1 00:00:05,172 --> 00:00:06,007 Hey. 2 00:00:06,032 --> 00:00:08,257 Oh, hi. Your mom said I could hang out. 3 00:00:08,282 --> 00:00:11,583 Hang out, hang yourself, I really don't care. 4 00:00:11,944 --> 00:00:13,561 What's your problem? 5 00:00:14,507 --> 00:00:16,371 Oh, sorry. 6 00:00:16,373 --> 00:00:17,835 My car broke down, 7 00:00:17,860 --> 00:00:21,570 and I had to walk three miles in these awful polyester pants. 8 00:00:21,595 --> 00:00:23,939 My thighs almost started a fire. 9 00:00:23,964 --> 00:00:25,523 You want me to look at the car? 10 00:00:25,882 --> 00:00:29,468 Well, I guess technically it didn't break down. 11 00:00:30,142 --> 00:00:31,975 Technically, it ran out of gas. 12 00:00:33,093 --> 00:00:34,355 How does that happen? 13 00:00:34,357 --> 00:00:35,640 There's a gauge, there's a light, 14 00:00:35,642 --> 00:00:37,609 some cars go ding-ding-ding-ding-ding. 15 00:00:38,093 --> 00:00:40,945 I know, I was just riding the zero. 16 00:00:40,970 --> 00:00:44,828 Help me out, is that a sober thing or a lady thing? 17 00:00:45,786 --> 00:00:47,476 No, it's a Plunkett thing. 18 00:00:47,501 --> 00:00:50,969 When my car tells me it's out of gas, I choose not to believe it. 19 00:00:52,148 --> 00:00:54,804 Wow, that's, I don't know what the word is for that. 20 00:00:54,829 --> 00:00:55,995 Maybe... stupid? 21 00:00:57,351 --> 00:00:59,964 I prefer to think of it as exciting. 22 00:00:59,966 --> 00:01:01,883 A simple trip to the grocery store 23 00:01:01,885 --> 00:01:03,752 becomes a life and death adventure. 24 00:01:04,406 --> 00:01:06,171 Yeah, I'm gonna stick with stupid. 25 00:01:06,843 --> 00:01:08,807 So you need a ride somewhere? 26 00:01:09,156 --> 00:01:11,926 Well, I was gonna meet the girls at the bistro 27 00:01:11,928 --> 00:01:14,039 - and go to a meeting. - I'll take you. 28 00:01:14,147 --> 00:01:15,346 You sure? 29 00:01:15,348 --> 00:01:17,734 I always have plenty of gas in my car. 30 00:01:19,221 --> 00:01:20,637 Coward. 31 00:01:23,269 --> 00:01:26,046 So, how did this "riding the zero" thing get started? 32 00:01:26,335 --> 00:01:28,992 Well, first of all, you have to understand, 33 00:01:29,017 --> 00:01:30,933 I used to be really poor. 34 00:01:30,958 --> 00:01:32,374 Worse than now? 35 00:01:32,399 --> 00:01:33,765 'Cause you steal toilet paper from work. 36 00:01:34,078 --> 00:01:35,628 You want to hear the story or not? 37 00:01:35,653 --> 00:01:36,695 Yeah, yeah, okay. Sorry. 38 00:01:37,261 --> 00:01:39,519 One day, my gas tank was on empty, 39 00:01:39,544 --> 00:01:41,127 but I still had to get to my job. 40 00:01:41,152 --> 00:01:44,119 So, I just ignored it and it kept going. 41 00:01:44,144 --> 00:01:46,550 Eight days. It was like Hanukkah. 42 00:01:47,542 --> 00:01:50,261 You rode the zero for eight whole days? 43 00:01:50,286 --> 00:01:52,292 Kind of makes you tingle, doesn't it? 44 00:01:52,771 --> 00:01:55,104 You do know that it's really bad for your engine. 45 00:01:55,129 --> 00:01:56,462 You're such a man. 46 00:01:58,112 --> 00:01:59,557 How about while you're at the meeting, 47 00:01:59,559 --> 00:02:01,065 I get some gas and swing by your car, 48 00:02:01,090 --> 00:02:02,480 and put a couple of gallons in it? 49 00:02:02,774 --> 00:02:04,112 Thank you, Adam. 50 00:02:04,137 --> 00:02:05,386 That's so sweet. 51 00:02:05,668 --> 00:02:08,168 My mom completely does not deserve you. 52 00:02:08,581 --> 00:02:10,471 You're not wrong. 53 00:02:13,509 --> 00:02:15,151 So listen, I need a favor. 54 00:02:15,176 --> 00:02:16,727 I've been talking with a social worker 55 00:02:16,729 --> 00:02:18,433 about my foster care application, 56 00:02:18,458 --> 00:02:20,508 and I'm supposed to get letters of recommendation from friends 57 00:02:20,533 --> 00:02:21,782 saying that I'd be a good mom. 58 00:02:21,817 --> 00:02:23,150 So, Marjorie, I was wondering 59 00:02:23,152 --> 00:02:24,308 if you would write one for me. 60 00:02:24,465 --> 00:02:27,237 - I'd be happy to, Jill. - Thank you. 61 00:02:30,443 --> 00:02:32,878 I would also be happy to write one. 62 00:02:33,659 --> 00:02:35,863 Well, we'll see how many I need. 63 00:02:39,581 --> 00:02:42,456 Huh. That's a strange number. 64 00:02:43,049 --> 00:02:44,292 Hello. 65 00:02:44,317 --> 00:02:46,401 Yes, this is she. 66 00:02:46,638 --> 00:02:48,706 Yes, I know Christy Plunkett. 67 00:02:49,599 --> 00:02:52,373 - Oh, my God, is she all right? - What's going on? 68 00:02:52,398 --> 00:02:54,784 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 69 00:02:55,643 --> 00:02:57,443 Okay, I'm on my way. 70 00:02:58,187 --> 00:02:59,353 That was the hospital. 71 00:02:59,355 --> 00:03:00,471 Christy was in a car accident. 72 00:03:00,473 --> 00:03:02,033 - What?! Is she okay? - Oh, no! 73 00:03:02,058 --> 00:03:03,557 I don't know. Come on, I'll drive. 74 00:03:03,559 --> 00:03:04,858 Why didn't they call me? 75 00:03:04,860 --> 00:03:07,222 Check your phone, maybe it went to voice mail. 76 00:03:07,396 --> 00:03:08,511 No, nothing. 77 00:03:08,536 --> 00:03:11,065 Oh God, what if she has amnesia and forgot I'm her mother? 78 00:03:11,090 --> 00:03:12,590 Then there's a silver lining. 79 00:03:21,073 --> 00:03:25,605 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com -- 80 00:03:35,644 --> 00:03:36,977 I'm looking for Christy Plunkett. 81 00:03:36,979 --> 00:03:38,345 She was in a car accident. 82 00:03:38,808 --> 00:03:42,109 Yes, she's here. Are you Marjorie Sponsor? 83 00:03:43,464 --> 00:03:46,853 Actually that's me, uh, Marjorie Armstrong-PERUGIAN. 84 00:03:47,144 --> 00:03:48,522 You took Victor's name? 85 00:03:48,524 --> 00:03:50,222 Not now. 86 00:03:50,855 --> 00:03:52,042 Is she okay? 87 00:03:52,044 --> 00:03:53,243 You'll have to talk to a doctor. 88 00:03:53,245 --> 00:03:54,828 Excuse me, I'm her mother. 89 00:03:54,830 --> 00:03:55,946 Why wasn't I called? 90 00:03:55,948 --> 00:03:57,614 The EMT's checked her phone, 91 00:03:57,616 --> 00:04:00,995 and Marjorie Sponsor is her emergency contact. 92 00:04:01,370 --> 00:04:03,370 - Here's your visitor's pass. - Seriously?! 93 00:04:03,372 --> 00:04:04,955 She gets to go in and I don't? 94 00:04:04,957 --> 00:04:07,707 I'm only authorized to admit the person that's on my log. 95 00:04:07,709 --> 00:04:09,688 This is crazy. I'm her mother. 96 00:04:09,713 --> 00:04:11,886 Not everyone likes their mother. 97 00:04:16,409 --> 00:04:19,580 Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you're okay. 98 00:04:19,605 --> 00:04:22,316 Get out of my way, this is police business. 99 00:04:23,120 --> 00:04:25,058 Oh, baby. 100 00:04:25,060 --> 00:04:27,561 Hi, Mom. Are you okay? 101 00:04:27,563 --> 00:04:30,363 The doctor said I have a concussion, but I'll be fine. 102 00:04:30,365 --> 00:04:32,866 Oh, honey, I'm so relieved, I was terrified. 103 00:04:32,868 --> 00:04:35,596 One question, why is Marjorie your emergency contact? 104 00:04:36,276 --> 00:04:39,456 - What? - Bonnie, this is not the time. 105 00:04:39,458 --> 00:04:40,824 You're right, you're right. 106 00:04:40,826 --> 00:04:43,043 The important thing is that you're okay. 107 00:04:43,045 --> 00:04:44,077 What happened? 108 00:04:44,425 --> 00:04:45,795 It's all kind of fuzzy. 109 00:04:45,797 --> 00:04:48,415 I was going to the bistro and this car came out of nowhere. 110 00:04:48,417 --> 00:04:51,339 It's just weird that the hospital didn't call me. 111 00:04:51,503 --> 00:04:54,054 Am I in your phone as "Bonnie" or "Mom"? 112 00:04:54,612 --> 00:04:56,292 Great, you're all here. 113 00:04:56,375 --> 00:04:58,542 Christy's CT scan was clear so she can go home. 114 00:04:58,567 --> 00:04:59,649 Oh, good. 115 00:04:59,761 --> 00:05:01,094 But she'll need rest 116 00:05:01,096 --> 00:05:02,262 and somebody's got to keep an eye on her. 117 00:05:02,264 --> 00:05:04,431 That would be me, her mother. 118 00:05:04,847 --> 00:05:06,900 And while I may not be her emergency contact, 119 00:05:06,902 --> 00:05:09,880 I will not leave her side until she's completely recovered. 120 00:05:10,089 --> 00:05:12,939 Thanks, Mom. How's Adam? 121 00:05:12,941 --> 00:05:14,157 He's fine. Why? 122 00:05:14,769 --> 00:05:16,993 - He was driving the car. - What? 123 00:05:16,995 --> 00:05:17,603 Oh, no. 124 00:05:17,628 --> 00:05:19,425 Oh, my God. You didn't know that? 125 00:05:19,450 --> 00:05:22,222 No, Wendy, I didn't know that 'cause nobody called me! 126 00:05:22,671 --> 00:05:24,888 He's just down the hall. 127 00:05:26,206 --> 00:05:27,254 Go. 128 00:05:27,256 --> 00:05:28,371 You're sure? 129 00:05:28,373 --> 00:05:30,423 I'm surrounded by doctors and nurses. 130 00:05:30,425 --> 00:05:32,125 I'm safer here than I am at home. 131 00:05:32,322 --> 00:05:34,064 I'll be right back. 132 00:05:35,558 --> 00:05:38,386 I always forget you have a job. 133 00:05:42,339 --> 00:05:44,971 - Oh, my God, are you okay? - Oh. 134 00:05:44,973 --> 00:05:47,107 - I've been better. How's Christy? - Oh. 135 00:05:47,109 --> 00:05:49,392 She's gonna be fine. What happened? 136 00:05:49,394 --> 00:05:51,361 Guy came out of nowhere, I never saw him. 137 00:05:51,363 --> 00:05:52,562 Did you break your arm? 138 00:05:52,564 --> 00:05:54,659 - No, I just dislocated it. - Oh. 139 00:05:54,991 --> 00:05:57,191 Oh, look who finally showed up. 140 00:05:58,153 --> 00:05:59,486 Danielle? What are you doing... 141 00:05:59,488 --> 00:06:01,431 What is your ex-wife doing here? 142 00:06:01,456 --> 00:06:04,240 - I'm his emergency contact. - Oh, come on! 143 00:06:04,242 --> 00:06:06,743 Don't be upset. 144 00:06:06,745 --> 00:06:08,503 I'm sure he just never got around to changing it. 145 00:06:08,528 --> 00:06:11,347 I'm probably still the voice on his answering machine. 146 00:06:11,917 --> 00:06:13,383 You told me that was your mother. 147 00:06:13,385 --> 00:06:16,136 Um... can I have my soda? 148 00:06:16,138 --> 00:06:17,170 Yeah. 149 00:06:17,172 --> 00:06:18,672 I'll give it to him. 150 00:06:21,128 --> 00:06:22,642 I just talked to your doctor. 151 00:06:22,644 --> 00:06:24,010 He said they're sending you home soon. 152 00:06:24,012 --> 00:06:25,489 Great, you'll come home with me. 153 00:06:26,058 --> 00:06:27,813 Babe, I'm gonna need to go back to my place. 154 00:06:27,838 --> 00:06:30,734 - Why? - I'm down to one working limb here. 155 00:06:30,736 --> 00:06:32,769 I can't even take a shower in your apartment. 156 00:06:32,771 --> 00:06:35,188 Now, will you be able to stay with him? He's gonna need help. 157 00:06:36,003 --> 00:06:37,607 - Damn. - What? 158 00:06:37,609 --> 00:06:39,409 I-I've got to take care of Christy. 159 00:06:39,411 --> 00:06:41,695 Aw, aren't you a good mom? 160 00:06:44,081 --> 00:06:45,462 What's that supposed to mean? 161 00:06:45,487 --> 00:06:48,034 D-Don't worry, I will take care of this big lug, 162 00:06:48,036 --> 00:06:49,536 get him back into fighting shape. 163 00:06:52,370 --> 00:06:54,067 Is that cool with you? 164 00:06:55,316 --> 00:06:57,427 That your ex-wife is gonna take care of you? 165 00:06:57,429 --> 00:06:58,712 I'm super-duper. 166 00:06:58,714 --> 00:06:59,796 Ah. 167 00:06:59,798 --> 00:07:02,549 And you were so sure she was gonna flip out. 168 00:07:03,284 --> 00:07:06,052 Isn't he silly? It's... 169 00:07:13,490 --> 00:07:14,740 You all done? 170 00:07:15,175 --> 00:07:16,446 Yeah. 171 00:07:16,948 --> 00:07:18,565 Oh, you didn't eat a lot. 172 00:07:18,567 --> 00:07:19,733 You feeling okay? 173 00:07:20,347 --> 00:07:22,569 I have a headache, I'm nauseous 174 00:07:22,571 --> 00:07:24,237 and I don't remember much. 175 00:07:24,239 --> 00:07:27,198 So, kind of like I'm 20 again. 176 00:07:28,511 --> 00:07:32,272 But... I'm alone in a bed I recognize, so that's good news. 177 00:07:33,694 --> 00:07:36,416 God, that must've been so scary for you. 178 00:07:36,418 --> 00:07:37,584 It was. 179 00:07:37,586 --> 00:07:39,219 When I was in the ambulance, 180 00:07:39,221 --> 00:07:41,421 I kept thinking about all the things I've never done, 181 00:07:41,423 --> 00:07:43,139 all the places I've never been. 182 00:07:43,141 --> 00:07:44,140 Europe? 183 00:07:44,204 --> 00:07:46,093 Actually, Orlando. 184 00:07:50,671 --> 00:07:52,766 All right, the doctor said I'm supposed to ask you 185 00:07:52,768 --> 00:07:54,100 these questions to make sure 186 00:07:54,102 --> 00:07:56,069 you're recovering from the concussion. 187 00:07:56,343 --> 00:07:59,155 Now... what is your name? 188 00:07:59,741 --> 00:08:01,464 Christy Jolene Plunkett. 189 00:08:01,489 --> 00:08:03,796 Okay. What is the name of this place? 190 00:08:06,678 --> 00:08:08,288 Earth? 191 00:08:09,418 --> 00:08:11,334 I'll accept that. 192 00:08:11,336 --> 00:08:12,752 What day of the week is it? 193 00:08:12,754 --> 00:08:15,004 - I don't know. - I don't, either. 194 00:08:15,218 --> 00:08:17,373 And the final question, 195 00:08:17,375 --> 00:08:19,853 why the hell aren't I your emergency contact?! 196 00:08:20,913 --> 00:08:21,843 What? 197 00:08:21,868 --> 00:08:24,631 You programmed Marjorie into your phone. 198 00:08:24,633 --> 00:08:27,767 I don't remember your giant head poking out of her patooch. 199 00:08:28,749 --> 00:08:30,970 I changed it when you relapsed, 200 00:08:30,972 --> 00:08:33,273 and I guess I never got around to changing it back. 201 00:08:33,275 --> 00:08:35,775 Oh. So it used to be me? 202 00:08:36,499 --> 00:08:38,228 - Well... - Oh! 203 00:08:38,913 --> 00:08:40,563 Come on, man. 204 00:08:40,565 --> 00:08:43,650 - I am great in an emergency. - I'll change it, I'll change it. 205 00:08:43,652 --> 00:08:44,984 No, I don't want you to change it 206 00:08:44,986 --> 00:08:46,152 'cause I made you. 207 00:08:46,154 --> 00:08:48,296 I want you to change it 'cause you trust me. 208 00:08:50,292 --> 00:08:52,325 I totally trust you. 209 00:08:52,866 --> 00:08:56,246 Good, 'cause I'm not the person I used to be. 210 00:08:56,248 --> 00:08:57,497 I know that. 211 00:08:57,499 --> 00:08:59,249 And if the people who used to know me 212 00:08:59,251 --> 00:09:01,668 weren't all dead or in jail, they'd be amazed. 213 00:09:03,444 --> 00:09:06,055 And yet you're alive and walk free. 214 00:09:06,444 --> 00:09:08,641 - What's that? - I love you. 215 00:09:10,062 --> 00:09:12,011 I love you, too. 216 00:09:12,013 --> 00:09:14,230 All right then, I'm gonna give Adam a call 217 00:09:14,232 --> 00:09:15,315 and see how he's doing. 218 00:09:15,317 --> 00:09:17,016 Please tell him I'm sorry. 219 00:09:17,018 --> 00:09:19,880 None of this would've happened if I had put gas in my car. 220 00:09:19,905 --> 00:09:22,238 Ah, riding the zero. 221 00:09:22,796 --> 00:09:24,240 Yep. 222 00:09:24,242 --> 00:09:25,408 How many days you get? 223 00:09:25,702 --> 00:09:29,312 - Four. - Respect. 224 00:09:29,948 --> 00:09:32,248 Hey, remember when we drove that old Buick Skylark 225 00:09:32,250 --> 00:09:34,250 from Denver to Salt Lake with nothing in the tank? 226 00:09:34,452 --> 00:09:37,120 Well, to be fair, we were going down a mountain. 227 00:09:37,122 --> 00:09:39,038 Mountain my ass, it was a miracle. 228 00:09:53,632 --> 00:09:54,764 Adam's phone. 229 00:09:55,803 --> 00:09:57,357 Danielle. 230 00:09:57,359 --> 00:10:01,060 Could I please speak with Adam on Adam's phone? 231 00:10:02,287 --> 00:10:04,731 Oh, Adam was right, you really are a hoot. 232 00:10:05,482 --> 00:10:08,368 Uh, unfortunately, he's sleeping right now. 233 00:10:08,370 --> 00:10:11,170 Uh-huh. So, you gonna head out? 234 00:10:11,195 --> 00:10:13,323 No, we decided that I should stay tonight, you know, 235 00:10:13,325 --> 00:10:15,992 in case he needs help using the bathroom or bathing. 236 00:10:16,271 --> 00:10:17,744 Bathing? 237 00:10:17,746 --> 00:10:21,451 He had a car accident, he didn't fall in a mud puddle. 238 00:10:22,240 --> 00:10:24,250 Bonnie, I'm sleeping on the couch, 239 00:10:24,252 --> 00:10:26,085 you have nothing to worry about. 240 00:10:26,087 --> 00:10:28,338 Oh sweetie, I wasn't worried. 241 00:10:28,340 --> 00:10:30,640 - Oh, good. Bye-bye. - Wait, I... 242 00:10:31,435 --> 00:10:33,310 Hello? 243 00:10:33,908 --> 00:10:35,490 Damn it. 244 00:10:40,738 --> 00:10:44,435 - Mom? - Oops. I'm here, baby! 245 00:10:59,841 --> 00:11:01,257 Hey there, sleepyhead. 246 00:11:01,259 --> 00:11:02,475 Aah... 247 00:11:02,755 --> 00:11:04,538 What are you doing here? 248 00:11:04,563 --> 00:11:05,810 Just taking care of you while your mom 249 00:11:05,835 --> 00:11:07,436 pees a circle around her boyfriend. 250 00:11:08,092 --> 00:11:09,557 What? 251 00:11:09,559 --> 00:11:11,910 Okay. Now, I've got some concussion questions 252 00:11:11,912 --> 00:11:13,287 I'm supposed to ask you. 253 00:11:13,678 --> 00:11:16,447 What is your name? 254 00:11:16,959 --> 00:11:19,100 Christy Jolene Plunkett. 255 00:11:19,402 --> 00:11:21,771 - Your middle name's Jolene? - Yes. 256 00:11:21,796 --> 00:11:23,596 Then why the hell do you go by Christy? 257 00:11:23,621 --> 00:11:25,571 'Cause Jolene's stupid. 258 00:11:25,792 --> 00:11:29,717 Oh, well I guess my dead grandma's name is stupid then. 259 00:11:30,803 --> 00:11:32,685 Wait, where's my mom? 260 00:11:32,710 --> 00:11:34,593 Hey! I'm asking the questions here. 261 00:11:36,646 --> 00:11:39,063 What is the name of this place? 262 00:11:39,088 --> 00:11:40,310 Orlando. 263 00:11:42,056 --> 00:11:44,076 So now, where's my mom? 264 00:11:44,443 --> 00:11:46,778 She's at Adam's. She asked me to fill in, 265 00:11:46,803 --> 00:11:48,229 which is great, because it gives me a chance 266 00:11:48,231 --> 00:11:50,532 to use what I'm learning in my mommy classes. 267 00:11:52,310 --> 00:11:53,739 Okay. 268 00:11:55,350 --> 00:11:57,906 I don't think I like your tone. 269 00:11:58,670 --> 00:12:01,292 I'm sorry, I just meant that... 270 00:12:01,294 --> 00:12:02,982 I know what you meant. 271 00:12:03,147 --> 00:12:05,147 You still don't think I'd be a good mother. 272 00:12:05,298 --> 00:12:07,715 No, I'm just kind of waking up. 273 00:12:07,717 --> 00:12:09,384 I can read between the lines. 274 00:12:09,386 --> 00:12:10,418 What lines? 275 00:12:10,420 --> 00:12:12,646 The lines we draw when we hurt each other! 276 00:12:15,508 --> 00:12:17,404 I think I might be in danger. 277 00:12:24,401 --> 00:12:25,654 Adam? 278 00:12:25,818 --> 00:12:27,351 It's open! 279 00:12:27,604 --> 00:12:29,187 That's when you had 280 00:12:29,189 --> 00:12:31,990 that stupid Smokey and the Bandit mustache. 281 00:12:31,992 --> 00:12:35,326 That was a Magnum mustache and you loved it. 282 00:12:35,810 --> 00:12:37,195 Hey, baby. 283 00:12:37,197 --> 00:12:39,490 Ah, am I interrupting happy hour? 284 00:12:39,515 --> 00:12:41,515 Oh, no, we'll just keep drinking. 285 00:12:43,174 --> 00:12:45,123 Danielle made martinis. 286 00:12:45,764 --> 00:12:49,257 I took a pain pill, they say you shouldn't mix them with alcohol, 287 00:12:49,259 --> 00:12:51,045 but they were wrong. 288 00:12:52,553 --> 00:12:54,545 Hey, I know I can't get you one of these, 289 00:12:54,547 --> 00:12:56,514 but would you like something non-alcoholic, 290 00:12:56,539 --> 00:12:59,357 like, maybe a juice box? 291 00:13:00,639 --> 00:13:02,887 No. Thanks. 292 00:13:02,889 --> 00:13:04,896 I just came to see my boyfriend. 293 00:13:04,921 --> 00:13:06,295 That's me. 294 00:13:09,479 --> 00:13:11,029 Okay. 295 00:13:12,662 --> 00:13:15,283 So I'm assuming you're feeling better. 296 00:13:15,285 --> 00:13:19,264 Oh yeah. I took a nap and then Danielle gave me a sponge bath. 297 00:13:19,834 --> 00:13:21,372 All of you? 298 00:13:21,374 --> 00:13:23,157 Oh, relax, I mean, it's not like 299 00:13:23,159 --> 00:13:25,627 there's anything there that I haven't already seen. 300 00:13:25,629 --> 00:13:28,463 It's not seeing it I'm worried about, it's polishing it. 301 00:13:31,718 --> 00:13:34,002 - Not funny. - Not funny. 302 00:13:34,004 --> 00:13:36,004 Listen, if you have to get back 303 00:13:36,006 --> 00:13:37,722 to your daughter, everything's under control here. 304 00:13:37,724 --> 00:13:39,725 One of my friends is watching her, I can hang for a while. 305 00:13:41,451 --> 00:13:43,389 Hey, I got an idea. 306 00:13:43,664 --> 00:13:46,548 Why don't you two give each other a sponge bob... 307 00:13:49,402 --> 00:13:51,100 ... and I'll watch. 308 00:13:57,954 --> 00:13:59,850 Mm-mm. 309 00:14:00,468 --> 00:14:03,302 This is one terrific sandwich. 310 00:14:03,327 --> 00:14:05,260 This is the kind of sandwich that would make 311 00:14:05,285 --> 00:14:09,021 any adult or child feel very, very loved. 312 00:14:09,695 --> 00:14:12,123 Give me a break, it's grilled cheese. 313 00:14:12,393 --> 00:14:15,490 Oh, okay, that answers one of my questions. 314 00:14:18,709 --> 00:14:21,639 Come on, Jill, I didn't mean to upset you. 315 00:14:21,664 --> 00:14:23,831 I was just mad 'cause my mom left. 316 00:14:23,856 --> 00:14:26,156 And now I realize I'm better off. 317 00:14:26,997 --> 00:14:28,502 Really? 318 00:14:28,527 --> 00:14:30,585 Yeah. You think she would've 319 00:14:30,610 --> 00:14:32,110 made me a grilled cheese sandwich 320 00:14:32,112 --> 00:14:34,662 then let me watch her play Candy Crush? 321 00:14:37,101 --> 00:14:38,709 Thank you, Christy Jo. 322 00:14:39,606 --> 00:14:42,390 I guess I'm a little extra vulnerable right now. 323 00:14:42,572 --> 00:14:44,725 This foster process is kind of grueling. 324 00:14:44,750 --> 00:14:46,685 So many hoops to jump through. 325 00:14:46,710 --> 00:14:48,710 It's, like, give me the damn kid, you dimwits. 326 00:14:50,459 --> 00:14:51,838 I get it. 327 00:14:51,863 --> 00:14:55,466 I mean, here I am, recovering from a head injury, 328 00:14:55,468 --> 00:14:57,719 and you're the one having a tough time. 329 00:14:57,721 --> 00:14:59,087 Right? 330 00:14:59,955 --> 00:15:02,673 You comfy? Do you need anything? 331 00:15:02,955 --> 00:15:05,760 - I am a little cold. - Really? I'm warm. 332 00:15:05,785 --> 00:15:07,611 I'll open the window. 333 00:15:26,600 --> 00:15:30,149 If you're looking for your drink, I moved it over there. 334 00:15:31,490 --> 00:15:33,156 How thoughtful. 335 00:15:33,712 --> 00:15:35,540 Oh, I see we lost Adam. 336 00:15:35,542 --> 00:15:38,494 Yeah, opiates and alcohol will do that to a person. 337 00:15:38,519 --> 00:15:41,439 Not me or Keith Richards, but we're gifted that way. 338 00:15:46,121 --> 00:15:48,422 You can run along now, I'll put him to bed. 339 00:15:48,447 --> 00:15:51,731 No, I promised him I'd stay and I would never break a promise. 340 00:15:51,756 --> 00:15:52,767 Uh-huh. 341 00:15:53,494 --> 00:15:56,212 Unless it was a marriage vow. 342 00:15:59,649 --> 00:16:03,151 - So that's how you're gonna play it? - I'll play it any way you want. 343 00:16:04,204 --> 00:16:05,787 Fine. 344 00:16:17,705 --> 00:16:21,939 You realize that whoever wins this gets him. 345 00:16:28,344 --> 00:16:30,261 Jill, I appreciate your help, 346 00:16:30,263 --> 00:16:32,830 but I can go to the bathroom by myself. 347 00:16:33,494 --> 00:16:35,228 Don't forget to wash your hands. 348 00:16:35,253 --> 00:16:36,744 I got it! 349 00:16:40,041 --> 00:16:43,357 - Christy, I'm worried. - About what? 350 00:16:43,359 --> 00:16:45,642 I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a mother. 351 00:16:45,667 --> 00:16:47,166 Why would you say that? 352 00:16:47,363 --> 00:16:49,363 It's just that I've been here all day 353 00:16:49,365 --> 00:16:52,400 taking care of you, and frankly, it's kind of tedious. 354 00:16:55,425 --> 00:16:57,416 And a little icky. 355 00:16:58,814 --> 00:17:01,959 - Trust me, you're overthinking it. - Hands. 356 00:17:01,961 --> 00:17:03,345 Okay. 357 00:17:05,197 --> 00:17:08,337 People make parenting seem so fulfilling. 358 00:17:08,386 --> 00:17:10,520 What people are you talking about? 359 00:17:11,517 --> 00:17:13,580 Facebook people, 360 00:17:14,501 --> 00:17:16,517 Instagram people, 361 00:17:17,360 --> 00:17:19,296 Kelly Ripa. 362 00:17:20,113 --> 00:17:22,813 Well, no one's gonna post a video of their kid 363 00:17:22,815 --> 00:17:24,695 finger-painting with dog poop. 364 00:17:25,398 --> 00:17:26,992 Does that happen? 365 00:17:28,203 --> 00:17:30,321 It's most of what happens. 366 00:17:31,664 --> 00:17:33,351 Then why do people do it? 367 00:17:33,376 --> 00:17:35,695 This might be the concussion talking, 368 00:17:35,720 --> 00:17:37,803 but... 'cause it's worth it. 369 00:17:37,997 --> 00:17:41,666 It's 60% hard work, 40% joy... 370 00:17:41,668 --> 00:17:43,898 Your numbers may vary... but... 371 00:17:44,487 --> 00:17:46,854 it makes you feel like your life's worth something. 372 00:17:46,879 --> 00:17:49,013 So you really think I can do this? 373 00:17:49,804 --> 00:17:51,642 I know you can do it. 374 00:17:52,289 --> 00:17:54,421 - Thank you. - You're welcome. 375 00:17:55,077 --> 00:17:56,796 Now get some rest. 376 00:17:59,442 --> 00:18:01,665 - Christy? - Yeah? 377 00:18:01,690 --> 00:18:03,248 Leave the light on. 378 00:18:04,023 --> 00:18:05,856 How about I leave the hall light on 379 00:18:05,858 --> 00:18:07,441 and keep the door open a crack? 380 00:18:07,443 --> 00:18:08,776 Deal. 381 00:18:13,583 --> 00:18:15,082 She's right. 382 00:18:15,084 --> 00:18:17,859 I'm gonna make a great mom. 383 00:18:20,456 --> 00:18:22,484 - You comfy? - Mm-hmm. 384 00:18:22,509 --> 00:18:24,899 - You have enough pillows? - Yep. 385 00:18:24,924 --> 00:18:27,522 - You love me? - I do. 386 00:18:27,547 --> 00:18:29,463 Then why am I not your emergency contact?! 387 00:18:32,018 --> 00:18:33,601 Ow. 388 00:18:43,753 --> 00:18:45,729 Okay, Danielle, here's the deal. 389 00:18:45,808 --> 00:18:48,424 I'm going to hire someone to take care of Adam. 390 00:18:48,449 --> 00:18:51,433 Ideally, a large Filipino man. 391 00:18:51,693 --> 00:18:53,362 Are you really so threatened that you'd rather 392 00:18:53,387 --> 00:18:55,120 have a stranger tending to him? 393 00:18:55,145 --> 00:18:57,145 I'm not threatened. You're threatened. 394 00:18:57,374 --> 00:19:00,870 - Why would I be threatened? - Because I'm threatening you. 395 00:19:02,143 --> 00:19:03,784 Oh, honey. 396 00:19:04,572 --> 00:19:06,789 You don't want to do that. 397 00:19:06,791 --> 00:19:08,324 Oh, yeah, yeah. Adam told me 398 00:19:08,326 --> 00:19:10,370 you were in the Army a million years ago, 399 00:19:10,395 --> 00:19:12,987 so I'm sure you're really great at making a bed. 400 00:19:14,249 --> 00:19:16,382 But I have been beating snot out of people 401 00:19:16,384 --> 00:19:18,487 since grade school and I'm really in the mood 402 00:19:18,512 --> 00:19:20,295 to beat the snot... 403 00:19:25,787 --> 00:19:27,787 What just happened? 404 00:19:28,717 --> 00:19:32,143 You two girls getting along out there? 405 00:19:32,964 --> 00:19:37,448 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com --