1 00:04:33,718 --> 00:04:41,718 Chapter One Last Stage to Red Rock 2 00:05:11,456 --> 00:05:12,809 Got room for one more? 3 00:05:14,406 --> 00:05:19,447 Who the hell are you, and what happened to them? 4 00:05:20,369 --> 00:05:22,899 Names Major Marquis Warren former U.S. Calvary. 5 00:05:22,911 --> 00:05:24,978 Currently I'm a servant of the court. 6 00:05:25,098 --> 00:05:28,011 Tryin' to bringin' a coupla' no-goods into market. 7 00:05:28,130 --> 00:05:30,202 I got paperwork on 'em in my pocket. 8 00:05:30,322 --> 00:05:32,110 You takin' 'em into Red Rock? 9 00:05:32,230 --> 00:05:34,384 I figure that's where you headed, right? 10 00:05:35,899 --> 00:05:41,233 That damblasted blizzard's been on our ass for the last three hours. 11 00:05:41,353 --> 00:05:44,531 Ain't no way we gonna make it all the way to Red Rock 'fore it catches us. 12 00:05:44,651 --> 00:05:47,461 So ya hightailin' it halfway to Minnie's haberdashery? 13 00:05:47,581 --> 00:05:49,408 You know I am. 14 00:05:49,528 --> 00:05:53,300 - May I come aboard? - Well smoke... 15 00:05:53,420 --> 00:05:56,372 it up to me, yes. 16 00:05:56,721 --> 00:05:59,569 - But it ain't up to me. - Who's it up to? 17 00:05:59,937 --> 00:06:01,761 Fella in the wagon. 18 00:06:02,088 --> 00:06:04,302 Fella' in the wagon not partial to company? 19 00:06:04,422 --> 00:06:08,278 Fella' in the wagon he paid for a private trip. And I'm here to tell ya... 20 00:06:08,399 --> 00:06:13,512 he paid a pretty penny for privacy. So if you wanna' go to Minnie's with us... 21 00:06:13,632 --> 00:06:16,218 - you gotta talk to him. - Well... 22 00:06:18,862 --> 00:06:19,932 that's what I'll do. 23 00:06:22,637 --> 00:06:24,237 Hold it black fellow! 24 00:06:25,307 --> 00:06:27,201 'fore you approach, 25 00:06:27,321 --> 00:06:31,608 you take them two guns of yours and lay 'em on that rock over yonder. 26 00:06:32,331 --> 00:06:35,579 Then you raise both your hands way above your hat. 27 00:06:36,957 --> 00:06:38,221 Then you approach... 28 00:06:39,252 --> 00:06:40,283 molasses-like. 29 00:06:41,547 --> 00:06:43,557 Real trustin' fellow, huh? 30 00:06:43,677 --> 00:06:44,923 Not so much. 31 00:06:58,793 --> 00:06:59,800 Put 'em down. 32 00:07:08,958 --> 00:07:09,958 Come on ahead. 33 00:07:11,307 --> 00:07:13,814 I said way above your hat, god dammit. 34 00:07:16,084 --> 00:07:17,084 Now come forward. 35 00:07:18,863 --> 00:07:20,057 That's far enough. 36 00:07:26,728 --> 00:07:29,862 I'll be dogged, you black fellow I know. 37 00:07:29,983 --> 00:07:32,838 Col. Something Warren, right? 38 00:07:32,959 --> 00:07:35,290 Major Marquis Warren. 39 00:07:35,788 --> 00:07:36,928 I know you too. 40 00:07:37,637 --> 00:07:41,072 We shared a steak dinner once upon a time in Chattanooga. 41 00:07:41,846 --> 00:07:43,512 You John Ruth, the Hangman. 42 00:07:43,826 --> 00:07:44,826 That be me. 43 00:07:45,163 --> 00:07:47,733 - How longs that been? - Since that steak? 44 00:07:49,502 --> 00:07:50,670 Eight months. 45 00:07:50,985 --> 00:07:53,658 So why don't you explain to me... 46 00:07:53,778 --> 00:07:56,553 what an african bounty hunter's doin' wanderin' 47 00:07:56,566 --> 00:07:59,178 around in the snow in the middle of Wyoming. 48 00:07:59,298 --> 00:08:01,336 I'm tryin' to get a coupla' of bounty's to Red Rock. 49 00:08:01,348 --> 00:08:02,391 So you still in business? 50 00:08:02,512 --> 00:08:04,057 You know I am. 51 00:08:04,660 --> 00:08:06,153 What happened to your horse? 52 00:08:06,274 --> 00:08:10,665 Circumstances caused us to take the long way around. My horse couldn't make it. 53 00:08:12,132 --> 00:08:14,427 You don't know nothin' about this filly here? 54 00:08:14,689 --> 00:08:15,689 Nope. 55 00:08:15,701 --> 00:08:17,456 Don't even know your name? 56 00:08:17,576 --> 00:08:18,576 Nope. 57 00:08:18,713 --> 00:08:22,110 Well I guess that makes this one fortuitous wagon. 58 00:08:22,230 --> 00:08:24,088 I sure as hell hope so. 59 00:08:24,639 --> 00:08:27,249 Major Marquis Warren, this here is Daisy Domergue. 60 00:08:29,332 --> 00:08:32,610 Domergue, to you, this is Maj. Warren. 61 00:08:32,730 --> 00:08:33,883 Howdy nigger! 62 00:08:35,193 --> 00:08:36,937 She's a pepper, ain't she? 63 00:08:37,500 --> 00:08:39,798 Now girl, don't you know darkees don't like bein' 64 00:08:39,811 --> 00:08:41,985 called niggers no more. They find it offensive. 65 00:08:42,105 --> 00:08:44,830 - I been called worse. - Now that I can believe. 66 00:08:45,101 --> 00:08:47,434 - Heard of her? - Should I? 67 00:08:47,855 --> 00:08:49,952 Well she ain't no John Wilkes Booth, but... 68 00:08:50,568 --> 00:08:53,164 maybe you might of heard tell 'bout the price on her head. 69 00:08:53,284 --> 00:08:55,354 - How much? - Ten thousand dollars. 70 00:08:56,009 --> 00:08:59,313 Damn, what she do? Kill Lily Langtree? 71 00:08:59,433 --> 00:09:00,453 Not quite. 72 00:09:01,332 --> 00:09:03,639 Now that ten thousand's practically in my pocket. 73 00:09:04,532 --> 00:09:07,489 It's why I ain't too anxious to be handin' out rides. 74 00:09:07,500 --> 00:09:10,085 Especially to professionals open for business. 75 00:09:10,205 --> 00:09:15,124 Well I certainly can appreciate that. I ain't got no designs on her. 76 00:09:15,244 --> 00:09:17,517 One of my fellows over there is worth four 77 00:09:17,528 --> 00:09:20,184 thousand, one's worth three, and one's worth one. 78 00:09:20,417 --> 00:09:22,466 That's damn sure good enough for me. 79 00:09:23,149 --> 00:09:24,149 Well... 80 00:09:24,850 --> 00:09:26,719 Let me see their paperwork. 81 00:09:26,838 --> 00:09:28,948 Like I said, molasses-like. 82 00:09:38,306 --> 00:09:39,306 Back off. 83 00:10:08,183 --> 00:10:08,945 Look... 84 00:10:09,065 --> 00:10:13,384 I sure hate to interrupt y'all! But we gotta' cold damn blizzard, 85 00:10:13,504 --> 00:10:16,780 hot on our asses we tryin' to beat to shelter! 86 00:10:16,900 --> 00:10:18,322 I realize that! 87 00:10:18,442 --> 00:10:21,529 Now shut your mouth and hold them damn horses while I think! 88 00:10:25,067 --> 00:10:26,794 Okay boy, we'll give it a try. 89 00:10:26,914 --> 00:10:30,313 But you leave those pistols over yonder with the driver. 90 00:10:33,457 --> 00:10:35,851 You ain't really gonna' let that nigger ridin' in 91 00:10:35,864 --> 00:10:38,317 here is ya? I mean maybe up there with O.B., but- 92 00:10:40,429 --> 00:10:42,530 How you like the sound of them bells, bitch? 93 00:10:42,995 --> 00:10:44,567 They are real pretty, ain't they? 94 00:10:46,062 --> 00:10:48,174 You open up your trashy mouth again, I'll knock 95 00:10:48,187 --> 00:10:50,046 out them front teeth for ya. You got it? 96 00:10:52,842 --> 00:10:53,842 Yeah. 97 00:10:54,092 --> 00:10:55,653 Let me hear you say: "I got it." 98 00:10:58,244 --> 00:10:59,907 I got it. 99 00:11:00,027 --> 00:11:03,914 Well, I'm gonna need some help tyin' these fellows up on the roof. 100 00:11:04,610 --> 00:11:07,716 Give O.B. fifty dollars when ya get to Red Rock, and he'll help ya. 101 00:11:07,836 --> 00:11:11,004 Well, I agree with O.B. This storm's got me concerned. 102 00:11:11,124 --> 00:11:13,520 We get goin' a lot quicker you help out too. 103 00:11:13,533 --> 00:11:16,043 Goddammit to hell, I'm already regretting this! 104 00:11:16,793 --> 00:11:20,854 Now I can't likely help ya tie fellows to the roof with my wrist cuffed to hers. 105 00:11:20,974 --> 00:11:23,341 And my wrist is gonna' stay cuffed to hers, and 106 00:11:23,354 --> 00:11:25,634 she ain't never gonna' leave my goddamn side, 107 00:11:25,754 --> 00:11:29,489 until I personally put her in the Red Rock jail! Now do you got that? 108 00:11:30,365 --> 00:11:31,899 - Yeah, I got it. - Good. 109 00:12:27,942 --> 00:12:30,172 So what happened to your horse? 110 00:12:31,254 --> 00:12:32,802 He got old. 111 00:12:32,922 --> 00:12:34,683 I done had him for a bit. 112 00:12:36,525 --> 00:12:39,009 When the weather took a turn for the worse, he 113 00:12:39,009 --> 00:12:41,385 done what he could, but he couldn't make it. 114 00:12:42,712 --> 00:12:45,264 - That's too bad. - Yes it is. 115 00:12:46,102 --> 00:12:49,337 Me an' ole Lash rode a lotta' miles together. 116 00:12:49,457 --> 00:12:52,350 You could say he was my best friend- if I 117 00:12:52,351 --> 00:12:55,796 considered stupid animals friends, which I don't. 118 00:12:55,915 --> 00:12:58,644 Never the less... I'm gonna' miss 'em. 119 00:13:01,775 --> 00:13:03,119 Who's Daisy Domergue? 120 00:13:03,130 --> 00:13:05,900 A no damn good murdering bitch, that's who. 121 00:13:07,640 --> 00:13:12,048 I can see you ain't got mixed emotions 'bout bringing a woman to a rope. 122 00:13:12,397 --> 00:13:14,317 - If by woman, you mean her? 123 00:13:14,666 --> 00:13:17,745 No I do not have mixed emotions. 124 00:13:19,056 --> 00:13:20,878 So you takin' her into Red Rock to hang? 125 00:13:20,998 --> 00:13:23,683 - You bet. - Gonna' wait to watch it? 126 00:13:23,803 --> 00:13:25,517 You know I am. 127 00:13:25,986 --> 00:13:28,908 I wanna' hear her neck snap with my own two ears. 128 00:13:30,548 --> 00:13:32,826 You never wait to watch 'em hang? 129 00:13:33,576 --> 00:13:35,044 My bounties never hang, 130 00:13:35,392 --> 00:13:37,082 cause I never bring 'em in alive. 131 00:13:38,030 --> 00:13:38,543 Never? 132 00:13:39,020 --> 00:13:40,020 Never ever. 133 00:13:40,894 --> 00:13:42,876 We talked about this in Chattanooga. 134 00:13:42,996 --> 00:13:46,124 Bringing desperate men in alive, is a good way to get yourself dead. 135 00:13:46,923 --> 00:13:49,465 Can't catch me sleepin' if I don't close my eyes. 136 00:13:49,585 --> 00:13:50,886 I don't wanna' work that hard. 137 00:13:50,899 --> 00:13:52,830 No one said the job was supposed to be easy. 138 00:13:52,950 --> 00:13:55,399 No one said it was supposed to be that hard, nether. 139 00:13:56,076 --> 00:13:57,801 But that little lady, 140 00:13:58,155 --> 00:14:00,275 is why they call him "The Hangman". 141 00:14:00,395 --> 00:14:03,006 When the handbill says Dead or Alive, the rest of 142 00:14:03,019 --> 00:14:05,693 us shoot ya in the back from up on top of a perch 143 00:14:05,813 --> 00:14:12,326 somewhere, bring ya in dead over a saddle. But when John Ruth the Hangman catches ya, 144 00:14:12,375 --> 00:14:14,809 you don't die by a bullet in the back. 145 00:14:15,716 --> 00:14:19,187 When the Hangman catches you... you hang. 146 00:14:21,421 --> 00:14:23,259 You overrate 'em nigger. 147 00:14:23,821 --> 00:14:25,677 I'll give you he got guts. 148 00:14:25,797 --> 00:14:27,986 But in the brains department, 149 00:14:28,106 --> 00:14:32,548 he like a man who took a high dive in a low well. 150 00:14:35,707 --> 00:14:37,028 Now Daisy, 151 00:14:37,148 --> 00:14:40,691 I want us to work out a signal system of communication. 152 00:14:41,277 --> 00:14:43,717 When I elbow you real hard in the face... 153 00:14:44,443 --> 00:14:45,682 that means: Shut up. 154 00:14:46,878 --> 00:14:47,878 You got it? 155 00:14:49,403 --> 00:14:50,697 I got it. 156 00:16:33,830 --> 00:16:35,364 I... 157 00:16:35,484 --> 00:16:38,844 I know we only met each other once before. 158 00:16:38,963 --> 00:16:42,861 And I don't mean to unduly imply intimacy. But... 159 00:16:42,981 --> 00:16:43,981 Well... 160 00:16:45,341 --> 00:16:47,197 You still got it? 161 00:16:47,317 --> 00:16:49,144 I still got, what? 162 00:16:50,213 --> 00:16:51,953 The Lincoln letter? 163 00:16:53,230 --> 00:16:54,338 Of course. 164 00:16:56,658 --> 00:16:58,256 Do you got it on you? 165 00:16:59,095 --> 00:17:00,095 Where? 166 00:17:00,254 --> 00:17:01,254 Right here. 167 00:17:03,656 --> 00:17:06,506 Look, I know you gotta' be real careful with it and all. 168 00:17:06,625 --> 00:17:09,667 I can imagine you probably don't like to take 169 00:17:09,680 --> 00:17:12,666 it in an' out of the envelope all that often. 170 00:17:12,787 --> 00:17:14,316 But if you wouldn't mind, 171 00:17:14,435 --> 00:17:17,280 I'd sure appreciate seein' that again. 172 00:17:21,984 --> 00:17:22,984 You right, 173 00:17:23,007 --> 00:17:26,856 I don't like taking it in an' out of the envelope that much. 174 00:17:26,977 --> 00:17:28,567 - Yeah. - But... 175 00:17:28,686 --> 00:17:30,503 as your saving my life an' all, 176 00:17:32,385 --> 00:17:34,680 I suppose I could let you read it again. 177 00:18:17,355 --> 00:18:21,295 "Ole Mary Todd's callin', so I guess it must be time for bed" 178 00:18:23,681 --> 00:18:25,394 Ole Mary Todd. 179 00:18:32,729 --> 00:18:33,888 That gets me. 180 00:18:35,037 --> 00:18:36,569 That gets me too. 181 00:18:39,123 --> 00:18:41,546 You know what this is, tramp? 182 00:18:42,345 --> 00:18:44,510 It's a letter from Lincoln. 183 00:18:44,631 --> 00:18:47,307 It's a letter from Lincoln to him. 184 00:18:48,326 --> 00:18:50,633 They shared a correspondence during the war. 185 00:18:50,752 --> 00:18:55,505 They was pen pals. This is just one of the letters. 186 00:18:58,393 --> 00:18:59,393 What the... 187 00:19:01,009 --> 00:19:02,009 O.B. 188 00:19:02,505 --> 00:19:03,162 Stop! 189 00:19:03,281 --> 00:19:05,237 Whoa, easy. 190 00:19:11,088 --> 00:19:12,932 Of all the stupid, 191 00:19:13,051 --> 00:19:15,599 like to rip my goddamn arm off! 192 00:19:49,279 --> 00:19:50,387 I didn't, 193 00:19:50,508 --> 00:19:53,135 drag her stikin' ass up this goddamn mountain, just 194 00:19:53,147 --> 00:19:55,738 for you to break her neck on the outskirts of town. 195 00:19:55,857 --> 00:19:58,586 You the one handed her my goddamn letter. 196 00:19:58,705 --> 00:20:00,545 I didn't give it to her, I gave it to you! 197 00:20:03,922 --> 00:20:06,423 That nigger like to bust my jaw. 198 00:20:08,718 --> 00:20:10,612 You ruin that letter of his, 199 00:20:10,731 --> 00:20:13,719 that niggers gonna' stomp your ass to death. And when he do, 200 00:20:13,838 --> 00:20:16,914 I'm gonna sit back on that wagon wheel watch and laugh. 201 00:20:18,964 --> 00:20:19,964 How is it? 202 00:20:20,267 --> 00:20:21,993 She didn't help it none. 203 00:20:22,114 --> 00:20:23,296 But it's alright. 204 00:20:24,030 --> 00:20:27,172 Is that the way niggers treat their ladies? 205 00:20:27,291 --> 00:20:31,453 You... ain't no goddamn... lady! 206 00:20:37,634 --> 00:20:38,858 Hey Mister Ruth? 207 00:20:39,425 --> 00:20:40,425 What? 208 00:20:40,559 --> 00:20:43,564 There's another fellow on foot, up here on the road! 209 00:20:45,651 --> 00:20:46,651 What? 210 00:20:48,333 --> 00:20:52,161 I said, there's another fellow on foot, up here on the road! 211 00:21:12,592 --> 00:21:15,372 Considering there's a blizzard goin' on, 212 00:21:15,491 --> 00:21:18,633 whole lotta' fellows walkin' around, wouldn't you say, Major? 213 00:21:18,752 --> 00:21:21,615 Considerin' I'm one half of them fellows, yeah... 214 00:21:21,734 --> 00:21:23,303 seems to be a lot of 'em. 215 00:21:23,423 --> 00:21:26,087 This changes things, son. 216 00:21:27,157 --> 00:21:29,736 Eight thousand dollars a lotta' money for a nigger. 217 00:21:30,762 --> 00:21:32,941 But with a partner, eighteen's a whole lot better. 218 00:21:33,060 --> 00:21:36,073 You really think I'm in cahoots with that fellow? Or her? 219 00:21:36,653 --> 00:21:39,540 - Put them on. - I ain't wearin' handcuffs. 220 00:21:39,661 --> 00:21:43,432 You put those on or you can stop worryin' about this whole thing, right now. 221 00:22:01,941 --> 00:22:06,594 Chapter Two Son of a Gun 222 00:22:07,212 --> 00:22:09,538 Hand your weapons to the driver. 223 00:22:09,659 --> 00:22:11,136 Little jumpy, ain't you? 224 00:22:11,257 --> 00:22:13,444 Never mind the jokes, just do it. 225 00:22:14,631 --> 00:22:16,525 - If you say so. - I do. 226 00:22:40,304 --> 00:22:41,304 Okay... 227 00:22:41,734 --> 00:22:42,894 I done did it. 228 00:22:43,140 --> 00:22:44,788 O.B.? Ya got 'em? 229 00:22:44,909 --> 00:22:47,045 - I got 'em! - Okay fellow, 230 00:22:47,856 --> 00:22:50,576 you keep holdin' that lantern in that one hand, 231 00:22:50,697 --> 00:22:52,768 and you keep that other hand where I can see it. 232 00:22:53,746 --> 00:22:56,105 Walk over there where I can get a good look at cha'. 233 00:23:08,646 --> 00:23:12,358 I'll be a goddamn dog in the manger. 234 00:23:12,479 --> 00:23:14,445 Is that you Chris Mannix? 235 00:23:15,401 --> 00:23:18,377 - I'm sorry friend, do we know each other? - Not quite. 236 00:23:18,498 --> 00:23:21,948 - You know this fellow? - Only by reputation. 237 00:23:22,067 --> 00:23:23,998 Like I said friend, 238 00:23:24,117 --> 00:23:26,317 you got me at a bit of a disadvantage. 239 00:23:26,438 --> 00:23:29,733 Keepin' you at a disadvantage, is an advantage I intend to keep. 240 00:23:30,198 --> 00:23:31,719 Whoever you are mister, 241 00:23:32,311 --> 00:23:36,256 you sure sound tough when you're talkin' to a desperate man knee deep in snow. 242 00:23:37,608 --> 00:23:38,781 I don't want no trouble. 243 00:23:39,193 --> 00:23:42,017 I just wanna' ride. I'm freezin to death. 244 00:23:42,623 --> 00:23:43,912 Who is this joker. 245 00:23:44,272 --> 00:23:46,980 You heard of the rebel renegade Erskine Mannix? 246 00:23:48,921 --> 00:23:50,802 - Mannix's Marauders? - That's them. 247 00:23:50,923 --> 00:23:54,219 The scourge of South Carolina, Mannix Marauders. 248 00:23:54,338 --> 00:23:56,606 That's Erskine's youngest boy, Chris. 249 00:23:56,727 --> 00:23:58,978 What brings you in my path, Chris Mannix? 250 00:23:59,097 --> 00:24:00,821 Well Mr. Face, 251 00:24:00,942 --> 00:24:05,087 I was riding to Red Rock and my horse stepped in a gopher hole in the snow, 252 00:24:05,208 --> 00:24:07,394 fucked up his leg, an' had to put 'er down. 253 00:24:07,515 --> 00:24:08,919 You got business in Red Rock? 254 00:24:09,038 --> 00:24:10,722 - Yes I do. - What? 255 00:24:11,096 --> 00:24:12,694 I'm the new sheriff. 256 00:24:12,815 --> 00:24:14,808 - Horseshit. - 'fraid not. 257 00:24:14,929 --> 00:24:17,748 - Where is your star? - Well I ain't the sheriff yet. 258 00:24:17,867 --> 00:24:21,279 Once I get there they swear me in, but that ain't happened yet. 259 00:24:21,400 --> 00:24:23,065 And that's when you get your star. 260 00:24:23,076 --> 00:24:25,297 You got anything that can back any of this up? 261 00:24:25,416 --> 00:24:27,553 Yeah. When we get to Red Rock. 262 00:24:27,673 --> 00:24:30,877 And from the look of those three frozen fuckers up there, 263 00:24:30,998 --> 00:24:33,487 I figure you're a bounty hunter open for business. 264 00:24:33,606 --> 00:24:36,890 And I figure you're taking them three dead bodies into Red Rock to get paid? 265 00:24:37,625 --> 00:24:38,862 Three dead. 266 00:24:38,981 --> 00:24:40,859 One alive. 267 00:24:41,194 --> 00:24:43,540 - Who's that? - Daisy Domergue. 268 00:24:43,661 --> 00:24:45,807 Who the fuck is Daisy Domergue? 269 00:24:45,865 --> 00:24:49,753 Not a goddamn thing to nobody, except me and the hangman. 270 00:24:49,874 --> 00:24:50,955 The Hangman? 271 00:24:54,144 --> 00:24:56,085 Well I'll be double dogged damned. 272 00:24:57,136 --> 00:24:59,809 - You're the Hangman, Bob Ruth. - It's John. 273 00:25:00,067 --> 00:25:01,172 And you... 274 00:25:02,028 --> 00:25:03,680 you're the nigger with the head... 275 00:25:03,799 --> 00:25:05,588 Major Marquis. 276 00:25:06,054 --> 00:25:10,398 My lord, is that really the real head of Major Marquis, lookin' at me now? 277 00:25:10,443 --> 00:25:13,020 Yeah it's really me and it's really my head. 278 00:25:13,498 --> 00:25:16,838 What's goin' on, y'all havin' a bounty hunters picnic? 279 00:25:17,222 --> 00:25:19,996 Never mind, you takin' in them three dead bodies 280 00:25:20,115 --> 00:25:22,017 and her to Red Rock to get paid, ain't ya? 281 00:25:22,028 --> 00:25:22,665 Yeah. 282 00:25:22,786 --> 00:25:23,786 Well... 283 00:25:23,830 --> 00:25:28,226 the man is red Rock suppose to pay you is me. The new sheriff. 284 00:25:28,807 --> 00:25:32,406 So if you wanna get paid, you need to get me to Red Rock. 285 00:25:32,527 --> 00:25:35,410 Well excuse me for findin' it hard to believe a 286 00:25:35,411 --> 00:25:38,473 town electin' you to do anything except drop dead. 287 00:25:38,594 --> 00:25:42,219 So I'm supposed to freeze to death, 'cause you find something hard to believe? 288 00:25:46,134 --> 00:25:48,161 No I suppose not. 289 00:25:53,010 --> 00:25:55,229 Put them on and come inside. 290 00:26:01,955 --> 00:26:02,955 No. 291 00:26:07,561 --> 00:26:10,167 - Then you'll freeze. - Then you'll hang. 292 00:26:11,689 --> 00:26:12,747 How so? 293 00:26:12,866 --> 00:26:14,708 Driver! 294 00:26:14,827 --> 00:26:16,708 Could you come down here and join us? 295 00:26:17,159 --> 00:26:20,978 I gotta hold these horses I can hear you just fine from up here. 296 00:26:21,339 --> 00:26:25,067 You heard me tell this fellow I'm the new sheriff of Red Rock, right? 297 00:26:25,905 --> 00:26:26,905 Yeah. 298 00:26:27,286 --> 00:26:29,131 Red Rock is my town. 299 00:26:29,865 --> 00:26:33,633 And I'm gonna' enter my town in bounty hunters chains? No Sir! 300 00:26:33,752 --> 00:26:37,567 Sorry bushwhackers, I ain't entering Red Rock that way. 301 00:26:37,688 --> 00:26:40,281 When you finally get to Red Rock, you're going 302 00:26:40,294 --> 00:26:43,009 to realize every goddamn thing I said was right. 303 00:26:43,130 --> 00:26:45,202 And I expect you, O.B., 304 00:26:45,323 --> 00:26:47,819 to tell the townsfolk of Red Rock that John 305 00:26:47,832 --> 00:26:50,397 Ruth, let their new sheriff freeze to death. 306 00:26:50,518 --> 00:26:52,551 There ain't no bounty on my head, bushwhacker. 307 00:26:52,672 --> 00:26:55,497 You let me die, that's murder. 308 00:27:04,144 --> 00:27:05,780 Hold out your hands. 309 00:27:07,791 --> 00:27:08,791 O.B. 310 00:27:09,403 --> 00:27:11,401 Give the Major back his iron. 311 00:27:13,179 --> 00:27:15,326 One thing I know for sure, 312 00:27:15,446 --> 00:27:18,385 this nigger-hatin' son of a gun ain't partnered up with you. 313 00:27:18,888 --> 00:27:19,888 Now... 314 00:27:19,950 --> 00:27:21,994 I'll help protect your eight thousand, 315 00:27:22,575 --> 00:27:24,443 you help me protect my ten, 316 00:27:25,037 --> 00:27:26,037 deal? 317 00:27:27,472 --> 00:27:32,886 Ain't love grand. Y'all wanna' lie on the ground and make snow angels together? 318 00:27:43,907 --> 00:27:46,306 - Tell ya what, Bob- - The name's John. 319 00:27:46,425 --> 00:27:51,022 When we get to Red Rock, I'll buy you and Major Marquis there dinner and booze. 320 00:27:51,143 --> 00:27:53,796 - May way of sayin' thanks. - I don't drink, 321 00:27:53,915 --> 00:27:57,740 with rebel renegades, and I damn sure don't break bread with 'em. 322 00:27:58,023 --> 00:27:59,699 Well Mr. Ruth, 323 00:28:00,073 --> 00:28:03,281 you sound like you got an axe to grind against the Cause. 324 00:28:03,402 --> 00:28:05,588 The cause of a renegade army? 325 00:28:05,928 --> 00:28:09,472 A bunch of losers gone loco, you bet I do. 326 00:28:09,698 --> 00:28:13,714 Ya wrapped yourselves up in the Rebel Flag as an excuse to kill and steal. 327 00:28:13,835 --> 00:28:18,320 And this should interest you Warren, in particular emancipated blacks. 328 00:28:18,441 --> 00:28:20,646 Sounds like my kinda' fellow. 329 00:28:22,930 --> 00:28:27,931 Sounds to me you been readin' a lotta' newspapers printed in Washington D.C. 330 00:28:28,967 --> 00:28:33,194 Anyhow, I'm just tryin' to let y'all know grateful I am. 331 00:28:33,659 --> 00:28:36,548 I was a goner, and y'all saved me. 332 00:28:36,560 --> 00:28:39,364 You wanna' show me how grateful you are... 333 00:28:39,763 --> 00:28:40,763 shut up! 334 00:28:42,221 --> 00:28:45,095 God dammit, Daisy it's comin'. 335 00:28:48,201 --> 00:28:49,813 Here, last piece. 336 00:29:01,851 --> 00:29:03,978 Does he know how famous you once was? 337 00:29:05,163 --> 00:29:06,465 I don't think so. 338 00:29:08,670 --> 00:29:09,670 Black eye. 339 00:29:10,963 --> 00:29:12,988 Do you know who he is? 340 00:29:13,321 --> 00:29:15,508 Do I know about the thirty thousand dollar reward 341 00:29:15,519 --> 00:29:17,718 the Confederacy put on the head of Major Marquis? 342 00:29:19,836 --> 00:29:20,836 Yeah. 343 00:29:20,996 --> 00:29:23,415 Them hillbillies went nigger head hunting, 344 00:29:23,536 --> 00:29:25,727 but they never did get 'em the right nigger head, did they? 345 00:29:25,846 --> 00:29:27,491 No they didn't. 346 00:29:27,612 --> 00:29:29,593 But it wasn't for lack of tryin'. 347 00:29:29,712 --> 00:29:34,423 Them peckawoods left their homes and their families, and come to this snowy mountain, 348 00:29:34,542 --> 00:29:37,556 lookin' for me and fortune. 349 00:29:37,675 --> 00:29:39,257 None of them found fortune. 350 00:29:40,005 --> 00:29:42,195 The ones you ain't ever heard of no more, 351 00:29:43,163 --> 00:29:44,052 they found me. 352 00:29:44,065 --> 00:29:46,771 Now it didn't stay 30 thousand the length of the war. 353 00:29:46,892 --> 00:29:50,394 Once passions had colled, it dropped down to eight, then five. 354 00:29:50,515 --> 00:29:53,320 But, I bet even when it was five thousand, 355 00:29:53,441 --> 00:29:56,822 you had your share of country boys comin' to call? 356 00:29:57,800 --> 00:29:59,166 You know I did. 357 00:29:59,798 --> 00:30:01,744 Why did they have a reward on you? 358 00:30:02,079 --> 00:30:05,598 The Confederates took exception to my capacity for killing them. 359 00:30:05,960 --> 00:30:08,048 After I broke out of Wellenbeck, 360 00:30:08,407 --> 00:30:12,635 The South took my continued existence as a personal affront. 361 00:30:12,978 --> 00:30:15,877 So the Cause put a reward on my head. 362 00:30:17,049 --> 00:30:18,133 What's... 363 00:30:18,958 --> 00:30:19,958 Wellenbeck? 364 00:30:20,057 --> 00:30:23,037 You ain't never heard of Wellenbeck prisoner of war camp, West Virginia? 365 00:30:23,156 --> 00:30:25,151 No Reb, I ain't never heard of it! 366 00:30:26,039 --> 00:30:27,818 You bust out? 367 00:30:28,539 --> 00:30:31,349 Maj. Marquis did more than bust out. 368 00:30:32,135 --> 00:30:35,809 Maj. Marquis had a bright idea. So bright... 369 00:30:36,182 --> 00:30:39,663 you got to wonder, why nobody never thought about it before. 370 00:30:41,210 --> 00:30:43,336 Tell John Ruth about your bright idea. 371 00:30:45,630 --> 00:30:49,032 Well the whole damn place was just made out of kindling. 372 00:30:50,709 --> 00:30:52,036 So I burnt it down. 373 00:30:58,572 --> 00:31:01,730 There was a rookie regiment spendin' the overnight in that camp. 374 00:31:02,220 --> 00:31:05,622 Forty-seven men... burnt to a crisp. 375 00:31:05,741 --> 00:31:08,329 Southern youth, farmer's sons, 376 00:31:08,561 --> 00:31:10,829 - cream of the crop- - And I say, "Let 'em burn". 377 00:31:11,461 --> 00:31:14,104 I'm supposed to apologize for killin' Johnny Reb? 378 00:31:14,967 --> 00:31:17,789 You joined the war to keep niggers in chains. 379 00:31:17,910 --> 00:31:20,509 I joined the war to kill White Southern 380 00:31:20,520 --> 00:31:23,589 Crackers And that means kill 'em anyway I can. 381 00:31:24,336 --> 00:31:28,306 Shoot 'em. Stab 'em. Drown 'em. Burn 'em. 382 00:31:28,425 --> 00:31:30,144 Drop a big ole' rock on their head. 383 00:31:30,265 --> 00:31:33,778 Whatever it took to put White Southern Crackers in the ground 384 00:31:33,898 --> 00:31:36,967 that's what I joined the war to do, and that's what I did. 385 00:31:37,086 --> 00:31:38,925 To answer your question, John Ruth, 386 00:31:39,046 --> 00:31:43,669 when Major Marquis burned forty seven men alive, 387 00:31:43,788 --> 00:31:46,542 for no more a reason than to give a nigger a run for the trees, 388 00:31:46,663 --> 00:31:49,288 that's when the South put a reward on the head of Major Marquis. 389 00:31:49,407 --> 00:31:51,182 And I made them trees, Mannix. 390 00:31:51,301 --> 00:31:54,920 And you best believe I ain't look back till I crossed the northern line. 391 00:31:55,039 --> 00:31:59,057 But you had a surprise waitin' for you on the northern Side, didn't ya? 392 00:31:59,394 --> 00:32:03,583 See once they started pullin' out all the burnt bodies at Wellenbeck, 393 00:32:03,702 --> 00:32:06,856 seems not all of them boys were Rebs. 394 00:32:06,977 --> 00:32:10,530 You burnt up some of your own boys, didn't ya Major? 395 00:32:10,651 --> 00:32:13,031 How many burnt prisoners they end up findin'? 396 00:32:13,152 --> 00:32:16,730 Wasn't the final Yankee death count somethin' like thirty-seven? 397 00:32:19,118 --> 00:32:21,473 That's the thing about war Mannix, 398 00:32:21,594 --> 00:32:22,594 people die. 399 00:32:23,824 --> 00:32:27,020 So ya chalkin' it up to "War Is Hell", ha? 400 00:32:27,523 --> 00:32:31,570 Well admittedly that's a hard argument to argue with. But if memory serves, 401 00:32:31,854 --> 00:32:35,153 your side didn't look at it that way. 402 00:32:35,400 --> 00:32:40,440 I think they thought, thirty-seven white men for one nigger 403 00:32:40,559 --> 00:32:42,424 wasn't so hot a trade. 404 00:32:42,545 --> 00:32:45,662 I believe they accused you 405 00:32:45,781 --> 00:32:49,796 of being a kill crazy nigger who only joined the war to kill white folks 406 00:32:49,915 --> 00:32:53,170 and the whole Blue and Grey of it all didn't really much matter to ya. 407 00:32:53,289 --> 00:32:56,165 And that's why they drummed your black ass outta' 408 00:32:56,177 --> 00:32:59,008 the Cavalry with a yellow stripe down your back. 409 00:32:59,614 --> 00:33:01,573 Isn't it Major? 410 00:33:01,692 --> 00:33:02,875 Horse shit. 411 00:33:03,611 --> 00:33:06,498 If he did all that, the Cavalry woulda' shot him. 412 00:33:06,617 --> 00:33:08,650 I didn't say they could prove it. 413 00:33:08,769 --> 00:33:11,718 But they sure did think it out loud, didn't they Major? 414 00:33:12,916 --> 00:33:13,916 But, 415 00:33:13,978 --> 00:33:19,130 Warren's war record was stellar, and that's what saved his ass. 416 00:33:19,924 --> 00:33:22,747 Are you killed yourself your share of 417 00:33:22,759 --> 00:33:26,189 redskins in your day, didn't ya Black Major? 418 00:33:26,308 --> 00:33:28,651 Cavalry tends to look kindly on that. 419 00:33:28,663 --> 00:33:31,900 I'll tell a' what the Cavalry didn't look kindly on. 420 00:33:32,210 --> 00:33:34,672 Mannix's Marauders that's what. 421 00:33:34,955 --> 00:33:37,172 And the fact that Erskine Mannix's little boy 422 00:33:37,183 --> 00:33:39,170 would talk about anybody else's behavior 423 00:33:39,289 --> 00:33:43,499 during war time makes me wanna horse laugh. 424 00:33:43,618 --> 00:33:46,166 Don't you say anything about my daddy, 425 00:33:47,159 --> 00:33:48,615 what he fought for, 426 00:33:48,736 --> 00:33:53,114 was dignity in defeat, and against the unconditional surrender. 427 00:33:53,233 --> 00:33:57,161 We weren't foreign barbarians pounding on the city walls. 428 00:33:57,280 --> 00:33:59,455 We were your brothers. 429 00:34:00,423 --> 00:34:02,807 - We deserved dignity in defeat. - Just, 430 00:34:02,926 --> 00:34:07,396 how many nigger towns did y'all sack in your fight for dignity in defeat? 431 00:34:07,516 --> 00:34:10,385 My faire share, Black Major. 432 00:34:10,505 --> 00:34:14,768 'Cuz when niggers are scared, that's when white folks are safe. 433 00:34:17,320 --> 00:34:19,885 You gonna talk that hateful nigger talk, 434 00:34:20,005 --> 00:34:21,985 you ride up top with O.B. 435 00:34:23,534 --> 00:34:28,650 No no no, you got me talkin' politics 436 00:34:28,771 --> 00:34:30,210 I didn't wanna'. 437 00:34:30,739 --> 00:34:33,949 Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. 438 00:34:36,436 --> 00:34:37,436 I... 439 00:34:38,047 --> 00:34:40,844 I think I'll just look out this winda' 440 00:34:42,030 --> 00:34:45,007 let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep. 441 00:34:46,025 --> 00:34:48,050 And dream about how lucky I am. 442 00:35:03,090 --> 00:35:07,086 Chapter Three Minnie's haberdashery 443 00:35:52,768 --> 00:35:53,978 Get in there. 444 00:35:57,860 --> 00:35:58,860 Easy. 445 00:36:24,059 --> 00:36:25,871 What the hell's going on, 446 00:36:25,992 --> 00:36:28,860 we weren't expecting another stage tonight? 447 00:36:28,980 --> 00:36:32,614 I can see you already got another one up in here. 448 00:36:32,733 --> 00:36:35,724 I just got through putting the horses away. 449 00:36:35,844 --> 00:36:40,251 This ain't the normal line. But we are stuck on the wrong side of a blizzard, 450 00:36:40,371 --> 00:36:45,003 so it looks like you're stuck with us. Are Minnie and Sweet Dave inside? 451 00:36:45,471 --> 00:36:49,032 They ain't here. I'm running the place while they're gone. 452 00:36:50,885 --> 00:36:53,108 Where's Minnie and Sweet Dave? 453 00:36:53,461 --> 00:36:57,731 He says they ain't here. He's lookin' after the place while they gone. 454 00:36:57,851 --> 00:36:59,422 Who are you? 455 00:37:01,726 --> 00:37:03,097 I'm Bob. 456 00:37:05,449 --> 00:37:08,978 Well whoever you are, help O.B. with the horses. 457 00:37:11,539 --> 00:37:16,036 Get 'em outta this cold, before that blizzard hit's 'em. 458 00:37:20,184 --> 00:37:24,945 I just put those other horses away. You need it done fast, you need to help. 459 00:37:25,541 --> 00:37:27,974 I got two of my best men on it. 460 00:37:29,650 --> 00:37:32,679 You heard him freeloaders, get to work. 461 00:37:36,342 --> 00:37:37,641 Come on let's go! 462 00:37:38,704 --> 00:37:41,152 - Open up! - Kick it open! 463 00:37:41,273 --> 00:37:43,409 - What? - Kick it open! 464 00:37:45,197 --> 00:37:48,436 Shut that door, there's a goddamn blizzard out there! 465 00:37:48,556 --> 00:37:51,788 - You gotta' nail it shut! - You have to nail it shut! 466 00:37:52,722 --> 00:37:56,050 - Hold it shut! - There's a hammer and nails by the door! 467 00:37:56,170 --> 00:38:00,407 You have to nail it shut! There's a hammer and nails by the door! 468 00:38:01,034 --> 00:38:02,967 - Give me a hammer. - Yeah. 469 00:38:11,731 --> 00:38:15,228 You need to do two pieces of wood! One ain't good enough! 470 00:38:15,347 --> 00:38:18,853 - Two pieces of wood. - That fuckin' thing is busted! 471 00:38:18,974 --> 00:38:21,994 Not just one piece of wood. 472 00:38:22,114 --> 00:38:25,137 - Gimme that other piece of wood. - Yeah, all right. 473 00:38:29,487 --> 00:38:31,581 - Gimme the nail. - Here. 474 00:38:44,681 --> 00:38:45,681 Jesus. 475 00:38:49,420 --> 00:38:51,643 That door's a son of a gun. 476 00:38:51,762 --> 00:38:54,527 Who's the idiot who broke that, that Mexican fellow? 477 00:38:54,994 --> 00:38:56,282 Good heavens, 478 00:38:56,556 --> 00:38:57,909 a woman 479 00:38:58,030 --> 00:39:02,018 out in this white hell. You must be frozen solid, poor thing. 480 00:39:04,565 --> 00:39:07,626 Looks like Minnie's got her a full house. 481 00:39:09,802 --> 00:39:12,056 When did you fellows arrive? 482 00:39:13,072 --> 00:39:15,585 About forty minutes ago. 483 00:39:16,101 --> 00:39:18,648 The Cowboy fellow in the corner, is that your driver? 484 00:39:18,661 --> 00:39:19,693 No he's a passenger. 485 00:39:19,813 --> 00:39:22,697 The driver lit out. He said he was going to 486 00:39:22,710 --> 00:39:25,672 spend the blizzard shacked up with a friend. 487 00:39:26,786 --> 00:39:29,635 Jesus Christ, that's awful! 488 00:39:30,393 --> 00:39:35,273 Christ almighty, what that Mexican fellow do, soak his ole socks in the pot? 489 00:39:35,532 --> 00:39:40,268 I think we all felt the same way, but were a little too polite to say something. 490 00:39:40,389 --> 00:39:44,409 - He don't have that problem. . Where's the well water? 491 00:39:44,780 --> 00:39:46,391 Over there. 492 00:39:52,202 --> 00:39:53,202 So, 493 00:39:53,306 --> 00:39:58,532 all three of you fellows' headed to Red Rock, when the blizzard stopped ya, huh? 494 00:39:58,652 --> 00:40:02,563 Yes, all three of us were on that stagecoach out there. 495 00:40:14,646 --> 00:40:15,871 Coffee beans? 496 00:40:17,838 --> 00:40:18,998 Over there. 497 00:40:26,731 --> 00:40:28,342 Get your hand outta' there. 498 00:40:32,757 --> 00:40:35,788 The new sheriff of Red Rock is traveling with us. 499 00:40:35,800 --> 00:40:38,315 Sheriff of Red Rock, that'll be the day. 500 00:40:38,574 --> 00:40:41,402 If he is a goddamn sheriff, I'm a monkey's uncle. 501 00:40:41,414 --> 00:40:42,360 Good. 502 00:40:42,480 --> 00:40:46,048 Then you can share bananas with your nigger friend in the stable. 503 00:40:46,168 --> 00:40:47,168 So... 504 00:40:47,869 --> 00:40:50,601 the new sheriff of Red Rock is traveling with you? 505 00:40:50,612 --> 00:40:51,527 No he's lyin' 506 00:40:51,786 --> 00:40:54,153 he ain't sheriff of nothin' 507 00:40:54,273 --> 00:40:59,503 He's a southern renegade. He's just talkin' his self outta' freezin' to death, is all. 508 00:40:59,623 --> 00:41:01,878 What the fuck I tell you about talkin', huh? 509 00:41:01,998 --> 00:41:05,253 I'll bust you in the mouth right in front of these people, I don't give a fuck! 510 00:41:05,373 --> 00:41:07,574 You never gave your name, sir. 511 00:41:07,693 --> 00:41:09,523 John Ruth. 512 00:41:09,643 --> 00:41:12,358 - Are you a lawman? - I'm takin' her to the law. 513 00:41:12,478 --> 00:41:15,193 - You're a bounty hunter? - That's right, Buster. 514 00:41:18,804 --> 00:41:21,543 - Do you have a warrant? - 'Course I do. 515 00:41:21,800 --> 00:41:23,233 May I see it? 516 00:41:26,521 --> 00:41:27,521 Why? 517 00:41:28,728 --> 00:41:32,547 You're supposed to produce it upon request. How am I supposed to know, 518 00:41:32,666 --> 00:41:34,431 you're not a villain, 519 00:41:34,552 --> 00:41:37,782 kidnapping this woman without a warrant in your possession? 520 00:41:40,393 --> 00:41:41,972 What's your name, Buster? 521 00:41:42,744 --> 00:41:43,889 Well... 522 00:41:44,275 --> 00:41:46,659 it certainly isn't Buster. 523 00:41:47,336 --> 00:41:50,655 It's Oswaldo Mobray. 524 00:41:52,153 --> 00:41:54,668 - Oswaldo? - Yes. 525 00:41:56,311 --> 00:41:57,375 Well... 526 00:41:58,324 --> 00:42:01,289 I got my warrant, Oswaldo. 527 00:42:14,818 --> 00:42:17,282 - I take it you're Daisy Domergue? - Yeah it's her. 528 00:42:23,856 --> 00:42:27,481 - It says here, Dead or Alive? - Yeah it does. 529 00:42:28,545 --> 00:42:32,605 Transporting a desperate hostile prisoner such as her 530 00:42:32,873 --> 00:42:37,909 sounds like hard work. Wouldn't transporting her be easier 531 00:42:38,028 --> 00:42:39,170 if she were dead? 532 00:42:39,181 --> 00:42:42,032 No one said the job was supposed to be easy. 533 00:42:42,152 --> 00:42:44,344 And why is her hanging proper, so important to you? 534 00:42:44,463 --> 00:42:48,510 Let's just say I don't like to cheat the hangman. He's gotta' make a living too. 535 00:42:48,630 --> 00:42:50,369 Well I appreciate that. 536 00:42:51,288 --> 00:42:55,719 Allow me to properly introduce myself. 537 00:42:55,838 --> 00:42:58,135 I'm Oswaldo Mobray, 538 00:42:58,255 --> 00:43:00,583 The Hangman in these parts. 539 00:43:07,480 --> 00:43:10,268 - Looks like I brought you a customer. - So it would appear. 540 00:43:10,387 --> 00:43:15,222 Have you ever spent two days or more locked up with one of your customers? 541 00:43:15,342 --> 00:43:16,289 No I can't say I have. 542 00:43:16,300 --> 00:43:19,179 Don't talk to my prisoner. I talk to my prisoner, that's it. You got it? 543 00:43:19,298 --> 00:43:21,384 I got I got. Jolly good. 544 00:43:21,503 --> 00:43:25,378 You got anything in here besides coffee that can help warm us up? 545 00:43:25,498 --> 00:43:28,670 The Bar is open, follow moi. 546 00:44:27,684 --> 00:44:28,831 All right. 547 00:44:30,094 --> 00:44:31,094 All right. 548 00:44:31,208 --> 00:44:33,324 Come on, goddammit I'm cold! 549 00:44:40,012 --> 00:44:44,628 I'll feed and water the horses. You go inside and get some hot coffee. 550 00:44:45,155 --> 00:44:48,293 I've got some stew cooking. Should be done soon. 551 00:44:48,304 --> 00:44:49,353 Now look... 552 00:44:49,474 --> 00:44:52,498 no matter how bad this blizzard gets, 553 00:44:52,619 --> 00:44:57,782 we still gotta' feed these horses and take a squat from time to time. 554 00:44:57,902 --> 00:45:00,838 So me an' Chris better lay out a line 555 00:45:00,958 --> 00:45:05,070 from the stable to the front door, and from the front door to the shithouse. 556 00:45:06,527 --> 00:45:07,527 Okay? 557 00:45:10,936 --> 00:45:11,980 Good idea. 558 00:45:13,746 --> 00:45:15,164 Come on, Chris. 559 00:45:17,496 --> 00:45:18,914 I'll give you a hand. 560 00:45:20,152 --> 00:45:22,523 No no no, go inside, get warm. 561 00:45:22,755 --> 00:45:26,780 You're doing stable work in a goddamn blizzard, I offer to help and you say no? 562 00:45:28,425 --> 00:45:29,835 You're right, mi amigo. 563 00:45:30,737 --> 00:45:31,737 Muchas gracias. 564 00:45:34,483 --> 00:45:36,172 All right, follow me. 565 00:45:47,260 --> 00:45:50,469 We gonna' drop one, every ten paces. 566 00:45:50,791 --> 00:45:53,331 - From here to the door. - Yeah! - All right. 567 00:46:54,358 --> 00:46:58,643 Now, you're wanted for murder. 568 00:46:58,762 --> 00:47:01,961 For the sake of my analogy, let's just assume that you did it. 569 00:47:02,081 --> 00:47:06,070 John Ruth wants to take you back to Red Rock to stand trial for murder. 570 00:47:06,190 --> 00:47:09,952 And, if... you're found guilty, 571 00:47:10,072 --> 00:47:15,623 the people of Red Rock will hang you in the town square. And as the hangman, 572 00:47:15,744 --> 00:47:17,782 I will perform the execution. 573 00:47:18,942 --> 00:47:23,277 And if all those things end up taking place, 574 00:47:23,396 --> 00:47:28,253 that's what civilized society calls "justice". 575 00:47:30,074 --> 00:47:31,396 However, 576 00:47:32,152 --> 00:47:35,684 if the relatives and the loved ones of the person 577 00:47:35,695 --> 00:47:39,025 you murdered were outside that door right now. 578 00:47:39,146 --> 00:47:43,331 And after busting down that door, they drug you out 579 00:47:43,342 --> 00:47:47,137 in the snow and hung you up by the neck, that, 580 00:47:47,257 --> 00:47:49,820 we would be frontier justice. 581 00:47:49,940 --> 00:47:52,501 Now the good part 582 00:47:52,621 --> 00:47:57,690 about frontier justice is it's very thirst quenching. 583 00:47:57,996 --> 00:48:02,507 The bad part is it's apt to be wrong as right. 584 00:48:02,628 --> 00:48:05,471 Not in your case. In your case, you'd have it 585 00:48:05,483 --> 00:48:08,275 comin'. But other people, maybe not so much. 586 00:48:08,396 --> 00:48:12,853 But ultimately what's the real difference between the two? 587 00:48:12,974 --> 00:48:18,411 The real difference is Me... The Hangman. 588 00:48:18,532 --> 00:48:21,186 To me, it doesn't matter what you did. When I hang you, I 589 00:48:21,199 --> 00:48:23,728 will get no satisfaction from your death. It's my job. 590 00:48:23,847 --> 00:48:29,690 I hang you in red Rock, I move on to the next town, I hang someone else there. 591 00:48:30,751 --> 00:48:33,362 The man who pulls the lever, 592 00:48:33,481 --> 00:48:37,648 that breaks your neck will be a dispassionate man. 593 00:48:38,179 --> 00:48:41,827 And that dispassion is the very essence of 594 00:48:41,838 --> 00:48:46,179 justice. For justice delivered without dispassion, 595 00:48:46,429 --> 00:48:51,648 is always in danger of not being justice. 596 00:48:51,768 --> 00:48:52,971 Amen. 597 00:49:18,297 --> 00:49:21,811 No offense cowboy fellow, just gettin' your attention. 598 00:49:22,873 --> 00:49:25,112 Yeah, well... 599 00:49:25,724 --> 00:49:27,673 you got it. 600 00:49:28,045 --> 00:49:30,106 Whatcha writing friend? 601 00:49:31,572 --> 00:49:35,456 - Only thing I'm qualified to write about. - What's that? 602 00:49:35,730 --> 00:49:37,614 My life story. 603 00:49:37,735 --> 00:49:41,159 - You're writing your life story? - You bet I am. 604 00:49:41,416 --> 00:49:42,753 Am I in it? 605 00:49:44,929 --> 00:49:47,072 You just entered. 606 00:49:47,619 --> 00:49:49,824 Well you like writing stories so much, why don't 607 00:49:49,835 --> 00:49:51,824 you tell me the story that brings you here? 608 00:49:53,628 --> 00:49:55,465 - Who's askin'? - I am. 609 00:49:55,585 --> 00:49:59,025 John Ruth. I'm bringin' in this one to Red Rock to hang. 610 00:49:59,146 --> 00:50:01,389 Ain't no way I'm spendin' a coupla' nights under a 611 00:50:01,400 --> 00:50:03,610 roof with somebody I don't know who you they are. 612 00:50:03,731 --> 00:50:06,195 And I don't know who you are. So... 613 00:50:06,315 --> 00:50:08,097 who are you? 614 00:50:08,385 --> 00:50:10,110 - Joe Gage. - What? 615 00:50:10,230 --> 00:50:12,719 That's my name, Joe Gage. 616 00:50:12,840 --> 00:50:16,505 Okay Joe Gage, why you goin' to Red Rock? 617 00:50:16,626 --> 00:50:19,728 - I ain't goin' to Red Rock. - Where you goin'? 618 00:50:20,403 --> 00:50:23,626 - About nine miles outside of Red Rock. - What's there? 619 00:50:23,746 --> 00:50:24,882 My mother. 620 00:50:26,349 --> 00:50:27,637 Your mother? 621 00:50:28,105 --> 00:50:30,860 Listen, I'm just a cow puncher I just... 622 00:50:31,568 --> 00:50:34,228 I got back from a long drive and... 623 00:50:34,347 --> 00:50:37,128 I wasn't just an ass in a saddle this time, 624 00:50:38,690 --> 00:50:40,447 I was a partner. 625 00:50:41,349 --> 00:50:43,331 For the first time in my life I, 626 00:50:43,798 --> 00:50:46,086 made a pretty penny and, eh... 627 00:50:48,356 --> 00:50:52,210 Come home and spend time with my mother for Christmas. 628 00:50:53,079 --> 00:50:55,335 Now that's funny. 629 00:50:56,043 --> 00:50:59,186 'Cuz you don't look like the coming home for Christmas type. 630 00:50:59,306 --> 00:51:01,144 Yeah, well... 631 00:51:02,998 --> 00:51:06,800 you know, looks can be deceiving. 632 00:51:07,380 --> 00:51:10,150 Because I definitely am a... 633 00:51:10,989 --> 00:51:14,565 coming home for Christmas to spend time with mother type. 634 00:51:16,547 --> 00:51:18,626 Christmas with Mother? I mean... 635 00:51:20,302 --> 00:51:22,025 it's a wonderful thing. 636 00:51:23,927 --> 00:51:28,293 Now is that... good enough for you? 637 00:51:28,413 --> 00:51:29,679 John Ruth? 638 00:51:32,449 --> 00:51:33,610 For now. 639 00:51:34,994 --> 00:51:37,137 Just steer clear of my prisoner. 640 00:51:41,150 --> 00:51:43,115 Hello old timer. 641 00:51:44,782 --> 00:51:46,112 General. 642 00:51:47,626 --> 00:51:48,802 General. 643 00:51:50,543 --> 00:51:51,896 You sir, 644 00:51:52,766 --> 00:51:54,393 are a Hyena. 645 00:51:56,085 --> 00:51:58,275 And I have no wish to speak to you. 646 00:52:02,884 --> 00:52:04,688 I've been called worse. 647 00:52:07,878 --> 00:52:09,762 Fair enough, General. 648 00:52:10,536 --> 00:52:11,858 Sorry to bother you. 649 00:52:16,110 --> 00:52:17,751 - You gonna' kick it open. - Kick it open. 650 00:52:28,936 --> 00:52:30,402 It's already cold enough in here. 651 00:52:36,429 --> 00:52:37,769 It doesn't have latch you gonna' hammer up a board. 652 00:52:37,782 --> 00:52:38,458 You gotta' nail it shut! 653 00:52:38,579 --> 00:52:42,583 - The hammer and nails is by the door. - There is a hammer and nails right there! 654 00:52:42,702 --> 00:52:44,070 Oh god, 655 00:52:45,429 --> 00:52:47,583 - Holdin' this Chris. - Here, here. 656 00:52:56,525 --> 00:52:58,233 You need to nail it in! 657 00:53:01,827 --> 00:53:04,873 You need two pieces of wood. You gotta' hammer another one. 658 00:53:05,516 --> 00:53:08,126 One ain't good enough! It's gonna' blow right open. 659 00:53:08,900 --> 00:53:11,494 - Goddamn it! - It's gotta' open if you don't. 660 00:53:11,614 --> 00:53:15,092 - Shut up! - I got it! Son of a bitch! 661 00:53:27,514 --> 00:53:30,382 Jesus Christ, that door's a whore! 662 00:53:35,297 --> 00:53:37,085 I get it, haberdashery, 663 00:53:37,889 --> 00:53:39,527 that was a joke. 664 00:53:39,646 --> 00:53:41,193 How's the coffee? 665 00:53:41,313 --> 00:53:44,559 Now, pretty good, if I do say so myself. 666 00:53:47,590 --> 00:53:48,590 Thank you. 667 00:54:06,231 --> 00:54:08,599 Guess who he is? 668 00:54:10,242 --> 00:54:11,693 Buffalo Bill? 669 00:54:12,820 --> 00:54:14,706 Hardly, no. 670 00:54:14,963 --> 00:54:19,701 - I'm Oswaldo Mobray, I'm the- - He's the hangman of Red Rock. 671 00:54:21,215 --> 00:54:23,099 - Oh, you are? - Yes I am. 672 00:54:23,219 --> 00:54:27,706 Well good to meet you Mr.? 673 00:54:27,827 --> 00:54:31,074 - Mobray. - Mobray, I'm Chris Mannix, 674 00:54:31,195 --> 00:54:33,266 - the new sheriff in Red Rock. - Really? 675 00:54:33,385 --> 00:54:34,860 Horseshit! 676 00:54:34,981 --> 00:54:37,728 - Pay no attention to him. - Horseshit! 677 00:54:37,849 --> 00:54:41,755 Fella' warmin' himself by the that pot by the stove is a hell of driver named O.B. 678 00:54:41,876 --> 00:54:44,543 That's the only thing you said that's the truth. 679 00:54:46,219 --> 00:54:48,273 You comin' into Red Rock to hang Lance Lawson? 680 00:54:48,284 --> 00:54:48,974 Precisely. 681 00:54:49,094 --> 00:54:51,422 - Do you have the execution orders on you? - In my beg. 682 00:54:51,543 --> 00:54:53,356 - May I see 'em? - Of course. 683 00:54:59,172 --> 00:55:02,056 Who's Lance Lawson? 684 00:55:02,177 --> 00:55:05,327 He's a fell' been sittin' in the Red Rock jail about a month now. 685 00:55:05,447 --> 00:55:10,320 He's the fellow - who shot the fellow - who was sheriff 'fore me. 686 00:55:10,440 --> 00:55:12,061 Precisely. 687 00:55:22,422 --> 00:55:24,563 What did she mean when she said, 688 00:55:24,682 --> 00:55:27,045 bounty hunter's nigger friend in the stable? 689 00:55:27,835 --> 00:55:30,155 He's got a nigger bounty hunter friend in the stable. 690 00:55:31,364 --> 00:55:33,221 But all that just to guard her? 691 00:55:33,233 --> 00:55:36,036 I don't think that was the original idea, but... 692 00:55:36,454 --> 00:55:38,887 that's the idea now. 693 00:55:39,210 --> 00:55:42,222 - Want a lil' snakebite in your coffee? - Yeah. 694 00:55:43,626 --> 00:55:45,010 Five of you? 695 00:55:45,510 --> 00:55:47,661 Well, well, well, looks like Minnie's haberdashery 696 00:55:47,672 --> 00:55:49,538 is about to get cozy for the next few days. 697 00:55:49,657 --> 00:55:51,085 Yes it does. 698 00:56:00,295 --> 00:56:02,155 Who's the chap with the Lincoln letter? 699 00:56:04,137 --> 00:56:05,652 The Lincoln what? 700 00:56:06,150 --> 00:56:08,181 The letter from Abraham Lincoln? 701 00:56:09,115 --> 00:56:11,822 President Abraham Lincoln? 702 00:56:12,498 --> 00:56:15,802 - Weren't you pen pals? - With the president? 703 00:56:16,704 --> 00:56:19,668 I'm sorry, I heard somebody in your party had a 704 00:56:19,681 --> 00:56:22,842 letter from Abraham Lincoln, I assumed it was you. 705 00:56:22,963 --> 00:56:24,487 Not him! 706 00:56:24,606 --> 00:56:27,097 The black fellow in the stable. 707 00:56:27,217 --> 00:56:32,333 The nigger in the stable has a letter from Abraham Lincoln? 708 00:56:32,751 --> 00:56:33,960 Yeah. 709 00:56:34,081 --> 00:56:38,456 The nigger in the stable has a letter from Abraham Lincoln? 710 00:56:53,860 --> 00:56:55,536 Say your name was again? 711 00:56:56,293 --> 00:56:58,403 - Bob. - Warren. 712 00:56:58,523 --> 00:57:00,304 Minnie and Sweet Dave in there? 713 00:57:00,425 --> 00:57:04,630 Minnie and Sweet Dave went to visit her mother on the north side of the mountain. 714 00:57:04,751 --> 00:57:06,233 - What? - Yeah. 715 00:57:06,353 --> 00:57:10,342 - They ain't here? - Yes, they're visiting her mother. 716 00:57:10,463 --> 00:57:11,809 - Her mother? - Yes. 717 00:57:15,692 --> 00:57:17,496 I never knew Minnie had a mother. 718 00:57:21,041 --> 00:57:23,072 Everybody's got a mother. 719 00:57:24,489 --> 00:57:25,954 Yeah, I suppose. 720 00:57:28,628 --> 00:57:32,286 - And she left you in charge? - Si. 721 00:57:35,300 --> 00:57:37,474 That sure don't sound like Minnie. 722 00:57:38,860 --> 00:57:40,842 Are you callin' me a liar? 723 00:57:42,614 --> 00:57:44,193 Not yet, I ain't. 724 00:57:45,628 --> 00:57:49,027 - But it sounds peculiar, though, - What sound peculiar? 725 00:57:49,543 --> 00:57:53,635 Well first of, Minnie never struck me as the sentimental type. 726 00:57:53,755 --> 00:57:54,907 Secondly, 727 00:57:55,027 --> 00:57:56,980 I can't imagine Sweet Dave liftin' his fat ass 728 00:57:56,992 --> 00:57:59,081 outta' his chair long enough to fetch well water, 729 00:57:59,201 --> 00:58:01,771 unless Minnie was layin' a fryin' pan upside his head. 730 00:58:01,891 --> 00:58:04,284 Along takin' trips to the north side. 731 00:58:04,405 --> 00:58:09,699 That sounds a whole lot like you're calling me a liar, mi negro amigo. 732 00:58:10,342 --> 00:58:12,936 Yeah it do sound a whole lot like, don't it? 733 00:58:14,338 --> 00:58:15,981 But I still haven't done it yet. 734 00:58:18,429 --> 00:58:20,266 Minnie still serve food? 735 00:58:21,056 --> 00:58:25,009 - Do you consider stew food? - Yes. - Then we serve food. 736 00:58:25,128 --> 00:58:28,983 She still stinkin' up the place with her "Old Quail" pipe tobacco? 737 00:58:33,012 --> 00:58:35,702 Minnie doesn't smoke a pipe. 738 00:58:36,121 --> 00:58:38,208 She rolls her own. 739 00:58:38,329 --> 00:58:40,851 "Red Apple Tobacco" 740 00:58:40,971 --> 00:58:44,693 But mi negro amigo, I think you already know this. 741 00:58:44,813 --> 00:58:47,414 Yeah I do, Senor Bob. 742 00:58:47,672 --> 00:58:49,960 Just seein' if you do. 743 00:59:32,163 --> 00:59:35,336 - Fill me up, O.B. - Yeah. 744 00:59:35,594 --> 00:59:37,543 Goddamn it! 745 00:59:39,815 --> 00:59:41,233 Thank you. 746 00:59:49,224 --> 00:59:52,929 Well cut my legs off and call me Shorty... 747 00:59:53,050 --> 00:59:56,554 is that General Sanford Smithers I see? 748 00:59:57,619 --> 00:59:59,771 You've got a good eye son. 749 01:00:01,275 --> 01:00:03,869 Well, I'll be double dogged damned! 750 01:00:03,989 --> 01:00:08,487 General Sandy "Don't give a damn" Smithers! 751 01:00:08,606 --> 01:00:11,523 Captain Chris Mannix, Mannix Marauders. 752 01:00:11,643 --> 01:00:14,713 - Erskine's boy? - Yes sir. 753 01:00:16,340 --> 01:00:17,485 May I sit down, Sir? 754 01:00:17,498 --> 01:00:20,126 According to the Yankees, it's a free country. 755 01:00:21,302 --> 01:00:23,510 General Sandy Smithers... 756 01:00:24,686 --> 01:00:25,686 boy... 757 01:00:26,764 --> 01:00:28,166 oh boy. 758 01:00:28,286 --> 01:00:31,679 Did my daddy talk about you. 759 01:00:31,800 --> 01:00:35,675 I heard you gave those Blue Bellies sweet hell. 760 01:00:36,932 --> 01:00:39,445 Me and my boys did our part. 761 01:00:39,768 --> 01:00:42,373 Just like Erskine and his boys did their part. 762 01:00:42,385 --> 01:00:43,505 Hell yeah, we did. 763 01:00:43,893 --> 01:00:47,969 - Yankees sons of bitches? - I never knew your father, son. 764 01:00:49,146 --> 01:00:53,706 But, I always respected his resolve. 765 01:00:53,826 --> 01:00:59,231 Thank you for saying that, General. Your respect woulda' meant the world to him. 766 01:01:00,807 --> 01:01:02,547 Can I get ya some coffee? 767 01:01:03,773 --> 01:01:06,144 - That would be nice. - Well, how about a blanket? 768 01:01:08,284 --> 01:01:10,360 That would be even nicer. 769 01:01:10,721 --> 01:01:13,414 Hell, you know what, you can have mine. 770 01:01:17,023 --> 01:01:18,351 Here we go General. 771 01:01:21,791 --> 01:01:25,878 So what brings you out Wyoming way, sir? If ya don't mind me askin'? 772 01:01:25,998 --> 01:01:27,438 My boy. 773 01:01:27,557 --> 01:01:29,860 You gotta' boy that lives in Red Rock? 774 01:01:29,980 --> 01:01:34,768 My son, Chester Charles Smithers, 775 01:01:34,887 --> 01:01:37,349 he died out here a few years back. 776 01:01:38,329 --> 01:01:40,463 Forgive me sir. 777 01:01:40,583 --> 01:01:44,047 No forgiveness needed, son. 778 01:01:44,168 --> 01:01:47,313 Like I said, it was a few years back. 779 01:01:47,432 --> 01:01:50,057 It was after he served his service. 780 01:01:51,760 --> 01:01:55,780 He came out here to the hills of Wyoming, 781 01:01:56,670 --> 01:01:58,385 to make his fortune. 782 01:02:00,344 --> 01:02:02,264 Never to be heard from again. 783 01:02:08,710 --> 01:02:11,519 I bought him a symbolic plot 784 01:02:13,144 --> 01:02:15,206 in the Red Rock cemetery. 785 01:02:16,315 --> 01:02:20,516 I'm here to advise the stone maker on his headstone. 786 01:02:20,840 --> 01:02:23,289 Was he a goner for sure? 787 01:02:23,753 --> 01:02:26,875 No chance he could be livin' "the cold life" out in the woods? 788 01:02:26,887 --> 01:02:30,141 It's a rough life, but folks can learn it. 789 01:02:30,260 --> 01:02:33,277 If he had done what he came here to do, 790 01:02:33,534 --> 01:02:35,250 he'd a come home. 791 01:02:38,342 --> 01:02:39,927 Close it, close it! 792 01:02:43,717 --> 01:02:46,311 You have to hold it closed while I nail it shut! 793 01:02:46,324 --> 01:02:48,929 Really? Who's the idiot who broke the damn door? 794 01:02:50,123 --> 01:02:52,211 Fucking hold it low. 795 01:03:00,284 --> 01:03:01,867 Okay. 796 01:03:08,853 --> 01:03:10,206 Hold it, mi negro amigo. 797 01:03:13,492 --> 01:03:15,465 We need two pieces of wood. 798 01:03:19,266 --> 01:03:20,865 Ola mi cabron. 799 01:03:21,458 --> 01:03:24,164 There you go, motherfucker! 800 01:03:28,367 --> 01:03:31,447 - That's a lotta' hats, Senor Bob? - Huh? 801 01:03:31,567 --> 01:03:34,849 Considering Minnie's no hats indoors policy? Which, 802 01:03:34,969 --> 01:03:37,760 If I remember it correctly, that was one of them Bar of Iron rules, 803 01:03:37,880 --> 01:03:40,431 kinda rule, she'd want kept up in her absence. 804 01:03:40,550 --> 01:03:44,014 You seem to have a laisser-faire attitude when it comes to the hats. 805 01:03:44,541 --> 01:03:45,806 I'm guilty. 806 01:03:45,925 --> 01:03:49,143 I have a laisser-faire attitude about the hats. 807 01:03:49,264 --> 01:03:51,588 How about we forget about the hats today, 808 01:03:51,599 --> 01:03:54,326 considering there's a blizzard going on and all, 809 01:03:54,445 --> 01:03:57,496 and make tomorrow "No Hat Day"? 810 01:04:04,315 --> 01:04:06,956 A large black dog. 811 01:04:11,043 --> 01:04:13,221 Labrador. 812 01:04:20,891 --> 01:04:24,856 You know my daddy, I said that my daddy! 813 01:04:24,976 --> 01:04:28,148 Always said that Davis was a courageous man. 814 01:04:28,268 --> 01:04:33,213 But he should have put capital in Montgomery and not Richmond. 815 01:04:33,333 --> 01:04:38,432 Yes, Sir. I agree with that. The army in North Virginia would've been used in a... 816 01:04:38,552 --> 01:04:42,958 I said the army of North Virginia would have been used in a very different way. 817 01:04:47,650 --> 01:04:48,938 Shut up! 818 01:04:55,590 --> 01:04:56,590 O.B.? 819 01:05:00,101 --> 01:05:02,769 Do you know that nigger, Sir? 820 01:05:03,092 --> 01:05:05,782 I don't know that nigger. 821 01:05:05,902 --> 01:05:08,235 But I know he's a nigger. 822 01:05:08,356 --> 01:05:10,362 And that's all I need to know. 823 01:05:19,501 --> 01:05:22,916 Well that nigger just ain't any nigger. 824 01:05:23,036 --> 01:05:26,045 - That nigger is- - General Sanford Smithers? 825 01:05:26,166 --> 01:05:28,847 Battle of Baton Rouge? 826 01:05:31,708 --> 01:05:36,619 Inform the nigger in the cavalry officers uniform 827 01:05:36,739 --> 01:05:41,762 that I had a division of Confederates under my command, 828 01:05:41,882 --> 01:05:42,947 in Baton Rouge. 829 01:05:43,068 --> 01:05:49,032 Major Nigger, General Smithers wishes me to inform you... I heard 'em hillbilly. 830 01:05:49,152 --> 01:05:53,878 Inform this old cracker that I was in Baton Rouge also. 831 01:05:54,123 --> 01:05:55,902 On the other side. 832 01:05:56,869 --> 01:05:58,673 Oh that's interesting. 833 01:05:59,318 --> 01:06:03,313 General Smithers, he said that he was also in Baton Rouge. 834 01:06:03,434 --> 01:06:07,425 - On the other- - Cap't Mannix, tell the nigger, 835 01:06:07,545 --> 01:06:11,666 that I don't acknowledge niggers in northern uniforms. 836 01:06:11,786 --> 01:06:14,967 You captured a whole colored command that day. 837 01:06:15,086 --> 01:06:18,666 But not one colored trooper made it to a camp, did they? 838 01:06:18,786 --> 01:06:21,360 We had neither the time or the food. 839 01:06:21,480 --> 01:06:27,262 Nor the inclination to care for northern horses, 840 01:06:27,382 --> 01:06:31,297 and least of all northern niggers. 841 01:06:31,416 --> 01:06:35,304 - So we shot 'em where they stood. - Gentlemen, 842 01:06:35,425 --> 01:06:37,121 Gentlemen, 843 01:06:38,875 --> 01:06:41,414 I know Americans aren't apt 844 01:06:41,534 --> 01:06:47,097 to let a little thing like an unconditional surrender get in the way of a good war. 845 01:06:47,217 --> 01:06:51,983 But I strongly suggest we don't restage the battle of Baton Rouge, 846 01:06:52,103 --> 01:06:56,648 during a blizzard in Minnie's haberdashery. 847 01:06:56,768 --> 01:07:00,708 Now, my nubian friend, 848 01:07:00,829 --> 01:07:05,619 while I realize passions are high, that was a while ago. 849 01:07:05,739 --> 01:07:09,849 And if you shoot this unarmed old man I guarantee 850 01:07:09,860 --> 01:07:13,739 I will hang you by the neck until you are dead. 851 01:07:14,010 --> 01:07:16,266 Once we arrive in Red Rock. 852 01:07:19,887 --> 01:07:22,697 I damn will guarantee that too. 853 01:07:22,817 --> 01:07:25,507 Yeah Warren, that's the problem with old men. 854 01:07:25,626 --> 01:07:28,340 You can kick 'em down the stairs and say it's 855 01:07:28,353 --> 01:07:30,840 an accident, but ya can't just shoot 'em. 856 01:07:30,960 --> 01:07:35,971 Gentlemen, since we may be trapped here, 857 01:07:36,090 --> 01:07:40,211 close together like for a few days, 858 01:07:40,331 --> 01:07:44,786 may I suggest a possible solution? 859 01:07:44,907 --> 01:07:48,215 We divide Minnie's in half. 860 01:07:48,335 --> 01:07:52,429 The northern side and the southern side. 861 01:07:53,152 --> 01:07:55,885 With the dinner table 862 01:07:56,005 --> 01:08:00,164 operating as a neutral territory. 863 01:08:00,284 --> 01:08:04,856 We could say that the fireplace side of the room, 864 01:08:04,976 --> 01:08:10,023 acts as a symbolic representative of... 865 01:08:10,143 --> 01:08:11,893 Georgia 866 01:08:13,181 --> 01:08:17,525 While the bar, represents... 867 01:08:20,760 --> 01:08:23,131 Philadelphia! 868 01:08:23,252 --> 01:08:27,140 As long as the bar's Philadelphia I agree. 869 01:08:35,867 --> 01:08:39,230 We still got that deal we talked about in the wagon? 870 01:08:39,630 --> 01:08:44,979 I help you protect your eight thousand, you help me protect my ten? 871 01:08:46,256 --> 01:08:51,436 One of them fellows is not what he says he is. 872 01:08:51,681 --> 01:08:53,369 What is he? 873 01:08:53,489 --> 01:08:56,682 He's in cahoots with this one that's what he is. 874 01:08:56,802 --> 01:09:02,599 One of them, maybe even two of 'em, is here to see Domergue goes free. 875 01:09:02,719 --> 01:09:07,470 And to accomplish that goal, they'll kill everybody in here. 876 01:09:07,591 --> 01:09:11,229 And they got 'em coupla' days. So all they gotta' do 877 01:09:11,240 --> 01:09:14,753 is sit tight and wait for a window of opportunity. 878 01:09:14,873 --> 01:09:18,002 And that's when they strike, 879 01:09:19,381 --> 01:09:21,108 huh bitch? 880 01:09:22,126 --> 01:09:24,832 If you say so, John. 881 01:09:26,586 --> 01:09:29,159 Are you sure you're not just being paranoid? 882 01:09:29,171 --> 01:09:30,492 Our best bet is this, 883 01:09:30,612 --> 01:09:34,733 duplicitous fellow ain't as cool a customer as Daisy here. 884 01:09:34,853 --> 01:09:40,248 He won't have the leather patience it takes to just sit here and wait. 885 01:09:40,368 --> 01:09:46,139 But waiting for an opportunity, and knowing it's the right one, isn't so easy. 886 01:09:46,259 --> 01:09:49,929 If he can't handle it, he'll stop waiting. 887 01:09:50,048 --> 01:09:55,536 He'll try and create his opportunity. And that's when Mr. Jumpy reveals himself. 888 01:09:55,896 --> 01:09:58,164 And what do you got to say about all this? 889 01:09:58,461 --> 01:10:02,301 What do I got to say? About John Ruth's ravings? 890 01:10:02,947 --> 01:10:06,569 He's absolutely right. 891 01:10:06,689 --> 01:10:10,418 Me and one of them fellows is in cahoots. And 892 01:10:10,430 --> 01:10:14,172 we're just waitin' for everybody go to sleep. 893 01:10:14,292 --> 01:10:18,310 That's when we gonna' kill ya all. 894 01:10:18,761 --> 01:10:21,765 Okay everybody. 895 01:10:24,338 --> 01:10:26,921 Hear this. 896 01:10:28,559 --> 01:10:31,252 This here is Daisy Domergue. 897 01:10:32,038 --> 01:10:34,913 She's wanted dead or alive for murder. 898 01:10:35,033 --> 01:10:37,787 Ten thousand dollars. 899 01:10:37,908 --> 01:10:41,023 That money's mine boys. 900 01:10:41,143 --> 01:10:43,587 Don't wanna' share it. 901 01:10:43,707 --> 01:10:46,626 I ain't gonna' lose it. 902 01:10:46,746 --> 01:10:52,804 When the sun comes out, I'm taking this woman into Red Rock, to hang. 903 01:10:58,501 --> 01:11:00,073 Now... 904 01:11:03,488 --> 01:11:06,698 is there anybody here... 905 01:11:06,819 --> 01:11:09,792 committed to stopping me... 906 01:11:09,912 --> 01:11:12,395 from doing that? 907 01:11:22,270 --> 01:11:24,371 Really? 908 01:11:24,490 --> 01:11:26,974 Nobody gotta' problem with this? 909 01:11:32,284 --> 01:11:37,530 Well, I guess that's very fortunate for me. 910 01:11:37,650 --> 01:11:42,777 However, I hope you all understand, 911 01:11:42,896 --> 01:11:46,900 I can't just take your word. 912 01:11:47,020 --> 01:11:52,095 Circumstances force me to, take... 913 01:11:52,216 --> 01:11:55,073 precautions. 914 01:11:55,194 --> 01:11:59,826 When you say precautions... 915 01:11:59,945 --> 01:12:03,568 why do I feel you mean me? 916 01:12:03,688 --> 01:12:08,738 - Because I'm gonna' take your gun, son. - You are? - Yes I am. 917 01:12:08,858 --> 01:12:12,591 - Nothing personal. - Just mine? 918 01:12:12,711 --> 01:12:15,204 The Hangman got himself a gun too? 919 01:12:15,216 --> 01:12:19,010 I'll be dealing with his gun after I deal with yours. 920 01:12:26,123 --> 01:12:29,887 I feel kinda' naked without it. 921 01:12:30,007 --> 01:12:33,341 Oh, I still got mine. 922 01:12:35,018 --> 01:12:37,737 I'll protect you. 923 01:12:45,136 --> 01:12:49,532 A bastards work is never done, huh, John Ruth? 924 01:12:49,867 --> 01:12:52,998 That's right, Joe Gage. 925 01:12:53,118 --> 01:12:56,542 - Now gimme the gun. - You want it? 926 01:12:56,662 --> 01:12:59,533 You have to come and take- 927 01:13:00,667 --> 01:13:03,489 Calm down. 928 01:13:04,198 --> 01:13:07,627 Take your hand away from your gun. 929 01:13:10,475 --> 01:13:13,606 Blink if you're calm. 930 01:13:13,838 --> 01:13:16,636 - Did he blink? - He blinked. 931 01:13:16,756 --> 01:13:20,451 Blink if your gonna' remain calm? 932 01:13:23,015 --> 01:13:26,972 - He blinked. - Take his pistol. 933 01:13:28,430 --> 01:13:32,511 I'm real sorry about this, son. 934 01:13:32,631 --> 01:13:38,251 Like I said, nothing personal. Just a precaution. 935 01:14:24,420 --> 01:14:25,902 Pretty sneaky. 936 01:15:00,948 --> 01:15:04,686 I'm afraid the same applies to you too, Mr. 937 01:15:04,806 --> 01:15:06,194 Mobray. 938 01:15:06,314 --> 01:15:11,646 Precautions must be taken because life is too sweet to lose. 939 01:15:16,003 --> 01:15:18,453 Hand me that little bucket. 940 01:15:28,532 --> 01:15:29,820 O.B.? 941 01:15:31,581 --> 01:15:33,351 Go to the outhouse. 942 01:15:34,034 --> 01:15:38,520 Take this bucket and dump it down the shit hole. 943 01:15:39,926 --> 01:15:42,045 Why do I gotta' go outside? 944 01:15:42,056 --> 01:15:46,319 Your jacket's already on. And I sorta kinda trust you. 945 01:16:25,462 --> 01:16:27,487 After you Major. 946 01:16:44,630 --> 01:16:46,060 Okay. 947 01:16:47,864 --> 01:16:50,907 I'm gonna' cut you loose while we eat. 948 01:16:51,229 --> 01:16:53,896 Don't get any ideas, I ain't goin' soft on ya. 949 01:16:55,146 --> 01:16:58,139 You lift your ass even one inch off this seat, 950 01:16:58,150 --> 01:17:01,217 I'll put a bullet right in your goddamn throat. 951 01:17:25,684 --> 01:17:28,145 So Domergue, 952 01:17:28,429 --> 01:17:33,301 I suppose this blizzard counts as a stroke of luck as far as you're concerned? 953 01:17:33,559 --> 01:17:37,451 - You don't hear me complaining do ya? - No I sure don't. 954 01:17:45,417 --> 01:17:48,484 How 'bout you Oswaldo? 955 01:17:49,671 --> 01:17:51,346 How about me what? 956 01:17:51,466 --> 01:17:53,150 Look, 957 01:17:53,270 --> 01:17:56,246 considerin' all the thing I done for money, I ain't one to judge. 958 01:17:56,365 --> 01:18:02,045 But don't you feel just the least little bad 'bout hangin' a woman? 959 01:18:02,164 --> 01:18:05,466 Till they invent a trigger a woman can't pull, if 960 01:18:05,479 --> 01:18:08,594 you're a hang man, you're going to hang women. 961 01:18:08,713 --> 01:18:11,686 Well hell Ozzy, I guess I ain't never looked at it like that before. 962 01:18:11,806 --> 01:18:14,234 When it comes to some of them mean bastards 963 01:18:14,246 --> 01:18:16,739 out there it's the only thing does the job. 964 01:18:16,859 --> 01:18:22,836 You really only need to hang mean bastards. But mean bastards, you need to hang. 965 01:18:31,627 --> 01:18:34,087 You goddamn son of a bitch! 966 01:18:35,002 --> 01:18:37,645 I almost died out there! 967 01:18:40,828 --> 01:18:46,951 I ain't never going out in that shit ever, ever again! 968 01:19:09,649 --> 01:19:11,181 You okay, O.B.? 969 01:19:11,301 --> 01:19:12,896 I'm fine. 970 01:19:13,016 --> 01:19:14,817 I'll be fine. 971 01:19:14,936 --> 01:19:17,563 I just need to get warm. 972 01:19:22,485 --> 01:19:24,560 You want some stew, O.B.? 973 01:19:24,680 --> 01:19:27,500 Stew, later. 974 01:19:33,390 --> 01:19:34,859 That's nice. 975 01:19:59,297 --> 01:20:00,368 So... 976 01:20:01,502 --> 01:20:03,126 - how you doin', black Major? 977 01:20:03,246 --> 01:20:08,792 I ain't in the mood, Chris Mannix. Leave me be from your horseshit. 978 01:20:08,912 --> 01:20:10,769 John Ruth says you gotta' a Lincoln Letter? 979 01:20:10,889 --> 01:20:14,166 I tol' you jackass to hee-haw somewhere else. 980 01:20:14,177 --> 01:20:15,654 That's right, John. 981 01:20:15,774 --> 01:20:19,701 - You did say, didn't ya? - Yeah I did. 982 01:20:20,912 --> 01:20:22,421 So... 983 01:20:24,032 --> 01:20:27,847 - you got a letter from Abraham Lincoln? - Yes. 984 01:20:28,144 --> 01:20:31,238 Thee Abraham Lincoln? 985 01:20:31,358 --> 01:20:32,631 Yes. 986 01:20:32,643 --> 01:20:36,496 Abraham Lincoln the president of the United States... 987 01:20:36,753 --> 01:20:40,157 - Yes. - Of America? - Yes. 988 01:20:40,277 --> 01:20:44,720 - Wrote you a letter, personally? - Yes. 989 01:20:44,840 --> 01:20:49,694 - Personally? As in: "Dear Maj. Warren"? - No. Personally as in: "Dear Marquis". 990 01:20:49,814 --> 01:20:54,565 "Dear Marquis" Abraham Lincoln the president of the United States of America? 991 01:20:54,578 --> 01:20:56,166 Yes. 992 01:20:56,286 --> 01:20:59,645 - May I see it? - No you may not. 993 01:20:59,765 --> 01:21:02,909 But the way John tells it, you weren't just some 994 01:21:02,921 --> 01:21:06,335 random nigger soldier picked from a pile of letters. 995 01:21:06,454 --> 01:21:08,525 Way John tells it, 996 01:21:08,796 --> 01:21:12,509 - y'all had a correspondence. - Yes. 997 01:21:12,947 --> 01:21:18,012 Way John tells it, y'all was practically pen pals? 998 01:21:19,185 --> 01:21:20,185 Yes. 999 01:21:21,685 --> 01:21:23,980 And a pen pal's... 1000 01:21:24,418 --> 01:21:27,163 practically a friend. 1001 01:21:37,902 --> 01:21:40,029 John Ruth, 1002 01:21:40,149 --> 01:21:42,877 you really think a nigger drummed outta' the 1003 01:21:42,890 --> 01:21:45,570 calvary with a yellow stripe down his back, 1004 01:21:45,690 --> 01:21:49,412 was practically friends with the president of the United States of America? 1005 01:21:53,252 --> 01:21:58,002 John Ruth, I hate to be the one to break it to ya but nobody in Minnie's haberdashery, 1006 01:21:58,122 --> 01:22:01,219 had ever corresponded with Abraham Lincoln, 1007 01:22:01,338 --> 01:22:04,969 Least of all, that nigger there. 1008 01:22:14,583 --> 01:22:17,136 Was all that horseshit? 1009 01:22:19,837 --> 01:22:22,962 Course it was. 1010 01:22:47,837 --> 01:22:50,969 Well I guess it's true what they say about you people. 1011 01:22:53,597 --> 01:22:57,220 You can't trust a fuckin' word that comes outta' your mouth. 1012 01:22:58,418 --> 01:23:00,957 What's the matter, John Ruth? 1013 01:23:01,078 --> 01:23:03,341 I hurt your feelings? 1014 01:23:03,462 --> 01:23:06,873 As a matter of fact, you did. 1015 01:23:10,393 --> 01:23:12,016 I know, 1016 01:23:12,136 --> 01:23:16,979 I'm the only black son of a bitch you ever met, so I'm gonna' cut you some slack. 1017 01:23:17,099 --> 01:23:22,172 But you got no idea, what it's like being a black man facin' down America. 1018 01:23:22,961 --> 01:23:25,240 The only time black folks are safe, 1019 01:23:25,360 --> 01:23:28,850 is when white folks is disarmed. And this letter, 1020 01:23:28,970 --> 01:23:33,774 had the desired effect of disarming white folks. 1021 01:23:35,939 --> 01:23:37,886 Call it what you want, 1022 01:23:39,676 --> 01:23:42,810 I call it a dirty fuckin' trick. 1023 01:23:51,689 --> 01:23:55,492 You wanna' know why I'd lie about something like that, white man? 1024 01:24:01,073 --> 01:24:03,884 Got me on that stagecoach, didn't it. 1025 01:24:10,831 --> 01:24:13,730 Well I'll tell you like the lord tol' John, 1026 01:24:13,850 --> 01:24:18,074 a letter from Abraham Lincoln wouldn't have that kinda' effect on me. 1027 01:24:18,194 --> 01:24:21,684 - I might let a whore piss on it. - I spit on it. 1028 01:24:21,804 --> 01:24:24,480 Good for you, sister. 1029 01:24:40,140 --> 01:24:44,634 Warren goddammit, you leave that old man alone! 1030 01:24:44,753 --> 01:24:49,432 Stand down you son of a bitch, I shared a battle field with this man. 1031 01:24:49,552 --> 01:24:52,011 Or would you deny me that too? 1032 01:24:55,813 --> 01:24:58,559 I suppose you were there. 1033 01:24:59,462 --> 01:25:01,653 May I join you? 1034 01:25:05,301 --> 01:25:07,569 Yes you may. 1035 01:25:57,476 --> 01:25:58,597 Damn it. 1036 01:26:04,823 --> 01:26:05,854 So, 1037 01:26:06,137 --> 01:26:08,252 how's life since the war? 1038 01:26:13,664 --> 01:26:16,050 Got both my legs. 1039 01:26:16,170 --> 01:26:19,297 Got both my arms. 1040 01:26:19,724 --> 01:26:23,989 - I can't complain. - Got a woman? 1041 01:26:25,885 --> 01:26:29,235 Fever took her, started this last winter. 1042 01:26:30,112 --> 01:26:32,006 What was her name? 1043 01:26:32,779 --> 01:26:36,015 - Betsy. - Georgia girl? 1044 01:26:37,497 --> 01:26:39,251 Augusta. 1045 01:26:40,462 --> 01:26:43,619 Atlanta boy, and a Augusta girl. 1046 01:26:45,114 --> 01:26:47,938 I use to raise Kentucky horses. 1047 01:26:48,057 --> 01:26:53,132 Her pa was the owner of the breedershit where I brought of my ponies. 1048 01:26:55,402 --> 01:26:56,677 God dammit. 1049 01:26:57,180 --> 01:26:59,810 I made good deal on her. 1050 01:27:00,377 --> 01:27:04,192 Took the stake he gave me and bought a bunch of peach orchards. 1051 01:27:04,502 --> 01:27:06,577 Set myself up pretty well. 1052 01:27:07,104 --> 01:27:11,564 Did a helluva' lot better than my no good brothers, that's for damn sure. 1053 01:27:14,064 --> 01:27:17,662 Yeah, your boy came up here a few years back. 1054 01:27:17,970 --> 01:27:20,613 He spoke highly of his mama too. 1055 01:27:21,708 --> 01:27:24,651 You knew my boy? 1056 01:27:24,752 --> 01:27:26,289 Do i know him? 1057 01:27:26,914 --> 01:27:28,307 Yeah... 1058 01:27:29,751 --> 01:27:32,109 Yeah I knew him. 1059 01:27:32,229 --> 01:27:34,572 You did not know my boy. 1060 01:27:38,270 --> 01:27:40,926 Suit yourself. 1061 01:27:42,368 --> 01:27:45,475 Did ya know my son? 1062 01:27:45,733 --> 01:27:51,095 I know the day he died - do you? - No. 1063 01:27:51,215 --> 01:27:53,479 You wanna know what day that was? 1064 01:27:53,503 --> 01:27:55,503 Yes 1065 01:27:58,377 --> 01:28:03,301 The day he met me. 1066 01:28:18,664 --> 01:28:22,068 He came up here to do a little nigger head huntin'. 1067 01:28:22,188 --> 01:28:27,726 By then the reward was oh, five thousand and bragging rights. 1068 01:28:27,846 --> 01:28:32,676 But to battle hard rebs, five thousand just to cut off a niggers head, 1069 01:28:33,863 --> 01:28:36,711 now that's good money. 1070 01:28:36,831 --> 01:28:42,007 So the Johnny's climbed this mountain, lookin' for fortune. 1071 01:28:42,819 --> 01:28:46,145 But there was no fortune to be found. 1072 01:28:46,905 --> 01:28:50,592 All they found was me. 1073 01:28:52,385 --> 01:28:55,368 All them fellows came up here sang a different tune, 1074 01:28:55,488 --> 01:28:59,492 when they found themselves at the mercy of a nigger's gun, 1075 01:29:02,154 --> 01:29:06,988 "Let's just forget it. I go my way, you go yours" 1076 01:29:07,297 --> 01:29:11,667 - that's your boy Chester talkin' - You're a goddamn lie. 1077 01:29:11,787 --> 01:29:15,685 "If you just let me home to my family, I'll 1078 01:29:15,698 --> 01:29:19,787 swear, I'll never set foot in Wyoming again." 1079 01:29:21,862 --> 01:29:25,304 That's what they all said. 1080 01:29:27,365 --> 01:29:29,841 Beggin' for his life. 1081 01:29:29,961 --> 01:29:35,756 Your boy told me his whole life story. 1082 01:29:37,948 --> 01:29:41,827 And you was in that story, General. 1083 01:29:42,871 --> 01:29:46,983 And when I knew me I had the son 1084 01:29:47,103 --> 01:29:52,082 of the Bloody Nigger Killer of Baton Rouge... 1085 01:29:52,203 --> 01:29:57,359 - I knew me I was gonna' have some fun. - You shut your lyin' nigger lips up! 1086 01:29:57,479 --> 01:30:01,534 General Smithers, don't you listen to him, he didn't know your boy! 1087 01:30:01,654 --> 01:30:04,730 He just heard, tell why you here is all! 1088 01:30:04,850 --> 01:30:08,559 It was cold the day I killed your boy. 1089 01:30:08,679 --> 01:30:14,780 And I don't mean snowy mountain in Wyoming cold. It was colder than that. 1090 01:30:14,900 --> 01:30:17,207 And on that cold day, 1091 01:30:17,328 --> 01:30:22,055 with your boy at the business end of my gun barrel... 1092 01:30:22,175 --> 01:30:24,413 I made him strip. 1093 01:30:24,533 --> 01:30:28,886 Right down to his bare ass. 1094 01:30:30,136 --> 01:30:33,551 Then I told him to start walkin'. 1095 01:31:01,533 --> 01:31:06,199 I walked his naked ass for two hours, 'fore his cold collapsed him. 1096 01:31:08,480 --> 01:31:12,541 - You never even knew my boy? - No he didn't! 1097 01:31:12,661 --> 01:31:17,113 He's just a sneaky nigger tryin' to getcha to go for that gun! 1098 01:31:17,233 --> 01:31:20,686 Then he commits to begging again. 1099 01:31:20,806 --> 01:31:25,198 But this time he wasn't begging to go home. 1100 01:31:25,507 --> 01:31:30,238 He knew he'd never see his home again. And he wasn't beggin' for his life neither. 1101 01:31:30,358 --> 01:31:33,886 'Cause he knew that was long gone. 1102 01:31:34,006 --> 01:31:39,622 All he wanted... was a blanket. 1103 01:31:39,742 --> 01:31:43,485 Now don't judge your boy too harshly, General. 1104 01:31:43,497 --> 01:31:47,033 You ain't never been cold as your boy was that day. 1105 01:31:48,838 --> 01:31:56,481 You'd be surprised what a man that cold, would do for a blanket. 1106 01:31:57,963 --> 01:32:00,529 Wanna know what your boy did? 1107 01:32:02,680 --> 01:32:07,668 I took my big, black, pecker outta' my pants. 1108 01:32:08,725 --> 01:32:13,921 And I made him crawl through the snow on all fours over to it. 1109 01:32:22,363 --> 01:32:27,506 Then I grabbed a hand full of that black hair on the back his head... 1110 01:32:29,310 --> 01:32:37,146 Then I stuck my big, black Johnson right down his goddamn throat. 1111 01:32:38,164 --> 01:32:40,988 And it was fulla' blood, so it was warm. 1112 01:32:42,367 --> 01:32:46,427 You bet your sweet ass it was warm. 1113 01:32:46,547 --> 01:32:50,037 And Chester Charles Smithers, 1114 01:32:50,157 --> 01:32:56,738 sucked on that warm black dingus for long as he could. 1115 01:33:07,899 --> 01:33:10,246 Starting to see pictures, ain't ya? 1116 01:33:10,365 --> 01:33:12,064 Your boy... 1117 01:33:12,184 --> 01:33:14,448 black dudes dingus in his mouth. 1118 01:33:14,568 --> 01:33:18,109 Him shakin', him cryin' 1119 01:33:18,229 --> 01:33:21,886 me laughin' 1120 01:33:23,652 --> 01:33:27,002 and him not understandin' 1121 01:33:29,078 --> 01:33:32,029 But you understand, dontcha Sandy? 1122 01:33:32,149 --> 01:33:35,020 I never did give your boy that blanket. 1123 01:33:35,278 --> 01:33:42,519 Even after all he did, and he did everything I asked. 1124 01:33:43,875 --> 01:33:45,228 No blanket. 1125 01:33:46,671 --> 01:33:50,680 That blanket was just a heart breakin' liar's promise. 1126 01:33:50,801 --> 01:33:54,470 Kinda' like those uniforms the union issued those colored troopers, 1127 01:33:54,590 --> 01:33:58,310 that you chose not to acknowledge. 1128 01:34:04,626 --> 01:34:07,113 So what you gonna' do old man? 1129 01:34:08,646 --> 01:34:11,844 You gonna' spend the next two or three days, 1130 01:34:11,963 --> 01:34:16,015 ignore the nigger that killed your boy, 1131 01:34:16,136 --> 01:34:20,217 Ignoring how I made him suffer? 1132 01:34:20,337 --> 01:34:23,520 Ignoring how I made him... 1133 01:34:23,997 --> 01:34:28,753 lick, all over my Johnson? 1134 01:34:30,003 --> 01:34:33,755 The dumbest thing your boy ever did... 1135 01:34:33,875 --> 01:34:39,155 was to let me know... he was your boy. 1136 01:35:07,228 --> 01:35:12,667 Chapter Four Domergue's Got a Secret 1137 01:35:19,828 --> 01:35:23,853 About fifteen minutes has passed, since we last left our characters. 1138 01:35:24,444 --> 01:35:28,461 Joe Gag volunteered to take Smithers dead body outside. 1139 01:35:28,581 --> 01:35:31,426 Straws we drawn to see who would help him... 1140 01:35:31,546 --> 01:35:34,506 O.B. lost. 1141 01:35:34,626 --> 01:35:35,845 Chris, John Ruth and Oswaldo, 1142 01:35:35,966 --> 01:35:41,421 had vigorous debate about the legality of self-defense murder they just transpired. 1143 01:35:41,542 --> 01:35:44,216 Major Marquis Warren who is supremely confident about the 1144 01:35:44,228 --> 01:35:46,654 legality of what just transpired, ignored them 1145 01:35:46,774 --> 01:35:49,894 sat at a table by himself and drank brandy. 1146 01:35:52,623 --> 01:35:55,279 Captain Chris Mannix donned the dead Generals coat and 1147 01:35:55,292 --> 01:35:57,960 joined Oswaldo in lighting the candles and lanterns. 1148 01:35:58,079 --> 01:36:02,131 Hey Ozzy, hey you got the right idea. 1149 01:36:02,251 --> 01:36:04,707 Let's light this place up. 1150 01:36:04,828 --> 01:36:09,371 John Ruth held the door close, waiting for Joe Gage and O.B. to return. 1151 01:36:13,931 --> 01:36:17,476 Bob enjoyed a manzana roja. 1152 01:36:22,693 --> 01:36:24,686 Domergue, however, 1153 01:36:24,806 --> 01:36:28,916 hasn't moved from her spot at the community dinner table since John Ruth uncuffed her. 1154 01:36:29,036 --> 01:36:30,154 John Ruth... 1155 01:36:31,533 --> 01:36:32,614 Yeah? 1156 01:36:33,648 --> 01:36:35,863 Can I play that guitar over there? 1157 01:36:36,609 --> 01:36:38,091 Let's go back a bit. 1158 01:36:38,644 --> 01:36:42,350 Your boy, black dudes dingus in his mouth. 1159 01:36:42,470 --> 01:36:47,425 Fifteen minutes ago Major Warren shot General Smithers in front of everybody. 1160 01:36:47,545 --> 01:36:50,930 But fourteen seconds before that, something equally 1161 01:36:50,943 --> 01:36:54,273 as important happened, but not everybody saw it. 1162 01:36:54,393 --> 01:36:57,159 While Major Warren was captivating the crowd 1163 01:36:57,171 --> 01:37:00,011 with tales of black dicks and white mouths... 1164 01:37:00,131 --> 01:37:04,220 somebody... poisoned the coffee. 1165 01:37:04,341 --> 01:37:09,100 He did everything I asked, no blanket. 1166 01:37:10,545 --> 01:37:13,793 And the only one to see 'em do it... 1167 01:37:17,734 --> 01:37:19,698 was Domergue. 1168 01:37:24,542 --> 01:37:27,966 That's why this chapter is called... 1169 01:37:28,086 --> 01:37:30,663 Domergue's Got a Secret. 1170 01:37:33,384 --> 01:37:35,305 John Ruth. 1171 01:37:35,860 --> 01:37:37,190 Yeah. 1172 01:37:37,956 --> 01:37:40,686 Can I play that guitar over there? 1173 01:37:46,313 --> 01:37:47,345 Yeah. 1174 01:37:53,684 --> 01:37:56,583 You come back with anything else but a guitar. 1175 01:37:56,703 --> 01:37:59,363 My pistol plays a tune. 1176 01:37:59,483 --> 01:38:03,451 Domergues death march, you got it? 1177 01:38:03,570 --> 01:38:07,359 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it. 1178 01:41:02,731 --> 01:41:07,088 That's the one you like to sing in the stagecoach, huh? 1179 01:41:07,208 --> 01:41:08,377 Yeah. 1180 01:41:08,497 --> 01:41:10,658 It's kinda' pretty. 1181 01:41:11,328 --> 01:41:14,783 - Got another verse to it? - Yeah I got. 1182 01:41:17,784 --> 01:41:19,623 Go ahead, sing it. 1183 01:42:06,658 --> 01:42:08,804 Gimme that guitar! 1184 01:42:11,568 --> 01:42:13,354 Music time's over! 1185 01:42:17,988 --> 01:42:19,813 Turn around. 1186 01:42:27,235 --> 01:42:30,760 - No, no, no, no, no. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up! 1187 01:44:15,708 --> 01:44:19,314 When you get to hell, John. 1188 01:44:19,435 --> 01:44:21,971 Tell 'em Daisy sent ya. 1189 01:44:35,024 --> 01:44:37,882 Mannix the coffee! 1190 01:45:32,059 --> 01:45:33,529 Oh my god! 1191 01:45:37,215 --> 01:45:39,349 Gimme that fucking gun! 1192 01:45:40,194 --> 01:45:42,854 Don't test me, bitch. 1193 01:45:45,573 --> 01:45:50,850 Everybody get your back sides up against that back wall over yonder. 1194 01:45:50,970 --> 01:45:53,488 Goddammit- 1195 01:45:53,608 --> 01:45:56,467 Get or don't get, Joe Gage. It's up to you. 1196 01:45:56,587 --> 01:45:58,920 - I'll get. - Then get. 1197 01:46:11,463 --> 01:46:13,908 You too, Senor Bob. 1198 01:46:18,914 --> 01:46:22,096 Everybody turn around and put your hands on that wall. 1199 01:46:25,984 --> 01:46:28,260 Move 'em down snowshoes. 1200 01:46:49,166 --> 01:46:53,194 Everybody keep your mouth shut and do like I say. 1201 01:46:53,314 --> 01:46:56,617 You open your mouth; you gonna' get a bullet. 1202 01:46:56,737 --> 01:47:01,894 You move a little sudden, a little strange; you gonna' get a bullet. 1203 01:47:02,014 --> 01:47:06,264 Not a warning, not a question; a bullet. 1204 01:47:06,384 --> 01:47:08,661 You got that? 1205 01:47:08,780 --> 01:47:10,876 - Let me hear you say, "I got it". - "I got it". 1206 01:47:10,996 --> 01:47:14,336 - "I got it" - "I got it". - We have it. 1207 01:47:15,890 --> 01:47:19,576 Chris Mannix, come over here on this side. 1208 01:47:19,695 --> 01:47:21,389 Come on. 1209 01:47:26,686 --> 01:47:29,222 Take this gun out of my holster. 1210 01:47:39,112 --> 01:47:40,863 Point it at them. 1211 01:47:43,164 --> 01:47:48,988 Like I said, anybody does anything. And I mean, anything. 1212 01:47:50,470 --> 01:47:51,556 Kill 'em. 1213 01:47:55,484 --> 01:47:57,349 So... 1214 01:47:57,469 --> 01:48:03,137 you finally decided I'm tellin' the truth 'bout bein' the sheriff of Red Rock, huh? 1215 01:48:03,257 --> 01:48:05,353 I don't know 'bout all that. 1216 01:48:05,472 --> 01:48:08,345 But you ain't the killer who poisoned that coffee. 1217 01:48:08,356 --> 01:48:10,952 'cos you almost drunk it your own damn self. 1218 01:48:11,072 --> 01:48:14,255 But one of 'em is. 1219 01:48:20,456 --> 01:48:21,676 Gimme the key. 1220 01:48:21,796 --> 01:48:23,801 Gimme the key! 1221 01:48:35,802 --> 01:48:39,086 You motherfucking black bastard! 1222 01:48:39,206 --> 01:48:44,065 You're gonna' die on this mountain and I'm gonna' fucking laugh when you do! 1223 01:48:46,274 --> 01:48:47,811 What I say 'bout talkin? 1224 01:48:48,921 --> 01:48:51,009 'Meant it, didn't I? 1225 01:48:52,118 --> 01:48:55,716 And you need to understand, you just killed the only 1226 01:48:55,728 --> 01:48:59,337 man here, committed to gettin' you to Red Rock alive. 1227 01:49:05,065 --> 01:49:10,221 Now, one of y'all... is workin' with her. 1228 01:49:10,341 --> 01:49:13,162 Or two of y'all is workin' with her. 1229 01:49:13,282 --> 01:49:15,471 Or all y'all is... 1230 01:49:18,078 --> 01:49:21,145 but only one of you poisoned the coffee. 1231 01:49:24,984 --> 01:49:31,006 So what charms this bitch got, take a man brave a blizzard, 1232 01:49:31,126 --> 01:49:38,246 kill in cold blood, I'm sure I don't know. 1233 01:49:40,471 --> 01:49:43,755 But John Ruth's trying to hang your woman, 1234 01:49:43,875 --> 01:49:49,694 so you kill him... okay - maybe. 1235 01:49:49,814 --> 01:49:52,817 But O.B. wasn't hangin' nobody. 1236 01:49:52,936 --> 01:49:54,292 He damn sure would. 1237 01:49:54,412 --> 01:49:56,622 But he sure enough led over there dead now, though, ain't he? 1238 01:49:56,743 --> 01:49:59,052 He damn sure is you sons of bitches. 1239 01:49:59,064 --> 01:50:02,041 Just like any one of us who'd drank that coffee. 1240 01:50:02,161 --> 01:50:05,465 Like me god dammit. 1241 01:50:05,585 --> 01:50:09,021 Now those of y'all with your hands on the wall 1242 01:50:09,033 --> 01:50:12,777 don't practice in poison need to think about that. 1243 01:50:12,896 --> 01:50:17,126 Think about how that coulda' you been you rollin' around on this floor. 1244 01:50:17,246 --> 01:50:20,751 And about the men standin' next ta' ya would be responsible. 1245 01:50:20,871 --> 01:50:28,302 And I know who I got my money on. Yeah that's right Joe Gage I'm lookin' at you. 1246 01:50:29,692 --> 01:50:34,323 Not so fast Chris. We'll get there. 1247 01:50:34,444 --> 01:50:37,527 Let's slow it down. 1248 01:50:37,646 --> 01:50:40,627 Let's slow it way down. 1249 01:50:45,824 --> 01:50:47,918 Who made the coffee? 1250 01:50:48,038 --> 01:50:49,587 He did. 1251 01:50:51,363 --> 01:50:55,773 - Yeah, he did, didn't he? - Yeah, he did, didn't he? 1252 01:50:55,893 --> 01:51:00,707 But it's the stew that's got me thinking. 1253 01:51:00,827 --> 01:51:03,770 How long you say Minnie been gone? 1254 01:51:03,890 --> 01:51:05,780 A week? 1255 01:51:06,367 --> 01:51:08,360 Si. 1256 01:51:08,480 --> 01:51:13,577 See, my mama used to make stew. 1257 01:51:13,697 --> 01:51:17,182 And it always tasted the same, no matter the meat. 1258 01:51:17,302 --> 01:51:20,465 And there was another fellow on the plantation, Uncle Charlie. 1259 01:51:20,585 --> 01:51:24,150 He made stew too and like my mama's. 1260 01:51:24,270 --> 01:51:28,439 I ate his stew from the time I was a whipper, 1261 01:51:28,560 --> 01:51:32,166 to I was a full grown man. 1262 01:51:32,286 --> 01:51:37,945 And no matter the meat, it always tasted like Uncle Charlie's stew. 1263 01:51:38,065 --> 01:51:43,805 Now I ain't had Minnie's stew in six months, so I ain't no expert, but that, 1264 01:51:43,926 --> 01:51:49,104 damn sure is Minnie's stew. 1265 01:51:49,224 --> 01:51:54,097 So if Minnie's on the north side visiting her mama for a week, 1266 01:51:54,217 --> 01:51:58,751 how'd she make the stew this morning? 1267 01:52:01,368 --> 01:52:03,421 And this? 1268 01:52:03,725 --> 01:52:08,014 This... is Sweet Dave's chair. 1269 01:52:08,134 --> 01:52:11,679 When I sat in it earlier, I couldn't believe it. 1270 01:52:11,798 --> 01:52:14,780 Nobody sits in Sweet Dave's chair. 1271 01:52:14,900 --> 01:52:20,338 This may be Minnie's place, but this is damn sure, 1272 01:52:20,458 --> 01:52:23,762 Sweet Dave's chair. 1273 01:52:24,689 --> 01:52:29,543 And if... he went to the north side... 1274 01:52:29,845 --> 01:52:37,055 I'm pretty goddamn sure that chair's be going with him. 1275 01:52:39,109 --> 01:52:41,083 What's in the chair? 1276 01:52:41,203 --> 01:52:43,581 Just what I thought. 1277 01:52:43,701 --> 01:52:46,984 Sweet Dave's goddamn blood. 1278 01:52:52,242 --> 01:52:53,993 So... 1279 01:52:54,113 --> 01:52:57,618 are you actually accusing me of murder? 1280 01:53:00,216 --> 01:53:03,157 The way I see it, señor Bob, 1281 01:53:03,277 --> 01:53:06,520 is whoever is workin' with her, 1282 01:53:06,640 --> 01:53:11,072 ain't who they say they is. And if it's you, 1283 01:53:11,192 --> 01:53:15,140 that means Minnie and her man ain't at her mama's. 1284 01:53:15,260 --> 01:53:18,845 They're lyin' out back there dead somewhere. 1285 01:53:18,966 --> 01:53:21,141 Or if it's you little British man, 1286 01:53:21,261 --> 01:53:24,068 the real Oswaldo Mobray is lyin' in a ditch somewhere. And 1287 01:53:24,079 --> 01:53:26,659 you're just an English fellow passin' off his papers. 1288 01:53:26,779 --> 01:53:32,743 Or we go by my theory, which is the ugliest guy did it. 1289 01:53:32,863 --> 01:53:36,247 Which makes it you, Joe Gage. 1290 01:53:36,367 --> 01:53:39,842 So I take it you've deduced the coffee was 1291 01:53:39,854 --> 01:53:43,759 poisoned while you were murdering the old man? 1292 01:53:43,878 --> 01:53:45,570 Yes. 1293 01:53:45,690 --> 01:53:50,283 Well, mi negro amigo, during that whole incident... 1294 01:53:50,404 --> 01:53:55,096 I was sitting on that side of the room. Playing Silent Night on the piano. 1295 01:53:55,216 --> 01:54:01,783 I didn't say you poisoned the coffee. I said you didn't make the stew. 1296 01:54:02,729 --> 01:54:05,770 My theory is... 1297 01:54:05,890 --> 01:54:10,926 you're working with the man who poisoned the coffee. 1298 01:54:11,046 --> 01:54:13,533 And both of y'all murdered Minnie, 1299 01:54:13,654 --> 01:54:16,652 Sweet Dave and whoever else picked this bad luck 1300 01:54:16,663 --> 01:54:19,445 day to visit Minnie's haberdashery this morning. 1301 01:54:19,565 --> 01:54:27,565 And at some point, y'all intented to bushwhack John Ruth and free Daisy. 1302 01:54:29,051 --> 01:54:37,051 But you didn't count on the blizzard and you didn't count on the two of us. 1303 01:54:39,384 --> 01:54:41,881 That's as far as I got. How am I doin'? 1304 01:54:45,042 --> 01:54:49,895 You're a real imaginative nigger, ain't you? 1305 01:54:50,015 --> 01:54:55,574 So, do you intend to murder me based on a far-fetched nigger theory? 1306 01:54:55,694 --> 01:54:57,065 Or can you prove it, cabron? 1307 01:54:59,563 --> 01:55:04,234 It ain't so far-fetched, señor Bob. 1308 01:55:04,354 --> 01:55:08,605 And it's a little bit more than my theory. 1309 01:55:12,088 --> 01:55:14,948 How long you say you been working for Minnie? 1310 01:55:15,069 --> 01:55:18,150 Four months. 1311 01:55:18,533 --> 01:55:21,563 If you would have been here two and half years ago 1312 01:55:21,574 --> 01:55:24,676 you'd know about that sign used to hang above the bar. 1313 01:55:24,978 --> 01:55:30,677 - Minnie mentioned that to you? - No. 1314 01:55:31,161 --> 01:55:34,685 You know what that sign said, señor Bob? 1315 01:55:35,792 --> 01:55:39,277 "No dogs or Mexicans allowed" 1316 01:55:43,345 --> 01:55:46,898 Minnie hung that sign up the day she opened this haberdashery. 1317 01:55:47,018 --> 01:55:50,007 And it hung over that bar every day till she 1318 01:55:50,020 --> 01:55:52,689 took it down, a little over two years ago. 1319 01:55:55,467 --> 01:55:58,408 You know why she took it down? 1320 01:55:58,529 --> 01:56:01,067 She started lettin' in dogs. 1321 01:56:04,652 --> 01:56:12,652 Now Minnie likes just about everybody, but she sure don't like Mexicans. 1322 01:56:13,230 --> 01:56:18,609 So when you tell me, Minnie went to the north side to visit her mama? 1323 01:56:18,729 --> 01:56:24,934 Well I find that highly unlikely... but okay - maybe. 1324 01:56:25,235 --> 01:56:29,375 But when you tell me Minnie Mink took the haberdashery, 1325 01:56:29,386 --> 01:56:33,235 the most precious thing to her in the whole world, 1326 01:56:35,747 --> 01:56:40,783 and left it in hands of a goddamn Mexican? 1327 01:56:40,903 --> 01:56:47,087 Well that's what I meant in the barn when I said: "That sure don't sound like Minnie". 1328 01:56:47,207 --> 01:56:53,652 Now I am calling you a liar, señor Bob. 1329 01:56:53,771 --> 01:56:58,787 And if you're lyin', which you are, 1330 01:56:58,907 --> 01:57:03,443 then you killed Minnie and Sweet Dave. 1331 01:57:21,122 --> 01:57:26,418 Four measly bullets and there goes señor Bob. 1332 01:57:27,728 --> 01:57:30,970 That still don't get us no closer... 1333 01:57:31,091 --> 01:57:34,189 to which one of y'all poisoned the coffee, though. 1334 01:57:34,310 --> 01:57:37,657 - Does it Chris? - No it sure don't. 1335 01:57:43,476 --> 01:57:47,725 Now one of y'all poisoned this coffee, to free Daisy. 1336 01:57:47,845 --> 01:57:50,396 If I don't hear a confession from one of you 1337 01:57:50,408 --> 01:57:52,801 motherfuckers quick, fast and in a hurry, 1338 01:57:52,921 --> 01:57:58,319 I'm gonna' pull this whole pot of coffee, down that bitches goddamn throat. 1339 01:57:59,426 --> 01:58:02,789 Okay, time's up. 1340 01:58:02,909 --> 01:58:08,811 Stop! Alright I did it, it was me I poisoned the coffee. 1341 01:58:08,931 --> 01:58:12,094 I fuckin' knew it! 1342 01:58:13,604 --> 01:58:16,043 You gonna' die now you murderin' bastard. 1343 01:58:16,163 --> 01:58:21,417 Major Warren please let me sent this ugly son of a bitch to hell. 1344 01:58:21,537 --> 01:58:26,554 You killed O.B. he's worth ten of you! Warren can I kill him? 1345 01:58:26,673 --> 01:58:28,809 Say adios to your huevos. 1346 01:58:35,670 --> 01:58:39,502 Major Warren? 1347 01:58:56,359 --> 01:59:01,534 I ain't got no gun, sheriff. 1348 01:59:33,456 --> 01:59:41,456 Chapter Five The Four Passengers 1349 01:59:59,779 --> 02:00:03,384 Earlier That Morning. 1350 02:01:55,391 --> 02:01:59,420 - Hey Charlie my boy, how the hell are you? - Hi ya Ed, hi ya= Judy- 1351 02:02:03,101 --> 02:02:05,807 - How many ya got? - Full house today, friend. 1352 02:02:05,927 --> 02:02:06,930 We got on in there waiting. 1353 02:02:06,942 --> 02:02:09,387 Well he's gonna' havta keep on waitin' cause we ain't got no room. 1354 02:02:09,507 --> 02:02:11,731 Well you need to tell Minnie. Cause he's been 1355 02:02:11,743 --> 02:02:14,028 here two days and Minnie wants him outta here. 1356 02:02:14,148 --> 02:02:16,426 Well I can't give him a seat I don't have - 1357 02:02:16,546 --> 02:02:19,895 Listen why don't you take the passengers inside, introduce them to Minnie. 1358 02:02:20,015 --> 02:02:22,537 - Warm yourself up and drink some coffee. - Okay. 1359 02:02:28,554 --> 02:02:31,475 Here we are everybody, Minnie's haberdashery. 1360 02:02:31,595 --> 02:02:33,471 Step outside you and your friends can stretch your legs. 1361 02:02:33,484 --> 02:02:35,372 When you're ready, step on inside, 1362 02:02:35,492 --> 02:02:40,372 get warm by the fire, get some coffee in you. I'll introduce you to Minnie. 1363 02:02:42,527 --> 02:02:44,818 Hi Minnie! 1364 02:03:04,037 --> 02:03:06,186 I'm not trying to tell you how to run your business. 1365 02:03:06,306 --> 02:03:09,212 But I would think coffee would be the first thing you'd make. 1366 02:03:09,332 --> 02:03:12,002 - Come on in everybody, don't be shy. - Hats! 1367 02:03:12,122 --> 02:03:15,329 Everybody, this is Minnie, and this is her place. 1368 02:03:15,449 --> 02:03:18,350 Behind me pluckin' that chicken is Gemma. 1369 02:03:19,295 --> 02:03:21,340 Lovely smile, that Gemma. 1370 02:03:21,460 --> 02:03:23,681 Now the fellow in the uniform I don't know but 1371 02:03:23,694 --> 02:03:25,927 the one he's playing chess with is Sweet Dave. 1372 02:03:26,047 --> 02:03:29,351 - Hi ya Dave. - Hey Judy. 1373 02:03:29,471 --> 02:03:32,271 And Minnie, these are the passengers. 1374 02:03:32,391 --> 02:03:34,814 Well that's not good enough. 1375 02:03:34,935 --> 02:03:38,893 Go take away them rags, let's see some faces let's hear some names. 1376 02:03:39,012 --> 02:03:41,787 Oswaldo Mobray, madame. 1377 02:03:41,908 --> 02:03:43,323 Joe Gage. 1378 02:03:43,444 --> 02:03:44,909 Bob. 1379 02:03:45,029 --> 02:03:46,722 And I'm Jody. 1380 02:03:46,842 --> 02:03:49,301 It's a pleasant surprise to find such a warm 1381 02:03:49,313 --> 02:03:51,783 sanctuary in the middle of such a cold hell. 1382 02:03:51,903 --> 02:03:55,659 Well make yourself comfortable. Get warm by the fire. 1383 02:03:55,779 --> 02:03:58,760 We're just gonna' go warm ourselves by the stove, if that's all right? 1384 02:03:58,880 --> 02:04:01,676 Stove, fireplace, whatever. Just get warm. 1385 02:04:01,796 --> 02:04:04,963 Oh, and Judy said something about the best coffee in the world? 1386 02:04:05,083 --> 02:04:09,279 Yes I do believe Judy did say something about the best coffee in the world. 1387 02:04:09,399 --> 02:04:12,445 Well I don't know 'bout all that. But I'll tell ya what it is. 1388 02:04:12,565 --> 02:04:14,911 It's hot and it's strong and it's good. 1389 02:04:14,922 --> 02:04:17,386 And in this snow it sure 'nuff warms your ass up. 1390 02:04:17,506 --> 02:04:19,855 You don't need to sell it, Minnie, you need make it. 1391 02:04:19,975 --> 02:04:21,672 And you need to get your ass out there and 1392 02:04:21,685 --> 02:04:23,552 help Charlie with them bags and get Ed in here. 1393 02:04:23,672 --> 02:04:28,114 - Yes, ma'am - but fix the coffee. - I'll fix you! 1394 02:04:30,319 --> 02:04:31,564 I don't know some old man. 1395 02:04:31,577 --> 02:04:34,002 Well I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it. 1396 02:04:34,122 --> 02:04:36,153 I'm just tellin' you what she said. 1397 02:04:36,273 --> 02:04:40,671 Anyway she sent me out here to help Charlie, she wants to talk to you. 1398 02:04:40,792 --> 02:04:44,422 - Charlie you get a hold on it, son ? - Got 'em, Ed. 1399 02:05:00,283 --> 02:05:03,731 Miss Minnie? Would you roll me a cigarette? 1400 02:05:03,851 --> 02:05:07,483 Sure honey, I smoke Red Apple Tobacco, that all right? 1401 02:05:07,603 --> 02:05:09,724 It's my favorite. 1402 02:05:12,769 --> 02:05:17,930 Don't mind me gentlemen, I'm just watching. 1403 02:05:18,332 --> 02:05:19,969 You play? 1404 02:05:20,909 --> 02:05:25,305 You know, I must have had at least twelve people, 1405 02:05:25,426 --> 02:05:32,128 teach me that goddamn game. Just never could keep the moves in my head. 1406 02:05:32,248 --> 02:05:35,694 But if I'm not disturbing, I like to watch. 1407 02:05:35,814 --> 02:05:39,153 Hell no. I like whippin' this old man's ass in front of an audience, 1408 02:05:39,273 --> 02:05:41,340 You ain't whippin' shit. 1409 02:05:42,976 --> 02:05:45,798 Merci beaucoup, Mademoiselle Minnie. 1410 02:05:45,918 --> 02:05:50,255 - Oh that's real nice, what is that? - It's french. 1411 02:05:50,375 --> 02:05:53,251 - You speak french? - Oui 1412 02:05:53,371 --> 02:05:57,229 - Oui - what is that mean? - It means yes. 1413 02:05:57,349 --> 02:06:00,274 Oui - Yes. 1414 02:06:00,395 --> 02:06:04,780 - Hey Dave, ask me if my ass is fat. - What? 1415 02:06:04,900 --> 02:06:08,154 - Ask me if my ass is fat? - It is. 1416 02:06:08,506 --> 02:06:11,050 - I said ask me! - Why? 1417 02:06:11,170 --> 02:06:14,916 - Just do it! - Is your ass fat? 1418 02:06:15,036 --> 02:06:19,479 Oui, look at that y'all I can speak French. 1419 02:06:56,694 --> 02:07:01,628 Are you the jelly bean salesman around here? 1420 02:07:01,748 --> 02:07:04,252 How many peppermint sticks I get for a nickel? 1421 02:07:04,265 --> 02:07:05,103 Five. 1422 02:07:05,222 --> 02:07:06,844 All right. 1423 02:07:11,094 --> 02:07:12,759 - Here. - Thank you sugar. 1424 02:07:12,878 --> 02:07:14,717 Okay. 1425 02:07:22,145 --> 02:07:25,368 Allow me to assist you, madam. 1426 02:07:46,162 --> 02:07:48,377 I brought in your bags in case anybody wants 1427 02:07:48,389 --> 02:07:50,368 to change your clothes before Red Rock. 1428 02:08:00,161 --> 02:08:02,699 Peppermint stick? 1429 02:08:07,210 --> 02:08:08,871 Thanks. 1430 02:08:12,220 --> 02:08:16,725 So why do they call you Six Horse Judy anyway? 1431 02:08:16,845 --> 02:08:20,426 Cause I'm the only Judy you've ever seen that could drive a six horse team? 1432 02:08:20,546 --> 02:08:25,439 Hell yeah, kinda of a stupid question. 1433 02:08:28,444 --> 02:08:35,869 - Could you holding this for me? - Rock steady, madam. Rock steady. 1434 02:08:37,846 --> 02:08:42,908 You gotta' very sweet accent, where that from, England? 1435 02:08:43,028 --> 02:08:47,212 - I take exception to that! - New Zealand. 1436 02:08:47,332 --> 02:08:52,699 - Careful, madame. - Is it anywhere near Old Zealand? 1437 02:09:13,972 --> 02:09:16,976 Auckland, what the fuck's an Auckland? 1438 02:09:16,988 --> 02:09:20,292 It's where I'm from, it's our biggest city. 1439 02:09:23,412 --> 02:09:28,145 - Coffee's ready! - It's about damn time. 1440 02:09:28,265 --> 02:09:32,121 - Best coffee on the mountain. - I'll don't know 'bout all that. 1441 02:09:32,240 --> 02:09:36,636 Stagecoach drivers like it. Passengers, not so much. 1442 02:09:36,756 --> 02:09:38,969 Most find it a mite too strong. 1443 02:09:38,980 --> 02:09:42,319 Can't be too strong on this mountain, thank you. 1444 02:09:47,304 --> 02:09:51,206 Well, what'd ya think? 1445 02:10:16,884 --> 02:10:17,884 Shit! 1446 02:10:52,224 --> 02:10:56,761 He adds something, not much, but something. 1447 02:10:57,139 --> 02:10:58,876 What do you think, Pete? 1448 02:11:02,703 --> 02:11:07,411 Well I must admit, he does make the set up more convincing. 1449 02:11:13,609 --> 02:11:17,786 Do we collect the bodies and chuck 'em in the well out there? 1450 02:11:18,108 --> 02:11:21,256 And then start unhitching the horses and get 'em in the barn and get 'em fed. 1451 02:11:21,377 --> 02:11:25,284 Well hang on, but puttin' the horses away that's easy enough. 1452 02:11:25,404 --> 02:11:28,859 But dragging these fat bastards up and down the mountain that's fucking impossible, mate. 1453 02:13:09,331 --> 02:13:12,511 Look I just started working here. 1454 02:13:12,631 --> 02:13:14,970 Whatever Minnie to make y'all mad. 1455 02:13:15,936 --> 02:13:17,930 I had nothing to do with it. 1456 02:13:29,934 --> 02:13:33,658 Well old man, 1457 02:13:34,222 --> 02:13:41,070 if you was a cat what just happened here 1458 02:13:41,190 --> 02:13:45,341 would count as one of your nine lives. 1459 02:13:45,844 --> 02:13:50,295 You realize how close you came to being tossed on a pile of niggers? 1460 02:13:50,414 --> 02:13:55,792 - Yes. And when it comes to that pile of niggers we building out back, 1461 02:13:55,912 --> 02:14:00,021 won't take nothin' to make you General of it. You believe that? 1462 02:14:00,141 --> 02:14:05,903 - I expect no less. - Not so fast old man. 1463 02:14:06,023 --> 02:14:10,515 You might have a way out of this yet. 1464 02:14:11,079 --> 02:14:14,483 Later today, 1465 02:14:14,603 --> 02:14:20,847 dirty son of a gun's gonna come in here. 1466 02:14:25,216 --> 02:14:28,096 And he's gonna have my sister with him, 1467 02:14:28,216 --> 02:14:32,426 and he's gonna have her in chains. 1468 02:14:34,963 --> 02:14:38,729 He's taking her into Red Rock to be hung. 1469 02:14:48,377 --> 02:14:51,317 - You know why? - No. 1470 02:14:56,149 --> 02:14:59,353 Ten thousand dollars. 1471 02:15:00,219 --> 02:15:01,750 That's why. 1472 02:15:03,421 --> 02:15:05,073 And when he gets here. 1473 02:15:05,858 --> 02:15:09,905 I'm gonna' kill that fellow and turn my sister loose. 1474 02:15:10,025 --> 02:15:13,962 Now do you have any reason why you'd wanna interfere 1475 02:15:13,974 --> 02:15:17,418 with me saving my sister from a hangman's rope? 1476 02:15:17,538 --> 02:15:19,426 - No. - You don't. 1477 02:15:19,546 --> 02:15:21,868 - No I don't. - You sure you don't. 1478 02:15:21,988 --> 02:15:26,219 I mean we did just kill Minnie and Sweet Dave. 1479 02:15:26,560 --> 02:15:29,440 You and Sweet Dave seemed pretty chummy over here. 1480 02:15:29,560 --> 02:15:34,778 I just met these people. I don't give a damn about them, or you, or your sister, 1481 02:15:34,898 --> 02:15:39,108 or any other son of a bitch in Wyoming for that matter. 1482 02:15:39,228 --> 02:15:43,519 That is a good answer, old man. 1483 02:15:44,586 --> 02:15:46,520 So when they get here, 1484 02:15:46,640 --> 02:15:52,279 you just sit your ass in this chair. And you don't do nothin'. 1485 02:15:52,399 --> 02:15:58,743 You don't say nothin'. Hello, thank you, good night, that's about it. 1486 02:15:58,863 --> 02:16:03,054 Maybe your name, but that's it. 1487 02:16:03,173 --> 02:16:08,168 Hello, thank you, good night and... 1488 02:16:08,288 --> 02:16:10,747 - Maybe your name. - Maybe my name. 1489 02:16:10,867 --> 02:16:16,648 Be an old man, be dotty. Go to sleep. 1490 02:16:16,768 --> 02:16:20,208 And don't you say nothin' and I mean nothin' 1491 02:16:20,220 --> 02:16:23,597 to that bounty hunter that's got my sister. 1492 02:16:23,717 --> 02:16:26,990 - Do you understand? - Yes. 1493 02:16:29,154 --> 02:16:35,981 When it's safe I kill him, free my sister and leave you be. 1494 02:16:38,400 --> 02:16:39,426 Deal? 1495 02:16:43,797 --> 02:16:47,281 Deal, thank you. 1496 02:16:48,893 --> 02:16:55,438 During the next four hours, Jody and the boys chuck the bodies down the well. 1497 02:16:56,122 --> 02:16:59,164 Put away the horses. 1498 02:17:00,393 --> 02:17:03,393 Tidied around Minnie's. 1499 02:17:04,763 --> 02:17:07,944 Stash weapons for further use. 1500 02:17:11,308 --> 02:17:14,450 And waited for John Ruth and Daisy's Stage to arrive. 1501 02:17:14,569 --> 02:17:16,967 Here they come. 1502 02:17:17,086 --> 02:17:20,310 Okay boys, this is it, get ready! 1503 02:17:20,431 --> 02:17:22,466 Let's get ready. 1504 02:17:27,701 --> 02:17:32,173 Now remember, it doesn't matter if we have four men or forty, 1505 02:17:32,292 --> 02:17:34,834 we're still gonna' be facing John Ruth chained 1506 02:17:34,846 --> 02:17:37,510 to my sister with a pistol pointed at her belly. 1507 02:17:37,629 --> 02:17:40,985 Now killin' that fellow 'fore he kills my sister, ain't gonna' be easy. 1508 02:17:41,104 --> 02:17:44,277 But you believe that's exactly what we're gonna do. 1509 02:17:44,397 --> 02:17:48,263 So the name of the game here is patience. 1510 02:17:48,384 --> 02:17:52,538 Trapped here for two or three days, at some point, he will close his eyes 1511 02:17:52,657 --> 02:17:55,494 and that's when you blow the top of his head off. 1512 02:17:55,613 --> 02:18:01,712 Remember old man, my sister don't make it off this mountain alive, neither do you. 1513 02:18:01,833 --> 02:18:03,968 I'll do my best. 1514 02:18:20,507 --> 02:18:22,824 Good luck, mate. 1515 02:18:34,665 --> 02:18:39,298 What the hell's going on, we weren't expecting another stage tonight? 1516 02:18:39,661 --> 02:18:42,701 I can see you already got another one up in here. 1517 02:18:43,023 --> 02:18:46,146 I just got through putting the horses away. 1518 02:18:46,265 --> 02:18:49,909 This ain't the normal line. But we are stuck on the wrong side of a blizzard, 1519 02:18:50,030 --> 02:18:52,047 so it looks like you're stuck with us. 1520 02:18:52,166 --> 02:18:53,457 I can do another one. 1521 02:18:53,576 --> 02:18:55,752 And Sweet Dave inside? 1522 02:18:55,871 --> 02:18:59,316 They ain't here. I'm running the place while they're gone. 1523 02:19:00,948 --> 02:19:03,111 Where's Minnie and Sweet Dave? 1524 02:19:03,231 --> 02:19:07,635 He says they ain't here. He's lookin' after the place while they gone. 1525 02:19:07,754 --> 02:19:12,529 - Who are you? - I'm Bob. 1526 02:19:15,671 --> 02:19:18,711 Well whoever you are, help O.B. with the horses. 1527 02:19:21,570 --> 02:19:26,808 Get 'em outta this cold, before that blizzard hits 'em. 1528 02:19:29,950 --> 02:19:35,226 I just put those other horses away. You need it done fast, you need to help. 1529 02:19:35,528 --> 02:19:38,810 I got two of my best men on it. 1530 02:19:39,718 --> 02:19:43,423 You heard him freeloaders, get to work. 1531 02:19:46,573 --> 02:19:49,384 Come on let's go! 1532 02:19:49,504 --> 02:19:53,150 - Open up! - You have to kick it open! - What? 1533 02:19:53,271 --> 02:19:56,070 Kick it open! 1534 02:20:00,320 --> 02:20:08,320 Last Chapter Black Man, White Hell 1535 02:20:27,368 --> 02:20:28,778 How you doin' old boy? 1536 02:20:29,886 --> 02:20:33,450 They shot my nuts off they're freezin' 1537 02:20:33,570 --> 02:20:38,304 burning up the same time, bleedin' like a stuck pig. 1538 02:20:38,424 --> 02:20:41,084 I think I'm gonna die. 1539 02:20:41,203 --> 02:20:44,165 And these motherfuckers did it. 1540 02:20:45,272 --> 02:20:49,904 That's how I'm doin'. How you doin'? 1541 02:20:50,023 --> 02:20:53,610 Well my leg hurts really bad. 1542 02:20:53,729 --> 02:20:56,852 But I think if I'm put all my weight on my right foot- 1543 02:20:56,971 --> 02:21:00,296 I'm just bein' sarcastic I don't give a fuck about your leg. 1544 02:21:01,604 --> 02:21:06,579 Just make yourself comfortable. 1545 02:21:06,700 --> 02:21:12,682 Don't worry about my comfort. Shit! I can't feel my ass no more. 1546 02:21:12,801 --> 02:21:20,718 Worry about these owl hoots and that bushwhacker nuts shooter in the basement. 1547 02:21:20,837 --> 02:21:22,952 All right! 1548 02:21:23,073 --> 02:21:25,228 You! 1549 02:21:25,349 --> 02:21:28,087 Fella' in the basement! 1550 02:21:28,208 --> 02:21:34,290 You either give up by the time I count to three, 1551 02:21:34,411 --> 02:21:38,176 or I shoot Domergue in the head. 1552 02:21:38,297 --> 02:21:41,432 One!... Two!... 1553 02:21:41,439 --> 02:21:46,306 No, no, no, no! Don't shoot her! I'm comin' up! 1554 02:21:46,425 --> 02:21:50,243 Hold on there you bushwhacker sack shooter, you 1555 02:21:50,254 --> 02:21:53,684 just open the door we tell you to come up! 1556 02:21:58,236 --> 02:22:01,055 Now throw out your pistol! 1557 02:22:01,174 --> 02:22:04,137 Throw it to the bed. 1558 02:22:05,747 --> 02:22:07,720 Well he got another. 1559 02:22:09,010 --> 02:22:11,870 Now throw out your other pistol. 1560 02:22:11,989 --> 02:22:13,278 I ain't got another pistol! 1561 02:22:13,397 --> 02:22:15,636 Well you better shit another pistol out your ass! 1562 02:22:15,755 --> 02:22:20,370 Cause if you don't throw one up here in the next two seconds we gonna' kill this bitch! 1563 02:22:24,377 --> 02:22:26,370 See? Told ya. 1564 02:22:27,176 --> 02:22:28,929 Now... 1565 02:22:29,049 --> 02:22:31,747 with your hands where we can see 'em... 1566 02:22:31,868 --> 02:22:37,265 slowly come on up! 1567 02:23:08,725 --> 02:23:11,040 How ya doin' dummy? 1568 02:23:11,363 --> 02:23:14,385 Better now I see your ugly face. 1569 02:23:22,049 --> 02:23:25,340 How you like you that? You bushwhacker castrator! 1570 02:23:25,459 --> 02:23:27,938 What are you doin' he was giving up? 1571 02:23:28,058 --> 02:23:30,415 It took him too long so I done for him. 1572 02:23:33,242 --> 02:23:37,645 Joe Gage get your ass over and shut this trap door. 1573 02:23:57,722 --> 02:23:59,556 I'm sorry, honey. 1574 02:24:07,995 --> 02:24:09,987 May I sit in the chair? 1575 02:24:10,108 --> 02:24:12,868 Yes you may. 1576 02:24:21,951 --> 02:24:24,811 Keep your hands flat on that table. 1577 02:24:24,932 --> 02:24:26,806 And don't move 'em. 1578 02:24:26,925 --> 02:24:28,861 Mannix! 1579 02:24:28,980 --> 02:24:32,283 You sure picked the wrong time to turn into a nigger lover. 1580 02:24:32,404 --> 02:24:35,989 Don't you see that nigger and John Ruth put you smack dab in the middle of danger? 1581 02:24:36,110 --> 02:24:38,209 You're about to be murdered in some nigger named 1582 02:24:38,221 --> 02:24:40,119 Minnie's house and you don't even know why! 1583 02:24:40,924 --> 02:24:44,147 Okay, bitch... 1584 02:24:44,510 --> 02:24:48,092 I'll bite... why? 1585 02:24:48,103 --> 02:24:51,034 I am workin with all three of them fellows... 1586 02:24:51,155 --> 02:24:53,854 but not cause they got butterflies in their belly 'bout me. 1587 02:24:53,975 --> 02:24:59,333 But because we're all gang members, The Jody Domergue Gang! 1588 02:24:59,452 --> 02:25:05,615 That fellow y'all just killed in the basement, was Jody Domergue, my brother! 1589 02:25:05,736 --> 02:25:10,388 Well who the hell, is Jody Domergue? 1590 02:25:10,509 --> 02:25:13,833 You wanna tell 'em bounty man? 1591 02:25:13,952 --> 02:25:17,840 He's a big bad cat. He's worth fifty thousand dollars. 1592 02:25:17,959 --> 02:25:21,888 And every member of his gang is wort at least ten. 1593 02:25:22,007 --> 02:25:25,251 Which finally explains why you're worth ten. 1594 02:25:25,370 --> 02:25:27,363 And what's gonna' happen when that sun comes 1595 02:25:27,376 --> 02:25:29,291 out nigger, so is my brother's fifteen men 1596 02:25:29,412 --> 02:25:31,997 comin' straight here for us! Tell 'em Grouch! 1597 02:25:32,118 --> 02:25:35,643 Jody's got fifteen men waitin' in Red Rock. 1598 02:25:35,763 --> 02:25:39,913 If we couldn't kill John Ruth and free Daisy here. 1599 02:25:40,032 --> 02:25:47,243 Their job was to sack the town, kill John Ruth and free Daisy there. 1600 02:25:47,362 --> 02:25:52,378 Now with brother dead, I'm in charge of this gang, right boys? 1601 02:25:52,497 --> 02:25:54,108 Oh yeah. 1602 02:25:54,120 --> 02:25:58,984 And Chris I'm tellin' you, you ain't done anything yet that we can't forgive. 1603 02:25:59,487 --> 02:26:01,387 So... let's make a deal. 1604 02:26:01,494 --> 02:26:02,955 No deals, bitch! 1605 02:26:03,174 --> 02:26:06,317 You gonna' let that nigger speak for you, Chris? 1606 02:26:06,329 --> 02:26:07,442 Hold it Warren. 1607 02:26:09,638 --> 02:26:12,539 Seein' as she ain't got nothin' to sell, 1608 02:26:12,550 --> 02:26:17,438 I'm kinda curious about her sales pitch, humor me. 1609 02:26:19,043 --> 02:26:22,877 All right, bitch. 1610 02:26:31,570 --> 02:26:36,685 What's... your... deal? 1611 02:26:36,806 --> 02:26:38,277 Easy. 1612 02:26:38,397 --> 02:26:42,527 Take your gun, shoot that nigger dead. 1613 02:26:43,172 --> 02:26:47,038 Then we sit here all nice like for the next two days. 1614 02:26:47,157 --> 02:26:48,588 When the snow melts... 1615 02:26:48,709 --> 02:26:53,101 we go to Mexico and you go on to Red Rock get that star pinned on your chest. 1616 02:26:53,202 --> 02:26:55,437 Hey Pete, how much we gonna pay him? 1617 02:26:56,362 --> 02:27:01,336 Well... we can give 'em Marco. 1618 02:27:01,457 --> 02:27:05,123 Bob's real name is "Marco the Mexican". 1619 02:27:05,244 --> 02:27:07,922 He's worth twelve thousand dollars. 1620 02:27:08,041 --> 02:27:11,992 - That's "Marco the Mexican"? - Precisely, yeah. 1621 02:27:12,111 --> 02:27:18,194 Shit, after I blew his face off, Marco ain't worth a peso. 1622 02:27:22,825 --> 02:27:28,847 If I die in the next two days, which is more than likely, you can have me. 1623 02:27:28,968 --> 02:27:32,694 Under the name of "English Pete Hicox", I've got a federal bounty of 1624 02:27:32,706 --> 02:27:35,591 fifteen thousand dollars on my head. 1625 02:27:38,252 --> 02:27:42,763 - And it's all your Chris. - You keep talkin', Pete. 1626 02:27:42,882 --> 02:27:46,368 You gonna talk yourself to death. 1627 02:27:46,487 --> 02:27:49,932 Joe Gage, who you be? 1628 02:27:50,051 --> 02:27:54,141 - Grouch Douglass. - You heard of him? 1629 02:27:54,262 --> 02:28:00,667 Yeah, I heard of Grouch Douglass. He's worth ten, just like Daisy. 1630 02:28:00,788 --> 02:28:03,226 Remind me, 1631 02:28:03,345 --> 02:28:08,058 why we wouldn't just kill all y'all and cash in? 1632 02:28:08,179 --> 02:28:12,318 Oh, you can kill us all. But you'll never spend a cent of that bounty money 1633 02:28:12,439 --> 02:28:14,906 and you'll never leave this mountain alive. 1634 02:28:15,027 --> 02:28:16,997 Because when that snow melts, the rest of Jody's 1635 02:28:17,010 --> 02:28:18,912 gang - all fifteen of 'em - that were waiting, 1636 02:28:19,031 --> 02:28:21,451 in Red Rock are comin' here. 1637 02:28:21,572 --> 02:28:24,513 Now let, let's say you shoot us all... 1638 02:28:24,632 --> 02:28:28,420 If you really want all that Domergue Gang bounty money, 1639 02:28:28,540 --> 02:28:31,522 you still got to get all our corpses into Red Rock. 1640 02:28:31,641 --> 02:28:35,993 And that ain't gonna' be so easy. Cause I doubt you can drive a four horse team. 1641 02:28:36,112 --> 02:28:38,905 And that wagon out there is too heavy for a two horse team. 1642 02:28:39,024 --> 02:28:43,746 So that means you're gonna' have to lead a string of horses into Red Rock 1643 02:28:43,867 --> 02:28:46,415 And with that deep snow after a blizzard, 1644 02:28:46,536 --> 02:28:50,654 you ain't gonna' be able to get away with any more then let's say one body per horse. 1645 02:28:50,773 --> 02:28:56,695 So that's you, leading a string of four horses into Red Rock, 1646 02:28:56,816 --> 02:29:00,323 and with all them horses, in that snow, 1647 02:29:00,442 --> 02:29:03,302 and you all by your lonesome, you're gonna be a mite poky. 1648 02:29:03,423 --> 02:29:05,739 And you gonna' run smack dab into the Domergue Gang 1649 02:29:05,752 --> 02:29:07,734 and again Grouch, how many is that? 1650 02:29:07,853 --> 02:29:12,064 - Fifteen killers strong. - And when those fifteen killers, 1651 02:29:12,183 --> 02:29:14,279 come across you, 1652 02:29:14,398 --> 02:29:16,505 in possession of all of our dead bodies, they 1653 02:29:16,518 --> 02:29:18,543 ain't just gonna' kill you and that nigger. 1654 02:29:18,664 --> 02:29:24,316 There gonna go back to Red Rock and kill every son of a bitch in that town. 1655 02:29:24,436 --> 02:29:28,211 You really the Sheriff of Red Rock? You wanna save the town? 1656 02:29:28,332 --> 02:29:30,622 Then shoot that nigger dead! 1657 02:29:35,183 --> 02:29:40,238 You believe in Jesus now, huh, bitch? Well good 'cos 'bout meet him! 1658 02:29:40,359 --> 02:29:43,460 Anybody else wanna' make a deal, huh? 1659 02:29:43,581 --> 02:29:46,825 The deal still stands, Chris. 1660 02:29:46,944 --> 02:29:49,865 You ain't done we can't forgive. 1661 02:29:49,986 --> 02:29:52,504 It's still all on that nigger. 1662 02:29:53,601 --> 02:29:57,056 Shoot 'em dead, take my body 1663 02:29:57,175 --> 02:30:01,244 and sit out the snow with Daisy and Grou- 1664 02:30:44,906 --> 02:30:46,859 Mannix! 1665 02:30:47,504 --> 02:30:50,222 Give me my pistol! 1666 02:30:51,792 --> 02:30:55,036 Catch 'em here. 1667 02:30:59,126 --> 02:31:01,561 Catch 'em here. 1668 02:31:13,807 --> 02:31:15,115 So... 1669 02:31:15,820 --> 02:31:20,251 you were sayin'... we sit here... 1670 02:31:20,370 --> 02:31:22,889 all nice and friendly like... 1671 02:31:23,010 --> 02:31:24,782 for the next two days... 1672 02:31:24,903 --> 02:31:26,394 then the snow melts, 1673 02:31:26,513 --> 02:31:31,647 you leave here, meet up with your gang and high tail it to Mexico? 1674 02:31:31,748 --> 02:31:33,243 That's the deal, right? 1675 02:31:34,268 --> 02:31:35,860 Yeah. 1676 02:31:35,979 --> 02:31:41,015 And I get Oswaldo and Joe Gage? 1677 02:31:41,740 --> 02:31:43,412 Yeah. 1678 02:31:43,531 --> 02:31:46,272 But Jody's worth fifty thousand, what 'bout his body? 1679 02:31:46,391 --> 02:31:54,391 You gonna make a deal with this diabolical bitch? 1680 02:31:56,502 --> 02:32:02,102 I'm not sayin' I'm gonna' make a deal with her, we're just talkin'. Calm down. 1681 02:32:03,090 --> 02:32:06,130 So what about Jody's body and the fifty thousand? 1682 02:32:06,251 --> 02:32:08,365 You've gotten greedy, Reb, no deal. 1683 02:32:08,486 --> 02:32:12,736 We take Jody's body back with us he got children. 1684 02:32:14,751 --> 02:32:21,397 So I kill, Warren... and we're all friends? 1685 02:32:21,516 --> 02:32:24,659 Yeah. 1686 02:32:34,227 --> 02:32:36,945 No deal, tramp. 1687 02:32:37,388 --> 02:32:41,469 Chris you're makin' the biggest mistake of your life! 1688 02:32:41,590 --> 02:32:45,263 When our boys get here in a coupla' days, their gonna cut your nuts off! 1689 02:32:45,384 --> 02:32:49,493 And there won't be a stick left in that town unburnt. 1690 02:32:49,612 --> 02:32:53,436 Well I guess I should be plum scared right now, huh? 1691 02:32:54,546 --> 02:32:57,629 If you had any brains, you would be. 1692 02:32:57,951 --> 02:32:59,583 You see... 1693 02:33:03,108 --> 02:33:05,282 here's the problem Daisy. 1694 02:33:05,403 --> 02:33:09,251 In order for me to be scared of your threats, 1695 02:33:09,370 --> 02:33:13,586 I got to believe in those fifteen extra gang members waitin' it out in Red Rock. 1696 02:33:13,707 --> 02:33:18,717 And boy, oh boy... I sure don't. 1697 02:33:20,871 --> 02:33:23,450 What I believe is... 1698 02:33:23,569 --> 02:33:29,290 Joe Gage or Grouch Douglass whatever the fuck his name was... 1699 02:33:29,409 --> 02:33:32,873 poisoned the coffee... 1700 02:33:32,994 --> 02:33:37,103 and you watched him do it. 1701 02:33:37,224 --> 02:33:43,307 And you watched me pork up and you didn't say shit... 1702 02:33:43,426 --> 02:33:46,725 and I believe... 1703 02:33:46,844 --> 02:33:49,933 you all what you've always been... 1704 02:33:50,054 --> 02:33:54,324 a lyin' bitch, who will do anything... 1705 02:33:54,443 --> 02:33:57,324 to cheat that rope waitin' for her in Red Rock. 1706 02:33:57,335 --> 02:34:00,407 Including shittin' out fifteen extra gang members, 1707 02:34:00,528 --> 02:34:04,450 Whenever you need be. 1708 02:34:05,884 --> 02:34:06,911 And... 1709 02:34:11,020 --> 02:34:19,020 I believe when it comes to what's left of the Jody Doe-ming-grey Gang... 1710 02:34:19,156 --> 02:34:23,173 I'm lookin' at 'em, right here, right now, 1711 02:34:23,186 --> 02:34:26,970 dead on this on this motherfuckin' floor. 1712 02:34:26,989 --> 02:34:28,469 Goddamn right. 1713 02:34:28,481 --> 02:34:32,771 You're gonna' die on this mountain, Chris. 1714 02:34:32,890 --> 02:34:37,944 - My brother leads an army of men - Horseshit! 1715 02:34:39,174 --> 02:34:45,825 My daddy led an army, he led a renegade army, fightin' a lost cause! 1716 02:34:45,944 --> 02:34:49,511 My daddy held up to four hundred men together after the war 1717 02:34:49,630 --> 02:34:53,977 with nothing but their respect in his command. 1718 02:34:54,096 --> 02:34:59,395 Your brother's just an owl hoot who led a gang of killers. 1719 02:35:00,441 --> 02:35:02,193 I don't feel so good. 1720 02:35:03,704 --> 02:35:05,238 Oh, shit. 1721 02:35:16,532 --> 02:35:19,371 You still alive, white boy? 1722 02:35:26,843 --> 02:35:28,031 Mannix? 1723 02:35:28,798 --> 02:35:29,798 Fuck! 1724 02:35:29,856 --> 02:35:30,914 Hey, boy! 1725 02:35:38,646 --> 02:35:39,995 Get up! 1726 02:35:45,774 --> 02:35:49,138 Chris Mannix! Your ass ain't nailed to the floor! 1727 02:35:49,259 --> 02:35:50,770 Wake the fuck up! 1728 02:35:58,362 --> 02:36:00,799 Wake up, white boy! 1729 02:36:22,452 --> 02:36:24,925 I ain't dead yet, you black bastard. 1730 02:36:36,547 --> 02:36:41,158 Chris Mannix, I may have misjudged you. 1731 02:36:42,661 --> 02:36:46,154 Now we've come to the part of the story... 1732 02:36:47,242 --> 02:36:52,658 - where I blow your goddamn head off! - No, no, no don't shoot her! 1733 02:36:52,779 --> 02:36:55,197 Why the hell not? 1734 02:36:56,385 --> 02:36:59,406 John Ruth. 1735 02:37:03,957 --> 02:37:08,126 John Ruth was one mighty, mighty bastard. 1736 02:37:14,129 --> 02:37:16,746 But last thing... 1737 02:37:16,867 --> 02:37:20,129 that bastard did, 'fore he died... 1738 02:37:20,250 --> 02:37:22,345 was save your life. 1739 02:37:22,466 --> 02:37:25,184 We gonna' die, white boy. 1740 02:37:25,305 --> 02:37:28,670 We ain't got no say in that. 1741 02:37:29,817 --> 02:37:33,382 But there's one thing left we do have a say in. 1742 02:37:34,450 --> 02:37:37,933 And that how we kill this bitch. 1743 02:37:38,941 --> 02:37:42,263 And I say, shooting's too good for her... 1744 02:37:42,384 --> 02:37:47,862 John Ruth coulda shot her anywhere, anytime along the way, 1745 02:37:47,983 --> 02:37:52,675 but John Ruth was the Hangman... 1746 02:37:53,320 --> 02:37:57,833 and when the Hangman catches ya, you don't die by no bullet. 1747 02:37:58,477 --> 02:38:00,592 When the the Hangman catches ya... 1748 02:38:01,477 --> 02:38:03,209 you hang. 1749 02:38:04,176 --> 02:38:07,520 "You only need to hang mean bastards." 1750 02:38:07,639 --> 02:38:12,273 "But mean bastards, you need to hang". 1751 02:38:35,215 --> 02:38:41,519 As my first and final act as the Sheriff of Red Rock, 1752 02:38:41,638 --> 02:38:44,117 I sentence you, Domergue, 1753 02:38:44,236 --> 02:38:48,930 to hang by the neck until dead. 1754 02:39:03,470 --> 02:39:06,733 Hang on, Daisy. I wanna watch. 1755 02:39:41,070 --> 02:39:44,051 Now that, was a nice dance. 1756 02:39:45,843 --> 02:39:48,844 That sure was pretty. 1757 02:40:41,432 --> 02:40:43,486 Hey... 1758 02:40:45,037 --> 02:40:47,877 can I see that Lincoln Letter? 1759 02:41:30,132 --> 02:41:33,395 Dear Marquis... 1760 02:41:33,514 --> 02:41:37,040 I hope this letter finds you... 1761 02:41:37,161 --> 02:41:41,229 in good health and state... 1762 02:41:41,350 --> 02:41:43,907 I'm doing fine... 1763 02:41:44,028 --> 02:41:48,923 although I whish there were more hours in the day. 1764 02:41:49,042 --> 02:41:52,548 There's just so much to do. 1765 02:41:52,667 --> 02:41:57,381 Time is changing slowly, but surely... 1766 02:41:57,502 --> 02:42:02,194 and it's men like you that will make a difference. 1767 02:42:02,315 --> 02:42:06,443 Your military success was a credit 1768 02:42:06,564 --> 02:42:11,761 not only to you, but your race as well. 1769 02:42:11,880 --> 02:42:17,299 I'm very proud every time I hear news of you. 1770 02:42:17,420 --> 02:42:24,610 We still have a long way to go, but hand in hand, 1771 02:42:24,729 --> 02:42:28,235 I know we'll get there. 1772 02:42:28,354 --> 02:42:33,692 I just want to let you know you're in my thoughts. 1773 02:42:33,813 --> 02:42:39,230 Hopefully our paths will cross in the future. 1774 02:42:39,351 --> 02:42:46,199 Until then, I remain your friend. 1775 02:42:46,318 --> 02:42:49,522 Old Mary Todd's calling, 1776 02:42:49,641 --> 02:42:55,059 so I guess it must be time for bed. 1777 02:42:55,180 --> 02:43:01,726 Respectfully, Abraham Lincoln. 1778 02:43:04,202 --> 02:43:08,976 Old Mary Todd... That's a nice touch. 1779 02:43:09,095 --> 02:43:13,608 Yeah... Thanks.