1 00:00:07,967 --> 00:00:09,552 CARTER: Previously on Agent Carter... 2 00:00:09,635 --> 00:00:10,678 HOWARD: The Arena Club? 3 00:00:10,761 --> 00:00:12,430 What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Peg? 4 00:00:12,513 --> 00:00:14,515 I don't know. But at least I know where to start looking. 5 00:00:14,598 --> 00:00:16,058 CARTER: I want to plant listening devices 6 00:00:16,142 --> 00:00:17,685 in the club and let them incriminate themselves. 7 00:00:17,768 --> 00:00:19,020 You and Peggy make a great team. 8 00:00:19,103 --> 00:00:20,938 I'm happy to help out Miss Carter in any way I can. 9 00:00:24,066 --> 00:00:25,443 Look. Peggy... 10 00:00:25,526 --> 00:00:26,986 CARTER: No, don't touch me. I've seen this before. 11 00:00:27,069 --> 00:00:29,280 This is a side effect of Zero Matter. 12 00:00:29,363 --> 00:00:32,366 JARVIS: Mr Stark's process would make all invisible wavelengths visible. 13 00:00:32,450 --> 00:00:34,076 CARTER: Dr Wilkes. Why can't I touch him? 14 00:00:34,160 --> 00:00:35,369 HOWARD: He's visible. He's just not tangible. 15 00:00:35,453 --> 00:00:36,495 Am I dead? 16 00:00:36,579 --> 00:00:38,122 We thought so, but apparently not. 17 00:00:38,205 --> 00:00:39,248 SOUSA: Meet Agnes Cully. 18 00:00:39,331 --> 00:00:40,666 "Whitney Frost" is her stage name. 19 00:00:40,750 --> 00:00:43,711 America's sweetheart is the brains behind Isodyne Energy. 20 00:00:43,794 --> 00:00:45,046 Oh, my God! 21 00:00:54,180 --> 00:00:57,391 I will slay you, dragon, and save the princess. 22 00:01:01,020 --> 00:01:05,024 Now, fair maiden, I will cut off the dragon's head. 23 00:01:05,900 --> 00:01:06,942 (GRUNTS) 24 00:01:07,818 --> 00:01:09,070 - Give it back. - Here it is. 25 00:01:09,153 --> 00:01:10,780 Come on. Take it. 26 00:01:10,863 --> 00:01:12,239 Michael, give it to me. 27 00:01:13,449 --> 00:01:14,700 (GRUNTING) 28 00:01:15,618 --> 00:01:17,036 (CHUCKLES) 29 00:01:17,703 --> 00:01:18,996 WOMAN: Margaret Elizabeth Carter! 30 00:01:22,333 --> 00:01:23,375 Come. 31 00:01:24,460 --> 00:01:26,712 You'll be the death of me, Peggy Carter. 32 00:01:26,796 --> 00:01:27,922 Oh... 33 00:01:29,131 --> 00:01:31,550 - Where is my blasted handkerchief? - (GIGGLES) 34 00:01:32,301 --> 00:01:33,511 Oh, go on. Have a laugh. 35 00:01:33,594 --> 00:01:36,555 But one of these days, you're going to have to start behaving like a lady. 36 00:01:37,223 --> 00:01:38,766 (SIGHS) 37 00:01:41,227 --> 00:01:42,269 Four... 38 00:01:44,855 --> 00:01:46,440 Oh, sorry. 39 00:01:49,110 --> 00:01:50,402 I'm starved. 40 00:01:50,778 --> 00:01:52,279 (BOTH CHUCKLE) 41 00:01:52,363 --> 00:01:53,614 I miss food. 42 00:01:53,697 --> 00:01:56,158 Oh, yes. I hadn't thought of that. Are you hungry? 43 00:01:56,242 --> 00:01:57,409 No. 44 00:01:57,493 --> 00:01:59,745 Well, I don't think so. 45 00:01:59,829 --> 00:02:02,456 I don't have any sense of my body at all, actually. 46 00:02:02,540 --> 00:02:04,416 I'm numb. 47 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:06,210 It's disconcerting. 48 00:02:06,293 --> 00:02:07,419 I wish I could be of more use 49 00:02:07,503 --> 00:02:09,672 in helping you find a way to reverse your condition. 50 00:02:10,214 --> 00:02:13,592 Well, if spending time with you is the by-product of my current state, 51 00:02:14,552 --> 00:02:16,554 I'd almost say it's worth it. 52 00:02:16,929 --> 00:02:19,014 Still, it must be very... 53 00:02:20,724 --> 00:02:22,685 Frustrating. 54 00:02:23,269 --> 00:02:25,187 You have no idea. 55 00:02:31,694 --> 00:02:33,779 - You were saying? - Right. 56 00:02:35,531 --> 00:02:38,993 What we're looking at is a design for a fast-neutron reactor. 57 00:02:39,076 --> 00:02:41,370 They built one like it in Los Alamos last year, 58 00:02:41,453 --> 00:02:45,666 which, at full power, could generate 25 kilowatts. 59 00:02:45,749 --> 00:02:46,792 Oh. Right. 60 00:02:47,293 --> 00:02:49,712 Three years before that, Agnes Cully... 61 00:02:49,795 --> 00:02:53,549 Or, as we know her, Whitney Frost, patented this reactor 62 00:02:53,632 --> 00:02:56,844 that can theoretically generate 1,000 times more power. 63 00:02:57,553 --> 00:02:58,762 So she's a genius. 64 00:02:59,555 --> 00:03:00,764 I'm a genius. 65 00:03:01,432 --> 00:03:02,975 Whitney Frost... (SCOFFS) 66 00:03:03,809 --> 00:03:05,853 She defies categorisation. 67 00:03:09,148 --> 00:03:10,566 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 68 00:03:11,525 --> 00:03:12,651 It's open. 69 00:03:12,943 --> 00:03:17,156 Miss Frost? A package has just arrived for you. 70 00:03:17,239 --> 00:03:18,866 - Where would you like it? - In here, Mabel. 71 00:03:18,949 --> 00:03:20,451 Beside the vanity is fine. 72 00:03:21,744 --> 00:03:22,953 (GROANS) 73 00:03:23,329 --> 00:03:25,539 Thank you. That'll be all. 74 00:03:26,957 --> 00:03:28,334 Something's moving in here. 75 00:03:29,168 --> 00:03:31,837 Thank you. That'll be all. 76 00:03:32,546 --> 00:03:34,256 (SCRATCHING) 77 00:03:38,135 --> 00:03:39,386 (DOOR CLOSES) 78 00:03:44,058 --> 00:03:45,809 (RATS SQUEAKING) 79 00:04:06,372 --> 00:04:08,332 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 80 00:04:19,343 --> 00:04:20,761 Well... (CLEARS THROAT) 81 00:04:21,470 --> 00:04:24,556 Mr Chadwick is inside, but no sign of Miss Frost. 82 00:04:24,640 --> 00:04:27,393 Not a dead loss, though. I did get you a button. 83 00:04:27,476 --> 00:04:28,727 Thank you. 84 00:04:29,603 --> 00:04:30,771 (BUTTON CLANKS) 85 00:04:30,854 --> 00:04:33,440 For the purposes of blending in, Miss Carter. 86 00:04:33,524 --> 00:04:36,235 Whitney Frost isn't here. She certainly isn't at work. 87 00:04:36,318 --> 00:04:38,153 No one's seen her since her director disappeared. 88 00:04:38,237 --> 00:04:40,155 Well, perhaps she's still at her home. 89 00:04:40,239 --> 00:04:41,573 "Holed up," as they say. 90 00:04:41,657 --> 00:04:43,492 She and her husband have gone to great lengths 91 00:04:43,575 --> 00:04:45,411 to hide her involvement in Zero Matter. 92 00:04:45,494 --> 00:04:48,414 Perhaps exposing her is the key to exposing everything. 93 00:04:48,789 --> 00:04:50,499 Ah. Here's Mr Chadwick now. 94 00:04:50,624 --> 00:04:51,667 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) 95 00:04:52,251 --> 00:04:54,753 JARVIS: Oh, Hedy Lamarr is divorcing husband number three. 96 00:04:55,212 --> 00:04:57,214 Be still my beating heart. 97 00:04:57,298 --> 00:04:59,466 Mr Jarvis, look at that driver's hand. 98 00:05:00,801 --> 00:05:02,303 JARVIS: Oh, what a coincidence. 99 00:05:02,386 --> 00:05:05,097 He's got the same wound you inflicted on that attacker the other day. 100 00:05:07,349 --> 00:05:08,809 (GASPS) 101 00:05:08,892 --> 00:05:10,269 The Chadwicks appear to have built 102 00:05:10,352 --> 00:05:12,563 quite a formidable wall around themselves. 103 00:05:12,646 --> 00:05:15,524 Well, it's high time we put a crack in that wall. 104 00:05:16,817 --> 00:05:17,943 (ENGINE TURNS OVER) 105 00:05:20,070 --> 00:05:21,405 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 106 00:05:21,822 --> 00:05:24,658 Got it. Thank you, Rose. You are a wonder. 107 00:05:26,660 --> 00:05:27,995 (SIGHS) 108 00:05:29,246 --> 00:05:31,749 The car is registered to Rufus Hunt. 109 00:05:31,832 --> 00:05:33,542 Served in the Philippines during the war. 110 00:05:33,625 --> 00:05:35,794 Court-martialled, dishonourably discharged 111 00:05:35,878 --> 00:05:37,421 for black market profiteering. 112 00:05:37,504 --> 00:05:39,340 Well, that's a career that easily transitions to assassin, 113 00:05:39,423 --> 00:05:40,466 I would imagine. 114 00:05:40,549 --> 00:05:44,011 He is currently head of security at the Arena Social Club, 115 00:05:44,094 --> 00:05:47,890 which means he quite likely has access to all manner of secrets. 116 00:05:48,515 --> 00:05:49,933 Well, given our previous encounter, 117 00:05:50,017 --> 00:05:52,227 I'm not sure we can be certain to divulge anything. 118 00:05:52,311 --> 00:05:54,897 - He nearly bested the both of us. - Mmm, we'll have to be creative. 119 00:05:54,980 --> 00:05:58,192 Subdue him somehow without getting our own necks wrung in the process. 120 00:06:00,027 --> 00:06:01,612 I may have just the thing. 121 00:06:05,741 --> 00:06:07,785 I trust you've operated a tranquilliser rifle before. 122 00:06:07,868 --> 00:06:09,620 I can't say that I have. Why on Earth have you? 123 00:06:09,912 --> 00:06:12,122 On occasion, wrangling Mr Stark's animal preserve 124 00:06:12,206 --> 00:06:14,124 requires a ruthless hand. 125 00:06:14,291 --> 00:06:17,002 - Not the flamingo. - The koala. 126 00:06:17,086 --> 00:06:19,046 Its adorable appearance belies a vile temperament. 127 00:06:19,129 --> 00:06:20,255 Mmm. 128 00:06:23,008 --> 00:06:25,052 What are you feelings on committing a felony, Mr Jarvis? 129 00:06:26,220 --> 00:06:27,721 In this case... 130 00:06:27,805 --> 00:06:29,139 Decidedly for. 131 00:06:33,227 --> 00:06:36,146 (WIND WHISTLING) 132 00:06:58,794 --> 00:07:00,754 Look at this mess, Aggie. 133 00:07:00,838 --> 00:07:03,006 Uncle Bud's coming by any minute now. 134 00:07:03,215 --> 00:07:06,885 Mama, you've been complaining about the broken radio for weeks. 135 00:07:07,010 --> 00:07:08,303 - (BUTTON CLICKS) - (STATIC) 136 00:07:08,387 --> 00:07:10,889 - (RAGTIME MUSIC PLAYS) - (SIGHS) 137 00:07:10,973 --> 00:07:12,850 Get cleaned up, baby. 138 00:07:12,933 --> 00:07:15,436 You remember, be sweet to Uncle Bud. 139 00:07:15,936 --> 00:07:17,396 He's not my uncle. 140 00:07:17,479 --> 00:07:18,939 He's good to us. 141 00:07:19,022 --> 00:07:20,524 Weren't for him, we... 142 00:07:20,607 --> 00:07:24,403 Well, you're lucky you have a mama takes care of you. 143 00:07:26,071 --> 00:07:28,157 - Hello, darlin'. - Oh! (GIGGLES) 144 00:07:29,074 --> 00:07:30,367 (BUD CHUCKLES) 145 00:07:30,451 --> 00:07:32,119 Oh, sugar. 146 00:07:32,202 --> 00:07:34,913 I'll be damned if you don't feel as firm as you look. 147 00:07:34,997 --> 00:07:38,709 Aww, sugar, I've been looking forward to seeing you all day. 148 00:07:40,544 --> 00:07:41,879 What are you working on over there? 149 00:07:42,004 --> 00:07:43,881 - WILMA: Oh. - Playing with the radio? 150 00:07:43,964 --> 00:07:45,007 (MUSIC CONTINUES) 151 00:07:47,634 --> 00:07:48,677 Whoop! 152 00:07:49,052 --> 00:07:51,472 You're not careful, your face will stick like that, girl. 153 00:07:51,889 --> 00:07:54,224 Can I have my pencil back, please? 154 00:07:54,308 --> 00:07:57,019 I bet you're real pretty when you smile. 155 00:07:57,895 --> 00:07:59,062 Come on. 156 00:07:59,146 --> 00:08:01,148 Why don't you smile for your Uncle Bud? 157 00:08:02,983 --> 00:08:04,902 Because I'm thinking. 158 00:08:05,694 --> 00:08:07,988 Got a real strange kid here, Wilma. 159 00:08:09,615 --> 00:08:10,782 WILMA: (CHUCKLES) Yes. 160 00:08:10,866 --> 00:08:14,161 Well, why don't you go on upstairs and get comfy, sugar? 161 00:08:14,244 --> 00:08:15,537 - I'll be right up. - Mmm. 162 00:08:16,246 --> 00:08:18,165 - All right? Oh! Oh! - (CHUCKLES) 163 00:08:20,417 --> 00:08:22,252 I told you to be sweet. 164 00:08:22,336 --> 00:08:24,254 I don't like him, Mama. 165 00:08:24,338 --> 00:08:25,380 You hush up. 166 00:08:25,464 --> 00:08:27,382 You stay out of my hair for the next couple hours. 167 00:08:27,466 --> 00:08:29,343 Clean up this mess. 168 00:08:31,345 --> 00:08:32,387 (MUSIC CONTINUES) 169 00:08:34,765 --> 00:08:37,100 (MUFFLED TALKING AND GIGGLING) 170 00:08:37,184 --> 00:08:38,644 (VOLUME INCREASES) 171 00:08:43,982 --> 00:08:45,692 (CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYS) 172 00:08:50,280 --> 00:08:51,532 (SIGHS) 173 00:08:53,325 --> 00:08:54,660 (RADIO SHUTS OFF) 174 00:09:04,211 --> 00:09:05,712 (RATS SQUEAKING) 175 00:09:12,469 --> 00:09:14,054 (SHUDDERED BREATHING) 176 00:09:25,607 --> 00:09:26,733 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 177 00:09:26,817 --> 00:09:29,319 - Just a minute. - CALVIN: Whitney, are you in there? 178 00:09:32,489 --> 00:09:33,699 Yes. 179 00:09:35,576 --> 00:09:36,660 (CHUCKLES) 180 00:09:36,743 --> 00:09:38,787 - What are you doing in here? - (SCOFFS) I'm just running lines. 181 00:09:38,870 --> 00:09:39,913 - I have a busy day. - (DOOR CLOSES) 182 00:09:39,997 --> 00:09:41,373 Assuming they find your director. 183 00:09:41,456 --> 00:09:43,458 Paper said he hadn't been heard from since Tuesday. 184 00:09:43,542 --> 00:09:45,002 Well, Kenneth likes to drink. 185 00:09:45,085 --> 00:09:47,588 I wouldn't be surprised if they found him floating in the reservoir. 186 00:09:47,671 --> 00:09:49,339 Hush. Don't say that. 187 00:09:50,007 --> 00:09:51,425 That'd be terrible for the campaign. 188 00:09:53,176 --> 00:09:54,261 Did you want something? 189 00:09:55,137 --> 00:09:56,513 Oh, the photographer called. 190 00:09:56,597 --> 00:10:00,017 He asked if you could wear the white dress tonight. 191 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:01,977 You know, the one with the, uh... 192 00:10:02,060 --> 00:10:03,145 - The neckline. - The neckline? 193 00:10:03,228 --> 00:10:04,271 (BOTH LAUGH) 194 00:10:04,396 --> 00:10:06,356 That was the one I was going to pick. 195 00:10:06,648 --> 00:10:09,359 It's not every day that LIFE magazine wants to put you on the cover. 196 00:10:09,860 --> 00:10:11,945 We play our cards right, and you will be 197 00:10:12,029 --> 00:10:14,364 the most beautiful First Lady this country's ever seen. 198 00:10:14,615 --> 00:10:16,158 Mmm, darling... 199 00:10:16,241 --> 00:10:18,410 No one deserves it more than you. 200 00:10:18,535 --> 00:10:19,578 Mmm. 201 00:10:19,995 --> 00:10:21,079 (SMOOCHES) 202 00:10:21,163 --> 00:10:22,664 That's my beautiful girl. 203 00:10:23,373 --> 00:10:24,791 - We'll see you at 6:00? - Mmm-hmm. 204 00:10:24,875 --> 00:10:26,752 - Don't be late. - No. (CHUCKLES) 205 00:10:36,261 --> 00:10:37,304 (LOCK CLICKS) 206 00:10:45,187 --> 00:10:46,229 (CAGE DOOR OPENS) 207 00:10:46,438 --> 00:10:48,106 (RAT SQUEAKING) 208 00:10:54,738 --> 00:10:56,323 (RAT SQUEAKS) 209 00:10:56,948 --> 00:10:58,200 (GASPS) 210 00:11:40,701 --> 00:11:43,620 - (POUNDING ON DOOR) - MAN: Open up! This is the police! 211 00:11:43,745 --> 00:11:45,288 (POUNDING CONTINUES) 212 00:11:45,789 --> 00:11:47,582 We know you're in there, Hunt! 213 00:11:48,041 --> 00:11:49,876 (IN AMERICAN ACCENT) Come out right now with your hands up! 214 00:11:53,714 --> 00:11:54,923 Oh... 215 00:11:56,174 --> 00:11:59,970 Ma'am, please go back to your domicile and shut the door! 216 00:12:03,056 --> 00:12:04,099 And shut the door. 217 00:12:05,434 --> 00:12:06,643 Thank you. 218 00:12:06,727 --> 00:12:07,811 (DOOR CLOSES) 219 00:12:08,019 --> 00:12:10,021 - (POUNDING) - RUFUS: Oh! 220 00:12:10,105 --> 00:12:12,065 That's it, Hunt! Time's up! 221 00:12:12,149 --> 00:12:14,901 I'm gonna come in and start squirting lead! 222 00:12:19,114 --> 00:12:20,157 Ohh! 223 00:12:20,449 --> 00:12:21,533 - (GUN FIRES) - RUFUS: Oh! 224 00:12:21,616 --> 00:12:23,535 Remember me, Mr Hunt? 225 00:12:23,618 --> 00:12:24,745 (GRUNTS) 226 00:12:27,080 --> 00:12:30,709 Oh, for heaven's sake. That's enough to take down a rhinoceros. 227 00:12:30,792 --> 00:12:32,335 (BOTH GRUNTING) 228 00:12:36,131 --> 00:12:37,799 (GRUNTING AND GASPING) 229 00:12:42,763 --> 00:12:43,805 (GRUNTS) 230 00:12:52,063 --> 00:12:53,106 (GRUNTS) 231 00:12:57,360 --> 00:12:59,070 - Easy as pie. - (GRUNT) 232 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:03,700 Mr Jarvis, are you all right? 233 00:13:06,995 --> 00:13:08,955 Jarvelous! 234 00:13:15,504 --> 00:13:17,506 CARTER: (SIGHS) This is not my lucky day. 235 00:13:18,673 --> 00:13:19,716 (GROANING) 236 00:13:24,012 --> 00:13:25,347 (ENGINE SHUTS OFF) 237 00:13:27,015 --> 00:13:30,143 Ah! Chief Sousa, what brings you here? 238 00:13:30,227 --> 00:13:31,895 - SOUSA: Thompson called. - Mmm-hmm. 239 00:13:31,978 --> 00:13:34,397 He approved your vacation days, but he's not very happy about it. 240 00:13:34,481 --> 00:13:36,441 Thank you so much for coming to deliver the message. 241 00:13:36,525 --> 00:13:38,401 - I know you're very busy. - That's not all. 242 00:13:38,485 --> 00:13:40,529 I dug a little deeper, got some stats on Whitney Frost. 243 00:13:40,612 --> 00:13:42,405 Wonderful. Very good. I will dive right into them... 244 00:13:42,489 --> 00:13:45,492 Agnes Cully got discovered in front of the Olympic Movie House in '34. 245 00:13:45,575 --> 00:13:47,953 They gave her a flashy new name, put her in the pictures. 246 00:13:48,036 --> 00:13:50,539 She became Anvil Studios' top earner by '38. 247 00:13:50,622 --> 00:13:52,457 Fascinating. Is that in the file? 248 00:13:52,541 --> 00:13:54,960 I will read it directly. 249 00:13:55,043 --> 00:13:56,628 - You okay? - Of course. 250 00:13:56,711 --> 00:13:58,880 Because I know when somebody's trying to brush me off. 251 00:13:58,964 --> 00:14:00,799 Brushed? 252 00:14:00,882 --> 00:14:02,592 You? (CHUCKLES) 253 00:14:04,970 --> 00:14:06,012 What happened to him? 254 00:14:06,096 --> 00:14:07,848 An overindulgence of drink. 255 00:14:09,224 --> 00:14:10,267 (SIGHS) 256 00:14:10,600 --> 00:14:12,102 (POUNDING ON TRUNK) 257 00:14:14,187 --> 00:14:20,318 We... Caught a possum on this property earlier this morning. 258 00:14:20,652 --> 00:14:22,279 Vicious little creature. 259 00:14:22,362 --> 00:14:24,197 - (POUNDING CONTINUES) - RUFUS: Let me out of here! 260 00:14:24,906 --> 00:14:27,909 Or I have a man stashed in the boot. 261 00:14:28,535 --> 00:14:30,954 RUFUS: Hey! Let me out of here! 262 00:14:31,037 --> 00:14:32,747 - It's a felony! - A felony? That's harsh. 263 00:14:32,831 --> 00:14:34,374 I can't even believe it! What were you thinking? 264 00:14:34,457 --> 00:14:36,167 I was doing the best I could in our opportunity. 265 00:14:36,251 --> 00:14:37,961 - I thought we were a team. - We are a team. 266 00:14:38,044 --> 00:14:39,671 - A wonderful team. - No, we're not a team. 267 00:14:39,754 --> 00:14:40,797 If we were a team 268 00:14:40,881 --> 00:14:42,424 and you were thinking about pulling a stunt like this, 269 00:14:42,507 --> 00:14:43,550 you would've called me for backup. 270 00:14:43,633 --> 00:14:45,385 I did have backup. Mr Jarvis was with me. 271 00:14:45,468 --> 00:14:48,847 Oh, Mommy, it's the biggest horsy ever. 272 00:14:50,432 --> 00:14:53,101 - He's also part of the team. - Peggy, you kidnapped somebody. 273 00:14:53,184 --> 00:14:55,186 I had to give you some plausible deniability. 274 00:14:55,270 --> 00:14:57,856 You've already faced enough blowback from the SSR on my account. 275 00:14:58,189 --> 00:14:59,482 I've already ruined your proposal. 276 00:14:59,566 --> 00:15:00,942 If I can contain the mess in the rest of your life, 277 00:15:01,026 --> 00:15:02,110 the better I'll sleep. 278 00:15:02,193 --> 00:15:04,779 Well, I'll sleep better if you stop pushing me away 279 00:15:04,863 --> 00:15:06,072 and let me help you. 280 00:15:08,241 --> 00:15:09,284 (SIGHS) 281 00:15:11,202 --> 00:15:13,872 So, what do you got planned for Rufus Hunt? 282 00:15:15,332 --> 00:15:17,459 I was thinking I'd kill him. 283 00:15:19,920 --> 00:15:22,088 SOUSA: Look, Hunt, you're not our priority. 284 00:15:22,172 --> 00:15:23,298 Obviously. 285 00:15:23,757 --> 00:15:25,634 Tell me about the work you do for Calvin Chadwick 286 00:15:25,717 --> 00:15:27,260 and his buddies at the Arena Social Club. 287 00:15:27,344 --> 00:15:28,386 Oh, is that all? 288 00:15:28,470 --> 00:15:30,263 I need names of members, I need to know what they're up to, 289 00:15:30,347 --> 00:15:32,807 and I want to know how Whitney Frost figures into all this. 290 00:15:32,891 --> 00:15:34,976 Club policy says I ain't allowed to socialize 291 00:15:35,060 --> 00:15:37,646 with the members or their wives. 292 00:15:38,104 --> 00:15:40,065 You really want to do this the hard way? 293 00:15:40,148 --> 00:15:41,816 (CHUCKLES) 294 00:15:43,193 --> 00:15:44,778 Did you get that leg in combat? 295 00:15:46,196 --> 00:15:48,615 - Bastogne. - Europe. 296 00:15:49,491 --> 00:15:50,533 Cute. 297 00:15:51,993 --> 00:15:55,163 Look, you gonna smack me around or break a couple fingers? 298 00:15:55,622 --> 00:15:57,082 Have at it. 299 00:15:57,165 --> 00:16:00,293 Because while you were playing grab-ass on the continent, 300 00:16:00,377 --> 00:16:03,171 I was already playing this game with the Japanese. 301 00:16:03,254 --> 00:16:06,174 They took these fingers and tied them to a Jeep 302 00:16:06,257 --> 00:16:08,301 and dragged me around in circles. 303 00:16:08,385 --> 00:16:11,179 Once before breakfast, once before lunch. 304 00:16:11,262 --> 00:16:12,806 And there wasn't no lunch. 305 00:16:13,765 --> 00:16:15,767 You're gonna get out of me the same thing they got, 306 00:16:16,518 --> 00:16:17,811 which is squat. 307 00:16:19,771 --> 00:16:21,523 He's all yours. 308 00:16:23,608 --> 00:16:25,443 We're not going to torture you. 309 00:16:25,527 --> 00:16:26,861 Of course you're not. 310 00:16:26,945 --> 00:16:31,491 I know all about you, running around, pretending you're Eliot Ness. 311 00:16:31,825 --> 00:16:33,451 See, and that's your problem, really. 312 00:16:33,535 --> 00:16:37,664 People on your side have a line you just can't cross. 313 00:16:38,623 --> 00:16:40,291 I meant to say, we're not going to torture you 314 00:16:40,375 --> 00:16:43,128 because... We don't have time. 315 00:16:44,045 --> 00:16:45,422 (WOMEN LAUGHING) 316 00:16:45,505 --> 00:16:47,132 WOMAN 1: We thought you'd run out of time, love. 317 00:16:47,215 --> 00:16:48,758 WOMAN 2: We started taking wagers around the office 318 00:16:48,842 --> 00:16:50,301 that Fred would never pop the question. 319 00:16:50,385 --> 00:16:51,511 I bet he would. 320 00:16:51,594 --> 00:16:53,847 Someone owes me two quid. 321 00:16:53,930 --> 00:16:56,099 - It might be me. I bet he wouldn't. - (ALL LAUGH) 322 00:16:56,182 --> 00:16:58,226 All right, ladies, enough chatting. 323 00:16:58,309 --> 00:16:59,978 Back to your codes. 324 00:17:00,478 --> 00:17:02,439 Miss Carter, a word. 325 00:17:02,522 --> 00:17:04,232 Of course, Mr Edwards. 326 00:17:10,447 --> 00:17:12,824 I hear congratulations are in order. 327 00:17:12,907 --> 00:17:15,577 - Yes, I'm to be married. - Lovely. 328 00:17:16,327 --> 00:17:20,582 Well, I hope you are ready for another proposal. 329 00:17:23,001 --> 00:17:26,087 - What's SOE? - Special Operations Executive. 330 00:17:26,171 --> 00:17:29,758 It's a new war division spearheaded by Winston Churchill himself. 331 00:17:30,216 --> 00:17:32,385 - And they need a codebreaker? - Codebreaker? 332 00:17:32,469 --> 00:17:33,845 Good heavens, no. 333 00:17:33,928 --> 00:17:37,974 They're being tasked to train field agents in irregular warfare... 334 00:17:38,058 --> 00:17:40,769 Espionage, sabotage, guerrilla tactics. 335 00:17:40,852 --> 00:17:42,187 Field work? 336 00:17:42,937 --> 00:17:44,689 But they don't send women into the field. 337 00:17:44,773 --> 00:17:48,151 Resistance networks all over Europe need people who won't draw attention 338 00:17:48,234 --> 00:17:49,569 walking down the street. 339 00:17:49,652 --> 00:17:50,779 They need women. 340 00:17:51,154 --> 00:17:53,573 And they're recruiting you. 341 00:17:54,282 --> 00:17:56,743 Why? That is... Why me? 342 00:17:56,826 --> 00:18:00,288 Well, you're already an exceptional codebreaker, Miss Carter. 343 00:18:00,371 --> 00:18:02,791 Someone must see a great deal of potential in you. 344 00:18:03,208 --> 00:18:04,793 It's quite an honour to be tapped. 345 00:18:04,876 --> 00:18:07,253 Yes, uh... I see. 346 00:18:08,296 --> 00:18:09,881 I'm sorry, Mr Edwards. 347 00:18:11,132 --> 00:18:13,301 I don't believe I'm meant to be in the field. 348 00:18:14,469 --> 00:18:16,221 This is a rare chance for you 349 00:18:16,304 --> 00:18:19,682 to strike a massive blow for king and country. 350 00:18:22,685 --> 00:18:24,020 Yes, sir. 351 00:18:26,731 --> 00:18:28,858 I will discuss it with my fiancé. 352 00:18:30,693 --> 00:18:31,986 But I'm... 353 00:18:32,070 --> 00:18:34,614 I'm afraid I'm simply not cut out for that kind of work. 354 00:18:35,073 --> 00:18:36,241 (INHALES SHARPLY) 355 00:18:36,324 --> 00:18:37,700 Ow! 356 00:18:39,077 --> 00:18:40,411 I was in the war, as well. 357 00:18:40,495 --> 00:18:42,413 And it taught me that people on my side 358 00:18:42,497 --> 00:18:45,291 sometimes need to blur the line to stop people on your side. 359 00:18:45,375 --> 00:18:47,085 I've done my homework on you, Mr Hunt. 360 00:18:47,418 --> 00:18:49,420 I know you served in the Pacific. 361 00:18:49,504 --> 00:18:52,298 That means you'll recognise the effects of malaria. 362 00:18:53,466 --> 00:18:54,676 Malaria? 363 00:18:54,759 --> 00:18:56,219 A particularly virulent strain, 364 00:18:56,302 --> 00:18:59,055 developed from an avian parasite by Stark Industries. 365 00:19:01,266 --> 00:19:03,143 There is an antidote, but if you refuse to talk, 366 00:19:03,226 --> 00:19:04,269 why should I give it to you? 367 00:19:06,229 --> 00:19:08,648 I'm sure you'll need some time to mull over our proposal. 368 00:19:09,065 --> 00:19:11,317 The toxin's effects become fatal in 20 minutes. 369 00:19:11,401 --> 00:19:13,069 I'll be back in 10. 370 00:19:15,155 --> 00:19:16,573 Hey! Hey! 371 00:19:16,656 --> 00:19:18,366 Hey, get back in here! 372 00:19:18,449 --> 00:19:19,534 Hey! 373 00:19:20,368 --> 00:19:22,328 - That's one way to do it. - Well, let's hope it works. 374 00:19:23,037 --> 00:19:24,289 What did you stick him with? 375 00:19:24,372 --> 00:19:26,624 Howard wanted to create a cure for the common cold. 376 00:19:26,708 --> 00:19:27,792 He came up with a compound 377 00:19:27,876 --> 00:19:29,919 that brings on intense symptoms in minutes. 378 00:19:30,920 --> 00:19:33,631 - You gave him a cold? - An intense cold. 379 00:19:33,965 --> 00:19:35,091 - RUFUS: Hey! - (THUDDING) 380 00:19:35,550 --> 00:19:37,010 Cup of tea? 381 00:19:38,678 --> 00:19:40,013 This is crazy. 382 00:19:42,307 --> 00:19:44,309 WILMA: I had to hear it from Lorraine down the street 383 00:19:44,392 --> 00:19:46,853 that you've been stepping out with the Owens girl! 384 00:19:46,936 --> 00:19:48,855 She's hardly a year older than Agnes. 385 00:19:48,938 --> 00:19:50,690 BUD: I didn't plan it to happen. 386 00:19:50,773 --> 00:19:54,569 Don't get mad, sugar. You... You're breaking my heart. 387 00:19:54,652 --> 00:19:57,113 - WILMA: What heart, you lousy cheat? - You got to understand, Wilma. 388 00:19:57,197 --> 00:19:58,281 Understand what? 389 00:19:58,364 --> 00:20:00,325 Wanting something young and pretty to climb on top of? 390 00:20:00,408 --> 00:20:01,451 BUD: She's a woman. 391 00:20:01,534 --> 00:20:04,329 - She's good to me. - Wasn't I good to you, Bud? 392 00:20:04,954 --> 00:20:06,623 Didn't we take care of one another? 393 00:20:10,835 --> 00:20:12,670 I want you out of here by tomorrow. 394 00:20:12,754 --> 00:20:14,923 You go to hell, Bud Schultz! 395 00:20:15,173 --> 00:20:17,467 You go straight to hell! 396 00:20:20,970 --> 00:20:22,388 (ENGINE TURNS OVER) 397 00:20:25,141 --> 00:20:26,851 (CAR DEPARTING) 398 00:20:32,732 --> 00:20:34,442 You could've been nicer to him. 399 00:20:35,652 --> 00:20:37,695 I didn't like him. 400 00:20:39,155 --> 00:20:40,198 Oh. 401 00:20:41,574 --> 00:20:44,035 You think you're so damn smart. 402 00:20:51,626 --> 00:20:54,003 You really think that that fancy science programme 403 00:20:54,087 --> 00:20:56,047 is gonna take a girl? 404 00:20:56,714 --> 00:20:59,092 It don't matter how smart you are. 405 00:20:59,509 --> 00:21:02,136 You're stuck here, same as me. 406 00:21:02,220 --> 00:21:05,890 I will still get out of here. Away from you. 407 00:21:07,892 --> 00:21:09,519 - Come here! - Mama! 408 00:21:14,357 --> 00:21:16,734 No one cares what's in your head. 409 00:21:17,277 --> 00:21:19,153 If you were half as smart as you think you are, 410 00:21:19,237 --> 00:21:20,947 you'd fix on this. 411 00:21:21,030 --> 00:21:22,615 This is the only thing 412 00:21:22,699 --> 00:21:25,368 that's gonna get you anywhere in this world. 413 00:21:31,207 --> 00:21:33,293 (TELEPHONE RINGS) 414 00:21:41,092 --> 00:21:43,136 - Hello? - CALVIN: Whitney, you're an hour late. 415 00:21:43,219 --> 00:21:46,139 I'm sorry, darling. I'm... I'm not feeling well. 416 00:21:46,222 --> 00:21:49,017 Well, can't you just pull yourself together for an hour or so? 417 00:21:49,100 --> 00:21:51,185 What happened to "the show must go on"? 418 00:21:51,269 --> 00:21:53,646 I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. 419 00:21:53,730 --> 00:21:56,107 Whitney, this is LIFE magazine. 420 00:21:56,190 --> 00:21:58,109 They're gonna cancel the cover story if you're not involved. 421 00:21:58,192 --> 00:21:59,485 I just know it. 422 00:21:59,569 --> 00:22:01,487 It's your face they want, not... 423 00:22:14,042 --> 00:22:15,251 SOUSA: One name, Hunt. 424 00:22:15,335 --> 00:22:17,253 Let's just start with one name. 425 00:22:17,337 --> 00:22:18,379 Please. 426 00:22:18,463 --> 00:22:19,714 CARTER: You're impressive. 427 00:22:19,797 --> 00:22:21,382 At death's door. 428 00:22:21,466 --> 00:22:23,468 All you need to do to live is to answer a few questions, 429 00:22:23,551 --> 00:22:25,386 and yet here you sit, silent. 430 00:22:25,470 --> 00:22:28,139 I can't tell if you're motivated by strong convictions or spite. 431 00:22:28,222 --> 00:22:29,891 Peg... 432 00:22:31,809 --> 00:22:33,561 Want to pump the brakes on him a little bit? 433 00:22:33,644 --> 00:22:34,729 He's got five minutes left. 434 00:22:34,812 --> 00:22:36,064 That's a generous estimation. 435 00:22:36,147 --> 00:22:37,231 He's no use to us dead. 436 00:22:37,315 --> 00:22:38,858 He's no use to us alive and quiet. 437 00:22:38,941 --> 00:22:39,984 Thomas Gloucester! 438 00:22:40,693 --> 00:22:41,736 The Wall Street guy. 439 00:22:42,403 --> 00:22:43,446 Hugh Jones. 440 00:22:43,696 --> 00:22:45,239 Roxxon. I've had the pleasure. 441 00:22:45,323 --> 00:22:46,783 Give me the antidote. Now. 442 00:22:46,866 --> 00:22:48,159 Not until we finish our conversation. 443 00:22:48,242 --> 00:22:49,535 Then you'll be clear and free to do as... 444 00:22:49,619 --> 00:22:53,581 Free? I'll never be free again, not after this. 445 00:22:53,998 --> 00:22:55,792 This stuff's gonna buy me a couple of days. 446 00:22:55,875 --> 00:22:57,502 You can get out of town, run. 447 00:22:57,585 --> 00:22:58,920 Or the SSR can protect you. 448 00:22:59,504 --> 00:23:02,298 Are you two really that dumb, huh? 449 00:23:02,882 --> 00:23:05,218 There's no running, no protection. 450 00:23:05,301 --> 00:23:07,845 You think the men I work for are just criminals, 451 00:23:07,929 --> 00:23:10,098 like a... Like a stickup man? 452 00:23:10,390 --> 00:23:12,350 They're in everything! 453 00:23:12,975 --> 00:23:16,229 And what they can't buy, they destroy. 454 00:23:16,312 --> 00:23:18,439 President McKinley, Black Tuesday... 455 00:23:18,523 --> 00:23:20,483 You think those things just happened? 456 00:23:21,526 --> 00:23:23,820 Run? (SIGHS) 457 00:23:23,903 --> 00:23:26,447 I'm already dead. And so are you. 458 00:23:26,531 --> 00:23:28,241 Do you want those extra days or not? 459 00:23:29,700 --> 00:23:30,743 Wait. 460 00:23:30,868 --> 00:23:32,036 (GROANS) 461 00:23:33,329 --> 00:23:35,706 (BREATHING HEAVILY) Storage room. 462 00:23:35,790 --> 00:23:37,417 At the club. 463 00:23:37,500 --> 00:23:38,960 The Council of nine. 464 00:23:39,043 --> 00:23:41,504 That's what they're called. They record their meetings. 465 00:23:41,587 --> 00:23:45,508 You'll see... Everything you want to know about Calvin Chadwick 466 00:23:45,591 --> 00:23:46,801 and the rest of his crowd. 467 00:23:46,884 --> 00:23:48,386 It's on those tapes. 468 00:23:50,596 --> 00:23:53,891 JARVIS: Times "N" to the power of "P." 469 00:23:57,395 --> 00:23:58,813 Is that correct, Dr Wilkes? 470 00:23:58,896 --> 00:24:00,565 It is, Mr Jarvis. Thank you. 471 00:24:00,648 --> 00:24:01,941 Wonderful. 472 00:24:02,859 --> 00:24:04,235 What does it mean? 473 00:24:04,318 --> 00:24:06,112 It means I'm back at square one. 474 00:24:06,654 --> 00:24:09,282 My theory has been that my atoms have lost cohesion 475 00:24:09,365 --> 00:24:12,160 at a quantum level, but... (SIGHS) 476 00:24:12,743 --> 00:24:14,579 I think I've reached a dead end. 477 00:24:18,708 --> 00:24:22,003 (DISTORTED) Look, why don't we step away from the task for a moment. 478 00:24:22,086 --> 00:24:23,880 We've been working for hours. 479 00:24:25,756 --> 00:24:27,008 Dr Wilkes? 480 00:24:27,091 --> 00:24:28,759 (IN NORMAL VOICE) Dr Wilkes, are you quite well? 481 00:24:28,843 --> 00:24:30,344 Huh? Um... 482 00:24:32,680 --> 00:24:33,723 I'm fine. 483 00:24:33,806 --> 00:24:35,933 Uh, just got lost in my head a little. 484 00:24:36,142 --> 00:24:37,185 (DOOR OPENS) 485 00:24:37,268 --> 00:24:39,979 - SOUSA: Jarvis, where's the phone? - It's on the desk. 486 00:24:40,688 --> 00:24:42,315 I take it Mr Hunt fell for our little ruse. 487 00:24:42,398 --> 00:24:43,441 He certainly did. 488 00:24:43,524 --> 00:24:44,692 I got a buddy at the US Attorney's Office. 489 00:24:44,775 --> 00:24:45,985 He'll get the judge to get the warrant. 490 00:24:46,068 --> 00:24:47,403 A warrant? For what? 491 00:24:47,487 --> 00:24:49,197 We're raiding the Arena Club. 492 00:24:50,281 --> 00:24:52,366 SOUSA: The minute we get the warrant, we'll mobilise. 493 00:24:52,450 --> 00:24:54,452 When we get to the Arena Club, we'll split into two teams. 494 00:24:54,535 --> 00:24:56,787 Team One will cover the offices, gathering information. 495 00:24:56,871 --> 00:24:59,415 I want accounting information, membership rosters, stuff like that. 496 00:24:59,499 --> 00:25:01,334 Team Two will go with Agent Carter 497 00:25:01,417 --> 00:25:03,377 through the hidden door into the secret area of the club. 498 00:25:03,461 --> 00:25:04,504 CARTER: That's right. 499 00:25:04,587 --> 00:25:06,589 He did say "hidden door" and "secret area." 500 00:25:06,672 --> 00:25:08,174 - We're dealing with odd rich men here. - (PHONE RINGS) 501 00:25:08,257 --> 00:25:09,342 They love this sort of thing. 502 00:25:09,425 --> 00:25:10,885 Sousa. 503 00:25:10,968 --> 00:25:13,095 - What? What? - What is it? 504 00:25:15,640 --> 00:25:16,682 You Chief Sousa? 505 00:25:17,099 --> 00:25:18,392 Yeah. Who wants to know? 506 00:25:18,476 --> 00:25:21,229 The man who signs your timecards. 507 00:25:21,312 --> 00:25:23,439 Vernon Masters, War Department. 508 00:25:23,648 --> 00:25:24,690 What can I do for you? 509 00:25:24,774 --> 00:25:27,026 Well, let's start by putting these shotguns away. 510 00:25:27,109 --> 00:25:29,779 They're making this situation a bit more tense than it needs to be. 511 00:25:29,862 --> 00:25:31,781 Sir, we're about to conduct a raid on the Arena... 512 00:25:31,864 --> 00:25:33,074 Let's put that on the back burner. 513 00:25:33,157 --> 00:25:37,578 The War Department has decided to audit this branch's cases, 514 00:25:37,662 --> 00:25:38,704 past and present. 515 00:25:38,788 --> 00:25:40,456 This is outrageous. 516 00:25:40,998 --> 00:25:44,293 Peggy, it's an executive order. Comes straight from DC. 517 00:25:44,377 --> 00:25:47,547 So, if you'll just crack open your files, we'll get to work, 518 00:25:47,630 --> 00:25:49,549 and I'm sure this will all be done in no time. 519 00:25:50,091 --> 00:25:52,510 Chief, would you mind showing my men around? 520 00:25:53,553 --> 00:25:54,595 Guys. 521 00:25:55,680 --> 00:25:57,223 After you. 522 00:25:58,099 --> 00:26:00,101 And you... 523 00:26:00,184 --> 00:26:03,312 Must be the Agent Carter that I keep hearing so much about. 524 00:26:04,355 --> 00:26:07,483 Have I been dying to talk to you. 525 00:26:12,363 --> 00:26:15,449 We have credible information implicating members of the Arena Club 526 00:26:15,533 --> 00:26:17,827 in a conspiracy that involves numerous murders 527 00:26:17,910 --> 00:26:20,955 and experimental work in a highly dangerous substance. 528 00:26:21,038 --> 00:26:24,333 There is no legitimate reason to prevent the SSR enforcing the law, 529 00:26:24,417 --> 00:26:26,586 even on those who believe they are above it. 530 00:26:28,212 --> 00:26:30,214 How are you enjoying your vacation, Agent Carter? 531 00:26:30,506 --> 00:26:31,549 Vigorously. 532 00:26:31,924 --> 00:26:34,176 Jack Thompson thinks very highly of you. 533 00:26:34,260 --> 00:26:36,721 He says that you're quite the independent thinker. 534 00:26:36,804 --> 00:26:38,639 I'm sure he meant that as an insult. 535 00:26:38,723 --> 00:26:40,266 (CHUCKLES) Perhaps. 536 00:26:40,850 --> 00:26:45,021 Times like these, it's often safer to be seen as a team player. 537 00:26:45,104 --> 00:26:48,190 But you... Don't seem like the type of lady 538 00:26:48,274 --> 00:26:50,067 who plays anything safe. 539 00:26:51,152 --> 00:26:53,154 That's a compliment, by the way. 540 00:26:53,237 --> 00:26:57,116 Allowing these men to escape scrutiny is the very definition of playing it safe. 541 00:26:57,408 --> 00:26:58,451 According to our source, 542 00:26:58,534 --> 00:27:00,745 their influence reaches well beyond the Isodyne cover-up. 543 00:27:01,287 --> 00:27:02,997 Mmm... How so? 544 00:27:03,080 --> 00:27:06,167 Assassinations, market manipulation... 545 00:27:06,250 --> 00:27:08,127 We won't know the full extent of the Council's power 546 00:27:08,210 --> 00:27:09,920 until we pry open their secrets. 547 00:27:11,922 --> 00:27:13,215 Hmm. 548 00:27:14,091 --> 00:27:15,301 Who is this source? 549 00:27:16,010 --> 00:27:18,721 We're keeping his name confidential for his own safety. 550 00:27:18,971 --> 00:27:20,097 Bring him in. 551 00:27:20,181 --> 00:27:21,641 I'd like to vet him personally. 552 00:27:21,724 --> 00:27:23,726 Chief Sousa and I signed an affidavit, 553 00:27:23,809 --> 00:27:25,603 vouching for his credibility as a CI. 554 00:27:25,686 --> 00:27:27,396 That's more than sufficient for a warrant. 555 00:27:27,730 --> 00:27:29,106 Not this time. 556 00:27:31,108 --> 00:27:32,193 Who is he? 557 00:27:36,405 --> 00:27:38,658 You're refusing to reveal his identity? 558 00:27:38,949 --> 00:27:40,868 Call it independent thinking. 559 00:27:40,951 --> 00:27:44,872 You know, the Hollywood Ten thought they were independent thinkers, too. 560 00:27:44,955 --> 00:27:48,292 A communist witch hunt has no relevance to the work of the SSR. 561 00:27:48,376 --> 00:27:50,252 But it should be relevant to you. 562 00:27:50,795 --> 00:27:54,006 A spy who isn't even American. 563 00:27:56,300 --> 00:27:58,928 A tidal wave is coming, Agent Carter. 564 00:28:00,137 --> 00:28:03,849 And you are going to have to work very hard to stay afloat. 565 00:28:04,767 --> 00:28:06,185 I'll manage. 566 00:28:06,560 --> 00:28:08,062 Maybe so. 567 00:28:10,439 --> 00:28:12,983 But your friends could still drown. 568 00:28:13,859 --> 00:28:15,945 (INDISTINCT ARGUING) 569 00:28:27,665 --> 00:28:30,376 (SOFT MUSIC PLAYS) 570 00:28:33,170 --> 00:28:36,465 A toast, to my two favourite men, meeting at last. 571 00:28:36,966 --> 00:28:38,050 Cheers. 572 00:28:38,134 --> 00:28:40,720 - (CARTER CHUCKLES) - Come on, Peggy. Slug it back. 573 00:28:40,803 --> 00:28:42,346 You won't beat your older brother this time. 574 00:28:42,430 --> 00:28:44,640 - I've been practising. - Michael, not here. 575 00:28:45,641 --> 00:28:46,809 You can do that? 576 00:28:46,892 --> 00:28:49,979 Not recently. (CLEARS THROAT) 577 00:28:51,480 --> 00:28:54,525 So, uh, Michael, tell me... How goes it at the front? 578 00:28:54,608 --> 00:28:56,235 Well, there are lots of Nazis there, 579 00:28:56,318 --> 00:28:58,237 and they tend to shoot at you a great deal. 580 00:28:59,321 --> 00:29:01,907 Apart from that, the scenery is splendid. 581 00:29:01,991 --> 00:29:05,411 Do let me know if there's anything you feel the Home Office isn't providing. 582 00:29:06,120 --> 00:29:07,455 I have a direct line to command. 583 00:29:07,997 --> 00:29:11,000 Consider me your personal concierge. 584 00:29:11,459 --> 00:29:13,294 That's very kind of you, Fred. 585 00:29:16,213 --> 00:29:18,382 Did I tell you I was recruited to be a spy? 586 00:29:18,466 --> 00:29:21,427 - (BOTH LAUGH) - We turned them down, of course. 587 00:29:22,261 --> 00:29:23,304 Did we? 588 00:29:24,054 --> 00:29:25,389 Can you imagine? 589 00:29:25,473 --> 00:29:27,391 Risking life and limb behind enemy lines, 590 00:29:27,475 --> 00:29:29,185 doing God knows what there. 591 00:29:29,852 --> 00:29:31,437 That's not our Peg. 592 00:29:32,521 --> 00:29:33,731 Hmm. 593 00:29:33,814 --> 00:29:36,233 One thing I've learned from the war... 594 00:29:36,650 --> 00:29:39,445 A boring life is a privilege. 595 00:29:39,820 --> 00:29:40,863 (MUSIC CONTINUES) 596 00:29:43,199 --> 00:29:45,326 - I'll get us a top-up, hmm? - Mmm. 597 00:29:45,785 --> 00:29:47,536 (MUSIC CONTINUES) 598 00:29:48,913 --> 00:29:50,372 So? 599 00:29:51,332 --> 00:29:52,416 What do you think? 600 00:29:52,833 --> 00:29:55,252 What does it matter what I think? You're the one marrying him. 601 00:29:55,336 --> 00:29:57,838 Of course it matters. I want you to like him. 602 00:29:59,048 --> 00:30:01,091 Why did you turn down the SOE job? 603 00:30:02,051 --> 00:30:03,719 It's just... 604 00:30:03,803 --> 00:30:05,971 Wasn't the plan that we had for our lives. 605 00:30:06,055 --> 00:30:07,640 How do you know it was SOE? 606 00:30:09,016 --> 00:30:10,267 'Cause I recommended you. 607 00:30:11,852 --> 00:30:13,187 Michael... 608 00:30:14,480 --> 00:30:16,482 You should've told me. 609 00:30:16,565 --> 00:30:19,693 Look, Peggy, I know you better than anyone else alive. 610 00:30:19,777 --> 00:30:21,028 And... 611 00:30:21,779 --> 00:30:23,531 This isn't what you want. 612 00:30:23,614 --> 00:30:25,825 What is it that you think I want? 613 00:30:26,534 --> 00:30:29,787 The same thing you've wanted since you were a little girl. 614 00:30:29,870 --> 00:30:31,163 A life of adventure. 615 00:30:31,872 --> 00:30:33,499 Well, I've grown up. 616 00:30:33,582 --> 00:30:34,667 My dreams changed. 617 00:30:34,750 --> 00:30:36,544 No, you've just let everyone else drum them out of you. 618 00:30:37,461 --> 00:30:39,964 Fred's a nice enough chap, but be honest, 619 00:30:40,047 --> 00:30:41,131 is he the love of your life? 620 00:30:41,590 --> 00:30:43,425 Is this really how you see your future? 621 00:30:43,509 --> 00:30:45,636 This is my engagement party, Michael. 622 00:30:45,719 --> 00:30:47,221 Not your wedding day. 623 00:30:48,514 --> 00:30:51,100 Look, there is still time to change your mind. 624 00:30:51,475 --> 00:30:53,143 I don't have to listen to this. 625 00:30:54,603 --> 00:30:56,647 Don't worry what other people think. 626 00:30:57,147 --> 00:30:58,983 You are meant to fight. 627 00:30:59,567 --> 00:31:02,403 Stop pretending to be someone that you're not. 628 00:31:03,362 --> 00:31:04,697 Peg... 629 00:31:04,780 --> 00:31:06,323 Peggy, come back. 630 00:31:06,991 --> 00:31:10,578 Peggy, Peggy. Wait. (SIGHS) 631 00:31:11,370 --> 00:31:13,122 I didn't account for the Central District judge 632 00:31:13,205 --> 00:31:15,374 being in the Council's pocket. I'm sorry. 633 00:31:15,457 --> 00:31:17,543 Don't apologise for believing people have ethics and morals. 634 00:31:17,918 --> 00:31:19,712 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) 635 00:31:21,422 --> 00:31:24,300 The Arena Club's removed any incriminating evidence by now. 636 00:31:24,383 --> 00:31:27,219 Our only chance at infiltrating that place is locked in a broom closet. 637 00:31:27,303 --> 00:31:29,096 I doubt we can poison him again. 638 00:31:29,638 --> 00:31:30,681 What's the next step? 639 00:31:30,764 --> 00:31:33,559 Your next step is to stay here and save your hide. 640 00:31:34,226 --> 00:31:36,020 Why? 'Cause a tidal wave is coming, 641 00:31:36,103 --> 00:31:37,855 and all my friends are gonna be branded commies? 642 00:31:38,230 --> 00:31:40,024 Yeah, I got that speech, too. 643 00:31:41,025 --> 00:31:43,068 I'm in this with you till the end, Peggy. 644 00:31:43,986 --> 00:31:46,238 It's only gonna get more difficult, Daniel. 645 00:31:46,322 --> 00:31:47,740 They've taken all the evidence from the SSR. 646 00:31:48,324 --> 00:31:50,451 Mmm. Not all of it. 647 00:31:53,871 --> 00:31:55,873 Tissue sample from Jane Scott's autopsy. 648 00:31:55,956 --> 00:31:57,958 I convinced Dr Samberly to misplace it. 649 00:31:58,042 --> 00:31:59,710 Told him I'd put in a good word for him with Rose. 650 00:31:59,793 --> 00:32:01,420 You are brilliant. 651 00:32:01,503 --> 00:32:03,505 Let's pay another visit to our guest in the broom closet. 652 00:32:06,383 --> 00:32:07,885 (DOOR OPENS) 653 00:32:25,694 --> 00:32:27,029 On your feet. 654 00:32:27,905 --> 00:32:29,114 Move! 655 00:32:30,240 --> 00:32:31,659 We can talk this out, huh? 656 00:32:32,117 --> 00:32:33,577 Like a couple of soldiers. 657 00:32:33,661 --> 00:32:36,163 Talking is done. Council's on to us. 658 00:32:36,246 --> 00:32:38,540 We can't risk you returning to the fold and opening your trap 659 00:32:38,624 --> 00:32:40,250 about what we know. 660 00:32:40,334 --> 00:32:42,586 Look, if you're gonna shoot me, 661 00:32:42,670 --> 00:32:44,088 you might as well go ahead and do it right here, 662 00:32:44,171 --> 00:32:46,298 'cause I'm done marching. 663 00:32:47,257 --> 00:32:49,259 - Have it your way. - (GUN CLICKS) 664 00:32:49,885 --> 00:32:51,303 (GRUNTS) 665 00:32:51,470 --> 00:32:52,513 (CLANKING) 666 00:32:57,643 --> 00:32:59,353 - Well, that went well. - SOUSA: Yeah. 667 00:32:59,937 --> 00:33:01,897 I still don't know why I had to take a punch. 668 00:33:01,981 --> 00:33:04,692 It's the least you could contribute. He's already throttled me twice. 669 00:33:07,611 --> 00:33:09,446 (DOG BARKS IN DISTANCE) 670 00:33:10,489 --> 00:33:12,074 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 671 00:33:14,118 --> 00:33:15,661 I need a drink. 672 00:33:18,455 --> 00:33:20,374 (STATIC) 673 00:33:22,835 --> 00:33:24,712 WHITNEY: What happened, Mr Hunt? 674 00:33:24,795 --> 00:33:26,755 RUFUS: I ain't talking to you. Where's Chadwick? 675 00:33:27,339 --> 00:33:28,716 WHITNEY: Cal's at a fundraising dinner. 676 00:33:28,799 --> 00:33:31,135 - He could be begging all night. - Good. 677 00:33:31,218 --> 00:33:33,053 He won't mind if I help myself. 678 00:33:34,263 --> 00:33:35,806 What happened? 679 00:33:37,099 --> 00:33:39,268 I ain't saying a word till your husband gets home. 680 00:33:39,518 --> 00:33:41,186 I said I need a drink. 681 00:33:41,270 --> 00:33:42,354 This could take a while. 682 00:33:42,855 --> 00:33:44,732 A drink sounds pretty good right about now. 683 00:33:49,403 --> 00:33:50,738 I'll bring the bottle. 684 00:33:57,745 --> 00:33:59,079 (CRYING) 685 00:33:59,163 --> 00:34:02,541 Mum, we can't have you weeping all through the ceremony. 686 00:34:02,624 --> 00:34:04,835 Can I help crying when I'm happy? 687 00:34:05,961 --> 00:34:09,214 - Where is my blasted handkerchief? - Oh. 688 00:34:14,553 --> 00:34:15,763 (BOTH CHUCKLE) 689 00:34:18,307 --> 00:34:19,349 Oh, dear. 690 00:34:20,142 --> 00:34:22,561 Let's get this dress off before I stain it. 691 00:34:24,354 --> 00:34:25,522 (CLEARS THROAT) 692 00:34:25,606 --> 00:34:26,815 (VEHICLE APPROACHES) 693 00:34:26,899 --> 00:34:28,317 (SIGHS) 694 00:34:28,400 --> 00:34:29,485 (HORN HONKS) 695 00:34:29,568 --> 00:34:31,445 Oh, I'll go and see who that is. 696 00:34:34,907 --> 00:34:35,949 (CAR DOOR OPENS) 697 00:34:37,201 --> 00:34:38,243 (CAR DOOR CLOSES) 698 00:34:39,661 --> 00:34:40,746 (DOOR OPENS) 699 00:34:40,829 --> 00:34:43,248 MRS CARTER: Stewart, what is it? 700 00:34:57,054 --> 00:34:58,388 (MRS CARTER GASPS) 701 00:34:58,472 --> 00:35:00,224 (CRYING) 702 00:35:01,225 --> 00:35:03,185 Michael! 703 00:35:03,310 --> 00:35:05,187 (BREATHING HEAVILY AND CRYING) 704 00:35:09,900 --> 00:35:10,943 (SOBBING) 705 00:35:51,191 --> 00:35:52,484 RUFUS: (SCOFFS) You call this the good stuff? 706 00:35:52,568 --> 00:35:54,570 WHITNEY: I'm sorry if our liquor cabinet fails 707 00:35:54,653 --> 00:35:56,321 to live up to your standards, Mr Hunt. 708 00:35:56,530 --> 00:35:58,031 Jason, is everything all right? 709 00:35:58,740 --> 00:36:00,826 RUFUS: (GROANS) Goes down like... 710 00:36:00,909 --> 00:36:03,287 - Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. - (GASPS) It's okay. 711 00:36:03,745 --> 00:36:07,082 I'm just... Having trouble concentrating. 712 00:36:07,166 --> 00:36:08,834 What is it? Are you unwell? 713 00:36:09,918 --> 00:36:11,879 Have you ever been so bone-tired... 714 00:36:12,921 --> 00:36:15,007 That no matter what you did... 715 00:36:15,090 --> 00:36:17,259 You simply cannot keep your eyes open? 716 00:36:17,718 --> 00:36:20,137 Jason, I know you say you can't sleep, but please try. 717 00:36:20,220 --> 00:36:21,263 It's more than that. 718 00:36:21,722 --> 00:36:23,348 I can't describe it. 719 00:36:24,933 --> 00:36:26,768 It's as if... 720 00:36:26,852 --> 00:36:29,188 Something is calling me... 721 00:36:30,272 --> 00:36:31,315 Pulling me away. 722 00:36:31,398 --> 00:36:32,900 Pulling you away? To where? 723 00:36:32,983 --> 00:36:34,026 I don't know. 724 00:36:34,109 --> 00:36:36,737 But it would be really easy to just... 725 00:36:38,447 --> 00:36:39,823 Let go. 726 00:36:44,161 --> 00:36:47,873 My brother used to say to me that I was meant to fight. 727 00:36:48,624 --> 00:36:51,460 I believe you're cut from the same cloth, Jason. 728 00:36:51,543 --> 00:36:53,921 We will fix this, I promise you. 729 00:36:54,463 --> 00:36:55,839 But you can't let go. 730 00:36:56,632 --> 00:36:58,550 You must hold on. 731 00:37:06,391 --> 00:37:07,434 (DOOR OPENS) 732 00:37:08,685 --> 00:37:10,270 WHITNEY: Calvin, is that you? 733 00:37:10,938 --> 00:37:12,272 Oh, thank God. 734 00:37:12,356 --> 00:37:14,608 CALVIN: Oh, Rufus, you've been missing in action all day. 735 00:37:14,691 --> 00:37:15,734 Chadwick's arrived home. 736 00:37:15,817 --> 00:37:17,027 CALVIN: What the hell happened to you? 737 00:37:17,110 --> 00:37:19,196 You look like you've gone 10 rounds with a meat grinder. 738 00:37:19,279 --> 00:37:23,450 Yeah, that SSR agent, the one you had me go after, Peggy Carter? 739 00:37:23,533 --> 00:37:24,576 She kidnapped me. 740 00:37:25,327 --> 00:37:26,370 Kidnapped? 741 00:37:26,453 --> 00:37:28,622 Yeah, she shot me with a tranquilliser gun, 742 00:37:28,705 --> 00:37:30,082 locked me in her trunk. 743 00:37:30,165 --> 00:37:31,375 She tried to kill me. 744 00:37:31,458 --> 00:37:33,502 CALVIN: She's finished. I'll have her job for this. 745 00:37:33,585 --> 00:37:35,087 I will have her deported. 746 00:37:35,170 --> 00:37:36,713 Who the hell does she think she is that she can... 747 00:37:36,797 --> 00:37:38,131 What did you tell her? 748 00:37:40,509 --> 00:37:44,346 - What? I didn't... - What did you tell her? 749 00:37:48,475 --> 00:37:51,270 All right, look. She... She injected me with something. 750 00:37:51,603 --> 00:37:53,981 I thought I was dying, all right? 751 00:37:57,109 --> 00:37:58,360 What did you say? 752 00:38:03,115 --> 00:38:04,741 She wanted names. 753 00:38:05,367 --> 00:38:07,035 CALVIN: And you gave them to her? 754 00:38:07,119 --> 00:38:10,205 We hired you because you said you couldn't be broken. 755 00:38:10,289 --> 00:38:12,916 And this is what you have to show for it? 756 00:38:13,000 --> 00:38:15,460 No. I'm not taking the fall for this. 757 00:38:15,544 --> 00:38:17,546 You're gonna have to answer to the Council yourself. 758 00:38:17,629 --> 00:38:18,880 See, I think that's where you're wrong. 759 00:38:20,632 --> 00:38:23,927 No. You're gonna protect me. 760 00:38:24,303 --> 00:38:25,762 'Cause I can go to the Council, too, 761 00:38:26,054 --> 00:38:29,433 and tell them what you're up to and what your wife's up to. 762 00:38:29,808 --> 00:38:34,396 So you're gonna help me, or I'm gonna get real yappy, real fast. 763 00:38:34,479 --> 00:38:36,857 - You son of a bitch. - WHITNEY: Sweetheart... 764 00:38:36,940 --> 00:38:38,358 I have to show you something. 765 00:38:38,442 --> 00:38:40,360 Whitney, I'm in the middle of something here. 766 00:38:40,444 --> 00:38:43,655 - You know, just get out of here. - I know, but this is important. 767 00:38:43,739 --> 00:38:46,366 WHITNEY: Mr Hunt made a mistake. 768 00:38:48,827 --> 00:38:51,121 And we all make mistakes. 769 00:38:55,125 --> 00:38:56,543 And mistakes can be fixed. 770 00:39:04,468 --> 00:39:06,553 (GRUNTING) 771 00:39:07,137 --> 00:39:09,723 Whitney... What are you doing? 772 00:39:10,599 --> 00:39:12,851 Whitney, what is this? 773 00:39:15,103 --> 00:39:17,314 CALVIN: Whitney! Whitney, stop! 774 00:39:17,397 --> 00:39:18,690 Stop! 775 00:39:18,774 --> 00:39:19,983 (STATIC) 776 00:39:20,734 --> 00:39:22,235 We lost the signal. 777 00:39:22,319 --> 00:39:23,653 What on Earth did she do? 778 00:39:23,945 --> 00:39:25,322 I don't know. 779 00:39:27,741 --> 00:39:28,784 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 780 00:39:44,841 --> 00:39:46,385 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 781 00:39:51,306 --> 00:39:53,725 PAPERBOY: Paper! Get your paper! 782 00:39:54,226 --> 00:39:55,560 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 783 00:39:57,813 --> 00:39:59,272 (KNOCK ON WINDOW) 784 00:39:59,731 --> 00:40:01,400 Didn't I see you here last week? 785 00:40:02,984 --> 00:40:04,778 We didn't change the movie. 786 00:40:04,861 --> 00:40:06,947 What's the point in seeing it again? 787 00:40:07,697 --> 00:40:09,449 It's a nice escape from the world. 788 00:40:09,866 --> 00:40:12,035 Helps you forget about your troubles. 789 00:40:14,663 --> 00:40:15,872 Hey. 790 00:40:22,129 --> 00:40:23,839 Just this once. 791 00:40:31,513 --> 00:40:34,724 You know, I bet you're real pretty when you smile. 792 00:40:37,894 --> 00:40:40,647 Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. 793 00:40:42,315 --> 00:40:45,360 Ned Silver, talent agent to the stars. 794 00:40:46,194 --> 00:40:47,279 A smile like that, 795 00:40:47,362 --> 00:40:49,990 I bet I could get you some work as a model. 796 00:40:52,534 --> 00:40:54,119 Or maybe... 797 00:40:54,870 --> 00:40:57,038 Even an actress in one of those pictures. 798 00:41:00,000 --> 00:41:01,585 What do you think? 799 00:41:08,633 --> 00:41:11,178 - That sounds real interesting. - Fantastic. 800 00:41:12,471 --> 00:41:13,555 What's your name? 801 00:41:13,638 --> 00:41:16,475 Agnes. Agnes Cully. 802 00:41:16,641 --> 00:41:19,728 Well, that'll have to change. 803 00:41:20,353 --> 00:41:21,855 Why? 804 00:41:21,938 --> 00:41:24,649 'Cause you need a name as pretty as you are. 805 00:41:26,359 --> 00:41:28,904 That's the beauty of Hollywood. 806 00:41:28,987 --> 00:41:31,406 You can be whatever you want. 807 00:41:49,883 --> 00:41:51,593 CALVIN: What happened, Whitney? 808 00:41:51,676 --> 00:41:53,053 What happened? 809 00:41:53,845 --> 00:41:55,305 What was that? 810 00:41:56,181 --> 00:41:57,682 That was me... 811 00:41:58,433 --> 00:42:01,853 Fixing another one of your problems. 812 00:42:10,737 --> 00:42:12,113 What are you? 813 00:42:15,659 --> 00:42:17,619 Whatever I want. 814 00:42:25,335 --> 00:42:27,420 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)