1 00:00:00,066 --> 00:00:01,467 ADULT ADAM: Ah, Halloween in the '80s... 2 00:00:01,469 --> 00:00:04,370 It was a time when the costumes were highly flammable, 3 00:00:04,372 --> 00:00:06,472 the candy was full of gluten, and you didn't have to sign 4 00:00:06,474 --> 00:00:09,975 a legal waiver to enter a haunted house. 5 00:00:15,181 --> 00:00:20,319 I had spent four days building my costume, and it was legendary. 6 00:00:20,321 --> 00:00:23,622 Yes! I am literally the coolest man alive! 7 00:00:23,624 --> 00:00:27,760 I really wasn't, but tonight my life would change. 8 00:00:27,762 --> 00:00:31,397 I was gearing up for an epic night of candy begging. 9 00:00:31,399 --> 00:00:33,499 (GASPS) Oh, that is so cute! 10 00:00:33,501 --> 00:00:35,234 It's not cute. It's friggin' awesome. 11 00:00:35,236 --> 00:00:38,203 Well, you know what'll make it awesomer? 12 00:00:38,205 --> 00:00:38,904 What the hell is that? 13 00:00:38,906 --> 00:00:42,875 It's for safety, and safety is the coolest cat in town. 14 00:00:42,877 --> 00:00:45,310 Oh, my god. No! I'm not wearing that. I'm a cube. 15 00:00:45,312 --> 00:00:48,647 I'll just staple it on. No one will even notice. 16 00:00:48,649 --> 00:00:51,216 It's reflective. It's designed to be noticed. 17 00:00:51,218 --> 00:00:53,218 Come on. It's for your safety. No. 18 00:00:53,220 --> 00:00:54,953 It's for your safety. Stop. No. 19 00:00:54,955 --> 00:00:56,789 The corners fit in perfectly. 20 00:00:56,791 --> 00:00:57,689 Get off. Adam. 21 00:00:57,691 --> 00:00:59,625 No! Stop it. All the kids are into vests this year. 22 00:00:59,627 --> 00:01:03,295 Stop. Mom! It's neon. Cool kids will dig it. 23 00:01:03,763 --> 00:01:04,163 Well... 24 00:01:04,165 --> 00:01:06,465 Fine. You don't have to wear the vest 25 00:01:06,467 --> 00:01:08,634 as long as you stay close to Pops. 26 00:01:08,636 --> 00:01:12,905 Pops? I'm not going with Pops this year. 27 00:01:12,907 --> 00:01:15,274 What? You go trick-or-treating with him every year. 28 00:01:15,276 --> 00:01:18,210 I know. It's Evan Turner. He invited me out. 29 00:01:18,212 --> 00:01:21,280 He's super cool, and he likes me for some reason. 30 00:01:21,282 --> 00:01:22,981 I let him cheat off me in social studies. 31 00:01:22,983 --> 00:01:26,251 Evan Turner? Who's Evan Turner? I don't know any Evan Turner. 32 00:01:26,253 --> 00:01:28,587 That's because he runs in higher circles than I do. 33 00:01:28,589 --> 00:01:31,356 For god sake, he wears a shark tooth necklace. 34 00:01:31,358 --> 00:01:34,726 To school? And the administrators allow that? 35 00:01:34,728 --> 00:01:36,428 That would pop someone's eye out. 36 00:01:36,430 --> 00:01:37,496 I don't know about this kid. 37 00:01:37,498 --> 00:01:40,165 No! He's nice. His dad owns an Arby's. 38 00:01:40,167 --> 00:01:42,835 He gets free roast beef whenever he wants. 39 00:01:42,837 --> 00:01:45,237 Maybe we could get free roast beef. 40 00:01:45,239 --> 00:01:48,006 I like this Evan Turner. Big fan. 41 00:01:48,008 --> 00:01:51,076 Yeah, I'm not a big fan of our sweet little pumpkin 42 00:01:51,078 --> 00:01:53,712 running through the streets unsupervised. 43 00:01:53,714 --> 00:01:56,048 What are you talking about? 44 00:01:56,050 --> 00:01:57,483 He's practically an adult. 45 00:01:57,485 --> 00:02:03,789 Just look at him, busting out of his toy-box costume. 46 00:02:04,057 --> 00:02:04,690 This doesn't help. 47 00:02:04,692 --> 00:02:08,093 I don't know. I think it's terrible you're ditching your grandfather. 48 00:02:08,095 --> 00:02:10,229 Pops looks forward to this every year. 49 00:02:10,231 --> 00:02:12,431 He dresses up just to humor me. 50 00:02:12,433 --> 00:02:14,867 Trust me. He'll be thrilled. 51 00:02:14,869 --> 00:02:16,502 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 52 00:02:16,769 --> 00:02:18,837 (SINGSONGY) Who you gonna telephone? 53 00:02:18,839 --> 00:02:21,773 (NORMAL VOICE) The ghost fellas, huh? 54 00:02:21,775 --> 00:02:23,742 Huh? From the movie. 55 00:02:23,744 --> 00:02:27,913 Actually, I'm going with Evan Turner instead. 56 00:02:27,915 --> 00:02:33,285 Oh. Okay. that's okay. It's all okay. 57 00:02:33,287 --> 00:02:33,852 You okay? 58 00:02:33,854 --> 00:02:36,722 Sorry. I forgot to tell you. 59 00:02:36,890 --> 00:02:39,758 No, no, don't be sorry. 60 00:02:39,760 --> 00:02:42,394 Forget being a Ghostbuster. 61 00:02:42,396 --> 00:02:44,196 That kid's dad owns an Arby's. 62 00:02:44,198 --> 00:02:46,431 They give you the cup at the counter, 63 00:02:46,433 --> 00:02:48,834 and then you pour the soda yourself. 64 00:02:49,068 --> 00:02:49,968 There's no rules there. 65 00:02:49,970 --> 00:02:51,370 So go get some candy with Turner, 66 00:02:51,372 --> 00:02:54,473 and remember, the bigger the smile, the higher the pile. 67 00:02:54,475 --> 00:02:57,209 But don't eat any of it till I can take it to the hospital 68 00:02:57,211 --> 00:02:58,510 and have it x-rayed for razor blades. 69 00:02:58,512 --> 00:03:03,382 Again with this? Seriously, I'm not a little kid anymore. 70 00:03:03,384 --> 00:03:05,751 That's right, honey. You're a big, strong man. 71 00:03:05,753 --> 00:03:09,655 I was a man, all right. Nothing was gonna stop me. 72 00:03:09,657 --> 00:03:11,456 (THUDS AND CLATTERING) 73 00:03:11,458 --> 00:03:13,859 (GRUNTING) Don't help me! 74 00:03:13,861 --> 00:03:15,994 I got this! (GRUNTS) 75 00:03:16,095 --> 00:03:17,229 ♪ I'm twisted up inside 76 00:03:17,231 --> 00:03:22,367 ♪ But nonetheless I feel the need to say 77 00:03:23,536 --> 00:03:24,469 ♪ I don't know the future 78 00:03:24,471 --> 00:03:29,007 ♪ But the past keeps getting clearer every day ♪ 79 00:03:29,009 --> 00:03:30,709 It was Halloween, 1980-something. 80 00:03:30,711 --> 00:03:35,113 Back then my brother Barry was obsessed with Lou Ferrigno and The Incredible Hulk. 81 00:03:35,115 --> 00:03:38,150 (ROARING) It was a show about a hero with anger issues, 82 00:03:38,152 --> 00:03:40,152 which Barry could relate to. 83 00:03:40,154 --> 00:03:41,787 Ah. 84 00:03:42,021 --> 00:03:44,489 Hey, kiddo. Looking good. 85 00:03:44,491 --> 00:03:45,224 Feeling good, Pops. 86 00:03:45,226 --> 00:03:46,992 You know what might make you feel even better? 87 00:03:46,994 --> 00:03:50,062 A little trick-or-treatin' with your grandpa. 88 00:03:50,064 --> 00:03:51,363 Dude, that's kids' stuff. 89 00:03:51,365 --> 00:03:55,400 Got a rad party to go to. Girls are gonna go wild. 90 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:56,969 Ladies love the Hulk. 91 00:03:56,971 --> 00:03:58,804 Such a badass. 92 00:03:58,806 --> 00:04:00,239 (ROARS) 93 00:04:00,241 --> 00:04:01,607 I, I don't know what you're doing, 94 00:04:01,609 --> 00:04:02,641 but I think you're doing it wrong. 95 00:04:02,643 --> 00:04:05,010 While my brother was gearing up for a night on the town, (ROARS) 96 00:04:05,012 --> 00:04:08,513 my father was gearing up for a night on his ass. (DOORBELL RINGS) 97 00:04:08,515 --> 00:04:10,215 (CHILDREN SHOUTING) Trick-or-treat! 98 00:04:10,217 --> 00:04:11,750 MURRAY: Bevy, it's for you! 99 00:04:11,752 --> 00:04:13,485 (CROWD CHEERING ON TV) 100 00:04:13,487 --> 00:04:15,520 CHILDREN: Trick or treat! 101 00:04:15,522 --> 00:04:18,123 Oh, you're so cute! 102 00:04:18,125 --> 00:04:20,459 (TV PLAYING INDISTINCTLY) 103 00:04:20,461 --> 00:04:21,793 Nice, Murray. 104 00:04:21,795 --> 00:04:23,262 Can you at least put some pants on? 105 00:04:23,264 --> 00:04:25,530 Because this whole visual festival 106 00:04:25,532 --> 00:04:26,498 is very uninviting, 107 00:04:26,500 --> 00:04:28,700 and I think it's gonna scare the children. 108 00:04:28,702 --> 00:04:30,402 Lucky for me, it's the one night 109 00:04:30,404 --> 00:04:31,236 of the year where that's okay. 110 00:04:31,238 --> 00:04:34,906 I'm tired of being the one that always hands out the candy. 111 00:04:34,908 --> 00:04:35,874 I can help. 112 00:04:35,876 --> 00:04:37,943 This whole night's been a bust anyway. 113 00:04:37,945 --> 00:04:39,878 Oh, well, that's the spirit. 114 00:04:39,880 --> 00:04:44,816 One per customer. Don't invite any of the moms in for wine. 115 00:04:48,388 --> 00:04:50,255 Oh, there he is! 116 00:04:50,257 --> 00:04:51,323 My incredible hunk. 117 00:04:51,325 --> 00:04:53,392 (PACKAGING RUSTLES) Don't touch it. 118 00:04:53,394 --> 00:04:54,626 The Hulk's hair's supposed to be mussy. 119 00:04:54,628 --> 00:04:57,729 All right, well, at least wear a scarf. It's cold out. 120 00:04:57,731 --> 00:05:00,465 A scarf? The Hulk doesn't get chilly! 121 00:05:00,467 --> 00:05:01,233 Did you remember to tinkle? 122 00:05:01,235 --> 00:05:03,702 The Hulk doesn't tinkle! All right, don't get angry. 123 00:05:03,704 --> 00:05:06,171 That's the only thing the Hulk does do! 124 00:05:06,173 --> 00:05:07,639 Okay, I'm leaving, mom. Bye. 125 00:05:07,641 --> 00:05:10,375 Uh, excuse me. Come here. 126 00:05:10,610 --> 00:05:12,678 Are you kidding me with that costume? 127 00:05:12,680 --> 00:05:15,847 What? I'm Jane Goodall, the famous anthropologist 128 00:05:15,849 --> 00:05:17,783 who lived with wild chimpanzees in Africa. 129 00:05:17,785 --> 00:05:19,051 You look like a famous slut 130 00:05:19,053 --> 00:05:20,852 who lived with the sluts in slut town. 131 00:05:20,854 --> 00:05:22,020 Whatever. If you're tagging along, 132 00:05:22,022 --> 00:05:24,189 there's no way you're getting in the car like that. 133 00:05:24,191 --> 00:05:25,791 Gonna get green all over my seats. 134 00:05:25,793 --> 00:05:29,695 Fine! Hulk bring beach towel! Unreal. 135 00:05:29,697 --> 00:05:31,997 Good. Stay in character. (ROARS) 136 00:05:31,999 --> 00:05:32,864 Lexy Bloom's gonna love it. 137 00:05:32,866 --> 00:05:34,399 Lexy Bloom? Who's Lexy Bloom? 138 00:05:34,401 --> 00:05:35,200 I don't know any Lexy Bloom. 139 00:05:35,202 --> 00:05:38,036 Just some girl that Barry's inviting to the homecoming dance. 140 00:05:38,038 --> 00:05:39,471 Oh, that's wonderful! 141 00:05:39,473 --> 00:05:40,605 Yeah, and she's gonna crush him. 142 00:05:40,607 --> 00:05:42,908 Erica, why would you say something like that? 143 00:05:42,910 --> 00:05:45,644 Well, because Lexy models for JCPenney, 144 00:05:45,646 --> 00:05:47,479 and Barry's the jolly green jackass. 145 00:05:47,481 --> 00:05:51,783 Hey, your brother is a sweet, smart, handsome boy, 146 00:05:51,785 --> 00:05:56,021 and this Lexy Bloom would be lucky to date him. 147 00:05:56,023 --> 00:05:56,655 Lucky. 148 00:05:56,657 --> 00:05:58,123 Yeah, and I'll be sure to remind him of that 149 00:05:58,125 --> 00:05:59,191 when she tears his heart out tonight. 150 00:05:59,193 --> 00:06:02,794 Why must you two delight in each other's misery? 151 00:06:02,796 --> 00:06:05,030 I have failed as a mother. 152 00:06:05,032 --> 00:06:06,665 Can't really speak to that. 153 00:06:06,667 --> 00:06:12,270 (GRAVELLY VOICE) Hulk ready, but is world ready for Hulk? 154 00:06:13,172 --> 00:06:17,876 You have a good night, 'cause I'm gonna have an incredible one. 155 00:06:17,878 --> 00:06:19,578 (PACKAGING RUSTLES) 156 00:06:20,146 --> 00:06:21,146 ADULT ADAM: Speaking of incredible, 157 00:06:21,148 --> 00:06:23,415 I was finally gonna be one of the cool kids, 158 00:06:23,417 --> 00:06:26,318 not some weird doofus they looked down on. 159 00:06:26,320 --> 00:06:27,352 Sorry I'm late. 160 00:06:27,354 --> 00:06:28,286 Dude, what are you wearing? 161 00:06:28,288 --> 00:06:31,556 (EXHALES) You guys aren't wearing costumes. 162 00:06:31,558 --> 00:06:32,791 Yeah, 'cause we're not 5. 163 00:06:32,793 --> 00:06:35,360 We're gonna TP houses and throw eggs and mess with cats. 164 00:06:35,362 --> 00:06:40,332 (EXHALES) Yeah, I stole this off some dumb kid who loves trick-or-treating. 165 00:06:40,334 --> 00:06:43,435 Whatever. Let's have some fun. 166 00:06:43,437 --> 00:06:44,269 (BOYS LAUGH) 167 00:06:44,271 --> 00:06:45,170 Sure, I was in over my head, 168 00:06:45,172 --> 00:06:48,106 but being a cool kid meant going with the flow. 169 00:06:48,108 --> 00:06:52,077 (LAUGHS) Some little kid worked really hard on that. 170 00:06:52,079 --> 00:06:53,712 (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) 171 00:06:53,714 --> 00:06:55,647 (DOOR SQUEAKS) 172 00:06:56,416 --> 00:06:57,449 Look at you two, 173 00:06:57,451 --> 00:07:00,485 having a magical night together. 174 00:07:00,487 --> 00:07:05,023 Well, enjoy it while it lasts, 'cause they break your heart. 175 00:07:05,025 --> 00:07:07,492 They break your heart. 176 00:07:08,194 --> 00:07:10,295 Have a Charleston Chew. 177 00:07:10,297 --> 00:07:12,197 (TV PLAYING INDISTINCTLY) 178 00:07:12,199 --> 00:07:13,198 (CHUCKLES) BEVERLY: Guys? 179 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:15,534 (DOOR CLOSES) (SINGSONGY) I'm worried about Barry. 180 00:07:15,536 --> 00:07:18,770 (CLICKS REMOTE) Check this out. I found this in his bedroom. 181 00:07:18,772 --> 00:07:21,373 Uh, look, it's normal for a teenage boy to... 182 00:07:21,375 --> 00:07:27,012 Spend some time alone, enjoying the bra section of a catalog. 183 00:07:27,014 --> 00:07:29,347 No, no. The girl. 184 00:07:29,349 --> 00:07:31,283 He's gonna ask her out. 185 00:07:31,285 --> 00:07:33,919 Yowza. She's a looker. 186 00:07:33,921 --> 00:07:35,287 Well, and so's my boy. 187 00:07:35,289 --> 00:07:35,987 (CHUCKLES) Right? 188 00:07:35,989 --> 00:07:37,389 I mean, I'm not a delusional mother, 189 00:07:37,391 --> 00:07:43,328 but Barry really is the most handsome boy on the entire planet. 190 00:07:43,330 --> 00:07:44,362 Right? 191 00:07:44,364 --> 00:07:45,297 (INHALES DEEPLY) 192 00:07:45,299 --> 00:07:47,566 Murray, you wanna take this? 193 00:07:49,268 --> 00:07:52,003 I gotta get over there. Stop. 194 00:07:52,205 --> 00:07:53,104 You're not going anywhere. 195 00:07:53,106 --> 00:07:55,407 I've gotta get over there before that girl 196 00:07:55,409 --> 00:07:58,810 breaks his beautiful heart into itty-bitty pieces. 197 00:07:58,812 --> 00:08:00,445 Bevy, you can't always be there 198 00:08:00,447 --> 00:08:01,847 to protect the kid from heartbreak. 199 00:08:01,849 --> 00:08:05,250 (EXHALES) Why are you talking crazy? Of course I can. 200 00:08:05,252 --> 00:08:06,551 If you keep standing in his way, 201 00:08:06,553 --> 00:08:09,287 he will never grow up, and he will never leave this place, 202 00:08:09,289 --> 00:08:11,590 and damn it, I will not allow that to happen. 203 00:08:11,592 --> 00:08:14,826 I am his mother, and I am going to protect him. 204 00:08:14,828 --> 00:08:18,396 And I am protecting him from you. 205 00:08:18,398 --> 00:08:19,598 Leave him alone. 206 00:08:19,600 --> 00:08:22,267 (SIGHS) Maybe you're right. 207 00:08:22,269 --> 00:08:23,869 I shouldn't mix in. 208 00:08:23,871 --> 00:08:27,639 I should just stay here and... 209 00:08:27,641 --> 00:08:28,640 Oh, shoot. 210 00:08:28,642 --> 00:08:32,777 I thought I got enough candy for tonight. 211 00:08:32,779 --> 00:08:34,279 I'm gonna have to run out and get some Rolos. 212 00:08:34,281 --> 00:08:38,917 Swear to me that you will not go to that party. 213 00:08:38,919 --> 00:08:41,553 I swear on my life. 214 00:08:42,488 --> 00:08:43,388 She didn't technically die, 215 00:08:43,390 --> 00:08:46,191 but she did go to that party dressed as a ghost. 216 00:08:46,193 --> 00:08:49,995 Whoo! Part-ay! Anyone here see Lexy Bloom? 217 00:08:49,997 --> 00:08:53,064 Boo! You look like a friendly ghost. 218 00:08:53,066 --> 00:08:54,633 (MUFFLED VOICE) Ari Caldwell? 219 00:08:54,635 --> 00:08:56,134 You used to eat paste at my house. 220 00:08:56,136 --> 00:09:01,006 Oh, who are you? Okay, this is weird. 221 00:09:03,609 --> 00:09:04,409 Where's Lexy? 222 00:09:04,411 --> 00:09:07,579 I need to talk to her about a foxy young man. 223 00:09:07,581 --> 00:09:09,614 Unfortunately, that foxy young man 224 00:09:09,616 --> 00:09:12,083 was stress-eating in the corner. 225 00:09:12,085 --> 00:09:13,752 (CRUNCHING) 226 00:09:13,754 --> 00:09:15,353 (SINGSONGY) There she is. 227 00:09:15,355 --> 00:09:17,188 (NORMAL VOICE) Lexy Bloom. 228 00:09:17,190 --> 00:09:20,325 So what are you waiting for? Ask her to the dance. Okay. 229 00:09:20,327 --> 00:09:25,096 I'm thinking of opening with, "Hey, uh, sexy Lexy." 230 00:09:25,098 --> 00:09:26,097 What do you think? 231 00:09:26,099 --> 00:09:27,098 Yeah, that's perfect. Do that. 232 00:09:27,100 --> 00:09:28,833 Okay, here we go. Three, two, one... 233 00:09:28,835 --> 00:09:32,170 Stop pressuring me. You're making me nervous. 234 00:09:32,172 --> 00:09:34,072 Nervous? You're the Hulk. 235 00:09:34,074 --> 00:09:37,342 The Hulk isn't afraid to talk to a girl, is he? 236 00:09:37,344 --> 00:09:38,176 You have a point. 237 00:09:38,178 --> 00:09:39,344 (GRAVELLY VOICE) Hulk can do this. 238 00:09:39,346 --> 00:09:42,147 Mm-hmm, yes. The Hulk is the mean, green dating machine. 239 00:09:42,149 --> 00:09:44,215 Get in there. Come on. (EXHALES DEEPLY) 240 00:09:44,217 --> 00:09:45,717 Stand up straight and smile! 241 00:09:45,719 --> 00:09:49,754 My brother was about to take the path to glory. 242 00:09:49,756 --> 00:09:50,855 (HEROIC THEME PLAYING) 243 00:09:50,857 --> 00:09:54,426 (MUSIC WARPS AND STOPS) Or take a left to the kitchen. 244 00:09:54,428 --> 00:09:57,095 But if Barry couldn't sell himself to Lexy Bloom, 245 00:09:57,097 --> 00:09:59,397 my mom figured she'd do it for him. 246 00:09:59,399 --> 00:10:01,933 Hey, guys. Great party, huh? 247 00:10:01,935 --> 00:10:04,536 Oh, thanks. And you are... 248 00:10:04,538 --> 00:10:07,839 I'm the new girl in school, and, wow, I cannot believe 249 00:10:07,841 --> 00:10:09,708 how many cute guys are at this party. 250 00:10:09,710 --> 00:10:11,776 But you know who I think is the cutest? 251 00:10:11,778 --> 00:10:13,612 Tom Overton. No. 252 00:10:13,614 --> 00:10:15,080 Chris Warner? No. 253 00:10:15,082 --> 00:10:16,348 John Katz. No. 254 00:10:16,350 --> 00:10:18,183 Scott Barker. No. 255 00:10:18,185 --> 00:10:18,783 Vijay Chandrasekar? 256 00:10:18,785 --> 00:10:23,688 Okay, stop. Those boys are all chopped liver compared to Barry Goldberg. 257 00:10:23,690 --> 00:10:24,990 Barry who now? Barry Goldberg. 258 00:10:24,992 --> 00:10:29,194 You know, dark, wavy hair, dreamy brown eyes. 259 00:10:29,196 --> 00:10:32,063 Uh, he's just a big cuddle bear you wanna squeeze. 260 00:10:32,065 --> 00:10:34,699 Yeah! Yeah. isn't he the guy that, like, 261 00:10:34,701 --> 00:10:36,167 freaked out on the lunch lady 262 00:10:36,169 --> 00:10:38,103 because they didn't have pudding? 263 00:10:38,105 --> 00:10:41,239 He's passionate. He runs hot. 264 00:10:41,241 --> 00:10:43,775 Life is long. You're gonna want that. 265 00:10:43,777 --> 00:10:45,043 (MUSIC PLAYING) 266 00:10:45,045 --> 00:10:45,644 Excuse me. 267 00:10:45,646 --> 00:10:47,012 While my mom was solving Barry's problems, 268 00:10:47,014 --> 00:10:50,548 my dad had the perfect solution for Halloween... 269 00:10:50,550 --> 00:10:51,916 (SIGHS) Give up. 270 00:10:51,918 --> 00:10:54,252 (DOOR SQUEAKS) What are you doing? 271 00:10:54,254 --> 00:10:55,820 What? I, I put a bowl outside. 272 00:10:55,822 --> 00:10:58,323 I'm sick of answering the door every two seconds. 273 00:10:58,325 --> 00:10:59,124 Are you crazy, man? 274 00:10:59,126 --> 00:11:02,861 The first Dracula that comes along will clean us out. 275 00:11:02,863 --> 00:11:03,361 (DOOR SQUEAKS) 276 00:11:03,363 --> 00:11:05,697 See? They took everything, even the bowl! 277 00:11:05,699 --> 00:11:07,999 How did that happen? It was only two seconds. 278 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:09,000 What are you doing? 279 00:11:09,002 --> 00:11:12,637 I understand the candy, but the bowl, too? 280 00:11:13,406 --> 00:11:17,642 There. Halloween's over, and, uh, we can relax now. 281 00:11:17,644 --> 00:11:19,177 I don't wanna relax. 282 00:11:19,179 --> 00:11:21,913 I wanna give out candy. I wanna wear a costume. 283 00:11:21,915 --> 00:11:24,683 I wanna trick-or-treat with my grandson. 284 00:11:24,685 --> 00:11:26,084 This night's been a bust. 285 00:11:26,086 --> 00:11:27,385 I, I think I should just go. 286 00:11:27,387 --> 00:11:30,755 (SIGHS) You know what? Don't go. 287 00:11:30,757 --> 00:11:33,158 We can still have Halloween. 288 00:11:33,160 --> 00:11:34,059 How? 289 00:11:34,061 --> 00:11:36,528 You don't have any candy. 290 00:11:36,530 --> 00:11:40,398 (DOOR SQUEAKS) Hey, kids! Come on back! 291 00:11:40,400 --> 00:11:42,667 Who wants coffee cake? 292 00:11:42,669 --> 00:11:43,902 Smart! (SNAPS FINGERS) 293 00:11:43,904 --> 00:11:46,438 Kids love coffee cake. 294 00:11:46,906 --> 00:11:47,472 Two blocks away, 295 00:11:47,474 --> 00:11:50,575 I was still trying to keep up with the cool kids. 296 00:11:50,577 --> 00:11:51,609 (LAUGHS) 297 00:11:51,611 --> 00:11:53,378 Oh, man, that's classic. 298 00:11:53,380 --> 00:11:55,313 It's so wasteful. 299 00:11:55,315 --> 00:11:56,114 (PANTING) Hey, guys. 300 00:11:56,116 --> 00:12:01,119 My little brother said some lame-ass house is handing out day-old coffee cake. 301 00:12:01,787 --> 00:12:05,356 Ugh! It's so dry! Let's get 'em! 302 00:12:05,491 --> 00:12:07,025 Guys, wait! 303 00:12:07,027 --> 00:12:08,860 (GASPS) 304 00:12:08,862 --> 00:12:09,861 I'm fine! 305 00:12:09,863 --> 00:12:11,096 Yeah, I was in too deep. 306 00:12:11,098 --> 00:12:12,464 Chickening out meant social suicide, 307 00:12:12,466 --> 00:12:15,433 so I had no choice but to egg some random house... 308 00:12:15,435 --> 00:12:19,104 Okay, everyone, grab an egg. This is our target. 309 00:12:19,106 --> 00:12:21,506 Oh! Balls! 310 00:12:21,508 --> 00:12:23,475 Or in this case, my house. 311 00:12:23,477 --> 00:12:26,111 Uh, guys, there's been some mistake. 312 00:12:26,113 --> 00:12:27,612 Now! (GRUNTS) 313 00:12:27,614 --> 00:12:29,647 Come on, Goldberg, do it! 314 00:12:29,649 --> 00:12:30,515 (BOYS GRUNTING) 315 00:12:30,517 --> 00:12:31,282 The pressure was on. 316 00:12:31,284 --> 00:12:33,585 In order to be cool, I had to attack my own house, 317 00:12:33,587 --> 00:12:37,756 but in my heart, I knew it was wrong. 318 00:12:39,325 --> 00:12:41,626 But I did it anyway. 319 00:12:43,863 --> 00:12:45,363 (DOOR SQUEAKS) 320 00:12:49,635 --> 00:12:52,070 Oh, balls. 321 00:12:52,438 --> 00:12:54,005 BOY: Run! 322 00:12:54,007 --> 00:12:55,039 (LAUGHING) 323 00:12:55,041 --> 00:12:56,207 (THUD) 324 00:12:56,209 --> 00:12:59,677 Guys, wait! Don't leave me! I'm one of you now! 325 00:12:59,679 --> 00:13:01,179 (GROANS) 326 00:13:01,514 --> 00:13:04,315 Oh, balls, indeed. 327 00:13:04,317 --> 00:13:07,719 I guess I'm about ready to call it a night. 328 00:13:09,822 --> 00:13:11,389 So weird. 329 00:13:11,391 --> 00:13:13,825 Why does Lexy keep looking over here? 330 00:13:13,827 --> 00:13:15,827 Clearly, she wants you to ask her out. 331 00:13:15,829 --> 00:13:18,263 Oh, she's making eyes at ya. 332 00:13:18,265 --> 00:13:19,731 Do it back. 333 00:13:19,733 --> 00:13:22,467 (MUSIC PLAYING) 334 00:13:22,469 --> 00:13:23,668 That was great! 335 00:13:23,670 --> 00:13:24,836 I know. I just gotta get her alone. 336 00:13:24,838 --> 00:13:27,005 BARRY: That stupid ghost won't stop talking to her. 337 00:13:27,007 --> 00:13:30,642 Oh, she's looking back again. Do something cool. 338 00:13:30,910 --> 00:13:33,478 Yeah. Yeah, more swing. 339 00:13:33,480 --> 00:13:35,146 ERICA: Okay, jut the elbows. 340 00:13:35,148 --> 00:13:37,282 Ooh, she's lovin' it. 341 00:13:37,284 --> 00:13:40,351 Wow, he's really got some moves, doesn't he? 342 00:13:40,353 --> 00:13:42,420 He looks like he has to use the bathroom. 343 00:13:42,422 --> 00:13:44,656 He never tinkles before he leaves the house. 344 00:13:44,658 --> 00:13:46,191 None of the bad boys do. 345 00:13:46,193 --> 00:13:47,659 If you are so into this guy, 346 00:13:47,661 --> 00:13:49,260 maybe you should just go ask him out. 347 00:13:49,262 --> 00:13:51,362 Oh, no. See? He's on his way over. 348 00:13:51,364 --> 00:13:53,198 Oh, I'm not ready for this. 349 00:13:53,200 --> 00:13:55,767 You're on my sheet. You're on my sheet! 350 00:13:55,769 --> 00:13:57,535 (GRUNTS) Oh... 351 00:13:57,537 --> 00:14:02,674 Oh! Lexy Bloom. Didn't think I'd see you here. 352 00:14:02,676 --> 00:14:03,775 It's my house. 353 00:14:03,777 --> 00:14:05,443 Yeah, it is. Yeah. 354 00:14:05,811 --> 00:14:07,145 Flashdance. 355 00:14:07,147 --> 00:14:09,714 Good movie, better costume. 356 00:14:09,716 --> 00:14:12,517 And you're... Oscar the Grouch. 357 00:14:12,519 --> 00:14:14,052 (MUSIC PLAYING) 358 00:14:14,054 --> 00:14:17,455 Yeah! That's me. I live in a trash can. 359 00:14:17,457 --> 00:14:18,756 I mean, I don't really live in a trash can. 360 00:14:18,758 --> 00:14:21,326 I have a nice home. We're comfortable, 361 00:14:21,328 --> 00:14:23,161 except right now. Anywho... 362 00:14:23,163 --> 00:14:24,562 (UNDER BREATH) Why'd I just say "anywho"? 363 00:14:24,564 --> 00:14:27,131 (NORMAL VOICE) Anyhow, I was thinking based on your costume, 364 00:14:27,133 --> 00:14:31,402 that you like dancing, that we could, uh, maybe just... 365 00:14:31,404 --> 00:14:32,971 (GASPS) Oh! 366 00:14:32,973 --> 00:14:34,072 (GASPING) 367 00:14:34,074 --> 00:14:37,842 I am so sorry! Oh. 368 00:14:37,844 --> 00:14:39,844 Stop! Let's just... You're making it worse! 369 00:14:39,846 --> 00:14:41,012 Here. I've got some tissues. 370 00:14:41,014 --> 00:14:43,181 Just dab it so the stain won't settle in. 371 00:14:43,183 --> 00:14:46,251 You don't wanna smear it. It'll just get right in there. 372 00:14:46,253 --> 00:14:47,852 Mom? 373 00:14:48,120 --> 00:14:48,686 I'm not your mom. 374 00:14:48,688 --> 00:14:52,557 (BREATHY VOICE) I'm a spooky ghost. Ooh! 375 00:14:53,259 --> 00:14:54,726 (CLEARS THROAT) 376 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:56,261 (GASPS) 377 00:14:56,263 --> 00:14:57,929 (MURMURING) 378 00:14:58,430 --> 00:15:00,031 Oh, god, no. 379 00:15:00,033 --> 00:15:01,032 (SINGSONGY) Hi. 380 00:15:01,034 --> 00:15:01,766 What are you doing here? 381 00:15:01,768 --> 00:15:04,602 I just wanted to talk to all your friends. Why? 382 00:15:04,604 --> 00:15:06,671 'Cause I know how wonderful and delicious you are, 383 00:15:06,673 --> 00:15:10,909 and I want them to know how wonderful and delicious you are. 384 00:15:10,911 --> 00:15:11,676 He's delicious! 385 00:15:11,678 --> 00:15:12,777 (LAUGHTER) Oh, god, no. 386 00:15:12,779 --> 00:15:15,413 Stop calling me "delicious"! No! 387 00:15:15,415 --> 00:15:16,180 Oh, honey! 388 00:15:16,182 --> 00:15:18,616 (GIRLS LAUGHING) (GROWLING) 389 00:15:18,618 --> 00:15:21,185 BEVERLY: Honey, I'm sorry! (GROWLS) 390 00:15:21,187 --> 00:15:23,922 At least let mommy drive you home! 391 00:15:23,924 --> 00:15:24,989 Erica got her Halloween treat, 392 00:15:24,991 --> 00:15:28,726 but it wasn't as sweet as she thought it would be. 393 00:15:32,231 --> 00:15:34,933 My dad was always calling us "morons." 394 00:15:34,935 --> 00:15:36,801 Tonight he was right. 395 00:15:36,803 --> 00:15:38,670 You attack your own house... 396 00:15:38,672 --> 00:15:41,673 Your family's house... With eggs. 397 00:15:41,675 --> 00:15:43,408 No more omelets for you! 398 00:15:43,410 --> 00:15:47,312 All of your egg privileges... Gone! 399 00:15:48,514 --> 00:15:49,580 Sorry, kid. Can't help ya. 400 00:15:49,582 --> 00:15:54,152 I, I just wanted a good, clean fun night of "Ghostbuster"ing. 401 00:15:54,154 --> 00:15:55,219 MURRAY: You know what else? 402 00:15:55,221 --> 00:15:58,423 You're grounded. You are so grounded. 403 00:15:58,425 --> 00:15:58,957 Three weeks! 404 00:15:58,959 --> 00:16:03,161 And don't think I'm not confiscating all your candy from you. 405 00:16:03,163 --> 00:16:03,594 Mine. 406 00:16:03,596 --> 00:16:07,565 I didn't get any. This just keeps getting better and better. 407 00:16:07,567 --> 00:16:10,168 Oh-ho! Now who's gonna get it? 408 00:16:10,170 --> 00:16:11,736 (SINGSONGY) You're in trouble. 409 00:16:11,738 --> 00:16:13,304 Is Barry here? No. 410 00:16:13,306 --> 00:16:14,539 He must be in his room. 411 00:16:14,541 --> 00:16:16,841 This one vandalized his own house. 412 00:16:16,843 --> 00:16:20,745 That's right. It's covered in eggs! Covered! 413 00:16:20,747 --> 00:16:22,380 (FOOTSTEPS DEPART) 414 00:16:22,382 --> 00:16:24,916 I thought she'd weigh in on that. 415 00:16:25,351 --> 00:16:27,618 He's not in his room. 416 00:16:27,620 --> 00:16:28,886 This is bad. 417 00:16:28,888 --> 00:16:31,823 Really bad. He was so upset. 418 00:16:31,825 --> 00:16:33,524 You mixed in, didn't you? 419 00:16:33,526 --> 00:16:36,728 There might have been some light mixing. yeah. 420 00:16:36,730 --> 00:16:38,463 I told you not to get involved. 421 00:16:38,465 --> 00:16:41,032 Well, I didn't listen. But you swore on your life. 422 00:16:41,034 --> 00:16:44,168 If Barry had gotten his heart broken, I'd die, 423 00:16:44,170 --> 00:16:45,603 so I was dead either way. 424 00:16:45,605 --> 00:16:48,373 I cannot argue with that logic. 425 00:16:48,375 --> 00:16:49,774 (SIGHS) I just... 426 00:16:49,776 --> 00:16:53,344 ...knew that girl wouldn't see Barry the way that I see him. 427 00:16:53,346 --> 00:16:59,584 He is a sweet, sensitive, lactose-intolerant, delicious, little boy. 428 00:16:59,586 --> 00:17:01,853 You didn't call him "delicious" 429 00:17:01,855 --> 00:17:04,355 in front of the girl, did you? 430 00:17:04,890 --> 00:17:05,690 Maybe. (GROANS) 431 00:17:05,692 --> 00:17:09,761 It was all a blur after I tissued off her boob. You what? 432 00:17:09,763 --> 00:17:12,163 There he is. I have to go apologize. 433 00:17:12,165 --> 00:17:13,164 I'm going out there. 434 00:17:13,166 --> 00:17:15,500 No, no, no. Don't go to him. Go to him? 435 00:17:15,502 --> 00:17:18,136 You know that's not what I said. 436 00:17:18,138 --> 00:17:19,237 No more apologies. 437 00:17:19,239 --> 00:17:21,305 The best gift you can give him 438 00:17:21,307 --> 00:17:26,010 is to leave him the hell alone. 439 00:17:29,548 --> 00:17:32,250 (VEHICLE APPROACHES) 440 00:17:32,618 --> 00:17:33,918 (ENGINE IDLES) 441 00:17:33,920 --> 00:17:36,220 (ENGINE TURNS OFF) (CAR DOOR OPENS) 442 00:17:41,794 --> 00:17:42,493 Hey. 443 00:17:42,495 --> 00:17:44,162 How was the rest of the party? 444 00:17:44,164 --> 00:17:45,930 Any other moms show up? 445 00:17:45,932 --> 00:17:48,466 You know, I was really looking forward to you embarrassing yourself, 446 00:17:48,468 --> 00:17:52,804 but something about mom doing it for you just... 447 00:17:52,806 --> 00:17:53,738 Took the fun out of it. 448 00:17:53,740 --> 00:17:56,908 Well, sorry to ruin your night. 449 00:17:57,743 --> 00:18:01,012 Actually, I ruined your night. 450 00:18:01,014 --> 00:18:05,349 I sort of mentioned to mom that you were gonna ask Lexy out. 451 00:18:05,351 --> 00:18:08,686 What? You might as well have driven her there yourself. 452 00:18:08,688 --> 00:18:11,789 I know! Sometimes I forget how crazy she is. 453 00:18:11,791 --> 00:18:14,125 How can you forget that? 454 00:18:15,160 --> 00:18:17,428 I'm sorry... 455 00:18:17,430 --> 00:18:18,830 For real. 456 00:18:18,832 --> 00:18:21,899 After tonight, I'm thinking if we don't look out for each other, 457 00:18:21,901 --> 00:18:25,369 we're never gonna make it out of this house alive. 458 00:18:25,371 --> 00:18:27,271 Agreed. 459 00:18:29,475 --> 00:18:30,241 Listen... 460 00:18:30,243 --> 00:18:33,144 There's another party at Allison Brenner's. 461 00:18:33,146 --> 00:18:34,445 Could be fun. 462 00:18:34,447 --> 00:18:37,849 I think she said you were kinda cute. 463 00:18:38,617 --> 00:18:40,251 Say no more. 464 00:18:40,253 --> 00:18:41,619 Hulk ready to rock! 465 00:18:41,621 --> 00:18:42,353 Yeah, don't talk like that. 466 00:18:42,355 --> 00:18:47,125 My mom realized that maybe now she didn't always have to be there for us, 467 00:18:47,127 --> 00:18:49,360 'cause we were there for each other. 468 00:18:49,362 --> 00:18:52,663 As for me, I was all alone up on that roof. 469 00:18:52,665 --> 00:18:54,298 Or so I thought. (KNOCK ON WINDOW) 470 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:56,601 (MUFFLED VOICE) You're missing a spot. 471 00:18:56,603 --> 00:18:58,669 You're missing a spot. 472 00:18:59,271 --> 00:19:01,973 You're missing a spot over and over. 473 00:19:01,975 --> 00:19:04,175 I get it. You're angry. 474 00:19:04,177 --> 00:19:05,476 (SCOFFS) I said I was sorry. 475 00:19:05,478 --> 00:19:08,112 Not good enough. I went to bat for you. 476 00:19:08,114 --> 00:19:10,014 I told your mom that you were an adult. 477 00:19:10,016 --> 00:19:13,417 And what do you do? You go act like a giant moron. 478 00:19:13,419 --> 00:19:14,352 Not by choice. 479 00:19:14,354 --> 00:19:17,121 All I wanted to do was dress up, 480 00:19:17,123 --> 00:19:19,290 eat some candy, and have fun. 481 00:19:19,292 --> 00:19:20,191 Then why the hell didn't you? 482 00:19:20,193 --> 00:19:23,027 'Cause no one else wanted to! 483 00:19:25,764 --> 00:19:26,764 Yeah, you're at that weird age 484 00:19:26,766 --> 00:19:30,501 between being a dumb kid and a stupid grownup. 485 00:19:30,503 --> 00:19:34,438 I just wish things could stay the same, you know? 486 00:19:34,640 --> 00:19:35,640 Yeah. 487 00:19:35,642 --> 00:19:38,876 Yeah, I get it. I get it. 488 00:19:38,878 --> 00:19:39,710 Well... 489 00:19:39,712 --> 00:19:43,314 Maybe your friends have grown out of trick-or-treating, 490 00:19:43,316 --> 00:19:46,417 but I know someone who's never too old. 491 00:19:48,687 --> 00:19:51,989 (GHOSTBUSTERS PLAYING) 492 00:19:58,363 --> 00:20:01,599 We're literally the coolest men alive. 493 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:02,967 Roger that. 494 00:20:02,969 --> 00:20:04,635 ♪ Ghostbusters! 495 00:20:04,637 --> 00:20:06,837 ♪ If there's something strange 496 00:20:06,839 --> 00:20:09,140 ♪ In your neighborhood 497 00:20:09,142 --> 00:20:10,908 ♪ Who you gonna call? 498 00:20:10,910 --> 00:20:12,310 ♪ Ghostbusters! 499 00:20:12,312 --> 00:20:13,778 ♪ If there's something weird... ♪ 500 00:20:13,780 --> 00:20:17,582 Ooh! Maybe I could tag along and be their ghost. 501 00:20:17,584 --> 00:20:19,217 Just let them have this. 502 00:20:19,219 --> 00:20:20,751 ♪ Ghostbusters! 503 00:20:20,753 --> 00:20:23,054 Right. I'm not gonna go. 504 00:20:23,056 --> 00:20:24,689 I don't need to go. 505 00:20:24,691 --> 00:20:29,594 Okay, score me one of those terrible coconut candy bars that I love. 506 00:20:29,596 --> 00:20:30,494 You got it. 507 00:20:30,496 --> 00:20:32,196 ♪ I ain't afraid of no ghost 508 00:20:32,198 --> 00:20:33,965 Hey, guys, wait up! 509 00:20:33,967 --> 00:20:35,833 Wait! Wait for me! 510 00:20:35,835 --> 00:20:37,568 ♪ Who you gonna call? I'm coming! 511 00:20:37,570 --> 00:20:38,769 ♪ Ghostbusters! I'm coming! 512 00:20:38,771 --> 00:20:41,539 ♪ Mm, if you've had a dose Hey, you guys... 513 00:20:41,541 --> 00:20:43,474 All candy to the hospital to be x-rayed. 514 00:20:43,476 --> 00:20:46,544 Don't pretend you don't hear me just 'cause I'm a ghost. 515 00:20:46,546 --> 00:20:47,745 ♪ Ghostbusters! 516 00:20:47,747 --> 00:20:49,380 ♪ Ow! 517 00:20:56,855 --> 00:20:58,589 Mom! It's not coming off! 518 00:20:58,591 --> 00:21:01,892 I have school pictures this week! (ADAM LAUGHS) 519 00:21:01,894 --> 00:21:03,861 What are you doing? Get outta here! 520 00:21:03,863 --> 00:21:06,063 ADAM: Uh-oh! He's getting angry! 521 00:21:06,065 --> 00:21:08,633 You wouldn't like Barry when he's angry. 522 00:21:08,635 --> 00:21:09,267 (JEERING) 523 00:21:09,269 --> 00:21:12,570 Stop! I swear to god, I'm gonna take that camera! 524 00:21:14,339 --> 00:21:16,440 Oh, this is me. I'm a rad dude. 525 00:21:16,442 --> 00:21:17,041 Stop. 526 00:21:17,043 --> 00:21:18,609 Please stop filming. Come on. Stop. 527 00:21:18,611 --> 00:21:21,078 (ADAM GIGGLING) Stop! Stop! Stop! 528 00:21:21,080 --> 00:21:21,912 Stop! Stop! 529 00:21:21,914 --> 00:21:24,148 Barry, you're pulling on it!