1 00:00:02,227 --> 00:00:03,758 Can we get the check please? 2 00:00:03,783 --> 00:00:07,100 Ooh, Christy, look. They have a fudge brownie sundae special. 3 00:00:07,125 --> 00:00:08,708 Remember when you were a little girl 4 00:00:08,710 --> 00:00:10,510 and we'd make those on rainy days? 5 00:00:10,512 --> 00:00:12,429 Mom, we've talked about this. 6 00:00:12,431 --> 00:00:15,548 You can't make up happy memories hoping I'll think they're true. 7 00:00:16,211 --> 00:00:18,885 Do you remember the kitten I got you for your fifth birthday? 8 00:00:18,887 --> 00:00:19,969 Mr. Mittens? Sure. 9 00:00:19,971 --> 00:00:21,771 Ah, so I can make them up. 10 00:00:22,635 --> 00:00:24,218 Order a sundae, I got to pee. 11 00:00:24,503 --> 00:00:26,648 - A sundae does sound good. - I'll split one. 12 00:00:26,673 --> 00:00:27,756 I could go for something sweet. 13 00:00:27,780 --> 00:00:29,006 No! No sundaes. 14 00:00:29,031 --> 00:00:30,781 - I got to get her home. - Why? 15 00:00:30,806 --> 00:00:32,390 Her boyfriend's back in town and he's waiting 16 00:00:32,414 --> 00:00:33,927 at our house to surprise her. 17 00:00:34,102 --> 00:00:36,319 - Aw... - Oh... 18 00:00:36,321 --> 00:00:37,737 The only thing waiting to surprise me 19 00:00:37,739 --> 00:00:39,687 at my place is silence. 20 00:00:39,979 --> 00:00:42,031 Is that really a surprise? 21 00:00:44,492 --> 00:00:46,665 So when she comes out, no one wants dessert. 22 00:00:46,690 --> 00:00:48,407 Jill pays the check, and we're out of here. 23 00:00:49,311 --> 00:00:50,894 Really? So we're not even gonna pretend 24 00:00:50,919 --> 00:00:52,752 to argue over it, anymore? 25 00:00:54,930 --> 00:00:56,389 You order the sundae? 26 00:00:56,391 --> 00:00:59,476 - Sorry, they're out. Let's go. - Bummer. 27 00:00:59,478 --> 00:01:01,978 Hey, maybe we can stop at the ice cream place on the way home. 28 00:01:01,980 --> 00:01:04,797 Oh, we can't. I got to study. Well, then take the car. 29 00:01:04,822 --> 00:01:06,101 I'll get a ride from one of these guys. 30 00:01:06,125 --> 00:01:07,509 - Who wants ice cream? - None of them. 31 00:01:07,533 --> 00:01:09,795 Wendy's lactose intolerant; it's past Marjorie's bedtime, 32 00:01:09,820 --> 00:01:11,524 and Jill only eats ice cream alone in the bathroom. 33 00:01:11,548 --> 00:01:12,687 Come on, let's hit it. 34 00:01:14,297 --> 00:01:16,553 Well, at least let's stop at the supermarket 35 00:01:16,555 --> 00:01:18,221 and pick up some Butter Pecan. 36 00:01:18,223 --> 00:01:20,835 Damn it woman, Adam's home and he's waiting for you 37 00:01:20,860 --> 00:01:21,915 at the house to surprise you. 38 00:01:21,939 --> 00:01:23,055 Oh, my God! 39 00:01:23,080 --> 00:01:24,586 What are we doing here?! Let's go. 40 00:01:25,247 --> 00:01:27,197 Nice work ruining the surprise. 41 00:01:27,199 --> 00:01:29,328 Nice work ruining Mr. Mittens! 42 00:01:32,238 --> 00:01:34,872 Okay, double check me. 43 00:01:34,990 --> 00:01:37,273 Boobs, breath, pits? 44 00:01:38,377 --> 00:01:40,210 Fine, fine. 45 00:01:40,212 --> 00:01:42,179 Not doing that. 46 00:01:43,966 --> 00:01:46,683 Can you believe the waiter thought I was your sister? 47 00:01:48,945 --> 00:01:50,062 Surprise! 48 00:01:50,523 --> 00:01:52,945 What?! Adam? 49 00:01:53,192 --> 00:01:54,672 Did you know...? 50 00:01:55,007 --> 00:01:56,492 You! 51 00:01:57,328 --> 00:01:58,898 And you! 52 00:01:59,014 --> 00:02:02,075 You... 53 00:02:03,536 --> 00:02:06,153 Oh, you told her, didn't you? 54 00:02:06,155 --> 00:02:09,031 Oh, who cares? It's still the best surprise ever. 55 00:02:11,377 --> 00:02:13,289 Child in the room. 56 00:02:14,265 --> 00:02:15,834 Oh... I thought you weren't done on the movie 57 00:02:15,858 --> 00:02:17,023 until the end of the month. 58 00:02:17,048 --> 00:02:20,203 Well, turns out your boyfriend's a rockin' stunt coordinator. 59 00:02:20,228 --> 00:02:22,979 Vin Diesel only had to jump out of a helicopter, 60 00:02:23,004 --> 00:02:25,170 onto a moving train... once. 61 00:02:25,195 --> 00:02:26,862 Bam, saved them two hundred grand. 62 00:02:26,887 --> 00:02:28,303 Bam, got home to my woman. 63 00:02:28,328 --> 00:02:30,766 And Bam, my new thing is saying "Bam." 64 00:02:31,703 --> 00:02:34,431 I missed you so much. 65 00:02:34,433 --> 00:02:35,992 Bam. 66 00:02:36,419 --> 00:02:38,210 So what's Vin Diesel like? 67 00:02:38,565 --> 00:02:42,039 Do people call him Vin or V or VD? 68 00:02:43,446 --> 00:02:44,883 Probably not that. 69 00:02:46,057 --> 00:02:47,812 She never could take a hint. 70 00:02:47,837 --> 00:02:49,228 Why don't we head back to your place? 71 00:02:49,252 --> 00:02:51,803 - Actually I'm staying in a hotel. - Why? 72 00:02:51,828 --> 00:02:54,234 The guy I sublet to, he still has it for two more weeks. 73 00:02:54,259 --> 00:02:56,676 But a hotel is crazy, you're just throwing money away. 74 00:02:56,701 --> 00:02:58,070 Why don't you stay here? 75 00:02:58,095 --> 00:02:59,836 Pay me half... everybody wins. 76 00:03:00,592 --> 00:03:02,267 No, no, no, no. I don't want to get in your way. 77 00:03:02,291 --> 00:03:04,708 No. You won't. Tell him, Christy. 78 00:03:04,826 --> 00:03:07,693 It's fine. Between work and school I'm never here. 79 00:03:07,718 --> 00:03:09,218 Plus Roscoe's at his dad's all week, 80 00:03:09,243 --> 00:03:10,959 so the Batcave is available. 81 00:03:11,875 --> 00:03:14,844 If it's okay with you guys, I mean, that sounds great. 82 00:03:14,869 --> 00:03:17,003 And the best part, no walk of shame. 83 00:03:17,028 --> 00:03:19,281 Oh, please, when did you ever have shame? 84 00:03:20,591 --> 00:03:22,750 Don't you have homework to do? 85 00:03:24,265 --> 00:03:26,298 Oh, sure. 86 00:03:26,323 --> 00:03:30,381 I actually do have to write a paper about trade embargoes 87 00:03:30,406 --> 00:03:32,656 and how they affect international relations. 88 00:03:32,658 --> 00:03:34,922 - It's really pretty interesting... - Take the hint! 89 00:03:39,666 --> 00:03:41,117 Ugh, my laptop. 90 00:03:43,669 --> 00:03:45,102 I forgot my... 91 00:03:45,127 --> 00:03:46,367 Holy God! 92 00:03:54,726 --> 00:03:58,812 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com -- 93 00:04:08,211 --> 00:04:09,327 So no Bonnie again tonight? 94 00:04:09,352 --> 00:04:10,768 - Nope. - Oh. 95 00:04:11,875 --> 00:04:13,341 I'm happy her fella's back, 96 00:04:13,343 --> 00:04:15,844 but she still needs to get her butt to meetings. 97 00:04:15,846 --> 00:04:19,608 Yeah, well, right now her butt's kind of occupied. 98 00:04:20,070 --> 00:04:21,967 Wait, that sounded weird. 99 00:04:23,750 --> 00:04:25,750 I'm a little worried about her. 100 00:04:25,775 --> 00:04:28,234 Every time I ever put a man ahead of my sobriety, 101 00:04:28,259 --> 00:04:30,059 I got myself in trouble. 102 00:04:30,204 --> 00:04:32,867 You make it sound like you had a lot of men. 103 00:04:33,690 --> 00:04:36,016 For your information, I was banging dudes 104 00:04:36,041 --> 00:04:38,359 while you were selling Girl Scout cookies. 105 00:04:40,702 --> 00:04:42,062 Respect. 106 00:04:43,849 --> 00:04:45,750 I think my mom is fine. 107 00:04:45,766 --> 00:04:47,349 The two of them are so into each other, 108 00:04:47,351 --> 00:04:49,685 it's like living in a Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan movie. 109 00:04:49,687 --> 00:04:51,654 You know, if Tom Hanks couldn't walk, 110 00:04:51,656 --> 00:04:54,086 and Meg Ryan was a bipolar sociopath. 111 00:04:55,383 --> 00:04:57,578 I guess there's a lid for every pot. 112 00:04:57,612 --> 00:04:59,273 I hope so. 113 00:04:59,298 --> 00:05:02,028 'Cause my pot hasn't had a lid for over a year. 114 00:05:02,509 --> 00:05:04,664 It's just an empty, dusty pot. 115 00:05:06,012 --> 00:05:07,414 Respect. 116 00:05:09,047 --> 00:05:12,131 You need to get yourself out there and meet someone. 117 00:05:12,227 --> 00:05:14,445 - Like it's that easy. - It is. 118 00:05:14,527 --> 00:05:16,699 Maybe ditch the Converse and hoodie once in a while, 119 00:05:16,724 --> 00:05:18,190 and let people see you're a girl. 120 00:05:19,266 --> 00:05:20,966 Hey, this is what all the kids wear. 121 00:05:22,062 --> 00:05:24,053 Who wants to tell her? 122 00:05:33,397 --> 00:05:34,897 Yes. 123 00:05:34,899 --> 00:05:36,181 What is your relationship to the victim? 124 00:05:41,656 --> 00:05:44,073 Is that something that has to happen right now? 125 00:05:45,038 --> 00:05:46,539 Oh, sorry. 126 00:05:46,734 --> 00:05:48,077 Didn't know it bothered you. 127 00:05:48,079 --> 00:05:49,594 I-It doesn't. It's just... 128 00:05:49,997 --> 00:05:51,664 You know, I'm watching a movie, 129 00:05:51,666 --> 00:05:53,156 ducking nail shrapnel. 130 00:05:54,727 --> 00:05:56,051 Got it. 131 00:05:56,053 --> 00:05:57,052 I'll stop. 132 00:05:57,054 --> 00:05:58,273 Thanks. 133 00:05:59,757 --> 00:06:03,186 I mean, you know, if I was sitting here shaving my legs 134 00:06:03,211 --> 00:06:04,310 while we were watching the movie, 135 00:06:04,312 --> 00:06:05,895 you might find that annoying. 136 00:06:05,897 --> 00:06:08,039 Actually, I'd find it kind of sexy. 137 00:06:09,156 --> 00:06:10,733 I'm trying to make a point. 138 00:06:10,735 --> 00:06:12,086 Well, you missed. 139 00:06:17,858 --> 00:06:19,692 I just got this pinky to clip. Do you mind if I...? 140 00:06:19,694 --> 00:06:20,805 Do it, just do it! 141 00:06:27,445 --> 00:06:29,752 Oh, you look nice. What's going on? 142 00:06:29,754 --> 00:06:31,617 Jill's taking me out to meet guys. 143 00:06:31,789 --> 00:06:34,290 Oh, well, you're not wearing your high-tops. 144 00:06:34,292 --> 00:06:35,945 Maybe you have a shot. 145 00:06:37,511 --> 00:06:39,258 - I'll get it. - Thanks, babe. 146 00:06:39,283 --> 00:06:40,606 What are you guys up to? 147 00:06:40,631 --> 00:06:42,097 Gonna get some take-out Chinese 148 00:06:42,099 --> 00:06:44,258 and hump myself into a bladder infection. 149 00:06:45,227 --> 00:06:46,635 Always the lady. 150 00:06:48,022 --> 00:06:49,805 When was the last time you went to a meeting? 151 00:06:49,807 --> 00:06:51,984 I don't know. When's the last time you got laid? 152 00:06:55,047 --> 00:06:56,779 Yeah, so I'm just gonna be Christy's wing man, 153 00:06:56,781 --> 00:06:58,814 you know, help her meet somebody. 154 00:06:59,672 --> 00:07:02,484 That is so nice of you. 155 00:07:02,486 --> 00:07:05,414 One of the things we learn in sobriety is to be of service. 156 00:07:05,879 --> 00:07:07,495 Very admirable. 157 00:07:08,453 --> 00:07:09,672 Hey. 158 00:07:09,697 --> 00:07:12,187 Hey, stranger, haven't seen much of you lately. 159 00:07:12,212 --> 00:07:14,296 Yeah, well, I'm seeing a lot of you. 160 00:07:14,461 --> 00:07:16,389 Thanks. You ready to go? 161 00:07:16,414 --> 00:07:18,498 - Yeah, let's hit it. - Good luck. 162 00:07:18,523 --> 00:07:21,117 Bonnie, I don't need any... 163 00:07:21,867 --> 00:07:24,070 You were talking to Christy. Got it. 164 00:07:24,812 --> 00:07:26,842 - Bye. - Bye. 165 00:07:28,145 --> 00:07:30,145 I thought you were gonna be my wing man tonight. 166 00:07:30,147 --> 00:07:31,263 I am. 167 00:07:31,265 --> 00:07:33,430 What about all this says "man"? 168 00:07:40,608 --> 00:07:42,441 What do you feel like watching? 169 00:07:42,443 --> 00:07:45,694 Wow, so we're just gonna pretend that didn't happen? 170 00:07:45,696 --> 00:07:46,945 What didn't happen? 171 00:07:46,947 --> 00:07:48,364 Oh, please. 172 00:07:48,366 --> 00:07:50,009 You couldn't stop staring at Jill's boobs. 173 00:07:50,250 --> 00:07:51,867 Well, what choice did I have? 174 00:07:51,869 --> 00:07:53,419 The damn things threw a shadow. 175 00:07:54,622 --> 00:07:56,038 Don't, just don't. 176 00:07:56,040 --> 00:07:57,256 I mean it, it... 177 00:07:57,383 --> 00:07:59,859 It was noticeably cooler under them. 178 00:08:00,628 --> 00:08:03,095 Oh, so this is funny to you? 179 00:08:03,097 --> 00:08:04,546 Yes, it's... 180 00:08:05,549 --> 00:08:07,477 No. Not really... 181 00:08:07,885 --> 00:08:09,992 Forget it, let's just watch TV. 182 00:08:10,945 --> 00:08:12,521 You sure? 183 00:08:12,523 --> 00:08:13,953 Yeah. 184 00:08:15,476 --> 00:08:17,664 Oh, my God, you don't love me! 185 00:08:29,398 --> 00:08:32,363 I can't believe you brought me to an AA meeting to meet men. 186 00:08:32,388 --> 00:08:35,187 Oh, sweetie, this isn't just any AA meeting. 187 00:08:39,734 --> 00:08:42,641 Oh, my God, they're all so pretty. 188 00:08:45,368 --> 00:08:46,868 Don't be intimidated. 189 00:08:46,870 --> 00:08:48,891 They're just like you, but better. 190 00:08:49,867 --> 00:08:51,456 No kidding. 191 00:08:51,458 --> 00:08:52,674 Look at all these hot guys. 192 00:08:52,676 --> 00:08:53,875 Yeah. Some of them are gay, 193 00:08:53,877 --> 00:08:55,359 but they're all fun to look at. 194 00:08:56,046 --> 00:08:57,414 Hey, Jill. Good to see you. 195 00:08:57,439 --> 00:08:58,938 Hey, Cheryl. 196 00:08:59,097 --> 00:09:00,907 She's got a husband and two lovers in this room. 197 00:09:00,931 --> 00:09:02,773 I'll let you figure out who they are. 198 00:09:03,655 --> 00:09:06,906 Oh, this is much more fun than "What did Marjorie knit?" 199 00:09:07,643 --> 00:09:09,484 Okay, meeting time. 200 00:09:09,509 --> 00:09:11,781 Okay, little advice? You know how when we share 201 00:09:11,806 --> 00:09:14,090 at our meetings, it's all about honesty and vulnerability? 202 00:09:14,115 --> 00:09:15,734 - Yeah? - Not here. 203 00:09:16,067 --> 00:09:17,797 Here, you're selling yourself. 204 00:09:17,822 --> 00:09:20,039 So leave out the pole dancing and the poverty. 205 00:09:20,370 --> 00:09:23,078 Got it. And maybe don't mention you live with your mom. 206 00:09:23,103 --> 00:09:26,321 Okay. And no reason to bring up those kids. 207 00:09:26,564 --> 00:09:28,766 Well, there goes my whole act. 208 00:09:29,416 --> 00:09:33,109 Maybe together we're discovering why your pot's all dusty. 209 00:09:38,922 --> 00:09:40,755 I hate it when we bicker. 210 00:09:40,757 --> 00:09:43,891 Me, too, but we are very good at making up. 211 00:09:45,562 --> 00:09:47,336 We never used to fight. 212 00:09:47,764 --> 00:09:49,514 Maybe me staying here is too much. 213 00:09:49,516 --> 00:09:51,375 You know, I can just go back to the hotel. 214 00:09:51,400 --> 00:09:53,422 No, don't be silly. I love this. 215 00:09:53,447 --> 00:09:55,814 I love being together all the time. 216 00:09:55,839 --> 00:09:57,961 - Good answer. - Oh. 217 00:09:58,945 --> 00:10:00,908 You know what I like best about you? 218 00:10:00,910 --> 00:10:02,445 What? 219 00:10:04,273 --> 00:10:06,247 Did you just check your watch?! 220 00:10:06,249 --> 00:10:08,833 No. I mean, yes, but I was still listening. 221 00:10:08,835 --> 00:10:10,618 You have some place to go? 222 00:10:10,620 --> 00:10:13,797 No. I'm here and waiting to find out what you like best about me. 223 00:10:14,687 --> 00:10:16,531 That ship has sailed. 224 00:10:17,812 --> 00:10:19,922 Bonnie, come on... 225 00:10:21,650 --> 00:10:23,984 Guess I can check my e-mails now. 226 00:10:26,828 --> 00:10:29,016 Hi. I'm Christy. 227 00:10:29,041 --> 00:10:30,540 I'm an alcoholic... 228 00:10:30,565 --> 00:10:32,231 and a Capricorn. 229 00:10:32,358 --> 00:10:34,008 Hi, Christy. 230 00:10:34,033 --> 00:10:36,234 Hi. Hi. 231 00:10:38,664 --> 00:10:42,066 I've been sober a little more than three years. 232 00:10:42,068 --> 00:10:45,531 Now I'm not addicted to anything except yoga. 233 00:10:45,822 --> 00:10:49,207 But that's okay 'cause what kind of trouble could I get into 234 00:10:49,209 --> 00:10:51,469 lying on the floor, all sweaty, 235 00:10:51,578 --> 00:10:54,453 pushing my body to its limits? 236 00:10:59,836 --> 00:11:02,641 I'm also stretching my mind. 237 00:11:02,666 --> 00:11:04,656 I've gone back to school. 238 00:11:04,681 --> 00:11:08,517 I'm pursuing a law degree, which was scary at first 239 00:11:08,542 --> 00:11:11,516 'cause I'm usually the oldest one in my class. 240 00:11:14,317 --> 00:11:18,367 But that doesn't stop all those hot young college guys 241 00:11:18,392 --> 00:11:20,586 from, you know... 242 00:11:21,122 --> 00:11:23,590 copying off my homework. 243 00:11:29,532 --> 00:11:31,070 I love fighting with you. 244 00:11:32,536 --> 00:11:34,619 - I love making up. - Oh. 245 00:11:35,004 --> 00:11:36,875 Are we gonna fight about this? 246 00:11:36,900 --> 00:11:38,681 'Cause I'm gonna need an hour and some Gatorade. 247 00:11:38,705 --> 00:11:40,812 Oh! 248 00:11:41,398 --> 00:11:43,261 I can't remember the last time 249 00:11:43,263 --> 00:11:45,391 - I felt this safe in a relationship. - Mmm. 250 00:11:45,826 --> 00:11:47,859 I mean, growing up in foster care, 251 00:11:47,884 --> 00:11:49,242 it's really hard to trust people, 252 00:11:49,267 --> 00:11:52,023 but... I trust you so much. 253 00:11:57,227 --> 00:11:59,234 I'm gonna tell you a secret. 254 00:12:01,117 --> 00:12:03,231 Before I had Christy... 255 00:12:03,233 --> 00:12:05,078 Oh. 256 00:12:05,985 --> 00:12:09,742 I had this crazy idea that I could become a singer. 257 00:12:11,569 --> 00:12:14,537 I mean, I'm not talking rock star, but 258 00:12:14,562 --> 00:12:18,812 I pictured myself in a club with a piano. 259 00:12:23,109 --> 00:12:27,984 ♪ Some say love ♪ 260 00:12:28,820 --> 00:12:33,656 ♪ It is a river ♪ 261 00:12:34,293 --> 00:12:36,860 ♪ That drowns... ♪ 262 00:12:37,934 --> 00:12:39,901 I am singing, you son of a bitch! 263 00:12:41,569 --> 00:12:44,036 Ow. 264 00:12:45,863 --> 00:12:47,413 So, what did you think of the meeting? 265 00:12:47,438 --> 00:12:48,971 I didn't hear a word anybody said. 266 00:12:48,996 --> 00:12:50,662 I was too busy being on my honeymoon 267 00:12:50,687 --> 00:12:52,353 with the guy in the brown jacket. Oh. 268 00:12:52,505 --> 00:12:54,141 - Where'd you go? - Maui. 269 00:12:54,166 --> 00:12:56,586 The hotel gave us robes with our names on 'em. 270 00:12:57,453 --> 00:12:59,781 Excuse me. Christy, right? 271 00:12:59,881 --> 00:13:01,414 - Oh, yeah. Hi. - Hi. 272 00:13:01,439 --> 00:13:03,508 I'm Derek. I just wanted to tell you, 273 00:13:03,533 --> 00:13:06,000 - I really enjoyed your share. - Thanks. 274 00:13:06,025 --> 00:13:07,776 You know, I've been thinking about going back 275 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:10,300 to school myself, so I found that really inspiring. 276 00:13:10,697 --> 00:13:13,125 - I'm glad. - I'm Jill. 277 00:13:13,922 --> 00:13:15,108 Hi. 278 00:13:15,133 --> 00:13:17,633 Uh, so tell me why'd you decide to study law? 279 00:13:17,658 --> 00:13:21,194 Well, before I got sober, I frequently needed a lawyer, 280 00:13:21,227 --> 00:13:23,961 so I figured, why not cut out the middleman. 281 00:13:24,437 --> 00:13:28,238 Also, I wanted to do something worthwhile, try to help people. 282 00:13:28,263 --> 00:13:29,789 Me, too. That's why 283 00:13:29,814 --> 00:13:32,508 I give my housekeeper Botox every Christmas. 284 00:13:33,583 --> 00:13:35,930 Nobody likes a wrinkly maid. 285 00:13:36,211 --> 00:13:38,008 I see. It's terrific. 286 00:13:38,591 --> 00:13:41,208 Uh, I've never seen you at this meeting before, right? 287 00:13:41,492 --> 00:13:43,719 I usually go to meetings closer to home. 288 00:13:43,744 --> 00:13:46,578 She lives in a nasty part of town with her mom. 289 00:13:47,953 --> 00:13:49,337 Well, listen, uh, 290 00:13:49,339 --> 00:13:51,298 if you haven't already had too much coffee, why don't we go...? 291 00:13:51,322 --> 00:13:52,392 Do you know the guy in the brown jacket? 292 00:13:52,416 --> 00:13:54,867 - Christy wants to marry him. - Jill! 293 00:13:55,072 --> 00:13:57,206 - Sorry, I don't. - Hang on. 294 00:13:57,641 --> 00:13:59,898 - What the hell is wrong with you?! - What?! 295 00:13:59,923 --> 00:14:01,641 You're embarrassing me in front of Eric. 296 00:14:01,665 --> 00:14:02,602 It's Derek. 297 00:14:02,627 --> 00:14:05,656 I said hang on! I thought you were gonna help me. 298 00:14:05,681 --> 00:14:08,203 Well, I'm trying, but now you're making a scene. 299 00:14:08,228 --> 00:14:10,461 You know what? Uh, I actually have to go... 300 00:14:10,842 --> 00:14:12,844 call my sponsor. 301 00:14:14,478 --> 00:14:16,728 Thank you so very much. 302 00:14:16,758 --> 00:14:17,859 What is your problem? 303 00:14:17,884 --> 00:14:20,250 I was trying to get you and Brown Jacket off to Maui. 304 00:14:20,311 --> 00:14:22,645 Forget Brown Jacket! I had a shot at Eric. 305 00:14:22,647 --> 00:14:24,597 - It's Derek. - I don't care! 306 00:14:24,789 --> 00:14:26,766 You totally torpedoed me! 307 00:14:26,768 --> 00:14:29,268 Why didn't you just tell him my kids have two different dads?! 308 00:14:29,270 --> 00:14:31,461 Or that I was a stripper?! 309 00:14:33,383 --> 00:14:35,711 Oh, you are gonna kick yourself in a minute. 310 00:14:40,953 --> 00:14:41,864 Hey. 311 00:14:41,866 --> 00:14:44,283 Hey. How'd it go? 312 00:14:44,605 --> 00:14:47,108 Jill vag-blocked me. 313 00:14:48,922 --> 00:14:50,034 Where's Adam? 314 00:14:50,059 --> 00:14:52,008 Adam's having a time out. 315 00:14:52,158 --> 00:14:54,575 Christy, she won't give me back my chair! 316 00:14:57,413 --> 00:14:59,125 We may have hit a rough patch. 317 00:14:59,531 --> 00:15:01,481 So you took away his wheelchair? 318 00:15:01,506 --> 00:15:02,972 What are you doing? 319 00:15:02,997 --> 00:15:04,747 I'm helping the man who can't walk. 320 00:15:04,772 --> 00:15:06,355 Oh, sure. Take his side. 321 00:15:06,492 --> 00:15:07,844 What if he has to pee? 322 00:15:07,869 --> 00:15:09,039 I do! 323 00:15:10,031 --> 00:15:11,781 Marjorie's right. You need to go to a meeting. 324 00:15:11,806 --> 00:15:13,355 Oh, my God, enough with the meetings! 325 00:15:13,380 --> 00:15:14,963 It's not always about a meeting! 326 00:15:14,988 --> 00:15:16,571 Sometimes it's about two people 327 00:15:16,596 --> 00:15:18,513 who clearly aren't meant to be together! 328 00:15:18,705 --> 00:15:20,961 That man is impossible to live with! 329 00:15:20,986 --> 00:15:23,781 He trims his nails, watches TV, 330 00:15:23,806 --> 00:15:25,722 he looks at his watch, sleeps! 331 00:15:25,747 --> 00:15:27,734 How am I supposed to love someone like that?! 332 00:15:28,261 --> 00:15:30,687 - Mom. - I know! I need a meeting! 333 00:15:31,195 --> 00:15:33,172 There's a late one at St. Pat's. I'll drive. 334 00:15:33,197 --> 00:15:34,530 That's it. I've had it. 335 00:15:34,555 --> 00:15:36,364 You're out of your freakin' mind, okay? 336 00:15:36,389 --> 00:15:38,437 You're right. I know. I am. I'm sorry. 337 00:15:38,462 --> 00:15:40,102 I love you. I'll see you in an hour. 338 00:15:40,127 --> 00:15:41,710 Wait. What...? What did she just...? 339 00:15:41,735 --> 00:15:43,195 What just happened? 340 00:15:44,066 --> 00:15:46,734 Don't worry. When she gets back, she'll be a different person. 341 00:15:46,759 --> 00:15:49,375 She's been three different people in the last hour! 342 00:15:59,540 --> 00:16:02,266 - It's good to have you back, Bonnie. - It's good to be back. 343 00:16:02,907 --> 00:16:04,624 You know I find with my Victor, 344 00:16:04,626 --> 00:16:06,875 the more meetings I go to, the better our marriage. 345 00:16:06,900 --> 00:16:09,500 And I'm sure he appreciates your absence. 346 00:16:11,070 --> 00:16:13,466 Good to have you back, Bonnie. 347 00:16:14,803 --> 00:16:16,523 You seem kind of quiet. Everything okay? 348 00:16:16,548 --> 00:16:17,269 I'm fine. 349 00:16:17,294 --> 00:16:19,047 - I'm fine, too. - No one asked you. 350 00:16:19,103 --> 00:16:21,617 Hey, I went out of my way to help you meet guys, 351 00:16:21,642 --> 00:16:23,156 and you were nothing but ungrateful. 352 00:16:23,181 --> 00:16:24,680 You didn't help me do anything. 353 00:16:24,705 --> 00:16:27,373 You were jealous that Eric-Derek liked me instead of you. 354 00:16:27,398 --> 00:16:28,697 Oh, get over yourself. 355 00:16:28,722 --> 00:16:30,388 Eric-Derek went after the little mouse 356 00:16:30,413 --> 00:16:32,280 'cause he knew the big mouse was out of his league. 357 00:16:32,437 --> 00:16:34,354 Don't tell me what Eric-Derek was thinking. 358 00:16:34,356 --> 00:16:36,272 You don't know what Eric-Derek was thinking. 359 00:16:36,274 --> 00:16:39,275 - Now, come on, ladies. - No, let 'em punch themselves out. 360 00:16:39,277 --> 00:16:41,281 What kind of name is Eric-Derek? 361 00:16:41,830 --> 00:16:43,780 Just face it... you suck as a friend 362 00:16:43,782 --> 00:16:44,906 'cause you're threatened by other women. 363 00:16:44,931 --> 00:16:46,598 I am not! 364 00:16:46,785 --> 00:16:47,917 Come on, ladies. 365 00:16:47,919 --> 00:16:50,312 Get my back here, right? 366 00:16:52,123 --> 00:16:53,992 See? They're with me. 367 00:16:55,593 --> 00:16:57,794 And you know what? If I do have issues 368 00:16:57,796 --> 00:16:59,262 with women, it's not my fault. 369 00:16:59,264 --> 00:17:00,880 All my life, they've let me down. 370 00:17:00,882 --> 00:17:02,765 - Here we go. - It's true. 371 00:17:02,767 --> 00:17:05,101 My mother killed herself just when I needed her most. 372 00:17:05,103 --> 00:17:06,398 My therapist married my dad. 373 00:17:06,423 --> 00:17:09,874 And my housekeeper does a really unflattering impression of me. 374 00:17:10,260 --> 00:17:11,593 What does that sound like? 375 00:17:11,618 --> 00:17:14,062 Me, but Southern and stupid. 376 00:17:14,570 --> 00:17:17,336 Excuse me, but I never let you down. 377 00:17:22,320 --> 00:17:23,828 You're right. 378 00:17:26,902 --> 00:17:29,672 You're right. I'm sorry I let my ego get the best of me. 379 00:17:31,898 --> 00:17:33,129 But the thing is... 380 00:17:33,131 --> 00:17:34,258 Stop! 381 00:17:34,878 --> 00:17:37,745 Leave out the excuses and just say you're sorry. 382 00:17:39,773 --> 00:17:41,754 I'm sorry. 383 00:17:42,469 --> 00:17:43,840 Okay. 384 00:17:43,842 --> 00:17:45,453 I forgive you. 385 00:17:45,894 --> 00:17:47,531 Thanks. 386 00:17:48,236 --> 00:17:50,119 Whenever you're ready. 387 00:17:51,627 --> 00:17:54,344 Oh, don't leave her the check, honey. She's poor. 388 00:17:58,281 --> 00:18:00,723 Ugh. I just did it again, didn't I? 389 00:18:03,091 --> 00:18:07,406 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com --