1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,534 Here we are in warkworth, ontario. 2 00:00:02,570 --> 00:00:05,904 [cheering & applauding] 3 00:00:05,940 --> 00:00:08,440 I tell you, looking around this gorgeous little town, 4 00:00:08,476 --> 00:00:12,444 Set in the rolling green hills of northumberland county 5 00:00:12,480 --> 00:00:15,514 With a thriving and eclectic downtown core, 6 00:00:15,583 --> 00:00:18,383 It's hard for me to imagine that through the 60s, 7 00:00:18,386 --> 00:00:22,387 70s and 80s, things were looking sort of run down. 8 00:00:22,390 --> 00:00:24,923 Closed up shops, beautiful brickwork 9 00:00:24,992 --> 00:00:27,392 Hidden behind hideous siding. 10 00:00:27,461 --> 00:00:32,131 Many would say that this town was saved by an incredible 11 00:00:32,133 --> 00:00:36,034 Art scene, and a thriving gay community. 12 00:00:36,070 --> 00:00:39,471 All this from a town that was just a simple farming town. 13 00:00:39,507 --> 00:00:42,407 You went from e-I-e-I-o to lgbtq. 14 00:00:42,410 --> 00:00:45,210 [laughing] 15 00:00:45,345 --> 00:00:47,479 And things turned out to be a-okay. 16 00:00:47,614 --> 00:00:49,448 [laughing] 17 00:00:49,517 --> 00:00:51,416 [applauding] 18 00:00:51,485 --> 00:00:54,019 When you go up in a small town in newfoundland, 19 00:00:54,088 --> 00:00:56,188 You see that people have a sense of humor about hard times. 20 00:00:56,323 --> 00:00:57,322 Check, check. 21 00:00:57,358 --> 00:00:59,725 I turned that into a career and hit the road. 22 00:00:59,860 --> 00:01:01,827 Mister jonny harris! 23 00:01:01,962 --> 00:01:04,329 Now I'm on a mission to find the funny in the places you'd 24 00:01:04,331 --> 00:01:07,466 Least expect it, canada's struggling small towns. 25 00:01:07,468 --> 00:01:10,869 Towns that are against the ropes, but hanging in there... 26 00:01:10,938 --> 00:01:13,472 Still laughing in the face of adversity. 27 00:01:13,474 --> 00:01:15,574 This is warkworth, ontario. 28 00:01:15,576 --> 00:01:19,911 ♪ 29 00:01:19,980 --> 00:01:23,749 [cheering & applauding] 30 00:01:23,884 --> 00:01:28,286 This town specializes in diversity in more ways than one. 31 00:01:28,355 --> 00:01:31,222 The sheer range of things that go on here. 32 00:01:31,258 --> 00:01:34,593 The fall fair, huge maple syrup festival, 33 00:01:34,595 --> 00:01:38,029 High end antiques, high end fashion. 34 00:01:38,099 --> 00:01:40,966 You know, scott's variety. 35 00:01:41,101 --> 00:01:43,067 [laughing] 36 00:01:43,204 --> 00:01:44,502 [applauding] 37 00:01:44,538 --> 00:01:46,337 I went for a walk through warkworth with a guy 38 00:01:46,373 --> 00:01:48,273 Whose family goes way back here. 39 00:01:48,408 --> 00:01:50,909 They are into- talk about eclectic businesses- 40 00:01:51,044 --> 00:01:53,144 Cattle farming and insurance. 41 00:01:53,180 --> 00:01:55,147 And he and I were the perfect fit. 42 00:01:55,149 --> 00:01:57,015 Many would say he is an insurance expert. 43 00:01:57,084 --> 00:01:59,218 Many would say I am a liability. 44 00:01:59,220 --> 00:02:01,420 [laughing] 45 00:02:01,422 --> 00:02:03,322 When it comes to warkworth's history, 46 00:02:03,324 --> 00:02:05,958 He gave me excellent coverage, bryce allen. 47 00:02:06,093 --> 00:02:09,962 [cheering & applauding] 48 00:02:09,964 --> 00:02:15,167 ♪ 49 00:02:15,302 --> 00:02:18,103 In the 50s, the village was alive. 50 00:02:18,105 --> 00:02:19,972 When the agricultural community or the farmers 51 00:02:19,974 --> 00:02:23,041 All came into town, it was a good time around here. 52 00:02:23,077 --> 00:02:25,744 And as a kid, you looked forward to it. 53 00:02:25,879 --> 00:02:29,014 Bryce remembers when warkworth was the place to be 54 00:02:29,016 --> 00:02:30,382 On a Saturday night. 55 00:02:30,384 --> 00:02:32,383 It was Saturday night live. 56 00:02:32,419 --> 00:02:34,519 People were in for a haircut or whatever, 57 00:02:34,555 --> 00:02:38,323 Or a game of pool or the ladies did shopping on the street. 58 00:02:38,458 --> 00:02:42,194 He said the farmers, after a long day in the fields, 59 00:02:42,196 --> 00:02:44,329 They would gather their families and bring them 60 00:02:44,331 --> 00:02:46,831 Into town to do some shopping. 61 00:02:46,867 --> 00:02:48,533 And were there bars? 62 00:02:48,602 --> 00:02:51,102 No, this this village in this municipality 63 00:02:51,172 --> 00:02:52,337 Were dry up until... 64 00:02:52,406 --> 00:02:54,539 - Oh, the early 70s. - Is that right? 65 00:02:54,608 --> 00:02:57,109 Yeah, that's why the barber shop stayed open 'til one o'clock. 66 00:02:57,244 --> 00:02:59,277 - [laughing] - okay, I got you. 67 00:02:59,346 --> 00:03:00,479 They put the "bar" in barber. 68 00:03:00,614 --> 00:03:03,281 [laughing] yeah, could be, yeah. 69 00:03:03,283 --> 00:03:04,916 Some people got their hair trimmed, 70 00:03:04,952 --> 00:03:06,518 Everybody got half cut. 71 00:03:06,520 --> 00:03:09,888 [laughing] 72 00:03:09,957 --> 00:03:12,891 They broke a few rules, including the age old rule of, 73 00:03:13,026 --> 00:03:16,228 Never "rum" with scissors. 74 00:03:16,230 --> 00:03:18,563 But bryce said that the pride of warkworth has 75 00:03:18,566 --> 00:03:20,398 Always been its main street. 76 00:03:20,467 --> 00:03:22,367 People were proud of their properties. 77 00:03:22,436 --> 00:03:25,570 Many families lived above their business space. 78 00:03:25,706 --> 00:03:29,307 But there came a time when people started moving away and 79 00:03:29,343 --> 00:03:31,976 Real estate prices hit rock bottom. 80 00:03:32,012 --> 00:03:37,516 As those people moved on or closed down their business, 81 00:03:37,518 --> 00:03:39,417 The same pride did not come in. 82 00:03:39,419 --> 00:03:41,453 There was a lot of absentee landlords. 83 00:03:41,522 --> 00:03:43,922 It moved away from that pride of the village, 84 00:03:43,924 --> 00:03:45,524 Pride of ownership concept... 85 00:03:45,659 --> 00:03:47,959 To more of, "I own a building. 86 00:03:48,028 --> 00:03:50,195 I think I'll fix it over into some apartments and 87 00:03:50,197 --> 00:03:51,829 Rent it to some people". 88 00:03:51,865 --> 00:03:54,198 Even the grocery store was divvied up 89 00:03:54,235 --> 00:03:55,467 Into cheap apartments. 90 00:03:55,602 --> 00:03:57,935 I think that would be weird if you lived in a grocery store. 91 00:03:57,972 --> 00:04:00,038 Like does your address include an aisle number? 92 00:04:00,173 --> 00:04:02,206 [laughing] 93 00:04:02,243 --> 00:04:04,208 He said things were looking sort of bleak when suddenly, 94 00:04:04,245 --> 00:04:07,279 They decided to build just outside town here, 95 00:04:07,414 --> 00:04:09,481 The warkworth institution. 96 00:04:09,550 --> 00:04:12,451 In the mid 60s, the federal government 97 00:04:12,453 --> 00:04:14,920 Decided to build a penal institution. 98 00:04:14,922 --> 00:04:17,889 It was a minimum-security institution. 99 00:04:17,925 --> 00:04:21,292 Some people refer to the prison simply as warkworth. 100 00:04:21,294 --> 00:04:23,828 And I like that 'cause this is one town where I can come, 101 00:04:23,864 --> 00:04:26,431 Go do yoga in the park and still sound tough. 102 00:04:26,433 --> 00:04:28,300 Yeah, I did a stretch at warkworth. 103 00:04:28,369 --> 00:04:33,271 [laughing] 104 00:04:33,307 --> 00:04:36,308 Along with the institution came a lot of aspirations and 105 00:04:36,310 --> 00:04:39,177 Hope for people that this is gonna rejuvenate 106 00:04:39,313 --> 00:04:40,578 Part of the community. 107 00:04:40,648 --> 00:04:44,116 Ironically, one group of people who immediately benefited from 108 00:04:44,118 --> 00:04:47,219 The prison being there were absentee landlords. 109 00:04:47,354 --> 00:04:50,522 If families from the 110 00:04:50,524 --> 00:04:53,658 Residents of the institution moved here, 111 00:04:53,660 --> 00:04:57,062 They might stay here for maybe two months, three months, 112 00:04:57,064 --> 00:04:59,131 And then move on and be gone again. 113 00:04:59,266 --> 00:05:00,998 So, the people that are moving into your town, 114 00:05:01,135 --> 00:05:03,068 They could be the loveliest people in the world, 115 00:05:03,203 --> 00:05:06,805 But they're not there to put down roots or run for 116 00:05:06,874 --> 00:05:09,341 Town council or open up a business. 117 00:05:09,476 --> 00:05:12,010 Right, they're there for short- bryce said in some instances, 118 00:05:12,145 --> 00:05:13,278 It could be a matter of months. 119 00:05:13,413 --> 00:05:15,480 I think the standard lease was five to ten, 120 00:05:15,482 --> 00:05:16,781 You could be out in four. 121 00:05:16,850 --> 00:05:19,151 [laughing] 122 00:05:19,286 --> 00:05:21,553 I said to bryce, I said, "was there any like fear 123 00:05:21,555 --> 00:05:23,588 Amongst people here in the town, you know, 124 00:05:23,590 --> 00:05:25,057 Having a prison nearby?" 125 00:05:25,192 --> 00:05:26,992 He figured that people weren't on edge. 126 00:05:26,994 --> 00:05:29,027 But he said there were certain practices and 127 00:05:29,096 --> 00:05:31,396 Protocols in place. 128 00:05:31,465 --> 00:05:34,366 When I was first married, I lived about a mile and a half 129 00:05:34,435 --> 00:05:36,968 From the institution, our first home. 130 00:05:37,037 --> 00:05:38,303 And if there was a breakout, 131 00:05:38,305 --> 00:05:40,304 We always left the keys in the car. 132 00:05:40,341 --> 00:05:42,841 Bryce said, "if there was a breakout, 133 00:05:42,843 --> 00:05:44,576 And inmates were looking for a vehicle, 134 00:05:44,578 --> 00:05:48,480 Leave your keys in your car." right, just let 'em have it. 135 00:05:48,615 --> 00:05:50,248 Otherwise, they've gotta come into your home 136 00:05:50,384 --> 00:05:52,117 Looking for the keys. 137 00:05:52,119 --> 00:05:54,119 Then they got to duct tape you to the radiator. 138 00:05:54,121 --> 00:05:55,353 It's a whole thing. 139 00:05:55,389 --> 00:05:57,222 [laughing] 140 00:05:57,357 --> 00:05:58,956 Just let- that's what he said! 141 00:05:58,992 --> 00:06:00,425 He said, "let 'em steal your car." 142 00:06:00,561 --> 00:06:02,127 And he works in insurance! 143 00:06:02,129 --> 00:06:04,196 [laughing] 144 00:06:04,331 --> 00:06:07,733 [cheering & applauding] 145 00:06:10,470 --> 00:06:16,074 ♪ 146 00:06:16,209 --> 00:06:19,277 In the late 80s, after decades of decline, 147 00:06:19,279 --> 00:06:22,347 It was artists and the lgbtq community who began 148 00:06:22,482 --> 00:06:24,883 Moving in and renovating main street. 149 00:06:24,952 --> 00:06:29,087 Now I'm not a great drawer, but I managed to trace this 150 00:06:29,156 --> 00:06:33,391 Movement back to one guy, an artist, a sculptor, 151 00:06:33,394 --> 00:06:37,295 Who helped shape this transition, paul portelli. 152 00:06:37,297 --> 00:06:43,368 [cheering & applauding] 153 00:06:43,370 --> 00:06:45,336 People will say that you're sort of the guy 154 00:06:45,406 --> 00:06:47,906 Who first rolled the dice. 155 00:06:47,908 --> 00:06:50,041 It's funny people say that, jonny. 156 00:06:50,077 --> 00:06:53,979 And really and truly, you know, I think I was a young artist- 157 00:06:54,114 --> 00:06:56,114 'cause I was 29 when I moved here. 158 00:06:56,116 --> 00:06:58,250 When I bought the building, I really, 159 00:06:58,385 --> 00:07:01,385 Truly was just looking for cheap studio space. 160 00:07:01,422 --> 00:07:03,922 Paul lived in toronto, and he figured, you know, 161 00:07:03,991 --> 00:07:06,925 As a sculptor, as long as he could ship his work, 162 00:07:06,994 --> 00:07:08,960 Then he could live wherever he wanted. 163 00:07:08,996 --> 00:07:11,329 Artists don't have to move to toronto. 164 00:07:11,465 --> 00:07:13,198 Even though that's what my parents told me 165 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:14,966 When I moved back into their basement. 166 00:07:14,968 --> 00:07:17,035 [laughing] 167 00:07:17,170 --> 00:07:19,271 I felt a bit of a fish out of water in the beginning, 168 00:07:19,406 --> 00:07:22,874 But I looked around and the welcoming to this community 169 00:07:22,943 --> 00:07:25,510 Was not like anything I had in the city. 170 00:07:25,579 --> 00:07:27,746 Paul started to renovate his building. 171 00:07:27,881 --> 00:07:30,882 And he said the fact that he was a gay man in a rural area 172 00:07:31,017 --> 00:07:34,052 In the late 80s wasn't even really a factor. 173 00:07:34,121 --> 00:07:37,756 People were thrilled that somebody was making an effort, 174 00:07:37,891 --> 00:07:40,225 That someone was bringing a small part of the downtown 175 00:07:40,227 --> 00:07:42,293 Back to its former glory. 176 00:07:42,329 --> 00:07:45,063 In my gallery, we'd have openings once a month. 177 00:07:45,065 --> 00:07:47,398 And every show, easily, 178 00:07:47,434 --> 00:07:49,968 We'd fill it with 100 to 150 people. 179 00:07:49,970 --> 00:07:51,970 'cause I always served wine, always served hors d'oeuvres. 180 00:07:51,972 --> 00:07:54,139 And jonny, I know how to sell out a show. 181 00:07:54,141 --> 00:07:56,975 His place became a warkworth institution, 182 00:07:56,977 --> 00:07:58,843 Not "thee" warkworth institution. 183 00:07:58,846 --> 00:08:00,445 - Big difference. - [laughing] 184 00:08:00,447 --> 00:08:02,981 Over at paul's studio, if someone got their hands on 185 00:08:02,983 --> 00:08:04,516 The cheese knife, the worst thing they could do 186 00:08:04,585 --> 00:08:06,183 Is a jackson pollock. 187 00:08:06,320 --> 00:08:07,985 [laughing] 188 00:08:08,021 --> 00:08:09,387 No but, you know, the wine you would 189 00:08:09,523 --> 00:08:11,389 Get at paul's was much better. 190 00:08:11,425 --> 00:08:14,091 It was made in tuscany, not in a toilet. 191 00:08:14,127 --> 00:08:17,195 [laughing] 192 00:08:17,197 --> 00:08:18,263 But paul said before he knew it, 193 00:08:18,332 --> 00:08:20,331 Somebody else had bought a building and they were 194 00:08:20,367 --> 00:08:22,400 Renovating and turning that into a gallery. 195 00:08:22,535 --> 00:08:24,202 And then somebody else bought a building, 196 00:08:24,204 --> 00:08:25,803 And they opened a coffee house. 197 00:08:25,873 --> 00:08:28,473 The rejuvenation here became a big story. 198 00:08:28,475 --> 00:08:30,508 The globe and mail did a write up on it. 199 00:08:30,544 --> 00:08:34,279 They used the line, "queer eye for the countryside". 200 00:08:34,281 --> 00:08:36,114 Each one of our businesses work together 201 00:08:36,116 --> 00:08:39,517 To make this community work. We never advertised a business. 202 00:08:39,553 --> 00:08:41,353 We advertised warkworth. 203 00:08:41,355 --> 00:08:42,821 He said if they had enough money, 204 00:08:42,956 --> 00:08:45,523 They would take on a full back cover of a magazine. 205 00:08:45,559 --> 00:08:48,826 And the idea being that even if somebody discarded 206 00:08:48,862 --> 00:08:51,295 The magazine, if they threw it face down, 207 00:08:51,331 --> 00:08:55,100 Somebody might come along and- regardless of gender or 208 00:08:55,235 --> 00:08:57,435 Orientation- hopefully, would check out your backside. 209 00:08:57,504 --> 00:09:02,807 [laughing] 210 00:09:02,843 --> 00:09:08,713 ♪ 211 00:09:08,848 --> 00:09:11,516 Many landmarks of the early days of warkworth 212 00:09:11,585 --> 00:09:13,784 Still stand today. I strolled past a 213 00:09:13,820 --> 00:09:17,355 Cherished monument known as the yellow bordello. 214 00:09:17,357 --> 00:09:20,892 Built in 1850, two storeys on the outside, 215 00:09:21,027 --> 00:09:22,861 Hundreds of stories on the inside. 216 00:09:22,863 --> 00:09:24,329 [laughing] 217 00:09:24,398 --> 00:09:27,332 And this place was in a sad state of disrepair 218 00:09:27,334 --> 00:09:29,834 When a couple bought it and began restoring it, 219 00:09:29,903 --> 00:09:31,802 Let's say to its former infamy, 220 00:09:31,838 --> 00:09:34,138 Jackson thurling and randy pearle. 221 00:09:34,174 --> 00:09:37,075 [cheering & applauding] 222 00:09:37,077 --> 00:09:38,509 Welcome to the yellow bordello. 223 00:09:38,579 --> 00:09:42,013 So, did you know the history of the place when you bought it, 224 00:09:42,049 --> 00:09:43,081 When you guys came here? 225 00:09:43,083 --> 00:09:44,816 No, absolutely not. 226 00:09:44,885 --> 00:09:48,286 It wasn't 'til later that we found out from the town elders. 227 00:09:48,421 --> 00:09:51,088 They would hear stories from the older farmers, you know, 228 00:09:51,124 --> 00:09:53,891 About when they were kids coming on horse and buggy with 229 00:09:53,927 --> 00:09:56,494 Their grandfather up to the yellow bordello. 230 00:09:56,630 --> 00:09:59,497 Grandpa would come upstairs, and he'd be back in 15 minutes. 231 00:09:59,633 --> 00:10:01,565 [laughing] 232 00:10:01,602 --> 00:10:04,035 And then suddenly, you're usually grumpy granddad 233 00:10:04,171 --> 00:10:05,870 Comes out with a big smile on his face. 234 00:10:05,939 --> 00:10:06,904 [laughing] 235 00:10:06,940 --> 00:10:09,040 Or who knows, maybe he'd come out crabbier. 236 00:10:09,042 --> 00:10:10,542 I don't know, I don't know. 237 00:10:10,677 --> 00:10:12,977 [laughing] oh! 238 00:10:12,980 --> 00:10:15,914 Listen, usually only fishing towns get a crab joke. 239 00:10:16,049 --> 00:10:17,448 You should be so lucky. 240 00:10:17,484 --> 00:10:22,820 [applauding] 241 00:10:22,889 --> 00:10:26,157 The highlights would be the lobby, slash, ballroom 242 00:10:26,292 --> 00:10:28,326 Soon as you walk in. And then probably the 243 00:10:28,395 --> 00:10:31,329 Dining room with the silk ceiling. 244 00:10:31,464 --> 00:10:33,798 And was that sort of a thing they did? 245 00:10:33,933 --> 00:10:35,333 No, it was the thing that jackson did. 246 00:10:35,402 --> 00:10:37,535 He just one day thought it would look good. 247 00:10:37,604 --> 00:10:42,941 So, it's just, you know, turned into what would probably 248 00:10:43,076 --> 00:10:46,411 Appear to be a parody of a victorian bordello. 249 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:51,449 The house has hosted several fundraisers for local charities 250 00:10:51,451 --> 00:10:54,352 Or events, and it's become a party house. 251 00:10:54,421 --> 00:10:58,490 It's just nice that the yellow bordello is once again a place 252 00:10:58,625 --> 00:11:01,358 Where the people of warkworth can conjugate- 253 00:11:01,395 --> 00:11:03,228 Congregate, congregate! 254 00:11:03,230 --> 00:11:05,363 [laughing] 255 00:11:05,365 --> 00:11:07,832 [cheering & applauding] 256 00:11:11,505 --> 00:11:17,942 ♪ 257 00:11:17,978 --> 00:11:19,977 There's a beautiful chocolate shop here. 258 00:11:20,047 --> 00:11:23,381 Warkworth might have a men's penitentiary, but she is the 259 00:11:23,450 --> 00:11:26,217 Woman behind the bars, angela roest. 260 00:11:26,219 --> 00:11:30,922 [cheering & applauding] 261 00:11:30,924 --> 00:11:34,125 Angela told me that her family were living in peterborough, 262 00:11:34,161 --> 00:11:37,128 Planning to move to ottawa, when they discovered warkworth. 263 00:11:37,263 --> 00:11:39,964 Had one look at the town, had one look at the building and 264 00:11:39,966 --> 00:11:43,334 Decided in the moment that they were gonna be here. 265 00:11:43,336 --> 00:11:45,403 I'm not usually an impulsive person at all. 266 00:11:45,405 --> 00:11:49,073 But it just felt really right. So we live just upstairs. 267 00:11:49,076 --> 00:11:50,341 My commute is awesome. 268 00:11:50,377 --> 00:11:54,746 And I, yeah, my family lives on top of the chocolate shop, 269 00:11:54,881 --> 00:11:56,548 So it's kind of fun. 270 00:11:56,550 --> 00:11:58,349 I'd like to move in above a liquor store. 271 00:11:58,418 --> 00:12:01,085 [laughing] 272 00:12:01,221 --> 00:12:03,187 And that way, when my mom calls me and asks me about 273 00:12:03,256 --> 00:12:05,857 My drinking, I can honestly say I'm on top of it. 274 00:12:05,859 --> 00:12:08,893 [laughing] 275 00:12:09,028 --> 00:12:12,863 When I moved here, I wanted to focus on exploring 276 00:12:12,899 --> 00:12:16,301 Through chocolate, what flavors exist around me. 277 00:12:16,436 --> 00:12:18,903 I get my inspiration here. 278 00:12:18,905 --> 00:12:22,106 And these are flavors that nobody has done before. 279 00:12:22,109 --> 00:12:25,176 And now, she's making fascinating flavors 280 00:12:25,212 --> 00:12:27,445 Like tea and toast. 281 00:12:27,447 --> 00:12:30,281 So, it's like breakfast in a chocolate bar. 282 00:12:30,283 --> 00:12:32,383 Blueberry bee pollen. So weird and good. 283 00:12:32,419 --> 00:12:34,385 It's fun. [laughing] 284 00:12:34,387 --> 00:12:37,054 Gin and tonic. Oh, mother of god. 285 00:12:37,056 --> 00:12:38,923 - [laughing] - that's delicious. 286 00:12:38,959 --> 00:12:41,058 Toffee and potato chip. 287 00:12:41,128 --> 00:12:42,493 That one doesn't sound too crazy. 288 00:12:42,496 --> 00:12:45,062 I might give that one a whirl when I get back. 289 00:12:45,098 --> 00:12:47,198 I figure if I melt down some chocolate and then 290 00:12:47,200 --> 00:12:48,366 Toffee and potato. 291 00:12:48,368 --> 00:12:50,335 I wonder if I could just sweep off my coffee table. 292 00:12:50,337 --> 00:12:54,171 [laughing] 293 00:12:54,207 --> 00:12:58,877 But perhaps her crowning achievement in chocolate is a 294 00:12:59,012 --> 00:13:04,048 Chocolate that she has made that is infused with saffron. 295 00:13:04,050 --> 00:13:07,018 Every year there are international chocolate awards. 296 00:13:07,087 --> 00:13:09,353 And so, it went to first the canadian round of the 297 00:13:09,389 --> 00:13:11,022 Competition and it won gold. 298 00:13:11,157 --> 00:13:14,859 Then she sent it to europe for the world championships, 299 00:13:14,994 --> 00:13:17,027 And she got silver. 300 00:13:17,063 --> 00:13:22,967 [cheering & applauding] 301 00:13:22,969 --> 00:13:25,103 And now at this point, I'm sure there are some people 302 00:13:25,238 --> 00:13:29,006 Who are thinking, there's no way she sourced saffron 303 00:13:29,042 --> 00:13:33,111 Locally in southern ontario. It doesn't grow there. 304 00:13:33,113 --> 00:13:35,180 But she did, and it does. 305 00:13:35,315 --> 00:13:37,248 And I talked to the guys who grow it, 306 00:13:37,383 --> 00:13:39,984 Eric charbonneau and martin albert. 307 00:13:40,119 --> 00:13:45,522 [cheering & applauding] 308 00:13:45,559 --> 00:13:47,258 These guys, they met in toronto. 309 00:13:47,327 --> 00:13:50,929 They were working actors, but both from rural roots. 310 00:13:50,931 --> 00:13:55,466 ♪ 311 00:13:55,468 --> 00:13:57,401 12 years ago, we went, "that's enough of the city." 312 00:13:57,470 --> 00:13:59,370 - Is that right? - Yeah, we still work there. 313 00:13:59,406 --> 00:14:02,473 But not every day as actors, as you know. 314 00:14:02,475 --> 00:14:06,144 And so, basically, this gave us an opportunity to do what we 315 00:14:06,279 --> 00:14:10,481 Wanted on our land and, and this ended up being a thing. 316 00:14:10,483 --> 00:14:14,185 Saffron, I tell you, I'm always like amazed by 317 00:14:14,320 --> 00:14:16,955 The curious nature of humanity. 318 00:14:17,090 --> 00:14:20,224 Somewhere in history, somebody was looking at a crocus flower 319 00:14:20,260 --> 00:14:22,159 And going like, see inside the petals, 320 00:14:22,195 --> 00:14:24,495 There's three like little, teeny tiny, 321 00:14:24,564 --> 00:14:26,964 Almost looks like little bits of red thread. Do you see? 322 00:14:27,033 --> 00:14:29,033 Do you see what I'm talking about? 323 00:14:29,069 --> 00:14:30,835 That might taste good. 324 00:14:30,837 --> 00:14:34,372 [laughing] 325 00:14:34,441 --> 00:14:37,508 Fast forward 1000 years, eric and martin are sitting down 326 00:14:37,510 --> 00:14:40,111 With angela going, "it might taste good in chocolate." 327 00:14:40,180 --> 00:14:41,946 [laughing] 328 00:14:41,982 --> 00:14:43,781 [applauding] 329 00:14:43,850 --> 00:14:45,884 But these guys decided to grow saffron. 330 00:14:46,019 --> 00:14:49,520 I think martin decided to grow saffron, talked eric into it. 331 00:14:49,522 --> 00:14:52,022 Well, it was a friend's idea. He said, 332 00:14:52,024 --> 00:14:54,325 "you need to do that, you can grow anything." 333 00:14:54,361 --> 00:14:58,796 I said, "no." but somehow, within two weeks, 334 00:14:58,798 --> 00:15:00,864 I'd ordered 50,000 bulbs. 335 00:15:00,866 --> 00:15:03,334 Eric was like, hang on, why don't we experiment? 336 00:15:03,336 --> 00:15:06,004 Why don't we get like 2000 bulbs? And martin said, 337 00:15:06,006 --> 00:15:07,939 "okay," and he got 50,000 bulbs. 338 00:15:08,008 --> 00:15:10,141 [laughing] 339 00:15:10,143 --> 00:15:13,945 Don't order 50,000 bulbs. Ever take my advice? 340 00:15:13,947 --> 00:15:15,880 - It's hard. - It's back breaking. 341 00:15:16,015 --> 00:15:18,182 And they have to be twisted in as level as they can. 342 00:15:18,251 --> 00:15:21,085 That's why we rely on... 343 00:15:21,220 --> 00:15:24,956 Folks, his parents, friends, the community. 344 00:15:24,958 --> 00:15:27,024 The fellas, by their own admission, 345 00:15:27,160 --> 00:15:30,227 Had neither the expertise nor the manpower 346 00:15:30,297 --> 00:15:32,363 To plant that much saffron. 347 00:15:32,365 --> 00:15:36,000 How many actors does it take to screw in 50,000 bulbs? 348 00:15:36,002 --> 00:15:37,368 [laughing] 349 00:15:37,503 --> 00:15:41,038 - More than two. - [laughing] 350 00:15:41,074 --> 00:15:42,306 We could come to the field, and there'll be 351 00:15:42,342 --> 00:15:44,309 10,000, 16,000 flowers. 352 00:15:44,444 --> 00:15:46,244 And they must be processed that day. 353 00:15:46,379 --> 00:15:50,114 You experience all the feelings that a farmer would. 354 00:15:50,183 --> 00:15:51,983 The dread of having to deal with it. 355 00:15:51,985 --> 00:15:56,254 The joy of the potential product you can create. 356 00:15:56,256 --> 00:15:58,923 You're never sure when the flowers will bloom. 357 00:15:59,058 --> 00:16:01,792 But when they do, you gotta pick them that day or 358 00:16:01,828 --> 00:16:05,863 They'll rot and die. It's no time to get picky. 359 00:16:05,899 --> 00:16:07,798 Well, it is time get picky, it is... 360 00:16:07,834 --> 00:16:09,400 As in like picking. 361 00:16:09,535 --> 00:16:14,005 [laughing] 362 00:16:14,007 --> 00:16:16,273 Is it the most expensive spice in the world? 363 00:16:16,309 --> 00:16:18,108 - By weight. - Yeah. 364 00:16:18,144 --> 00:16:22,780 Saffron can sell for up to $60 per gram. 365 00:16:22,915 --> 00:16:26,884 The most I've ever spent on a spice was $20 a gram and 366 00:16:26,920 --> 00:16:29,020 That was for oregano and not on purpose. 367 00:16:29,022 --> 00:16:31,222 [laughing] 368 00:16:31,224 --> 00:16:35,159 [applauding] 369 00:16:40,433 --> 00:16:48,106 ♪ 370 00:16:48,108 --> 00:16:49,907 Main street today looks very different 371 00:16:49,909 --> 00:16:52,176 Than it did 30 years ago. But to my surprise, 372 00:16:52,212 --> 00:16:54,178 Main street also looks different than it did 373 00:16:54,313 --> 00:16:55,780 Like three days ago. 374 00:16:55,849 --> 00:16:59,050 Suddenly, all these ribbons went up all over town. 375 00:16:59,185 --> 00:17:01,085 And I'm grateful to say, 376 00:17:01,087 --> 00:17:03,420 A couple of local ladies explained it to me. 377 00:17:03,456 --> 00:17:07,158 Jodi adams, raquilda van zoeren. 378 00:17:07,293 --> 00:17:08,926 [cheering & applauding] 379 00:17:09,062 --> 00:17:11,029 It's our gratitude project. So, each year, 380 00:17:11,164 --> 00:17:14,966 We have our ribbons on display for people to fill out. 381 00:17:14,968 --> 00:17:16,867 Write what they're grateful for on it. 382 00:17:16,903 --> 00:17:18,836 And display it all through the village, 383 00:17:18,838 --> 00:17:20,471 Year after year after year. 384 00:17:20,606 --> 00:17:22,940 This is six years' worth of ribbons you see. 385 00:17:22,942 --> 00:17:24,242 - They're everywhere. - Yeah. 386 00:17:24,377 --> 00:17:25,742 It looks gorgeous. 387 00:17:25,779 --> 00:17:28,879 This is all to support the local food bank. 388 00:17:28,915 --> 00:17:31,882 And in a way, what they do for the community is a bit like 389 00:17:31,918 --> 00:17:33,251 What I do for a living, right? 390 00:17:33,386 --> 00:17:35,753 You try to find some material that will work, 391 00:17:35,822 --> 00:17:37,354 And you do some soft "ribbin". 392 00:17:37,356 --> 00:17:40,023 [laughing] 393 00:17:40,060 --> 00:17:41,826 But then they said to me, "okay, jonny, just... 394 00:17:41,961 --> 00:17:44,028 You know, write down something that you're grateful for." 395 00:17:44,163 --> 00:17:45,395 You go first. 396 00:17:45,432 --> 00:17:49,700 Well, I'm extremely grateful that I found a man that would 397 00:17:49,769 --> 00:17:53,738 Marry me that had a very nice, simple last name. 398 00:17:53,740 --> 00:17:56,307 What is your maiden name? 399 00:17:56,309 --> 00:18:00,377 Bit of a funny story, something that they're each thankful for 400 00:18:00,413 --> 00:18:04,348 Is that they both married men with "normaler" 401 00:18:04,350 --> 00:18:06,984 Last names than they had before. 402 00:18:07,020 --> 00:18:10,254 [laughing] 403 00:18:10,256 --> 00:18:13,925 Like, as I'm sure most of you know, jodi was a hooker. 404 00:18:14,060 --> 00:18:18,896 [laughing] 405 00:18:18,898 --> 00:18:21,131 And raquilda was a monster. 406 00:18:21,167 --> 00:18:23,868 [laughing] 407 00:18:24,003 --> 00:18:25,870 - Spelled like "monster?" - like "monster". 408 00:18:25,939 --> 00:18:29,006 My dad's bakery was bakery monster. 409 00:18:29,075 --> 00:18:31,876 And the biggest crime of it all was her father was a baker and 410 00:18:31,945 --> 00:18:34,378 Didn't call his business the cookie monster. 411 00:18:34,380 --> 00:18:37,081 [laughing] 412 00:18:37,216 --> 00:18:38,515 But eventually I was like, okay, 413 00:18:38,551 --> 00:18:40,885 I got to write down something on my ribbon, 414 00:18:40,887 --> 00:18:43,220 Something that I'm grateful for. 415 00:18:43,289 --> 00:18:44,889 I think this is gonna inspire me. 416 00:18:45,024 --> 00:18:46,157 [laughing] 417 00:18:46,159 --> 00:18:47,858 And in the end, I just decided that I was grateful 418 00:18:47,861 --> 00:18:49,894 That they'd asked me to participate. 419 00:18:49,963 --> 00:18:51,428 Alright. 420 00:18:51,498 --> 00:18:54,031 So, I wrote down the one word that actually I had on 421 00:18:54,067 --> 00:18:57,368 All my sports ribbons as a kid: Participant. 422 00:18:57,437 --> 00:19:01,839 [laughing] 423 00:19:01,974 --> 00:19:03,841 So, we went and we took our ribbons. 424 00:19:03,843 --> 00:19:06,043 And there was a bunch of the locals there who helped us out, 425 00:19:06,045 --> 00:19:07,912 And we were tying them up on rails and the 426 00:19:07,914 --> 00:19:10,314 Branches of the trees and around the trunk of the tree. 427 00:19:10,449 --> 00:19:12,483 So, let me just say this for the record before 428 00:19:12,485 --> 00:19:13,850 The press gets a hold of it. 429 00:19:13,887 --> 00:19:15,953 Yes, I did tie one on in warkworth and 430 00:19:15,955 --> 00:19:17,855 I wrapped something around a tree. 431 00:19:17,857 --> 00:19:20,057 [laughing] 432 00:19:20,059 --> 00:19:25,829 [applauding] 433 00:19:25,899 --> 00:19:27,698 I feel like what warkworth has been able 434 00:19:27,767 --> 00:19:29,667 To do here is remarkable. 435 00:19:29,802 --> 00:19:32,069 You've put together, you know, an experience. 436 00:19:32,138 --> 00:19:35,806 People come here to pop in the shops at the end of the street, 437 00:19:35,875 --> 00:19:37,741 Put some chocolate in their belly. 438 00:19:37,777 --> 00:19:40,211 Cruise the muse or start a new art collection 439 00:19:40,346 --> 00:19:41,845 With paul portelli. 440 00:19:41,915 --> 00:19:43,347 [chuckling] 441 00:19:43,482 --> 00:19:47,351 Main street feels full of life. The nearby hills feel mellow. 442 00:19:47,420 --> 00:19:49,353 And I'm not even going to talk about the kind of feels 443 00:19:49,488 --> 00:19:51,255 You'd get at the yellow bordello. 444 00:19:51,390 --> 00:19:53,958 [laughing] 445 00:19:54,093 --> 00:19:55,892 Out in the fields, in the sandy soil, 446 00:19:55,929 --> 00:19:58,196 The saffron is picked and is drying. 447 00:19:58,331 --> 00:20:00,864 In town you see a sense of gratitude literally 448 00:20:00,900 --> 00:20:02,866 With thousands of ribbons flying. 449 00:20:02,936 --> 00:20:06,103 Long-time locals like bryce remember the old pride, 450 00:20:06,139 --> 00:20:08,372 Though for decades the tide surely turned. 451 00:20:08,507 --> 00:20:10,341 But in more ways than one, 452 00:20:10,476 --> 00:20:13,144 A new sense of pride in warkworth has returned. 453 00:20:13,279 --> 00:20:15,913 Thanks for coming out everybody. Thank you. 454 00:20:15,915 --> 00:20:21,084 [cheering & applauding] 455 00:20:21,120 --> 00:20:23,154 Jonny should probably get a life sentence 456 00:20:23,289 --> 00:20:26,923 Because he really killed tonight. 457 00:20:26,960 --> 00:20:29,126 The history of warkworth, you know, the heart, 458 00:20:29,195 --> 00:20:33,231 The message, he got it. And so, here we are today. 459 00:20:33,366 --> 00:20:34,865 Still standing. 460 00:20:34,867 --> 00:20:36,133 [laughing] 461 00:20:36,269 --> 00:20:40,137 Can we charge more for this saffron 'cause jonny planted it? 462 00:20:40,173 --> 00:20:42,840 Nobody will forget this night that lives in warkworth, 463 00:20:42,842 --> 00:20:44,207 That's for sure. 464 00:20:44,244 --> 00:20:47,278 I think too what he was able to do was instill 465 00:20:47,280 --> 00:20:48,946 A bit more town pride for us. 466 00:20:49,081 --> 00:20:53,017 It's wonderful to be part of the evolution of warkworth. 467 00:20:53,019 --> 00:20:54,185 Super proud. 468 00:20:54,320 --> 00:20:56,420 I am thankful for kittens. 469 00:20:56,489 --> 00:20:58,455 Oh, that's cute. 470 00:20:58,457 --> 00:21:02,059 ♪ 471 00:21:02,128 --> 00:21:04,395 [laughing]