1 00:00:08,008 --> 00:00:09,217 CARTER: I'm Peggy Carter. 2 00:00:09,301 --> 00:00:12,512 During the war, I fought side-by-side with Captain America. 3 00:00:12,596 --> 00:00:13,721 We defeated the enemy... 4 00:00:13,806 --> 00:00:15,682 Please, don't do this. We have time. 5 00:00:15,766 --> 00:00:17,642 But I lost the love of my life. 6 00:00:17,726 --> 00:00:19,143 - (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) - I work for the SSR, 7 00:00:19,228 --> 00:00:20,687 America's premier covert intelligence agency. 8 00:00:20,771 --> 00:00:21,813 (ALARM BUZZING) 9 00:00:21,897 --> 00:00:23,106 But now that the war is over, 10 00:00:23,190 --> 00:00:24,816 my mission parameters these days are... 11 00:00:24,900 --> 00:00:26,275 Agent Carter, cover the phones. 12 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:27,360 ...different. 13 00:00:27,444 --> 00:00:29,028 That all changed when an old friend 14 00:00:29,113 --> 00:00:30,780 asked me to become a double agent. 15 00:00:30,948 --> 00:00:32,824 HOWARD: I have a vault. Somebody cleaned me out. 16 00:00:33,033 --> 00:00:34,367 A couple of weeks later, my inventions... 17 00:00:34,451 --> 00:00:36,202 They start turning up on the black market. 18 00:00:36,286 --> 00:00:38,955 As of this moment, Howard Stark is a fugitive from justice. 19 00:00:39,248 --> 00:00:40,748 You're the only one that can clear my name. 20 00:00:40,833 --> 00:00:42,083 He left me with an ally. 21 00:00:42,167 --> 00:00:44,127 Edwin Jarvis. He'll help you in any way he can. 22 00:00:44,378 --> 00:00:46,713 I found the man who stole Howard's inventions. 23 00:00:47,214 --> 00:00:48,965 He was part of a bigger conspiracy. 24 00:00:49,299 --> 00:00:50,800 (SYNTHESIZED) Leviathan is coming. 25 00:00:55,889 --> 00:00:56,889 Who is Leviathan? 26 00:00:56,974 --> 00:00:58,057 He didn't have time to tell me. 27 00:00:58,142 --> 00:00:59,809 All he left behind was a symbol. 28 00:01:00,310 --> 00:01:02,019 I must determine what this means 29 00:01:02,104 --> 00:01:04,522 before the SSR catches up to me... 30 00:01:06,692 --> 00:01:07,984 Or my friends. 31 00:01:16,952 --> 00:01:18,995 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 32 00:02:31,068 --> 00:02:33,110 (GRUNTING) 33 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:34,779 (GASPS) 34 00:02:36,281 --> 00:02:38,074 Clearly, you don't know the rules of the house. 35 00:02:39,243 --> 00:02:41,285 Is this not apartment 3F? 36 00:02:41,411 --> 00:02:42,411 - (GUN COCKS) - Who are you? 37 00:02:42,496 --> 00:02:44,872 Jimmy. My girlfriend, Molly, she lives here. 38 00:02:44,957 --> 00:02:46,207 I swear. 39 00:02:46,542 --> 00:02:49,418 5'5", blonde, works at Bonwit Teller? 40 00:02:50,128 --> 00:02:51,546 Next one over. 41 00:02:51,755 --> 00:02:53,256 Oh... 42 00:02:53,382 --> 00:02:55,591 Would it be too much trouble if I could come... 43 00:02:55,676 --> 00:02:56,759 (SIGHS) 44 00:02:58,095 --> 00:03:00,263 (GRUNTS) Have a nice night. 45 00:03:01,390 --> 00:03:03,891 DOOLEY: His room key is the only evidence we found at the crime scene. 46 00:03:03,976 --> 00:03:05,226 What can you tell us about him? 47 00:03:05,310 --> 00:03:07,270 He was relatively clean. 48 00:03:07,354 --> 00:03:08,437 (MUFFLED CONVERSATIONS) 49 00:03:08,522 --> 00:03:11,440 He came and went without so much as a peep. 50 00:03:11,525 --> 00:03:12,942 Any visitors? 51 00:03:13,026 --> 00:03:14,902 Only for just an hour. 52 00:03:24,663 --> 00:03:26,205 Looks like business is good. 53 00:03:26,290 --> 00:03:28,416 Hey, Ray. How you doing? 54 00:03:31,879 --> 00:03:33,546 This is it, 424. 55 00:03:38,302 --> 00:03:40,636 Check all the usual hidey-holes. 56 00:03:42,931 --> 00:03:44,724 Hey! Take it easy on the furniture. 57 00:03:45,017 --> 00:03:46,100 That'll be all. Thank you. 58 00:03:46,268 --> 00:03:47,476 (POCKET KNIFE CLICKS) 59 00:03:48,729 --> 00:03:49,979 (GRUNTS) 60 00:03:50,147 --> 00:03:52,231 (SIREN WAILS IN DISTANCE) 61 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:55,401 All right, welcome to amateur hour. 62 00:03:55,736 --> 00:03:57,904 I got cash, passports. 63 00:03:58,739 --> 00:04:01,365 Got a British passport for "Alfred Lean." 64 00:04:01,450 --> 00:04:04,619 An American passport for an "Orson Hawks," 65 00:04:04,703 --> 00:04:09,999 and an Italian pass-a-port for "Federico Rossellini." 66 00:04:10,083 --> 00:04:11,334 We got a film buff on our hands. 67 00:04:13,587 --> 00:04:15,046 RAY: What you got? You find something? 68 00:04:16,089 --> 00:04:18,257 Well, it sure isn't nothing. 69 00:04:23,180 --> 00:04:25,264 (HORN HONKS) 70 00:04:27,017 --> 00:04:27,975 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 71 00:04:28,060 --> 00:04:31,270 Powdered eggs again. What am I paying for? 72 00:04:31,355 --> 00:04:32,688 Still, better than the blitz, right, English? 73 00:04:32,773 --> 00:04:35,107 - Oh, just barely. - Morning, girls. 74 00:04:35,192 --> 00:04:36,150 Someone had a late night. 75 00:04:36,234 --> 00:04:38,110 What time did the cat drag you in? 76 00:04:38,195 --> 00:04:39,987 I didn't exactly get dragged out. 77 00:04:40,405 --> 00:04:42,573 - Molly, you didn't. - What can I say? 78 00:04:42,658 --> 00:04:44,450 Jimmy is very persuasive. 79 00:04:44,534 --> 00:04:45,660 And nimble. 80 00:04:45,744 --> 00:04:47,078 You got a guy, Peggy? 81 00:04:47,162 --> 00:04:48,746 I'm afraid I'm married to my work at the moment. 82 00:04:48,956 --> 00:04:50,998 - What about Mr. Fancy? - Who's that? 83 00:04:51,083 --> 00:04:52,792 You know, the guy I've seen around the Automat, 84 00:04:52,876 --> 00:04:54,377 nice suit, nice car, nice shoulders. 85 00:04:54,461 --> 00:04:55,795 (CHUCKLING) Oh, no. No. 86 00:04:55,879 --> 00:04:58,297 (CLEARS THROAT) He's just a colleague. 87 00:04:58,382 --> 00:05:01,008 Good day, ladies. Early bird and all that. 88 00:05:01,176 --> 00:05:04,553 Ah, Miss Carter, please sit. This will only be a moment. 89 00:05:07,391 --> 00:05:10,643 In 1925, the great Harry Houdini 90 00:05:10,727 --> 00:05:12,561 performed at this very building. 91 00:05:12,688 --> 00:05:15,189 Ugh, Houdini. That's never good. 92 00:05:15,273 --> 00:05:17,400 Women stood spellbound and watched 93 00:05:17,484 --> 00:05:20,820 as he escaped from handcuffs, 94 00:05:20,904 --> 00:05:22,738 straitjackets, steamer trunks. 95 00:05:23,073 --> 00:05:26,158 But the one trick he could not pull off 96 00:05:26,410 --> 00:05:30,746 was ascending the stairs. 97 00:05:31,415 --> 00:05:33,374 It's a simple rule, ladies. 98 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:37,294 No men above the first floor. 99 00:05:39,381 --> 00:05:40,423 Molly Bowen. 100 00:05:42,592 --> 00:05:44,635 Please go to your room and pack your things. 101 00:05:50,892 --> 00:05:53,102 Miss Fry, please. 102 00:05:53,603 --> 00:05:55,771 I hope you had a splendid evening, 103 00:05:55,856 --> 00:05:58,774 because it will be your last at the Griffith. 104 00:06:01,945 --> 00:06:03,279 (WHIMPERS) 105 00:06:04,281 --> 00:06:07,950 Let her be an example for the rest of you. 106 00:06:09,036 --> 00:06:14,248 This institution is not unlike Fort Knox or Alcatraz. 107 00:06:15,250 --> 00:06:20,629 Whether by force or trickery, this building is impenetrable. 108 00:06:28,138 --> 00:06:30,139 (SCOFFS) Can you believe that? 109 00:06:30,515 --> 00:06:32,933 I don't, actually. 110 00:06:34,102 --> 00:06:36,562 No building is impenetrable. 111 00:06:42,486 --> 00:06:45,654 Ladies and gentlemen, our pal Leet Brannis. 112 00:06:45,781 --> 00:06:48,783 Coroner says the amalgam in his teeth is Russian. 113 00:06:48,867 --> 00:06:50,910 Yeah? How did he get the scar? 114 00:06:50,994 --> 00:06:52,953 - His voice box was cut out. - Mmm. 115 00:06:53,038 --> 00:06:55,081 Probably happened during the war. This guy served. 116 00:06:55,165 --> 00:06:57,458 Russian Rifle Division. The 478th. 117 00:06:57,542 --> 00:06:59,794 Now, you ready to have your socks knocked off? 118 00:07:01,088 --> 00:07:03,255 - Leet Brannis died. - I know that, son. 119 00:07:03,340 --> 00:07:04,799 - I'm staring at his corpse. - Two years ago. 120 00:07:05,675 --> 00:07:08,677 Guy I knew in basic ended up in the US Embassy in Moscow. 121 00:07:08,762 --> 00:07:10,638 I had him dig into the 478th. 122 00:07:10,722 --> 00:07:12,098 Turns out, they were wiped out in '44 123 00:07:12,182 --> 00:07:13,557 in the Battle of Finow, Germany. 124 00:07:14,017 --> 00:07:16,685 Dead don't walk. At least, not in my experience. 125 00:07:16,770 --> 00:07:17,770 Where we at with your guy? 126 00:07:17,854 --> 00:07:21,482 We're still pulling what's left of him from the truck wreckage, 127 00:07:21,566 --> 00:07:24,443 but we were able to lift some prints from the passports that I found. 128 00:07:24,528 --> 00:07:25,861 We had a vodka bottle. Plus, we got this beauty. 129 00:07:25,946 --> 00:07:27,071 - (PATTING) - Don't touch. 130 00:07:28,615 --> 00:07:30,491 What did the lab rats say? 131 00:07:30,575 --> 00:07:32,284 They think it's some kind of long-range transmitter. 132 00:07:32,536 --> 00:07:34,537 How long? Moscow-long? 133 00:07:36,164 --> 00:07:37,498 Run his picture by your embassy friend. 134 00:07:38,041 --> 00:07:39,875 - I'm on it. - Hey, passport guy's mine. 135 00:07:40,127 --> 00:07:41,335 You got any friends in Moscow? 136 00:07:41,545 --> 00:07:42,711 Or anywhere else? 137 00:07:42,921 --> 00:07:43,921 - Don't be that guy. - (KNOCK ON DOOR) 138 00:07:44,840 --> 00:07:46,799 Ran the license plate we pulled from the Roxxon debris. 139 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:48,634 Belongs to Howard Stark. 140 00:07:49,219 --> 00:07:50,803 - I found that. - Where's the rest of the car? 141 00:07:51,263 --> 00:07:52,805 Uh, we just got a plate and a bumper. 142 00:07:52,889 --> 00:07:55,432 Boss, Stark was on the lam when Roxxon went down. 143 00:07:55,517 --> 00:07:57,768 Do we really think he would risk his freedom to blow it up? 144 00:07:57,853 --> 00:07:59,562 Or in whatever the hell happened. 145 00:07:59,646 --> 00:08:02,857 Somebody was driving that car. I want to know who. 146 00:08:13,785 --> 00:08:15,578 ANNA: Edwin, leave the dishes. 147 00:08:15,662 --> 00:08:17,454 I can take care of it. 148 00:08:20,167 --> 00:08:22,251 Anna, darling, I'm going to take you up on that offer. 149 00:08:22,586 --> 00:08:25,004 The day beckons. I'll, uh, be in the garden. 150 00:08:25,088 --> 00:08:26,213 - ANNA: Love you! - And you! 151 00:08:32,220 --> 00:08:33,846 In polite society, 152 00:08:33,930 --> 00:08:35,723 one telephones ahead before trespassing. 153 00:08:36,141 --> 00:08:38,017 I imagine strange women traipsing through the property 154 00:08:38,101 --> 00:08:40,728 isn't a completely unusual occurrence. 155 00:08:41,229 --> 00:08:43,689 That's a fair point. What brings you here? 156 00:08:43,773 --> 00:08:45,691 My landlady gave me an idea. 157 00:08:45,775 --> 00:08:46,775 Oh, splendid. 158 00:08:46,860 --> 00:08:48,819 Why, now if we could get an opinion from your butcher... 159 00:08:49,446 --> 00:08:51,780 Someone robbed Howard's impenetrable vault. 160 00:08:51,865 --> 00:08:53,365 If I can find out how he got in, 161 00:08:53,450 --> 00:08:54,742 perhaps I can trace where he went 162 00:08:54,826 --> 00:08:57,494 and locate Howard's missing technology. 163 00:08:58,121 --> 00:08:59,955 You're not really dressed for it, I'm afraid. 164 00:09:03,210 --> 00:09:06,795 Our thief didn't exactly walk the items out of the front door. 165 00:09:07,130 --> 00:09:10,299 The night of the break-in, did you hear anything? 166 00:09:10,884 --> 00:09:13,802 Well, no, there was a tremendous thunderstorm. 167 00:09:13,887 --> 00:09:15,679 It knocked the power out, including the alarms, 168 00:09:15,764 --> 00:09:17,181 for almost two hours. 169 00:09:17,265 --> 00:09:19,725 Not that I would have heard any of it. 170 00:09:19,809 --> 00:09:21,018 I'm afraid the sultry combination 171 00:09:21,102 --> 00:09:24,188 of candlelight and rain always puts me out like a baby. 172 00:09:24,272 --> 00:09:26,565 - Hmm. - You're quite the guard dog. 173 00:09:27,025 --> 00:09:28,609 Security is not within my purview. 174 00:09:29,319 --> 00:09:30,903 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 175 00:09:30,987 --> 00:09:32,738 SOUSA: SSR. Open up. 176 00:09:37,327 --> 00:09:38,369 Unbelievable. 177 00:09:38,453 --> 00:09:40,537 A known fugitive isn't answering his door. 178 00:09:40,747 --> 00:09:41,830 Knock harder. 179 00:09:42,457 --> 00:09:44,041 Sure. Can I borrow your forehead? 180 00:09:47,796 --> 00:09:49,463 (POUNDING ON DOOR) 181 00:09:54,386 --> 00:09:56,428 Good afternoon, gentlemen. How may I help you? 182 00:09:56,638 --> 00:09:59,848 Afternoon. Agents Thompson and Sousa with the SSR. 183 00:09:59,933 --> 00:10:00,933 If you're looking for Mr. Stark, 184 00:10:01,017 --> 00:10:02,768 I'm afraid he's indefinitely unavailable. 185 00:10:02,852 --> 00:10:04,561 We're well aware of that, Mr. Jarvis. 186 00:10:04,646 --> 00:10:06,605 That is your name, isn't it? Mr. Edwin Jarvis? 187 00:10:06,690 --> 00:10:08,357 You misplace anything recently? 188 00:10:08,441 --> 00:10:10,943 Yes, I did lose a fountain pen on Fifth Avenue. 189 00:10:12,028 --> 00:10:13,362 How about the bumper off a Fleetmaster? 190 00:10:13,446 --> 00:10:14,446 Anything like that? 191 00:10:14,864 --> 00:10:17,074 Just the bumper? Wish you'd found the entire car. 192 00:10:17,158 --> 00:10:19,535 I reported it stolen several days ago. 193 00:10:19,619 --> 00:10:22,538 Detective Davis at the 19th Precinct was very helpful. 194 00:10:23,999 --> 00:10:25,624 If there's nothing further... 195 00:10:25,709 --> 00:10:27,126 (DOOR THUDS) 196 00:10:27,711 --> 00:10:30,462 That bumper was found at a major crime scene. 197 00:10:30,547 --> 00:10:31,547 There's plenty further. 198 00:10:36,011 --> 00:10:38,554 Mr. Stark doesn't like visitors, 199 00:10:38,638 --> 00:10:40,514 whether he's here to receive them or not. 200 00:10:41,057 --> 00:10:42,808 Look, Mr. Jarvis, I can call a judge 201 00:10:42,892 --> 00:10:44,393 and wait here to get a warrant. 202 00:10:45,937 --> 00:10:48,230 But honestly, it's almost lunchtime and I'm hungry. 203 00:10:48,315 --> 00:10:49,523 How would you like to take a ride downtown? 204 00:10:51,484 --> 00:10:53,193 Well, lead the way. 205 00:10:58,033 --> 00:10:59,325 (CAR DOOR OPENS) 206 00:10:59,409 --> 00:11:00,784 JARVIS: Well, this will be novel. 207 00:11:00,910 --> 00:11:03,829 I haven't been in the back of a car in years. 208 00:11:04,622 --> 00:11:05,831 (CAR DOOR CLOSES) 209 00:11:06,374 --> 00:11:08,000 (ENGINE REVS) 210 00:11:13,923 --> 00:11:16,342 Come on, Butch. Be a pal? 211 00:11:17,135 --> 00:11:20,012 Sorry, Krzeminski. I got plans. 212 00:11:20,096 --> 00:11:21,764 Yauch, what about you? 213 00:11:21,848 --> 00:11:24,266 Told my gal I'd take her to a show. Cover my shift tonight. 214 00:11:24,351 --> 00:11:26,769 I can't swing it. Why don't you ask Carter? 215 00:11:27,354 --> 00:11:28,354 Right. 216 00:11:28,438 --> 00:11:30,564 Dooley would kill me if I let a lady take nights. 217 00:11:30,648 --> 00:11:33,734 Besides, she can barely make her own shift. 218 00:11:33,818 --> 00:11:35,652 Work day starts at 9:00 a.m., honey. 219 00:11:35,737 --> 00:11:37,112 Tell me, Agent Krzeminski, 220 00:11:37,197 --> 00:11:38,489 who are you bringing to the show, 221 00:11:38,573 --> 00:11:41,116 - your wife or your girlfriend? - (LAUGHTER) 222 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:45,287 Come on in. Have a seat. 223 00:11:48,750 --> 00:11:50,376 We really appreciate you coming down here 224 00:11:50,460 --> 00:11:52,294 to talk with us, Mr. Jarvis. 225 00:11:52,629 --> 00:11:53,754 JARVIS: Well, naturally. 226 00:11:53,838 --> 00:11:55,631 But I don't think I can tell you anything that isn't already 227 00:11:55,715 --> 00:11:57,174 in the missing-car report I filed. 228 00:11:57,258 --> 00:11:59,218 That report might take us a while to dig up. 229 00:11:59,302 --> 00:12:00,803 You see, the NYPD aren't as efficient 230 00:12:00,887 --> 00:12:02,888 as the SSR at record-keeping, 231 00:12:02,972 --> 00:12:07,101 which is saying something, because our files are a wreck. 232 00:12:07,852 --> 00:12:10,562 That hurts. My filing's impeccable. 233 00:12:10,647 --> 00:12:11,980 Isn't that Stark's butler? 234 00:12:12,649 --> 00:12:15,317 - You know this guy? - Only from the file. 235 00:12:15,819 --> 00:12:17,694 Do you think he was really involved in the Roxxon implosion? 236 00:12:17,987 --> 00:12:19,863 Well, maybe he didn't blow the place up, 237 00:12:19,948 --> 00:12:21,740 but he's capable of driving a getaway car. 238 00:12:21,825 --> 00:12:24,326 (CHUCKLES) It's funny. 239 00:12:25,370 --> 00:12:27,996 A lot of stuff gets stolen from Howard Stark, 240 00:12:28,081 --> 00:12:29,331 cars, bombs, death rays. 241 00:12:30,041 --> 00:12:32,543 Actually, the death ray's accounted for. 242 00:12:32,627 --> 00:12:34,670 It's in Nevada, I believe. 243 00:12:34,838 --> 00:12:35,921 Hmm. 244 00:12:39,968 --> 00:12:41,260 You know these men? 245 00:12:41,553 --> 00:12:42,928 Take a good look. 246 00:12:43,012 --> 00:12:44,930 We have reliable information that says 247 00:12:45,014 --> 00:12:46,974 that both of these men were in possession 248 00:12:47,350 --> 00:12:49,977 of some of your boss's missin' doohickeys, 249 00:12:51,479 --> 00:12:52,729 and now they're dead. 250 00:12:53,064 --> 00:12:55,065 Oh, what a pity. 251 00:12:55,150 --> 00:12:57,526 Sounds like you found our thieves. 252 00:12:59,696 --> 00:13:02,239 Unless, of course, they were working for your boss. 253 00:13:04,951 --> 00:13:06,243 Would you look at that? Five minutes in, 254 00:13:06,327 --> 00:13:08,120 and Thompson hasn't knocked out a single tooth. 255 00:13:08,204 --> 00:13:09,371 Well, don't let this guy fool you. 256 00:13:09,456 --> 00:13:11,874 He may be a butler, butlers know powerful people. 257 00:13:11,958 --> 00:13:13,417 If we don't play this just right, 258 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:15,836 he'll have a dozen lawyers down here by lunch. 259 00:13:15,920 --> 00:13:17,254 What about the stolen-car report? 260 00:13:17,922 --> 00:13:20,215 Currently lost in the system. 261 00:13:20,592 --> 00:13:21,884 SOUSA: But if the car was actually stolen, 262 00:13:21,968 --> 00:13:23,260 we got nothing to use on him. 263 00:13:23,344 --> 00:13:26,680 Eh, we got something that'll rattle this limey's cage good. 264 00:13:27,307 --> 00:13:28,891 THOMPSON: I'll tell you, you know what I would do 265 00:13:28,975 --> 00:13:32,227 if the bumper fell off my car while I was committing a crime? 266 00:13:33,188 --> 00:13:34,897 I'd file a stolen-car report. 267 00:13:35,565 --> 00:13:37,232 Well, if you're implying that Mr. Stark would ever... 268 00:13:37,317 --> 00:13:38,942 I'm implying you. 269 00:13:40,153 --> 00:13:41,862 Mr. Stark's on the run. 270 00:13:41,946 --> 00:13:45,073 He is also an innocent man. 271 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:56,543 I can see why he hired you. 272 00:13:57,420 --> 00:14:00,339 You're smart, cool-headed, extremely loyal, 273 00:14:01,090 --> 00:14:02,341 which is surprising, 274 00:14:02,425 --> 00:14:04,176 considering you were charged with treason. 275 00:14:09,390 --> 00:14:10,974 There you go. Stay on him. 276 00:14:11,059 --> 00:14:12,643 Oh, yeah. It's right here. 277 00:14:12,727 --> 00:14:14,645 There's not much in there. 278 00:14:14,729 --> 00:14:16,230 But seeing as whatever you did's 279 00:14:16,314 --> 00:14:17,689 been swept under a rug, I'm guessing 280 00:14:17,774 --> 00:14:20,943 it's a big green one made of Stark money, hmm? 281 00:14:23,947 --> 00:14:26,949 So, you dodged the treason conviction. 282 00:14:28,284 --> 00:14:29,451 (CLAPPING) 283 00:14:29,536 --> 00:14:32,454 But you couldn't get out of the dishonorable discharge. 284 00:14:33,790 --> 00:14:35,582 Well, I guess money can't buy everything. 285 00:14:36,543 --> 00:14:37,709 This looks bad, 286 00:14:37,794 --> 00:14:40,963 bad to every good man who ever served, 287 00:14:41,548 --> 00:14:43,966 bad to your friends, neighbors... 288 00:14:46,177 --> 00:14:49,805 And to the fine folks at the office of immigration. 289 00:14:51,641 --> 00:14:54,476 Yeah, I'm putting that on the table. 290 00:14:56,062 --> 00:14:58,397 That'll be a fun conversation to have with the wife. 291 00:14:58,648 --> 00:14:59,731 Yeah? 292 00:15:00,567 --> 00:15:02,359 (AS JARVIS) "Honey, pack a bag. 293 00:15:02,443 --> 00:15:04,069 "Spot of bother. 294 00:15:04,153 --> 00:15:06,154 "We're being deported." 295 00:15:06,739 --> 00:15:08,240 (BREATHES HEAVILY) 296 00:15:08,324 --> 00:15:09,908 (NORMAL VOICE) You know what? Let's get her on the phone. 297 00:15:09,993 --> 00:15:11,326 I'll tell her myself. 298 00:15:11,911 --> 00:15:14,371 You leave my wife out of this. 299 00:15:14,455 --> 00:15:18,333 You dragged her into it when you broke the law with your boss. 300 00:15:18,418 --> 00:15:20,085 You pay, she pays. 301 00:15:22,964 --> 00:15:24,006 Hmm. 302 00:15:25,091 --> 00:15:26,341 He's about to fold. 303 00:15:26,426 --> 00:15:27,509 And admit what? 304 00:15:27,594 --> 00:15:29,928 If I had my way, damn near everything. 305 00:15:30,013 --> 00:15:32,055 This guy washes Stark's underwear. 306 00:15:32,140 --> 00:15:33,348 He knows. 307 00:15:33,433 --> 00:15:35,225 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) 308 00:15:35,310 --> 00:15:36,727 Hey, it's just getting good. 309 00:15:37,103 --> 00:15:38,687 I should get back to my station. 310 00:15:39,022 --> 00:15:40,105 (DOOR OPENS) 311 00:15:40,189 --> 00:15:43,108 I'm sure the last thing you want is to put Anna on a plane 312 00:15:43,192 --> 00:15:44,693 and have to explain why. 313 00:15:45,695 --> 00:15:47,988 (TELEPHONE RINGS) 314 00:15:48,072 --> 00:15:50,032 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 315 00:15:50,575 --> 00:15:53,201 All right, I'll let you take my shift. 316 00:16:00,418 --> 00:16:03,462 It's a one-time offer, Carter. 317 00:16:03,546 --> 00:16:04,713 Carter! 318 00:16:06,799 --> 00:16:07,799 Excuse me, Chief Dooley. 319 00:16:07,884 --> 00:16:09,051 I need your signature, sir. 320 00:16:09,886 --> 00:16:11,553 What? Can't it wait? 321 00:16:11,888 --> 00:16:13,764 I'm afraid the codes are ready for analysis. 322 00:16:13,848 --> 00:16:14,973 I need your approval. 323 00:16:25,902 --> 00:16:27,361 (CLEARS THROAT) Thank you. 324 00:16:30,239 --> 00:16:31,740 THOMPSON: Why don't you sit here awhile? 325 00:16:32,992 --> 00:16:34,159 Think about it. 326 00:16:34,243 --> 00:16:35,744 I'm gonna get a coffee. You want something? 327 00:16:36,079 --> 00:16:37,829 (BREATHES HEAVILY) 328 00:16:38,247 --> 00:16:39,748 That's my cue. 329 00:16:51,135 --> 00:16:52,803 What do you think? 330 00:16:52,887 --> 00:16:54,096 I think he's on the verge of telling you 331 00:16:54,180 --> 00:16:56,098 what Stark had for breakfast two months ago. 332 00:16:56,182 --> 00:16:57,599 - Really nice, Jack. - Mmm-hmm. 333 00:16:58,017 --> 00:16:59,768 You feel him sweat? 334 00:16:59,852 --> 00:17:02,270 Wife's the key. Stay on the wife. 335 00:17:05,858 --> 00:17:07,067 Mr. Jarvis, I want you to meet... 336 00:17:07,151 --> 00:17:08,193 Chief Dooley, 337 00:17:08,277 --> 00:17:11,613 I'm afraid I mistakenly took your stolen-car report. 338 00:17:14,659 --> 00:17:18,537 Well, thank you for your hospitality, gentlemen. 339 00:17:19,122 --> 00:17:20,414 Unless you're going to arrest and charge me, 340 00:17:20,498 --> 00:17:22,165 I'll be on my way. 341 00:17:22,834 --> 00:17:24,292 If there's anything further you'd like to discuss, 342 00:17:24,377 --> 00:17:26,920 please feel free to contact one of Mr. Stark's attorneys. 343 00:17:33,010 --> 00:17:36,346 Do you have any idea how stupid that was? 344 00:17:36,431 --> 00:17:38,098 - I didn't... - Exactly. You didn't think. 345 00:17:38,516 --> 00:17:40,225 For the love of Eve, will somebody tell me what I did, 346 00:17:40,309 --> 00:17:43,395 who I cheesed off to have you dumped in my lap? 347 00:17:44,230 --> 00:17:47,065 And you wonder why you never catch any actual assignments. 348 00:17:49,277 --> 00:17:50,318 Hey. 349 00:17:56,325 --> 00:17:57,868 You see this man? 350 00:17:57,952 --> 00:18:00,996 He did exemplary work today, and you ruined it. 351 00:18:01,539 --> 00:18:03,165 Now, what do you have to say to him? 352 00:18:05,209 --> 00:18:06,668 Agent Thompson, I apologize. 353 00:18:07,545 --> 00:18:10,756 Agent Carter, sorry doesn't even begin to cover it. 354 00:18:11,007 --> 00:18:13,467 Doesn't even begin to cover it. 355 00:18:13,551 --> 00:18:15,343 Get out of my sight. 356 00:18:15,636 --> 00:18:16,678 Sir. 357 00:18:17,513 --> 00:18:18,680 (DOOR OPENS) 358 00:18:24,687 --> 00:18:26,772 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS START) 359 00:18:37,784 --> 00:18:39,284 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 360 00:18:39,368 --> 00:18:40,368 (SIGHS) 361 00:18:49,378 --> 00:18:51,213 (KNOCKING CONTINUES) 362 00:18:54,008 --> 00:18:55,926 Oh, I've been on my feet so long, I've sprouted roots. 363 00:18:56,010 --> 00:18:58,345 Hello, Angie, sorry. I was, I... 364 00:18:58,429 --> 00:19:00,806 An eight-hour shift, and I got a whole 50 cents in tips. 365 00:19:00,890 --> 00:19:02,933 The war's over. I thought we were all spending money again. 366 00:19:03,017 --> 00:19:04,059 How was your day? 367 00:19:04,310 --> 00:19:06,394 Well, 50 cents in tips would have been a considerable improvement. 368 00:19:07,063 --> 00:19:08,814 I got a bottle of schnapps and half a rhubarb pie. 369 00:19:08,898 --> 00:19:10,482 Let's see which one makes us sick first. 370 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:12,484 Oh, sounds lovely, but I was just about to go to bed. 371 00:19:12,568 --> 00:19:14,820 It's 8:00, Grandma. Come on. Tell me about your crappy day. 372 00:19:14,904 --> 00:19:15,904 Maybe it'll make me feel better. 373 00:19:16,239 --> 00:19:18,740 I'm really tired. Maybe some other time. 374 00:19:21,577 --> 00:19:22,953 (DOOR OPENS) 375 00:19:23,329 --> 00:19:24,538 Didn't mean to disturb you. 376 00:19:24,622 --> 00:19:26,331 - No, you didn't disturb me. I just... - No, it's fine. 377 00:19:26,415 --> 00:19:27,916 I know a brush-off when I see it. 378 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:29,501 - Angie... - Oh. 379 00:19:29,585 --> 00:19:31,670 Ah, Miss Carter, Miss Martinelli, 380 00:19:31,754 --> 00:19:35,215 may I introduce you to our new resident, Miss Dorothy Underwood? 381 00:19:35,299 --> 00:19:36,508 Oh, call me Dottie. 382 00:19:36,968 --> 00:19:38,468 Nice to meet you. 383 00:19:38,553 --> 00:19:39,886 - This place is pretty swell, huh? - Hmm. 384 00:19:40,263 --> 00:19:41,805 Seems like one big, happy family. 385 00:19:41,889 --> 00:19:44,641 - That wears off. - No, it's a pleasure to meet you. 386 00:19:44,725 --> 00:19:47,644 I love your accent. England, right? 387 00:19:48,771 --> 00:19:50,355 I've never met anybody from there. 388 00:19:50,439 --> 00:19:52,524 MIRIAM: Miss Underwood hails from Iowa 389 00:19:52,692 --> 00:19:54,609 and is pursuing a ballet career. 390 00:19:54,694 --> 00:19:58,029 Typically, I find dancers too carefree and irresponsible, 391 00:19:58,114 --> 00:20:01,741 though I have always appreciated the discipline of ballet. 392 00:20:02,493 --> 00:20:04,119 Nice to meet you, Dot. 393 00:20:04,245 --> 00:20:06,413 Uh, I didn't mean to interrupt. 394 00:20:06,497 --> 00:20:08,081 No harm. Wasn't much more to say. 395 00:20:08,165 --> 00:20:10,250 - I'm sure you'll be very happy here. - (DOOR SLAMS) 396 00:20:11,252 --> 00:20:12,335 Uh... 397 00:20:14,839 --> 00:20:16,464 (DOORBELL RINGS) 398 00:20:20,303 --> 00:20:21,887 Do you have anything you want to tell me? 399 00:20:23,848 --> 00:20:25,181 Not at present, no. 400 00:20:26,934 --> 00:20:27,976 Very well. 401 00:20:28,477 --> 00:20:30,353 Let's get on with it. 402 00:20:40,656 --> 00:20:42,198 Mr. Stark believed the intruder 403 00:20:42,283 --> 00:20:44,576 had some advanced technological assistance. 404 00:20:44,660 --> 00:20:46,286 Mr. Stark believes brushing your teeth 405 00:20:46,370 --> 00:20:49,205 requires advanced technological assistance. 406 00:20:49,874 --> 00:20:51,207 (WHISTLES) 407 00:20:51,334 --> 00:20:52,584 (WHISTLE ECHOING) 408 00:20:52,668 --> 00:20:53,960 Shall we? 409 00:21:06,182 --> 00:21:07,641 You've done this before. 410 00:21:07,725 --> 00:21:09,809 Himalayas before the war. 411 00:21:10,227 --> 00:21:11,645 (CHUCKLING) Though, at that time, I was strapped 412 00:21:11,729 --> 00:21:13,855 to a very amusing Spaniard named... 413 00:21:13,940 --> 00:21:15,231 (GASPS) 414 00:21:16,776 --> 00:21:17,776 You are, of course, 415 00:21:17,860 --> 00:21:20,570 well within your rights to maintain your privacy. 416 00:21:20,655 --> 00:21:22,364 Thank you. I agree. 417 00:21:24,200 --> 00:21:26,242 A charge of treason, out of context, 418 00:21:26,327 --> 00:21:28,286 is not necessarily what it appears to be. 419 00:21:28,371 --> 00:21:29,329 Quite so. 420 00:21:29,413 --> 00:21:32,332 In fact, my involvement with you and Mr. Stark could, 421 00:21:32,416 --> 00:21:34,334 on the face of it, be considered treasonous. 422 00:21:34,418 --> 00:21:35,543 Indeed, it could. 423 00:21:35,628 --> 00:21:38,254 I don't need to know the details of your past, Mr. Jarvis. 424 00:21:38,339 --> 00:21:40,006 I appreciate that. Thank you. 425 00:21:42,051 --> 00:21:44,427 Our investigators found an open manhole cover five blocks away. 426 00:21:44,512 --> 00:21:46,388 They assume the thief came up there. 427 00:21:46,472 --> 00:21:47,931 Carrying hundreds of pounds of equipment? 428 00:21:48,015 --> 00:21:49,557 Seems unlikely. 429 00:21:50,309 --> 00:21:52,435 You said it rained the night of the break-in. 430 00:21:52,812 --> 00:21:54,813 It was a positive deluge. Why? 431 00:21:54,897 --> 00:21:56,398 New York is one of the last cities 432 00:21:56,482 --> 00:21:58,984 to still use its sewers to run off storm water. 433 00:21:59,068 --> 00:22:00,485 When the tunnels are full, the tide gate opens 434 00:22:00,569 --> 00:22:01,945 and the water runs into the river. 435 00:22:02,405 --> 00:22:05,657 All Mr. Brannis would have needed is a raft and a forecast. 436 00:22:05,741 --> 00:22:10,328 He could have floated his stolen treasure all the way to the sea. 437 00:22:19,338 --> 00:22:22,549 I'm heading out. Make sure the chief gets this when he gets back. 438 00:22:22,633 --> 00:22:24,092 You got a hit on my passports? 439 00:22:24,218 --> 00:22:26,177 Prince Charming's name is Sasha Demidov. 440 00:22:26,262 --> 00:22:27,429 You might know the rest of the story. 441 00:22:27,513 --> 00:22:28,972 Let me guess. He was dead before he died, 442 00:22:29,056 --> 00:22:30,515 Battle of... Wherever? 443 00:22:30,725 --> 00:22:33,268 Finow. Congrats, Sousa. 444 00:22:33,644 --> 00:22:34,853 You are the brains of the night shift. 445 00:22:34,937 --> 00:22:36,187 You ladies have a good night. 446 00:22:36,272 --> 00:22:38,106 You know, the passports were a gift from me. 447 00:22:38,190 --> 00:22:41,276 Least you could do is cover my shift, you rat bastard. 448 00:22:42,111 --> 00:22:43,278 Thought you were gonna ask Carter. 449 00:22:43,738 --> 00:22:45,405 I was. I did. 450 00:22:45,489 --> 00:22:47,574 She acted like I was waving a sock in front of her face. 451 00:22:47,658 --> 00:22:49,617 I'm sure you were polite and respectful as always. 452 00:22:51,245 --> 00:22:52,704 You sweet on her, Sousa? 453 00:22:52,788 --> 00:22:53,830 (CHUCKLES) 454 00:22:53,914 --> 00:22:55,790 Don't you have enough women in your life to worry about? 455 00:22:56,125 --> 00:23:00,211 All right, I'm gonna give you a nickel's worth of free advice, pal. 456 00:23:00,296 --> 00:23:01,296 Give it up. 457 00:23:01,964 --> 00:23:04,716 No girl's gonna trade in a red, white, and blue shield 458 00:23:04,800 --> 00:23:05,925 for an aluminum crutch. 459 00:23:08,888 --> 00:23:11,848 Your knowledge of waste removal rather surprises me. 460 00:23:11,932 --> 00:23:14,392 I spent a week down here in the winter of '42. 461 00:23:14,477 --> 00:23:16,311 It was... Another time, perhaps. 462 00:23:16,395 --> 00:23:18,813 After all, we all have secrets. 463 00:23:21,233 --> 00:23:23,318 I was wrong. I need to know. 464 00:23:24,070 --> 00:23:25,070 Miss Carter... 465 00:23:25,154 --> 00:23:27,530 If we're going to be working together, risking our lives together, 466 00:23:27,615 --> 00:23:29,074 then I must be able to trust you. 467 00:23:30,076 --> 00:23:31,409 On my honor, you can. 468 00:23:31,494 --> 00:23:33,203 Your honor is not enough. 469 00:23:35,039 --> 00:23:37,957 Mr. Stark deemed me worthy of his trust. 470 00:23:38,042 --> 00:23:39,125 I would hope that would suffice. 471 00:23:39,210 --> 00:23:42,003 Mr. Stark would trust a shark to not bite him 472 00:23:42,088 --> 00:23:43,922 if it was wearing a short enough skirt. 473 00:23:44,006 --> 00:23:46,216 That's not entirely relevant. 474 00:23:47,676 --> 00:23:49,469 Would it satisfy you to know that 475 00:23:49,553 --> 00:23:51,221 the charge of treason was dropped almost immediately? 476 00:23:52,056 --> 00:23:53,515 It's a start. 477 00:23:54,016 --> 00:23:55,016 (SIGHS) 478 00:23:55,976 --> 00:23:57,102 (BREATHES DEEPLY) 479 00:23:57,186 --> 00:24:00,188 Before the war, I served under a general. 480 00:24:00,272 --> 00:24:02,398 We traveled a great deal. 481 00:24:02,483 --> 00:24:04,192 We were in Budapest when I met Anna. 482 00:24:04,860 --> 00:24:06,152 She worked in a hotel tailor shop, 483 00:24:06,237 --> 00:24:08,530 sold me the most beautiful tie. 484 00:24:10,157 --> 00:24:13,701 And then the war broke out, and things became difficult. 485 00:24:14,453 --> 00:24:15,662 She was Jewish. 486 00:24:15,746 --> 00:24:18,206 Still is, I'm happy to say. 487 00:24:19,208 --> 00:24:21,751 The general carried several letters of transit in his safe, 488 00:24:21,836 --> 00:24:24,462 any one of which would have ensured her safety, 489 00:24:24,547 --> 00:24:25,672 but he refused to sign. 490 00:24:26,215 --> 00:24:27,632 You forged his name. 491 00:24:27,716 --> 00:24:29,425 Hence the dishonorable discharge. 492 00:24:29,844 --> 00:24:32,470 It was filing the papers that sunk me. 493 00:24:33,055 --> 00:24:35,723 I was arrested in the middle of Whitehall. 494 00:24:35,808 --> 00:24:38,226 Hmm. On a Tuesday. 495 00:24:39,228 --> 00:24:40,645 How did Anna get out? 496 00:24:41,939 --> 00:24:44,232 The same way I avoided the noose. 497 00:24:45,234 --> 00:24:46,234 Howard? 498 00:24:46,318 --> 00:24:48,611 Mr. Stark had unfinished business with the general, 499 00:24:48,696 --> 00:24:50,947 and he and I had always got along. 500 00:24:51,031 --> 00:24:53,992 When he heard of my predicament, he... 501 00:24:54,076 --> 00:24:55,535 Used his influence. 502 00:24:55,619 --> 00:24:56,870 Sounds like a story. 503 00:24:56,954 --> 00:24:59,247 (BOAT HORN BLARES IN DISTANCE) 504 00:24:59,748 --> 00:25:01,249 Another time, perhaps. 505 00:25:05,671 --> 00:25:07,547 Anna obviously knows what Howard did for you, 506 00:25:07,631 --> 00:25:09,507 but she doesn't know what you do for him? 507 00:25:09,592 --> 00:25:11,259 Not recently, no. 508 00:25:11,927 --> 00:25:15,597 I may not always be truthful with Anna, but I am always honest. 509 00:25:15,681 --> 00:25:17,182 Difficult balance, that. 510 00:25:17,266 --> 00:25:19,434 One that I imagine you know all too well. 511 00:25:19,768 --> 00:25:20,768 Here we are. 512 00:25:25,983 --> 00:25:27,400 Mr. Brannis couldn't have gone very far 513 00:25:27,484 --> 00:25:30,486 with a whole raft full of volatile technology. 514 00:25:31,322 --> 00:25:32,655 Not far at all. 515 00:25:35,868 --> 00:25:37,493 Mr. Brannis' symbol. 516 00:26:07,942 --> 00:26:09,442 Well, she looks to have seen better days. 517 00:26:09,526 --> 00:26:11,444 It's still connected to the electric. Someone's using it. 518 00:26:13,489 --> 00:26:15,114 Do you have another one of those? 519 00:26:15,991 --> 00:26:18,409 Someone's getting very confident. 520 00:26:51,110 --> 00:26:52,193 Hmm. 521 00:27:01,704 --> 00:27:03,204 (DOOR CREAKING) 522 00:27:36,572 --> 00:27:37,739 Bingo. 523 00:27:37,823 --> 00:27:39,824 Careful. Some can be skittish. 524 00:27:39,908 --> 00:27:41,868 Very well aware of that. 525 00:27:49,918 --> 00:27:52,086 (EXHALES SHARPLY) I remember you. 526 00:27:52,921 --> 00:27:55,006 - Nasty little bugger. - What does he do? 527 00:27:55,132 --> 00:27:56,841 The constrictor causes 528 00:27:56,925 --> 00:27:59,135 involuntary catastrophic muscle contraction. 529 00:27:59,219 --> 00:28:00,595 Bones break, I'm afraid. 530 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:03,639 It was originally designed for back massage. 531 00:28:03,724 --> 00:28:04,766 Hmm. 532 00:28:05,309 --> 00:28:06,934 Right. Let's call it in. 533 00:28:07,728 --> 00:28:10,355 Miss Carter, I'm not sure you've thought this through. 534 00:28:10,856 --> 00:28:12,565 You can't reveal that you found these items. 535 00:28:12,649 --> 00:28:14,484 I can't bloody well leave them here for someone else to find. 536 00:28:14,568 --> 00:28:15,526 I'm not suggesting... 537 00:28:15,611 --> 00:28:16,611 I'm certainly not turning them over to you 538 00:28:16,695 --> 00:28:18,071 to be stolen the next time you feel sleepy. 539 00:28:20,199 --> 00:28:22,742 Agent Carter, how did you come to discover the stolen items? 540 00:28:24,453 --> 00:28:26,621 Leet Brannis, uh, told me where they were. 541 00:28:27,039 --> 00:28:28,915 And how did you come into contact with Mr. Brannis? 542 00:28:29,333 --> 00:28:32,418 I have been conducting my own private investigation with Howard Stark. 543 00:28:32,503 --> 00:28:34,212 What is your relationship with Howard Stark? 544 00:28:34,296 --> 00:28:36,297 Have you been in contact with him since his disappearance? 545 00:28:36,382 --> 00:28:40,051 Are you collaborating with Stark, a known traitor and fugitive from justice? 546 00:28:41,804 --> 00:28:45,556 Publicly revealing these items won't clear Mr. Stark's name. 547 00:28:45,641 --> 00:28:48,309 They'll only place you under suspicion along with him. 548 00:28:49,061 --> 00:28:51,229 Do you see the day I've had? 549 00:28:51,980 --> 00:28:54,982 I will call them in, and they will respect me. 550 00:28:55,818 --> 00:28:57,360 But they won't. 551 00:28:58,695 --> 00:29:01,322 They'll only use it to tear you down. 552 00:29:05,160 --> 00:29:08,830 If you wish to clear Mr. Stark's name, you must do so from the shadows. 553 00:29:14,002 --> 00:29:16,671 There's a phone box across the street. 554 00:29:17,297 --> 00:29:18,589 Call it in. 555 00:29:18,674 --> 00:29:21,384 But for God's sake, don't let Krzeminski get hold of it. 556 00:29:21,468 --> 00:29:22,677 Sousa's working the office tonight. 557 00:29:22,761 --> 00:29:25,179 I can just about stomach him getting the credit. 558 00:29:27,182 --> 00:29:31,477 Oh, and, uh, Mr. Jarvis, they know your voice now. 559 00:29:38,735 --> 00:29:42,196 - (TELEPHONE RINGS) - Sousa. 560 00:29:42,656 --> 00:29:43,948 (AWKWARD AMERICAN ACCENT) Hey, mack, 561 00:29:44,533 --> 00:29:46,993 I, uh, got a hot tip for ya. 562 00:29:47,703 --> 00:29:48,786 What? 563 00:29:48,871 --> 00:29:51,581 Yeah, Howard Stark's stolen inventions. 564 00:29:51,665 --> 00:29:54,500 They're... They're... They're on a boat 565 00:29:54,585 --> 00:29:56,878 near the south side pier... 566 00:29:57,171 --> 00:29:59,755 - The Heartbreak, dock 12. - Who is this? 567 00:30:00,674 --> 00:30:02,049 Just a pal. 568 00:30:02,718 --> 00:30:04,343 Tell me you name... How did you get this number? 569 00:30:04,845 --> 00:30:06,929 Have a lovely night. 570 00:30:10,684 --> 00:30:12,477 (NORMAL VOICE) Right. 571 00:30:12,728 --> 00:30:14,061 Very good. 572 00:30:15,105 --> 00:30:17,315 - Who was that? - Anonymous tip. 573 00:30:18,484 --> 00:30:19,567 Let's go. 574 00:30:21,361 --> 00:30:22,904 Let's go, let's go, let's go. 575 00:30:28,243 --> 00:30:30,119 - (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) - That didn't take long. 576 00:30:31,872 --> 00:30:32,914 Oh. 577 00:30:34,208 --> 00:30:35,374 Thought you were someone else. 578 00:30:35,459 --> 00:30:36,709 (GRUNTS) 579 00:30:42,591 --> 00:30:43,925 (PANTING) 580 00:30:47,054 --> 00:30:49,388 Brannis told me one of you would be coming. 581 00:30:49,765 --> 00:30:51,098 One of me? 582 00:30:51,350 --> 00:30:53,017 And I'm not afraid to kill a woman. 583 00:30:53,268 --> 00:30:55,186 Would it make a difference if I told you I won't make it easy? 584 00:30:55,270 --> 00:30:56,395 Yeah. 585 00:30:56,855 --> 00:30:58,272 He told me that, too. 586 00:30:58,357 --> 00:31:00,107 (BOTH GRUNTING) 587 00:31:31,223 --> 00:31:33,099 (COUGHING) 588 00:31:34,017 --> 00:31:35,434 (GRUNTS) 589 00:31:40,732 --> 00:31:42,733 (BOTH GRUNTING) 590 00:31:44,820 --> 00:31:46,028 (CHOKING) 591 00:31:47,823 --> 00:31:49,073 (ELECTRICITY HUMMING) 592 00:31:49,157 --> 00:31:50,366 (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) 593 00:31:50,450 --> 00:31:52,702 (GRUNTS) 594 00:31:53,662 --> 00:31:55,288 What did you do? 595 00:31:56,415 --> 00:31:57,707 What did you do to my arm? 596 00:31:59,585 --> 00:32:01,669 - (BONES CRACKING) - Aah! 597 00:32:02,087 --> 00:32:03,379 Well, that works. 598 00:32:03,463 --> 00:32:04,630 Not if you want a massage. 599 00:32:07,843 --> 00:32:08,843 (GRUNTS) 600 00:32:08,927 --> 00:32:10,094 (SIREN WAILING IN DISTANCE) 601 00:32:10,178 --> 00:32:11,804 I imagine that'll be your colleagues. We must go. 602 00:32:11,888 --> 00:32:13,055 We can't leave him here. He's a witness. 603 00:32:13,140 --> 00:32:14,140 There's no time. 604 00:32:15,601 --> 00:32:17,059 (SIREN APPROACHES) 605 00:32:36,663 --> 00:32:37,872 (ENGINE SHUTS OFF) 606 00:32:46,131 --> 00:32:47,757 You sure somebody's not yanking your chain? 607 00:32:47,841 --> 00:32:48,966 (FLASHLIGHT CLICKS) 608 00:32:51,553 --> 00:32:52,970 There it is. 609 00:33:05,108 --> 00:33:06,734 SSR. Don't move. 610 00:33:07,736 --> 00:33:09,487 Don't think he can. 611 00:33:13,158 --> 00:33:15,034 (CHUCKLES) This is it. 612 00:33:16,119 --> 00:33:17,662 We got the Stark stuff. 613 00:33:17,746 --> 00:33:19,038 That's like the whole haul. 614 00:33:19,122 --> 00:33:20,331 Ease up on that, will you? 615 00:33:20,415 --> 00:33:21,749 I don't want to end up inside out. 616 00:33:22,459 --> 00:33:24,043 We're getting promotions out of this. 617 00:33:24,127 --> 00:33:26,128 Why? 'Cause we answered the phone? 618 00:33:26,421 --> 00:33:28,839 This got handed to us, again. 619 00:33:28,924 --> 00:33:31,008 Somebody's wrapping this up like it's Christmas. 620 00:33:31,468 --> 00:33:33,844 Christmas? Well, hey, who doesn't love Christmas? 621 00:33:34,304 --> 00:33:36,055 I'm gonna call Chief. (CHUCKLES) 622 00:33:36,139 --> 00:33:37,390 (GROANS) 623 00:33:41,937 --> 00:33:43,771 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 624 00:33:45,565 --> 00:33:47,817 I want every single box checked and signed in. 625 00:33:50,445 --> 00:33:52,405 Careful with that, boys. 626 00:33:53,031 --> 00:33:54,532 Hey, keep it sealed off! 627 00:33:54,616 --> 00:33:55,616 - MAN: You got it! - (CAR DOOR CLOSES) 628 00:33:56,076 --> 00:33:57,284 Who's our new helpful friend? 629 00:33:57,786 --> 00:33:58,994 Jerome Zandow. 630 00:33:59,079 --> 00:34:00,955 He had an act in a sideshow at Coney Island. 631 00:34:02,290 --> 00:34:03,374 Petty crimes here and there. 632 00:34:03,458 --> 00:34:04,959 Probably just muscle for hire. 633 00:34:05,127 --> 00:34:06,502 Even muscle knows something. 634 00:34:07,462 --> 00:34:09,255 He had his hands on an arsenal of Stark technology, 635 00:34:09,339 --> 00:34:11,048 but he just sat there with it. 636 00:34:11,133 --> 00:34:12,383 What's he waiting for? 637 00:34:13,260 --> 00:34:15,636 - I'll get it out of him. - Crates are loaded up. 638 00:34:15,971 --> 00:34:18,472 I want a lead and a chase car. Don't do the scenic route. 639 00:34:18,557 --> 00:34:20,850 Let's get it behind SSR walls ASAP. 640 00:34:21,309 --> 00:34:24,478 I'll wake up the eggheads, start figuring out what the hell this stuff is. 641 00:34:24,563 --> 00:34:26,689 And, boys, drive carefully. 642 00:34:28,150 --> 00:34:29,900 I don't want to be the one who sunk Manhattan. 643 00:34:32,821 --> 00:34:34,113 (CAR DOOR CLOSES) 644 00:34:38,368 --> 00:34:40,870 - (RADIO TUNING) - I don't envy you, buddy. 645 00:34:40,954 --> 00:34:44,081 My pal Jack, he's got a special gift for interrogations. 646 00:34:44,833 --> 00:34:48,127 He's real convincing, gets guys to spill their guts. 647 00:34:48,754 --> 00:34:50,504 That's not an expression. We've had to use a mop. 648 00:34:50,589 --> 00:34:53,507 I need a doc. My arm's broke. 649 00:34:54,050 --> 00:34:56,594 What's the point of fixing you up if we're just gonna break you again? 650 00:34:56,678 --> 00:34:57,887 (SIGHS) 651 00:34:57,971 --> 00:34:59,263 Was that dame working for you? 652 00:34:59,556 --> 00:35:01,849 - What dame? - The one on the boat. 653 00:35:02,642 --> 00:35:04,977 English broad, solid right hook. 654 00:35:05,479 --> 00:35:07,772 - English? - Yeah. 655 00:35:08,023 --> 00:35:09,982 (TRAFFIC LIGHT DINGING) 656 00:35:13,069 --> 00:35:14,612 - What's she look like? - (THUD) 657 00:35:14,696 --> 00:35:17,448 Oh, damn it! What the... 658 00:35:20,869 --> 00:35:21,869 Don't move. 659 00:35:22,245 --> 00:35:23,496 (DINGING CONTINUES) 660 00:35:24,664 --> 00:35:26,916 Watch where you're going. 661 00:35:27,709 --> 00:35:29,210 You're lucky this is a company car. 662 00:35:29,461 --> 00:35:30,461 - Hey. - (SILENCED GUNSHOTS) 663 00:35:30,545 --> 00:35:31,545 Ohh! 664 00:35:36,468 --> 00:35:37,843 (GRUNTING) 665 00:35:38,220 --> 00:35:40,054 I didn't tell him anything! I didn't tell him nothing! 666 00:35:40,639 --> 00:35:42,264 - Not a thing, I... - (SILENCED GUNSHOTS) 667 00:35:43,058 --> 00:35:44,350 - (SILENCED GUNSHOTS) - (GRUNTS) 668 00:36:03,286 --> 00:36:04,578 (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) 669 00:36:04,663 --> 00:36:07,331 (SOBBING) Thank you. 670 00:36:07,791 --> 00:36:09,500 (TELEPHONES RINGING) 671 00:36:13,421 --> 00:36:15,589 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 672 00:36:21,513 --> 00:36:23,639 Rose? What is it? 673 00:36:24,307 --> 00:36:26,934 Oh, Peggy. It's too awful. 674 00:36:54,588 --> 00:36:56,964 SOUSA: Really puts you back there, doesn't it? 675 00:36:59,259 --> 00:37:03,679 Somebody buys it, you realize it could happen anytime, any day. 676 00:37:04,180 --> 00:37:05,848 How did it happen? 677 00:37:07,183 --> 00:37:08,809 Professional hit. 678 00:37:09,477 --> 00:37:11,478 Him and our only witness. 679 00:37:12,147 --> 00:37:14,398 Must have been watching us at the scene. 680 00:37:14,482 --> 00:37:17,234 I knew something was fishy about that anonymous tip. Who does that? 681 00:37:18,236 --> 00:37:19,737 A concerned citizen? 682 00:37:19,821 --> 00:37:23,741 Concerned citizens call the cops. This guy called us directly. 683 00:37:23,825 --> 00:37:24,909 It's not like we're in the phonebook. 684 00:37:26,369 --> 00:37:29,997 Somebody targeted them, and I'm gonna find that bastard. 685 00:37:38,840 --> 00:37:43,302 Whatever happened last night, don't any of you forget, 686 00:37:44,512 --> 00:37:48,015 Krzeminski would still be with us today if it wasn't for Howard Stark, 687 00:37:48,099 --> 00:37:50,309 whether he pulled the trigger or not. 688 00:37:50,518 --> 00:37:53,228 We're only neck-deep in this mess because of him. 689 00:37:55,065 --> 00:37:57,900 I want action plans on my desk in one hour. 690 00:37:58,443 --> 00:38:01,487 Stay vigilant. I'm not losing any more of you. 691 00:38:05,200 --> 00:38:06,992 Now I got to go call Krzeminski's wife. 692 00:38:14,292 --> 00:38:16,293 I'll call his girlfriend. 693 00:38:16,795 --> 00:38:18,337 (CLEARS THROAT) 694 00:38:24,678 --> 00:38:26,220 (BELL JINGLES) 695 00:38:51,913 --> 00:38:53,163 The usual? 696 00:38:53,248 --> 00:38:54,415 Yes, please. 697 00:38:55,166 --> 00:38:56,166 (CLEARS THROAT) 698 00:39:06,094 --> 00:39:07,386 Anything else? 699 00:39:07,971 --> 00:39:09,763 Uh... (CLEARS THROAT) 700 00:39:12,100 --> 00:39:16,770 I... I thought I might tell you about my day if you have a moment. 701 00:39:19,149 --> 00:39:21,692 Yeah, that would be a nice change. I got plenty of time on my hands. 702 00:39:24,612 --> 00:39:25,863 All ears. 703 00:39:27,699 --> 00:39:32,745 Uh, it's just that... One of my co-workers died today. 704 00:39:34,164 --> 00:39:35,539 Geez, Peg. That's too bad. 705 00:39:35,623 --> 00:39:38,125 - Right there on the job? - Yes, it was sudden. 706 00:39:39,627 --> 00:39:41,503 I know how you feel. Blindsided. 707 00:39:41,713 --> 00:39:43,881 Like when my cousin Ralphie got hit by a bus. 708 00:39:43,965 --> 00:39:45,883 Granted, he did just knock off a newsstand, but still. 709 00:39:45,967 --> 00:39:47,092 Big shock. 710 00:39:47,177 --> 00:39:48,969 Oh, uh... (SNIFFLES) 711 00:39:49,596 --> 00:39:52,181 I don't know why it's hit me so hard. 712 00:39:52,474 --> 00:39:53,766 We weren't close. 713 00:39:53,850 --> 00:39:57,352 He was... A brute, a cheat. 714 00:39:57,645 --> 00:39:59,855 He was disrespectful, rude... 715 00:40:01,483 --> 00:40:03,442 But he was good at his job. 716 00:40:04,486 --> 00:40:06,528 I'm really sorry, honey. What can I do? 717 00:40:06,946 --> 00:40:08,739 MAN: Miss, could I get a refill? 718 00:40:09,324 --> 00:40:13,410 Um, do you still have that schnapps? 719 00:40:14,079 --> 00:40:15,162 MAN: Miss? 720 00:40:16,289 --> 00:40:18,624 Let me get this jerk his refill, and I'll clock out. 721 00:40:18,833 --> 00:40:21,752 (CHUCKLING) I think that jerk quite fancies you. 722 00:40:22,545 --> 00:40:24,213 Shut up, English. You talk too much. 723 00:40:24,589 --> 00:40:25,923 (CHUCKLES)