1 00:00:01,657 --> 00:00:04,365 So many of our loved ones were lost three years ago. 2 00:00:04,615 --> 00:00:06,990 140 million people disappeared. 3 00:00:06,990 --> 00:00:09,198 Two percent of the world's population. 4 00:00:09,532 --> 00:00:10,615 The Guilty Remnant. 5 00:00:11,198 --> 00:00:12,532 A year ago these people didn't even exist. 6 00:00:12,866 --> 00:00:14,699 Now there's almost 50 of them. What do they want? 7 00:00:14,699 --> 00:00:17,073 We are living reminders of what you try 8 00:00:17,073 --> 00:00:19,115 so desperately to forget. 9 00:00:19,449 --> 00:00:22,324 People went away from everywhere except here. 10 00:00:22,532 --> 00:00:23,866 This place is chosen. 11 00:00:24,240 --> 00:00:25,657 Welcome to Miracle. 12 00:00:27,073 --> 00:00:30,449 So, are you moving in? I'm John. We're right next door. 13 00:00:31,240 --> 00:00:33,615 Something bad is gonna happen... To you. 14 00:00:34,115 --> 00:00:35,615 It's all bullshit, right? 15 00:00:36,240 --> 00:00:37,324 Don't open it till I'm gone, okay? 16 00:00:37,532 --> 00:00:38,407 Back by 11. 17 00:00:38,907 --> 00:00:40,240 Evie didn't come home last night. 18 00:00:40,240 --> 00:00:41,948 She was out with her friends and... 19 00:00:41,948 --> 00:00:44,073 -they're gone, too. -Gone? 20 00:00:44,073 --> 00:00:46,365 -I've been seeing someone. -Who? 21 00:00:46,615 --> 00:00:49,240 Patti Levin. She ran the Guilty Remnant. 22 00:00:49,574 --> 00:00:50,866 But she's dead. 23 00:00:52,490 --> 00:00:54,824 What you were seeing is not real. 24 00:00:54,824 --> 00:00:56,907 If you wanna get rid of her, I can help. 25 00:00:57,198 --> 00:00:59,699 -How do we do this? -You die. 26 00:00:59,948 --> 00:01:01,365 Kevin, stop! 27 00:01:02,948 --> 00:01:04,240 Goodbye, Patti. 28 00:01:12,657 --> 00:01:13,782 Holy shit! 29 00:01:14,365 --> 00:01:15,824 Whoa! Stop! 30 00:01:18,532 --> 00:01:19,615 It's the three girls. 31 00:01:21,324 --> 00:01:23,365 Pull back! Too many of them! 32 00:01:24,032 --> 00:01:26,407 Why would she do this to us? 33 00:01:26,615 --> 00:01:28,407 -Maybe she didn't. -What? 34 00:01:28,782 --> 00:01:29,907 Love you. 35 00:01:40,365 --> 00:01:42,782 -What are you doing here? -What are you doing here? 36 00:01:43,574 --> 00:01:44,657 I live here now. 37 00:01:45,699 --> 00:01:46,782 I killed you. 38 00:01:47,449 --> 00:01:48,115 Nope. 39 00:01:48,657 --> 00:01:51,157 I don't understand what's happening. 40 00:01:51,490 --> 00:01:52,490 Me neither. 41 00:01:54,990 --> 00:01:56,198 You're home. 42 00:02:24,657 --> 00:02:26,782 Heaven and Earth will disappear, 43 00:02:26,782 --> 00:02:29,240 but my words remain forever. 44 00:02:29,240 --> 00:02:31,907 But no one knows the date now when the end will be, 45 00:02:31,907 --> 00:02:34,115 not even the angels. 46 00:02:34,115 --> 00:02:36,198 No, nor even God's son. 47 00:02:36,198 --> 00:02:38,240 Only the Father knows. 48 00:02:38,240 --> 00:02:41,532 The world will be at ease-- banquets and parties and weddings, 49 00:02:41,532 --> 00:02:45,032 just as it was in Noah's time before the sudden coming of the flood. 50 00:02:45,032 --> 00:02:47,866 People wouldn't believe what was going to happen 51 00:02:47,866 --> 00:02:51,115 until the flood actually arrived and took them all away. 52 00:02:51,115 --> 00:02:54,032 So shall my coming be. 53 00:02:54,032 --> 00:02:56,866 Two men will be working together in the fields 54 00:02:56,866 --> 00:03:00,282 and one will be taken, the other left. 55 00:03:00,282 --> 00:03:03,615 Two women will be going about their household tasks. 56 00:03:03,615 --> 00:03:07,198 One will be taken, the other left. 57 00:03:07,198 --> 00:03:11,365 So be prepared, for you don't know what day your Lord is coming. 58 00:03:13,115 --> 00:03:15,990 ♪ Life was filled with guns and war ♪ 59 00:03:15,990 --> 00:03:21,907 ♪ And everyone got trampled on the floor ♪ 60 00:03:21,907 --> 00:03:26,157 ♪ I wish we'd all been ready ♪ 61 00:03:26,157 --> 00:03:29,407 ♪ Children died, the days grew cold ♪ 62 00:03:29,407 --> 00:03:34,532 ♪ A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold ♪ 63 00:03:34,532 --> 00:03:39,449 ♪ I wish we'd all been ready ♪ 64 00:03:39,449 --> 00:03:42,615 ♪ There's no time to change your mind ♪ 65 00:03:42,615 --> 00:03:44,490 ♪ The Son has come ♪ 66 00:03:44,490 --> 00:03:49,407 ♪ You've been left behind ♪ 67 00:03:58,948 --> 00:04:02,282 ♪ A man and wife asleep in bed ♪ 68 00:04:02,282 --> 00:04:07,990 ♪ She hears a noise and turns her head, he's gone ♪ 69 00:04:07,990 --> 00:04:12,699 ♪ I wish we'd all been ready ♪ 70 00:04:12,699 --> 00:04:15,615 ♪ Two men walking up a hill ♪ 71 00:04:15,615 --> 00:04:21,407 ♪ One disappears and one's left standing still ♪ 72 00:04:21,407 --> 00:04:25,990 ♪ I wish we'd all been ready ♪ 73 00:04:25,990 --> 00:04:29,115 ♪ There's no time to change your mind ♪ 74 00:04:29,115 --> 00:04:31,240 ♪ The Son has come ♪ 75 00:04:31,240 --> 00:04:36,449 ♪ You've been left behind ♪ 76 00:04:46,324 --> 00:04:49,365 ♪ Life was filled with guns and war ♪ 77 00:04:49,365 --> 00:04:55,282 ♪ And everyone got trampled on the floor ♪ 78 00:04:55,282 --> 00:04:59,574 ♪ I wish we'd all been ready ♪ 79 00:04:59,574 --> 00:05:02,866 ♪ Children died, the days grew cold ♪ 80 00:05:02,866 --> 00:05:08,490 ♪ A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold ♪ 81 00:05:08,490 --> 00:05:13,115 ♪ I wish we'd all been ready ♪ 82 00:05:13,115 --> 00:05:16,324 ♪ There's no time to change your mind ♪ 83 00:05:16,324 --> 00:05:26,615 ♪ How could you have been so blind? ♪ 84 00:05:26,615 --> 00:05:30,282 ♪ The Father spoke, the demons died ♪ 85 00:05:30,282 --> 00:05:32,157 ♪ The Son has come ♪ 86 00:05:32,157 --> 00:05:39,240 ♪ You've been left behind ♪ 87 00:05:39,240 --> 00:05:45,198 ♪ You've been left behind ♪ 88 00:05:45,198 --> 00:05:51,365 ♪ You've been left behind ♪ 89 00:05:53,198 --> 00:05:59,824 ♪ You've been left. ♪ 90 00:10:01,907 --> 00:10:03,324 Morning. 91 00:10:05,449 --> 00:10:08,282 You can talk. It's okay. 92 00:10:16,615 --> 00:10:19,490 You're much better at this than me. 93 00:10:19,490 --> 00:10:21,824 Maybe you should be in charge. 94 00:10:26,907 --> 00:10:31,365 You like Siegfried and Roy, the magic guys in Vegas? 95 00:10:32,866 --> 00:10:37,490 They did tricks with those beautiful tigers. 96 00:10:37,490 --> 00:10:40,699 Every night, a tiger disappears 97 00:10:40,699 --> 00:10:44,157 and the tiger comes back. 98 00:10:44,157 --> 00:10:46,032 They made calendars with those tigers. 99 00:10:46,032 --> 00:10:50,240 They just laid right on top of them like they were carpets. 100 00:11:08,407 --> 00:11:13,490 It's just a matter of time before one of those fuckers bites your face off. 101 00:11:24,990 --> 00:11:26,532 - Go, go, go! - Let's go, get in. 102 00:11:26,532 --> 00:11:29,073 - Clear out! - Hurry up, come on, go! 103 00:11:34,115 --> 00:11:35,741 Go, go! 104 00:12:03,574 --> 00:12:06,948 Hey, over here. Come ahead. 105 00:12:09,324 --> 00:12:12,574 That's it, keep moving. 106 00:12:14,198 --> 00:12:16,073 Chief. 107 00:12:16,073 --> 00:12:17,449 Yeah, go ahead. 108 00:12:17,449 --> 00:12:19,115 Tough getting up there. 109 00:12:19,115 --> 00:12:21,699 We're over 700 and it's not even lunchtime. 110 00:12:21,699 --> 00:12:24,574 You want us to try and slow the flow? 111 00:12:24,574 --> 00:12:26,824 All are welcome, Dickie. 112 00:12:26,824 --> 00:12:28,449 Copy that. 113 00:12:32,449 --> 00:12:34,240 How you doing, Andy? 114 00:12:38,741 --> 00:12:41,407 Let's go. 115 00:12:42,615 --> 00:12:44,866 - Come on, keep moving. - That's it. 116 00:12:44,866 --> 00:12:46,615 - Go. - Keep it rolling. 117 00:12:49,449 --> 00:12:52,615 Excuse me. Officer, do we need to get wrist bands? 118 00:12:52,615 --> 00:12:55,990 - No, ma'am, not anymore. - Is there somewhere we can park? 119 00:12:55,990 --> 00:12:58,699 Uh, yeah. There's a campground about a half a mile up the road. 120 00:12:58,699 --> 00:13:00,324 Follow me. 121 00:13:00,324 --> 00:13:03,741 - ♪ I see the sign ♪ - ♪ Hey ♪ 122 00:13:03,741 --> 00:13:05,324 - ♪ I see the sign... ♪ - Come on. 123 00:13:05,324 --> 00:13:07,615 Come on. Let's go. 124 00:13:07,615 --> 00:13:10,324 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 125 00:13:10,324 --> 00:13:12,574 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 126 00:13:12,574 --> 00:13:14,657 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 127 00:13:14,657 --> 00:13:16,115 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 128 00:13:16,115 --> 00:13:18,282 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 129 00:13:18,282 --> 00:13:20,282 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 130 00:13:20,282 --> 00:13:22,324 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 131 00:13:22,324 --> 00:13:23,741 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 132 00:13:23,741 --> 00:13:25,657 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 133 00:13:25,657 --> 00:13:27,657 ♪ Loose horse in the valley ♪ 134 00:13:27,657 --> 00:13:29,490 ♪ Loose horse in the valley ♪ 135 00:13:29,490 --> 00:13:30,990 ♪ Loose horse in the valley ♪ 136 00:13:30,990 --> 00:13:32,948 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 137 00:13:32,948 --> 00:13:34,866 ♪ Tell me, who gonna ride him? ♪ 138 00:13:34,866 --> 00:13:36,657 ♪ Tell me, who gonna ride him? ♪ 139 00:13:36,657 --> 00:13:38,157 ♪ Tell me, who gonna ride him? ♪ 140 00:13:38,157 --> 00:13:40,157 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 141 00:13:40,157 --> 00:13:42,032 ♪ And Jesus gonna ride him ♪ 142 00:13:42,032 --> 00:13:43,866 ♪ And Jesus gonna ride him ♪ 143 00:13:43,866 --> 00:13:45,365 ♪ And Jesus gonna ride him ♪ 144 00:13:45,365 --> 00:13:47,032 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 145 00:13:47,032 --> 00:13:49,198 ♪ Sinner, come out the corner ♪ 146 00:13:49,198 --> 00:13:51,032 ♪ Sinner, come out the corner ♪ 147 00:13:51,032 --> 00:13:52,532 ♪ Sinner, come out the corner ♪ 148 00:13:52,532 --> 00:13:54,324 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 149 00:13:54,324 --> 00:13:56,324 ♪ That's a sign of the judgment ♪ 150 00:13:56,324 --> 00:13:57,990 ♪ That's a sign of the judgment ♪ 151 00:13:57,990 --> 00:13:59,699 ♪ A sign of the judgment... ♪ 152 00:13:59,699 --> 00:14:01,990 - Excuse me! - ...in our town, okay? 153 00:14:01,990 --> 00:14:05,073 He's departed. He's not-- I don't care who it is, all right? 154 00:14:05,073 --> 00:14:07,365 There's a height ordinance. Nothing above 15 feet. 155 00:14:07,365 --> 00:14:10,198 - You gotta take it down. - That dude on the pillar's over 15 feet, man! 156 00:14:10,198 --> 00:14:12,032 - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Hang on. 157 00:14:12,032 --> 00:14:13,907 The guy on the pillar was grandfathered in. 158 00:14:13,907 --> 00:14:15,990 - Hey, Chief. - What's going on? 159 00:14:15,990 --> 00:14:18,532 These gentlemen don't seem to wanna deflate their little joke here. 160 00:14:18,532 --> 00:14:20,407 All right, no, no. It is not a joke, okay? 161 00:14:20,407 --> 00:14:23,198 Mr. Gary Busey's coming back from heaven on the 14th. 162 00:14:23,198 --> 00:14:24,449 How is he gonna know where to land? 163 00:14:27,407 --> 00:14:28,907 All right. 164 00:14:28,907 --> 00:14:31,073 Here's what I'm gonna do. 165 00:14:31,073 --> 00:14:33,407 I'm gonna let you keep Gary up there, 166 00:14:33,407 --> 00:14:37,115 but you guys have to be my deputies. 167 00:14:39,073 --> 00:14:42,198 You see anyone or anything that seems remotely dangerous, 168 00:14:42,198 --> 00:14:45,032 call me personally. 169 00:14:45,032 --> 00:14:46,907 Nuts, man. Fucking nuts! 170 00:14:46,907 --> 00:14:49,115 You never underestimate the spirit. 171 00:14:51,073 --> 00:14:53,157 Yeah, man. 172 00:14:53,157 --> 00:14:55,073 - That was smart. - Yeah. 173 00:14:55,073 --> 00:14:57,282 See what happens when you make people feel important? 174 00:14:57,282 --> 00:14:58,866 Should I be writing this down? 175 00:14:58,866 --> 00:15:00,657 Listen, we're already over our number. 176 00:15:00,657 --> 00:15:02,115 We're a few bodies short down at the bridge. 177 00:15:02,115 --> 00:15:04,157 You mind running down there till role call? 178 00:15:04,157 --> 00:15:07,073 - No, not at all. - And we got dinner tonight. 6:00 sharp. 179 00:15:07,073 --> 00:15:09,115 - Don't forget. - 5:30 works a little better for me. 180 00:15:09,115 --> 00:15:11,574 - Well, 6:00 works better for me. - Oh, okay. 181 00:15:11,574 --> 00:15:15,115 6:00 it is. You guys do remember it's my birthday today, right? 182 00:15:15,115 --> 00:15:17,282 - Get to the bridge. - All right, Chief. 183 00:15:26,741 --> 00:15:29,532 The king of Babylon had a dream, 184 00:15:29,532 --> 00:15:32,073 and that dream was terrifying. 185 00:15:32,073 --> 00:15:34,615 So Daniel comes. He cracks his knuckles. 186 00:15:34,615 --> 00:15:36,782 "Okay, tell me what you've got." 187 00:15:36,782 --> 00:15:38,615 "I dreamed," says the king, 188 00:15:38,615 --> 00:15:41,990 "of a great tree stretching all the way to the heavens. 189 00:15:41,990 --> 00:15:45,782 A tree that provides all things to all people, 190 00:15:45,782 --> 00:15:49,615 but then it was cut down, destroyed." 191 00:15:49,615 --> 00:15:51,657 Daniel nods. "Ah." 192 00:15:51,657 --> 00:15:54,032 "You know what it means?" asked the king. 193 00:15:54,032 --> 00:15:56,032 "You are the tree," says Daniel. 194 00:15:56,032 --> 00:15:58,115 "I am?" says the king. 195 00:15:58,115 --> 00:16:00,157 "You are," answers Daniel. 196 00:16:00,157 --> 00:16:03,824 "And you getting cut down isn't the worst part either, 197 00:16:03,824 --> 00:16:08,324 because once you are down, you will lose your mind. 198 00:16:08,324 --> 00:16:11,032 You will go mad, my king. 199 00:16:11,032 --> 00:16:13,574 You will live amongst the wild animals 200 00:16:13,574 --> 00:16:16,741 and eat grass like an ox. 201 00:16:16,741 --> 00:16:19,407 "Forever?" asked the king. 202 00:16:19,407 --> 00:16:21,032 "No," says Daniel. 203 00:16:22,532 --> 00:16:24,657 "Just for seven years." 204 00:16:28,866 --> 00:16:32,990 "Deuteronomy"-- every seven years, you must cancel all debts. 205 00:16:32,990 --> 00:16:35,866 "Genesis"-- seven years of famine begat. 206 00:16:35,866 --> 00:16:40,490 "Ezekiel"-- they shall burn them with fire for seven years. 207 00:16:40,490 --> 00:16:43,824 So, what will happen on October 14th 208 00:16:43,824 --> 00:16:46,198 just a couple of weeks from now? 209 00:16:47,990 --> 00:16:49,948 Probably nothing. 210 00:16:49,948 --> 00:16:52,449 But if something were to happen, 211 00:16:52,449 --> 00:16:55,990 it would happen here in Jarden, Texas, in Miracle. 212 00:16:55,990 --> 00:17:00,365 Because I get a feeling in this place sometimes, 213 00:17:00,365 --> 00:17:04,615 the same feeling I got when my wife awoke from a three-year coma 214 00:17:04,615 --> 00:17:05,866 the day I brought her here. 215 00:17:05,866 --> 00:17:08,198 Mary. 216 00:17:11,574 --> 00:17:15,449 The same feeling I had after being told by countless doctors 217 00:17:15,449 --> 00:17:17,990 that Mary could not bear a child. 218 00:17:17,990 --> 00:17:20,741 But she bore one here. 219 00:17:25,198 --> 00:17:28,449 - Noah's a little shy like his dad. 220 00:17:28,449 --> 00:17:30,657 My friends, I've got that feeling again, 221 00:17:30,657 --> 00:17:34,032 so if something does happen on October 14th... 222 00:17:35,699 --> 00:17:37,574 you've all come to the right place. 223 00:17:37,574 --> 00:17:41,532 Amen to that. Amen to that. - Hallelujah. 224 00:17:41,532 --> 00:17:43,407 Hallelujah! 225 00:17:45,073 --> 00:17:48,282 I see a lot of new faces. Welcome. 226 00:17:48,282 --> 00:17:50,782 If you wanna be baptized here in Miracle, 227 00:17:50,782 --> 00:17:52,490 just come on down tomorrow morning. 228 00:17:52,490 --> 00:17:54,948 We'll be at the spring on the east edge of town, 229 00:17:54,948 --> 00:17:58,157 which the good Lord has seen fit to replenish with water. 230 00:18:05,324 --> 00:18:07,615 You watching porn? 231 00:18:07,615 --> 00:18:09,657 What? 232 00:18:09,657 --> 00:18:12,282 Oh, when people are watching porn, they shut... 233 00:18:13,741 --> 00:18:15,990 Ah, never mind. Forget it. 234 00:18:15,990 --> 00:18:17,699 Okay. 235 00:18:17,699 --> 00:18:20,282 You coming tonight? I told Tommy 6:00 sharp. 236 00:18:20,282 --> 00:18:21,240 Mm-hmm. 237 00:18:25,449 --> 00:18:27,741 - Hey there, Chief. - Hey. 238 00:18:29,532 --> 00:18:31,782 Mm, what are you two talking about? 239 00:18:31,782 --> 00:18:35,574 - Just Tom's party. - Oh. Yeah, can't wait. 240 00:18:35,574 --> 00:18:38,032 I'm sorry about the church. I know we're over capacity. 241 00:18:38,032 --> 00:18:40,198 It's just so many people wanna come. 242 00:18:40,198 --> 00:18:44,115 Yeah, well, then look. Maybe you should, um, stop advertising. 243 00:18:44,115 --> 00:18:45,532 What's that? 244 00:18:48,407 --> 00:18:50,407 The address for the church is right on it. 245 00:18:50,407 --> 00:18:52,574 No one loves handing out flyers more than you do. 246 00:18:52,574 --> 00:18:54,490 I swear I didn't do this. 247 00:18:54,490 --> 00:18:55,990 You heard what I said in there. 248 00:18:55,990 --> 00:18:57,490 No, I heard what you said in there, 249 00:18:57,490 --> 00:18:59,699 and you said nothing's gonna happen on the 14th 250 00:18:59,699 --> 00:19:03,240 unless everything happens on the 14th. 251 00:19:03,240 --> 00:19:06,157 I can't afford to have this place explode again, all right? 252 00:19:06,157 --> 00:19:07,449 Just tone it down. 253 00:19:11,782 --> 00:19:14,574 Of course. You're right. Will do. 254 00:19:18,365 --> 00:19:19,782 Will do? 255 00:19:19,782 --> 00:19:22,699 If you're asking me to tone it down, Kevin, 256 00:19:22,699 --> 00:19:24,574 I'll tone it down. 257 00:19:24,574 --> 00:19:26,198 Good. 258 00:19:26,198 --> 00:19:28,157 Good. 259 00:19:28,157 --> 00:19:29,741 Good. 260 00:19:33,365 --> 00:19:35,032 Good. 261 00:19:43,198 --> 00:19:44,907 Did he see it? 262 00:19:46,490 --> 00:19:48,824 - Okay, everybody. - Settle down. 263 00:19:48,824 --> 00:19:51,324 Listen, we are two weeks out from the 14th, 264 00:19:51,324 --> 00:19:53,948 and currently our estimates are low. 265 00:19:53,948 --> 00:19:55,782 We are looking now at an influx 266 00:19:55,782 --> 00:19:58,866 of anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 pilgrims between then and now. 267 00:20:00,324 --> 00:20:01,948 As of now, you're all approved 268 00:20:01,948 --> 00:20:05,115 for permanent OT, effective immediately. 269 00:20:07,948 --> 00:20:09,741 Am I late? 270 00:20:09,741 --> 00:20:11,741 No, you're right on time. 271 00:20:11,741 --> 00:20:13,532 Agent Nora Durst from the DSD 272 00:20:13,532 --> 00:20:15,948 is gonna tell us about procedures moving forward. 273 00:20:15,948 --> 00:20:18,324 So, everybody, listen up. 274 00:20:18,324 --> 00:20:20,741 Thanks, Chief. 275 00:20:20,741 --> 00:20:22,365 Can you guys hear me okay? 276 00:20:22,365 --> 00:20:24,324 - Yeah. - Okay, great. 277 00:20:24,324 --> 00:20:26,824 So, I know we went over this a couple of months ago, 278 00:20:26,824 --> 00:20:28,407 but there's been some confusion. 279 00:20:28,407 --> 00:20:31,032 So, let's talk about the "D" word. 280 00:20:31,032 --> 00:20:32,741 Yes, I get it. 281 00:20:32,741 --> 00:20:34,741 If a guy says his girlfriend vanished into thin air, 282 00:20:34,741 --> 00:20:37,240 there's a good chance she's decomposing in his trunk. 283 00:20:37,240 --> 00:20:39,615 But as frustrating as it is to indulge the bullshit, 284 00:20:39,615 --> 00:20:42,490 there is a process in place that we all must go through. 285 00:20:42,490 --> 00:20:45,282 If a suspect asks for a lawyer, you get a lawyer. 286 00:20:45,282 --> 00:20:48,866 If a suspects says departure, you get me. Cool? 287 00:20:48,866 --> 00:20:51,073 Got ya. 288 00:20:51,073 --> 00:20:52,990 Dismissed, assholes. 289 00:20:52,990 --> 00:20:55,115 Walk you out, Agent Durst? 290 00:20:55,115 --> 00:20:57,115 Absolutely, Chief Garvey. Thank you. 291 00:21:00,615 --> 00:21:03,948 - Tommy knows. - Kevin, there's no such thing as a surprise party. 292 00:21:03,948 --> 00:21:06,574 - Then why the hell are we doing it? - Because it's fun to pretend. 293 00:21:06,574 --> 00:21:09,073 Hey, help me out. Between the blades. 294 00:21:11,449 --> 00:21:13,449 Oh, yeah. Ooh, higher. 295 00:21:14,782 --> 00:21:17,073 I'm gonna miss this cast. 296 00:21:17,073 --> 00:21:19,490 Yet you never asked to sign it. 297 00:21:21,657 --> 00:21:23,824 - Bye. - Bye. 298 00:21:26,407 --> 00:21:28,198 Hey, Chief. 299 00:21:28,198 --> 00:21:30,657 A guy just came in and says he needs to talk to you. 300 00:21:30,657 --> 00:21:32,824 Is he Tinfoil Hat or a Kenneth? 301 00:21:32,824 --> 00:21:34,407 Neither. 302 00:21:34,407 --> 00:21:36,490 Knows you from New York. 303 00:21:36,490 --> 00:21:38,157 Says you guys were hunting buddies. 304 00:21:59,157 --> 00:22:01,073 Christ, it's good to see you. 305 00:22:01,073 --> 00:22:03,532 Good to see you, too. 306 00:22:06,657 --> 00:22:09,198 - Well, you remember me, right? - Yeah. 307 00:22:09,198 --> 00:22:11,365 - Dean. - Of course. Dean, yeah. 308 00:22:11,365 --> 00:22:13,866 What can I do for you? 309 00:22:13,866 --> 00:22:17,032 Uh, you know, probably I-- 310 00:22:17,032 --> 00:22:18,990 I should hold back on the details 311 00:22:18,990 --> 00:22:21,699 until I can provide you with unassailable proof, 312 00:22:21,699 --> 00:22:24,032 but if I'm being completely honest, 313 00:22:24,032 --> 00:22:25,615 it's-- it's a little out there. 314 00:22:25,615 --> 00:22:26,532 Sure. 315 00:22:28,824 --> 00:22:30,948 I tried to keep you out of this, 316 00:22:30,948 --> 00:22:35,532 but I gotta regretfully inform you 317 00:22:35,532 --> 00:22:37,490 that our prey-- 318 00:22:37,490 --> 00:22:41,324 previously unsophisticated and easily killable... 319 00:22:44,282 --> 00:22:46,073 ...has adapted. 320 00:23:05,198 --> 00:23:09,324 So, Wyoming Senator Y. Woodrow Huffman-- 321 00:23:09,324 --> 00:23:11,574 the incumbent, mind you-- 322 00:23:11,574 --> 00:23:14,073 has a swanky fundraiser a week back. 323 00:23:14,073 --> 00:23:16,490 Food's high-class, all right? 324 00:23:16,490 --> 00:23:19,615 Crab cakes, Cornish game hens. 325 00:23:19,615 --> 00:23:20,990 But this motherfucker Huffman, 326 00:23:20,990 --> 00:23:24,574 he asks me for a peanut butter sandwich. 327 00:23:25,824 --> 00:23:27,198 He asked you for-- 328 00:23:27,198 --> 00:23:29,449 Yeah, I was undercover on the catering staff. 329 00:23:29,449 --> 00:23:33,449 Well, the senator was a guest of honor, the man of the hour, 330 00:23:33,449 --> 00:23:36,032 so fucking A right, we got him his sandwich. 331 00:23:36,032 --> 00:23:39,282 You know, peanut butter. 332 00:23:39,282 --> 00:23:41,824 Man, they loved that shit. 333 00:23:41,824 --> 00:23:44,741 And he's the only one who touched it, only one who bit it. 334 00:23:44,741 --> 00:23:46,532 His saliva. 335 00:23:46,532 --> 00:23:50,449 So, when you test it, you know that it's uncorrupted. 336 00:23:51,866 --> 00:23:53,907 Test it for what? 337 00:23:56,157 --> 00:23:58,282 Canine DNA. 338 00:23:59,657 --> 00:24:01,990 Now-- now, I know what you're thinking. 339 00:24:01,990 --> 00:24:04,282 All right? Why take on human form? 340 00:24:04,282 --> 00:24:06,574 What do they want, right? Today, it's the senator. 341 00:24:06,574 --> 00:24:09,490 Tomorrow, it's the Secretary of, you know, goddamn Agriculture. 342 00:24:09,490 --> 00:24:11,574 And then it's the president. 343 00:24:11,574 --> 00:24:14,198 The leader of the free fucking world. 344 00:24:14,198 --> 00:24:18,824 And that, my friend, is how the world ends two weeks from now. 345 00:24:18,824 --> 00:24:21,282 That's how they get their finger on the button. 346 00:24:23,782 --> 00:24:25,157 Paw. 347 00:24:26,365 --> 00:24:28,324 Sorry? 348 00:24:28,324 --> 00:24:31,948 That's how they get their paw on the-- the button. 349 00:24:35,615 --> 00:24:38,532 So, you-- you don't believe me. 350 00:24:41,990 --> 00:24:45,990 What you're thinking is happening... 351 00:24:45,990 --> 00:24:47,365 isn't. 352 00:24:50,198 --> 00:24:52,824 It's all in your head, man. 353 00:24:55,198 --> 00:24:57,365 It's not real. 354 00:25:06,157 --> 00:25:08,365 Look, Valdivia tells me 355 00:25:08,365 --> 00:25:11,115 you're staying down by the trailer park. 356 00:25:11,115 --> 00:25:14,657 So tomorrow, I'm gonna come by... 357 00:25:16,365 --> 00:25:18,365 ...and we're gonna talk. 358 00:25:18,365 --> 00:25:20,324 Just... 359 00:25:31,115 --> 00:25:34,907 - ♪ I had a talk ♪ - ♪ I had a talk ♪ 360 00:25:34,907 --> 00:25:39,157 - ♪ I had a talk with Jesus ♪ - ♪ A little talk with Jesus ♪ 361 00:25:39,157 --> 00:25:41,449 - ♪ And he made... ♪ - ♪ Everything... ♪ 362 00:25:41,449 --> 00:25:43,907 - All right, Chief, see you tomorrow. - I'll see you, Dean. 363 00:25:45,240 --> 00:25:47,073 ♪ Oh-hoo ♪ 364 00:25:47,073 --> 00:25:50,282 - ♪ I had a talk ♪ - ♪ I had a talk... ♪ 365 00:25:52,407 --> 00:25:55,198 Perfect. The Wet-Naps are over there. 366 00:26:13,990 --> 00:26:17,574 So, what do you wanna know? 367 00:26:17,574 --> 00:26:19,449 Look, no offense, all right, 368 00:26:19,449 --> 00:26:22,782 but, uh, my wife made me come here. 369 00:26:22,782 --> 00:26:26,240 And I don't really believe in any of this shit. 370 00:26:28,948 --> 00:26:30,782 Yeah. 371 00:26:30,782 --> 00:26:34,615 Well, you already paid, so you might as well hear what I got, man. 372 00:26:36,032 --> 00:26:37,948 So, what? 373 00:26:37,948 --> 00:26:40,990 You just, uh-- you look at my palm print? 374 00:26:40,990 --> 00:26:42,615 You talk to my dead father? 375 00:26:42,615 --> 00:26:44,532 Don't you think you should light some candles, you know? 376 00:26:44,532 --> 00:26:46,490 Maybe get out a Ouija board or something? 377 00:26:46,490 --> 00:26:48,115 Pat Benatar. 378 00:26:54,699 --> 00:26:57,073 Now, how'd you know about that? 379 00:26:57,073 --> 00:27:01,032 Look, I can't talk to your dad, man. 380 00:27:01,032 --> 00:27:04,782 It's more like turning a radio dial and seeing what you pick up. 381 00:27:04,782 --> 00:27:08,282 But you ask the right questions, you usually get something back. 382 00:27:10,699 --> 00:27:14,990 So, what do you wanna know? 383 00:27:20,324 --> 00:27:23,157 Why did he do it on my birthday? 384 00:27:31,824 --> 00:27:33,157 I'm sorry to interrupt. 385 00:27:33,157 --> 00:27:35,157 I'm gonna grab something upstairs. 386 00:27:35,157 --> 00:27:37,115 - No problem. I'll see you later, Kev. - Yeah. 387 00:27:37,115 --> 00:27:38,240 - Mm-hmm. - All right. 388 00:27:40,449 --> 00:27:42,032 All right. 389 00:27:43,657 --> 00:27:44,990 Okay, now listen. 390 00:27:44,990 --> 00:27:47,282 I know there's a part of you 391 00:27:47,282 --> 00:27:50,824 that's hoping that he didn't even know it was your birthday. 392 00:27:52,824 --> 00:27:55,324 But there are some things you need to know about him first. 393 00:27:56,657 --> 00:27:59,741 He believed himself to be a failure. 394 00:27:59,741 --> 00:28:03,532 He believed himself to be a failure. - He... 395 00:28:03,532 --> 00:28:06,615 - He failed his family. - He failed his family. 396 00:28:06,615 --> 00:28:08,157 He failed at his job. 397 00:28:08,157 --> 00:28:11,657 He failed at being the man that he wanted to be. 398 00:28:13,741 --> 00:28:15,657 He was-- he was sad. 399 00:28:15,657 --> 00:28:17,657 He was always sad. 400 00:28:17,657 --> 00:28:20,115 Didn't want anyone to know, 401 00:28:20,115 --> 00:28:22,240 especially his kids. 402 00:28:22,240 --> 00:28:25,741 He hid it from... 403 00:28:25,741 --> 00:28:28,990 He hid it from Anne Marie and Billy 404 00:28:28,990 --> 00:28:30,032 and you. 405 00:28:32,407 --> 00:28:34,407 I'm so sorry, 406 00:28:34,407 --> 00:28:37,449 but the truth is he was so broken 407 00:28:37,449 --> 00:28:40,866 that he didn't even know it was your birthday 408 00:28:40,866 --> 00:28:42,948 when he took his life. 409 00:28:44,407 --> 00:28:47,198 He was only thinking about one thing-- 410 00:28:47,198 --> 00:28:48,782 escaping. 411 00:28:48,782 --> 00:28:52,324 So, that's what he did. 412 00:28:52,324 --> 00:28:56,490 - He escaped. And that's what he did. 413 00:28:56,490 --> 00:29:00,615 - He escaped. - Okay. You can hug him now. 414 00:29:05,699 --> 00:29:07,532 They won't believe it unless it's harsh. 415 00:29:07,532 --> 00:29:09,824 Jeez, now I know why I quit therapy. 416 00:29:11,282 --> 00:29:13,365 What brings you by, Kev-o? 417 00:29:13,365 --> 00:29:14,990 We got a problem. 418 00:29:14,990 --> 00:29:17,198 We gotta keep it between you and me. 419 00:29:17,198 --> 00:29:19,157 Okay. 420 00:29:19,157 --> 00:29:24,240 Apparently, dogs are taking on human form 421 00:29:24,240 --> 00:29:28,282 and they are infiltrating the highest levels of our government. 422 00:29:30,198 --> 00:29:33,324 And-- and where did you come by this information, Chief Garvey? 423 00:29:33,324 --> 00:29:37,741 A guy I used to know in Mapleton a few years back. 424 00:29:37,741 --> 00:29:40,324 Maybe we shot some dogs together. 425 00:29:42,407 --> 00:29:43,948 You were in the GR. 426 00:29:43,948 --> 00:29:46,407 I was coping. 427 00:29:46,407 --> 00:29:48,157 So, this is my fault? 428 00:29:48,157 --> 00:29:50,282 No, it's his fault 'cause he's fucking crazy. 429 00:29:50,282 --> 00:29:53,115 Did you tell him he was crazy? 430 00:29:53,115 --> 00:29:54,449 Maybe. 431 00:29:54,449 --> 00:29:56,282 You never tell someone 432 00:29:56,282 --> 00:30:00,073 who is experiencing a delusion of that magnitude that they are delusional. 433 00:30:00,073 --> 00:30:03,032 You told me I was delusional when I told you I was talking to Patti. 434 00:30:03,032 --> 00:30:05,490 And then you went and drank poison. 435 00:30:05,490 --> 00:30:08,032 I'm better now. 436 00:30:08,032 --> 00:30:09,615 Of course you are. 437 00:30:12,574 --> 00:30:16,198 Just please talk to this guy? 438 00:30:16,198 --> 00:30:18,157 I'm worried about him. 439 00:30:18,157 --> 00:30:19,824 You got it. 440 00:30:23,948 --> 00:30:25,532 - Hey, man. - How you doing, man? 441 00:30:27,198 --> 00:30:30,657 You and Nora need any help setting up Tommy's thing? 442 00:30:30,657 --> 00:30:33,032 Yeah, that'd be great. - Yeah? 443 00:30:40,032 --> 00:30:42,490 How much is that? 444 00:30:42,490 --> 00:30:44,324 It's 80 bucks. 445 00:30:44,324 --> 00:30:47,032 You just...? 446 00:30:49,282 --> 00:30:50,824 She's good, isn't she? 447 00:30:50,824 --> 00:30:52,407 She's the best. 448 00:31:00,866 --> 00:31:04,574 - Pat Benatar. - Pat Benatar. 449 00:31:05,782 --> 00:31:08,115 Whoo! Let's party. 450 00:31:09,574 --> 00:31:11,282 Okay, shh! 451 00:31:11,282 --> 00:31:12,741 He's coming, he's coming, he's coming! 452 00:31:12,741 --> 00:31:14,574 Okay, okay. 453 00:31:20,240 --> 00:31:24,198 - Surprise! - Oh, my God. 454 00:31:24,198 --> 00:31:26,907 A party? 455 00:31:26,907 --> 00:31:31,198 ♪ Happy birthday, dear Tommy... ♪ 456 00:31:31,198 --> 00:31:32,449 Happy birthday, buddy. 457 00:31:32,449 --> 00:31:39,073 ♪ Happy birthday to you! ♪ 458 00:31:43,574 --> 00:31:45,157 Go on, make a wish. 459 00:31:45,157 --> 00:31:47,824 A wish, huh? What should I wish for? 460 00:31:47,824 --> 00:31:51,324 Let's see. That's a lot of responsibility, Dad. 461 00:31:51,324 --> 00:31:54,198 I could wish for world peace. 462 00:31:54,198 --> 00:31:55,824 That's always a classic. 463 00:31:55,824 --> 00:31:58,157 - Boo. - No need to ask for a bigger family 464 00:31:58,157 --> 00:32:01,115 since everybody seems to be marrying each other. 465 00:32:02,782 --> 00:32:05,073 I always wanted a little brother, by the way, dude. 466 00:32:05,073 --> 00:32:08,115 Or I could-- I could give it away. 467 00:32:09,741 --> 00:32:11,282 Anyone need anything? 468 00:32:12,615 --> 00:32:14,907 It's your wish, honey. 469 00:32:16,198 --> 00:32:18,574 All right. I got it, I got it. 470 00:32:20,365 --> 00:32:22,157 Oh! 471 00:32:24,198 --> 00:32:27,324 - Someone's at the door. - Those are so annoying. 472 00:32:31,365 --> 00:32:34,157 This the house where all the fucked up people live? 473 00:32:34,157 --> 00:32:37,324 What?! What?! 474 00:32:37,324 --> 00:32:39,324 Wishes do come true! 475 00:32:39,324 --> 00:32:42,032 Oh! 476 00:32:43,324 --> 00:32:45,615 Mary and me were in "Huatemala." 477 00:32:45,615 --> 00:32:49,365 - "Huatemala"? - You don't pronounce the "G," Thomas. 478 00:32:49,365 --> 00:32:51,824 That's the first thing they told the missionaries. 479 00:32:53,948 --> 00:32:57,365 What they didn't tell us was not to eat the cow brains. 480 00:32:57,365 --> 00:32:59,198 I threw up for five days straight 481 00:32:59,198 --> 00:33:04,032 and apparently hallucinated multiple conversations with a burning bush. 482 00:33:04,032 --> 00:33:06,657 - What did it say? - Well, my Spanish wasn't so great. 483 00:33:06,657 --> 00:33:10,365 Something along the lines of, "Please put me out." 484 00:33:14,198 --> 00:33:17,574 - Where were you, John? - Uh, well, let me see. 485 00:33:17,574 --> 00:33:21,073 I was about a mile and a half that way. 486 00:33:21,073 --> 00:33:23,699 Erika was in med school 487 00:33:23,699 --> 00:33:26,365 and I was working at a liquor store. 488 00:33:26,365 --> 00:33:27,782 Uh-oh. - Yeah. 489 00:33:27,782 --> 00:33:30,157 Which didn't turn out to be so good. 490 00:33:30,157 --> 00:33:32,032 Uh, your turn, Kev-o. 491 00:33:33,532 --> 00:33:35,365 Oh, me at 25? Jesus. 492 00:33:35,365 --> 00:33:39,157 I was-- I was a cop. I worked for my dad, the chief. 493 00:33:39,157 --> 00:33:43,866 And, uh, this was long before he decided to go off the grid and move to Australia. 494 00:33:43,866 --> 00:33:46,198 But on my 25th birthday, 495 00:33:46,198 --> 00:33:48,866 I was-- I was driving through an intersection... 496 00:33:50,574 --> 00:33:54,699 and bam, the back of my cruiser gets clipped. 497 00:33:54,699 --> 00:33:58,240 I jump out of the car and the airbags have gone off. 498 00:33:58,240 --> 00:34:01,073 The woman who hit me, she's shaken, but she's okay. 499 00:34:01,073 --> 00:34:03,907 And I go over to her car. 500 00:34:03,907 --> 00:34:06,073 There's a little two-year-old boy in a car seat. 501 00:34:07,866 --> 00:34:10,948 And he's just calm as can be. 502 00:34:10,948 --> 00:34:13,240 He's just smiling at me. 503 00:34:14,907 --> 00:34:17,532 Must've liked the uniform. 504 00:34:17,532 --> 00:34:21,407 - Wait, that was Laurie? - Yeah. 505 00:34:21,407 --> 00:34:23,782 A year later, I married her, adopted smiley over here. 506 00:34:23,782 --> 00:34:26,866 Oh! - All because we both thought we had the green light. 507 00:34:26,866 --> 00:34:29,407 And it turned out that the switcher was busted. 508 00:34:29,407 --> 00:34:31,240 So, you know. 509 00:34:32,741 --> 00:34:35,615 Well, divine intervention. 510 00:34:41,532 --> 00:34:43,574 What do you mean? 511 00:34:43,574 --> 00:34:48,198 You know, like karma or kismet, whatever. 512 00:34:48,198 --> 00:34:50,157 You know? 513 00:34:54,866 --> 00:34:58,032 What? 514 00:34:58,032 --> 00:35:01,324 Oh, nothing. I-- I never heard the story before. 515 00:35:01,324 --> 00:35:03,324 It's lovely. 516 00:35:03,324 --> 00:35:05,741 To being in the right place at the right time. 517 00:35:05,741 --> 00:35:08,615 - Yeah, right place, right time. - Right place, right time. 518 00:35:17,990 --> 00:35:19,907 Sure you wanna drive back to campus? 519 00:35:19,907 --> 00:35:21,157 You could stay here with us tonight. 520 00:35:22,824 --> 00:35:26,282 If I stay with you guys, it'll just hurt Mom's feelings. 521 00:35:26,282 --> 00:35:29,157 Then stay with her and John. 522 00:35:29,157 --> 00:35:30,824 It's not like it's a far walk. 523 00:35:30,824 --> 00:35:33,073 Yeah, but if I stay with her, 524 00:35:33,073 --> 00:35:36,032 she'll just keep me up all night apologizing. 525 00:35:38,032 --> 00:35:41,449 So, this is the last time we're ever gonna see each other, huh? 526 00:35:41,449 --> 00:35:44,032 - What do you-- what do you mean? - Just the world is ending. 527 00:35:44,032 --> 00:35:47,198 Oh, yeah. Well, right. 528 00:35:48,824 --> 00:35:50,657 How's Nora? 529 00:35:50,657 --> 00:35:53,365 She's great. 530 00:35:53,365 --> 00:35:55,532 She ever talk about Lily? 531 00:35:55,532 --> 00:35:57,198 No. 532 00:36:01,990 --> 00:36:04,324 Should I try and get her to? 533 00:36:04,324 --> 00:36:06,615 What do I know? 534 00:36:06,615 --> 00:36:10,365 - You still got your crown on. - I know I do. 535 00:36:51,866 --> 00:36:56,282 What were guys talking about out on the porch? Your penises? 536 00:36:56,282 --> 00:36:59,198 No, we were talking about what we were doing when we were 25. 537 00:36:59,198 --> 00:37:02,824 And I told the story about how when Laurie crashed into the back of me. 538 00:37:02,824 --> 00:37:05,907 Oh, how romantic. 539 00:37:05,907 --> 00:37:08,032 It's more romantic than when we met in divorce court 540 00:37:08,032 --> 00:37:09,407 and you told me fuck my daughter. 541 00:37:09,407 --> 00:37:10,574 That's not where we met. 542 00:37:10,574 --> 00:37:11,948 We met at the Christmas dance 543 00:37:11,948 --> 00:37:14,115 and you told me you cheated on your wife. 544 00:37:15,741 --> 00:37:18,907 - We gotta work on our story. - Mm, yeah. 545 00:37:20,574 --> 00:37:22,115 Here, let me get that. 546 00:37:22,115 --> 00:37:24,282 I got it. 547 00:37:24,282 --> 00:37:26,615 - Come here. - Thank you. 548 00:37:26,615 --> 00:37:28,282 When do you get your cast off? 549 00:37:28,282 --> 00:37:32,282 Um, day after tomorrow. 550 00:37:36,449 --> 00:37:39,490 I was watching you from the porch with Noah. 551 00:37:41,948 --> 00:37:45,948 Mm, yeah. He's yummy, isn't he? 552 00:37:45,948 --> 00:37:48,240 Mm-hmm. 553 00:38:47,490 --> 00:38:48,699 Good morning. 554 00:38:51,032 --> 00:38:54,157 - What time is it? - It's Sunday morning. Sleep in. 555 00:38:54,157 --> 00:38:56,574 I'm just gonna go for a ride. 556 00:38:56,574 --> 00:38:58,365 I should get on the bridge. 557 00:38:58,365 --> 00:38:59,866 Suit yourself, Sheriff. 558 00:38:59,866 --> 00:39:03,657 Everybody knows you just like to ride that horse. 559 00:39:03,657 --> 00:39:05,407 Giddyup. 560 00:39:06,866 --> 00:39:08,866 - I love you. - I love you, too. 561 00:39:32,657 --> 00:39:35,657 ♪ Slow down, you move too fast ♪ 562 00:39:35,657 --> 00:39:38,365 ♪ You got to make the morning last ♪ 563 00:39:38,365 --> 00:39:42,115 ♪ Just kicking down the cobblestones ♪ 564 00:39:42,115 --> 00:39:47,615 ♪ Looking for fun and feelin' groovy ♪ 565 00:39:47,615 --> 00:39:52,574 ♪ Ba-dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, feelin' groovy ♪ 566 00:39:54,824 --> 00:39:57,990 ♪ Hello, lamp post, what ya knowing? ♪ 567 00:39:57,990 --> 00:40:01,240 ♪ I've come to watch your flowers growing ♪ 568 00:40:01,240 --> 00:40:04,240 ♪ Ain't you got no rhymes for me? ♪ 569 00:40:04,240 --> 00:40:09,699 - ♪ Do-it-in, doo-doo, feelin' groovy... ♪ 570 00:40:09,699 --> 00:40:14,282 ♪ Ba-dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, feelin' groovy ♪ 571 00:40:16,115 --> 00:40:19,615 ♪ I got no deeds to do, no promises to keep ♪ 572 00:40:19,615 --> 00:40:22,407 ♪ I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep ♪ 573 00:40:22,407 --> 00:40:25,990 ♪ Let the morning time drop all its petals on me ♪ 574 00:40:25,990 --> 00:40:31,157 ♪ Life, I love you, all is groovy... ♪ 575 00:42:10,073 --> 00:42:13,198 - Hey, Chief, you there? - Go ahead, Tommy. 576 00:42:13,198 --> 00:42:16,615 The church was doing baptisms and these kids poisoned the water. 577 00:42:16,615 --> 00:42:19,324 You should probably get down here. 578 00:42:19,324 --> 00:42:20,574 On my way. 579 00:42:26,782 --> 00:42:29,073 Keep moving! Move! 580 00:42:30,866 --> 00:42:33,615 They poisoned the water! 581 00:42:33,615 --> 00:42:35,948 - What? - They poisoned the water, Kevin. 582 00:42:37,574 --> 00:42:39,240 What the fuck happened? 583 00:42:39,240 --> 00:42:41,240 These guys interrupted a baptism 584 00:42:41,240 --> 00:42:43,490 and spilled barrels in the springs. 585 00:42:43,490 --> 00:42:47,073 - What the fuck is in those barrels?! - This water isn't holy! 586 00:42:47,073 --> 00:42:49,115 This water is a symbol of hypocrisy. 587 00:42:49,115 --> 00:42:52,032 - I need you to calm the fuck down! - Three years ago, October 15th, 588 00:42:52,032 --> 00:42:54,365 the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Cult 589 00:42:54,365 --> 00:42:57,449 assassinated 93 unarmed members of the Guilty Remnant. 590 00:42:57,449 --> 00:43:00,824 They were targeted by a military drone and vaporized. 591 00:43:00,824 --> 00:43:03,907 Megan Abbott! Evangeline Murphy! 592 00:43:03,907 --> 00:43:06,282 Remember them. Remember them! 593 00:43:06,282 --> 00:43:08,490 Go to hell! 594 00:43:13,282 --> 00:43:15,407 I need you to calm down! 595 00:43:23,282 --> 00:43:25,615 Just listen, please. 596 00:43:25,615 --> 00:43:26,657 Dad! 597 00:43:34,449 --> 00:43:37,824 - ♪ I see the sign ♪ - ♪ Hey ♪ 598 00:43:37,824 --> 00:43:40,157 - ♪ I see the sign ♪ - ♪ Hey ♪ 599 00:43:40,157 --> 00:43:41,741 ♪ I see the sign ♪ 600 00:43:41,741 --> 00:43:44,365 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 601 00:43:44,365 --> 00:43:46,657 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 602 00:43:46,657 --> 00:43:48,699 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 603 00:43:48,699 --> 00:43:50,198 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 604 00:43:50,198 --> 00:43:52,324 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 605 00:43:52,324 --> 00:43:54,324 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 606 00:43:54,324 --> 00:43:56,324 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 607 00:43:56,324 --> 00:43:57,782 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 608 00:43:57,782 --> 00:43:59,699 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 609 00:43:59,699 --> 00:44:01,490 ♪ That's a sign of the judgment ♪ 610 00:44:01,490 --> 00:44:03,407 ♪ That's a sign of the judgment ♪ 611 00:44:03,407 --> 00:44:04,990 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 612 00:44:04,990 --> 00:44:07,490 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh... ♪ 613 00:44:37,824 --> 00:44:40,574 The water's fine. 614 00:44:40,574 --> 00:44:44,240 It's a prank. 615 00:44:44,240 --> 00:44:48,032 The water's safe. It's a stupid prank. 616 00:44:58,073 --> 00:44:59,907 Trust me. 617 00:45:03,240 --> 00:45:05,907 Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior? 618 00:45:05,907 --> 00:45:07,699 What? 619 00:45:07,699 --> 00:45:11,407 Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior? 620 00:45:15,324 --> 00:45:17,073 Yes. 621 00:45:18,407 --> 00:45:21,657 Then I baptize you, Kevin Garvey, 622 00:45:21,657 --> 00:45:25,490 in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 623 00:45:25,490 --> 00:45:27,824 buried in the likeness of his death 624 00:45:27,824 --> 00:45:31,365 and raised in the likeness of his resurrection. 625 00:45:59,699 --> 00:46:01,490 He is saved. 626 00:46:06,948 --> 00:46:08,615 That didn't count. 627 00:46:28,574 --> 00:46:31,115 Want me to put the air on, dry you out? 628 00:46:32,365 --> 00:46:34,157 That's very funny. 629 00:46:35,490 --> 00:46:38,032 Those kids with Evie on their shirts, 630 00:46:38,032 --> 00:46:40,990 they were telling the truth about what happened. 631 00:46:43,198 --> 00:46:46,741 On the morning of October 15th, three years ago, 632 00:46:46,741 --> 00:46:50,157 there was an unexpected gas leak at the visitor center. 633 00:46:50,157 --> 00:46:51,990 As the result of a cigarette being lit 634 00:46:51,990 --> 00:46:53,615 by a member of the Guilty Remnant 635 00:46:53,615 --> 00:46:56,324 who were occupying the center at the time, the gas ignited 636 00:46:56,324 --> 00:46:59,157 and the building and the people inside were incinerated. 637 00:47:02,282 --> 00:47:06,032 We pray for the families of those that were lost. 638 00:47:06,032 --> 00:47:08,490 And that's the story, Tommy. 639 00:47:08,490 --> 00:47:11,365 But it's bullshit. 640 00:47:14,365 --> 00:47:17,324 How'd you know the water wasn't poisoned? 641 00:47:17,324 --> 00:47:19,741 I just knew. 642 00:47:19,741 --> 00:47:22,365 That's bullshit, too. 643 00:47:22,365 --> 00:47:23,657 Oh, shit! 644 00:47:35,365 --> 00:47:37,657 Fuck! 645 00:47:41,532 --> 00:47:42,824 Tommy! 646 00:47:42,824 --> 00:47:45,532 Tommy! 647 00:47:56,240 --> 00:47:59,449 You changed, you son of a bitch. 648 00:48:11,615 --> 00:48:13,782 I got him. 649 00:48:17,449 --> 00:48:19,866 Folks, this is a crime scene. 650 00:48:19,866 --> 00:48:22,157 Stay behind the yellow tape. 651 00:48:29,115 --> 00:48:30,948 Let me bum one of those. 652 00:48:42,490 --> 00:48:45,324 You have to talk to someone. 653 00:48:45,324 --> 00:48:46,948 I gave Billy my statement. 654 00:48:46,948 --> 00:48:50,324 No. You gotta talk to a shrink. 655 00:48:53,157 --> 00:48:55,282 I was just doing my job. I'm fine. 656 00:48:55,282 --> 00:48:57,115 I was just doing my job when I killed someone. 657 00:48:57,115 --> 00:48:59,907 It still fucked me up. You gotta talk. Talking helps. 658 00:49:01,115 --> 00:49:03,282 You killed someone? 659 00:49:06,574 --> 00:49:09,490 Yeah. 660 00:49:09,490 --> 00:49:11,866 A, um-- a woman. 661 00:49:15,782 --> 00:49:17,115 I had to. 662 00:49:17,115 --> 00:49:21,073 She, um, you know-- she had armed security with her 663 00:49:21,073 --> 00:49:26,324 and I-- well, I killed them, too. 664 00:49:39,198 --> 00:49:42,449 Hey, get away from there! 665 00:49:42,449 --> 00:49:44,824 Stinkin' mutt! 666 00:49:46,990 --> 00:49:48,490 It's a sandwich. 667 00:50:00,824 --> 00:50:04,032 - Hey. - Hi. 668 00:50:04,032 --> 00:50:05,741 What's going on? 669 00:50:05,741 --> 00:50:07,324 Can I tell him? 670 00:50:10,198 --> 00:50:11,907 Mary's leaving. 671 00:50:11,907 --> 00:50:14,449 She and Noah are going back to Mapleton. 672 00:50:14,449 --> 00:50:16,365 What? 673 00:50:16,365 --> 00:50:18,115 Well, when? 674 00:50:18,115 --> 00:50:20,532 Now. Tonight. 675 00:50:20,532 --> 00:50:22,490 We've got a flight out of Austin. 676 00:50:22,490 --> 00:50:24,073 For how long? 677 00:50:27,073 --> 00:50:29,907 Ever, Kevin. 678 00:50:29,907 --> 00:50:32,032 We're going forever. 679 00:50:33,741 --> 00:50:36,115 Uh, I don't-- I don't understand. 680 00:50:36,115 --> 00:50:38,198 Without Matt? 681 00:50:40,240 --> 00:50:42,449 All of those years that he took care of you? 682 00:50:42,449 --> 00:50:44,699 He loves you. 683 00:50:46,574 --> 00:50:50,907 Did you know that Matt won't let me cross the city limits? 684 00:50:50,907 --> 00:50:52,990 He thinks if I go over that bridge, 685 00:50:52,990 --> 00:50:55,741 the magical spell that woke me from my slumber will break 686 00:50:55,741 --> 00:50:57,907 and I'll go back into a coma. 687 00:51:00,407 --> 00:51:03,407 Listen, I know Matt can get carried away, 688 00:51:03,407 --> 00:51:05,907 but his heart's in the right place. 689 00:51:05,907 --> 00:51:08,407 He's writing a book about you. 690 00:51:11,699 --> 00:51:13,115 He what? 691 00:51:13,115 --> 00:51:15,782 A book. 692 00:51:17,157 --> 00:51:20,449 He thinks the New Testament's getting old. 693 00:51:20,449 --> 00:51:21,907 I've only read some of it, 694 00:51:21,907 --> 00:51:24,490 but you figure fairly prominently, Kevin. 695 00:51:26,449 --> 00:51:29,657 - Did you know about this? - No, I did not. 696 00:51:29,657 --> 00:51:33,115 He got pretty excited when you rose from the dead. 697 00:51:36,741 --> 00:51:38,741 Where the fuck is he? 698 00:51:46,115 --> 00:51:48,073 Chief. 699 00:51:48,073 --> 00:51:50,615 Can you give us a second, Michael? I gotta talk to Matt. 700 00:51:55,282 --> 00:51:56,490 He knows. 701 00:51:58,990 --> 00:52:00,490 What do I know? 702 00:52:00,490 --> 00:52:02,990 - Michael. - He knows, Matt. 703 00:52:07,699 --> 00:52:10,866 Was it Mary? 704 00:52:10,866 --> 00:52:13,449 Or whatever she said? She's very upset right now. 705 00:52:13,449 --> 00:52:16,699 - She just, um-- - Where's the book? 706 00:52:16,699 --> 00:52:19,741 Can we just take a moment here? 707 00:52:19,741 --> 00:52:22,490 You don't even know what it is you're asking for. 708 00:52:24,699 --> 00:52:26,657 Am I in it? 709 00:52:26,657 --> 00:52:28,198 Yes. 710 00:52:29,490 --> 00:52:31,782 Is it about my life? 711 00:52:31,782 --> 00:52:33,657 Yes. 712 00:52:35,032 --> 00:52:36,574 Just give it to me. 713 00:52:36,574 --> 00:52:39,657 I can't. There's only one copy. 714 00:52:39,657 --> 00:52:43,741 - Written by hand. - I don't care how many copies there are. 715 00:52:43,741 --> 00:52:46,866 'Cause whatever little story you're making up is bullshit. 716 00:52:46,866 --> 00:52:48,990 I'm not making anything up. It's all true. 717 00:52:48,990 --> 00:52:50,532 It all happened. 718 00:52:52,198 --> 00:52:55,532 It's still happening. 719 00:53:07,615 --> 00:53:09,699 Brought y'all some supper. 720 00:53:12,115 --> 00:53:14,073 What's going on? 721 00:53:14,073 --> 00:53:16,324 Well, John, I'm glad you asked, 722 00:53:16,324 --> 00:53:20,240 'cause what's going on is Matt and your son are writing a gospel about me. 723 00:53:24,073 --> 00:53:25,741 Oh. 724 00:53:28,782 --> 00:53:30,532 "Oh"? 725 00:53:39,449 --> 00:53:42,282 I shot you in the chest... 726 00:53:43,615 --> 00:53:45,990 point-blank. 727 00:53:45,990 --> 00:53:48,365 And you got up, 728 00:53:48,365 --> 00:53:50,824 walked back into town, 729 00:53:50,824 --> 00:53:54,657 didn't even go to the hospital until the next day. 730 00:53:54,657 --> 00:53:56,990 You tried to drown yourself 731 00:53:56,990 --> 00:54:00,115 and an earthquake saved your life. 732 00:54:00,115 --> 00:54:02,948 You drank poison. 733 00:54:02,948 --> 00:54:05,574 I buried you and you went to the other place... 734 00:54:06,907 --> 00:54:08,782 and came back. 735 00:54:10,699 --> 00:54:15,574 You told them about the, uh, hotel? 736 00:54:18,615 --> 00:54:20,907 It seemed important. 737 00:54:22,449 --> 00:54:25,449 I'm not, um... 738 00:54:27,615 --> 00:54:28,990 I can die. 739 00:54:28,990 --> 00:54:30,449 Of course you can. 740 00:54:30,449 --> 00:54:33,782 Just not here. 741 00:54:33,782 --> 00:54:35,449 What? 742 00:54:35,449 --> 00:54:37,282 Here. 743 00:54:37,282 --> 00:54:41,657 You can't die here in Miracle. 744 00:54:43,699 --> 00:54:45,824 And that twisted bullshit, Matt, 745 00:54:45,824 --> 00:54:49,490 is why your wife is taking your son and leaving you. 746 00:54:51,657 --> 00:54:54,948 "If you come to me, but will not leave your family, 747 00:54:54,948 --> 00:54:57,198 you cannot be my follower." 748 00:54:59,157 --> 00:55:01,282 Is that from your book? 749 00:55:01,282 --> 00:55:04,324 No, Kevin. That's Jesus. 750 00:55:04,324 --> 00:55:07,782 - Well, I'm not fucking Jesus. - I'm not saying you are, 751 00:55:07,782 --> 00:55:11,198 but, uh, the beard looks good on you. 752 00:55:12,990 --> 00:55:14,657 Go get the book! 753 00:55:14,657 --> 00:55:16,407 Where the fuck is the book, Michael? 754 00:55:16,407 --> 00:55:18,115 - No, no, no! - He's not ready. 755 00:55:18,115 --> 00:55:19,824 - He'll destroy it! - No, he won't. 756 00:55:19,824 --> 00:55:21,449 The fuck I won't, John! 757 00:55:21,449 --> 00:55:24,157 All right, then so be it. 758 00:55:24,157 --> 00:55:28,449 Him I understand, but you? Come on, John. 759 00:55:28,449 --> 00:55:32,699 Well, we can't just be going through all of this 760 00:55:32,699 --> 00:55:33,990 for nothing, man. 761 00:55:36,532 --> 00:55:39,240 You're going through this because your daughter died. 762 00:55:39,240 --> 00:55:41,198 We don't know that! 763 00:55:42,907 --> 00:55:45,365 We don't know that. 764 00:55:45,365 --> 00:55:46,741 What? 765 00:55:46,741 --> 00:55:48,282 I'm supposed to believe she's gone 766 00:55:48,282 --> 00:55:50,198 just because they say her dental records match? 767 00:55:50,198 --> 00:55:51,948 - Y-yes. - No. 768 00:55:51,948 --> 00:55:54,365 No, man! 769 00:55:54,365 --> 00:55:57,032 Evie did it before. 770 00:55:57,032 --> 00:55:59,407 Maybe she did it again. 771 00:56:25,948 --> 00:56:29,699 I am trusting you with this, and I know you'll do the right thing. 772 00:56:31,407 --> 00:56:33,574 I haven't put your baptism in yet, 773 00:56:33,574 --> 00:56:36,073 but it's pretty much up-to-date. 774 00:56:38,615 --> 00:56:40,532 You're insane. 775 00:56:46,282 --> 00:56:49,574 There's, um, glass in your hair. 776 00:56:56,198 --> 00:56:59,365 - ♪ I see the sign ♪ - ♪ Hey ♪ 777 00:56:59,365 --> 00:57:01,907 - ♪ I see the sign ♪ - ♪ Hey ♪ 778 00:57:01,907 --> 00:57:03,324 ♪ I see the sign ♪ 779 00:57:03,324 --> 00:57:05,948 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 780 00:57:05,948 --> 00:57:08,282 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 781 00:57:08,282 --> 00:57:10,324 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 782 00:57:10,324 --> 00:57:11,782 ♪ This sign of the judgment ♪ 783 00:57:11,782 --> 00:57:14,157 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 784 00:57:14,157 --> 00:57:15,948 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 785 00:57:15,948 --> 00:57:17,782 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 786 00:57:17,782 --> 00:57:19,240 ♪ Sign in a fig tree ♪ 787 00:57:19,240 --> 00:57:21,324 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 788 00:57:21,324 --> 00:57:23,365 ♪ Loose horse in the valley ♪ 789 00:57:23,365 --> 00:57:25,282 ♪ Loose horse in the valley ♪ 790 00:57:25,282 --> 00:57:26,741 ♪ Loose horse in the valley ♪ 791 00:57:26,741 --> 00:57:28,657 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 792 00:57:28,657 --> 00:57:30,574 ♪ Tell me, who gonna ride him? ♪ 793 00:57:30,574 --> 00:57:32,407 ♪ Tell me, who gonna ride him? ♪ 794 00:57:32,407 --> 00:57:33,907 ♪ Tell me, who gonna ride him? ♪ 795 00:57:33,907 --> 00:57:35,948 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 796 00:57:35,948 --> 00:57:37,824 ♪ And Jesus gonna ride him ♪ 797 00:57:37,824 --> 00:57:39,615 ♪ And Jesus gonna ride him ♪ 798 00:57:39,615 --> 00:57:41,115 ♪ And Jesus gonna ride him ♪ 799 00:57:41,115 --> 00:57:42,907 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 800 00:57:42,907 --> 00:57:44,907 ♪ Sinner, come out the corner ♪ 801 00:57:44,907 --> 00:57:46,615 ♪ Sinner, come out the corner ♪ 802 00:57:46,615 --> 00:57:48,115 ♪ Sinner, come out the corner ♪ 803 00:57:48,115 --> 00:57:50,157 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 804 00:57:50,157 --> 00:57:52,032 ♪ Tell me what you gonna do ♪ 805 00:57:52,032 --> 00:57:53,782 ♪ Tell me what you gonna do ♪ 806 00:57:53,782 --> 00:57:55,282 ♪ Tell me what you gonna do ♪ 807 00:57:55,282 --> 00:57:57,407 ♪ Hey, Lord, time draws nigh ♪ 808 00:57:57,407 --> 00:57:58,948 ♪ Yeah! ♪ 809 00:59:39,782 --> 00:59:41,782 I was worried you had forgotten. 810 00:59:53,907 --> 00:59:57,115 Don't usually get so many so close together. 811 00:59:58,615 --> 01:00:00,574 Love is in the air. 812 01:00:06,741 --> 01:00:10,324 Um, a little extra for your trouble. 813 01:00:15,657 --> 01:00:21,282 Sarah, does the name Kevin mean anything to you? 814 01:00:27,240 --> 01:00:28,782 No. 815 01:02:32,948 --> 01:02:35,282 I need to go to Australia. It's for work. 816 01:02:35,282 --> 01:02:36,157 You mind if I borrow this? 817 01:02:36,615 --> 01:02:37,699 I need something to read on the plane. 818 01:02:37,699 --> 01:02:38,782 You busting my balls? 819 01:02:38,990 --> 01:02:41,907 - Can holy balls be busted? 820 01:02:44,449 --> 01:02:48,449 On the seventh anniversary, a great flood will come. 821 01:02:49,615 --> 01:02:52,240 -You're scared. -I am. 822 01:02:54,490 --> 01:02:57,282 I have 20,000 dollars in cash dropped in my pocket. 823 01:02:59,157 --> 01:03:00,490 You have anything else you want to tell me about? 824 01:03:00,490 --> 01:03:01,240 Maybe. 825 01:03:01,907 --> 01:03:04,490 Everything in my life I've done for a reason. 826 01:03:05,824 --> 01:03:07,157 There has to be a reason. 827 01:03:07,157 --> 01:03:07,990 Why? 828 01:03:11,824 --> 01:03:13,866 My daughter might still be alive. 829 01:03:13,866 --> 01:03:15,365 Tell me I'm crazy. 830 01:03:15,365 --> 01:03:16,449 These are crazy times. 831 01:03:20,157 --> 01:03:21,324 Storm's coming.