1 00:00:05,887 --> 00:00:07,454 [Claire] Previously... 2 00:00:07,584 --> 00:00:09,021 Victory tastes sweet, does it not? 3 00:00:09,151 --> 00:00:10,065 It will be written in history, sir, 4 00:00:10,196 --> 00:00:11,458 that you killed and paid no heed 5 00:00:11,588 --> 00:00:12,676 to the destruction you left. 6 00:00:12,807 --> 00:00:14,200 I've paid my debt, and I'm finished 7 00:00:14,330 --> 00:00:16,115 with my obligation to you and to the Crown. 8 00:00:16,245 --> 00:00:18,378 You may have yer coat back, sir. 9 00:00:18,508 --> 00:00:21,207 From now on, we will be Freemasons. 10 00:00:21,337 --> 00:00:23,122 But it seems the time has come for me, 11 00:00:23,209 --> 00:00:25,211 now, to return to England. 12 00:00:25,341 --> 00:00:26,386 I must make arrangements for the care of the estate, 13 00:00:26,516 --> 00:00:27,865 which is now William's. 14 00:00:27,996 --> 00:00:29,824 Is she going to eat it? 15 00:00:29,911 --> 00:00:31,869 [Jamie] No, lad, that's for the sin-eater. 16 00:00:31,956 --> 00:00:33,175 [child] Sin-eater? 17 00:00:33,306 --> 00:00:34,394 My wife and I would like 18 00:00:34,524 --> 00:00:36,222 to make sure that ye're comfortable. 19 00:00:36,352 --> 00:00:38,050 I'd like to supervise work on a cabin for ye. 20 00:00:38,180 --> 00:00:41,183 Mark me, James, I will watch the Duke of Cumberland 21 00:00:41,314 --> 00:00:43,229 drink from it when this day is done. 22 00:00:43,316 --> 00:00:44,926 When ye're finished in Cross Creek, 23 00:00:45,057 --> 00:00:46,580 pay a visit to Aunt Jocasta. 24 00:00:46,710 --> 00:00:49,235 I remember when we used to print the news ourselves. 25 00:00:49,365 --> 00:00:50,366 I miss those times. 26 00:00:51,976 --> 00:00:54,544 [haunting music plays] 27 00:00:54,718 --> 00:00:57,504 ♪ ♪ 28 00:01:19,221 --> 00:01:22,355 [man] Please stop. Please. 29 00:01:22,442 --> 00:01:24,052 We must hurry, sire. 30 00:01:26,794 --> 00:01:30,276 How does one tolerate these cursed bonnets 31 00:01:30,363 --> 00:01:32,104 or-or breathe in these wretched gowns? 32 00:01:34,236 --> 00:01:36,804 Is not the wearing of a woman's garb 33 00:01:36,891 --> 00:01:40,808 a small price to pay for freedom, Yer Highness? 34 00:01:40,938 --> 00:01:43,506 Certainly better than hiding here in the isles for weeks. 35 00:01:45,247 --> 00:01:46,553 Yes. 36 00:01:46,640 --> 00:01:49,469 ♪ ♪ 37 00:02:07,400 --> 00:02:09,445 [O'Neill] Careful. Wait. Redcoats. 38 00:02:14,668 --> 00:02:17,758 Confound them. What now? 39 00:02:17,888 --> 00:02:19,716 A ship to France is yer best hope. 40 00:02:19,847 --> 00:02:21,327 We can't possibly. How? 41 00:02:25,200 --> 00:02:28,247 I will talk. Do not say a word. 42 00:02:28,377 --> 00:02:29,378 I beg you. 43 00:02:32,599 --> 00:02:35,297 [tense music plays] 44 00:02:35,471 --> 00:02:38,213 ♪ ♪ 45 00:02:52,706 --> 00:02:56,405 A rather unfavorable hour for a sea voyage, mistress. 46 00:02:56,536 --> 00:02:58,668 I'll need to see your papers or a letter of safe conduct. 47 00:02:58,799 --> 00:03:00,192 Certainly, sir. 48 00:03:02,455 --> 00:03:03,760 I'm making haste to reach Armadale, 49 00:03:03,891 --> 00:03:07,242 over the sea to Skye. 50 00:03:07,373 --> 00:03:09,331 My mother is gravely ill, and my stepfather 51 00:03:09,418 --> 00:03:11,725 begged me to come at once. 52 00:03:11,855 --> 00:03:13,553 You have my deepest sympathy. 53 00:03:20,168 --> 00:03:24,085 Mistress Burke, is it? 54 00:03:24,172 --> 00:03:26,522 No need to be shy, Betty. 55 00:03:26,653 --> 00:03:29,786 So silent and sullen. Missing Ireland no doubt. 56 00:03:29,873 --> 00:03:32,093 I took her from there, you see. 57 00:03:32,224 --> 00:03:34,574 She's famed for her spinning, 58 00:03:34,704 --> 00:03:37,403 but I fear it's a shroud she'll be weaving now. 59 00:03:40,188 --> 00:03:42,277 Then you must make haste. 60 00:03:42,364 --> 00:03:44,323 I bid you a safe onward journey. 61 00:03:50,590 --> 00:03:52,200 Mistress MacDonald? 62 00:03:52,374 --> 00:03:55,116 ♪ ♪ 63 00:04:01,688 --> 00:04:03,864 Good gracious, thank you. 64 00:04:03,994 --> 00:04:06,606 [soldier] Take good care, Mistress. 65 00:04:06,736 --> 00:04:08,042 There are traitors about. 66 00:04:08,172 --> 00:04:09,043 Oh. 67 00:04:17,138 --> 00:04:19,793 I owe you my lifelong gratitude. 68 00:04:19,923 --> 00:04:22,274 You owe me nothing, Yer Highness. 69 00:04:22,404 --> 00:04:23,666 You lost the throne. 70 00:04:23,797 --> 00:04:25,625 It won't do to lose yer life as well. 71 00:04:25,755 --> 00:04:28,889 Mark me, dear Flora. 72 00:04:29,019 --> 00:04:31,108 Your kindness will not go unremembered. 73 00:04:31,239 --> 00:04:33,676 [heartfelt music plays] 74 00:04:33,850 --> 00:04:37,114 ♪ ♪ 75 00:04:52,521 --> 00:04:55,263 [man singing in Gaelic] 76 00:04:55,350 --> 00:04:58,179 ♪ ♪ 77 00:06:00,763 --> 00:06:03,592 [dramatic music plays] 78 00:06:03,766 --> 00:06:06,726 ♪ ♪ 79 00:06:06,856 --> 00:06:09,511 [lively martial music plays] 80 00:06:09,598 --> 00:06:12,384 ♪ ♪ 81 00:06:28,878 --> 00:06:30,576 [Jamie] To Governor Josiah Martin, 82 00:06:30,706 --> 00:06:32,882 from James Fraser, Esquire. 83 00:06:33,013 --> 00:06:34,406 Yer Excellency... 84 00:06:34,536 --> 00:06:35,450 [Governor Martin] "This is to notify you 85 00:06:35,581 --> 00:06:38,584 "of my resignation as Indian Agent. 86 00:06:38,714 --> 00:06:40,803 "As I find that my personal convictions 87 00:06:40,890 --> 00:06:43,458 "will no longer allow me to perform my office 88 00:06:43,589 --> 00:06:46,853 "on behalf of the Crown in good conscience. 89 00:06:46,983 --> 00:06:49,377 "In thanks for your kind attention and many favors 90 00:06:49,464 --> 00:06:51,074 "and wishing you well in future, 91 00:06:51,205 --> 00:06:54,295 I remain your most humble servant, James Fraser." 92 00:06:54,382 --> 00:06:57,298 [suspenseful music plays] 93 00:06:57,429 --> 00:06:59,953 Personal convictions? 94 00:07:00,083 --> 00:07:01,868 Is it a letter of resignation or revolt? 95 00:07:05,741 --> 00:07:07,439 I am certain it is only the former. 96 00:07:12,705 --> 00:07:13,793 [Governor Martin] When I wrote you asking for your help, 97 00:07:13,923 --> 00:07:16,622 I wasn't expecting this. 98 00:07:16,752 --> 00:07:18,885 He was a colonel in the fight against the regulators, 99 00:07:19,015 --> 00:07:21,670 as you know, but Tryon said it ended poorly. 100 00:07:21,801 --> 00:07:23,629 He has a militia at his beck and call. 101 00:07:23,759 --> 00:07:25,239 If he should turn... 102 00:07:27,589 --> 00:07:30,244 He is a friend of yours, is he not? 103 00:07:30,374 --> 00:07:33,116 One of my dearest. 104 00:07:33,247 --> 00:07:37,381 Perhaps you can ascertain where his loyalties lie. 105 00:07:37,512 --> 00:07:40,210 See if I have anything to fear. 106 00:07:40,341 --> 00:07:42,909 James Fraser has sworn an oath to the Crown 107 00:07:43,039 --> 00:07:44,476 and is a man of his word, I assure you. 108 00:07:46,869 --> 00:07:48,871 I have no doubt I can allay your fears. 109 00:07:49,045 --> 00:07:51,787 ♪ ♪ 110 00:08:03,712 --> 00:08:05,627 Cornelius Harnett has invited me 111 00:08:05,758 --> 00:08:07,499 to share a tankard of ale with him downstairs, 112 00:08:07,586 --> 00:08:08,674 and to, uh... 113 00:08:11,285 --> 00:08:14,201 ..."raise a glass to king and country." 114 00:08:16,116 --> 00:08:18,727 A Son of Liberty toasting the king? 115 00:08:18,858 --> 00:08:19,859 The man's got a sense of humor. 116 00:08:19,989 --> 00:08:21,295 [both chuckle] 117 00:08:21,425 --> 00:08:23,036 [Claire] Well, go. 118 00:08:23,166 --> 00:08:26,169 I want to finish unpacking and get to the apothecary 119 00:08:26,256 --> 00:08:27,344 before we have to start getting ready 120 00:08:27,431 --> 00:08:28,737 for Flora MacDonald's event. 121 00:08:28,868 --> 00:08:30,957 Aye. And we dinna want to be late. 122 00:08:33,873 --> 00:08:36,353 I'm excited to see her after all these years. 123 00:08:36,484 --> 00:08:38,530 [chuckles] 124 00:08:38,660 --> 00:08:40,140 You know, from everything you've been telling me, 125 00:08:40,270 --> 00:08:43,099 it sounds like you had a small crush on her. 126 00:08:43,230 --> 00:08:44,884 A what? 127 00:08:44,971 --> 00:08:46,320 A tendresse. 128 00:08:46,450 --> 00:08:48,540 Ah. Dinna be daft. 129 00:08:50,759 --> 00:08:55,503 I'm only sorry Fergus couldna join us here. 130 00:08:55,590 --> 00:08:58,419 He's such an admirer of Flora 131 00:08:58,550 --> 00:09:02,249 and her epic tale. 132 00:09:02,336 --> 00:09:05,121 Well, it's a shame he had to leave for New Bern. 133 00:09:05,208 --> 00:09:08,472 But with the former owner leaving in such a hurry-- 134 00:09:08,560 --> 00:09:10,126 Aye--I'll be having a few words 135 00:09:10,257 --> 00:09:12,564 with Aunt Jocasta when I see her. 136 00:09:14,261 --> 00:09:16,176 Remember, today's a celebration. 137 00:09:16,263 --> 00:09:20,746 Mm. Dinna fash. I willna forget. 138 00:09:20,876 --> 00:09:24,097 You know, in my time in Britain, 139 00:09:24,184 --> 00:09:28,971 Flora MacDonald's likeness ended up on biscuit tins. 140 00:09:29,102 --> 00:09:31,583 But the image of her and the Bonnie Prince 141 00:09:31,670 --> 00:09:35,543 sitting in a boat, well, 142 00:09:35,674 --> 00:09:37,066 it became emblematic 143 00:09:37,197 --> 00:09:40,679 of a certain spirit of Scottish rebelliousness. 144 00:09:40,809 --> 00:09:44,073 And yet she's here to speak on behalf of the Crown 145 00:09:44,204 --> 00:09:46,946 to an audience of loyal British subjects. 146 00:09:47,076 --> 00:09:49,775 Highlanders like my aunt. 147 00:09:52,038 --> 00:09:54,954 It is strange to think of former Jacobites 148 00:09:55,084 --> 00:09:57,957 being so eager to join the loyalist cause. 149 00:09:58,087 --> 00:09:59,611 [Jamie] Well, they've forged new lives. 150 00:09:59,741 --> 00:10:02,526 They've land of their own underfoot. 151 00:10:04,790 --> 00:10:08,532 Much to lose. Very little to gain. 152 00:10:08,663 --> 00:10:10,404 If only they knew what was coming. 153 00:10:10,491 --> 00:10:13,015 They willna fight for a dream. Not now. 154 00:10:13,146 --> 00:10:15,017 Tried that before, 155 00:10:15,148 --> 00:10:16,889 and they stood behind the Bonnie Prince 156 00:10:17,019 --> 00:10:18,107 only to find themselves imprisoned, 157 00:10:18,238 --> 00:10:20,936 flogged, destitute. 158 00:10:21,067 --> 00:10:23,809 And most have now sworn an oath of loyalty 159 00:10:23,896 --> 00:10:27,203 to the Crown as Flora MacDonald did. 160 00:10:27,334 --> 00:10:28,378 As did I. 161 00:10:30,772 --> 00:10:32,905 An oath I'd very likely keep 162 00:10:32,992 --> 00:10:35,821 if I didna ken what you and Bree told me. 163 00:10:35,908 --> 00:10:37,474 But now since you do? 164 00:10:39,128 --> 00:10:41,087 Then... 165 00:10:41,217 --> 00:10:43,655 I must break it. 166 00:10:43,785 --> 00:10:46,527 [apprehensive music plays] 167 00:10:46,701 --> 00:10:49,486 ♪ ♪ 168 00:10:59,932 --> 00:11:02,630 [indistinct chatter] 169 00:11:18,864 --> 00:11:22,084 God save His most excellent Majesty, King George, the third. 170 00:11:22,171 --> 00:11:23,085 Cheers. 171 00:11:30,266 --> 00:11:31,703 Why do you smile like that? 172 00:11:34,270 --> 00:11:36,055 Because I see I'm among men 173 00:11:36,185 --> 00:11:38,013 who have about as much respect for the king as I do. 174 00:11:42,975 --> 00:11:44,846 Mr. Cornelius Harnett, I presume? 175 00:11:46,369 --> 00:11:47,631 Forgive me, Mr. Fraser. 176 00:11:47,762 --> 00:11:49,068 I wanted to be certain it was you. 177 00:11:51,331 --> 00:11:54,943 But may I ask, how could you be sure it was me? 178 00:11:55,074 --> 00:11:56,728 Oh, you're very convincing, Mr. Harnett. 179 00:11:56,815 --> 00:11:58,773 Almost too convincing. 180 00:11:58,904 --> 00:12:00,949 But, it seems your companion here might vomit 181 00:12:01,080 --> 00:12:04,126 at the mere mention of our good sovereign's name. 182 00:12:04,257 --> 00:12:07,173 You never would've made it on the stage, Beeston. 183 00:12:07,303 --> 00:12:09,741 Luckily for us, your talents lie elsewhere. 184 00:12:09,871 --> 00:12:13,005 I'll leave you gentlemen to get acquainted. 185 00:12:13,135 --> 00:12:14,746 Excuse me. 186 00:12:36,202 --> 00:12:38,291 Your Committee of Correspondence 187 00:12:38,378 --> 00:12:41,163 has assembled an impressive group of thinkers. 188 00:12:41,294 --> 00:12:43,818 It's been my pleasure to read your letters. 189 00:12:43,949 --> 00:12:47,430 As it has been mine to read your very astute responses. 190 00:12:47,561 --> 00:12:51,130 We know what you did at Alamance Creek. 191 00:12:51,260 --> 00:12:52,958 Throwing down your coat at Tryon's feet 192 00:12:53,088 --> 00:12:56,396 and telling him what many only dare to think. 193 00:12:56,483 --> 00:12:59,268 I'm sure reports have been exaggerated. 194 00:12:59,399 --> 00:13:02,794 Wasn't a speech I had time to prepare, believe me. 195 00:13:02,924 --> 00:13:05,927 I admire your humility. 196 00:13:06,058 --> 00:13:08,625 Still, you must understand that it is a risk 197 00:13:08,756 --> 00:13:11,193 for us to seek you out. 198 00:13:11,280 --> 00:13:15,197 Aye. I understand how my association 199 00:13:15,328 --> 00:13:16,982 with Governor Tryon must've appeared. 200 00:13:19,245 --> 00:13:21,856 Before I share our plans, 201 00:13:21,987 --> 00:13:23,118 I like to look into a man's eyes 202 00:13:23,249 --> 00:13:25,381 and get the measure of his character. 203 00:13:25,512 --> 00:13:27,035 And how do you find me? 204 00:13:27,122 --> 00:13:31,170 Bold. Willing to ask questions. 205 00:13:31,300 --> 00:13:33,128 And I believe a man must question his own motives too. 206 00:13:33,259 --> 00:13:34,913 And what are yours? 207 00:13:35,043 --> 00:13:37,176 To do right by my conscience 208 00:13:37,306 --> 00:13:40,788 and my duty by my brothers. 209 00:13:40,875 --> 00:13:42,398 There were personal reasons 210 00:13:42,529 --> 00:13:44,966 for my change of heart at Alamance. 211 00:13:45,097 --> 00:13:47,882 But that they changed is undeniable. 212 00:13:49,536 --> 00:13:52,278 [pensive music plays] 213 00:13:52,452 --> 00:13:54,802 ♪ ♪ 214 00:13:54,933 --> 00:13:56,978 I believe you, too, 215 00:13:57,109 --> 00:13:59,807 stand for liberty and fraternity. 216 00:14:06,031 --> 00:14:09,077 The barkeep here is sympathetic to the cause 217 00:14:09,208 --> 00:14:10,122 and is closing early tomorrow night 218 00:14:10,252 --> 00:14:11,601 so the Sons of Liberty can meet. 219 00:14:13,386 --> 00:14:15,214 Will you join us? 220 00:14:15,301 --> 00:14:16,737 I look forward to it. 221 00:14:16,911 --> 00:14:19,696 ♪ ♪ 222 00:14:50,510 --> 00:14:52,338 Well, that's gonna need reinforcing. 223 00:14:52,425 --> 00:14:55,167 Shall I fetch the mortar we mixed? 224 00:14:55,297 --> 00:14:56,255 Aye. 225 00:15:07,962 --> 00:15:11,270 Bless you and Mistress MacKenzie for these. 226 00:15:11,357 --> 00:15:13,185 I hope there's enough left for you. 227 00:15:13,315 --> 00:15:16,666 Oh, we have plenty, and we're happy to share. 228 00:15:25,980 --> 00:15:28,765 [Roger singing indistinctly] 229 00:15:28,940 --> 00:15:31,681 ♪ ♪ 230 00:15:35,120 --> 00:15:35,947 That's lovely. 231 00:15:37,949 --> 00:15:38,950 What is it? 232 00:15:41,256 --> 00:15:42,344 Oh, I doubt you'd know this one. 233 00:15:42,431 --> 00:15:45,521 It's from--from-- 234 00:15:45,652 --> 00:15:47,219 [chuckles] 235 00:15:47,349 --> 00:15:49,221 Well, it's a favorite of where I come from. 236 00:15:49,308 --> 00:15:50,962 How does it go? 237 00:15:54,400 --> 00:15:55,749 [sighs] 238 00:15:59,405 --> 00:16:01,798 It's called "The Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen." 239 00:16:04,105 --> 00:16:08,980 ♪ I've wandered In many far-off lands ♪ 240 00:16:09,154 --> 00:16:13,114 ♪ And traveled many a mile ♪ 241 00:16:13,288 --> 00:16:17,510 ♪ I've missed the folk I've cherished them all ♪ 242 00:16:17,684 --> 00:16:21,514 ♪ The joy of a friendly smile ♪ 243 00:16:21,644 --> 00:16:23,690 I think I know it. 244 00:16:23,820 --> 00:16:26,475 Well, there's something familiar about it. 245 00:16:26,606 --> 00:16:30,827 Well, perhaps it's only the words remind you of home. 246 00:16:33,439 --> 00:16:36,224 [sentimental music plays] 247 00:16:36,398 --> 00:16:37,834 ♪ ♪ 248 00:16:37,921 --> 00:16:41,621 I often find myself... 249 00:16:41,751 --> 00:16:43,014 aching for it. 250 00:16:46,234 --> 00:16:47,409 Do you ever feel that way? 251 00:16:49,411 --> 00:16:50,717 Aye. 252 00:16:56,201 --> 00:16:57,376 Will you teach the song to Aidan? 253 00:17:07,516 --> 00:17:08,822 [Brianna] This isn't quite right either. 254 00:17:08,952 --> 00:17:10,258 [Malva] Maybe we should go downriver. 255 00:17:10,389 --> 00:17:12,173 [Brianna] Uh, no. 256 00:17:12,304 --> 00:17:13,261 [Marsali] Can you tell us what kind of location 257 00:17:13,392 --> 00:17:14,784 we're looking for? 258 00:17:14,915 --> 00:17:16,221 [Malva] Yes, if you could explain it to us 259 00:17:16,308 --> 00:17:17,526 in a little more detail, 260 00:17:17,613 --> 00:17:19,354 perhaps we could be of better help. 261 00:17:19,441 --> 00:17:21,617 [Brianna] Well, I need a narrow part, 262 00:17:21,748 --> 00:17:24,098 but still with enough water to turn a waterwheel. 263 00:17:24,229 --> 00:17:26,274 It'll then turn a screw pump 264 00:17:26,405 --> 00:17:28,407 which will bring water up from the spring, 265 00:17:28,537 --> 00:17:30,365 and that's what I'll use to fill my cistern-- 266 00:17:30,496 --> 00:17:33,412 once I've built it-- but that's the easy part. 267 00:17:33,542 --> 00:17:35,544 Getting it from the cistern to the settlements, 268 00:17:35,675 --> 00:17:37,285 that's gonna be a little more tricky. 269 00:17:37,372 --> 00:17:39,287 [Malva] Perhaps Mr. MacKenzie 270 00:17:39,418 --> 00:17:40,549 or one of the other men might know of a place. 271 00:17:40,680 --> 00:17:41,637 [Marsali] Aye, you should've asked Roger 272 00:17:41,768 --> 00:17:44,553 to come trudging up all this way. 273 00:17:44,684 --> 00:17:46,947 I thought you all wanted to come for a walk. 274 00:17:48,818 --> 00:17:53,736 And no, Roger is fixing Mistress McCallum's hearth, 275 00:17:53,867 --> 00:17:57,436 so it's just us women, and we're not giving up yet. 276 00:17:57,566 --> 00:18:00,439 Let's, uh, let's try down there a little ways. 277 00:18:05,792 --> 00:18:06,793 What's that? 278 00:18:14,409 --> 00:18:16,063 Bones. 279 00:18:16,194 --> 00:18:17,238 [Lizzie] Of an animal? 280 00:18:17,369 --> 00:18:20,981 No. Finger bones. 281 00:18:21,112 --> 00:18:22,635 [apprehensive music plays] 282 00:18:22,765 --> 00:18:26,465 Some charms use grave dust 283 00:18:26,595 --> 00:18:28,162 or ashes of a body. 284 00:18:28,249 --> 00:18:30,643 Oh, so you think it's a spell? 285 00:18:30,730 --> 00:18:33,994 Dried seaweed... 286 00:18:34,125 --> 00:18:37,302 bones, and flat rocks. 287 00:18:37,432 --> 00:18:40,653 I believe it's a love charm. 288 00:18:40,783 --> 00:18:43,917 The one they call "Venom of the North Wind." 289 00:18:44,047 --> 00:18:46,137 Well, maybe it was one of the fisher-folk. 290 00:18:46,267 --> 00:18:49,052 They're a superstitious lot. 291 00:18:49,183 --> 00:18:50,880 Perhaps it was Ute McGillivray. 292 00:18:51,011 --> 00:18:52,404 Her daughter, Senga, is unwed. 293 00:18:52,534 --> 00:18:54,275 Or Amy McCallum. 294 00:18:54,406 --> 00:18:56,582 True. She's a widow. 295 00:18:56,712 --> 00:18:58,845 Lonely with those two young children, no doubt. 296 00:19:03,110 --> 00:19:05,504 Lizzie, are you all right? 297 00:19:05,634 --> 00:19:06,592 Lizzie. 298 00:19:08,550 --> 00:19:10,291 You're feverish. 299 00:19:10,378 --> 00:19:12,293 The malaria. 300 00:19:12,424 --> 00:19:13,468 We need to take her home. 301 00:19:13,599 --> 00:19:14,861 [Malva] Come. 302 00:19:19,822 --> 00:19:22,521 [lively bagpipe music playing] 303 00:19:22,695 --> 00:19:25,393 ♪ ♪ 304 00:19:35,273 --> 00:19:37,927 [gentle string music playing] 305 00:19:38,101 --> 00:19:40,887 ♪ ♪ 306 00:19:42,367 --> 00:19:45,065 [indistinct chatter] 307 00:19:57,773 --> 00:19:59,035 Lord John. 308 00:20:01,299 --> 00:20:02,300 I didna count you to be among 309 00:20:02,430 --> 00:20:05,085 Mistress MacDonald's many admirers. 310 00:20:05,216 --> 00:20:06,913 It should come as no surprise. 311 00:20:07,043 --> 00:20:09,698 I have a particular fondness for reformed Jacobites. 312 00:20:09,829 --> 00:20:11,396 [both chuckle] 313 00:20:11,483 --> 00:20:13,180 And how is William? 314 00:20:13,311 --> 00:20:15,008 Nearly as tall as me, 315 00:20:15,138 --> 00:20:18,446 and he bests me at chess almost every game. 316 00:20:18,577 --> 00:20:19,491 Well, I hope to have the honor of playing 317 00:20:19,578 --> 00:20:20,796 with him one day. 318 00:20:20,927 --> 00:20:22,537 [John] Well, it's not only chess. 319 00:20:22,668 --> 00:20:25,148 He talks of politics like a politician, 320 00:20:25,279 --> 00:20:27,455 of history like an historian, 321 00:20:27,586 --> 00:20:31,677 and his knowledge of literature and the modern languages is-- 322 00:20:31,807 --> 00:20:34,636 well, I hardly know where to begin. 323 00:20:34,767 --> 00:20:37,726 So is it business or pleasure that brings you to Wilmington? 324 00:20:37,813 --> 00:20:39,380 Well, I understood that Governor Martin 325 00:20:39,511 --> 00:20:40,860 wasn't able to attend. 326 00:20:40,990 --> 00:20:42,644 Should we be glad or worried 327 00:20:42,775 --> 00:20:45,343 that both England and New Bern can spare you? 328 00:20:45,473 --> 00:20:47,954 [John] Glad, I should hope. 329 00:20:48,084 --> 00:20:49,912 But Mistress MacDonald's willingness to appeal 330 00:20:50,043 --> 00:20:51,784 to her fellow countrymen, 331 00:20:51,914 --> 00:20:55,266 to make her case for peace, um, 332 00:20:55,396 --> 00:20:57,790 couldn't come at a better time. 333 00:20:57,920 --> 00:21:00,706 It is a strength of feeling that Governor Martin 334 00:21:00,793 --> 00:21:04,623 hopes to be able to count on to change hearts and minds. 335 00:21:04,710 --> 00:21:06,712 A Jacobite in the hand is worth two in the bush, 336 00:21:06,842 --> 00:21:08,453 as they say. 337 00:21:08,583 --> 00:21:11,282 That's all behind us, thankfully. 338 00:21:11,369 --> 00:21:13,588 And what matters now is that Mistress MacDonald 339 00:21:13,675 --> 00:21:18,027 has the discernment to judge the right course of action now. 340 00:21:18,158 --> 00:21:20,291 Indeed. Will you excuse us, John? 341 00:21:20,421 --> 00:21:22,293 I see my aunt has arrived. 342 00:21:23,816 --> 00:21:24,730 [John] Of course. 343 00:21:28,734 --> 00:21:30,649 Mr. Innes, Aunt Jocasta. 344 00:21:30,779 --> 00:21:33,086 [Duncan] We're delighted you've come. 345 00:21:33,173 --> 00:21:34,827 Aye. 346 00:21:34,914 --> 00:21:36,742 But why do we never have the pleasure 347 00:21:36,872 --> 00:21:39,440 of yer company at River Run? 348 00:21:39,571 --> 00:21:41,486 Mr. Bug's been delivering all my sweetmeats, 349 00:21:41,616 --> 00:21:44,532 so you've no need to come yourselves, is that it? 350 00:21:44,663 --> 00:21:46,969 The last time I sent a man to River Run, 351 00:21:47,056 --> 00:21:50,233 you bought him a print shop in New Bern, and I lost a son. 352 00:21:50,364 --> 00:21:53,672 Nephew, when Fergus visited, 353 00:21:53,802 --> 00:21:55,587 he told me how happy he'd been 354 00:21:55,717 --> 00:21:57,415 at working the print shop in Edinburgh, 355 00:21:57,545 --> 00:22:01,897 and how desperately he wanted to feel that way again. 356 00:22:02,028 --> 00:22:03,769 I had an opportunity to help. 357 00:22:03,856 --> 00:22:06,815 An opportunity, certainly. 358 00:22:06,946 --> 00:22:09,644 Do you begrudge the lad his happiness? 359 00:22:09,775 --> 00:22:11,472 Of course not, Auntie. 360 00:22:11,603 --> 00:22:14,562 Well, then surely you can have no objections. 361 00:22:14,693 --> 00:22:17,522 Once Marsali joins him in New Bern, 362 00:22:17,652 --> 00:22:20,220 they will be safer from those who'd think ill 363 00:22:20,307 --> 00:22:23,310 of wee Henri-Christian. 364 00:22:23,441 --> 00:22:25,878 D'ye no' agree? 365 00:22:26,008 --> 00:22:30,448 Mary, so lovely to see you. 366 00:22:30,578 --> 00:22:32,667 We missed you on our last visit. 367 00:22:32,798 --> 00:22:36,715 Thank you, mistress. My mother died. 368 00:22:36,845 --> 00:22:39,718 Mistress Innes gave me leave of my duties to mourn. 369 00:22:39,848 --> 00:22:42,547 Oh, sorry to hear that. 370 00:22:42,677 --> 00:22:45,811 Our Hanna's dearly missed. 371 00:22:45,941 --> 00:22:48,509 Mr. Innes, I'm in need of refreshment. 372 00:22:48,640 --> 00:22:50,729 Of course, my dear. 373 00:22:50,859 --> 00:22:52,121 [Jamie] Aunt Jocasta. 374 00:23:02,697 --> 00:23:04,307 Is Lizzie very sick this time? 375 00:23:04,438 --> 00:23:06,309 She has a fever and the shakes. 376 00:23:06,440 --> 00:23:09,051 This ointment will help her. 377 00:23:09,182 --> 00:23:10,357 Do you know where to find gallberries? 378 00:23:10,488 --> 00:23:12,054 Aye. Up the mountain. 379 00:23:12,141 --> 00:23:13,969 Dinna like 'em much, bitter as vinegar. 380 00:23:14,100 --> 00:23:16,363 No, they're not for her to eat. They're for the ointment. 381 00:23:16,494 --> 00:23:19,279 We'll need more, but take this to her for now. 382 00:23:19,410 --> 00:23:20,411 She'll know what to do. 383 00:23:24,806 --> 00:23:26,242 [Jamie] Major MacDonald. 384 00:23:26,373 --> 00:23:27,809 [MacDonald] Mr. Fraser. 385 00:23:27,940 --> 00:23:29,594 -[Claire] Major. -[MacDonald] Mistress Fraser. 386 00:23:29,681 --> 00:23:30,725 I must say, I was quite taken aback 387 00:23:30,812 --> 00:23:33,032 to hear of your resignation, 388 00:23:33,162 --> 00:23:35,817 and from the governor himself no less. 389 00:23:35,904 --> 00:23:38,516 You know, I would've hoped you might've given me some warning. 390 00:23:38,646 --> 00:23:41,693 Aye, I should've told you first, but, uh, 391 00:23:41,823 --> 00:23:43,782 I trust the governor is satisfied 392 00:23:43,912 --> 00:23:46,001 with the pledge of loyalty I received from Cherokee. 393 00:23:46,132 --> 00:23:47,829 He was most pleased, 394 00:23:47,960 --> 00:23:50,789 which is why we'd hoped for a continued effort. 395 00:23:50,919 --> 00:23:53,748 [woman] Oh, it's Flora. 396 00:23:53,879 --> 00:23:55,402 [man] Mistress MacDonald. 397 00:23:55,533 --> 00:23:57,056 [man] Such an honor. 398 00:23:57,186 --> 00:23:58,187 [John] Mistress MacDonald. 399 00:23:58,318 --> 00:23:59,972 Of course you know Major MacDonald. 400 00:24:00,102 --> 00:24:02,714 Mr. MacDonald. Mistress MacDonald. 401 00:24:02,844 --> 00:24:04,106 I fear I should need a chart of lineage 402 00:24:04,237 --> 00:24:06,239 to distinguish all these MacDonalds from one another. 403 00:24:06,369 --> 00:24:07,501 [all chuckle] 404 00:24:07,632 --> 00:24:08,676 [Flora] If only that would help. 405 00:24:08,807 --> 00:24:10,112 You should see my own family tree. 406 00:24:10,243 --> 00:24:12,854 Born a MacDonald, and then I married one. 407 00:24:12,985 --> 00:24:17,076 -My good fortune. Different branch, of course. -Oh. 408 00:24:17,163 --> 00:24:19,644 Well, may I introduce Mr. James Fraser 409 00:24:19,731 --> 00:24:21,820 and his wife, Mistress Claire Fraser. 410 00:24:24,779 --> 00:24:26,215 Formerly of Broch Tuarach. 411 00:24:28,479 --> 00:24:30,481 Last time I laid eyes on you, 412 00:24:30,611 --> 00:24:32,178 you kicked me in the shin. 413 00:24:32,308 --> 00:24:34,049 Aye, Fionnaghal, because you stole my bridie 414 00:24:34,180 --> 00:24:36,487 and pulled my hair. 415 00:24:36,574 --> 00:24:39,968 If memory serves, the bridie was well worth it. 416 00:24:40,099 --> 00:24:42,231 Only wee'uns. 417 00:24:42,362 --> 00:24:44,451 Mistress Fraser, a great pleasure. 418 00:24:44,582 --> 00:24:46,453 Oh, the pleasure is mine. 419 00:24:46,584 --> 00:24:47,672 [Flora] You're somewhat celebrated here 420 00:24:47,802 --> 00:24:49,587 as well, it would seem. 421 00:24:49,717 --> 00:24:51,502 Is it true you performed an operation 422 00:24:51,632 --> 00:24:53,591 on stage at the theatre? 423 00:24:53,721 --> 00:24:55,549 It's left quite an impression on the townsfolk. 424 00:24:55,680 --> 00:24:57,769 Actually it was the foyer, 425 00:24:57,856 --> 00:25:01,642 but, uh, I'm surprised people still talk about it. 426 00:25:01,773 --> 00:25:03,818 [Flora] Our apologies. We were delayed. 427 00:25:03,949 --> 00:25:06,734 When I went to my chamber to dress, 428 00:25:06,821 --> 00:25:09,128 I found a thief ransacking my belongings. 429 00:25:09,258 --> 00:25:10,477 -[John] Mm. -[Duncan] Good heavens. 430 00:25:10,608 --> 00:25:12,087 He stole my necklace. 431 00:25:12,218 --> 00:25:14,437 What a fright you must've had. 432 00:25:14,568 --> 00:25:15,917 Fortunately, two men from the inn 433 00:25:16,048 --> 00:25:18,006 apprehended him in the street. 434 00:25:18,137 --> 00:25:20,835 We had to wait for the sheriff to be summoned. 435 00:25:20,966 --> 00:25:22,489 He was arrested at my wife's instance. 436 00:25:22,620 --> 00:25:24,709 You're very brave. 437 00:25:24,839 --> 00:25:27,450 You retrieved the necklace with one emerald missing? 438 00:25:27,581 --> 00:25:28,800 Yes. 439 00:25:28,887 --> 00:25:31,106 They failed to find it on the thief. 440 00:25:31,237 --> 00:25:33,631 [MacDonald] Well, ye're safe here, I can assure you. 441 00:25:33,718 --> 00:25:34,936 -[Jocasta] Oh. -[Jamie] Auntie? 442 00:25:35,067 --> 00:25:36,808 Jocasta? 443 00:25:36,938 --> 00:25:38,200 Oh. 444 00:25:38,287 --> 00:25:39,593 Do you need to get some air? 445 00:25:39,724 --> 00:25:42,509 I think that would be wise. 446 00:25:42,640 --> 00:25:44,816 I'll come. I could use some air as well. 447 00:25:50,822 --> 00:25:52,258 [Claire] Is it your eyes? 448 00:25:52,388 --> 00:25:56,305 [Jocasta] The most grievous pain at times. 449 00:25:56,436 --> 00:25:58,177 [Claire] It's not uncommon with your condition. 450 00:25:58,264 --> 00:26:00,875 You know, I have something that could soothe them. 451 00:26:01,006 --> 00:26:05,663 Hmm. Have you, indeed? Something unpleasant, no doubt? 452 00:26:05,793 --> 00:26:07,752 I can fetch it from the carriage. 453 00:26:07,882 --> 00:26:11,843 You can tell what ails her simply by looking at her? 454 00:26:11,973 --> 00:26:15,977 Well, yes, but I also know her. 455 00:26:16,108 --> 00:26:18,023 [laughs] 456 00:26:18,153 --> 00:26:20,068 What can you tell by looking at me, Mistress Fraser? 457 00:26:20,199 --> 00:26:21,504 Do you know what's ailing me? 458 00:26:24,290 --> 00:26:28,207 Well, the burden of a great responsibility to please, 459 00:26:28,337 --> 00:26:33,081 no doubt, and a touch of nerves, perhaps? 460 00:26:33,212 --> 00:26:37,172 Yes. I think perhaps you're right. 461 00:26:37,303 --> 00:26:39,000 What I have can also ease nerves 462 00:26:39,131 --> 00:26:40,915 if you'd care to join us. 463 00:26:41,046 --> 00:26:42,613 Please do. 464 00:26:46,965 --> 00:26:49,750 [Roger humming] 465 00:26:49,924 --> 00:26:52,623 ♪ ♪ 466 00:26:56,931 --> 00:26:59,151 [Brianna] What song is that? 467 00:26:59,281 --> 00:27:00,369 I never heard it before. 468 00:27:02,284 --> 00:27:04,896 Funny you should say that. 469 00:27:05,026 --> 00:27:08,247 Amy McCallum was convinced she had heard it. 470 00:27:08,377 --> 00:27:09,727 But she couldn't have-- it wasn't composed 471 00:27:09,857 --> 00:27:11,642 until the 1950s. 472 00:27:16,298 --> 00:27:18,083 [Brianna] We were out by the river this morning 473 00:27:18,170 --> 00:27:20,912 looking for a place for a waterwheel, 474 00:27:21,042 --> 00:27:23,697 and we came across this pile of burned 475 00:27:23,828 --> 00:27:26,613 human finger bones and seaweed. 476 00:27:26,744 --> 00:27:29,877 Marsali said it was a love charm. 477 00:27:30,008 --> 00:27:32,837 Something one of the fisher-folk might've put there. 478 00:27:32,967 --> 00:27:35,274 That's strange. 479 00:27:35,361 --> 00:27:37,537 Didn't think Presbyterians went in for that sort of thing. 480 00:27:39,713 --> 00:27:41,019 You've been spending a lot of time over there, 481 00:27:41,149 --> 00:27:42,629 at Amy's. 482 00:27:42,716 --> 00:27:44,892 Just working on the roof. 483 00:27:45,023 --> 00:27:47,590 And serenading her, apparently. 484 00:27:47,721 --> 00:27:49,505 What? No. 485 00:27:49,636 --> 00:27:51,943 It's not-- [laughs] 486 00:27:52,073 --> 00:27:53,988 I let my guard down for a split second 487 00:27:54,119 --> 00:27:57,339 singing a modern tune, and she liked it. 488 00:27:57,470 --> 00:28:00,038 Just noting that you're over there a lot, 489 00:28:00,168 --> 00:28:02,736 and maybe she likes spending time with you. 490 00:28:02,867 --> 00:28:04,956 No, I'm not spending time with her. 491 00:28:05,043 --> 00:28:07,045 I'm helping out. 492 00:28:07,175 --> 00:28:08,873 I promised her that she would have a cabin 493 00:28:09,003 --> 00:28:10,701 and wouldn't starve, and I'm keeping that promise. 494 00:28:13,094 --> 00:28:17,272 What, you think that she made that love charm for my sake? 495 00:28:17,403 --> 00:28:18,926 What I think is, she's a lonely widow 496 00:28:19,057 --> 00:28:20,798 with two children. 497 00:28:20,928 --> 00:28:22,103 And having a handsome man over there 498 00:28:22,234 --> 00:28:23,452 at her beck and call all the time is-- 499 00:28:23,583 --> 00:28:25,846 -She needs me. -We need you. 500 00:28:25,977 --> 00:28:29,807 Do ye? Ye're so capable. 501 00:28:29,894 --> 00:28:33,811 You're making waterwheels and clay pipes. 502 00:28:33,941 --> 00:28:36,509 It's nothing the Romans didn't do. 503 00:28:36,639 --> 00:28:38,424 [pensive music plays] 504 00:28:38,511 --> 00:28:41,949 Ye're the only one here who knows how to do it. 505 00:28:42,080 --> 00:28:44,212 You're bringing indoor plumbing to the Ridge 506 00:28:44,343 --> 00:28:46,084 for crying out loud. 507 00:28:48,129 --> 00:28:49,696 Ye're amazing to me, Bree. 508 00:28:53,091 --> 00:28:56,747 I'm just trying to contribute something too. 509 00:28:56,877 --> 00:28:58,618 Amy sees me as her minister, and I-- 510 00:28:58,749 --> 00:29:01,142 But you're not a minister. 511 00:29:01,273 --> 00:29:03,188 To the rest of the world, you're a married man 512 00:29:03,318 --> 00:29:05,973 who's alone with a widow in her home for hours on end. 513 00:29:06,104 --> 00:29:08,019 It--it's not like that. 514 00:29:08,149 --> 00:29:10,761 Roger, Amy needs to find a husband of her own, 515 00:29:10,891 --> 00:29:12,937 and she won't if you're already the man of the house. 516 00:29:13,111 --> 00:29:15,896 ♪ ♪ 517 00:29:21,162 --> 00:29:24,165 -[coughs] -[all laugh] 518 00:29:24,296 --> 00:29:25,906 Oh, my. 519 00:29:25,993 --> 00:29:28,039 [Claire] It's hemp flower. 520 00:29:28,126 --> 00:29:30,302 I think we are a veritable gentleman's club. 521 00:29:30,389 --> 00:29:33,131 [all laugh] 522 00:29:33,261 --> 00:29:34,654 To whom shall we drink? 523 00:29:36,787 --> 00:29:38,832 Our Bonnie Prince. 524 00:29:38,963 --> 00:29:40,965 Well, I say we should drink to you. 525 00:29:41,095 --> 00:29:43,706 [heartfelt string music plays] 526 00:29:43,881 --> 00:29:47,058 ♪ ♪ 527 00:29:47,188 --> 00:29:50,061 I was never much aligned with him politically. 528 00:29:50,191 --> 00:29:53,368 People thought we were in love, mm, 529 00:29:53,499 --> 00:29:54,935 and that we laid together. 530 00:29:55,066 --> 00:29:57,111 In the boat? 531 00:29:57,242 --> 00:29:59,897 [all laughing] 532 00:30:06,468 --> 00:30:10,559 I fear my name will be forever associated with him. 533 00:30:13,519 --> 00:30:17,088 Forgive me, I do not wish to speak ill of him. 534 00:30:17,218 --> 00:30:19,394 It's just-- 535 00:30:19,525 --> 00:30:22,397 Charles Stuart was not a leader of men. 536 00:30:22,528 --> 00:30:25,444 No. I don't think he'd mind. 537 00:30:25,574 --> 00:30:27,794 Last I heard, he was in Italy 538 00:30:27,925 --> 00:30:29,535 quietly drinking himself to death. 539 00:30:31,450 --> 00:30:33,017 I had always wished 540 00:30:33,104 --> 00:30:34,801 to meet a member of a royal family, 541 00:30:34,932 --> 00:30:36,498 but hearing you talk, 542 00:30:36,629 --> 00:30:38,544 maybe I should count my blessings that I have not. 543 00:30:40,502 --> 00:30:43,418 Mistress Fraser, of course, has had the honor. 544 00:30:43,549 --> 00:30:45,116 More than one occasion. 545 00:30:45,246 --> 00:30:46,857 Hmm. 546 00:30:46,987 --> 00:30:49,163 I wouldn't exactly call Culloden an honor. 547 00:30:50,948 --> 00:30:53,298 But, uh, as for Versailles... 548 00:30:53,385 --> 00:30:56,214 [tense music plays] 549 00:30:56,301 --> 00:30:58,912 ♪ ♪ 550 00:31:01,567 --> 00:31:06,267 Well, shouldn't bore you with the details. 551 00:31:06,354 --> 00:31:08,052 Mistress MacDonald, 552 00:31:08,182 --> 00:31:10,228 we shouldn't keep you any longer. 553 00:31:10,315 --> 00:31:12,534 It must be almost time for you to address the crowd. 554 00:31:12,621 --> 00:31:15,363 Yes, I suppose I should go and prepare 555 00:31:15,494 --> 00:31:17,365 to face them. 556 00:31:17,496 --> 00:31:19,106 Wish me luck. 557 00:31:19,237 --> 00:31:20,978 [Jocasta] Let us go together. 558 00:31:21,065 --> 00:31:21,892 [Flora] Of course. 559 00:31:28,115 --> 00:31:30,335 Has that helped your eyes? 560 00:31:30,465 --> 00:31:31,989 It has, aye. 561 00:31:34,556 --> 00:31:36,471 I mustn't curse them too much I suppose. 562 00:31:36,558 --> 00:31:39,126 I can still recall Murtagh's face 563 00:31:39,257 --> 00:31:41,389 from when I was a young lass. 564 00:31:41,520 --> 00:31:44,262 Four husbands I have had, 565 00:31:44,392 --> 00:31:46,090 and some of them have made me happy at times, 566 00:31:46,220 --> 00:31:50,442 but... until Murtagh... 567 00:31:50,572 --> 00:31:54,098 [sentimental music plays] 568 00:31:54,228 --> 00:31:56,883 I understand. 569 00:31:57,014 --> 00:32:00,017 Well, must put a smile on, I suppose. 570 00:32:00,147 --> 00:32:01,018 Shall we? 571 00:32:03,063 --> 00:32:07,111 You know, I was--I was thinking that I should prepare you 572 00:32:07,241 --> 00:32:09,896 a little pouch of the hemp flower to take home. 573 00:32:10,027 --> 00:32:12,681 -Oh. -I'll be along shortly. 574 00:32:12,812 --> 00:32:15,858 [Jocasta] Right. Thank you, Flora. 575 00:32:15,946 --> 00:32:17,382 [Flora] Okay, careful. 576 00:32:17,556 --> 00:32:20,298 ♪ ♪ 577 00:32:55,507 --> 00:32:59,163 Was he a coward in his disguise, 578 00:32:59,293 --> 00:33:02,557 or a brave soul willing to take a risk? 579 00:33:02,688 --> 00:33:04,733 You, of course, may judge for yourselves. 580 00:33:06,605 --> 00:33:10,304 A man is often judged by his actions. 581 00:33:10,391 --> 00:33:12,959 A woman is more often judged... 582 00:33:13,046 --> 00:33:15,135 Where did you disappear to? 583 00:33:15,266 --> 00:33:17,181 Just needed a rest. 584 00:33:17,311 --> 00:33:20,532 [Flora] But you've come here to hear about my actions, 585 00:33:20,662 --> 00:33:23,404 to judge my character. 586 00:33:23,491 --> 00:33:27,626 Why I did what I did that fateful night. 587 00:33:27,713 --> 00:33:32,631 I chose to see beyond mere appearances. 588 00:33:32,761 --> 00:33:36,678 Today, Mistress Fraser reminded me of something. 589 00:33:36,809 --> 00:33:39,290 A gifted physician, and incidentally a woman-- 590 00:33:39,420 --> 00:33:42,423 can you imagine? 591 00:33:42,554 --> 00:33:46,340 She reminded me that we must seek to find 592 00:33:46,471 --> 00:33:51,389 what ails us not outwardly, but within. 593 00:33:51,519 --> 00:33:54,261 What is ailing us today is the threat of division, 594 00:33:54,392 --> 00:33:55,567 and we've seen it before. 595 00:33:55,697 --> 00:34:00,267 We know the symptoms of this disease, 596 00:34:00,398 --> 00:34:04,141 and it's not enough for us just to put on a disguise and flee. 597 00:34:04,271 --> 00:34:08,319 Peace and unity, that is what is at stake. 598 00:34:08,449 --> 00:34:10,451 [light applause] 599 00:34:10,538 --> 00:34:13,019 We have sworn oaths of loyalty to the Crown, 600 00:34:13,150 --> 00:34:15,195 and we are proud subjects 601 00:34:15,326 --> 00:34:18,764 of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. 602 00:34:18,894 --> 00:34:23,595 And if we are to live in peace in this new land... 603 00:34:23,725 --> 00:34:25,597 so we must continue to be. 604 00:34:25,684 --> 00:34:29,601 [cheers and applause] 605 00:34:29,731 --> 00:34:32,343 [lively bagpipe music playing] 606 00:34:32,517 --> 00:34:35,259 ♪ ♪ 607 00:34:49,534 --> 00:34:52,189 [gentle string music playing] 608 00:34:52,363 --> 00:34:55,105 ♪ ♪ 609 00:34:59,892 --> 00:35:04,070 Jamie, Governor Martin has concerns. 610 00:35:04,201 --> 00:35:05,332 Ah. 611 00:35:05,463 --> 00:35:07,552 So I must ask you. 612 00:35:07,682 --> 00:35:09,597 Ask me what? 613 00:35:09,728 --> 00:35:11,425 About your resignation as Indian Agent. 614 00:35:13,949 --> 00:35:15,647 I assured him of your allegiance, 615 00:35:15,777 --> 00:35:18,302 and your presence here has given me every reason 616 00:35:18,432 --> 00:35:19,825 to believe that we are in alignment. 617 00:35:21,653 --> 00:35:23,002 And yet... 618 00:35:25,439 --> 00:35:28,790 I was shown a missive containing a list of names, 619 00:35:28,921 --> 00:35:31,315 and yours was among them. 620 00:35:31,445 --> 00:35:32,664 A growing number of men 621 00:35:32,794 --> 00:35:34,361 who make no qualms about their affiliation 622 00:35:34,448 --> 00:35:37,234 with the Sons of Liberty. 623 00:35:37,364 --> 00:35:38,844 Well, the Committee of Correspondence 624 00:35:38,974 --> 00:35:41,890 has made it no secret they're eager to consider me an ally. 625 00:35:42,021 --> 00:35:43,936 A presumption I'm certain you would take pains to correct. 626 00:35:46,547 --> 00:35:48,506 You must disassociate yourself from them at once. 627 00:35:51,291 --> 00:35:52,684 Jamie, it is dangerous. 628 00:35:52,771 --> 00:35:53,685 Aye. 629 00:35:55,687 --> 00:35:56,775 Though if you did happen to know 630 00:35:56,905 --> 00:35:58,516 where they were meeting tomorrow... 631 00:35:58,603 --> 00:35:59,952 I don't. 632 00:36:01,562 --> 00:36:02,259 Very well. 633 00:36:04,565 --> 00:36:06,350 I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. 634 00:36:08,308 --> 00:36:09,266 The Crown has eyes and ears everywhere. 635 00:36:13,313 --> 00:36:15,097 John, I feel I must tell you-- 636 00:36:15,185 --> 00:36:17,230 [Mary] Lord John, forgive me. 637 00:36:17,361 --> 00:36:18,666 Master Innes told me to come get you. 638 00:36:18,797 --> 00:36:20,146 What is it? 639 00:36:20,277 --> 00:36:22,409 There's trouble in town. 640 00:36:22,540 --> 00:36:25,325 [tense music plays] 641 00:36:25,499 --> 00:36:27,153 ♪ ♪ 642 00:36:27,284 --> 00:36:29,982 [protestors shouting] 643 00:36:45,476 --> 00:36:47,347 Simms! What's this all about? 644 00:36:47,478 --> 00:36:49,654 Your aunt had me print those to commemorate the day. 645 00:36:49,784 --> 00:36:52,047 She brought me the drawing last week. 646 00:36:52,178 --> 00:36:53,788 It was for a good cause. 647 00:36:53,919 --> 00:36:55,225 Seems these men are not as eager 648 00:36:55,355 --> 00:36:56,487 as we to honor our Scottish heroine. 649 00:37:00,491 --> 00:37:02,971 Or the gentleman that printed them. 650 00:37:03,102 --> 00:37:04,799 Mary, you should return to Mistress Innes. 651 00:37:04,930 --> 00:37:06,279 [protestor] Give him up, Fraser, 652 00:37:06,410 --> 00:37:07,628 or wear feathers with him. 653 00:37:07,715 --> 00:37:08,673 [protestor] Come out from there. 654 00:37:08,803 --> 00:37:10,675 Come on out of there, Simms. 655 00:37:10,805 --> 00:37:14,635 You can't be hiding up this man's backside all day. 656 00:37:14,766 --> 00:37:17,682 Better a printer up my arse than a fool wi' a torch! 657 00:37:17,812 --> 00:37:19,423 Aye, you've no cause to-to threaten a man 658 00:37:19,553 --> 00:37:21,076 for doing an honest day's work. 659 00:37:21,207 --> 00:37:25,429 [protestor] We don't want his Tory lies getting spread-- 660 00:37:25,559 --> 00:37:28,214 I'll print whatever I damn well please. 661 00:37:28,345 --> 00:37:31,173 [crowd clamoring] 662 00:37:31,261 --> 00:37:34,046 ♪ ♪ 663 00:37:39,530 --> 00:37:41,358 [soldier] Out of the way! Out of the way! 664 00:37:41,445 --> 00:37:44,839 [soldiers yelling] 665 00:37:44,970 --> 00:37:47,233 Thank you. Thank you. 666 00:37:47,364 --> 00:37:49,191 Alas, you canna please all readers alike. 667 00:37:51,498 --> 00:37:52,978 Come. I'll tend to your wounds. 668 00:38:06,818 --> 00:38:09,516 [Claire] Just a little bit of tar. 669 00:38:09,647 --> 00:38:13,041 At least you weren't shot or stabbed. 670 00:38:15,261 --> 00:38:16,871 Yeah. 671 00:38:17,002 --> 00:38:19,265 4th of July, 672 00:38:19,396 --> 00:38:23,356 1776, you said. 673 00:38:23,443 --> 00:38:26,446 Well, there's still time. [chuckles] 674 00:38:26,577 --> 00:38:29,231 That's the Declaration of Independence. 675 00:38:29,362 --> 00:38:31,277 The war starts much sooner. 676 00:38:33,366 --> 00:38:35,847 The settlers on the Ridge... 677 00:38:35,977 --> 00:38:36,891 what will they say when they learn 678 00:38:36,978 --> 00:38:39,111 I've broken my oath to the king? 679 00:38:41,679 --> 00:38:44,899 I kent one day have to stand against a great number of them 680 00:38:45,030 --> 00:38:47,728 to fight friends and kin. 681 00:38:47,859 --> 00:38:49,295 [solemn music plays] 682 00:38:49,426 --> 00:38:51,210 To hear Flora MacDonald's words 683 00:38:51,341 --> 00:38:53,691 fall upon the crowd today. 684 00:38:53,821 --> 00:38:57,477 See the resolve grow in them 685 00:38:57,608 --> 00:38:59,827 as if a great blade had come down from heaven 686 00:38:59,958 --> 00:39:01,263 to cleave us apart. 687 00:39:07,052 --> 00:39:10,098 And Lord John, had to lie to him today. 688 00:39:12,362 --> 00:39:15,626 [Claire] You will do right by Lord John. 689 00:39:15,756 --> 00:39:19,412 As for the people on the Ridge, well... 690 00:39:19,543 --> 00:39:20,892 if we're involved, 691 00:39:21,022 --> 00:39:24,548 perhaps they don't have to be. 692 00:39:24,678 --> 00:39:27,420 You know, I've never lived without allegiance, 693 00:39:27,551 --> 00:39:30,771 wittingly or not, to laird or king. 694 00:39:30,902 --> 00:39:31,729 I know. 695 00:39:34,601 --> 00:39:37,169 The tide has turned. 696 00:39:37,299 --> 00:39:41,608 Our allegiance now is-- it's to this new nation. 697 00:39:41,782 --> 00:39:44,481 ♪ ♪ 698 00:39:56,057 --> 00:39:59,234 [Tom] "Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. 699 00:39:59,365 --> 00:40:01,193 It tolls for thee." 700 00:40:01,280 --> 00:40:03,804 [Roger] I wouldn't worry about that just yet, Mr. Christie. 701 00:40:03,935 --> 00:40:05,893 We have to get it up there first. 702 00:40:06,024 --> 00:40:09,114 [Allan] Without more help, we might die trying. 703 00:40:09,201 --> 00:40:11,986 [Roger] I mean that it's not only for funerals. 704 00:40:12,117 --> 00:40:15,729 Soon we'll hear the peal of wedding bells and christenings 705 00:40:15,860 --> 00:40:17,601 ringing out for happy occasions. 706 00:40:17,688 --> 00:40:18,906 I dare say my father 707 00:40:18,993 --> 00:40:21,518 is somewhat suspicious of happiness. 708 00:40:21,648 --> 00:40:24,129 Are you not, Father? 709 00:40:24,259 --> 00:40:26,610 For whatever occasion it may toll, 710 00:40:26,740 --> 00:40:30,352 be the finest belfry in Rowan County. 711 00:40:30,483 --> 00:40:31,876 If you will, go fetch the rope 712 00:40:32,006 --> 00:40:33,791 from inside for the pulley, Mr. MacKenzie. 713 00:40:35,923 --> 00:40:36,663 [Roger] Aye. 714 00:40:46,368 --> 00:40:47,848 [Malva panting] 715 00:40:47,935 --> 00:40:48,806 [door clatters open] 716 00:40:51,635 --> 00:40:55,421 Mr. Henderson, have you gone mad? 717 00:40:55,552 --> 00:40:57,075 In here of all places? 718 00:40:57,205 --> 00:40:59,120 We haven't done anything, sir. 719 00:40:59,251 --> 00:41:01,949 Well, it didn't look that way to me. 720 00:41:02,080 --> 00:41:03,342 Miss Christie. 721 00:41:05,866 --> 00:41:09,566 Your father and brother are outside. 722 00:41:09,696 --> 00:41:11,568 A word to my father, Mr. MacKenzie, 723 00:41:11,698 --> 00:41:14,658 and I'll tell everyone I've seen you kissing Amy McCallum. 724 00:41:14,788 --> 00:41:16,616 I've done no such thing. 725 00:41:16,747 --> 00:41:18,052 But everybody knows you spend more time 726 00:41:18,139 --> 00:41:20,185 with the widow than you do your own wife. 727 00:41:20,272 --> 00:41:22,970 [tense music plays] 728 00:41:23,144 --> 00:41:26,974 ♪ ♪ 729 00:41:27,105 --> 00:41:28,410 They will believe me. 730 00:41:42,424 --> 00:41:44,252 Look who I found inside. 731 00:41:47,038 --> 00:41:48,518 [Tom] Ah. 732 00:41:49,780 --> 00:41:52,652 Another pair of hands would be useful, Mr. Henderson. 733 00:41:52,739 --> 00:41:53,827 Pleased to be of help, sir. 734 00:41:53,958 --> 00:41:55,612 Aye. 735 00:41:55,699 --> 00:41:58,528 ♪ ♪ 736 00:42:18,939 --> 00:42:21,376 [Aidan] Mr. MacKenzie, I caught a bass. 737 00:42:21,507 --> 00:42:22,856 I shred the worm as you showed me and hooked him. 738 00:42:22,987 --> 00:42:24,162 [Roger] Ha! 739 00:42:24,292 --> 00:42:25,424 Bet your ma's already cooked him ready 740 00:42:25,555 --> 00:42:26,773 for your luncheon. 741 00:42:26,904 --> 00:42:29,733 Well, do come in and eat with us. 742 00:42:29,863 --> 00:42:31,561 Ah, I don't have much work left to do on the hearth. 743 00:42:31,691 --> 00:42:34,302 I should probably finish so I can go home. 744 00:42:34,433 --> 00:42:36,957 Please? 745 00:42:37,088 --> 00:42:40,744 Let me repay all your kindness. 746 00:42:40,831 --> 00:42:43,790 And Aidan canna wait to hear stories 747 00:42:43,921 --> 00:42:48,012 of when you were taken captive by the-the Mohawk, was it? 748 00:42:48,142 --> 00:42:49,970 Aye, the Mohawk. 749 00:42:50,101 --> 00:42:52,799 [apprehensive music plays] 750 00:42:52,973 --> 00:42:55,715 ♪ ♪ 751 00:43:07,161 --> 00:43:08,989 Will this do, Mr. MacKenzie? 752 00:43:27,747 --> 00:43:28,966 Would you like to say grace? 753 00:43:40,804 --> 00:43:44,634 Is it true, Auntie? You paid for Flora's gathering? 754 00:43:47,549 --> 00:43:49,160 I've come to the conclusion 755 00:43:49,290 --> 00:43:52,076 that it does no good to sit quietly on your hands 756 00:43:52,206 --> 00:43:55,035 when you could put them in your purse 757 00:43:55,166 --> 00:43:57,995 to further the cause of peace. 758 00:43:58,125 --> 00:44:02,564 These rebellions lead nowhere, as well you know. 759 00:44:04,784 --> 00:44:07,091 I ken what you're doing. 760 00:44:07,221 --> 00:44:08,832 With Fergus too. 761 00:44:08,962 --> 00:44:10,834 Oh, not this again. 762 00:44:10,964 --> 00:44:12,183 And no doubt he'll feel obliged to do your bidding 763 00:44:12,313 --> 00:44:14,359 and print your views 764 00:44:14,446 --> 00:44:17,057 since it was your money that bought him the shop. 765 00:44:18,189 --> 00:44:22,149 I dinna wish to hear he's been hanged for treason or tarred 766 00:44:22,280 --> 00:44:23,847 and feathered for not being treasonous enough. 767 00:44:23,977 --> 00:44:25,587 He understands the dangers. 768 00:44:25,718 --> 00:44:27,677 [Jamie] Aye. 769 00:44:27,807 --> 00:44:29,026 And I understand your grief. 770 00:44:31,550 --> 00:44:33,030 But if anything should happen to my son... 771 00:44:33,204 --> 00:44:35,902 ♪ ♪ 772 00:44:38,470 --> 00:44:41,038 Feeling a wee bit tired. 773 00:44:41,125 --> 00:44:42,735 [Duncan] I'll take you to your chamber. 774 00:44:59,404 --> 00:45:03,887 Your auntie hasn't been herself since Mr. Fitzgibbons died. 775 00:45:04,017 --> 00:45:05,845 Often I find her in her chair by the fire 776 00:45:05,976 --> 00:45:08,065 having a fitful dream, 777 00:45:08,152 --> 00:45:11,633 speaking of money stained by blood, 778 00:45:11,764 --> 00:45:14,985 her daughter Morna, and French gold. 779 00:45:20,381 --> 00:45:21,687 You don't worry she's losing her mind, 780 00:45:21,818 --> 00:45:24,081 do you, Mr. Fraser? 781 00:45:24,168 --> 00:45:24,995 No. 782 00:45:27,258 --> 00:45:28,912 Only that she's lost her heart. 783 00:45:34,308 --> 00:45:35,962 Thank you, Mary. 784 00:45:36,136 --> 00:45:38,617 ♪ ♪ 785 00:45:45,232 --> 00:45:47,887 [imitating airplane engine] 786 00:45:53,719 --> 00:45:57,070 Look at me! [giggling] 787 00:46:01,945 --> 00:46:04,643 We'll just say it's a very odd-looking bird. 788 00:46:18,439 --> 00:46:19,963 You know Obadiah Henderson? 789 00:46:21,878 --> 00:46:23,053 Lives up by the Lindsays? 790 00:46:23,183 --> 00:46:24,706 Yeah? 791 00:46:24,837 --> 00:46:26,447 I asked him to look in on Amy 792 00:46:26,578 --> 00:46:28,972 and finish anything she needs doing in the cabin. 793 00:46:31,452 --> 00:46:33,063 I have a weakness for young mothers. 794 00:46:35,239 --> 00:46:37,154 Well, I guess it makes sense. 795 00:46:37,284 --> 00:46:40,244 You lost your own mother so young in the blitz. 796 00:46:40,374 --> 00:46:41,245 Aye. 797 00:46:44,074 --> 00:46:45,162 I find myself needing to take care of 'em. 798 00:46:45,292 --> 00:46:47,599 I can't help it. 799 00:46:47,729 --> 00:46:49,862 I couldn't see-- 800 00:46:49,993 --> 00:46:51,255 okay, maybe I didn't want to see 801 00:46:51,385 --> 00:46:54,867 that I was going down a wrong path. 802 00:46:56,738 --> 00:46:59,045 You know I was never worried about you. 803 00:46:59,132 --> 00:47:00,438 I know. 804 00:47:00,568 --> 00:47:02,527 [laughs] I know. 805 00:47:04,224 --> 00:47:05,704 But I'm still sorry. 806 00:47:05,835 --> 00:47:08,098 [sentimental music plays] 807 00:47:08,228 --> 00:47:10,796 I want to spend my time with you and Jemmy. 808 00:47:10,927 --> 00:47:12,232 Just the three of us. 809 00:47:15,496 --> 00:47:16,802 All the four of us. 810 00:47:25,202 --> 00:47:26,072 [Roger] Really? 811 00:47:28,466 --> 00:47:30,120 Really. 812 00:47:30,207 --> 00:47:32,949 ♪ ♪ 813 00:48:00,933 --> 00:48:03,762 [tense music plays] 814 00:48:03,936 --> 00:48:06,765 ♪ ♪ 815 00:49:01,211 --> 00:49:02,255 [Jamie] Lord John? 816 00:49:07,521 --> 00:49:09,915 I, uh, must speak with you. 817 00:49:10,046 --> 00:49:11,308 It's good news. 818 00:49:11,438 --> 00:49:12,744 I'm informed that the Sons of Liberty 819 00:49:12,831 --> 00:49:15,181 are meeting at the Red Falcon late tonight. 820 00:49:15,268 --> 00:49:17,923 Aye. 821 00:49:18,010 --> 00:49:20,186 I will attend that meeting. 822 00:49:20,317 --> 00:49:21,927 There are soldiers ready and waiting 823 00:49:22,014 --> 00:49:24,277 to put a stop to it, catch them in the act. 824 00:49:24,408 --> 00:49:26,192 But if you think these men will trust you... 825 00:49:28,586 --> 00:49:30,066 ...then perhaps you might glean some information? 826 00:49:35,419 --> 00:49:37,334 You mean attend? 827 00:49:37,421 --> 00:49:38,770 As one of them? 828 00:49:40,902 --> 00:49:42,426 [apprehensive music plays] 829 00:49:42,556 --> 00:49:43,731 God. 830 00:49:45,429 --> 00:49:46,299 I am a fool. 831 00:49:46,386 --> 00:49:48,345 John, no. 832 00:49:48,475 --> 00:49:50,303 So the rumors are true then? 833 00:49:50,434 --> 00:49:52,305 You are for independency. 834 00:49:52,436 --> 00:49:54,525 I must believe there's another way to live, 835 00:49:54,655 --> 00:49:56,309 a better way, perhaps. 836 00:49:56,440 --> 00:50:00,052 Better? Better than what? 837 00:50:00,183 --> 00:50:02,446 If there is a war, the rebels will lose, 838 00:50:02,576 --> 00:50:05,536 and you... 839 00:50:05,666 --> 00:50:07,146 you may lose your life. 840 00:50:07,277 --> 00:50:10,193 Or gain my freedom. Our freedom. 841 00:50:10,323 --> 00:50:13,196 Freedom? Freedom from what? 842 00:50:13,326 --> 00:50:17,243 From paying your taxes? From tyranny? 843 00:50:17,374 --> 00:50:19,289 Is that how I appear to you, Jamie, the face of tyranny? 844 00:50:19,419 --> 00:50:21,552 No. 845 00:50:21,682 --> 00:50:24,424 But I canna disguise how I feel any longer. 846 00:50:24,555 --> 00:50:26,252 It is a mistake I've made before. 847 00:50:26,426 --> 00:50:29,125 ♪ ♪ 848 00:50:32,302 --> 00:50:34,478 Come with me, John, 849 00:50:34,565 --> 00:50:36,958 at least to hear their side, to understand. 850 00:50:37,089 --> 00:50:40,527 -I cannot. -Or will not? 851 00:50:40,614 --> 00:50:43,530 It is inconceivable and incomprehensible 852 00:50:43,661 --> 00:50:45,967 that the colonies might govern themselves. 853 00:50:46,098 --> 00:50:49,406 Then delay yer men. Please. 854 00:50:49,536 --> 00:50:51,799 That is a great deal to ask. 855 00:50:51,930 --> 00:50:54,324 I ken it is. 856 00:50:54,454 --> 00:50:55,412 And if I refuse? 857 00:50:58,241 --> 00:51:00,373 Then I will attend the next meeting 858 00:51:00,504 --> 00:51:01,809 and the next. 859 00:51:03,811 --> 00:51:06,597 I dinna wish this to come between us... 860 00:51:06,727 --> 00:51:08,294 but I have made up my mind, John. 861 00:51:08,468 --> 00:51:12,429 ♪ ♪ 862 00:51:12,559 --> 00:51:14,083 You surprise me at every turn. 863 00:51:16,607 --> 00:51:17,956 But then, you always have. 864 00:51:23,831 --> 00:51:25,964 I will delay the soldiers for as long as I can. 865 00:51:34,103 --> 00:51:35,191 Be careful. 866 00:51:35,365 --> 00:51:38,107 ♪ ♪ 867 00:51:55,994 --> 00:51:58,083 [Cornelius] The first matter to be discussed 868 00:51:58,170 --> 00:52:00,564 is our provincial congress. 869 00:52:00,694 --> 00:52:02,087 We will hold a vote on all our delegates, 870 00:52:02,218 --> 00:52:03,741 one from each county. 871 00:52:03,871 --> 00:52:05,003 And after w-- 872 00:52:08,398 --> 00:52:10,313 I'm afraid, Mr. Fraser, that you're no longer welcome. 873 00:52:13,185 --> 00:52:14,534 Why not? 874 00:52:14,665 --> 00:52:17,058 You made your sympathies quite plain 875 00:52:17,189 --> 00:52:19,800 when you defended that Tory printer. 876 00:52:19,931 --> 00:52:22,542 Mr. Beeston was in the street and witnessed everything. 877 00:52:22,673 --> 00:52:25,850 I see. 878 00:52:25,937 --> 00:52:28,157 So you'd see an innocent man tarred and feathered? 879 00:52:31,203 --> 00:52:32,770 Or killed? 880 00:52:32,900 --> 00:52:34,685 That man was printing pamphlets 881 00:52:34,815 --> 00:52:37,253 preaching reconciliation with Mother England, 882 00:52:37,383 --> 00:52:39,124 which threatens our cause. 883 00:52:39,255 --> 00:52:42,301 Mr. Simms owns a printing press. 884 00:52:42,432 --> 00:52:44,173 It's his right to print whatever he pleases. 885 00:52:46,436 --> 00:52:47,524 I came here tonight because I believed 886 00:52:47,611 --> 00:52:50,353 I'd be among men who understood that, 887 00:52:50,483 --> 00:52:52,920 even if they disagreed, 888 00:52:53,051 --> 00:52:56,359 men who are not afraid to hear another man's opinion spoken 889 00:52:56,489 --> 00:53:00,667 because they prize that freedom 890 00:53:00,798 --> 00:53:04,193 and have faith it will serve the greater good in time. 891 00:53:05,846 --> 00:53:08,284 But maybe I was wrong to think so. 892 00:53:08,414 --> 00:53:10,111 Maybe there is no common decency. 893 00:53:10,242 --> 00:53:11,983 Common decency, Mr. Fraser? 894 00:53:12,113 --> 00:53:14,464 Aye. 895 00:53:14,594 --> 00:53:16,379 If it truly is to be common to all men, 896 00:53:16,509 --> 00:53:18,207 it must begin with us. 897 00:53:21,688 --> 00:53:24,909 You call yourselves "Sons of Liberty"? 898 00:53:25,039 --> 00:53:28,782 Is it liberty when a man is cowed into silence 899 00:53:28,913 --> 00:53:31,394 or threatened into submission? 900 00:53:31,524 --> 00:53:34,919 Is it liberty if his property is taken from him? 901 00:53:38,401 --> 00:53:41,186 How do I know we can trust you? 902 00:53:41,317 --> 00:53:43,275 I came here to warn you. 903 00:53:43,406 --> 00:53:44,668 Very shortly, there'll be soldiers 904 00:53:44,798 --> 00:53:47,714 coming through that door hoping to make arrests. 905 00:53:47,845 --> 00:53:48,585 How do you know this? 906 00:53:53,067 --> 00:53:55,592 Tell the men to leave. Do it now. 907 00:53:55,722 --> 00:53:56,636 And unlock the door. 908 00:53:56,767 --> 00:53:59,552 [tense music plays] 909 00:53:59,726 --> 00:54:02,425 ♪ ♪ 910 00:54:14,350 --> 00:54:16,352 Evening, gentlemen. 911 00:54:16,439 --> 00:54:18,223 State your name, sir. 912 00:54:18,354 --> 00:54:21,444 James Fraser. I'm a guest here at the inn. 913 00:54:21,531 --> 00:54:23,097 I invited my companions for a wee bit 914 00:54:23,228 --> 00:54:26,579 of late-night billiards. 915 00:54:26,710 --> 00:54:28,146 Care to join us? 916 00:54:28,320 --> 00:54:31,062 ♪ ♪ 917 00:54:43,857 --> 00:54:45,381 [Henri-Christian cooing] 918 00:54:45,511 --> 00:54:46,686 Hi. 919 00:54:46,817 --> 00:54:50,516 [children shouting indistinctly] 920 00:54:50,647 --> 00:54:52,953 Well, I checked in on Lizzie. 921 00:54:53,084 --> 00:54:54,694 She's doing much better. 922 00:54:54,825 --> 00:54:56,130 -[Marsali] 'Tis no surprise. -Hi. 923 00:54:56,261 --> 00:54:58,307 Josiah and Kezzie Beardsley have been tending to her 924 00:54:58,437 --> 00:55:00,265 like a little lost lamb. 925 00:55:12,756 --> 00:55:14,801 I dinna believe you. 926 00:55:14,932 --> 00:55:16,412 What? 927 00:55:16,499 --> 00:55:19,328 Have I not been a sister to you? 928 00:55:19,415 --> 00:55:20,938 Yes, of course you have. 929 00:55:21,068 --> 00:55:21,852 [Marsali] And you hear all those bairns 930 00:55:21,939 --> 00:55:24,115 out running about? 931 00:55:24,202 --> 00:55:28,728 And you dinna think I ken when a woman is with child? 932 00:55:28,815 --> 00:55:32,036 [both laugh] 933 00:55:32,166 --> 00:55:34,560 Were you gonna let me leave to New Bern without telling me? 934 00:55:34,691 --> 00:55:36,649 No, of course not. 935 00:55:36,736 --> 00:55:39,522 No. I only just told Roger. 936 00:55:39,609 --> 00:55:41,567 -Oh. -But don't let on to Mama. 937 00:55:41,698 --> 00:55:44,440 I want to tell her myself in time. 938 00:55:44,570 --> 00:55:46,572 Mm. 939 00:55:46,703 --> 00:55:47,878 I know what it is to want to see 940 00:55:48,008 --> 00:55:50,881 that look on Claire's face. 941 00:55:51,011 --> 00:55:54,275 Tell her the news of a wee blessing. 942 00:55:54,406 --> 00:55:55,755 Believe me. 943 00:55:55,886 --> 00:55:58,062 No one can take that away from you. 944 00:55:58,149 --> 00:56:00,151 Thanks. 945 00:56:00,281 --> 00:56:02,022 And believe me, the last time I gave her that kind of news, 946 00:56:02,153 --> 00:56:05,635 it wasn't exactly under the best of circumstances. 947 00:56:05,722 --> 00:56:07,637 Yeah, but your husband's with you now. 948 00:56:07,767 --> 00:56:09,943 Yeah. 949 00:56:10,074 --> 00:56:12,555 -But my sister's leaving. -Oh. 950 00:56:12,642 --> 00:56:16,689 Not for a wee while. And it's not forever. 951 00:56:16,820 --> 00:56:20,737 [pensive music plays] 952 00:56:20,867 --> 00:56:23,566 This one won't even get to meet his new cousin. 953 00:56:23,696 --> 00:56:25,872 Aye, he will. 954 00:56:26,003 --> 00:56:28,092 They'll be making mischief together. 955 00:56:28,222 --> 00:56:29,789 I'm sure of it. 956 00:56:29,963 --> 00:56:32,749 ♪ ♪ 957 00:57:00,603 --> 00:57:02,300 So much change in the wind. 958 00:57:05,172 --> 00:57:08,393 When there's war afoot, Sassenach... 959 00:57:08,524 --> 00:57:10,874 men take to the roads. 960 00:57:10,961 --> 00:57:12,310 Let's go home. 961 00:57:15,966 --> 00:57:20,449 [person whistles "Colonel Bogey March"] 962 00:57:22,320 --> 00:57:23,452 What is it? 963 00:57:27,020 --> 00:57:28,195 Nothing. 964 00:57:31,111 --> 00:57:33,157 Must just have been the wind. 965 00:57:33,331 --> 00:57:35,638 ♪ ♪ 966 00:57:40,860 --> 00:57:43,341 [person whistling "Colonel Bogey March"] 967 00:58:16,635 --> 00:58:19,420 ["Colonel Bogey March" plays] 968 00:58:19,551 --> 00:58:22,293 [upbeat martial music plays] 969 00:58:22,467 --> 00:58:25,209 ♪ ♪