a moment to... to gather your emotions. 365 00:13:26,449 --> 00:13:28,783 Okay, uh, nobody has anything to say? 366 00:13:28,784 --> 00:13:31,828 I'm sorry, a-are you selling people hands? 367 00:13:31,829 --> 00:13:33,622 Look, I'm just gonna say it, baby. 368 00:13:33,623 --> 00:13:35,999 - Hey, that wasn't it. - What? 369 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:40,003 But, Mama, that was my best. I gave you all that I had. 370 00:13:40,004 --> 00:13:42,839 M-Maybe it just needs a... a new tag line. 371 00:13:42,840 --> 00:13:45,175 You know, something that reminds you 372 00:13:45,176 --> 00:13:49,179 even in this unprecedented time, 373 00:13:49,180 --> 00:13:51,681 now more than ever, that even when we're apart, 374 00:13:51,682 --> 00:13:55,018 we're together. 375 00:13:55,019 --> 00:13:56,645 Oh, no. 376 00:13:56,646 --> 00:14:01,566 And there it was. I wasn't making art. 377 00:14:01,567 --> 00:14:04,069 I was just lazily throwing together tag lines. 378 00:14:04,070 --> 00:14:08,490 Whatever "essential" was, I was the opposite. 379 00:14:08,491 --> 00:14:09,991 Looks like he's thinking over 380 00:14:09,992 --> 00:14:12,661 those terrible life choices he's made. 381 00:14:12,662 --> 00:14:15,413 What do you say you and me get out of here? 382 00:14:15,414 --> 00:14:17,457 Mmm. Tasty. 383 00:14:18,751 --> 00:14:21,753 Listen, baby, if it makes you feel any better, 384 00:14:21,754 --> 00:14:23,588 your ad has inspired me 385 00:14:23,589 --> 00:14:25,966 to put my hands on your Daddy right now. 386 00:14:25,967 --> 00:14:26,967 Hey. 387 00:14:26,968 --> 00:14:27,968 Thank you, son. 388 00:14:27,969 --> 00:14:30,136 Yeah. 389 00:14:30,137 --> 00:14:32,806 Come on, Earl. I'm gonna wear you out. 390 00:14:32,807 --> 00:14:34,557 We don't know that she went inside. 391 00:14:34,558 --> 00:14:36,518 They're probably just out in the backyard. 392 00:14:36,519 --> 00:14:37,769 They're socially distanced. 393 00:14:37,770 --> 00:14:39,521 - Bow, come on. - What? 394 00:14:39,522 --> 00:14:40,563 You're the smartest person I know. 395 00:14:40,564 --> 00:14:41,564 Hey! 396 00:14:41,565 --> 00:14:43,024 It's... it's fair. 397 00:14:43,025 --> 00:14:44,192 Why are you having such trouble 398 00:14:44,193 --> 00:14:45,777 accepting what's happening under your roof? 399 00:14:45,778 --> 00:14:47,737 I know it's happening, okay? 400 00:14:47,738 --> 00:14:50,407 But I can't do my job if I have to think about that. 401 00:14:50,408 --> 00:14:51,950 I don't know about you, 402 00:14:51,951 --> 00:14:54,452 but I did not sign up to fight a deadly virus 403 00:14:54,453 --> 00:14:56,454 with one arm tied behind my back. 404 00:14:56,455 --> 00:14:58,957 And if I can't believe that every member of my family 405 00:14:58,958 --> 00:15:02,168 is doing their best to keep us safe, 406 00:15:02,169 --> 00:15:04,504 especially my most reliable family member, 407 00:15:04,505 --> 00:15:06,589 then I'm sorry, but we're screwed. 408 00:15:06,590 --> 00:15:07,924 And I don't know if I can get through this. 409 00:15:07,925 --> 00:15:09,759 So I'm not focusing on that, okay? 410 00:15:12,096 --> 00:15:14,076 Dr. Alvarez to emergent care. 411 00:15:14,101 --> 00:15:16,141 - Code Black, let's go. - Okay. Let's do this. 412 00:15:16,142 --> 00:15:18,484 - You guys ready to be "heroes." - Let's do it. 413 00:15:18,585 --> 00:15:20,061 Okay. 414 00:15:26,235 --> 00:15:27,319 Hey, Mom. 415 00:15:27,320 --> 00:15:28,570 - Oh! - You need a hand? 416 00:15:28,571 --> 00:15:29,571 - Step back. - Is everything all right? 417 00:15:29,572 --> 00:15:32,115 - I said step back, Junior! - Sorry. 418 00:15:32,116 --> 00:15:33,450 God. 419 00:15:33,451 --> 00:15:34,784 Listen, when I tell you something, 420 00:15:34,785 --> 00:15:36,453 you need to listen to me, okay? 421 00:15:36,454 --> 00:15:37,996 I'm saying it for your own good. 422 00:15:37,997 --> 00:15:39,497 Okay... 423 00:15:39,498 --> 00:15:41,124 I know that Olivia came over here today, 424 00:15:41,125 --> 00:15:42,375 and I know that you lied to me. 425 00:15:42,376 --> 00:15:46,713 Okay, I... I understand that this is bad, 426 00:15:46,714 --> 00:15:49,507 but it's been extremely hard to be apart. 427 00:15:49,508 --> 00:15:51,634 And she lives alone, 428 00:15:51,635 --> 00:15:52,886 and she's been being really careful, 429 00:15:52,887 --> 00:15:54,220 and I've been being really careful... 430 00:15:54,221 --> 00:15:55,847 That's what everybody thinks, Junior! 431 00:15:55,848 --> 00:15:59,309 But they're not seeing what I am seeing at the hospital. 432 00:15:59,310 --> 00:16:03,271 Today, I went from COVID patient to COVID patient 433 00:16:03,272 --> 00:16:05,273 to COVID patient. 434 00:16:05,274 --> 00:16:08,109 I intubated a woman that was my age, Junior, 435 00:16:08,110 --> 00:16:09,611 and she was awake. 436 00:16:09,612 --> 00:16:11,780 She was just looking in my eyes, terrified. 437 00:16:11,781 --> 00:16:15,617 She got COVID working at the supermarket. 438 00:16:15,618 --> 00:16:18,620 She had to go to work. She had no choice. 439 00:16:18,621 --> 00:16:21,498 The same way I don't have a choice as a doctor! 440 00:16:21,499 --> 00:16:23,583 And having Olivia over here is... 441 00:16:23,584 --> 00:16:26,669 is disrespecting everything that I'm fighting for. 442 00:16:26,670 --> 00:16:29,005 You know that I think you are a hero... 443 00:16:29,006 --> 00:16:31,074 Stop with the hero stuff, Junior. 444 00:16:31,175 --> 00:16:34,010 I'm afraid! 445 00:16:34,011 --> 00:16:36,513 Afraid! 446 00:16:36,514 --> 00:16:38,014 I'm doing everything in my power 447 00:16:38,015 --> 00:16:41,017 to protect myself and my patients and my family, 448 00:16:41,018 --> 00:16:42,644 and you are... 449 00:16:42,645 --> 00:16:45,480 you're endangering all of it... 450 00:16:45,481 --> 00:16:46,689 all of it, 451 00:16:46,690 --> 00:16:48,691 just so you could see your girlfriend. 452 00:16:48,692 --> 00:16:50,151 I'm sorry, Mom. 453 00:16:50,152 --> 00:16:53,321 I'm really trying believe that we can get through this. 454 00:16:53,322 --> 00:16:54,823 But it is so hard 455 00:16:54,824 --> 00:16:58,827 when people won't do this simple thing 456 00:16:58,828 --> 00:16:59,994 for the greater good, 457 00:16:59,995 --> 00:17:03,206 and it is even harder when my own son... 458 00:17:06,544 --> 00:17:08,128 ...won't do his part. 459 00:17:11,632 --> 00:17:15,218 I'm so, so sorry. 460 00:17:19,140 --> 00:17:21,141 It's gonna be okay, right? 461 00:17:22,476 --> 00:17:25,603 We're gonna look back at all this and say, 462 00:17:25,604 --> 00:17:27,522 "I can't believe I was there," right. 463 00:17:27,523 --> 00:17:31,109 I'm not gonna want to look back, Junior. 464 00:17:31,110 --> 00:17:33,612 Mom. 465 00:17:40,953 --> 00:17:42,954 I think I'm just gonna go home. 466 00:17:42,955 --> 00:17:46,291 Yeah, I think that's best. 467 00:17:55,801 --> 00:17:56,968 Hey. 468 00:17:56,969 --> 00:18:00,138 How's my favorite essential worker? 469 00:18:00,139 --> 00:18:02,182 Too tired to rehash that debate. 470 00:18:02,183 --> 00:18:04,017 Uh, no rehash, babe. 471 00:18:04,018 --> 00:18:06,144 I just... 472 00:18:06,145 --> 00:18:07,312 You know, I'm struggling. 473 00:18:07,313 --> 00:18:08,563 I know. 474 00:18:08,564 --> 00:18:11,065 There's so much pain going on right now, 475 00:18:11,066 --> 00:18:13,276 and I can't do anything to ease it. 476 00:18:13,277 --> 00:18:15,779 And you are over here on another level. 477 00:18:15,780 --> 00:18:19,115 Ugh! Dre, you do not want to be on my level. 478 00:18:19,116 --> 00:18:21,451 What I see every day is so hard... 479 00:18:21,452 --> 00:18:22,911 It's hard to stay hopeful. 480 00:18:22,912 --> 00:18:27,499 Well, let me see if I can help you out. 481 00:18:27,500 --> 00:18:29,167 Now, more than ever, 482 00:18:29,168 --> 00:18:32,462 the world needs its sexy doctors. 483 00:18:32,463 --> 00:18:33,630 Oh. 484 00:18:33,631 --> 00:18:35,465 And I am proud to say 485 00:18:35,466 --> 00:18:38,802 that I am the husband of an essential... 486 00:18:38,803 --> 00:18:39,969 Yes. 487 00:18:39,970 --> 00:18:42,223 ...first-ish responder. 488 00:18:44,016 --> 00:18:45,350 Ish? 489 00:18:45,351 --> 00:18:46,518 Come on, babe. 490 00:18:46,519 --> 00:18:48,102 It's not like you're in the "ambalance" with them. 491 00:18:48,103 --> 00:18:50,021 It's am-bu-lance. 492 00:18:50,022 --> 00:18:51,356 Not if you want them to come fast. 493 00:18:51,357 --> 00:18:53,650 Nope, you just can't help yourself. It's okay. 494 00:18:53,651 --> 00:18:54,776 Oh. 495 00:18:54,777 --> 00:18:56,945 Let me see who this is. 496 00:18:56,946 --> 00:18:59,781 Oh. Wow. 497 00:18:59,782 --> 00:19:00,949 What? 498 00:19:00,950 --> 00:19:03,660 Chrissy Teigen just tweeted this photo 499 00:19:03,661 --> 00:19:05,995 with my billboard in the background. 500 00:19:05,996 --> 00:19:07,121 Oh! 501 00:19:07,122 --> 00:19:08,832 She said it's gonna be 502 00:19:08,833 --> 00:19:12,168 "the definitive image of the pandemic in L. A." 503 00:19:12,169 --> 00:19:14,003 - That's cool. - Yes! 504 00:19:14,004 --> 00:19:16,549 What... What d... What exactly does that mean? 505 00:19:17,174 --> 00:19:21,678 My billboard, it's saying that despite the desolation, 506 00:19:21,679 --> 00:19:24,180 we will rise again! 507 00:19:24,181 --> 00:19:27,183 Yes! I am inspiring the city! 508 00:19:27,184 --> 00:19:30,228 I am essential! 509 00:19:30,229 --> 00:19:34,315 You are the real hero, Dre! 510 00:19:34,316 --> 00:19:36,150 Yes. 511 00:19:36,151 --> 00:19:39,153 At this point it may be cliché, 512 00:19:39,154 --> 00:19:41,613 but these are unprecedented times. 513 00:19:41,638 --> 00:19:43,806 So we're all just trying to get through it 514 00:19:43,831 --> 00:19:45,517 the best that we can... 515 00:19:45,542 --> 00:19:49,455 with courage, with hope, and with our humanity. 516 00:19:49,456 --> 00:19:52,792 Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 517 00:19:52,793 --> 00:19:54,627 You saved my life. 518 00:19:54,628 --> 00:19:56,796 You're heroes. 519 00:19:56,797 --> 00:19:58,965 I intubated him last month. 520 00:19:58,966 --> 00:20:00,751 And now he's going home. 521 00:20:00,776 --> 00:20:01,968 Good work. 522 00:20:01,969 --> 00:20:04,304 In the absence of leadership, 523 00:20:04,305 --> 00:20:06,973 it takes everyday people to step up. 524 00:20:06,974 --> 00:20:08,808 - Ready to go back to work? - Yep. 525 00:20:08,809 --> 00:20:11,269 I wish I could've said things got easier. 526 00:20:11,270 --> 00:20:12,937 But even through the darkness, 527 00:20:12,938 --> 00:20:16,274 Bow somehow managed to find some light. 528 00:20:16,275 --> 00:20:18,819 That's what makes her a hero. 529 00:20:21,374 --> 00:20:22,663 Hey. 530 00:20:22,688 --> 00:20:24,775 How's day three of the quarantine going? 531 00:20:24,800 --> 00:20:26,367 Hey, do you have enough liquids in there? 532 00:20:26,368 --> 00:20:28,292 Yep, my super-strict quarantine 533 00:20:28,362 --> 00:20:30,316 is going great. 534 00:20:30,372 --> 00:20:32,772 My closet is extra organized, 535 00:20:32,797 --> 00:20:34,631 Jack and Diane are bringing me Lunchables 536 00:20:34,656 --> 00:20:35,780 three times a day, 537 00:20:35,805 --> 00:20:37,686 and, you know, by the time I am out of here, 538 00:20:37,711 --> 00:20:40,022 my sourdough starter is gonna be ready. 539 00:20:40,047 --> 00:20:42,902 I'm not gonna break your trust or this quarantine. 540 00:20:42,927 --> 00:20:46,176 Thank you. And, hey, will you thank Olivia for me, please? 541 00:20:46,201 --> 00:20:48,598 She sent an Edible Arrangement to the hospital. 542 00:20:48,599 --> 00:20:52,143 Turns out, it was an arrangement of edibles. 543 00:20:52,144 --> 00:20:57,138 We found Dr. Paul putting makeup on corpses in the morgue. 544 00:20:57,163 --> 00:20:58,284 Very awkward. 545 00:20:58,309 --> 00:21:00,777 Again, we are both so sorry. 546 00:21:00,802 --> 00:21:02,679 But hey, I've talked your ear off. 547 00:21:02,704 --> 00:21:04,572 It's probably time for you to go to work. 548 00:21:04,573 --> 00:21:06,032 Junior, I'm about to go to bed. 549 00:21:07,785 --> 00:21:10,119 Oh, my God. 550 00:21:10,120 --> 00:21:12,829 I've lost all concept of time. 551 00:21:12,915 --> 00:21:15,025 What day is it? 552 00:21:15,125 --> 00:21:17,461 Can someone give me another Lunchable?! 553 00:21:19,563 --> 00:21:20,880 Someone help me! 554 00:21:20,905 --> 00:21:22,406 Help! 555 00:21:22,961 --> 00:21:24,087 Jack!