1 00:00:02,219 --> 00:00:04,219 (dramatic music plays on TV) 2 00:00:04,221 --> 00:00:05,007 (gunshot on TV) 3 00:00:05,032 --> 00:00:07,062 Oh, my God. She shot him! 4 00:00:07,094 --> 00:00:08,327 I can't believe she shot him. 5 00:00:08,329 --> 00:00:09,761 This woman is a monster. 6 00:00:09,763 --> 00:00:11,530 Yeah, but look at her jacket. 7 00:00:11,532 --> 00:00:13,098 I want that jacket. 8 00:00:13,968 --> 00:00:15,834 She just murdered her boyfriend. 9 00:00:15,836 --> 00:00:17,002 It's covered in his blood. 10 00:00:17,250 --> 00:00:19,371 A little club soda... It comes right out. 11 00:00:20,808 --> 00:00:22,374 (cell phone rings) 12 00:00:24,153 --> 00:00:25,252 Who are you avoiding? 13 00:00:25,277 --> 00:00:27,077 Nobody. Not important. 14 00:00:27,393 --> 00:00:28,792 Oh, no. 15 00:00:29,114 --> 00:00:31,081 Please tell me she's not going to poison his daughter. 16 00:00:31,734 --> 00:00:33,986 She should poison whoever cut her hair. 17 00:00:34,640 --> 00:00:35,520 What? 18 00:00:36,195 --> 00:00:38,476 She can get away with murder, but not those bangs. 19 00:00:40,547 --> 00:00:43,048 Do you even pay attention to the plot? 20 00:00:43,050 --> 00:00:45,350 Of course, I do. I love this show. 21 00:00:46,186 --> 00:00:47,919 I also love that kitchen. 22 00:00:48,116 --> 00:00:50,140 I wish we had a pizza oven. 23 00:00:51,931 --> 00:00:54,131 (cell phone rings) 24 00:00:55,395 --> 00:00:56,828 Same "nobody-not-important"? 25 00:00:56,830 --> 00:00:58,063 Yep. 26 00:00:58,312 --> 00:00:59,475 You know I'm gonna go through your phone 27 00:00:59,500 --> 00:01:00,537 when you're not looking. 28 00:01:00,562 --> 00:01:01,694 I changed the pass-code. 29 00:01:01,782 --> 00:01:03,515 You mean 1147? 30 00:01:04,328 --> 00:01:05,460 I'll just change it again. 31 00:01:05,485 --> 00:01:06,718 1157? 32 00:01:06,720 --> 00:01:08,172 Get out of my head. 33 00:01:08,855 --> 00:01:09,988 - Was it Marjorie? - No. 34 00:01:09,990 --> 00:01:11,156 - Jill? - No. 35 00:01:11,158 --> 00:01:12,094 - Wendy? - No. 36 00:01:12,119 --> 00:01:13,551 - Mary? - Who's Mary? 37 00:01:13,760 --> 00:01:15,344 I'll take that as a no. 38 00:01:16,742 --> 00:01:18,396 Let's see. 39 00:01:18,398 --> 00:01:20,131 It's somebody you don't want to talk to, 40 00:01:20,133 --> 00:01:22,719 so it's either sex or money. 41 00:01:23,280 --> 00:01:25,656 Boy, that does not narrow things down. 42 00:01:26,492 --> 00:01:28,039 Fine. It's Adam. 43 00:01:28,304 --> 00:01:29,398 Adam? 44 00:01:29,776 --> 00:01:31,409 Wrong number boyfriend, Adam? 45 00:01:31,411 --> 00:01:32,610 Not boyfriend. 46 00:01:32,612 --> 00:01:34,406 We met once for coffee and didn't hit it off. 47 00:01:34,511 --> 00:01:35,676 So why is he calling? 48 00:01:35,882 --> 00:01:37,115 I don't know. 49 00:01:37,117 --> 00:01:39,084 We gonna watch the show or are you just gonna annoy me? 50 00:01:39,086 --> 00:01:40,508 I can do both. 51 00:01:42,586 --> 00:01:43,679 So what? 52 00:01:43,704 --> 00:01:45,357 You're not even friends with him, anymore? 53 00:01:45,359 --> 00:01:46,406 No, not really. 54 00:01:46,626 --> 00:01:48,660 Why? I mean I get that you didn't have chemistry... 55 00:01:48,662 --> 00:01:50,398 - Oh, grow up. I lied. - (pauses TV) 56 00:01:50,423 --> 00:01:51,755 He stood me up. 57 00:01:51,898 --> 00:01:52,898 Really? 58 00:01:53,433 --> 00:01:54,666 Why didn't you tell me? 59 00:01:54,668 --> 00:01:56,534 'Cause I didn't want to see your pity face. 60 00:01:56,824 --> 00:01:58,069 Aw. 61 00:02:00,726 --> 00:02:02,907 So you haven't spoken to him since? 62 00:02:02,909 --> 00:02:04,642 Why should I? You know my policy. 63 00:02:04,644 --> 00:02:06,978 "Fool me once, you're dead to me." 64 00:02:07,174 --> 00:02:09,054 (TV resumes playing) 65 00:02:10,951 --> 00:02:12,484 But maybe there's an explanation. 66 00:02:12,486 --> 00:02:13,640 (pauses TV) 67 00:02:14,011 --> 00:02:16,511 What possible explanation could he have? 68 00:02:16,828 --> 00:02:17,889 I don't know. 69 00:02:17,891 --> 00:02:19,457 Maybe one of his parents died. 70 00:02:19,459 --> 00:02:20,592 Oh, there's a happy thought. 71 00:02:20,883 --> 00:02:22,422 For some people. 72 00:02:22,929 --> 00:02:24,896 And he was so overcome with grief, 73 00:02:24,898 --> 00:02:26,498 he couldn't pick up the phone and text, 74 00:02:26,500 --> 00:02:28,992 "Mom's dead, mind if my Dad tags along?" 75 00:02:32,158 --> 00:02:33,458 I think you should call him. 76 00:02:33,483 --> 00:02:35,898 I think we need a second television. 77 00:02:36,283 --> 00:02:38,578 Was that supposed to hurt my feelings? 78 00:02:38,603 --> 00:02:40,304 'Cause I agree. 79 00:02:44,887 --> 00:02:46,753 (quietly): And redial. 80 00:02:47,344 --> 00:02:48,586 Mom, hurry up! 81 00:02:48,588 --> 00:02:50,355 She's about to kill somebody else! 82 00:02:50,357 --> 00:02:51,623 You're watching without me? 83 00:02:51,625 --> 00:02:52,851 I would never do that. 84 00:02:53,293 --> 00:02:54,626 Hi, Adam? It's Christy. 85 00:02:54,628 --> 00:02:56,101 My Mom wants to talk to you. 86 00:02:56,381 --> 00:02:58,742 I should've sold you when I had the chance. 87 00:03:02,045 --> 00:03:04,773 You have ten seconds to tell me why you stood me up. 88 00:03:05,859 --> 00:03:07,180 Uh-huh. 89 00:03:08,475 --> 00:03:10,008 (scoffs) Uh-huh. 90 00:03:10,115 --> 00:03:11,348 Yeah, hold on. 91 00:03:11,373 --> 00:03:12,605 I'm gonna put you on speaker. 92 00:03:12,630 --> 00:03:14,937 I want my daughter to hear this steamin' load. 93 00:03:16,016 --> 00:03:17,115 Go ahead, Adam. 94 00:03:17,117 --> 00:03:18,726 See if you can say that again without laughing. 95 00:03:19,086 --> 00:03:20,919 Adam: I said, I'm in a wheelchair 96 00:03:20,921 --> 00:03:22,726 and I guess I just lost my nerve. 97 00:03:22,751 --> 00:03:24,495 Hilarious. 98 00:03:24,762 --> 00:03:26,294 Do you believe this guy? 99 00:03:26,359 --> 00:03:28,259 That doesn't sound like something you'd make up. 100 00:03:28,261 --> 00:03:29,928 Oh, please. I'd make that up. 101 00:03:29,930 --> 00:03:31,469 I have made that up. 102 00:03:31,494 --> 00:03:33,794 Disneyland, all the rides, no waiting. 103 00:03:34,344 --> 00:03:36,167 I believe you, Adam. 104 00:03:36,169 --> 00:03:37,235 Thank you, Christy. 105 00:03:37,237 --> 00:03:38,403 Bonnie, I'm really sorry. 106 00:03:38,405 --> 00:03:40,625 I guess I was just afraid when you saw me, 107 00:03:40,923 --> 00:03:42,556 you wouldn't want to go out with me. 108 00:03:44,677 --> 00:03:45,976 How dare you? 109 00:03:46,291 --> 00:03:47,891 You really think I'm the kind of person 110 00:03:47,916 --> 00:03:49,649 who wouldn't go out with someone 'cause they're handicapped? 111 00:03:49,683 --> 00:03:50,883 That's so offensive. 112 00:03:51,512 --> 00:03:53,656 So you'll go out with me? 113 00:03:54,754 --> 00:03:56,312 Um... 114 00:03:57,891 --> 00:03:59,953 Well, I kinda have to, now. 115 00:04:00,961 --> 00:04:02,437 Great. Saturday night? 116 00:04:02,633 --> 00:04:03,628 Fine. 117 00:04:03,630 --> 00:04:05,250 Thanks for giving me another chance. 118 00:04:05,275 --> 00:04:07,406 Well, I'm nothing if not forgiving. 119 00:04:07,555 --> 00:04:08,654 She's nothing. 120 00:04:11,037 --> 00:04:12,461 See you Saturday. 121 00:04:14,462 --> 00:04:16,328 Me and a guy in a wheelchair. 122 00:04:16,515 --> 00:04:17,709 That's a first. 123 00:04:18,351 --> 00:04:20,750 Yeah, you're gonna want to wear flats. 124 00:04:31,140 --> 00:04:36,196 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com -- 125 00:04:42,022 --> 00:04:42,881 ♪ 126 00:04:42,906 --> 00:04:44,839 I just don't know what to expect. 127 00:04:44,959 --> 00:04:46,892 Have any of you ever dated a handicapped guy? 128 00:04:47,164 --> 00:04:49,762 When I was in high school, my boyfriend had a glass eye. 129 00:04:49,764 --> 00:04:50,930 Was it a problem? 130 00:04:50,932 --> 00:04:52,098 No, I loved it. 131 00:04:52,352 --> 00:04:54,140 If I was having a bad hair day, or a giant zit, 132 00:04:54,165 --> 00:04:56,365 I'd just stand on his blind side. 133 00:04:57,890 --> 00:05:00,382 When I was homeless, I dated a guy with a hook. 134 00:05:01,713 --> 00:05:04,387 Well, dated is not the right word. 135 00:05:04,412 --> 00:05:05,878 You share a cardboard box, 136 00:05:05,880 --> 00:05:08,125 it's really more a marriage of convenience. 137 00:05:08,929 --> 00:05:10,449 What about the hook? 138 00:05:10,451 --> 00:05:12,118 Did it complicate things? 139 00:05:12,120 --> 00:05:12,961 Kinda. 140 00:05:12,986 --> 00:05:16,020 We were constantly having to get new boxes. 141 00:05:18,659 --> 00:05:20,059 I'm just... I'm not sure what I'm getting into. 142 00:05:20,061 --> 00:05:21,894 Am I supposed to carry him up the stairs? 143 00:05:21,896 --> 00:05:23,272 Help him in the bathroom? 144 00:05:23,609 --> 00:05:25,731 You mean like I used to do with you when you were drunk? 145 00:05:26,656 --> 00:05:27,900 Yeah, yeah. Rough childhood. 146 00:05:27,902 --> 00:05:29,320 Moving along. 147 00:05:29,470 --> 00:05:30,736 Bonnie, it's just dinner. 148 00:05:30,738 --> 00:05:32,171 I don't think you have to worry 149 00:05:32,173 --> 00:05:33,472 about any of that stuff. 150 00:05:33,474 --> 00:05:34,874 Speaking of stuff. 151 00:05:34,876 --> 00:05:36,308 What about his stuff? 152 00:05:36,310 --> 00:05:37,643 What if his stuff doesn't work? 153 00:05:37,645 --> 00:05:39,512 That doesn't mean you can't have fun. 154 00:05:39,514 --> 00:05:40,320 Yeah. 155 00:05:40,345 --> 00:05:42,054 His tongue's not in a wheelchair. 156 00:05:44,906 --> 00:05:46,152 Good point. 157 00:05:46,154 --> 00:05:48,421 And depending on where his spinal injury was, 158 00:05:48,446 --> 00:05:51,146 he might still have a fully functioning penis. 159 00:05:52,140 --> 00:05:54,794 So to summarize, Mommy, oral sex is a go, 160 00:05:54,796 --> 00:05:57,554 and you may or may not have something to sit on. 161 00:05:59,297 --> 00:06:00,433 Oh, my God. 162 00:06:00,435 --> 00:06:02,468 Could we be any more shallow? 163 00:06:02,470 --> 00:06:04,547 What about this guy's personality? 164 00:06:04,672 --> 00:06:06,338 His intelligence, his sense of humor. 165 00:06:06,340 --> 00:06:08,307 I've actually talked to him on the phone for hours. 166 00:06:08,309 --> 00:06:09,608 He's really smart and funny. 167 00:06:09,610 --> 00:06:10,976 Yeah, so is Ben Franklin. 168 00:06:10,978 --> 00:06:12,312 What's he look like? 169 00:06:13,448 --> 00:06:14,741 Hang on. 170 00:06:15,632 --> 00:06:17,265 Here's his Facebook page. 171 00:06:18,286 --> 00:06:20,664 - (gasps) Oh, he's cute. - Let me see. 172 00:06:22,187 --> 00:06:23,589 Yum. 173 00:06:23,591 --> 00:06:25,992 That's a face you could share a box with. 174 00:06:26,445 --> 00:06:28,027 Give me. 175 00:06:28,336 --> 00:06:29,562 Oh, yeah. 176 00:06:29,564 --> 00:06:31,964 I could call him Daddy. 177 00:06:35,165 --> 00:06:37,047 Oops, that came out creepy. 178 00:06:40,141 --> 00:06:41,407 I don't know about this dress. 179 00:06:41,409 --> 00:06:42,808 What? You look great. 180 00:06:42,810 --> 00:06:44,276 Well, that's 'cause you're looking from up here. 181 00:06:44,278 --> 00:06:46,011 He's going to be looking from down here. 182 00:06:46,013 --> 00:06:47,113 So he doesn't get the benefit 183 00:06:47,115 --> 00:06:48,906 of all this well-engineered cleavage. 184 00:06:49,914 --> 00:06:51,383 So wait for the right moment, 185 00:06:51,385 --> 00:06:52,985 drop something, and bend over to pick it up. 186 00:06:52,987 --> 00:06:55,354 Oh, please. That is such a cheap move. 187 00:06:55,356 --> 00:06:56,622 You taught it to me. 188 00:06:57,342 --> 00:06:59,672 Yeah, well, I was trying to help you through Junior High. 189 00:07:02,288 --> 00:07:03,347 (doorbell rings) 190 00:07:03,539 --> 00:07:06,098 I believe that's him. Do you mind? I want to make an entrance. 191 00:07:06,100 --> 00:07:07,366 I got it. 192 00:07:07,368 --> 00:07:09,068 - Christy? - Yeah? 193 00:07:09,070 --> 00:07:12,771 Don't discuss his... you know, unfortunate situation. 194 00:07:12,773 --> 00:07:14,933 You mean that he's about to go out with a crazy person? 195 00:07:20,375 --> 00:07:21,380 Hello. 196 00:07:21,382 --> 00:07:23,048 Hey. You must be Adam. 197 00:07:23,050 --> 00:07:24,717 What gave me away? 198 00:07:25,810 --> 00:07:27,143 Come on in. 199 00:07:27,741 --> 00:07:29,274 She'll be right down. 200 00:07:29,299 --> 00:07:30,758 Can I get you something to drink? 201 00:07:31,125 --> 00:07:33,125 Well, I know you guys don't keep any alcohol in the house, 202 00:07:33,127 --> 00:07:35,127 so, uh... no. 203 00:07:35,129 --> 00:07:36,629 Yeah, sorry. 204 00:07:36,631 --> 00:07:37,830 You're about three years late 205 00:07:37,832 --> 00:07:40,132 for watching me light my breath on fire. 206 00:07:41,563 --> 00:07:43,029 Bonnie: Hi. 207 00:07:45,781 --> 00:07:46,972 Hi. 208 00:07:47,429 --> 00:07:48,974 Thanks for showing up this time. 209 00:07:48,976 --> 00:07:50,176 Really? 210 00:07:50,178 --> 00:07:52,378 You're gonna take a shot right out of the gate? 211 00:07:54,297 --> 00:07:56,081 It's not too late to run. 212 00:07:56,359 --> 00:07:57,883 I mean, roll. 213 00:07:57,885 --> 00:07:59,185 I mean... I'm sorry. 214 00:07:59,513 --> 00:08:01,764 She put it in my head. 215 00:08:01,789 --> 00:08:04,937 I see you've met my socially awkward daughter. 216 00:08:05,693 --> 00:08:07,059 Oops. 217 00:08:09,695 --> 00:08:12,648 - Did you get all that? - Oh, yeah. Both barrels. 218 00:08:13,859 --> 00:08:14,826 Shall we? 219 00:08:14,851 --> 00:08:16,135 We shall. 220 00:08:16,137 --> 00:08:17,269 Good night, Christy. 221 00:08:17,271 --> 00:08:18,344 Good night. 222 00:08:18,369 --> 00:08:20,136 Don't keep her out too late. I won't. 223 00:08:20,208 --> 00:08:21,607 I'm joking. Keep her. 224 00:08:21,609 --> 00:08:22,975 Don't bring her back. 225 00:08:25,112 --> 00:08:27,046 So how does this work? 226 00:08:27,048 --> 00:08:28,297 Do I drive? 227 00:08:28,767 --> 00:08:30,054 No, I have a car. 228 00:08:30,079 --> 00:08:31,594 Oh. Okay. 229 00:08:32,234 --> 00:08:34,281 How do you make it stop? 230 00:08:39,756 --> 00:08:41,322 Thanks. This is perfect. 231 00:08:43,508 --> 00:08:46,509 Do people always stare at you? 232 00:08:47,702 --> 00:08:48,968 What are you talking about? 233 00:08:48,970 --> 00:08:50,970 - They're staring at you. - Stop. 234 00:08:50,972 --> 00:08:52,838 No, I'm serious. You're a giant. 235 00:08:52,840 --> 00:08:54,797 They think you might eat them. 236 00:08:57,311 --> 00:08:58,377 I'm gonna have a beer. 237 00:08:58,379 --> 00:08:59,561 Does it bother you if I drink? 238 00:08:59,586 --> 00:09:01,680 Does it bother you if I walk? 239 00:09:01,682 --> 00:09:03,215 Not if you're in front of me. 240 00:09:03,217 --> 00:09:05,150 I like the view from back there. 241 00:09:06,228 --> 00:09:07,760 Good answer. 242 00:09:09,547 --> 00:09:13,425 So, listen, you don't seem like the shy, nervous type. 243 00:09:13,606 --> 00:09:16,073 Why'd you really bail on me last time? 244 00:09:17,531 --> 00:09:19,328 Yeah, I guess I gotta clear that up. 245 00:09:20,203 --> 00:09:21,390 Okay. 246 00:09:22,037 --> 00:09:23,383 Here's the thing. 247 00:09:24,538 --> 00:09:28,358 Usually, when I meet a woman, she sees the chair right away, 248 00:09:28,383 --> 00:09:30,475 and I can tell from the look in her eye 249 00:09:30,500 --> 00:09:32,244 whether she's okay with it or not. 250 00:09:32,246 --> 00:09:33,512 But we met on the phone. 251 00:09:33,514 --> 00:09:34,859 Which is why... 252 00:09:37,312 --> 00:09:41,820 I couldn't bear the idea of you seeing me and giving me that look. 253 00:09:43,633 --> 00:09:46,191 Like the woman behind you is giving me right now. 254 00:09:46,531 --> 00:09:47,860 Don't turn around. 255 00:09:47,947 --> 00:09:49,513 - No, don't... - Hey. 256 00:09:50,516 --> 00:09:52,516 Am I staring at the baldy you're with? 257 00:09:58,188 --> 00:10:00,655 Is it too soon to say "I love you"? 258 00:10:03,878 --> 00:10:06,397 So anyway, after working as a Hollywood stuntman 259 00:10:06,422 --> 00:10:07,413 for 20 some years, 260 00:10:07,415 --> 00:10:09,515 I felt kind of invincible. 261 00:10:09,695 --> 00:10:11,992 You know, the occasional broken nose, 262 00:10:12,078 --> 00:10:13,444 dislocated shoulder, 263 00:10:13,469 --> 00:10:16,021 but nothin' a couple of aspirin and a six-pack couldn't fix. 264 00:10:16,023 --> 00:10:17,356 So is that how you... 265 00:10:17,358 --> 00:10:18,976 You'd think so, but no. 266 00:10:19,117 --> 00:10:21,126 After putting my life on the line, 267 00:10:21,128 --> 00:10:23,228 driving motorcycles through fire, 268 00:10:23,230 --> 00:10:25,431 crashing cars into walls, 269 00:10:25,511 --> 00:10:27,344 working with Burt Reynolds... 270 00:10:28,469 --> 00:10:31,737 I get the brilliant idea to try... snowboarding. 271 00:10:31,739 --> 00:10:33,405 - Oh, no. - I'm thinking, 272 00:10:33,407 --> 00:10:34,573 I know how to ski. 273 00:10:34,575 --> 00:10:35,808 I know how to surf. 274 00:10:35,810 --> 00:10:36,942 It's the same thing, right? 275 00:10:36,944 --> 00:10:38,210 So I get up on the mountain. 276 00:10:38,212 --> 00:10:40,512 I got this stupid piece of wood strapped to my feet. 277 00:10:40,514 --> 00:10:42,748 I am flying down the hill. 278 00:10:42,750 --> 00:10:44,093 I'm doing good. 279 00:10:44,297 --> 00:10:45,670 I see a sign. 280 00:10:45,695 --> 00:10:47,152 It says, "Danger, barranca ahead." 281 00:10:47,154 --> 00:10:48,153 What's a barranca? 282 00:10:48,155 --> 00:10:49,288 That's what I'm thinking. 283 00:10:49,290 --> 00:10:51,570 I'm looking around, is it a bear, is it a tree? 284 00:10:51,595 --> 00:10:54,273 Turns out it's a... cliff. 285 00:10:54,762 --> 00:10:56,662 And you... 286 00:10:56,664 --> 00:10:58,203 Right off the edge. 287 00:10:59,923 --> 00:11:01,859 200 feet straight down. 288 00:11:03,637 --> 00:11:05,726 I felt like Wile E. Coyote, 289 00:11:06,507 --> 00:11:08,851 but substantially dumber. 290 00:11:08,853 --> 00:11:10,367 Oh, God. 291 00:11:12,203 --> 00:11:14,179 You want to hear the real embarrassing part? 292 00:11:14,297 --> 00:11:15,639 Always. 293 00:11:17,367 --> 00:11:18,937 On the way down... 294 00:11:20,203 --> 00:11:22,521 I-I tried flapping my arms. 295 00:11:22,523 --> 00:11:24,323 (laughing) 296 00:11:25,326 --> 00:11:26,525 I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh. 297 00:11:26,527 --> 00:11:28,360 Why? It's funny. I was just... 298 00:11:28,362 --> 00:11:30,329 Oh, God, it really is. 299 00:11:30,541 --> 00:11:33,508 (laughing) 300 00:11:36,937 --> 00:11:38,536 (laughing) 301 00:11:38,937 --> 00:11:41,129 Whee! 302 00:11:41,242 --> 00:11:43,542 This is fun. 303 00:11:43,544 --> 00:11:45,577 Hang on. 304 00:11:45,579 --> 00:11:47,179 Oh, now you're just showing off. 305 00:11:47,181 --> 00:11:49,314 (laughing) 306 00:11:49,316 --> 00:11:50,816 Yeah, well, I can't keep bending over 307 00:11:50,818 --> 00:11:52,017 to pick up my purse. 308 00:11:52,019 --> 00:11:53,152 Hey. 309 00:11:53,154 --> 00:11:54,553 Not that I'm complaining. 310 00:11:54,555 --> 00:11:58,223 Okay, well, this is my stop. 311 00:11:58,664 --> 00:12:00,092 Tonight was great. 312 00:12:00,312 --> 00:12:01,593 Can we do it again? 313 00:12:01,595 --> 00:12:02,628 We better. 314 00:12:02,630 --> 00:12:03,508 Good. 315 00:12:17,945 --> 00:12:20,943 All right. Well, good night. 316 00:12:24,913 --> 00:12:26,232 Good night. 317 00:12:34,554 --> 00:12:36,271 This time, I mean it. 318 00:12:40,568 --> 00:12:41,877 Oops. 319 00:12:42,661 --> 00:12:43,902 Thank you. 320 00:12:57,903 --> 00:12:59,997 All: So? 321 00:13:10,045 --> 00:13:11,844 Please tell me you didn't all drive 322 00:13:11,846 --> 00:13:13,446 over here to see how my date went. 323 00:13:13,615 --> 00:13:15,511 No. We went to a meeting. 324 00:13:15,536 --> 00:13:17,184 Had coffee. And then we drove over here 325 00:13:17,209 --> 00:13:18,442 to see how your date went. 326 00:13:18,444 --> 00:13:19,610 So how'd your date go? 327 00:13:19,612 --> 00:13:20,708 Okay. 328 00:13:20,733 --> 00:13:22,068 Here's the headline. 329 00:13:23,099 --> 00:13:24,698 Best date of my life. 330 00:13:24,700 --> 00:13:26,115 - Oh, my God. - Oh, that's so wonderful. 331 00:13:26,140 --> 00:13:26,857 Great dinner. 332 00:13:26,882 --> 00:13:28,060 No awkward pauses. 333 00:13:28,085 --> 00:13:29,618 Didn't have to fake any laughs. 334 00:13:29,643 --> 00:13:32,240 And he finished it off with the perfect first kiss. 335 00:13:32,265 --> 00:13:33,964 Both: Aw. 336 00:13:34,220 --> 00:13:35,720 I'm so happy for you, Bonnie. 337 00:13:35,745 --> 00:13:37,044 Yeah, you deserve this. 338 00:13:37,046 --> 00:13:38,512 I don't want to get ahead of myself, 339 00:13:38,514 --> 00:13:40,314 but I think Bonnie Plunkett Janikowski 340 00:13:40,316 --> 00:13:42,325 will get easier to say with time. 341 00:13:43,755 --> 00:13:45,452 You would actually keep Plunkett? 342 00:13:45,454 --> 00:13:46,396 You're right. 343 00:13:46,421 --> 00:13:48,122 Why help the creditors find me. 344 00:13:48,824 --> 00:13:50,457 Listen, I think this is great, 345 00:13:50,459 --> 00:13:53,927 but at the risk of sounding like a wet blanket, take it slow. 346 00:13:53,982 --> 00:13:54,995 Be smart. 347 00:13:54,997 --> 00:13:57,097 Oh, please. If I took things slow and smart, 348 00:13:57,099 --> 00:13:58,755 this one wouldn't exist. 349 00:13:59,368 --> 00:14:02,369 I'm just saying, take it one day at a time. 350 00:14:02,394 --> 00:14:04,004 Well, maybe I don't want to take it one day at a time. 351 00:14:04,006 --> 00:14:06,473 Maybe I want to be high on life, on love. 352 00:14:06,475 --> 00:14:07,975 On whatever I can get high on 353 00:14:07,977 --> 00:14:10,443 that doesn't require me going to a freakin' 12 step meeting. 354 00:14:12,105 --> 00:14:14,239 Okay. Sorry. 355 00:14:14,365 --> 00:14:15,599 It's your life. 356 00:14:18,688 --> 00:14:20,688 I have a question. 357 00:14:20,955 --> 00:14:22,732 What's goin' on with your boobs? 358 00:14:27,591 --> 00:14:29,191 Is your Mom coming to the meeting? 359 00:14:29,365 --> 00:14:30,531 No. 360 00:14:30,533 --> 00:14:32,435 She's got another date with hot wheels. 361 00:14:33,569 --> 00:14:35,469 Oh, good for her. 362 00:14:35,471 --> 00:14:37,294 Yeah. I'm not so sure. 363 00:14:37,319 --> 00:14:38,452 Why? 364 00:14:38,908 --> 00:14:40,074 Okay, so, 365 00:14:40,076 --> 00:14:41,875 there's this waitress I work with, 366 00:14:41,877 --> 00:14:42,833 Andrea. 367 00:14:43,112 --> 00:14:45,012 I happened to mention my mom's dating 368 00:14:45,014 --> 00:14:46,880 this former stuntman in a wheelchair. 369 00:14:46,882 --> 00:14:48,916 How do you happen to mention that? 370 00:14:48,918 --> 00:14:50,117 It's called gossip, Marjorie. 371 00:14:50,119 --> 00:14:52,068 I'm not proud of it, but there you are. 372 00:14:53,842 --> 00:14:55,509 Anyway, turns out, 373 00:14:55,534 --> 00:14:57,138 Andrea used to go out with Adam. 374 00:14:57,334 --> 00:14:58,600 So? 375 00:14:58,695 --> 00:15:00,294 She caught him cheating on her, 376 00:15:00,319 --> 00:15:02,200 and then he cheated on that girl, too. 377 00:15:02,673 --> 00:15:03,806 So he's a player. 378 00:15:03,933 --> 00:15:05,399 Apparently. 379 00:15:05,401 --> 00:15:07,501 (sighs heavily) That's a shame. 380 00:15:07,503 --> 00:15:08,702 What are you going to do? 381 00:15:08,704 --> 00:15:10,204 What do you mean, what is she going to do? 382 00:15:10,206 --> 00:15:11,341 She has to tell Bonnie. 383 00:15:11,366 --> 00:15:13,310 - No, she doesn't. - I don't? 384 00:15:13,437 --> 00:15:14,904 You don't know the whole story. 385 00:15:15,022 --> 00:15:17,155 Maybe your friend Andrea's a lyin' whore. 386 00:15:17,446 --> 00:15:18,612 Jill... ! 387 00:15:18,614 --> 00:15:19,880 Oh, come on. She's a waitress. 388 00:15:19,882 --> 00:15:21,997 You know how they are. 389 00:15:22,285 --> 00:15:23,917 Hey, I'm a waitress. 390 00:15:23,919 --> 00:15:25,486 Yeah, and you slept with your married boss, 391 00:15:25,488 --> 00:15:26,720 a drunk fireman, 392 00:15:26,722 --> 00:15:28,155 your ex-husband's future father-in-law... 393 00:15:28,157 --> 00:15:29,690 Fine! I'm a whore. 394 00:15:32,398 --> 00:15:35,066 But I don't think Andrea's lying about Adam. 395 00:15:35,411 --> 00:15:36,730 So the real question is, 396 00:15:36,732 --> 00:15:39,033 if you were my Mom, would you want to know? 397 00:15:39,216 --> 00:15:40,372 - Yes. - No. 398 00:15:40,397 --> 00:15:41,888 Oh, that's a toughie. 399 00:15:42,438 --> 00:15:43,786 Thanks. Very helpful. 400 00:15:43,818 --> 00:15:46,119 Well, the real question is how are you going to feel 401 00:15:46,144 --> 00:15:48,077 if you don't tell her and she gets hurt? 402 00:15:48,474 --> 00:15:49,810 So you'd tell her? 403 00:15:49,812 --> 00:15:51,445 Of course. 404 00:15:56,452 --> 00:15:57,618 (sighs) 405 00:16:01,353 --> 00:16:02,552 Hey, Mom... 406 00:16:03,350 --> 00:16:05,560 Marjorie has something she wants to tell you. 407 00:16:06,762 --> 00:16:07,995 I'm not telling her. 408 00:16:07,997 --> 00:16:08,962 You just said you would. 409 00:16:08,964 --> 00:16:10,564 I said I would if I were you. 410 00:16:10,566 --> 00:16:11,799 All right, Jill, you're up. 411 00:16:11,801 --> 00:16:13,167 Wh... I'm not telling her 412 00:16:13,169 --> 00:16:15,002 her new boyfriend's a cheatin' dog. 413 00:16:15,004 --> 00:16:16,704 Did you get that? 414 00:16:17,906 --> 00:16:19,372 She wants to talk to you. 415 00:16:22,751 --> 00:16:23,983 - How's the chicken? - Mmm. 416 00:16:24,313 --> 00:16:25,396 Delicious. 417 00:16:25,748 --> 00:16:27,047 What are these things? 418 00:16:27,435 --> 00:16:28,849 Caper berries. 419 00:16:28,851 --> 00:16:31,051 Aha. And the sauce? 420 00:16:31,053 --> 00:16:31,833 Lemon butter. 421 00:16:31,866 --> 00:16:34,318 Mmm! So why'd you cheat on Andrea? 422 00:16:36,312 --> 00:16:37,377 (quiet cough) 423 00:16:37,426 --> 00:16:38,692 I'm sorry. What? 424 00:16:38,694 --> 00:16:40,027 You heard me. 425 00:16:40,380 --> 00:16:41,962 Do you know Andrea? 426 00:16:41,964 --> 00:16:43,197 My daughter does. 427 00:16:43,199 --> 00:16:44,998 Oh. Have you been obsessing 428 00:16:45,000 --> 00:16:46,133 about this all through dinner? 429 00:16:46,135 --> 00:16:47,568 I actually started on the drive over. 430 00:16:47,570 --> 00:16:49,203 Kind of forgot about it during the lobster bisque. 431 00:16:49,205 --> 00:16:50,371 Now it's back. 432 00:16:50,591 --> 00:16:51,505 I see. 433 00:16:51,507 --> 00:16:53,540 Would you like some more lobster bisque? 434 00:16:55,428 --> 00:16:57,628 I'd like to know what I got myself into here. 435 00:16:57,982 --> 00:16:59,130 All right. 436 00:16:59,635 --> 00:17:00,841 I'll tell you. 437 00:17:06,295 --> 00:17:08,044 After I broke my back, 438 00:17:09,800 --> 00:17:11,268 I spent a year in rehab 439 00:17:11,293 --> 00:17:13,740 learning how to live in this thing. 440 00:17:14,666 --> 00:17:17,724 I couldn't work anymore, at the job that I loved... 441 00:17:18,424 --> 00:17:24,648 and, maybe I... felt like I needed to prove to myself 442 00:17:24,673 --> 00:17:26,849 that I was... still a man. 443 00:17:27,496 --> 00:17:29,295 By nailing every woman you met. 444 00:17:31,827 --> 00:17:34,115 I also bought a really big truck. 445 00:17:35,721 --> 00:17:38,005 - Red? - Maybe. 446 00:17:41,339 --> 00:17:44,507 The point is, it's over. 447 00:17:45,748 --> 00:17:47,281 I'm not that guy anymore. 448 00:17:48,898 --> 00:17:50,097 Why should I believe you? 449 00:17:50,099 --> 00:17:51,560 (chuckles wryly): Well, I don't know, Bonnie. 450 00:17:52,001 --> 00:17:53,834 I guess you're just going to have to trust me. 451 00:17:53,836 --> 00:17:57,294 Hmm. If I had a nickel for every time a guy said, "Trust me." 452 00:17:57,584 --> 00:17:59,351 - Let me prove it. - How? 453 00:18:00,743 --> 00:18:01,875 Spend the night... 454 00:18:01,877 --> 00:18:03,143 You owe me a nickel. 455 00:18:03,145 --> 00:18:04,812 No, whoa, whoa, whoa. 456 00:18:04,814 --> 00:18:06,079 Let-let me finish. 457 00:18:06,081 --> 00:18:07,857 I'm not talking about sex. 458 00:18:10,453 --> 00:18:12,919 Let's just spend the night together. 459 00:18:14,567 --> 00:18:16,467 What would we do? 460 00:18:17,552 --> 00:18:18,725 I don't know. 461 00:18:18,727 --> 00:18:20,794 Talk, watch TV, 462 00:18:20,796 --> 00:18:22,029 play a little Boggle. 463 00:18:22,031 --> 00:18:23,564 Maybe that leads to Yahtzee, 464 00:18:23,566 --> 00:18:25,318 but that's your call. 465 00:18:25,990 --> 00:18:27,835 And then we just sleep. 466 00:18:27,837 --> 00:18:30,654 I hear married couples do it all the time. 467 00:18:33,240 --> 00:18:35,776 How do I know you didn't offer this sexless evening 468 00:18:35,778 --> 00:18:37,277 to someone else last night? 469 00:18:37,279 --> 00:18:39,413 Because we went to the movies last night. 470 00:18:39,415 --> 00:18:40,872 Oh, yeah. 471 00:18:44,222 --> 00:18:45,755 So what do you think? 472 00:18:50,936 --> 00:18:56,482 I think you just sweet-talked your way into not getting laid. 473 00:18:57,556 --> 00:18:59,200 Yeah. 474 00:19:30,333 --> 00:19:32,200 - Hey. - Huh? Wha... ? 475 00:19:35,709 --> 00:19:36,810 What is it? 476 00:19:36,950 --> 00:19:39,084 Good news. I trust you. 477 00:19:41,591 --> 00:19:45,833 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com --