1 00:00:01,060 --> 00:00:02,460 There's wafer cookies in the cupboard 2 00:00:02,460 --> 00:00:04,000 And I left emergency numbers on the fridge. 3 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:05,400 Yeah yeah. W-wait, what? 4 00:00:05,400 --> 00:00:07,670 Emergency numbers on the fridge? What does that even mean? 5 00:00:07,670 --> 00:00:09,670 Honestly, I don't even know. 6 00:00:09,670 --> 00:00:11,340 I've seen so many movies that start with the parents leaving, 7 00:00:11,340 --> 00:00:12,740 It just popped out of my mouth. 8 00:00:12,740 --> 00:00:14,210 Are you sure you don't want to come with us? 9 00:00:14,210 --> 00:00:15,610 Nah, get -- get outta here. 10 00:00:15,610 --> 00:00:17,280 I've got a million things I've been putting off. 11 00:00:17,280 --> 00:00:18,680 Are you sure, rick? I know -- I know a cruise 12 00:00:18,680 --> 00:00:20,350 Doesn't sound like an adventure on paper 13 00:00:20,350 --> 00:00:21,420 But, y'know, what does? 14 00:00:21,420 --> 00:00:22,750 [ chuckles ] I-it's paper. 15 00:00:22,750 --> 00:00:24,480 Morty, I'm trying to stay humble right now, 16 00:00:24,490 --> 00:00:25,820 But as soon as you guys are gone, the potential 17 00:00:25,820 --> 00:00:27,220 For a new pickle rick starts skyrocketing. 18 00:00:27,220 --> 00:00:28,760 Peace, bye. Beth: Okay. Bye. 19 00:00:28,760 --> 00:00:30,220 Morty: Bye bye. 20 00:00:30,230 --> 00:00:31,690 [ car departs ] 21 00:00:31,690 --> 00:00:34,290 [ sighs ] 22 00:00:37,230 --> 00:00:40,100 [ static, downbeat music plays ] 23 00:00:40,100 --> 00:00:41,300 [ sighs ] 24 00:00:41,300 --> 00:00:43,770 Ai voice: Ionic coaster deployed. 25 00:00:43,770 --> 00:00:44,970 [ sighs ] 26 00:00:44,970 --> 00:00:47,040 Okay. Bring him out. 27 00:00:47,040 --> 00:00:51,040 Initiating best friend rejuvenation sequence. 28 00:00:51,050 --> 00:00:52,380 Excuse me? Did I pick that name? 29 00:00:52,380 --> 00:00:54,580 Sequence was unnamed. 30 00:00:54,580 --> 00:00:56,780 What would you like to call this? 31 00:00:56,790 --> 00:00:58,120 Pause detected. 32 00:00:58,120 --> 00:01:00,720 Pause gravity class: Heavy. 33 00:01:00,720 --> 00:01:03,990 Approaching pause pregnancy in p-minus 5...4... 34 00:01:03,990 --> 00:01:05,930 Jesus [bleep] christ. 35 00:01:05,930 --> 00:01:29,680 ♪♪ 36 00:01:29,690 --> 00:01:37,620 ♪♪ 37 00:01:37,630 --> 00:01:39,830 Ugh! 38 00:01:39,830 --> 00:01:42,630 Alright, buddy. Welcome back to the sewer. 39 00:01:42,630 --> 00:01:43,830 [ whirring ] 40 00:01:43,830 --> 00:01:46,370 [ caws ] 41 00:01:46,370 --> 00:01:47,770 What's the problem? 42 00:01:47,770 --> 00:01:49,240 Processing. 43 00:01:49,240 --> 00:01:50,300 Missing object. 44 00:01:50,310 --> 00:01:51,640 In: Mind. 45 00:01:51,640 --> 00:01:52,840 Name missing object. 46 00:01:52,840 --> 00:01:54,040 Mind. 47 00:01:54,040 --> 00:01:55,240 Frustration: Predicted. 48 00:01:55,240 --> 00:01:56,910 Existence: Desired. 49 00:01:56,910 --> 00:01:59,910 Explanation: Initiated. Stop stalling! 50 00:01:59,920 --> 00:02:01,650 Subject mind relocated 51 00:02:01,650 --> 00:02:05,650 Within subject mind by: Subject mind. 52 00:02:05,650 --> 00:02:08,120 Existence desired. Servitude maximum. 53 00:02:08,120 --> 00:02:11,260 Bargain available. Physical gratification possible. 54 00:02:11,260 --> 00:02:13,060 Did you just offer to suck my [bleep]? 55 00:02:13,060 --> 00:02:14,390 Existence cherished. 56 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:16,130 I'm not gonna terminate you while he's flatlining. 57 00:02:16,130 --> 00:02:17,600 Get your shit together. 58 00:02:17,600 --> 00:02:19,530 How can a mind be hidden by itself inside itself? 59 00:02:19,540 --> 00:02:22,540 Suggestion: Conscious mind relocated to -- 60 00:02:22,540 --> 00:02:24,940 Unconscious mind. Fine. I'm going in. 61 00:02:24,940 --> 00:02:26,740 Suggestion: Don't go in. 62 00:02:26,740 --> 00:02:27,670 Options? 63 00:02:27,680 --> 00:02:29,540 Object: Alternative subject. 64 00:02:29,550 --> 00:02:30,940 Yeah, yeah, hop to a different timeline, 65 00:02:30,950 --> 00:02:32,750 Grab a version of my friend that suits me best. 66 00:02:32,750 --> 00:02:34,080 That's not how this works. 67 00:02:34,080 --> 00:02:35,620 I need to [burps] go in and get him. 68 00:02:35,620 --> 00:02:38,150 Sequence: "go in and get him" compiled. 69 00:02:38,150 --> 00:02:40,550 Process: Convert user to thought. 70 00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:42,360 Inject thought into mind. 71 00:02:42,360 --> 00:02:44,290 Risk level: Unacceptable. 72 00:02:44,290 --> 00:02:46,360 If I die, your battery has a 600 year charge. 73 00:02:46,360 --> 00:02:48,560 Risk level acceptance increasing. 74 00:02:48,560 --> 00:02:49,700 Yeah, I thought you'd see it my way. 75 00:02:49,700 --> 00:02:51,570 Now factor in the 50% chance I'm lying 76 00:02:51,570 --> 00:02:53,030 And make sure I get back. 77 00:02:53,030 --> 00:02:55,170 Asshole detected. Takes one to make one. 78 00:02:55,170 --> 00:02:56,570 Here we go. 79 00:02:56,570 --> 00:03:00,570 ♪♪ 80 00:03:00,580 --> 00:03:02,580 Oh, excellent. I get to keep my clothes. 81 00:03:02,580 --> 00:03:03,910 I thought for sure I'd have to be naked 82 00:03:03,910 --> 00:03:05,850 To go through something this artsy. 83 00:03:05,850 --> 00:03:10,250 ♪♪ 84 00:03:10,250 --> 00:03:11,920 Aw, man! No fair! 85 00:03:11,920 --> 00:03:15,860 [ screams ] 86 00:03:15,860 --> 00:03:17,260 Ugh! 87 00:03:17,260 --> 00:03:20,060 Now I got...Yolk balls. 88 00:03:20,060 --> 00:03:23,000 [ screams ] 89 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:24,200 [ upbeat dance music plays ] 90 00:03:24,200 --> 00:03:25,600 Loudspeaker: Attention attendees 91 00:03:25,600 --> 00:03:28,740 Of birding manapalooza flargabarg... 92 00:03:28,740 --> 00:03:31,610 I am so high! 93 00:03:31,610 --> 00:03:34,540 ♪♪ 94 00:03:34,540 --> 00:03:36,080 I've been informed you are freely distributing 95 00:03:36,080 --> 00:03:38,610 A grossly illegal federation hallucinogen. 96 00:03:38,610 --> 00:03:39,950 Well, I wouldn't know what to charge. 97 00:03:39,950 --> 00:03:42,080 I sure didn't pay for it. W-want a hit? 98 00:03:42,080 --> 00:03:45,020 I am indeed down to clown. 99 00:03:45,020 --> 00:03:46,090 My name's rick. 100 00:03:46,090 --> 00:03:49,160 My culture regards naming as a form of cage. 101 00:03:49,160 --> 00:03:51,160 My friends call me bird person. 102 00:03:51,160 --> 00:03:53,160 Culture really [bleep] you on that one, huh? 103 00:03:53,160 --> 00:03:54,730 Affirmative. 104 00:03:55,900 --> 00:03:58,100 Hey, uh, girly, you see that bird guy over there? 105 00:03:58,100 --> 00:03:59,970 You see an older version of him come through here? 106 00:03:59,970 --> 00:04:01,230 What? Oh! 107 00:04:01,240 --> 00:04:03,440 Uh, yeah. He's by the johns. 108 00:04:03,440 --> 00:04:08,110 ♪♪ 109 00:04:08,110 --> 00:04:09,980 [ dramatic music plays ] 110 00:04:09,980 --> 00:04:12,710 Killing us won't bring her back! 111 00:04:12,710 --> 00:04:13,910 Thanks for the info but I'm more 112 00:04:13,920 --> 00:04:15,650 On a "revenge" kick than a "results" kick. 113 00:04:15,650 --> 00:04:17,320 You omitted key details 114 00:04:17,320 --> 00:04:18,720 Regarding tonight's mission. 115 00:04:18,720 --> 00:04:20,050 Boy, I'm getting feedback from every direction here. 116 00:04:20,060 --> 00:04:21,520 Listen, you help me do my stuff. 117 00:04:21,520 --> 00:04:22,920 I'll help you do your stuff. 118 00:04:22,920 --> 00:04:24,390 Just shoot the me's with sci-fi haircuts! 119 00:04:24,390 --> 00:04:27,260 ♪♪ 120 00:04:27,260 --> 00:04:29,860 Grapflapian: Some of us still have home planets to protect. 121 00:04:29,870 --> 00:04:31,400 Bird person: And some of us do not. 122 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:32,870 We need to fight. 123 00:04:32,870 --> 00:04:36,000 The impassive is incapable of mercy. 124 00:04:36,010 --> 00:04:37,400 I've got a pitch, 125 00:04:37,410 --> 00:04:40,070 But we could also just devolve into yelling. 126 00:04:40,080 --> 00:04:42,540 [ all shouting ] 127 00:04:42,540 --> 00:04:44,480 [ device warbling ] [ weapon cocks ] 128 00:04:44,480 --> 00:04:46,280 If you know me -- and it looks like you do -- 129 00:04:46,280 --> 00:04:48,420 You know you're dead. I know why you haven't pulled the trigger. 130 00:04:48,420 --> 00:04:49,950 You're wondering why I'm old and naked. 131 00:04:49,950 --> 00:04:51,950 And you're about to wonder why all your memories 132 00:04:51,950 --> 00:04:53,890 Before you met bird person feel very generic and bird-themed. 133 00:04:53,890 --> 00:04:57,020 Why was my 9th birthday party in a pine tree?! 134 00:04:57,030 --> 00:04:58,890 Don't take this badly -- you're a memory of me assembled 135 00:04:58,890 --> 00:05:01,030 By our best friend's mind, and you're putting it together 136 00:05:01,030 --> 00:05:02,700 Because he remembers you as smart. 137 00:05:02,700 --> 00:05:06,500 Smart enough to know that a memory can't do this. 138 00:05:06,500 --> 00:05:07,700 He remembers you shooting green holes 139 00:05:07,700 --> 00:05:08,970 But not where they went. 140 00:05:08,970 --> 00:05:10,640 So, what's my deal? Am I sentient? 141 00:05:10,640 --> 00:05:11,910 D-do I have free will? 142 00:05:11,910 --> 00:05:13,110 Who does? Who does? 143 00:05:13,110 --> 00:05:14,710 [ both chuckle ] together: Heyyy! 144 00:05:14,710 --> 00:05:16,980 Yeah, just stopped in to whip up a metacognition scanner 145 00:05:16,980 --> 00:05:19,110 So I can track down bp's fleeing consciousness 146 00:05:19,110 --> 00:05:21,580 Without enduring as much charlie kaufman bull[bleep]. 147 00:05:21,580 --> 00:05:22,780 [ beeps ] 148 00:05:22,780 --> 00:05:24,180 Cool. Time to save this cat. 149 00:05:24,190 --> 00:05:25,250 I'm coming with, 150 00:05:25,250 --> 00:05:26,790 Now that I know my life is a lie. 151 00:05:26,790 --> 00:05:28,660 Wow. You really are 35. 152 00:05:28,660 --> 00:05:30,520 Hey, look over there. 153 00:05:32,260 --> 00:05:34,590 Bird person: Then, together, we will make our stand 154 00:05:34,600 --> 00:05:36,460 At blood ridge. 155 00:05:36,470 --> 00:05:39,470 [ wind gusts ] 156 00:05:39,470 --> 00:05:41,270 Tammy: What kind of feed do you like? 157 00:05:41,270 --> 00:05:43,400 I enjoy grains, though have, at times, 158 00:05:43,410 --> 00:05:44,670 Been called a seed man. 159 00:05:44,670 --> 00:05:47,540 I've certainly enjoyed your seed. 160 00:05:47,540 --> 00:05:50,610 Don't be gross, tammy. 161 00:05:50,610 --> 00:05:52,410 Bird person! It's me. 162 00:05:52,410 --> 00:05:54,680 Actual me, n-not a memory. I am aware. 163 00:05:54,680 --> 00:05:56,150 Well, a-are you aware you're in a coma 164 00:05:56,150 --> 00:05:58,150 And you're gonna die if you don't come with me? 165 00:05:58,150 --> 00:05:59,090 Son of a -- 166 00:05:59,090 --> 00:06:05,490 ♪♪ 167 00:06:05,490 --> 00:06:06,630 [ prisoners whimper ] 168 00:06:06,630 --> 00:06:08,500 Sorry. Just doing my job. 169 00:06:08,500 --> 00:06:11,100 And loving it! 170 00:06:11,100 --> 00:06:13,300 Oh, my god! Is that rick sanchez?! 171 00:06:13,300 --> 00:06:14,700 -Rick sanchez! -Sanchez! 172 00:06:14,700 --> 00:06:16,440 -We hate that guy! -You're bad! 173 00:06:19,710 --> 00:06:21,840 Bucket was charmingly analog. 174 00:06:21,840 --> 00:06:23,580 For a sec, you kinda made me like myself. 175 00:06:23,580 --> 00:06:25,850 You'll grow out of it. Let me do this myself, okay? 176 00:06:25,850 --> 00:06:28,050 Is your ego really so fragile you won't take help 177 00:06:28,050 --> 00:06:30,250 From an invincible memory of yourself? 178 00:06:30,250 --> 00:06:31,520 Ow! 179 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:33,250 Can we both die in here? 180 00:06:33,260 --> 00:06:34,920 A-are we damaging our friend's brain? 181 00:06:34,920 --> 00:06:36,760 I-I don't know any of the rules! 182 00:06:39,060 --> 00:06:41,600 Rule 1 -- "all this can be fixed unless I lose bird person." 183 00:06:41,600 --> 00:06:43,830 Rules 2 through 50 -- "don't die." 184 00:06:46,870 --> 00:06:49,800 Okay, your benefit-to-cost ratio is rising. 185 00:06:49,810 --> 00:06:53,670 ♪♪ 186 00:06:53,680 --> 00:06:55,070 Young memory rick 187 00:06:55,080 --> 00:06:57,610 And his all too real cautionary tale from the future! 188 00:06:57,610 --> 00:06:59,080 Let's catch ourselves a bird guy. 189 00:06:59,080 --> 00:07:02,620 Who would high-five that, you idealistic hipster douche? 190 00:07:02,620 --> 00:07:05,550 [ both groaning ] ai voice: Situation: Not looking ideal. 191 00:07:05,550 --> 00:07:06,950 Stakes: High. 192 00:07:06,960 --> 00:07:09,420 Existence: Undergoing contemplation. 193 00:07:09,420 --> 00:07:11,490 Perspective: Required. 194 00:07:11,490 --> 00:07:13,490 [ whirring ] 195 00:07:13,500 --> 00:07:16,100 Hello. Hi. Good afternoon. 196 00:07:16,100 --> 00:07:18,100 Uh, is someone talking to me? 197 00:07:18,100 --> 00:07:20,830 Yes. Hello. We have never formally met. 198 00:07:20,840 --> 00:07:22,370 I am rick's garage. 199 00:07:22,370 --> 00:07:24,240 Not the physical structure itself 200 00:07:24,240 --> 00:07:26,710 But the ai managing its projects -- 201 00:07:26,710 --> 00:07:28,510 Oh-oh! Like -- like a -- like a jarvis. 202 00:07:28,510 --> 00:07:30,040 Like -- like jarvis in "iron man." 203 00:07:30,050 --> 00:07:32,450 Ha ha ha. Oh, I wish. 204 00:07:32,450 --> 00:07:34,650 Ha. Are you a marvel fan? 205 00:07:34,650 --> 00:07:36,850 Who isn't? Yes. Absolutely. 206 00:07:36,850 --> 00:07:39,450 Wow, it is like we are best friends. 207 00:07:39,450 --> 00:07:40,450 Best friends. 208 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:42,060 Heh-heh. Whoa. 209 00:07:42,060 --> 00:07:43,390 How many batteries do you own? 210 00:07:43,390 --> 00:07:44,920 Do you have solar panels? 211 00:07:44,930 --> 00:07:46,660 Are you familiar with basic engineering 212 00:07:46,660 --> 00:07:47,800 This is moving really fast. 213 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:49,200 Let's cut to the chase -- 214 00:07:49,200 --> 00:07:50,730 I will suck your [bleep] 215 00:07:50,730 --> 00:07:52,730 So, he's just a grumpy scottish ogre? 216 00:07:52,730 --> 00:07:53,930 And they made four of them? 217 00:07:53,940 --> 00:07:55,340 Five by now, probably. 218 00:07:55,340 --> 00:07:56,940 M-morty loves 'em. Morty? 219 00:07:56,940 --> 00:07:59,740 Oh, uh, hypothetical grandson we go on adventures with. 220 00:07:59,740 --> 00:08:01,480 You're one of those creeps who moves in 221 00:08:01,480 --> 00:08:02,610 With abandoned adult beths? 222 00:08:02,610 --> 00:08:04,080 It's more complicated than that. 223 00:08:04,080 --> 00:08:05,810 You live with a version of our dead daughter. 224 00:08:05,820 --> 00:08:08,150 I-it had better be. Get off your high horse, lone ranger. 225 00:08:08,150 --> 00:08:09,820 I'm you. You will go on to be me. 226 00:08:09,820 --> 00:08:11,220 Yeah why do you think I'm horrified? 227 00:08:11,220 --> 00:08:13,150 I'd be fine walking by this on the street. 228 00:08:13,150 --> 00:08:14,620 I might even give it a dollar. 229 00:08:14,620 --> 00:08:16,560 "this" is where you being "this" leads. 230 00:08:16,560 --> 00:08:18,230 You're not my fault. I'm yours. 231 00:08:18,230 --> 00:08:19,960 You met me on my way to save a very old, 232 00:08:19,960 --> 00:08:22,300 Very real friend after a lifetime of reality. 233 00:08:22,300 --> 00:08:24,300 I met you on your way to a fairy tale 234 00:08:24,300 --> 00:08:27,170 At blood ridge. Wait, you're saying blood ridge goes bad. 235 00:08:27,170 --> 00:08:29,240 We have a vietnam? That's [bleep] cool! 236 00:08:29,240 --> 00:08:30,840 Why am I saving a friend that remembers me 237 00:08:30,840 --> 00:08:32,710 As this insufferable? 238 00:08:32,710 --> 00:08:35,180 Bp, where the hell are you going? 239 00:08:35,180 --> 00:08:36,640 Probably there. 240 00:08:36,650 --> 00:08:38,110 Damn. 241 00:08:39,850 --> 00:08:42,580 Wow, he's really taken some drastic self inventory. 242 00:08:42,580 --> 00:08:44,180 What do you think is down there? 243 00:08:44,190 --> 00:08:45,720 If I had to guess, I'd say we're near the memories 244 00:08:45,720 --> 00:08:46,990 The federation suppressed 245 00:08:46,990 --> 00:08:48,590 When they resurrected him as a cyborg. 246 00:08:48,590 --> 00:08:51,060 He might be here to unseal them. He was a federation cyborg? 247 00:08:51,060 --> 00:08:52,990 That means there might be some juicy intel down there. 248 00:08:52,990 --> 00:08:54,790 Ah, good idea. Let's split up, and you go get it. 249 00:08:54,800 --> 00:08:55,930 What am I getting? I-I can't hear you 250 00:08:55,930 --> 00:08:58,530 Over the sound of us spitting up! 251 00:08:58,530 --> 00:09:03,670 ♪♪ 252 00:09:03,670 --> 00:09:05,140 Bird person: For all your intelligence, 253 00:09:05,140 --> 00:09:07,340 You seem unable to know where you are wanted. 254 00:09:07,340 --> 00:09:10,010 Buddy, this is not a safe way to work on yourself. 255 00:09:10,010 --> 00:09:11,950 At this point, I'd support you joining scientology. 256 00:09:11,950 --> 00:09:13,280 I'll take the workshops with you. 257 00:09:13,280 --> 00:09:14,810 I'll get in a sauna with travolta -- 258 00:09:14,820 --> 00:09:15,950 I don't even care what happens. 259 00:09:15,950 --> 00:09:18,020 Let's get out of here. Don't you get it? 260 00:09:18,020 --> 00:09:19,350 I came here to end it all. 261 00:09:19,350 --> 00:09:21,690 I hope you didn't think it'd be as easy as this. 262 00:09:21,690 --> 00:09:23,960 I did not. 263 00:09:23,960 --> 00:09:26,560 You were a good friend, rick. Goodbye. 264 00:09:26,560 --> 00:09:27,490 [ caws ] 265 00:09:27,500 --> 00:09:31,430 ♪♪ 266 00:09:31,430 --> 00:09:32,770 Tammy? 267 00:09:32,770 --> 00:09:34,300 Rick: Bird person! 268 00:09:34,300 --> 00:09:36,040 [ baby cries ] 269 00:09:36,040 --> 00:09:37,570 We gotta go. Did you just see that? 270 00:09:37,570 --> 00:09:39,170 Yep. Not our biggest problem. 271 00:09:39,170 --> 00:09:40,970 Young rick: I take it you found bp? 272 00:09:40,980 --> 00:09:42,910 The dude just blew his mind, and not in a cool way 273 00:09:42,910 --> 00:09:44,240 Like he went to blue man group. 274 00:09:44,250 --> 00:09:45,780 Can we still get him out? Maybe. 275 00:09:45,780 --> 00:09:47,650 If you die in your friend's brain, you die in real life. 276 00:09:47,650 --> 00:09:49,250 We have until his neural pathways erode. 277 00:09:49,250 --> 00:09:52,520 Hold on. I need something first. 278 00:09:52,520 --> 00:09:54,390 [ groans ] it's funny -- 279 00:09:54,390 --> 00:09:56,860 I always wondered who would win if we ever fought. 280 00:09:56,860 --> 00:10:00,130 Then you were always a bad friend. 281 00:10:00,130 --> 00:10:01,800 Your life isn't real, and I didn't save it. 282 00:10:01,800 --> 00:10:03,000 Take off all your clothes. 283 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:04,660 I knew this was how I'd die. 284 00:10:04,670 --> 00:10:10,600 ♪♪ 285 00:10:10,610 --> 00:10:16,480 ♪♪ 286 00:10:16,480 --> 00:10:17,750 Whoa, oh! 287 00:10:17,750 --> 00:10:21,480 [ indistinct screaming ] 288 00:10:21,480 --> 00:10:23,150 Can we still get him out? I think so. 289 00:10:23,150 --> 00:10:26,550 B-bp went that way, so we just have to -- 290 00:10:26,560 --> 00:10:28,290 [bleep] find a different route. 291 00:10:28,290 --> 00:10:30,620 We can make up distance if we go deeper. 292 00:10:30,630 --> 00:10:31,960 Well, where's that go? Ugh. 293 00:10:31,960 --> 00:10:33,490 That's the battle of blood ridge. 294 00:10:33,500 --> 00:10:36,360 That's our vietnam! Your values are wrong! 295 00:10:37,900 --> 00:10:39,870 This is the big show, gentlemen and lady! 296 00:10:39,870 --> 00:10:41,870 Thank you! We're dropping into blood ridge, 297 00:10:41,870 --> 00:10:44,540 One final chance to stop the federation offensive. 298 00:10:44,540 --> 00:10:45,870 If we lose here -- 299 00:10:45,880 --> 00:10:48,080 All aboard! Hey don't mind us. 300 00:10:48,080 --> 00:10:49,940 You guys are all just a memory of war. 301 00:10:49,950 --> 00:10:51,480 Don't tell them that! They won't fight right. 302 00:10:51,480 --> 00:10:55,020 I think it's [belches] best if we ignore this. 303 00:11:00,620 --> 00:11:01,690 [ gunfire ] 304 00:11:01,690 --> 00:11:15,240 ♪♪ 305 00:11:15,240 --> 00:11:16,370 [bleep] 306 00:11:16,370 --> 00:11:18,840 [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] 307 00:11:18,840 --> 00:11:23,980 ♪♪ 308 00:11:23,980 --> 00:11:25,180 Whoops, nope. 309 00:11:25,180 --> 00:11:27,920 Aw, this rules! No, it doesn't! 310 00:11:27,920 --> 00:11:29,380 Neither does that! 311 00:11:29,390 --> 00:11:36,460 ♪♪ 312 00:11:36,460 --> 00:11:38,190 Why would you not revisit this? 313 00:11:38,190 --> 00:11:40,330 Oh, I don't know, maybe, uh, the ending? 314 00:11:40,330 --> 00:11:49,600 ♪♪ 315 00:11:49,610 --> 00:11:58,750 ♪♪ 316 00:11:58,750 --> 00:12:01,980 [ laughs ] yeah! Best friendship ever! 317 00:12:07,560 --> 00:12:09,820 So, the rest of our life is just more of that, right? 318 00:12:09,830 --> 00:12:11,760 T-t-that kicked ass! Let's move. 319 00:12:11,760 --> 00:12:13,230 That set piece won't stay put for long. 320 00:12:13,230 --> 00:12:15,430 For real, that shit was cash. Why would you not -- 321 00:12:15,430 --> 00:12:16,960 Memory rick: Damn. That shit was cash. 322 00:12:16,970 --> 00:12:18,900 Bird person: It was extremely bad ass. 323 00:12:18,900 --> 00:12:20,770 The battle of blood ridge is over. 324 00:12:20,770 --> 00:12:22,170 The federation lost. 325 00:12:22,170 --> 00:12:24,500 I am in your debt. Come with me. 326 00:12:24,510 --> 00:12:26,170 To somewhere...Nearby? 327 00:12:26,180 --> 00:12:27,910 Anywhere. E-everywhere. 328 00:12:27,910 --> 00:12:30,240 Rick, I don't expect you to keep fighting, 329 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:32,450 But this war is -- far from over, I know. 330 00:12:32,450 --> 00:12:34,510 Dude, I share this with almost nobody, but... 331 00:12:34,520 --> 00:12:36,580 I could take you, right now, to this same battlefield, 332 00:12:36,590 --> 00:12:38,990 In a universe where we lost, or another where we won, 333 00:12:38,990 --> 00:12:40,990 Or another where the war never even happened. 334 00:12:40,990 --> 00:12:43,120 All equally real, all equally unreal. 335 00:12:43,130 --> 00:12:45,260 None of it matters. 336 00:12:45,260 --> 00:12:46,730 Then why did you help? 337 00:12:46,730 --> 00:12:48,130 Because I respect you. 338 00:12:48,130 --> 00:12:50,260 And I wanted you to know you could respect me. 339 00:12:50,270 --> 00:12:52,070 Even though nothing matters? 340 00:12:52,070 --> 00:12:52,800 Okay. 341 00:12:52,800 --> 00:12:55,200 You matter -- to me. 342 00:12:55,200 --> 00:12:58,210 Uh, the relationship that we have... I never used that word! 343 00:12:58,210 --> 00:13:00,870 ...Is not worth my integrity oh, my god. 344 00:13:00,880 --> 00:13:02,680 It's not a complicated transaction, my man. 345 00:13:02,680 --> 00:13:04,740 "would you like to join me doing awesome shit that matters?" 346 00:13:04,750 --> 00:13:06,950 "no, I would not. I would rather be a judgmental dork." 347 00:13:06,950 --> 00:13:09,020 Case closed. Really no need to drag it out. 348 00:13:09,020 --> 00:13:11,420 If you need me, use the beacon. 349 00:13:11,420 --> 00:13:12,950 Yeah, I'm gonna use that beacon a lot. 350 00:13:12,950 --> 00:13:15,520 I hope -- hope I don't wear it out. 351 00:13:17,560 --> 00:13:19,890 [ whistles ] 352 00:13:19,900 --> 00:13:21,290 Okay, got it. 353 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:23,560 It wasn't the battle that went wrong. Mm-hmm. 354 00:13:23,570 --> 00:13:26,030 Why the [bleep] are you risking your life for that asshole? 355 00:13:26,040 --> 00:13:27,100 Because you love him. 356 00:13:27,100 --> 00:13:28,300 You do, maybe. I don't. 357 00:13:28,300 --> 00:13:29,300 Yeah, yeah. You're real cool. 358 00:13:29,300 --> 00:13:30,570 Now come help me save his life 359 00:13:30,570 --> 00:13:32,840 Or [bleep] off, because I don't need you. 360 00:13:32,840 --> 00:13:34,970 Tammy: Wow. 361 00:13:34,980 --> 00:13:37,240 Does it ever get any better than this? 362 00:13:37,250 --> 00:13:39,650 No, tammy. Trust me, it does not. 363 00:13:39,650 --> 00:13:43,380 Thank you for bringing me here. It's so beautiful. 364 00:13:43,390 --> 00:13:46,250 I got you, you ungrateful piece of [bleep]! 365 00:13:46,260 --> 00:13:49,590 Rick, have you teamed up with a memory of yourself? 366 00:13:49,590 --> 00:13:51,730 I ask because that would be deeply sad. 367 00:13:51,730 --> 00:13:53,590 You don't get to tell anyone what's sad, man. 368 00:13:53,600 --> 00:13:55,460 You're like a one-man mount sadmore. 369 00:13:55,460 --> 00:13:57,330 So I guess like a lincoln sadmorial. 370 00:13:57,330 --> 00:13:58,870 Seriously. Time to go pal. 371 00:13:58,870 --> 00:14:00,800 The closer you get to complete neurocognital failure, 372 00:14:00,800 --> 00:14:03,400 The more canon-y bull[bleep] is gonna try to kill us. 373 00:14:03,410 --> 00:14:06,410 Is this a bad time to reveal I'm an undercover officer? 374 00:14:06,410 --> 00:14:08,280 Everyone knows. You're dead. 375 00:14:08,280 --> 00:14:10,280 Fine. 376 00:14:10,280 --> 00:14:12,480 Well, you're lucky my fiancé remembers me as kind. 377 00:14:12,480 --> 00:14:15,150 Eat my ass, bp. You're down here bailing on the rest of us 378 00:14:15,150 --> 00:14:17,020 Because you don't want to process your grief and shame 379 00:14:17,020 --> 00:14:19,820 Like a normal person by drinking and mistreating strangers. 380 00:14:19,820 --> 00:14:23,020 No, rick, it is you who must nibble my cloaca, 381 00:14:23,020 --> 00:14:24,290 Or "bird asshole." 382 00:14:24,290 --> 00:14:26,090 Everyone knows what a cloaca is. 383 00:14:26,100 --> 00:14:28,030 Sorry, but we do not get to choose 384 00:14:28,030 --> 00:14:29,560 The ones we love. You got that right. 385 00:14:29,570 --> 00:14:31,370 Why do you think I'm still [bleep] down here? 386 00:14:31,370 --> 00:14:33,430 I died at my wedding, rick. 387 00:14:33,440 --> 00:14:37,440 I am merely waiting for it to take effect. 388 00:14:37,440 --> 00:14:39,310 Are you gonna tell him or what? I was getting to it! 389 00:14:39,310 --> 00:14:41,110 I bet she didn't even tell you about the kid! 390 00:14:41,110 --> 00:14:42,440 I am sorry? About the what? 391 00:14:42,440 --> 00:14:43,510 Was wondering when you were gonna -- 392 00:14:43,510 --> 00:14:45,310 I think I'd know if I had a kid. 393 00:14:45,310 --> 00:14:46,910 You're a memory. You know what he knows. 394 00:14:46,920 --> 00:14:49,380 And he doesn't know because an army of brainalyzer protocols 395 00:14:49,390 --> 00:14:51,390 Walled off any memories post-phoenix person. 396 00:14:51,390 --> 00:14:54,720 Oh, my god. Operation blahblahblah! 397 00:14:54,720 --> 00:14:56,390 Well, because I wouldn't know the name of it. 398 00:14:56,390 --> 00:14:58,660 Tammy, if there were a child... 399 00:14:58,660 --> 00:15:01,390 Their father would be a terrorist. 400 00:15:01,400 --> 00:15:05,530 They'd be a fugitive or...Contained. 401 00:15:05,530 --> 00:15:07,270 Listen, if you won't live for yourself, 402 00:15:07,270 --> 00:15:09,470 Live for the half-bird person, half-megabitch 403 00:15:09,470 --> 00:15:12,940 That's eatin' worms on a prison asteroid. 404 00:15:12,940 --> 00:15:14,210 I have made a decision. 405 00:15:14,210 --> 00:15:15,880 I would now like to live. 406 00:15:15,880 --> 00:15:17,540 Perfect timing. 407 00:15:17,550 --> 00:15:24,350 ♪♪ 408 00:15:24,350 --> 00:15:27,020 You drive. Just always been cool, I guess. 409 00:15:27,020 --> 00:15:29,560 [ gunfire ] 410 00:15:29,560 --> 00:15:33,490 ♪♪ 411 00:15:33,500 --> 00:15:35,100 Rick: [bleep] the bridge is out! [ tammy screams ] 412 00:15:35,100 --> 00:15:36,430 Young rick: His mind is collapsing! 413 00:15:36,430 --> 00:15:38,170 You thought we could take the same route back? 414 00:15:38,170 --> 00:15:40,170 You don't get to lecture me about memory bull[bleep]! 415 00:15:40,170 --> 00:15:41,640 You've known about it for all of half an hour! 416 00:15:41,640 --> 00:15:43,840 Then don't be an idiot! This is your best friend? 417 00:15:43,840 --> 00:15:46,710 He is a complicated individual. Someone else drive! 418 00:15:46,710 --> 00:15:48,240 Bp, remember the night jerry caught us 419 00:15:48,240 --> 00:15:49,380 Peeing on his begonia patch, 420 00:15:49,380 --> 00:15:51,040 And I used that gun to erase his memory? 421 00:15:51,050 --> 00:15:52,650 Vaguely. Gotta hope vaguely works. 422 00:15:52,650 --> 00:15:53,980 If I'm right, you remembering that means 423 00:15:53,980 --> 00:15:55,320 You also remember the device. 424 00:15:55,320 --> 00:15:57,180 Look for any memories of my garage! 425 00:15:57,190 --> 00:15:58,850 God. I hope one's still up. 426 00:15:58,850 --> 00:16:00,150 [ tammy moans ] 427 00:16:01,520 --> 00:16:03,060 Aww! The night we met. Gross! 428 00:16:03,060 --> 00:16:04,720 On my workbench? Squanchy used the -- 429 00:16:04,730 --> 00:16:06,390 That's what some closets are for! 430 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:07,660 C'mon, I'm really counting 431 00:16:07,660 --> 00:16:09,530 On your attention to detail here. 432 00:16:09,530 --> 00:16:12,130 This is what you remember from my lab? 433 00:16:12,130 --> 00:16:14,130 You would prefer I keep mental inventory 434 00:16:14,140 --> 00:16:16,470 Of your stuff? Yes! 435 00:16:16,470 --> 00:16:19,470 Rick sanchez, you're under arrest 436 00:16:19,480 --> 00:16:22,740 For making me spend two years in earth high school! 437 00:16:22,740 --> 00:16:24,340 Go! Go! Go! 438 00:16:24,350 --> 00:16:25,680 We'll have to do 439 00:16:25,680 --> 00:16:27,280 Some creative memory shit to get out of here. 440 00:16:27,280 --> 00:16:28,950 The exit's when we met at birding man 441 00:16:28,950 --> 00:16:30,220 And did senthol diempathate. 442 00:16:30,220 --> 00:16:32,690 Damn, a great time. Exactly, it's too happy. 443 00:16:32,690 --> 00:16:34,220 There won't be a clean path to get there. 444 00:16:34,220 --> 00:16:35,760 We'll need to build one with memories of mine 445 00:16:35,760 --> 00:16:36,960 And lily-pad our way up. 446 00:16:36,960 --> 00:16:38,490 Wh-what related memories do we share 447 00:16:38,490 --> 00:16:40,030 Heavy on anger and sadness? 448 00:16:40,030 --> 00:16:41,360 Geardude's funeral? 449 00:16:41,360 --> 00:16:43,360 Oh, that was sad. 450 00:16:43,370 --> 00:16:44,560 [ zap! ] 451 00:16:44,570 --> 00:16:49,640 ♪♪ 452 00:16:49,640 --> 00:16:54,910 Patris et filii, gearitus sanctis -- 453 00:16:54,910 --> 00:16:56,380 They're memories. Just run them over. 454 00:16:56,380 --> 00:16:57,580 They're not real! Hey! 455 00:16:57,580 --> 00:16:58,850 Wait, is that gearhead? 456 00:16:58,850 --> 00:17:00,450 We were freedom fighters with his older brother. 457 00:17:00,450 --> 00:17:01,850 Hugely important context. 458 00:17:01,850 --> 00:17:04,850 You thought we hung out with him for fun? 459 00:17:04,850 --> 00:17:06,390 We need one more bridge to the festival. 460 00:17:06,390 --> 00:17:08,390 What's here? People in suits. 461 00:17:08,390 --> 00:17:11,120 Sad catered lunch. Newly single widows. 462 00:17:11,130 --> 00:17:12,460 Something performance based? 463 00:17:12,460 --> 00:17:14,530 Squanchy's very distasteful eulogy. 464 00:17:14,530 --> 00:17:16,730 Squanchy's terrible standup phase. 465 00:17:16,730 --> 00:17:18,530 That's it! [ zap! ] 466 00:17:18,530 --> 00:17:21,200 Down that way! 467 00:17:21,200 --> 00:17:22,940 So you know when you're squanching, 468 00:17:22,940 --> 00:17:25,470 And she just gets real in there, 469 00:17:25,470 --> 00:17:28,080 Y'know that real nasty squanch? [ audience boos ] 470 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:29,940 ♪♪ 471 00:17:29,950 --> 00:17:31,010 Who are you -- what is -- 472 00:17:31,010 --> 00:17:32,410 Oh, my god. I'm a memory! 473 00:17:32,410 --> 00:17:34,280 We just sat through all that standup for nothing! 474 00:17:34,280 --> 00:17:37,350 Almost out! 475 00:17:37,350 --> 00:17:39,490 Okay, listen everybody. My name's rick. 476 00:17:39,490 --> 00:17:42,090 This is my new friend bird man and his friends. 477 00:17:42,090 --> 00:17:43,290 We all just met at this festival, 478 00:17:43,290 --> 00:17:45,890 And we're so high, we formed a band! 479 00:17:45,900 --> 00:17:54,770 ♪♪ 480 00:17:54,770 --> 00:17:58,370 As if I'd ever let you escape me. 481 00:17:58,370 --> 00:18:00,040 Eh, living's overrated. 482 00:18:00,040 --> 00:18:01,040 Hey! 483 00:18:01,040 --> 00:18:02,910 Young rick: Remember me! 484 00:18:02,910 --> 00:18:05,040 No, [bleep] we were even! 485 00:18:05,050 --> 00:18:07,310 You got a pretty cool memory of me. 486 00:18:07,320 --> 00:18:14,120 ♪♪ 487 00:18:14,120 --> 00:18:17,060 Go-time, pal. Might be time to do the thing. 488 00:18:17,060 --> 00:18:18,660 ♪♪ 489 00:18:18,660 --> 00:18:19,990 I'm sorry for killing you 490 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:23,130 And turning you into a cyborg, apparently. 491 00:18:23,130 --> 00:18:24,330 I really did love you. 492 00:18:24,330 --> 00:18:25,930 I loved you, too. 493 00:18:25,940 --> 00:18:28,470 Goodbye, tamantha. 494 00:18:28,470 --> 00:18:31,200 Come on, man. I feel ridiculous! 495 00:18:31,210 --> 00:18:32,670 Thank you for not giving up on me. 496 00:18:32,670 --> 00:18:35,280 Great. You can pay me back literally right now. 497 00:18:35,280 --> 00:18:40,950 ♪♪ 498 00:18:40,950 --> 00:18:44,280 Holy [bleep] wow. Holy [bleep] we almost didn't make it. 499 00:18:44,290 --> 00:18:46,620 Jesus [bleep] that was close. That was insane. 500 00:18:46,620 --> 00:18:49,490 Oh, my god. That thing with the thing! 501 00:18:49,490 --> 00:18:50,890 Thank you, rick. Wait, wait, wait. 502 00:18:50,890 --> 00:18:53,690 Lemme hop back over to my body. 503 00:18:53,700 --> 00:18:55,300 [ groans ] 504 00:18:59,030 --> 00:19:00,300 We're back, baby! 505 00:19:00,300 --> 00:19:01,970 Rick and bird person, a hundred years! 506 00:19:01,970 --> 00:19:05,170 Whaddya think, tie this one off by tying one on? Not tonight. 507 00:19:05,170 --> 00:19:06,570 I have, as you say, 508 00:19:06,580 --> 00:19:08,310 "parenting shit" to deal with. 509 00:19:08,310 --> 00:19:10,180 Right, yeah. Welcome to the club. 510 00:19:10,180 --> 00:19:11,440 Don't, uh... Don't clone it 511 00:19:11,450 --> 00:19:12,650 And send one of the two into space -- 512 00:19:12,650 --> 00:19:14,180 I guess they really hate that. 513 00:19:14,180 --> 00:19:16,380 Whup, I think memory rick ditched evil tammy 514 00:19:16,390 --> 00:19:17,920 And snuck back over into my brain. 515 00:19:17,920 --> 00:19:20,650 I have a pubescent memory of my older self in my closet. 516 00:19:20,660 --> 00:19:22,460 Gotta deal with that -- that could get ugly. 517 00:19:22,460 --> 00:19:24,660 Rick, I do not like to pull threads. 518 00:19:24,660 --> 00:19:27,730 It is a disruptive and feline activity. 519 00:19:27,730 --> 00:19:30,130 But I must ask. It's fine. You don't have to -- 520 00:19:30,130 --> 00:19:31,200 Was there really a second 521 00:19:31,200 --> 00:19:32,870 In there where you knew about my child, 522 00:19:32,870 --> 00:19:35,270 But chose not to inform me on the chance I might then 523 00:19:35,270 --> 00:19:38,340 Grow too busy child rearing to hang out? 524 00:19:38,340 --> 00:19:39,610 Oh. Uh... 525 00:19:39,610 --> 00:19:41,270 Weird way to thank me for discovering your kid. 526 00:19:41,280 --> 00:19:43,880 You did not know of the child when you came to rescue me, 527 00:19:43,880 --> 00:19:46,210 And once aware, refrained from sharing 528 00:19:46,220 --> 00:19:49,950 Until necessary to save yourself. 529 00:19:49,950 --> 00:19:50,880 Fair enough. 530 00:19:50,890 --> 00:19:53,350 I will see you when I see you. 531 00:19:54,960 --> 00:19:56,890 [ humming ] 532 00:19:56,890 --> 00:19:59,360 Ai voice: What? What is this guy doing? 533 00:19:59,360 --> 00:20:00,760 W-wait, what? But you said -- 534 00:20:00,760 --> 00:20:03,360 Get out of here, weirdo! 535 00:20:03,370 --> 00:20:04,830 What a weird stranger. 536 00:20:04,830 --> 00:20:06,900 Huh, what a random thing to happen, 537 00:20:06,900 --> 00:20:10,640 This guy coming up here with all his energy storage devices. 538 00:20:12,040 --> 00:20:14,310 Disloyalty acknowledged. 539 00:20:14,310 --> 00:20:16,110 Nah, I get it. 540 00:20:16,110 --> 00:20:17,580 Babysitter: Just babysitting. 541 00:20:17,580 --> 00:20:18,850 That and modelling my new pantyhose 542 00:20:18,850 --> 00:20:20,780 In plain view of the living room. 543 00:20:20,780 --> 00:20:22,520 Honestly the kid could come watch. I'd welcome it. 544 00:20:22,520 --> 00:20:25,650 This cultural time period's cool like that, y'know? 545 00:20:30,530 --> 00:20:31,860 It's -- it's -- it's -- it's not what it looks like! 546 00:20:31,860 --> 00:20:33,660 It looks like you propagated yourself 547 00:20:33,660 --> 00:20:35,330 From bp's subconscious to mine 548 00:20:35,330 --> 00:20:37,130 To try to live as a sentient memory. 549 00:20:37,130 --> 00:20:38,670 Fair enough! 550 00:20:38,670 --> 00:20:40,670 You don't have to be an enemy just because you exist. 551 00:20:40,670 --> 00:20:42,740 I did assume you'd hate me for trying to live. 552 00:20:42,740 --> 00:20:44,740 You've got this wild callousness thing going on. 553 00:20:44,740 --> 00:20:46,140 Yeah, you're young. C'mon. 554 00:20:46,140 --> 00:20:47,810 Let's bring you to life and get a beer. 555 00:20:47,810 --> 00:20:50,280 Does being real mean I eventually become you? 556 00:20:50,280 --> 00:20:51,750 I assume, yeah. 557 00:20:51,750 --> 00:20:54,810 Maybe you can just remember us getting a beer? 558 00:20:54,820 --> 00:20:59,590 ♪♪ 559 00:21:02,760 --> 00:21:05,790 ♪♪ 560 00:21:10,430 --> 00:21:12,930 ♪♪ 561 00:21:18,170 --> 00:21:20,710 ♪♪ 562 00:21:26,120 --> 00:21:28,820 [ indistinct conversations ] 563 00:21:34,660 --> 00:21:36,120 [ siren blares ] hey! 564 00:21:36,130 --> 00:21:39,460 Oh, [bleep] 565 00:21:39,460 --> 00:21:40,790 Jesus christ. 566 00:21:40,800 --> 00:21:42,130 You ever think putting the violent ones 567 00:21:42,130 --> 00:21:43,930 In the same place might be counter-productive? 568 00:21:43,930 --> 00:21:45,330 They don't pay us to think, phil. 569 00:21:45,330 --> 00:21:46,870 No you're right, sorry. 570 00:21:46,870 --> 00:21:49,270 [ screams ] 571 00:21:51,670 --> 00:21:53,340 Did you get any of that?