1 00:00:04,285 --> 00:00:07,144 KIRK (VO): Captain's log, stardate 6295.3. 2 00:00:07,285 --> 00:00:10,863 Starfleet Command has ordered the Enterprise to the Aldebaran sector. 3 00:00:11,176 --> 00:00:14,355 Meanwhile, Spock and I have been recalled to the starbase... 4 00:00:14,387 --> 00:00:17,239 ...at Corinth 4 for a classified briefing. 5 00:00:17,910 --> 00:00:19,660 Thirty minutes 'til planetfall, captain. 6 00:00:20,074 --> 00:00:22,488 Thanks for taking your free time to bring us here, Sulu. 7 00:00:22,801 --> 00:00:24,692 Sir, may I point out... 8 00:00:24,730 --> 00:00:29,074 ...as the communique only instructed you and myself to report to the starbase... 9 00:00:29,371 --> 00:00:32,131 I would have been perfectly capable of piloting the shuttle. 10 00:00:32,353 --> 00:00:35,452 Then I wouldn't have the chance to see the museum at Corinth 4. 11 00:00:35,477 --> 00:00:39,775 They have the most extensive collection of historical firearms in the quadrant. 12 00:00:39,840 --> 00:00:42,041 - It's a dream come true. - I see. 13 00:00:42,431 --> 00:00:46,700 Doctor, do your interests also extend to historical firearms? 14 00:00:46,830 --> 00:00:51,062 Absolutely, Mr. Spock. I've always had a passion for handheld weaponry. 15 00:00:58,877 --> 00:01:01,548 We're near several Orion colonies. 16 00:01:01,573 --> 00:01:06,236 I'm using my off-time to perform studies on social shifts within the Syndicate. 17 00:01:06,324 --> 00:01:09,346 Since the Zaminhon incident. 18 00:01:09,502 --> 00:01:13,040 - Has there been any progress with that? - Perhaps. 19 00:01:13,158 --> 00:01:18,978 Perhaps a little too much. There're a lot of very angry people. 20 00:01:19,135 --> 00:01:22,533 Angry enough to start another civil war? 21 00:01:23,822 --> 00:01:28,002 Historically, oppression of any segment of a given population... 22 00:01:28,027 --> 00:01:30,815 ...has lead to disastrous long-term results. 23 00:01:30,839 --> 00:01:33,783 True, but that doesn't mean the past can't be overcome. 24 00:01:33,846 --> 00:01:36,795 My mother used to tell me stories of my great, great... 25 00:01:36,819 --> 00:01:39,568 great, great... great, great grandfather... 26 00:01:39,627 --> 00:01:43,279 ...who grew up in an internment camp during Earth's Second World War. 27 00:01:43,748 --> 00:01:46,053 If he could only see me now. 28 00:01:46,287 --> 00:01:50,350 Well, it's the 23rd century. Anything's possible. 29 00:02:20,400 --> 00:02:22,978 Gentlemen. Welcome to Corinth 4. 30 00:02:23,193 --> 00:02:26,240 - May I offer you a drink? - Oh my. 31 00:02:26,416 --> 00:02:28,213 Is this what I think it is? 32 00:02:28,291 --> 00:02:32,021 Well, it depends on what you think it is. But your odds are good. 33 00:02:34,326 --> 00:02:38,076 One of the advantages of being light years away from Federation headquarters. 34 00:02:38,431 --> 00:02:41,927 You might need it after what I've got to say. 35 00:02:42,592 --> 00:02:45,302 Mr. Spock? Ease the nerves. 36 00:02:45,405 --> 00:02:47,792 Thank you, captain. That won't be necessary. 37 00:02:48,783 --> 00:02:50,912 So, commodore. To what do we owe this pleasure? 38 00:02:52,006 --> 00:02:56,517 Captain, um, I know that you and I have had our differences. 39 00:02:56,810 --> 00:03:00,111 Under the circumstances I hope we can move past that. 40 00:03:03,510 --> 00:03:06,068 The crew of the Hood has been lost. 41 00:03:08,119 --> 00:03:10,697 Lost? 42 00:03:13,861 --> 00:03:17,572 Your communique was rather vague. 43 00:03:17,597 --> 00:03:21,049 Life-support systems failure. 44 00:03:22,494 --> 00:03:27,338 There's no reason to suspect foul play. Just an unfortunate accident. 45 00:03:27,689 --> 00:03:30,775 Very unfortunate. 46 00:03:31,283 --> 00:03:33,314 Indeed. 47 00:03:33,744 --> 00:03:38,588 The ship is still intact. The Enterprise has been sent to bring her home. 48 00:03:39,119 --> 00:03:43,924 You still haven't said... Why are we here? 49 00:03:44,158 --> 00:03:47,752 You, Jim, are here as a professional courtesy. 50 00:03:47,791 --> 00:03:52,869 I thought you'd want to be present to hear what I have to say. 51 00:03:54,978 --> 00:03:58,572 The Hood will need a new crew and a new captain. 52 00:03:58,597 --> 00:04:02,830 The Lexington is gone. What about Commodore Wesley? 53 00:04:03,064 --> 00:04:06,072 He's put in for early retirement. 54 00:04:07,556 --> 00:04:10,642 I don't have to point this out to you but our fleet 55 00:04:10,667 --> 00:04:13,752 has suffered extensive losses in the last few years. 56 00:04:14,041 --> 00:04:16,424 The Farragut's being decommissioned? 57 00:04:17,283 --> 00:04:21,033 We only have 7 Constitution-class starships in service. 58 00:04:21,072 --> 00:04:24,314 We need experienced officers on those bridges. 59 00:04:24,471 --> 00:04:29,080 I know of only one candidate who is qualified to assume command of the Hood. 60 00:04:42,241 --> 00:04:46,421 Congratulations... Captain Spock. 61 00:04:59,038 --> 00:05:00,287 KIRK (VO): Space. 62 00:05:00,405 --> 00:05:03,061 The final frontier. 63 00:05:09,975 --> 00:05:13,764 These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. 64 00:05:13,789 --> 00:05:18,686 Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. 65 00:05:19,077 --> 00:05:22,710 To seek out new life and new civilizations. 66 00:05:22,960 --> 00:05:26,163 To boldly go where no man has gone before. 67 00:06:00,749 --> 00:06:04,811 SCOTT (VO): Ship's log, stardate 6295.5. Lieutenant Commander Scott in command. 68 00:06:05,007 --> 00:06:07,293 The Enterprise has been sent to salvage the USS Hood near 69 00:06:07,318 --> 00:06:09,484 the edge of Federation territory in the Beta Quadrant. 70 00:06:10,866 --> 00:06:13,171 No unusual transmissions, Mr. Scott. 71 00:06:13,249 --> 00:06:17,405 The Hood was investigating a subspace anomaly when life support failed. 72 00:06:19,968 --> 00:06:21,609 Astrophysical analysis. 73 00:06:21,687 --> 00:06:25,710 It's possible they didn't compensate properly for the gravitational effects. 74 00:06:26,017 --> 00:06:30,314 - All hands... - And we wonder why man wasn't born with wings. 75 00:06:30,510 --> 00:06:33,440 It's a risk we all take when we sign up for the service, laddie. 76 00:06:33,635 --> 00:06:38,010 Those 400 souls knew that. Still, it doesn't make it any easier. 77 00:06:40,978 --> 00:06:43,908 - Maintain course. - Yes, sir. 78 00:06:44,221 --> 00:06:46,955 Arrival at Aldebaran 3 in one hour. 79 00:06:46,980 --> 00:06:50,900 Inform Starfleet. Scott to engineering. Ready tractor beam. 80 00:06:50,978 --> 00:06:53,751 Let's tow this lass back to port. 81 00:06:58,283 --> 00:07:02,814 Well. To the new captain of the USS Hood. 82 00:07:03,674 --> 00:07:08,400 I must confess I don't cherish the idea of losing my best officer. 83 00:07:08,425 --> 00:07:13,713 - But I guess I knew this day would come. - One moment, gentlemen. 84 00:07:13,830 --> 00:07:18,791 There may be a… "complication." Another officer had applied for the position. 85 00:07:18,816 --> 00:07:21,158 Commander Garrett from Earth Spacedock. 86 00:07:21,314 --> 00:07:26,385 Garrett? Very experienced officer. 87 00:07:26,541 --> 00:07:30,643 Starfleet felt she wouldn't be best "suited" for command. 88 00:07:30,681 --> 00:07:33,298 With all due respect to Mr. Spock... 89 00:07:33,494 --> 00:07:35,955 Garrett has an exemplary service record. 90 00:07:36,346 --> 00:07:39,119 Well, it seems that Commander Garrett agrees with you. 91 00:07:39,144 --> 00:07:42,557 She's filed an appeal with Starfleet Command. 92 00:07:42,596 --> 00:07:46,190 She asserts that she's been selectively overlooked. 93 00:07:46,267 --> 00:07:47,947 Because she's a woman. 94 00:07:51,111 --> 00:07:55,486 Does she have any... basis for that complaint? 95 00:07:57,260 --> 00:08:01,713 The United Federation of Planets was formed over a hundred years ago 96 00:08:01,869 --> 00:08:08,002 by an unprecedented alliance of Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites. 97 00:08:08,027 --> 00:08:10,971 The Romulan threat was significant at that time. 98 00:08:10,996 --> 00:08:16,088 It was vital for Earth to ally itself with other major powers in the region. 99 00:08:16,113 --> 00:08:20,775 Military powers. You've dealt with Tellarites, captain? 100 00:08:21,361 --> 00:08:24,720 I've had the... "distinct pleasure." 101 00:08:24,799 --> 00:08:28,627 Then let me be frank. The men of Tellar Prime are an adversarial people. 102 00:08:28,705 --> 00:08:32,455 Their culture is based on insults... arguments... hostility. 103 00:08:32,650 --> 00:08:35,228 They make excellent politicians. 104 00:08:35,346 --> 00:08:39,448 My father and I have both navigated the Tellarites' enmity firsthand. 105 00:08:39,525 --> 00:08:42,799 Then you understand. Without Tellar's resources... 106 00:08:42,824 --> 00:08:45,799 ...the Earth stood little chance to survive the Romulan incursion. 107 00:08:45,869 --> 00:08:49,189 Commodore. With all due respect to the history lesson... 108 00:08:49,214 --> 00:08:53,604 Tellarite society has always frowned on females serving as starship captains. 109 00:08:53,760 --> 00:08:57,666 - It ALWAYS has. - But surely the Federation's not bound... 110 00:08:57,705 --> 00:09:01,001 ...by the backwards social policies of one member species! 111 00:09:01,106 --> 00:09:02,851 Not necessarily. 112 00:09:02,925 --> 00:09:06,483 But after the controversial admission of Coridan, the Tellarites 113 00:09:06,508 --> 00:09:10,229 have been "suggesting" they might pull their seat from the Council. 114 00:09:12,002 --> 00:09:15,947 It would be unwise to antagonize them further. 115 00:09:17,431 --> 00:09:21,494 - Permission to speak freely, sir. - Always. 116 00:09:21,572 --> 00:09:23,280 Laura. 117 00:09:23,567 --> 00:09:27,942 From the very beginning, Starfleet has had female captains. 118 00:09:28,199 --> 00:09:32,315 - You, yourself, are a perfect example. - I'm in command of a starbase. 119 00:09:32,339 --> 00:09:34,502 Not a Constitution-class starship. 120 00:09:35,871 --> 00:09:39,309 I sympathize with your feelings, believe me. 121 00:09:39,333 --> 00:09:42,472 Of all people... I sympathize. 122 00:09:42,589 --> 00:09:48,175 Sir. Despite the present lack of female starship captains 123 00:09:48,214 --> 00:09:51,886 I do not believe there is any formal regulation against it. 124 00:09:51,925 --> 00:09:53,800 Not officially. 125 00:09:53,878 --> 00:09:57,511 And while I am honored by the offer... 126 00:09:57,706 --> 00:10:02,120 If Commander Garrett indeed posseses qualifications greater than I... 127 00:10:02,277 --> 00:10:04,743 it would be unethical for her to be passed over 128 00:10:04,768 --> 00:10:07,027 for promotion simply because she is a woman. 129 00:10:07,550 --> 00:10:10,050 I agree. 130 00:10:12,199 --> 00:10:15,441 She deserves the ship, commodore. 131 00:10:16,144 --> 00:10:19,074 I see. Well... 132 00:10:19,099 --> 00:10:23,371 I don't envy the person that has to explain that to the Tellarite ambassador. 133 00:10:46,076 --> 00:10:47,756 Enter. 134 00:10:50,763 --> 00:10:52,638 Settling in, I see. 135 00:10:52,663 --> 00:10:55,074 As it is unknown how long I shall reside here... 136 00:10:55,099 --> 00:10:58,521 Logic dictates I arrange my quarters to my liking. 137 00:10:59,396 --> 00:11:03,224 - Makes sense. - Captain... 138 00:11:03,249 --> 00:11:08,263 After careful consideration, I have concluded that logic also dictates... 139 00:11:08,288 --> 00:11:11,271 I may be the more suitable candidate for the position. 140 00:11:11,583 --> 00:11:15,294 I must consider the possibility that Starfleet was correct in their assessment. 141 00:11:15,319 --> 00:11:19,708 This is about more than logic, Spock. It's about fairness. 142 00:11:21,466 --> 00:11:24,982 My God. After all we've overcome... 143 00:11:25,099 --> 00:11:28,029 We shouldn't even be having this conversation. 144 00:11:28,224 --> 00:11:33,263 My position is not based upon Commander Garrett's gender. 145 00:11:33,435 --> 00:11:35,435 Well maybe it SHOULD be. 146 00:11:35,607 --> 00:11:38,615 Despite our charter... our values... 147 00:11:38,640 --> 00:11:42,326 Starfleet has never given a woman command of a Constitution-class starship. 148 00:11:44,033 --> 00:11:48,330 I'd like to tell myself that it's just been the way the cards fell... 149 00:11:48,604 --> 00:11:51,338 But perhaps there's a greater good to be considered here. 150 00:11:51,885 --> 00:11:54,625 If the goal is to nominate a woman for the post, 151 00:11:54,650 --> 00:11:57,221 Commodore Gray would be the more appropriate choice. 152 00:11:57,275 --> 00:11:59,814 She doesn't want the ship. 153 00:12:00,869 --> 00:12:04,307 Apparently, Garrett's on her way here. 154 00:12:04,697 --> 00:12:08,916 The commodore wants me to interview her. Draw my own conclusions. 155 00:12:09,111 --> 00:12:11,884 But I must be honest, Spock. 156 00:12:12,354 --> 00:12:14,932 I can't imagine the Hood with a better captain than Garrett. 157 00:12:15,260 --> 00:12:16,823 Perhaps. 158 00:12:17,252 --> 00:12:21,822 But perhaps you simply cannot imagine the Enterprise without me. 159 00:12:26,705 --> 00:12:29,361 I appreciate your confidence. 160 00:12:29,386 --> 00:12:32,838 I, too, would find leaving the ship to be -- most difficult. 161 00:12:32,994 --> 00:12:36,432 But you cannot allow that to weigh on your decision. 162 00:12:37,096 --> 00:12:39,518 How could it not? 163 00:12:40,807 --> 00:12:42,838 I'm only human, Spock. 164 00:12:43,854 --> 00:12:45,768 Captain... 165 00:12:45,846 --> 00:12:49,869 I took the liberty of accessing Commander Garrett's fitness reports. 166 00:12:49,894 --> 00:12:52,435 I recommend reading them prior to your meeting. 167 00:12:52,670 --> 00:12:56,263 You may find them informative. 168 00:13:15,665 --> 00:13:18,243 Sir. We're within sensor range of the Hood. 169 00:13:18,738 --> 00:13:21,290 All stop. That'll be close enough for now. 170 00:13:21,654 --> 00:13:23,295 All stop. 171 00:13:28,217 --> 00:13:31,186 No life signs. 172 00:13:32,189 --> 00:13:36,746 Keep an eye out for subspace eddies. We don't want the same thing to happen to us. 173 00:13:38,413 --> 00:13:42,658 Commander? I'm seeing no unusual activity in this system. 174 00:13:42,918 --> 00:13:45,444 Confirmed. There's nothing. 175 00:13:45,497 --> 00:13:49,377 - But the transmissions clearly said... - Aye. An anomaly of some sort. 176 00:13:50,601 --> 00:13:52,816 Lieutenant? Scan the Hood's EPS grid. 177 00:13:52,894 --> 00:13:56,434 Yes sir. Definitely been compromised. 178 00:13:56,564 --> 00:13:58,986 Is the damage consistent with the reports? 179 00:13:59,038 --> 00:14:02,970 - Difficult to tell. - Shall we rig for tractor beam? 180 00:14:02,996 --> 00:14:04,872 Something doesna' feel right. 181 00:14:04,950 --> 00:14:06,748 We cannuh risk towing her to drydock without 182 00:14:06,772 --> 00:14:08,489 knowin' a wee bit more about what happened. 183 00:14:10,716 --> 00:14:13,060 Commander, if you give me some time... 184 00:14:13,085 --> 00:14:16,680 I should be able to restore life support on her engineering deck remotely. 185 00:14:16,705 --> 00:14:18,920 You could get a closer look. 186 00:14:18,944 --> 00:14:21,810 Aye. Suppose we must. 187 00:14:44,180 --> 00:14:46,602 Diana Garrett reporting as ordered. 188 00:14:46,706 --> 00:14:48,477 At ease, commander. 189 00:14:49,232 --> 00:14:51,576 I trust your journey from Earth was without incident? 190 00:14:51,663 --> 00:14:54,866 It was, captain. Thank you for asking. 191 00:14:54,971 --> 00:14:56,421 Good. Please sit down. 192 00:14:56,539 --> 00:14:58,570 Sir. 193 00:14:58,903 --> 00:15:03,066 Before we begin, I want to stress that I understand my... 194 00:15:03,091 --> 00:15:07,026 ...protests have "irritated" certain flag officers. 195 00:15:07,106 --> 00:15:11,429 In my experience, flag officers are easily irritated. 196 00:15:11,454 --> 00:15:16,898 Believe me, I know. I traveled here with Vice Admiral Stomm from ESD. 197 00:15:16,939 --> 00:15:18,371 Stomm? 198 00:15:18,944 --> 00:15:21,288 Nothing like a Vulcan bureaucrat. 199 00:15:21,523 --> 00:15:24,414 And yet you survived without throwing yourself out the airlock? 200 00:15:24,438 --> 00:15:28,241 - Well... barely. [THEY LAUGH] 201 00:15:28,372 --> 00:15:32,018 So... commander. I've been looking at your record. 202 00:15:32,096 --> 00:15:36,080 Quite an accomplished officer. Rose through the ranks quickly... 203 00:15:36,158 --> 00:15:39,413 - Self-made woman. - Thank you. 204 00:15:39,752 --> 00:15:42,929 I see you served on the Constitution before it was decommissioned. 205 00:15:43,033 --> 00:15:45,846 Yes. The original. 206 00:15:46,705 --> 00:15:51,993 Must've been difficult. The attack on Nimbus 3. Losing your captain like that. 207 00:15:54,069 --> 00:15:56,960 I'd prefer not to discuss the matter, sir. 208 00:15:58,225 --> 00:15:59,284 Sorry? 209 00:15:59,309 --> 00:16:02,038 I've already said everything there is to say about the incident. 210 00:16:02,063 --> 00:16:04,903 Turned over all my logs to Starfleet. Including my personal logs. 211 00:16:04,928 --> 00:16:07,064 I'm certain that's true. 212 00:16:07,403 --> 00:16:10,788 Captain. My testimony is a matter of record. 213 00:16:12,715 --> 00:16:16,126 Now, with your permission... I would like to retire to my quarters. 214 00:16:16,361 --> 00:16:19,382 It's been 24 Earth hours since I've slept. 215 00:16:24,168 --> 00:16:27,449 Certainly, commander. Get yourself some rest. 216 00:16:28,257 --> 00:16:30,575 Thank you. 217 00:16:41,830 --> 00:16:44,304 Mister Scott? I've been able to restore emergency 218 00:16:44,329 --> 00:16:46,307 power to the Hood's engineering section. 219 00:16:46,439 --> 00:16:49,512 You'll have six -- maybe seven hours of oxygen at most. 220 00:16:49,590 --> 00:16:51,205 Good work, ensign. That'll have to do. 221 00:16:51,230 --> 00:16:53,861 Follett? We need to study the reactor for gravitational damage. 222 00:16:53,913 --> 00:16:57,429 Sir! Request permission to join the boarding party! 223 00:16:57,507 --> 00:16:59,174 Not this time, lad. 224 00:16:59,199 --> 00:17:02,053 Uhura. Prepare for a full scan of the Hood's logs. Suit up for salvage. 225 00:17:02,131 --> 00:17:04,276 Meet me in the transporter room in half an hour. 226 00:17:04,382 --> 00:17:07,846 - Sir. - Mister Hadley, you have the conn. 227 00:17:10,778 --> 00:17:13,148 "Mister Hadley, you have the conn." 228 00:17:13,173 --> 00:17:15,179 It's not personal, Pavel. 229 00:17:15,204 --> 00:17:19,999 You're a talented navigator. But you're not... focused. 230 00:17:20,440 --> 00:17:23,461 Command... science... engineering. 231 00:17:23,591 --> 00:17:26,768 A jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. 232 00:17:27,106 --> 00:17:30,804 Find something you really love. And stick with it. 233 00:17:31,117 --> 00:17:34,034 You never know until you try. 234 00:17:52,652 --> 00:17:54,605 [INTERCOM WHISTLES] 235 00:18:07,965 --> 00:18:09,528 Doctor. 236 00:18:09,736 --> 00:18:12,470 The captain filled me in on the situation. 237 00:18:12,522 --> 00:18:15,308 I thought I'd check in and see how you're doing. 238 00:18:15,569 --> 00:18:17,079 Is this a bad time? 239 00:18:17,288 --> 00:18:19,918 I was in the midst of deep meditation. 240 00:18:20,413 --> 00:18:21,689 A bad time, then. 241 00:18:21,871 --> 00:18:23,798 I apologize for the interruption. 242 00:18:24,032 --> 00:18:26,011 We can talk later if you like. 243 00:18:27,184 --> 00:18:28,720 Counselor... 244 00:18:29,085 --> 00:18:32,288 I would welcome your advice on this matter. 245 00:18:36,142 --> 00:18:40,231 It may not be prudent to provoke the Tellarites at this time. 246 00:18:40,674 --> 00:18:44,476 We both know the Tellarites love to make threats, Mr. Spock. 247 00:18:44,710 --> 00:18:47,262 Threats on which they almost never deliver. 248 00:18:47,653 --> 00:18:50,101 I don't think that's the issue. 249 00:18:51,481 --> 00:18:54,658 What do you believe the issue is, doctor? 250 00:18:57,444 --> 00:19:01,064 Acquiring my position on the Enterprise was not easy. 251 00:19:01,481 --> 00:19:04,840 There were many who believed a counselor was unnecessary. 252 00:19:04,997 --> 00:19:07,537 But having the requisite skills and experience, 253 00:19:07,562 --> 00:19:10,203 I never attributed their concern to my being a woman. 254 00:19:11,221 --> 00:19:15,388 Yet... I've seen enough of human nature to know 255 00:19:15,413 --> 00:19:19,762 that how we learn to evaluate others is a many-layered process. 256 00:19:19,997 --> 00:19:25,362 And if bias is present, it is often deep and subconscious. 257 00:19:26,012 --> 00:19:29,892 As one whose appearance has, on occasion, 258 00:19:29,917 --> 00:19:33,928 been perceived as the most significant element of my identity... 259 00:19:33,954 --> 00:19:39,372 I concur that humans -- indeed, all races -- are capable of such bias. 260 00:19:39,658 --> 00:19:42,991 Both intentionally... and unintentionally. 261 00:19:44,762 --> 00:19:47,653 I don't know what my future holds, but... 262 00:19:47,887 --> 00:19:49,736 if I were ever to have a daughter... 263 00:19:49,931 --> 00:19:53,017 I would want her to know that any position is within 264 00:19:53,042 --> 00:19:56,127 her grasp if she works hard enough to achieve it. 265 00:19:56,338 --> 00:19:58,174 Without question. 266 00:19:59,853 --> 00:20:03,139 But Commander Garrett's record has numerous issues 267 00:20:03,165 --> 00:20:06,596 which necessitate further scrutiny. 268 00:20:07,119 --> 00:20:08,955 And tell me, Spock... 269 00:20:09,463 --> 00:20:15,142 Would her record be under the same degree of scrutiny if she were a man? 270 00:20:15,830 --> 00:20:18,408 I believe it would, doctor. 271 00:20:18,799 --> 00:20:20,557 But... 272 00:20:21,221 --> 00:20:23,721 One can never be certain of another's motives. 273 00:20:24,111 --> 00:20:27,431 No. We can't. 274 00:20:28,447 --> 00:20:32,236 But we can certainly strive to be clear about our own. 275 00:20:40,283 --> 00:20:41,767 GRAY: Captain. 276 00:20:41,885 --> 00:20:45,869 I asked you to interview Commander Garrett. Not antagonize her. 277 00:20:45,908 --> 00:20:47,954 That wasn't my intention, commodore. 278 00:20:47,979 --> 00:20:50,531 Intention or not... She filed a petition for an 279 00:20:50,556 --> 00:20:53,189 immediate decision regarding the Hood's captaincy. 280 00:20:53,214 --> 00:20:54,634 What's the hurry? 281 00:20:54,791 --> 00:20:57,794 Per Starfleet regulations... a three-person committee will 282 00:20:57,819 --> 00:21:00,689 hold a formal hearing to make the final determination. 283 00:21:00,714 --> 00:21:05,337 Admiral Stomm... myself... and the next senior officer on this starbase. 284 00:21:05,363 --> 00:21:08,229 YOU, captain. 285 00:21:17,019 --> 00:21:19,363 KIRK (VO): Captain's log, supplemental. 286 00:21:19,388 --> 00:21:23,308 I was certain of my decision regarding the Hood's captaincy. 287 00:21:23,333 --> 00:21:26,824 But now, I'm not so sure. 288 00:21:27,722 --> 00:21:29,636 [BELL RINGS] 289 00:21:34,558 --> 00:21:37,331 This hearing is now in session. 290 00:21:37,488 --> 00:21:40,340 I have appointed as members of this inquiry: 291 00:21:40,457 --> 00:21:42,723 Space Command representative Stomm 292 00:21:42,840 --> 00:21:46,551 ...and USS Enterprise Captain James T. Kirk. 293 00:21:46,941 --> 00:21:49,207 Commanders Spock and Garrett. 294 00:21:49,232 --> 00:21:54,207 You have the right to ask for substitute officers if you feel any of these named 295 00:21:54,232 --> 00:21:57,918 harbor any prejudice to your cases. 296 00:21:57,957 --> 00:22:01,707 Do you consent to the service of myself as president of this board? 297 00:22:01,732 --> 00:22:03,816 - I do, sir. - Yes, I do, sir. 298 00:22:03,855 --> 00:22:08,191 Very well. Mr. Spock. If you please. 299 00:22:18,978 --> 00:22:21,439 [COMPUTER WHIRS] 300 00:22:26,556 --> 00:22:27,767 Spock. 301 00:22:27,792 --> 00:22:31,986 Serial number: S179-276SP. 302 00:22:32,181 --> 00:22:34,095 Service rank: commander. 303 00:22:34,174 --> 00:22:37,415 Position: first officer; science officer. 304 00:22:37,455 --> 00:22:40,033 Current assignment: USS Enterprise. 305 00:22:40,058 --> 00:22:42,626 Commander Spock's record is impeccable, of course. 306 00:22:42,743 --> 00:22:46,830 I move that we dispense with the formalities. If there are no objections. 307 00:22:46,869 --> 00:22:48,353 No, sir. 308 00:22:48,392 --> 00:22:49,618 GRAY: Oh, I object. 309 00:22:49,775 --> 00:22:54,931 I believe Mr. Spock's qualifications are material to this decision. 310 00:22:55,580 --> 00:22:56,947 Proceed. 311 00:22:58,431 --> 00:23:02,650 Commendations: Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor. 312 00:23:02,675 --> 00:23:06,908 Awards of valor: twice decorated by Starfleet Command. 313 00:23:06,947 --> 00:23:08,666 Thank you. 314 00:23:09,447 --> 00:23:13,431 Commander Spock. How long have you served in Starfleet? 315 00:23:13,900 --> 00:23:16,595 Nineteen years, five months, twenty days... 316 00:23:16,621 --> 00:23:19,260 And for the majority of that time, you functioned 317 00:23:19,284 --> 00:23:21,322 as science officer on board the Enterprise. 318 00:23:21,361 --> 00:23:25,697 Under both Captain Pike, and -- for the last four years -- under Captain Kirk. 319 00:23:25,722 --> 00:23:28,822 - I have. - Commander. 320 00:23:29,221 --> 00:23:31,916 If you were transferred to the captaincy of the Hood... 321 00:23:32,463 --> 00:23:35,510 How would that make you "feel"? 322 00:23:38,400 --> 00:23:40,329 Yes. You are Vulcan. 323 00:23:40,642 --> 00:23:43,455 But you are also half-human. Aren't you? 324 00:23:44,064 --> 00:23:47,853 - I am, admiral. - Mister Spock... 325 00:23:48,127 --> 00:23:51,564 As a student, you were accepted to the Vulcan Science Academy. 326 00:23:51,877 --> 00:23:54,533 - A tremendous honor. - Affirmative. 327 00:23:54,963 --> 00:23:57,463 Yet you turned down admission. 328 00:23:57,775 --> 00:24:02,283 Did your "human emotions" play a role in that decision? 329 00:24:02,658 --> 00:24:04,103 No sir. They did not. 330 00:24:04,260 --> 00:24:07,776 COMPUTER: Inaccurate. Inaccurate. Data in error. 331 00:24:11,877 --> 00:24:15,002 The computer would appear to disagree with you, commander. 332 00:24:15,027 --> 00:24:17,424 I object to this line of questioning. 333 00:24:17,658 --> 00:24:20,158 Spock is not on trial here. 334 00:24:20,392 --> 00:24:23,434 His racial heritage should have no bearing on his qualification 335 00:24:23,459 --> 00:24:26,276 for this position, any more than Commander Garrett's gender should. 336 00:24:26,322 --> 00:24:29,816 Captain Kirk. Would you deny that every individual's 337 00:24:29,841 --> 00:24:32,650 abilities... character... judgments... strengths... 338 00:24:32,675 --> 00:24:38,236 are -- in part -- shaped by his or her heritage? Beliefs? Gender? 339 00:24:40,243 --> 00:24:46,728 I know the idea of a female starship captain "unsettles" some people. 340 00:24:46,845 --> 00:24:50,229 - Doesn't it. - I see. 341 00:24:52,728 --> 00:24:55,150 Let's "cut to the chase," shall we? 342 00:24:55,541 --> 00:24:59,630 For the record: I am absolutely convinced 343 00:24:59,655 --> 00:25:03,954 that it's time for a woman to captain a Constitution-class vessel. 344 00:25:04,721 --> 00:25:07,104 But with respect to Commander Garrett... 345 00:25:07,377 --> 00:25:10,815 I'm not convinced she is that woman. 346 00:25:43,855 --> 00:25:47,566 The board's damaged. I'll need to bypass it to access the ship's logs. 347 00:25:47,591 --> 00:25:50,550 Check the intermix ratio at the time the engines went offline. I'll get 348 00:25:50,575 --> 00:25:53,410 the dilithium chamber open. See how bad these crystals have decayed. 349 00:26:04,558 --> 00:26:08,269 [BIONIC WHIRRING] 350 00:26:21,902 --> 00:26:23,933 COMPUTER: Garrett, Diana L. 351 00:26:24,089 --> 00:26:28,933 Serial number: SC459-033M. 352 00:26:28,958 --> 00:26:31,228 Service rank: commander. 353 00:26:31,253 --> 00:26:33,181 Position: first officer. 354 00:26:33,206 --> 00:26:35,915 Current assignment: Earth Spacedock. 355 00:26:35,941 --> 00:26:39,549 Commendations: Tucker Memorial Medal of Honor. 356 00:26:39,574 --> 00:26:41,698 Risian Star of Excellence. 357 00:26:41,723 --> 00:26:45,721 Aenar Award for Meritorious Service to Disadvantaged Cultures. 358 00:26:45,746 --> 00:26:49,979 Awards of valor: four times decorated by Starfleet Command. 359 00:26:50,056 --> 00:26:51,931 STOMM: Commander Garrett. 360 00:26:52,088 --> 00:26:55,565 You boast an impressive record for your service to Starfleet. 361 00:26:55,603 --> 00:26:58,767 STOMM: Very impressive. GRAY: Indeed. 362 00:26:59,158 --> 00:27:03,689 But there are some questions which this court would be remiss not to address. 363 00:27:03,924 --> 00:27:08,065 You were part of the ill-fated Nimbus 3 landing party, were you not? 364 00:27:08,611 --> 00:27:11,033 Those arthropods came out of nowhere. 365 00:27:11,189 --> 00:27:14,587 Yes. I read your statement to Starfleet. 366 00:27:14,822 --> 00:27:17,869 I also read the official investigation into the incident. 367 00:27:18,666 --> 00:27:20,424 Commodore? 368 00:27:20,853 --> 00:27:23,314 It suggested "human error." 369 00:27:23,549 --> 00:27:26,596 That investigation was conducted by a Tellarite officer. 370 00:27:26,830 --> 00:27:29,579 I strongly and formally contested those findings... 371 00:27:29,604 --> 00:27:31,572 I understand that you contested them. 372 00:27:31,806 --> 00:27:35,658 ...and no proof of wrongdoing was ever officially determined. 373 00:27:35,971 --> 00:27:37,416 "Officially." 374 00:27:37,441 --> 00:27:39,841 Yet you -- and two of your subordinates -- plead 375 00:27:39,866 --> 00:27:41,947 the 7th Guarantee during the proceedings... 376 00:27:41,972 --> 00:27:46,283 ...Which by law may not be inferred as an admission of culpability. 377 00:27:46,308 --> 00:27:49,877 There are numerous similar incidents in your file. 378 00:27:50,150 --> 00:27:51,752 Diana. 379 00:27:51,869 --> 00:27:54,994 I see two officers sitting in that chair. 380 00:27:55,019 --> 00:27:58,549 One with a long history of faithful service. 381 00:27:58,574 --> 00:28:04,018 And one who reacts with undue hostility whenever her judgment is questioned. 382 00:28:04,252 --> 00:28:06,938 Perhaps hostility is a legitimate reaction when one 383 00:28:06,963 --> 00:28:09,705 is subjected to undue scrutiny and discrimination. 384 00:28:14,963 --> 00:28:18,937 I wish I could assure you that you haven't been held to a different 385 00:28:18,962 --> 00:28:22,760 standard throughout your career because you happen to be a woman. 386 00:28:23,049 --> 00:28:24,533 Perhaps you have. 387 00:28:24,885 --> 00:28:26,408 Perhaps I have. 388 00:28:26,603 --> 00:28:29,259 I honestly don't know. 389 00:28:29,299 --> 00:28:31,838 But part of the duty of a starship captain 390 00:28:31,916 --> 00:28:34,221 ...is to learn from mistakes. 391 00:28:34,246 --> 00:28:37,737 To face repercussions of action... and inaction. 392 00:28:37,761 --> 00:28:43,298 And to admit when he -- or she -- is in the wrong. 393 00:28:43,855 --> 00:28:48,361 I am well aware of the position's job requirements, commodore. 394 00:28:48,439 --> 00:28:51,642 And as I have testified too many times now: 395 00:28:51,667 --> 00:28:54,298 I was not in the wrong. 396 00:29:07,855 --> 00:29:13,011 Follett? The logs I've managed to download are consistent with a subspace disruption. 397 00:29:13,036 --> 00:29:14,847 But here... 398 00:29:15,511 --> 00:29:19,534 - The rift... it disappeared! - What do you make of it? 399 00:29:20,003 --> 00:29:22,191 I've never seen anything like that before. 400 00:29:22,855 --> 00:29:24,964 [SHIP SHUDDERS] [RED ALERT KLAXON] 401 00:29:30,199 --> 00:29:32,543 What in the name of...? 402 00:29:33,949 --> 00:29:35,590 Close the chamber! 403 00:29:36,058 --> 00:29:39,847 Sir, I'm reading a massive power surge in the Hood's engines! 404 00:29:40,472 --> 00:29:44,261 Enterprise! We've got a containment failure! Get us out of here! 405 00:29:44,339 --> 00:29:46,566 Bridge to transporter room! Energize! 406 00:29:46,591 --> 00:29:49,769 Their deflector screens have activated! It's impossible to get a lock! 407 00:29:50,941 --> 00:29:53,558 We can't bring them back! 408 00:30:05,151 --> 00:30:08,066 Scott to Enterprise! The reactor's at "critical"! 409 00:30:08,808 --> 00:30:12,011 Sir... there's nothing I can do! Can you jettison the core? 410 00:30:14,433 --> 00:30:16,581 Circuits are fused! 411 00:30:18,730 --> 00:30:20,839 How much time? 412 00:30:22,089 --> 00:30:25,019 Minutes? Seconds? 413 00:30:25,683 --> 00:30:27,714 Impossible to tell. 414 00:30:34,511 --> 00:30:36,699 I'm sorry. 415 00:30:45,644 --> 00:30:50,019 Scott to Enterprise. Get as far away as possible. 416 00:30:50,527 --> 00:30:53,496 Rendezvous with the captain at Corinth 4. 417 00:30:56,158 --> 00:30:57,447 Commander? 418 00:30:57,472 --> 00:30:59,400 Lieutenant, that's a direct order. 419 00:31:10,338 --> 00:31:12,721 - Yes, sir. - Wait! 420 00:31:13,814 --> 00:31:17,955 I have an idea. Permission to take weapons subsystems station, sir! 421 00:31:18,463 --> 00:31:20,104 Trust me! 422 00:31:21,080 --> 00:31:22,721 Go! 423 00:31:24,088 --> 00:31:27,096 SCOTT (on comm): Enterprise! Get out of here! 424 00:31:29,478 --> 00:31:31,705 Mister Hadley! That's a direct order! 425 00:31:31,994 --> 00:31:33,131 Chekov...! 426 00:31:33,156 --> 00:31:36,026 I might be able to transmit duotronic algorithm... 427 00:31:36,119 --> 00:31:39,322 Overload signal gain! Force computer to drop shields! 428 00:31:39,347 --> 00:31:42,330 Are ya daft, ensign? That'll short out the whole board! 429 00:31:43,697 --> 00:31:46,353 You'll kill yourself, man! 430 00:31:47,994 --> 00:31:49,986 The Hood's warp core is critical! 431 00:31:50,103 --> 00:31:52,993 [CHEKOV SPEAKS RUSSIAN] 432 00:32:08,597 --> 00:32:11,722 Their shields are down! Transporter room! Get them out of there! 433 00:32:37,581 --> 00:32:39,886 [BELL RINGS] 434 00:32:43,948 --> 00:32:46,331 This hearing is now back in session. 435 00:32:46,448 --> 00:32:51,214 The board will entertain motions before delivering its verdict. 436 00:32:57,269 --> 00:33:00,746 - Very well. - All rise. 437 00:33:07,267 --> 00:33:09,337 Admiral? 438 00:33:09,728 --> 00:33:13,830 I endorse Commander Garrett for promotion to the rank of "captain." 439 00:33:17,424 --> 00:33:22,893 I endorse Commander Spock for promotion to the rank of "captain." 440 00:33:25,939 --> 00:33:27,697 Captain Kirk? 441 00:33:31,330 --> 00:33:33,478 [INTERCOM WHISTLES] 442 00:33:33,503 --> 00:33:35,275 Ops to Commodore Gray. 443 00:33:36,292 --> 00:33:37,550 Gray here. 444 00:33:37,575 --> 00:33:40,416 Sir, incoming transmission from the Enterprise. 445 00:33:40,510 --> 00:33:43,010 They were unable to salvage the Hood, commodore. 446 00:33:43,049 --> 00:33:44,377 It's been destroyed. 447 00:33:44,416 --> 00:33:46,760 Kirk here. What about my people...? 448 00:33:46,955 --> 00:33:51,799 Reports still coming in, sir... but no major injuries to your crew. 449 00:33:55,705 --> 00:33:58,322 Understood. Gray out. 450 00:34:05,137 --> 00:34:07,090 Ladies and gentlemen. 451 00:34:07,403 --> 00:34:11,519 This new information renders these proceedings... "unnecessary." 452 00:34:11,754 --> 00:34:13,731 I'm afraid that appears to be the case. 453 00:34:14,043 --> 00:34:16,816 Commander Garrett and I shall return to Earth Spacedock. 454 00:34:18,770 --> 00:34:21,114 GARRETT: If I may... 455 00:34:25,371 --> 00:34:30,566 There's an underlying issue that still remains, is there not? 456 00:34:35,723 --> 00:34:39,512 For decades... I believe the service has overlooked capable 457 00:34:39,537 --> 00:34:43,325 officers for certain positions simply because we're women. 458 00:34:44,356 --> 00:34:46,192 They may not admit it. 459 00:34:46,217 --> 00:34:49,590 Hell, may not even be intentional. 460 00:34:50,020 --> 00:34:54,864 We can hide behind "Tellarite diplomacy." Rationalize it. Justify it. 461 00:34:54,889 --> 00:34:58,965 - But it is still true. - Commander Garrett. 462 00:34:59,825 --> 00:35:02,379 Do you believe a person should receive special 463 00:35:02,404 --> 00:35:06,986 consideration because of their gender? Religion? Race? 464 00:35:07,011 --> 00:35:10,059 If that person's gender, religion, or race has been 465 00:35:10,084 --> 00:35:13,260 historically used to deny them consideration. 466 00:35:13,431 --> 00:35:15,853 That wasn't the question. 467 00:35:15,892 --> 00:35:21,595 Perhaps not. But that is my answer. 468 00:35:23,822 --> 00:35:28,822 Starfleet has the opportunity to implement change. 469 00:35:28,978 --> 00:35:35,267 To change our values. To change the future. 470 00:35:36,361 --> 00:35:40,970 There are countless female officers more than capable of commanding a starship. 471 00:35:40,996 --> 00:35:43,901 This may not be MY time. 472 00:35:45,267 --> 00:35:49,056 But it is most certainly THEIRS. 473 00:35:50,033 --> 00:35:54,291 I think we're all in agreement with that. 474 00:36:06,343 --> 00:36:07,764 Spock. 475 00:36:10,210 --> 00:36:12,749 Peace and long life. 476 00:36:13,726 --> 00:36:16,695 Live long and prosper. 477 00:36:41,069 --> 00:36:42,944 A moment, doctor? 478 00:36:43,062 --> 00:36:45,992 Take two, Scotty. 479 00:36:47,632 --> 00:36:51,773 Mister! Of all the hare-brained, half-baked, lunatic ideas... 480 00:36:51,798 --> 00:36:54,273 It's good to see you, too, sir. 481 00:36:55,718 --> 00:36:56,743 Yes, sir. 482 00:36:56,768 --> 00:36:59,843 I've informed Admiral Stomm of your little "stunt," lieutenant. 483 00:36:59,976 --> 00:37:02,515 It's worthy of a court martial. 484 00:37:02,540 --> 00:37:06,460 Whatever disciplinary action you feel I deserve, I... 485 00:37:07,515 --> 00:37:09,312 "Lieutenant"? 486 00:37:18,312 --> 00:37:22,414 Thank you... for saving our lives. Lieutenant Chekov. 487 00:37:22,609 --> 00:37:24,562 Sir... yes sir...! 488 00:37:24,587 --> 00:37:27,720 I'll be filing a formal recommendation with Starfleet Engineering Corps 489 00:37:27,745 --> 00:37:30,226 ...to install a shield prefix code on all of our ships. 490 00:37:30,251 --> 00:37:33,039 And it vill be called... the "Chekov code"! 491 00:37:33,273 --> 00:37:35,343 Don't push your luck, lad. 492 00:37:35,812 --> 00:37:38,930 I cannuh lie... that was an inspired idea. 493 00:37:38,955 --> 00:37:41,788 Have ya considered a career in tactical? Ya may wanna talk to Mr. Drake. 494 00:37:41,813 --> 00:37:44,562 Commander? What happened over there? 495 00:37:44,587 --> 00:37:47,843 The anomaly... the warp core... the deflector screens...? 496 00:37:47,868 --> 00:37:51,241 I dunno, lieutenant. An' that's what worries me. 497 00:37:56,124 --> 00:37:58,897 Well. Whatever happened... 498 00:37:59,093 --> 00:38:01,046 Thank you. 499 00:38:01,281 --> 00:38:04,211 And congratulations! 500 00:38:06,242 --> 00:38:09,562 Before you overloaded the board, you said something. 501 00:38:09,835 --> 00:38:13,937 The translators didn't pick it up. But it sounded like Russian? 502 00:38:13,962 --> 00:38:16,125 Old expression. 503 00:38:16,150 --> 00:38:20,080 "Eyes might be afraid... but hands do the job." 504 00:38:20,197 --> 00:38:25,158 Means "You never know... until you try." 505 00:38:50,564 --> 00:38:52,892 Ambassador. 506 00:38:53,947 --> 00:38:57,189 We acknowledge and respect your culture's beliefs. 507 00:38:57,853 --> 00:39:00,744 - But I must tell you... - Oh, please. 508 00:39:00,769 --> 00:39:03,730 I'm well aware that my people's prejudices 509 00:39:03,755 --> 00:39:06,784 are hopelessly outdated by modern standards. 510 00:39:09,611 --> 00:39:12,853 I appreciate that you recognize that, sir. 511 00:39:12,878 --> 00:39:18,611 A large faction on Tellar Prime argues against our government's stance on this matter. 512 00:39:18,728 --> 00:39:23,259 And I, for one, am part of that faction. 513 00:39:24,275 --> 00:39:27,268 I believe one of your greatest human writers once said... 514 00:39:27,293 --> 00:39:31,253 "A lady's 'verily' is as potent as a lord's." 515 00:39:33,064 --> 00:39:34,587 That he did, sir. 516 00:39:34,978 --> 00:39:37,986 The winds of change blow for us. 517 00:39:38,011 --> 00:39:41,876 I do not envy the decisions Starfleet now faces. 518 00:39:41,916 --> 00:39:46,213 But trust that you have my full support. 519 00:39:46,369 --> 00:39:48,517 Thank you, ambassador. 520 00:39:48,986 --> 00:39:52,228 Embrace the winds. 521 00:40:39,456 --> 00:40:41,800 Sir. 522 00:40:42,581 --> 00:40:45,979 I know we didn't get off to the greatest start. 523 00:40:46,135 --> 00:40:50,666 Regardless. Thank you for your consideration. 524 00:40:50,901 --> 00:40:55,589 - I do hope our paths cross again. - As do I. 525 00:40:57,229 --> 00:41:02,049 Who knows. Maybe some day a "Garrett" will command an "Enterprise." 526 00:41:03,377 --> 00:41:08,650 Well, it is the 23rd century. Anything's possible. 527 00:41:09,627 --> 00:41:12,361 Yes. 528 00:41:15,487 --> 00:41:17,675 Thank you. 529 00:41:29,354 --> 00:41:31,737 - Captain. - Spock. 530 00:41:31,762 --> 00:41:35,956 I must confess... I find myself bordering on an emotional reaction. 531 00:41:35,981 --> 00:41:39,276 I believe you would refer to it as... "shame." 532 00:41:39,315 --> 00:41:41,893 - "Shame," Spock? - Shame. 533 00:41:42,127 --> 00:41:45,096 That I am somewhat relieved at the destruction of the Hood. 534 00:41:45,370 --> 00:41:49,511 If I may inquire... Had the vessel not been lost... 535 00:41:49,549 --> 00:41:54,041 - How would you have voted? - Ohhhh... Spock. 536 00:41:54,276 --> 00:41:59,784 I'll admit. I considered voting against you... because I didn't wanna lose you. 537 00:41:59,978 --> 00:42:04,626 Indeed. I briefly considered withdrawing my name for the very same reason. 538 00:42:04,822 --> 00:42:08,416 And I briefly considered chaining you to your station so you could never leave. 539 00:42:13,260 --> 00:42:16,815 - Kirk to Enterprise. - Enterprise. Scott here, sir. 540 00:42:16,839 --> 00:42:19,823 Scotty, standby to receive shuttlecraft. We'll be home for dinner. 541 00:42:19,980 --> 00:42:22,245 Both of us. 542 00:43:44,121 --> 00:43:47,910 [Engish subtitles by: Peter Goundrill]