2 00:00:08,500 --> 00:00:14,010 這是一個真實的故事 3 00:00:37,030 --> 00:00:42,620 片中所描述的事件發生在2019年 明尼蘇達州 4 00:00:50,380 --> 00:00:55,260 應倖存者要求 片中均為化名 5 00:01:01,140 --> 00:01:06,100 出於對死者的尊重 片中所述均屬事實 6 00:03:34,770 --> 00:03:36,850 A隊開始行動 Alpha team is moving. 7 00:03:38,520 --> 00:03:40,600 A隊開始行動 Alpha team is moving. 8 00:05:34,390 --> 00:05:37,140 我就喜歡這樣的時刻 I love these moments 9 00:05:37,140 --> 00:05:39,430 你見一個穿裙子的男人從這裡走過嗎 You see a man in a dress come through here? 10 00:05:39,430 --> 00:05:40,970 留著《活寶三人組》那樣的髮型 Haircut like The Three Stooges? 11 00:05:40,980 --> 00:05:45,440 暴力來得很快 去得也快 When the violence comes, it comes fast, and it"s over. 12 00:05:45,440 --> 00:05:47,440 你永遠無法真正確定 You can never really be sure. 13 00:05:47,440 --> 00:05:49,820 是我先拔的槍 還是他先拔的 Did I draw first? Or did he? 14 00:05:49,820 --> 00:05:51,780 你不應該在前線激勵大夥嗎 Shouldn't you be out on the line, inspiring the men? 15 00:05:51,780 --> 00:05:54,280 這種爛事你做就好 It's your goat- fuck. 16 00:05:55,280 --> 00:05:57,030 我見過凱倫了 I saw Karen. 17 00:05:57,030 --> 00:05:58,830 是啊 她當時應該開槍的 Yeah, well, she should've pulled the trigger. 18 00:05:58,830 --> 00:06:01,330 我能說什麼呢 她太軟弱 What can I say? She's soft. 19 00:06:01,330 --> 00:06:03,370 也許這就是你還沒殺她的原因 Maybe that's why you haven't killed her yet. 20 00:06:03,370 --> 00:06:04,920 今天不行 老傢伙 Not today, old man. 21 00:06:04,920 --> 00:06:07,830 也就是為什麼二老婆還活著的原因 And then there's why number two's still breathing. 22 00:06:07,840 --> 00:06:10,000 還有你兒子怎麼就這麼混蛋的原因 And how come your son is such a fuckup? 23 00:06:10,000 --> 00:06:12,130 -因為軟弱 -好吧 那來吧 Weak. - AlI right, go ahead. 24 00:06:12,130 --> 00:06:14,170 先把你的假牙拿出來 免得我打壞了 Take your dentures out, so I don't break them. 25 00:06:15,390 --> 00:06:17,220 瞧瞧 這就是你的問題 See, that's your problem. 26 00:06:18,550 --> 00:06:20,350 不尊重長輩 No respect for your elders. 27 00:06:20,350 --> 00:06:24,020 看我好好給你上一課 Well, you'll be calling me"professor" 28 00:06:24,020 --> 00:06:27,190 完事之後你會喊我教授的 by the time I get finished teaching you a lesson. 29 00:06:35,030 --> 00:06:36,320 你說什麼 What's that? 30 00:06:36,320 --> 00:06:38,700 我聽不太清楚 - I- I can't quite hear you there, 31 00:06:38,700 --> 00:06:40,330 教授 Professor. 32 00:06:43,540 --> 00:06:46,210 下地獄吧 你個混蛋 Rot in hell, you piece of shit. 33 00:06:50,300 --> 00:06:51,840 爸爸 Daddy? 34 00:06:53,420 --> 00:06:55,920 該死的 Goddamn it. 35 00:06:55,930 --> 00:06:58,890 我對天發誓 別逼我抓到你 臭女人 I swear to God, if I got to chase you, woman... 36 00:07:07,810 --> 00:07:10,400 -就是她 快走 -允許使用武器 - That's her. Go. - Weapons free. 37 00:07:15,780 --> 00:07:17,700 咱聊聊聊 Just give us a minute. 38 00:07:17,700 --> 00:07:19,740 聽我說 Just give me a minute. 39 00:07:34,550 --> 00:07:35,920 來吧 Come on. 40 00:07:36,720 --> 00:07:37,920 獻上你的吻吧 Give us a kiss. 41 00:07:37,930 --> 00:07:39,840 聯邦調查局 FBI! 42 00:07:39,840 --> 00:07:41,640 放下武器 放下武器 Drop your weapon. Drop your weapon! 43 00:07:41,640 --> 00:07:44,970 什麼 不 人質 我是人質 What? No! The hostage. I'm the hostage! 44 00:07:56,360 --> 00:07:57,860 不 No! 45 00:08:18,470 --> 00:08:19,590 他跑了 Oh, he's gone. 46 00:08:19,590 --> 00:08:21,430 給我趴好 Stay down. 47 00:08:21,430 --> 00:08:23,010 -我得去追他 -不行 I got to get him. - No. 48 00:08:32,690 --> 00:08:34,560 我去抓他 I got him. 49 00:10:24,930 --> 00:10:25,930 哎呦喂 Whoops. 50 00:10:25,930 --> 00:10:27,640 把刀放下 Drop the knife. 51 00:10:28,600 --> 00:10:30,100 什麼刀 What knife? 52 00:10:32,270 --> 00:10:35,270 天啊 你還真不識逗 Geez. I guess somebody can't take a joke. 53 00:10:35,270 --> 00:10:37,440 我沒跟你逗 Not a joke. 54 00:10:37,440 --> 00:10:39,690 我下一槍就打你的嘴 現在把刀放下 Next one goes in your mouth. Now drop it. 55 00:10:42,280 --> 00:10:44,320 你來試試 Make me. 56 00:10:54,540 --> 00:10:56,370 -我是威特·法爾 -正中腹部 你能相信嗎 - This is Witt Farr. - Belly shot, can you believe it? 57 00:10:56,370 --> 00:10:58,080 -居然被個娘們打了 -我在地下 By a female. - I am underground 58 00:10:58,080 --> 00:11:00,130 -和嫌疑犯 -起這怎麼可能 - with the suspect. - Oh, this can't be happening. 59 00:11:00,130 --> 00:11:02,420 -閉嘴 這裡有個入口 -我是上帝的使者 Shut up. There's an entrance...- I am an emissary of the Lord. 60 00:11:02,420 --> 00:11:05,050 在東南坡的一棵樹旁 站住 ...on the southeast slope, by a tree- - Stop. 61 00:11:05,050 --> 00:11:10,050 孩子 我的命運在隧道的另一端 Son, my destiny is at the other end of that tunnel. 62 00:11:11,640 --> 00:11:13,850 別喊我孩子 I'm not your son. 63 00:11:13,850 --> 00:11:16,020 現在把刀放下 Now drop the knife. 64 00:11:40,920 --> 00:11:43,090 這就對了 There it is. 65 00:11:43,090 --> 00:11:45,090 別反抗了 孩子 Don't fight it, son. 66 00:11:45,090 --> 00:11:47,170 現在一切都結束了 It's all over now. 67 00:12:58,580 --> 00:13:00,290 他在哪裡 Where is he? 68 00:13:00,290 --> 00:13:03,500 他抓到他了嗎 Did he get him? Huh? 69 00:13:42,750 --> 00:13:44,250 來吧 孩子 Come on, kid. 70 00:13:45,790 --> 00:13:47,380 就要到了 Almost there. 71 00:13:57,600 --> 00:13:59,890 順便告訴你 是你兒子把你賣了 Your son gave you up, by the way. 72 00:14:06,270 --> 00:14:08,150 我說了 我沒事 I told you, Im fine. 73 00:14:08,150 --> 00:14:10,530 我只想給我女兒打個電話 I just need to call my daughter. 74 00:14:10,530 --> 00:14:13,490 -我得回家了 -納丁 - I need to get home. - Nadine? 75 00:14:18,620 --> 00:14:20,240 蓋特 Gator. 76 00:14:23,000 --> 00:14:24,500 納丁 Nadine. 77 00:14:28,960 --> 00:14:30,630 很抱歉 I'm sorry. 78 00:14:34,760 --> 00:14:36,390 沒關係 It's okay. 79 00:14:37,140 --> 00:14:38,850 現在結束了 It's over now. 80 00:14:53,240 --> 00:14:55,820 你真的看到我媽媽了嗎 Did you really see my mom? 81 00:15:00,450 --> 00:15:02,240 沒有 親愛的 No, hon. 82 00:15:03,580 --> 00:15:05,660 我以為自己見到了 I thought I did. 83 00:15:07,670 --> 00:15:11,210 但她只是夢中一個美麗的天使 But she was just a beautiful angel in a dream. 84 00:15:19,300 --> 00:15:22,220 你會 Would you. 85 00:15:22,220 --> 00:15:24,520 來看我的吧 ...come visit me. 86 00:15:26,230 --> 00:15:28,020 來監獄看我 ...in jail? 87 00:15:32,190 --> 00:15:33,860 我會給你帶餅乾的 With cookies. 88 00:15:36,240 --> 00:15:38,860 你還喜歡燕麥葡萄幹嗎 You still like oatmeal raisin? 89 00:15:43,540 --> 00:15:45,250 裡昂夫人 Mrs. Lyon? 90 00:15:45,250 --> 00:15:48,290 我和你丈夫談過了 他知道你沒事了 I spoke to your husband. He knows you're okay. 91 00:15:48,290 --> 00:15:50,460 謝謝你 Thank you. 92 00:15:50,460 --> 00:15:52,920 他太過擔心了 He worries so much. 93 00:15:57,050 --> 00:16:00,300 能幫幫我嗎 我要找到 Could you help me? I need to find. 94 00:16:01,260 --> 00:16:04,930 我要找到那位州警 威特·法爾 I need to find my trooper, Witt Farr, 95 00:16:04,930 --> 00:16:06,770 只是為了說聲謝謝 just to thank him. 96 00:16:55,980 --> 00:16:57,940 快到家了 Almost home. 97 00:17:49,330 --> 00:17:51,870 快來 我的寶貝 Come here. My baby. 98 00:17:53,830 --> 00:17:56,000 嗨 Hi. 99 00:17:59,380 --> 00:18:01,170 讓我看看你 Let me look at you. 100 00:18:02,130 --> 00:18:04,090 我美麗的女兒 My beautiful girl. 101 00:18:11,980 --> 00:18:13,890 看來你已經沒事了 So, you're okay, then. 102 00:18:17,110 --> 00:18:18,570 是的 Yeah. 103 00:18:18,570 --> 00:18:21,740 我剛下載了資料 I...Ijust got the download. 104 00:18:21,740 --> 00:18:25,860 他們說 你朝他肚子開了一槍 Shot him in the stomach, they said, which 105 00:18:29,290 --> 00:18:31,080 真是我的好姑娘 ...that's my girl. 106 00:18:38,840 --> 00:18:40,460 好了 好了 There, there. 107 00:18:43,800 --> 00:18:45,220 行吧 Okeydoke. 108 00:18:52,310 --> 00:18:54,060 好樣的 Good for you. 109 00:19:36,980 --> 00:19:40,650 每年這個日子總讓人感懷 Something about anniversaries. 110 00:19:44,320 --> 00:19:46,820 你想去獻花嗎 You want to do the flowers? 111 00:19:46,820 --> 00:19:48,570 去吧 Go on. 112 00:19:51,830 --> 00:19:53,490 真不敢相信我從來沒問過 I can't believe Inever asked. 113 00:19:53,490 --> 00:19:55,750 他結婚了嗎 Was he married? 114 00:19:55,750 --> 00:19:59,460 沒有 他只有一隻叫好運的貓 No. Just a cat named Lucky. 115 00:19:59,790 --> 00:20:01,210 現在是我的了 Mine, now. 116 00:20:03,630 --> 00:20:07,880 他的母親來參加了葬禮 還帶來著他的六個妹妹 His mother came to the funeral, brought his six sisters. 117 00:20:07,880 --> 00:20:09,510 你能想象嗎 Can you imagine? 118 00:20:09,800 --> 00:20:12,100 難怪他人那麼好 No wonder he was so nice. 119 00:20:15,020 --> 00:20:16,850 我也想要六個妹妹 I want six sisters. 120 00:20:18,520 --> 00:20:19,650 先來一個妹妹如何 How about we start with one, hmm? 121 00:20:19,650 --> 00:20:21,060 先來一個妹妹如何 How about we start with one, hmm? 122 00:20:24,730 --> 00:20:27,690 我喜歡那個新廣告 你和韋恩在一起拍的 I like the new ads. You and Wayne together. 123 00:20:27,700 --> 00:20:30,910 是嗎 我們現在成大亨了 Oh, yeah. We're moguls now. 124 00:20:30,910 --> 00:20:33,990 我們在聖保羅開了一家新店 Opening a new location in Saint Paul. 125 00:20:33,990 --> 00:20:36,910 韋恩善於交際 所以他做銷售 Wayne's the people person, so he does sales. 126 00:20:36,910 --> 00:20:40,210 我更偏向於幕後 搞搞策略 I'm more back- of- the- house, strategy. 127 00:20:40,210 --> 00:20:43,590 -太完美了 -是啊 - Ah, perfect. - Yeah. 128 00:20:46,840 --> 00:20:49,340 我得去見你婆婆了 Well, I got to go meet your mother- in- law. 129 00:20:49,340 --> 00:20:51,050 有些事要處理 Some business to take care of. 130 00:20:51,050 --> 00:20:52,720 請便 Sure. 131 00:20:52,720 --> 00:20:55,260 韋恩在做辣醬 所以我們最好 And Wayne's making chili, so we better 132 00:20:58,100 --> 00:20:59,600 希望很快能見到你 Hopefully see you soon? 133 00:20:59,600 --> 00:21:02,810 -你會見到我的 -好吧 Oh, yeah. You will. - Okay. 134 00:21:15,080 --> 00:21:16,580 該死 Shoot. 135 00:21:17,580 --> 00:21:20,080 我們還得去給爸爸買酸奶油 We got to pick up sour cream for Dad. 136 00:21:20,080 --> 00:21:21,960 能給我買些巧克力豆嗎 Can I get M&M's? 137 00:21:21,960 --> 00:21:24,170 那得等你會開車了 Only if you drive. 138 00:21:27,760 --> 00:21:29,550 我其實很想開車 I'd actually like to drive. 139 00:21:29,550 --> 00:21:31,970 你會的開上的 但今天不行 Oh, you would, would you? Not today. 140 00:21:31,970 --> 00:21:33,510 在我眼皮底下不行 Not on my watch. 141 00:21:33,510 --> 00:21:35,350 但是巧克力豆 But the M&M's 142 00:21:35,350 --> 00:21:37,560 那就給你買吧 I think that we can do. 143 00:22:34,950 --> 00:22:37,370 這個顏色很適合你 I love that color on you. 144 00:22:42,000 --> 00:22:44,920 知道什麼適合你嗎 You know what I'd love to see on you? 145 00:22:44,920 --> 00:22:46,580 絞刑 - A noose. 146 00:22:46,580 --> 00:22:49,710 說話客氣點 勞改犯 Watch your mouth, convict. 147 00:22:49,710 --> 00:22:52,510 這個女人待在牢裡連五分鐘都堅持不了 She wouldn't last five minutes in here, that one. 148 00:22:52,510 --> 00:22:54,340 原則太多了 Too many principles. 149 00:22:55,510 --> 00:22:57,800 但是你 But you. 150 00:22:57,800 --> 00:22:59,850 你會是這裡的奇葩 you'd be queen shit. 151 00:23:01,350 --> 00:23:04,850 我得知你提出了上訴 但那是個錯誤 I saw you filed for an appeal. That was a mistake. 152 00:23:04,850 --> 00:23:07,060 得了吧 你所謂的審判 Please. That whole thing was rigged. 153 00:23:07,060 --> 00:23:09,480 -都被操縱的 -你應該知道 Your so- called trial. - You should know 154 00:23:09,480 --> 00:23:13,650 我是聯邦黨人協會最大的單一捐贈者 I'm the single largest donor to the Federalist Society. 155 00:23:13,650 --> 00:23:15,490 是嗎 他們是幹什麼的 Oh, yeah? What do they do? 156 00:23:15,490 --> 00:23:17,240 在聖經裡尋章摘句嗎 Something with books? 157 00:23:17,240 --> 00:23:18,870 他們控制著法庭 They control the courts, 158 00:23:18,870 --> 00:23:21,870 從挑選法官一直到最高法院 selecting judges all the way up to the Supreme Court, 159 00:23:21,870 --> 00:23:24,660 連總統都順著他們 with the president's blessing. 160 00:23:24,660 --> 00:23:26,500 所以 So... 161 00:23:26,500 --> 00:23:29,040 我建議你不如買個抱枕哭去吧 ...buy a throw pillow is my advice. 162 00:23:29,040 --> 00:23:31,710 -你要在牢裡待上一段時間 -真有趣 You're gonna be here a while. - It's funny. 163 00:23:31,710 --> 00:23:35,550 監獄才是這個世界該有的樣子 Prison is the way the world should be. 164 00:23:35,550 --> 00:23:38,720 自然的秩序 The natural order. 165 00:23:38,720 --> 00:23:40,390 道歉沒用 No apology. 166 00:23:41,720 --> 00:23:43,640 人們根據不同種族而隔離 Men separated by race. 167 00:23:43,640 --> 00:23:46,270 優勝劣汰 適者生存 Races stacked with the strong on top. 168 00:23:47,270 --> 00:23:49,770 剝削弱者 屠戮對手 You fuck the weak, you kill your rivals, 169 00:23:49,770 --> 00:23:52,400 睡覺都要睜一隻眼 sleep with one eye open. 170 00:23:55,400 --> 00:23:58,860 是的 我只是過來跟你說 Yes. Well, I just came by to say 171 00:23:58,870 --> 00:24:00,280 我希望你已經習慣這裡了 I hope you've settled in, 172 00:24:00,280 --> 00:24:03,290 因為如今你真正的懲罰才剛剛開始 because now your real punishment will begin. 173 00:24:03,290 --> 00:24:04,950 我的什麼 My what? 174 00:24:08,830 --> 00:24:11,840 請去外面等著 Wait outside, please. 175 00:24:11,840 --> 00:24:14,670 -你確定嗎 -我們會相安無事的 對吧 羅伊 - Are you sure? - Oh, we'll be fine, won't we, Roy? 176 00:24:14,670 --> 00:24:16,210 沒錯 Peachy. 177 00:24:24,220 --> 00:24:26,560 你是對的 You're right. 178 00:24:26,560 --> 00:24:28,890 她確實很有原則 She does have principles. 179 00:24:32,270 --> 00:24:33,820 我說到哪兒了 Where was I? 180 00:24:33,820 --> 00:24:37,360 是的 懲罰 Oh, yes, punishment. 181 00:24:38,320 --> 00:24:41,620 你知道85%的 Did you know that 85% 182 00:24:41,620 --> 00:24:44,200 囚犯都會負債嗎 of all prisoners are in debt? 183 00:24:44,200 --> 00:24:48,290 少則幾百 多則數千美元 利滾利 Hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, interest accruing, 184 00:24:48,290 --> 00:24:50,580 他們的家人只能流落街頭 their families put out on the street. 185 00:24:51,880 --> 00:24:54,000 我已經成立了一個基金 Well, I've started a fund 186 00:24:54,000 --> 00:24:57,170 幫助某些囚犯 to help certain prisoners 187 00:24:57,170 --> 00:24:59,720 從自己的負債中解脫出來 free themselves from this burden. 188 00:24:59,720 --> 00:25:02,510 私募基金 A private fund. 189 00:25:02,510 --> 00:25:04,930 每個月都會給囚犯的 Plus a little fresh cash each month 190 00:25:04,930 --> 00:25:07,720 監獄飯卡里打點錢 in their commissary accounts. 191 00:25:07,730 --> 00:25:09,640 可以買潤滑膏 Vaseline, 192 00:25:09,640 --> 00:25:12,480 維也納香腸啥的 Vienna sausages, 193 00:25:12,480 --> 00:25:14,020 這類東西 that kind of thing. 194 00:25:15,190 --> 00:25:16,820 哪些囚犯 Which prisoners? 195 00:25:20,740 --> 00:25:22,070 我想 就那個吧 That one, I think. 196 00:25:23,780 --> 00:25:27,620 還有那個帶著傷疤的 And him over there with the scars. 197 00:25:29,830 --> 00:25:34,420 還有D區所有的犯人 And all of the men on cell block D 198 00:25:34,420 --> 00:25:38,460 還有B區和A區 and B and A. 199 00:25:39,840 --> 00:25:41,550 你真是個虔誠的基督徒 Well, that's mighty Christian of you. 200 00:25:41,550 --> 00:25:44,890 不 這和聖經沒關係 Oh, no. This has nothing to do with that book. 201 00:25:44,890 --> 00:25:50,100 而是一篇更古老的文字 刻在石碑上的 It's an older text, written on stone tablets 202 00:25:50,100 --> 00:25:52,810 從操蛋的蠻荒時代就有了 in the Age of the Skull Fuckers. 203 00:25:52,810 --> 00:25:54,770 是納丁讓你這麼做的嗎 Did Nadine put you up to this? 204 00:25:54,770 --> 00:25:58,190 得了吧 她只是個女童子軍 Please. She's a Girl Scout. 205 00:26:00,400 --> 00:26:02,610 我用不著別人教我做事 而你要為自己的 I fight my own battles, and you need to pay 206 00:26:02,610 --> 00:26:04,530 所作所為付出代價 for what you've taken. 207 00:26:05,620 --> 00:26:08,450 -所以你想讓我死 -並不是 - So you want me dead. - No. 208 00:26:08,450 --> 00:26:09,830 我要你活著 I want you alive 209 00:26:09,830 --> 00:26:13,920 活得越長越好 for a very, very long time. 210 00:26:13,920 --> 00:26:16,920 但在你活著的這段時間 But while you live, 211 00:26:16,920 --> 00:26:21,590 我要讓你感受你妻子體驗到的一切 I want you to feel everything your wives felt, 212 00:26:21,590 --> 00:26:23,880 每一次毆打 every blow, 213 00:26:23,890 --> 00:26:26,350 每一個恥辱 each humiliation... 214 00:26:27,510 --> 00:26:29,310 恐懼 Fear. 215 00:26:33,060 --> 00:26:35,310 我不怕你 I'm not afraid of you. 216 00:26:37,110 --> 00:26:39,650 你需要害怕的不是我 It's not me you need to be afraid of. 217 00:26:51,750 --> 00:26:54,120 這玩意兒可能會派上用場 These might come in handy. 218 00:27:54,980 --> 00:27:57,480 -你好 親愛的 -嘿 Hiya, hon. Hey. 219 00:27:58,440 --> 00:28:01,650 這裡聞起來真香 Oh, it smells good in here. 220 00:28:01,650 --> 00:28:04,150 -是嗎 -是啊 Yeah. Oh, yeah. 221 00:28:04,150 --> 00:28:07,650 我們買了酸奶油 We got the sour cream. 222 00:28:08,660 --> 00:28:10,240 而且 And 223 00:28:12,040 --> 00:28:14,830 他家還有你喜歡的切達乾酪 ...they had that sharp cheddar that you like. 224 00:28:19,330 --> 00:28:20,380 好■ Okay. 225 00:28:21,460 --> 00:28:22,960 親愛的 Hon? 226 00:28:22,960 --> 00:28:25,510 嗨 親愛的 Hi, hon. Uh 227 00:28:25,510 --> 00:28:27,220 對 辣醬我已經燉上了 Yeah, the, uh, chili's on the stove, 228 00:28:27,220 --> 00:28:29,930 然後這個傢伙走到門口 and then this fella just came to the door, 229 00:28:29,930 --> 00:28:32,010 他說他認識你 said he, uh, knows ya. 230 00:28:32,810 --> 00:28:33,970 當然 Sure. 231 00:28:33,970 --> 00:28:36,310 -是的 -是的 - Ya. - Ya. 232 00:28:42,070 --> 00:28:44,190 你來這做什麼 What are you doing here? 233 00:28:50,030 --> 00:28:53,280 一個人放走了老虎 A man frees a tiger... 234 00:28:54,410 --> 00:28:58,040 是為了讓老虎把報仇掉 ...so the tiger can finish her fight. 235 00:29:00,830 --> 00:29:03,170 並不意味著那個人 This does not mean the man 236 00:29:03,170 --> 00:29:05,800 跟她就兩清了 is finished with her. 237 00:29:22,900 --> 00:29:24,730 我們也見過老虎 Well, we- we saw a tiger once, 238 00:29:24,730 --> 00:29:27,070 在明尼阿波利斯動物園 at the Minneapolis Zoo. 239 00:29:27,070 --> 00:29:29,700 你知道它們的吼聲 D'you know you can, uh, hear them roar 240 00:29:29,700 --> 00:29:30,740 兩英里之外就能聽到嗎 from, what, two miles away? 241 00:29:30,740 --> 00:29:32,030 它們還是游泳健將 And they're good swimmers. 242 00:29:32,030 --> 00:29:34,280 -確實是游泳健將 -韋恩 And they're good swimmers. - Wayne. 243 00:29:34,280 --> 00:29:35,780 知道嗎 它們每小時能跑40英里 And, you know, they run, like, 40 miles an hour, so... 244 00:29:36,370 --> 00:29:36,910 韋恩 Wayne. 245 00:29:36,910 --> 00:29:37,700 韋恩 Wayne. 246 00:29:42,080 --> 00:29:45,130 對了 還沒問過您尊姓大名 So, I don't think I, uh, got your name. 247 00:29:49,130 --> 00:29:50,800 蒙克 It's Moonk. 248 00:29:52,510 --> 00:29:54,510 奧拉·蒙克 Oola Moonk. 249 00:30:03,810 --> 00:30:07,190 我叫韋恩 所以 Well, I'm Wayne, so, uh... 250 00:30:10,320 --> 00:30:13,700 那是斯科特 對 And that's Scotty, so, yeah. 251 00:30:13,700 --> 00:30:14,950 你想來瓶汽水嗎 You want a pop? 252 00:30:14,950 --> 00:30:17,450 我想來杯汽水 I want a pop. 253 00:30:22,290 --> 00:30:24,790 把這些拿給爸爸 好嗎 Would you take these over to Dad, hon? 254 00:30:24,790 --> 00:30:27,250 謝謝你 Thank you. 255 00:30:29,800 --> 00:30:33,220 咱倆的恩怨 We will finish 256 00:30:33,220 --> 00:30:36,220 現在該有個了結了 our engagement now. 257 00:30:38,060 --> 00:30:39,850 我以為已經了結了 I thought we were done. 258 00:30:48,020 --> 00:30:50,440 你說過 You said 259 00:30:55,110 --> 00:30:58,410 欠債必償 The debt must be paid. 260 00:30:58,410 --> 00:31:02,500 一個人被割了肉 A man's flesh was taken. 261 00:31:03,410 --> 00:31:06,830 便要把那磅肉索回來 Now a pound is required in return. 262 00:31:08,840 --> 00:31:10,460 給你 There you go. 263 00:31:25,140 --> 00:31:26,690 這個人表示感謝 The man is grateful. 264 00:31:26,690 --> 00:31:29,520 你是這一帶的居民嗎 So, are you from, uh, you from around here? 265 00:31:34,030 --> 00:31:35,700 我來自海的那邊 Across the sea. 266 00:31:36,990 --> 00:31:39,700 但已經來這裡很久了 But here a long time. 267 00:31:40,990 --> 00:31:43,870 從飛鴿傳書與600部落的時代 From the age of the carrier pigeon 268 00:31:43,870 --> 00:31:47,210 就在這兒了 and the 600 tribes. 269 00:31:48,710 --> 00:31:50,790 阿拉帕霍人 The Arapaho, 270 00:31:50,800 --> 00:31:53,670 克裡人和東川人 the Cree and the Tonkawa. 271 00:31:56,590 --> 00:31:58,890 一個人來到此地 A man comes, 272 00:31:58,890 --> 00:32:02,220 一切都是全新的體驗 never having seen a mountain. 273 00:32:04,060 --> 00:32:07,020 也不記得 He cannot remember 274 00:32:07,020 --> 00:32:10,520 他生於何日何年 the year of his birth. 275 00:32:13,360 --> 00:32:15,820 他受雇來這裡當兵 He is paid to soldier. 276 00:32:20,200 --> 00:32:22,530 但是有天晚上 But one night, 277 00:32:22,540 --> 00:32:25,290 他離開了崗位 he wanders from his post, 278 00:32:25,290 --> 00:32:28,790 被河水的歌聲所吸引 drawn by the songs of the river. 279 00:32:32,340 --> 00:32:35,210 斯科特的爺爺 去年帶我們 Well, Scotty's grandfather took us 280 00:32:35,210 --> 00:32:37,340 去了弗米利恩 to the Vermillion last year. 281 00:32:37,340 --> 00:32:39,130 我爸溫克 My- my dad Wink, well, 282 00:32:39,140 --> 00:32:41,430 他是個釣魚高手 he's a big fly fisherman. 283 00:32:41,430 --> 00:32:43,470 -記得嗎 親愛的 -我都感冒了 Remember that, hon? - I caught a cold. 284 00:32:43,470 --> 00:32:45,930 沒錯沒錯 她是感冒了 Yeah. Yeah, she did. 285 00:32:45,930 --> 00:32:48,020 說來真的很好笑 It's- it's kind of funny. 286 00:32:48,020 --> 00:32:49,730 為什麼 Why? 287 00:32:50,810 --> 00:32:52,940 為什麼欠債必還 Why must debt be paid? 288 00:32:55,610 --> 00:32:58,530 我明白 人要遵守諾言 I understand keeping a promise. 289 00:32:58,530 --> 00:33:02,530 但是人們總說 欠債必還 But people always say debt must be paid. 290 00:33:04,990 --> 00:33:07,040 但要是你做不到呢 Except what if you can't? 291 00:33:09,920 --> 00:33:11,960 要是你窮得還不起 If you're too poor 292 00:33:11,960 --> 00:33:13,670 或是丟了工作呢 or you lose your job. 293 00:33:15,170 --> 00:33:18,470 也許家裡有人去世了 Maybe there's a death in the family. 294 00:33:22,300 --> 00:33:25,100 這種情況下 Isn't the better thing, 295 00:33:25,100 --> 00:33:27,680 免除這個人的債務 the more humane thing, 296 00:33:27,680 --> 00:33:30,520 不是更人道 更善良嗎 to say the debt should be forgiven? 297 00:33:33,610 --> 00:33:36,400 我們難道不該成為這種人嗎 Isn't that who we should be? 298 00:33:59,970 --> 00:34:02,340 哦 比賽七點就開始了 Oh, game's on at seven. 299 00:34:02,340 --> 00:34:05,430 餅乾可以做起來了 Probably time to make the biscuits. 300 00:34:09,270 --> 00:34:11,640 知道嗎 你說的對 You know what? You're right. 301 00:34:12,940 --> 00:34:15,520 -沒餅乾 辣醬就少了靈魂 -是啊 It's not chili without biscuits. No. 302 00:34:20,650 --> 00:34:23,610 不如你倆去擺桌子吧 How about you two go set the table, huh? 303 00:34:23,620 --> 00:34:26,200 我想這次可以用筷子吃 Oh? Well, I was thinking chopsticks. 304 00:34:26,200 --> 00:34:28,200 吃辣醬嗎 - For chili? - 305 00:34:28,200 --> 00:34:30,620 來吧 Come on. 306 00:34:38,710 --> 00:34:41,880 不管你此行的目的是什麼 Whatever it is you think you came here for... 307 00:34:43,340 --> 00:34:45,430 我們已經到了吃飯時間 ...we're halfway to supper. 308 00:34:45,430 --> 00:34:47,510 而且明天孩子還要上學 And it's a school night. 309 00:34:49,060 --> 00:34:53,190 所以要麼你洗手來幫忙 So either you wash your hands and you help, 310 00:34:53,190 --> 00:34:56,520 要麼我們改時間再約 or we do this another time. 311 00:35:08,740 --> 00:35:10,540 我可以喝巧克力牛奶嗎 Can I have chocolate milk? 312 00:35:10,540 --> 00:35:12,290 啥 你剛吃了巧克力豆啊 What? You just had M&Ms, so... 313 00:35:15,120 --> 00:35:18,920 我不該告訴爸爸的 對不起 I wasn't supposed to tell Dad. Sorry. 314 00:35:36,940 --> 00:35:39,480 你以前做過水滴餅幹嗎 You ever made drop biscuits before? 315 00:35:39,480 --> 00:35:41,820 一般趕時間時才會這麼做 They're mostly for when you're in a hurry. 316 00:35:41,820 --> 00:35:45,860 但我們更喜歡吃這種 而不是那種標準做法的 But we maybe like 'em more than the all- day kind. 317 00:35:47,120 --> 00:35:47,780 -親愛的 -恩 Oh, hon. - Hmm? 318 00:35:47,780 --> 00:35:48,490 -親愛的 -恩 Oh, hon. - Hmm? 319 00:35:48,490 --> 00:35:51,450 你幫蒙克先生外套掛一下啦 Would you mind helping Mr. Moonk with his coat? 320 00:35:51,450 --> 00:35:53,250 當然 Oh, sure. 321 00:35:53,250 --> 00:35:56,160 對哦 很抱歉 Yeah, sorry about that. 322 00:35:56,170 --> 00:35:58,500 好的 - AlI right. 323 00:36:00,460 --> 00:36:01,750 -媽媽 -怎麼了 - Mama? - Ya? 324 00:36:01,750 --> 00:36:03,630 知道今天我們學了啥嗎 You know what I learned today? 325 00:36:03,630 --> 00:36:05,470 黑猩猩甚至能開車呢 Chimpanzees can learn to drive. 326 00:36:05,470 --> 00:36:09,090 不可能 你之前不知道吧 No way. Did you know that? 327 00:36:09,100 --> 00:36:11,640 不知道 Didn't know that. 328 00:36:11,640 --> 00:36:13,430 -哇 -一個男人 - Wow. - Aman... 329 00:36:13,430 --> 00:36:15,140 你知道 我在想 You know, I was thinking 330 00:36:15,140 --> 00:36:17,730 -有自己的準則 -今晚來杯啤酒 你說怎麼樣 has a code. - I might have a beer. What do you think? 331 00:36:17,730 --> 00:36:21,520 -一起喝唄 -他有自己的準則 而那個準則 Let's do it. - He has a code, and the code- - 332 00:36:21,520 --> 00:36:23,320 你擋道了耶 You're in the way. 333 00:36:24,990 --> 00:36:26,400 那個準則 The code is ev- - 334 00:36:26,400 --> 00:36:28,110 謝謝 親愛的 - Thanks, hon. 335 00:36:28,110 --> 00:36:29,490 真棒 Ya. 336 00:36:29,490 --> 00:36:31,330 我要告訴你一個小秘密喲 Okay, so, I'm gonna tell you a little secret. 337 00:36:31,330 --> 00:36:34,490 上面寫了要用水 但我用的是牛奶 It says to use water, but I use milk. 338 00:36:35,460 --> 00:36:37,120 比牛奶還好的東西 Even better. 339 00:36:39,210 --> 00:36:40,500 白脫牛奶 ...buttermilk. 340 00:36:40,500 --> 00:36:44,630 所以 你先倒一個量杯的量 So, go ahead and measure out a cup. 341 00:36:48,510 --> 00:36:50,050 量杯在這裡 This one's a cup. 342 00:36:50,050 --> 00:36:52,760 謝謝你 Thank you. 343 00:37:01,190 --> 00:37:03,110 嗯哼 Mm- hmm. 344 00:37:06,360 --> 00:37:08,030 倒進去 Pour it in there. 345 00:37:12,120 --> 00:37:14,870 好的 然後 Okay. Then 346 00:37:14,870 --> 00:37:18,040 加一點蜂蜜進去 you add just a little honey. 347 00:37:23,540 --> 00:37:26,550 我猜 當初是他付錢讓你過來的 I'm assuming he paid you to come here- - 348 00:37:26,550 --> 00:37:28,720 羅伊 Roy- - 349 00:37:28,720 --> 00:37:30,630 來把我綁走 and do what you did. 350 00:37:32,010 --> 00:37:34,510 但你現在心中憤憤不平 Maybe you're feeling sideways about it, 351 00:37:34,510 --> 00:37:36,220 也許是覺得自己損失太大了 'cause of what it cost you. 352 00:37:37,310 --> 00:37:39,140 搭進去一個搭檔 A partner. 353 00:37:39,140 --> 00:37:41,230 和一隻耳朵 An ear. 354 00:37:45,610 --> 00:37:48,150 換你來 繼續攪拌哈 You go ahead, stir. 355 00:37:51,740 --> 00:37:53,950 你接了份高風險的工作 You took a job that had a risk to it. 356 00:37:55,120 --> 00:37:56,700 最終受了傷 You got hurt. 357 00:37:57,450 --> 00:38:00,750 就不能因為冒險而生氣 You can't be mad at the risk. 358 00:38:04,790 --> 00:38:06,710 就像被桌腿撞到腳趾後 That'd be like getting mad at the table 359 00:38:06,710 --> 00:38:08,130 你不會去跟桌子生氣 you stubbed your toe on. 360 00:38:08,130 --> 00:38:11,220 我香料可能放多了 I might have gone over the deep end on the spices. 361 00:38:13,550 --> 00:38:16,310 我知道大洋彼岸 I know you had a mom back there, 362 00:38:16,310 --> 00:38:18,600 你也有自己的母親 across the sea. 363 00:38:18,600 --> 00:38:20,980 她愛你 And she loved you. 364 00:38:23,690 --> 00:38:26,360 如果有人來找她麻煩 If someone came for her, 365 00:38:26,360 --> 00:38:27,900 你不覺得她也會拼了命地自救 don't you think she would've done 366 00:38:27,900 --> 00:38:30,440 只為回到你身邊嗎 whatever it took to get back to you? 367 00:38:30,450 --> 00:38:33,570 你把生命說成了 You say that as if 368 00:38:33,570 --> 00:38:37,080 一個圓 但它是一條線 life is a circle, but it's a line. 369 00:38:38,620 --> 00:38:40,750 母親是生命的開始 Mother is the start. 370 00:38:40,750 --> 00:38:44,210 這是線的另一邊 This is the other side. 371 00:38:46,670 --> 00:38:49,800 我聽不懂你的意思 Well, I don't know what that means. 372 00:38:49,800 --> 00:38:53,800 我想說的是 一切在於選擇 What I'm saying is it's a choice. 373 00:38:55,800 --> 00:38:59,060 你做出了選擇 You made a choice. 374 00:39:04,480 --> 00:39:05,980 主 請賜福我們 Bless us, Oh Lord, 375 00:39:05,980 --> 00:39:09,320 還有我們承蒙您的恩惠 and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive 376 00:39:09,320 --> 00:39:11,780 接受的禮物 through Thy bounty, 377 00:39:11,780 --> 00:39:13,360 以我主基督的名義祈禱 through Christ our Lord, we pray. 378 00:39:13,360 --> 00:39:15,610 阿們 Amen. 379 00:39:15,620 --> 00:39:18,280 好了 親愛的 能不能 Hmm. All right, hon, would you, uh, 380 00:39:18,280 --> 00:39:21,370 把碗遞給蒙克先生 pass, uh, Mr. Moonk's bowl? 381 00:39:22,750 --> 00:39:26,290 親 啊 謝謝你 Honey. Ah. Thank you. 382 00:39:26,290 --> 00:39:29,210 我呢 從沒去過大洋那邊 Well, personally, I never been across the sea. 383 00:39:29,210 --> 00:39:30,380 沒有 Nope. 384 00:39:31,880 --> 00:39:34,680 我們是坐著一條長長的船來的 By long boat we came. 385 00:39:35,840 --> 00:39:40,510 划槳的有三十多個人 Three dozen men pulling at the oars. 386 00:39:40,520 --> 00:39:44,310 雨下得那麼大 The rain so heavy, 387 00:39:44,310 --> 00:39:46,600 有些人淹死在了座位上 some drown in their seats. 388 00:39:46,600 --> 00:39:48,730 天啊 Geez. 389 00:39:48,730 --> 00:39:51,480 先是走入了森林 First in forest, 390 00:39:51,480 --> 00:39:54,030 然後走上了草原 then on grassland. 391 00:39:56,280 --> 00:39:58,990 然後有了個長髮男人 The man's hair grew long. 392 00:39:58,990 --> 00:39:59,780 他騎著馬 馬上沒有鞍和韁 He rode the horse without saddle or reins, 393 00:39:59,780 --> 00:40:01,740 他騎著馬 馬上沒有鞍和韁 He rode the horse without saddle or reins, 394 00:40:01,740 --> 00:40:04,410 草原上的人們 and the people of the plains. 395 00:40:06,210 --> 00:40:09,170 都是他的子民 ...were his people. 396 00:40:09,170 --> 00:40:12,670 但後來 大炮和火槍來了 But then came the cannon and the musket, 397 00:40:12,670 --> 00:40:15,220 他又變成獨自一人 and he was alone once more. 398 00:40:16,880 --> 00:40:19,300 一個世紀來 他再也沒說過一句話 For a century he spoke to no one. 399 00:40:19,300 --> 00:40:20,300 一個世紀來 他再也沒說過一句話 For a century he spoke to no one. 400 00:40:22,850 --> 00:40:25,890 讓我一個小時不說話都難 I don't know if I could go an hour without talking. 401 00:40:27,560 --> 00:40:30,900 -老爸是做銷售的 -是的 Daddy does sales. - Yeah. 402 00:40:30,900 --> 00:40:33,230 -老爸可喜歡說話了 -是的 Daddy likes talking. - Yeah. 403 00:40:33,230 --> 00:40:33,940 對 Yeah. 404 00:40:33,940 --> 00:40:34,860 對 Yeah. 405 00:40:34,860 --> 00:40:38,360 恩 你開過起亞嗎 蒙克先生 I, uh...You ever drive a Kia, Mr. Moonk? 406 00:40:38,360 --> 00:40:40,410 就像在雲中飛翔 It's like flying a cloud. 407 00:40:46,330 --> 00:40:49,370 咱們來嘗嘗你的餅乾烤得怎麼樣 I think we should see how your biscuits turned out, huh? 408 00:40:50,420 --> 00:40:51,920 在登上船前 Before the boat, 409 00:40:51,920 --> 00:40:55,050 這個人住在泥淖中 the man lived on the moors. 410 00:40:56,300 --> 00:40:59,260 以老鼠身上的 ...and ate fleas 411 00:40:59,260 --> 00:41:01,850 跳蚤為食 from the rats. 412 00:41:06,100 --> 00:41:09,100 他一直活得很害怕 He was frightened all the time. 413 00:41:11,560 --> 00:41:13,690 然後有一天 Then one day, 414 00:41:13,690 --> 00:41:17,280 一個人騎著高頭大馬過來 a man comes on a wealthy horse 415 00:41:17,280 --> 00:41:19,280 給了他 and offers him 416 00:41:19,280 --> 00:41:21,280 兩枚硬幣 two coins 417 00:41:21,280 --> 00:41:23,410 和一頓飯 and a meal. 418 00:41:28,790 --> 00:41:31,580 但裡面的食物 But the food 419 00:41:31,580 --> 00:41:34,460 不是食物 was not food. 420 00:41:34,460 --> 00:41:36,880 是什麼 What was it? 421 00:41:40,220 --> 00:41:42,470 是罪惡 It was sin. 422 00:41:44,390 --> 00:41:47,430 富人的罪惡 The sins of the rich. 423 00:41:47,430 --> 00:41:51,400 貪婪 嫉妒 厭惡 Greed, envy, disgust. 424 00:41:51,400 --> 00:41:54,110 難以下咽 They were bitter- - 425 00:41:54,110 --> 00:41:56,940 罪惡 the sins. 426 00:41:57,690 --> 00:41:59,780 但他全吃光了 But he ate them all, 427 00:41:59,780 --> 00:42:03,490 因為他餓壞了 for he was starving. 428 00:42:06,660 --> 00:42:08,450 從那時起 From then on, 429 00:42:08,450 --> 00:42:12,370 這個人就不眠不休 the man does not sleep 430 00:42:12,380 --> 00:42:16,250 也不會變老 or grow old. 431 00:42:16,250 --> 00:42:19,340 他不會死 He cannot die. 432 00:42:22,470 --> 00:42:25,930 他沒有夢想 He has no dreams. 433 00:42:29,600 --> 00:42:32,850 他唯一有的 All that is left 434 00:42:36,480 --> 00:42:38,530 就是罪 ...is sin. 435 00:42:45,200 --> 00:42:49,040 確實是這種感覺 我知道 It feels like that, I know. 436 00:42:51,870 --> 00:42:54,750 他們對我們做了惡 What they do to us, 437 00:42:54,750 --> 00:42:57,040 又讓我們咽下去 make us swallow. 438 00:42:58,130 --> 00:43:00,380 好像這是我們的錯 Like it's our fault. 439 00:43:04,260 --> 00:43:06,140 但你知道怎麼才能治愈嗎 But you want to know the cure? 440 00:43:14,440 --> 00:43:16,400 你得吃點用愛和喜悅 You got to eat something 441 00:43:16,400 --> 00:43:19,230 做的東西 made with love and joy. 442 00:43:22,950 --> 00:43:25,910 就會得到寬恕 And be forgiven. 443 00:47:18,010 --> 00:47:19,970 我現在懂了