1 00:00:01,836 --> 00:00:03,002 Narrator: Tonight on the curse of oak island... 2 00:00:03,229 --> 00:00:04,319 (honking) 3 00:00:04,338 --> 00:00:05,729 Rick: It's an exciting day 4 00:00:05,748 --> 00:00:07,080 Because they're going to dig the garden shaft. 5 00:00:07,174 --> 00:00:08,415 That's a big machine. 6 00:00:08,567 --> 00:00:09,324 Bill p.: We're excited to be a part of it. 7 00:00:09,418 --> 00:00:10,342 This year will be the year. 8 00:00:10,569 --> 00:00:12,494 We've hit the tunnel that'll point it 9 00:00:12,513 --> 00:00:14,179 Directly towards the garden shaft. 10 00:00:14,331 --> 00:00:15,739 Look at the color on this. 11 00:00:15,758 --> 00:00:18,408 Wow. What the heck is that? You're right. 12 00:00:18,427 --> 00:00:20,093 Laird: Something I've never seen before. 13 00:00:20,187 --> 00:00:21,336 It's such a "wow" thing. 14 00:00:21,430 --> 00:00:22,579 This is no way it's modern. 15 00:00:22,672 --> 00:00:24,339 Ed: It does have some iconography. 16 00:00:24,358 --> 00:00:27,175 It could be some sort of religious object. 17 00:00:27,194 --> 00:00:28,935 Rick: Wow. 18 00:00:30,105 --> 00:00:33,699 Narrator: There is an island in the north atlantic 19 00:00:33,850 --> 00:00:35,759 Where people have been looking for 20 00:00:35,852 --> 00:00:40,597 An incredible treasure for more than 200 years. 21 00:00:40,616 --> 00:00:43,600 So far, they have found a stone slab 22 00:00:43,619 --> 00:00:46,545 With strange symbols carved into it, 23 00:00:46,772 --> 00:00:50,457 Manmade workings that date to medieval times 24 00:00:50,609 --> 00:00:53,535 And a lead cross whose origin may be 25 00:00:53,629 --> 00:00:55,629 Connected to the knights templar. 26 00:00:55,723 --> 00:01:01,376 To date, six men have died trying to solve the mystery. 27 00:01:01,470 --> 00:01:03,378 And, according to legend, 28 00:01:03,472 --> 00:01:06,623 One more will have to die 29 00:01:06,716 --> 00:01:10,218 Before the treasure can be found. 30 00:01:10,237 --> 00:01:13,030 ♪ ♪ 31 00:01:24,810 --> 00:01:26,810 I got a feeling this is going to be 38. 32 00:01:26,829 --> 00:01:29,737 Narrator: A new day of search activities has begun 33 00:01:29,757 --> 00:01:33,483 On oak island at the site known as the money pit. 34 00:01:33,502 --> 00:01:35,427 (clears throat) 35 00:01:35,579 --> 00:01:38,338 Hey, colten. 38 feet down? 36 00:01:38,490 --> 00:01:39,431 You got it. 37 00:01:39,658 --> 00:01:41,825 -38 feet. -38 feet. 38 00:01:41,918 --> 00:01:43,677 Narrator: And while a strategic core-drilling 39 00:01:43,771 --> 00:01:46,605 Operation continues in search of important clues 40 00:01:46,832 --> 00:01:50,517 That could help solve a 227-year-old mystery... 41 00:01:50,669 --> 00:01:51,351 -Good morning, paul. -Hey, rick. 42 00:01:51,445 --> 00:01:52,853 -How's it going? -How are you? 43 00:01:52,947 --> 00:01:55,339 Narrator: ...Nearby, brothers rick and marty lagina 44 00:01:55,357 --> 00:01:56,448 And their team 45 00:01:56,675 --> 00:01:59,601 Are preparing for a historic excavation 46 00:01:59,695 --> 00:02:01,011 Of the so-called garden shaft 47 00:02:01,029 --> 00:02:04,698 With representatives from dumas contracting ltd. 48 00:02:04,850 --> 00:02:08,018 In the hopes of finding a legendary treasure vault. 49 00:02:08,036 --> 00:02:10,854 I think you'll find that as you get deeper and deeper 50 00:02:10,947 --> 00:02:12,706 Into this project, no pun intended, 51 00:02:12,858 --> 00:02:14,949 I think you're going to say to yourself, 52 00:02:14,969 --> 00:02:17,043 "you know what? I wonder what the next foot will tell us." 53 00:02:17,138 --> 00:02:20,455 Hopefully, you'll be as excited as we are for the project. 54 00:02:20,549 --> 00:02:21,974 Oh yeah, that's starting already. 55 00:02:22,125 --> 00:02:23,308 (laughter) 56 00:02:23,535 --> 00:02:25,051 Okay, that would be probably the outside wall there. 57 00:02:25,204 --> 00:02:28,705 Narrator: The garden shaft is an approximately 80-foot-deep 58 00:02:28,724 --> 00:02:31,150 Wooden structure that the oak island team 59 00:02:31,377 --> 00:02:32,893 Unearthed in 2017. 60 00:02:33,045 --> 00:02:35,154 Although it was first thought to be 61 00:02:35,305 --> 00:02:38,732 Nothing more than an abandoned 19th-century searcher shaft, 62 00:02:38,826 --> 00:02:42,477 Wood samples, collected from the bottom of the feature, 63 00:02:42,571 --> 00:02:45,906 Have recently been dated to 1735, 64 00:02:46,058 --> 00:02:49,334 60 years prior to the discovery of the original money pit. 65 00:02:49,561 --> 00:02:50,560 There we go. 66 00:02:50,579 --> 00:02:52,579 Narrator: And even more astonishing 67 00:02:52,731 --> 00:02:54,173 Were the results of water testing 68 00:02:54,400 --> 00:02:58,735 Conducted just over a month ago by geoscientist dr. Ian spooner. 69 00:02:58,828 --> 00:03:00,904 We've sampled wells within the money pit area. 70 00:03:00,923 --> 00:03:05,017 And we found gold in, uh, the garden shaft. 71 00:03:05,168 --> 00:03:06,351 (laughter) 72 00:03:07,095 --> 00:03:09,913 Rick: The garden shaft is certainly in close proximity 73 00:03:09,932 --> 00:03:13,917 To something at a level that is previously unknown to us. 74 00:03:14,010 --> 00:03:16,770 Why are the high gold values there? 75 00:03:16,922 --> 00:03:19,347 I would love for the garden shaft 76 00:03:19,441 --> 00:03:21,775 To be the original money pit, 77 00:03:21,869 --> 00:03:23,851 But I think it's too preliminary to make that assessment. 78 00:03:23,946 --> 00:03:26,521 What are the next steps here, then? 79 00:03:26,615 --> 00:03:28,690 They're going to build the top part. 80 00:03:28,709 --> 00:03:30,692 Then we're going to form up today, 81 00:03:30,711 --> 00:03:33,603 And then the concrete after that. 82 00:03:33,697 --> 00:03:34,529 Simon: So this pad will essentially be 83 00:03:34,548 --> 00:03:36,197 Holding the entire structure. 84 00:03:36,217 --> 00:03:37,198 Oh, wow. 85 00:03:37,218 --> 00:03:38,608 Once we lower eight feet at a time, 86 00:03:38,702 --> 00:03:41,445 We'll be drilling probe holes 87 00:03:41,463 --> 00:03:42,704 16 to 20 feet below us, 88 00:03:42,798 --> 00:03:46,207 Looking for any abnormalities as well as voids. 89 00:03:46,227 --> 00:03:47,133 I see. 90 00:03:47,286 --> 00:03:48,618 Narrator: Once the steel 91 00:03:48,637 --> 00:03:49,711 And concrete foundation 92 00:03:49,730 --> 00:03:51,879 Is completed at the surface, 93 00:03:51,899 --> 00:03:55,550 A massive 109-ton crane will be used, 94 00:03:55,644 --> 00:03:57,127 Along with a 3-ton hammer grab, 95 00:03:57,145 --> 00:04:00,797 To excavate the muck and water out of the old shaft. 96 00:04:00,816 --> 00:04:03,149 Meanwhile, a new waterproof structure 97 00:04:03,244 --> 00:04:06,728 With platforms every eight feet will be constructed 98 00:04:06,747 --> 00:04:09,731 Down to a total planned depth of 80 feet, 99 00:04:09,825 --> 00:04:11,250 Allowing the laginas and the team 100 00:04:11,401 --> 00:04:14,661 To hopefully reach the answers that people have sought 101 00:04:14,755 --> 00:04:16,421 For more than two centuries. 102 00:04:16,648 --> 00:04:20,759 Marty: We're gonna actually establish a presence underground. 103 00:04:20,910 --> 00:04:23,762 It may be a little bit emotional. 104 00:04:23,989 --> 00:04:25,822 I mean, my brother rick for sure has wanted 105 00:04:25,915 --> 00:04:28,825 To get underground for a long time. 106 00:04:28,844 --> 00:04:31,177 Seems like just yesterday we were digging that. 107 00:04:31,330 --> 00:04:32,496 Yep. 108 00:04:32,514 --> 00:04:33,772 Rick: To be underground in the money pit 109 00:04:33,999 --> 00:04:36,591 Where so many people who have come before us 110 00:04:36,685 --> 00:04:38,777 Have had that same experience, 111 00:04:38,928 --> 00:04:41,929 It'll be a very... Almost cosmic moment for me. 112 00:04:41,949 --> 00:04:44,783 I-I really look forward to the experience. 113 00:04:45,010 --> 00:04:48,954 To actually put eyes and boots on that target 114 00:04:49,181 --> 00:04:52,349 To try to understand it more completely. 115 00:04:52,851 --> 00:04:55,368 We really hope that this will help write 116 00:04:55,521 --> 00:04:57,370 At least a new chapter... 117 00:04:57,464 --> 00:04:58,463 A few pages, yeah. 118 00:04:58,615 --> 00:04:59,614 ...In the ongoing search for-for answers. 119 00:04:59,633 --> 00:05:02,042 -And-and I truly think it will. -Yeah. 120 00:05:02,136 --> 00:05:03,785 We're glad you're a part of this and we really look forward 121 00:05:03,879 --> 00:05:05,119 To getting to the bottom of it. 122 00:05:05,139 --> 00:05:07,047 Bill, I think we should let them get to work. 123 00:05:07,141 --> 00:05:09,624 I agree. Let's-let's see what's in the bottom of that. 124 00:05:09,643 --> 00:05:10,792 Simon: Sounds good, gentlemen. 125 00:05:10,811 --> 00:05:13,145 -All righty. Take care, guys. -You, too. 126 00:05:13,296 --> 00:05:13,887 Stay safe. 127 00:05:14,039 --> 00:05:14,813 Oh, yeah. For sure. 128 00:05:15,040 --> 00:05:16,556 Narrator: As representatives 129 00:05:16,650 --> 00:05:18,208 From dumas contracting ltd. 130 00:05:18,301 --> 00:05:20,819 Continue their work in the garden shaft... 131 00:05:21,046 --> 00:05:23,805 -Terry, we got a core coming. -We have incoming. 132 00:05:23,899 --> 00:05:25,732 ...Some 75 feet to the south... 133 00:05:25,884 --> 00:05:28,234 This is going to be 48. 134 00:05:28,387 --> 00:05:29,402 Forty-eight. 135 00:05:29,496 --> 00:05:30,570 Thank you, colten. 136 00:05:30,722 --> 00:05:31,571 We got it covered, man. Appreciate it. 137 00:05:31,665 --> 00:05:33,832 ...Geologist terry matheson 138 00:05:34,059 --> 00:05:36,001 And oak island historian charles barkhouse 139 00:05:36,152 --> 00:05:38,170 Are overseeing the drilling of a new borehole 140 00:05:38,397 --> 00:05:44,067 On the team's strategic grid known as n.5-17.5. 141 00:05:44,086 --> 00:05:48,013 At this location, they plan to not only collect 142 00:05:48,240 --> 00:05:51,091 More water samples for gold testing analysis, 143 00:05:51,185 --> 00:05:54,744 But will also attempt to encounter a wooden tunnel 144 00:05:54,763 --> 00:05:58,357 Some 103 feet deep underground. 145 00:05:58,842 --> 00:06:00,433 Terry: Oh, wow. That's fantastic. 146 00:06:00,527 --> 00:06:02,419 We are in the tunnel. 147 00:06:02,437 --> 00:06:05,030 Narrator: After first encountering this structure five weeks ago 148 00:06:05,257 --> 00:06:09,776 And preliminarily carbon-dating it to the 17th century, 149 00:06:09,928 --> 00:06:12,854 The team conducted a sonar operation, 150 00:06:12,948 --> 00:06:14,706 Which indicated it may be 151 00:06:14,933 --> 00:06:16,858 Heading in the direction of the garden shaft. 152 00:06:16,877 --> 00:06:18,043 Whoa, what's that? Whoa, whoa. What's that? 153 00:06:18,270 --> 00:06:20,695 -That's the view down the tunnel. -Scott: Oh, wow. 154 00:06:20,789 --> 00:06:22,122 Narrator: And just one week ago, 155 00:06:22,274 --> 00:06:25,867 The team recorded incredible images inside of it 156 00:06:25,886 --> 00:06:28,536 Using a specialized underwater camera. 157 00:06:28,555 --> 00:06:31,297 Rick: It-it's awesome. 158 00:06:32,117 --> 00:06:33,892 Terry: A move in the right direction. 159 00:06:34,043 --> 00:06:36,119 This hole is to give us information to look for, 160 00:06:36,212 --> 00:06:38,138 -You know, this possible tunnel. -Yeah. 161 00:06:38,290 --> 00:06:40,882 Marty: We are trying to determine with more drilling 162 00:06:40,901 --> 00:06:42,884 Where this tunnel goes that we found. 163 00:06:42,978 --> 00:06:43,977 The hope is that it'll come back 164 00:06:44,071 --> 00:06:46,053 With a more definitive carbon date, 165 00:06:46,073 --> 00:06:48,131 Maybe even more early than the others. 166 00:06:48,150 --> 00:06:50,984 So, what it means is we have to chase it. 167 00:06:51,136 --> 00:06:53,153 Any time you drill in the money pit area, 168 00:06:53,247 --> 00:06:56,656 It could get very interesting, as we have seen in the past. 169 00:06:56,808 --> 00:06:58,083 Exactly. So here we go. 170 00:06:58,310 --> 00:07:00,401 Narrator: As construction in the garden shaft, 171 00:07:00,421 --> 00:07:04,739 Along with drilling, continues in the money pit area... 172 00:07:05,259 --> 00:07:07,074 -Jack: You flagged right up here? -Doug: Yep. 173 00:07:07,169 --> 00:07:09,744 Narrator: ...Metal detection expert gary drayton 174 00:07:09,838 --> 00:07:11,913 And jack begley arrive on lot 8, 175 00:07:12,007 --> 00:07:14,824 Located nearly half a mile away 176 00:07:14,918 --> 00:07:17,160 On the western side of oak island. 177 00:07:17,253 --> 00:07:20,997 With all the finds we've recovered on lot 8, mate, 178 00:07:21,016 --> 00:07:24,017 It makes sense to have this area cleared. 179 00:07:24,111 --> 00:07:26,519 You're right. It has been so thick in the middle of lot 8. 180 00:07:26,672 --> 00:07:28,021 This is the middle. 181 00:07:28,115 --> 00:07:30,340 -Gary: Yeah. -And we really haven't hunted in here yet. 182 00:07:30,358 --> 00:07:31,524 Yep. 183 00:07:31,677 --> 00:07:33,935 Narrator: Lot 8 has become a key location 184 00:07:34,029 --> 00:07:36,179 For the team in recent years, 185 00:07:36,198 --> 00:07:39,607 After a number of compelling discoveries were made here. 186 00:07:40,109 --> 00:07:42,961 These include a semi-precious garnet gemstone, 187 00:07:43,188 --> 00:07:45,112 Believed to be connected to the knights templar, 188 00:07:45,207 --> 00:07:49,042 As well as a mysterious formation of paving stones, 189 00:07:49,136 --> 00:07:51,803 Similar to the 12th-century paved area 190 00:07:51,955 --> 00:07:54,197 That was discovered in the swamp. 191 00:07:54,216 --> 00:07:57,200 And just this year, they unearthed a bunk hook, 192 00:07:57,219 --> 00:07:59,311 A tool designed for lifting heavy cargo, 193 00:07:59,538 --> 00:08:03,206 Which has been dated to the 16th century or earlier. 194 00:08:03,299 --> 00:08:05,800 Let's strike up the magic wand, mate, 195 00:08:05,894 --> 00:08:08,803 And let's put this area on the map. 196 00:08:08,897 --> 00:08:10,714 -The treasure map. -Yeah. 197 00:08:11,325 --> 00:08:13,717 Narrator: Now, after billy gerhardt has cleared trees 198 00:08:13,735 --> 00:08:14,976 And heavy foliage from the lot 199 00:08:15,070 --> 00:08:18,646 Where gary has already scanned, and flagged, 200 00:08:18,740 --> 00:08:19,831 A number of metal targets, 201 00:08:20,058 --> 00:08:22,834 With archaeologist laird niven's permission, 202 00:08:23,061 --> 00:08:25,245 Gary and jack are hoping to find more clues 203 00:08:25,397 --> 00:08:28,322 That might explain just who visited lot 8 204 00:08:28,342 --> 00:08:30,175 Prior to the discovery of the money pit 205 00:08:30,402 --> 00:08:33,661 And what else they may have left behind. 206 00:08:33,680 --> 00:08:34,829 (detector beeping) 207 00:08:34,923 --> 00:08:37,073 Oh, music to my ears, mate. 208 00:08:37,166 --> 00:08:40,352 Good-sounding signal, right there. 209 00:08:40,579 --> 00:08:43,355 ♪ ♪ 210 00:08:50,030 --> 00:08:51,679 (detector beeping) 211 00:08:51,698 --> 00:08:52,589 Gary: Oh, it's in the top. 212 00:08:52,682 --> 00:08:54,199 Jack: (chuckles) all right. 213 00:08:55,443 --> 00:08:56,017 Oh. 214 00:08:56,036 --> 00:08:57,610 (detector beeping) 215 00:08:57,763 --> 00:08:58,686 Ooh. 216 00:08:58,705 --> 00:08:59,779 (detector beeping) 217 00:08:59,873 --> 00:09:00,688 Has a nice ring to it. 218 00:09:00,782 --> 00:09:04,859 -Ooh. -Oh. Bit of chain, mate. 219 00:09:04,953 --> 00:09:07,528 This could be the missing link. 220 00:09:08,048 --> 00:09:10,215 That's what that is, mate. A bit of chain. 221 00:09:10,442 --> 00:09:13,218 D-do you know your date ranges for chains at all? 222 00:09:13,369 --> 00:09:17,964 I know that the older chains have got an oval link. 223 00:09:18,058 --> 00:09:19,874 And these have got oval links. 224 00:09:19,968 --> 00:09:23,228 It looks like it's hand forged. 225 00:09:23,379 --> 00:09:26,898 So, what-what would a chain that thin be used for? 226 00:09:27,050 --> 00:09:29,234 Well, if you've got a chest or a box, 227 00:09:29,461 --> 00:09:32,386 Like a strongbox, they used to put chains 228 00:09:32,480 --> 00:09:35,982 About this size around there to secure and then they'd lock. 229 00:09:36,076 --> 00:09:38,559 -Just to keep it closed. -Yeah. 230 00:09:38,653 --> 00:09:41,821 Narrator: Could gary be correct that this chain link 231 00:09:41,973 --> 00:09:43,323 Might not only be ancient, 232 00:09:43,475 --> 00:09:47,401 But was also designed to secure a strongbox or chest? 233 00:09:47,495 --> 00:09:51,089 Could it be related to the bunk hook recently found nearby? 234 00:09:51,316 --> 00:09:54,334 And if so, could they both be connected 235 00:09:54,486 --> 00:09:57,762 To the semi-precious garnet gemstone as well? 236 00:09:57,914 --> 00:10:00,990 Lot 8 throws us another artifact. 237 00:10:01,009 --> 00:10:02,917 -Love it, mate. Let's bag it. -Yes. 238 00:10:03,011 --> 00:10:04,102 Gary: Now, we're way out 239 00:10:04,253 --> 00:10:06,087 In the middle of the island on lot 8. 240 00:10:06,181 --> 00:10:08,923 I'm hoping that this chain link 241 00:10:09,017 --> 00:10:10,834 Is somehow involved in hauling. 242 00:10:10,852 --> 00:10:12,001 Hauling treasure. 243 00:10:12,020 --> 00:10:15,280 All right, mate, next flag's over there. 244 00:10:16,950 --> 00:10:17,949 See what we're sounding like. 245 00:10:18,101 --> 00:10:19,100 (detector beeping) 246 00:10:19,119 --> 00:10:21,177 Sounds like a good-sounding signal. 247 00:10:21,196 --> 00:10:25,457 Just there, mate. Dig us something good up. 248 00:10:26,960 --> 00:10:29,377 Jack: Oh, it's coming up. 249 00:10:33,967 --> 00:10:35,783 Thank you, sir. 250 00:10:35,802 --> 00:10:38,303 (detector beeping) 251 00:10:40,048 --> 00:10:42,807 You might have moved it out. 252 00:10:42,959 --> 00:10:44,125 (detector beeping) 253 00:10:44,219 --> 00:10:45,885 -It's that. -Jack: Whoa. 254 00:10:45,979 --> 00:10:47,053 (detector beeping) 255 00:10:47,147 --> 00:10:49,814 Gary: Ooh, yeah. This is fantastic. 256 00:10:53,820 --> 00:10:55,970 Jack: Whoa, what the heck is that? You're right. 257 00:10:55,989 --> 00:10:57,397 Gary: Oh, wow. 258 00:10:57,549 --> 00:10:59,473 -This is stylized. -It's got some fancy designs. 259 00:10:59,567 --> 00:11:01,384 Narrator: While searching lot 8 260 00:11:01,477 --> 00:11:02,902 On the western side of oak island, 261 00:11:02,996 --> 00:11:07,557 Gary drayton and jack begley have just unearthed another 262 00:11:07,650 --> 00:11:09,726 Potentially significant discovery. 263 00:11:09,744 --> 00:11:12,412 Gary: I'm not going to mess with this too much. 264 00:11:12,564 --> 00:11:13,413 Jack: No, no, don't. 265 00:11:13,565 --> 00:11:15,322 Gary: Look at that. 266 00:11:15,342 --> 00:11:16,416 Brilliant, mate. 267 00:11:16,568 --> 00:11:18,159 -Jack: Whoa. -Gary: Wow. 268 00:11:18,253 --> 00:11:19,252 Jack: There's markings all over 269 00:11:19,404 --> 00:11:21,680 The front and the back, both sides. 270 00:11:21,907 --> 00:11:25,166 Then you can tell by, like, that blue-green look 271 00:11:25,260 --> 00:11:26,409 That it's got copper in it. 272 00:11:26,428 --> 00:11:27,260 Gary: Yeah. 273 00:11:27,354 --> 00:11:29,262 That looks really old. 274 00:11:29,915 --> 00:11:32,691 It looks like an highly decorative piece. 275 00:11:32,842 --> 00:11:37,511 It could be a large brooch. Could be a belt plate. 276 00:11:37,605 --> 00:11:40,606 Could be an headdress decoration. 277 00:11:40,701 --> 00:11:42,775 It-it's got to be down in the ground for like a couple 278 00:11:42,869 --> 00:11:45,428 Hundred years, I'd think, to get a patina like that on it. 279 00:11:45,447 --> 00:11:47,205 No, a lot longer than that, believe me. 280 00:11:47,356 --> 00:11:48,614 A lot longer? Wow. 281 00:11:48,767 --> 00:11:52,544 I've found roman coins that come up looking like this. 282 00:11:52,771 --> 00:11:58,291 And I'm hoping that this is the same date range 283 00:11:58,385 --> 00:12:00,460 As that garnet brooch 284 00:12:00,612 --> 00:12:03,888 That we found not too far away from here. 285 00:12:04,783 --> 00:12:07,541 I know you keep referring to it as a brooch. 286 00:12:07,561 --> 00:12:09,635 I have a different possible interpretation. 287 00:12:09,788 --> 00:12:12,305 Narrator: One year ago, rick lagina 288 00:12:12,457 --> 00:12:13,623 And members of the team 289 00:12:13,716 --> 00:12:16,793 Met with 32nd degree freemason scott clarke 290 00:12:16,886 --> 00:12:19,220 Who presented them with his belief 291 00:12:19,314 --> 00:12:20,630 That the garnet gemstone, 292 00:12:20,648 --> 00:12:24,634 Found on lot 8 by rick and gary back in 2017, 293 00:12:24,727 --> 00:12:27,653 Was once part of a masonic breastplate 294 00:12:27,748 --> 00:12:31,065 Used in a profound ritual connected to the knights templar 295 00:12:31,159 --> 00:12:35,069 And one of the most sacred lost treasures ever known to mankind. 296 00:12:35,163 --> 00:12:37,830 Scott clarke: The breastplate was used in a specific 297 00:12:37,924 --> 00:12:41,408 Masonic ritual meant to mimic the retrieval 298 00:12:41,503 --> 00:12:42,576 Of the ark of the covenant 299 00:12:42,670 --> 00:12:45,004 From a secret vault underground. 300 00:12:45,156 --> 00:12:47,006 Wow. 301 00:12:48,009 --> 00:12:50,769 Narrator: Is it possible that jack and gary have just found 302 00:12:50,920 --> 00:12:54,606 Another clue that could help validate scott clarke's theory? 303 00:12:54,833 --> 00:12:57,609 And might it also explain the oval chain 304 00:12:57,836 --> 00:13:02,113 And bunk hook that were discovered on lot 8 as well? 305 00:13:02,265 --> 00:13:03,506 Gary: Thanks. 306 00:13:03,599 --> 00:13:06,934 Right, let's see, without damaging it too much... 307 00:13:07,028 --> 00:13:09,862 Jack: We need to get this right back to the lab immediately. 308 00:13:09,956 --> 00:13:13,458 Gary: I'm in agreement, mate. Straight back to the lab. 309 00:13:13,685 --> 00:13:15,518 Here you go, mate, if you'll look after that. 310 00:13:15,611 --> 00:13:18,354 Wait till they see this in the lab. 311 00:13:18,373 --> 00:13:19,923 (jack laughs) 312 00:13:23,044 --> 00:13:25,378 Narrator: After finishing their search on lot 8... 313 00:13:25,472 --> 00:13:27,972 Craig: Hey, smiley guys. 314 00:13:28,124 --> 00:13:28,956 (laughter) 315 00:13:28,975 --> 00:13:30,457 Wait till you see what we found. 316 00:13:30,552 --> 00:13:32,960 Narrator: ...Gary and jack meet with rick lagina, 317 00:13:33,054 --> 00:13:36,815 Craig tester and archaeologists laird niven and emma culligan 318 00:13:37,042 --> 00:13:39,559 In the oak island interpretive centre. 319 00:13:40,211 --> 00:13:44,305 Gary: Okay. It's lot 8, it looks really, really old. 320 00:13:44,399 --> 00:13:46,566 It's got a lovely patina on it. 321 00:13:46,660 --> 00:13:50,144 But the design is spectacular. 322 00:13:50,163 --> 00:13:51,329 Oh, wow. 323 00:13:51,890 --> 00:13:53,480 Jack: Put it under the microscope. 324 00:13:53,575 --> 00:13:54,999 Let's check it out. 325 00:13:55,151 --> 00:13:58,578 Narrator: Using the fisherbrand 425 series microscope 326 00:13:58,672 --> 00:14:01,914 And a c-mount 10 megapixel digital camera, 327 00:14:02,008 --> 00:14:04,843 Laird will be able to take photographs 328 00:14:05,070 --> 00:14:07,086 Of the magnified artifact and its finer details 329 00:14:07,238 --> 00:14:13,017 At a resolution of as much as 90 times their actual size. 330 00:14:14,521 --> 00:14:16,262 Gary: Wow, look at that color. 331 00:14:16,857 --> 00:14:18,505 Jack: You can tell there's got to be copper in there. 332 00:14:18,525 --> 00:14:20,942 Gary: Yep. 333 00:14:23,771 --> 00:14:26,105 Laird: Try to zoom out a bit. 334 00:14:26,515 --> 00:14:28,992 Rick: Can you turn it over? 335 00:14:30,778 --> 00:14:32,519 Oh, it's relatively thick, isn't it? 336 00:14:32,539 --> 00:14:33,446 There you go. 337 00:14:34,207 --> 00:14:36,432 Jack: Yeah, you can see it's got markings on it, too. 338 00:14:36,451 --> 00:14:37,876 Laird: Yeah. 339 00:14:38,027 --> 00:14:41,862 Gary: It's just got an old look, an old feel about it. 340 00:14:41,882 --> 00:14:46,885 But that's a raised something right there. 341 00:14:47,220 --> 00:14:48,444 Laird: Yeah. 342 00:14:48,463 --> 00:14:51,222 That patina is brilliant. 343 00:14:51,633 --> 00:14:52,965 What's your first thought? 344 00:14:53,059 --> 00:14:57,286 My first thought when-when I saw it was that it's military. 345 00:14:57,789 --> 00:15:00,973 But why is it here? It shouldn't be on lot 8. 346 00:15:01,067 --> 00:15:04,627 And neither should've that brooch, which was recovered 347 00:15:04,646 --> 00:15:06,220 Not far away from this. 348 00:15:06,239 --> 00:15:07,480 Yeah. 349 00:15:07,632 --> 00:15:10,909 Do you mind if I pop it in the xrf real quick? 350 00:15:11,244 --> 00:15:13,227 All right. 351 00:15:13,972 --> 00:15:15,638 Hopefully, we'll get some nice surprises 352 00:15:15,657 --> 00:15:17,990 With the metal readout. 353 00:15:19,568 --> 00:15:23,813 Narrator: In order to confirm the metal composition of the artifact, 354 00:15:23,831 --> 00:15:26,907 Emma is now using the x-ray fluorescence device, 355 00:15:26,927 --> 00:15:31,095 Which emits non-destructive radiation. 356 00:15:31,506 --> 00:15:33,489 Okay, the scan is done. 357 00:15:33,508 --> 00:15:34,599 Rick: Whoa. 358 00:15:34,826 --> 00:15:38,585 You'll see the copper alloy's way up there. 359 00:15:38,680 --> 00:15:40,830 Emma: That's 95% copper. 360 00:15:40,923 --> 00:15:42,665 So, if you look at the iron component, 361 00:15:42,758 --> 00:15:46,427 It's almost as equal as the zinc. 362 00:15:46,446 --> 00:15:50,173 And it is pretty small levels. 363 00:15:50,508 --> 00:15:51,449 So, it could be old. 364 00:15:51,600 --> 00:15:53,618 -Boom, baby. -(laughs) 365 00:15:53,769 --> 00:15:54,935 Laird: It's mostly copper. 366 00:15:54,955 --> 00:15:58,623 There's zinc in there as well, and iron, 367 00:15:58,850 --> 00:16:00,792 Which makes it definitively a copper alloy. 368 00:16:01,019 --> 00:16:03,962 Which has been used for thousands of years. 369 00:16:04,113 --> 00:16:08,299 This piece is so unique and potentially very old. 370 00:16:08,451 --> 00:16:10,710 I think next steps 371 00:16:10,862 --> 00:16:14,380 Are to ct scan based on the xrf results, 372 00:16:14,532 --> 00:16:16,699 Clean it very delicately, 373 00:16:16,792 --> 00:16:18,534 So we can get a better look at it. 374 00:16:18,553 --> 00:16:19,477 Yes. 375 00:16:19,704 --> 00:16:20,870 Narrator: In an effort to obtain 376 00:16:20,888 --> 00:16:23,873 Much clearer images of the artifact, 377 00:16:23,891 --> 00:16:26,818 And hopefully identify what it could be, 378 00:16:27,045 --> 00:16:29,879 Laird will now place it in the computed tomography, 379 00:16:29,972 --> 00:16:32,824 Or ct, scanner for up to 24 hours. 380 00:16:33,051 --> 00:16:35,718 By emitting non-destructive radiation, 381 00:16:35,811 --> 00:16:37,887 The device can penetrate the corrosion 382 00:16:37,980 --> 00:16:40,406 That has built up on the object over time 383 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:42,575 To reveal its finer details. 384 00:16:42,727 --> 00:16:46,653 Rick: This thing is strange. 385 00:16:46,748 --> 00:16:47,747 And I don't want to get too excited. 386 00:16:47,841 --> 00:16:50,249 But it's definitely different. 387 00:16:50,993 --> 00:16:53,419 Uh, lot 8 seems to be where we, you know, 388 00:16:53,513 --> 00:16:54,995 Make very interesting finds. 389 00:16:55,015 --> 00:16:57,740 That makes it curious what activities 390 00:16:57,759 --> 00:17:00,018 Were conducted on lot 8. 391 00:17:00,428 --> 00:17:02,912 I think we just need to 392 00:17:03,005 --> 00:17:05,264 Use science to determine whether or not 393 00:17:05,416 --> 00:17:08,918 There's some sort of connection between all of these artifacts. 394 00:17:09,011 --> 00:17:11,512 Would we like them to tell a story? 395 00:17:11,606 --> 00:17:12,679 Yes, we would. 396 00:17:12,774 --> 00:17:15,107 It's a very curious piece. 397 00:17:15,260 --> 00:17:16,275 Yep. 398 00:17:16,427 --> 00:17:17,777 You guys need to go and find some more. 399 00:17:17,929 --> 00:17:20,538 Yeah. Coil to the soil. 400 00:17:20,689 --> 00:17:21,539 -Let's go. -(laughter) 401 00:17:21,690 --> 00:17:22,874 Laird: All right, see you later. 402 00:17:23,101 --> 00:17:24,542 -Craig: See you later. -Rick: Thank you, emma. 403 00:17:24,693 --> 00:17:26,118 Emma: See you. 404 00:17:26,954 --> 00:17:30,273 Narrator: Later that afternoon... 405 00:17:30,792 --> 00:17:31,865 -Craig: Gentlemen. -Charles: Hi. 406 00:17:31,959 --> 00:17:33,534 Craig: We got the tunnel? 407 00:17:33,553 --> 00:17:34,552 Yeah. 408 00:17:34,779 --> 00:17:35,778 Narrator: ...Craig tester arrives 409 00:17:35,797 --> 00:17:37,722 With other members of the team 410 00:17:37,949 --> 00:17:40,116 At the money pit, after being alerted 411 00:17:40,209 --> 00:17:43,619 About a potentially important development 412 00:17:43,638 --> 00:17:46,622 In borehole n.5-17.5. 413 00:17:47,125 --> 00:17:49,883 Terry: We seem to have encountered a tunnel. 414 00:17:49,903 --> 00:17:52,645 We got a singular beam right here. 415 00:17:52,739 --> 00:17:55,722 So, this post or base support 416 00:17:55,742 --> 00:17:58,651 For what seems to be a vertical beam here, 417 00:17:58,803 --> 00:18:01,804 Is sitting directly above 418 00:18:01,897 --> 00:18:03,639 Material that has not been disturbed. 419 00:18:03,658 --> 00:18:06,826 This is from 99 to 103. 420 00:18:06,920 --> 00:18:08,402 That should be the top 421 00:18:08,421 --> 00:18:11,756 Of where we have encountered, uh, the tunnel previously. 422 00:18:11,907 --> 00:18:13,925 -The tunnel should start here. -Yeah, exactly. 423 00:18:14,152 --> 00:18:16,094 It's above the area where we expected to see it. 424 00:18:16,321 --> 00:18:19,338 Craig: Now, we were expecting the tunnel 425 00:18:19,432 --> 00:18:21,248 At 102 or 103 feet down. 426 00:18:21,267 --> 00:18:25,661 And we hit wood higher than expected, 99 feet. 427 00:18:26,164 --> 00:18:28,589 Maybe we encountered a separate structure? 428 00:18:28,683 --> 00:18:30,924 Two tunnels, maybe? 429 00:18:30,944 --> 00:18:33,002 Narrator: In recent weeks, 430 00:18:33,020 --> 00:18:34,946 The oak island team has encountered 431 00:18:35,173 --> 00:18:37,115 The same five-foot-high tunnel at a depth 432 00:18:37,342 --> 00:18:40,767 Of 103 feet in four different boreholes 433 00:18:40,862 --> 00:18:42,011 And believe it could be leading 434 00:18:42,029 --> 00:18:44,196 In the direction of the garden shaft. 435 00:18:44,290 --> 00:18:47,941 So, now that they have unearthed new evidence of a tunnel, 436 00:18:48,035 --> 00:18:50,202 But at a depth of only 99 feet, 437 00:18:50,296 --> 00:18:53,113 Could it be part of the tunnel they have been tracking? 438 00:18:53,133 --> 00:18:55,858 Or is it a completely separate tunnel 439 00:18:55,877 --> 00:18:58,544 That was previously unknown to them? 440 00:18:58,638 --> 00:18:59,712 If that's the case, 441 00:18:59,806 --> 00:19:01,697 Who built it? When? 442 00:19:01,716 --> 00:19:03,957 And where does it lead? 443 00:19:03,977 --> 00:19:06,702 Terry: It's an enigma, that's for sure. 444 00:19:06,721 --> 00:19:07,536 Craig, what do you think? 445 00:19:07,630 --> 00:19:08,795 Let's take this a little deeper, 446 00:19:08,815 --> 00:19:09,981 Just to mark it. 447 00:19:10,132 --> 00:19:12,984 Let's you and I head back and start figuring out 448 00:19:13,211 --> 00:19:15,653 What this means and where to drill next. 449 00:19:15,804 --> 00:19:16,988 Okay, all right. 450 00:19:17,139 --> 00:19:18,881 -Craig: See you, guys. -Scott: Thanks, guys. 451 00:19:18,974 --> 00:19:19,323 Terry: All right, talk to you soon. 452 00:19:23,312 --> 00:19:25,830 Narrator: As a new day begins on oak 453 00:19:25,981 --> 00:19:27,723 -Roger: You guys ready? -Daniel: Yeah. 454 00:19:27,742 --> 00:19:31,227 Narrator: ...And while the team from dumas contracting ltd. 455 00:19:31,245 --> 00:19:34,230 Works to complete the new steel and concrete foundation 456 00:19:34,248 --> 00:19:36,749 Around the top of the garden shaft... 457 00:19:36,901 --> 00:19:37,917 Roger: Yep, perfect. 458 00:19:38,069 --> 00:19:39,993 -Brandon: 33 to 38. -Thank you, brandon. 459 00:19:40,013 --> 00:19:43,088 -Brandon: 38, okay. -38. 33 to 38. 460 00:19:43,183 --> 00:19:45,908 Narrator: ...Nearly 40 feet southwest, 461 00:19:45,927 --> 00:19:48,077 Geologist terry matheson 462 00:19:48,170 --> 00:19:50,596 And oak island historian paul troutman 463 00:19:50,690 --> 00:19:52,172 Are supervising the drilling 464 00:19:52,192 --> 00:19:57,010 Of a new borehole known as f.25-14.4. 465 00:19:57,030 --> 00:19:59,922 Based on the direction of craig tester, 466 00:20:00,015 --> 00:20:02,015 The team has chosen this location 467 00:20:02,035 --> 00:20:07,038 45 feet northwest of borehole n.5-17.5 468 00:20:07,189 --> 00:20:09,040 Where they discovered evidence of a tunnel 469 00:20:09,191 --> 00:20:12,935 At a depth of 99 feet one day ago. 470 00:20:12,954 --> 00:20:15,529 -Brandon: 48. -Paul: 48. 471 00:20:15,548 --> 00:20:18,624 Narrator: Because they had originally been tracking a tunnel 472 00:20:18,718 --> 00:20:20,125 Some 103 feet deep, 473 00:20:20,220 --> 00:20:23,796 Which is believed to be heading toward the garden shaft, 474 00:20:23,890 --> 00:20:25,130 They are hoping to determine 475 00:20:25,283 --> 00:20:27,874 If there are actually two different structures 476 00:20:27,969 --> 00:20:29,710 Below ground in this area. 477 00:20:29,804 --> 00:20:33,064 Terry: This hole, f.25-14.4, 478 00:20:33,215 --> 00:20:36,049 That placement we feel is going to hit that tunnel 479 00:20:36,143 --> 00:20:37,626 If it passes through there? 480 00:20:37,645 --> 00:20:38,885 Yeah, and-and potentially 481 00:20:38,980 --> 00:20:41,313 -There is more than one tunnel here. -Right. 482 00:20:41,407 --> 00:20:43,966 Paul: The other thing, too, is to try to delineate 483 00:20:44,059 --> 00:20:45,910 Whether it continues up north to south 484 00:20:46,137 --> 00:20:48,729 In this direction, going to the garden shaft. 485 00:20:48,823 --> 00:20:49,989 So, maybe we'll get a hit here. 486 00:20:50,083 --> 00:20:52,733 Maybe this will give us some good information. 487 00:20:52,827 --> 00:20:53,918 Terry: Cross our fingers. 488 00:20:54,645 --> 00:20:58,405 Narrator: As operations continue in the money pit area, 489 00:20:58,499 --> 00:21:03,486 Rick lagina arrives at the interpretive centre. 490 00:21:04,322 --> 00:21:08,157 -Rick: Wow. That is impressive. -Laird: Yeah. 491 00:21:08,250 --> 00:21:10,993 Narrator: Here, archeologists laird niven, 492 00:21:11,012 --> 00:21:13,086 Helen sheldon 493 00:21:13,106 --> 00:21:15,014 And emma culligan have just completed 494 00:21:15,108 --> 00:21:16,923 The computed tomography scan 495 00:21:17,018 --> 00:21:18,091 Of the mysterious artifact 496 00:21:18,111 --> 00:21:21,112 Found one day ago on lot 8. 497 00:21:21,263 --> 00:21:24,782 Rick: That's very different than the way it looked the other day. 498 00:21:24,933 --> 00:21:25,932 Laird: Yep. 499 00:21:26,027 --> 00:21:28,177 Has it been folded? 500 00:21:28,270 --> 00:21:31,697 Yes, it's been folded three times. 501 00:21:32,517 --> 00:21:34,867 Laird: So you can actually see the fold there, 502 00:21:34,961 --> 00:21:37,586 See the overlaying fold. 503 00:21:40,041 --> 00:21:41,874 Rick: So, these raised areas you see 504 00:21:42,026 --> 00:21:42,949 And the recessed areas, 505 00:21:42,969 --> 00:21:44,860 That's not because of the folding? 506 00:21:44,953 --> 00:21:45,952 -No. -It's not artificial? 507 00:21:46,047 --> 00:21:47,530 -No, no, no. -This is...? 508 00:21:47,623 --> 00:21:52,051 Laird: So, you can see these markings are a, deliberate 509 00:21:52,203 --> 00:21:55,396 And b, something I've never seen before. 510 00:21:56,816 --> 00:21:59,966 But strange, strange symbols. 511 00:22:00,061 --> 00:22:02,486 Here's the other side, too. 512 00:22:03,564 --> 00:22:04,713 And it's fragile. 513 00:22:04,732 --> 00:22:07,716 It's been in the ground for a long time. 514 00:22:08,069 --> 00:22:10,553 I want to go through each little design. 515 00:22:10,571 --> 00:22:13,980 If I measure them out and if they're not consistent, 516 00:22:14,075 --> 00:22:15,982 Then you know it's not stamped, 517 00:22:16,077 --> 00:22:18,336 It was handcrafted. 518 00:22:18,487 --> 00:22:22,989 Laird: The implication is that is if it's handcrafted, it's older. 519 00:22:23,084 --> 00:22:24,658 Rick: We have to find a way 520 00:22:24,752 --> 00:22:26,418 To put a date to it 521 00:22:26,571 --> 00:22:29,663 -Because it-it's such a "wow" thing. -Mm-hmm. 522 00:22:29,682 --> 00:22:30,664 Yeah. 523 00:22:30,683 --> 00:22:31,832 What is this? 524 00:22:31,926 --> 00:22:34,185 You thought maybe military. 525 00:22:34,412 --> 00:22:36,169 -Do you...? Have you come off of that? -Yes. 526 00:22:36,189 --> 00:22:39,005 And, really, apart from that, I don't know 527 00:22:39,100 --> 00:22:41,250 If it was on some clothing 528 00:22:41,343 --> 00:22:44,937 Or if it was on, uh, something more ceremonial. 529 00:22:45,031 --> 00:22:47,089 We don't know yet. 530 00:22:47,683 --> 00:22:50,442 Narrator: Could archaeologist laird niven be correct 531 00:22:50,536 --> 00:22:54,930 That this artifact was used for a ceremonial purpose? 532 00:22:54,949 --> 00:22:56,432 If so, might it offer evidence 533 00:22:56,450 --> 00:23:00,119 Of the masonic rituals that some, like scott clarke, 534 00:23:00,271 --> 00:23:03,272 Believe took place long ago on lot 8 535 00:23:03,290 --> 00:23:05,198 In relation to sacred treasures 536 00:23:05,292 --> 00:23:08,201 Connected to the knights templar? 537 00:23:08,295 --> 00:23:10,279 Rick: Helen, what do you think? 538 00:23:10,372 --> 00:23:12,448 Are you as mystified as the rest of us? 539 00:23:12,541 --> 00:23:14,892 I am as mystified as the rest of you. 540 00:23:15,119 --> 00:23:17,136 It's, um, very thin. 541 00:23:17,288 --> 00:23:19,304 It appears quite decorative. 542 00:23:19,399 --> 00:23:22,791 I've never seen anything quite like that before, so... 543 00:23:23,294 --> 00:23:25,385 This is definitely an intentional decoration. 544 00:23:25,405 --> 00:23:28,964 There's no way this can be modern? 545 00:23:29,057 --> 00:23:30,649 Not to me. 546 00:23:30,743 --> 00:23:31,742 And helen? 547 00:23:31,969 --> 00:23:33,986 It doesn't strike me as being modern. 548 00:23:34,138 --> 00:23:36,580 Like, not 20th century. 549 00:23:37,065 --> 00:23:38,974 Rick: It's the symbology of the piece, 550 00:23:38,993 --> 00:23:40,159 The-the design of it, 551 00:23:40,253 --> 00:23:43,069 They are unique characters. 552 00:23:43,164 --> 00:23:46,315 The iconography involved here is... 553 00:23:46,408 --> 00:23:48,909 It's like nothing I've seen on the island. 554 00:23:49,003 --> 00:23:50,243 We're gonna look into it. 555 00:23:50,337 --> 00:23:52,838 I think there's information 556 00:23:52,932 --> 00:23:53,989 Within that symbology. 557 00:23:54,008 --> 00:23:55,007 Mm-hmm. 558 00:23:55,159 --> 00:23:56,082 And I think we need to follow this. 559 00:23:56,102 --> 00:23:58,084 So, we need to reach out to people 560 00:23:58,104 --> 00:24:00,179 And, uh, see what they think. 561 00:24:00,331 --> 00:24:01,272 -Yeah. -Rick: Okey-doke. 562 00:24:01,423 --> 00:24:03,332 I'm going to let you at your business. 563 00:24:03,425 --> 00:24:05,776 -Okay, all right. -Thank you. That-that was cool. 564 00:24:06,003 --> 00:24:06,927 It is neat. 565 00:24:07,688 --> 00:24:10,096 Narrator: While rick lagina concludes his meeting 566 00:24:10,191 --> 00:24:11,857 In the interpretive centre... 567 00:24:12,343 --> 00:24:14,343 ...Back at the money pit... 568 00:24:14,361 --> 00:24:16,862 It's blue-grey till, but it's a little soft. 569 00:24:17,014 --> 00:24:18,847 ...Terry matheson, 570 00:24:18,866 --> 00:24:20,015 Paul troutman 571 00:24:20,034 --> 00:24:21,200 And other members of the team 572 00:24:21,294 --> 00:24:24,870 Continue supervising the drilling operation 573 00:24:25,022 --> 00:24:27,465 In borehole f.25-14.4 574 00:24:27,692 --> 00:24:32,377 As it approaches the target depth of some 100 feet. 575 00:24:32,530 --> 00:24:37,199 Terry: This is pretty mundane stuff, just as we expected. 576 00:24:37,292 --> 00:24:38,976 Um, take a look at what comes up next, 577 00:24:39,127 --> 00:24:40,603 That'll be very important. 578 00:24:43,316 --> 00:24:46,442 -Brandon: Got one more bag. -Steve: Got one more? 579 00:24:58,331 --> 00:25:01,573 So, basically, it's, uh, caved in to 99 580 00:25:01,667 --> 00:25:04,627 -After I pulled that other one out. -Scott: Okay. 581 00:25:06,413 --> 00:25:09,231 Just well-bedded sediment here. 582 00:25:09,324 --> 00:25:12,676 Paul: We got wood right here, 103. 583 00:25:13,346 --> 00:25:15,237 Terry: Oh, wow. That's it, right there. 584 00:25:15,330 --> 00:25:16,180 Scott: That's interesting. 585 00:25:16,407 --> 00:25:18,999 Where did they experience the drop? 586 00:25:19,093 --> 00:25:22,594 It dropped from 99 down to 103. 587 00:25:23,097 --> 00:25:24,170 This intersection right here 588 00:25:24,190 --> 00:25:26,357 Is sitting right on top of some muck. 589 00:25:26,584 --> 00:25:29,434 -That's probably the floor. -Terry: Exactly. 590 00:25:29,587 --> 00:25:32,178 Scott: This would put this tunnel 591 00:25:32,198 --> 00:25:33,531 -Coming from a higher elevation. -Yep. 592 00:25:33,758 --> 00:25:37,426 Steve: So, right now we've got real evidence 593 00:25:37,519 --> 00:25:39,278 That we have two different tunnels 594 00:25:39,430 --> 00:25:40,353 At two different elevations 595 00:25:40,373 --> 00:25:42,447 Essentially in the same location. 596 00:25:42,542 --> 00:25:45,376 So, there's a lot of investigating for us to do. 597 00:25:45,603 --> 00:25:47,861 -We've hit two tunnels, right? -That's right. 598 00:25:47,880 --> 00:25:49,104 Exactly. 599 00:25:49,123 --> 00:25:50,455 Yep. 600 00:25:50,550 --> 00:25:52,198 Terry: I think rick might want to see this. 601 00:25:52,218 --> 00:25:53,609 Paul: Yep. 602 00:25:53,702 --> 00:25:54,385 -Terry: We should let him know. -Paul: All right. 603 00:25:58,616 --> 00:25:59,965 -Paul: Hey, rick. -Rick: Hey, guys. 604 00:26:00,059 --> 00:26:02,042 What have we got? 605 00:26:02,562 --> 00:26:07,398 We dropped from 98 to 103 and a half. 606 00:26:07,549 --> 00:26:11,217 There's the wood at approximately 103. 607 00:26:11,237 --> 00:26:13,237 We've hit the tunnel. 608 00:26:13,464 --> 00:26:15,981 The question is, of course, "which tunnel?" 609 00:26:16,483 --> 00:26:17,724 Narrator: In the money pit area, 610 00:26:17,818 --> 00:26:21,561 Rick lagina joins members of the oak island team 611 00:26:21,581 --> 00:26:23,155 Where they have just drilled into 612 00:26:23,307 --> 00:26:24,990 A possible man-made structure 613 00:26:25,142 --> 00:26:28,327 In borehole f.25-14.4, 614 00:26:28,479 --> 00:26:32,072 Located just 37 feet southwest 615 00:26:32,091 --> 00:26:33,573 Of the garden shaft. 616 00:26:33,667 --> 00:26:37,653 Our target was the tunnel that we've been chasing in the south. 617 00:26:37,671 --> 00:26:42,157 -But we may have hit another tunnel. -Really? 618 00:26:42,676 --> 00:26:46,252 But right now we have good confidence at about 103 feet 619 00:26:46,272 --> 00:26:48,939 Was the floor of this tunnel. 620 00:26:49,091 --> 00:26:50,182 So-- which is-is higher, 621 00:26:50,334 --> 00:26:52,334 Higher than our tunnel that we've been chasing. 622 00:26:52,353 --> 00:26:53,277 Rick: Is it possible 623 00:26:53,428 --> 00:26:56,596 That this tunnel, at this elevation, 624 00:26:56,616 --> 00:26:59,858 Would have allowed another tunnel to come very near it? 625 00:26:59,952 --> 00:27:03,603 Might one or both of these tunnels be associated 626 00:27:03,623 --> 00:27:06,031 With original work in the garden shaft? 627 00:27:06,125 --> 00:27:08,033 It's possible. 628 00:27:08,535 --> 00:27:09,701 Yeah, you could still project a line 629 00:27:09,795 --> 00:27:11,687 To the garden shaft from where we have our tunnel. 630 00:27:11,705 --> 00:27:14,039 Those two purple lines go right through. 631 00:27:14,191 --> 00:27:15,858 I agree. I totally agree. 632 00:27:15,876 --> 00:27:17,709 So, that makes our life a little bit more confusing 633 00:27:17,862 --> 00:27:19,285 And-and it gives us all a little bit more work, 634 00:27:19,305 --> 00:27:20,712 Or at least homework. 635 00:27:20,865 --> 00:27:22,865 -So, our next step is to review the data... -Rick: Yep. 636 00:27:22,883 --> 00:27:24,700 Scott: ...And how it compares to our tunnel 637 00:27:24,718 --> 00:27:26,459 That we've been chasing to the garden shaft. 638 00:27:26,479 --> 00:27:29,538 Yep. So, let's glean some more information 639 00:27:29,556 --> 00:27:30,964 From what we've already done 640 00:27:30,983 --> 00:27:34,318 -And then try to decide how to move forward. -Yep. 641 00:27:34,545 --> 00:27:35,969 -Right on. -All righty. Thank you, guys. 642 00:27:35,988 --> 00:27:39,305 Steve: When we have something, we'll fill you in. 643 00:27:39,733 --> 00:27:41,659 Narrator: Later that afternoon... 644 00:27:41,810 --> 00:27:46,146 Steve: So, as you know, we just finished f.25-14.4 645 00:27:46,240 --> 00:27:47,665 And we were trying to determine 646 00:27:47,892 --> 00:27:49,908 -If that was part of our tunneling system from this year. -Yep. 647 00:27:50,060 --> 00:27:53,395 Narrator: ...Rick lagina arrives at the research centre 648 00:27:53,488 --> 00:27:55,247 To meet with surveyor steve guptill 649 00:27:55,399 --> 00:27:58,158 And project manager scott barlow 650 00:27:58,252 --> 00:27:59,568 To formulate a new plan 651 00:27:59,586 --> 00:28:02,571 For where to drill next in the money pit area. 652 00:28:02,589 --> 00:28:04,589 We had a successful tunnel hit. 653 00:28:04,684 --> 00:28:07,167 However, we believe it's probably not our tunnel. 654 00:28:07,186 --> 00:28:10,262 As you know, j-15.25, 655 00:28:10,414 --> 00:28:11,504 It was the last confirmed hit 656 00:28:11,598 --> 00:28:12,856 In the tunnel we've been chasing this year. 657 00:28:13,083 --> 00:28:14,174 Right. 658 00:28:14,676 --> 00:28:15,767 Steve: And that's where we've left off. 659 00:28:15,920 --> 00:28:17,695 Up until this point, we're pretty confident 660 00:28:17,846 --> 00:28:20,772 That this is our tunnel that we've been chasing northwest 661 00:28:20,866 --> 00:28:23,425 To the garden shaft, based on the drill program 662 00:28:23,444 --> 00:28:27,020 And sonar work, up to this green circle. 663 00:28:27,540 --> 00:28:29,189 Now, we're into a bit of a problem. 664 00:28:29,208 --> 00:28:31,116 You see this big green circle? 665 00:28:31,210 --> 00:28:32,100 Rick: Yep. 666 00:28:32,119 --> 00:28:33,435 Steve: That's our muon setback. 667 00:28:33,454 --> 00:28:37,606 And you see this red line? That's our muon power. 668 00:28:37,624 --> 00:28:40,050 So, those are two obstacles we have in our way. 669 00:28:40,627 --> 00:28:42,702 Narrator: Late last fall, 670 00:28:42,722 --> 00:28:46,448 The oak island team installed muon tomography sensors 671 00:28:46,467 --> 00:28:49,284 Deep underground in five boreholes 672 00:28:49,303 --> 00:28:51,211 Across the money pit area. 673 00:28:51,230 --> 00:28:52,637 These devices are detecting 674 00:28:52,790 --> 00:28:55,715 Subatomic particles that originate from outer space 675 00:28:55,735 --> 00:28:58,569 As they penetrate the earth's surface. 676 00:28:58,796 --> 00:29:00,812 The collected data will be used to generate 677 00:29:00,965 --> 00:29:03,741 A detailed map of underground anomalies 678 00:29:03,968 --> 00:29:07,486 Including tunnels, voids and large objects 679 00:29:07,638 --> 00:29:09,395 Such as a treasure vault. 680 00:29:09,415 --> 00:29:12,398 We kind of find ourselves in a bit of a, 681 00:29:12,493 --> 00:29:14,159 You know, boxed-in effect. 682 00:29:14,311 --> 00:29:18,422 Narrator: However, this potential breakthrough operation, 683 00:29:18,649 --> 00:29:20,983 Which will take several more months to complete, 684 00:29:21,001 --> 00:29:24,911 Presents an unfortunate obstacle for the team's drilling program. 685 00:29:24,930 --> 00:29:28,766 Rick: The muon detectors are collecting data as we speak. 686 00:29:28,993 --> 00:29:32,919 They cannot be moved and you need to 687 00:29:32,938 --> 00:29:37,516 Have a ten-foot setback around each of the, uh, detectors. 688 00:29:37,668 --> 00:29:40,277 Unfortunately, that compromises our ability 689 00:29:40,428 --> 00:29:41,928 To follow these tunnels. 690 00:29:41,947 --> 00:29:46,508 So, we have to try to find another way around the issue. 691 00:29:46,601 --> 00:29:47,934 Can you extend the purple line 692 00:29:47,953 --> 00:29:50,846 -Of the original tunnel for me? -Steve: Oh, I sure can. 693 00:29:50,864 --> 00:29:54,607 I'll extend it through our money pit pad for you. 694 00:29:54,627 --> 00:29:56,868 -Okay, there we go. -Rick: Okay, perfect. 695 00:29:57,021 --> 00:30:00,205 There is a spot there where I'd be comfortable drilling. 696 00:30:00,299 --> 00:30:01,799 Where's that? 697 00:30:03,377 --> 00:30:04,301 Rick: Come right. Down. 698 00:30:04,452 --> 00:30:06,452 -Right there. -Steve: Right here? 699 00:30:06,547 --> 00:30:09,455 I'll put a point there. 700 00:30:09,475 --> 00:30:11,533 Rick: I'd be comfortable drilling that. 701 00:30:11,626 --> 00:30:14,219 We're only like a foot in, maybe. 702 00:30:14,796 --> 00:30:16,980 When they created that setback, they said to us... 703 00:30:17,207 --> 00:30:18,482 Yep. 704 00:30:18,633 --> 00:30:20,466 ..."we're being overly cautious." 705 00:30:20,561 --> 00:30:21,560 Scott: That's right. 706 00:30:21,712 --> 00:30:24,229 I-I think that's a safe location as well. 707 00:30:24,381 --> 00:30:25,305 Mm-hmm. 708 00:30:25,399 --> 00:30:26,398 But if we do drill there, 709 00:30:26,550 --> 00:30:27,825 And we do hit, what does it tell us? 710 00:30:28,052 --> 00:30:31,495 The objective for me is we want to get a sonar down there 711 00:30:31,722 --> 00:30:34,406 And image it to the south and to the north. 712 00:30:34,500 --> 00:30:35,574 It may be open. 713 00:30:35,668 --> 00:30:39,652 It may be open quite a distance to the north. 714 00:30:39,672 --> 00:30:41,988 And that would be very helpful to know that 715 00:30:42,007 --> 00:30:47,736 Because it's such close proximity to the garden shaft. 716 00:30:47,754 --> 00:30:49,921 It might be a potential target for tunneling 717 00:30:50,074 --> 00:30:54,017 Or expanding the bottom of the garden shaft. 718 00:30:54,244 --> 00:30:55,427 Yep. 719 00:30:55,521 --> 00:30:57,837 That's my vote. 720 00:30:57,857 --> 00:31:01,674 That's about as far north as we can go, given the setback 721 00:31:01,694 --> 00:31:03,935 For protecting the muon hole. 722 00:31:04,029 --> 00:31:07,422 So, I think we try to reacquire the tunnel there. 723 00:31:07,441 --> 00:31:08,848 Yep. 724 00:31:08,868 --> 00:31:10,516 And we're going to adjust every time we drill a hole. 725 00:31:10,611 --> 00:31:12,852 This is not a fixed grid. 726 00:31:12,872 --> 00:31:15,780 This is jumping from one piece of data 727 00:31:15,875 --> 00:31:18,691 To the next piece of data to the next piece of data. 728 00:31:18,785 --> 00:31:20,210 Steve: Yep. I like that. 729 00:31:20,362 --> 00:31:22,604 Maybe there's a little bit of gold at the end of this rainbow. 730 00:31:22,623 --> 00:31:24,214 Rick: Maybe. 731 00:31:24,775 --> 00:31:27,609 Okay, well, we have a plan. 732 00:31:27,702 --> 00:31:29,177 That's where we're going to go next. 733 00:31:30,280 --> 00:31:31,221 Okay? 734 00:31:31,373 --> 00:31:32,222 All right. You and I should head back. 735 00:31:32,449 --> 00:31:33,539 -Should we go get prepped then? -Yep. 736 00:31:33,634 --> 00:31:34,558 Okay, let's do that. 737 00:31:34,709 --> 00:31:36,393 Rick: Well done, guys. 738 00:31:40,733 --> 00:31:41,640 Terry: I want to say three or four feet 739 00:31:41,792 --> 00:31:42,882 Of well-bedded material here. 740 00:31:42,902 --> 00:31:46,628 We saw this in a couple of previous holes. 741 00:31:46,647 --> 00:31:49,481 Ij-15.25 is going to fulfill 742 00:31:49,633 --> 00:31:50,723 -Its promise, I think. -Yeah. 743 00:31:50,817 --> 00:31:53,393 Narrator: As another day of exploration 744 00:31:53,487 --> 00:31:54,803 Begins on oak island, 745 00:31:54,821 --> 00:31:56,914 Terry matheson, along with charles barkhouse 746 00:31:57,065 --> 00:31:59,975 And paul troutman, are supervising the drilling 747 00:31:59,993 --> 00:32:03,587 Of a new borehole known as ij-15.25. 748 00:32:03,814 --> 00:32:05,589 Charles: Well, we got another core coming. 749 00:32:05,816 --> 00:32:07,983 Narrator: Located 16 feet south 750 00:32:08,001 --> 00:32:10,576 Of their previous drilling location, 751 00:32:10,671 --> 00:32:11,762 And at a safe distance 752 00:32:11,913 --> 00:32:14,839 From the nearby muon detecting test hole, 753 00:32:14,934 --> 00:32:17,917 In the coming days, the team hopes to determine 754 00:32:17,937 --> 00:32:20,512 If there could be two man-made tunnels 755 00:32:20,664 --> 00:32:23,665 Between 99 and 108 feet deep 756 00:32:23,684 --> 00:32:25,091 That lead toward the garden shaft, 757 00:32:25,110 --> 00:32:29,337 And, potentially, the legendary oak island treasure. 758 00:32:29,840 --> 00:32:32,432 Potentially, some of the projections show 759 00:32:32,451 --> 00:32:33,692 It could go to the garden shaft. 760 00:32:33,844 --> 00:32:35,360 We'll just have to keep following the clues. 761 00:32:35,454 --> 00:32:36,511 Terry: Right on. 762 00:32:37,105 --> 00:32:42,292 I'm just gonna shove it down dry to 18 feet, see what we got. 763 00:32:42,519 --> 00:32:47,447 Narrator: As the core-drilling operation in the money pit continues... 764 00:32:47,967 --> 00:32:50,525 Rick: Uh, I think we all know 765 00:32:50,544 --> 00:32:51,784 Uh, that the item before us 766 00:32:51,878 --> 00:32:53,786 Is probably the most unique and interesting item 767 00:32:53,806 --> 00:32:55,955 That gary has discovered this year. 768 00:32:56,049 --> 00:32:58,550 Narrator: ...Rick lagina gathers with members of the team 769 00:32:58,644 --> 00:32:59,718 In the war room 770 00:32:59,870 --> 00:33:01,536 For a meeting that they hope 771 00:33:01,555 --> 00:33:03,038 Will lead to potential answers 772 00:33:03,056 --> 00:33:05,724 Regarding the mysterious copper artifact 773 00:33:05,876 --> 00:33:08,652 Found two days ago on lot 8. 774 00:33:08,803 --> 00:33:12,547 Uh, we've reached out to, uh, dr. Ed barnhart. 775 00:33:12,566 --> 00:33:13,715 He has an extensive resume 776 00:33:13,734 --> 00:33:16,642 In the field of archaeology. 777 00:33:16,662 --> 00:33:17,995 Gary, we have him on remote video. 778 00:33:18,222 --> 00:33:20,831 -So, if you could bring him up. -Yep, sure. 779 00:33:21,058 --> 00:33:23,667 -Good morning, dr. Barnhart. -Hello, mate. 780 00:33:23,818 --> 00:33:25,985 -Good morning. -Welcome to the war room. 781 00:33:26,005 --> 00:33:29,006 I know that we have sent you off a picture of the item 782 00:33:29,157 --> 00:33:32,901 We have here and our hope is that you can, uh, 783 00:33:32,919 --> 00:33:36,662 Render an opinion as to what it might represent, 784 00:33:36,757 --> 00:33:38,089 Based on your experience. 785 00:33:38,183 --> 00:33:42,077 Well, I've spent a lot of my career in mesoamerica. 786 00:33:42,095 --> 00:33:46,081 I've also done a lot of work in north america and south america. 787 00:33:46,099 --> 00:33:50,101 So, I have a pretty good range of the americas in general. 788 00:33:50,254 --> 00:33:54,031 I specialize mostly in archeoastronomy 789 00:33:54,182 --> 00:33:58,760 And ancient sciences, but that includes metallurgy. 790 00:33:59,204 --> 00:34:01,112 Here we have, uh, what appears to be a metal object 791 00:34:01,265 --> 00:34:04,099 And it does have some iconography on it. 792 00:34:04,117 --> 00:34:09,046 It has a number of elements that might turn out to be diagnostic 793 00:34:09,197 --> 00:34:12,198 Where we can really say, you know, where it came from. 794 00:34:12,217 --> 00:34:16,035 And it looks like it has some element 795 00:34:16,129 --> 00:34:18,947 Of perishable materials, too, that we might be able to date. 796 00:34:18,965 --> 00:34:22,875 So, yes, I'm really interested in 797 00:34:22,969 --> 00:34:24,728 Digging into it deeper. 798 00:34:24,879 --> 00:34:27,789 Dr. Barnhart, in your experience, um, 799 00:34:27,882 --> 00:34:29,624 Does anything just jump into your head 800 00:34:29,643 --> 00:34:30,809 When you first look at it? 801 00:34:30,961 --> 00:34:33,052 We initially, at first glance, 802 00:34:33,072 --> 00:34:35,130 Thought, "oh, there's a pattern on there." 803 00:34:35,148 --> 00:34:39,058 Well, the pattern is intriguing, but it's, uh, purely geometric. 804 00:34:39,078 --> 00:34:43,154 I wish we had a foot or an arm sticking in there somewhere, 805 00:34:43,307 --> 00:34:45,990 But geometry is kind of all over the planet, 806 00:34:46,143 --> 00:34:48,734 So that does not narrow it down for us 807 00:34:48,829 --> 00:34:50,812 About what region or what time. 808 00:34:50,905 --> 00:34:54,574 Initially, we thought it was stamped, 809 00:34:54,593 --> 00:34:56,835 But the symbols on it, 810 00:34:56,987 --> 00:34:59,337 If we can call them symbols, 811 00:34:59,431 --> 00:35:00,597 Are not uniform. 812 00:35:00,748 --> 00:35:03,842 It's quite irregular in terms of its design. 813 00:35:03,936 --> 00:35:06,177 And that's what made us think that, you know, 814 00:35:06,330 --> 00:35:10,923 Certainly this was an artisan or-or hand-created. 815 00:35:10,943 --> 00:35:12,851 Right. It's basically embossed. 816 00:35:13,003 --> 00:35:14,778 Ed: I think you're right on the money there. 817 00:35:14,929 --> 00:35:17,948 If it isn't a consistent, uh, shape 818 00:35:18,099 --> 00:35:19,950 To each one of the things we can see, 819 00:35:20,177 --> 00:35:22,285 Probably handmade rather than a factory. 820 00:35:22,437 --> 00:35:27,532 That in and of itself leans towards an older date. 821 00:35:28,018 --> 00:35:30,018 But the material seems to be 822 00:35:30,111 --> 00:35:33,296 Some sort of copper-based plating. 823 00:35:33,448 --> 00:35:39,027 There are not a lot of things made beyond gold and silver. 824 00:35:39,120 --> 00:35:42,213 Things that were alloy technology 825 00:35:42,366 --> 00:35:45,976 Are few and far between in the americas. 826 00:35:46,127 --> 00:35:49,128 So, it's already, uh, a long shot 827 00:35:49,148 --> 00:35:54,300 That it's from the americas, being the material it is. 828 00:35:55,136 --> 00:35:58,137 Rick: Upon initial visualization of this item, 829 00:35:58,157 --> 00:36:01,140 Can you reflect on what it might be? 830 00:36:01,160 --> 00:36:05,403 Sure. It's probably something that once covered an object. 831 00:36:05,497 --> 00:36:06,830 As decoration? 832 00:36:06,981 --> 00:36:08,723 As decoration, yes. 833 00:36:08,816 --> 00:36:10,983 But it's some sort of ornate 834 00:36:11,003 --> 00:36:13,653 Metallic cover to an object. 835 00:36:13,672 --> 00:36:16,006 Europeans did a lot of that. 836 00:36:16,157 --> 00:36:19,158 They covered boxes and furniture. 837 00:36:19,178 --> 00:36:22,237 So, it could have come from afar. 838 00:36:22,255 --> 00:36:25,089 It does have some iconography on it, 839 00:36:25,184 --> 00:36:28,834 So it could be some sort of religious object. 840 00:36:28,854 --> 00:36:30,353 Rick: Really? 841 00:36:34,251 --> 00:36:35,007 Wow. 842 00:36:35,027 --> 00:36:36,601 Narrator: In the war room, 843 00:36:36,753 --> 00:36:38,195 Renowned archeologist dr. Edwin barnhart 844 00:36:38,422 --> 00:36:42,515 Has just given rick lagina and members of the oak island team 845 00:36:42,609 --> 00:36:44,092 His preliminary assessment 846 00:36:44,110 --> 00:36:47,762 That the copper artifact found two days ago on lot 8 847 00:36:47,781 --> 00:36:49,597 Appears to be ancient, 848 00:36:49,616 --> 00:36:52,767 And possibly of european origin. 849 00:36:52,860 --> 00:36:56,696 To go back to the "decoration" on it, 850 00:36:56,790 --> 00:36:58,698 Is there any inference you can make? 851 00:36:58,792 --> 00:37:00,775 Because it is quite strange. 852 00:37:00,868 --> 00:37:03,795 And the back and the front are very different. 853 00:37:03,947 --> 00:37:07,465 Ed: It's ornate, so it was an object 854 00:37:07,617 --> 00:37:09,801 Meant to dazzle someone. 855 00:37:09,953 --> 00:37:15,214 But what we have left in this fragment is geometric. 856 00:37:15,308 --> 00:37:19,978 It-it may well be the border of some picture that would've been 857 00:37:20,072 --> 00:37:23,798 Much more telling as to, uh, its culture or origin. 858 00:37:23,817 --> 00:37:27,635 An object in isolation is an enigma. 859 00:37:27,729 --> 00:37:29,079 -But I love me a mystery. -(laughter) 860 00:37:29,230 --> 00:37:31,823 So if you give me more information, I'll dig deeper. 861 00:37:31,917 --> 00:37:34,734 Rick: Well, we would certainly appreciate that. 862 00:37:34,753 --> 00:37:38,646 In our lab here, we have an xrf and an xrd. 863 00:37:38,740 --> 00:37:39,814 We can send you off those reports. 864 00:37:39,907 --> 00:37:42,667 And we will look forward to any response 865 00:37:42,761 --> 00:37:45,336 Or any inferences you can make 866 00:37:45,489 --> 00:37:46,429 Based upon those reports. 867 00:37:46,656 --> 00:37:48,080 Excellent. 868 00:37:48,100 --> 00:37:50,767 Well, thanks for involving me in this little mystery. 869 00:37:50,994 --> 00:37:52,827 I'll take a look and get back to you. 870 00:37:52,920 --> 00:37:54,512 -Thank you, dr. Barnhart. -Thank you. 871 00:37:54,664 --> 00:37:55,755 -Rick: Take care. -Gary: Cheers. 872 00:37:55,849 --> 00:37:57,274 Ed: Great, thanks a lot. 873 00:37:57,501 --> 00:37:59,684 Narrator: Following the meeting in the war room... 874 00:37:59,778 --> 00:38:01,778 (thunder crashing) 875 00:38:02,005 --> 00:38:04,948 ...Despite the harsh turn in the weather... 876 00:38:07,694 --> 00:38:10,287 Mike: There's the big daddy. 877 00:38:13,125 --> 00:38:15,183 -Roger: There's our friends. -Rick: There they are. 878 00:38:15,201 --> 00:38:18,353 Narrator: ...Rick lagina, along with roger fortin, 879 00:38:18,371 --> 00:38:22,023 Eagerly welcome representatives from irving equipment ltd. 880 00:38:22,116 --> 00:38:24,950 Who are delivering a 109-ton crane 881 00:38:24,970 --> 00:38:27,378 Needed for the next phase of construction 882 00:38:27,472 --> 00:38:28,880 In the garden shaft. 883 00:38:29,032 --> 00:38:31,791 With this piece of gear, y-you're set to rock and roll. 884 00:38:31,885 --> 00:38:33,310 Oh, absolutely, absolutely. 885 00:38:33,461 --> 00:38:35,312 -Morning, gentlemen. -Roger: Good morning. How are you? 886 00:38:35,539 --> 00:38:36,629 -Morning. -Morning. 887 00:38:36,648 --> 00:38:38,130 I think I certainly recognize the two of you. 888 00:38:38,224 --> 00:38:40,466 -You know this fellow, right? -I know michel, absolutely. 889 00:38:40,485 --> 00:38:41,543 How you doing? 890 00:38:41,561 --> 00:38:42,710 Michel: Good, good, you? 891 00:38:42,729 --> 00:38:44,562 So, roger can speak to where they're at, 892 00:38:44,656 --> 00:38:45,822 But I think, you know, 893 00:38:46,049 --> 00:38:48,049 This is the-the key, critical component, right? 894 00:38:48,142 --> 00:38:50,160 Oh. Yeah. We're at the point right now 895 00:38:50,311 --> 00:38:52,144 -Where you guys are coming in at a perfect time. -Bill p.: Awesome. 896 00:38:52,238 --> 00:38:54,814 Roger: Because we need your help to get that hammer grab down there 897 00:38:54,833 --> 00:38:56,649 And get excavating. So, we're all anxious 898 00:38:56,743 --> 00:38:58,393 And we're all raring to go. 899 00:38:58,411 --> 00:38:59,561 -Yeah. -Perfect. 900 00:38:59,654 --> 00:39:00,895 Bill p.: We'll offload from the trailer 901 00:39:00,988 --> 00:39:02,413 -And start to put the crane together. -Yeah. 902 00:39:02,507 --> 00:39:03,581 Once it's complete here, 903 00:39:03,675 --> 00:39:05,416 We can crawl up to site, 904 00:39:05,510 --> 00:39:06,584 And we're ready to roll. 905 00:39:06,736 --> 00:39:07,827 -Yeah, I love the sound of that. -Awesome. 906 00:39:07,921 --> 00:39:09,253 -Roger: Yep. -Awesome. 907 00:39:09,348 --> 00:39:11,163 -Rick: Let's get after it. -Roger: All right, sounds good. 908 00:39:11,183 --> 00:39:12,924 -Bill p.: Thanks, guys. -Roger: Talk to you later. 909 00:39:13,076 --> 00:39:13,925 -Bill p.: Talk to you later. -Roger: Yep. 910 00:39:14,077 --> 00:39:15,577 Rick: We have real data 911 00:39:15,595 --> 00:39:16,669 That strongly suggests 912 00:39:16,763 --> 00:39:18,746 That the garden shaft might have 913 00:39:18,765 --> 00:39:20,765 Some answers to understanding 914 00:39:20,917 --> 00:39:22,192 The complexity of the oak island mystery. 915 00:39:22,343 --> 00:39:26,696 Bill p.: Come this way another foot or two. That's good. 916 00:39:27,348 --> 00:39:29,257 Narrator: Now that the steel and concrete foundation 917 00:39:29,275 --> 00:39:32,035 Surrounding the garden shaft has been completed, 918 00:39:32,262 --> 00:39:35,263 In the coming days, the massive crane 919 00:39:35,281 --> 00:39:38,691 Will be used along with a 3-ton hammer grab tool 920 00:39:38,710 --> 00:39:39,951 In order to remove the muck 921 00:39:40,045 --> 00:39:43,028 And sediment from the old, dilapidated shaft. 922 00:39:43,048 --> 00:39:46,290 This will allow the representatives from dumas 923 00:39:46,385 --> 00:39:49,277 To begin construction of the new waterproof shaft 924 00:39:49,295 --> 00:39:52,538 Down to a level of at least 80 feet. 925 00:39:53,058 --> 00:39:55,950 -Michel: Are we good? -Bill p.: Yeah. 926 00:39:56,469 --> 00:39:58,878 Marty: Is it possible that we've come full circle? 927 00:39:58,897 --> 00:40:00,212 We applied all this technology 928 00:40:00,232 --> 00:40:04,550 Only to arrive where the original searchers started? 929 00:40:05,128 --> 00:40:06,477 By digging a shaft down, we might actually learn 930 00:40:06,630 --> 00:40:09,964 What happened here and potentially recover a treasure. 931 00:40:10,057 --> 00:40:13,368 It's romantic as can be. And it's exciting. 932 00:40:16,306 --> 00:40:17,972 We're going to actually go underground. 933 00:40:18,065 --> 00:40:20,232 But the cool thing to me is 934 00:40:20,326 --> 00:40:23,978 That we're coming clear back to what the original searchers did, 935 00:40:23,997 --> 00:40:26,906 Only maybe this time we'll be successful. 936 00:40:27,000 --> 00:40:28,425 Bill p.: This way a bit. 937 00:40:28,576 --> 00:40:30,985 Rick: There's a lot of hope it will tell a story 938 00:40:31,004 --> 00:40:32,912 That is related to the mystery. 939 00:40:33,006 --> 00:40:35,990 -Whoa, good. -Awesome. 940 00:40:36,083 --> 00:40:38,159 -Roger: Pretty exciting. -Rick: Yes, it is. 941 00:40:38,252 --> 00:40:40,995 As much work as you've done for the prep, 942 00:40:41,088 --> 00:40:42,997 -This is when it starts. -Oh, yes. Oh, yes. 943 00:40:43,016 --> 00:40:47,185 Narrator: The tireless efforts of rick, marty, craig and their team 944 00:40:47,279 --> 00:40:50,338 May soon be rewarded with the ultimate validation. 945 00:40:50,431 --> 00:40:53,766 One that would be not only for themselves, 946 00:40:53,785 --> 00:40:56,177 But also for the generations 947 00:40:56,270 --> 00:40:58,288 Of devoted searchers who came before them. 948 00:40:58,515 --> 00:41:02,200 As more clues surface that may soon identify 949 00:41:02,352 --> 00:41:05,186 Just who was behind the oak island mystery, 950 00:41:05,205 --> 00:41:09,040 Could this team be one last dig away 951 00:41:09,134 --> 00:41:13,361 From revealing a vast treasure hidden deep below? 952 00:41:13,713 --> 00:41:14,954 Or will the mysterious forces 953 00:41:15,048 --> 00:41:20,560 Of the island once again intervene to stop them? 954 00:41:21,871 --> 00:41:24,797 Next time on the curse of oak island... 955 00:41:24,816 --> 00:41:25,965 Alex: Here we go. 956 00:41:26,059 --> 00:41:27,299 Rick: We're going to run 957 00:41:27,319 --> 00:41:28,876 A geophysical investigation in the swamp. 958 00:41:28,895 --> 00:41:29,819 -Whoa. -Big one? 959 00:41:29,971 --> 00:41:31,546 Jeremy: Yeah. Big hit. 960 00:41:31,639 --> 00:41:32,547 Fantastic. 961 00:41:32,640 --> 00:41:33,715 (cheering) 962 00:41:33,733 --> 00:41:34,899 -I see it. -Oh, I see it as well, look. 963 00:41:35,051 --> 00:41:36,718 Oh, I mean, this is nice. 964 00:41:36,736 --> 00:41:37,902 Oh! 965 00:41:38,054 --> 00:41:39,220 The bottom dropped right out from under you. 966 00:41:39,239 --> 00:41:41,146 -That's right. -This is not a natural cavity. 967 00:41:41,166 --> 00:41:42,907 -That doesn't happen. -We better get a camera down it. 968 00:41:43,001 --> 00:41:44,242 Scott: Here we go. 969 00:41:44,394 --> 00:41:45,893 -Keep going. -There's the edge of something. 970 00:41:45,912 --> 00:41:47,061 Wait, no. Stop. 971 00:41:47,080 --> 00:41:49,580 Some sort of like pedestal sticking up. 972 00:41:50,233 --> 00:41:52,926 Captioning provided by a+e networks