1 00:00:02,281 --> 00:00:04,640 Well, that was awkward. 2 00:00:04,875 --> 00:00:05,718 What? 3 00:00:05,743 --> 00:00:09,044 Did you not notice Steve leering at me through the whole meeting? 4 00:00:10,101 --> 00:00:11,421 I didn't see any leering. 5 00:00:11,446 --> 00:00:12,664 Oh, yeah, he was leering. 6 00:00:12,689 --> 00:00:14,389 He was eating cookies at me. 7 00:00:14,818 --> 00:00:17,460 How do you eat a cookie “at” someone? 8 00:00:17,485 --> 00:00:19,773 I'd show you, but it'd freak you out. 9 00:00:20,032 --> 00:00:22,484 Bonnie, I'm not gonna ell you I told you so, 10 00:00:22,509 --> 00:00:24,265 but maybe someone could say it for me. 11 00:00:25,328 --> 00:00:26,429 She did tell you not to sleep... 12 00:00:26,431 --> 00:00:28,064 Yeah, I heard her, Wendy. 13 00:00:28,066 --> 00:00:31,687 But what am I supposed to do, go back in time and un-bang him? 14 00:00:32,323 --> 00:00:36,531 If I could go back in time, I'd otally un-bang Barry Slotnick. 15 00:00:37,468 --> 00:00:39,492 For me, it would be Brad Hoisington. 16 00:00:39,517 --> 00:00:41,484 Oh, and his brother Dale. 17 00:00:41,779 --> 00:00:43,523 The drum roadie for ZZ Top. 18 00:00:43,556 --> 00:00:45,890 And not un-bang, re-bang. 19 00:00:46,550 --> 00:00:48,884 Okay, we're all sluts. Moving on. 20 00:00:48,886 --> 00:00:50,352 Wait, I didn't go. 21 00:00:50,354 --> 00:00:53,421 The Korean guy who told me he was Joe Montana. 22 00:00:54,392 --> 00:00:57,595 How do you mistake a Korean guy for Joe Montana? 23 00:00:57,707 --> 00:01:01,078 I was drunk, and he kept the helmet on till we were done. 24 00:01:01,145 --> 00:01:02,436 Bonnie: Okay, you win. 25 00:01:02,461 --> 00:01:04,828 The point is Steve is still hung up on me, 26 00:01:04,853 --> 00:01:06,152 and I can't go back to that meeting. 27 00:01:06,177 --> 00:01:08,478 I need to find one where I can feel safe. 28 00:01:09,244 --> 00:01:10,835 Hmm, that's a toughie. 29 00:01:10,912 --> 00:01:12,411 Is there an A.A. meeting in Northern California 30 00:01:12,436 --> 00:01:14,054 where you haven't slept with someone? 31 00:01:14,345 --> 00:01:16,011 What are you insinuating? 32 00:01:16,013 --> 00:01:17,734 I think it's pretty clear. 33 00:01:18,482 --> 00:01:20,115 You guys all get it, right? 34 00:01:20,476 --> 00:01:22,684 Why don't you go to a gay meeting? 35 00:01:22,686 --> 00:01:24,319 Well, don't you have to be gay? 36 00:01:24,321 --> 00:01:25,921 No, you just have to be a drunk. 37 00:01:25,923 --> 00:01:28,539 Anything else you put in your mouth is your business. 38 00:01:29,059 --> 00:01:31,539 Actually, that sounds like it might be fun. 39 00:01:41,226 --> 00:01:42,804 You all saw that, right? 40 00:01:42,806 --> 00:01:44,726 No one eats a cookie like that. 41 00:01:55,523 --> 00:02:00,049 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com -- 42 00:02:09,273 --> 00:02:10,505 Welcome, welcome, welcome! 43 00:02:10,530 --> 00:02:11,664 Thank you. 44 00:02:11,740 --> 00:02:12,806 I'm Milo. 45 00:02:12,831 --> 00:02:14,264 Bonnie. Christy. 46 00:02:14,549 --> 00:02:15,507 So glad you're here. 47 00:02:15,532 --> 00:02:16,609 Are you new? 48 00:02:16,634 --> 00:02:19,484 No, we're here 'cause his one slept her way 49 00:02:19,509 --> 00:02:20,648 out of our regular meeting. 50 00:02:21,489 --> 00:02:22,679 (Laughs): Oh, honey. 51 00:02:22,704 --> 00:02:24,271 Been there. 52 00:02:24,296 --> 00:02:26,398 Yeah, we're usually at South street on Tuesday nights. 53 00:02:26,423 --> 00:02:27,756 Marjorie's meeting. 54 00:02:27,781 --> 00:02:28,813 I love her. 55 00:02:28,838 --> 00:02:30,138 Helped me get sober. 56 00:02:30,362 --> 00:02:31,861 How is that hag doing? 57 00:02:31,886 --> 00:02:33,343 (Laughs) 58 00:02:33,368 --> 00:02:34,901 Still rocking a pant suit? 59 00:02:35,279 --> 00:02:36,531 (Chuckles) She is. 60 00:02:36,556 --> 00:02:38,468 She's got a serious boyfriend now. 61 00:02:38,493 --> 00:02:41,327 Shut up. I thought there was police tape over that thing. 62 00:02:41,909 --> 00:02:43,171 (Laughs) I like him. 63 00:02:43,196 --> 00:02:45,070 Well, come on in. Snack table's over there. 64 00:02:45,095 --> 00:02:46,210 It is sushi night, 65 00:02:46,235 --> 00:02:48,578 so grab a spicy tuna roll and settle in. 66 00:02:48,603 --> 00:02:50,421 - Thank you. - Thank you. 67 00:02:50,756 --> 00:02:52,790 Well, this is perfect. 68 00:02:52,815 --> 00:02:54,481 Good-looking, well-dressed people, 69 00:02:54,506 --> 00:02:56,265 and I haven't slept with any of them. 70 00:02:56,377 --> 00:02:57,743 Woman: Bonnie? 71 00:02:58,291 --> 00:02:59,858 Jeanine? 72 00:03:01,197 --> 00:03:03,070 Oh, my God, Aunt Jeanine! 73 00:03:03,095 --> 00:03:05,729 Christy crackerjack, is that you?! 74 00:03:06,133 --> 00:03:08,801 Look at you, you're all grown up! 75 00:03:08,803 --> 00:03:10,563 Oh. Oh. 76 00:03:12,156 --> 00:03:14,524 I can't believe it's you. 77 00:03:14,526 --> 00:03:15,892 Mom, look, Aunt Jeanine! 78 00:03:15,894 --> 00:03:17,027 Yeah, I see her. 79 00:03:17,029 --> 00:03:20,096 Kiddo, you realize I wasn't really your aunt. 80 00:03:20,656 --> 00:03:21,835 Yeah, I know. 81 00:03:21,860 --> 00:03:25,101 My Mom sat me down and explained it to me when I turned 36. 82 00:03:25,103 --> 00:03:27,871 Hey, look at that, you have slept with somebody here. 83 00:03:31,609 --> 00:03:33,109 How you doing, Jeanine? 84 00:03:33,111 --> 00:03:34,444 I'm good. 85 00:03:34,446 --> 00:03:36,413 I beat cancer, I beat Hep C. 86 00:03:36,415 --> 00:03:39,449 I had two angioplasties and a hip replacement. 87 00:03:39,451 --> 00:03:41,384 I'm like the Bionic Lesbian. 88 00:03:42,686 --> 00:03:44,220 So how long you been sober? 89 00:03:44,222 --> 00:03:47,190 Ooh, six months. 90 00:03:47,892 --> 00:03:48,898 This time. 91 00:03:48,994 --> 00:03:50,660 Well, good for you. 92 00:03:50,662 --> 00:03:52,228 I'm going on 28 years. 93 00:03:52,230 --> 00:03:53,830 Wow. What's your secret? 94 00:03:53,832 --> 00:03:56,218 I haven't had a drink in 28 years. 95 00:03:57,726 --> 00:04:00,236 But I have thought about you a lot. 96 00:04:00,238 --> 00:04:01,504 Yeah, me, too. 97 00:04:01,506 --> 00:04:02,538 About you. 98 00:04:03,046 --> 00:04:04,507 Okay, listen, good to see you. 99 00:04:04,509 --> 00:04:06,876 Maybe, uh, after the meeting, we can catch up. 100 00:04:06,878 --> 00:04:08,144 Yeah, I'd like that. 101 00:04:08,146 --> 00:04:11,180 Okay. Excuse me, I got to go get this party started. 102 00:04:11,182 --> 00:04:12,215 Paul. 103 00:04:12,217 --> 00:04:13,750 Play me in. 104 00:04:13,752 --> 00:04:15,752 (Piano playing “New York, New York”) 105 00:04:20,023 --> 00:04:22,024 How great is it to see Jeanine? 106 00:04:22,026 --> 00:04:23,993 Yeah, terrific. Let's go. 107 00:04:23,995 --> 00:04:26,229 Hold on, hold on! Sashimi! 108 00:04:27,631 --> 00:04:29,699 ♪ ♪ 109 00:04:29,701 --> 00:04:32,368 So let me get this straight. You lived with this woman? 110 00:04:32,370 --> 00:04:33,636 For about a year. 111 00:04:33,638 --> 00:04:37,210 And during this time, did you do gay things with her? 112 00:04:37,475 --> 00:04:39,539 Gay things were done. 113 00:04:41,007 --> 00:04:43,375 What kind of gay things? 114 00:04:43,581 --> 00:04:45,748 What difference does it make? 115 00:04:45,750 --> 00:04:47,734 I'm having trouble picturing it. 116 00:04:48,453 --> 00:04:49,757 Then stop. 117 00:04:50,354 --> 00:04:51,253 Were you in love? 118 00:04:51,255 --> 00:04:52,922 It's complicated. 119 00:04:52,924 --> 00:04:56,625 When we met, I was experiencing financial difficulties. 120 00:04:56,627 --> 00:04:58,515 We were living in our car. 121 00:04:59,046 --> 00:05:01,500 Which was parked in a lovely neighborhood. 122 00:05:02,199 --> 00:05:04,400 Anyway, I met Jeanine, she was a blast. 123 00:05:04,402 --> 00:05:06,302 I knew she liked me, she loved Christy. 124 00:05:06,304 --> 00:05:08,070 So I decided, “what the hell?” 125 00:05:08,072 --> 00:05:09,687 I've faked it with a man, I can fake it with a woman. 126 00:05:09,974 --> 00:05:11,673 (Sighs) So bottom line, 127 00:05:11,675 --> 00:05:13,642 you pretended to be in love with this woman 128 00:05:13,644 --> 00:05:15,244 in order to keep a roof over your heads. 129 00:05:15,246 --> 00:05:17,212 Yes, Marjorie, just as at other times, 130 00:05:17,214 --> 00:05:19,615 I've pretended to be a nun, Geena Davis, 131 00:05:19,617 --> 00:05:21,463 and a USDA meat inspector. 132 00:05:22,586 --> 00:05:26,119 Oh, yeah, we did eat well that summer. 133 00:05:26,957 --> 00:05:28,724 So how did it end with you two? 134 00:05:28,726 --> 00:05:30,692 I realized Jeanine was getting kind of serious, 135 00:05:30,694 --> 00:05:32,728 so I did the decent thing. I packed up Christy, 136 00:05:32,730 --> 00:05:34,330 and we snuck out in he middle of the night. 137 00:05:34,732 --> 00:05:36,832 I was told we were going to Sea World. 138 00:05:36,834 --> 00:05:39,627 I told you were going o “see the world.” 139 00:05:39,970 --> 00:05:41,403 and we did. 140 00:05:41,405 --> 00:05:43,905 Sounds like you owe this woman an amends. 141 00:05:43,907 --> 00:05:46,541 Oh, for God's sake, Marjorie, I can't possibly make amends 142 00:05:46,543 --> 00:05:48,643 o every single person I've screwed over. 143 00:05:48,645 --> 00:05:49,644 Why not? 144 00:05:49,646 --> 00:05:50,612 Well, for starters, 145 00:05:50,614 --> 00:05:52,690 when am I gonna be in Japan again? 146 00:05:53,716 --> 00:05:56,117 ♪ ♪ 147 00:05:56,119 --> 00:05:57,485 Thanks again for seeing me. 148 00:05:57,487 --> 00:05:59,815 Hey, I was happy to get the call. 149 00:06:02,487 --> 00:06:04,492 So you still in real estate? 150 00:06:04,494 --> 00:06:06,682 Number one salesperson in my firm. 151 00:06:07,230 --> 00:06:09,264 Ever since they legalized gay marriage, 152 00:06:09,266 --> 00:06:11,900 here's a queer tidal wave headed for the suburbs. 153 00:06:12,502 --> 00:06:14,269 (Chuckles) Nice. 154 00:06:14,271 --> 00:06:17,539 Yeah, me and restoration hardware... Big winners. 155 00:06:20,088 --> 00:06:21,142 Who's this? 156 00:06:21,144 --> 00:06:22,143 That's Lenore. 157 00:06:22,145 --> 00:06:23,678 She came along after you. 158 00:06:23,680 --> 00:06:24,712 Oh, that's nice. 159 00:06:24,714 --> 00:06:25,947 Is she around? I'd love to meet her. 160 00:06:25,949 --> 00:06:28,182 Yeah, right on the mantle. 161 00:06:28,685 --> 00:06:31,198 Bonnie, Lenore. Lenore, Bonnie. 162 00:06:33,112 --> 00:06:35,258 I'm so sorry. How did she die? 163 00:06:35,283 --> 00:06:37,892 Doing what she loved most, mountain climbing. 164 00:06:37,894 --> 00:06:40,561 Well, in this case, Mountain falling. 165 00:06:40,563 --> 00:06:42,196 (Chuckles) 166 00:06:42,198 --> 00:06:43,531 Uh, I'm sorry. 167 00:06:43,533 --> 00:06:46,041 Don't be. She would have loved that joke. 168 00:06:48,036 --> 00:06:49,504 You gonna tell me why you're here? 169 00:06:50,330 --> 00:06:51,839 Why do you think? 170 00:06:52,020 --> 00:06:53,853 I need to make amends. 171 00:06:54,987 --> 00:06:56,811 You were so good to me and Christy, 172 00:06:56,813 --> 00:07:00,057 and I just... treated you horribly. 173 00:07:01,205 --> 00:07:02,917 I accept your amends. 174 00:07:02,919 --> 00:07:03,918 Really? 175 00:07:03,920 --> 00:07:05,353 It's that easy? 176 00:07:05,355 --> 00:07:06,988 Well, in all fairness, 177 00:07:06,990 --> 00:07:09,651 I did my best to keep you loaded so you'd stick around. 178 00:07:11,159 --> 00:07:13,361 So I guess I owe you an amends, too. 179 00:07:13,526 --> 00:07:14,895 Wait, I'm confused. 180 00:07:14,897 --> 00:07:16,831 All these years, I thought I was the one 181 00:07:16,833 --> 00:07:17,965 who took advantage of you. 182 00:07:17,967 --> 00:07:19,400 Now you're saying I was the victim? 183 00:07:19,402 --> 00:07:21,101 (Scoffs) Some victim. 184 00:07:21,103 --> 00:07:22,703 I kept a well-stocked bar, 185 00:07:22,705 --> 00:07:24,738 I tossed you a couple of Quaalude’s, 186 00:07:24,740 --> 00:07:27,608 and you lived with me for two years rent-free. 187 00:07:28,299 --> 00:07:29,869 Two years? 188 00:07:31,205 --> 00:07:34,014 Time flies when you put bourbon on your pancakes. 189 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:36,283 Huh. 190 00:07:36,552 --> 00:07:38,185 Okay, well, mm-hmm. 191 00:07:38,187 --> 00:07:40,120 What do you say we just call it even? 192 00:07:40,122 --> 00:07:41,288 Works for me. 193 00:07:41,477 --> 00:07:42,476 You hungry? 194 00:07:43,018 --> 00:07:44,158 I guess I could eat. 195 00:07:44,346 --> 00:07:46,660 Come on, I'll throw a couple steaks on the grill. 196 00:07:46,763 --> 00:07:48,634 - Sounds good. - All right. 197 00:07:48,931 --> 00:07:50,464 I'm really glad we could reconnect. 198 00:07:50,466 --> 00:07:51,398 Me, too. 199 00:07:51,400 --> 00:07:52,733 I would have laid even money 200 00:07:52,735 --> 00:07:54,501 you'd be dead or in jail by now. 201 00:07:55,198 --> 00:07:56,770 Technically, I've been both. 202 00:07:56,772 --> 00:07:58,238 (Laughs) 203 00:07:58,240 --> 00:08:00,374 ♪ ♪ 204 00:08:00,376 --> 00:08:02,612 This is always a hard day for me. 205 00:08:03,479 --> 00:08:05,078 Four years ago, 206 00:08:05,354 --> 00:08:09,307 I finally found the courage o come out to my father. 207 00:08:10,393 --> 00:08:12,152 (Sobbing) 208 00:08:12,154 --> 00:08:15,276 He hasn't spoken to me since! 209 00:08:16,041 --> 00:08:18,291 It's just so hard... (Quietly): A piano player? 210 00:08:18,293 --> 00:08:19,292 Sushi? 211 00:08:19,294 --> 00:08:21,573 I swear, it was all here. 212 00:08:22,564 --> 00:08:24,631 ♪ ♪ 213 00:08:25,471 --> 00:08:27,133 Why aren't we using the dishwasher? 214 00:08:27,135 --> 00:08:28,468 I like it better this way. 215 00:08:28,470 --> 00:08:29,536 It's soothing. 216 00:08:29,791 --> 00:08:32,038 Although you still cannot dry a dish. 217 00:08:32,377 --> 00:08:33,974 What?! Look at it. 218 00:08:33,976 --> 00:08:35,442 It's wetter than when I handed it to you. 219 00:08:35,444 --> 00:08:36,776 Well, then give me a better towel. 220 00:08:37,010 --> 00:08:38,078 Really? 221 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:39,179 You're blaming the towel? 222 00:08:39,181 --> 00:08:40,880 You'd rather I blame you 223 00:08:40,882 --> 00:08:42,415 for not using the friggin' dishwasher? 224 00:08:42,417 --> 00:08:43,854 (Chuckles) 225 00:08:44,052 --> 00:08:45,830 Same old Bonnie. 226 00:08:46,021 --> 00:08:47,020 Hey. 227 00:08:47,022 --> 00:08:48,822 Can I ask you something? 228 00:08:48,824 --> 00:08:50,290 Sure. Anything. 229 00:08:51,135 --> 00:08:52,926 You know what? Never mind. 230 00:08:52,928 --> 00:08:54,961 Ugh, I always hated when you did that. 231 00:08:54,963 --> 00:08:56,429 Ask me. 232 00:08:56,454 --> 00:08:58,020 Okay. 233 00:08:58,933 --> 00:09:00,416 Back when we were a couple, 234 00:09:00,869 --> 00:09:02,385 were you just going through the motions, 235 00:09:02,410 --> 00:09:05,119 or, did you have any feelings for me at all? 236 00:09:06,940 --> 00:09:09,275 Of course I had feelings for you. 237 00:09:11,182 --> 00:09:15,104 I mean, as much as I was capable of having feelings for anybody. 238 00:09:15,957 --> 00:09:18,057 You know, I was devastated when you left. 239 00:09:19,298 --> 00:09:20,291 I know. 240 00:09:21,721 --> 00:09:23,700 When I saw you walk into that meeting, 241 00:09:24,018 --> 00:09:26,492 I thought my heart was gonna jump out of my chest. 242 00:09:26,494 --> 00:09:29,462 Yeah, I got a little jolt, too. 243 00:09:29,464 --> 00:09:30,463 Ooh. Oh, geez. 244 00:09:30,465 --> 00:09:32,298 I'm sorry. Oh, God. 245 00:09:32,300 --> 00:09:34,066 - Are you okay? - Yes. 246 00:09:50,878 --> 00:09:53,613 ♪ ♪ 247 00:09:56,831 --> 00:09:57,940 Hi. 248 00:09:58,767 --> 00:10:00,088 Hey. 249 00:10:00,128 --> 00:10:01,596 How'd it go with Aunt Jeanine? 250 00:10:01,682 --> 00:10:03,982 Would you please stop calling her Aunt Jeanine? 251 00:10:03,985 --> 00:10:05,190 Fine. 252 00:10:05,619 --> 00:10:08,573 How'd it go with your former lesbian lover? 253 00:10:10,758 --> 00:10:12,358 It went great. 254 00:10:12,360 --> 00:10:14,761 I made my amends, we alked about old times, 255 00:10:14,763 --> 00:10:15,928 had a couple steaks. 256 00:10:16,151 --> 00:10:17,196 That's it? 257 00:10:17,549 --> 00:10:20,400 No dipping your toe back in the lady pond? 258 00:10:20,932 --> 00:10:22,702 Don't be silly. 259 00:10:23,322 --> 00:10:24,485 So... 260 00:10:24,627 --> 00:10:26,776 All parties remained dry. 261 00:10:27,237 --> 00:10:28,174 Hey. 262 00:10:28,176 --> 00:10:30,376 I am your mother. Show a little respect. 263 00:10:30,378 --> 00:10:31,944 Oh, please, we're way past that. 264 00:10:32,779 --> 00:10:34,002 Good night. 265 00:10:34,027 --> 00:10:35,794 Night. 266 00:10:39,175 --> 00:10:42,166 Okay. I dipped my toe, I dipped my face. Everything got dipped. 267 00:10:42,869 --> 00:10:43,912 What? 268 00:10:43,914 --> 00:10:44,752 It just happened. 269 00:10:44,777 --> 00:10:46,807 One thing led to another. You know how it is. 270 00:10:46,832 --> 00:10:48,131 No, I don't. 271 00:10:48,156 --> 00:10:50,223 I'm team penis, always have been. 272 00:10:51,300 --> 00:10:53,968 So what does this mean? 273 00:10:54,268 --> 00:10:55,403 Now you're gay? 274 00:10:55,405 --> 00:10:56,538 No. 275 00:10:56,540 --> 00:10:59,190 I mean, for an hour and a half, yes, but no. 276 00:10:59,743 --> 00:11:01,543 An hour and a half? 277 00:11:02,158 --> 00:11:04,879 We're women... There was lots of cuddling. 278 00:11:04,881 --> 00:11:06,247 I don't understand. 279 00:11:06,249 --> 00:11:08,049 How can you flip-flop like that? 280 00:11:08,051 --> 00:11:09,017 I don't know. 281 00:11:09,019 --> 00:11:10,518 I dropped a plate, we bumped heads. 282 00:11:10,520 --> 00:11:12,387 I might have had a concussion. 283 00:11:13,237 --> 00:11:15,096 So what happens now? 284 00:11:15,752 --> 00:11:18,393 Does Christy have two mommies? 285 00:11:21,330 --> 00:11:22,630 Nothing happens. 286 00:11:22,632 --> 00:11:23,898 It was a fluke. 287 00:11:23,900 --> 00:11:26,300 It was sex with the ex, a one-time thing. 288 00:11:26,940 --> 00:11:28,235 Does Jeanine know that? 289 00:11:28,260 --> 00:11:30,204 Of course she knows. We're mature, sober women now. 290 00:11:30,206 --> 00:11:31,606 We understand what this was about. 291 00:11:31,608 --> 00:11:32,807 (Cell phone chimes) 292 00:11:34,309 --> 00:11:35,276 Ah, damn it. 293 00:11:35,278 --> 00:11:36,277 What? 294 00:11:36,279 --> 00:11:38,041 She sent me a poem. 295 00:11:39,548 --> 00:11:41,949 ♪ ♪ 296 00:11:41,951 --> 00:11:43,618 Wow, something smells good. 297 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:44,752 Jeanine: It should. 298 00:11:44,754 --> 00:11:46,053 It's your favorite. 299 00:11:46,055 --> 00:11:47,421 Oh, hi there. 300 00:11:47,423 --> 00:11:48,589 Mm, hi. 301 00:11:49,358 --> 00:11:50,858 Dinner will be ready in 20, 302 00:11:50,860 --> 00:11:53,060 so why don't you go wash up. 303 00:11:53,062 --> 00:11:54,395 Uh, okay. 304 00:11:54,397 --> 00:11:55,763 Did we have plans? 305 00:11:55,765 --> 00:11:57,205 No. I thought I'd surprise you. 306 00:11:58,119 --> 00:12:00,002 Well, mission accomplished. 307 00:12:01,303 --> 00:12:02,636 How'd you get in? 308 00:12:02,901 --> 00:12:04,305 Christy Crackerjack let me in. 309 00:12:04,307 --> 00:12:05,639 Ah, sure. 310 00:12:05,641 --> 00:12:07,508 Where is that fun-size treat? 311 00:12:07,510 --> 00:12:08,842 Doing her homework. 312 00:12:08,971 --> 00:12:10,277 Just like old times, huh? 313 00:12:10,279 --> 00:12:11,278 You bet. 314 00:12:11,280 --> 00:12:12,313 Excuse me. 315 00:12:12,315 --> 00:12:13,647 Love that tool belt. 316 00:12:13,649 --> 00:12:15,282 Very sexy. 317 00:12:16,026 --> 00:12:17,151 Okay. 318 00:12:20,422 --> 00:12:22,056 Hi, Mom number one. 319 00:12:22,698 --> 00:12:25,626 Why didn't you call me, text me, anything? 320 00:12:25,628 --> 00:12:26,794 Oh, I don't know. 321 00:12:26,796 --> 00:12:28,428 'Cause I'm a little stinker. 322 00:12:29,096 --> 00:12:29,996 Want some Bruschetta? 323 00:12:29,998 --> 00:12:31,682 No, I don't want any Bruschetta. 324 00:12:31,823 --> 00:12:33,433 Your loss. Jeanine grows her own basil. 325 00:12:33,435 --> 00:12:34,835 Yeah, I know. She showed me her garden. 326 00:12:34,837 --> 00:12:36,003 I bet she did. 327 00:12:37,205 --> 00:12:38,705 Hey, Bonnie, you still hate mushrooms? 328 00:12:38,707 --> 00:12:39,973 Actually, no. 329 00:12:40,060 --> 00:12:42,928 Hmm, look at you, trying new things. 330 00:12:46,698 --> 00:12:48,715 I'm gonna go out on a limb here 331 00:12:48,717 --> 00:12:52,135 and say that you two gals are not on the same page. 332 00:12:52,705 --> 00:12:54,721 Now I remember why I ran out on her. 333 00:12:54,723 --> 00:12:55,956 She's crazy. 334 00:12:56,481 --> 00:12:57,813 Interesting. 335 00:12:57,838 --> 00:12:59,681 Couple of days ago, Steve was crazy. 336 00:12:59,706 --> 00:13:00,805 He was. 337 00:13:00,807 --> 00:13:03,274 Last week, I was crazy, Marjorie was crazy, 338 00:13:03,276 --> 00:13:04,721 he guy at the gas station was crazy. 339 00:13:04,746 --> 00:13:06,330 So you see what I'm up against. 340 00:13:07,980 --> 00:13:10,014 ♪ ♪ 341 00:13:10,016 --> 00:13:12,830 (Sighs) God, I am so full. 342 00:13:13,099 --> 00:13:15,369 I hope you left room for blueberry pie 343 00:13:15,394 --> 00:13:16,794 with fresh whipped cream. 344 00:13:16,927 --> 00:13:19,193 Oh, no, Jeanine, no more food. 345 00:13:19,258 --> 00:13:20,658 I'm gonna have to take my pants off. 346 00:13:20,683 --> 00:13:22,158 Now you see how it happens. 347 00:13:25,118 --> 00:13:28,620 If you don't mind, I think I'm gonna have my dessert later. 348 00:13:28,645 --> 00:13:29,644 You sure? 349 00:13:29,669 --> 00:13:32,003 Yeah, I've got to finish my homework, 350 00:13:32,028 --> 00:13:34,495 and I bet you two want some alone time. 351 00:13:34,520 --> 00:13:36,353 No need. We're fine. 352 00:13:36,378 --> 00:13:37,677 It's okay, mom. 353 00:13:37,702 --> 00:13:39,435 I know you're sexually active. 354 00:13:40,671 --> 00:13:42,385 Thank you so much for dinner. 355 00:13:42,410 --> 00:13:43,876 It's great to have you back. 356 00:13:43,901 --> 00:13:45,668 Likewise, crackerjack. 357 00:13:51,846 --> 00:13:53,940 Honey, you want coffee with your dessert? 358 00:13:53,965 --> 00:13:55,498 No, I'm good. 359 00:13:55,523 --> 00:13:56,989 You're better than good. 360 00:13:57,014 --> 00:13:58,313 You're great. 361 00:14:02,854 --> 00:14:04,776 Jeanine, please sit. 362 00:14:04,801 --> 00:14:05,800 L-let's talk. 363 00:14:05,912 --> 00:14:07,745 Is everything okay? 364 00:14:08,107 --> 00:14:10,107 (Sighs) 365 00:14:10,109 --> 00:14:11,975 No, not really. 366 00:14:13,035 --> 00:14:17,405 Listen, I'm... really grateful you accepted my amends. 367 00:14:18,205 --> 00:14:21,862 But, what happened after, he kissing and... 368 00:14:23,235 --> 00:14:24,416 ... stuff... 369 00:14:25,659 --> 00:14:27,593 Was maybe ill-advised. 370 00:14:27,618 --> 00:14:29,050 How so? 371 00:14:29,780 --> 00:14:31,323 The thing is... 372 00:14:32,695 --> 00:14:34,396 ... I'm not really into women. 373 00:14:34,421 --> 00:14:36,651 Really? You could have fooled me. 374 00:14:37,536 --> 00:14:40,791 Hey, when I'm doing something, I like to do it well. 375 00:14:41,776 --> 00:14:44,018 Look, don't get hung up on the labels, okay? 376 00:14:44,043 --> 00:14:45,676 Gay, straight. 377 00:14:45,701 --> 00:14:48,869 The point is you and I have feelings for each other. 378 00:14:49,283 --> 00:14:50,838 We had 'em a long time ago, 379 00:14:50,863 --> 00:14:52,002 and we have 'em right now. 380 00:14:52,027 --> 00:14:54,728 Well, of course we have feelings for each other. 381 00:14:56,657 --> 00:14:58,090 But? 382 00:14:58,869 --> 00:15:01,157 You and I back together, uh... 383 00:15:01,955 --> 00:15:03,854 It's not gonna work. 384 00:15:06,075 --> 00:15:07,408 Okay. 385 00:15:07,684 --> 00:15:08,683 I get it. 386 00:15:08,877 --> 00:15:10,119 I'm really sorry. 387 00:15:10,144 --> 00:15:11,677 I never meant to hurt you. 388 00:15:12,221 --> 00:15:13,570 At least this time, 389 00:15:13,572 --> 00:15:15,229 you didn't run out in he middle of the night. 390 00:15:15,573 --> 00:15:17,979 Again, I'm really sorry. 391 00:15:18,030 --> 00:15:19,796 You know what, it's okay. 392 00:15:20,111 --> 00:15:22,588 I'll just pack up my pots and pans and get out of here. 393 00:15:22,613 --> 00:15:24,646 Oh, come on. You don't have to leave. 394 00:15:24,671 --> 00:15:25,704 We're both adults. 395 00:15:25,729 --> 00:15:26,795 We can have some coffee. 396 00:15:26,820 --> 00:15:28,330 I can sit here and enjoy your pie. 397 00:15:28,355 --> 00:15:30,388 Yeah, yeah, I heard it, too. 398 00:15:30,441 --> 00:15:32,708 ♪ ♪ 399 00:15:33,838 --> 00:15:37,474 So, Bonnie, did you ever make amends to that woman? 400 00:15:37,499 --> 00:15:40,133 As a matter of fact, I did. 401 00:15:40,384 --> 00:15:42,103 For an hour and a half. 402 00:15:44,362 --> 00:15:46,168 Well, good for you. 403 00:15:46,170 --> 00:15:48,955 The healing starts when we clean up the messes we made. 404 00:15:49,207 --> 00:15:51,393 Unless you're making new ones. 405 00:15:51,975 --> 00:15:53,783 Big, sloppy new ones. 406 00:15:56,979 --> 00:16:00,276 Did you know my mom's amends come with a happy ending? 407 00:16:01,713 --> 00:16:03,479 Wait, more gay stuff was done? 408 00:16:04,479 --> 00:16:06,026 Bonnie, can I talk to you? 409 00:16:06,051 --> 00:16:07,484 Sure, I guess. 410 00:16:08,460 --> 00:16:09,549 Ooh. 411 00:16:09,795 --> 00:16:11,494 More mama drama. 412 00:16:12,129 --> 00:16:13,268 What's up? 413 00:16:13,293 --> 00:16:14,892 Okay, well, I noticed 414 00:16:14,917 --> 00:16:16,584 hat you haven't been coming to this meeting, 415 00:16:16,609 --> 00:16:18,744 and I'm guessing it's because I made it uncomfortable for you. 416 00:16:18,769 --> 00:16:21,136 A little bit, but... Let me... let me finish. 417 00:16:21,246 --> 00:16:24,948 I get why you wanted to keep our relationship on the down-low. 418 00:16:25,153 --> 00:16:26,619 You weren't that into me. 419 00:16:26,770 --> 00:16:28,190 And you know what? 420 00:16:28,215 --> 00:16:29,447 That's okay. 421 00:16:29,682 --> 00:16:31,449 I just hope we can go back to being friends. 422 00:16:32,112 --> 00:16:35,096 Does that mean you're done with the weird cookie thing? 423 00:16:35,121 --> 00:16:37,154 Yeah, sorry about that. 424 00:16:37,179 --> 00:16:39,113 I was trying to be sexy. 425 00:16:39,390 --> 00:16:40,422 Jeanine: Bonnie. 426 00:16:40,424 --> 00:16:41,737 Oh, boy. 427 00:16:43,284 --> 00:16:46,033 What happened between us the other night can't be a mistake. 428 00:16:46,374 --> 00:16:48,140 We belong together. 429 00:16:48,165 --> 00:16:50,041 Okay. Hold that thought. 430 00:16:54,638 --> 00:16:55,806 Now do you get it? 431 00:16:55,884 --> 00:16:56,883 Oh, please. 432 00:16:56,908 --> 00:16:58,408 You call that a kiss? 433 00:17:00,786 --> 00:17:02,815 Now I can picture it! 434 00:17:05,973 --> 00:17:07,588 Okay, that was pretty good. 435 00:17:08,689 --> 00:17:10,604 I wasn't ready. I want to go again. 436 00:17:13,430 --> 00:17:15,932 This is exactly what happened in Japan! 437 00:17:16,682 --> 00:17:19,049 ♪ ♪ 438 00:17:25,456 --> 00:17:28,991 Hola, mi nombre es Soledad, y soy una alcohólica. 439 00:17:29,016 --> 00:17:30,916 All: Hola, Soledad. 440 00:17:32,972 --> 00:17:34,473 (Quietly): You get how ridiculous it is 441 00:17:34,498 --> 00:17:35,963 hat we have to go to this meeting 442 00:17:35,988 --> 00:17:37,955 - to avoid people you've slept with. - Oh, come on. 443 00:17:37,980 --> 00:17:39,658 Where's your sense of adventure? 444 00:17:40,170 --> 00:17:41,970 How am I supposed to get anything out of it 445 00:17:41,972 --> 00:17:43,190 if I can't understand what they're saying? 446 00:17:43,215 --> 00:17:44,971 Fine, I'll translate. 447 00:17:45,242 --> 00:17:47,541 (Speaking Spanish) 448 00:17:47,566 --> 00:17:48,932 “I drank.” 449 00:17:49,284 --> 00:17:51,284 (Speaking Spanish) 450 00:17:51,949 --> 00:17:53,713 “I ruined my life.” 451 00:17:53,939 --> 00:17:55,939 (Speaking Spanish) 452 00:17:56,485 --> 00:17:58,572 “It's all better now.” 453 00:17:59,189 --> 00:18:00,722 Thanks, that helps. 454 00:18:00,724 --> 00:18:02,423 Shh. 455 00:18:02,425 --> 00:18:04,072 Dios mio. 456 00:18:04,097 --> 00:18:05,330 Bonnie Plunkett? 457 00:18:06,442 --> 00:18:07,963 Andale. 458 00:18:10,276 --> 00:18:13,060 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com --