1 00:00:01,818 --> 00:00:03,744 Narrator: Tonight on the curse of oak 2 00:00:03,838 --> 00:00:05,579 Terry: There's something going on in the garden shaft. 3 00:00:05,673 --> 00:00:06,654 -Oh, yeah, there we go. -We got something right there. 4 00:00:06,749 --> 00:00:08,415 -Oh, my god. -Oh, wow, look. 5 00:00:08,567 --> 00:00:10,567 -What do you make of that? -That's very odd. 6 00:00:10,586 --> 00:00:13,237 Gary: This is what I'd class as treasure. 7 00:00:13,330 --> 00:00:14,254 Sandy: The roughness here. 8 00:00:14,348 --> 00:00:16,073 It's 500 years old, at least. 9 00:00:16,091 --> 00:00:17,574 -Phew -wow. 10 00:00:17,667 --> 00:00:19,259 There's a canadian mining company, 11 00:00:19,353 --> 00:00:21,669 They could come in and open up in the garden shaft. 12 00:00:21,689 --> 00:00:24,023 Are we going to be able to actually go underground 13 00:00:24,174 --> 00:00:25,582 -In that shaft? -Yep. 14 00:00:25,675 --> 00:00:27,100 -Rick: That's fantastic. -Marty: Brilliant. 15 00:00:27,253 --> 00:00:28,318 (chuckling) 16 00:00:31,423 --> 00:00:34,424 Narrator: There is an island in the north atlantic 17 00:00:34,518 --> 00:00:36,869 Where people have been looking for 18 00:00:37,020 --> 00:00:40,873 An incredible treasure for more than 200 years. 19 00:00:41,100 --> 00:00:43,876 So far, they have found a stone slab 20 00:00:44,103 --> 00:00:45,836 With strange symbols carved into it... 21 00:00:47,289 --> 00:00:50,457 ...Man-made workings that date to medieval times, 22 00:00:50,551 --> 00:00:54,869 And a lead cross whose origin may be connected 23 00:00:54,963 --> 00:00:56,113 To the knights templar. 24 00:00:56,131 --> 00:00:58,949 To date, six men have died 25 00:00:59,042 --> 00:01:01,952 Trying to solve the mystery. 26 00:01:01,970 --> 00:01:06,957 And according to legend, one more will have to die 27 00:01:07,050 --> 00:01:09,359 Before the treasure can be found. 28 00:01:14,408 --> 00:01:16,909 ♪ ♪ 29 00:01:22,141 --> 00:01:24,232 Alex: Guys. 30 00:01:24,251 --> 00:01:26,326 -Hey, alex. -How's it going? -How you doing? 31 00:01:26,420 --> 00:01:30,255 Narrator: An exciting new day has begun on oak island 32 00:01:30,407 --> 00:01:33,500 For brothers rick and marty lagina and their team 33 00:01:33,652 --> 00:01:36,411 As they continue a quest to solve 34 00:01:36,505 --> 00:01:38,764 A 227-year-old treasure mystery. 35 00:01:38,915 --> 00:01:40,657 What's this one? 36 00:01:40,750 --> 00:01:41,842 Steve g.: So, we're currently right here. 37 00:01:41,994 --> 00:01:46,163 The borehole is called a.5n-13.5. 38 00:01:46,256 --> 00:01:47,831 -Okay. -The water testing, 39 00:01:47,850 --> 00:01:49,608 It is all pointing us to this area. 40 00:01:49,835 --> 00:01:51,944 Terry: Further to that, we're looking to find 41 00:01:52,171 --> 00:01:53,503 Tunnels in this area 42 00:01:53,597 --> 00:01:55,597 As related to or associated with 43 00:01:55,616 --> 00:01:56,764 -The garden shaft. -Right. 44 00:01:56,859 --> 00:01:58,008 What are we at here? 45 00:01:58,101 --> 00:02:00,285 Terry: We are at above 18 feet. 46 00:02:00,512 --> 00:02:02,529 Because we are still relatively shallow. 47 00:02:02,623 --> 00:02:05,940 Narrator: Today, they are drilling a new borehole 48 00:02:06,034 --> 00:02:08,034 In the fabled money pit area, 49 00:02:08,187 --> 00:02:12,038 Attempting to penetrate a five-foot-tall wooden tunnel, 50 00:02:12,191 --> 00:02:16,635 Some 103 feet deep, which they first discovered two weeks ago. 51 00:02:17,863 --> 00:02:20,139 -Gary: Oh, wow. -Marty: Whoa! 52 00:02:20,290 --> 00:02:23,200 -That's a tunnel, all right. -That's really cool. 53 00:02:23,218 --> 00:02:25,552 This is a previously unknown perhaps depositor-- tunnel. 54 00:02:25,646 --> 00:02:28,722 That is really exciting. 55 00:02:28,816 --> 00:02:31,466 Narrator: A subsequent sonar operation revealed 56 00:02:31,560 --> 00:02:33,710 That the tunnel is heading north 57 00:02:33,729 --> 00:02:37,381 Toward a mysterious structure known as the garden shaft. 58 00:02:37,399 --> 00:02:42,661 A shaft that has been carbon- dated to the early 18th century 59 00:02:42,888 --> 00:02:45,555 And where recent water testing has indicated 60 00:02:45,649 --> 00:02:49,726 High-trace evidence of gold deep underground. 61 00:02:49,819 --> 00:02:52,896 We don't know what the garden shaft is. 62 00:02:52,915 --> 00:02:56,157 We have gold showing up in the water. 63 00:02:56,177 --> 00:02:58,844 So it has turned out to be perhaps significant. 64 00:02:58,995 --> 00:03:01,162 Whether it's gonna lead us to the treasure or not, 65 00:03:01,182 --> 00:03:02,764 We're going to have to see. 66 00:03:04,076 --> 00:03:06,018 Of course, your mind races to, you know, 67 00:03:06,169 --> 00:03:08,854 This could be part of the original depositional work. 68 00:03:09,081 --> 00:03:12,858 I still want the "what happened," I still want 69 00:03:13,085 --> 00:03:15,752 Those last few paragraphs, and I think 70 00:03:15,845 --> 00:03:18,179 We're on the cusp of writing that. 71 00:03:18,273 --> 00:03:20,365 Alex: I'm looking forward to seeing what this hole brings. 72 00:03:20,592 --> 00:03:21,516 Terry: Okay, we'll try and keep you up to date. 73 00:03:21,535 --> 00:03:22,776 Alex: Cool, thanks, guys. 74 00:03:22,870 --> 00:03:25,595 -Bye, now. -See you, alex. 75 00:03:25,614 --> 00:03:28,290 Narrator: As the core-drilling operation continues at the money pit... 76 00:03:29,543 --> 00:03:31,101 Rick: There he is. 77 00:03:31,119 --> 00:03:33,027 ...Rick lagina and billy gerhardt 78 00:03:33,121 --> 00:03:35,272 Meet with renowned gemologist 79 00:03:35,365 --> 00:03:36,273 And jewelry expert peter schneirla 80 00:03:36,291 --> 00:03:38,217 At the research center. 81 00:03:38,444 --> 00:03:40,110 Rick: Welcome to oak island, peter, I'm rick. 82 00:03:40,203 --> 00:03:41,869 How do you do? Pete schneirla. 83 00:03:41,964 --> 00:03:43,797 We have an interesting object inside. 84 00:03:43,891 --> 00:03:45,282 Come on in, we'd love for you 85 00:03:45,300 --> 00:03:46,892 -To take a look at this. -Great. 86 00:03:47,043 --> 00:03:48,894 Narrator: With peter's more than 40 years 87 00:03:49,045 --> 00:03:50,878 Of experience working with such organizations 88 00:03:50,973 --> 00:03:53,715 As tiffany & company, de beers, 89 00:03:53,809 --> 00:03:55,475 And the smithsonian institute... 90 00:03:55,627 --> 00:03:56,793 Well, mate. Gary drayton, mate. 91 00:03:56,812 --> 00:03:58,737 ...It is the team's hope 92 00:03:58,888 --> 00:04:01,740 That he can identify the piece of potential jewelry 93 00:04:01,967 --> 00:04:06,136 That gary drayton and jack begley found one week ago. 94 00:04:06,229 --> 00:04:08,805 We have got an old head-scratcher here. 95 00:04:08,824 --> 00:04:11,232 I'm pretty sure it's old. 96 00:04:11,326 --> 00:04:12,900 I don't know what the stone is, 97 00:04:12,995 --> 00:04:14,661 But the setting looks old. 98 00:04:14,813 --> 00:04:16,421 It's really unusual. 99 00:04:16,648 --> 00:04:19,983 Just so out of place as well, where we found it. 100 00:04:20,076 --> 00:04:22,486 It was in the middle of a wooded lot. 101 00:04:22,579 --> 00:04:23,653 -Mm-hmm. -And I'm hoping you can 102 00:04:23,672 --> 00:04:25,055 Shed some light on it, mate. 103 00:04:26,916 --> 00:04:29,009 -Right here, mate. -Thank you. 104 00:04:29,161 --> 00:04:31,270 Interesting. 105 00:04:31,421 --> 00:04:34,331 There's a good start, "interesting" on oak island. 106 00:04:34,424 --> 00:04:36,016 Narrator: What makes this artifact 107 00:04:36,168 --> 00:04:40,279 So intriguing is that it was found on lot 7, 108 00:04:40,430 --> 00:04:44,283 Near the border of lot 8 on the western side of the island. 109 00:04:44,510 --> 00:04:48,102 It is in this area where the team discovered 110 00:04:48,122 --> 00:04:51,515 A semi-precious garnet gemstone five years ago 111 00:04:51,533 --> 00:04:53,625 That some believe may be connected 112 00:04:53,852 --> 00:04:56,369 To sacred treasures of the knights templar. 113 00:04:56,463 --> 00:05:00,299 And just this year, it is where they also discovered 114 00:05:00,526 --> 00:05:03,860 A bunk hook designed for lifting heavy cargo, 115 00:05:03,879 --> 00:05:06,471 As well as a possible coin 116 00:05:06,698 --> 00:05:10,033 Potentially predating the 16th century. 117 00:05:10,126 --> 00:05:12,052 You know, the first thing that strikes me 118 00:05:12,146 --> 00:05:17,298 Is that it's a ferrous metal around the adornment item. 119 00:05:17,318 --> 00:05:21,211 And this lip coming over the edge, that might indicate 120 00:05:21,304 --> 00:05:24,230 A little hinged something or cover to it, perhaps. 121 00:05:24,383 --> 00:05:26,307 Yeah, that's what piqued my interest as well, 122 00:05:26,327 --> 00:05:30,053 Because that so reminds me of an old-style setting. 123 00:05:30,146 --> 00:05:32,556 Schneirla: Yeah, so, I would have to think 124 00:05:32,649 --> 00:05:35,241 That it's some kind of a pin. 125 00:05:35,394 --> 00:05:36,910 Yep. 126 00:05:37,004 --> 00:05:37,836 The material is glass. 127 00:05:38,063 --> 00:05:39,729 Hmm. 128 00:05:39,748 --> 00:05:41,506 I don't know whether that's 129 00:05:41,658 --> 00:05:44,584 On a metal backing, which is known as a foil back, 130 00:05:44,736 --> 00:05:46,419 Or there's actually 131 00:05:46,572 --> 00:05:48,088 A colorant on the back of the cab itself. 132 00:05:48,182 --> 00:05:49,848 But, you know, 133 00:05:50,075 --> 00:05:52,258 Glass has been used as an imitation of gemstones 134 00:05:52,353 --> 00:05:54,019 Since the roman times. 135 00:05:54,246 --> 00:05:57,022 The other thing that I will mention is that, 136 00:05:57,173 --> 00:06:01,342 Having looked at a lot of jewelry from all periods, 137 00:06:01,362 --> 00:06:05,197 From all over the world, I've never seen a mounting like that. 138 00:06:06,867 --> 00:06:09,868 It's definitely not usa. 139 00:06:10,019 --> 00:06:13,263 What you're telling us is absolutely, bloody fantastic. 140 00:06:13,356 --> 00:06:14,447 This has got an old feel about it. 141 00:06:14,541 --> 00:06:16,282 -Yeah. -Yeah. 142 00:06:16,377 --> 00:06:20,604 Narrator: Using the fisherbrand 425 series microscope, 143 00:06:20,697 --> 00:06:23,940 Peter will be able to magnify the artifact 144 00:06:23,959 --> 00:06:27,052 Up to 50 times its actual size. 145 00:06:27,279 --> 00:06:29,221 Gary: Cool, that really is a bobby-dazzler. 146 00:06:29,448 --> 00:06:31,223 Yeah, I mean, we're in blue heaven. 147 00:06:31,374 --> 00:06:34,300 -I mean, this is gorgeous. -Beautiful. 148 00:06:34,395 --> 00:06:36,878 So, if you look at that dark, round sphere 149 00:06:36,897 --> 00:06:40,624 Up there in the two o'clock position, 150 00:06:40,642 --> 00:06:43,960 You can see that's an air bubble, gas bubble. 151 00:06:43,979 --> 00:06:46,905 Which does not occur in any gem material, 152 00:06:47,132 --> 00:06:50,150 Except for amber and only on rare occasion. 153 00:06:50,244 --> 00:06:52,077 So, that's another 154 00:06:52,228 --> 00:06:53,561 Indicator that it's glass. 155 00:06:53,655 --> 00:06:55,563 Rick: So, we come to the 156 00:06:55,657 --> 00:06:59,809 Indelicate part of... Aging it. 157 00:06:59,828 --> 00:07:02,921 Can you infer anything? 158 00:07:03,072 --> 00:07:05,165 I can infer that the metal 159 00:07:05,259 --> 00:07:07,909 Seems like it's a pretty 160 00:07:07,928 --> 00:07:11,321 Non-evolved alloy, 161 00:07:11,339 --> 00:07:12,505 -If you know what I'm saying. -Yup. 162 00:07:12,658 --> 00:07:14,324 Schneirla: That style of pin 163 00:07:14,417 --> 00:07:18,011 Was common back to the, you know, 164 00:07:18,105 --> 00:07:20,163 1700s or earlier. 165 00:07:20,182 --> 00:07:23,683 Narrator: A potentially ancient cloak pin? 166 00:07:23,777 --> 00:07:26,111 Gary: Oh, my gosh! 167 00:07:26,262 --> 00:07:28,930 It's another bobby-dazzler, look! 168 00:07:29,024 --> 00:07:31,432 Narrator: In 2018, 169 00:07:31,526 --> 00:07:34,936 While searching on lot 21, also located on the western side 170 00:07:35,030 --> 00:07:36,529 Of the island, 171 00:07:36,682 --> 00:07:38,698 Rick and gary found a decorative brooch 172 00:07:38,850 --> 00:07:40,867 Featuring a glass stone. 173 00:07:40,961 --> 00:07:43,687 So, definitive glass but 174 00:07:43,780 --> 00:07:46,781 Also definitive hand-made, not modern. 175 00:07:46,875 --> 00:07:49,542 Narrator: And when gemologist charles lewton-brain 176 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:53,196 Inspected it, the team was stunned by his analysis. 177 00:07:53,215 --> 00:07:55,198 When you say "not modern..." 178 00:07:55,291 --> 00:07:56,475 Lewton-brain: Well, glass gems 179 00:07:56,702 --> 00:08:00,036 Have been around at least 500 years. 180 00:08:00,055 --> 00:08:02,129 This is not your ordinary 181 00:08:02,224 --> 00:08:05,484 Old brooch found in the ground. 182 00:08:05,711 --> 00:08:08,820 That is a super ancient way of making wire. 183 00:08:11,140 --> 00:08:14,159 Narrator: Could this artifact found on lot 7 184 00:08:14,310 --> 00:08:17,162 Be related to the other pieces of ancient jewelry 185 00:08:17,313 --> 00:08:20,390 That have been discovered on the western side of the island? 186 00:08:20,408 --> 00:08:22,817 If so, what else might be there 187 00:08:22,911 --> 00:08:24,920 Just waiting to be unearthed? 188 00:08:26,081 --> 00:08:27,564 Rick: Well, from that you can infer, 189 00:08:27,657 --> 00:08:30,008 Why would someone be wandering around with 190 00:08:30,235 --> 00:08:31,751 An item such as this 191 00:08:31,845 --> 00:08:33,678 On the western drumlin? It makes no sense. 192 00:08:33,905 --> 00:08:35,180 Unless... 193 00:08:36,424 --> 00:08:37,832 ...There was a specific purpose 194 00:08:37,851 --> 00:08:39,684 To be on the western drumlin. 195 00:08:39,836 --> 00:08:42,428 Schneirla: It's a very, very exciting piece, 196 00:08:42,523 --> 00:08:45,006 And as an imitation-colored gemstone, this is magnificent. 197 00:08:45,100 --> 00:08:46,674 That's most unusual, 198 00:08:46,693 --> 00:08:48,509 So, congratulations on finding it. 199 00:08:48,529 --> 00:08:50,920 There's got to be some more gems there with it. 200 00:08:50,939 --> 00:08:53,106 It's got to have friends. 201 00:08:53,200 --> 00:08:54,941 And with a bit of luck we'll have you on speed dial, mate. 202 00:08:55,093 --> 00:08:57,018 Because we are going to be finding some more. 203 00:08:57,037 --> 00:08:58,945 -I would love that. -(laughs) 204 00:08:59,097 --> 00:09:01,206 -Rick: Pleasure to meet you. -Schneirla: My pleasure. 205 00:09:02,617 --> 00:09:04,692 Narrator: Later that afternoon... 206 00:09:04,711 --> 00:09:06,452 -Hey, guys. -Hello, gents! 207 00:09:06,547 --> 00:09:07,771 -Gentlemen. -Here we are. 208 00:09:07,864 --> 00:09:09,789 -Checking in again. -Yeah. 209 00:09:09,883 --> 00:09:12,275 ...Rick, marty, and their business partner 210 00:09:12,294 --> 00:09:14,444 Craig tester arrive at the money pit 211 00:09:14,462 --> 00:09:15,536 To check on the progress 212 00:09:15,630 --> 00:09:17,389 Of the core-drilling operation. 213 00:09:17,540 --> 00:09:19,040 How deep are we? 214 00:09:19,134 --> 00:09:20,708 48's right there in front of us, 215 00:09:20,802 --> 00:09:22,302 But nothing was expected. 216 00:09:22,454 --> 00:09:23,812 -Undisturbed stuff, right? -Yeah, stuff. 217 00:09:24,973 --> 00:09:27,624 Marty: What will this core bring us to? 218 00:09:27,642 --> 00:09:29,626 48 to 58, it should be. 219 00:09:29,644 --> 00:09:31,403 -Another ten foot. -Excuse me, gentlemen. 220 00:09:34,223 --> 00:09:35,481 -How deep? -Thank you. 221 00:09:35,576 --> 00:09:36,891 That'd be a 55. 222 00:09:36,910 --> 00:09:38,225 -55? -Yeah. 223 00:09:38,320 --> 00:09:39,969 So, right at 55 is, like, 224 00:09:39,988 --> 00:09:41,562 The bottom dropped right out of her. 225 00:09:41,656 --> 00:09:43,582 -Really? -So you, so you stopped? 226 00:09:43,809 --> 00:09:45,733 Craig: Super soft or hollow, completely? 227 00:09:45,827 --> 00:09:47,068 It felt hollow. 228 00:09:47,162 --> 00:09:48,494 Rick: Definitely a void. 229 00:09:48,589 --> 00:09:49,588 Yeah. 230 00:09:49,815 --> 00:09:51,423 Oh, baby! 231 00:09:51,650 --> 00:09:53,650 Terry: I really think we're close to something. 232 00:09:53,668 --> 00:09:54,759 Marty: Great! 233 00:09:59,157 --> 00:10:00,156 Tedford: Bottom dropped right out of it. 234 00:10:00,175 --> 00:10:01,600 Might be a void down there. 235 00:10:03,437 --> 00:10:05,178 Colten: The resistance just dropped out of nowhere, 236 00:10:05,272 --> 00:10:06,938 Then we pulled it out. 237 00:10:07,165 --> 00:10:09,274 Narrator: In the money pit area, 238 00:10:09,425 --> 00:10:12,335 While attempting to once again penetrate a man-made tunnel 239 00:10:12,428 --> 00:10:14,946 Some 103 feet underground, 240 00:10:15,098 --> 00:10:18,599 The oak island team has just drilled into a large void 241 00:10:18,619 --> 00:10:21,745 At a much shallower depth of just 55 feet. 242 00:10:23,106 --> 00:10:25,515 Tedford: It felt hollow, so I have to keep going. 243 00:10:25,533 --> 00:10:27,033 Terry: Thanks, mike! 244 00:10:27,185 --> 00:10:29,127 That's interesting. 245 00:10:29,278 --> 00:10:30,962 The plot thickens, but, of course, 246 00:10:31,114 --> 00:10:34,023 The tale is going to be told with what comes next. 247 00:10:34,117 --> 00:10:35,133 We'll know something right here. 248 00:10:37,638 --> 00:10:39,453 Marty: I find this cavity most interesting, 249 00:10:39,473 --> 00:10:42,474 Because it's well above the bedrock. 250 00:10:42,625 --> 00:10:44,643 All right! 251 00:10:44,794 --> 00:10:46,369 Marty: It could have been created. 252 00:10:46,388 --> 00:10:48,647 -Here we go. -Got her? 253 00:10:48,798 --> 00:10:49,648 So, we need to explore this thing. 254 00:10:51,134 --> 00:10:53,059 Terry: It's an anaconda for sure. 255 00:10:53,153 --> 00:10:54,468 How deep are we? 256 00:10:54,488 --> 00:10:56,229 Uh, stopped at 85. 257 00:10:56,381 --> 00:10:59,324 -So, we cut 30 feet. -Yep. 258 00:10:59,551 --> 00:11:00,383 How much do you think we're missing 259 00:11:00,402 --> 00:11:01,976 Out of that last 30 feet? 260 00:11:02,070 --> 00:11:03,787 I'd say approximately ten feet. 261 00:11:05,724 --> 00:11:08,408 So, we've got a huge open section, right? 262 00:11:08,560 --> 00:11:10,243 Oh, yeah. 263 00:11:10,395 --> 00:11:12,003 Terry: That doesn't just happen. 264 00:11:12,230 --> 00:11:14,822 Something has happened down there. 265 00:11:14,841 --> 00:11:16,675 Rick: They have encountered a ten-foot void 266 00:11:16,826 --> 00:11:19,752 At an elevation that's shallower 267 00:11:19,846 --> 00:11:23,164 Than previous discoveries, so it obviously 268 00:11:23,183 --> 00:11:24,182 Makes this area, the garden shaft area, 269 00:11:24,333 --> 00:11:26,592 That much more intriguing. 270 00:11:26,687 --> 00:11:29,078 So, we're gonna try and get a water sample out of this, craig? 271 00:11:29,172 --> 00:11:31,097 -I think we should. -Yeah. 272 00:11:31,191 --> 00:11:33,917 Rick: The hope is that we can determine 273 00:11:34,010 --> 00:11:36,510 Whether it was natural or man-made. 274 00:11:36,530 --> 00:11:37,678 Steve g.: Last year, do you remember we had 275 00:11:37,698 --> 00:11:39,439 The air pocket hole in ab-13? 276 00:11:39,591 --> 00:11:41,700 -Yeah. -It happened at 60 feet. 277 00:11:41,927 --> 00:11:44,185 We start at 55, that just means there's potentially 278 00:11:44,204 --> 00:11:45,537 Some connectivity in this range. 279 00:11:48,375 --> 00:11:49,523 (drill rumbling) 280 00:11:49,543 --> 00:11:51,334 Whoa! 281 00:11:52,454 --> 00:11:54,195 Holy cow! 282 00:11:54,214 --> 00:11:56,105 We've never seen that before. 283 00:11:56,124 --> 00:11:59,366 Narrator: One year ago, as the team drilled just 284 00:11:59,386 --> 00:12:01,277 Three feet west of this location, 285 00:12:01,370 --> 00:12:03,296 At nearly the same depth, 286 00:12:03,448 --> 00:12:07,467 Massive amounts of air suddenly rushed to the surface, 287 00:12:07,619 --> 00:12:11,062 As if the seal to a pressurized cavern had been broken. 288 00:12:12,215 --> 00:12:14,548 I'd say we're close to something. 289 00:12:14,568 --> 00:12:18,144 This could be the indication of an offset chamber. 290 00:12:18,238 --> 00:12:19,462 I mean, you know, I don't know what else would be 291 00:12:19,481 --> 00:12:21,555 At 55 feet. 292 00:12:21,575 --> 00:12:22,723 You've always been a proponent of that. 293 00:12:22,743 --> 00:12:24,650 I have been, yeah. 294 00:12:24,745 --> 00:12:27,579 Narrator: It has long been a suspicion of marty's 295 00:12:27,730 --> 00:12:30,397 That whoever constructed the booby-trapped money pit 296 00:12:30,417 --> 00:12:32,066 May have also built a tunnel 297 00:12:32,085 --> 00:12:34,401 That leads to a chamber in dry ground, 298 00:12:34,421 --> 00:12:36,980 Where the fabled treasure is contained. 299 00:12:36,998 --> 00:12:38,739 Is it possible 300 00:12:38,759 --> 00:12:41,075 That the team has just discovered 301 00:12:41,094 --> 00:12:43,911 More evidence that this could be true? 302 00:12:44,005 --> 00:12:46,339 Marty: I think the offset chamber theory is the only thing, 303 00:12:46,491 --> 00:12:48,324 Really, that makes sense. 304 00:12:48,343 --> 00:12:50,176 If somebody wanted to hide something where 305 00:12:50,270 --> 00:12:51,828 Nobody would get it, they would've dug this deep 306 00:12:51,846 --> 00:12:55,498 Illusion hole, for lack of a better word. 307 00:12:55,517 --> 00:12:57,609 But the real treasure would be offset somewhere. 308 00:12:58,445 --> 00:13:00,094 To my knowledge, 309 00:13:00,113 --> 00:13:02,096 That's the shallowest we've seen anything 310 00:13:02,115 --> 00:13:04,282 That seems to be a void. 311 00:13:04,433 --> 00:13:08,011 And that cavity could be connected to the garden shaft. 312 00:13:08,029 --> 00:13:09,603 Rick: You know, 313 00:13:09,623 --> 00:13:11,272 It certainly continues 314 00:13:11,366 --> 00:13:14,200 To provide a reason to be 315 00:13:14,352 --> 00:13:17,036 Excited about finding the tunnel and figuring out 316 00:13:17,188 --> 00:13:19,130 What's going on down below. 317 00:13:19,282 --> 00:13:20,757 We just have to keep plugging away. 318 00:13:25,305 --> 00:13:27,639 Narrator: Later that afternoon... 319 00:13:29,217 --> 00:13:32,702 Gary: Do I have to tell you how great lot 8 has been to us? 320 00:13:32,795 --> 00:13:34,813 There is a sea of flags in here. 321 00:13:35,040 --> 00:13:38,207 ...Gary drayton and jack begley return to lot 8 322 00:13:38,226 --> 00:13:40,801 On the island's western drumlin. 323 00:13:40,821 --> 00:13:44,138 That area where we found the brooch 324 00:13:44,157 --> 00:13:45,824 And the cloak pin. 325 00:13:45,975 --> 00:13:47,733 Just over there, mate. 326 00:13:47,828 --> 00:13:51,054 It might just be that lot 8 was some sort of area 327 00:13:51,147 --> 00:13:52,813 Of activity for some reason. 328 00:13:52,907 --> 00:13:54,057 So, let's get stuck in! 329 00:13:54,075 --> 00:13:56,167 Yeah, let's go! 330 00:13:56,319 --> 00:13:58,561 Narrator: Following peter schneirla's analysis 331 00:13:58,580 --> 00:14:00,563 Of the potentially ancient cloak pin 332 00:14:00,582 --> 00:14:03,157 That was found nearby on lot 7, 333 00:14:03,176 --> 00:14:06,586 Gary and jack are hoping to uncover more clues 334 00:14:06,738 --> 00:14:08,829 To help identify just who 335 00:14:08,849 --> 00:14:11,757 May have visited this area long ago 336 00:14:11,852 --> 00:14:14,410 And if anything of great value was left behind. 337 00:14:14,503 --> 00:14:16,412 -(metal detector beeping) -nice one. 338 00:14:16,431 --> 00:14:19,023 Just there, mate. 339 00:14:21,194 --> 00:14:22,676 (grunts) 340 00:14:22,696 --> 00:14:26,197 ♪ ♪ 341 00:14:29,444 --> 00:14:30,368 Thank you, sir. 342 00:14:31,538 --> 00:14:35,039 (beeping) 343 00:14:35,191 --> 00:14:37,375 Oh, still singing. 344 00:14:43,108 --> 00:14:44,382 Oh! 345 00:14:44,533 --> 00:14:47,034 So, it's in me hand. 346 00:14:47,053 --> 00:14:48,961 Folded piece of copper, maybe? 347 00:14:49,114 --> 00:14:51,222 Oh, it's definitely copper. 348 00:14:51,374 --> 00:14:53,966 Very unusual, obviously two parts 349 00:14:54,119 --> 00:14:55,785 -Of the same thing. -Mm-hmm. 350 00:14:55,878 --> 00:14:58,212 What stands out, it's not really 351 00:14:58,306 --> 00:14:59,472 Heavy-duty, is it? 352 00:14:59,624 --> 00:15:01,232 But it's been used to crimp 353 00:15:01,384 --> 00:15:03,476 Over a material. 354 00:15:03,628 --> 00:15:05,978 I'm just trying to think of what that material is 355 00:15:06,072 --> 00:15:07,238 Inside there. 356 00:15:08,391 --> 00:15:10,074 It's soft. 357 00:15:10,301 --> 00:15:11,817 I feel like it's some sort of a parchment 358 00:15:11,970 --> 00:15:13,227 Or paper. 359 00:15:13,321 --> 00:15:15,154 Very interesting, mate. 360 00:15:15,248 --> 00:15:18,991 Narrator: A possible copper parchment scroll? 361 00:15:19,144 --> 00:15:23,237 In 1897, treasure hunters frederick blair 362 00:15:23,331 --> 00:15:26,649 And william chappell drilled into what they described 363 00:15:26,668 --> 00:15:28,334 As a seven-foot-high vault 364 00:15:28,486 --> 00:15:32,246 At a depth of 153 feet in the money pit. 365 00:15:32,340 --> 00:15:34,507 Upon extracting their drill bit, 366 00:15:34,601 --> 00:15:37,510 They were astonished to find traces of gold 367 00:15:37,662 --> 00:15:39,270 And a small piece of parchment 368 00:15:39,497 --> 00:15:41,681 With the letters "vi" written on it. 369 00:15:41,833 --> 00:15:44,258 This discovery made some believe 370 00:15:44,277 --> 00:15:46,002 That the oak island treasure 371 00:15:46,020 --> 00:15:48,780 May consist of not only precious metals 372 00:15:49,007 --> 00:15:52,617 But also sacred historical documents. 373 00:15:52,768 --> 00:15:56,270 Could this believed parchment scroll found on lot 8 374 00:15:56,364 --> 00:16:00,349 Be related to the other pre-16th century discoveries 375 00:16:00,368 --> 00:16:02,702 The team has made in the area? 376 00:16:02,854 --> 00:16:06,965 And if so, might it represent another critical clue 377 00:16:07,192 --> 00:16:09,875 That may help solve the oak island mystery? 378 00:16:10,028 --> 00:16:12,712 We haven't found anything like this before. 379 00:16:12,806 --> 00:16:15,531 No, I like different, mate, and this is different. 380 00:16:15,624 --> 00:16:19,126 This has got an old feel about it, as well. 381 00:16:19,220 --> 00:16:21,145 And the ct scanner 382 00:16:21,372 --> 00:16:23,630 Will tell us the story of this find. 383 00:16:23,650 --> 00:16:26,300 It could be something very important. 384 00:16:26,394 --> 00:16:28,044 I'm going to be careful 385 00:16:28,137 --> 00:16:30,229 With this, put it in the bag. 386 00:16:30,323 --> 00:16:33,140 With all the finds that we recovered on lot 8, 387 00:16:33,234 --> 00:16:37,403 What that tells me is, this far away from the money pit, 388 00:16:37,497 --> 00:16:40,147 There was some pretty interesting activity. 389 00:16:40,166 --> 00:16:41,648 Let's keep moving. 390 00:16:41,743 --> 00:16:43,392 Next flags are over here. 391 00:16:43,411 --> 00:16:45,169 And this has given me hope 392 00:16:45,321 --> 00:16:47,747 That this area would have been used 393 00:16:47,841 --> 00:16:49,173 To bury treasure. 394 00:16:50,826 --> 00:16:52,343 All right, see what this one says. 395 00:16:52,495 --> 00:16:54,253 -(beeping) -here we go. 396 00:16:54,405 --> 00:16:55,421 (beeping) 397 00:16:55,515 --> 00:16:57,256 Oh, that's sexy. 398 00:16:57,408 --> 00:16:59,142 Just there. 399 00:17:02,413 --> 00:17:04,022 (beep) 400 00:17:09,529 --> 00:17:11,921 (jack grunts) 401 00:17:11,939 --> 00:17:14,866 Gary: Right, this is gonna be a good find, mate, I can feel it. 402 00:17:16,703 --> 00:17:17,869 See if you got it out. 403 00:17:19,205 --> 00:17:21,188 (beeping) 404 00:17:21,207 --> 00:17:23,616 Yeah, all right! 405 00:17:23,710 --> 00:17:26,102 It's out. 406 00:17:26,195 --> 00:17:28,713 -Come on! -(beeping continues) 407 00:17:31,793 --> 00:17:33,700 -(rapid beeping) -just there, oh! 408 00:17:33,795 --> 00:17:36,554 Wow, look at this! 409 00:17:40,952 --> 00:17:42,285 Jack: Is that iron? 410 00:17:42,378 --> 00:17:43,636 Gary: It looks like iron, 411 00:17:43,788 --> 00:17:45,045 But it might not be iron. 412 00:17:45,065 --> 00:17:47,214 It might be something different. 413 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:51,977 Narrator: On lot 8, on the western side of oak island, 414 00:17:52,072 --> 00:17:54,054 Gary drayton and jack begley have just found 415 00:17:54,148 --> 00:17:56,240 A potentially important clue. 416 00:17:56,392 --> 00:17:57,408 It's got that curve on it. 417 00:17:57,560 --> 00:17:59,485 Maybe a bell. 418 00:17:59,579 --> 00:18:04,140 -I mean, bells were curved. -Oh, I hadn't thought of that. 419 00:18:04,158 --> 00:18:05,991 Yeah, the other bell metal. 420 00:18:06,086 --> 00:18:07,827 Gary: That bell metal that we found on lot 4. 421 00:18:07,979 --> 00:18:09,161 Jack: We'll have to have it tested. 422 00:18:09,314 --> 00:18:10,588 Even though it's bell metal, 423 00:18:10,739 --> 00:18:11,664 It could be used for other things. 424 00:18:11,816 --> 00:18:13,925 Yep. 425 00:18:14,076 --> 00:18:16,502 Narrator: After the team found a fragment of bell metal 426 00:18:16,654 --> 00:18:18,912 One year ago on lot 4... 427 00:18:18,932 --> 00:18:20,581 I would say it's older, yeah. 428 00:18:20,675 --> 00:18:23,175 ...Scientific analysis performed 429 00:18:23,328 --> 00:18:26,587 By dr. Christa brosseau suggested it may be 430 00:18:26,606 --> 00:18:28,514 An important clue to help identify 431 00:18:28,666 --> 00:18:31,334 Who may have visited oak island prior to 432 00:18:31,352 --> 00:18:33,111 The discovery of the money pit. 433 00:18:33,262 --> 00:18:35,596 You'll see at the last sentence there, 434 00:18:35,615 --> 00:18:37,931 It says, "bell metal was used to construct 435 00:18:37,951 --> 00:18:40,693 Early cannons by the spanish and portuguese." 436 00:18:40,845 --> 00:18:42,453 Yeah. 437 00:18:42,605 --> 00:18:44,938 Narrator: Later in the year, 438 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:47,516 Rick, doug and members of the team 439 00:18:47,535 --> 00:18:49,852 Traveled to portugal to investigate a number 440 00:18:49,871 --> 00:18:51,462 Of locations that once served 441 00:18:51,689 --> 00:18:53,372 As strongholds for the portuguese sect 442 00:18:53,524 --> 00:18:54,966 Of the knights templar 443 00:18:55,193 --> 00:18:56,968 Between the 12th and 16th centuries. 444 00:18:58,212 --> 00:18:59,786 There, they were shown 445 00:18:59,806 --> 00:19:02,456 A number of fascinating clues possibly 446 00:19:02,475 --> 00:19:05,534 Connecting the templars to the oak island mystery. 447 00:19:05,628 --> 00:19:07,961 -Oh, wow. -That's impressive. 448 00:19:07,981 --> 00:19:10,815 Narrator: These included a carving 449 00:19:10,966 --> 00:19:12,391 That matched one reportedly found 450 00:19:12,543 --> 00:19:15,486 On the legendary 90 foot stone, 451 00:19:15,638 --> 00:19:18,656 A stone road that was nearly identical 452 00:19:18,807 --> 00:19:20,658 To the one the team discovered in the swamp... 453 00:19:21,995 --> 00:19:24,720 ...And a 15th century cannon that matched 454 00:19:24,739 --> 00:19:27,314 The caliber of a believed portuguese stone shot 455 00:19:27,333 --> 00:19:30,409 That was unearthed in the money pit two years ago. 456 00:19:30,503 --> 00:19:31,460 Oh, look at that. 457 00:19:33,398 --> 00:19:35,247 How cool would that be? 458 00:19:35,341 --> 00:19:38,584 If this is bell metal and it matches that bell metal 459 00:19:38,736 --> 00:19:40,586 That we found on lot 4? 460 00:19:40,738 --> 00:19:42,180 It'd be a great connection between lot 8 461 00:19:42,331 --> 00:19:44,348 -And lot 4. -Yeah. 462 00:19:44,500 --> 00:19:48,411 Narrator: Is it possible that gary and jack have just found 463 00:19:48,429 --> 00:19:50,763 More evidence that the origins 464 00:19:50,915 --> 00:19:52,581 Of the oak island mystery could be linked 465 00:19:52,600 --> 00:19:55,342 To the portuguese sect of the knights templar? 466 00:19:55,436 --> 00:19:56,694 Okay, I'm going to bag it. 467 00:19:58,439 --> 00:20:00,272 Maybe this is it. 468 00:20:00,425 --> 00:20:03,426 -Yeah. -And we'll put that there. 469 00:20:03,444 --> 00:20:05,703 Okay, let's go. 470 00:20:10,526 --> 00:20:12,693 Narrator: The following day, 471 00:20:12,787 --> 00:20:14,378 As the team continues 472 00:20:14,530 --> 00:20:16,288 Drilling in the money pit area... 473 00:20:16,382 --> 00:20:18,532 This is that, kind of, a destroyed, bedded clay, 474 00:20:18,626 --> 00:20:20,109 Really, right here. 475 00:20:20,127 --> 00:20:21,868 Seddon: This looks good. 476 00:20:21,888 --> 00:20:23,796 Perfect. 477 00:20:23,948 --> 00:20:28,041 Narrator: ...Jack begley arrives on lot 32, west of the swamp 478 00:20:28,135 --> 00:20:32,212 Along with geophysical scanning experts robert seddon 479 00:20:32,232 --> 00:20:35,191 And keith hollender of phoenix aerial production. 480 00:20:36,627 --> 00:20:39,311 In the wake of numerous ancient artifacts, 481 00:20:39,464 --> 00:20:42,648 As well as the stone road and pathways that the team 482 00:20:42,742 --> 00:20:45,559 Have unearthed over the last two years... 483 00:20:45,578 --> 00:20:48,487 So, we're on lot 32 right now. 484 00:20:48,639 --> 00:20:50,806 ...Rick, marty and craig 485 00:20:50,825 --> 00:20:52,583 Have commissioned robert and keith to 486 00:20:52,810 --> 00:20:54,994 Conduct an island-wide lidar scan 487 00:20:55,146 --> 00:20:56,754 To look for other features 488 00:20:56,981 --> 00:21:00,574 That could help solve the 227-year-old mystery. 489 00:21:00,593 --> 00:21:03,319 Now, if there's a structure or trail, 490 00:21:03,412 --> 00:21:05,096 You guys should be able to pick up on that 491 00:21:05,323 --> 00:21:06,931 -With your lidar, right? -Right, definitely. 492 00:21:07,082 --> 00:21:09,658 So, the lidar will be able to create the scan, 493 00:21:09,752 --> 00:21:11,602 See if there's any hidden trails, 494 00:21:11,754 --> 00:21:13,920 Any cobblestone trails, that's underneath all this foliage. 495 00:21:13,940 --> 00:21:17,591 It'll pick up anomalies, metal underneath the ground. 496 00:21:17,610 --> 00:21:19,518 We'll be able to tell if there's metal, 497 00:21:19,612 --> 00:21:22,688 What types of metal they are, and be able to map that out. 498 00:21:22,782 --> 00:21:24,615 That seems like exactly the type of technology 499 00:21:24,842 --> 00:21:26,617 We need because hopefully it can lead us 500 00:21:26,844 --> 00:21:29,011 To a trail or area that we can search 501 00:21:29,030 --> 00:21:31,030 With the metal detector and recover more artifacts. 502 00:21:31,182 --> 00:21:32,456 -Great. -Let's get started. 503 00:21:32,683 --> 00:21:33,457 -Robert: Sounds good. -Keith: Great. 504 00:21:35,536 --> 00:21:38,612 Narrator: Commonly used in archaeological and geographical surveys, 505 00:21:38,631 --> 00:21:42,041 Light detection and ranging, or lidar, 506 00:21:42,193 --> 00:21:44,969 Is a scanning technology that emits rapid 507 00:21:45,196 --> 00:21:48,306 Laser pulses, which reflect off the ground. 508 00:21:48,457 --> 00:21:52,626 The collected data is then used to generate a 3d model 509 00:21:52,645 --> 00:21:55,721 Of the area, revealing potential man-made features 510 00:21:55,873 --> 00:21:57,815 Not visible to the naked eye, 511 00:21:58,042 --> 00:21:59,966 As well as objects and structures 512 00:21:59,986 --> 00:22:03,062 That lie buried near the surface. 513 00:22:03,214 --> 00:22:05,230 Okay, guys, I got the map uploaded to the drone. 514 00:22:05,383 --> 00:22:06,899 It's gonna create a grid. 515 00:22:06,993 --> 00:22:08,217 We're ready to take off and let it do its thing. 516 00:22:08,235 --> 00:22:09,643 Okay, we'll stand back. 517 00:22:09,737 --> 00:22:10,953 Stand back and we'll get going. 518 00:22:12,406 --> 00:22:13,906 Rick: The objective is that we can connect 519 00:22:14,058 --> 00:22:17,484 A road-like feature to a... 520 00:22:17,578 --> 00:22:20,412 "x" marks the spot location, whether that be in the money pit 521 00:22:20,565 --> 00:22:22,823 Or a currently unknown location. 522 00:22:22,917 --> 00:22:25,843 It's about trying to understand a very complex mystery, 523 00:22:26,070 --> 00:22:28,087 And these unique features might have something 524 00:22:28,181 --> 00:22:31,515 To do with unraveling the totality of the mystery. 525 00:22:31,742 --> 00:22:35,260 ♪ ♪ 526 00:22:35,355 --> 00:22:38,263 It looks like you're scanning not just one lot but 527 00:22:38,416 --> 00:22:40,265 30, 31, and 32 right now. 528 00:22:40,360 --> 00:22:42,193 -Robert: Correct. -Keith: It's exactly right. 529 00:22:42,344 --> 00:22:44,362 -Mm-hmm. -The more data that we can get, the better. 530 00:22:47,533 --> 00:22:49,533 So, it looks like it's just about done, so 531 00:22:49,760 --> 00:22:50,926 Now the drone's going to come home. 532 00:22:50,945 --> 00:22:51,869 Jack: Great. 533 00:22:52,096 --> 00:22:54,538 ♪ ♪ 534 00:22:58,878 --> 00:23:00,603 So, now that we've landed, can we look at the data? 535 00:23:00,621 --> 00:23:02,380 Well, we have to take it back and process it, 536 00:23:02,531 --> 00:23:04,197 And then we can see the full picture of what we have. 537 00:23:04,217 --> 00:23:05,549 Why don't we go to a couple other spots 538 00:23:05,776 --> 00:23:06,625 And then we can get some more data? 539 00:23:06,719 --> 00:23:08,110 Yeah, let's go for it. 540 00:23:08,203 --> 00:23:09,553 -Sounds great. -Let's keep going. 541 00:23:09,780 --> 00:23:12,056 Narrator: As jack, robert, and keith 542 00:23:12,207 --> 00:23:14,617 Continue scanning the western side of the island, 543 00:23:14,635 --> 00:23:16,727 Back at the money pit... 544 00:23:16,879 --> 00:23:18,545 Terry: Could be an interesting day on the island. 545 00:23:18,564 --> 00:23:20,305 Narrator: ...Geologist terry matheson, 546 00:23:20,458 --> 00:23:22,400 Surveyor steve guptill, 547 00:23:22,627 --> 00:23:24,960 And oak island historian paul troutman 548 00:23:24,979 --> 00:23:27,888 Continue monitoring the core-drilling operation 549 00:23:27,982 --> 00:23:32,410 In borehole a.5n-13.5. 550 00:23:32,637 --> 00:23:35,487 Since encountering a mysterious ten-foot void 551 00:23:35,640 --> 00:23:38,991 At a depth of 55 feet just one day ago, 552 00:23:39,085 --> 00:23:41,419 The team has decided 553 00:23:41,646 --> 00:23:44,163 To keep drilling below the 100-foot level 554 00:23:44,315 --> 00:23:46,406 In the hopes of once again encountering 555 00:23:46,426 --> 00:23:48,484 The wooden tunnel that may be heading 556 00:23:48,577 --> 00:23:51,244 Toward the nearby garden shaft. 557 00:23:51,264 --> 00:23:53,839 Hey, colten, what do you got there? 558 00:23:53,933 --> 00:23:55,841 This is gonna be 108. 559 00:23:55,935 --> 00:23:56,934 108, okay. 560 00:23:59,087 --> 00:24:00,921 Excuse me. 561 00:24:00,940 --> 00:24:02,831 So, I'm just carving this up, 562 00:24:02,850 --> 00:24:04,608 Carving the turkey up here, see what we got. 563 00:24:04,760 --> 00:24:06,351 It still looks pretty loose, terry. 564 00:24:06,446 --> 00:24:08,170 Yeah, well it's loose right there, but then 565 00:24:08,263 --> 00:24:09,447 It seems to stiffen up here. 566 00:24:09,598 --> 00:24:12,024 I don't see any wood. 567 00:24:12,176 --> 00:24:15,360 It's firm at the top... And then loose. 568 00:24:15,513 --> 00:24:17,012 Yeah, this is all really loose. 569 00:24:17,105 --> 00:24:18,939 You know, it's been disturbed. 570 00:24:18,958 --> 00:24:20,458 Yeah, it's somewhat disturbed. 571 00:24:20,609 --> 00:24:22,367 Everything is loose, 572 00:24:22,520 --> 00:24:23,852 And that's what happens when 573 00:24:23,871 --> 00:24:25,296 You're close to a structure. 574 00:24:25,447 --> 00:24:27,039 I wish I had definitive evidence, 575 00:24:27,133 --> 00:24:28,540 I wish I had a couple chunks of wood in here. 576 00:24:28,693 --> 00:24:30,116 -Yeah. -Then you're gonna know. 577 00:24:30,136 --> 00:24:31,785 The proof is in the drilling, I'd say. 578 00:24:31,804 --> 00:24:34,805 ♪ ♪ 579 00:24:34,957 --> 00:24:37,883 (machine whirring) 580 00:24:37,977 --> 00:24:40,202 Hey, guys! 581 00:24:40,295 --> 00:24:42,796 Check out the garden shaft! 582 00:24:42,815 --> 00:24:46,132 ♪ ♪ 583 00:24:46,227 --> 00:24:48,060 Yeah, look at that. 584 00:24:48,154 --> 00:24:50,395 Tedford: Bubbles. 585 00:24:50,548 --> 00:24:51,822 -Paul: Wow, look at that. -Steve g.: Oh, wow, look. 586 00:24:52,049 --> 00:24:53,139 It's bubbling really good, actually. 587 00:24:53,159 --> 00:24:54,158 Paul: Oh, my god. 588 00:24:54,385 --> 00:24:56,327 ♪ ♪ 589 00:25:00,391 --> 00:25:01,240 Steve g.: Oh, wow, look. 590 00:25:01,334 --> 00:25:02,333 Paul: Yes, we have air bubbles. 591 00:25:02,484 --> 00:25:03,075 It's bubbling really good, actually. 592 00:25:03,836 --> 00:25:07,004 Paul: Yeah, it's a steady stream too. 593 00:25:07,231 --> 00:25:09,322 Narrator: In the money pit area, 594 00:25:09,342 --> 00:25:11,583 While drilling at a depth of some 595 00:25:11,736 --> 00:25:13,827 108 feet, where they have found evidence 596 00:25:13,846 --> 00:25:16,905 Of a possible structure, or tunnel, 597 00:25:16,924 --> 00:25:19,517 The oak island team has just noticed 598 00:25:19,744 --> 00:25:21,352 Mysterious bubbling in the water 599 00:25:21,503 --> 00:25:23,746 That fills the nearby garden shaft. 600 00:25:23,839 --> 00:25:25,914 So, terry, yes, there are indeed 601 00:25:25,933 --> 00:25:27,583 Air bubbles in the garden. 602 00:25:27,676 --> 00:25:29,360 -Okay. -On the right-hand side. 603 00:25:29,587 --> 00:25:31,754 Right next to where a rock is, actually. 604 00:25:31,772 --> 00:25:34,423 Terry: So, we're transmitting pressure as they case forward 605 00:25:34,516 --> 00:25:36,850 From the drill rig, along that 606 00:25:36,869 --> 00:25:38,443 Tunnel over into the garden shaft? 607 00:25:38,538 --> 00:25:40,946 -Yes. -Yep. 608 00:25:41,098 --> 00:25:43,766 Narrator: Is it possible that the team has found evidence 609 00:25:43,784 --> 00:25:47,044 That the tunnel, first encountered two weeks ago, 610 00:25:47,195 --> 00:25:50,548 Is, in fact, connected to the garden shaft? 611 00:25:50,775 --> 00:25:54,385 And perhaps also the large source of gold 612 00:25:54,536 --> 00:25:58,204 That they recently detected deep underground in the area? 613 00:25:58,224 --> 00:25:59,464 Steve g.: We know there's a tunneling system 614 00:25:59,617 --> 00:26:00,724 Under there that may connect 615 00:26:00,876 --> 00:26:02,226 To the garden shaft. 616 00:26:02,453 --> 00:26:04,377 And that's really exciting for us 617 00:26:04,471 --> 00:26:07,898 Because we could potentially tunnel to the treasure. 618 00:26:08,125 --> 00:26:09,567 Okay. 619 00:26:09,718 --> 00:26:10,809 I sent the guys a text, let them know 620 00:26:10,961 --> 00:26:12,236 What's going on in this hole. 621 00:26:12,387 --> 00:26:13,904 Super, that's perfect. 622 00:26:14,056 --> 00:26:15,573 Paul: We should go get the samples 623 00:26:15,724 --> 00:26:17,316 For the water and the air bubbles in 624 00:26:17,468 --> 00:26:18,242 The garden, steve, so we have a collection here. 625 00:26:18,393 --> 00:26:20,077 We'll take a look. 626 00:26:22,323 --> 00:26:24,156 Narrator: In the hopes of obtaining more evidence 627 00:26:24,250 --> 00:26:26,658 Of precious metals from deep underground 628 00:26:26,811 --> 00:26:29,995 Near the garden shaft, paul and steve collect 629 00:26:30,147 --> 00:26:31,830 A water sample that will be analyzed 630 00:26:31,982 --> 00:26:34,592 By geoscientist dr. Ian spooner. 631 00:26:36,244 --> 00:26:37,820 -Well? -Hey, marty, hey, rick. 632 00:26:37,913 --> 00:26:39,004 -How are you doing? -What's up? 633 00:26:39,156 --> 00:26:40,823 For right now, we've got really 634 00:26:40,841 --> 00:26:43,083 Interesting outcomes, very close to 635 00:26:43,102 --> 00:26:45,177 The garden shaft. 636 00:26:45,329 --> 00:26:47,679 Down as far as 108 is very loose. 637 00:26:47,832 --> 00:26:50,774 No wood, but, I mean, that level of disruption 638 00:26:51,001 --> 00:26:52,943 Or disturbance tells me that we might 639 00:26:53,095 --> 00:26:55,779 Be close to a structure. 640 00:26:56,006 --> 00:26:58,264 Paul: Yes, there was air bubbles about 108 to 115. 641 00:26:58,284 --> 00:26:59,617 We actually started seeing air bubbles 642 00:26:59,844 --> 00:27:01,526 In the front and the back of this rock 643 00:27:01,679 --> 00:27:03,195 That's on the right-hand side of the garden. 644 00:27:03,289 --> 00:27:04,847 So, interesting. 645 00:27:04,865 --> 00:27:06,698 Marty: Bubbles in the pond over here? 646 00:27:06,792 --> 00:27:08,016 -Bubbles in the garden. -Terry: In the garden shaft. 647 00:27:08,110 --> 00:27:08,959 -In the garden pond. -Yeah. 648 00:27:11,446 --> 00:27:13,422 -What do you make of that? -I don't know, that's very odd. 649 00:27:15,042 --> 00:27:17,542 Rick: We were surprised to see the air escape from 650 00:27:17,695 --> 00:27:19,285 The area of the garden shaft. 651 00:27:19,305 --> 00:27:21,880 But excited about it for one simple reason: 652 00:27:22,032 --> 00:27:24,958 It means there's a void or voids down there. 653 00:27:24,977 --> 00:27:27,478 Possibly a tunnel connected to the garden shaft, 654 00:27:27,629 --> 00:27:30,873 And we need to devise some sort of plan where 655 00:27:30,891 --> 00:27:32,891 We can explore that area. 656 00:27:33,043 --> 00:27:35,986 This area in particular, probably more than any 657 00:27:36,213 --> 00:27:38,046 Other area over the last ten years, 658 00:27:38,140 --> 00:27:39,472 This is probably the most interesting. 659 00:27:39,492 --> 00:27:41,717 -Agreed. -Yeah. 660 00:27:41,810 --> 00:27:43,476 Marty: Here's what I think. 661 00:27:43,496 --> 00:27:44,903 You got to keep on keeping on. 662 00:27:45,055 --> 00:27:46,071 All right, we'll keep at it. 663 00:27:46,223 --> 00:27:47,406 Marty: Keep going, guys. 664 00:27:47,558 --> 00:27:48,573 Rick: Thanks, everybody. 665 00:27:48,726 --> 00:27:50,150 Terry: Take care now. 666 00:27:50,169 --> 00:27:53,170 Narrator: Later that afternoon... 667 00:27:53,321 --> 00:27:57,065 As jack begley continues to monitor 668 00:27:57,084 --> 00:28:00,068 The lidar operation on the western side of the island... 669 00:28:00,087 --> 00:28:02,587 Keith: So, you can see the idea of the smaller overlaps. 670 00:28:02,682 --> 00:28:04,348 Jack: Yeah. 671 00:28:04,575 --> 00:28:07,409 Gary: Always good to see you, sandy. 672 00:28:07,428 --> 00:28:09,761 Thanks for coming out, mate. 673 00:28:09,914 --> 00:28:12,247 Narrator: ...Gary drayton and charles barkhouse 674 00:28:12,266 --> 00:28:15,192 Meet with sandy campbell, a renowned numismatist 675 00:28:15,419 --> 00:28:17,252 With over 40 years of experience 676 00:28:17,271 --> 00:28:19,179 Identifying and analyzing 677 00:28:19,273 --> 00:28:21,699 Rare and ancient coins. 678 00:28:21,850 --> 00:28:24,368 Jack and I found a really interesting artifact. 679 00:28:24,519 --> 00:28:27,763 What looks like a piece of copper. 680 00:28:27,781 --> 00:28:31,357 And the metals came back as, like, an older mix. 681 00:28:31,377 --> 00:28:34,937 So, we're hoping you can shed some light on this artifact, 682 00:28:34,955 --> 00:28:37,030 And I'm hoping it's a coin. 683 00:28:37,124 --> 00:28:39,699 -Okay, let's have a look. -Okay. 684 00:28:39,793 --> 00:28:42,127 Narrator: Sandy has been asked to inspect the mysterious 685 00:28:42,221 --> 00:28:46,131 Copper artifact found two weeks ago on lot 7, 686 00:28:46,225 --> 00:28:49,059 Which archaeologist emma culligan believes 687 00:28:49,211 --> 00:28:52,545 Could date back to the 16th century or earlier. 688 00:28:52,565 --> 00:28:56,458 Sandy: It's not a traditional shape, 689 00:28:56,477 --> 00:28:58,736 But anything is possible. 690 00:29:02,132 --> 00:29:05,576 I'm not seeing any detail at all. 691 00:29:07,079 --> 00:29:09,154 And it's tapered. 692 00:29:09,248 --> 00:29:11,231 Gary: Yeah. 693 00:29:11,250 --> 00:29:12,565 Sandy: Usually, a tell-tale that it's, you know, 694 00:29:12,659 --> 00:29:13,751 Probably not a coin. 695 00:29:15,329 --> 00:29:18,756 It could be a barter piece, it could be... 696 00:29:18,907 --> 00:29:22,926 Do you mean like a, like a trade token type thing? 697 00:29:23,153 --> 00:29:24,669 Well, I mean, anything made out of metal 698 00:29:24,822 --> 00:29:26,321 Was used for barter, right? 699 00:29:26,414 --> 00:29:28,006 -Yeah. -And that's where coins 700 00:29:28,158 --> 00:29:31,660 Derived from, you know, producing, you know, 701 00:29:31,678 --> 00:29:33,937 Something that was easily transferred 702 00:29:34,164 --> 00:29:36,498 That was made out of copper, silver, or gold. 703 00:29:36,591 --> 00:29:38,942 This would be no different. 704 00:29:39,094 --> 00:29:41,779 Let's weigh it and see where it fits in on a scale. 705 00:29:41,930 --> 00:29:44,856 If it was some kind of trade piece, 706 00:29:45,009 --> 00:29:46,599 What would be the weight on it? 707 00:29:46,619 --> 00:29:48,768 It'll be in increments of grams, normally, 708 00:29:48,788 --> 00:29:50,788 So... 709 00:29:52,699 --> 00:29:55,350 And this piece is four grams right on the button. 710 00:29:55,369 --> 00:29:58,537 What's unusual is, you know, 711 00:29:58,689 --> 00:30:02,024 It's sort of an exact weight of four grams. 712 00:30:02,042 --> 00:30:04,209 And it's very puzzling, 713 00:30:04,361 --> 00:30:06,862 The way the edges are done on this. 714 00:30:06,880 --> 00:30:09,197 Someone took a lot of time, 715 00:30:09,216 --> 00:30:12,125 Probably, making that four grams, and it's... 716 00:30:12,144 --> 00:30:13,535 Yeah, I mean, potentially, 717 00:30:13,628 --> 00:30:15,370 It is, you know, potentially 718 00:30:15,463 --> 00:30:17,797 A barter piece that would have 719 00:30:17,817 --> 00:30:20,709 Value for that amount of copper at the time, right? 720 00:30:20,802 --> 00:30:23,469 So, it would have monetary value. 721 00:30:23,564 --> 00:30:25,138 Gary: How old is it? 722 00:30:25,157 --> 00:30:26,990 It's 500 years old, at least. 723 00:30:27,217 --> 00:30:29,159 Wow. 724 00:30:29,386 --> 00:30:32,737 To date it more accurately would be really tough, 725 00:30:32,890 --> 00:30:35,057 But because of the composition, it's definitely 726 00:30:35,075 --> 00:30:37,150 That period or earlier. 727 00:30:37,169 --> 00:30:40,003 It's absolutely brilliant news, mate. 728 00:30:40,230 --> 00:30:43,565 -I mean, this is fantastic. -Yeah. 729 00:30:43,584 --> 00:30:45,417 Charles: When you mentioned, you know, the 1500s, 730 00:30:45,569 --> 00:30:47,903 My mind immediately went to the portuguese. 731 00:30:47,921 --> 00:30:49,404 I mean, they were incredible seafarers. 732 00:30:49,497 --> 00:30:50,906 They went all over the world. 733 00:30:50,924 --> 00:30:52,665 Oh, yeah, yeah. 734 00:30:52,685 --> 00:30:55,352 Narrator: A possible barter token 735 00:30:55,579 --> 00:30:58,080 Dating back 500 years or more? 736 00:30:58,173 --> 00:31:00,265 If so, could it be connected 737 00:31:00,359 --> 00:31:03,268 To the other ancient discoveries the team 738 00:31:03,420 --> 00:31:05,587 Has made on the western side of the island? 739 00:31:05,606 --> 00:31:07,513 Such as the bunk hook 740 00:31:07,533 --> 00:31:09,424 Designed for hoisting heavy cargo? 741 00:31:09,517 --> 00:31:11,776 Or the fragments of bell metal, 742 00:31:11,871 --> 00:31:14,371 Which may also be of portuguese origin? 743 00:31:16,542 --> 00:31:18,876 It's very unusual, and I think, 744 00:31:19,027 --> 00:31:22,212 You know, more research is needed. 745 00:31:22,364 --> 00:31:23,714 Definitely, and I'm going to share this news with the guys. 746 00:31:23,865 --> 00:31:25,382 They'll want to hear this. 747 00:31:25,609 --> 00:31:27,292 -Thank you so much. -Sandy: All right. 748 00:31:27,386 --> 00:31:29,052 -Great to see you, gary. -Gary: And you, mate. 749 00:31:29,204 --> 00:31:30,053 -See you again. -All right. 750 00:31:34,226 --> 00:31:36,284 Rick: I think we need to find a different way 751 00:31:36,303 --> 00:31:38,637 To figure out what's happening underground in the money pit. 752 00:31:38,731 --> 00:31:40,731 There is a suspicion that there is a tunnel 753 00:31:40,882 --> 00:31:42,900 Underneath the garden shaft-- hey! 754 00:31:43,051 --> 00:31:44,809 Hi, good, you're all here. 755 00:31:44,962 --> 00:31:46,978 Narrator: In the oak island research center, 756 00:31:47,131 --> 00:31:50,649 As rick, marty, craig, and other members of the team 757 00:31:50,801 --> 00:31:53,744 Meet regarding next steps for potentially investigating 758 00:31:53,971 --> 00:31:55,820 The garden shaft in the money pit area, 759 00:31:55,973 --> 00:32:00,083 They are joined by gary drayton and charles barkhouse. 760 00:32:00,310 --> 00:32:02,644 Marty: Gary, what's with the grin, buddy? 761 00:32:02,663 --> 00:32:05,071 Some great news from sandy campbell, 762 00:32:05,090 --> 00:32:06,423 The coin expert. 763 00:32:06,574 --> 00:32:08,150 It was about this artifact 764 00:32:08,168 --> 00:32:10,510 That jack and I recovered on lot 7. 765 00:32:11,597 --> 00:32:13,488 It's arsenical bronze. 766 00:32:13,581 --> 00:32:16,174 I was adamant it was some kind of coin. 767 00:32:16,268 --> 00:32:18,160 Now, it isn't a coin, 768 00:32:18,253 --> 00:32:20,679 But I'm definitely not disappointed, 769 00:32:20,831 --> 00:32:22,439 Because according to sandy, 770 00:32:22,590 --> 00:32:25,442 It's a trade or a barter piece. 771 00:32:26,853 --> 00:32:28,336 Pass that around, mate. 772 00:32:28,355 --> 00:32:30,839 The weight on it is four grams, 773 00:32:30,932 --> 00:32:32,950 So it'd have been used like currency. 774 00:32:33,101 --> 00:32:35,118 -It's a trade piece, though. -Yep. 775 00:32:35,270 --> 00:32:36,620 Marty: It's coin-like. 776 00:32:36,847 --> 00:32:38,513 It's just not government issued, right? 777 00:32:38,606 --> 00:32:39,864 It would have been some merchant or something. 778 00:32:39,959 --> 00:32:41,291 Gary: Yep. 779 00:32:41,443 --> 00:32:42,867 Arsenic, that's an older method. 780 00:32:42,962 --> 00:32:47,297 That mixture went out of style in the early 1500s. 781 00:32:47,524 --> 00:32:51,301 Doug: The archaeological record shows that it was 782 00:32:51,528 --> 00:32:54,972 Used as far back as the fifth millennium bc. 783 00:32:55,123 --> 00:32:57,048 (chuckles) 784 00:32:57,201 --> 00:32:59,977 So, it's either old or it's really old. 785 00:33:00,128 --> 00:33:01,886 I'm, like, gobsmacked now. 786 00:33:02,039 --> 00:33:03,705 Marty: But I like your comment, doug. 787 00:33:03,798 --> 00:33:06,558 It's either old or really, really old. 788 00:33:06,710 --> 00:33:08,393 Doug: The question is, what is it doing here? 789 00:33:08,487 --> 00:33:10,470 -That's what we still have to find out. -Yep. 790 00:33:10,489 --> 00:33:12,731 Rick: I'm amazed at this date. 791 00:33:12,825 --> 00:33:14,825 Could one infer that 792 00:33:15,052 --> 00:33:18,144 Templars or some other entity or persons 793 00:33:18,238 --> 00:33:20,646 May have come long ago to do some work on oak island? 794 00:33:20,666 --> 00:33:22,574 It's possible. 795 00:33:22,668 --> 00:33:25,410 Does the timeline allow for that to have happened? 796 00:33:25,504 --> 00:33:27,412 Certainly, it does. 797 00:33:27,506 --> 00:33:31,157 The hope is that we can find more of this type of item. 798 00:33:31,251 --> 00:33:33,752 This is a really cool piece. 799 00:33:33,846 --> 00:33:38,073 Concrete evidence of an ancient artifact here on this island. 800 00:33:38,166 --> 00:33:39,999 Well done-- but there is something 801 00:33:40,019 --> 00:33:41,852 We want to tell you, because it's a little bit 802 00:33:42,003 --> 00:33:44,187 Romantic in a sense, about what we might do this year. 803 00:33:44,414 --> 00:33:46,765 -You'll like it. -You'll like it a lot, charles. 804 00:33:46,917 --> 00:33:49,601 Doug, why don't you take this over here? 805 00:33:49,695 --> 00:33:52,696 Yeah, there's a canadian mining company by the name of dumas. 806 00:33:52,923 --> 00:33:55,106 We've been in initial discussions with them. 807 00:33:55,259 --> 00:33:57,108 And they believe that they could come in 808 00:33:57,202 --> 00:33:59,761 And open up and repair the garden shaft for us. 809 00:33:59,854 --> 00:34:02,597 -Gary: Wow. -Charles: Wow. 810 00:34:02,616 --> 00:34:04,524 Marty: We're gonna re-crib the garden shaft for all kinds 811 00:34:04,543 --> 00:34:05,784 Of reasons-- because of the gold in the water, 812 00:34:05,936 --> 00:34:07,377 Because of the air bubbles. 813 00:34:07,604 --> 00:34:09,621 We don't know what the garden shaft is. 814 00:34:09,715 --> 00:34:11,122 It's just mysterious, it's enigmatic. 815 00:34:11,275 --> 00:34:13,124 It could be the location 816 00:34:13,277 --> 00:34:16,628 Of the original money pit lost to all the searchers. 817 00:34:16,780 --> 00:34:19,114 So, it needs to be understood better. 818 00:34:19,207 --> 00:34:22,041 -How cool would that be? -That's exciting. 819 00:34:22,061 --> 00:34:24,728 You gave us a wow, we just gave you a wow. 820 00:34:24,879 --> 00:34:27,289 That was a big-- that's a big wow. 821 00:34:27,382 --> 00:34:28,714 Well, we're not sure yet, right? 822 00:34:28,809 --> 00:34:30,141 Doug: No, it's preliminary. 823 00:34:30,294 --> 00:34:31,568 They're willing to meet with us 824 00:34:31,719 --> 00:34:33,144 As early as tomorrow to discuss 825 00:34:33,297 --> 00:34:34,979 Taking this project forward. 826 00:34:35,132 --> 00:34:36,556 We're here. 827 00:34:36,650 --> 00:34:38,742 -Okay, we'll set it up. -Set it up. 828 00:34:38,969 --> 00:34:42,412 That's good enough for me for one day, let's go. 829 00:34:42,639 --> 00:34:45,140 ♪ ♪ 830 00:34:45,233 --> 00:34:47,475 Narrator: The following morning... 831 00:34:47,569 --> 00:34:50,328 Rick: I think we're all really excited 832 00:34:50,480 --> 00:34:51,404 About the garden shaft. 833 00:34:51,498 --> 00:34:53,315 Craig, why the garden shaft? 834 00:34:53,333 --> 00:34:54,758 What interests you about it? 835 00:34:54,909 --> 00:34:57,001 The water sample had gold in it. 836 00:34:57,154 --> 00:34:59,671 -Yeah, let's not forget that. -(laughs) 837 00:34:59,823 --> 00:35:02,915 Narrator: ...Rick, marty, craig, and other members of the team 838 00:35:02,935 --> 00:35:05,176 Have gathered in the war room for their highly 839 00:35:05,270 --> 00:35:08,179 Anticipated meeting regarding a new method 840 00:35:08,273 --> 00:35:10,941 To search for answers deep in the money pit area. 841 00:35:11,092 --> 00:35:13,351 Rick: Doug reached out to a company called dumas. 842 00:35:13,445 --> 00:35:16,020 Well, today, their team is going to meet with us. 843 00:35:16,115 --> 00:35:18,264 Steve, if you can get them up. 844 00:35:18,283 --> 00:35:20,842 (all exchange greetings) 845 00:35:20,935 --> 00:35:21,767 Cameron: Thank you to everyone 846 00:35:21,862 --> 00:35:24,012 For the ability to present 847 00:35:24,030 --> 00:35:26,181 Dumas's vision 848 00:35:26,199 --> 00:35:28,350 And means and methods for 849 00:35:28,368 --> 00:35:30,794 The garden shaft rehabilitation project. 850 00:35:31,021 --> 00:35:34,297 We're just very happy to be here today. 851 00:35:34,524 --> 00:35:37,542 Narrator: Based in timmons, ontario, canada, 852 00:35:37,636 --> 00:35:41,029 Dumas contracting limited is one of the leading mine shaft 853 00:35:41,047 --> 00:35:43,974 Construction and engineering companies in north america. 854 00:35:44,125 --> 00:35:46,201 Cameron: My name is cameron carter. 855 00:35:46,219 --> 00:35:48,979 I'm the vice president of engineering 856 00:35:49,130 --> 00:35:52,223 And business development for dumas contracting limited. 857 00:35:52,376 --> 00:35:55,560 Joining me today is mr. Tony linton. 858 00:35:55,712 --> 00:35:59,990 Tony linton is our in-house, shaft-sinking technical expert, 859 00:36:00,217 --> 00:36:04,386 With our operational team in timmons joining us. 860 00:36:04,404 --> 00:36:06,404 I do have a presentation that might 861 00:36:06,556 --> 00:36:09,148 Help to illustrate that methodology. 862 00:36:09,168 --> 00:36:12,335 First, there is an existing 863 00:36:12,487 --> 00:36:15,821 Ten-by-ten wood-grip shaft to approximately 864 00:36:15,916 --> 00:36:18,566 77 and a half feet depth. 865 00:36:18,660 --> 00:36:21,736 The objective here is to refurbish this shaft 866 00:36:21,755 --> 00:36:24,072 And make it safe for further exploration 867 00:36:24,165 --> 00:36:26,574 Along the length of the shaft. 868 00:36:26,593 --> 00:36:29,411 We are going to expose the shaft 869 00:36:29,504 --> 00:36:32,914 Collar and build our foundation. 870 00:36:32,933 --> 00:36:35,007 We will muck out the backfill from 871 00:36:35,101 --> 00:36:37,527 The existing floor of the shaft. 872 00:36:37,679 --> 00:36:38,528 Tony: Our intention is 873 00:36:38,755 --> 00:36:40,846 To re-line the shaft 874 00:36:40,866 --> 00:36:42,440 As it currently exists 875 00:36:42,592 --> 00:36:45,443 In order to preserve what was there. 876 00:36:45,595 --> 00:36:48,371 And then also, what we're going to do is 877 00:36:48,598 --> 00:36:51,857 Injecting grout into the surrounding soils to 878 00:36:51,952 --> 00:36:55,545 Slow down any water infiltration into the shaft. 879 00:36:55,772 --> 00:36:57,956 Cameron: That will ensure the long-term 880 00:36:58,108 --> 00:37:00,550 Stability of this shaft excavation. 881 00:37:01,778 --> 00:37:03,369 Marty: Brilliant. 882 00:37:03,388 --> 00:37:04,963 Cameron: We will continue to construct 883 00:37:05,057 --> 00:37:07,298 The manway section 884 00:37:07,392 --> 00:37:11,119 To make this shaft accessible again for personnel. 885 00:37:11,212 --> 00:37:13,788 Marty: Now, wait a minute. 886 00:37:13,807 --> 00:37:15,974 Are we, the fellowship members here, 887 00:37:16,126 --> 00:37:17,792 Gonna be able to actually go underground 888 00:37:17,885 --> 00:37:20,144 In that shaft once it's complete? 889 00:37:20,239 --> 00:37:22,313 -Yep. -Marty: Wow. 890 00:37:22,466 --> 00:37:24,074 This is really cool. 891 00:37:30,082 --> 00:37:31,564 Marty: Are we, the fellowship members here, 892 00:37:31,583 --> 00:37:33,083 Going to be able to actually go underground 893 00:37:33,234 --> 00:37:35,568 In that shaft once it's complete? 894 00:37:35,587 --> 00:37:36,828 -Cameron: Yep. -Marty: Brilliant. 895 00:37:36,980 --> 00:37:38,146 Rick: That sounds perfect. 896 00:37:38,239 --> 00:37:40,315 Narrator: In the war room, 897 00:37:40,333 --> 00:37:42,817 Rick, marty, craig, and members of the team 898 00:37:42,910 --> 00:37:44,819 Are meeting with representatives of 899 00:37:44,912 --> 00:37:46,671 Dumas contracting limited. 900 00:37:46,823 --> 00:37:49,491 So, as we descend into the garden shaft, 901 00:37:49,584 --> 00:37:51,268 We can guide you and bring you 902 00:37:51,419 --> 00:37:53,919 -Down into the excavation. -Okay. 903 00:37:54,014 --> 00:37:55,755 Doug: I think the chance to come down and explore 904 00:37:55,774 --> 00:37:59,109 That shaft is, is one of the most important things. 905 00:37:59,336 --> 00:38:01,185 Yep. 906 00:38:01,280 --> 00:38:03,262 Steve g.: We've encountered what we deem to be 907 00:38:03,356 --> 00:38:05,690 Potential offset chambers 908 00:38:05,842 --> 00:38:07,859 Or voids in the ground, so we're starting to 909 00:38:08,011 --> 00:38:09,602 Collect some data for you guys 910 00:38:09,696 --> 00:38:11,513 And maybe give you some targets. 911 00:38:11,531 --> 00:38:13,773 Cameron: That's fantastic because we are going 912 00:38:13,867 --> 00:38:15,292 To be probe drilling, 913 00:38:15,519 --> 00:38:17,368 As we descend into the shaft, 914 00:38:17,462 --> 00:38:20,705 To recognize and quantify where those voids exist. 915 00:38:20,799 --> 00:38:22,857 Marty: Okay. All right. 916 00:38:22,876 --> 00:38:24,467 Let's say we hit something, a void, whatever. 917 00:38:24,694 --> 00:38:26,970 Something at, say, I don't know, 50 feet, 918 00:38:27,121 --> 00:38:28,863 And we want to tunnel out from there. 919 00:38:28,882 --> 00:38:30,882 Would we be able to do that? 920 00:38:31,034 --> 00:38:32,884 To answer your question, marty, 921 00:38:32,978 --> 00:38:35,386 We can go in any direction, at any elevation. 922 00:38:35,539 --> 00:38:37,555 Okay, that's great. 923 00:38:37,707 --> 00:38:39,799 Really cool. 924 00:38:39,893 --> 00:38:43,061 Narrator: In order to allow members of the oak island team 925 00:38:43,213 --> 00:38:45,897 To descend and explore the garden shaft, 926 00:38:46,049 --> 00:38:48,474 Representatives from dumas will construct 927 00:38:48,568 --> 00:38:52,554 A concrete foundation around the existing structure, 928 00:38:52,572 --> 00:38:55,907 Excavate it with a massive crane and hammer grab, 929 00:38:56,001 --> 00:38:58,835 And then reconstruct it with new, waterproof, 930 00:38:58,986 --> 00:39:02,063 Wooden timbers down to a depth of at least 931 00:39:02,082 --> 00:39:06,676 77 feet, the believed total depth of the shaft. 932 00:39:06,828 --> 00:39:09,846 Cameron: The objective, again, is to rehabilitate... 933 00:39:09,997 --> 00:39:12,090 Rick: The garden shaft rehab project will provide 934 00:39:12,242 --> 00:39:14,351 Several unique opportunities. 935 00:39:14,502 --> 00:39:17,412 You can either tunnel or expand the shaft. 936 00:39:17,430 --> 00:39:19,097 You can go deeper with the shaft. 937 00:39:19,191 --> 00:39:21,249 To me, it's always about 938 00:39:21,342 --> 00:39:22,917 The eyes and boots approach. 939 00:39:23,010 --> 00:39:24,861 And we will have a legitimate, 940 00:39:25,088 --> 00:39:26,846 For the first time, eyes and boots 941 00:39:26,940 --> 00:39:28,698 Approach to the money pit. 942 00:39:28,925 --> 00:39:31,684 From start to finish, what's the estimated 943 00:39:31,778 --> 00:39:33,703 Time to completion? 944 00:39:33,930 --> 00:39:35,430 Cameron: Right now, we're forecasting 945 00:39:35,448 --> 00:39:37,782 Approximately 50 days of in-the-hole 946 00:39:37,934 --> 00:39:39,709 Rehabilitation work to get us 947 00:39:39,861 --> 00:39:42,453 -To 77 and a half feet. -Perfect. 948 00:39:42,606 --> 00:39:45,123 We've never been able to go underground 949 00:39:45,275 --> 00:39:46,958 In the money pit, and yet everyone before us 950 00:39:47,052 --> 00:39:49,794 For 200 and some years have been underground. 951 00:39:49,946 --> 00:39:51,554 But that's an aside. 952 00:39:51,781 --> 00:39:54,449 We believe that the garden shaft will supply us 953 00:39:54,467 --> 00:39:58,544 With some greater understanding of the money pit, 954 00:39:58,638 --> 00:40:01,956 What has been done not only in the previous 227 years 955 00:40:01,975 --> 00:40:03,900 But perhaps what was done originally, 956 00:40:04,127 --> 00:40:06,794 What we call the depositional phase. 957 00:40:06,888 --> 00:40:09,464 Marty: The idea of rehabilitating a shaft so we can get 958 00:40:09,482 --> 00:40:11,633 Underground is exciting 959 00:40:11,726 --> 00:40:13,076 Because actually being there, 960 00:40:13,303 --> 00:40:14,911 Actually getting down and seeing things 961 00:40:15,062 --> 00:40:17,414 Is always the best, the best data. 962 00:40:17,565 --> 00:40:20,825 And I think we can trace the gold in the water. 963 00:40:20,977 --> 00:40:23,645 Then we can find the treasure if it's here 964 00:40:23,663 --> 00:40:25,997 And figure out what exactly happened on this island. 965 00:40:26,091 --> 00:40:28,258 I think that we need to get down under the ground. 966 00:40:28,485 --> 00:40:30,334 -That's where I'm at. -Rick: Absolutely. 967 00:40:30,487 --> 00:40:32,244 Marty: Perfect, guys. 968 00:40:32,264 --> 00:40:34,989 I sense the enthusiasm, you guys are eager 969 00:40:35,008 --> 00:40:37,750 To get going, that's great-- let's go find something. 970 00:40:37,769 --> 00:40:40,103 -Right on. -Yeah, well, look. 971 00:40:40,254 --> 00:40:41,345 Come on out and start making a shaft. 972 00:40:41,498 --> 00:40:43,181 Let's go. 973 00:40:43,333 --> 00:40:44,849 All right, thank you, guys. 974 00:40:44,943 --> 00:40:47,235 -Marty: Thank you. -Rick: Thank you all. 975 00:40:49,522 --> 00:40:52,840 Narrator: For rick, marty, craig, and the team, 976 00:40:52,934 --> 00:40:55,009 The clues continue to mount, 977 00:40:55,102 --> 00:40:57,102 Suggesting the truth behind 978 00:40:57,122 --> 00:40:59,347 The oak island mystery is more profound 979 00:40:59,365 --> 00:41:02,107 Than anyone thought possible. 980 00:41:02,127 --> 00:41:05,110 Now, as they prepare for their most 981 00:41:05,130 --> 00:41:08,781 Ambitious excavation ever attempted in the money pit, 982 00:41:08,875 --> 00:41:12,469 Will the fabled riches finally be within their reach? 983 00:41:14,047 --> 00:41:16,364 Or will the mysterious forces 984 00:41:16,382 --> 00:41:19,458 That are as legendary as the treasure itself 985 00:41:19,552 --> 00:41:23,538 Once again intervene? 986 00:41:23,556 --> 00:41:26,966 There's only one way to find out. 987 00:41:27,060 --> 00:41:29,227 It is time to dig. 988 00:41:29,379 --> 00:41:33,231 ♪ ♪ 989 00:41:33,325 --> 00:41:36,159 Narrator: Next time on the curse of oak island... 990 00:41:36,310 --> 00:41:38,402 This is a lidar anomaly. 991 00:41:38,555 --> 00:41:39,829 -Rick: That's incredible. -Marty: Well, let's dig it up. 992 00:41:40,815 --> 00:41:42,573 Gary: Ooh, look at that! 993 00:41:42,726 --> 00:41:45,076 -Laird: Looks like a handle. -Jack: To a treasure chest? 994 00:41:45,228 --> 00:41:46,394 Gary: Ooh, that's fantastic! 995 00:41:46,412 --> 00:41:47,729 Rick: Get us down there. 996 00:41:47,822 --> 00:41:48,896 There's going to be some answers 997 00:41:48,915 --> 00:41:49,914 At the bottom of that shaft. 998 00:41:50,008 --> 00:41:51,399 Terry: Oh... 999 00:41:51,492 --> 00:41:52,992 We clipped the edge of a beam. 1000 00:41:53,011 --> 00:41:54,402 This might be completely unknown. 1001 00:41:54,495 --> 00:41:55,419 Marty: At 70 feet, it almost 1002 00:41:55,572 --> 00:41:57,013 Has to be an offset chamber. 1003 00:41:57,240 --> 00:41:58,831 Craig: That sample came out to be 1004 00:41:58,925 --> 00:42:00,183 Pre-searcher time period. 1005 00:42:00,334 --> 00:42:03,019 Captioning provided by a+e networks