1 00:00:03,233 --> 00:00:06,475 Good Morning Gil. Gil? 2 00:00:08,071 --> 00:00:10,733 We barely recovered from the Rodney King riots two years ago, 3 00:00:10,823 --> 00:00:13,690 now you and Johnnie are standing in a goddamn pool of gasoline, 4 00:00:13,785 --> 00:00:16,743 playing with matches. It's all gonna happen again, it's gonna be on you. 5 00:00:17,372 --> 00:00:21,240 Gil, it's me, Bob. You know who is pushing this. It's Johnnie. 6 00:00:21,459 --> 00:00:23,370 Enjoy your legacy, Bob. 7 00:00:29,008 --> 00:00:31,499 Excuse me, excuse me, Mr. Shapiro. 8 00:00:31,594 --> 00:00:33,710 Questioning Mark Furhman about the use of the N word. 9 00:00:33,805 --> 00:00:36,797 Is it based on something you know or your views of the LAPD in general? 10 00:00:36,891 --> 00:00:37,971 Look |... 11 00:00:40,103 --> 00:00:43,311 Let me just state this. I think that 12 00:00:43,648 --> 00:00:46,139 the LAPD is a terrific organization. 13 00:00:46,234 --> 00:00:48,350 I think that there's just a few bad apples. 14 00:00:48,778 --> 00:00:53,112 Unbelievable. Good Morning. Love the hair. 15 00:00:53,908 --> 00:00:55,614 Please don't ever mention my hair again. 16 00:00:55,702 --> 00:00:56,817 -Got it. -Ever. 17 00:01:00,081 --> 00:01:05,496 And within hours of the killings you had my client in handcuffs. 18 00:01:06,963 --> 00:01:08,828 So, what I'm trying to get a sense of, 19 00:01:08,923 --> 00:01:12,165 is this rush to judgment, and how in a few 20 00:01:12,260 --> 00:01:16,219 short hours, these detectives closed up shop, 21 00:01:16,306 --> 00:01:21,221 on a complex investigation that could have gone in any different direction. 22 00:01:21,394 --> 00:01:25,353 It might sound like Cochran is fishing but he understands what we have to do. 23 00:01:25,440 --> 00:01:29,558 Present alternative theories that do not include your client. 24 00:01:30,069 --> 00:01:33,061 It's not enough to just plead your client's innocence, 25 00:01:33,323 --> 00:01:34,813 you need to provide, 26 00:01:34,907 --> 00:01:38,399 a narrative, and not just in the court room, in the world! 27 00:01:38,786 --> 00:01:42,950 Do you feel, that you've turned over every possible rock 28 00:01:43,041 --> 00:01:45,202 in search for the real killer in this case 29 00:01:45,293 --> 00:01:48,456 before rushing to charge my client? 30 00:01:49,547 --> 00:01:50,536 I do. 31 00:01:50,632 --> 00:01:52,042 Look what the culture is becoming, 32 00:01:52,133 --> 00:01:54,590 the media, people they want narrative too, 33 00:01:54,677 --> 00:01:59,546 but they want it to be entertainment, and what's out in the world, 34 00:01:59,641 --> 00:02:03,133 osmoses back in to that courtroom. Sequestered be damned. 35 00:02:03,686 --> 00:02:08,055 If there's gonna be a media circus, you better well be the ringmaster. 36 00:02:13,363 --> 00:02:16,776 Yes, yes, this could work. 37 00:02:27,502 --> 00:02:28,958 [fax dialing] 38 00:02:31,089 --> 00:02:32,829 [fax machine whirring] 39 00:02:34,342 --> 00:02:36,424 Then tell the court please why, 40 00:02:36,511 --> 00:02:39,719 you refused to investigate any other possible suspects. 41 00:02:39,806 --> 00:02:43,344 Objection asked and answered. Argumentative. 42 00:02:43,685 --> 00:02:47,644 [judge] Sustained. Mr. Cochran, please refrain from badgering the witness. 43 00:02:47,730 --> 00:02:49,095 Yes, Your Honor. 44 00:03:12,004 --> 00:03:13,335 Detective Lange. 45 00:03:15,007 --> 00:03:16,872 Is it possible that these, 46 00:03:17,802 --> 00:03:20,384 murders could be drug related? 47 00:03:20,763 --> 00:03:22,469 -[Marcia] Objection. -[judge] Sustained. 48 00:03:22,682 --> 00:03:24,422 [judge] You're being a little vague, Counsel. 49 00:03:24,600 --> 00:03:28,468 Detective, have you ever heard of a Columbian necktie? 50 00:03:29,480 --> 00:03:30,560 A what? 51 00:03:33,317 --> 00:03:35,023 -No. -Really? 52 00:03:37,029 --> 00:03:41,363 It's a well-known technique employed by drug gangs. 53 00:03:41,993 --> 00:03:45,906 They slash a person's throat so viciously, 54 00:03:47,373 --> 00:03:50,740 they almost remove the victim's head. 55 00:03:55,840 --> 00:03:58,923 [clapping and exclaiming] 56 00:04:11,731 --> 00:04:13,096 [siren wailing] 57 00:04:13,274 --> 00:04:16,437 Sorry about the Columbian necktie thing, I had never heard of it. 58 00:04:16,778 --> 00:04:18,268 You're kidding me, Tom? 59 00:04:18,654 --> 00:04:20,940 You didn't know that Mezzaluna was a cleverly disguised 60 00:04:21,032 --> 00:04:23,523 front for the gatherings of cocaine kingpins? 61 00:04:23,910 --> 00:04:27,402 That Faye Resnick owed them money on some deal she was mixed up in? 62 00:04:27,497 --> 00:04:30,830 And these scarfaces decided to scare her by killing Nicole? 63 00:04:31,584 --> 00:04:33,916 How could you not know there's a major drug cartel 64 00:04:34,003 --> 00:04:37,746 being run out of B minus Brentwood eatery right under your nose? 65 00:04:38,591 --> 00:04:40,252 It's just desperate flailing. 66 00:04:41,010 --> 00:04:43,752 I hope they keep that kind of unsubstantiated bullshit up. 67 00:04:43,846 --> 00:04:44,835 I don't. 68 00:04:45,723 --> 00:04:47,679 Like it's all stupid, but it lands. 69 00:04:48,100 --> 00:04:49,306 I saw the jury. 70 00:04:50,144 --> 00:04:51,850 They're theories everywhere. 71 00:04:52,730 --> 00:04:54,766 And everyone loves to hear them, talk about them. 72 00:04:55,024 --> 00:04:57,390 So when the defense comes in with something exotic, 73 00:04:57,485 --> 00:04:59,146 it makes thejury sit up and listen 74 00:04:59,237 --> 00:05:01,353 instead of playing tic-tac-toe with themselves. 75 00:05:01,531 --> 00:05:03,487 0r flat out, fall asleep. 76 00:05:03,741 --> 00:05:06,357 I mean we have hard evidence. 77 00:05:06,661 --> 00:05:08,868 And they razzle dazzle a bunch of 78 00:05:08,955 --> 00:05:11,071 conspiracy nonsense in the big moments. 79 00:05:11,499 --> 00:05:14,616 Now we need to make our own big moments that land with the jury. 80 00:05:14,710 --> 00:05:16,166 That's how we beat the nonsense. 81 00:05:16,254 --> 00:05:17,619 Now, can we focus on that? 82 00:05:17,839 --> 00:05:18,999 Okay, yeah. 83 00:05:19,173 --> 00:05:20,663 Sure, we'll see what we can find. 84 00:05:20,758 --> 00:05:22,544 Please. Thank you. 85 00:05:27,306 --> 00:05:28,341 I'm sorry. 86 00:05:29,058 --> 00:05:32,391 -| hijacked the meeting. -No, that's okay. 87 00:05:34,939 --> 00:05:36,145 I liked it. 88 00:05:46,617 --> 00:05:47,606 Johnnie. 89 00:05:50,079 --> 00:05:53,822 Why do you think there hasn't been a realistic theory about who did it? 90 00:05:55,334 --> 00:05:56,744 Or any evidence. 91 00:05:58,212 --> 00:06:00,498 I mean, I know it's what we're saying, but 92 00:06:01,048 --> 00:06:03,539 l have trouble with the blood in the Bronco, 93 00:06:04,468 --> 00:06:07,881 that Fuhrman, or anyone, planted all of it. 94 00:06:08,139 --> 00:06:10,676 We've got O.J.'s, Nicole's and Goldman's? 95 00:06:11,475 --> 00:06:12,555 Bobby... 96 00:06:13,144 --> 00:06:16,261 We don't have the whole police force out there, chasing leads, 97 00:06:16,355 --> 00:06:17,390 we got to be patient. 98 00:06:17,481 --> 00:06:19,767 The truth will find us. It always does. 99 00:06:20,109 --> 00:06:21,394 [door opening] 100 00:06:21,485 --> 00:06:23,897 There's something on the TV. I think you better see it. 101 00:06:24,655 --> 00:06:25,940 Can't you record it? 102 00:06:26,073 --> 00:06:28,610 Johnnie, Barbara is on A CurrentAffair. 103 00:06:28,910 --> 00:06:30,775 With Patricia, both of them. 104 00:06:31,412 --> 00:06:34,370 [woman] Patricia, you took Johnnie's name even though he never married you. 105 00:06:34,457 --> 00:06:35,446 Guys, guys. 106 00:06:35,541 --> 00:06:38,078 Well, it seemed unfair for our boy Johnnie Junior 107 00:06:38,419 --> 00:06:40,125 not to have his own father's name. 108 00:06:40,755 --> 00:06:42,871 [woman] Barbara, were you aware of Johnnie '5 double life? 109 00:06:43,549 --> 00:06:45,790 Maybe unconsciously. 110 00:06:45,885 --> 00:06:48,501 I loved him too much to acknowledge it. 111 00:06:48,763 --> 00:06:50,469 [woman] He must have been under a lot of pressure. 112 00:06:50,806 --> 00:06:53,138 Running back and forth between two households. 113 00:06:54,060 --> 00:06:55,596 Johnnie makes it all look easy. 114 00:06:56,103 --> 00:06:58,139 He is the smoothest man in LA. 115 00:06:58,814 --> 00:07:03,934 Maybe so, but Barbara, court records tell us that Johnnie assaulted you. 116 00:07:04,028 --> 00:07:05,017 On- 117 00:07:17,833 --> 00:07:19,619 Who the hell is behind this? 118 00:07:21,045 --> 00:07:22,376 It's the DA's office. 119 00:07:23,798 --> 00:07:25,129 [stammering] lt's Shapiro. 120 00:07:28,135 --> 00:07:29,215 Fuck! 121 00:07:35,893 --> 00:07:36,928 There. 122 00:07:37,812 --> 00:07:39,723 That's what's left of Nicole. 123 00:07:42,900 --> 00:07:44,231 Thank you, Denise. 124 00:07:53,577 --> 00:07:56,239 Are you helping my daddy find the man who hurt my mommy? 125 00:07:56,330 --> 00:07:57,570 Ah... 126 00:07:59,875 --> 00:08:02,241 Yeah, yes, that's right. 127 00:08:03,546 --> 00:08:06,379 Your daddy's busy working on other things today. 128 00:08:08,009 --> 00:08:10,500 Come on. Let's let them get to work, okay? 129 00:08:15,516 --> 00:08:16,972 [door closes] 130 00:08:27,403 --> 00:08:28,643 Go on. Open it. 131 00:08:36,871 --> 00:08:40,113 "VISA card number two. 1989 to 1990." 132 00:08:43,669 --> 00:08:44,784 Okay. 133 00:08:45,963 --> 00:08:47,169 I give up. 134 00:08:47,256 --> 00:08:49,463 -Nicole bought the gloves. -Our gloves. 135 00:08:49,550 --> 00:08:52,713 Aris Isotoner model number 70263. 136 00:08:52,803 --> 00:08:54,259 In the United States, the only place 137 00:08:54,346 --> 00:08:56,211 that sold them was Bloomingdale's in New York. 138 00:08:56,307 --> 00:09:00,095 Of all the 70263's only 300 pairs were extra large. 139 00:09:00,394 --> 00:09:03,852 Bloomingdale's sold 200 of those on December 18th, 1990. 140 00:09:03,939 --> 00:09:08,182 Nicole walked into that store and bought two pairs of our gloves. 141 00:09:08,277 --> 00:09:10,563 -Holy shit! -Right! There we go. 142 00:09:13,240 --> 00:09:16,073 This is it. This is not a story. 143 00:09:16,494 --> 00:09:18,280 This is cold, hard, proof. 144 00:09:19,955 --> 00:09:21,161 The gloves... 145 00:09:21,874 --> 00:09:23,705 The gloves are our conviction. 146 00:09:34,678 --> 00:09:35,667 [door opens] 147 00:09:35,763 --> 00:09:37,253 What are you doing here? 148 00:09:37,348 --> 00:09:40,806 Waiting for Johnnie. I can't wait to see this. 149 00:09:41,852 --> 00:09:46,721 Johnnie, talk to us about this double life of yours. Did you beat Barbara? 150 00:09:47,066 --> 00:09:48,431 Do you beat Dale, Johnnie? 151 00:09:48,526 --> 00:09:51,984 I'm not here to discuss old gossip. What I care about, 152 00:09:52,071 --> 00:09:55,108 is this trial in which there are two dead people 153 00:09:55,199 --> 00:09:57,315 and an innocent man being framed. 154 00:09:57,409 --> 00:10:00,276 You all should be ashamed of yourselves. 155 00:10:01,080 --> 00:10:02,661 Excuse me. Thank you. 156 00:10:04,250 --> 00:10:06,241 He's made of goddamned Teflon. 157 00:10:08,379 --> 00:10:11,212 I need a vacation. Like now. 158 00:10:15,052 --> 00:10:16,041 What? 159 00:10:19,473 --> 00:10:21,839 I'm driving out to Oakland this weekend. 160 00:10:22,184 --> 00:10:24,425 My best friend, childhood friend, 161 00:10:24,520 --> 00:10:25,555 it's his birthday. 162 00:10:26,397 --> 00:10:29,184 It's not a big thing, just getting together at a bar for some drinks, 163 00:10:29,316 --> 00:10:30,305 and stay the night. 164 00:10:30,442 --> 00:10:33,855 But you want to, you know, come along? 165 00:10:35,990 --> 00:10:39,153 The drive up, it always unwinds me and, 166 00:10:40,077 --> 00:10:42,614 you know, we're not, you're probably busy. 167 00:10:45,332 --> 00:10:47,618 Gordon has the kids this weekend. 168 00:10:51,380 --> 00:10:54,588 You know what? Hell, yes. 169 00:10:55,259 --> 00:10:56,544 Yes, count me in. 170 00:11:03,851 --> 00:11:05,261 I got to go now, okay? 171 00:11:16,530 --> 00:11:17,770 Hold, hold, hold. 172 00:11:18,532 --> 00:11:20,272 What do you have on your lapel? 173 00:11:20,618 --> 00:11:22,404 It is a police solidarity pin. 174 00:11:22,828 --> 00:11:25,114 What the hell do you have that on for? Take that off. 175 00:11:25,206 --> 00:11:28,448 I am trying to mitigate some of the damage that you're doing. 176 00:11:32,463 --> 00:11:33,873 Damage? Damage to what? 177 00:11:34,089 --> 00:11:37,126 Your cozy relationship with Garcetti and the LAPD? 178 00:11:37,218 --> 00:11:38,503 What is happening? 179 00:11:38,719 --> 00:11:41,506 Bob's lapel, LAPD solidarity pin. 180 00:11:43,057 --> 00:11:46,720 Well, I hope you get the brains to take it off in front of the cameras. 181 00:11:46,894 --> 00:11:49,135 You are hardly in a position to tell me 182 00:11:49,230 --> 00:11:51,016 what's acceptable or not on television. 183 00:11:58,906 --> 00:11:59,895 Hmmm. 184 00:12:00,032 --> 00:12:03,365 It was Shapiro who planted that story, I know it. 185 00:12:04,578 --> 00:12:06,409 I'm gonna find out how he did it. 186 00:12:07,456 --> 00:12:08,571 And when I do... 187 00:12:08,666 --> 00:12:09,701 [chuckles] 188 00:12:10,584 --> 00:12:12,120 There's going to be hell to pay. 189 00:12:13,170 --> 00:12:14,330 But it was him. 190 00:12:14,421 --> 00:12:15,536 Hmmm. 191 00:12:15,923 --> 00:12:17,879 So it was Bob Shapiro who made you live a 192 00:12:17,967 --> 00:12:20,083 double life while you were married with Barbara? 193 00:12:20,427 --> 00:12:23,009 I shut the press right down today, baby. 194 00:12:23,889 --> 00:12:25,925 You'll never hear another word about it. 195 00:12:26,475 --> 00:12:27,555 l handled it. 196 00:12:30,604 --> 00:12:33,061 And you knew all that about me when we got married. 197 00:12:33,190 --> 00:12:34,851 Yeah, I knew it, Johnnie! 198 00:12:35,526 --> 00:12:40,896 But my friends didn't, my family didn't, my pastor didn't, Johnnie! 199 00:12:40,990 --> 00:12:43,151 I'll find out what happened. I'll find out who did this. 200 00:12:43,242 --> 00:12:44,231 Nobody did this. 201 00:12:44,326 --> 00:12:46,692 There is no conspiracy, Johnnie. You cannot fix it. 202 00:12:47,246 --> 00:12:49,658 Unless you have a time machine, I don't know anything about. 203 00:12:50,708 --> 00:12:54,166 All your stuff with Barbara, all of it is in court records, Johnnie. 204 00:12:57,089 --> 00:12:59,375 You made the world your stage. 205 00:13:00,301 --> 00:13:04,795 You wanted the attention... Now you got it. 206 00:13:07,683 --> 00:13:08,889 Now you got it. 207 00:13:10,811 --> 00:13:12,392 [melancholic music] 208 00:13:22,990 --> 00:13:24,105 Good morning. 209 00:13:24,199 --> 00:13:25,780 Bob. Thanks for coming. 210 00:13:25,868 --> 00:13:27,358 -Of course. -Close the door. 211 00:13:29,538 --> 00:13:30,573 [clears throat] 212 00:13:30,831 --> 00:13:31,946 [door closes] 213 00:13:32,041 --> 00:13:33,030 [Bob] What's up? 214 00:13:33,125 --> 00:13:35,332 This discovery from the DA about the glove. 215 00:13:35,419 --> 00:13:37,785 They have receipts of Nicole purchasing them. 216 00:13:37,880 --> 00:13:39,791 -Did you read this? -Yeah, yeah but... 217 00:13:40,049 --> 00:13:42,040 They're not necessarily the gloves. 218 00:13:44,136 --> 00:13:49,506 Bobby, please, you have to help me to talk again to everyone about a plea. 219 00:13:50,184 --> 00:13:54,723 If we go in there with this glove thing, they will absolutely kill us. 220 00:13:55,689 --> 00:13:58,476 And once it's done, we will have no chance to cut a deal. 221 00:13:58,567 --> 00:14:02,230 Just talk to Johnnie, all right. I think making a deal is crazy. 222 00:14:02,321 --> 00:14:03,686 Bobby there... 223 00:14:04,698 --> 00:14:08,611 The reason I'm talking to you is that you may have a personal stake in this. 224 00:14:10,245 --> 00:14:11,701 -Why? -The bag. 225 00:14:11,830 --> 00:14:12,819 What bag? 226 00:14:13,207 --> 00:14:16,415 O.J.'s bag that you maybe disposed of with the murder weapon. 227 00:14:16,877 --> 00:14:18,117 That I what? 228 00:14:18,212 --> 00:14:21,249 There's a video of you walking out of Rockingham with it. 229 00:14:23,342 --> 00:14:24,923 Wait, wait, wait that... 230 00:14:25,469 --> 00:14:27,630 That's O.J.'s garment bag that he gave to me 231 00:14:27,721 --> 00:14:29,757 to take to my house before he came to stay with me. 232 00:14:29,848 --> 00:14:31,759 For the sake of both of us, please. 233 00:14:32,226 --> 00:14:33,636 Don't continue to tell me any more. 234 00:14:33,727 --> 00:14:34,716 Now wait a minute- 235 00:14:34,812 --> 00:14:36,803 Look, if you do have the possession of the weapon 236 00:14:36,897 --> 00:14:38,387 and you decided to turn it in, 237 00:14:38,482 --> 00:14:39,471 I don't know. 238 00:14:39,775 --> 00:14:43,518 I guess at most it would be accessory after the fact. You'd get 239 00:14:43,904 --> 00:14:45,735 five years, out in two. 240 00:14:46,615 --> 00:14:48,276 But I don't know if we could convince them 241 00:14:48,367 --> 00:14:50,733 that you didn't know it was in the bag. 242 00:14:50,828 --> 00:14:53,069 I think that... I don't know, maybe. 243 00:14:53,288 --> 00:14:55,074 Bob what the... What are you doing? 244 00:14:55,165 --> 00:14:56,280 Please, please. 245 00:14:57,084 --> 00:14:59,951 No more talking, this is just starting to be a conflict of interest. 246 00:15:01,380 --> 00:15:02,540 Gentlemen! 247 00:15:08,887 --> 00:15:10,047 Are we ready? 248 00:15:10,597 --> 00:15:11,837 Something's... 249 00:15:12,683 --> 00:15:14,924 Something's come up and I've got to go. 250 00:15:15,811 --> 00:15:17,551 l'll catch up with you later. 251 00:15:21,525 --> 00:15:24,187 -What's with him? -Possible developments. 252 00:15:24,278 --> 00:15:26,143 Anything you care to share, Bob? 253 00:15:26,238 --> 00:15:27,774 No, no, not at this time. 254 00:15:28,449 --> 00:15:29,529 Shall we? 255 00:15:44,506 --> 00:15:45,586 So that's it? 256 00:15:47,926 --> 00:15:49,336 Nobody ever asked about it? 257 00:15:49,428 --> 00:15:51,384 No, it's just sat here the whole time. 258 00:15:52,723 --> 00:15:55,009 I didn't want to open it alone, you're the... 259 00:15:55,476 --> 00:15:58,388 You're the only one who goes back all the way with us so I thought- 260 00:15:58,479 --> 00:15:59,889 You did the right thing, Bobby. 261 00:16:06,820 --> 00:16:08,651 You want me to open it? 262 00:16:26,215 --> 00:16:28,922 [suspenseful music] 263 00:17:04,878 --> 00:17:11,249 I knew it, I knew it, I knew there was nothing funky in that bag, Bobby. 264 00:17:12,928 --> 00:17:14,043 He didn't do it. 265 00:17:14,930 --> 00:17:18,172 You see that right? There's even more proof he didn't do it. 266 00:17:20,394 --> 00:17:21,884 Who do you think did do it? 267 00:17:25,399 --> 00:17:26,639 You know, my kids... 268 00:17:28,443 --> 00:17:31,776 At school, the other kids, they tease Bobby. 269 00:17:32,864 --> 00:17:34,274 Tell him his dad's... 270 00:17:35,033 --> 00:17:36,239 Hey. 271 00:17:37,619 --> 00:17:39,075 It's a tough time right now. 272 00:17:41,164 --> 00:17:44,497 I know it's hard to be strong, but you got to stick in there. 273 00:17:44,585 --> 00:17:46,667 You don't understand, I'm really struggling. 274 00:17:48,130 --> 00:17:49,916 I'm really struggling here, A.C. 275 00:17:52,968 --> 00:17:56,756 Even when it seems everybody else has stopped working 276 00:17:56,847 --> 00:17:58,462 to figure out who did it, 277 00:17:58,557 --> 00:18:00,548 l, I keep going over everything, 278 00:18:00,642 --> 00:18:02,257 again and again. 279 00:18:02,978 --> 00:18:05,845 Everything I know about Nicole, 280 00:18:05,939 --> 00:18:08,521 everything I can learn about Ron Goldman. 281 00:18:09,526 --> 00:18:13,895 I mean there has never been more information, more media coverage, 282 00:18:14,072 --> 00:18:16,609 more detectives, more... Even the kooks. 283 00:18:17,117 --> 00:18:18,778 All about one thing. 284 00:18:19,703 --> 00:18:22,615 One crime ever. Ever! 285 00:18:23,624 --> 00:18:24,659 And there's... 286 00:18:25,542 --> 00:18:26,622 Just... 287 00:18:28,378 --> 00:18:29,458 Nothing. 288 00:18:32,716 --> 00:18:34,627 No other suspect? 289 00:18:39,681 --> 00:18:41,137 No other answer? 290 00:18:44,227 --> 00:18:45,717 There's nothing else. 291 00:18:46,355 --> 00:18:47,595 Nothing else? 292 00:18:48,899 --> 00:18:50,514 Nothing else but what? 293 00:18:59,326 --> 00:19:01,066 Ididn't mean it like that. 294 00:19:03,747 --> 00:19:04,782 Good. 295 00:19:22,724 --> 00:19:23,839 [door buzzing] 296 00:19:25,727 --> 00:19:26,842 O.J.? 297 00:19:28,021 --> 00:19:29,557 Is everything all right? 298 00:19:29,690 --> 00:19:30,850 [door closes] 299 00:19:30,941 --> 00:19:32,021 80 late? 300 00:19:32,651 --> 00:19:33,811 Where is everyone? 301 00:19:35,404 --> 00:19:37,269 I see. Quality time then. 302 00:19:42,744 --> 00:19:44,359 Where's your "I Love Cops" pin? 303 00:19:46,498 --> 00:19:49,285 That was just a political positioning, if you will. 304 00:19:51,545 --> 00:19:54,207 What are you up to, Bob? Why you be half stepping? 305 00:19:54,589 --> 00:19:55,954 I don't know what that means. 306 00:19:57,843 --> 00:19:59,674 Why do you keep trying to undermine Johnnie? 307 00:20:01,012 --> 00:20:03,549 Crossing the quarterback all the time now, I see it. 308 00:20:04,433 --> 00:20:06,799 Everybody sees it. It's palpable. 309 00:20:09,104 --> 00:20:14,019 So I'll ask you again, Bob? What the hell are you up to? 310 00:20:14,317 --> 00:20:16,228 Well, Johnnie and l have our differences 311 00:20:16,319 --> 00:20:17,809 and we're clearing them up. 312 00:20:18,071 --> 00:20:22,440 But I'm glad... I'm very glad that we're discussing this, because, O.J., 313 00:20:22,534 --> 00:20:26,652 I think that this whole wild LAPD conspiracy theory 314 00:20:26,997 --> 00:20:28,487 is going to backfire on us. 315 00:20:28,582 --> 00:20:31,745 Bob! You were the one that came up with this idea. 316 00:20:31,835 --> 00:20:35,168 No, no, no. ldidn't. I came up with a bad apple idea. 317 00:20:35,255 --> 00:20:38,543 -But Johnnie- -No! No, it was your play. 318 00:20:39,718 --> 00:20:41,834 You were the first one to use the word conspiracy. 319 00:20:42,512 --> 00:20:45,970 You were the one that said no one but Johnnie could make this work. 320 00:20:48,852 --> 00:20:51,969 So I don't wanna hear no bullshit in the third quarter. You hear me? 321 00:20:52,063 --> 00:20:55,351 Okay, you can say what you want. You can yell all night. 322 00:20:55,442 --> 00:20:58,275 But everything I do out there is for your best interest. 323 00:20:58,737 --> 00:20:59,977 It's what I do. 324 00:21:00,363 --> 00:21:03,821 It's my agenda for you, and if you recall correctly, 325 00:21:03,909 --> 00:21:07,197 it's why you came to me first. 326 00:21:10,040 --> 00:21:11,120 Guard! 327 00:21:14,878 --> 00:21:15,867 [door buzzing] 328 00:21:16,004 --> 00:21:18,916 You better think hard and fast 329 00:21:19,007 --> 00:21:20,963 about whether or not you want to be on this team, 330 00:21:21,927 --> 00:21:26,717 'cause if you keep this bullshit up, there won't be no room here for you. 331 00:21:28,475 --> 00:21:29,965 I know you heard that. 332 00:21:34,022 --> 00:21:37,606 I Don't stop now, baby Let's twist some more I 333 00:21:44,866 --> 00:21:45,946 [man 1] Yo, Chris. 334 00:21:47,494 --> 00:21:48,734 [man 2] Yo, man. 335 00:21:48,912 --> 00:21:50,243 What up, Byron? 336 00:21:51,331 --> 00:21:53,413 -Happy birthday. -You made it, boy. 337 00:21:55,627 --> 00:21:59,336 Oh guys, this is Marcia. Marcia, this is guys. 338 00:22:00,173 --> 00:22:01,788 Byron the birthday boy. 339 00:22:01,883 --> 00:22:05,592 Darrell, Moses, Philly, Rick. 340 00:22:07,472 --> 00:22:08,928 Oh, what's this? 341 00:22:15,230 --> 00:22:19,269 Oh, no, no. I ain't never gonna wear this. 342 00:22:19,359 --> 00:22:21,441 Why not? It's a hundred percent cotton 343 00:22:21,528 --> 00:22:23,359 and it might help you out of a traffic ticket. 344 00:22:23,446 --> 00:22:24,481 [all laughing] 345 00:22:24,573 --> 00:22:26,029 She gotjokes? 346 00:22:26,116 --> 00:22:27,105 Huh? 347 00:22:27,367 --> 00:22:30,985 So is this an AA meeting or is someone gonna buy me a drink? 348 00:22:31,079 --> 00:22:33,491 -Allow me, allow me. -Handle that boy. 349 00:22:35,250 --> 00:22:37,081 [upbeat music playing] 350 00:22:38,169 --> 00:22:41,206 Hit it, hit it. Come on, come on. 351 00:22:41,298 --> 00:22:45,166 All right. To my main man, Byron. Happy birthday. 352 00:22:45,260 --> 00:22:47,171 [all cheering] 353 00:22:47,637 --> 00:22:49,047 Happy birthday. 354 00:22:54,102 --> 00:22:56,514 -Now, I'm not saying that he did it. -Darrell. 355 00:22:56,855 --> 00:23:01,349 Darrell, we had a rule. First one who mentions that goddamn case drinks. 356 00:23:02,861 --> 00:23:04,067 Fine by me. 357 00:23:04,905 --> 00:23:06,065 Mmmm. 358 00:23:06,615 --> 00:23:08,230 I'm not saying that he did it. 359 00:23:08,700 --> 00:23:10,611 -The jury's still out. -Yeah, that's right. 360 00:23:11,161 --> 00:23:14,244 But I heard he was making some TV show about Navy Seals or some shit, 361 00:23:14,456 --> 00:23:15,866 where he was trained to kill. 362 00:23:15,957 --> 00:23:18,869 -Yeah, yeah, Frogmen. -Yeah, that's it. 363 00:23:19,085 --> 00:23:21,076 They showed him all these kinds of techniques, 364 00:23:21,171 --> 00:23:23,537 how to sneak around and kill people with knives, 365 00:23:23,632 --> 00:23:28,046 cut throats and slash their legs, all of that. 366 00:23:28,136 --> 00:23:29,842 Why ain't you talking about that in court? 367 00:23:29,930 --> 00:23:33,639 Because the jury would be able to separate from TV and real life. 368 00:23:34,184 --> 00:23:36,391 We're strong enough without that kind of crap. 369 00:23:36,478 --> 00:23:38,309 The cops framed his ass anyway. 370 00:23:39,314 --> 00:23:40,599 Is that right, Byron? 371 00:23:41,107 --> 00:23:42,563 No, you're on your own now, brother. 372 00:23:42,651 --> 00:23:44,983 No, no, no, no. Come on, come on, come on. 373 00:23:45,570 --> 00:23:46,810 What's your theory? 374 00:23:46,947 --> 00:23:49,905 Well, I think that cracker cop planted that glove. 375 00:23:50,492 --> 00:23:54,235 And they all did what they had to do to prove that O.J did it. 376 00:23:54,788 --> 00:23:56,153 That's what I think. 377 00:23:58,875 --> 00:23:59,910 Okay. 378 00:24:08,218 --> 00:24:13,178 Here's the crime scene Bundy. Here's O.J.'s house. 379 00:24:14,808 --> 00:24:15,843 Okay. 380 00:24:16,351 --> 00:24:20,720 Fuhrman made up his mind at Bundy that Simpson did it. 381 00:24:21,648 --> 00:24:26,233 Even though he had no idea if O.J. had an ironclad alibi that would then ruin 382 00:24:26,736 --> 00:24:28,897 Fuhrman's career and land him in jail. 383 00:24:29,614 --> 00:24:32,026 Fuhrman takes the glove at Bundy, 384 00:24:32,200 --> 00:24:35,658 makes sure it has Goldman and Nicole's DNA on it, 385 00:24:35,996 --> 00:24:38,032 jumps in the car with the other detectives, 386 00:24:38,206 --> 00:24:39,867 heads to Rockingham with it, 387 00:24:40,375 --> 00:24:42,161 where he gets into the Bronco, 388 00:24:42,252 --> 00:24:46,461 somehow getting all that evidence in it, 389 00:24:46,548 --> 00:24:48,914 including Simpson's blood. 390 00:24:49,718 --> 00:24:55,054 Even though the police didn't have Simpson's blood until the next day. 391 00:24:55,390 --> 00:24:56,596 Hmmm umm. 392 00:24:57,183 --> 00:25:02,519 Then he goes over the wall, plants the glove behind Kato's room. 393 00:25:02,939 --> 00:25:05,305 Then, with the help of the rest of his 394 00:25:05,400 --> 00:25:08,688 super secret cabal of OJ. hating, racist cops, 395 00:25:08,778 --> 00:25:10,393 he starts getting everything just so 396 00:25:10,822 --> 00:25:12,562 just where it needs to be. 397 00:25:13,241 --> 00:25:19,362 Nicole and Ron and O.J. 's blood into O.J. 's bedroom. 398 00:25:20,331 --> 00:25:22,538 O.J. '3 blood back to Bundy. 399 00:25:22,876 --> 00:25:26,585 Oh, and O.J.'s Bronco's fibers back to Bundy too. 400 00:25:26,921 --> 00:25:28,331 And they don't forget to get rid of 401 00:25:28,423 --> 00:25:30,163 the real killer’s blood from the back gate. 402 00:25:30,258 --> 00:25:33,546 No, no, no and replace it with O.J.'s blood. 403 00:25:34,721 --> 00:25:39,556 Then O.J.'s sock, they get that back to Bundy to pick up all the blood 404 00:25:39,642 --> 00:25:42,634 and then get that sucker right back to Rockingham too. 405 00:25:43,229 --> 00:25:47,643 These guys are a well-oiled conspiracy machine after all. 406 00:25:50,070 --> 00:25:54,530 All this during a time when everyone involved is under the most relentless 407 00:25:54,866 --> 00:25:57,573 media scrutiny in American history. 408 00:25:59,496 --> 00:26:01,578 And all this for an unknown killer. 409 00:26:04,918 --> 00:26:06,158 -Maybe. -No. 410 00:26:08,630 --> 00:26:09,710 No. 411 00:26:10,173 --> 00:26:13,131 Man, you're good. You real good. 412 00:26:13,843 --> 00:26:17,381 When this is all over, you should go work for Johnnie. Both of you. 413 00:26:17,472 --> 00:26:19,463 Yeah, yeah. Ha, ha. Very funny. 414 00:26:19,641 --> 00:26:20,630 [making gunshot sound] 415 00:26:21,142 --> 00:26:22,678 This round is on me. 416 00:26:25,647 --> 00:26:26,887 -Yo. -Huh. 417 00:26:27,440 --> 00:26:30,898 -She is a trip. -[Chris] Got schooled, both of you. 418 00:26:31,778 --> 00:26:32,984 Tonight's the night, pal. 419 00:26:33,738 --> 00:26:38,027 Out of town, her kids are at home. You all been drinking a little bit. 420 00:26:38,118 --> 00:26:40,325 She's my co-worker. That's all. 421 00:26:40,411 --> 00:26:41,446 Ummm hmmm. 422 00:26:41,538 --> 00:26:44,371 Well look, have you ever thought about making that happen? 423 00:26:45,708 --> 00:26:46,993 Tonight's the night. 424 00:26:47,585 --> 00:26:49,121 -Sure. -Just saying. 425 00:26:49,212 --> 00:26:50,622 [blues music playing] 426 00:27:04,644 --> 00:27:05,929 No no. 427 00:27:06,479 --> 00:27:07,844 Oh my God. 428 00:27:07,939 --> 00:27:09,224 [both laughing] 429 00:27:11,442 --> 00:27:15,606 Well, I'm coming back here next weekend with or without you. 430 00:27:15,697 --> 00:27:17,733 Well, my friends might prefer it that way. 431 00:27:17,824 --> 00:27:19,405 Ummm hmmm. 432 00:27:23,997 --> 00:27:25,237 This is me. 433 00:27:30,170 --> 00:27:31,376 This 311. 434 00:27:31,462 --> 00:27:32,827 -Yeah, 311. -Yeah. 435 00:27:46,477 --> 00:27:48,843 Aah, well. 436 00:28:04,454 --> 00:28:05,489 Good night. 437 00:28:21,471 --> 00:28:22,711 Good night, Darden. 438 00:28:42,283 --> 00:28:44,114 [melancholic music] 439 00:29:01,678 --> 00:29:03,714 Hey, big time. Got you a coffee. 440 00:29:03,805 --> 00:29:04,840 Had one already. 441 00:29:06,391 --> 00:29:08,302 Oh no, just leave that open, thanks. 442 00:29:11,521 --> 00:29:13,762 Listen, I've been thinking. 443 00:29:13,856 --> 00:29:14,936 Ummm hmmm. 444 00:29:17,819 --> 00:29:20,276 Ithink you and I should just go for it. 445 00:29:21,406 --> 00:29:22,862 And what does that mean? 446 00:29:24,158 --> 00:29:25,989 Let's make O.J. put on those gloves. 447 00:29:26,703 --> 00:29:29,570 And we need a big one. Big moment, right? 448 00:29:31,291 --> 00:29:32,576 We talked about this before. 449 00:29:32,667 --> 00:29:34,749 And I decided that it's not a good idea. 450 00:29:34,836 --> 00:29:35,951 At all. 451 00:29:36,087 --> 00:29:37,668 And not the right time if it were. 452 00:29:37,922 --> 00:29:39,503 But today is the glove testimony. 453 00:29:39,674 --> 00:29:40,914 It's the only time. 454 00:29:42,176 --> 00:29:44,087 Come on, we got to get down there. 455 00:29:44,679 --> 00:29:46,544 The idea of O.J. just standing there 456 00:29:46,639 --> 00:29:48,721 in front of those cameras and the jury, 457 00:29:48,808 --> 00:29:51,140 -wearing those gloves. -Chris, come on. 458 00:29:52,228 --> 00:29:54,765 We're going downstairs to get our conviction today. 459 00:29:55,982 --> 00:29:57,938 We have his gloves, with all the DNA, 460 00:29:58,026 --> 00:30:00,187 everybody's blood, the fibers, all of it. 461 00:30:00,903 --> 00:30:04,111 We have a receipt that proves he owned them. We're done. 462 00:30:04,866 --> 00:30:06,356 We've been dealt a king and a ten, 463 00:30:06,451 --> 00:30:08,863 I don't know why you want to ask the dealer for another card. 464 00:30:08,953 --> 00:30:11,239 -Because I know it's an ace. -No, you don't. 465 00:30:13,416 --> 00:30:15,202 You turn over control of a demonstration 466 00:30:15,293 --> 00:30:17,500 to the opponent, you don't know what's going to happen. 467 00:30:18,129 --> 00:30:20,461 And certainly not to the defendant himself. 468 00:30:23,885 --> 00:30:26,752 Okay? Now come on, let's go. 469 00:30:33,436 --> 00:30:37,020 Do you think there is any way that these two gloves could not be a pair? 470 00:30:37,607 --> 00:30:39,814 I'd have to say it would be virtually impossible. 471 00:30:51,371 --> 00:30:54,078 All right, at this time we will take a 15 minute recess. 472 00:30:54,582 --> 00:30:55,992 [gavel banging] 473 00:31:19,982 --> 00:31:21,643 [sighs] 474 00:31:33,830 --> 00:31:35,946 -Hello, Mark. -Bob. 475 00:32:03,359 --> 00:32:05,270 [suspenseful music] 476 00:32:29,719 --> 00:32:31,004 Hey. 477 00:32:36,392 --> 00:32:40,260 Are any of you interested in something other than a conspiracy theory? 478 00:32:41,189 --> 00:32:43,805 Some real demonstrable evidence. 479 00:32:45,359 --> 00:32:47,020 Little bit of real lawyering. 480 00:32:50,823 --> 00:32:54,407 Those gloves are too small. 481 00:32:59,832 --> 00:33:00,912 Yes, Bob. 482 00:33:01,000 --> 00:33:04,083 I tried the glove on in there myself, it didn't fit. It will never fit him. 483 00:33:04,170 --> 00:33:06,001 I think we should have him try it on in court. 484 00:33:06,088 --> 00:33:08,170 I think its a terrible idea. What if it doesn't work. 485 00:33:08,257 --> 00:33:10,293 You don't make a play in there, if you don't know the outcome. 486 00:33:10,384 --> 00:33:13,467 -I know the outcome. -My hand is bigger than Bob's! 487 00:33:13,804 --> 00:33:15,169 Put me in, Coach. 488 00:33:18,226 --> 00:33:21,013 So, saying we wanted to. 489 00:33:21,979 --> 00:33:24,061 -How do we present it? -We don't. 490 00:33:26,984 --> 00:33:28,724 We get them to present it. 491 00:33:34,617 --> 00:33:35,948 Hmm. 492 00:33:38,120 --> 00:33:39,451 [door opens] 493 00:33:46,796 --> 00:33:48,252 [door opens] 494 00:34:02,270 --> 00:34:03,259 Marcia. 495 00:34:03,479 --> 00:34:06,141 They're glazing over. Now we got to get up and take it back. 496 00:34:06,232 --> 00:34:07,221 Chris. 497 00:34:07,942 --> 00:34:11,730 No way. Enough. Okay? 498 00:34:13,322 --> 00:34:15,153 -l'm sorry. -Marcia- 499 00:34:15,283 --> 00:34:16,489 Let me be clear. 500 00:34:17,910 --> 00:34:19,025 This is my case. 501 00:34:19,453 --> 00:34:21,239 You work for me here. 502 00:34:21,372 --> 00:34:23,488 When I say drop it, you drop it. 503 00:34:25,793 --> 00:34:28,205 -Are we clear? -Are you seriously saying that to me? 504 00:34:28,296 --> 00:34:29,661 You're making me say it. 505 00:34:34,885 --> 00:34:36,375 [door opens] 506 00:34:46,355 --> 00:34:49,643 You, sir, have the balls of a stud field mouse. 507 00:34:50,359 --> 00:34:51,474 What did you just say to me? 508 00:34:51,569 --> 00:34:54,436 If you don't ask him to try on the gloves, I will. 509 00:34:55,156 --> 00:34:56,236 [clerk] All rise! 510 00:35:04,248 --> 00:35:05,579 [clears throat] 511 00:35:06,375 --> 00:35:08,036 All right, you may be seated. 512 00:35:15,051 --> 00:35:18,088 And these gloves, the ones you've brought today... 513 00:35:18,429 --> 00:35:19,965 Now these would fit the wearer just as 514 00:35:20,056 --> 00:35:21,842 the ones in evidence would. Is that correct? 515 00:35:21,932 --> 00:35:24,298 Your Honor, sidebar. 516 00:35:25,269 --> 00:35:27,134 Counsel approach the bench. 517 00:35:31,400 --> 00:35:32,560 [clears throat] 518 00:35:32,652 --> 00:35:33,767 Your Honor, 519 00:35:34,111 --> 00:35:36,523 | see where this is going and I'm not having it. 520 00:35:36,614 --> 00:35:37,729 And where is that, Counsel? 521 00:35:37,823 --> 00:35:40,439 There will be no demonstrations involving my client. 522 00:35:40,576 --> 00:35:42,817 If Mr. Simpson chooses to testify, 523 00:35:42,953 --> 00:35:44,864 and we want to have him try on the actual glove 524 00:35:44,955 --> 00:35:46,491 in evidence, that's one thing. 525 00:35:46,624 --> 00:35:49,866 Further, I submit the timing is inappropriate your honor. 526 00:35:49,960 --> 00:35:51,496 -Is that right, Johnnie? -That's right. 527 00:35:51,587 --> 00:35:52,622 For who? 528 00:35:52,713 --> 00:35:55,420 Opposing counsel hasn't asked for anything of the kind, Mr. Cochran. 529 00:35:55,508 --> 00:35:57,715 They just tried to bring these ringer gloves in here 530 00:35:57,802 --> 00:36:00,168 and they seem to be overly concerned about what I might or 531 00:36:00,262 --> 00:36:02,093 might not want to do before I've even done it. 532 00:36:02,181 --> 00:36:04,547 He can ask for whatever he wants to ask for, Mr. Cochran. 533 00:36:04,642 --> 00:36:07,679 You can object if you want to object. Now let's proceed. 534 00:36:23,452 --> 00:36:25,283 Your Honor, at this time the people would ask 535 00:36:25,371 --> 00:36:26,611 that Mr. Simpson step fonuard 536 00:36:26,706 --> 00:36:28,992 and try on the gloves recovered from Bundy and Rockingham. 537 00:36:36,799 --> 00:36:39,085 We have no objection, Your Honor. 538 00:36:39,468 --> 00:36:41,083 [suspenseful music] 539 00:37:36,317 --> 00:37:39,059 Mr. Simpson, please approach the jury. 540 00:38:42,174 --> 00:38:43,835 These gloves are too small. 541 00:38:43,968 --> 00:38:45,174 [music intensifies] 542 00:38:47,847 --> 00:38:49,383 Too tight, it won't fit. 543 00:38:50,307 --> 00:38:53,014 Can Mr. Simpson please straighten his finger? 544 00:39:01,026 --> 00:39:02,562 Can we ask that he make a fist? 545 00:39:03,362 --> 00:39:04,898 With his right hand. 546 00:39:10,786 --> 00:39:12,367 Can we ask that he... 547 00:39:13,747 --> 00:39:15,408 Grasp an object with his hand, 548 00:39:15,499 --> 00:39:16,989 a marker perhaps? 549 00:39:19,545 --> 00:39:20,876 Objection, Your Honor. 550 00:39:21,463 --> 00:39:22,578 Sustained. 551 00:39:23,048 --> 00:39:24,834 Have we seen enough, Your Honor? 552 00:39:26,927 --> 00:39:28,087 Mr. Darden. 553 00:39:30,514 --> 00:39:31,503 Thank you. 554 00:39:34,268 --> 00:39:35,974 No, Your Honor, l have nothing. 555 00:39:37,021 --> 00:39:38,477 l have nothing further. 556 00:39:47,865 --> 00:39:51,028 He was making them not fit. 557 00:39:52,286 --> 00:39:53,776 I mean, you saw what he was doing. 558 00:39:54,246 --> 00:39:55,861 And he had the gloves under... 559 00:39:56,874 --> 00:39:58,580 He kept his fingers stiff. 560 00:39:59,126 --> 00:40:01,037 He was acting, he was just... 561 00:40:19,021 --> 00:40:20,511 [music intensifies] 562 00:40:55,099 --> 00:40:57,556 [recording] Hello, you've reached the Goldman residence. 563 00:40:57,643 --> 00:41:00,134 Please leave your message and we will return your call. 564 00:41:01,105 --> 00:41:05,815 Fred, it's Chris Darden, I'm... 565 00:41:07,528 --> 00:41:09,610 Sorry about what happened today. 566 00:41:11,031 --> 00:41:12,396 lam sorry. 567 00:41:14,576 --> 00:41:17,067 But it's not over yet. We'll come back from this. 568 00:41:18,288 --> 00:41:19,403 We will. 569 00:41:22,209 --> 00:41:24,291 Okay, call me any time. 570 00:41:25,337 --> 00:41:26,372 Bye. 571 00:41:51,280 --> 00:41:53,191 [theme music playing] 572 00:42:37,910 --> 00:42:39,821 sferastudios