1 00:00:00,071 --> 00:00:01,271 Previously on "The Strain"... 2 00:00:01,301 --> 00:00:04,640 _ 3 00:00:06,229 --> 00:00:09,251 - Welcome, children. - Is this the new school? 4 00:00:09,281 --> 00:00:11,933 Your journey has indeed come to an end, 5 00:00:11,963 --> 00:00:15,124 but your adventure is just beginning. 6 00:00:15,154 --> 00:00:16,614 Rejoice, Kelly. 7 00:00:16,644 --> 00:00:18,727 The Master's bestowed upon you 8 00:00:18,757 --> 00:00:20,894 the blessing of a new family. 9 00:00:20,924 --> 00:00:22,768 They have unique abilities 10 00:00:22,798 --> 00:00:25,396 sight and perception beyond the physical spectrum. 11 00:00:26,775 --> 00:00:29,759 Behold the Feelers. 12 00:00:29,971 --> 00:00:34,059 Finding a cure or making a vaccine is nearly impossible, 13 00:00:34,089 --> 00:00:36,700 but what we can do is take everything we know 14 00:00:36,730 --> 00:00:39,360 about how to stop an epidemic and use that knowledge 15 00:00:39,427 --> 00:00:42,348 - to start one. - Infect the infected. 16 00:00:42,378 --> 00:00:44,565 Break the chain. 17 00:00:44,595 --> 00:00:45,478 Don't shoot! 18 00:00:45,508 --> 00:00:47,137 Ahh! 19 00:00:52,079 --> 00:00:54,175 No, wait, wait! We need them. 20 00:01:00,113 --> 00:01:02,670 Beautiful, is it not? 21 00:01:03,352 --> 00:01:06,720 Each figure has a meaning of its own. 22 00:01:07,022 --> 00:01:10,124 Together they form a larger meaning... 23 00:01:10,743 --> 00:01:12,593 a glorious prophecy. 24 00:01:15,384 --> 00:01:16,597 No. 25 00:01:20,124 --> 00:01:21,969 I don't understand. 26 00:01:22,089 --> 00:01:24,028 Our Master is about to undergo 27 00:01:24,058 --> 00:01:26,156 a wondrous transformation. 28 00:01:27,054 --> 00:01:30,000 Our enemies burned his flesh, 29 00:01:30,423 --> 00:01:34,115 but soon he will select another vessel 30 00:01:34,301 --> 00:01:36,646 and rise again. 31 00:01:39,544 --> 00:01:41,845 Who will he choose? 32 00:01:42,311 --> 00:01:44,356 That is for him to decide. 33 00:01:47,002 --> 00:01:48,174 And when he does, 34 00:01:48,204 --> 00:01:51,344 all his followers must embrace his wisdom 35 00:01:51,374 --> 00:01:54,269 and continue to serve him faithfully. 36 00:01:56,029 --> 00:01:58,162 Are you prepared to do that? 37 00:02:00,280 --> 00:02:01,540 Of course. 38 00:02:02,176 --> 00:02:03,636 Good. 39 00:03:40,236 --> 00:03:46,061 == sync & corrections by Wolfen == == www.addic7ed.com == 40 00:03:54,999 --> 00:03:57,933 - How's that? - That's better. 41 00:03:58,874 --> 00:04:01,592 - I still feel kind of hot. - Yeah. You have a fever. 42 00:04:01,622 --> 00:04:04,121 - What's that for? - You've been through quite a shock. 43 00:04:04,273 --> 00:04:06,022 This will help. 44 00:04:06,772 --> 00:04:08,625 When can we go home? 45 00:04:09,361 --> 00:04:11,442 To your storage shed? Not anytime soon. 46 00:04:11,472 --> 00:04:13,345 It's crawling with vampires. 47 00:04:13,375 --> 00:04:16,273 We'll find a safer place for you when you feel better. 48 00:04:30,087 --> 00:04:32,083 When are we gonna tell 'em? 49 00:04:33,431 --> 00:04:36,650 In a couple of hours when they wake up. 50 00:04:37,486 --> 00:04:40,667 You mean when they're too sick to put up a fight? 51 00:04:46,195 --> 00:04:47,934 They're infected... 52 00:04:48,577 --> 00:04:50,249 Does it matter? 53 00:04:53,479 --> 00:04:55,786 ...Scene of another bizarre murder 54 00:04:55,816 --> 00:04:59,246 that claimed the lives of a young couple in Brooklyn 55 00:04:59,526 --> 00:05:01,478 who were found in their basement... 56 00:05:01,508 --> 00:05:05,342 - Morning, sunshine! - Come in. 57 00:05:07,818 --> 00:05:10,463 Just checking in, you know. 58 00:05:10,493 --> 00:05:14,652 It's almost noon and you hadn't come out and, uh... 59 00:05:14,682 --> 00:05:16,815 You thought I dropped dead. 60 00:05:16,977 --> 00:05:19,244 I figured there was a 20% chance. 61 00:05:20,153 --> 00:05:23,314 Now look, Dutch and I, we're... 62 00:05:23,838 --> 00:05:26,507 we're gonna go clear out some local munchers. 63 00:05:26,807 --> 00:05:28,131 I just wanted to check in 64 00:05:28,161 --> 00:05:31,080 and see if you need anything before I go. 65 00:05:31,110 --> 00:05:33,580 No, nothing. 66 00:05:34,785 --> 00:05:36,473 All right. 67 00:05:36,748 --> 00:05:39,889 Well, don't forget to eat something, all right? 68 00:05:40,387 --> 00:05:43,855 You want to remind me to go to the toilet, too? 69 00:05:45,595 --> 00:05:48,340 Professor, I was... 70 00:05:49,442 --> 00:05:51,182 wondering, 71 00:05:51,519 --> 00:05:53,542 what do you hope to find in these books? 72 00:05:53,572 --> 00:05:58,116 Something I overlooked. Of all the evils a man faces, 73 00:05:58,668 --> 00:06:02,335 growing old is the one I cannot do anything about. 74 00:06:04,281 --> 00:06:05,928 When I was young, 75 00:06:06,252 --> 00:06:08,004 I could hold all this in my head, 76 00:06:08,034 --> 00:06:11,103 and now it seems to be 77 00:06:11,427 --> 00:06:13,358 slipping away from me. 78 00:06:13,919 --> 00:06:17,527 Somewhere in here, there, there, there must be a clue. 79 00:06:17,557 --> 00:06:21,739 - A clue to what? - An ancient book. 80 00:06:22,126 --> 00:06:24,331 If I can find it... 81 00:06:24,830 --> 00:06:28,454 it may tell me how to destroy the Master. 82 00:06:35,009 --> 00:06:35,994 Workers discovered 83 00:06:36,024 --> 00:06:39,471 these bodies while building a roadway in Gliwice, Poland. 84 00:06:39,501 --> 00:06:41,695 They were buried almost a thousand years ago. 85 00:06:44,735 --> 00:06:46,509 Notice how their heads have been severed and placed 86 00:06:46,539 --> 00:06:50,313 beside their feet. Thus we can see the pagan myth 87 00:06:50,343 --> 00:06:53,521 of vampires persists well into the Christian era. 88 00:06:53,857 --> 00:06:56,317 Isn't it possible that these myths persist 89 00:06:56,347 --> 00:06:58,380 because vampires are real? 90 00:07:01,213 --> 00:07:03,648 Some still believe that. 91 00:07:07,219 --> 00:07:09,942 Here is your homework assignment for Monday. 92 00:07:09,972 --> 00:07:13,374 Remember, all quotes must be footnoted. 93 00:07:14,998 --> 00:07:16,902 Professor Setrakian? 94 00:07:16,932 --> 00:07:20,348 Eldritch Palmer would like to speak with you. 95 00:07:26,822 --> 00:07:30,360 It is an honor to finally meet you, Professor Setrakian. 96 00:07:30,525 --> 00:07:34,495 Well, I am a great admirer of yours. 97 00:07:34,563 --> 00:07:37,703 - May we speak frankly? - By all means. 98 00:07:37,733 --> 00:07:39,421 Well, I understand your caution. 99 00:07:39,451 --> 00:07:41,690 If you were to publicly admit the truth, 100 00:07:41,720 --> 00:07:43,988 then you'd lose your position at the university. 101 00:07:44,056 --> 00:07:47,108 - And what truth is that? - You believe that vampires 102 00:07:47,138 --> 00:07:49,160 have walked among us for thousands of years 103 00:07:49,190 --> 00:07:52,263 - and are with us still. - Well, suppose I do? 104 00:07:53,657 --> 00:07:55,657 Well, I share your conviction, 105 00:07:56,201 --> 00:07:57,973 and I want to help. 106 00:07:58,103 --> 00:08:02,439 Now, I'm willing to put my resources at your disposal. 107 00:08:03,959 --> 00:08:07,065 That's a tempting offer, Mr. Palmer, but my work 108 00:08:07,095 --> 00:08:09,285 is too dangerous, and I can't afford to be encumbered by... 109 00:08:09,315 --> 00:08:10,982 An amateur? 110 00:08:13,268 --> 00:08:15,970 I assure you that I am many things but that. 111 00:08:16,188 --> 00:08:18,072 Have you heard of a Polish nobleman by the name 112 00:08:18,102 --> 00:08:20,341 of Jusef Sardu? 113 00:08:23,889 --> 00:08:25,968 According to legend, he was attacked by a vampire 114 00:08:25,998 --> 00:08:27,786 while on a hunting trip in 1873. 115 00:08:27,816 --> 00:08:29,166 Correct. 116 00:08:29,490 --> 00:08:30,990 And he was said to have carried a cane. 117 00:08:31,020 --> 00:08:35,698 With a wolf's head handle made of white gold. Silver blade. 118 00:08:36,609 --> 00:08:38,843 It's been missing for decades, 119 00:08:39,211 --> 00:08:41,041 but my sources tell me that it may have 120 00:08:41,071 --> 00:08:43,714 recently resurfaced here in Vienna. 121 00:08:44,456 --> 00:08:46,886 That is the first I've heard of this. 122 00:08:47,833 --> 00:08:49,208 Well, is it true? 123 00:08:49,238 --> 00:08:51,305 That's what I need you to find out. 124 00:08:54,416 --> 00:08:56,316 I'll see what I can turn up. 125 00:09:10,835 --> 00:09:13,267 Mr. and Mrs. McGeever, we need to talk. 126 00:09:14,723 --> 00:09:17,158 - What's happening to us? - Would you both please 127 00:09:17,226 --> 00:09:20,528 raise up your arms? 128 00:09:23,457 --> 00:09:24,922 Oh, Mother of God! 129 00:09:25,582 --> 00:09:26,755 What is that?! 130 00:09:26,785 --> 00:09:28,557 You've both contracted the disease 131 00:09:28,587 --> 00:09:30,588 that's broken out in New York. 132 00:09:31,155 --> 00:09:34,224 The worms carry a very aggressive virus. 133 00:09:34,509 --> 00:09:36,060 There's no cure. 134 00:09:37,433 --> 00:09:40,881 You'll both die in 15 to 48 hours. 135 00:09:41,572 --> 00:09:43,955 You knew this the moment those things wounded us. 136 00:09:43,985 --> 00:09:45,201 We did, but you wouldn't believe it 137 00:09:45,231 --> 00:09:48,856 - until you saw it for yourself. - Why did you bring us here? 138 00:09:48,923 --> 00:09:51,791 - Because we need your help. - For over 200 years, 139 00:09:51,821 --> 00:09:54,933 yellow fever ravaged American cities, killing 140 00:09:54,963 --> 00:09:58,599 hundreds of thousands of people. The disease went unchecked, 141 00:09:58,921 --> 00:10:02,607 until a group of US soldiers volunteered to be test subjects 142 00:10:02,637 --> 00:10:05,511 for Dr. Walter Reed. They helped find a way 143 00:10:05,541 --> 00:10:08,390 to eradicate that disease. We'd like you to help us 144 00:10:08,420 --> 00:10:11,183 - do the same with this. - Forget it. Come on. 145 00:10:11,213 --> 00:10:12,714 - Let's go. - That's your choice, 146 00:10:12,744 --> 00:10:14,983 but let me be perfectly clear. 147 00:10:15,500 --> 00:10:19,251 Untreated, you will both die slowly and painfully. 148 00:10:19,805 --> 00:10:22,873 The virus will reanimate your corpses. 149 00:10:23,043 --> 00:10:27,011 You will then seek out and infect anybody you love. 150 00:10:28,781 --> 00:10:30,586 Is that what you want? 151 00:10:30,909 --> 00:10:32,350 Oh God. Evan! 152 00:10:34,131 --> 00:10:36,320 We could infect our son? 153 00:10:37,023 --> 00:10:38,444 Count on it. 154 00:10:38,474 --> 00:10:40,322 It's true, we can't save your lives. 155 00:10:40,352 --> 00:10:42,610 But we can make you as comfortable as possible 156 00:10:42,678 --> 00:10:45,350 - during the time you have left. - And you can strike a blow 157 00:10:45,380 --> 00:10:47,686 against this disease, help stop it, 158 00:10:47,716 --> 00:10:49,717 for your son. 159 00:10:55,630 --> 00:10:57,352 We have to do this. 160 00:10:58,093 --> 00:11:00,795 We don't really have a choice, do we? 161 00:11:12,794 --> 00:11:14,854 _ 162 00:11:14,884 --> 00:11:17,050 First of all, let me say mistakes were made. 163 00:11:17,080 --> 00:11:18,746 No shit. Thanks for the newsflash. 164 00:11:18,776 --> 00:11:22,039 Councilwoman Faraldo, Secretary Barnes here has been 165 00:11:22,069 --> 00:11:24,123 - good enough to come up from Washington... - Good enough? 166 00:11:24,153 --> 00:11:26,643 It's his job, which he has not been doing. 167 00:11:26,673 --> 00:11:28,607 Have you seen what's going on out there?! 168 00:11:28,675 --> 00:11:30,447 You mean, the people shooting six-foot snakes 169 00:11:30,477 --> 00:11:32,883 out of their mouths and sucking their neighbors dry? 170 00:11:32,913 --> 00:11:35,201 - You had a look, Mayor? - Of course I have! 171 00:11:35,231 --> 00:11:37,537 I've been on the phone night and day 172 00:11:37,567 --> 00:11:40,102 with the governor, with Senator Lang, 173 00:11:40,169 --> 00:11:42,537 with Homeland Security trng to get us more help, 174 00:11:42,605 --> 00:11:46,179 but everybody's been too busy pointing fingers 175 00:11:46,209 --> 00:11:48,360 and covering their own asses. 176 00:11:48,390 --> 00:11:51,317 And still, the press blames me. Here, look at this. 177 00:11:51,347 --> 00:11:54,387 See? Canker sores. I haven't had these 178 00:11:54,417 --> 00:11:57,774 since law school. My God, what have I done to deserve this? 179 00:11:57,804 --> 00:11:59,359 - I'll make a list. - Look, 180 00:11:59,389 --> 00:12:02,612 we're facing the most severe crisis in this city's history. 181 00:12:02,642 --> 00:12:04,245 My predecessor failed to understand 182 00:12:04,275 --> 00:12:07,233 the gravity of the situation, but we have corrected the course 183 00:12:07,263 --> 00:12:10,754 and now have protocols in place to contain this epidemic. 184 00:12:10,784 --> 00:12:13,974 - What protocols? - The CDC has established 185 00:12:14,004 --> 00:12:16,126 quarantine stations in each borough. 186 00:12:16,156 --> 00:12:18,778 Symptomatic individuals have been placed in isolation units 187 00:12:18,808 --> 00:12:20,880 for a 24-hour incubation period 188 00:12:20,910 --> 00:12:23,245 - to confirm they're carriers. - And if they are? 189 00:12:23,313 --> 00:12:25,347 We're running down every person they've come 190 00:12:25,415 --> 00:12:26,859 into contact with, and placing them in isolation 191 00:12:26,889 --> 00:12:28,667 to determine if they've also been infected. 192 00:12:28,697 --> 00:12:30,874 No, I meant the original people, the ones infected. 193 00:12:30,904 --> 00:12:34,306 What are you doing with them? Well, for the moment... 194 00:12:36,376 --> 00:12:38,684 we're confining them in secure facilities. 195 00:12:38,714 --> 00:12:41,018 You're warehousing these things?! 196 00:12:41,048 --> 00:12:43,962 These are vicious, evil predators. 197 00:12:43,992 --> 00:12:46,525 - They need to be put down. - Put down?! 198 00:12:46,555 --> 00:12:48,821 The United States government is not in the business 199 00:12:48,889 --> 00:12:52,091 of euthanizing its citizens, no matter how sick they are. 200 00:12:52,121 --> 00:12:53,492 I have over a thousand doctors working 201 00:12:53,560 --> 00:12:55,432 - around the clock in labs... - Meanwhile these things, 202 00:12:55,462 --> 00:12:57,834 they're running wild in the streets. 203 00:12:57,864 --> 00:12:59,482 Where's the National Guard? 204 00:12:59,512 --> 00:13:03,245 We have more than 10,000 troops in the city protecting vital... 205 00:13:03,275 --> 00:13:04,470 Bullshit! 206 00:13:04,538 --> 00:13:07,644 I have seen a few soldiers protecting City Hall 207 00:13:07,674 --> 00:13:10,809 and other government offices, but tell me, where are the rest? 208 00:13:10,839 --> 00:13:12,445 I don't have the file in front of me. 209 00:13:12,475 --> 00:13:15,461 Seriously, where? 210 00:13:15,997 --> 00:13:17,770 I haven't seen them either. 211 00:13:17,800 --> 00:13:19,401 Once we get control of this thing, 212 00:13:19,469 --> 00:13:22,525 - more troops will be available. - Listen to this guy. 213 00:13:22,555 --> 00:13:24,612 There's only one way to solve this problem. 214 00:13:24,642 --> 00:13:26,997 Screw the government. We handle it ourselves. 215 00:13:27,027 --> 00:13:30,366 - How do you propose we do that? - Oh, I'm already doing it. 216 00:13:30,396 --> 00:13:33,824 We're gonna take back Staten Island one block at a time, 217 00:13:33,854 --> 00:13:37,089 flush these things out and blow their goddamn heads off. 218 00:13:37,119 --> 00:13:40,193 Then, we're gonna secure the perimeter so no more can get in. 219 00:13:40,223 --> 00:13:42,328 Now if you'll excuse me, you all can carry on 220 00:13:42,358 --> 00:13:44,581 with your mental jerk-off here. 221 00:13:44,611 --> 00:13:48,218 I've got work to do. 222 00:13:57,786 --> 00:13:59,262 Ms. Marchand. 223 00:13:59,292 --> 00:14:02,132 - I accept your offer of a job. - Marvelous! 224 00:14:02,162 --> 00:14:04,234 I read that you studied English 225 00:14:04,264 --> 00:14:06,598 at Boston College and had several plays 226 00:14:06,666 --> 00:14:09,305 produced. So you're a writer? 227 00:14:09,335 --> 00:14:11,580 Yean, I write. How do you know all that? 228 00:14:11,610 --> 00:14:14,778 Well, after I impulsively offered you a job, 229 00:14:14,808 --> 00:14:18,286 I less impulsively ran a background check on you. 230 00:14:18,316 --> 00:14:20,834 Don't worry, you passed with flying colors. 231 00:14:25,702 --> 00:14:28,412 It sickens me to see what's happening to this city. 232 00:14:28,442 --> 00:14:31,507 You seem to be the one person trying to turn things around. 233 00:14:32,074 --> 00:14:35,524 - I want to be a part of that. - And you will, believe me. 234 00:14:36,436 --> 00:14:38,234 So, where do you want me to start? 235 00:14:38,264 --> 00:14:41,204 I'm establishing a dozen food-distribution centers 236 00:14:41,234 --> 00:14:43,535 across the five boroughs. 237 00:14:43,703 --> 00:14:46,209 My wholesale network will supply them, 238 00:14:46,239 --> 00:14:49,562 and Stoneheart Security will protect them. 239 00:14:49,592 --> 00:14:52,766 Well, it's a wonderful idea. So many stores have been looted, 240 00:14:52,796 --> 00:14:55,020 people are desperate for the essentials. 241 00:14:55,050 --> 00:14:57,202 First one opens tomorrow. The mayor wants me to say 242 00:14:57,232 --> 00:14:59,472 a few words at the ribbon cutting. I've jotted down 243 00:14:59,502 --> 00:15:03,076 some notes. Type them up and add a little sizzle and topspin. 244 00:15:03,545 --> 00:15:05,107 I have to go to a meeting. 245 00:15:05,586 --> 00:15:07,543 You want me to write your speech? 246 00:15:08,794 --> 00:15:10,966 We've already established you're a writer. 247 00:15:10,996 --> 00:15:12,687 Yes, but if we could just go over this 248 00:15:12,717 --> 00:15:15,433 - so I can get your input... - I have complete confidence 249 00:15:16,153 --> 00:15:18,723 in you. Just make me look good. 250 00:15:24,143 --> 00:15:25,952 Why here? 251 00:15:25,982 --> 00:15:29,370 Ah... A great journey starts with a single step. 252 00:15:30,316 --> 00:15:31,878 In this case, 253 00:15:32,399 --> 00:15:34,152 we're gonna start with our own block. 254 00:15:34,534 --> 00:15:35,931 Yee-haw! 255 00:15:41,160 --> 00:15:42,160 Ah. 256 00:15:42,574 --> 00:15:44,624 Consider trying the door first? 257 00:15:45,262 --> 00:15:46,982 But where's the fun in that? 258 00:16:25,799 --> 00:16:28,056 Hey, hey, hey. 259 00:16:28,522 --> 00:16:30,515 Be careful, all right? 260 00:16:30,863 --> 00:16:33,162 I love it when you get worried about me. 261 00:17:13,969 --> 00:17:15,466 Grenades. 262 00:17:16,422 --> 00:17:18,757 Munchers all around the clock. 263 00:17:19,148 --> 00:17:21,369 I want you to get back... 264 00:17:21,642 --> 00:17:23,095 and make a racket. 265 00:17:23,514 --> 00:17:25,253 Why do I always end up as bait? 266 00:17:25,283 --> 00:17:27,332 Because you look so appetizing. 267 00:17:27,831 --> 00:17:29,203 That's right, I do. 268 00:17:51,288 --> 00:17:53,690 Creatures of the night, come and get it! 269 00:17:58,141 --> 00:17:59,276 That's it. 270 00:18:01,512 --> 00:18:03,246 Come on. 271 00:18:10,001 --> 00:18:11,261 That's it. 272 00:18:46,582 --> 00:18:48,515 Aaah! 273 00:18:55,521 --> 00:18:58,023 Love the look, you know. 274 00:18:58,090 --> 00:19:00,091 It's bound to catch on, right? 275 00:19:00,259 --> 00:19:01,712 Silver's not my color. 276 00:19:02,361 --> 00:19:04,896 Hm... Let me see. 277 00:19:07,333 --> 00:19:09,319 God, I needed that, huh? 278 00:19:09,960 --> 00:19:12,866 Nothing like a win to get the endorphins flowing. 279 00:19:16,553 --> 00:19:18,773 One small step for man... 280 00:19:23,249 --> 00:19:25,282 You know, if we, uh... 281 00:19:25,935 --> 00:19:28,824 clear out the rest of the buildings on this block, 282 00:19:28,854 --> 00:19:31,411 um, and then clear out 283 00:19:31,441 --> 00:19:34,123 the buildings on the next block, then we'll, uh, 284 00:19:34,323 --> 00:19:35,977 you know, we'll extend our perimeter... 285 00:19:39,983 --> 00:19:41,583 What are you doing? 286 00:19:42,074 --> 00:19:43,919 Washing off the silver. 287 00:19:44,326 --> 00:19:47,002 It beats that dribbly old shower at your place. 288 00:19:47,601 --> 00:19:50,380 You shouldn't knock a man's water pressure. 289 00:19:50,410 --> 00:19:52,979 - Hits him where it hurts. - Come on in, Rat Man, 290 00:19:53,009 --> 00:19:56,098 - the water's warm. - No thanks. 291 00:19:56,990 --> 00:19:58,016 Never thought a guy like you 292 00:19:58,046 --> 00:20:00,155 would be shy of a little skinny dip. 293 00:20:00,317 --> 00:20:02,268 It's not that. It's just, um... 294 00:20:02,505 --> 00:20:03,617 What? 295 00:20:03,773 --> 00:20:06,007 There's no reason to be embarrassed. 296 00:20:08,944 --> 00:20:10,878 I can't swim. 297 00:20:14,390 --> 00:20:16,773 It served no part in my parents' agenda, all right? 298 00:20:16,803 --> 00:20:19,738 I can talk to you about neoclassic architecture 299 00:20:19,806 --> 00:20:22,507 - all day if you like but... - Get in the shallow end. 300 00:20:22,537 --> 00:20:24,776 I'll teach you. 301 00:20:43,376 --> 00:20:45,430 Can you blow bubbles? 302 00:20:45,498 --> 00:20:48,946 Yeah, I think I could do that. 303 00:20:49,669 --> 00:20:50,860 - That's very good. - It's good? 304 00:20:53,255 --> 00:20:54,764 OK, now. 305 00:20:55,244 --> 00:20:57,153 Lean on me. 306 00:20:58,169 --> 00:20:59,682 - Relax. - Yeah. 307 00:20:59,712 --> 00:21:02,218 - It's OK... OK... - OK? 308 00:21:02,248 --> 00:21:04,791 - All right. - Now let your feet drift off the floor. 309 00:21:04,821 --> 00:21:05,855 Oh! Oh! 310 00:21:05,885 --> 00:21:08,019 - Yeah. Oh! Oh! - Oh! 311 00:21:09,664 --> 00:21:11,630 I'm floating. 312 00:21:11,785 --> 00:21:13,792 - Yeah. - Well, what if I get water 313 00:21:13,860 --> 00:21:16,476 in my mouth and I can't breathe? 314 00:21:17,733 --> 00:21:19,566 Then I rescue you. 315 00:21:20,503 --> 00:21:21,503 Yeah? 316 00:21:33,901 --> 00:21:35,922 Yeah? 317 00:21:40,206 --> 00:21:44,200 The NYPD is encouraging displaced persons to seek out approved... 318 00:21:44,230 --> 00:21:45,570 How are you doing? 319 00:21:45,600 --> 00:21:48,113 ...and advise people to avoid... 320 00:21:48,143 --> 00:21:52,158 I don't want to interrupt, but our test subjects will be turning soon. 321 00:21:52,188 --> 00:21:54,823 Throats restructuring, ringing in their ears... 322 00:21:54,890 --> 00:21:57,492 ...this after the apparent suicides of more than... 323 00:21:57,522 --> 00:21:59,736 I need some advice. 324 00:22:01,211 --> 00:22:05,100 You said the Master can see through the eyes of his strigoi. 325 00:22:05,368 --> 00:22:08,069 Wille be able to use them to identify our location? 326 00:22:08,277 --> 00:22:10,638 Do they know where they are? 327 00:22:10,706 --> 00:22:12,646 No. We took them to a lab in the back of the van 328 00:22:12,676 --> 00:22:15,197 - before they turned. - Well then, you have nothing 329 00:22:15,227 --> 00:22:17,262 to worry about. If they don't know where they are, 330 00:22:17,330 --> 00:22:20,298 - neither will the Master. - Are you sure? 331 00:22:20,886 --> 00:22:22,084 You doubt me 332 00:22:22,114 --> 00:22:25,007 because I was wrong about sunlight destroying him? 333 00:22:25,037 --> 00:22:26,888 After all the things I've shown you, suddenly 334 00:22:26,918 --> 00:22:29,973 you think me a doddering old fool?! 335 00:22:30,003 --> 00:22:32,415 Look, I know you're dealing with a lot, 336 00:22:32,445 --> 00:22:35,585 but guess what? So am I! We all are! 337 00:22:35,615 --> 00:22:38,216 ...for the past two nights, according to police, 338 00:22:38,284 --> 00:22:41,853 leaving behind possessions and makeshift tents. 339 00:22:42,285 --> 00:22:44,156 Dr. Martinez. 340 00:22:47,784 --> 00:22:50,124 What you are doing to those poor people, 341 00:22:50,154 --> 00:22:53,565 it's distasteful, maybe 342 00:22:53,712 --> 00:22:57,656 even cruel, but you're doing it for a noble purpose. 343 00:22:57,908 --> 00:22:58,775 A couple of weeks ago, 344 00:22:58,805 --> 00:23:00,910 you wouldn't have had the strength 345 00:23:00,940 --> 00:23:02,874 to do such a thing. 346 00:23:04,012 --> 00:23:05,945 Couple of weeks was... 347 00:23:06,646 --> 00:23:09,114 a long time ago. 348 00:23:09,566 --> 00:23:11,249 ... the incident at 85th Street... 349 00:23:11,567 --> 00:23:13,635 I've seen people do things 350 00:23:13,665 --> 00:23:16,142 for the sheer love of cruelty 351 00:23:16,172 --> 00:23:19,241 but you'll never be one of those. 352 00:23:19,806 --> 00:23:22,874 - Ha. - In a related report, 353 00:23:22,904 --> 00:23:25,610 the blaze which started inside the building... 354 00:23:27,866 --> 00:23:31,076 _ 355 00:24:08,413 --> 00:24:10,759 That is Dresden China. 356 00:24:11,352 --> 00:24:15,250 Those pieces survived the Allied bombing. 357 00:24:15,812 --> 00:24:18,024 They are very rare. 358 00:24:18,261 --> 00:24:20,957 China is of no interest to me. 359 00:24:20,987 --> 00:24:23,888 And what is of interest to you? 360 00:24:24,436 --> 00:24:26,238 Artifacts 361 00:24:26,268 --> 00:24:27,877 from the war. 362 00:24:29,336 --> 00:24:30,871 So... 363 00:24:31,496 --> 00:24:33,565 come with me. 364 00:24:42,012 --> 00:24:45,409 I'm certain you'll find something of interest 365 00:24:45,439 --> 00:24:46,624 in here. 366 00:24:52,549 --> 00:24:53,952 Mein Kampf. 367 00:24:54,219 --> 00:24:56,588 A first edition, 368 00:24:56,718 --> 00:24:59,324 personally autographed by Adolf Hitler. 369 00:25:02,915 --> 00:25:05,817 Oh, now that is Mayan. 370 00:25:06,084 --> 00:25:09,191 They believed that the skull could bring forth 371 00:25:09,221 --> 00:25:11,622 the beast from the abyss. 372 00:25:11,690 --> 00:25:14,792 It is part of the personal collection of Heinrich Himmler. 373 00:25:20,966 --> 00:25:22,604 Tell me about that cane. 374 00:25:22,634 --> 00:25:24,869 Magnificent, isn't it? 375 00:25:24,937 --> 00:25:27,272 19th Century. 376 00:25:27,597 --> 00:25:28,695 May I have a closer look at it? 377 00:25:28,725 --> 00:25:30,353 Of course. 378 00:25:31,362 --> 00:25:33,653 It is my most prized possession. 379 00:25:33,683 --> 00:25:36,815 I didn't want to sell it, but in times like this, 380 00:25:36,845 --> 00:25:39,935 one does what one must to survive. 381 00:25:39,965 --> 00:25:41,909 Look, there is a feature 382 00:25:41,939 --> 00:25:44,422 I think you will enjoy. 383 00:25:46,097 --> 00:25:49,860 Forged by Wladyslaw Stankievicz, 384 00:25:49,928 --> 00:25:53,965 the finest swordsmith in Poland. 385 00:25:54,849 --> 00:25:57,542 For Jusef Sardu. 386 00:25:57,572 --> 00:25:59,770 Someone obviously shortened it. 387 00:26:00,242 --> 00:26:01,764 Sardu was a giant. 388 00:26:01,794 --> 00:26:03,576 Yes. 389 00:26:04,191 --> 00:26:06,377 It went through many hands 390 00:26:06,445 --> 00:26:08,858 before I acquired it. 391 00:26:12,353 --> 00:26:14,886 You know your history. 392 00:26:15,405 --> 00:26:17,567 Unfortunately, it is already spoken for. 393 00:26:17,597 --> 00:26:19,986 - When did this happen? - Yesterday actually. 394 00:26:20,016 --> 00:26:22,593 The buyer is coming to take possession this evening. 395 00:26:22,661 --> 00:26:24,428 Would you consider a second offer? 396 00:26:24,496 --> 00:26:26,430 Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I could not break 397 00:26:26,498 --> 00:26:28,399 my word to a client. I'm a man of honor. 398 00:26:30,202 --> 00:26:31,198 You... 399 00:26:32,177 --> 00:26:34,337 are a man of honor, 400 00:26:34,367 --> 00:26:37,277 Dr. Dreverhaven? 401 00:26:37,307 --> 00:26:38,533 Ha! 402 00:26:39,465 --> 00:26:42,246 "Dreverhaven"? 403 00:26:42,314 --> 00:26:44,220 I think you are confusing me with someone else. 404 00:26:44,250 --> 00:26:46,384 My name is Rolf Steiner. 405 00:26:46,676 --> 00:26:48,759 You don't remember me? 406 00:26:49,679 --> 00:26:53,639 A230385. 407 00:26:54,169 --> 00:26:56,421 I used to hose down your operating room after you were 408 00:26:56,451 --> 00:26:59,725 finished experimenting on my fellow prisoners. 409 00:26:59,755 --> 00:27:02,901 I told you, you are mistaken. 410 00:27:02,968 --> 00:27:05,764 You don't remember the operating room, Doctor, 411 00:27:05,794 --> 00:27:07,810 or your patients screaming 412 00:27:07,840 --> 00:27:09,874 as you injected turpentine into their veins 413 00:27:09,942 --> 00:27:12,977 and clocked their deaths? 414 00:27:13,045 --> 00:27:15,113 Ugh! 415 00:27:22,703 --> 00:27:24,422 Ah! 416 00:27:24,490 --> 00:27:27,859 Just passing through. 417 00:27:35,968 --> 00:27:38,770 Oh my! 418 00:27:54,753 --> 00:27:56,955 Ah! 419 00:28:13,325 --> 00:28:15,139 Ah! 420 00:28:31,292 --> 00:28:34,430 Funny, we used to give blood to save lives. 421 00:28:35,269 --> 00:28:37,419 We're still trying to save lives. 422 00:28:37,500 --> 00:28:39,297 Two pints of blood won't sustain our strigoi 423 00:28:39,365 --> 00:28:42,166 for very long. 424 00:28:42,637 --> 00:28:44,354 If we find an effective pathogen, 425 00:28:44,384 --> 00:28:46,584 they won't need to live very long. 426 00:28:47,734 --> 00:28:49,774 Who won't need to live that long? 427 00:28:53,465 --> 00:28:56,247 We have volunteer subjects. They're infected. 428 00:28:56,687 --> 00:28:58,418 Are you gonna cure 'em? 429 00:29:01,978 --> 00:29:04,822 Uh, not exactly. 430 00:29:05,328 --> 00:29:07,512 Good evening, Dr. Frankenstein. 431 00:29:07,542 --> 00:29:10,410 How's the... mad scientist business? 432 00:29:10,440 --> 00:29:13,616 - That old couple turn yet? - They're turning, fast. 433 00:29:13,646 --> 00:29:16,734 Poor bastards. You should've put 'em out of their misery. 434 00:29:16,802 --> 00:29:18,570 The phone board is gonna light up. 435 00:29:18,637 --> 00:29:21,439 What's going on here? What are you doing? 436 00:29:21,995 --> 00:29:23,709 We're working on the disease, Zack. 437 00:29:23,739 --> 00:29:27,316 You are? How? What's your plan? 438 00:29:27,346 --> 00:29:30,422 It's... it's very hard to explain. 439 00:29:31,097 --> 00:29:35,076 'Cause you don't think I can understand or you just don't want to tell me? 440 00:29:35,106 --> 00:29:36,948 Right now? Both! 441 00:29:40,708 --> 00:29:42,660 Let me get a little bit further, and then I'll walk you 442 00:29:42,728 --> 00:29:46,320 through everything. I'm just trying to figure it out myself. Okay? 443 00:29:51,747 --> 00:29:53,610 - Anything? - Nothing yet. 444 00:29:53,884 --> 00:29:57,482 The last batch is still cooking, but check this. 445 00:29:57,512 --> 00:30:00,606 Pseudomonas antibiotic resistant, 446 00:30:00,636 --> 00:30:03,378 nasty stuff that will infect anything. 447 00:30:03,408 --> 00:30:05,617 One drop of strigoi blood. 448 00:30:11,775 --> 00:30:14,595 Killed them. Never seen a die-off like that. 449 00:30:14,834 --> 00:30:17,362 It's absolutely efficient, 450 00:30:17,429 --> 00:30:21,227 ruthless. This virus would make a great antibiotic, 451 00:30:21,257 --> 00:30:22,600 if it didn't turn us into vampires first. 452 00:30:22,668 --> 00:30:25,740 Dr. Goodweather! 453 00:30:29,274 --> 00:30:31,251 Be right in, Mr. McGeever. 454 00:30:54,456 --> 00:30:56,801 Easy. 455 00:30:57,079 --> 00:30:59,451 - What's the problem? - Pauline's in pain. 456 00:30:59,481 --> 00:31:01,810 - You gotta give her something. - Mrs. McGeever? 457 00:31:01,840 --> 00:31:04,664 - Pauline? - You've got to give her something now! 458 00:31:09,746 --> 00:31:11,486 Come on, come on, come on! 459 00:31:11,516 --> 00:31:14,520 - This should make you feel better. - My throat! 460 00:31:14,550 --> 00:31:16,768 - I can't breathe. - Give her more! Give her more! 461 00:31:16,798 --> 00:31:18,423 If I give her more, it will kill her. 462 00:31:18,753 --> 00:31:21,459 Then maybe it's time for that. 463 00:31:21,849 --> 00:31:23,694 What? 464 00:31:23,762 --> 00:31:26,931 No. Now you agreed to this. 465 00:31:27,310 --> 00:31:30,368 I don't care. You said this thing was gonna kill us? 466 00:31:30,610 --> 00:31:31,960 Well, let's end it now. 467 00:31:31,990 --> 00:31:34,328 Put enough in my wife to put her down 468 00:31:34,358 --> 00:31:36,774 and then you do me afterwards. 469 00:31:37,285 --> 00:31:38,809 Please, Doctor, 470 00:31:38,877 --> 00:31:41,385 make it stop or, God help me, I will. 471 00:31:41,415 --> 00:31:44,515 Please, calm down. 472 00:31:44,909 --> 00:31:46,984 Look. 473 00:31:47,052 --> 00:31:49,987 See? The crisis is over. 474 00:31:50,233 --> 00:31:52,623 She's resting peacefully. 475 00:31:52,977 --> 00:31:54,492 Maybe you should too. 476 00:32:00,678 --> 00:32:02,273 Ugh! 477 00:32:07,610 --> 00:32:08,406 Ah? 478 00:32:08,473 --> 00:32:11,148 You've... Bastard! 479 00:32:11,178 --> 00:32:14,311 We trusted you! 480 00:32:14,550 --> 00:32:16,703 No! Bastard! 481 00:32:16,900 --> 00:32:18,704 Bastard! Ah! 482 00:32:44,710 --> 00:32:47,268 _ 483 00:32:53,520 --> 00:32:55,008 God! 484 00:32:55,038 --> 00:32:56,534 Damnit! 485 00:32:59,197 --> 00:33:01,915 It's all lies! 486 00:33:02,080 --> 00:33:03,961 Fairy tales! Stories! 487 00:33:03,991 --> 00:33:06,175 - I'm wasting my time here! - Hey! Hey, hey, 488 00:33:06,205 --> 00:33:08,917 calm down! Hey! Hey? Calm down. 489 00:33:08,947 --> 00:33:11,661 Take a breath now. Hey? 490 00:33:11,691 --> 00:33:13,541 Just a wild guess, but... 491 00:33:13,571 --> 00:33:17,899 So you couldn't find anything about that lost book, huh? 492 00:33:23,811 --> 00:33:24,939 What? 493 00:33:42,911 --> 00:33:44,520 Well, you've done it. 494 00:33:46,212 --> 00:33:49,289 Now we need to discuss our next project. 495 00:33:50,320 --> 00:33:52,144 Now, this is reputed to be an image 496 00:33:52,174 --> 00:33:54,196 from the Occido Lumen. 497 00:33:54,226 --> 00:33:57,591 Have you heard of it? It's an ancient book 498 00:33:57,621 --> 00:33:59,335 said to offer an account of the exact 499 00:33:59,403 --> 00:34:02,025 nature and origin of the strigoi, 500 00:34:02,055 --> 00:34:03,706 and perhaps even the key to 501 00:34:03,774 --> 00:34:07,142 - their destruction. - If it exists. 502 00:34:07,172 --> 00:34:09,331 There's documentation of the Lumen passing through 503 00:34:09,361 --> 00:34:12,448 many hands before it went missing more than a century ago. 504 00:34:12,516 --> 00:34:15,447 I believe that it is still out there. 505 00:34:15,721 --> 00:34:18,261 I will pay you a generous stipend 506 00:34:18,291 --> 00:34:21,290 plus all your expenses, so that you can focus exclusively 507 00:34:21,358 --> 00:34:23,548 on finding it. 508 00:34:23,855 --> 00:34:25,644 I'll need all the information you have on it. 509 00:34:25,674 --> 00:34:28,743 Abraham, what about our classes? 510 00:34:28,773 --> 00:34:32,083 The university? You'll lose your position. 511 00:34:32,113 --> 00:34:35,662 If you find it for me, I'll endow a chair for you here 512 00:34:35,692 --> 00:34:37,702 as full professor. 513 00:34:39,444 --> 00:34:41,544 Now, I have a flight to catch. 514 00:34:42,308 --> 00:34:46,391 Think it over. I'll be in touch in a few days. 515 00:34:52,321 --> 00:34:53,724 Can you imagine what an incredible find 516 00:34:53,754 --> 00:34:57,707 that book would be? And to be secure as a full professor? 517 00:34:57,946 --> 00:34:59,426 I don't like it. 518 00:34:59,976 --> 00:35:02,818 - He's using you. - And I'm using him. 519 00:35:02,848 --> 00:35:07,235 - He wants to fund our work. - Abraham, please reconsider. 520 00:35:22,314 --> 00:35:25,647 The tongue has begun to bifurcate. 521 00:35:25,677 --> 00:35:28,416 Vestibular enlargement is palpable, 522 00:35:28,446 --> 00:35:31,194 but, as yet, no stinger has developed. 523 00:35:31,224 --> 00:35:32,998 Still, we will soon have to implement 524 00:35:33,028 --> 00:35:35,784 precautions against it. 525 00:35:39,516 --> 00:35:41,174 Mrs. McGeever, 526 00:35:41,978 --> 00:35:44,239 can you hear me? 527 00:35:56,781 --> 00:35:58,887 How is she? 528 00:36:02,058 --> 00:36:04,059 She won't be with us much longer. 529 00:36:04,901 --> 00:36:07,395 Can I see her? 530 00:36:22,987 --> 00:36:24,799 Thank you. 531 00:37:00,918 --> 00:37:02,414 What the hell are you doing? 532 00:37:02,444 --> 00:37:05,320 Oh, I love the sound of breaking glass. 533 00:37:06,260 --> 00:37:07,772 Nothing grew? 534 00:37:07,840 --> 00:37:09,774 Not a damn thing. 535 00:37:09,842 --> 00:37:12,896 Strigoi appear to be biologically bulletproof. 536 00:37:12,926 --> 00:37:15,007 That can't be. Maybe some 537 00:37:15,037 --> 00:37:16,477 strains won't grow, but 538 00:37:16,507 --> 00:37:18,725 S. Cerevisiae should grow on just about anything. 539 00:37:18,755 --> 00:37:22,153 Oh, great. Maybe we can give the vampires trench mouth. 540 00:37:22,221 --> 00:37:26,258 Or, uh, maybe a nasty case of thrush. Watch out. 541 00:37:27,896 --> 00:37:31,340 Ha! Can you do that? It made it in. 542 00:37:31,597 --> 00:37:34,032 Well, we should have looked at more... 543 00:37:34,100 --> 00:37:36,701 pathogenic organisms. 544 00:37:36,913 --> 00:37:41,406 Anthrax, tularemia, 545 00:37:41,644 --> 00:37:44,185 - plague. - Our objective is to find 546 00:37:44,215 --> 00:37:47,596 a pathogen that won't kill people along with the strigoi. 547 00:37:47,626 --> 00:37:50,492 Oh, yeah, that's... that's pretty important. 548 00:37:54,564 --> 00:37:57,265 These are all pure research strains. 549 00:37:57,333 --> 00:37:59,634 Ah... Elliot had nothing but the best. 550 00:37:59,702 --> 00:38:01,970 "GPY 1100," 551 00:38:02,038 --> 00:38:03,939 auxotrophic for leucine. 552 00:38:04,570 --> 00:38:06,675 This strain absorbs that amino acid 553 00:38:06,705 --> 00:38:09,091 from the culture medium. 554 00:38:10,433 --> 00:38:12,655 And vampire media 555 00:38:12,685 --> 00:38:15,237 are deficient in branched-chain amino acids! 556 00:38:15,267 --> 00:38:17,040 These lab strains cannot synthesize 557 00:38:17,070 --> 00:38:21,143 one amino acid or another. Our bugs starved. 558 00:38:21,173 --> 00:38:23,561 Eph, go check if there's any complex media left. 559 00:38:23,591 --> 00:38:26,595 I'm gonna mate two of these haploid auxotrophs. 560 00:38:26,662 --> 00:38:29,839 The next generation will be able to synthesize everything. 561 00:38:29,869 --> 00:38:32,553 Then we'll try them on our vampire media. 562 00:38:40,043 --> 00:38:43,801 I think we have a winner. It's multiplying, 563 00:38:43,831 --> 00:38:45,792 taking them on in cerebrospinal fluid. 564 00:38:45,822 --> 00:38:49,373 It's munching on vampire brain juice. 565 00:38:49,403 --> 00:38:51,016 I can see some justice in that. 566 00:38:55,100 --> 00:38:57,045 If we can get this to happen in the wild, 567 00:38:57,075 --> 00:38:58,924 then this bug can obliterate the vampires' central 568 00:38:58,991 --> 00:39:03,682 nervous system. Let's grow up a batch and give it a try. 569 00:39:08,494 --> 00:39:11,618 Showtime. May I have the speech? 570 00:39:11,648 --> 00:39:13,309 You should read it first. We should go over 571 00:39:13,339 --> 00:39:15,340 - a few things in it before... - I'm sure I'll love it. 572 00:39:25,786 --> 00:39:27,336 Thank you, Mr. Mayor, 573 00:39:28,017 --> 00:39:30,509 esteemed council members. It's... 574 00:39:30,539 --> 00:39:32,740 a pleasure to be here with you today for the opening 575 00:39:32,808 --> 00:39:37,445 of our first Freedom Center 576 00:39:37,887 --> 00:39:40,348 "I know that most of you didn't come here 577 00:39:40,416 --> 00:39:42,450 "to listen to some blowhard 578 00:39:42,518 --> 00:39:45,032 "congratulate himself on what he's done 579 00:39:45,062 --> 00:39:46,287 "for his city. 580 00:39:50,693 --> 00:39:53,983 "You came here to get food and necessities for your families... 581 00:39:54,013 --> 00:39:57,081 "and we're going to let you do that in a moment... 582 00:39:57,111 --> 00:40:00,401 "but I think it's worth reflecting on the quality 583 00:40:00,469 --> 00:40:03,025 "you all have in common. 584 00:40:03,055 --> 00:40:05,397 "You are the survivors. 585 00:40:05,427 --> 00:40:08,170 "You're the ones who didn't run, 586 00:40:08,200 --> 00:40:09,811 "who hung on. 587 00:40:09,879 --> 00:40:11,554 "Why? 588 00:40:11,584 --> 00:40:15,204 "Because as much as we all love to bitch 589 00:40:15,234 --> 00:40:18,452 "about our city, we're not about to let anyone 590 00:40:18,482 --> 00:40:20,772 "or anything take it from us. 591 00:40:23,442 --> 00:40:27,049 "Now... When the Twin Towers were built, 592 00:40:27,294 --> 00:40:30,415 "there were very mixed feelings about how they looked, 593 00:40:30,756 --> 00:40:34,905 "but when terrorists brought them down, 594 00:40:34,935 --> 00:40:38,022 "they became a symbol for our city. 595 00:40:38,250 --> 00:40:41,032 "We all banded together, 596 00:40:41,062 --> 00:40:42,794 and we rebuilt the site. 597 00:40:42,862 --> 00:40:46,150 "Because whether we loved or hated them, 598 00:40:46,180 --> 00:40:49,872 "those towers belonged to us! 599 00:40:52,312 --> 00:40:56,241 "Why? Because we New Yorkers are family, 600 00:40:56,663 --> 00:40:58,309 "and when faced with a threat, 601 00:40:58,377 --> 00:41:00,082 "we will link arms 602 00:41:00,112 --> 00:41:02,914 "and help each other up, and we will endure! 603 00:41:02,982 --> 00:41:06,451 "Because this is our town! 604 00:41:06,748 --> 00:41:08,687 "We take care of our own! 605 00:41:08,754 --> 00:41:11,523 And that's what today is all about!" 606 00:41:14,126 --> 00:41:16,787 Thank you. 607 00:41:22,164 --> 00:41:25,570 Freedom for all. Thank you. Thank you so much. 608 00:41:26,126 --> 00:41:27,920 Here's your Freedom Card, go on in. 609 00:41:27,950 --> 00:41:30,514 Why do you need my blood type? I'm just here to get groceries. 610 00:41:30,544 --> 00:41:33,999 This will serve as ID when we open our medical clinics. 611 00:41:34,029 --> 00:41:35,880 Thank you so much for coming along. 612 00:41:35,948 --> 00:41:37,949 Lovely to see you. Pleasure we could all make it out 613 00:41:38,017 --> 00:41:40,619 here today. 614 00:41:40,888 --> 00:41:44,278 - Thank you. Goodbye. And... - Thank you. 615 00:41:46,843 --> 00:41:48,893 You're looking good, Eldritch. 616 00:41:50,501 --> 00:41:52,093 Abraham. 617 00:41:52,640 --> 00:41:54,867 Do you realize what you've done? 618 00:41:54,897 --> 00:41:58,236 Oh, yes. Very much so. It's all right. 619 00:41:58,828 --> 00:42:00,721 I have you to thank. 620 00:42:00,751 --> 00:42:04,166 Without your efforts, I never would have met him, 621 00:42:04,196 --> 00:42:07,350 and none of this would have been possible. 622 00:42:07,631 --> 00:42:09,806 Don't claim victory just yet. 623 00:42:09,836 --> 00:42:11,823 There's another card left to play. 624 00:42:11,853 --> 00:42:13,752 Oh, the Lumen? 625 00:42:14,221 --> 00:42:17,058 Still chasing it after all these years. 626 00:42:17,088 --> 00:42:19,037 And soon I will have it. 627 00:42:20,840 --> 00:42:22,290 Look at you. 628 00:42:22,320 --> 00:42:26,612 Withered by age and failure, yet your blind optimism 629 00:42:26,642 --> 00:42:29,315 carries you on. Don't tell me 630 00:42:29,345 --> 00:42:32,090 you still cling to your belief in the Supreme Being? 631 00:42:32,120 --> 00:42:35,589 - You should fear his wrath. - Your "Being" doesn't exist. 632 00:42:35,619 --> 00:42:38,221 Realized that when I was 10 years old. 633 00:42:38,251 --> 00:42:41,473 Prayed for him to heal me. He never answered. 634 00:42:41,503 --> 00:42:44,215 Yes, he did. The answer was no. 635 00:42:44,981 --> 00:42:49,003 Your god also turned down Miriam's cry for help. 636 00:42:49,033 --> 00:42:52,610 She wasn't worthy either, I suppose. By the way, 637 00:42:52,640 --> 00:42:54,929 I have her heart. 638 00:42:54,959 --> 00:42:57,416 I keep it on a shelf over my desk. 639 00:42:57,446 --> 00:42:59,501 I'll place yours beside it 640 00:42:59,531 --> 00:43:01,966 once the Master has dispatched you. 641 00:43:02,034 --> 00:43:04,902 He tried. I scalded him with the sun 642 00:43:04,970 --> 00:43:06,973 and he ran. 643 00:43:07,003 --> 00:43:09,473 Next time, I'll finish him, 644 00:43:09,541 --> 00:43:11,709 and I'll come for you. 645 00:43:20,032 --> 00:43:22,820 Don't let him leave the facility. 646 00:43:28,927 --> 00:43:30,828 - What was that? - Go, go, go! 647 00:43:40,407 --> 00:43:42,840 Get him out of here right now! 648 00:43:42,908 --> 00:43:44,909 Go! Grab him! 649 00:43:45,427 --> 00:43:48,613 Come on! 650 00:43:48,922 --> 00:43:51,182 I'm on him! Hey! 651 00:43:51,250 --> 00:43:53,618 Ah! Argh! 652 00:43:53,685 --> 00:43:56,320 Run, run, go! 653 00:44:08,120 --> 00:44:10,702 I hope you got something out of that. 654 00:44:10,978 --> 00:44:12,688 When I mentioned the Lumen, 655 00:44:12,718 --> 00:44:15,806 Palmer grew anxious. 656 00:44:15,836 --> 00:44:17,909 Means he doesn't have it, 657 00:44:17,939 --> 00:44:20,818 which means we still have a chance of finding it. 658 00:44:20,848 --> 00:44:23,400 Not the kind of odds I'd want to play in Vegas. 659 00:44:23,486 --> 00:44:26,120 The odds have been against me from day one 660 00:44:26,155 --> 00:44:30,727 and yet I'm still in the game. 661 00:44:43,184 --> 00:44:46,507 You're late. 662 00:44:46,576 --> 00:44:48,642 Herr Standartenflihrer, 663 00:44:48,711 --> 00:44:50,598 I must get away. 664 00:44:50,628 --> 00:44:53,180 - I've been identified. - By who? 665 00:44:53,232 --> 00:44:56,784 A former inmate. Do you have the money? 666 00:45:01,888 --> 00:45:05,331 The cane, where is it? 667 00:45:06,034 --> 00:45:07,528 I dropped it. 668 00:45:08,199 --> 00:45:10,062 I had no choice. 669 00:45:10,092 --> 00:45:13,467 The Jew was right behind me. He knew my real name. 670 00:45:13,536 --> 00:45:16,437 He knew everything about the cane too. 671 00:45:18,386 --> 00:45:21,075 A230385. 672 00:45:21,143 --> 00:45:23,377 Please, Herr Standartenflihrer, 673 00:45:23,462 --> 00:45:26,035 I need the money to get out of Europe. 674 00:45:26,065 --> 00:45:28,754 The Mossad are here in Vienna looking for me. 675 00:45:28,784 --> 00:45:32,222 If that Jew goes to them... 676 00:45:40,313 --> 00:45:42,937 What's happened to you, Doctor Dreverhaven? 677 00:45:42,967 --> 00:45:46,235 Once, you were a proud knight of the German Reich. 678 00:45:46,454 --> 00:45:49,487 That was a long time ago. 679 00:45:49,970 --> 00:45:53,517 How often I've wished I could return to those days. 680 00:45:55,192 --> 00:45:56,552 You can. 681 00:45:57,804 --> 00:46:00,012 A new Fuhrer has emerged. 682 00:46:00,625 --> 00:46:03,868 Wiser and stronger than the first one. 683 00:46:04,078 --> 00:46:07,538 He needs soldiers like you to serve as instruments... 684 00:46:07,844 --> 00:46:10,098 for his unshakable will. 685 00:46:10,371 --> 00:46:12,743 - Does this interest you? - God, yes. 686 00:46:13,192 --> 00:46:14,945 I'm tired of running. 687 00:46:18,397 --> 00:46:21,735 Welcome to the fold, comrade. 688 00:46:22,730 --> 00:46:25,756 Argh! Ah! Argh! 689 00:46:30,252 --> 00:46:33,183 Argh! Ah! Ah! 690 00:46:59,471 --> 00:47:02,328 _ 691 00:47:02,358 --> 00:47:04,550 _ 692 00:47:17,176 --> 00:47:21,016 _ 693 00:47:23,439 --> 00:47:25,161 Cross your fingers. 694 00:47:26,926 --> 00:47:29,284 Let's hope this works. 695 00:48:23,436 --> 00:48:27,199 Find him. Find my son. 696 00:48:43,717 --> 00:48:50,725 == sync & corrections by Wolfen == == www.addic7ed.com ==