1 00:00:04,025 --> 00:00:06,767 But, Daddy, what if I sit up front on the way 2 00:00:06,861 --> 00:00:08,567 and she sits up front on the way back? 3 00:00:09,739 --> 00:00:10,819 No. 4 00:00:11,157 --> 00:00:12,693 I don't wanna have to figure this out 5 00:00:12,784 --> 00:00:15,776 every time I wanna take my girls to dinner. 6 00:00:17,789 --> 00:00:19,450 Can't we negotiate it, Daddy? 7 00:00:19,582 --> 00:00:20,571 [chuckles] 8 00:00:20,667 --> 00:00:21,656 [police siren] 9 00:00:22,835 --> 00:00:24,416 Oh, man, here we go. 10 00:00:24,921 --> 00:00:26,752 [siren continues] 11 00:00:29,175 --> 00:00:31,882 All right, girls, what do we say to the police? 12 00:00:32,345 --> 00:00:33,380 -Nothing. -Nothing. 13 00:00:33,471 --> 00:00:35,302 And who talks to the police? 14 00:00:35,390 --> 00:00:36,630 -0ur lawyer. -0ur lawyer. 15 00:00:37,058 --> 00:00:38,093 That's right. 16 00:00:50,947 --> 00:00:53,279 Officer, I'm just gonna get my registration. 17 00:00:53,366 --> 00:00:55,027 Please keep your hands on the wheel, sir. 18 00:00:56,077 --> 00:00:57,442 Where are you headed tonight? 19 00:00:57,996 --> 00:00:59,952 Just taking my daughters to dinner. 20 00:01:00,164 --> 00:01:02,450 May I ask why you pulled me over? 21 00:01:04,419 --> 00:01:06,626 You seemed to change lanes without signaling two blocks back. 22 00:01:07,380 --> 00:01:10,998 I assure you | always signal, especially with my girls in the car. 23 00:01:11,259 --> 00:01:14,672 This is third time this week someone's pulled me over for no reason. 24 00:01:16,931 --> 00:01:17,920 This your vehicle? 25 00:01:18,516 --> 00:01:21,428 If you let me go in the glove box, I'll show you my registration. 26 00:01:22,437 --> 00:01:24,849 -Is this your father's car? -Hey, don't talk to my children. 27 00:01:25,064 --> 00:01:27,020 -Sir... -Look, I know the drill. 28 00:01:27,108 --> 00:01:30,350 I'm black, I'm driving in a fancy white neighborhood, 29 00:01:30,612 --> 00:01:32,318 nice car, you pull me over. 30 00:01:32,572 --> 00:01:35,188 80 leave my children out of it. Thank you. 31 00:01:35,325 --> 00:01:36,940 -Sir, out of the car now. -Come on! 32 00:01:37,493 --> 00:01:39,233 You've gotta be kidding me! 33 00:01:40,663 --> 00:01:43,746 Sir, because of your hostile attitude, I'm gonna have to cuff you. 34 00:01:45,376 --> 00:01:49,039 Officer, please, take my license and call it in. 35 00:01:49,130 --> 00:01:50,245 Find out who I am. 36 00:01:50,465 --> 00:01:52,626 If you don't take this opportunity for yourself, 37 00:01:52,717 --> 00:01:55,049 I guarantee, you will regret it. 38 00:01:57,388 --> 00:01:59,470 Stay right there. Do not move. 39 00:02:02,560 --> 00:02:06,052 Girls, it's gonna be all right. You hear me? 40 00:02:06,689 --> 00:02:09,897 We're gonna be in Hamburger Hamlet in five minutes. 41 00:02:10,151 --> 00:02:11,140 Okay? 42 00:02:12,320 --> 00:02:13,480 Okay. 43 00:02:23,956 --> 00:02:25,241 It's gonna be fine. 44 00:02:29,962 --> 00:02:30,951 Turn around. 45 00:02:35,134 --> 00:02:38,001 Have a nice night, Mr. Assistant District Attorney. 46 00:02:45,019 --> 00:02:47,226 All right. Like I promised you, 47 00:02:48,356 --> 00:02:51,348 let's go get some burgers. I'm starving. 48 00:02:51,818 --> 00:02:53,103 Daddy, what did he say to you? 49 00:02:53,277 --> 00:02:55,108 Just grown-up talk, honey. Grown-up talk. 50 00:02:56,197 --> 00:02:58,688 Daddy, did he call you a nigger? 51 00:02:59,242 --> 00:03:00,402 No, he didn't. 52 00:03:01,869 --> 00:03:03,109 He didn't have to. 53 00:03:04,455 --> 00:03:08,198 And don't you girls ever use that word. Ever. 54 00:03:09,419 --> 00:03:10,659 It's a terrible word. 55 00:03:11,504 --> 00:03:13,665 You hear me? [engine starting] 56 00:03:14,048 --> 00:03:15,288 Now let's go. 57 00:03:18,553 --> 00:03:22,296 As you know, the O.J. Simpson trial will start soon 58 00:03:23,057 --> 00:03:27,175 and we want to pray with our member and friend Johnnie Cochran, 59 00:03:27,395 --> 00:03:29,807 who is litigating the O.J. Simpson case. 60 00:03:30,106 --> 00:03:31,767 Johnnie, come forward. 61 00:03:32,483 --> 00:03:34,644 [congregation applauding] 62 00:03:50,376 --> 00:03:51,491 Let us pray. 63 00:03:52,962 --> 00:03:55,123 -Lord, for this day we are thankful. -Yes, Lord. 64 00:03:55,214 --> 00:03:58,331 For Johnnie Cochran, we are appreciative. 65 00:03:58,426 --> 00:04:01,839 We pray for Johnnie Cochran as he accepts this challenge 66 00:04:02,263 --> 00:04:03,969 to litigate the O.J. trial. 67 00:04:04,348 --> 00:04:06,930 King Jesus listens when we pray. 68 00:04:07,393 --> 00:04:09,554 -Amen. -Amen. 69 00:04:10,730 --> 00:04:15,440 J‘ King Jesus is listening When you pray I 70 00:04:16,068 --> 00:04:21,062 J‘ King Jesus is listening When you pray I 71 00:04:21,365 --> 00:04:24,232 Great, now Jesus is on their side too. 72 00:04:24,660 --> 00:04:27,868 [reporter] After the service, Mr. Cochran addressed reporters. 73 00:04:28,039 --> 00:04:31,281 Of course we all know Mr. Darden is a fine attorney. 74 00:04:31,417 --> 00:04:32,406 Mm-hmm. 75 00:04:32,794 --> 00:04:34,910 But all of a sudden he shows up now, 76 00:04:35,421 --> 00:04:38,584 after we've got eight African-Americans on the jury? 77 00:04:38,883 --> 00:04:39,918 Why is that? 78 00:04:40,968 --> 00:04:44,210 It's obvious to me Mr. Darden is being used as a tool 79 00:04:44,305 --> 00:04:47,047 by the DA '5 office because he's black. 80 00:04:49,185 --> 00:04:50,345 Thank you. 81 00:05:15,711 --> 00:05:17,247 I appreciate your concern, 82 00:05:17,338 --> 00:05:20,205 but I refuse to be in the same room with a particular individual 83 00:05:20,299 --> 00:05:21,414 and I think you know why. 84 00:05:21,843 --> 00:05:24,255 No. I don't. I don't even know who you're talking about. 85 00:05:24,720 --> 00:05:25,926 Is it Johnnie? 86 00:05:26,138 --> 00:05:27,298 No, it's Lee! 87 00:05:27,431 --> 00:05:28,796 Why did you drive all the way over here 88 00:05:28,891 --> 00:05:30,097 if you weren't gonna go in? 89 00:05:30,226 --> 00:05:31,181 You don't understand. 90 00:05:31,269 --> 00:05:33,180 He is the godfather of one of my children. 91 00:05:33,271 --> 00:05:35,478 Bob, what do | tell the team? 92 00:05:35,815 --> 00:05:38,557 What you tell them is that I know that he is the source 93 00:05:38,651 --> 00:05:41,734 who leaked it to the New York Daily News that l was in over my head, 94 00:05:41,821 --> 00:05:45,359 that l was steamrolled. It's inflammatory! It's a lie! 95 00:05:49,704 --> 00:05:51,365 What... Never mind. Don't tell me. 96 00:05:51,455 --> 00:05:53,696 Just sit down, and come on, let's go. I got things to do. 97 00:05:54,500 --> 00:05:56,582 He'll get here, if he gets here when he gets here. 98 00:05:56,669 --> 00:05:57,704 All right, gentlemen. 99 00:05:58,504 --> 00:05:59,493 [Shapiro clears throat] 100 00:06:00,423 --> 00:06:01,583 There he is. 101 00:06:03,050 --> 00:06:04,290 Judas! 102 00:06:04,802 --> 00:06:06,588 I suppose that makes you Jesus. 103 00:06:07,221 --> 00:06:09,212 Why don't you blow it out your ass, Bob? 104 00:06:09,765 --> 00:06:12,472 Now that we have resolved that, everybody got it out of their system, 105 00:06:12,810 --> 00:06:15,051 we got work to do. Everybody take a folder, please. 106 00:06:15,771 --> 00:06:18,183 Here we go. Thank you so much. Pass that on, please. 107 00:06:18,941 --> 00:06:20,727 We begin with domestic violence. 108 00:06:22,028 --> 00:06:27,148 We have 62 instances of Simpson beating, degrading and stalking Nicole 109 00:06:27,241 --> 00:06:29,106 over the course of their 17-year relationship. 110 00:06:29,702 --> 00:06:32,535 He was a serial abuser. That proves motive. 111 00:06:32,788 --> 00:06:35,575 We know they're gonna hone in on O.J.‘s past abuse. 112 00:06:35,791 --> 00:06:37,702 He was a ticking time bomb. 113 00:06:37,793 --> 00:06:41,377 Ron and Nicole's murders were a natural escalation of a pattern. 114 00:06:41,714 --> 00:06:43,875 We have a solid time line to work with. 115 00:06:43,966 --> 00:06:46,924 They are doing us a huge favor 116 00:06:47,053 --> 00:06:50,216 establishing such a small window for O.J.‘s alleged attack. 117 00:06:50,556 --> 00:06:54,469 Everything starts with the plaintive wail of the Akita. 118 00:06:54,852 --> 00:06:58,436 I'm guessing everyone's aware their bombshell witness is a dog. 119 00:06:58,522 --> 00:06:59,511 [chuckles] 120 00:06:59,607 --> 00:07:02,644 There was blood in his car, in his driveway. 121 00:07:03,736 --> 00:07:06,352 Her blood was on his socks in his bedroom. 122 00:07:06,489 --> 00:07:08,650 There's no way they call Fuhrman to the stand. 123 00:07:08,783 --> 00:07:10,148 He's damaged goods. 124 00:07:10,284 --> 00:07:11,319 It's too big a risk. 125 00:07:11,410 --> 00:07:14,072 And if they do call him, we've all seen his personnel file. 126 00:07:14,163 --> 00:07:15,528 We'll rip him apart. 127 00:07:15,790 --> 00:07:18,406 The amount of physical evidence is overwhelming. 128 00:07:18,793 --> 00:07:20,203 There's mountains of it. 129 00:07:21,587 --> 00:07:24,875 Frankly, it's more hard evidence than I've ever seen in a murder case. 130 00:07:25,091 --> 00:07:29,425 The truth is, the LAPD rushed to judgment in targeting O.J. 131 00:07:29,595 --> 00:07:32,962 The mere fact that we find blood where there should be no blood 132 00:07:33,224 --> 00:07:34,634 is devastating proof. 133 00:07:34,809 --> 00:07:35,844 [Bailey] Look... 134 00:07:35,935 --> 00:07:39,348 The haphazard manner in which the evidence was collected and handled 135 00:07:39,438 --> 00:07:41,144 gives us a significant advantage. 136 00:07:41,232 --> 00:07:42,472 I've seen it before. 137 00:07:42,566 --> 00:07:46,309 Officers start down a misguided path and refuse to turn back. 138 00:07:46,612 --> 00:07:50,571 Then somebody realizes they need a better case. 139 00:07:50,908 --> 00:07:54,025 We have motive, evidence and opportunity. 140 00:07:54,453 --> 00:07:56,239 Evidence doesn't win the day. 141 00:07:57,665 --> 00:08:00,577 Jurors go with a narrative that makes sense. 142 00:08:01,669 --> 00:08:03,330 We're here to tell a story. 143 00:08:03,796 --> 00:08:09,416 Ourjob is to tell that story better than the other side tells theirs. 144 00:08:14,390 --> 00:08:16,096 [Bill] He would take it better if it came from you. 145 00:08:16,517 --> 00:08:18,382 I think you have a warmer relationship with him 146 00:08:18,477 --> 00:08:19,887 and he might be more understanding. 147 00:08:20,187 --> 00:08:21,427 Then I'll do it. 148 00:08:24,233 --> 00:08:27,100 Hello. Everyone, this is a list of who you'll be responsible 149 00:08:27,194 --> 00:08:28,650 for putting on the stand. 150 00:08:28,738 --> 00:08:30,694 Hank, you've got the crime lab guys. 151 00:08:30,823 --> 00:08:32,313 I couldn't think of anyone more suited 152 00:08:32,408 --> 00:08:34,023 to sort through all that blood evidence. 153 00:08:34,118 --> 00:08:36,905 Bill, I know your hands are full with discovery, you take the coroner. 154 00:08:36,996 --> 00:08:39,453 I'll take the dog bark witnesses, the cops at the crime scene. 155 00:08:39,540 --> 00:08:41,451 Woody and Rock, you obviously have DNA. 156 00:08:58,350 --> 00:09:00,306 Okay, we all know what we need to do. 157 00:09:01,062 --> 00:09:02,051 Let's go. 158 00:09:15,826 --> 00:09:17,316 -Marcia? -Yeah? 159 00:09:22,291 --> 00:09:23,280 What? 160 00:09:25,169 --> 00:09:26,375 Nothing. 161 00:09:27,004 --> 00:09:28,244 Let's get to work. 162 00:09:42,436 --> 00:09:43,425 [elevator dings] 163 00:10:00,121 --> 00:10:02,362 -Mark Fuhrman. -Chris Darden. Have a seat. 164 00:10:03,082 --> 00:10:04,868 ls Bill Hodgman's office still on this floor? 165 00:10:04,959 --> 00:10:06,995 It's upstairs. You know Bill? 166 00:10:07,128 --> 00:10:08,538 Yeah. Yeah, he's a smart guy. 167 00:10:08,629 --> 00:10:09,960 He won't be joining us. 168 00:10:10,548 --> 00:10:11,958 That's fine with me, sir. 169 00:10:15,344 --> 00:10:17,084 How would you describe yourself on the stand? 170 00:10:18,013 --> 00:10:19,799 Pretty comfortable. I've done it before. 171 00:10:19,932 --> 00:10:21,012 Are you going to be putting me up? 172 00:10:22,059 --> 00:10:23,174 If that's not a problem. 173 00:10:23,269 --> 00:10:24,759 I imagine that's not for me to decide, 174 00:10:24,854 --> 00:10:26,719 but I definitely don't have a problem with it. 175 00:10:32,611 --> 00:10:36,570 You should know the defense plans to raise some incidents from your past. 176 00:10:36,866 --> 00:10:40,404 Allegations of things you've said. They're going to come at you. 177 00:10:41,453 --> 00:10:42,863 What type of incidents? 178 00:10:43,330 --> 00:10:44,991 We've seen that list of witnesses. 179 00:10:46,083 --> 00:10:47,744 They're gonna claim you're a racist. 180 00:10:49,378 --> 00:10:51,334 That's not gonna be an issue with me. 181 00:10:51,422 --> 00:10:53,378 Ask around. I work with black cops everyday. 182 00:10:54,049 --> 00:10:56,586 I think your SID investigated one of my black buddies. 183 00:11:10,649 --> 00:11:11,855 I met with Fuhrman. 184 00:11:12,151 --> 00:11:13,857 Good. You can fill me in tomorrow. 185 00:11:14,069 --> 00:11:16,310 He says all the appropriate things. 186 00:11:17,698 --> 00:11:20,405 -But? -But, truthfully... 187 00:11:20,951 --> 00:11:23,863 The guy's not right. I get a really bad vibe from him. 188 00:11:23,996 --> 00:11:26,408 Chris, no one's asking you to date him. Just prep him. 189 00:11:26,498 --> 00:11:29,661 He's one of those people that thinks that you can't see how he really feels 190 00:11:29,752 --> 00:11:31,162 because he acts polite. 191 00:11:31,253 --> 00:11:33,414 That makes no sense. Because when someone acts polite, 192 00:11:33,505 --> 00:11:34,790 then they are polite. 193 00:11:42,389 --> 00:11:44,880 Am I out of line saying you're bringing a preconception to this 194 00:11:44,975 --> 00:11:46,010 because you're black? 195 00:11:48,520 --> 00:11:51,808 Marcia, I don't expect you to understand. 196 00:11:52,524 --> 00:11:56,016 But there's a way that certain white people talk to black people. 197 00:11:56,904 --> 00:11:57,939 It's disingenuous. 198 00:11:58,030 --> 00:11:59,861 -Fuhrman doesn't have to be a witness. -What? 199 00:11:59,949 --> 00:12:02,281 He's not even the cop who entered the gloves into evidence. 200 00:12:02,368 --> 00:12:04,108 -He doesn't have to take the stand. -Yes, he does. 201 00:12:05,829 --> 00:12:07,410 You are playing into the defense. 202 00:12:07,498 --> 00:12:09,489 I understand that this guy has had his troubles, 203 00:12:09,583 --> 00:12:12,666 but his psych records have been ruled inadmissible. 204 00:12:13,295 --> 00:12:17,129 So we're not panicking and we're not gonna let the police go on trial here. 205 00:12:18,425 --> 00:12:21,462 This is not SID. The cops are our allies. 206 00:12:23,097 --> 00:12:24,257 Chris... 207 00:12:25,849 --> 00:12:27,180 He's what we've got. 208 00:12:27,851 --> 00:12:31,309 Fuhrman has something to contribute and you need to get him ready. 209 00:12:31,397 --> 00:12:33,513 So, you know... 210 00:12:34,525 --> 00:12:35,685 Massage it. 211 00:12:37,361 --> 00:12:40,569 Do whatever is necessary to make him come across as credible. 212 00:12:41,031 --> 00:12:42,817 Do you see what you've done? It's after 8:00. 213 00:12:42,908 --> 00:12:45,399 My babysitter's going to kill me. See you tomorrow. 214 00:12:48,247 --> 00:12:49,236 [sighs] 215 00:12:51,125 --> 00:12:52,240 Massage it. 216 00:12:55,421 --> 00:12:58,538 [Ito] Mr. Dunne, I've read some of your past coverage of murder trials 217 00:12:58,632 --> 00:12:59,963 in Vanity Fair magazine. 218 00:13:00,926 --> 00:13:02,917 I'm lucky I write for a magazine 219 00:13:03,012 --> 00:13:05,674 that allows me to take a stand, Your Honor. 220 00:13:06,348 --> 00:13:08,213 There's no mistaking how you feel. 221 00:13:08,684 --> 00:13:11,346 No, that's something I'm proud about. 222 00:13:13,397 --> 00:13:17,140 I am assigning you a permanent seat in the front row. 223 00:13:17,943 --> 00:13:19,308 You'll be next to the Goldmans. 224 00:13:19,403 --> 00:13:21,519 And the seat is yours for the length of the trial. 225 00:13:22,031 --> 00:13:23,146 Thank you, Your Honor. 226 00:13:24,033 --> 00:13:27,275 Without... Being too forward, 227 00:13:27,369 --> 00:13:30,202 I sense that you'll be able to sympathize with them 228 00:13:30,289 --> 00:13:31,825 in a way that the rest of us cannot, 229 00:13:31,957 --> 00:13:34,369 that you'll know how to deal with them, 230 00:13:34,585 --> 00:13:37,577 not intrude or ask inappropriate questions. 231 00:13:39,173 --> 00:13:41,084 Because of my daughter's murder? 232 00:13:44,762 --> 00:13:45,922 Yes, well, I... 233 00:13:46,096 --> 00:13:50,681 apologize for dredging up what I imagine is a deeply painful memory, 234 00:13:50,768 --> 00:13:53,009 but I felt it was important that you know why. 235 00:13:53,937 --> 00:13:57,020 I'm sure the Goldmans will appreciate the gesture, Your Honor, 236 00:13:57,107 --> 00:13:58,347 I know I do. 237 00:13:59,735 --> 00:14:04,855 The trial of Dominique's killer was torture enough, 238 00:14:05,657 --> 00:14:09,821 but then the way he got off with a slap on the wrist... 239 00:14:12,873 --> 00:14:14,909 Let's hope this one goes better. 240 00:14:19,421 --> 00:14:20,536 Well... 241 00:14:23,550 --> 00:14:24,665 [clears throat] Uh... 242 00:14:24,843 --> 00:14:26,379 Hey, you're a Hollywood guy. 243 00:14:26,470 --> 00:14:27,960 I know that you worked in showbiz. 244 00:14:28,097 --> 00:14:30,713 You wanna see who sent me a fan letter today? 245 00:14:31,892 --> 00:14:32,881 Who? 246 00:14:42,486 --> 00:14:45,148 It's Arsenio Hall. 247 00:14:50,327 --> 00:14:52,158 [through megaphone] O.J.! O.J.! You've been... 248 00:14:52,246 --> 00:14:54,828 Let the Juice loose! Let the Juice loose! 249 00:14:54,998 --> 00:14:56,329 No justice! No peace! 250 00:14:56,542 --> 00:15:00,535 He '5 a rapist, he's a wife-beater; he's a murderer. 251 00:15:01,463 --> 00:15:02,919 He has blood on his hands. 252 00:15:03,006 --> 00:15:06,840 O.J. is innocent until proven guilty. 253 00:15:08,929 --> 00:15:10,294 -Hold on one second. -Of course. 254 00:15:10,764 --> 00:15:12,300 Hey, Johnnie, can I have a minute? 255 00:15:13,434 --> 00:15:15,095 Big day today. How are you holding up? 256 00:15:15,936 --> 00:15:17,801 I don't want you to take this the wrong way. 257 00:15:18,730 --> 00:15:22,222 But that press conference you gave about me, 258 00:15:23,485 --> 00:15:24,474 that was a cheap shot. 259 00:15:24,695 --> 00:15:27,061 It was unfair and beneath the both of us as professionals. 260 00:15:28,031 --> 00:15:30,022 In this trial, we're equals. 261 00:15:30,117 --> 00:15:32,153 Everything from our past is out the window. 262 00:15:32,703 --> 00:15:36,616 So, it's my sincere hope that we can agree from this point forward 263 00:15:37,166 --> 00:15:38,622 to treat each other with respect. 264 00:15:40,043 --> 00:15:42,079 Brother, I ain't trying to be respectful. 265 00:15:43,130 --> 00:15:44,586 I'm trying to win. 266 00:15:57,561 --> 00:16:00,348 Your Honor, we have submitted a motion 267 00:16:00,731 --> 00:16:05,691 to exclude all 62 allegations of domestic violence. 268 00:16:06,278 --> 00:16:07,643 This is a murder case. 269 00:16:07,738 --> 00:16:09,945 This is not a domestic violence case. 270 00:16:10,449 --> 00:16:13,191 Nor is it an inquiry into the characteristics 271 00:16:13,285 --> 00:16:15,446 and personality of Mr. Simpson. 272 00:16:15,829 --> 00:16:19,913 And all this evidence that was submitted is not relevant. 273 00:16:24,254 --> 00:16:25,243 [clears throat] 274 00:16:28,509 --> 00:16:33,754 You Honor, Counsel's reasoning is flawed and their logic is specious. 275 00:16:34,348 --> 00:16:39,888 The defendant's character and prior history are the point. 276 00:16:40,979 --> 00:16:42,515 Let's do a hypothetical. Let's pretend 277 00:16:42,606 --> 00:16:44,221 that we're not even gonna tell the jury 278 00:16:44,316 --> 00:16:46,102 that Nicole and Mr. Simpson were married. 279 00:16:46,777 --> 00:16:48,893 Ourjurors would naturally ask, 280 00:16:48,987 --> 00:16:53,356 "Why would O.J. Simpson kill a perfect stranger?" 281 00:16:55,577 --> 00:16:56,942 It wouldn't make sense. 282 00:17:01,917 --> 00:17:03,748 and Mr. Simpson's jealousy 283 00:17:03,835 --> 00:17:08,545 that his motive for committing these brutal murders can be understood. 284 00:17:19,601 --> 00:17:21,137 Knock 'em dead, Darden. 285 00:17:28,402 --> 00:17:31,189 Your Honor, I'd like to address a separate issue. 286 00:17:32,948 --> 00:17:34,233 All right. 287 00:17:42,416 --> 00:17:47,410 Your Honor, Detective Fuhrman's gonna play a very small role in this case. 288 00:17:48,505 --> 00:17:50,461 But we believe when he's called to the stand, 289 00:17:50,549 --> 00:17:53,131 we're gonna be forced to go back 15 odd years 290 00:17:53,635 --> 00:17:56,217 to ask him about completely irrelevant statements 291 00:17:56,305 --> 00:17:57,841 that people have claimed he's made. 292 00:17:58,640 --> 00:18:03,009 And these statements are racially insensitive and divisive. 293 00:18:04,187 --> 00:18:05,518 Question is, why bring them up. 294 00:18:06,690 --> 00:18:09,648 They're gonna ask him if he made a racial slur 295 00:18:09,735 --> 00:18:11,691 or repeated a racial epithet. 296 00:18:12,321 --> 00:18:13,401 But why ask? 297 00:18:13,655 --> 00:18:16,271 And there's no legal purpose for it. 298 00:18:17,451 --> 00:18:21,945 But Mr. Cochran and the defense have a purpose for entering this area. 299 00:18:22,497 --> 00:18:25,614 And that purpose is to inflame the passions of the jury 300 00:18:25,709 --> 00:18:27,324 and ask them to pick sides. 301 00:18:29,796 --> 00:18:35,962 The... The N-word is a dirty, filthy word, Your Honor. 302 00:18:37,220 --> 00:18:40,838 It is so prejudicial and inflammatory, 303 00:18:41,350 --> 00:18:43,636 that the use of it in any situation 304 00:18:43,727 --> 00:18:47,470 will evoke an emotional response from any African-American. 305 00:18:48,649 --> 00:18:51,891 We're talking about a word that blinds people. 306 00:18:52,861 --> 00:18:55,352 And when you mention that word to this jury, 307 00:18:55,447 --> 00:18:57,688 it will blind them to the truth. 308 00:18:59,076 --> 00:19:02,159 They won't be able to discern what's true and what's not. 309 00:19:04,456 --> 00:19:05,946 It will impair theirjudgment. 310 00:19:06,917 --> 00:19:09,499 It will affect their ability to be fair. 311 00:19:10,295 --> 00:19:12,627 It will force the black jurors to make a choice. 312 00:19:13,256 --> 00:19:14,496 Whose side are you on? 313 00:19:15,008 --> 00:19:17,465 The man or the brothers? 314 00:19:18,220 --> 00:19:19,585 Is he serious? 315 00:19:20,347 --> 00:19:23,384 So the People strongly urge the court, respectfully, 316 00:19:24,059 --> 00:19:29,019 not to allow that vile word to be uttered at any time during this trial. 317 00:19:37,739 --> 00:19:41,323 Your Honor, I did not plan to speak on this matter, 318 00:19:41,660 --> 00:19:45,369 but I would be remiss if I did not respond 319 00:19:45,497 --> 00:19:47,988 to my good friend Mr. Chris Darden. 320 00:19:56,967 --> 00:19:57,956 [clears throat] 321 00:19:59,469 --> 00:20:02,506 Mr. Darden's remarks this afternoon 322 00:20:02,848 --> 00:20:06,966 are perhaps the most incredible remarks I've heard 323 00:20:07,269 --> 00:20:09,726 in a court of law in my 32 years of practice. 324 00:20:10,480 --> 00:20:13,688 His remarks are deeply demeaning to African-Americans. 325 00:20:14,067 --> 00:20:15,648 And so first and foremost, Your Honor, 326 00:20:15,736 --> 00:20:19,479 I would like to apologize to African-Americans across this country. 327 00:20:20,449 --> 00:20:23,031 It is preposterous to say 328 00:20:23,535 --> 00:20:27,528 thatAfrican-Americans collectively are so emotionally unstable 329 00:20:27,873 --> 00:20:29,909 that they cannot hear offensive words 330 00:20:30,000 --> 00:20:33,242 without losing their moral sense of right and wrong. 331 00:20:34,337 --> 00:20:36,544 They live with offensive words, 332 00:20:36,631 --> 00:20:39,919 offensive looks, offensive treatment every day. 333 00:20:40,510 --> 00:20:43,092 And so, Your Honor, I am ashamed 334 00:20:43,597 --> 00:20:47,215 that Mr. Darden would allow himself to become an apologist for Mark Fuhrman. 335 00:20:48,101 --> 00:20:51,059 Who are any of us to testify as an expert 336 00:20:51,146 --> 00:20:54,434 as to what words black people can or cannot handle. 337 00:21:01,740 --> 00:21:04,026 Your Honor, across America, 338 00:21:06,203 --> 00:21:07,283 believe you me, 339 00:21:07,913 --> 00:21:11,576 African-Americans are offended at this very moment. 340 00:21:12,584 --> 00:21:15,121 And so for a friend that I deeply respect, 341 00:21:15,212 --> 00:21:17,999 I would say this was outlandish, 342 00:21:19,466 --> 00:21:20,751 unfortunate, 343 00:21:21,760 --> 00:21:23,250 and unwarranted. 344 00:21:29,100 --> 00:21:30,465 Thank you, Your Honor. 345 00:21:32,604 --> 00:21:34,265 Nigger, please. 346 00:22:09,599 --> 00:22:11,180 Can I see? 347 00:22:13,979 --> 00:22:14,968 [exhales forcefully] 348 00:22:21,486 --> 00:22:23,317 "Seventy-six percent of African-Americans 349 00:22:23,405 --> 00:22:25,862 do not believe Darden's doing a good job. 350 00:22:28,451 --> 00:22:32,239 Often at times referring to the ADA as an Uncle Tom." 351 00:22:44,843 --> 00:22:47,380 -Yeah, okay. Yeah. That's fine. -Hey, Gil. 352 00:22:48,471 --> 00:22:50,553 -l'm in a hurry. -|'d like to do a few interviews. 353 00:22:51,182 --> 00:22:53,264 -With the black press. -Why? 354 00:22:53,351 --> 00:22:55,182 I think it's important that people understand 355 00:22:55,270 --> 00:22:56,476 what my role is on this case- 356 00:22:56,563 --> 00:22:58,679 Is it about the poll? Marcia said there was some poll. 357 00:22:58,773 --> 00:23:00,604 -76 percent- -No one's going to press, Chris. 358 00:23:00,734 --> 00:23:03,567 If I had to respond every time some crabapple said something about me... 359 00:23:03,695 --> 00:23:06,232 You'rejust going to do more harm drawing attention to yourself. 360 00:23:06,323 --> 00:23:07,813 DAs don't go on talk shows. 361 00:23:08,658 --> 00:23:10,614 It's a sensitive case. No press. 362 00:23:17,334 --> 00:23:18,323 Marcia... 363 00:23:20,837 --> 00:23:22,418 We need to reconsider Fuhrman. 364 00:23:23,298 --> 00:23:25,038 Look, he's wrong for this case. 365 00:23:25,175 --> 00:23:26,836 You have had a rough couple of weeks. 366 00:23:26,968 --> 00:23:29,380 We're not changing our trial strategy because of it. 367 00:23:30,472 --> 00:23:31,712 Toughen up. 368 00:23:32,682 --> 00:23:34,673 You're letting Johnnie get into your head. 369 00:23:40,273 --> 00:23:41,854 Can I share something with you? 370 00:23:42,025 --> 00:23:45,483 As long as I don't have to get out of this chair. I'm wiped. 371 00:23:50,533 --> 00:23:55,027 In the '70s when l was in law school, affirmative action was a big deal. 372 00:23:55,455 --> 00:23:57,821 -I remember. -No, you don't. You're white. 373 00:24:01,586 --> 00:24:03,247 l busted my ass. 374 00:24:04,047 --> 00:24:06,208 I had the grades to get into that school. 375 00:24:06,758 --> 00:24:08,623 But every time I entered the classroom, 376 00:24:08,718 --> 00:24:10,254 I felt like people were staring at me. 377 00:24:11,179 --> 00:24:13,795 Like I took some more worthy person's spot. 378 00:24:16,184 --> 00:24:17,720 And that bullshit hurts. 379 00:24:19,604 --> 00:24:21,310 And those feelings never leave. 380 00:24:22,857 --> 00:24:26,190 And now, almost 20 years later, 381 00:24:26,277 --> 00:24:27,813 I'm expected to sit and swallow 382 00:24:27,904 --> 00:24:30,111 the same kinds of accusations all over again. 383 00:24:30,991 --> 00:24:32,481 And Johnnie's out there trashing me 384 00:24:32,575 --> 00:24:34,486 in front of every TV camera he can find. 385 00:24:34,577 --> 00:24:36,158 But he's wrong. 386 00:24:38,331 --> 00:24:40,822 Just like all those idiots who doubted you back then. 387 00:24:40,917 --> 00:24:45,752 You are on this case because you are creative, dedicated and smart. 388 00:24:47,966 --> 00:24:49,797 That's why I wanted you. 389 00:24:54,472 --> 00:24:55,461 Thanks. 390 00:24:58,143 --> 00:24:59,508 You're gonna help us win. 391 00:25:00,437 --> 00:25:02,177 And Johnnie can go screw himself. 392 00:25:03,148 --> 00:25:07,767 This case is about an obsession to win at any cost. 393 00:25:08,737 --> 00:25:13,071 And we are confident that the evidence will reveal 394 00:25:13,450 --> 00:25:18,990 that the LAPD is a blunders in blue operation. 395 00:25:19,664 --> 00:25:21,450 -Hmm. -No? 396 00:25:21,666 --> 00:25:23,281 No. It sounds like you're trying to be funny. 397 00:25:23,376 --> 00:25:25,788 -l'm not trying to be funny. -But that's what it sounds like. 398 00:25:25,879 --> 00:25:27,415 -You can do it. Go on now. -Okay. 399 00:25:27,505 --> 00:25:29,461 All right. Let me try. Hold on. 400 00:25:32,635 --> 00:25:34,296 We will reveal... 401 00:25:34,387 --> 00:25:35,376 Mm-hmm. 402 00:25:36,264 --> 00:25:40,223 ...that the evidence collected by the LAPD 403 00:25:41,436 --> 00:25:44,052 -was contaminated... -Hmm. 404 00:25:44,147 --> 00:25:47,685 -...compromised, and corrupted. -[chuckling] 405 00:25:47,776 --> 00:25:49,357 -What? That is it! -Oh, baby! 406 00:25:49,694 --> 00:25:51,730 -That's it. That is it. -[|aughing] 407 00:25:51,821 --> 00:25:53,482 Nice alliteration. 3 Cs. 408 00:25:53,782 --> 00:25:56,524 It has a flow, honey. It's perfect. You got it. 409 00:25:57,911 --> 00:25:59,572 I'm glad you're on this. 410 00:26:00,538 --> 00:26:02,199 It's like it's my destiny, baby. 411 00:26:03,792 --> 00:26:04,781 Hmm. 412 00:26:05,335 --> 00:26:09,328 Well, destiny has a powerful attraction. 413 00:26:10,840 --> 00:26:12,330 -What you doing? -I closed my book. 414 00:26:12,425 --> 00:26:13,710 -No, you didn't. -Yes, I did. 415 00:26:13,802 --> 00:26:15,588 -No, you didn't. -What you doing? 416 00:26:15,678 --> 00:26:18,010 Well, taking off my robe. 417 00:26:18,515 --> 00:26:20,255 You bringing it to me? [chuckling] 418 00:26:20,642 --> 00:26:22,348 -Let a brother... -Oh-oh. 419 00:26:22,519 --> 00:26:23,759 Try... 420 00:26:23,937 --> 00:26:27,304 -Oh. -To bring you it. 421 00:26:29,067 --> 00:26:31,934 -[phone ringing] -[both chuckling] 422 00:26:32,654 --> 00:26:34,610 That bad phone didn't ring. 423 00:26:34,739 --> 00:26:36,695 It did ring. Go ahead, answer it. 424 00:26:37,033 --> 00:26:38,364 Be quick. 425 00:26:40,036 --> 00:26:41,526 Good evening. Johnnie Cochran. 426 00:26:41,663 --> 00:26:44,575 -We have a problem. -What time is it? 427 00:26:45,375 --> 00:26:46,364 Are you still at work? 428 00:26:47,377 --> 00:26:48,662 You're kidding! 429 00:26:48,753 --> 00:26:50,539 All right, all right. Go ahead, what you got? 430 00:26:50,630 --> 00:26:51,665 Shapiro's staff messed up 431 00:26:51,756 --> 00:26:54,247 and didn't submit 12 of our witnesses into discovery. 432 00:26:55,552 --> 00:26:56,587 Really? 433 00:26:56,678 --> 00:26:58,259 You're gonna have to remove those names 434 00:26:58,346 --> 00:26:59,836 out of your opening statement tomorrow, Johnnie. 435 00:26:59,931 --> 00:27:01,046 I'm sorry to do this to you. 436 00:27:01,850 --> 00:27:04,091 I'm not removing those names, brother. 437 00:27:05,103 --> 00:27:06,263 What? 438 00:27:06,521 --> 00:27:08,728 No, no. Johnnie, we can't do that. 439 00:27:09,023 --> 00:27:10,354 Here's the thing, Carl. 440 00:27:10,775 --> 00:27:13,938 There comes a time when you gotta fall on your sword for your client. 441 00:27:15,363 --> 00:27:16,899 Tomorrow is your day. 442 00:27:18,158 --> 00:27:20,945 [line disconnects] 443 00:27:25,915 --> 00:27:26,904 [policeman] Stay in the circle. 444 00:27:28,126 --> 00:27:30,162 Don't let any of those reporters close to him... 445 00:27:30,378 --> 00:27:33,586 Get over here. Push them back. Let's go. Let's go. 446 00:27:33,840 --> 00:27:35,171 Back up, gentlemen. Back up. 447 00:27:35,884 --> 00:27:37,465 [police siren] 448 00:27:37,677 --> 00:27:39,588 Back 'em up. Back 'em up. 449 00:27:39,721 --> 00:27:43,179 Let's go. Back up. Sir, back up. Do not cross this line. 450 00:27:43,850 --> 00:27:45,340 Hey, sir, get back. 451 00:27:47,687 --> 00:27:49,769 -[photographers clamoring] -[cameras clicking] 452 00:27:53,067 --> 00:27:55,274 [photographers yelling for attention] 453 00:28:04,245 --> 00:28:06,486 Come on, Bob, pretend we're at The Oscars. 454 00:28:08,249 --> 00:28:10,581 [clamor continues] 455 00:28:28,144 --> 00:28:29,350 All rise. 456 00:28:29,520 --> 00:28:31,135 Court is now in session. 457 00:28:31,981 --> 00:28:33,562 Judge Lance Ito presiding. 458 00:28:35,902 --> 00:28:38,939 Good morning. Why don't we bring in thejury? 459 00:28:42,158 --> 00:28:43,364 [door opens] 460 00:29:14,565 --> 00:29:17,557 We've watched O.J. Simpson win the Heisman Trophy. 461 00:29:18,569 --> 00:29:21,151 We've watched him in movies and commercials. 462 00:29:22,573 --> 00:29:24,109 We think we know him. 463 00:29:25,493 --> 00:29:28,200 But what we've been seeing is a public face. 464 00:29:30,039 --> 00:29:32,530 The face of the athlete, the actor. 465 00:29:34,669 --> 00:29:37,832 But like many public men, he also has a private side. 466 00:29:40,508 --> 00:29:43,170 The O.J. Simpson you've never met. 467 00:29:45,179 --> 00:29:46,715 The face of a batterer. 468 00:29:48,016 --> 00:29:49,256 The abuser. 469 00:29:50,518 --> 00:29:51,473 The murderer. 470 00:29:54,188 --> 00:29:57,180 I would like to summarize the results of our evidence 471 00:29:57,275 --> 00:30:00,392 from these heartless slayings. 472 00:30:01,904 --> 00:30:07,069 The blood trail at the Rockingham property matches the defendant. 473 00:30:09,037 --> 00:30:13,906 The blood found on the glove recovered at Rockingham matches the defendant. 474 00:30:16,085 --> 00:30:21,125 The blood drops at the Bundy murder scene match the defendant. 475 00:30:22,467 --> 00:30:24,253 And the blood found in the Bronco 476 00:30:25,136 --> 00:30:31,302 matches a mixture of the defendant, Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown. 477 00:30:54,957 --> 00:30:57,790 The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said it best. 478 00:30:59,128 --> 00:31:04,623 "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." 479 00:31:06,094 --> 00:31:11,384 And so here we embark upon a search for justice. 480 00:31:12,392 --> 00:31:14,508 A search for truth. 481 00:31:16,646 --> 00:31:19,638 None of us were there on June 12, 1994. 482 00:31:20,566 --> 00:31:23,478 We must rely upon the witnesses to get a full picture. 483 00:31:24,737 --> 00:31:29,231 But let me talk about those witnesses the prosecution didn't mention. 484 00:31:30,034 --> 00:31:33,993 Witnesses who will exonerate O.J. Simpson. 485 00:31:34,956 --> 00:31:39,074 One might wonder why the prosecution didn't bring to your attention 486 00:31:39,710 --> 00:31:43,578 Mary Anne Gerchas, or Rosa Lopez, 487 00:31:45,091 --> 00:31:46,672 or Joe Stalin, 488 00:31:48,177 --> 00:31:49,633 or Alan Austin. Or- 489 00:31:49,720 --> 00:31:52,962 Your Honor, I hesitate to interrupt another lawyer's opening statement, 490 00:31:53,057 --> 00:31:55,298 but it appears that for some reason 491 00:31:55,393 --> 00:31:57,975 these witnesses have not been turned over to the People. 492 00:31:59,981 --> 00:32:01,721 [banging gavel] 493 00:32:05,987 --> 00:32:09,605 All right. Maybe we should excuse the jury. 494 00:32:09,699 --> 00:32:10,905 Bailiff. 495 00:32:12,618 --> 00:32:13,607 [door opens] 496 00:32:18,416 --> 00:32:19,405 [indistinct] 497 00:32:20,835 --> 00:32:21,824 [door closes] 498 00:32:21,919 --> 00:32:23,875 -Mr. Hodgman... -Your Honor, what is this? 499 00:32:23,963 --> 00:32:26,750 Opening statement by ambush? 500 00:32:27,216 --> 00:32:30,128 This is a complete surprise. A horrible breakdown. 501 00:32:30,219 --> 00:32:32,881 The People have not received reciprocal discovery. 502 00:32:34,765 --> 00:32:36,756 Counsel, can you address these issues? 503 00:32:37,727 --> 00:32:39,809 I will try, Your Honor. 504 00:32:40,313 --> 00:32:41,803 I have to say, Mr. Douglas, 505 00:32:41,898 --> 00:32:44,514 I've known Mr. Hodgman as a colleague and as a trial lawyer 506 00:32:44,609 --> 00:32:47,396 and I've never seen the expression on his face that | see right now. 507 00:32:47,820 --> 00:32:50,152 Mr. Hodgman, why don't you take a few deep breaths? 508 00:32:50,781 --> 00:32:54,365 Give me a few minutes, Your Honor. l- I need to slow myself down a bit. 509 00:32:58,164 --> 00:32:59,529 Mr. Douglas... 510 00:33:00,458 --> 00:33:03,291 It's regrettable as I stand before you, Your Honor, 511 00:33:03,419 --> 00:33:06,001 that we have not coordinated our efforts 512 00:33:06,088 --> 00:33:07,419 as well as we would have liked. 513 00:33:09,091 --> 00:33:11,252 I say that because I have some documents 514 00:33:11,385 --> 00:33:13,171 that I do intend to give over to The People. 515 00:33:13,930 --> 00:33:15,716 I tell the court with all seriousness 516 00:33:15,806 --> 00:33:19,048 that I'm embarrassed by this and take full responsibility. 517 00:33:19,143 --> 00:33:21,054 Your Honor, while I'm delighted and appreciative 518 00:33:21,145 --> 00:33:23,010 that Mr. Douglas is taking full responsibility, 519 00:33:23,105 --> 00:33:26,347 the fact remains the People have been denied their right to a fair trial. 520 00:33:30,696 --> 00:33:32,732 Forgive me, Your Honor. ljust- 521 00:33:33,950 --> 00:33:35,156 I'm not quite- 522 00:33:38,913 --> 00:33:40,699 I can't speak. Just- 523 00:33:42,124 --> 00:33:43,660 -Doctor! -Bailiff! 524 00:33:46,170 --> 00:33:47,626 Is he okay? 525 00:33:48,548 --> 00:33:50,413 Somebody call 911. 526 00:33:51,342 --> 00:33:52,627 You're okay. 527 00:33:52,718 --> 00:33:54,709 -l'm sorry. -lt's okay. Just breathe. 528 00:34:05,356 --> 00:34:06,345 [door opens] 529 00:34:08,359 --> 00:34:09,348 [door closes] 530 00:34:14,323 --> 00:34:16,029 Well... Um... 531 00:34:16,742 --> 00:34:18,482 Why don't we adjourn for the day? 532 00:34:19,328 --> 00:34:22,365 Court will resume at 9:00 am. tomorrow. We now stand in recess. 533 00:34:33,092 --> 00:34:36,209 Bill isn't coming back. It's like this building is cursed. 534 00:34:36,429 --> 00:34:38,465 -His wife said he'll be fine. -Jesus! 535 00:34:39,223 --> 00:34:40,804 Gil, you have to trust me. 536 00:34:41,475 --> 00:34:44,262 The team will pick up the slack. We've got a good group. 537 00:34:44,353 --> 00:34:47,220 Bill had a lot of responsibility and you're only one person. 538 00:34:48,024 --> 00:34:50,561 I mean, do we add another senior prosecutor? 539 00:34:55,364 --> 00:34:57,229 Look, I think Chris is ready to step up. 540 00:34:58,075 --> 00:34:59,064 He is. 541 00:34:59,285 --> 00:35:00,525 He took Johnnie's best shot, 542 00:35:00,620 --> 00:35:01,826 came back strong in opening statements. 543 00:35:01,912 --> 00:35:03,527 That's hard to do. 544 00:35:04,123 --> 00:35:06,535 I think he would make an excellent co-prosecutor. 545 00:35:11,505 --> 00:35:13,211 He's already on the team, Gil. 546 00:35:13,716 --> 00:35:14,705 [Gil breathes forcefully] 547 00:35:15,134 --> 00:35:16,123 He's ready. 548 00:35:18,888 --> 00:35:19,877 [dial tone] 549 00:35:26,354 --> 00:35:27,890 [phone ringing] 550 00:35:35,237 --> 00:35:36,977 -Hello? -[Marcia] It's me. 551 00:35:38,783 --> 00:35:42,150 So, listen, Bill isn't coming back. 552 00:35:45,790 --> 00:35:46,870 What? 553 00:35:47,625 --> 00:35:49,911 Wow. That's terrible. 554 00:35:51,045 --> 00:35:52,455 Who's Gil assigning? 555 00:35:53,255 --> 00:35:54,335 No one. 556 00:35:55,633 --> 00:35:58,500 We talked this afternoon and I told him the best way fonuard 557 00:35:58,594 --> 00:36:00,926 would be to elevate you to co-prosecutor. 558 00:36:02,181 --> 00:36:03,967 If you 're comfortable with that. 559 00:36:05,101 --> 00:36:07,342 My God. Marcia... 560 00:36:09,271 --> 00:36:11,603 -Are you happy? -You know I am. 561 00:36:12,233 --> 00:36:13,222 [chuckles] 562 00:36:13,859 --> 00:36:15,349 I can't believe you did this for me. 563 00:36:15,486 --> 00:36:17,898 I did it for the Browns and the Goldmans. 564 00:36:19,615 --> 00:36:21,276 And now it's on us. 565 00:36:22,034 --> 00:36:25,526 The relationship between the two families is quite peculiar 566 00:36:25,663 --> 00:36:28,996 when you realize that the son of one is on trial 567 00:36:29,083 --> 00:36:31,870 for murdering the daughter of another. 568 00:36:32,002 --> 00:36:37,292 It's quite startling that they greet one another in court so warmly. 569 00:36:37,550 --> 00:36:41,042 What about O.J.‘s girlfriend Paula? She can't still be with him. 570 00:37:03,701 --> 00:37:06,067 The interesting thing about Paula 571 00:37:06,162 --> 00:37:09,450 is she had broken up with O.J. the day of the murders. 572 00:37:09,540 --> 00:37:16,036 I heard she was with Michael Bolton at The Mirage in Las Vegas that night. 573 00:37:16,881 --> 00:37:21,215 But once O.J. was arrested she returned to his side. 574 00:37:22,219 --> 00:37:25,552 Naturally, the big question has always been 575 00:37:26,098 --> 00:37:30,717 why did Nicole return to him again and again? 576 00:37:31,520 --> 00:37:34,011 I'm sure fear played a part, 577 00:37:34,106 --> 00:37:36,848 but I heard that her parents pushed her 578 00:37:37,193 --> 00:37:40,936 to reconcile with him every time they split 579 00:37:41,030 --> 00:37:45,865 and that O.J. set her father up with a Hertz dealership. 580 00:37:46,744 --> 00:37:48,655 She didn't know any better. 581 00:37:49,830 --> 00:37:54,950 Did you realize she just turned 18 when they started dating? 582 00:37:55,461 --> 00:37:57,076 -What else? -Well... 583 00:37:57,296 --> 00:38:00,538 Next week promises to be extraordinary. 584 00:38:01,133 --> 00:38:05,126 The jury will visit the crime scene and O.J.‘s mansion 585 00:38:05,304 --> 00:38:07,670 and O.J. will be there, too. 586 00:38:08,474 --> 00:38:14,140 Imagine, the first time he's been back since the Bronco chase. 587 00:38:42,883 --> 00:38:45,249 This won't do at all. 588 00:38:46,512 --> 00:38:49,800 [Cochran] [distant] You got that one down there. 589 00:38:49,890 --> 00:38:51,721 ["Fantastic Voyage" playing] 590 00:38:54,979 --> 00:38:57,595 Nice. I like that. I like that. 591 00:38:57,690 --> 00:38:59,897 Put that there. 592 00:39:00,025 --> 00:39:03,438 I like that. Oh, yeah. It's perfect now. 593 00:39:05,865 --> 00:39:07,230 That's good. 594 00:39:07,324 --> 00:39:09,406 That's good. That's even better. We're getting there. 595 00:39:09,493 --> 00:39:10,824 I like me some blackies. 596 00:39:13,330 --> 00:39:16,163 There's mama. All right. Good, good. 597 00:39:16,500 --> 00:39:19,537 Ruby's in the house. Let's go. Beautiful. Beautiful. 598 00:39:19,670 --> 00:39:21,126 Right over the fireplace there. 599 00:39:21,338 --> 00:39:22,794 Thank you, sir. 600 00:39:22,882 --> 00:39:24,668 Timing is impeccable. 601 00:39:24,884 --> 00:39:26,749 You, careful with that. 602 00:39:27,887 --> 00:39:29,252 Nice. 603 00:39:30,931 --> 00:39:32,967 -Sure looks familiar. -|t's on loan. 604 00:39:33,934 --> 00:39:37,097 From the Cochran collection. [chuckling] 605 00:39:45,487 --> 00:39:46,567 [door closes] 606 00:39:51,577 --> 00:39:53,238 [alarm buzzes and door opens] 607 00:40:10,554 --> 00:40:12,044 How are you holding up? 608 00:40:12,222 --> 00:40:13,587 Hey. 609 00:40:17,227 --> 00:40:19,809 Now when the jurors tour the crime scene in Rockingham, 610 00:40:19,897 --> 00:40:23,560 it's gonna be important for us all to make a positive impression. 611 00:40:23,651 --> 00:40:24,640 Mm-hmm. 612 00:40:24,735 --> 00:40:28,273 It will be the only time they see you outside the courtroom. 613 00:40:28,781 --> 00:40:30,112 All eyes are gonna be on you. 614 00:40:30,991 --> 00:40:32,777 But you, O.J., you're used to it. 615 00:40:32,993 --> 00:40:35,609 You put on a smile and the people melt. 616 00:40:37,247 --> 00:40:38,578 -Okay. -All right. 617 00:40:38,707 --> 00:40:42,165 But I don't want you to be surprised when you see that we've... 618 00:40:43,420 --> 00:40:45,502 -Redecorated. -Redecorated? 619 00:40:45,839 --> 00:40:49,172 -Why would you do that? -We wanted to project the right image. 620 00:40:49,426 --> 00:40:53,544 Someone ourjurors could admire and fully relate to. 621 00:40:54,056 --> 00:40:57,799 People do admire me, Johnnie. Everybody loves my house. 622 00:40:58,477 --> 00:40:59,762 It was in Sunset magazine. 623 00:40:59,853 --> 00:41:03,596 O.J., the majority of ourjurors are black. 624 00:41:04,024 --> 00:41:05,764 -Yeah. And? -Look... 625 00:41:05,943 --> 00:41:11,734 Do me a favor. Try to imagine your life before any of this happened. 626 00:41:12,908 --> 00:41:15,650 How many black people did you interact with on a daily basis? 627 00:41:15,953 --> 00:41:19,116 How dialed in were you to the community, 628 00:41:19,206 --> 00:41:22,414 issues the average black person deals with? 629 00:41:23,210 --> 00:41:26,247 How many blacks did you actually consider a friend? 630 00:41:26,338 --> 00:41:29,171 AC. And he's darker than I am. 631 00:41:31,343 --> 00:41:33,208 Are you trying to say something about me, Johnnie? 632 00:41:33,303 --> 00:41:36,466 Absolutely not. Nobody's judging you, brother. 633 00:41:36,557 --> 00:41:37,888 But let's be honest. 634 00:41:38,183 --> 00:41:43,553 Being nicknamed the mayor of Brentwood doesn't forge any bonds with ourjury, 635 00:41:45,357 --> 00:41:50,693 people you need to acquit you of a double murder. 636 00:41:55,784 --> 00:41:57,649 -Okay. All right. -Okay. 637 00:41:58,287 --> 00:42:00,278 -I hear you. -Okay. 638 00:42:00,706 --> 00:42:02,071 I can go along with all of that. 639 00:42:02,166 --> 00:42:03,702 Good. Thank you. 640 00:42:09,131 --> 00:42:11,213 When they say mayor of Brentwood, 641 00:42:12,217 --> 00:42:14,299 I know what they mean when they're saying that. 642 00:42:15,888 --> 00:42:18,925 I want you to know I never left anyone behind, Johnnie. 643 00:42:20,851 --> 00:42:22,682 I did what I had the right to do. 644 00:42:24,146 --> 00:42:27,138 l manifested myself out of a messed up situation. 645 00:42:28,484 --> 00:42:31,692 And don't think there weren't people back from where I came from 646 00:42:31,820 --> 00:42:34,402 hanging onto the back of my shirt the whole time 647 00:42:34,865 --> 00:42:37,902 with a hand out, trying to get me to drag them up too. 648 00:42:39,953 --> 00:42:40,942 [breathes forcefully] 649 00:42:41,663 --> 00:42:42,903 But it don't work like that. 650 00:42:44,333 --> 00:42:47,496 You gotta get it on your own. Nobody can do it for you. 651 00:42:51,381 --> 00:42:53,588 And I ain't never apologizing 652 00:42:53,759 --> 00:42:56,501 for buying a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood. 653 00:42:58,055 --> 00:43:00,717 My neighborhood, but you know I have people comin' over the wall, 654 00:43:00,849 --> 00:43:01,838 tryin' to get at me. 655 00:43:02,768 --> 00:43:04,304 Take what I earned. 656 00:43:04,394 --> 00:43:06,885 I ain't never apologizing for that, do you hear me? 657 00:43:07,231 --> 00:43:09,563 Yes. All right. 658 00:43:10,692 --> 00:43:15,732 | just wanna make sure we both understand what we gotta do. 659 00:43:21,995 --> 00:43:23,860 You should see the house I bought my mama. 660 00:43:27,084 --> 00:43:28,790 It had a pool and everything. 661 00:43:35,259 --> 00:43:38,592 [brakes creak and hydraulics whoosh] 662 00:43:43,225 --> 00:43:45,341 [indistinct chatter] 663 00:44:06,832 --> 00:44:07,912 Everything all right? 664 00:44:11,503 --> 00:44:12,583 What happened here? 665 00:44:14,756 --> 00:44:16,417 Why did they clear out the place? 666 00:44:17,676 --> 00:44:19,462 This doesn't tell them anything. 667 00:44:20,971 --> 00:44:23,713 She was a mother. There was a family. 668 00:44:44,870 --> 00:44:47,612 -[engine revs] -[po|ice siren] 669 00:45:20,364 --> 00:45:23,856 [indistinct chatter] 670 00:45:36,046 --> 00:45:38,037 Damn! Is that the... 671 00:45:39,007 --> 00:45:39,996 [chuckling] 672 00:45:40,092 --> 00:45:42,834 That's what I'm talking about. That's the Heisman! 673 00:45:42,970 --> 00:45:45,803 -Yup. Yes, it is. -The Heisman. 674 00:45:57,609 --> 00:45:59,691 -[Marcia] Can you believe this? -I can't believe any of this. 675 00:46:00,404 --> 00:46:02,986 It's a complete misrepresentation. This isn't O.J. 676 00:46:15,377 --> 00:46:16,958 These aren't even my kids. 677 00:46:18,005 --> 00:46:19,586 I don't know who these people are. 678 00:46:23,635 --> 00:46:25,671 Well, at least they got the muscles right. 679 00:46:27,264 --> 00:46:28,720 Your Honor, may I ask 680 00:46:28,849 --> 00:46:31,465 why all of Nicole's personal effects have been removed from Bundy 681 00:46:31,560 --> 00:46:33,221 before the jurors have been able to see it? 682 00:46:33,312 --> 00:46:35,928 It's quite... quite masterful. 683 00:46:37,482 --> 00:46:38,892 [Marcia] What's with all the African art? 684 00:46:39,443 --> 00:46:42,355 Where are all the pictures of O.J. with his white golfing buddies? 685 00:46:42,654 --> 00:46:44,360 This entire house has been staged. 686 00:46:47,284 --> 00:46:49,491 Where is the naked picture of Paula Barbieri by the bed? 687 00:46:50,162 --> 00:46:51,151 [Marcia] Oh, I know. 688 00:46:51,246 --> 00:46:53,328 It's been replaced with a picture of his mother in a wheelchair. 689 00:47:04,426 --> 00:47:05,586 Get off my bench! 690 00:47:06,970 --> 00:47:08,631 I don't want you on my bench, hear me? 691 00:47:08,764 --> 00:47:09,924 Come on, O.J. 692 00:47:10,057 --> 00:47:12,423 -He shouldn't even be in my house. -I'm sorry. 693 00:47:12,517 --> 00:47:14,348 You need to keep your defendant under control. 694 00:47:14,519 --> 00:47:17,010 He gets emotional. He just gets emotional. 695 00:47:17,689 --> 00:47:19,179 He's all right now. 696 00:47:19,816 --> 00:47:21,397 -Now... -[mumbles] 697 00:47:22,277 --> 00:47:23,517 What? 698 00:47:24,112 --> 00:47:26,023 There's something I've been meaning to tell you. 699 00:47:27,824 --> 00:47:30,987 Whatever happens, don't do Fuhrman. 700 00:47:34,414 --> 00:47:36,029 Make the white people do him. 701 00:47:50,347 --> 00:47:52,258 -How dare he mess with my head? -Chris... 702 00:47:52,349 --> 00:47:54,931 -|'m co-prosecutor, Pops. -Come on, Chris. 703 00:47:55,018 --> 00:47:56,633 It's ridiculous I have to deal with this kinda garbage 704 00:47:56,728 --> 00:47:57,968 during a trial of this magnitude. 705 00:47:58,063 --> 00:48:00,679 -Chris... -Well, maybe he's intimidated by me. 706 00:48:00,774 --> 00:48:03,311 I don't know. Another strong, intelligent brother. 707 00:48:03,735 --> 00:48:06,272 The bottom line is, this has gotta stop. 708 00:48:06,363 --> 00:48:10,402 Son, now you've been going on 20 minutes about how you in charge now. 709 00:48:10,742 --> 00:48:12,824 Well, then fine. You in charge! 710 00:48:13,161 --> 00:48:15,698 So act like it and stand up for your damn self. 711 00:48:15,956 --> 00:48:17,696 How do you know he's been trying to mess with your head? 712 00:48:17,791 --> 00:48:19,327 What do you think he's trying to do? 713 00:48:19,459 --> 00:48:23,293 Could it be possible that he's just trying to give you some good advice, 714 00:48:23,422 --> 00:48:24,912 black man to black man. 715 00:48:29,010 --> 00:48:31,752 How do you feel about interracial couples, Detective? 716 00:48:32,013 --> 00:48:33,378 Don't care. 717 00:48:33,557 --> 00:48:36,014 I'm not sure what you mean by that. What's there to care about? 718 00:48:36,601 --> 00:48:38,887 I don't have an opinion. They're the same as anybody else. 719 00:48:40,647 --> 00:48:42,308 Got any hobbies, Detective? 720 00:48:42,858 --> 00:48:45,520 I collect World War II memorabilia. Medals mostly. 721 00:48:46,069 --> 00:48:47,650 What about sports heroes? 722 00:48:48,196 --> 00:48:50,983 Uh... George Foreman and Magic Johnson. 723 00:48:51,741 --> 00:48:52,981 I'm surprised to hear that. 724 00:48:53,994 --> 00:48:56,736 In the past, haven't you expressed a dislike for African-Americans? 725 00:48:58,790 --> 00:49:00,246 No, sir, I have not. 726 00:49:01,668 --> 00:49:03,909 Have you ever unfairly targeted African-Americans 727 00:49:04,004 --> 00:49:05,494 -while on the job? -No. 728 00:49:05,881 --> 00:49:08,497 Have you ever been accused of unfairly targeting African-Americans? 729 00:49:08,592 --> 00:49:12,301 Probably, at some point suspects will say just about anything to get off. 730 00:49:16,224 --> 00:49:19,591 Have you ever used a racial slur in describing an African-American? 731 00:49:19,728 --> 00:49:20,763 No. 732 00:49:21,438 --> 00:49:23,429 You're saying that you've never used the N-word? 733 00:49:23,523 --> 00:49:24,808 What's this gotta do with the case? 734 00:49:24,900 --> 00:49:26,310 Detective, have you used the word? 735 00:49:27,486 --> 00:49:29,192 Has anyone told you that I've used the word? 736 00:49:30,030 --> 00:49:33,147 So if the defense calls a witness to testify that you've used it, 737 00:49:33,241 --> 00:49:36,278 -how do you respond to that? -I haven't. Ever. 738 00:49:48,673 --> 00:49:50,254 I'm not putting Fuhrman on the stand. 739 00:49:50,842 --> 00:49:51,831 And it's not because of Johnnie. 740 00:49:51,927 --> 00:49:53,508 And it's not because I work their side. 741 00:49:53,595 --> 00:49:55,131 -Are we past this? -No. 742 00:49:55,305 --> 00:49:56,590 We're not. 743 00:49:57,140 --> 00:49:59,256 Look, I'll take any of Bill's witnesses. 744 00:49:59,434 --> 00:50:01,800 Well, that's real noble. He had the coroner. 745 00:50:02,187 --> 00:50:03,176 Okay. 746 00:50:05,482 --> 00:50:07,063 Could you guys give us a moment? 747 00:50:10,320 --> 00:50:11,309 [clears throat] 748 00:50:14,658 --> 00:50:15,647 [door closes] 749 00:50:15,742 --> 00:50:17,824 I can't control who found the glove, Chris. 750 00:50:19,704 --> 00:50:22,867 And the truth is, Fuhrman will present best if you have him. 751 00:50:22,958 --> 00:50:24,164 And why is that? 752 00:50:25,252 --> 00:50:28,665 Now say it. Go on. It's because I'm black. 753 00:50:29,965 --> 00:50:30,954 [Darden] Hmm? 754 00:50:32,592 --> 00:50:33,581 Go on. 755 00:50:38,890 --> 00:50:40,221 Fine. 756 00:50:43,562 --> 00:50:45,894 Your dislike for him will read to the jury anyway. 757 00:50:46,606 --> 00:50:47,686 I will take him. 758 00:50:49,526 --> 00:50:50,891 What's so difficult? 759 00:50:51,778 --> 00:50:53,143 It's just a cop on a stand. 760 00:50:53,947 --> 00:50:55,187 Great. Thanks. 761 00:50:59,119 --> 00:51:01,485 [operatic instrumental music playing] 762 00:51:05,917 --> 00:51:08,704 [music getting louder] 763 00:51:22,017 --> 00:51:23,882 [music continues] 764 00:51:37,157 --> 00:51:38,567 [music ends] 765 00:51:41,286 --> 00:51:43,402 [theme music playing]