1 00:00:05,672 --> 00:00:06,671 ♪ Go! ♪ 2 00:00:06,673 --> 00:00:08,540 [opening theme playing] 3 00:00:14,014 --> 00:00:15,213 ♪ T-E-E-N ♪ 4 00:00:15,282 --> 00:00:16,481 ♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪ 5 00:00:16,483 --> 00:00:19,018 ♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪ 6 00:00:22,088 --> 00:00:23,756 ♪ Teen Titans, go ♪ 7 00:00:26,693 --> 00:00:27,693 [elevator dings] 8 00:00:27,962 --> 00:00:29,161 [all groan] 9 00:00:29,229 --> 00:00:30,696 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. 10 00:00:32,899 --> 00:00:35,367 [groans] I feel terrible, yo. 11 00:00:35,436 --> 00:00:38,637 Brother Blood sure put up a mean fight this time. 12 00:00:38,705 --> 00:00:41,573 Ahh! This circuits in my face are aching. 13 00:00:42,843 --> 00:00:44,309 [alarm buzzing] 14 00:00:47,381 --> 00:00:49,314 Ooh, good news, Titans! 15 00:00:49,383 --> 00:00:54,252 We've just logged enough hours with the Heroes Union to qualify for a free perk. 16 00:00:54,321 --> 00:00:56,789 - Ooh! Is it free burritos? - No, no, Beast Boy. 17 00:00:56,857 --> 00:00:58,557 It's health insurance. 18 00:01:00,060 --> 00:01:02,594 Oh, mans, I thought it was going to be something good. 19 00:01:02,663 --> 00:01:03,663 It is good. 20 00:01:03,730 --> 00:01:06,198 But what is the health insurance, Robin? 21 00:01:06,266 --> 00:01:08,933 I'm so glad you asked, Star. 22 00:01:08,935 --> 00:01:12,114 Health insurance is an agreement between you and the insurance company 23 00:01:12,138 --> 00:01:14,917 that you will pay them a certain amount of money each month 24 00:01:14,941 --> 00:01:16,475 which is known as the premium. 25 00:01:16,543 --> 00:01:19,856 And in exchange, they will help cover the cost of your future medical bills. 26 00:01:19,880 --> 00:01:21,946 So we have to pay for this health insurance? 27 00:01:21,948 --> 00:01:23,259 I thought you said it was a perk. 28 00:01:23,283 --> 00:01:25,261 The perk is that you get to pay for it. 29 00:01:25,285 --> 00:01:27,419 Oh, I the understand. 30 00:01:27,488 --> 00:01:29,688 We pay the money to the insurance company, 31 00:01:29,756 --> 00:01:32,357 and then we get to see the doctor for free. 32 00:01:32,359 --> 00:01:33,492 Mm, not quite. 33 00:01:33,560 --> 00:01:35,360 You still have to pay a deductible. 34 00:01:35,362 --> 00:01:36,939 Uh, what's a duck sitting on a table 35 00:01:36,963 --> 00:01:38,675 - gots to do with it? - [quacks] 36 00:01:38,699 --> 00:01:40,098 Literally nothing. 37 00:01:40,167 --> 00:01:42,967 A deductible is simply the amount of money you have to pay out of pocket 38 00:01:42,969 --> 00:01:46,771 for health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay. 39 00:01:46,841 --> 00:01:48,106 [laughs cunningly] 40 00:01:48,175 --> 00:01:51,309 Man, this free perk is starting to sound real expensive. 41 00:01:51,378 --> 00:01:53,978 You made the health insurance sound like the blessing. 42 00:01:54,048 --> 00:01:55,313 Feels more like a curse. 43 00:01:55,382 --> 00:01:57,293 [sighs] I knew this would be tough, 44 00:01:57,317 --> 00:02:01,920 so I brought along an expert on medical insurance to help me explain. 45 00:02:01,988 --> 00:02:03,988 Everyone meet Benny. 46 00:02:04,058 --> 00:02:06,324 Hi, everybody, I'm Benny the badger. 47 00:02:06,393 --> 00:02:08,727 Your friendly explanation of benefits. 48 00:02:08,795 --> 00:02:09,662 [all gasp] 49 00:02:09,730 --> 00:02:11,664 Oh, he is the adorable. 50 00:02:11,732 --> 00:02:14,999 - Now that's a face I can trust. - Duh. 51 00:02:15,069 --> 00:02:16,069 Yo, Benny. 52 00:02:16,136 --> 00:02:17,802 What's up with this health insurance biz? 53 00:02:17,804 --> 00:02:21,273 Well, guys, when you get an owie, 54 00:02:21,341 --> 00:02:23,319 your good friends at the insurance company 55 00:02:23,343 --> 00:02:24,521 will do everything they can 56 00:02:24,545 --> 00:02:27,279 - to make you all better. - [people cheering] 57 00:02:27,347 --> 00:02:29,281 Finally! Someone's making sense. 58 00:02:29,349 --> 00:02:31,015 Tell us more, Benny. 59 00:02:31,017 --> 00:02:34,018 Once you're all fixed up, you can get back to the fun things in life. 60 00:02:34,020 --> 00:02:36,488 Like flying kites, miniature golf 61 00:02:36,557 --> 00:02:38,757 and spending time with the people you love. 62 00:02:39,960 --> 00:02:41,760 Whoa, I loves kites! 63 00:02:41,828 --> 00:02:45,564 And I enjoy the golf that is the teeny tiny miniature. 64 00:02:45,632 --> 00:02:48,500 But you have to do your part, too! 65 00:02:48,569 --> 00:02:50,835 By staying away from all the bad stuff, 66 00:02:50,837 --> 00:02:54,439 listed here in my handy-dandy risk assessment book. 67 00:02:54,508 --> 00:02:56,508 You know, bad stuff! 68 00:02:56,577 --> 00:02:58,344 Like getting zapped by aliens. 69 00:02:59,246 --> 00:03:00,546 Being crushed by a robot. 70 00:03:01,582 --> 00:03:02,847 Existing! 71 00:03:02,849 --> 00:03:03,849 [all scream] 72 00:03:04,184 --> 00:03:05,517 And so much more. 73 00:03:05,586 --> 00:03:09,588 Therefore, as long as you avoid risky situations, 74 00:03:09,656 --> 00:03:11,033 you don't have to worry about paying 75 00:03:11,057 --> 00:03:13,458 a bunch of money for medical expenses. 76 00:03:13,527 --> 00:03:15,193 But that's not practical. 77 00:03:15,262 --> 00:03:19,464 Yeah, our jobs as superheroes put us in risky situations all the time. 78 00:03:19,466 --> 00:03:21,065 I thinks we should just forget about 79 00:03:21,067 --> 00:03:22,400 this health insurance nonsense 80 00:03:22,469 --> 00:03:23,802 and get on with our lives! 81 00:03:23,870 --> 00:03:26,738 Fine, go head, but without an insurance plan 82 00:03:26,807 --> 00:03:30,075 to help you cover the massive cost of a medical emergency, 83 00:03:30,144 --> 00:03:31,610 you're only one injury away 84 00:03:31,678 --> 00:03:34,346 from being plunged into soul-crushing debt, 85 00:03:34,414 --> 00:03:36,192 which will cause you to lose everything. 86 00:03:36,216 --> 00:03:41,954 Your house, your car, the clothes on your back, everything! 87 00:03:42,022 --> 00:03:43,022 [all scream] 88 00:03:44,291 --> 00:03:45,624 [all gasp] Everything? 89 00:03:45,692 --> 00:03:48,293 No, man, I don't want to lose the T car. 90 00:03:48,295 --> 00:03:51,630 And if we lose our clothes, our bum-bums will be exposed. 91 00:03:51,698 --> 00:03:55,634 Ugh! We clearly need to sign up for this health insurance so we can protect ourselves. 92 00:03:55,702 --> 00:03:57,836 Then hand over the money for your premiums! 93 00:03:57,904 --> 00:04:02,040 Then you'll be on your way to enrolling in your very own insurance plan. 94 00:04:02,109 --> 00:04:03,575 Here. Take of the money. 95 00:04:03,644 --> 00:04:06,445 Yeah. Give me some of that good health insurance, too, yo. 96 00:04:07,247 --> 00:04:09,714 Looks like my work here is done. 97 00:04:09,784 --> 00:04:12,917 Take care, Titans, and stay safe. 98 00:04:12,919 --> 00:04:14,430 - Bye, Benny. - My man. 99 00:04:14,454 --> 00:04:18,657 Congratulations, Titans. You're all insured. 100 00:04:18,725 --> 00:04:22,527 Oh! Thank the goodness we had Benny to explain it to us. 101 00:04:22,529 --> 00:04:26,432 Yeah, Robin just confused us with his blah-blidity-blah-blah wordy words. 102 00:04:27,668 --> 00:04:30,803 Crime alert! Cinderblock is causing chaos downtown. 103 00:04:30,871 --> 00:04:33,205 We've got to get there as fast as possible. 104 00:04:33,273 --> 00:04:34,506 Titans, go! 105 00:04:37,478 --> 00:04:39,678 [grunts] Can't you drive any faster? 106 00:04:39,746 --> 00:04:42,280 Uh-uh! I don't want to get into a crash. 107 00:04:42,349 --> 00:04:44,394 Have to pay a bunch of medical bills. You crazy? 108 00:04:44,418 --> 00:04:45,684 And according to this, 109 00:04:45,752 --> 00:04:46,863 driving more than ten miles an hour 110 00:04:46,887 --> 00:04:49,554 increases our chance of injury by 20%. 111 00:04:49,556 --> 00:04:50,733 Dude, you better slow down, bro. 112 00:04:50,757 --> 00:04:53,392 - [gulps] - [engine decelerates] 113 00:04:54,160 --> 00:04:56,294 - [growls] - [explosion] 114 00:04:56,363 --> 00:04:57,396 [growls] 115 00:05:00,367 --> 00:05:01,700 [car honks] 116 00:05:01,768 --> 00:05:04,088 [Robin] Come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on. 117 00:05:04,971 --> 00:05:05,770 [brake squeaks] 118 00:05:05,772 --> 00:05:08,707 - Okay, Titans, let's move! - Hold on! 119 00:05:08,775 --> 00:05:10,753 I still need to put on the parking brake. 120 00:05:10,777 --> 00:05:11,976 Yeah, runaway cars account for 121 00:05:11,978 --> 00:05:13,978 five percent of all hospital visits. 122 00:05:13,980 --> 00:05:15,380 Whatever! Are we good? 123 00:05:15,449 --> 00:05:17,049 [Cyborg] Uh, yep. 124 00:05:17,117 --> 00:05:18,917 Great. Now let's take him down! 125 00:05:20,054 --> 00:05:21,054 Titans, go! 126 00:05:21,121 --> 00:05:23,388 - [all grunt] - Wait! 127 00:05:23,457 --> 00:05:25,590 This place is not the safe. 128 00:05:25,592 --> 00:05:27,926 There are the loose nails, the oil slicks, 129 00:05:27,994 --> 00:05:30,863 and the improperly grounded electrical wires. 130 00:05:30,931 --> 00:05:32,197 Whoa, whoa, whoa. 131 00:05:32,199 --> 00:05:33,510 The numerous safety hazards means 132 00:05:33,534 --> 00:05:35,378 I might has to pay a lots of money 133 00:05:35,402 --> 00:05:37,380 - to that duck on the table. - [quacks] 134 00:05:37,404 --> 00:05:38,515 I am sitting this one out. 135 00:05:38,539 --> 00:05:40,739 - Me, too. - Fine. 136 00:05:40,807 --> 00:05:42,708 Looks like it's all up to me. 137 00:05:43,678 --> 00:05:45,077 [yelling] 138 00:05:46,881 --> 00:05:48,881 [grunts] Ouch! Aah! Stop! 139 00:05:48,949 --> 00:05:50,549 [yelping] 140 00:05:50,617 --> 00:05:51,550 Little help here! 141 00:05:51,618 --> 00:05:54,018 - No way, bro. - We are the good. 142 00:05:54,088 --> 00:05:56,288 Ow, ow, ow! My arm. [yelps] 143 00:05:56,356 --> 00:06:00,225 This is terrible, Robin's really eating through his deductible. 144 00:06:00,227 --> 00:06:02,461 I mean, his bill will be enormous. 145 00:06:03,230 --> 00:06:05,163 [grunts] Titans, listen, 146 00:06:05,232 --> 00:06:07,566 we're already paying a ton of money for our premiums. 147 00:06:07,634 --> 00:06:10,947 Don't you think we should at least get our money's worth from our insurance plan? 148 00:06:10,971 --> 00:06:13,238 It does seem like the big waste. 149 00:06:13,240 --> 00:06:16,040 I bet if we're careful, we can take Cinderblock down 150 00:06:16,042 --> 00:06:18,310 without racking up a lot of medical bills. 151 00:06:18,379 --> 00:06:22,046 And, this gives us a 66% chance of surviving. 152 00:06:22,048 --> 00:06:25,417 I likes them odds, mama. Now let's get that rocky fool! 153 00:06:26,052 --> 00:06:27,051 [growls] 154 00:06:27,053 --> 00:06:28,053 [all yelling] 155 00:06:28,855 --> 00:06:29,855 [quacks] 156 00:06:30,857 --> 00:06:31,924 [groans] 157 00:06:31,992 --> 00:06:34,727 - [yells] - [groans, growls] 158 00:06:34,795 --> 00:06:35,795 [yelling] 159 00:06:41,001 --> 00:06:42,134 [yelling] 160 00:06:44,605 --> 00:06:46,070 We did it! 161 00:06:46,072 --> 00:06:49,274 And without incurring the expensive medical procedures. 162 00:06:49,276 --> 00:06:50,776 [all cheering] 163 00:06:56,350 --> 00:06:58,617 [all groan] 164 00:06:58,685 --> 00:07:00,845 I'd say we definitely got our money's worth. 165 00:07:00,887 --> 00:07:03,822 Surely we can afford a few broken limbs. 166 00:07:03,890 --> 00:07:05,557 [slurps] Mm. 167 00:07:05,626 --> 00:07:07,760 And I am loving this free apple juice. 168 00:07:07,828 --> 00:07:11,496 Check it out. I's a duck, and I's now on a table. 169 00:07:11,498 --> 00:07:13,231 Ain't life funny? [quacks] 170 00:07:13,300 --> 00:07:14,899 We did well, Titans, 171 00:07:14,969 --> 00:07:16,679 and we can rest easy knowing that 172 00:07:16,703 --> 00:07:18,703 all our expenses will be covered 173 00:07:18,773 --> 00:07:20,550 by our top-rated health insurance. 174 00:07:20,574 --> 00:07:21,574 [knock on door] 175 00:07:24,044 --> 00:07:25,577 [dramatic music playing] 176 00:07:25,980 --> 00:07:27,179 [screams] 177 00:07:29,316 --> 00:07:30,649 What is the matter, Robin? 178 00:07:30,717 --> 00:07:34,386 [yelps] We just got a huge bill from a hospital. 179 00:07:34,455 --> 00:07:38,390 It says none of our treatment will be covered by our insurance plan. 180 00:07:38,459 --> 00:07:39,858 This can't be happening! 181 00:07:39,926 --> 00:07:41,794 Our health insurance stinks. 182 00:07:41,862 --> 00:07:43,928 We should demands to speak to a manager. 183 00:07:43,930 --> 00:07:46,242 There's an insurance rep right here in the hospital. 184 00:07:46,266 --> 00:07:49,468 I think it's time we pay them a little visit. 185 00:07:51,205 --> 00:07:53,205 It is the so very dark 186 00:07:53,273 --> 00:07:55,674 down here in the hospital basement. 187 00:07:55,742 --> 00:07:57,609 It's giving me the creeps, yo. 188 00:07:57,678 --> 00:07:59,111 This is it, Titans, 189 00:08:01,348 --> 00:08:03,482 [suspenseful music playing] 190 00:08:08,955 --> 00:08:12,290 This doesn't look anything like the caring, nurturing institution 191 00:08:12,359 --> 00:08:13,958 Benny told us about. 192 00:08:13,960 --> 00:08:15,894 - [squeaking] - [all scream] 193 00:08:23,904 --> 00:08:26,171 - [hisses] - [all gasp] 194 00:08:26,240 --> 00:08:30,042 I am the mighty insurance representative. 195 00:08:30,110 --> 00:08:34,913 Now, what brings you pathetic subscribers to my lair? 196 00:08:34,981 --> 00:08:37,494 We demand to know why you won't cover our medical bills! 197 00:08:37,518 --> 00:08:39,184 Ah, yes, about that. 198 00:08:39,186 --> 00:08:42,587 You haven't reached the kajillion dollar limit on your deductible. 199 00:08:42,656 --> 00:08:48,193 So the entire bill is your responsibility! 200 00:08:48,262 --> 00:08:49,594 That's messed up, yo. 201 00:08:49,663 --> 00:08:51,463 I see what's going on here. 202 00:08:51,532 --> 00:08:54,177 You're trying to slither your way out of covering our bill. 203 00:08:54,201 --> 00:08:56,779 You can't just take our money and leave us without any coverage. 204 00:08:56,803 --> 00:08:59,404 You are the dishonorable cheater! 205 00:08:59,473 --> 00:09:03,475 Look, you made an agreement to help us cover our medical bills, 206 00:09:03,544 --> 00:09:05,464 and we demand that you honor it. 207 00:09:06,547 --> 00:09:11,349 Um, let me quote paragraph seven, section 6B, 208 00:09:11,418 --> 00:09:14,352 when I say, "Make me!" 209 00:09:14,421 --> 00:09:16,132 I didn't want it to come to this, 210 00:09:16,156 --> 00:09:18,201 but it looks like we're going to have to fight 211 00:09:18,225 --> 00:09:19,491 the insurance company. 212 00:09:19,560 --> 00:09:21,360 Titans! Dispute the bill. 213 00:09:21,428 --> 00:09:23,362 [all yell] 214 00:09:23,430 --> 00:09:24,563 [all groaning] 215 00:09:25,632 --> 00:09:27,099 You fools! 216 00:09:27,167 --> 00:09:30,969 No one fights the insurance company and wins! 217 00:09:31,037 --> 00:09:33,238 He's right. He's too strong. 218 00:09:33,307 --> 00:09:35,373 Ooh, I bet I can help out! 219 00:09:35,442 --> 00:09:36,308 [all] Benny! 220 00:09:36,376 --> 00:09:39,244 I know a way to best this insurance snake, 221 00:09:39,246 --> 00:09:41,914 but it involves me beating you all senseless. 222 00:09:41,982 --> 00:09:44,849 - [all cheer] - I'll do anything this guy says. 223 00:09:44,851 --> 00:09:47,652 Okay, then let's go! 224 00:09:47,721 --> 00:09:49,088 [yelling] 225 00:09:50,257 --> 00:09:51,256 - Take that! - [yelps] 226 00:09:51,258 --> 00:09:52,457 And this! 227 00:09:52,459 --> 00:09:54,036 - [yelling] - [yelps] 228 00:09:54,060 --> 00:09:55,127 [yelps] 229 00:09:55,195 --> 00:09:56,394 [growls] 230 00:09:56,463 --> 00:09:58,143 - [grunting] - [yelps] 231 00:09:59,266 --> 00:10:00,733 What... What are you doing? 232 00:10:00,801 --> 00:10:03,035 Beating you at your own game. 233 00:10:03,938 --> 00:10:06,605 We are going to rack up so many injuries, 234 00:10:06,673 --> 00:10:09,274 that we'll exceed our high deductible, 235 00:10:09,343 --> 00:10:12,811 and stick you with a mountain of medical bills. 236 00:10:12,879 --> 00:10:14,257 - [whirring] - [both yelping] 237 00:10:14,281 --> 00:10:17,416 Stop! Do you know how much a fractured pelvis costs? 238 00:10:17,484 --> 00:10:18,817 Please, don't! 239 00:10:20,887 --> 00:10:22,420 That's going to require X-rays. 240 00:10:22,489 --> 00:10:24,489 [all groan] 241 00:10:24,491 --> 00:10:25,824 Now it's your turn, buddy. 242 00:10:25,892 --> 00:10:27,492 [Robin yells] 243 00:10:27,494 --> 00:10:29,928 [yelps] Ow, ow, ow! [grunts] 244 00:10:31,365 --> 00:10:32,765 [fanfare plays] 245 00:10:33,634 --> 00:10:34,899 No! 246 00:10:34,969 --> 00:10:37,702 Your injuries have reached the kajillion dollar limit, 247 00:10:37,772 --> 00:10:39,672 which forces me to pay up! 248 00:10:39,974 --> 00:10:40,974 [screams] 249 00:10:42,709 --> 00:10:46,244 We did it! We beat the insurance company! 250 00:10:46,313 --> 00:10:47,245 The joy. 251 00:10:47,314 --> 00:10:49,782 Go, team. [groans] 252 00:10:49,850 --> 00:10:53,752 - [groans] That's what's up. - Great job, guys! 253 00:10:54,655 --> 00:10:55,655 Guys? 254 00:10:56,323 --> 00:10:57,122 Guys! 255 00:10:57,191 --> 00:10:59,091 [beeps]