1 00:00:01,875 --> 00:00:05,410 Ugh. You know, we could never serve this where I work. 2 00:00:05,412 --> 00:00:07,512 It's over roasted and totally acidic. 3 00:00:07,514 --> 00:00:09,247 Jodi, it's an AA meeting. 4 00:00:09,249 --> 00:00:11,983 The only thing this coffee needs to be is not vodka. 5 00:00:16,923 --> 00:00:19,557 You do know you two aren't fooling anyone, right? 6 00:00:19,559 --> 00:00:20,759 What are you talking about? 7 00:00:20,761 --> 00:00:23,328 Mom, everyone knows you and Steve are dating. 8 00:00:23,330 --> 00:00:25,656 - No, they don't. - Yeah, they do. 9 00:00:26,266 --> 00:00:29,634 See? Why are you even bothering keeping it a secret? 10 00:00:29,636 --> 00:00:32,103 I don't like people gossiping about my personal life. 11 00:00:32,105 --> 00:00:34,023 You gossip about other people all the time. 12 00:00:34,048 --> 00:00:36,640 I don't gossip, I deliver the news. 13 00:00:39,257 --> 00:00:41,379 How come you're not sitting with your boyfriend? 14 00:00:41,992 --> 00:00:44,015 He's not my boyfriend. 15 00:00:44,017 --> 00:00:46,351 Oh, no. Did you break up? 16 00:00:47,543 --> 00:00:49,276 We were never together. 17 00:00:49,380 --> 00:00:50,992 Told you it wouldn't last. 18 00:00:52,112 --> 00:00:54,479 This, right here... This is gossip. 19 00:00:59,433 --> 00:01:01,599 Well, you guys promised me that if I stayed sober, 20 00:01:01,601 --> 00:01:03,664 all the stuff in my life would work itself out, 21 00:01:03,689 --> 00:01:07,289 and, amazingly enough, it's finally happening. 22 00:01:07,441 --> 00:01:09,574 My law practice is starting to pick up. 23 00:01:09,576 --> 00:01:12,195 Appreciate all the DUI cases I get around here. 24 00:01:16,216 --> 00:01:18,183 And best of all, 25 00:01:18,185 --> 00:01:20,093 I'm actually starting to date. 26 00:01:21,101 --> 00:01:23,488 Knock it off. 27 00:01:23,490 --> 00:01:26,658 I started seeing this woman who's just... incredible. 28 00:01:26,660 --> 00:01:29,679 She's, uh, sexy and smart, 29 00:01:29,704 --> 00:01:31,304 sophisticated, 30 00:01:31,398 --> 00:01:33,064 got a heart of gold... 31 00:01:33,066 --> 00:01:35,117 Uh-oh. He's cheating on you. 32 00:01:45,742 --> 00:01:49,345 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com -- 33 00:01:58,852 --> 00:02:01,119 - Hey. - Hey. 34 00:02:01,121 --> 00:02:02,921 - What are you doing here? - Hiding. 35 00:02:03,250 --> 00:02:04,455 From Gregory? 36 00:02:04,457 --> 00:02:06,796 His mother. She's staying with us for a couple of weeks. 37 00:02:06,821 --> 00:02:08,793 Oh. Lucky you. 38 00:02:08,795 --> 00:02:10,194 When did she get into town? 39 00:02:10,196 --> 00:02:12,257 Three hours ago. 40 00:02:12,789 --> 00:02:14,906 Aw... poor baby. 41 00:02:14,931 --> 00:02:16,531 You can hide here as long as you want. 42 00:02:16,570 --> 00:02:18,470 Thanks. Where's Grandma? 43 00:02:18,472 --> 00:02:21,073 - She's on a date. - Oh, with that lawyer guy? 44 00:02:21,075 --> 00:02:23,275 - How do you know? - Everybody knows. 45 00:02:24,957 --> 00:02:26,924 Listen, I kind of need your help. 46 00:02:26,981 --> 00:02:28,113 Anything, of course. 47 00:02:28,185 --> 00:02:29,718 Oh... 48 00:02:30,784 --> 00:02:33,151 Oh, it's Jill. Just give me one second. 49 00:02:33,153 --> 00:02:35,023 Hi, Jill, what's up? 50 00:02:36,304 --> 00:02:37,589 Okay, I'm kind of in the middle of something 51 00:02:37,591 --> 00:02:39,484 with my daughter right now... can I... 52 00:02:40,133 --> 00:02:42,023 Did not slow her down at all. 53 00:02:43,394 --> 00:02:44,726 Okay, can I call you back later? 54 00:02:44,751 --> 00:02:46,151 Great. Great, thanks. 55 00:02:47,265 --> 00:02:48,570 What do you need? 56 00:02:48,687 --> 00:02:52,170 So... Gregory's Mom would really like to meet you and Grandma. 57 00:02:52,710 --> 00:02:54,648 Oh, honey, I am so sorry. 58 00:02:55,976 --> 00:02:58,844 Yeah, I was hoping I could put it off. No offense. 59 00:02:58,846 --> 00:03:01,093 None taken. I'd try to hide us, too. 60 00:03:02,253 --> 00:03:05,821 So I was thinking maybe on Sun... 61 00:03:05,971 --> 00:03:08,608 Oh, I'm sorry, I gotta take this. 62 00:03:09,078 --> 00:03:10,437 Hey, Jodi, what's up? 63 00:03:10,925 --> 00:03:13,140 Girl I'm sponsoring in AA. 64 00:03:14,128 --> 00:03:15,453 Uh-huh. 65 00:03:15,963 --> 00:03:17,963 Well, he is your boss. 66 00:03:17,965 --> 00:03:19,264 Uh, he's allowed to tell you 67 00:03:19,266 --> 00:03:22,034 to not to make personal phone calls at work. 68 00:03:23,037 --> 00:03:25,164 Is that him yelling at you right now? 69 00:03:25,773 --> 00:03:28,140 Okay, why don't you call me when you're on a break 70 00:03:28,142 --> 00:03:30,359 or you've been fired. Okay, thanks, bye. 71 00:03:30,611 --> 00:03:33,570 Wow, so people actually call you for advice? 72 00:03:33,595 --> 00:03:35,695 Well, drunks and drug addicts call me. 73 00:03:35,720 --> 00:03:37,710 Nobody with good judgment. 74 00:03:38,585 --> 00:03:41,789 - So, uh, your future mother-in-law. - Yeah. 75 00:03:41,814 --> 00:03:43,789 I was thinking we could all go out for dinner Sunday night. 76 00:03:43,791 --> 00:03:46,191 She can meet you, hate you, we can all be home by 9:00. 77 00:03:46,437 --> 00:03:48,527 First of all, she is not going to hate us, 78 00:03:48,529 --> 00:03:50,228 we'll be on our best behavior. 79 00:03:50,230 --> 00:03:51,964 You'll swear we're other people. 80 00:03:52,984 --> 00:03:54,242 And secondly, 81 00:03:54,445 --> 00:03:55,901 I think we should do it here. 82 00:03:55,903 --> 00:03:56,935 Why? 83 00:03:56,937 --> 00:03:59,638 It's a family dinner, we should pretend to be one. 84 00:03:59,640 --> 00:04:01,106 I guess. 85 00:04:01,108 --> 00:04:05,811 Come on, it couldn't be worse than the first time I met Baxter's Mom. 86 00:04:05,813 --> 00:04:08,480 I know, I was just talking about it in therapy. 87 00:04:09,583 --> 00:04:12,226 You were so drunk, how do you even remember it? 88 00:04:12,853 --> 00:04:15,757 Easy. They send you a copy of the police report. 89 00:04:20,507 --> 00:04:22,661 Did someone order a large pizza 90 00:04:22,741 --> 00:04:24,788 with a side of me? 91 00:04:26,033 --> 00:04:27,766 This is a nice surprise. 92 00:04:27,768 --> 00:04:30,135 It's about to get a whole lot nicer. 93 00:04:30,137 --> 00:04:32,771 You just need to decide, which do you want first? 94 00:04:32,773 --> 00:04:34,573 Keeping in mind the pizza will get cold 95 00:04:34,575 --> 00:04:36,937 but this will stay hot forever. 96 00:04:37,211 --> 00:04:38,744 Oh, I want you. 97 00:04:38,746 --> 00:04:40,479 That's the right answer, but I'm starving, 98 00:04:40,481 --> 00:04:42,080 so we're gonna start with pizza. 99 00:04:42,916 --> 00:04:45,917 Can I tell you a secret fantasy I have? 100 00:04:45,919 --> 00:04:47,753 Ooh, if it's me, pizza and another girl, 101 00:04:47,755 --> 00:04:49,187 I get to pick the girl. 102 00:04:50,024 --> 00:04:51,656 Actually, I'd love for us 103 00:04:51,658 --> 00:04:54,359 to go out to lunch or dinner sometime, 104 00:04:54,361 --> 00:04:55,694 like a regular couple. 105 00:04:55,696 --> 00:04:56,795 Then what? 106 00:04:56,797 --> 00:04:57,867 That's it. 107 00:04:58,042 --> 00:05:00,608 We'd have lunch or dinner. 108 00:05:01,301 --> 00:05:03,201 Huh. 109 00:05:03,203 --> 00:05:05,771 That's not even one shade of Grey. 110 00:05:05,773 --> 00:05:07,739 You know, Steve, I kind of like 111 00:05:07,741 --> 00:05:09,508 what we got going on here, let's not mess with it. 112 00:05:09,510 --> 00:05:11,710 Yeah, I-I like it too, it's just, uh, 113 00:05:11,712 --> 00:05:15,147 sometimes it feels, like you don't want to be seen with me. 114 00:05:15,149 --> 00:05:17,215 What are you talking about? That is so not true. 115 00:05:17,217 --> 00:05:19,751 Look, I know we agreed to keep it discreet, 116 00:05:19,753 --> 00:05:21,820 but at a certain point, I got to wonder 117 00:05:21,822 --> 00:05:23,789 are-are we boyfriend and girlfriend 118 00:05:23,791 --> 00:05:26,058 or just quickies and takeout? 119 00:05:26,060 --> 00:05:28,703 Well, you say quickies and takeout like it's a bad thing. 120 00:05:29,163 --> 00:05:31,196 I'm not asking you to marry me, I'm just asking for us 121 00:05:31,198 --> 00:05:32,656 to go out to dinner sometime. 122 00:05:32,681 --> 00:05:35,033 Maybe... see a movie? 123 00:05:35,035 --> 00:05:37,140 Take a romantic walk in the park. 124 00:05:40,070 --> 00:05:42,107 Why do I always have to be the guy? 125 00:05:43,243 --> 00:05:45,710 Hey, just because I have feelings 126 00:05:45,712 --> 00:05:47,045 doesn't mean I'm not a man. 127 00:05:47,047 --> 00:05:49,881 Eh, it kind of does. 128 00:05:49,883 --> 00:05:52,684 Do yourself a favor, save your feelings for your diary. 129 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:54,304 It's not a diary. 130 00:05:54,618 --> 00:05:55,917 It's a journal. 131 00:05:56,585 --> 00:05:58,824 That is not helping your case. 132 00:05:58,826 --> 00:06:00,459 Yeah, well, my sponsor told me I needed a way 133 00:06:00,461 --> 00:06:02,327 - to safely express my emotions. - Wow. 134 00:06:02,329 --> 00:06:04,859 And the mood is killed. 135 00:06:06,100 --> 00:06:08,804 - I'll call you later. - Okay. 136 00:06:10,766 --> 00:06:12,015 Bye... 137 00:06:22,460 --> 00:06:23,664 Well... 138 00:06:24,218 --> 00:06:28,366 Opening up my heart to her, was a mistake. 139 00:06:31,258 --> 00:06:34,392 You looking forward to meeting Violet's future mother-in-law? 140 00:06:34,394 --> 00:06:35,937 Actually, I am. 141 00:06:36,263 --> 00:06:38,425 Great thing about being sober for a while is, 142 00:06:38,450 --> 00:06:39,965 I've got more confidence now. 143 00:06:39,967 --> 00:06:41,333 Well, you should. 144 00:06:41,335 --> 00:06:43,999 Yeah. I don't mean to be cocky but, 145 00:06:44,319 --> 00:06:46,210 I kind of have a sparkle. 146 00:06:46,707 --> 00:06:48,140 A sparkle? 147 00:06:48,142 --> 00:06:50,578 Maybe it's a twinkle, could be a twinkle. 148 00:06:51,512 --> 00:06:52,811 So what are you gonna cook for her? 149 00:06:54,047 --> 00:06:55,480 Oh. Jill again. 150 00:06:55,482 --> 00:06:57,054 Problems with her ex. 151 00:06:57,835 --> 00:07:00,552 Anyway, I'm making a traditional Jewish dinner: 152 00:07:00,554 --> 00:07:02,703 Flanken, kreplach, and kugel. 153 00:07:02,728 --> 00:07:03,906 Oh, my. 154 00:07:05,359 --> 00:07:06,791 What is it? 155 00:07:06,793 --> 00:07:09,671 The first thing that came up when I Googled “Jewish dinner.” 156 00:07:11,932 --> 00:07:12,964 Jill again? 157 00:07:12,966 --> 00:07:13,882 Jodi. 158 00:07:14,009 --> 00:07:15,275 I love her, but, man, 159 00:07:15,402 --> 00:07:18,015 ex-meth heads are so chatty. 160 00:07:18,665 --> 00:07:20,304 And they are terrible spellers. 161 00:07:21,341 --> 00:07:23,441 Why don't you just turn your phone off? 162 00:07:23,443 --> 00:07:25,944 I can't do that. I'm her sponsor, she needs me. 163 00:07:25,946 --> 00:07:28,680 I get it, but you still need to set boundaries. 164 00:07:28,682 --> 00:07:30,582 Easy to say, hard to do. 165 00:07:30,584 --> 00:07:32,284 Not really. 166 00:07:32,286 --> 00:07:33,976 Call me, I'll show you. 167 00:07:36,172 --> 00:07:37,226 Okay. 168 00:07:43,296 --> 00:07:46,531 So what else is going on? How's work? 169 00:07:47,195 --> 00:07:49,367 Wait, aren't you gonna answer it? 170 00:07:49,703 --> 00:07:51,914 No, 'cause I'm visiting with my friend Christy 171 00:07:51,939 --> 00:07:54,265 and I'm gonna give her all my attention. 172 00:07:54,741 --> 00:07:57,008 But, what if phone Christy needs you? 173 00:07:57,010 --> 00:07:59,144 What if she's in some kind of crisis? 174 00:07:59,146 --> 00:08:01,195 She's always in some kind of crisis. 175 00:08:03,116 --> 00:08:04,742 Hang on, voice mail. 176 00:08:05,062 --> 00:08:07,529 Hi, Marjorie, I just want you to know 177 00:08:07,554 --> 00:08:10,968 you hurt my feelings and I'm borderline suicidal. 178 00:08:11,558 --> 00:08:14,890 See, that's an example of the kind of thing that can wait. 179 00:08:19,766 --> 00:08:21,233 I don't know what to do. 180 00:08:21,235 --> 00:08:23,735 Steve is pushing for us to be a real couple. 181 00:08:23,737 --> 00:08:26,804 You know, dinners, movies, holding hands and stuff. 182 00:08:26,974 --> 00:08:29,226 He's a monster, dump him. 183 00:08:29,743 --> 00:08:31,409 You don't get it. 184 00:08:31,411 --> 00:08:33,945 We start doing all that and I'm locked in. 185 00:08:33,947 --> 00:08:35,981 - Yeah, so? - So what if somebody better 186 00:08:35,983 --> 00:08:38,781 comes along while I'm having a dorky walk in the park? 187 00:08:39,086 --> 00:08:41,953 Mom, from the bottom of my heart, 188 00:08:41,955 --> 00:08:43,421 I just got to tell you... 189 00:08:43,423 --> 00:08:45,281 Your problems are stupid. 190 00:08:47,753 --> 00:08:49,203 That's my kugel. 191 00:08:51,732 --> 00:08:53,198 Hey, I listen to your problems. 192 00:08:53,200 --> 00:08:55,100 Last night you jabbered on for a half hour 193 00:08:55,102 --> 00:08:56,868 on the length of your bangs. 194 00:08:56,870 --> 00:08:59,601 Had to. Marjorie wasn't picking up. 195 00:09:00,207 --> 00:09:02,890 She's right, I do make everything a crisis. 196 00:09:04,511 --> 00:09:06,711 How do you tell the difference between the kugel 197 00:09:06,713 --> 00:09:07,912 and the flanken? 198 00:09:07,914 --> 00:09:10,328 - You put the kreplach between 'em. - Ah. 199 00:09:13,500 --> 00:09:16,054 Oh, Steve, you're driving me crazy. 200 00:09:16,056 --> 00:09:17,644 Just turn off your phone. 201 00:09:17,669 --> 00:09:19,078 You can do that? 202 00:09:19,192 --> 00:09:21,893 I did. It's called setting boundaries. 203 00:09:21,895 --> 00:09:24,896 All right, phone off. 204 00:09:26,400 --> 00:09:28,199 Mom, we're here. 205 00:09:28,201 --> 00:09:29,901 Coming. Now remember, 206 00:09:29,903 --> 00:09:32,604 we're nice people and we love each other. 207 00:09:32,606 --> 00:09:34,273 I'll give it a shot. 208 00:09:36,648 --> 00:09:38,510 Welcome to our home. 209 00:09:38,512 --> 00:09:40,712 Where nice people love each other. 210 00:09:41,682 --> 00:09:44,316 Christy, Bonnie, this is my mother, Phyllis. 211 00:09:44,507 --> 00:09:45,601 - Hello, how do you do? - Hi. 212 00:09:45,626 --> 00:09:46,475 Nice to meet you. 213 00:09:46,500 --> 00:09:48,586 Nice to meet you. So you're the mother? 214 00:09:48,588 --> 00:09:51,171 What, you had Violet when you were 16? 215 00:09:53,093 --> 00:09:54,460 No, 17. 216 00:09:56,570 --> 00:09:58,132 And a half. 217 00:09:58,641 --> 00:10:00,808 I had her when I was 16. 218 00:10:02,169 --> 00:10:03,835 All right. 219 00:10:03,837 --> 00:10:08,250 When I was 16, I was at summer camp rowing a canoe. 220 00:10:09,819 --> 00:10:11,385 Great story, Ma. 221 00:10:11,411 --> 00:10:14,195 Thank you so much for having us over. 222 00:10:14,281 --> 00:10:15,413 Our pleasure. 223 00:10:15,415 --> 00:10:17,349 And I brought a nice bottle of wine. 224 00:10:17,351 --> 00:10:19,284 Oh. Thank you. 225 00:10:19,286 --> 00:10:21,252 You do know we don't drink, right? 226 00:10:21,254 --> 00:10:23,188 Oh, yeah, I know. It's for me. 227 00:10:25,054 --> 00:10:26,468 Open it now. 228 00:10:37,180 --> 00:10:39,514 Well, no one was more surprised than I was 229 00:10:39,516 --> 00:10:41,115 when these two got engaged. 230 00:10:41,117 --> 00:10:43,151 I mean, Gregory hasn't had a girlfriend since... 231 00:10:43,153 --> 00:10:45,835 What was her name? The one with the teeth. 232 00:10:47,000 --> 00:10:49,406 I don't know, Ma. They all had teeth. 233 00:10:49,893 --> 00:10:52,093 Rachel. Rachel Levine. 234 00:10:52,095 --> 00:10:54,295 I liked her. You ever hear from her? 235 00:10:54,297 --> 00:10:57,198 No. I-I don't hear from any of my ex-girlfriends. 236 00:10:58,268 --> 00:10:59,333 “Ex-girlfriends.” 237 00:10:59,335 --> 00:11:01,369 Listen to Tom Jones over here. 238 00:11:03,006 --> 00:11:04,859 Don't you worry, Violet. 239 00:11:04,884 --> 00:11:06,284 There was only the one. 240 00:11:06,443 --> 00:11:09,510 So, what is this I'm eating? 241 00:11:09,890 --> 00:11:11,250 It's flanken. 242 00:11:11,275 --> 00:11:13,492 No, it's not. 243 00:11:14,767 --> 00:11:17,234 But it was sweet of you to try. 244 00:11:17,487 --> 00:11:20,121 Would you like some more wine, Mrs. Munchnik? 245 00:11:20,123 --> 00:11:21,889 Oh, thank you. And, please, Bonnie, 246 00:11:21,891 --> 00:11:24,445 we're only a few years apart... Call me Phyllis. 247 00:11:34,270 --> 00:11:36,704 - So, do you miss the booze? - Oy. 248 00:11:36,706 --> 00:11:39,974 What? I'm curious. I've never met an alcoholic. 249 00:11:39,976 --> 00:11:41,209 What about Uncle Artie? 250 00:11:41,211 --> 00:11:42,510 Zsz-zsz-zsz. 251 00:11:43,713 --> 00:11:45,713 My brother Arthur was not an alcoholic. 252 00:11:45,715 --> 00:11:48,349 He just didn't know when to stop drinking. 253 00:11:49,698 --> 00:11:50,831 Isn't that essentially... 254 00:11:50,856 --> 00:11:51,921 Zsz-zsz-zsz. 255 00:11:55,789 --> 00:11:57,558 Excuse me. 256 00:11:57,560 --> 00:11:59,994 Look at that tiny tush. I hate her. 257 00:12:00,476 --> 00:12:03,097 Hey. I gotta stay here for a couple days. 258 00:12:03,429 --> 00:12:04,766 Um... 259 00:12:04,768 --> 00:12:06,467 Yeah, we have guests. 260 00:12:06,469 --> 00:12:09,296 Sorry. I texted you, like, 1,000 times but you didn't answer. 261 00:12:09,321 --> 00:12:10,554 Who is this person? 262 00:12:10,579 --> 00:12:12,023 Hi, I'm Jodi. 263 00:12:12,048 --> 00:12:13,915 Ah. You're Violet's friend? 264 00:12:13,940 --> 00:12:15,473 No, Christy's my sponsor. 265 00:12:15,712 --> 00:12:17,171 I'm lost. 266 00:12:18,281 --> 00:12:20,581 I'm helping her stay sober. 267 00:12:22,751 --> 00:12:23,950 Why do you need to crash here? 268 00:12:24,077 --> 00:12:25,867 'Cause my sister's a bitch. 269 00:12:27,590 --> 00:12:30,023 - What happened? - Mom, can you do this another time? 270 00:12:30,048 --> 00:12:31,648 Hang on, Vi. What happened? 271 00:12:32,078 --> 00:12:34,362 I-I guess I borrowed her car without telling her first, 272 00:12:34,364 --> 00:12:35,984 and she totally freaked out on me. 273 00:12:36,012 --> 00:12:38,279 Oh, this is an easy one... You're wrong. 274 00:12:38,501 --> 00:12:41,769 Go make amends to your sister and get your ass to a meeting. 275 00:12:41,771 --> 00:12:44,138 - But she was really mean to me. - Go! 276 00:12:47,844 --> 00:12:50,531 Believe it or not, I am so proud of that girl. 277 00:12:54,202 --> 00:12:56,069 So, Christy, I have to ask, 278 00:12:56,119 --> 00:12:59,187 what inspired you to go back to school to become a lawyer? 279 00:12:59,389 --> 00:13:01,622 Well, actually, it was something I've wanted to do 280 00:13:01,624 --> 00:13:03,057 since I was a kid. 281 00:13:03,059 --> 00:13:06,679 I saw this one get hauled off by the police a bunch of times, and... 282 00:13:07,630 --> 00:13:09,497 I wanted to help her. 283 00:13:11,101 --> 00:13:13,843 You couldn't just say you read a book about Lincoln? 284 00:13:15,657 --> 00:13:19,215 You know, that's interesting. I got into psychology to help my mother. 285 00:13:20,992 --> 00:13:22,758 As you can see, it didn't work. 286 00:13:25,782 --> 00:13:27,315 Cute. 287 00:13:28,384 --> 00:13:31,519 I thought it was to understand your obsession with boobies. 288 00:13:33,356 --> 00:13:36,123 I had to breastfeed him till he was four. 289 00:13:36,125 --> 00:13:37,507 Ma... 290 00:13:37,544 --> 00:13:40,478 Yeah, you want to zetz with the big boys, that's what happens. 291 00:13:43,757 --> 00:13:45,733 So, we gonna talk about the age difference 292 00:13:45,735 --> 00:13:47,117 with these two or what? 293 00:13:47,142 --> 00:13:49,142 Please let's go back to boobies. 294 00:13:50,390 --> 00:13:53,708 Christy, tell me that you're not concerned. 295 00:13:54,242 --> 00:13:56,177 Well, I-I was at first, 296 00:13:56,179 --> 00:13:57,845 but they both seem 297 00:13:57,847 --> 00:13:59,580 happy together, and... 298 00:13:59,582 --> 00:14:01,682 isn't that what's important? 299 00:14:01,684 --> 00:14:04,148 Hmm. Thank you, Mary Poppins. 300 00:14:07,492 --> 00:14:09,090 How 'bout you? 301 00:14:09,617 --> 00:14:11,195 Well, Phyl... 302 00:14:13,596 --> 00:14:16,230 Who am I to judge? I'm a middle-aged woman. 303 00:14:16,232 --> 00:14:17,965 What does that got to do with anything? 304 00:14:17,967 --> 00:14:20,523 I just wanted you to know I'm a lot younger than you are. 305 00:14:24,173 --> 00:14:25,506 Why don't I get that. 306 00:14:25,508 --> 00:14:28,175 Now, that's a zetz. 307 00:14:31,514 --> 00:14:32,206 What are you doing here? 308 00:14:32,231 --> 00:14:34,081 You wouldn't answer your phone, you don't return my texts. 309 00:14:34,083 --> 00:14:35,216 I want to know what's going on. 310 00:14:35,218 --> 00:14:36,851 What's going on is we've got company. 311 00:14:36,853 --> 00:14:38,019 I'll talk to you tomorrow. 312 00:14:38,021 --> 00:14:39,398 - No! - No?! 313 00:14:39,423 --> 00:14:42,590 I demand to be heard! I am not your secret sex toy! 314 00:14:44,961 --> 00:14:46,994 Do something. 315 00:14:46,996 --> 00:14:50,097 Mom, you mind taking your dumb-ass life outside? 316 00:14:50,099 --> 00:14:52,300 Sure. Move. 317 00:14:52,302 --> 00:14:55,202 Can you imagine what they were like when they drank? 318 00:14:55,204 --> 00:14:56,805 Mom, please... 319 00:14:57,204 --> 00:14:58,572 I'm tired of letting you call all the shots. 320 00:14:58,574 --> 00:15:00,234 Now, are we in a real relationship or not? 321 00:15:00,259 --> 00:15:03,773 Wow. I've never seen this forceful side of you before. 322 00:15:03,825 --> 00:15:04,857 Well, sometimes a man's got... 323 00:15:04,882 --> 00:15:06,248 - Well, I don't like it! - Okay. 324 00:15:08,017 --> 00:15:10,172 Is Christy here? I need to talk to Christy. 325 00:15:10,197 --> 00:15:11,752 Yeah. She's inside. What's going on? 326 00:15:11,754 --> 00:15:13,054 My ex-husband is having a baby 327 00:15:13,056 --> 00:15:14,588 with his skanky anesthesiologist, 328 00:15:14,590 --> 00:15:16,857 which is crazy, because he never wanted to have a baby with me. 329 00:15:16,859 --> 00:15:21,460 I mean, why wouldn't anybody want to have a baby with me?! 330 00:15:23,595 --> 00:15:26,563 So you can't even take a Xanax? 331 00:15:27,578 --> 00:15:28,636 No. 332 00:15:28,638 --> 00:15:31,593 We face our difficulties with dignity and grace. 333 00:15:32,386 --> 00:15:34,070 Christy, I need you. 334 00:15:35,364 --> 00:15:37,297 My husband knocked up his whore. 335 00:15:46,679 --> 00:15:48,856 Everybody, this is Jill. 336 00:15:48,858 --> 00:15:49,703 Jill, this is... 337 00:15:49,728 --> 00:15:50,858 Don't care. 338 00:15:50,860 --> 00:15:52,393 Why don't you answer your phone? 339 00:15:52,395 --> 00:15:53,710 Let's talk in the kitchen. 340 00:15:53,735 --> 00:15:55,078 Mom, can't you do this later? 341 00:15:55,103 --> 00:15:56,671 Just need five minutes. 342 00:15:56,766 --> 00:15:59,335 I would've been a wonderful mother! 343 00:16:01,871 --> 00:16:03,492 Maybe six minutes. 344 00:16:04,474 --> 00:16:05,840 Maybe we should go. 345 00:16:05,842 --> 00:16:08,809 Are you kidding? This is like dinner and a show. 346 00:16:08,811 --> 00:16:10,578 You'll regret this, Bonnie Plunkett! 347 00:16:10,580 --> 00:16:12,113 You're gonna miss my lovin'! 348 00:16:12,115 --> 00:16:14,195 Act two. 349 00:16:17,520 --> 00:16:18,519 Whew... 350 00:16:18,521 --> 00:16:20,218 Sorry about that. 351 00:16:20,243 --> 00:16:21,421 Is everything okay? 352 00:16:21,445 --> 00:16:24,012 Not really. I had to end it with him. 353 00:16:24,037 --> 00:16:26,796 All because he didn't want to be your secret sex toy. 354 00:16:27,874 --> 00:16:29,195 Oh, for God's sakes. 355 00:16:29,599 --> 00:16:31,899 They say these things out loud. 356 00:16:31,901 --> 00:16:33,567 I shouldn't listen? 357 00:16:35,492 --> 00:16:36,692 It wasn't him. 358 00:16:36,717 --> 00:16:38,664 It's just hard for me to make a commitment. 359 00:16:38,785 --> 00:16:40,485 Yeah? Why is that? 360 00:16:40,777 --> 00:16:42,736 Well, I don't know if Violet told you but, 361 00:16:42,761 --> 00:16:44,445 the love of my life died last year. 362 00:16:44,470 --> 00:16:46,290 Oh, I'm sorry. No. 363 00:16:46,315 --> 00:16:47,757 How did he die? 364 00:16:47,782 --> 00:16:50,584 - We were in bed together... - Mom! Now! 365 00:16:51,788 --> 00:16:53,806 I'm sorry. Two more minutes. 366 00:16:53,831 --> 00:16:56,090 Oh, forget it. Let's just get out of here. 367 00:16:56,092 --> 00:16:57,539 Violet, please, I'm trying. 368 00:16:57,564 --> 00:16:58,993 Yeah, you're always trying. 369 00:16:58,995 --> 00:17:00,594 I asked you for one normal family dinner 370 00:17:00,596 --> 00:17:01,662 and you couldn't do it. 371 00:17:01,664 --> 00:17:03,364 Hey, friends come to me for help. 372 00:17:03,366 --> 00:17:05,007 I am not gonna turn them away. 373 00:17:05,032 --> 00:17:06,953 - Yeah, but I'm... - There's no buts. 374 00:17:06,978 --> 00:17:08,936 People were there for me when I needed them. 375 00:17:08,938 --> 00:17:10,271 Now it's my turn. 376 00:17:10,273 --> 00:17:11,872 Great. And as always, 377 00:17:11,874 --> 00:17:13,407 it doesn't matter what I need. 378 00:17:13,409 --> 00:17:14,281 Let's go. 379 00:17:14,306 --> 00:17:16,410 Wait, may I say something? 380 00:17:16,412 --> 00:17:17,945 Say it in the car. 381 00:17:19,582 --> 00:17:21,382 When I came here tonight, 382 00:17:21,384 --> 00:17:23,184 I didn't know what to expect. 383 00:17:23,186 --> 00:17:26,253 I mean, alcoholics, drug addicts, 384 00:17:26,255 --> 00:17:28,771 felons, gentiles... 385 00:17:31,928 --> 00:17:33,194 But, Christy, 386 00:17:33,196 --> 00:17:35,196 what-what you're doing with the tattoo girl 387 00:17:35,198 --> 00:17:38,521 and that basket case in the kitchen... 388 00:17:39,669 --> 00:17:41,402 it's a mitzvah. 389 00:17:41,661 --> 00:17:44,038 A whatzvah? 390 00:17:44,040 --> 00:17:47,108 A mitzvah. It means “a good deed.” 391 00:17:47,110 --> 00:17:50,067 Huh. I thought it was that big cracker. 392 00:17:54,636 --> 00:17:56,747 That's-that-that's matzoh. 393 00:17:57,997 --> 00:17:59,496 Say the other one again. 394 00:17:59,655 --> 00:18:00,988 Mitzvah. 395 00:18:01,731 --> 00:18:04,058 Violet, your mother helps people. 396 00:18:04,060 --> 00:18:05,146 What's better than that? 397 00:18:05,171 --> 00:18:06,716 I don't know. She could help me. 398 00:18:06,887 --> 00:18:08,887 Aw. What do you need help with? 399 00:18:09,132 --> 00:18:11,097 You're beautiful, you're young, 400 00:18:11,122 --> 00:18:13,901 you're intelligent, you're gonna marry my son, 401 00:18:13,903 --> 00:18:16,278 have ten nice years with him. 402 00:18:20,942 --> 00:18:22,091 Ten? 403 00:18:22,116 --> 00:18:23,749 Yeah. The over-under's six. 404 00:18:24,783 --> 00:18:26,816 The bottom line is you should be very grateful 405 00:18:26,841 --> 00:18:29,575 that this wonderful woman is your mother. 406 00:18:30,388 --> 00:18:32,239 Thank you, Phyllis. 407 00:18:32,503 --> 00:18:34,569 You're very welcome, dear. 408 00:18:34,790 --> 00:18:37,653 This really is the most adorable little tushy. 409 00:18:40,897 --> 00:18:43,161 What the hell am I eating? 410 00:18:44,198 --> 00:18:46,426 I've been asking that all night long. 411 00:18:56,998 --> 00:18:58,697 So, go figure... Ever since the dinner, 412 00:18:58,699 --> 00:19:01,544 we can't stop talking like we're in Fiddler on the Roof! 413 00:19:03,104 --> 00:19:05,504 Enough already with that verkakte story. 414 00:19:05,506 --> 00:19:07,630 You're breaking my kishkes. 415 00:19:08,950 --> 00:19:10,276 Oy. 416 00:19:10,278 --> 00:19:11,644 See? It's contagious. 417 00:19:11,646 --> 00:19:13,312 No, Steve just walked in. 418 00:19:15,510 --> 00:19:17,185 With a shiksa. 419 00:19:19,849 --> 00:19:22,855 I'm such a schmuck. 420 00:19:24,622 --> 00:19:28,794 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com --