1 00:00:00,066 --> 00:00:02,835 Narrator: Previously on hostages. 2 00:00:02,837 --> 00:00:06,872 So that's your mommy, that's you, and that's your daddy? 3 00:00:07,140 --> 00:00:08,207 Mmm-hmm. 4 00:00:08,375 --> 00:00:09,975 What is that? His heart? 5 00:00:09,977 --> 00:00:11,577 No. That's his badge. 6 00:00:11,579 --> 00:00:13,078 What happened here? 7 00:00:13,080 --> 00:00:14,446 Cheerleading. 8 00:00:14,448 --> 00:00:16,348 Yes, this is dr. Dana marsh calling. 9 00:00:16,350 --> 00:00:19,551 I'd like to report a possible case of abuse involving a minor patient. 10 00:00:19,553 --> 00:00:21,887 How badly do you need this money? 11 00:00:21,889 --> 00:00:23,789 I think I might have a solution. 12 00:00:23,791 --> 00:00:26,492 Don't move! You stay just like that. 13 00:00:35,268 --> 00:00:37,469 Archer petit. Born in brooklyn. Age 36. 14 00:00:37,471 --> 00:00:38,937 Ex-military. No priors. 15 00:00:38,939 --> 00:00:41,974 I needed to backstop him, so I falsified his travel records. 16 00:00:41,976 --> 00:00:44,410 What the hell are you talking about? He's working for me. 17 00:00:44,412 --> 00:00:45,811 As a confidential informant. 18 00:00:45,945 --> 00:00:47,679 Where's archer now? In jail. 19 00:00:47,681 --> 00:00:49,281 How come? I put him there. 20 00:00:49,416 --> 00:00:50,783 Ellen: Where's brian? 21 00:00:50,785 --> 00:00:52,184 Keep going, sweetheart. He doesn't know where you are. 22 00:00:52,318 --> 00:00:53,986 We did it. Just keep... 23 00:00:53,988 --> 00:00:55,087 oh, god! 24 00:00:55,089 --> 00:00:56,555 There's just no way out of this. 25 00:00:56,557 --> 00:00:58,157 Unless... Unless what? 26 00:00:58,591 --> 00:00:59,658 We kill him. 27 00:01:05,331 --> 00:01:07,533 Come on. You beat me again? 28 00:01:07,535 --> 00:01:11,236 Why do you always beat me? Every single time, I never win once. 29 00:01:11,238 --> 00:01:12,905 Are you looking for this? 30 00:01:14,908 --> 00:01:16,775 Can we watch cartoons now? 31 00:01:16,777 --> 00:01:20,646 in a minute, sweetie, okay? I just need to talk to grandpa. 32 00:01:20,648 --> 00:01:22,681 Can uncle kramer come over? 33 00:01:23,950 --> 00:01:25,050 Not now, sweetie. 34 00:01:25,685 --> 00:01:28,520 You go play upstairs, okay? Catch that! 35 00:01:29,022 --> 00:01:32,057 Catch that. Oh! Good hands. 36 00:01:37,831 --> 00:01:39,765 So, how's he doing, anyway? 37 00:01:42,302 --> 00:01:46,438 Kramer is... He's stronger than you think. 38 00:01:47,273 --> 00:01:48,774 Bless me, father, for I have sinned. 39 00:01:48,776 --> 00:01:50,809 It's been a long time since my last confession. 40 00:01:51,444 --> 00:01:53,045 What's on your mind, son? 41 00:01:53,047 --> 00:01:54,913 What sins have you committed? 42 00:01:57,183 --> 00:01:58,817 I've made some mistakes. 43 00:01:59,419 --> 00:02:03,222 What mistakes? To find absolution, the faithful must confess. 44 00:02:03,723 --> 00:02:06,525 I've been worried about him. Wasn't sure he had the stomach 45 00:02:06,527 --> 00:02:08,160 For this kind of thing. 46 00:02:08,162 --> 00:02:11,730 I had a problem, he solved it on his own. 47 00:02:11,732 --> 00:02:12,998 I was impressed. 48 00:02:13,366 --> 00:02:14,733 That's good to hear. 49 00:02:15,702 --> 00:02:17,903 I'm trying to help someone I love. 50 00:02:18,771 --> 00:02:20,172 My sister. 51 00:02:21,241 --> 00:02:22,808 But how far is too far? 52 00:02:23,810 --> 00:02:26,778 Is it all right to do something wrong for a good reason? 53 00:02:26,780 --> 00:02:29,114 That's a question only the lord can answer. 54 00:02:29,116 --> 00:02:31,250 But you need to confess your sins. 55 00:02:32,285 --> 00:02:35,320 Until you do, there will never be true repentance. 56 00:02:35,755 --> 00:02:36,989 Duncan: We all set? 57 00:02:37,157 --> 00:02:39,291 I told you, I've taken care of everything. 58 00:02:39,293 --> 00:02:40,759 I know. It's just... 59 00:02:44,097 --> 00:02:46,198 Sometimes I need to hear you say it out loud. 60 00:02:46,766 --> 00:02:51,904 If things don't proceed as planned, sawyer will be fine. 61 00:02:52,805 --> 00:02:55,707 She'll have a beautiful place to live in upstate new york, 62 00:02:55,709 --> 00:02:57,042 Plenty of money, 63 00:02:58,378 --> 00:03:00,546 And most importantly, 64 00:03:01,147 --> 00:03:02,915 A loved one to take care of her. 65 00:03:04,317 --> 00:03:07,319 Sawyer loves her aunt leslie very much. You know that. 66 00:03:09,856 --> 00:03:11,089 Yeah, I know that. 67 00:03:11,691 --> 00:03:13,525 You're worried about dr. Sanders. 68 00:03:16,763 --> 00:03:18,630 She's tough. 69 00:03:20,066 --> 00:03:24,069 I wasn't expecting this level of resistance. 70 00:03:26,940 --> 00:03:29,274 Good news is, we still have eight days. 71 00:03:29,943 --> 00:03:31,944 But I'm gonna need some help. 72 00:03:31,946 --> 00:03:33,011 From who? 73 00:03:33,246 --> 00:03:34,646 Her husband. 74 00:03:34,948 --> 00:03:37,950 Despite his money troubles, the affair, 75 00:03:37,952 --> 00:03:40,852 She still looks up to him. Still loves him. 76 00:03:45,825 --> 00:03:49,528 If I can turn brian into an ally, 77 00:03:49,530 --> 00:03:51,830 I can turn ellen into a killer. 78 00:03:59,305 --> 00:04:00,472 Yeah? 79 00:04:00,474 --> 00:04:02,674 We got a problem. The lawyer I told you about, 80 00:04:02,676 --> 00:04:04,009 The public defender, 81 00:04:04,011 --> 00:04:06,044 He won't shut up about his client in county jail. 82 00:04:06,046 --> 00:04:07,679 Claims angela nix was murdered. 83 00:04:07,681 --> 00:04:09,047 I thought you took care of that. 84 00:04:09,049 --> 00:04:10,616 I did. On my end. 85 00:04:10,618 --> 00:04:12,784 But now his lawyer's talking to the da's office. 86 00:04:12,786 --> 00:04:14,653 He's trying to cut a plea deal with them instead. 87 00:04:14,655 --> 00:04:17,856 They're willing to listen? Willing? They can't wait. 88 00:04:17,858 --> 00:04:20,959 They're meeting today at five. If this guy flips, 89 00:04:20,961 --> 00:04:23,829 Tells the truth about what happened to the president's nurse, 90 00:04:23,831 --> 00:04:25,664 The whole damn thing could fall apart. 91 00:04:25,832 --> 00:04:27,099 I'll handle it. 92 00:04:45,218 --> 00:04:46,618 What's up, brother? 93 00:04:47,453 --> 00:04:49,021 What the hell you doing here? 94 00:04:49,255 --> 00:04:50,722 I was about to ask you the same thing. 95 00:04:50,890 --> 00:04:52,491 What they get you for? 96 00:04:52,493 --> 00:04:54,226 Weapons charge. You? 97 00:04:54,694 --> 00:04:57,596 Coke thing. My lawyer says I can beat it, though. 98 00:04:58,631 --> 00:05:01,366 Last time I saw you... Yeah. 99 00:05:06,939 --> 00:05:08,774 Get her out of the street! Move! 100 00:05:10,376 --> 00:05:14,746 Keep the body on ice and keep your mouth shut. We're gonna be fine. 101 00:05:16,082 --> 00:05:17,149 You hear me? 102 00:05:20,420 --> 00:05:23,455 Hey, cops ever ask you about angela nix? The nurse? 103 00:05:23,457 --> 00:05:25,557 No. Not a word. 104 00:05:25,559 --> 00:05:26,692 If they do... 105 00:05:26,694 --> 00:05:28,694 Come on, man. You know I don't talk to cops. 106 00:05:28,961 --> 00:05:30,562 Guard: Your lawyer's here. 107 00:05:41,541 --> 00:05:43,709 It's not polite to keep a woman waiting. 108 00:05:48,848 --> 00:05:50,882 It's time to get this thing done. 109 00:05:51,384 --> 00:05:53,418 I'm trying. Trust me. 110 00:05:53,420 --> 00:05:54,720 What's the problem? 111 00:05:54,722 --> 00:05:56,521 Duncan put you here a few days ago. 112 00:05:56,523 --> 00:05:57,889 Life ain't so perfect in here. 113 00:05:57,891 --> 00:06:00,325 Took me two days to get transferred to the right unit. 114 00:06:00,827 --> 00:06:03,362 I didn't even see malik's punk ass until just now. 115 00:06:03,364 --> 00:06:05,764 Well, I suggest you dial it up. Fast. 116 00:06:05,766 --> 00:06:07,733 Malik is meeting with an assistant district attorney 117 00:06:07,735 --> 00:06:11,236 Today at five. He talks, we all go down. 118 00:06:13,973 --> 00:06:16,875 All right. Don't worry. That meeting will never happen. 119 00:06:23,816 --> 00:06:25,150 What? 120 00:06:25,152 --> 00:06:26,785 Nothing. 121 00:06:29,655 --> 00:06:33,225 Thanks. I'm meeting with the president this morning. 122 00:06:34,127 --> 00:06:37,195 When this is all over, I'm going to do everything I can 123 00:06:37,197 --> 00:06:39,965 To be a better husband, a better partner. 124 00:06:40,600 --> 00:06:42,067 I want another chance. 125 00:06:44,537 --> 00:06:46,638 We can talk about all that later. 126 00:06:47,874 --> 00:06:49,708 After we... 127 00:06:51,844 --> 00:06:53,712 After we kill this son of a bitch? 128 00:06:55,314 --> 00:06:57,716 I can try to find another gun. I have some friends who... 129 00:06:57,718 --> 00:07:00,419 Then what? We try shooting him before he shoots us? 130 00:07:00,421 --> 00:07:02,654 Do you even know how to use a gun? 'cause I don't. 131 00:07:03,756 --> 00:07:07,325 He's in the fbi. A trained professional. 132 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:10,495 So what are you saying? I just think we need some help. We're not killers. 133 00:07:10,497 --> 00:07:11,830 Says who? 134 00:07:12,632 --> 00:07:14,466 What about the poison he gave you? 135 00:07:14,468 --> 00:07:16,802 You said you kept it. It's in the closet, right? 136 00:07:16,804 --> 00:07:18,970 I don't even know what kind it is, how potent... 137 00:07:19,806 --> 00:07:22,240 He gave it to you to kill the president. I'm sure it's potent. 138 00:07:22,242 --> 00:07:23,608 You'll never get close enough. 139 00:07:23,610 --> 00:07:25,710 I'll find a way. I'll wait for the right moment. 140 00:07:25,712 --> 00:07:29,414 Brian. You can barely even walk, for god's sake. 141 00:07:29,416 --> 00:07:31,683 I can do this. I'll use that to my advantage, 142 00:07:33,186 --> 00:07:35,353 I'll pretend I'm not feeling well. 143 00:07:35,355 --> 00:07:36,621 He'll forget I'm even here. 144 00:07:36,623 --> 00:07:39,624 It's so dangerous. We just need some professional help here. 145 00:07:39,992 --> 00:07:43,228 Well, I don't have a lot of killers on my speed dial. You? 146 00:07:45,064 --> 00:07:46,364 No, I... 147 00:07:46,766 --> 00:07:48,600 I might know someone who does. 148 00:08:07,520 --> 00:08:08,987 What time's your meeting? 149 00:08:08,989 --> 00:08:13,024 Eleven. It's just a routine, pre-op visit. Nothing more. 150 00:08:13,026 --> 00:08:15,560 The president's surgery cannot be delayed. 151 00:08:15,962 --> 00:08:19,064 Regardless of his health, his blood tests, his ekg. 152 00:08:19,066 --> 00:08:22,701 He's not a patient anymore, ellen. He's a target. 153 00:08:36,716 --> 00:08:40,418 Sup, bro? I was hoping we could talk in private. 154 00:08:48,794 --> 00:08:51,096 I know you don't talk to cops. 155 00:08:51,098 --> 00:08:54,199 But I still want to compensate you for being so loyal. 156 00:08:54,600 --> 00:08:56,601 How's an extra 10 g sound? 157 00:08:56,603 --> 00:08:58,503 Keep your money, I'm good. 158 00:08:58,938 --> 00:09:00,772 Business is business. 159 00:09:01,240 --> 00:09:02,674 But you already paid me. 160 00:09:03,609 --> 00:09:05,277 Consider it a gift. 161 00:09:05,678 --> 00:09:07,145 If you insist. 162 00:09:07,147 --> 00:09:08,513 That's more like it, right? 163 00:09:11,217 --> 00:09:13,184 What, you can't give me a pound? 164 00:09:16,722 --> 00:09:18,757 Keep it moving, boys. 165 00:09:33,472 --> 00:09:36,007 Your vital signs are great. That's terrific news. 166 00:09:37,677 --> 00:09:42,347 Don't yell at your assistant. I forced my way in over her strenuous objections. 167 00:09:42,349 --> 00:09:44,115 Vanessa, we're in the middle of a... 168 00:09:44,117 --> 00:09:45,951 I won't be long. 169 00:09:45,953 --> 00:09:47,686 You have one minute, ambassador. 170 00:09:47,688 --> 00:09:49,354 What is it you need to tell me? 171 00:09:49,356 --> 00:09:50,622 You're a coward. 172 00:09:50,624 --> 00:09:53,758 Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Now then, if you'll excuse us. 173 00:09:54,026 --> 00:09:55,594 I still have 53 seconds. 174 00:09:55,596 --> 00:09:57,195 For god's sake, vanessa. Not now. 175 00:09:57,197 --> 00:09:59,998 The benefit dinner in memory of my brother is tomorrow night, 176 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:01,766 And you're not attending. 177 00:10:01,768 --> 00:10:03,468 Perhaps I should just wait outside while you finish... 178 00:10:03,470 --> 00:10:05,971 It's not a benefit. It's a political event. 179 00:10:05,973 --> 00:10:07,806 It's a family event. 180 00:10:07,808 --> 00:10:10,041 Doesn't peter's memory mean anything to you? 181 00:10:10,043 --> 00:10:12,711 We can talk about this later. In private. 182 00:10:12,713 --> 00:10:14,579 Take a deep breath, please. 183 00:10:14,581 --> 00:10:17,282 I would like to introduce dr. Sanders. 184 00:10:18,751 --> 00:10:21,686 It's a pleasure. I've heard great things about you. 185 00:10:22,488 --> 00:10:26,958 And this shy, introverted woman is vanessa moore. My sister. 186 00:10:36,602 --> 00:10:38,637 Morgan, this is nancy singleton. 187 00:10:38,639 --> 00:10:40,939 She works for the department of social services. 188 00:10:40,941 --> 00:10:42,774 Hi, morgan, pleasure to meet you. 189 00:10:43,676 --> 00:10:45,076 I'm following up on a report from 190 00:10:45,078 --> 00:10:49,648 Your obgyn, dr. Marsh. She noted bruising on your arms and legs. 191 00:10:50,383 --> 00:10:54,285 Like I said, I just bumped it in gym class. 192 00:10:54,453 --> 00:10:56,287 Can you show me the bruises? 193 00:10:57,823 --> 00:10:58,890 Yep. 194 00:10:59,959 --> 00:11:01,159 Hmm. 195 00:11:01,161 --> 00:11:02,761 Do you have a boyfriend? 196 00:11:02,895 --> 00:11:03,962 Had. 197 00:11:04,230 --> 00:11:05,897 How do you two get along? 198 00:11:05,899 --> 00:11:08,733 He's never laid a hand on me. Ever. And he never would. 199 00:11:09,168 --> 00:11:12,737 What about your parents? Do you have a good relationship with them? 200 00:11:13,973 --> 00:11:16,608 Yes. We love each other very much. 201 00:11:19,211 --> 00:11:20,545 Can I go? 202 00:11:22,515 --> 00:11:25,150 I mean come on, this is ridiculous. I have to get back to class. 203 00:11:25,484 --> 00:11:26,718 Sure. 204 00:11:35,294 --> 00:11:37,562 I'd like to talk to her brother. 205 00:11:38,431 --> 00:11:40,832 Thank you, dr. Sanders. I'll see you soon. 206 00:11:45,672 --> 00:11:48,707 I apologize for the family squabble. Oh. 207 00:11:48,941 --> 00:11:51,176 My brother peter was killed a few years ago, 208 00:11:51,178 --> 00:11:53,511 And it's still a very emotional topic for us all. 209 00:11:53,513 --> 00:11:56,047 I did read that. I'm sorry for your loss. 210 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:59,017 Peter's politics didn't coincide with the president's, 211 00:11:59,019 --> 00:12:01,586 And so this benefit dinner tomorrow night 212 00:12:01,588 --> 00:12:04,889 Is more sensitive than one might imagine. 213 00:12:04,891 --> 00:12:08,393 I presume my sister's outburst will remain confidential? 214 00:12:08,894 --> 00:12:12,664 Oh, of course. Truth is, I didn't hear a thing, I was so nervous. 215 00:12:13,165 --> 00:12:14,899 I told my husband to fire you. 216 00:12:15,768 --> 00:12:18,203 Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed your speech 217 00:12:18,205 --> 00:12:20,105 About being a great thoracic surgeon. 218 00:12:20,107 --> 00:12:22,073 And I respect your confidence. 219 00:12:22,975 --> 00:12:28,446 But I'm an unforgiving woman, especially in matters involving my husband. 220 00:12:29,515 --> 00:12:31,149 I understand. 221 00:12:31,151 --> 00:12:33,651 So, I just want to make myself clear. 222 00:12:33,653 --> 00:12:37,756 If another innocent mistake occurs, I will hold you personally accountable. 223 00:12:48,734 --> 00:12:50,835 Woman: District of columbia police department. 224 00:12:50,837 --> 00:12:53,171 Yes, hi, I was just inquiring... 225 00:12:53,973 --> 00:12:57,642 I saw a man unconscious Saturday on the street. 226 00:12:57,644 --> 00:12:59,010 He was bleeding. 227 00:12:59,012 --> 00:13:02,914 On foxhill drive. Yeah, I called it in 228 00:13:02,916 --> 00:13:07,819 And I was just wondering if the man is... Well, if he's okay. 229 00:13:07,821 --> 00:13:09,821 And who am I talking with? 230 00:13:12,458 --> 00:13:14,025 What's your name, sir? 231 00:13:15,162 --> 00:13:18,530 Kramer. What happened the other night... 232 00:13:18,532 --> 00:13:21,332 It wasn't your fault. I'm fine. 233 00:13:22,134 --> 00:13:24,202 Ellen just left the white house. 234 00:13:24,204 --> 00:13:25,770 She's on her way back to the hospital. 235 00:13:31,677 --> 00:13:35,413 You okay? Look, I know this has been stressful. 236 00:13:36,582 --> 00:13:38,817 You weren't expecting to be here this long. 237 00:13:38,819 --> 00:13:40,919 Nothing to worry about, coach. 238 00:13:40,921 --> 00:13:42,520 I'll be back in a little bit. 239 00:13:44,023 --> 00:13:46,024 Wait, where you going? We're a man down. 240 00:13:46,026 --> 00:13:48,526 To see nina. She called earlier. 241 00:13:48,528 --> 00:13:52,030 She sounded lonely. I told her I'd stop by. 242 00:14:14,553 --> 00:14:15,687 What are you doing? 243 00:14:20,759 --> 00:14:22,660 I assume you're not going to work today. 244 00:14:22,662 --> 00:14:26,164 No. Not feeling well. I haven't been sleeping. 245 00:14:28,133 --> 00:14:29,567 Must be painful, huh? 246 00:14:31,370 --> 00:14:34,939 I need you to come downstairs. I have a project for you. 247 00:14:44,650 --> 00:14:48,353 We need to patch this up. You used to work for your father's construction company, 248 00:14:48,355 --> 00:14:50,889 So fixing a tiny bullet hole like this 249 00:14:50,891 --> 00:14:52,657 Should be pretty easy. 250 00:14:52,659 --> 00:14:54,425 I think I can handle it. 251 00:15:10,776 --> 00:15:12,877 Hello? What are we doing here? 252 00:15:13,012 --> 00:15:14,846 Thought you were on your way to the hospital. 253 00:15:14,848 --> 00:15:17,348 I have a house call. You're supposed to tell me in advance. 254 00:15:17,350 --> 00:15:19,050 Well, I'm sorry, I forgot. 255 00:15:19,052 --> 00:15:22,287 But if I don't show, he'll start calling and asking lots of questions. 256 00:15:22,289 --> 00:15:23,554 Make it fast. 257 00:15:45,678 --> 00:15:46,744 Thank you. 258 00:15:52,785 --> 00:15:54,686 You're home. Thank god. 259 00:15:57,189 --> 00:15:58,556 Ellen? 260 00:15:59,358 --> 00:16:00,658 I need help. 261 00:16:01,727 --> 00:16:04,562 Of course. Tell me everything. 262 00:16:08,267 --> 00:16:09,901 My family is in danger. 263 00:16:09,903 --> 00:16:11,135 What's going on? 264 00:16:11,137 --> 00:16:13,504 ellen? 265 00:16:13,506 --> 00:16:15,740 You know you can trust me, that's why you're here. 266 00:16:16,208 --> 00:16:18,776 My family is being held hostage. 267 00:16:18,778 --> 00:16:20,912 What? What are you talking about? 268 00:16:20,914 --> 00:16:22,347 Well, they broke into our house the night before 269 00:16:22,349 --> 00:16:23,948 I was supposed to operate on the president, 270 00:16:23,950 --> 00:16:26,417 And they said to me if I didn't kill him during surgery 271 00:16:26,419 --> 00:16:27,418 They would murder my family. 272 00:16:27,420 --> 00:16:31,055 The leader of the group is a guy named duncan carlisle. 273 00:16:31,057 --> 00:16:32,323 He's an fbi agent. 274 00:16:32,325 --> 00:16:33,658 Are you sure? Positive. 275 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:34,859 I've seen his badge. 276 00:16:34,861 --> 00:16:38,763 He's investigating the suicide of the president's nurse, who was my friend. 277 00:16:38,765 --> 00:16:40,431 But he's the one who killed her! 278 00:16:40,433 --> 00:16:42,800 I mean, this guy has connections everywhere. 279 00:16:42,802 --> 00:16:44,635 I know this all sounds crazy... 280 00:16:44,637 --> 00:16:46,337 Slow down. We're going to get through this. 281 00:16:46,339 --> 00:16:47,972 He almost killed my sister. 282 00:16:47,974 --> 00:16:49,374 He's just... He's evil. 283 00:16:49,575 --> 00:16:51,809 I'll find a way to end this. I promise. 284 00:16:52,144 --> 00:16:53,478 I want him dead. 285 00:17:08,794 --> 00:17:10,261 Where you going? 286 00:17:10,863 --> 00:17:13,131 We need to have a little talk. 287 00:17:13,133 --> 00:17:14,198 About what? 288 00:17:16,902 --> 00:17:21,472 Malik's cousin is a friend of mine. A good friend. You understand? 289 00:17:26,645 --> 00:17:28,179 I don't know what you're talking about. 290 00:17:28,347 --> 00:17:30,081 Maybe this will help. 291 00:17:31,884 --> 00:17:33,351 Stay away from malik. 292 00:17:33,719 --> 00:17:36,387 Next time, I won't be so gentle. 293 00:17:36,955 --> 00:17:39,991 Everything at home is great. 294 00:17:39,993 --> 00:17:41,592 Your parents and morgan get along okay? 295 00:17:41,594 --> 00:17:42,860 Yes. 296 00:17:43,896 --> 00:17:46,164 Do they fight, argue? 297 00:17:46,598 --> 00:17:48,299 Well, sure. When she's annoying. 298 00:17:49,401 --> 00:17:51,936 Does it ever get physical? 299 00:17:52,604 --> 00:17:54,105 No. Never. 300 00:17:54,373 --> 00:17:56,340 She and your father have a good relationship? 301 00:17:56,342 --> 00:17:57,575 Yeah. 302 00:17:58,010 --> 00:17:59,477 Do you know her boyfriend? 303 00:18:01,380 --> 00:18:03,948 No, not really. Can I leave? 304 00:18:03,950 --> 00:18:06,084 Just one more question. 305 00:18:06,086 --> 00:18:07,819 How'd you get that bruise on your eye? 306 00:18:09,755 --> 00:18:11,856 Uh... 307 00:18:12,091 --> 00:18:14,325 I took a hit at lacrosse practice. 308 00:18:14,327 --> 00:18:16,360 And one of your coaches can verify that? 309 00:18:16,362 --> 00:18:18,729 Sure. My father. 310 00:18:18,731 --> 00:18:20,665 Someone other than him. 311 00:18:25,337 --> 00:18:28,873 Just tell me the truth. I'm only trying to help. 312 00:18:29,074 --> 00:18:31,209 I got into a fight, okay? 313 00:18:31,343 --> 00:18:33,411 At home? Where? With who? 314 00:18:36,014 --> 00:18:38,116 What time do your parents come home from work? 315 00:18:38,118 --> 00:18:39,517 I don't know. Why? 316 00:18:39,519 --> 00:18:40,952 I want to talk to them. 317 00:18:42,221 --> 00:18:44,322 That wouldn't really... 318 00:18:45,791 --> 00:18:47,358 My parents are out of town, 319 00:18:47,360 --> 00:18:50,194 And my cousin susan is staying with us. So... 320 00:18:50,196 --> 00:18:52,964 Great. I'll talk to her instead. 321 00:18:53,098 --> 00:18:56,734 Okay, fine. I got into a fight with... 322 00:18:56,736 --> 00:18:58,302 Morgan's boyfriend. 323 00:18:59,605 --> 00:19:01,539 His name is boyd. 324 00:19:01,541 --> 00:19:05,176 About what? Do you think he's abusing her? 325 00:19:21,193 --> 00:19:23,261 Prisoner: Come on, man. What's up? Huh? 326 00:19:23,263 --> 00:19:24,862 Guard: Hey! Hey, break it up! 327 00:19:25,097 --> 00:19:27,331 Come on, guys. Not today. 328 00:19:27,900 --> 00:19:29,000 Hey, man. 329 00:19:29,501 --> 00:19:30,668 You know that dude's name? 330 00:19:30,670 --> 00:19:32,370 Yeah. Murphy. 331 00:19:44,216 --> 00:19:45,449 Thirsty? 332 00:19:47,186 --> 00:19:48,252 No. 333 00:19:55,861 --> 00:19:57,728 I know this has been difficult. 334 00:19:58,830 --> 00:20:01,666 We never planned on being in your house this long. 335 00:20:03,936 --> 00:20:08,739 But you can survive this, brian. Eight more days. 336 00:20:08,741 --> 00:20:12,210 That's it. After that, you're a free man. 337 00:20:14,179 --> 00:20:15,780 As long as ellen cooperates. 338 00:20:20,953 --> 00:20:25,523 It's your job, as the head of the family, to convince her. 339 00:20:26,225 --> 00:20:29,393 That she knows the only way out is to do what I ask. 340 00:20:31,296 --> 00:20:32,997 Kill the president. 341 00:20:32,999 --> 00:20:34,932 Correct. 342 00:20:34,934 --> 00:20:37,568 So if she does this, she injects the president with the poison... 343 00:20:37,570 --> 00:20:38,703 He'll die instantly? 344 00:20:38,705 --> 00:20:40,037 Within seconds. 345 00:20:41,006 --> 00:20:42,840 You're positive? 346 00:20:43,208 --> 00:20:47,211 I need to know, if I ask her to do this, it's going to work. 347 00:20:50,048 --> 00:20:53,818 That he'll die right away and will it be traceable? 348 00:20:55,954 --> 00:20:58,222 Will it look like he's dying of natural causes? 349 00:20:58,857 --> 00:21:03,094 I need to know that, uh, she won't get caught. 350 00:21:04,329 --> 00:21:05,496 She won't. 351 00:21:11,270 --> 00:21:12,670 All right, well... 352 00:21:13,438 --> 00:21:15,406 I'll talk to her. Hopefully she'll listen. 353 00:21:15,540 --> 00:21:16,641 She will. 354 00:21:18,143 --> 00:21:19,277 She respects you. 355 00:21:20,078 --> 00:21:21,579 Yeah, she used to. 356 00:21:26,718 --> 00:21:29,220 Your marriage can survive this. 357 00:21:30,255 --> 00:21:33,924 If you two really love each other, you'll be fine. 358 00:21:39,064 --> 00:21:42,533 I'm gonna need some more pain meds. 359 00:21:43,101 --> 00:21:45,636 Where'd you put the medical bag? In the den? 360 00:21:45,904 --> 00:21:47,271 You stay here. 361 00:21:48,674 --> 00:21:50,174 I'll get the pills. 362 00:22:25,677 --> 00:22:26,877 Hello? 363 00:22:26,879 --> 00:22:28,212 How's she doing? 364 00:22:28,214 --> 00:22:29,380 She's asleep. 365 00:22:30,148 --> 00:22:32,016 I'm staring at her right now. 366 00:22:33,318 --> 00:22:34,752 She's beautiful. 367 00:22:34,754 --> 00:22:36,854 Okay, if she wakes up, tell her I love her, all right? 368 00:22:37,489 --> 00:22:39,123 And I'll drop by tomorrow. 369 00:22:39,291 --> 00:22:40,458 Sure thing. 370 00:22:58,310 --> 00:23:00,144 Man: Hey, murph. He's here. 371 00:23:03,014 --> 00:23:05,349 Help you? Murphy, right? 372 00:23:06,451 --> 00:23:08,452 You're in the wrong zip code, my man. 373 00:23:08,454 --> 00:23:10,321 You might want to invest in one of those gps things. 374 00:23:10,522 --> 00:23:12,456 name's archer. 375 00:23:12,791 --> 00:23:15,726 Archer. My wife told me you'd be stopping by, 376 00:23:15,728 --> 00:23:18,229 But, I must say, I wasn't expecting someone like you. 377 00:23:18,363 --> 00:23:20,731 She got the gift? Yeah, sure did. 378 00:23:20,733 --> 00:23:23,534 That's a lot of money. You santa claus or something? 379 00:23:23,536 --> 00:23:25,035 No, not exactly. 380 00:23:27,839 --> 00:23:29,106 What do I need to do? 381 00:23:31,410 --> 00:23:34,712 I know someone. For the right price, he might be interested. 382 00:23:35,080 --> 00:23:37,481 Whatever it costs. I'll call him right away. 383 00:23:38,683 --> 00:23:41,585 Look, uh, just go home and try to stay calm. 384 00:23:41,587 --> 00:23:44,021 And most importantly, don't try to be a hero. 385 00:23:44,222 --> 00:23:47,525 Make this duncan guy think that you've given up. 386 00:23:50,595 --> 00:23:54,498 I'm gonna help you get through this, ellen. Thank you. For everything. 387 00:23:54,900 --> 00:23:59,370 Grandpa! Grandpa, you wanna see the picture I just drew? 388 00:24:00,205 --> 00:24:04,442 I know you. You were at the art fair. Your name is jane. 389 00:24:15,253 --> 00:24:16,320 Uh... 390 00:24:16,322 --> 00:24:20,825 No, I'm sorry, sweetie, I think you're mistaking me for someone else. 391 00:24:20,992 --> 00:24:24,295 No. You asked me to draw a picture of my family. 392 00:24:24,297 --> 00:24:26,397 You thought my dad's badge was his heart, remember? 393 00:24:26,598 --> 00:24:29,400 No. I don't. Besides, my name is ellen. 394 00:24:29,402 --> 00:24:31,869 Why are you lying? Sawyer. 395 00:24:32,404 --> 00:24:34,538 That's rude. Apologize, please. 396 00:24:34,873 --> 00:24:36,273 I'm sorry. 397 00:24:36,275 --> 00:24:38,709 Thank you. Now, run along. 398 00:24:39,544 --> 00:24:43,881 Go find anna and finish your homework. But I already did my homework. 399 00:24:44,416 --> 00:24:47,084 Well, then go play on grandpa's computer. Okay. 400 00:24:51,022 --> 00:24:53,791 Anna! Sawyer's on her way up. 401 00:24:54,593 --> 00:24:58,095 Can you help her get on to my computer so she can play some games? 402 00:24:58,530 --> 00:24:59,697 Thank you. 403 00:25:06,338 --> 00:25:09,173 Who is this? Your son? 404 00:25:10,475 --> 00:25:13,043 And the little girl. She's your granddaughter? 405 00:25:14,546 --> 00:25:18,415 So duncan's, what? He's your son? Your son-in-law? 406 00:25:18,417 --> 00:25:22,853 Ellen, please. We have a lot to discuss. 407 00:25:27,359 --> 00:25:30,094 Not many guys would bounce back the way you have. 408 00:25:31,029 --> 00:25:32,196 Impressive. 409 00:25:33,265 --> 00:25:34,665 A little plaster, 410 00:25:35,100 --> 00:25:37,635 A little drywall, you can erase just about anything, huh? 411 00:25:38,403 --> 00:25:41,105 You can hide it. Can't erase it. 412 00:25:43,408 --> 00:25:45,910 Truth is, you did the right thing in that moment. 413 00:25:46,778 --> 00:25:49,079 The facts on the table at that time. 414 00:25:50,982 --> 00:25:52,616 It was a brave move. 415 00:25:53,718 --> 00:25:56,287 Sacrificing yourself to save your family. 416 00:25:58,490 --> 00:26:00,224 But things have changed. 417 00:26:01,626 --> 00:26:03,160 You know you can't escape. 418 00:26:04,930 --> 00:26:07,131 But you can still control your destiny. 419 00:26:07,866 --> 00:26:13,137 If you can convince ellen to do as I say, life goes on. 420 00:26:14,673 --> 00:26:15,873 You don't, 421 00:26:17,576 --> 00:26:19,009 The story ends. 422 00:26:20,946 --> 00:26:23,180 But you get to write the book, brian. 423 00:26:23,949 --> 00:26:25,015 You. 424 00:26:26,117 --> 00:26:27,184 Not me. 425 00:26:32,123 --> 00:26:33,791 I need to use the bathroom. 426 00:27:23,742 --> 00:27:25,509 Duncan: Everything okay in there? 427 00:27:26,645 --> 00:27:27,745 Brian? 428 00:27:27,912 --> 00:27:29,380 Yeah, I'll be right there. 429 00:27:30,749 --> 00:27:32,149 You all right? 430 00:27:34,653 --> 00:27:37,388 Yeah, I'm just, uh, I'm feeling a little nauseous. 431 00:27:37,889 --> 00:27:41,925 Pain pills been messing with my stomach. I'll be down in a couple of minutes. 432 00:28:02,914 --> 00:28:05,949 Why in god's name are you doing this? 433 00:28:05,951 --> 00:28:07,618 The reason isn't important. 434 00:28:09,320 --> 00:28:12,790 You're doing the wrong math, ellen. "why" doesn't matter. 435 00:28:13,692 --> 00:28:17,261 The only thing you should be thinking about is, "what if?" 436 00:28:18,063 --> 00:28:21,331 What if I don't do what duncan asks? 437 00:28:23,068 --> 00:28:25,903 Fifteen years ago, you killed that son-of-a-bitch rapist. 438 00:28:26,171 --> 00:28:28,338 he started walking toward me. 439 00:28:28,707 --> 00:28:32,443 So, I... Were you afraid for your life? Was he holding a weapon? 440 00:28:33,344 --> 00:28:35,713 The meeting is over, detective. I'm her lawyer. 441 00:28:41,953 --> 00:28:45,155 My name is burton delaney. I'm a friend of your father's. 442 00:28:45,590 --> 00:28:47,624 I'm going to take care of everything. 443 00:28:49,661 --> 00:28:52,896 Do you want me to tell you what happened? 444 00:28:53,298 --> 00:28:56,433 No. I'm going to tell you what happened. 445 00:28:56,868 --> 00:29:00,471 And you're going to tell the detective exactly what I tell you. 446 00:29:01,439 --> 00:29:02,506 Understand? 447 00:29:07,045 --> 00:29:09,446 You're a strong woman, I've seen it with my own eyes. 448 00:29:10,014 --> 00:29:11,548 This was your idea? 449 00:29:13,084 --> 00:29:15,385 Oh, my god. You told him about me. 450 00:29:16,254 --> 00:29:19,990 Her name is ellen sanders. She's a world-class surgeon. 451 00:29:20,658 --> 00:29:23,560 Are you suggesting... Convince the president to use her. 452 00:29:25,296 --> 00:29:27,030 And how do you know she'll come through? 453 00:29:29,634 --> 00:29:33,604 You were the perfect choice. We needed a surgeon with mettle. 454 00:29:33,606 --> 00:29:36,306 Someone tough enough to actually kill the president. 455 00:29:44,649 --> 00:29:47,151 I want to make sure you understand my position. 456 00:29:49,821 --> 00:29:52,389 I think I do. Tell me if I'm close. 457 00:29:52,391 --> 00:29:55,692 You're a political whore devoid of any true emotions. 458 00:29:58,363 --> 00:30:02,366 I loved your brother very much. He was a great man. 459 00:30:02,368 --> 00:30:06,370 He was my friend. He had a very promising career ahead of him. 460 00:30:06,372 --> 00:30:08,572 Youngest senator in the history of virginia... 461 00:30:08,840 --> 00:30:10,741 He would have been president someday. 462 00:30:10,909 --> 00:30:12,876 He would have been president now. 463 00:30:18,850 --> 00:30:20,751 You are a beautiful woman. 464 00:30:21,753 --> 00:30:22,953 Paul, no. 465 00:30:23,555 --> 00:30:25,956 I was just expressing an opinion. 466 00:30:27,759 --> 00:30:29,893 What happened, it was a mistake. 467 00:30:30,128 --> 00:30:31,328 Understand? 468 00:30:32,864 --> 00:30:35,666 Not a day goes by that I don't hate myself for it. 469 00:30:35,867 --> 00:30:39,303 Hate is such a strong word. 470 00:30:57,789 --> 00:31:00,490 Where are you going? I'm late for a meeting. Talk soon? 471 00:31:05,496 --> 00:31:08,532 I do hope your sister understands the president's dilemma. 472 00:31:08,666 --> 00:31:09,867 She'll be fine. 473 00:31:09,869 --> 00:31:13,637 Well, if there's anything I can do to help, don't be afraid to ask. 474 00:31:13,639 --> 00:31:15,472 Why would I be afraid to ask, quentin? 475 00:31:16,741 --> 00:31:18,208 You work for me. 476 00:31:25,383 --> 00:31:28,785 Let me guess. You just ran into your sister. She's livid. 477 00:31:29,287 --> 00:31:32,623 She'll get over it. Some day. Hmm. 478 00:31:32,857 --> 00:31:36,260 It's shocking how naive she is, considering the family she grew up in. 479 00:31:36,262 --> 00:31:38,228 She and peter were very close. 480 00:31:38,663 --> 00:31:41,665 About the same age, they spent a lot of time together. 481 00:31:41,667 --> 00:31:44,668 I know. But that's irrelevant. I understand. 482 00:31:45,003 --> 00:31:48,939 That's why I married you, sweetheart. You see the big picture. 483 00:31:48,941 --> 00:31:50,374 The truth behind the lie. 484 00:31:50,541 --> 00:31:55,245 I do. But that's not the reason you married me. 485 00:31:56,381 --> 00:31:57,681 Is that right? 486 00:31:57,683 --> 00:32:01,151 You needed money. Connections. 487 00:32:01,953 --> 00:32:05,522 And someone to save your failing political career. 488 00:32:06,858 --> 00:32:09,393 Now that is the truth behind the lie. 489 00:32:22,573 --> 00:32:24,574 Can you check to see if my lawyer's here yet? 490 00:32:26,044 --> 00:32:27,945 I need a status on a visitor. 491 00:32:37,555 --> 00:32:39,356 Help you? I'm here to see malik wallace. 492 00:32:39,490 --> 00:32:41,725 You are? Randall brown. His lawyer. 493 00:32:41,727 --> 00:32:44,227 We're supposed to meet ada daniel conley at 5:00. 494 00:32:44,229 --> 00:32:48,398 Just got a call about you. Sign in over there, leave any metal objects in the basket. 495 00:32:57,342 --> 00:33:00,143 Your lawyer just got here. Cool. 496 00:33:00,378 --> 00:33:03,080 They're sending an officer down now to bring you on through. 497 00:33:03,881 --> 00:33:06,616 Home free, brother. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. 498 00:33:38,082 --> 00:33:39,149 Hey, ray? 499 00:33:40,451 --> 00:33:41,518 What's up? 500 00:33:41,652 --> 00:33:43,453 I got something for you. What? 501 00:33:54,532 --> 00:33:56,967 Command, we got a problem in the yard, we need backup. 502 00:34:01,739 --> 00:34:03,940 Riot guard: Move! Move! Go! Go! 503 00:34:24,829 --> 00:34:28,165 This operation is much bigger than you think. 504 00:34:28,366 --> 00:34:30,367 Duncan isn't the boss. Neither am I. 505 00:34:30,369 --> 00:34:33,370 We're both just cogs in a larger, more powerful machine. 506 00:34:33,504 --> 00:34:35,639 What are you saying? There's no way out. 507 00:34:36,607 --> 00:34:39,309 If the president doesn't die, we do. 508 00:34:39,311 --> 00:34:43,113 You, me, duncan, your family. 509 00:34:44,015 --> 00:34:46,216 Killing duncan is a terrible mistake. 510 00:34:46,218 --> 00:34:49,219 The second he's dead, my partners will cut their losses 511 00:34:49,221 --> 00:34:51,621 And slaughter each and every one of us. 512 00:35:07,171 --> 00:35:08,572 What are you doing here? 513 00:35:08,574 --> 00:35:11,842 I just got a phone call from a lady at the department of social services, okay? 514 00:35:11,844 --> 00:35:13,710 She wants to talk to me. About us. 515 00:35:16,514 --> 00:35:19,082 What the hell's going on, morgan? I have no idea. 516 00:35:19,084 --> 00:35:20,083 Listen. 517 00:35:21,152 --> 00:35:25,288 Okay, what happened? Is someone abusing you? 518 00:35:26,357 --> 00:35:29,459 That's what this is about? Who did this to you, morgan? 519 00:35:29,461 --> 00:35:31,161 Come on, morgan. We need to go. 520 00:35:59,690 --> 00:36:01,091 Pick up. Pick up. 521 00:36:04,228 --> 00:36:06,329 This is brian. Please leave a message. 522 00:36:06,331 --> 00:36:09,633 Brian, it's me. I just met with the guy we were talking about this morning, my lawyer. 523 00:36:12,303 --> 00:36:13,670 Just... I'll explain everything later, 524 00:36:13,672 --> 00:36:16,239 But call me back, as soon as you can, okay? Bye. 525 00:36:25,416 --> 00:36:26,917 When did she leave? 526 00:36:27,985 --> 00:36:30,086 You're sure she understands the situation? 527 00:36:33,858 --> 00:36:36,526 Okay. Thanks for the update. 528 00:36:41,966 --> 00:36:44,034 Do you know where your wife was today? 529 00:36:44,435 --> 00:36:47,037 She was with the president. That's all I know. That's all you know? 530 00:36:48,206 --> 00:36:50,707 I told you, we don't talk very much. 531 00:36:52,076 --> 00:36:54,611 She's still very upset about samantha. 532 00:36:54,613 --> 00:36:57,480 I thought we were on the same page, brian. We are, I swear. 533 00:36:58,516 --> 00:37:01,518 I'll just finish this up. A fresh coat of paint. 534 00:37:02,320 --> 00:37:04,221 It'll be like nothing ever happened. 535 00:37:04,388 --> 00:37:08,158 I'm trying to help you. You understand that? 536 00:37:08,626 --> 00:37:12,963 I do. I swear to god. I'm with you on this. I want to move on. 537 00:37:13,130 --> 00:37:14,397 Work with you. 538 00:37:15,166 --> 00:37:17,701 Just gotta get ellen to understand that it's okay. 539 00:37:18,469 --> 00:37:21,004 To do something horrible to save our family. 540 00:37:23,908 --> 00:37:26,042 I don't know how longer I can do this. 541 00:37:27,878 --> 00:37:30,413 Are you... Sober as a judge, dad. 542 00:37:31,549 --> 00:37:34,084 Have been for two years, in case you're interested. 543 00:37:35,519 --> 00:37:37,087 Then what is it? 544 00:37:40,725 --> 00:37:42,492 I just found out, uh... 545 00:37:42,893 --> 00:37:45,762 That this guy died. I saw it on the news. 546 00:37:46,230 --> 00:37:47,797 What the hell are you talking about? 547 00:37:49,066 --> 00:37:52,102 I killed him. 548 00:37:52,104 --> 00:37:55,739 Tell me what happened. I need to know the facts. 549 00:37:56,607 --> 00:37:59,376 I had to get sandrine cash. 550 00:38:00,778 --> 00:38:02,479 Otherwise, she was gonna leave. 551 00:38:03,314 --> 00:38:05,015 I was trying to help duncan. 552 00:38:06,017 --> 00:38:07,550 So we robbed a poker game. 553 00:38:09,353 --> 00:38:13,523 That's where the incident occurred? No. On the street. Outside. 554 00:38:14,325 --> 00:38:16,326 When we were trying to get away. 555 00:38:16,328 --> 00:38:18,762 This guy came at us. He pulled a gun. 556 00:38:19,864 --> 00:38:21,031 And I hit him. 557 00:38:21,033 --> 00:38:24,934 Was it a residential area? Commercial? Did you see any video cameras? 558 00:38:25,169 --> 00:38:27,037 It was, uh, residential. 559 00:38:27,805 --> 00:38:30,874 I don't... I didn't see any cameras. I'm not sure. 560 00:38:32,743 --> 00:38:37,747 You're gonna be fine. Just keep your mouth shut. No matter what. 561 00:38:37,749 --> 00:38:39,416 Don't say a word to anyone. 562 00:38:41,085 --> 00:38:42,552 Look, son. 563 00:38:43,087 --> 00:38:44,688 You gotta move on. 564 00:38:44,690 --> 00:38:47,223 It was self-defense. You did the right thing. 565 00:38:47,425 --> 00:38:49,192 Did the right thing? Really? 566 00:38:49,194 --> 00:38:52,462 We're holding a family hostage, we killed an innocent nurse because she... 567 00:38:52,596 --> 00:38:54,030 Pull yourself together! 568 00:38:54,732 --> 00:38:56,700 There's no time for all this. 569 00:38:58,235 --> 00:39:02,706 What happened the other night with that man, it's over. Done. Put it behind you. 570 00:39:03,908 --> 00:39:05,842 You need to stay strong. 571 00:39:06,510 --> 00:39:07,677 For nina. 572 00:39:07,945 --> 00:39:10,113 Hey. Archer: Everything worked out. 573 00:39:10,115 --> 00:39:14,784 That, uh, problem we had... It went away. Meeting's been canceled. 574 00:39:16,854 --> 00:39:19,122 Good to hear. So I'm ready to come home. 575 00:39:19,757 --> 00:39:22,459 The sooner the better. I'll make the call. 576 00:39:33,437 --> 00:39:35,505 Give me a bourbon, please. Neat. 577 00:40:00,498 --> 00:40:02,198 I thought you don't drink. 578 00:40:04,735 --> 00:40:05,935 I don't. 579 00:40:06,137 --> 00:40:07,404 Then why start? 580 00:40:10,508 --> 00:40:12,208 You're gonna be okay. 581 00:40:13,177 --> 00:40:14,978 We're gonna be okay. 582 00:40:16,580 --> 00:40:19,048 You don't really believe that, do you? 583 00:40:57,354 --> 00:40:59,088 Let's get out of here. 584 00:41:02,259 --> 00:41:03,693 Kramer delaney? 585 00:41:03,695 --> 00:41:08,698 Detective fritz, dc homicide. I'd like to discuss the death of tim grace. 586 00:41:09,099 --> 00:41:12,235 Who? He's a limo driver. He was killed Saturday night. 587 00:41:12,403 --> 00:41:15,972 Never heard of him. Why do you wanna talk to me? I can explain downtown. 588 00:41:29,587 --> 00:41:33,156 All right, we're done. Do you want me to put all this away? Or... 589 00:41:38,362 --> 00:41:39,596 No, I'll take care of it. 590 00:41:52,376 --> 00:41:53,543 Nice job. 591 00:42:08,792 --> 00:42:09,859 Brian? 592 00:42:13,063 --> 00:42:14,297 No, no, no, no, no! 593 00:42:19,703 --> 00:42:21,471 No, no! 594 00:42:22,573 --> 00:42:23,706 Ellen: Stop!