1 00:00:02,877 --> 00:00:05,255 How you doing over there? 2 00:00:02,877 --> 00:00:05,255 I'm good. 3 00:00:05,338 --> 00:00:07,090 Really good. 4 00:00:05,338 --> 00:00:07,090 Good. 5 00:00:09,634 --> 00:00:11,261 Is it weird that I'm good? 6 00:00:11,344 --> 00:00:13,263 No, it's good that you're good. 7 00:00:13,346 --> 00:00:17,267 Good. Well, I'm good. 8 00:00:17,350 --> 00:00:19,269 Every mom dreams of the day when they drop 9 00:00:19,352 --> 00:00:22,397 their 42-year-old daughter off at the airport to go to school. 10 00:00:25,024 --> 00:00:27,444 And I did it all by myself. 11 00:00:27,527 --> 00:00:28,820 Hey, I'm here. 12 00:00:28,903 --> 00:00:31,948 Oh, not the dropping off, the raising. 13 00:00:28,903 --> 00:00:31,948 Oh. 14 00:00:32,031 --> 00:00:33,742 I mean, I wasn't there the whole time. 15 00:00:33,825 --> 00:00:35,493 But I was definitely there for the beginning. 16 00:00:35,577 --> 00:00:39,122 In and out during the middle, and rock-solid from age 37 on, 17 00:00:39,205 --> 00:00:41,207 you know, the formative years. 18 00:00:41,291 --> 00:00:42,917 You have a lot to be proud of. 19 00:00:43,001 --> 00:00:45,295 Damn right. Georgetown Law School 20 00:00:45,378 --> 00:00:47,672 on a full scholarship. 21 00:00:47,756 --> 00:00:50,300 Phew. Lot of parents would be in a puddle of tears right now, 22 00:00:50,383 --> 00:00:51,968 but you know what I think of them? 23 00:00:52,051 --> 00:00:54,137 Selfish. (chuckles) 24 00:00:54,220 --> 00:00:56,306 Not me, 'cause I'm focusing on what she's gonna get, 25 00:00:56,389 --> 00:00:58,016 not what I'm gonna lose. 26 00:01:00,018 --> 00:01:01,644 (voice breaking): Which is the most beautiful little girl 27 00:01:01,728 --> 00:01:03,980 a mother could ever have. 28 00:01:04,063 --> 00:01:06,483 And this is why I drove. 29 00:01:06,566 --> 00:01:09,194 (crying): Oh, please. You're gonna cry, too. 30 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:10,653 Am not. 31 00:01:10,737 --> 00:01:13,531 The Father's Day card she gave you last year? 32 00:01:13,615 --> 00:01:15,784 (crying): Why would you do that to me? 33 00:01:15,867 --> 00:01:18,328 'Cause you miss her as much as I do. 34 00:01:18,411 --> 00:01:20,205 I-I do! 35 00:01:20,288 --> 00:01:22,373 (both sobbing) 36 00:01:24,626 --> 00:01:26,294 You want to go back and watch the plane take off? 37 00:01:26,377 --> 00:01:28,338 I do! 38 00:01:26,377 --> 00:01:28,338 Okay. 39 00:01:30,298 --> 00:01:32,383 ♪ ♪ 40 00:01:51,236 --> 00:01:53,404 Bonnie, alcoholic. 41 00:01:51,236 --> 00:01:53,404 ALL: Hi, Bonnie. 42 00:01:53,488 --> 00:01:56,491 Well, it's been a month since Adam and I became empty-nesters, 43 00:01:56,574 --> 00:01:58,493 and we are loving it. 44 00:01:58,576 --> 00:02:01,412 We learn something new about each other every day. 45 00:02:01,496 --> 00:02:03,540 And we learn a lot about Christy, too. 46 00:02:03,623 --> 00:02:05,208 Apparently, she was the one vacuuming the living room. 47 00:02:05,291 --> 00:02:06,334 (chuckles) 48 00:02:07,627 --> 00:02:09,546 And another thing we learned about her, 49 00:02:09,629 --> 00:02:11,756 she doesn't understand time zones. 50 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:13,716 She's smart enough to get a scholarship to law school, 51 00:02:13,800 --> 00:02:15,426 but she can't grasp the fact that her 7:00 a.m. 52 00:02:15,510 --> 00:02:17,178 is my 4:00 a.m. 53 00:02:17,262 --> 00:02:20,348 She's constantly waking me up 'cause she can't subtract three. 54 00:02:21,474 --> 00:02:23,351 Well, my fault. 55 00:02:23,434 --> 00:02:26,563 I should've taken her to kindergarten once in a while. 56 00:02:26,646 --> 00:02:28,106 Yeah, she's in law school. She's fine. 57 00:02:28,189 --> 00:02:30,191 That's it. Thanks. 58 00:02:30,275 --> 00:02:32,235 (applause) 59 00:02:30,275 --> 00:02:32,235 Now that Christy's gone, 60 00:02:32,318 --> 00:02:33,528 would you like me to roll my eyes 61 00:02:33,611 --> 00:02:35,280 a little bit more while you share? 62 00:02:36,823 --> 00:02:39,075 Tammy? 63 00:02:36,823 --> 00:02:39,075 Tammy, alcoholic. 64 00:02:39,158 --> 00:02:40,285 ALL: Hi, Tammy. 65 00:02:40,368 --> 00:02:41,953 Uh, it's my birthday tomorrow. 66 00:02:42,036 --> 00:02:43,913 Uh, not a sober one, a squeezing out of the womb one. 67 00:02:43,997 --> 00:02:46,040 Normally, 68 00:02:46,124 --> 00:02:49,669 I love my birthday, but not this year. 69 00:02:49,752 --> 00:02:53,381 My dad tracked me down from prison and sent me a card 70 00:02:53,464 --> 00:02:55,008 saying he's gonna call me tomorrow. 71 00:02:56,509 --> 00:02:58,428 What am I supposed to do with that? 72 00:02:58,511 --> 00:03:01,139 The man killed my mom. 73 00:03:01,222 --> 00:03:03,641 I haven't talked to him since I was 14. 74 00:03:03,725 --> 00:03:05,393 And I don't want to talk to him now. 75 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:10,106 I know this program is about second chances, 76 00:03:10,189 --> 00:03:12,275 but does that mean I have to give him one? 77 00:03:12,358 --> 00:03:14,444 I mean... I don't know. 78 00:03:14,527 --> 00:03:17,780 I'm totally spinning out over what to do. 79 00:03:17,864 --> 00:03:19,365 Thanks. 80 00:03:20,366 --> 00:03:21,743 (applause) 81 00:03:21,826 --> 00:03:23,453 Well, now I feel bad for sharing about 82 00:03:23,536 --> 00:03:25,330 how my Jacuzzi's not bubbly enough. 83 00:03:27,916 --> 00:03:29,626 You know, there's a place where you can get free hot wings 84 00:03:29,709 --> 00:03:31,377 on your birthday. 85 00:03:29,709 --> 00:03:31,377 Nice. 86 00:03:31,461 --> 00:03:33,171 Yeah, they give you a free wing for every year. 87 00:03:33,254 --> 00:03:35,506 It's the only time I'm honest about my age. 88 00:03:36,507 --> 00:03:39,969 Wow, it is a mess over here. 89 00:03:40,053 --> 00:03:43,139 I know. Christy really did a lot more cleaning than we thought. 90 00:03:43,222 --> 00:03:44,933 Yeah, well, I'll pick up the slack. 91 00:03:45,016 --> 00:03:46,476 Great. She used to do the coffee urn. 92 00:03:46,559 --> 00:03:48,645 Oh, on it. 93 00:03:48,728 --> 00:03:50,480 (gasps) Oh, I think we should throw this one away 94 00:03:50,563 --> 00:03:52,482 and start over. 95 00:03:52,565 --> 00:03:56,527 Girls, don't forget Tammy's surprise dinner tomorrow. 96 00:03:56,611 --> 00:03:59,781 BOTH: Get there by 7:00 and park the car around the corner. 97 00:03:59,864 --> 00:04:02,492 Good. You're as excited as I am. 98 00:04:02,575 --> 00:04:04,827 Brilliant idea: I'm gonna throw Tammy 99 00:04:04,911 --> 00:04:06,996 a surprise slumber party tomorrow night at my house. 100 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:08,498 (gasps) Love it. 101 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:08,498 Sounds good. 102 00:04:08,581 --> 00:04:10,333 Bonnie, you know I've been planning a dinner. 103 00:04:10,416 --> 00:04:11,334 But my idea's better. 104 00:04:11,417 --> 00:04:13,169 Kind of is. 105 00:04:13,252 --> 00:04:15,213 I've been working on this for weeks. 106 00:04:15,296 --> 00:04:16,506 Well, I'm sorry, but she told me 107 00:04:16,589 --> 00:04:17,674 she really wanted a slumber party. 108 00:04:17,757 --> 00:04:19,509 When did she say that? 109 00:04:20,259 --> 00:04:21,260 When she was 14. 110 00:04:22,637 --> 00:04:24,222 But I'm sure it's still true. 111 00:04:27,934 --> 00:04:29,185 Oh, damn it. 112 00:04:29,269 --> 00:04:30,645 What's up? 113 00:04:30,728 --> 00:04:33,481 I accidentally got "It's a Girl!" balloons. 114 00:04:33,564 --> 00:04:34,857 Well, Tammy is a girl. 115 00:04:36,901 --> 00:04:40,196 I'm sorry, I know you don't like me to look on the bright side. 116 00:04:40,279 --> 00:04:43,116 I really want to keep Tammy's mind off her dad calling. 117 00:04:43,199 --> 00:04:46,202 This party has to be perfect, and I messed up the decorations. 118 00:04:46,286 --> 00:04:48,037 Or you did that on purpose so, when Jill gets here, 119 00:04:48,121 --> 00:04:50,790 she takes over and does everything for you. 120 00:04:50,873 --> 00:04:53,209 Look, I didn't marry you so you could get to know me. 121 00:04:53,293 --> 00:04:56,254 (knocking on door) 122 00:04:57,255 --> 00:05:00,174 Hey. 123 00:05:00,258 --> 00:05:01,884 Oh, hey, Adam, are you staying 124 00:05:01,968 --> 00:05:05,179 for the ladies-only party that's only for ladies? 125 00:05:05,263 --> 00:05:07,098 No, Gus and I are going fishing. 126 00:05:07,181 --> 00:05:08,725 That's code for drinking beer in a cabin 127 00:05:08,808 --> 00:05:10,184 and not fishing at all. 128 00:05:08,808 --> 00:05:10,184 (chuckles) 129 00:05:10,268 --> 00:05:11,769 She's not wrong. 130 00:05:10,268 --> 00:05:11,769 Mwah. 131 00:05:11,853 --> 00:05:12,770 Have fun. 132 00:05:12,854 --> 00:05:13,730 Come on, Gus. 133 00:05:15,023 --> 00:05:16,941 He doesn't even own a rod. 134 00:05:17,025 --> 00:05:18,901 ADAM: I'm gonna pick one up at the liquor store! 135 00:05:20,028 --> 00:05:21,738 So... (clears throat) 136 00:05:21,821 --> 00:05:23,740 Am I seeing your decorations in their entirety? 137 00:05:23,823 --> 00:05:26,367 No. I got baby shower balloons. 138 00:05:27,326 --> 00:05:30,413 Mm-hmm, taking over. 139 00:05:30,496 --> 00:05:32,457 Mm-hmm, letting you. 140 00:05:36,002 --> 00:05:38,880 (knocking on door) 141 00:05:38,963 --> 00:05:40,214 What's this? 142 00:05:40,298 --> 00:05:41,758 It's the cake you asked me to bring. 143 00:05:41,841 --> 00:05:43,551 But it's from the grocery store. 144 00:05:43,634 --> 00:05:45,595 I thought you'd bake something. 145 00:05:45,678 --> 00:05:48,097 And I thought we'd be at a nice dinner right now. 146 00:05:48,181 --> 00:05:50,767 Guess we were both wrong. 147 00:05:50,850 --> 00:05:52,435 We don't just go to bed, right? 148 00:05:52,518 --> 00:05:53,770 Don't look at me. 149 00:05:53,853 --> 00:05:55,605 My gosh, did none of you ever go 150 00:05:55,688 --> 00:05:56,939 to a slumber party when you were kids? 151 00:05:57,023 --> 00:05:58,316 Foster care. 152 00:05:57,023 --> 00:05:58,316 No friends. 153 00:05:58,399 --> 00:06:01,027 I was strung out on horse. 154 00:06:02,987 --> 00:06:04,739 Oh. Well, lucky for you, 155 00:06:04,822 --> 00:06:07,700 I was extremely popular and I will guide you through it. 156 00:06:07,784 --> 00:06:09,786 There is an ebb and flow to a slumber party, 157 00:06:09,869 --> 00:06:12,121 not unlike a poem or a good massage. 158 00:06:12,205 --> 00:06:13,122 (knocking on door) 159 00:06:13,206 --> 00:06:14,832 She's here. Big smiles. 160 00:06:14,916 --> 00:06:16,542 Not the pageant one, Jill, the real one. 161 00:06:19,837 --> 00:06:22,131 Hey. Remember what you wanted for your 14th birthday? 162 00:06:22,215 --> 00:06:23,299 A case of beer? 163 00:06:22,215 --> 00:06:23,299 No. 164 00:06:23,382 --> 00:06:24,509 Curly hair? True love? 165 00:06:23,382 --> 00:06:24,509 No. 166 00:06:24,592 --> 00:06:26,302 No. A slumber party. And here it is! 167 00:06:26,385 --> 00:06:28,304 ALL: Surprise! 168 00:06:28,387 --> 00:06:30,598 Oh, my God, you guys. This is amazing! 169 00:06:30,681 --> 00:06:32,475 Look at the flowers and balloons. 170 00:06:32,558 --> 00:06:34,185 And a sign with my name on it. 171 00:06:34,268 --> 00:06:37,230 Oh, there's no way this could possibly be better. 172 00:06:37,313 --> 00:06:39,107 Unless we had a homemade cake. 173 00:06:43,194 --> 00:06:45,154 Never have I ever 174 00:06:45,238 --> 00:06:47,156 faked a toothache just to get nitrous. 175 00:06:47,240 --> 00:06:48,658 Oh. 176 00:06:47,240 --> 00:06:48,658 (laughs) 177 00:06:48,741 --> 00:06:50,451 So, I drink if I've done it? 178 00:06:50,535 --> 00:06:51,744 ALL: Yes. 179 00:06:51,828 --> 00:06:53,496 We've been playing this game for half an hour. 180 00:06:53,579 --> 00:06:55,498 How is this still a question for you? 181 00:06:55,581 --> 00:06:58,042 The sentence structure is very confusing. 182 00:06:58,126 --> 00:07:00,962 It should really just be "have you ever." 183 00:07:01,045 --> 00:07:02,338 Well, normally, you'd play this game drunk, 184 00:07:02,421 --> 00:07:03,548 so grammar doesn't matter. 185 00:07:04,549 --> 00:07:06,509 Okay, let me try one. 186 00:07:06,592 --> 00:07:09,178 I have never, ever, never... 187 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:11,305 Oy. 188 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:11,305 (all groan) 189 00:07:11,389 --> 00:07:13,850 ...had sex in a church. 190 00:07:11,389 --> 00:07:13,850 WENDY: Mm. 191 00:07:13,933 --> 00:07:16,102 Wait, it was a bris. Do synagogues count? 192 00:07:16,185 --> 00:07:18,479 How about an Amish guy at a barn raising? 193 00:07:18,563 --> 00:07:20,439 Any place where God is defiled. 194 00:07:21,649 --> 00:07:23,401 Hey, didn't you have sex at a funeral? 195 00:07:23,484 --> 00:07:25,486 I did, but it was at the cemetery. 196 00:07:25,570 --> 00:07:27,572 Thanks for remembering, though. 197 00:07:28,447 --> 00:07:29,907 You go, Bonnie. 198 00:07:29,991 --> 00:07:33,327 Oh, good luck finding something you haven't done. 199 00:07:33,411 --> 00:07:36,664 Never have I ever eaten cat treats 200 00:07:36,747 --> 00:07:38,457 because I was curious. 201 00:07:39,959 --> 00:07:41,502 I knew it! 202 00:07:39,959 --> 00:07:41,502 (all laughing) 203 00:07:42,795 --> 00:07:43,880 Tammy, go. 204 00:07:43,963 --> 00:07:46,215 No, no, I want to go again. 205 00:07:46,299 --> 00:07:48,384 Never have I ever 206 00:07:48,467 --> 00:07:50,720 killed something I was supposed to be taking care of. 207 00:07:50,803 --> 00:07:52,722 I forgot to water your ficus. Get over it. 208 00:07:52,805 --> 00:07:55,725 All 73 of your cats were still alive, weren't they? 209 00:07:58,311 --> 00:07:59,896 What'd you kill, someone's buzz? 210 00:07:59,979 --> 00:08:01,731 No. 211 00:08:01,814 --> 00:08:03,191 A man. 212 00:08:03,274 --> 00:08:04,525 TAMMY, BONNIE AND MARJORIE: What? 213 00:08:03,274 --> 00:08:04,525 Wait, 214 00:08:04,609 --> 00:08:06,235 did this just segue into Murder Mystery? 215 00:08:06,319 --> 00:08:08,654 Because I did not authorize that. 216 00:08:08,738 --> 00:08:11,199 Last week, I had two patients in the ER 217 00:08:11,282 --> 00:08:13,034 and only one ICU bed. 218 00:08:13,117 --> 00:08:15,745 I advocated for one guy over the other, 219 00:08:15,828 --> 00:08:17,705 so the doctor took him first. 220 00:08:17,788 --> 00:08:19,790 By the time we found a bed, 221 00:08:19,874 --> 00:08:21,751 the other patient had died. 222 00:08:21,834 --> 00:08:23,920 Oh, sweetie, that's not your fault. 223 00:08:24,003 --> 00:08:25,755 You're a nurse. You have to prioritize 224 00:08:25,838 --> 00:08:27,590 based on who needs it more. 225 00:08:27,673 --> 00:08:29,926 But I'm not sure I did. 226 00:08:30,009 --> 00:08:32,136 The other guy was rude to me. 227 00:08:34,013 --> 00:08:36,015 I'm worried that I was playing God. 228 00:08:38,017 --> 00:08:40,895 No. You just have a really tough job. 229 00:08:40,978 --> 00:08:43,231 You didn't kill anybody. My dad, 230 00:08:43,314 --> 00:08:44,774 on the other hand... 231 00:08:43,314 --> 00:08:44,774 New game. New game, Jill. 232 00:08:44,857 --> 00:08:47,151 (clears throat) Yeah. Okay. This one's my favorite. 233 00:08:47,235 --> 00:08:50,112 Tammy, you breathe really fast until you get light-headed, 234 00:08:50,196 --> 00:08:52,281 and the rest of us will push on your chest till you pass out. 235 00:08:52,365 --> 00:08:53,449 It's called Pass Out. 236 00:08:53,533 --> 00:08:55,660 As a medical professional, 237 00:08:55,743 --> 00:08:57,620 I am not sure I can allow this. 238 00:08:57,703 --> 00:09:00,081 As a sober person, I don't think it's a good idea. 239 00:09:00,164 --> 00:09:02,458 Aw. I can't drink. I can't do drugs. 240 00:09:02,541 --> 00:09:04,961 Now I can't even have people cut off my air supply for fun? 241 00:09:05,044 --> 00:09:06,545 Damn it. 242 00:09:08,756 --> 00:09:13,052 All right, ladies, welcome to Sex Bucket. 243 00:09:13,135 --> 00:09:14,136 (all laugh) 244 00:09:14,220 --> 00:09:15,471 This contains the names 245 00:09:15,554 --> 00:09:17,139 of the men from our Wednesday meeting. 246 00:09:17,223 --> 00:09:19,517 When it is your turn, you will pick two names 247 00:09:19,600 --> 00:09:21,477 and choose the one you would sleep with. 248 00:09:19,600 --> 00:09:21,477 BONNIE: Oh! 249 00:09:21,560 --> 00:09:22,520 WENDY: Ah. 250 00:09:21,560 --> 00:09:22,520 Birthday girl? 251 00:09:22,603 --> 00:09:23,646 Ooh, all right. 252 00:09:23,729 --> 00:09:25,356 (clears throat) Let's see. 253 00:09:25,439 --> 00:09:27,650 Vigorous Handshake Dave... 254 00:09:27,733 --> 00:09:29,527 (all laugh) 255 00:09:27,733 --> 00:09:29,527 ...versus 256 00:09:29,610 --> 00:09:31,112 Paul the Veteran. 257 00:09:31,195 --> 00:09:33,114 Ooh. 258 00:09:31,195 --> 00:09:33,114 Ooh, that's tricky. Oh. 259 00:09:33,197 --> 00:09:34,657 I choose Paul. Don't love the beard, 260 00:09:34,740 --> 00:09:36,158 but thank you for your service. 261 00:09:36,242 --> 00:09:37,576 (all laugh) 262 00:09:37,660 --> 00:09:39,662 Okay. My turn, my turn. 263 00:09:37,660 --> 00:09:39,662 Okay. 264 00:09:39,745 --> 00:09:41,330 All righty. 265 00:09:43,499 --> 00:09:45,167 Angry Mark the Meditation Teacher... 266 00:09:45,251 --> 00:09:46,961 Uh-huh. 267 00:09:47,044 --> 00:09:48,629 ...or Tight Jeans Tom. 268 00:09:48,713 --> 00:09:50,006 TAMMY: Hmm. 269 00:09:48,713 --> 00:09:50,006 Oh, I don't know. 270 00:09:50,089 --> 00:09:51,132 Just pick one. 271 00:09:51,215 --> 00:09:52,341 I prefer Tom, 272 00:09:52,425 --> 00:09:54,176 but there's a lot of self-adjusting. 273 00:09:54,260 --> 00:09:56,178 This isn't real. 274 00:09:56,262 --> 00:09:57,722 That doesn't mean it couldn't lead to something. 275 00:09:57,805 --> 00:09:59,974 Okay, part of what makes this game fun is pace. 276 00:10:00,057 --> 00:10:01,350 Marjorie, go. 277 00:10:01,434 --> 00:10:03,019 I don't want to play this game. 278 00:10:03,102 --> 00:10:04,979 If we as women want to be treated 279 00:10:05,062 --> 00:10:06,355 with respect and dignity, 280 00:10:06,439 --> 00:10:08,733 we shouldn't be sitting here objectifying men. 281 00:10:08,816 --> 00:10:11,694 (scoffs) We're only objectifying the hot ones. 282 00:10:12,611 --> 00:10:15,364 Well done. You ruined Sex Bucket. 283 00:10:15,448 --> 00:10:17,325 Next game, Jill. 284 00:10:17,408 --> 00:10:18,701 All right. Truth or Dare. 285 00:10:18,784 --> 00:10:20,786 Love it! I'll go first. Dare. 286 00:10:20,870 --> 00:10:23,372 I have one. 287 00:10:25,416 --> 00:10:27,710 (clears throat) 288 00:10:27,793 --> 00:10:29,545 Hello. 289 00:10:29,628 --> 00:10:31,922 I would like to buy one packet of condoms-- 290 00:10:32,006 --> 00:10:33,799 your smallest size-- 291 00:10:33,883 --> 00:10:36,927 and every flavor of Slim Jim. 292 00:10:37,011 --> 00:10:39,930 And also, I would like to tell you this. 293 00:10:45,478 --> 00:10:49,565 ♪ You make me feel ♪ 294 00:10:49,649 --> 00:10:54,403 ♪ You make me feel like ♪ 295 00:10:54,487 --> 00:10:57,281 ♪ A natural ♪ 296 00:10:57,365 --> 00:10:59,241 ♪ Woman ♪ 297 00:10:59,325 --> 00:11:01,243 ♪ Woman! ♪ 298 00:11:01,327 --> 00:11:03,412 (laughter) 299 00:11:03,496 --> 00:11:05,915 All right, ring it up. Let's end this nightmare. 300 00:11:09,377 --> 00:11:10,920 ♪ ♪ 301 00:11:11,003 --> 00:11:14,715 (whooping, laughter, indistinct chatter) 302 00:11:14,799 --> 00:11:17,093 All right, you can take it off now. 303 00:11:17,176 --> 00:11:18,761 (phone ringing) 304 00:11:18,844 --> 00:11:21,263 Oh, God. 305 00:11:21,347 --> 00:11:23,099 Is that your dad? 306 00:11:21,347 --> 00:11:23,099 No, it's this guy 307 00:11:23,182 --> 00:11:25,935 who works at Home Depot-- he likes to talk dirty to me. 308 00:11:26,018 --> 00:11:28,938 Hey, Steve. I got to call you back. 309 00:11:29,021 --> 00:11:30,815 No, you're a whore. Gotta go. 310 00:11:33,526 --> 00:11:36,404 Okay, Jill, your turn. Truth or dare? 311 00:11:36,487 --> 00:11:38,280 Um, truth, please. 312 00:11:38,364 --> 00:11:40,699 How many times a week do you and Andy have sex? 313 00:11:41,867 --> 00:11:43,744 12 to 15. 314 00:11:43,828 --> 00:11:45,746 Oh, my God! 315 00:11:43,828 --> 00:11:45,746 Seriously? 316 00:11:43,828 --> 00:11:45,746 You lie! 317 00:11:45,830 --> 00:11:47,706 I don't even have sex 12 times a year. 318 00:11:49,708 --> 00:11:52,294 You could at least pretend to be surprised. 319 00:11:53,504 --> 00:11:55,631 Wait. Don't you get bored? 320 00:11:55,714 --> 00:11:58,509 Nah. We mix it up with toys and role play. 321 00:11:58,592 --> 00:12:01,512 My favorite is "upscale Realtor at a very open house." 322 00:12:01,595 --> 00:12:03,139 BONNIE: Mmm. 323 00:12:03,222 --> 00:12:04,932 My mom was a Realtor. 324 00:12:05,015 --> 00:12:07,435 She used to let me stick the signs in the lawn. 325 00:12:07,518 --> 00:12:09,520 (clicks tongue) I'd forgotten about that. 326 00:12:09,603 --> 00:12:11,272 Nice work, Jill. 327 00:12:11,355 --> 00:12:14,108 How was I supposed to know? 328 00:12:15,067 --> 00:12:17,111 Pillow fight! 329 00:12:17,194 --> 00:12:19,530 (laughter, indistinct shouts) 330 00:12:22,241 --> 00:12:24,160 Whoa! 331 00:12:24,243 --> 00:12:26,328 Whoa. Whoa. 332 00:12:26,412 --> 00:12:28,122 (panting) 333 00:12:28,205 --> 00:12:29,915 (grunts) 334 00:12:36,755 --> 00:12:38,048 What's wrong with you? 335 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:41,135 What do you mean? She was whaling on me! 336 00:12:41,218 --> 00:12:43,137 Yeah, but you really crossed a line. 337 00:12:43,220 --> 00:12:45,723 We don't hit our elders. They're brittle. 338 00:12:45,806 --> 00:12:48,017 You know what? Screw you guys. 339 00:12:52,771 --> 00:12:54,064 (door slams) 340 00:12:54,148 --> 00:12:56,025 (Marjorie sobbing) 341 00:12:57,943 --> 00:13:00,029 Don't worry, it's not a slumber party 342 00:13:00,112 --> 00:13:02,323 till somebody cries. 343 00:13:02,406 --> 00:13:03,240 ♪ ♪ 344 00:13:07,286 --> 00:13:09,371 Well, this party just went off a cliff. 345 00:13:09,455 --> 00:13:10,206 No, it's okay. 346 00:13:10,289 --> 00:13:13,000 This is the part where we pick sides. 347 00:13:13,083 --> 00:13:15,044 We're not 12. We're not picking sides. 348 00:13:15,127 --> 00:13:16,712 I'm gonna go check on Bonnie. 349 00:13:16,795 --> 00:13:18,672 I'll check on Marjorie. 350 00:13:20,132 --> 00:13:22,968 Well, we just picked sides, but okay. 351 00:13:24,428 --> 00:13:28,224 Bonnie makes me angry in a way no one else can. 352 00:13:28,307 --> 00:13:30,601 Maybe I hit her too hard with the pillow, 353 00:13:30,684 --> 00:13:33,854 but a woman can only take so much. 354 00:13:33,938 --> 00:13:37,233 Marjorie, it isn't safe to eat raw cookie dough. 355 00:13:38,192 --> 00:13:40,194 Seriously? 356 00:13:40,277 --> 00:13:42,029 You're worried about cookie dough? 357 00:13:42,112 --> 00:13:44,615 I used to huff bug spray. 358 00:13:46,325 --> 00:13:48,077 I'm sorry that tonight got messed up. 359 00:13:48,160 --> 00:13:50,079 I just wanted to keep your mind off your dad. 360 00:13:50,162 --> 00:13:52,122 It did. A little. 361 00:13:52,206 --> 00:13:53,624 Not at all. 362 00:13:53,707 --> 00:13:55,417 But I appreciate it. 363 00:13:55,501 --> 00:13:57,920 I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do if he calls. 364 00:13:58,003 --> 00:14:00,714 Well, whatever you decide, I got your back. 365 00:13:58,003 --> 00:14:00,714 And I got yours. 366 00:14:00,798 --> 00:14:02,591 Good. 'Cause what do you want to bet 367 00:14:02,675 --> 00:14:04,718 Marjorie's out there talking smack about me right now? 368 00:14:04,802 --> 00:14:06,262 No, she's not. 369 00:14:06,345 --> 00:14:08,264 Yes, she is. (chuckles) 370 00:14:08,347 --> 00:14:10,099 Sorry, I've been spying on both sides. 371 00:14:10,182 --> 00:14:11,934 Well, come on in. 372 00:14:10,182 --> 00:14:11,934 Okay. 373 00:14:12,017 --> 00:14:14,436 This is really turning out to be a great slumber party. 374 00:14:14,520 --> 00:14:16,772 I was worried without wine coolers and boys sneaking in, 375 00:14:16,855 --> 00:14:18,065 it was gonna suck. 376 00:14:18,148 --> 00:14:19,525 Well, I'm beginning to think that getting 377 00:14:19,608 --> 00:14:21,277 a bunch of alcoholics together to act like teenagers 378 00:14:21,360 --> 00:14:22,570 was a bad idea. 379 00:14:22,653 --> 00:14:23,612 So what now? 380 00:14:23,696 --> 00:14:25,281 Well, Bonnie's got to go out there 381 00:14:25,364 --> 00:14:26,448 and beg for Marjorie's forgiveness, 382 00:14:26,532 --> 00:14:27,616 and then when Marjorie goes to sleep, 383 00:14:27,700 --> 00:14:31,620 we have to put her hand in hot water so she pees herself. 384 00:14:31,704 --> 00:14:33,789 Your call, big sauce. 385 00:14:33,872 --> 00:14:35,291 Well, that's pretty immature. 386 00:14:35,374 --> 00:14:36,959 I love it. 387 00:14:35,374 --> 00:14:36,959 Aah! 388 00:14:37,042 --> 00:14:38,836 Oops. I'm sorry. 389 00:14:40,170 --> 00:14:42,506 What's going on? 390 00:14:42,590 --> 00:14:44,633 I'm calling an Uber and going home. 391 00:14:44,717 --> 00:14:45,634 Pissed off and leaving early? 392 00:14:45,718 --> 00:14:47,803 For women who have never been to a slumber party, 393 00:14:47,886 --> 00:14:49,305 you're sure checking all the boxes. 394 00:14:49,388 --> 00:14:50,806 Oh, come on. 395 00:14:50,889 --> 00:14:52,683 Can't we just let this go and have some fun? 396 00:14:54,226 --> 00:14:55,686 How about you dare me to go to Jiffy Lube 397 00:14:55,769 --> 00:14:57,396 and say I didn't know it was for cars? 398 00:14:57,479 --> 00:15:00,149 Tammy, I'll bake you a cake tomorrow 399 00:15:00,232 --> 00:15:01,859 and we'll celebrate. 400 00:15:04,570 --> 00:15:06,447 Actually, I think I'm gonna go, too. 401 00:15:06,530 --> 00:15:08,198 Maybe we should just call it a night. 402 00:15:08,282 --> 00:15:11,201 We haven't even talked anybody into cutting their hair yet. 403 00:15:11,285 --> 00:15:12,870 Nobody is going anywhere. 404 00:15:14,580 --> 00:15:16,832 Hey! 405 00:15:14,580 --> 00:15:16,832 I don't want to hear it, Bonnie. 406 00:15:16,915 --> 00:15:17,708 What is wrong with you? 407 00:15:17,791 --> 00:15:19,793 Why are you being such a grouchy, grumpy, 408 00:15:19,877 --> 00:15:22,296 grocery-store-cake-buying sourpuss? 409 00:15:23,255 --> 00:15:24,632 My doctor told me 410 00:15:24,715 --> 00:15:26,842 that I have something wrong with my heart. 411 00:15:26,925 --> 00:15:28,093 I love you so much. 412 00:15:28,177 --> 00:15:30,054 You have to live forever. 413 00:15:32,514 --> 00:15:34,391 Put your meat sticks down. 414 00:15:34,475 --> 00:15:36,226 Marjorie needs a heart transplant. 415 00:15:36,310 --> 00:15:39,688 No. It's nothing like that. 416 00:15:39,772 --> 00:15:43,150 (sighs) I need a stent put in my existing heart. 417 00:15:43,233 --> 00:15:45,653 Oh, my God. 418 00:15:43,233 --> 00:15:45,653 That's so awful. 419 00:15:45,736 --> 00:15:48,489 But still, that was no excuse for hitting you like that. 420 00:15:48,572 --> 00:15:50,491 Bonnie, I'm sorry. 421 00:15:50,574 --> 00:15:53,243 I guess I just didn't realize how afraid I am. 422 00:15:53,327 --> 00:15:54,870 I forgive you. And I won't make you pee yourself 423 00:15:54,953 --> 00:15:55,996 when you fall asleep. 424 00:15:56,080 --> 00:15:57,414 What? 425 00:15:58,749 --> 00:16:00,376 Why didn't you tell us? 426 00:16:00,459 --> 00:16:02,670 'Cause it's Tammy's birthday-- I didn't want to ruin it. 427 00:16:02,753 --> 00:16:04,213 Honestly, there's no ruining it. 428 00:16:04,296 --> 00:16:06,632 I've been freaked out myself all night long. 429 00:16:06,715 --> 00:16:09,218 Every time my phone makes a noise, my heart stops. 430 00:16:09,301 --> 00:16:10,678 Sorry, Marjorie. 431 00:16:12,429 --> 00:16:13,222 New game. 432 00:16:13,305 --> 00:16:15,599 It's okay, Jill-- that ship has sailed. 433 00:16:15,683 --> 00:16:17,017 Nope. This one's called Fear Bucket. 434 00:16:17,101 --> 00:16:18,686 I just made it up. 435 00:16:19,645 --> 00:16:21,897 Ah. These were for Pictionary, but I'm gonna pivot. 436 00:16:21,980 --> 00:16:23,941 Write down your deepest fears, 437 00:16:24,024 --> 00:16:26,860 and we are gonna set 'em on fire so they lose their power. 438 00:16:26,944 --> 00:16:29,613 Be honest. 439 00:16:29,697 --> 00:16:31,699 And they can't all be: "I'm afraid Marjorie's gonna die." 440 00:16:33,659 --> 00:16:35,452 ♪ ♪ 441 00:16:38,497 --> 00:16:40,791 "I'm afraid of making a mistake at work 442 00:16:40,874 --> 00:16:42,501 and hurting someone." 443 00:16:44,128 --> 00:16:45,754 "I'm afraid 444 00:16:45,838 --> 00:16:48,257 "if I don't take my dad's call, I'm gonna regret it, 445 00:16:48,340 --> 00:16:50,426 "and I'm afraid if I answer the call, 446 00:16:50,509 --> 00:16:53,178 I'll be betraying my mother." 447 00:16:54,888 --> 00:16:56,807 "I'm afraid Andy and I are having so much sex 448 00:16:56,890 --> 00:16:59,935 because we have nothing to talk about." 449 00:17:01,478 --> 00:17:03,605 "I'm afraid I'm not going to get to see 450 00:17:03,689 --> 00:17:05,107 my granddaughter grow up." 451 00:17:07,651 --> 00:17:09,361 "I'm afraid of spiders." 452 00:17:11,864 --> 00:17:13,949 "I'm afraid the people in this group 453 00:17:14,032 --> 00:17:15,659 don't know how much I love them." 454 00:17:15,743 --> 00:17:17,244 Aw... 455 00:17:17,327 --> 00:17:19,329 Shut up. I meant to write spiders. 456 00:17:17,327 --> 00:17:19,329 (laughs) 457 00:17:19,413 --> 00:17:22,624 Is it just me, or is this the best game we've played all night? 458 00:17:22,708 --> 00:17:24,710 I loved it. 459 00:17:22,708 --> 00:17:24,710 Absolutely. 460 00:17:24,793 --> 00:17:26,962 (Southern accent): We should put some hot dogs on them fears. 461 00:17:27,045 --> 00:17:28,505 (laughter) 462 00:17:28,589 --> 00:17:30,716 (phone ringing) 463 00:17:32,551 --> 00:17:34,803 It's him. I still don't know what to do. 464 00:17:34,887 --> 00:17:35,637 Got your back. 465 00:17:35,721 --> 00:17:37,931 (takes deep breath) 466 00:17:38,015 --> 00:17:39,224 Hello? 467 00:17:39,308 --> 00:17:41,059 Yes, I'll accept the call. 468 00:17:43,061 --> 00:17:44,772 Yeah. Hi. 469 00:17:44,855 --> 00:17:46,982 (exhales) Well, I wasn't gonna, 470 00:17:47,066 --> 00:17:48,984 but here I am. 471 00:17:49,067 --> 00:17:51,111 So... 472 00:17:51,195 --> 00:17:54,281 what's new with you? 473 00:17:54,364 --> 00:17:56,492 Really? I'm sober, too. 474 00:17:56,575 --> 00:17:59,620 Yeah, almost three years, yeah. 475 00:17:59,703 --> 00:18:02,372 Wow, that's a long time. 476 00:18:02,456 --> 00:18:04,541 Good for you. 477 00:18:05,751 --> 00:18:07,878 Look, um... 478 00:18:07,961 --> 00:18:12,174 I'm with my friends, so I can't really talk right now, but... 479 00:18:12,257 --> 00:18:15,886 (choked up): thank you for remembering my birthday. 480 00:18:15,969 --> 00:18:17,471 Okay, bye. 481 00:18:19,973 --> 00:18:21,975 (laughs) 482 00:18:22,059 --> 00:18:23,894 ♪ ♪ 483 00:18:29,399 --> 00:18:32,694 (groans) My back is gonna hate me in the morning. 484 00:18:32,778 --> 00:18:35,239 My left ass cheek is totally numb. 485 00:18:35,322 --> 00:18:37,699 We may be too old to sleep on the floor. 486 00:18:37,783 --> 00:18:39,827 Why does Marjorie get the couch? 487 00:18:39,910 --> 00:18:41,620 (quietly): Because she's dying. 488 00:18:42,788 --> 00:18:46,834 I'm not dying and I'm not deaf. 489 00:18:46,917 --> 00:18:49,044 Although lately I've been having trouble 490 00:18:49,127 --> 00:18:51,004 in noisy restaurants. 491 00:18:52,172 --> 00:18:53,841 Guys, it's almost 4:00 a.m. 492 00:18:53,924 --> 00:18:55,634 We've got to go to sleep. 493 00:18:55,717 --> 00:18:58,720 Jill's right. We're gonna be so cranky in the morning. 494 00:18:58,804 --> 00:19:01,348 Thanks for the best birthday ever, you guys. 495 00:19:01,431 --> 00:19:02,933 Good night. 496 00:19:03,016 --> 00:19:04,560 Good night. 497 00:19:04,643 --> 00:19:06,436 Good night. 498 00:19:04,643 --> 00:19:06,436 Night. 499 00:19:04,643 --> 00:19:06,436 Good night. 500 00:19:08,313 --> 00:19:09,773 (ringtone playing) 501 00:19:10,983 --> 00:19:12,609 Unbelievable. 502 00:19:13,777 --> 00:19:15,237 Hi, Christy. 503 00:19:15,320 --> 00:19:17,406 No. I'm up. 504 00:19:17,489 --> 00:19:18,574 How's it going, honey? 505 00:19:18,657 --> 00:19:20,951 Captioning sponsored by CBS and WARNER BROS. TELEVISION 506 00:19:26,498 --> 00:19:30,502 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org