1 00:01:56,600 --> 00:02:02,639 l once calculated that the Foreign Office received 250 telegrams every hour. 2 00:02:05,880 --> 00:02:08,439 That's 6000 telegrams a day. 3 00:02:09,360 --> 00:02:12,319 Or 42,000 each week. 4 00:02:15,480 --> 00:02:18,679 Ah, l see you thought I was Persia, didn't you? l've been promoted. 5 00:02:19,480 --> 00:02:24,759 Which comes to 2,190,000 telegrams every year. 6 00:02:25,240 --> 00:02:28,559 Britannia rules the waves, l suppose, and for that reason 7 00:02:28,600 --> 00:02:31,799 we must weIcome these tides of information. 8 00:02:33,640 --> 00:02:37,239 Political crisis in Argentina, the abolition of slavery in Siam 9 00:02:37,280 --> 00:02:40,719 l love it. lt means that l am working centre of the worId 10 00:02:40,760 --> 00:02:43,919 and get to find out what's happening as soon as it happens. 11 00:02:44,480 --> 00:02:46,199 Within a few hours anyway. 12 00:02:46,920 --> 00:02:50,359 But, my word, it's an awful lot of telegrams. 13 00:02:57,120 --> 00:03:00,399 Could you do these promptIy, MurieI? - Please? - PIease. 14 00:03:01,440 --> 00:03:03,999 This particular one though, received in London 15 00:03:04,040 --> 00:03:09,199 from his Britannic majesty's consul in Sarajevo, on June the 28th, 1914... 16 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:11,559 Well, l should be honest with you... 17 00:03:11,680 --> 00:03:15,879 The Archduke Franz Ferdinand murdered in Sarajevo? 18 00:03:16,280 --> 00:03:20,999 lnteresting, for sure, over breakfast, but forgotten by tea time. 19 00:03:21,240 --> 00:03:24,559 Or so l thought. As did everyone else l spoke to. 20 00:03:26,680 --> 00:03:29,959 But it was not forgotten. And I think it never will be. 21 00:03:40,440 --> 00:03:43,799 You know it is a magical place, and l have to pinch myself sometimes 22 00:03:43,840 --> 00:03:44,999 that I'm here. 23 00:03:45,200 --> 00:03:49,639 Just two years on from King's, a second division clark in the great 24 00:03:49,680 --> 00:03:53,759 and as some would have it, independent kingdom of the Foreign Office... 25 00:03:53,800 --> 00:03:55,719 What's in the box Henry, lead piping? 26 00:03:55,760 --> 00:04:01,199 Not much of a player, not yet, but a ringside seat if you like in boxing. 27 00:04:01,480 --> 00:04:03,479 ShouIders back! 28 00:04:03,600 --> 00:04:05,839 DoubtIess that is for me, AIec? - It is, sir. 29 00:04:06,080 --> 00:04:07,799 Well Iet's take it into my office. 30 00:04:07,960 --> 00:04:11,359 That's my boss, Sir Eyre Crowe. - So what do we have? 31 00:04:12,040 --> 00:04:14,999 The assistant undersecretary at the Foreign Office. 32 00:04:15,600 --> 00:04:18,479 German-born, educated in Berlin but now... 33 00:04:19,080 --> 00:04:22,479 ...he's more British than any one of us. - Well, well. 34 00:04:23,040 --> 00:04:25,599 l've learnt to watch Sir Eyre closely because everyone knows 35 00:04:25,640 --> 00:04:28,799 he is a briIIiant man... including himself. 36 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:33,439 Do you know? I was about to predict something like this. 37 00:04:34,080 --> 00:04:38,039 This man, had come to Britain at seventeen, a German speaker still 38 00:04:38,080 --> 00:04:40,959 and sailed through his civil service examinations. 39 00:04:41,240 --> 00:04:43,559 l think so. Rash, rash, rash. 40 00:04:44,960 --> 00:04:48,159 l think he likes me too; I'm a scholarship boy, you see. 41 00:04:48,880 --> 00:04:50,599 l'm a bit of an outsider myself. 42 00:04:51,320 --> 00:04:54,839 Look at this. The 28th was the Serb Holy Day. 43 00:04:55,760 --> 00:04:58,799 What a time for an Austrian Archduke to go to Sarajevo. 44 00:04:59,920 --> 00:05:03,319 It's rash, sir. - Yes. Rash. 45 00:05:03,400 --> 00:05:07,919 So, is this important or not? - lt is. 46 00:05:08,240 --> 00:05:10,999 But, important enough to disturb the Foreign Secretary? 47 00:05:11,480 --> 00:05:12,999 Right now? - Right now. 48 00:05:15,880 --> 00:05:16,559 No. 49 00:05:22,640 --> 00:05:24,999 l believe you may want to think about that one again. 50 00:05:26,880 --> 00:05:29,159 l'm Ieaving, Crowe. Is it urgent? 51 00:05:29,200 --> 00:05:32,599 lt's Bosnia, Foreign Secretary. - Ah, l think that might wait. 52 00:05:34,120 --> 00:05:36,999 Really? Come and waIk me out. 53 00:05:37,080 --> 00:05:40,719 That's Sir Edward Grey, the Liberal Foreign Secretary. 54 00:05:41,040 --> 00:05:44,799 As a statesman he was, we believed, trusted and admired. 55 00:05:44,880 --> 00:05:47,719 The Mesopotamia minute. And I shall need the Persian text 56 00:05:47,800 --> 00:05:49,639 first thing tomorrow. - Sir. 57 00:05:50,840 --> 00:05:53,199 So who wouId want him dead? - Many peopIe. 58 00:05:53,840 --> 00:05:57,479 Franz Ferdinand was an unpopular man and made enemies easily. 59 00:05:57,680 --> 00:06:00,919 What does your stomach say, Croat? MusIim? 60 00:06:01,000 --> 00:06:02,599 I doubt it. - Hungarian? 61 00:06:03,480 --> 00:06:05,799 Possibly. - More Iikely to be a Serb then? 62 00:06:05,920 --> 00:06:08,599 That's where l'd pIace my money. - Me too. 63 00:06:08,800 --> 00:06:11,479 The question is, how wiII the Austrians take it? 64 00:06:11,680 --> 00:06:15,919 And you're going to give me a very brief - but wonderfuIIy incisive - answer. 65 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:18,999 The same way they take all their disappointments. 66 00:06:19,600 --> 00:06:22,759 Hysterical condemnation. A baroque display of official grief. 67 00:06:22,920 --> 00:06:25,319 And a demand for financial compensation. - From? 68 00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:27,239 Oh, from whoever they can find to blame. 69 00:06:27,840 --> 00:06:29,999 We don't want it to be Serbia, do we? - No. 70 00:06:30,040 --> 00:06:32,079 It wouId be messy. - It wouId... 71 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:33,039 Yes? 72 00:06:33,080 --> 00:06:37,199 Austria does have rather too many unruIy Serbs within its own borders 73 00:06:37,280 --> 00:06:41,039 to go picking a fight with a lot more outside. - So do we need to worry? 74 00:06:41,120 --> 00:06:44,079 We aIways need to do that. - But l should enjoy my supper? 75 00:06:49,960 --> 00:06:54,479 You know Sir Edward might also have been the unIuckiest man in Britain. 76 00:06:55,320 --> 00:06:58,479 His wife had recently died after being thrown by a horse. 77 00:06:58,720 --> 00:07:01,199 Ah, how is your boy doing Marmaduke? - Very well, sir. 78 00:07:01,360 --> 00:07:02,919 Well I hope to see him back here before Iong. 79 00:07:03,000 --> 00:07:06,879 His elder brother had been eaten by a lion and his younger brother 80 00:07:06,920 --> 00:07:09,479 would be mauled to death by a Buffalo. 81 00:07:11,320 --> 00:07:13,999 l mean that's enough personal tragedy to finish a man, but... 82 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:17,239 Grey bore it. Somehow. 83 00:07:17,400 --> 00:07:18,999 Oh that dreadful man Eyre Crowe! 84 00:07:19,240 --> 00:07:23,599 I'II wager he sees this is an opportunity to have a go at the Germans. 85 00:07:23,720 --> 00:07:27,319 Now now, dear, Sir Edward's come here to reIax, not to taIk shop. 86 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:30,279 Oh nonsense! He loves taIking shop. You all do. 87 00:07:30,360 --> 00:07:33,799 Look at David over there. Do you want him to recite Welsh poetry? 88 00:07:33,840 --> 00:07:37,759 No you don't. You want him to reIate some tittIe-tattIe from the Treasury. 89 00:07:37,960 --> 00:07:40,839 You can never distinguish between a dinner party and a Cabinet meeting. 90 00:07:41,040 --> 00:07:45,199 And much as we'd all weIcome your feminine wisdom in Cabinet, Margot 91 00:07:45,520 --> 00:07:48,079 there is a difference. - More's the pity. 92 00:07:48,320 --> 00:07:52,799 But at least tell me this, Sir Edward. ls it Serbia or Servia? 93 00:07:53,840 --> 00:07:56,279 'B' for 'barbarian' or 'v' for 'villain'? 94 00:07:56,440 --> 00:08:01,519 Ah, I'm at a Ioss. Some of our cIerks type it up as 'b', others 'v'. 95 00:08:01,600 --> 00:08:04,999 The Times favours 'v'. - Never, in the Manchester Guardian it's 'b'. 96 00:08:05,320 --> 00:08:07,559 And the News of the WorId says 'Who the heII cares?' 97 00:08:07,720 --> 00:08:09,879 About the spelling? - About anything. 98 00:08:10,920 --> 00:08:14,639 I've no firm aIIegiance to either Margot. - WeII you shouId get these things straight. 99 00:08:14,680 --> 00:08:18,319 A misspeIt name is like a forgotten face: a grave insult. 100 00:08:18,640 --> 00:08:21,439 lt's just the sort of thing men will go to war over. 101 00:08:21,480 --> 00:08:25,799 Quite so. - Those Serbs do appear to enjoy killing royaIty though. 102 00:08:25,880 --> 00:08:27,159 We don't know it's the Serbs yet. 103 00:08:27,200 --> 00:08:29,719 Yes, but Margot is quite correct. 104 00:08:29,840 --> 00:08:32,839 They're thrilled by vioIence. By the reality, not just the idea. 105 00:08:32,920 --> 00:08:35,119 Winston's kind of people. 106 00:08:35,360 --> 00:08:39,839 Their own King, Alexander, stripped and butchered in the royaI bedchamber. 107 00:08:40,160 --> 00:08:44,159 His wife too. And both of them thrown from an open window. 108 00:08:44,320 --> 00:08:48,399 lt is the Iand of the bIood feud. A contested wiII, pistols are drawn. 109 00:08:48,440 --> 00:08:52,039 An argument over a worthless pIot of Iand, out come the knives. 110 00:08:52,160 --> 00:08:56,999 And the embittered past is aIways there threatening to engorge the present. 111 00:08:57,160 --> 00:08:59,799 Dear God, it sounds just like lreIand! - Oh no, please! 112 00:08:59,840 --> 00:09:02,399 Can we not talk about that? - Hear, hear. 113 00:09:02,600 --> 00:09:06,039 Of course my dear. Except to say that if I were Prime Minister 114 00:09:06,080 --> 00:09:10,039 instead of you l'd have had the leaders of the UIster Volunteer Force shot by now. 115 00:09:10,160 --> 00:09:13,759 l do believe she wouId. - And anyone else bent on using 116 00:09:13,800 --> 00:09:16,759 guns to overturn the decisions of the British House of Commons. 117 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:20,479 Ah! BIoodshed! A perfect soIution to the Irish probIem. 118 00:09:20,600 --> 00:09:24,439 But there wiII be bIood. You've all let it sIide too far. 119 00:09:25,040 --> 00:09:27,959 The only question is, whose? 120 00:09:28,160 --> 00:09:30,199 Thank you Margot. 121 00:09:31,120 --> 00:09:35,959 You've been keeping your cards close to your your chest tonight, Sir Edward 122 00:09:40,320 --> 00:09:42,479 so pIease give me something to take away. 123 00:09:42,920 --> 00:09:46,079 lreIand's not my department, Margot. - Oh, I'm not talking about that. 124 00:09:46,280 --> 00:09:49,479 Home ruIe will be resisted by UIster and the Tory leadership 125 00:09:49,520 --> 00:09:52,999 and there'II be a horribIe civiI war, that's obvious. 126 00:09:53,800 --> 00:09:58,999 Now, l want to know about the Sarajevo assassination. 127 00:09:59,720 --> 00:10:02,959 Should I be worried? - l don't see why. 128 00:10:04,480 --> 00:10:09,079 You see, now l am worried. I can read you like a book. 129 00:10:09,240 --> 00:10:12,839 WeII l do hope l'm not so transparent to foreign diplomats. 130 00:10:15,000 --> 00:10:18,319 So, what is the Foreign Office pIotting? - Plotting? 131 00:10:19,080 --> 00:10:22,679 Oh we all know you sit on a mountain of secrets. 132 00:10:23,120 --> 00:10:26,399 Nobody is plotting anything Margot, but you have my assurance 133 00:10:26,480 --> 00:10:28,119 if this country has anything to worry about 134 00:10:28,440 --> 00:10:29,959 you will be the first to be told. 135 00:10:33,040 --> 00:10:35,999 Goodnight Winston.. Edward. 136 00:10:37,240 --> 00:10:38,239 Goonight David. 137 00:10:46,960 --> 00:10:51,359 Thank the Lord I'm not married to her, if I had been l'd be a widower by now. 138 00:10:53,240 --> 00:10:56,479 I'm sorry Edward, that was damned careless of me. 139 00:10:59,040 --> 00:11:01,959 WeII l must say, I do hope it's not the Serbs 140 00:11:02,480 --> 00:11:06,719 because if is Austria won't be happy untiI her army has been biIIoted in Belgrade. 141 00:11:07,560 --> 00:11:09,559 I'm not sure. 142 00:11:09,720 --> 00:11:12,679 And then we'II have the Russians rattIing their sabres. 143 00:11:13,480 --> 00:11:16,479 We don't want a SIav common front developing over this. 144 00:11:16,920 --> 00:11:20,599 WeII, I can't imagine Austria would be stupid enough to provoke that. 145 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:26,999 WeII, good night Edward. - Good night. 146 00:11:27,640 --> 00:11:30,039 l'm certain you'll make us proud if you're called upon. 147 00:11:39,200 --> 00:11:42,159 You're stiII up WiIIiam. Now that wasn't necessary. 148 00:11:42,360 --> 00:11:45,439 lt's me. - Crowe! 149 00:11:45,960 --> 00:11:50,039 l was let in by your man. - What is it? 150 00:11:50,400 --> 00:11:53,519 I was right. lt was a Serb. 151 00:11:56,960 --> 00:12:02,919 A young student, a fanatic cIearIy. Possibly an anarchist. I forget his... 152 00:12:02,960 --> 00:12:08,319 Ah Principo l think. The details are aII here. Such as they are. 153 00:12:10,320 --> 00:12:13,759 l thought you'd want to know before the morning papers. 154 00:12:14,000 --> 00:12:15,559 Thank you Crowe. 155 00:12:19,840 --> 00:12:23,159 The Archduke's assassin was Gavrillo Princip. 156 00:12:23,600 --> 00:12:30,479 A Bosnian Serb and a nonentity, but a nonentity with a very powerful idea. 157 00:12:30,880 --> 00:12:35,159 Princip believed that Bosnia should be part of the Kingdom of Serbia 158 00:12:35,520 --> 00:12:39,399 and that it would take violence to get rid of the province's Austrian overlords. 159 00:12:39,520 --> 00:12:43,319 VioIence that he and his friends were willing to inflict. 160 00:12:45,560 --> 00:12:50,519 And the victim they chose was this man: the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 161 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:55,399 The heir to the Habsburg throne and the symbol of everything Princip hated 162 00:12:55,560 --> 00:13:01,039 about Austrian rule. lts arrogance, its bullying and... 163 00:13:01,520 --> 00:13:05,759 Well, the sheer fact that it regarded the Serbs in the province as an inferior race. 164 00:13:06,760 --> 00:13:10,759 And it was madness for a Habsburg to visit Sarajevo on this day of all days. 165 00:13:11,200 --> 00:13:15,479 For the 28th was the most important date in the Serb calendar. 166 00:13:15,800 --> 00:13:17,359 A day of Holy mourning. 167 00:13:18,440 --> 00:13:21,199 lt would be like an English King going, in battle-dress 168 00:13:21,240 --> 00:13:24,879 to Dublin on St Patrick's Day. An act of self-destruction. 169 00:13:26,160 --> 00:13:28,479 Yet this fool might still have escaped. 170 00:13:29,200 --> 00:13:31,199 The young assassins had lost their nerve 171 00:13:31,480 --> 00:13:36,719 and all Princip had seen of the Archduke's car was a blur as it raced by. 172 00:13:38,360 --> 00:13:44,359 He'd retreated to a little café and was no doubt contemplating what might have been. 173 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:52,599 But then, by some perverse roll of the dice, the boy got a second chance. 174 00:13:53,480 --> 00:13:55,039 Back, back, back! 175 00:13:55,440 --> 00:13:59,319 The Archduke's driver had got lost in the city's old town. And the car... 176 00:14:01,840 --> 00:14:04,479 How this makes me laugh and cry even now... 177 00:14:04,920 --> 00:14:08,759 The car was stuck right outside Princip's coffee house. 178 00:14:25,320 --> 00:14:29,639 These shots. From this boy. They were loud in Sarajevo. 179 00:14:31,080 --> 00:14:33,479 l promise you they were even louder in Berlin. 180 00:14:44,880 --> 00:14:49,719 For Austria was our ally, and Franz Ferdinand was our friend. 181 00:14:51,760 --> 00:14:52,479 Good morning. 182 00:14:52,880 --> 00:14:55,959 For most of my colleagues in the chancellery of the German Reich 183 00:14:56,080 --> 00:15:00,239 it was as if we, ourseIves, had been shot. 184 00:15:03,480 --> 00:15:06,199 There are very few like me in the lmperial Government. 185 00:15:09,120 --> 00:15:11,479 l count myself a liberal 186 00:15:11,960 --> 00:15:16,279 and liberalism is understood to be a kind of poison here. 187 00:15:22,000 --> 00:15:27,199 l favour making the Fatherland a true democracy too, and that 188 00:15:27,480 --> 00:15:31,439 shouId it ever become known, wouId be enough to see me cashiered. 189 00:15:32,800 --> 00:15:37,239 For this is a Prussian institution stiII, not a German one. 190 00:15:40,960 --> 00:15:43,119 And here is the man at the head of it. 191 00:15:44,440 --> 00:15:47,759 The imperial Chancellor: Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg. 192 00:15:49,240 --> 00:15:53,559 The Kaiser needs to know the titIe of the book, not the chapter and verse. 193 00:15:54,000 --> 00:15:54,879 This one. 194 00:15:55,000 --> 00:15:59,039 Bethmann Hollweg had spent a lifetime in the Prussian civiI service. 195 00:15:59,640 --> 00:16:03,839 He was extremely competent and he knew that the murder in Sarajevo 196 00:16:03,880 --> 00:16:06,279 would affect our Kaiser personally. 197 00:16:07,000 --> 00:16:09,519 They were friends. - They were more than friends. 198 00:16:09,720 --> 00:16:11,479 They were hunting partners. 199 00:16:11,880 --> 00:16:14,559 What became of the antilope population of Bohemia? 200 00:16:14,840 --> 00:16:17,719 One day perhaps our chiIdren will want to know the answer. 201 00:16:18,240 --> 00:16:22,639 You can tell them it was eIiminated in the course of one glorious weekend 202 00:16:22,760 --> 00:16:26,119 by the Archduke and our Kaiser. - They achieved that? 203 00:16:26,640 --> 00:16:28,999 It is impossibIe to kill so many Iiving things 204 00:16:29,040 --> 00:16:31,519 and not affect the bond of some kind. 205 00:16:33,280 --> 00:16:37,919 But Bethmann Hollweg's special gift was for obedience. 206 00:16:39,160 --> 00:16:41,599 Obedience to the right man. 207 00:16:42,800 --> 00:16:47,399 Obedience to this man, Kaiser Wilhelm Il. 208 00:16:49,640 --> 00:16:51,639 You all know him. 209 00:16:52,280 --> 00:16:57,799 The eldest grandson of Queen Victoria, the withered Ieft arm with which 210 00:16:57,840 --> 00:17:01,239 he was yanked into life by a panic-stricken midwife. 211 00:17:02,400 --> 00:17:04,239 The moustache pointing to Heaven. 212 00:17:08,000 --> 00:17:11,199 He was often a puzzle to us, though. 213 00:17:12,640 --> 00:17:19,839 No crime greater. There is no crime greater. 214 00:17:21,600 --> 00:17:24,999 Regicide attacks the apex of civiIised Iife. 215 00:17:25,080 --> 00:17:30,039 When you kill a king you kill the order in which peopIe find all meaning. 216 00:17:30,560 --> 00:17:33,439 Your majesty... - And these Serbs, I hate them. 217 00:17:34,840 --> 00:17:40,959 We aII do. I know it is a sin to hate anybody and we ought not to do it. 218 00:17:42,120 --> 00:17:43,999 But we cannot help hating them. 219 00:17:48,960 --> 00:17:50,279 TeII them about the Browning! 220 00:17:53,400 --> 00:18:00,759 The gun, that was shot in Sarajevo. - Yes, weII we don't know 221 00:18:00,800 --> 00:18:04,959 for certain but it might appear... - Ah we know! 222 00:18:08,000 --> 00:18:10,799 The bullet dispIayed markings of the RoyaI Serbian arsenal. 223 00:18:11,840 --> 00:18:13,159 That's what Vienna is teIIing us. 224 00:18:13,240 --> 00:18:17,959 It wasn't a deIuded boy who fired the gun. It was the Serbian Government. 225 00:18:20,560 --> 00:18:22,759 It is possibIe that the gun was stoIen. 226 00:18:22,960 --> 00:18:26,599 It is fairIy weII known, l think, that practically every farm in Serbia 227 00:18:26,640 --> 00:18:31,359 has become a dump for piIfered weapons since the Iast BaIkan war. 228 00:18:34,840 --> 00:18:40,359 Good, Prince Lichnowsky. That is what they wiII want us to think. 229 00:18:42,520 --> 00:18:44,719 What does my Chancellor say? 230 00:18:45,080 --> 00:18:49,279 ln terms of imperial policy, sir, we first ought to see 231 00:18:49,320 --> 00:18:51,879 what line of thinking emerges from Vienna. 232 00:18:52,040 --> 00:18:55,239 In the meantime, we might sound out the Russians 233 00:18:55,320 --> 00:18:58,639 for the obvious reason that they continue to see themseIves as 234 00:18:58,680 --> 00:19:00,639 the protectors of the Serbian nation. 235 00:19:00,800 --> 00:19:04,199 We know from experience that Russia gets nervous 236 00:19:04,600 --> 00:19:06,839 whenever there is a disturbance in the Balkans... 237 00:19:06,880 --> 00:19:09,679 Do you think that is an appropriate German response? 238 00:19:09,720 --> 00:19:12,159 To wait and see how Russia reacts! 239 00:19:13,240 --> 00:19:15,799 I didn't quite say that, your majesty. - lt's what you meant! 240 00:19:27,160 --> 00:19:30,159 The Austrians! They're our problem. lsn't that so? 241 00:19:31,560 --> 00:19:34,199 As soon as the corpse is buried their courage will fail. 242 00:19:34,240 --> 00:19:36,319 And if it fails this time she is finished. 243 00:19:36,440 --> 00:19:41,319 Every Serb, Croat, PoIack, Transylvanian- Romanian-Negro-Gypsy 244 00:19:41,440 --> 00:19:44,759 in the Habsburg Empire, any race with a grievance will pick up a gun 245 00:19:44,800 --> 00:19:48,599 and point it to the Austrian heart. We all know this, don't we? 246 00:19:51,480 --> 00:19:53,839 WeII, don't we? 247 00:19:54,440 --> 00:19:58,519 That is why, this time, we must give Vienna some backbone. 248 00:19:59,920 --> 00:20:03,759 Serbia must learn to fear the Habsburgs again. - Hear, hear. 249 00:20:04,560 --> 00:20:08,279 We shouId let Austria know that whatever she intends to do to the Serbs 250 00:20:08,720 --> 00:20:10,639 we shaII support her. 251 00:20:11,200 --> 00:20:12,999 Won't they stiII procrastinate? 252 00:20:13,400 --> 00:20:17,279 Not if Nethmann here tells them that our support is conditional on their taking 253 00:20:17,320 --> 00:20:20,359 immediate and decisive action against the Serbs. 254 00:20:23,240 --> 00:20:27,479 MiIitary action? - Of course military action! 255 00:20:27,640 --> 00:20:27,959 But it must be swift! None of their usual coming and going. 256 00:20:35,360 --> 00:20:39,719 Look at you! You're all worried about Russia! 257 00:20:42,480 --> 00:20:45,959 Where the heII is Moltke when you need him? 258 00:20:49,040 --> 00:20:51,199 That was not a rhetorical question. 259 00:20:51,640 --> 00:20:55,879 WeII General MoItke is still on vacation in CarIsbad, Your Majesty. 260 00:20:57,080 --> 00:21:00,119 Oh, my Chief of Staff didn't think it worthwhiIe to break his hoIiday over this 261 00:21:00,160 --> 00:21:01,999 Iike the rest of us? 262 00:21:02,320 --> 00:21:06,159 I have an appointment with him in two days time, Your Majesty. 263 00:21:08,000 --> 00:21:13,999 And for the rest of you. Stop worrying about Russia. 264 00:21:16,760 --> 00:21:19,479 lf there's one man in the world who detests regicide more than I do 265 00:21:19,520 --> 00:21:21,519 it's the Tsar. 266 00:21:22,480 --> 00:21:26,199 God knows his famiIy has seen enough king-kiIIers in its time. 267 00:21:28,640 --> 00:21:32,399 Prince Lichnowsky, if you will. 268 00:21:37,120 --> 00:21:40,159 You wiII be returning to London soon? - Tomorrow night, Your Majesty. 269 00:21:40,240 --> 00:21:46,759 Yes, yes, tomorrow, that's right. You know Max, what really matters is 270 00:21:47,080 --> 00:21:51,759 what our English cousins will say. They don't understand that, but we do. 271 00:21:53,400 --> 00:21:55,399 Look at this. 272 00:21:56,800 --> 00:21:59,039 Do you know where this oak comes from? 273 00:21:59,360 --> 00:22:03,239 l suppose it... You're going to teII me it's from England. 274 00:22:03,480 --> 00:22:06,239 Oh, better than that Max. Much better than that. 275 00:22:06,840 --> 00:22:10,159 It's from the quarter-deck of Nelson's 'Victory'. 276 00:22:10,400 --> 00:22:14,839 lt's a gift from my grandmother. 277 00:22:15,360 --> 00:22:17,199 You can still smell the salt. 278 00:22:20,200 --> 00:22:22,559 Do you know that Lord Nelson used to get sea-sick? 279 00:22:22,920 --> 00:22:26,679 l can get sea-sick too, it's a damn shame for us sailors. 280 00:22:28,360 --> 00:22:34,279 Do you think Sir Edward Grey will be in a flap over what has happened? 281 00:22:34,600 --> 00:22:37,599 Oh l have always found him to be very calm. 282 00:22:39,240 --> 00:22:42,799 Easy to be, of course, when you have the deck of cards arranged 283 00:22:42,920 --> 00:22:45,999 just as you want it. - That is true, sir. 284 00:22:47,800 --> 00:22:49,639 It is! 285 00:22:52,920 --> 00:22:58,359 And l'm pIeased you think Edward Grey will be calm. 286 00:23:02,280 --> 00:23:08,279 Austria needs to be Ioved by the other great powers. 287 00:23:08,800 --> 00:23:11,599 She is greatIy iII. We all know that. 288 00:23:12,640 --> 00:23:16,999 The best medicine is to get her soldiers in some foreign capital. 289 00:23:17,160 --> 00:23:21,159 Just for a short whiIe. The Serbs are wiId animals. 290 00:23:21,200 --> 00:23:24,519 But you can tame them and then you can order them around. 291 00:23:24,600 --> 00:23:26,959 They have a speciaI taIent for servility. 292 00:23:31,280 --> 00:23:33,159 You're my friend, Max. 293 00:23:34,600 --> 00:23:36,079 I picked you for London myself 294 00:23:36,120 --> 00:23:38,439 because l wanted somebody there who wouId teII me the truth. 295 00:23:39,120 --> 00:23:40,879 Not just what I want to hear. 296 00:23:43,000 --> 00:23:47,599 Well, l believe Grey will Iook sympatheticaIIy 297 00:23:47,640 --> 00:23:51,119 on any Austrian effort to punish the assassins. 298 00:23:51,600 --> 00:23:55,759 But we shouId be aware that there is stiII something in the British mind 299 00:23:55,800 --> 00:24:02,519 that revolts against o'erwinning force. Against the bully, if you will. 300 00:24:03,040 --> 00:24:09,919 EspeciaIIy in the BaIkans. It is still the Iand of Lord Byron in that respect. 301 00:24:13,800 --> 00:24:15,559 Yes, yes of course. 302 00:24:15,720 --> 00:24:20,999 They see a large nation oppress a small one and it raises a... 303 00:24:21,200 --> 00:24:23,959 protective instinct, I suppose. 304 00:24:24,960 --> 00:24:30,839 UnIess Britain herself is the oppressor! And then they call it paternalism! 305 00:24:33,240 --> 00:24:35,599 There is some truth in that, sir. 306 00:24:35,720 --> 00:24:40,919 The hypocrisy of the English, Max. l don't know how you endure it. 307 00:24:50,600 --> 00:24:54,119 Two days later the Kaiser's belligerent thoughts about Serbia 308 00:24:54,320 --> 00:25:00,479 now written up into smooth prose, were handed to the Austrian ambassador in BerIin. 309 00:25:01,600 --> 00:25:02,999 Look at him. 310 00:25:03,200 --> 00:25:04,559 So smug. 311 00:25:04,800 --> 00:25:06,639 With our respects to Vienna. 312 00:25:06,960 --> 00:25:12,479 Why? Because he is Hungarian nobility and that's their style? 313 00:25:13,640 --> 00:25:16,879 Or maybe it's the Kaiser's astonishing document in his hand. 314 00:25:19,160 --> 00:25:22,759 'We will back you', it said, 'in whatever you choose to do'. 315 00:25:24,440 --> 00:25:27,439 We would aII come to know the Kaiser's memorandum to Austria 316 00:25:27,600 --> 00:25:29,559 as 'the blank cheque'. 317 00:25:30,240 --> 00:25:34,599 But that phrase doesn't really do it justice. lt implies a choice. 318 00:25:38,840 --> 00:25:42,319 Whereas we were expecting - even requiring - the Austrians 319 00:25:42,360 --> 00:25:44,639 to open hostilities with Serbia. 320 00:25:47,680 --> 00:25:54,119 Of course the old Emperor in Vienna, Franz Josef, worked to his own stroke. 321 00:25:57,160 --> 00:26:00,359 Sixty-six years, he had sat on his throne. 322 00:26:03,280 --> 00:26:05,999 What was urgency to a man like that? 323 00:26:07,200 --> 00:26:10,999 Our blank cheque was meant to be cashed straight away. 324 00:26:12,160 --> 00:26:16,079 There was IittIe chance of that! Nothing happened. 325 00:26:16,760 --> 00:26:20,239 lt was as if the Balkans went back to sleep. 326 00:26:21,000 --> 00:26:26,879 No guns were raised, no cannons were reeIed out. No armies moved. 327 00:26:31,840 --> 00:26:33,719 In my opinion, war's a certainty. 328 00:26:34,080 --> 00:26:37,999 Too many guns in circuIation now to bring politics back into the equation. 329 00:26:39,040 --> 00:26:41,319 Winston? - Yeah, here's our probIem. 330 00:26:41,600 --> 00:26:45,519 About 30,000 German rifIes have been landed at Larne 331 00:26:45,800 --> 00:26:48,319 County Antrim, in the past few months. 332 00:26:48,440 --> 00:26:51,199 Now we can get no help from the locaI authorities there 333 00:26:51,440 --> 00:26:54,439 once those weapons are in the hands of the Ulster VoIunteers. 334 00:26:54,560 --> 00:26:57,279 Because the Ulster VoIunteers are the Iocal authorities? 335 00:26:58,240 --> 00:27:01,279 There is no greater opponent of Irish homeruIe than the lrish policeman. 336 00:27:01,680 --> 00:27:04,039 The RoyaI lrish Constabulary. 337 00:27:04,240 --> 00:27:09,479 Unswervingly loyal to Westmister until the moment they don't want to be. 338 00:27:09,640 --> 00:27:13,119 Our fairest chance is for me to put more ships into the lrish Sea 339 00:27:13,160 --> 00:27:17,679 to try and intercept the gunrunning. But of course it's the Nationalists too that... 340 00:27:20,840 --> 00:27:23,719 What is it Edward? - Ah weII perhaps it's nothing. 341 00:27:24,360 --> 00:27:27,039 Ah weII it transpires that 342 00:27:27,080 --> 00:27:33,159 the assassins in Sarajevo... The assassins were trained in Belgrade. 343 00:27:33,240 --> 00:27:35,079 The BIack Hand. 344 00:27:35,120 --> 00:27:37,439 That's what they caII themselves. - Pantomime name. 345 00:27:37,600 --> 00:27:41,199 Not pantomime bIood unfortunately. - Quite. 346 00:27:41,840 --> 00:27:47,399 EvidentIy the Black Hand has warrened the Serbian secret service 347 00:27:47,760 --> 00:27:51,079 whose leading officers seem to be terrorists in all but name. 348 00:27:51,560 --> 00:27:55,199 l don't think the Serbian Prime Minister or his cabinet 349 00:27:55,320 --> 00:28:00,639 knew anything of Princip though, or indeed how far this 'BIack Hand' stretches. 350 00:28:01,400 --> 00:28:03,279 The Austrians know aII this presumably? 351 00:28:03,600 --> 00:28:04,839 According to our intercepts they do. 352 00:28:04,880 --> 00:28:08,519 Oh, weII that's good. It means they've absorbed the shock. 353 00:28:08,920 --> 00:28:12,359 But, ah, still no official reaction from Vienna? - Nothing. 354 00:28:12,560 --> 00:28:15,839 So what do you think is happening? - Well I imagine that the Austrian 355 00:28:15,880 --> 00:28:19,879 and Serb governments have opened a private channeI of communication 356 00:28:19,920 --> 00:28:23,999 and are sorting the probIem out between themseIves. - But? 357 00:28:25,240 --> 00:28:29,199 But? - l'm expecting you to say what 358 00:28:29,240 --> 00:28:31,519 you always say at this moment. Yes, yes. 359 00:28:33,040 --> 00:28:34,919 What do I aIways say? 360 00:28:34,960 --> 00:28:38,439 You wear what you imagine is your guiIeIess face 361 00:28:39,000 --> 00:28:42,799 and you tell me that where CentraI Europe is concerned 362 00:28:43,640 --> 00:28:48,359 it is better to listen to what BerIin is saying than Vienna. 363 00:28:51,400 --> 00:28:53,399 l do that? - Mm. And then you say 364 00:28:53,440 --> 00:28:56,079 In fact why don't you say it now while I get my things together? 365 00:28:56,920 --> 00:28:58,719 No l know the face, you don't have to do that. 366 00:28:58,880 --> 00:29:00,519 Just give me the words. 367 00:29:02,720 --> 00:29:04,799 I probably say something Iike 368 00:29:05,040 --> 00:29:08,079 Austria's reached the point where she can do nothing in her foreign policy 369 00:29:08,160 --> 00:29:11,039 without consulting Germany first. - Mm-hmm... 370 00:29:13,320 --> 00:29:15,999 But sometimes I go further than that and say 371 00:29:16,040 --> 00:29:20,639 Austrian poIicy is made in Berlin. As you know. 372 00:29:20,720 --> 00:29:23,599 Good. I'm glad you got that off your chest. 373 00:29:24,400 --> 00:29:29,719 And you know I have an appointment on this beautiful summer's afternoon 374 00:29:29,880 --> 00:29:32,279 with the invincibles... 375 00:29:32,320 --> 00:29:36,159 Which not even the appearance of the German Navy in the Channel 376 00:29:36,480 --> 00:29:38,319 wouId stop me from attending. 377 00:29:38,600 --> 00:29:40,719 Very 'Francis Drake', Foreign Secretary. 378 00:29:40,800 --> 00:29:43,479 You know Crowe, you should reaIIy take up cricket. 379 00:29:44,280 --> 00:29:49,799 It teaches one an awfuI lot about life. Prince Lichnowsky loves it. 380 00:29:57,280 --> 00:30:02,279 The cover drive! You know that's the finest sight in cricket. 381 00:30:02,480 --> 00:30:05,399 Oh and in the whole field of sport, Edward. - Quite so! 382 00:30:05,640 --> 00:30:09,639 lt's good to see you back Max. - l was sorry to miss your innings. 383 00:30:10,000 --> 00:30:13,239 You mean you bIinked? - Oh it was over that quickly? 384 00:30:13,600 --> 00:30:18,079 Clean bowled I'm afraid. HardIy saw it. - Your eyes? 385 00:30:18,840 --> 00:30:25,959 No! Just a very fast baII. Ah, Iet's take a waIk around the rope. 386 00:30:27,000 --> 00:30:30,799 I've been reassured by the Austrian silence. 387 00:30:31,000 --> 00:30:33,439 l think that's a good sign, don't you? - l do. 388 00:30:33,480 --> 00:30:35,599 Well it suggests a very responsibIe approach. 389 00:30:35,640 --> 00:30:38,999 The BaIkans being such a tinder box. - I agree. 390 00:30:41,000 --> 00:30:42,559 Ah there's two there. 391 00:30:42,760 --> 00:30:45,879 But let's just speculate for a moment if you don't mind? 392 00:30:47,160 --> 00:30:50,839 What do you think would happen if Austria decided to punish Serbia? 393 00:30:51,040 --> 00:30:53,719 To punish her? - Teach her a lesson. 394 00:30:53,920 --> 00:30:57,959 Do you beIieve that Russia wouId come to the aid of the Serbs? 395 00:30:58,320 --> 00:31:00,839 WeII, she might. 396 00:31:01,320 --> 00:31:06,279 And if that happened would France have to follow Russia? And... 397 00:31:06,440 --> 00:31:10,359 WouId Britain be bound to foIIow France? - Yes. 398 00:31:11,000 --> 00:31:14,679 WouId Britain be bound to foIIow France? - Yes, uh... 399 00:31:16,000 --> 00:31:20,079 You're trying to get me to say that if a Russian cries 'heIp' 400 00:31:20,880 --> 00:31:25,079 a French gendarme and a British bobby will turn up on the doorstep? 401 00:31:25,200 --> 00:31:27,519 You're teasing me Edward. 402 00:31:27,840 --> 00:31:30,959 l feeI you're almost trying to teII me something, Max. 403 00:31:31,280 --> 00:31:34,479 Yes but you do have an understanding with France? 404 00:31:34,560 --> 00:31:37,279 You know we do. Just as we have one with Russia. 405 00:31:37,680 --> 00:31:41,599 But nothing that binds you in a crisis? We're stiII specuIating. 406 00:31:41,680 --> 00:31:43,719 Yes well, l've nothing to hide. 407 00:31:44,000 --> 00:31:47,159 His Majesty's government has an obligation to parliament 408 00:31:47,240 --> 00:31:51,639 not to incur secret IiabiIities abroad. You know that. 409 00:31:52,000 --> 00:31:56,719 I mean l often think we're a little more open on that score than you are. 410 00:31:57,640 --> 00:32:00,559 I sometimes wonder what your Reichstag doesn't know. 411 00:32:00,760 --> 00:32:04,199 But I'II teII you this. No speculation now. What happened Iast week 412 00:32:04,760 --> 00:32:08,439 much depends on Austria maintaining its sense of proportion. 413 00:32:09,000 --> 00:32:12,279 lt's important that Serb sentiment isn't raised to a point 414 00:32:12,680 --> 00:32:15,759 where Russia finds it impossible to stand aside. 415 00:32:21,600 --> 00:32:24,399 Edward, about your eyes. 416 00:32:24,720 --> 00:32:28,159 l told you, it was a very quick baII. - Yes, of course. 417 00:32:28,840 --> 00:32:33,319 But the physician I mentioned in Nuremburg - the oculist. 418 00:32:33,680 --> 00:32:35,599 He can see you in August when you take your vacation. 419 00:32:35,640 --> 00:32:38,159 The whoIe thing wouId be very discreet. 420 00:32:42,560 --> 00:32:43,799 Thank you Max. 421 00:32:44,040 --> 00:32:46,759 There are some secrets we have to keep. 422 00:32:47,080 --> 00:32:50,639 You know Edward, we can take this to parIiament, share the load. 423 00:32:50,880 --> 00:32:53,799 No I wouldn't want to do that. At Ieast, not yet. 424 00:32:54,240 --> 00:32:56,959 The Commons has a right to know. - Of course. 425 00:32:57,000 --> 00:32:58,519 And she will want to know. 426 00:32:58,560 --> 00:33:01,959 For the moment I'd like to keep it within the charmed circle. 427 00:33:02,800 --> 00:33:06,399 Charmed circle... I wonder who that might be. 428 00:33:06,440 --> 00:33:09,479 You've sacked the butler, have you dear? - Foreign Office? 429 00:33:09,920 --> 00:33:13,199 Crowe's cabal in the Foreign Office? Just you and Crowe! 430 00:33:13,280 --> 00:33:15,639 Oh please Margot... - One sugar or two? 431 00:33:15,800 --> 00:33:19,279 Ah... Two. - Diplomacy... 432 00:33:19,720 --> 00:33:23,839 All those silken phrases. Why don't you just come out and say what you mean for once? 433 00:33:24,200 --> 00:33:28,119 Why don't you say what you mean when you see a friend 434 00:33:28,240 --> 00:33:30,719 wearing a dress you don't like? - She does. 435 00:33:31,360 --> 00:33:34,319 Well, some things are better not said. 436 00:33:34,520 --> 00:33:36,359 Not even the truth? - EspeciaIIy the truth. 437 00:33:36,640 --> 00:33:39,399 You never know who wiII misunderstand it. - Openness... 438 00:33:39,880 --> 00:33:42,279 We hear it from our back benchers aII the time 439 00:33:42,520 --> 00:33:46,359 together with that other shibboleth democratic foreign poIicy. 440 00:33:46,800 --> 00:33:51,279 It wasn't so very long ago that democracy itself sounded risible. 441 00:33:52,320 --> 00:33:57,559 Can you imagine trying to conduct diplomacy under such condition? 442 00:33:57,960 --> 00:34:00,239 There's a cIamour of popuIar passion. 443 00:34:00,440 --> 00:34:02,319 lt Ieaves dead bodies everywhere. 444 00:34:03,400 --> 00:34:06,679 We are the surgeons. We've seen most things 445 00:34:06,880 --> 00:34:10,799 and I'm sorry if this sounds arrogant, we know how to use the knives. 446 00:34:18,480 --> 00:34:21,599 AIright, do you have any chaIk with you? 447 00:34:21,720 --> 00:34:23,999 This stuff doesn't seem to work properIy. 448 00:34:26,160 --> 00:34:28,679 Of course you don't. lt would be too strange if you did. 449 00:34:29,120 --> 00:34:30,999 Thank you for coming Crowe. 450 00:34:31,400 --> 00:34:35,159 I've taken the liberty of ordering up a rather superb EIbIing. 451 00:34:39,120 --> 00:34:45,839 lt's odd, isn't it, your boss... He's never been to Germany 452 00:34:45,880 --> 00:34:47,799 in aII his time as foreign secretary? 453 00:34:48,120 --> 00:34:52,039 Not reaIIy. He hasn't been to Austria or Russia either. 454 00:34:52,520 --> 00:34:58,639 He says it aIIows him to keep an open mind and 'to pIay the baII, not the man'. 455 00:34:58,880 --> 00:35:00,199 Whatever that means! 456 00:35:00,440 --> 00:35:02,919 Sporting metaphors will be the death of us one day. 457 00:35:03,120 --> 00:35:07,919 I must confess I've never understood the British obsession with sport. 458 00:35:08,200 --> 00:35:14,799 Pursuing a rolling baII teaches you nothing apart from how to pursue a roIIing ball. 459 00:35:18,160 --> 00:35:19,799 You should be in no doubt, Crowe. There are some very important people 460 00:35:21,680 --> 00:35:23,999 who admire what you have done at the Foreign Office. 461 00:35:24,320 --> 00:35:27,879 It can't have been easy to educate the old guard about Germany. 462 00:35:28,240 --> 00:35:30,839 There was a terribIe blind spot there. 463 00:35:31,160 --> 00:35:34,159 I am not popular. - l bet you're not. 464 00:35:34,840 --> 00:35:41,079 No Mandarin Iikes to be told they've been hoodwinked by a rogue. 465 00:35:41,600 --> 00:35:45,719 Sir Edward though is a fair man. There is no grudge there. 466 00:35:45,840 --> 00:35:47,679 Oh, he is supremeIy fair. 467 00:35:48,000 --> 00:35:51,719 He truIy beIieves in the role of honour in diplomacy. 468 00:35:51,920 --> 00:35:54,679 Oh that's one thing a rogue can never forgive. 469 00:35:55,040 --> 00:35:58,119 Outwit them by stealth or by deceit and they will grin and bear it. 470 00:35:58,200 --> 00:36:00,079 They might even admire you. 471 00:36:00,240 --> 00:36:04,879 Defeat them by acting honourably and they will burn for revenge. 472 00:36:06,560 --> 00:36:08,879 That's something cricket doesn't teach you. 473 00:36:09,800 --> 00:36:14,639 l think I'm correct in saying that l'm the only member of the entire government 474 00:36:14,720 --> 00:36:18,639 who has spent some time with the Kaiser. - Most probabIy. 475 00:36:18,720 --> 00:36:21,799 WeII, he looks on war as a child Iooks on war. 476 00:36:22,640 --> 00:36:25,759 He never got past the tin soldier stage. 477 00:36:26,000 --> 00:36:29,719 Uniforms, navaI signaIs, regimentaI coIours... 478 00:36:29,840 --> 00:36:33,799 Of actuaI warfare he knows nothing and fears the worst. 479 00:36:34,000 --> 00:36:37,799 So we should treat him Iike a child? - ln a manner of speaking, yes. 480 00:36:38,600 --> 00:36:42,399 The onIy gesture he wiII understand from Britain is the raised hand. 481 00:36:43,640 --> 00:36:46,559 That's what l think. 482 00:36:46,920 --> 00:36:49,039 You must have told Sir Edward this yourself. 483 00:36:51,480 --> 00:36:53,839 PoIitics is a curious business, isn't it? 484 00:36:54,920 --> 00:36:58,439 Who's strong, who's weak, and whatnot... 485 00:37:00,360 --> 00:37:04,999 I think it's better if it comes from someone who doesn't constitute a threat. 486 00:37:21,600 --> 00:37:24,519 'Where the hell is general Moltke when you need him?' 487 00:37:24,760 --> 00:37:27,759 That's what the Kaiser had asked his men in BerIin. 488 00:37:28,360 --> 00:37:30,519 WeII, here he was. - General? 489 00:37:30,640 --> 00:37:33,599 In CarIsbad. - Ah, a storm from Berlin! 490 00:37:33,720 --> 00:37:36,119 'Taking the cure'. - You want a towel? 491 00:37:36,200 --> 00:37:38,599 No... Thank you. - Someone get him one. 492 00:37:44,200 --> 00:37:47,279 Every bit the Chief of the General Staff. 493 00:37:51,240 --> 00:37:54,159 Even out of uniform. 494 00:37:54,760 --> 00:37:57,999 And l will tell you something about this uniform 495 00:38:00,760 --> 00:38:05,159 The Chief of Staff is not an hereditary position in Germany. 496 00:38:06,240 --> 00:38:08,999 But Moltke's uncIe had worn it before him. 497 00:38:11,160 --> 00:38:16,999 And in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 the uncle had led the German army 498 00:38:17,160 --> 00:38:22,239 that crushed France and occupied Paris. 499 00:38:23,960 --> 00:38:25,959 What did the nephew think of that? 500 00:38:29,280 --> 00:38:35,039 An example to follow? A burden to carry? Both? 501 00:38:37,440 --> 00:38:40,119 The Kaiser thinks the Russians will stand back 502 00:38:40,680 --> 00:38:44,639 and let the Austrian army enjoy the whore houses in Belgrade for a couple of weeks. 503 00:38:45,640 --> 00:38:46,759 Doesn't he? 504 00:38:47,000 --> 00:38:48,639 He wants a victory without paying a price. 505 00:38:48,680 --> 00:38:52,719 Just a small victory - in a locaI war. - But it can't happen. 506 00:38:53,000 --> 00:38:54,959 The Russians aren't that stupid. 507 00:38:55,320 --> 00:38:59,679 And Iet's stop pretending the Austrians are going to soIve our problems for us. 508 00:38:59,920 --> 00:39:01,319 l agree. 509 00:39:01,880 --> 00:39:05,399 lf we really wish to change the balance of power in the Balkans 510 00:39:06,080 --> 00:39:09,679 we ought to think about what kind of price we are prepared to pay. 511 00:39:09,960 --> 00:39:12,799 The German army isn't just there for decoration. 512 00:39:14,200 --> 00:39:16,159 So you wiII come back to Berlin? 513 00:39:16,480 --> 00:39:20,079 If l do that, everything will speed up. - Precisely. 514 00:39:20,200 --> 00:39:23,479 But l don't want things to speed up, l want them to slow down. 515 00:39:24,800 --> 00:39:29,359 The Ionger things drag on with Serbia the more agitated the Russians will get. 516 00:39:30,040 --> 00:39:34,679 With the Russians agitated, the less beIIigerent we shaII appear in the weeks to come. 517 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:38,999 I'm staying here for a whiIe. 518 00:39:39,360 --> 00:39:42,879 Harder! - Not so hard. 519 00:40:05,680 --> 00:40:10,399 You can't send your uItimatum because your soIdiers are wanted at harvest? 520 00:40:14,280 --> 00:40:17,479 What happened to the idea of farmers doing the harvest? 521 00:40:19,600 --> 00:40:22,359 So the middle of August - five weeks? 522 00:40:22,880 --> 00:40:25,759 You will be ready in five weeks time, brilliant! 523 00:40:26,680 --> 00:40:28,439 Do you think there's any chance 524 00:40:29,160 --> 00:40:31,599 that the Serbs might discover what we are up to by then? 525 00:40:32,040 --> 00:40:36,799 And the Russians? Will they still be seething at the regicide in a month's time? 526 00:40:36,920 --> 00:40:40,199 Or will they be Serbia's gaIIant protector again? 527 00:40:43,200 --> 00:40:45,479 Do not sit down! 528 00:40:48,120 --> 00:40:50,559 This is Austria's last chance. 529 00:40:50,640 --> 00:40:55,319 So pIease explain to your Emperor, using your own words 530 00:40:55,880 --> 00:40:59,439 that unIess action is taken against BeIgrade in the next week 531 00:40:59,480 --> 00:41:04,319 it wiII be too Iate. Too Iate forever. You won't get another chance. 532 00:41:14,840 --> 00:41:17,479 It's like taking care of a pony. 533 00:41:22,440 --> 00:41:26,519 Quick to take offence, slow to act. 534 00:41:27,160 --> 00:41:30,559 lsn't that always the way with people who stand on their dignity? 535 00:41:31,160 --> 00:41:33,159 The same with nations. 536 00:41:33,880 --> 00:41:38,319 Since the Archduke's assassination a whole three weeks had passed 537 00:41:38,480 --> 00:41:42,079 before the Habsburg Emperor finally got round to composing 538 00:41:42,120 --> 00:41:44,159 his ultimatum to Serbia. 539 00:41:48,200 --> 00:41:51,039 But don't be fooIed by this pathetic quadrille. 540 00:41:53,600 --> 00:41:59,479 Austria was in no haste, but weak and decadent as she was 541 00:42:00,160 --> 00:42:04,039 her vindictiveness was amazing. 542 00:42:05,160 --> 00:42:07,839 ln BerIin we waited. 543 00:42:10,400 --> 00:42:13,159 We cursed the Austrians for their stupor. 544 00:42:14,840 --> 00:42:17,719 And then, this! 545 00:42:18,080 --> 00:42:20,919 lt's inept. They might as well have just invaded. 546 00:42:21,280 --> 00:42:23,119 This makes them Iook unreasonabIe. 547 00:42:23,680 --> 00:42:28,839 'UnreasonabIe'? What Austria wanted from Serbia was complete humiliation! 548 00:42:31,360 --> 00:42:35,119 ln a police cell in faraway Sarajevo the Austrians already had 549 00:42:35,200 --> 00:42:37,959 the Archduke's assassin Gavrillo Princip. 550 00:42:38,320 --> 00:42:41,519 He and his wretched comrades stiII dreaming of a greater Serbia. 551 00:42:43,400 --> 00:42:46,199 And the boys had confessed to receiving shooting lessons 552 00:42:46,360 --> 00:42:48,759 and a case of revolvers in Belgrade. 553 00:42:49,400 --> 00:42:54,639 But now Austria bIamed the entire Serb nation for their operation 554 00:42:54,720 --> 00:42:58,639 and its Iist of demands on the Serbian government was so extreme that 555 00:42:58,840 --> 00:43:03,239 in meeting them, the Serbs would have completely surrendered their sovereignty. 556 00:43:04,960 --> 00:43:08,919 This is an astonishing ultimatum. - lt is. 557 00:43:09,080 --> 00:43:11,279 So much for Fermanagh and Tyrone. 558 00:43:11,480 --> 00:43:16,159 l wouIdn't take your eyes of lreIand gentIemen. - l'm happy to. Such a dreary bog. 559 00:43:16,240 --> 00:43:19,719 I'd bet on an Irish war before l wouId a Balkan one. SadIy. 560 00:43:19,800 --> 00:43:23,759 But the Austrian ultimatum has been purposely designed to be rejected, surely? 561 00:43:24,120 --> 00:43:26,639 It probabIy has. But that doesn't mean it will be, 562 00:43:26,760 --> 00:43:29,119 So, you have cause for hope? 563 00:43:29,480 --> 00:43:35,639 l know Serbia is in no shape to fight a war. Nor, I understand, is Russia. 564 00:43:37,320 --> 00:43:39,079 Then they have no alternative but to negotiate. 565 00:43:43,080 --> 00:43:45,799 Just keep them suppIied with tea untiI Sir Edward is ready. 566 00:43:47,280 --> 00:43:50,359 Don't let them speak to each other. 567 00:43:52,320 --> 00:43:54,399 How... how do l do that? 568 00:44:02,520 --> 00:44:05,719 We'd gathered the principal ambassadors at the Foreign Office. 569 00:44:05,880 --> 00:44:07,799 Prince Lichnowsky you know. 570 00:44:08,840 --> 00:44:13,759 Count Benckendorff - German name, but the ambassador for Russia. 571 00:44:15,000 --> 00:44:19,319 And the Times reader is Count Mensdorff of Austria. 572 00:44:21,640 --> 00:44:25,159 They're all cousins. That's worth saying again... 573 00:44:25,360 --> 00:44:27,079 The three cousins are here. 574 00:44:27,320 --> 00:44:30,839 Who wouId you Iike to see first? - Austria, l suppose. 575 00:44:34,920 --> 00:44:38,159 Count Mensdorff, if you would Iike to come this way. 576 00:44:40,040 --> 00:44:43,199 What is this country 'Servia'? 577 00:44:47,680 --> 00:44:51,359 My government, after a thorough police investigation 578 00:44:51,560 --> 00:44:54,919 into the murder of our Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his consort 579 00:44:55,400 --> 00:44:57,239 have sifted through the accumulated evidence... 580 00:44:57,280 --> 00:45:01,559 Yes, yes, what I want to know is what you think of this uItimatum. 581 00:45:02,880 --> 00:45:04,879 The Serb government should suppress 582 00:45:04,920 --> 00:45:08,799 any newspaper which creates anti-Austrian feeling. 583 00:45:09,440 --> 00:45:12,759 lt must outlaw aII pan-Serbian cuItural societies. 584 00:45:13,000 --> 00:45:15,439 lt must rewrite its school textbooks 585 00:45:15,640 --> 00:45:19,399 to eliminate any negative references to the Habsburg monarchy. 586 00:45:19,760 --> 00:45:23,159 What an extraordinary thing to demand of an independent country. 587 00:45:23,760 --> 00:45:24,919 Don't you agree? 588 00:45:25,320 --> 00:45:30,399 It's as though you imagine Serbia to be a little province in your own Empire. 589 00:45:30,760 --> 00:45:32,839 I don't think that there's that assumption. 590 00:45:33,440 --> 00:45:36,639 Do you know what I said to Crowe here when l read this thing two hours ago? 591 00:45:39,200 --> 00:45:43,319 Oh you said it was the most formidabIe document ever addressed 592 00:45:43,520 --> 00:45:45,359 by one state to another. 593 00:45:45,600 --> 00:45:48,239 Was that before or after I fell off my chair? 594 00:45:49,040 --> 00:45:51,839 It's designed to be rejected, isn't it? 595 00:45:52,040 --> 00:45:55,919 No, it is. Let's not act like children today. 596 00:45:56,200 --> 00:45:59,759 No government wishing to maintain its sovereignty could agree 597 00:45:59,840 --> 00:46:02,479 to these terms. - Oh there would be a revoIution. 598 00:46:02,960 --> 00:46:05,199 They'd be overthrown by their own people. ls that what you want? 599 00:46:05,480 --> 00:46:07,599 We have no opinion on this... - Because... 600 00:46:07,800 --> 00:46:12,599 lf it is, you'II be deaIing with somebody far worse in BeIgrade. 601 00:46:13,160 --> 00:46:16,679 You'll get someone in charge who actuaIIy does hate you. 602 00:46:19,560 --> 00:46:23,959 Point five? - Ah yes, point five. 603 00:46:26,440 --> 00:46:28,479 How will that be achieved? 604 00:46:29,040 --> 00:46:34,199 You demand the right for your own state officials to take an active roIe 605 00:46:34,280 --> 00:46:37,559 in poIicing anti-Austrian feeIing in Serbia. 606 00:46:37,920 --> 00:46:39,679 WeII there are many police forces co-operating 607 00:46:39,720 --> 00:46:43,599 over nationaI boundaries these days. - Give me strength! 608 00:46:45,040 --> 00:46:50,519 You've also given us 48 hours - weII that's 18 hours now 609 00:46:50,560 --> 00:46:57,159 to use our influence and help Serbia move towards some of these demands. 610 00:47:00,240 --> 00:47:05,479 I have been instructed to ask you what position Britain wouId take 611 00:47:06,360 --> 00:47:09,159 if a confIict would break out between Austria and Serbia. 612 00:47:09,480 --> 00:47:14,199 There is a strong feeling in this country that Serbia shouIdn't be humiIiated. 613 00:47:15,160 --> 00:47:18,199 There's considerable admiration for her. - There is. 614 00:47:18,560 --> 00:47:19,759 ls there? 615 00:47:19,800 --> 00:47:24,719 But you know, I would very happily let you and the Serbs sort this mess out 616 00:47:24,760 --> 00:47:28,079 between the two of you. But I can't do that 617 00:47:28,160 --> 00:47:32,839 because we both know there is a danger that Russia wiII be drawn in 618 00:47:33,320 --> 00:47:38,119 and the British interest wouId become invoIved. 619 00:47:39,040 --> 00:47:43,399 To join forces with Russia? - To mediate, you fooI! 620 00:47:49,880 --> 00:47:54,119 DipIomacy is a branch of manners. That man has none. 621 00:47:55,640 --> 00:47:58,999 Russia is outraged by this, Sir Edward. 622 00:47:59,440 --> 00:48:05,919 We have our dignity too. And Serbia is a friend of ours. 623 00:48:06,520 --> 00:48:10,879 We can't let her be put on the end of an Austrian chain. 624 00:48:10,960 --> 00:48:13,999 I think that's a sIightly fanciful image, Count Benckendorff. 625 00:48:14,440 --> 00:48:20,439 My government hopes you will support us as our trusted ally? 626 00:48:20,800 --> 00:48:24,799 lt's quite true. We have cooperated weII in recent years 627 00:48:25,240 --> 00:48:28,119 especiaIIy in Asia, and that has been gratifying. 628 00:48:28,320 --> 00:48:32,079 But Afghanistan is not the Balkans. - What are you saying? 629 00:48:32,240 --> 00:48:34,559 I'm saying, l'm just warning you 630 00:48:34,600 --> 00:48:38,759 that nobody in EngIand much cares about Serbia. 631 00:48:39,120 --> 00:48:43,479 It wouId infuriate the British people to know that even a single muIe of ours 632 00:48:43,600 --> 00:48:47,879 had been sacrificed for a country most of them cannot place on a map. 633 00:48:48,240 --> 00:48:49,359 That is outrageous. 634 00:48:49,440 --> 00:48:53,199 I'm not saying it's commendabIe. I'm just outIining our difficulty. 635 00:48:53,400 --> 00:48:55,599 Do you think this? - He agrees with me. 636 00:48:55,920 --> 00:48:58,599 And the other thing, my dear Count. PIease. 637 00:48:59,800 --> 00:49:04,359 I would urge Russia to steady its own horses. 638 00:49:04,840 --> 00:49:08,879 I mean Austria has put Serbia in an impossible position, l appreciate that. 639 00:49:09,120 --> 00:49:14,199 But it wiII be easier for me to play the mediator if you are not 640 00:49:14,240 --> 00:49:18,359 already locked into their quarrel. 641 00:49:22,560 --> 00:49:24,519 You do understand that? 642 00:49:29,920 --> 00:49:31,439 l'll get Prince Lichnowsky. 643 00:49:31,640 --> 00:49:34,039 l can't stay in here any Ionger. I need air. 644 00:49:34,280 --> 00:49:35,839 Good idea. We can use the garden. 645 00:49:35,880 --> 00:49:38,839 ActuaIIy I'd like to see the Prince aIone. 646 00:49:48,000 --> 00:49:50,679 You reaIIy didn't know? - I discovered its contents 647 00:49:50,760 --> 00:49:53,279 at exactIy the same time as you did. 648 00:49:53,320 --> 00:49:56,199 Because I thought you were testing me at the cricket. 649 00:49:56,600 --> 00:49:59,639 No one in Germany knew what was in the uItimatum 650 00:50:00,520 --> 00:50:02,679 but a few people did know there'd be one. 651 00:50:02,760 --> 00:50:08,919 l see. And did Germany encourage Austria to be militant 652 00:50:08,960 --> 00:50:11,159 in drawing up that uItimatum? 653 00:50:11,440 --> 00:50:15,319 I can't answer that Edward. - Because you don't know? 654 00:50:15,720 --> 00:50:18,359 I can't answer that either. 655 00:50:20,920 --> 00:50:22,959 What do you think the Kaiser will think when he reads it? 656 00:50:23,600 --> 00:50:27,439 He's currentIy on holiday isn't he? - Ah yes, he is. 657 00:50:27,480 --> 00:50:30,759 He's definiteIy on holiday. l believe he gets back... 658 00:50:30,800 --> 00:50:34,479 Yeah, no matter, But you say you were 659 00:50:34,520 --> 00:50:38,239 as ignorant of the actuaI contents of the uItimatum as we were? 660 00:50:38,560 --> 00:50:43,599 So tell me, man to man, now you've seen it 661 00:50:44,200 --> 00:50:45,959 what do you think? 662 00:50:47,440 --> 00:50:52,799 What I think of it is probably what you think of it. 663 00:51:02,000 --> 00:51:05,039 I think the Germans are pIaying with us. - I reaIise that. 664 00:51:05,360 --> 00:51:08,199 So why don't we send out a signaI that we are not to be pIayed with? 665 00:51:08,480 --> 00:51:13,479 I meant I reaIise that's what you think. - What, I'm wrong? 666 00:51:14,000 --> 00:51:19,319 There's this curious defect somewhere, Crowe. 667 00:51:20,640 --> 00:51:22,999 ln me? - In the way you operate. 668 00:51:23,680 --> 00:51:27,919 You are aIways so eager to hold Germany to an inappropriate moral standard. 669 00:51:28,280 --> 00:51:29,919 Perhaps it comes from being an intellectuaI. 670 00:51:29,960 --> 00:51:32,039 Or perhaps because I was born in Germany? - I didn't say that. 671 00:51:32,240 --> 00:51:33,799 You're thinking it. - No I'm not. 672 00:51:35,720 --> 00:51:41,719 But like all abstract thinkers you have your idée fixe, your obsession. 673 00:51:42,120 --> 00:51:43,279 We can't afford obsessions. 674 00:51:44,240 --> 00:51:49,159 We've deveIoped a sophisticated dipIomatic machine over the years. 675 00:51:49,840 --> 00:51:51,799 It's not perfect but it keeps the peace. 676 00:51:51,920 --> 00:51:56,239 ViIIains get caught in its moving parts, those who don't abide by the ruIes 677 00:51:56,320 --> 00:52:01,919 get spat out. WeII you know this. At Ieast you used to. 678 00:52:03,000 --> 00:52:08,479 Since this morning we have but one task. 679 00:52:09,160 --> 00:52:13,759 To get the interested nations talking to each other. 680 00:52:14,240 --> 00:52:19,399 Those with poisonous motives wiII be exposed, the machine wiII be greased 681 00:52:19,760 --> 00:52:26,439 by me, by others, and it wiII operate as it did before. 682 00:52:49,160 --> 00:52:50,959 You look well, Moltke. - Twenty pounds. 683 00:52:51,080 --> 00:52:54,199 Carlsbad has worked its magic. - Heavier. 684 00:52:55,240 --> 00:52:59,079 The Kaiser wiII be excited about the Austrian uItimatum. 685 00:52:59,360 --> 00:53:00,799 Yes I think he wiII be. 686 00:53:00,920 --> 00:53:03,239 Because he won't know what it means. 687 00:53:03,480 --> 00:53:06,279 WeII he's finally getting his IittIe BaIkan War. 688 00:53:06,320 --> 00:53:11,959 Yes he'll get that, he'll sit there contemplating that harmless IittIe acorn of his 689 00:53:12,240 --> 00:53:14,399 but acorns have a habit of growing. 690 00:53:16,120 --> 00:53:19,599 The little Balkan War wiII not remain a little Balkan War forever. 691 00:53:21,200 --> 00:53:26,399 The probIem with our Kaiser is that he onIy ever pIans one move ahead. 692 00:53:26,840 --> 00:53:31,719 WeII he's absoIutely certain that the Russians will not come to aid of Serbia. 693 00:53:31,760 --> 00:53:37,439 And he's right, but they will mobilise their army and that will be enough. 694 00:53:37,920 --> 00:53:40,079 But why on earth would they do that? 695 00:53:40,400 --> 00:53:42,719 l will Ieave them with no other choice. 696 00:53:59,160 --> 00:54:02,519 It's not Iike you to sulk, Crowe. - I'm not sulking. 697 00:54:03,000 --> 00:54:06,119 And now you're offended. - No I'm not. 698 00:54:07,000 --> 00:54:08,079 You'll feel better tomorrow... 699 00:54:08,320 --> 00:54:11,999 When the hysteria subsides and the BaIkans become boring again. 700 00:54:12,760 --> 00:54:15,999 For that matter - oh - so will I. 701 00:54:17,120 --> 00:54:18,879 And Germany? 702 00:54:19,120 --> 00:54:27,039 Look, twenty minutes of sunshine left. My favourite part of the day. 703 00:54:29,400 --> 00:54:32,559 Goodnight. - Goodnight, Foreign Secretary. 704 00:54:41,080 --> 00:54:45,199 Early night for once, thank you Humphrey. Nice to see you. 705 00:54:46,360 --> 00:54:48,639 Good night. - Thank you, sir. 706 00:56:15,040 --> 00:56:16,999 LoveIy evening. 707 00:56:34,840 --> 00:56:37,799 Austria doesn't want to talk, she wants a war in the BaIkans. 708 00:56:37,840 --> 00:56:41,519 A quick, cIean war! Over before the Russians know it's even begun. 709 00:56:42,200 --> 00:56:43,359 It's the Russian army. 710 00:56:43,400 --> 00:56:44,879 The Tsar appears to have ordered a section of it 711 00:56:44,920 --> 00:56:47,039 facing the Austrian Empire, to mobilise. 712 00:56:47,080 --> 00:56:52,359 When you are so close together it is difficult to avoid friction. 713 00:56:52,400 --> 00:56:55,199 Now is the time to put British power into the scales. 714 00:56:55,640 --> 00:56:58,319 lf the iron dice roII, may God heIp us. 715 00:56:59,560 --> 00:57:00,919 We want to invade France. 716 00:57:00,960 --> 00:57:02,919 I wiII teII you this, Britain will not stand with you. 717 00:57:02,960 --> 00:57:07,159 Britain is not capable of getting invoIved? The EngIish are liars. 718 00:57:07,200 --> 00:57:10,039 Are you going to wait until France is vioIated before you act? 719 00:57:10,480 --> 00:57:13,879 The whoIe worId will be thrown into chaos!