1 00:00:01,001 --> 00:00:02,801 Narrator: Previously onhostages. 2 00:00:02,803 --> 00:00:04,003 My name is agent hoffman. 3 00:00:04,005 --> 00:00:06,038 I'm with the secret service. 4 00:00:06,040 --> 00:00:07,106 I think someone is threatening your family. 5 00:00:08,608 --> 00:00:11,643 This is vanessa moore. My sister. 6 00:00:11,645 --> 00:00:13,345 Vanessa, have you met colonel blair? 7 00:00:13,347 --> 00:00:16,615 Not in person, but I read about your appointment to the nsa. 8 00:00:16,617 --> 00:00:18,250 I loved your brother very much. 9 00:00:18,252 --> 00:00:19,551 He would have been president someday. 10 00:00:19,553 --> 00:00:21,687 He would have been president now. 11 00:00:21,689 --> 00:00:22,621 Our mutual friend is here. 12 00:00:24,157 --> 00:00:25,024 I wanted to keep her in the loop. 13 00:00:26,860 --> 00:00:28,961 Hello quentin. 14 00:00:28,963 --> 00:00:31,096 This is a conspiracy that goes way beyond duncan. 15 00:00:31,098 --> 00:00:32,464 What makes you believe him? 16 00:00:32,466 --> 00:00:34,867 Open your eyes, brian, the fbi, the secret service 17 00:00:34,869 --> 00:00:37,102 This is much bigger than any one man. 18 00:00:37,104 --> 00:00:40,039 We need to know exactly when kincaid plans to go public, and that is on you. 19 00:00:40,041 --> 00:00:42,074 And what if that's before the scheduled surgery? 20 00:00:42,076 --> 00:00:44,143 Well, we re-evaluate where we stand with everything. 21 00:00:44,145 --> 00:00:45,644 I say we start with his family. 22 00:00:45,646 --> 00:00:47,079 He warned you to stay away from his daughter. 23 00:00:47,081 --> 00:00:47,946 That's why I'm going after his wife. 24 00:00:49,416 --> 00:00:50,582 Your wife is a very sick woman. 25 00:00:52,752 --> 00:00:54,920 I took the safety valve off. 26 00:00:54,922 --> 00:00:57,990 I can dump 20 cc of morphine into her before you take another step. 27 00:00:57,992 --> 00:00:59,758 She's innocent. So is my family. 28 00:01:02,328 --> 00:01:03,595 Ellen, I know you're upset, 29 00:01:04,364 --> 00:01:05,764 That you want answers. 30 00:01:05,766 --> 00:01:07,399 Why are you doing this? 31 00:01:07,401 --> 00:01:08,967 The reason doesn't matter. 32 00:01:08,969 --> 00:01:10,469 It does to me. Put down the morphine. 33 00:01:12,739 --> 00:01:14,706 Please. 34 00:01:14,708 --> 00:01:16,608 You don't want to kill an innocent woman. 35 00:01:17,610 --> 00:01:18,644 Like angela? 36 00:01:20,413 --> 00:01:21,447 Like the president? 37 00:01:22,015 --> 00:01:23,148 He's not innocent. 38 00:01:24,984 --> 00:01:26,518 You get to decide who's innocent and who's guilty. 39 00:01:26,520 --> 00:01:28,487 Who gets to live. 40 00:01:28,489 --> 00:01:30,122 who are you? God? 41 00:01:32,625 --> 00:01:35,461 Excuse me? What are you doing? 42 00:01:35,463 --> 00:01:36,628 Why are you touching her iv? 43 00:01:37,831 --> 00:01:39,665 Henry, it's okay, I uh... 44 00:01:39,667 --> 00:01:41,767 I ran into dr. Sanders in the hallway, 45 00:01:41,769 --> 00:01:44,236 And asked her to check on the drip. 46 00:01:44,238 --> 00:01:46,805 Nina was complaining of pain earlier in the evening. 47 00:01:46,807 --> 00:01:47,739 Is there a problem with her drip line? 48 00:01:48,708 --> 00:01:50,509 No. 49 00:01:50,511 --> 00:01:51,477 It's all working fine now. 50 00:01:57,617 --> 00:02:00,219 You said the president is not innocent, what did you mean? 51 00:02:00,221 --> 00:02:01,186 We can discuss that later. 52 00:02:05,592 --> 00:02:07,126 Right now, you need to get home to your daughter. 53 00:02:08,061 --> 00:02:09,595 Why? 54 00:02:09,597 --> 00:02:11,063 Morgan's boyfriend came by the house. 55 00:02:12,632 --> 00:02:13,699 He brought a gun. 56 00:02:15,401 --> 00:02:16,668 Oh, my god. 57 00:02:21,608 --> 00:02:22,875 What are you talking about? 58 00:02:22,877 --> 00:02:25,177 Why would you think my family is being threatened? 59 00:02:25,179 --> 00:02:28,380 Let's just say your wife is the common denominator 60 00:02:28,382 --> 00:02:30,883 In a series of coincidences that all connect to the president. 61 00:02:32,285 --> 00:02:33,552 What are you suggesting? 62 00:02:33,554 --> 00:02:37,055 Your wife is a respected doctor. 63 00:02:37,057 --> 00:02:38,991 An exemplary citizen. 64 00:02:38,993 --> 00:02:41,093 And she has no reason to assassinate the president, 65 00:02:41,095 --> 00:02:42,628 Unless she's being coerced. 66 00:02:55,041 --> 00:02:56,575 No one else knows that you're here. 67 00:02:57,944 --> 00:02:59,878 So this is your chance to speak openly. 68 00:03:03,283 --> 00:03:04,116 I... 69 00:03:09,756 --> 00:03:10,756 I don't know what you're talking about. 70 00:03:11,291 --> 00:03:12,124 Everything's fine. 71 00:03:12,892 --> 00:03:13,959 Nobody's threatening us. 72 00:03:16,931 --> 00:03:20,132 Okay. Sorry to have taken up your time mr. Sanders. 73 00:03:21,568 --> 00:03:22,734 You can go. 74 00:03:28,408 --> 00:03:29,308 Thank you. 75 00:03:31,711 --> 00:03:33,679 Boyd loved me. 76 00:03:35,582 --> 00:03:36,782 I know. 77 00:03:38,451 --> 00:03:40,185 I know, sweetheart. I am so sorry. 78 00:03:47,126 --> 00:03:48,227 You did this. 79 00:03:48,229 --> 00:03:48,727 Morgan: No. 80 00:03:52,098 --> 00:03:53,131 He protected me. 81 00:04:07,447 --> 00:04:08,680 You okay? 82 00:04:09,515 --> 00:04:10,716 Yeah. 83 00:04:11,818 --> 00:04:13,118 The vest stops the bullet, 84 00:04:13,120 --> 00:04:14,686 But it still hurts like a son of a bitch. 85 00:04:17,056 --> 00:04:18,123 But I've been through worse. 86 00:04:27,300 --> 00:04:28,267 You could have been killed. 87 00:05:09,542 --> 00:05:11,643 You need to start collecting stamps or something. 88 00:05:14,614 --> 00:05:17,182 I thought the interview with the husband was a bust last night. 89 00:05:17,184 --> 00:05:19,184 I'm not looking at dr. Sanders right now, 90 00:05:19,186 --> 00:05:21,453 But I am looking at the hospital. 91 00:05:21,455 --> 00:05:23,655 You have to ask yourself, "why would the white house 92 00:05:23,657 --> 00:05:26,158 "pick maryland college hospital?" 93 00:05:26,160 --> 00:05:27,926 There was a rigorous selection process. 94 00:05:27,928 --> 00:05:29,194 We looked into all this. 95 00:05:29,196 --> 00:05:31,763 I started over last night. 96 00:05:31,765 --> 00:05:34,066 I think somebody might have rigged the game. 97 00:05:34,068 --> 00:05:35,033 What are you talking about? 98 00:05:40,306 --> 00:05:43,108 "maryland college hospital incident report. 99 00:05:43,110 --> 00:05:45,911 "filed September 4 with the joint commissioner." 100 00:05:45,913 --> 00:05:47,479 Hospitals file these things annually. 101 00:05:47,481 --> 00:05:49,715 They report fatalities, injuries. 102 00:05:49,717 --> 00:05:51,483 Now this one, the white house copy, 103 00:05:51,485 --> 00:05:54,152 Shows 245 negative incidents. 104 00:05:54,154 --> 00:05:56,888 The maryland college hospital copy shows 479. 105 00:06:02,395 --> 00:06:04,696 Why would someone change the number? 106 00:06:04,698 --> 00:06:07,432 To make sure the president wound up at this particular hospital. 107 00:06:11,105 --> 00:06:12,971 I have a bill jones on the line. 108 00:06:12,973 --> 00:06:14,139 He says it's urgent. 109 00:06:17,910 --> 00:06:19,945 Hello. We need to talk. Now. 110 00:06:21,247 --> 00:06:22,214 I'll call you back. 111 00:06:31,324 --> 00:06:33,191 You have to be kidding me. 112 00:06:33,193 --> 00:06:35,360 He's cross-referencing hospital filings? 113 00:06:35,362 --> 00:06:37,095 Like I said, he's thorough. 114 00:06:37,097 --> 00:06:38,897 He thinks someone on the inside 115 00:06:38,899 --> 00:06:40,766 Influenced the decision to use dr. Sanders. 116 00:06:41,601 --> 00:06:43,402 Did he mention my name? 117 00:06:43,404 --> 00:06:45,137 Not yet, but it's only a matter of time. 118 00:07:10,263 --> 00:07:13,765 So, what, hoffman just brought you into his office to ask questions? 119 00:07:13,767 --> 00:07:16,701 He wanted to know if anyone was threatening us. 120 00:07:16,703 --> 00:07:19,137 He's a smart guy. Pretty much figured out what's going on. 121 00:07:19,139 --> 00:07:21,506 What did you say? I said everything is great. 122 00:07:22,875 --> 00:07:23,742 Did he believe you? 123 00:07:24,811 --> 00:07:26,878 I think so, but... 124 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:28,313 He's relentless. Maybe it's a good thing. 125 00:07:28,981 --> 00:07:30,782 We've been through this. 126 00:07:30,784 --> 00:07:33,885 If we talk to any kind of law enforcement, it's basically suicide. 127 00:07:33,887 --> 00:07:37,088 Look, I know what we agreed to but maybe we're wrong. 128 00:07:37,090 --> 00:07:39,658 Maybe it's smarter to bet on hoffman to get us out of this. 129 00:07:39,660 --> 00:07:40,792 I'd rather bet on myself. 130 00:07:43,296 --> 00:07:44,896 Ellen. 131 00:07:44,898 --> 00:07:45,897 We need to talk. 132 00:07:56,776 --> 00:07:58,777 I just got word, you'll be using the or on the fourth floor. 133 00:07:59,846 --> 00:08:01,913 Fourth? My surgeries are always on the fifth. 134 00:08:01,915 --> 00:08:02,747 Not this one. 135 00:08:03,249 --> 00:08:04,316 Rules have changed. 136 00:08:06,419 --> 00:08:08,720 You need to deposit this in the scrub room 137 00:08:08,722 --> 00:08:10,856 On the fourth floor, locker 715. 138 00:08:10,858 --> 00:08:12,991 By 11:30. 139 00:08:12,993 --> 00:08:15,227 After that, the fourth floor will be on lockdown. 140 00:08:15,229 --> 00:08:16,328 Full body searches. 141 00:08:19,065 --> 00:08:21,533 An associate will make sure it's not discovered. 142 00:08:21,535 --> 00:08:23,835 Locker 715, fourth floor. 143 00:08:24,403 --> 00:08:25,537 11:30. 144 00:08:54,066 --> 00:08:55,400 Hoffman. 145 00:08:55,402 --> 00:08:56,835 He's obsessed. 146 00:08:56,837 --> 00:08:58,870 He's been sleeping in the office. 147 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:01,506 Analyzing documents, statistics. 148 00:09:01,508 --> 00:09:02,607 How close is he? 149 00:09:03,676 --> 00:09:04,676 Close enough that he needs to go. 150 00:09:06,379 --> 00:09:07,579 Go? 151 00:09:09,415 --> 00:09:10,315 That's what I've been told. 152 00:09:17,490 --> 00:09:18,490 You think that's the right move? 153 00:09:20,126 --> 00:09:21,059 Doesn't matter what I think. 154 00:09:30,970 --> 00:09:32,037 Carlisle? 155 00:09:33,673 --> 00:09:35,040 I think we have a mutual friend. 156 00:09:36,242 --> 00:09:36,975 Oh, yeah? Who's that? 157 00:09:38,377 --> 00:09:39,044 The guy who plays tennis. 158 00:09:44,250 --> 00:09:46,551 Once the president flatlines, we're going to need five minutes alone. 159 00:09:48,321 --> 00:09:49,554 For what? 160 00:09:50,890 --> 00:09:51,856 Not your concern. 161 00:09:53,793 --> 00:09:55,894 Five minutes is a long time. 162 00:09:55,896 --> 00:09:57,429 Our friend said you could make it happen. 163 00:09:58,230 --> 00:09:59,397 I'll work on it. 164 00:10:00,866 --> 00:10:02,033 Is this going to be an issue? 165 00:10:02,802 --> 00:10:03,802 Yes or no? 166 00:10:04,503 --> 00:10:05,570 No. 167 00:10:13,045 --> 00:10:15,013 Logan: It's not easy to take out a secret service agent. 168 00:10:16,549 --> 00:10:17,916 We'll need your help with this. 169 00:10:21,420 --> 00:10:22,654 Is there going to be a problem with that? 170 00:10:25,091 --> 00:10:26,091 No. 171 00:10:34,800 --> 00:10:36,468 Hey! Hey, how are you? 172 00:10:36,936 --> 00:10:38,970 Good. 173 00:10:38,972 --> 00:10:43,108 But things are crazy at home with college applications. 174 00:10:43,110 --> 00:10:44,409 Where's morgan applying? 175 00:10:46,178 --> 00:10:50,582 Columbia and dartmouth are her favorites, so... 176 00:10:50,584 --> 00:10:52,651 We'll see. Oh, she was always so smart. 177 00:10:53,419 --> 00:10:54,786 How's she doing these days? 178 00:10:54,788 --> 00:10:56,087 I bet she's absolutely beautiful. 179 00:10:56,756 --> 00:10:58,556 She is terrific. 180 00:11:00,126 --> 00:11:01,760 Listen, I gotta run, huh? 181 00:11:01,762 --> 00:11:03,428 Good to see you. Good to see you, hon. 182 00:12:07,526 --> 00:12:08,893 How you holding up? 183 00:12:11,163 --> 00:12:12,097 Okay. 184 00:12:21,340 --> 00:12:24,142 Look, I'm sorry I got you into this. 185 00:12:24,144 --> 00:12:26,144 No. You didn't. I asked to be a part of it. 186 00:12:29,615 --> 00:12:31,182 I'd just never thought it would get to this. 187 00:12:32,151 --> 00:12:33,184 The nurse. 188 00:12:34,487 --> 00:12:35,787 The limo driver. 189 00:12:36,322 --> 00:12:37,956 Now that kid, boyd. 190 00:12:42,695 --> 00:12:44,028 Let's just hope it ends there. 191 00:12:49,668 --> 00:12:50,935 They're gonna take out hoffman. 192 00:12:57,943 --> 00:12:59,144 Well, if that's what they want. 193 00:13:01,313 --> 00:13:03,314 There's nothing we can do about it. 194 00:13:03,316 --> 00:13:05,150 Unless I can convince him to drop the case. 195 00:13:06,318 --> 00:13:07,585 We're not criminals. 196 00:13:12,091 --> 00:13:15,393 I've been chasing a few leads, but I haven't found anything interesting. 197 00:13:15,395 --> 00:13:17,228 Not yet, but I'll keep digging. 198 00:13:17,230 --> 00:13:20,031 Good, because the answer's out there somewhere. 199 00:13:20,033 --> 00:13:20,999 We just need to find it. 200 00:13:26,338 --> 00:13:27,272 You disagree? 201 00:13:29,742 --> 00:13:31,676 In my experience, when I have work too hard to find an answer, 202 00:13:32,244 --> 00:13:34,078 There isn't one. 203 00:13:34,080 --> 00:13:36,548 Maybe the reason we can't crack this case is because 204 00:13:36,550 --> 00:13:38,283 There's nothing to crack. 205 00:13:38,285 --> 00:13:40,585 What if angela really did commit suicide? 206 00:13:40,587 --> 00:13:43,655 She was depressed, she jumped off the bridge into the chesapeake, 207 00:13:43,657 --> 00:13:45,356 And her body washed out to sea. 208 00:13:45,358 --> 00:13:48,026 So, you think I've lost my mind? 209 00:13:48,028 --> 00:13:49,694 I think certain people never know when to give up. 210 00:13:51,363 --> 00:13:53,631 You're probably right. I can be stubborn. 211 00:13:53,633 --> 00:13:56,000 But not on this one. 212 00:13:56,002 --> 00:13:58,269 I have a new lead and it points to someone in the white house. 213 00:13:59,738 --> 00:14:01,539 Oh, yeah? Yeah. 214 00:14:03,442 --> 00:14:04,576 Hoffman: Excuse me. 215 00:14:07,813 --> 00:14:10,648 Hello, sweetheart. Hey, listen, I can't talk right now. 216 00:14:11,650 --> 00:14:13,885 Great. I'll see you when I get home. 217 00:14:14,553 --> 00:14:15,954 Yeah, I love you. 218 00:14:20,092 --> 00:14:21,960 My wife. 219 00:14:21,962 --> 00:14:25,163 She gets nervous whenever we don't touch base a few times a day. 220 00:14:28,601 --> 00:14:29,834 Archer: How's she doing? 221 00:14:29,836 --> 00:14:31,603 Not too good. 222 00:14:31,605 --> 00:14:32,770 Can't really blame her. 223 00:14:34,673 --> 00:14:35,940 It was him or you. 224 00:14:36,942 --> 00:14:38,209 You did the right thing. 225 00:14:44,516 --> 00:14:46,217 What else is going on? 226 00:14:46,219 --> 00:14:48,052 That guy still after you for the money? 227 00:14:49,288 --> 00:14:50,655 You want some help with him? 228 00:14:50,657 --> 00:14:52,657 Thanks, but I'm good for now. 229 00:14:52,659 --> 00:14:54,092 I paid off a large chunk of my debt. 230 00:14:55,027 --> 00:14:56,027 Wow. 231 00:14:57,296 --> 00:14:58,162 Kramer hooked me up. 232 00:14:59,665 --> 00:15:00,798 Really? 233 00:15:01,367 --> 00:15:02,367 Tell me more. 234 00:15:04,303 --> 00:15:05,203 I'd rather not. 235 00:15:07,072 --> 00:15:08,306 Well, now I'm really intrigued. 236 00:15:10,542 --> 00:15:13,344 Sandrine, come with me, we need to run an errand for duncan. 237 00:15:13,346 --> 00:15:15,480 You stay here and keep an eye on brian and the kids. 238 00:15:15,482 --> 00:15:17,081 Oh, you giving orders now, huh? 239 00:15:19,518 --> 00:15:20,852 I'm passing them along. 240 00:15:27,293 --> 00:15:29,627 It's some type of poison. A patient ingested it. 241 00:15:29,629 --> 00:15:31,362 She presented with nausea, vomiting... 242 00:15:31,364 --> 00:15:33,798 I just need you to analyze it for me. 243 00:15:33,800 --> 00:15:35,900 Sure, I'll get right on it. Great. 244 00:15:50,382 --> 00:15:51,749 What's up, little man? 245 00:15:54,086 --> 00:15:56,621 I heard you met up with kramer and his father yesterday. 246 00:15:56,623 --> 00:15:59,223 Uh, yeah. 247 00:15:59,225 --> 00:16:02,760 I just want to say I think you did the right thing. 248 00:16:02,762 --> 00:16:05,463 Kramer told me all about your conversation. 249 00:16:05,465 --> 00:16:07,899 I just did what they asked. 250 00:16:09,234 --> 00:16:10,301 I know. 251 00:16:14,506 --> 00:16:15,773 That's why I stopped by. 252 00:16:16,375 --> 00:16:17,408 Say thanks. 253 00:16:18,410 --> 00:16:20,979 Uh, yeah. No problem. 254 00:16:20,981 --> 00:16:23,314 But, look, just so I'm straight. 255 00:16:23,316 --> 00:16:26,417 Tell me your version of the story. 256 00:16:43,235 --> 00:16:45,036 Man 1: What the hell you want? 257 00:16:45,038 --> 00:16:46,371 Man 2: Who the hell are you? 258 00:16:47,072 --> 00:16:49,307 I'm looking for a friend. 259 00:16:49,309 --> 00:16:51,175 Your friend got a name? Yeah. 260 00:16:51,177 --> 00:16:52,977 Herman. Goes by hip. 261 00:16:53,746 --> 00:16:55,013 Found him. 262 00:16:56,782 --> 00:16:58,182 I got a call that you'd be coming. 263 00:16:59,284 --> 00:17:01,519 What's your name? My name doesn't matter. 264 00:17:01,521 --> 00:17:02,954 You ready to talk business? 265 00:17:06,358 --> 00:17:08,760 So, what's the deal with you and archer? 266 00:17:10,929 --> 00:17:13,531 Did we ever sleep together? Yes. Long time ago. 267 00:17:15,534 --> 00:17:17,402 Are we sleeping together now? No. 268 00:17:25,878 --> 00:17:27,345 That's her. That's the target. 269 00:17:28,414 --> 00:17:29,313 Okay. 270 00:17:34,854 --> 00:17:37,188 Agent hoffman. Stan, it's duncan carlisle. 271 00:17:37,190 --> 00:17:38,890 I just got a tip from an informant, 272 00:17:38,892 --> 00:17:41,225 Says she's got some information about angela nix. 273 00:17:41,227 --> 00:17:42,693 I'm gonna meet her in 30 minutes on the corner of 274 00:17:42,695 --> 00:17:44,228 Anacostia and thir. 275 00:17:44,230 --> 00:17:45,830 A place called the new dawn restaurant. 276 00:17:45,832 --> 00:17:46,931 Okay, I'll meet you there. 277 00:17:50,869 --> 00:17:52,403 We're all set. 278 00:17:52,405 --> 00:17:53,404 He'll be here soon. 279 00:18:10,422 --> 00:18:12,356 He'll be at the location in 25 minutes. 280 00:18:13,225 --> 00:18:14,725 You'll move on my signal. 281 00:18:14,727 --> 00:18:15,993 Understand? 282 00:18:15,995 --> 00:18:16,994 Man: it's all good. 283 00:18:40,486 --> 00:18:42,320 Just make it look like a random shooting. 284 00:18:44,256 --> 00:18:46,057 Good. 285 00:18:46,059 --> 00:18:47,592 Let me know the second it's done. 286 00:19:11,416 --> 00:19:13,951 your timing is impeccable. 287 00:19:13,953 --> 00:19:15,353 I just spoke to our friend. 288 00:19:16,255 --> 00:19:17,855 Our problem's about to disappear. 289 00:19:17,857 --> 00:19:18,923 Good. 290 00:19:29,368 --> 00:19:30,401 Well? 291 00:19:31,436 --> 00:19:32,970 That was our friend, the chief of staff. 292 00:19:33,906 --> 00:19:35,039 Things are in motion. 293 00:19:37,676 --> 00:19:40,077 Are you sure this is absolutely necessary? 294 00:19:48,887 --> 00:19:51,289 The risk of not doing it outweighs the risk of doing it. 295 00:19:51,990 --> 00:19:53,191 So, yes. 296 00:19:54,159 --> 00:19:55,326 It's necessary. 297 00:20:05,804 --> 00:20:07,605 "we sleep safely at night because 298 00:20:07,607 --> 00:20:10,508 "rough men stand ready to visit violence against those who would harm us." 299 00:20:12,344 --> 00:20:13,444 Patton. 300 00:20:14,346 --> 00:20:15,413 Churchill. 301 00:20:19,251 --> 00:20:23,487 You know, you are going to make a great 302 00:20:23,489 --> 00:20:24,689 President, one day. 303 00:20:50,549 --> 00:20:51,649 Target is in position. 304 00:20:54,052 --> 00:20:55,453 Game time. 305 00:20:55,455 --> 00:20:57,121 Logan: Get ready. Copy that, boss. 306 00:21:13,706 --> 00:21:16,307 Agent carlisle. I just got here. 307 00:21:16,309 --> 00:21:18,676 I'm stuck in a little traffic, I'll be there in about five minutes. 308 00:21:18,678 --> 00:21:19,644 Okay. 309 00:21:38,430 --> 00:21:39,597 These guys know the target is a fed? 310 00:21:41,733 --> 00:21:43,634 They don't know. They wouldn't care anyway. 311 00:21:45,170 --> 00:21:46,637 You sure it won't come back to us? 312 00:21:46,639 --> 00:21:48,606 Positive. 313 00:21:48,608 --> 00:21:50,474 It'll look like what it is. 314 00:21:50,476 --> 00:21:52,777 Hoffman was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 315 00:21:52,779 --> 00:21:54,145 A victim of gang violence. 316 00:21:55,314 --> 00:21:56,681 His wife gets a pension. 317 00:22:25,578 --> 00:22:27,044 What the hell is he doing? What's with this guy? 318 00:22:29,048 --> 00:22:31,148 Call hoffman. Keep him there. 319 00:22:36,355 --> 00:22:37,855 Hello? Stan. 320 00:22:37,857 --> 00:22:39,590 It's me. I'm pretty close. 321 00:22:39,592 --> 00:22:42,526 Hey listen, no worries. I'm just enjoying the beautiful scenery here. 322 00:22:43,662 --> 00:22:45,830 I bet. By the way, this informant... 323 00:22:46,898 --> 00:22:47,965 Is she credible? 324 00:22:47,967 --> 00:22:49,600 Yeah, she's solid. 325 00:22:49,602 --> 00:22:51,602 Oh, there you are. I see you up ahead. 326 00:22:56,842 --> 00:22:58,509 Yo! Move out the way! 327 00:23:05,318 --> 00:23:08,519 Hey, sweetheart, I can't talk right now. 328 00:23:08,521 --> 00:23:10,488 Woman: I'm sorry sir, there's been a car acciden. 329 00:23:10,490 --> 00:23:12,957 This phone was found next to the victim. 330 00:23:12,959 --> 00:23:15,192 What? You need to come to the emergency room 331 00:23:15,194 --> 00:23:16,560 At gw medical center right away. 332 00:23:25,003 --> 00:23:26,670 Man: Yo! Move out of the way! 333 00:23:27,873 --> 00:23:30,674 Are you deaf? Move out of the way! 334 00:23:39,484 --> 00:23:40,818 Where the hell did he go? 335 00:23:40,820 --> 00:23:42,153 Find him. Now. 336 00:24:07,045 --> 00:24:08,279 Man: no sign of him, man. He's gone. 337 00:24:08,281 --> 00:24:10,247 Keep looking. 338 00:24:10,249 --> 00:24:11,715 What the hell happened? Where did he go? 339 00:24:11,717 --> 00:24:13,184 I don't know. Call him. 340 00:24:13,186 --> 00:24:15,252 Maybe he just went around the corner to take a leak or something. 341 00:24:15,254 --> 00:24:17,288 maybe he's still close by. 342 00:24:18,590 --> 00:24:19,824 Hoffman. 343 00:24:22,394 --> 00:24:23,961 We missed our chance. 344 00:24:26,865 --> 00:24:27,898 Now what? 345 00:24:40,712 --> 00:24:43,047 Man: Ah, ellen, I was just about to come to your office. 346 00:24:43,049 --> 00:24:45,216 I thought I'd save you a trip. 347 00:24:45,218 --> 00:24:46,984 Did you get a chance to analyze that sample I gave you? 348 00:24:46,986 --> 00:24:49,220 I, I did. 349 00:24:49,222 --> 00:24:51,222 Tell me again. Where did you get this from? 350 00:24:53,325 --> 00:24:55,593 The patient's father brought it to me. He was concerned. 351 00:24:55,595 --> 00:24:57,127 Thought it might be toxic. Why? 352 00:24:57,129 --> 00:24:58,429 It's not poison. 353 00:24:59,231 --> 00:25:00,564 It's dimethyl sulfoxide. 354 00:25:02,067 --> 00:25:05,035 Dimethyl sulfoxide, isn't that a preservative? 355 00:25:05,037 --> 00:25:06,904 It's a bone marrow preservative. 356 00:25:06,906 --> 00:25:10,841 Mostly, it's for leukemia patients. 357 00:25:10,843 --> 00:25:14,478 You would need to ingest an awful lot of this to cause a reaction. 358 00:25:14,480 --> 00:25:16,780 Are you sure that this is what made your patient ill? 359 00:25:16,782 --> 00:25:18,082 Uh, well, apparently not. 360 00:25:19,718 --> 00:25:21,585 Well, thank you. This information is very helpful. 361 00:25:28,827 --> 00:25:31,195 All right gentlemen, let's get down to business. 362 00:25:31,197 --> 00:25:33,898 Where are we on the exit plan for oti? 363 00:25:33,900 --> 00:25:36,166 If you are going to distance yourself from this program, 364 00:25:37,269 --> 00:25:38,769 You're gonna need a fall guy. 365 00:25:38,771 --> 00:25:41,338 More than one. 366 00:25:41,340 --> 00:25:43,307 we'll need some time to get our ducks in a row, sir. 367 00:25:43,309 --> 00:25:45,843 Well, this thing could blow up in our faces. The sooner, the better. 368 00:25:45,845 --> 00:25:47,278 Excuse me a moment, mr. President. 369 00:25:54,152 --> 00:25:55,953 I assume you're calling with good news? 370 00:25:55,955 --> 00:25:58,055 You assume wrong. 371 00:25:58,057 --> 00:26:00,391 What happened? It doesn't matter, we didn't get it done. 372 00:26:02,694 --> 00:26:04,028 What now? Not sure. 373 00:26:05,330 --> 00:26:07,097 I'll get back to you in a few hours. 374 00:26:17,676 --> 00:26:19,009 Sorry, mr. President. 375 00:26:20,946 --> 00:26:23,047 My wife. 376 00:26:23,049 --> 00:26:26,417 Sometimes she forgets that you're the leader of the free world. 377 00:26:26,419 --> 00:26:28,018 That's all right. So does mine. 378 00:26:50,008 --> 00:26:52,076 Where you been? Running an errand for duncan. 379 00:26:53,979 --> 00:26:55,079 What sort of errand? 380 00:26:56,448 --> 00:26:58,582 I guess if duncan wanted you to know he'd have told you. 381 00:26:58,584 --> 00:26:59,350 I wasn't talking to you. 382 00:27:01,152 --> 00:27:03,520 We were making a delivery. No big deal. 383 00:27:03,522 --> 00:27:05,189 Duncan didn't tell us what it was. 384 00:27:05,191 --> 00:27:07,491 Relax, tough guy. 385 00:27:07,493 --> 00:27:09,627 We're on the same team, remember? 386 00:27:09,629 --> 00:27:11,328 Then why are you so worried about where we were? 387 00:27:12,998 --> 00:27:15,799 I just want to make sure my partners aren't out there 388 00:27:15,801 --> 00:27:16,767 Doing anything stupid. 389 00:27:18,236 --> 00:27:19,470 Like killing a limo driver. 390 00:27:26,778 --> 00:27:27,444 why'd you drag him into this? 391 00:27:28,013 --> 00:27:29,146 I didn't. 392 00:27:40,058 --> 00:27:42,059 Sorry to keep you waiting. 393 00:27:42,061 --> 00:27:44,128 You remember dr. Evans, my personal physician? 394 00:27:45,664 --> 00:27:48,298 I'm told you want to do more blood work today. 395 00:27:48,300 --> 00:27:51,669 Yes, I just want to make sure his blood clotting factors are back to normal. 396 00:27:51,671 --> 00:27:53,737 Well, let's get this over with. 397 00:27:53,739 --> 00:27:55,272 The surgery isn't for another six days. 398 00:27:56,074 --> 00:27:57,408 Why not wait? 399 00:27:57,410 --> 00:27:59,043 Test it closer to the date? 400 00:27:59,045 --> 00:28:02,179 Relax, hank. Congress shoots arrows at me all day. 401 00:28:02,181 --> 00:28:05,616 I think I can handle a little needle in the arm. 402 00:28:05,618 --> 00:28:08,252 In light of what happened, I'll be at the president's side 403 00:28:08,254 --> 00:28:09,453 Until the surgery's completed. 404 00:28:10,822 --> 00:28:12,489 Happy to have you. 405 00:28:12,491 --> 00:28:13,624 This won't take a minute. 406 00:28:24,602 --> 00:28:26,270 Mr. Creasy. 407 00:28:26,272 --> 00:28:29,306 Agent hoffman's office called again. They want to schedule an interview. 408 00:28:29,308 --> 00:28:30,174 Did he say what it was about? 409 00:28:30,176 --> 00:28:31,442 Something to do with dr. Sanders. 410 00:28:32,744 --> 00:28:35,012 Schedule for tomorrow. 411 00:28:35,014 --> 00:28:36,714 Also, colonel blair is looking for you. 412 00:28:52,130 --> 00:28:53,664 I'll help you. 413 00:28:53,666 --> 00:28:54,832 Thank you, sir. 414 00:28:56,267 --> 00:28:57,401 I'll take these. 415 00:28:59,370 --> 00:29:01,905 I was going to take them to our lab at mch. 416 00:29:01,907 --> 00:29:04,241 The president's blood is always analyzed at the naval hospital. 417 00:29:05,844 --> 00:29:07,711 Of course. We'll send you the results. 418 00:29:08,646 --> 00:29:10,180 Thank you. 419 00:29:11,449 --> 00:29:12,583 I'll need the trash as well. 420 00:29:15,787 --> 00:29:18,255 All traces of the president's dna are safeguarded. 421 00:29:18,257 --> 00:29:19,323 For national security reasons. 422 00:29:29,834 --> 00:29:30,901 You going somewhere? 423 00:29:32,403 --> 00:29:34,171 I was looking for you earlier. 424 00:29:34,173 --> 00:29:36,173 Really? Did you call? 425 00:29:36,908 --> 00:29:37,941 Text? 426 00:29:38,977 --> 00:29:40,377 How exactly were you looking for me? 427 00:29:41,146 --> 00:29:43,647 well, uh... So. 428 00:29:43,649 --> 00:29:44,848 What happened with our problem? 429 00:29:46,084 --> 00:29:47,317 It's under control. 430 00:29:48,553 --> 00:29:49,987 Does that mean it's been eliminated? 431 00:29:49,989 --> 00:29:53,390 Not yet. But it will be. 432 00:29:53,392 --> 00:29:55,259 So, it's not under control. It will be. 433 00:29:55,794 --> 00:29:56,660 Soon. 434 00:29:57,562 --> 00:29:58,662 You have my word. 435 00:30:00,165 --> 00:30:01,398 Good. 436 00:30:02,901 --> 00:30:04,501 Then I guess we have nothing to worry about. 437 00:30:07,972 --> 00:30:09,873 You're going to the reception tonight, right? 438 00:30:10,775 --> 00:30:11,942 Yes. 439 00:30:12,210 --> 00:30:13,911 Good. 440 00:30:13,913 --> 00:30:15,412 Afterwards, I want you to come back to my house, 441 00:30:15,414 --> 00:30:16,513 I'm having a few people over. 442 00:30:17,448 --> 00:30:18,549 Sounds good. 443 00:31:04,996 --> 00:31:07,464 three times in one day. 444 00:31:07,466 --> 00:31:09,199 You are getting to be a regular, ellen. 445 00:31:09,201 --> 00:31:10,701 Last request, I promise. 446 00:31:10,703 --> 00:31:12,603 Can I get a workup on this blood sample? 447 00:31:12,605 --> 00:31:13,604 Is there enough in there? 448 00:31:15,506 --> 00:31:18,842 Hmm. I'll see what I can do. 449 00:31:18,844 --> 00:31:20,944 Great, well I'm going to take off for the night. 450 00:31:20,946 --> 00:31:23,247 Would you mind emailing me the results? 451 00:31:23,249 --> 00:31:25,449 Sure. I still have your email. 452 00:31:25,451 --> 00:31:27,718 Actually, the old one got hacked, long story. 453 00:31:27,720 --> 00:31:29,553 Could you just send it to this one? 454 00:31:31,923 --> 00:31:33,056 Will do. Thank you. 455 00:31:42,767 --> 00:31:43,700 Hey. 456 00:31:45,570 --> 00:31:46,737 Everything okay with your family? 457 00:31:46,739 --> 00:31:48,472 Oh, yeah, yeah. 458 00:31:48,474 --> 00:31:51,308 My wife's phone was stolen and it was found at the scene of an accident. 459 00:31:51,310 --> 00:31:53,143 But she's fine. Hmm. 460 00:31:53,145 --> 00:31:55,445 Glad to hear that. 461 00:31:55,447 --> 00:31:59,516 The informant we were supposed to meet in southeast turned out to be full of crap. 462 00:31:59,518 --> 00:32:01,451 Just an ex-girlfriend looking to settle a score. 463 00:32:02,987 --> 00:32:04,922 So, I guess we're back to square one. 464 00:32:08,660 --> 00:32:10,060 I'll let you get that. All right. 465 00:32:12,297 --> 00:32:13,664 Yes? 466 00:32:22,941 --> 00:32:23,840 Where do you want to meet? 467 00:32:58,910 --> 00:33:00,711 I'm glad you came, agent hoffman. 468 00:33:03,081 --> 00:33:04,715 I have quite a story for you. 469 00:33:06,718 --> 00:33:07,985 Mr. Creasy. 470 00:33:08,920 --> 00:33:10,120 Quite the surprise. 471 00:33:15,727 --> 00:33:16,526 Lift up your shirt. 472 00:33:17,628 --> 00:33:19,062 Excuse me? 473 00:33:19,064 --> 00:33:20,664 This is 100% off the record. 474 00:33:22,400 --> 00:33:24,334 I don't want any wires or recording devices. 475 00:33:33,745 --> 00:33:35,112 Pockets. 476 00:33:54,532 --> 00:33:56,266 The president's going to be assassinated. 477 00:33:58,336 --> 00:34:00,170 Everything is in place. 478 00:34:01,506 --> 00:34:02,839 The wheels are already in motion. 479 00:34:05,276 --> 00:34:06,443 How do you know? 480 00:34:08,179 --> 00:34:09,546 Because I'm involved. 481 00:34:11,616 --> 00:34:13,183 I can get you all the details. 482 00:34:14,185 --> 00:34:16,453 But I want a deal. 483 00:34:16,455 --> 00:34:18,455 You want a deal for committing treason? 484 00:34:18,457 --> 00:34:19,890 I'm saving the president's life. 485 00:34:21,159 --> 00:34:23,727 Without me, paul kincaid is a dead man. 486 00:34:25,563 --> 00:34:28,365 I want full immunity from federal and state prosecution. 487 00:34:30,201 --> 00:34:31,735 And $5,000,000 cash. 488 00:34:32,403 --> 00:34:33,437 Cash? 489 00:34:36,074 --> 00:34:38,008 I'll need to disappear. 490 00:34:38,010 --> 00:34:40,811 I think the witness protection program will be a more viable... 491 00:34:40,813 --> 00:34:41,678 Not for me. 492 00:34:43,314 --> 00:34:45,315 The people behind this 493 00:34:45,317 --> 00:34:49,152 Are extremely powerful. 494 00:34:49,154 --> 00:34:51,455 If I don't hear from you in five hours, I'll be on a plane. 495 00:34:52,857 --> 00:34:55,625 And you and your colleagues will be running around like chihuahuas 496 00:34:55,627 --> 00:34:58,628 Trying to figure out who just killed the president of the United States. 497 00:34:58,630 --> 00:35:00,430 Let me talk to a federal prosecutor... No. 498 00:35:01,933 --> 00:35:03,433 Go straight to the attorney general. 499 00:35:04,702 --> 00:35:06,837 He's the only one who can make this deal. 500 00:35:06,839 --> 00:35:08,305 And he's the only one I trust. 501 00:35:33,364 --> 00:35:34,531 Good to see you, quentin. 502 00:35:35,333 --> 00:35:36,399 Colonel. 503 00:35:38,002 --> 00:35:40,170 You missed the dutch ambassador's opening remarks. 504 00:35:40,172 --> 00:35:42,139 Shame. 505 00:35:42,141 --> 00:35:43,540 Well, why do you think I came late? 506 00:35:45,843 --> 00:35:48,178 You shouldn't look so serious, quentin. 507 00:35:48,180 --> 00:35:49,846 Everything's going to be fine. 508 00:35:49,848 --> 00:35:50,947 Oh, I'm not worried. 509 00:35:51,649 --> 00:35:53,216 Good. 510 00:35:53,218 --> 00:35:54,684 Drink up. Enjoy. 511 00:35:55,786 --> 00:35:56,887 See you later tonight. 512 00:35:59,991 --> 00:36:02,926 So, you got this guy kramer wrapped around your finger. 513 00:36:03,961 --> 00:36:06,129 He's a good guy, relax. 514 00:36:06,131 --> 00:36:08,265 You think it's really smart getting involved with him? 515 00:36:08,267 --> 00:36:09,466 Right now? 516 00:36:10,635 --> 00:36:13,370 Smart? No. 517 00:36:13,372 --> 00:36:14,838 But since when is that the criteria? 518 00:36:17,308 --> 00:36:19,743 Well, you're a big girl. You can do what you want. 519 00:36:19,745 --> 00:36:21,678 As long as I'm not on the wrong end of it. 520 00:36:21,680 --> 00:36:23,947 What are you talking about? 521 00:36:23,949 --> 00:36:26,249 In spite of what your boyfriend says, this limo driver thing... 522 00:36:26,251 --> 00:36:28,084 It isn't over. 523 00:36:28,086 --> 00:36:29,686 Not your problem. 524 00:36:29,688 --> 00:36:32,889 Sure it is. 'cause if they go for him, or you, 525 00:36:32,891 --> 00:36:35,158 That puts all of us at risk. 526 00:36:35,160 --> 00:36:37,027 Just like the missing nurse. 527 00:36:37,029 --> 00:36:39,663 Difference is, I know how to keep my mouth shut. 528 00:36:43,668 --> 00:36:45,335 Are you saying you don't trust me? 529 00:36:47,672 --> 00:36:50,440 When it comes to cutting a deal on a murder rap, 530 00:36:50,442 --> 00:36:51,775 I don't trust my own mother. 531 00:36:52,944 --> 00:36:54,010 And I love that lady to death. 532 00:37:07,425 --> 00:37:08,692 No, thank you. 533 00:37:14,665 --> 00:37:17,067 I always love these cocktail receptions, 534 00:37:17,069 --> 00:37:19,035 All the scintillating chit chat and the rumors. 535 00:37:20,238 --> 00:37:22,405 You know me. 536 00:37:22,407 --> 00:37:25,542 The more vapid the conversation, the more I enjoy it. 537 00:37:25,544 --> 00:37:28,144 Don't go. Not yet. 538 00:37:28,146 --> 00:37:29,879 There's something I want to say to you. 539 00:37:31,315 --> 00:37:32,949 Pardon me? I've always liked you. 540 00:37:34,252 --> 00:37:35,785 Despite our issues. 541 00:37:37,355 --> 00:37:39,656 Thank you. I appreciate that. 542 00:37:41,125 --> 00:37:42,892 You read the bible, quentin? 543 00:37:45,329 --> 00:37:47,797 You know, moses. 544 00:37:47,799 --> 00:37:50,200 He led his people all the way to the promised land, 545 00:37:50,202 --> 00:37:52,402 But he never set foot in it. 546 00:37:53,804 --> 00:37:54,938 Sorry. 547 00:37:55,940 --> 00:37:57,073 I'm not a religious man. 548 00:37:58,376 --> 00:37:59,676 We will succeed. 549 00:38:01,379 --> 00:38:02,579 In the end. 550 00:38:11,555 --> 00:38:12,756 Like I said, quentin. 551 00:38:14,125 --> 00:38:15,425 I'm sorry. 552 00:38:48,292 --> 00:38:49,726 Man: Is he ok? 553 00:38:49,728 --> 00:38:50,894 man 2: What happened? 554 00:38:54,632 --> 00:38:55,532 Man 3: Quentin, are you all right? 555 00:38:55,534 --> 00:38:56,666 He's not breathing! 556 00:38:56,668 --> 00:38:57,867 Woman: Call a doctor. 557 00:39:06,644 --> 00:39:09,379 There's been an accident. 558 00:39:09,381 --> 00:39:12,048 The chief of staff has suffered a heart attack. 559 00:39:12,050 --> 00:39:13,183 I'm sorry to hear that. 560 00:39:17,722 --> 00:39:19,723 You wanted to see me? 561 00:39:19,725 --> 00:39:23,526 Yeah. I need you to drive me to the attorney general's office right away. 562 00:39:23,528 --> 00:39:25,228 What's this all about? 563 00:39:25,230 --> 00:39:27,864 I need to deliver these files in person. 564 00:39:27,866 --> 00:39:29,632 I also need somebody to watch my back. 565 00:39:33,003 --> 00:39:35,071 I'll explain more on the way. Fair enough. 566 00:39:47,918 --> 00:39:49,919 Why are we stopping? I think we have a flat tire. 567 00:40:14,979 --> 00:40:15,979 You need a hand? 568 00:41:42,933 --> 00:41:44,634 I ran a test on the president's blood. 569 00:41:48,205 --> 00:41:50,607 He and your wife both share the same, 570 00:41:52,309 --> 00:41:53,610 Very rare, 571 00:41:54,245 --> 00:41:55,211 Blood type. 572 00:41:57,081 --> 00:41:59,115 His bone marrow is the perfect match for her. 573 00:42:01,318 --> 00:42:02,652 I'm aware of that. 574 00:42:06,123 --> 00:42:08,725 She's the president's daughter, isn't she? 575 00:42:12,229 --> 00:42:13,129 Yes. 576 00:42:16,433 --> 00:42:20,303 Why don't you just ask him for the bone marrow, why do you have to kill him? 577 00:42:20,305 --> 00:42:22,005 Because he doesn't know she's alive. 578 00:42:23,607 --> 00:42:24,908 If he did... 579 00:42:26,977 --> 00:42:27,944 He'd kill her.