2 00:00:02,461 --> 00:00:04,555 If this prophecy is fulfilled, 3 00:00:04,755 --> 00:00:05,847 you will all fall. 4 00:00:06,048 --> 00:00:07,015 One by friend, 5 00:00:07,216 --> 00:00:08,843 one by foe, 6 00:00:09,051 --> 00:00:10,052 and one by family. 7 00:00:10,260 --> 00:00:11,728 This transformed me 8 00:00:11,929 --> 00:00:13,306 into something new. 9 00:00:13,514 --> 00:00:14,481 My bite is lethal. 11 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:17,066 Why are you doing this? 12 00:00:17,267 --> 00:00:19,144 Nik stole the love of my life! 13 00:00:19,353 --> 00:00:22,357 I do love you, you know. 14 00:00:22,564 --> 00:00:24,487 I will carry you with me. 15 00:00:24,691 --> 00:00:26,910 I guess that makes me immortal. 16 00:00:28,445 --> 00:00:29,537 When Cami dies, 17 00:00:29,738 --> 00:00:30,739 he will lash out at me. 18 00:00:30,948 --> 00:00:32,621 But I will end him. 20 00:00:34,159 --> 00:00:35,661 The ancestors are doing this to you. 22 00:00:37,746 --> 00:00:38,963 Kol? 26 00:01:12,489 --> 00:01:13,957 What are you doing here? 31 00:01:35,596 --> 00:01:37,519 The ancestors had a hold of me. 32 00:01:37,723 --> 00:01:40,772 I was out of my head. 33 00:01:40,976 --> 00:01:42,944 I never would've hurt her. 34 00:01:43,145 --> 00:01:44,943 I tried to make it stop. 35 00:01:45,105 --> 00:01:46,948 I made her dagger me. 36 00:01:47,149 --> 00:01:48,366 Nothing worked! 37 00:02:09,921 --> 00:02:12,549 I loved her. 38 00:02:12,758 --> 00:02:13,725 I swear I did. 39 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:28,524 Get up. 40 00:02:30,484 --> 00:02:31,986 Get up. 41 00:02:34,112 --> 00:02:35,785 This is New Orleans. 42 00:02:35,989 --> 00:02:37,832 Witch spirits can be brought back from the dead, 43 00:02:38,033 --> 00:02:40,627 so that is exactly what we are going to do. 44 00:02:42,245 --> 00:02:45,215 We are going to bring her back! 48 00:02:58,845 --> 00:03:01,598 Did you bring it? 49 00:03:01,807 --> 00:03:03,684 Jack wrote down everything your father told him 50 00:03:03,892 --> 00:03:05,360 about the ancient werewolves. 51 00:03:05,560 --> 00:03:07,107 I've read it. 52 00:03:07,312 --> 00:03:08,939 I don't think there's anything in there that's 53 00:03:09,147 --> 00:03:09,989 gonna help us kill Lucien, though. 54 00:03:10,190 --> 00:03:12,284 I'll see for myself. 55 00:03:12,484 --> 00:03:13,861 You can go. 56 00:03:14,069 --> 00:03:16,948 Klaus, I think that 57 00:03:17,155 --> 00:03:19,203 we should do something about the body, 58 00:03:19,408 --> 00:03:21,035 about Cami. 59 00:03:21,243 --> 00:03:23,666 I know that she wanted an irish wake. 60 00:03:23,870 --> 00:03:25,668 I can... I can make the arrangements. 61 00:03:25,872 --> 00:03:28,216 It doesn't matter what she wanted! 62 00:03:28,417 --> 00:03:29,839 She's gone. 63 00:03:30,043 --> 00:03:32,091 There's no time to sing dirges. 64 00:03:32,295 --> 00:03:33,797 We're at war. 65 00:03:34,005 --> 00:03:36,349 Yeah. 66 00:03:36,550 --> 00:03:37,767 Okay. 67 00:03:48,520 --> 00:03:50,773 Good news, Freya, I think I found a spell that'll 68 00:03:50,981 --> 00:03:53,075 draw together all the serum that Aurora took. 69 00:03:53,275 --> 00:03:54,868 Now, it's gonna take a little while, 70 00:03:55,068 --> 00:03:56,490 but if I can concentrate it in her heart, 71 00:03:56,695 --> 00:03:58,322 we can extract it with this... 72 00:03:58,530 --> 00:04:00,532 Destroy it, and make sure we ain't got no more of these 73 00:04:00,741 --> 00:04:02,493 - unkillable monsters on our hands. - Good. 74 00:04:02,701 --> 00:04:04,169 In the meantime, 75 00:04:04,369 --> 00:04:05,245 I think I may have finally 76 00:04:05,454 --> 00:04:06,376 found a way to kill Lucien. 77 00:04:06,580 --> 00:04:08,503 Now, my mother once tried 78 00:04:08,707 --> 00:04:10,004 to end my siblings by 79 00:04:10,208 --> 00:04:11,801 reversing the original vampire spell, 80 00:04:12,002 --> 00:04:13,254 and according to her grimoire, 81 00:04:13,462 --> 00:04:14,884 only the witch who cast the spell could undo it. 82 00:04:15,088 --> 00:04:17,090 You created that serum; therefore, according 83 00:04:17,299 --> 00:04:19,427 to my mother, you can turn Lucien back 84 00:04:19,634 --> 00:04:21,102 and then Klaus can rip his head off. 85 00:04:21,303 --> 00:04:22,771 Freya, it wasn't my power that cast that spell. 86 00:04:22,971 --> 00:04:26,646 The ancestors used me as a conduit for some ugly magic 87 00:04:26,850 --> 00:04:29,069 that only the spirits have access to. 88 00:04:30,395 --> 00:04:31,442 I'm sorry, 89 00:04:31,646 --> 00:04:33,648 but nobody alive can tap into that. 91 00:04:37,903 --> 00:04:39,746 Marcel has been blowing up my phone. 92 00:04:39,946 --> 00:04:41,323 All right, I'll be back. 94 00:04:47,245 --> 00:04:48,121 Something the matter? 95 00:04:48,330 --> 00:04:49,627 I need a strand of your hair. 96 00:04:49,831 --> 00:04:51,629 I'm working on an early warning system. 97 00:04:51,833 --> 00:04:53,835 Lucien has all the witch ancestors in New Orleans 98 00:04:54,044 --> 00:04:55,136 on his side. 99 00:04:55,295 --> 00:04:56,296 I need to know if they 100 00:04:56,505 --> 00:04:57,301 tried to magically interfere 101 00:04:57,506 --> 00:04:58,803 with any one of you. 102 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:01,101 Freya, when we said no rest for the wicked, 103 00:05:01,301 --> 00:05:02,348 I certainly didn't expect you to... 104 00:05:02,552 --> 00:05:03,929 I'm up against centuries 105 00:05:04,137 --> 00:05:05,514 of dead witches who are apparently now 106 00:05:05,722 --> 00:05:07,144 strong enough to reach beyond the grave and shake 107 00:05:07,349 --> 00:05:08,566 the entire city on its foundation. 108 00:05:08,767 --> 00:05:10,769 I'll rest once I've sent them all 109 00:05:10,977 --> 00:05:12,229 running back to hell. 110 00:05:15,649 --> 00:05:17,697 Okay, we got to get her consecrated right now. 111 00:05:17,901 --> 00:05:19,369 If we don't we can't even attempt to get her back. 112 00:05:19,569 --> 00:05:20,821 We can't consecrate her! 113 00:05:21,029 --> 00:05:22,155 What the hell are you talking about? 114 00:05:22,364 --> 00:05:24,241 The ancestors despise Davina. 115 00:05:24,449 --> 00:05:25,917 If we consecrate her, she'll wake up 116 00:05:26,117 --> 00:05:27,915 in their domain, and they will destroy her. 117 00:05:28,119 --> 00:05:29,120 If we don't, 118 00:05:29,329 --> 00:05:30,125 we never see her again. 119 00:05:30,330 --> 00:05:31,297 Okay, that's enough. 120 00:05:31,498 --> 00:05:32,294 All right? 121 00:05:32,499 --> 00:05:33,796 We all want to help her, 122 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:35,092 so we need to make sure that she's consecrated, 123 00:05:35,293 --> 00:05:36,419 but she's got to be safe 124 00:05:36,628 --> 00:05:37,675 so we're gonna pull her into a place 125 00:05:37,879 --> 00:05:38,675 where she's protected, 126 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:39,802 then we can resurrect her. 128 00:05:41,716 --> 00:05:43,764 And that's gonna require a lot of energy, 129 00:05:43,969 --> 00:05:46,313 and my power's not what it used to be before I got shunned. 130 00:05:48,348 --> 00:05:49,600 All right, we need Freya. 131 00:05:49,808 --> 00:05:51,185 You think my family's going to help? 132 00:05:51,393 --> 00:05:52,736 Nik hates Davina. 133 00:05:52,936 --> 00:05:54,358 Freya will not defy him. 134 00:05:54,563 --> 00:05:55,530 This wouldn't be happening 135 00:05:55,730 --> 00:05:57,107 if it wasn't for your family. 136 00:05:57,315 --> 00:05:59,738 Prepare her body. 137 00:05:59,943 --> 00:06:01,570 Come with me. 138 00:06:02,737 --> 00:06:04,364 What do you think, van? 139 00:06:04,573 --> 00:06:07,042 Surely, you can see that vampirism has its perks. 140 00:06:07,242 --> 00:06:08,744 No lines at the dmv, 141 00:06:08,952 --> 00:06:11,421 no hangovers, got the abs of the laborer I once was, 142 00:06:11,621 --> 00:06:13,248 and the cuticles of a real housewife, 143 00:06:13,456 --> 00:06:15,379 and I can quite literally 144 00:06:15,584 --> 00:06:17,882 hear your eyes roll from across the room. 145 00:06:18,086 --> 00:06:20,305 Am I boring you? No... 146 00:06:20,505 --> 00:06:22,223 Just wondering why you had your friends bring me here 147 00:06:22,424 --> 00:06:23,971 if you were just gonna pick out man jewelry. 148 00:06:24,175 --> 00:06:26,769 I requested your company for a progress update, 149 00:06:26,970 --> 00:06:28,768 'cause I am still waiting 150 00:06:28,972 --> 00:06:31,395 for you to get me access to the Mikaelson home. 151 00:06:31,600 --> 00:06:33,273 It's not magic keeping you out. 152 00:06:33,476 --> 00:06:34,648 They signed over the deed to the place; 153 00:06:34,853 --> 00:06:35,979 they put it in the sister's name. 154 00:06:36,187 --> 00:06:37,655 You can't get in unless she invites you. 155 00:06:40,859 --> 00:06:43,487 Hmm, perhaps I'll lure him out another way. 156 00:06:43,695 --> 00:06:44,867 If killing his girlfriend 157 00:06:45,071 --> 00:06:46,448 didn't get him out of the house, 158 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:47,623 I don't know what will. 159 00:06:47,824 --> 00:06:49,576 I do. 160 00:06:49,784 --> 00:06:52,879 I'm going to kill his other sister. 161 00:06:57,208 --> 00:06:58,585 This is a war. 162 00:06:58,752 --> 00:07:01,301 Please, understand, I despise the situation. 163 00:07:01,504 --> 00:07:02,676 No, that's the wrong answer! No, no, no, 164 00:07:02,881 --> 00:07:05,054 no, no, I know this is awar 165 00:07:05,258 --> 00:07:06,805 but I've lost a lot of friends, too. 166 00:07:07,010 --> 00:07:08,683 Today... 167 00:07:08,887 --> 00:07:10,480 I need your help. 168 00:07:12,265 --> 00:07:13,482 Then you shall have it. 169 00:07:16,436 --> 00:07:18,939 Come on, Kol. 170 00:07:19,147 --> 00:07:20,865 Let's get you cleaned up. 171 00:07:28,156 --> 00:07:29,373 Thank you. 172 00:07:32,202 --> 00:07:35,752 My daddy used to tell us that the ancestors 173 00:07:35,956 --> 00:07:37,424 linger on to give us a safe place 174 00:07:37,624 --> 00:07:41,254 to land after a hard life comes to an end... 175 00:07:41,461 --> 00:07:45,637 But if they're responsible for taking you... 176 00:07:45,840 --> 00:07:47,683 And Cami... 178 00:07:50,178 --> 00:07:51,350 I don't know. 179 00:07:53,723 --> 00:07:55,976 Maybe death does something to us. 180 00:07:57,811 --> 00:08:00,439 Twists us all up into something ugly. 181 00:08:11,700 --> 00:08:13,794 That ain't gonna happen to you. 182 00:08:16,371 --> 00:08:19,250 We're bringing you home. 183 00:08:19,457 --> 00:08:22,552 I'll draw Davina's spirit to a circle. 184 00:08:22,752 --> 00:08:24,095 As long as she's there, 185 00:08:24,295 --> 00:08:25,342 the ancestors won't be able to torment her. 186 00:08:25,505 --> 00:08:26,552 With luck that will buy you 187 00:08:26,756 --> 00:08:27,552 some time to find a way to 188 00:08:27,757 --> 00:08:29,600 resurrect her, but... 189 00:08:29,801 --> 00:08:31,098 I'll need to channel an original 190 00:08:31,302 --> 00:08:32,599 if I'm going to sustain the spell. 191 00:08:32,804 --> 00:08:34,021 Well, take me. Put me down for all I care, 192 00:08:34,222 --> 00:08:34,814 if it keeps her safe. 193 00:08:35,015 --> 00:08:35,641 No, you've... 194 00:08:35,849 --> 00:08:37,817 Been marred by the ancestors' magic, so, 195 00:08:38,018 --> 00:08:40,817 Klaus, Elijah, rock, paper, scissors. 196 00:08:45,108 --> 00:08:47,327 That can't be good. 197 00:08:49,529 --> 00:08:51,907 My early warning system. 198 00:08:52,115 --> 00:08:53,162 I think a New Orleans witch 199 00:08:53,366 --> 00:08:54,538 is trying to meddle with one of you. 200 00:08:54,743 --> 00:08:55,710 Lucien has the new regent 201 00:08:55,910 --> 00:08:56,877 at his beck and call. 202 00:08:57,078 --> 00:08:58,830 It's me he's coming after. 203 00:09:04,252 --> 00:09:05,674 No. 204 00:09:07,213 --> 00:09:10,137 He's going after Rebekah. 205 00:09:21,269 --> 00:09:23,112 Lucien thought 206 00:09:23,313 --> 00:09:24,485 that killing Cami would have me charging 207 00:09:24,689 --> 00:09:26,032 into his lair on a suicide mission. 208 00:09:26,232 --> 00:09:27,905 When it didn't, he set his sights on Rebekah. 209 00:09:28,109 --> 00:09:29,326 He's kicking hornets' nests, 210 00:09:29,527 --> 00:09:31,529 until we have no choice but to confront him. 211 00:09:31,738 --> 00:09:32,739 Presumably, he still believes 212 00:09:32,947 --> 00:09:34,244 she's at the bottom of the ocean. 213 00:09:34,449 --> 00:09:35,666 I cloaked all of you, but with the ancestors 214 00:09:35,867 --> 00:09:37,335 working for Lucien, it may take awhile, 215 00:09:37,535 --> 00:09:39,162 but if he wants to find Rebekah, he will. 216 00:09:39,370 --> 00:09:40,121 I'll go get her. 217 00:09:40,330 --> 00:09:41,001 It's not safe out there. 218 00:09:41,206 --> 00:09:42,253 What then?! 219 00:09:42,457 --> 00:09:43,754 Are we to sit here and play cards 220 00:09:43,917 --> 00:09:45,885 until Lucien slides Rebekah's bitten corpse 221 00:09:46,086 --> 00:09:46,928 down the hall? 222 00:09:47,128 --> 00:09:48,004 Let me go. 223 00:09:48,213 --> 00:09:49,135 I moved her. 224 00:09:50,632 --> 00:09:51,884 What, don't look so surprised. 225 00:09:52,092 --> 00:09:52,888 I never did like you two sharing secrets. 226 00:09:53,093 --> 00:09:54,094 Tell me where she is, 227 00:09:54,302 --> 00:09:55,645 unless you expect me to stay here 228 00:09:55,845 --> 00:09:57,267 and leave our sister entirely defenseless. 229 00:09:57,472 --> 00:09:59,099 I expect you to prevent Kol 230 00:09:59,307 --> 00:10:01,105 from suffering the same loss that I did. 231 00:10:04,145 --> 00:10:06,568 Lucien deserves our collective ire. 232 00:10:06,773 --> 00:10:08,616 Today, your grievances are tabled. 234 00:10:20,954 --> 00:10:22,922 Seriously? 235 00:10:23,123 --> 00:10:24,500 Look, Klaus, we both know how this is going to go down. 236 00:10:24,707 --> 00:10:26,380 You're going to tell me that I can't come, 237 00:10:26,584 --> 00:10:28,177 and then I'm going to tell you that I love Rebekah, too. 238 00:10:28,378 --> 00:10:29,846 Then you're going to say, I'm going to slow you down, 239 00:10:30,046 --> 00:10:31,514 and I'm going to remind you that you're the one 240 00:10:31,714 --> 00:10:33,182 who cursed me to be a werewolf for six months, 241 00:10:33,383 --> 00:10:35,306 and therefore, I know every inch of the bayou. 242 00:10:35,510 --> 00:10:37,387 Now, unless you want to be delayed 243 00:10:37,595 --> 00:10:40,144 by an angry werewolf grandma with a shotgun, 244 00:10:40,348 --> 00:10:42,225 you should just admit that you need me. 245 00:10:45,019 --> 00:10:46,020 I'll drive. 246 00:10:55,530 --> 00:10:56,782 Freya. 247 00:10:58,408 --> 00:10:59,751 I need this to work. 248 00:10:59,951 --> 00:11:01,328 Don't worry, brother. 249 00:11:01,536 --> 00:11:03,755 11th hour spells happen to be my specialty. 250 00:11:05,790 --> 00:11:07,713 Tell Vincent to begin the consecration. 252 00:11:28,646 --> 00:11:30,148 Okay, kid. 253 00:11:30,356 --> 00:11:31,858 See you soon. 254 00:11:49,626 --> 00:11:51,720 No. Kol. 255 00:12:08,311 --> 00:12:10,655 We've been waiting for you, Davina. 260 00:12:25,912 --> 00:12:28,836 We have such... 261 00:12:29,040 --> 00:12:30,883 Plans for you. 264 00:12:42,762 --> 00:12:43,263 There will be 265 00:12:43,471 --> 00:12:44,347 nothing 266 00:12:44,555 --> 00:12:45,852 left of you. 275 00:13:11,249 --> 00:13:13,377 Whatever it is you did, thank you. 276 00:13:38,818 --> 00:13:40,695 Klaus, I know that you're angry. 277 00:13:40,903 --> 00:13:42,246 I don't need advice on healthy mourning 278 00:13:42,447 --> 00:13:44,370 from the girl who kept her husband's rotting heart 279 00:13:44,574 --> 00:13:45,575 in a box, thank you. 280 00:13:45,783 --> 00:13:47,205 Look, I get it. 281 00:13:47,410 --> 00:13:48,787 You think that if you revert to being the cruel bastard 282 00:13:48,995 --> 00:13:50,042 that you were before you met Cami, 283 00:13:50,246 --> 00:13:51,293 you can pretend like she was never there. 284 00:13:51,497 --> 00:13:52,544 Like she never changed you. 285 00:13:52,749 --> 00:13:54,126 You want to commiserate with me, Hayley, 286 00:13:54,334 --> 00:13:55,586 but our experiences of grief are not the same. 287 00:13:55,793 --> 00:13:56,965 Your husband is dead. 288 00:13:57,170 --> 00:13:59,138 It hurts, but we both know the person you share 289 00:13:59,339 --> 00:14:01,341 a true connection with is still breathing. 290 00:14:01,549 --> 00:14:03,802 So you and I are not the same. 291 00:14:05,970 --> 00:14:07,017 What happened? 292 00:14:07,221 --> 00:14:08,347 What did you see? 293 00:14:08,556 --> 00:14:10,934 Van's mother. Kara Nguyen. 294 00:14:11,142 --> 00:14:12,064 The witch I had assassinated. 295 00:14:12,268 --> 00:14:13,269 She was there. 296 00:14:13,478 --> 00:14:15,446 She tried to magically mark me. 297 00:14:15,646 --> 00:14:17,364 As she did it, I felt 298 00:14:17,523 --> 00:14:19,742 freezing cold 299 00:14:19,942 --> 00:14:21,535 and then this impossible sadness. 300 00:14:23,154 --> 00:14:25,202 Did she have a dark green stone? 301 00:14:26,949 --> 00:14:29,043 La gemme vital. 302 00:14:29,202 --> 00:14:31,045 The lifeblood stone. 303 00:14:31,245 --> 00:14:32,292 They tried to use it on me, 304 00:14:32,497 --> 00:14:33,669 but my vampire soul was too stained 305 00:14:33,873 --> 00:14:35,090 for their magic to work. 306 00:14:35,291 --> 00:14:37,794 Davina, if she had succeeded at marking you, 307 00:14:38,002 --> 00:14:39,879 your very soul would have shredded into pieces. 308 00:14:40,088 --> 00:14:41,715 A fate worse than death. 309 00:14:41,923 --> 00:14:43,266 There'd be no rescuing you. 310 00:14:43,466 --> 00:14:44,888 All right, that stone 311 00:14:45,093 --> 00:14:47,471 is your ancestors' greatest punishment. 312 00:14:49,764 --> 00:14:51,812 Well, it's a good thing she didn't then. 313 00:14:52,016 --> 00:14:53,108 I'm right here, 314 00:14:53,309 --> 00:14:54,686 and you're going to bring me back. 315 00:14:54,894 --> 00:14:57,488 Today... Right? 316 00:14:58,898 --> 00:15:00,571 I swear it. 318 00:15:09,117 --> 00:15:10,869 It's Vincent. 319 00:15:11,077 --> 00:15:12,374 He's ready. 320 00:15:12,578 --> 00:15:15,548 We'll have the magic to resurrect you soon. 321 00:15:24,549 --> 00:15:27,348 I think there's a way to kill Lucien. 322 00:15:27,552 --> 00:15:29,395 What is it? 323 00:15:29,595 --> 00:15:31,393 As long as Davina's caught between our worlds, 324 00:15:31,597 --> 00:15:33,770 I can use her as a conduit to channel power 325 00:15:33,975 --> 00:15:35,522 from the ancestors. 326 00:15:35,726 --> 00:15:37,603 The same power that was used to create Lucien. 327 00:15:37,812 --> 00:15:38,859 Once I have it, 328 00:15:39,063 --> 00:15:41,111 I can make Lucien killable again. 329 00:15:42,567 --> 00:15:44,160 So what's the problem? 330 00:15:45,945 --> 00:15:47,538 Everything comes with a price. 331 00:15:49,365 --> 00:15:52,084 In order to take power from the ancestors, 332 00:15:52,285 --> 00:15:53,832 you have to steal it. 333 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:56,334 Which means, to make Lucien killable, 334 00:15:56,539 --> 00:15:58,507 I'll have to draw through Davina, 335 00:15:58,708 --> 00:16:00,335 while she's in the ancestral well. 336 00:16:00,543 --> 00:16:01,590 And to do that, I will have to 337 00:16:01,794 --> 00:16:03,967 break the circle that protects her 338 00:16:05,298 --> 00:16:07,517 we can't do that. 339 00:16:07,717 --> 00:16:08,889 Freya, that will destroy her. I know 340 00:16:09,093 --> 00:16:11,346 what's at stake, Elijah. 341 00:16:11,554 --> 00:16:13,522 I know. 342 00:16:18,478 --> 00:16:19,775 What the hell do we do? 343 00:16:28,779 --> 00:16:30,326 And Freya is certain this power 344 00:16:30,531 --> 00:16:31,703 will be enough to kill Lucien? 345 00:16:31,908 --> 00:16:33,376 Yes. 346 00:16:33,576 --> 00:16:35,499 But we'd be placing Davina in terrible danger. 347 00:16:36,454 --> 00:16:38,297 The only thing protecting her from the ancestors 348 00:16:38,498 --> 00:16:39,624 is Freya's circle. 349 00:16:39,832 --> 00:16:40,799 Now if it is broken... 350 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:42,422 They'll rip her apart, Elijah. She's just a kid. 351 00:16:42,627 --> 00:16:43,844 What choice do we have? 352 00:16:44,045 --> 00:16:44,887 No. 353 00:16:45,087 --> 00:16:45,883 Find another way. 354 00:16:47,131 --> 00:16:48,383 If we destroy Davina, 355 00:16:48,591 --> 00:16:49,717 we lose both Kol and Marcel. 356 00:16:49,926 --> 00:16:51,724 I won't have us all turning on each other. 357 00:16:51,928 --> 00:16:53,020 Keep looking, brother. 359 00:17:04,565 --> 00:17:07,239 Have you found Rebekah's body yet? 360 00:17:07,443 --> 00:17:08,990 No. 361 00:17:09,195 --> 00:17:10,196 She's not buried in any ocean. 362 00:17:11,697 --> 00:17:14,667 My magic tells me she's close by. 363 00:17:17,411 --> 00:17:19,288 Buried somewhere in the bayou. 364 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:24,677 You did a nice thing today, Klaus, for Davina, 365 00:17:24,877 --> 00:17:26,129 who you hate. 366 00:17:26,337 --> 00:17:27,384 It was a purely strategic decision, 367 00:17:27,588 --> 00:17:28,714 - I assure you. - Maybe. 368 00:17:28,923 --> 00:17:30,550 Or maybe you knew that Cami cared about her, 369 00:17:30,758 --> 00:17:32,101 and would have wanted you to fight for her. 370 00:17:34,095 --> 00:17:36,018 You know, I thought I told Camille everything. 371 00:17:36,222 --> 00:17:38,350 Every moment that mattered from my past, 372 00:17:38,558 --> 00:17:40,276 and yet, in the mere hours since she died, 373 00:17:40,476 --> 00:17:42,444 I've thought of a thousand things I forgot to say. 374 00:17:42,645 --> 00:17:44,443 Yeah. I know the feeling. 375 00:17:44,647 --> 00:17:46,900 Do you? 376 00:17:47,108 --> 00:17:49,156 Because the prophecy is still upon us. 377 00:17:49,360 --> 00:17:52,705 And my brother's immortality suddenly seems quite fragile. 378 00:17:52,905 --> 00:17:54,077 Talk to him, 379 00:17:54,282 --> 00:17:55,625 Hayley. 380 00:17:55,825 --> 00:17:57,168 Stop wasting your time. 381 00:18:12,758 --> 00:18:14,760 It's a nice piece you got. 382 00:18:14,969 --> 00:18:16,767 What are you, a murderer for hire now? 383 00:18:16,971 --> 00:18:18,518 I know. 384 00:18:18,723 --> 00:18:19,815 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. 385 00:18:20,016 --> 00:18:22,064 I'm not supposed to be in the cemetery. 386 00:18:22,268 --> 00:18:23,315 It's hard for me to stay away 387 00:18:23,519 --> 00:18:25,146 after what the ancestors did to Davina. 388 00:18:27,607 --> 00:18:30,326 Why are they targeting her, Van? 389 00:18:30,526 --> 00:18:31,618 She betrayed our community. 390 00:18:31,819 --> 00:18:32,695 No. 391 00:18:32,903 --> 00:18:34,029 This community betrayed itself. 392 00:18:34,238 --> 00:18:36,457 I mean, look at you. 393 00:18:36,657 --> 00:18:38,034 You're a regent of New Orleans, 394 00:18:38,242 --> 00:18:40,210 and you're doing spells for Lucien Castle? 395 00:18:40,411 --> 00:18:42,038 A vampire who's 396 00:18:42,246 --> 00:18:43,873 dead set on destroying this city. 397 00:18:45,166 --> 00:18:46,759 I bet your mama's real proud. 398 00:18:49,128 --> 00:18:50,254 The ancestors have a vision 399 00:18:50,463 --> 00:18:52,010 for a Mikaelson-free New Orleans. 400 00:18:52,214 --> 00:18:53,636 Lucien is a means to their ends, 401 00:18:53,841 --> 00:18:55,639 and they won't let anyone stand in their way. 402 00:18:55,843 --> 00:18:56,844 They killed Davina 403 00:18:57,053 --> 00:18:58,805 for working with vampires. 404 00:18:59,013 --> 00:18:59,639 I bet you're next in line. 405 00:18:59,847 --> 00:19:00,518 Van, 406 00:19:00,723 --> 00:19:02,896 you have no clue what sort of trouble you're in, man. 407 00:19:03,100 --> 00:19:04,067 Tell me this: 408 00:19:04,268 --> 00:19:05,394 did the ancestors lay out 409 00:19:05,603 --> 00:19:06,695 their plan for you, or are you in the dark, 410 00:19:06,896 --> 00:19:07,897 like everybody else? 411 00:19:08,105 --> 00:19:09,072 What do you know? 412 00:19:09,273 --> 00:19:11,196 You've been shunned, Vincent. 413 00:19:11,400 --> 00:19:13,118 Your magic doesn't compare to mine anymore. 414 00:19:13,319 --> 00:19:14,741 Careful now, 415 00:19:14,945 --> 00:19:16,618 'cause my magic is still plenty strong. 416 00:19:20,618 --> 00:19:23,622 Especially when coupled with head trauma. 417 00:19:32,254 --> 00:19:35,007 I pushed him away for so long, Klaus, what if... 418 00:19:37,510 --> 00:19:38,807 What if he doesn't... 419 00:19:39,011 --> 00:19:40,684 He does. 421 00:19:48,145 --> 00:19:49,442 Ask him yourself. 422 00:20:01,534 --> 00:20:03,536 They're not answering. 423 00:20:03,744 --> 00:20:06,247 And the Strix tell me that Lucien is headed to the bayou. 425 00:20:09,500 --> 00:20:11,753 He knows where Rebekah is. 426 00:20:14,296 --> 00:20:16,469 We're out of time. 427 00:20:17,633 --> 00:20:19,476 We need to put an end to this. 428 00:20:19,677 --> 00:20:21,054 The only way to get the power I need 429 00:20:21,220 --> 00:20:24,474 to kill lucian, is to use Davina. 430 00:20:30,146 --> 00:20:33,025 This wasn't your fault, or Kol's. 431 00:20:33,232 --> 00:20:36,156 The ancestors hate me because of choices that I made. 432 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:37,907 I'm not a kid. 433 00:20:38,112 --> 00:20:40,206 I'm not your responsibility. 434 00:20:42,324 --> 00:20:45,498 Honey, you will always be my responsibility. 435 00:20:45,703 --> 00:20:48,673 What were you supposed to do? 436 00:20:48,873 --> 00:20:50,341 Lock me in an attic and keep the world 437 00:20:50,541 --> 00:20:54,262 at bay forever? 438 00:20:54,462 --> 00:20:57,887 You didn't let me down. 439 00:20:58,090 --> 00:20:59,307 I just grew up. 440 00:21:01,427 --> 00:21:04,897 Thank you for saving me that first time. 441 00:21:05,097 --> 00:21:07,395 And for everything else after. 442 00:21:10,352 --> 00:21:12,400 I love you, Marcel. 443 00:21:13,564 --> 00:21:14,941 I love... 444 00:21:16,233 --> 00:21:17,075 Forgive me, Marcel. 446 00:21:24,366 --> 00:21:25,618 No, please. You'll break the circle! 447 00:21:27,161 --> 00:21:28,162 No, please stop this! 448 00:21:28,370 --> 00:21:29,542 Don't do this to me! 449 00:21:29,747 --> 00:21:32,751 Don't make me go back, please! Marcel! 452 00:21:38,756 --> 00:21:40,599 No, please, don't let go! Marcel! 453 00:21:42,593 --> 00:21:45,062 No! Don't let go! 454 00:21:45,262 --> 00:21:49,062 Don't let go! 455 00:21:49,266 --> 00:21:51,394 Please don't let go! 460 00:22:14,124 --> 00:22:15,751 It had to be done. 462 00:22:39,984 --> 00:22:40,906 Who broke the circle? 463 00:22:41,110 --> 00:22:42,407 Elijah jumped me. 464 00:22:42,611 --> 00:22:44,284 - Freya took Davina down somehow. - My brother? 465 00:22:44,488 --> 00:22:45,080 Why would he do that? 466 00:22:45,281 --> 00:22:45,873 Forget about that. 467 00:22:46,073 --> 00:22:47,871 We need to resurrect Davina now. 468 00:22:48,033 --> 00:22:49,125 Van's going to use every bit of his regency power 469 00:22:49,326 --> 00:22:50,373 to bring her back. 470 00:22:50,578 --> 00:22:51,500 Good. 471 00:22:51,704 --> 00:22:52,626 I'll get Davina's body. 473 00:23:21,191 --> 00:23:23,410 Hey. I was hoping to run into you. 474 00:23:25,237 --> 00:23:27,080 Oh, come now, it's no fun if it's easy. 475 00:23:27,281 --> 00:23:28,874 At least Cami went down swinging. 479 00:23:51,722 --> 00:23:53,565 Haven't you learned yet, Nik? 480 00:23:53,766 --> 00:23:54,733 I am finally 481 00:23:54,934 --> 00:23:56,686 your superior in every way. 485 00:24:19,750 --> 00:24:21,297 I can smell it. 486 00:24:21,460 --> 00:24:22,803 The stench of fear. 487 00:24:23,003 --> 00:24:24,801 Uncomfortable, isn't it? 488 00:24:25,005 --> 00:24:28,350 Knowing your life could be snuffed out any second. 490 00:24:31,220 --> 00:24:33,473 No, please, no please, no. 492 00:24:36,141 --> 00:24:37,233 Please! 493 00:24:40,729 --> 00:24:42,151 Count your heart beats, Klaus. 496 00:24:50,114 --> 00:24:53,618 Please! Please! No! Please. 498 00:25:08,882 --> 00:25:10,725 Okay, it's time to begin. 500 00:25:29,653 --> 00:25:30,905 Wake u p, Davina. 502 00:25:33,282 --> 00:25:34,499 Come on. 503 00:25:37,661 --> 00:25:39,083 Wake up, come on. Wake up! 506 00:25:56,388 --> 00:25:57,514 What happened? 507 00:25:59,725 --> 00:26:01,568 Nothing. 508 00:26:04,063 --> 00:26:05,280 It's like she wasn't there at all. 509 00:26:06,982 --> 00:26:08,575 The ancestors got to her first. 510 00:26:08,776 --> 00:26:09,823 Where the bloody hell is she?! 511 00:26:14,323 --> 00:26:15,495 That's it, man. 512 00:26:17,826 --> 00:26:19,703 She's gone. 513 00:26:22,915 --> 00:26:25,668 No, no, no, no. 518 00:27:21,598 --> 00:27:24,898 It's a shame Aurora isn't here to witness your victory. 519 00:27:26,311 --> 00:27:28,188 You think this is inspired by lost love? 520 00:27:28,397 --> 00:27:30,616 No. This is about station. 521 00:27:30,816 --> 00:27:31,988 A simple stableboy 522 00:27:32,192 --> 00:27:33,535 better than a tyrannical king. 523 00:27:33,735 --> 00:27:36,534 You have to admit, it's a hell of a story. 524 00:27:36,738 --> 00:27:39,116 I am not the villain of this fairy tale 525 00:27:39,324 --> 00:27:40,576 you've conjured. 526 00:27:40,784 --> 00:27:44,004 Lucien, we were friends. 530 00:28:13,442 --> 00:28:14,944 Do it again! I can't. 531 00:28:15,152 --> 00:28:17,029 If I had a chance at it, it's gone now. 532 00:28:17,237 --> 00:28:18,955 Then you just became disposable. 533 00:28:19,156 --> 00:28:20,123 Whoa, Kol, let him go. 534 00:28:20,324 --> 00:28:21,450 It's over. 535 00:28:22,951 --> 00:28:24,953 Davina would have wanted it that way. 537 00:28:34,838 --> 00:28:38,638 I should have known better than to trust your family. 538 00:28:39,718 --> 00:28:40,765 You people destroy 539 00:28:40,969 --> 00:28:42,937 everything you touch. 541 00:29:04,326 --> 00:29:05,578 Well, well. 542 00:29:07,204 --> 00:29:08,672 A queen and a king, 543 00:29:08,872 --> 00:29:11,751 caught by a one time pawn. 544 00:29:11,959 --> 00:29:14,553 Thus the game comes to its inevitable end. 545 00:29:14,753 --> 00:29:16,881 What are proving by killing her? 546 00:29:17,089 --> 00:29:18,466 It's me you hate. 547 00:29:18,674 --> 00:29:22,679 Was I not clear when I murdered finn and Camille? 548 00:29:22,886 --> 00:29:24,729 I don't care who dies. 549 00:29:24,930 --> 00:29:26,398 But since you do, 550 00:29:26,598 --> 00:29:28,396 indulge me. 552 00:29:29,810 --> 00:29:31,312 And I just might spare 553 00:29:31,520 --> 00:29:32,646 the mother of your child. 554 00:29:34,648 --> 00:29:35,945 Kneel. 555 00:29:37,234 --> 00:29:40,454 Get on your knees. 557 00:29:42,781 --> 00:29:45,785 I can feel her heart pounding in my fist. 558 00:29:45,993 --> 00:29:48,246 Do you really want to measure your pride 559 00:29:48,453 --> 00:29:50,205 against my m ercy? 564 00:30:25,365 --> 00:30:26,491 His power's gone. 565 00:30:27,993 --> 00:30:29,745 He's nothing but an ordinary vampire now. 566 00:30:29,953 --> 00:30:32,047 You see that family drama 567 00:30:32,247 --> 00:30:33,669 you so joyfully deride, 568 00:30:33,874 --> 00:30:35,000 does have its merits. 569 00:30:37,002 --> 00:30:38,379 You can kill me, 570 00:30:38,587 --> 00:30:39,634 but the prophecy still stands. 571 00:30:39,838 --> 00:30:41,260 You cannot outrun it. 572 00:30:41,465 --> 00:30:43,467 I've had about a thousand years too much from you. 573 00:30:43,675 --> 00:30:45,052 For a century, 574 00:30:45,260 --> 00:30:46,432 you lived with my name, 575 00:30:46,636 --> 00:30:47,933 and you never did quite recover 576 00:30:48,138 --> 00:30:49,230 from losing it, did you? 577 00:30:49,431 --> 00:30:51,274 You became a man of wealth and stature, 578 00:30:51,475 --> 00:30:53,773 but you never could crawl from my shadow. 579 00:30:53,977 --> 00:30:55,320 And in the end... 580 00:30:58,732 --> 00:31:01,485 ...despite the gift of immortality, 581 00:31:01,693 --> 00:31:04,867 you have always known 582 00:31:05,072 --> 00:31:05,994 what you truly are. 583 00:31:08,825 --> 00:31:09,917 Please. 586 00:31:18,126 --> 00:31:20,254 You... Are... 587 00:31:20,462 --> 00:31:21,554 Nothing. 591 00:32:14,266 --> 00:32:17,145 Camille liked the preservation hall jazz band. 592 00:32:19,438 --> 00:32:23,238 For the funeral, the second night, 593 00:32:23,442 --> 00:32:24,819 we should hold the wake at rousseau's. 594 00:32:31,450 --> 00:32:32,702 Come on. 595 00:32:32,909 --> 00:32:34,627 Let's let Lucien burn alone, eh? 596 00:32:36,496 --> 00:32:37,338 We should get back to Kol and Marcel. 597 00:32:37,539 --> 00:32:38,381 Klaus. 598 00:32:40,709 --> 00:32:41,926 There's something you need to know. 603 00:33:18,371 --> 00:33:20,669 I did everything you asked. 604 00:33:20,874 --> 00:33:22,842 I joined your stupid cult, 605 00:33:23,043 --> 00:33:24,761 I left my friends in the dust 606 00:33:24,961 --> 00:33:25,962 because that's what you needed! 607 00:33:26,171 --> 00:33:27,343 Marcel... 608 00:33:27,547 --> 00:33:30,050 I fought for hope! 609 00:33:30,258 --> 00:33:31,976 I kept Hayley breathing! 610 00:33:32,177 --> 00:33:33,975 I kept white oak 611 00:33:34,179 --> 00:33:37,934 from piercing your cold, black heart. 612 00:33:39,684 --> 00:33:42,312 I did everything! 613 00:33:42,521 --> 00:33:43,773 We know. 615 00:33:45,607 --> 00:33:47,234 No, you don't. 616 00:33:47,442 --> 00:33:48,443 No, you don't. 617 00:33:48,652 --> 00:33:51,121 Marcel, he had no choice. 618 00:33:58,328 --> 00:34:00,797 Oh, they were right about you. 619 00:34:00,997 --> 00:34:02,044 Yeah. 620 00:34:02,249 --> 00:34:06,254 Aurora, Tristan, Lucien. 621 00:34:06,461 --> 00:34:09,089 Anybody who's not your family 622 00:34:09,297 --> 00:34:10,844 is nothing to you. 623 00:34:11,049 --> 00:34:13,051 Nothing! 624 00:34:13,260 --> 00:34:15,012 Marcellus, you are family. 625 00:34:15,220 --> 00:34:17,097 No I'm not. 626 00:34:18,265 --> 00:34:20,893 Not anymore. 627 00:34:22,227 --> 00:34:24,150 Never again. 628 00:34:24,354 --> 00:34:28,109 I am not your family. 629 00:34:29,609 --> 00:34:30,735 Marcel, come on. 630 00:34:31,778 --> 00:34:33,325 No! 631 00:34:37,242 --> 00:34:38,368 No. 633 00:34:55,468 --> 00:34:57,186 Vincent was right. 634 00:35:01,516 --> 00:35:03,189 Davina wouldn't have wanted you dead. 635 00:35:07,188 --> 00:35:09,031 Thing is, 636 00:35:09,232 --> 00:35:11,234 she was the only one 637 00:35:11,443 --> 00:35:14,037 keeping me from being... 638 00:35:17,490 --> 00:35:20,118 ...well, me. 641 00:35:58,448 --> 00:36:01,918 You destroyed somebody good today in order to save people 642 00:36:02,118 --> 00:36:03,791 who have had more than their share of lifetimes. 643 00:36:03,995 --> 00:36:05,372 I know. 644 00:36:07,999 --> 00:36:10,297 I am so sorry. 645 00:36:12,587 --> 00:36:14,385 I had to preserve my family. 646 00:36:14,589 --> 00:36:15,636 I couldn't just... 647 00:36:15,840 --> 00:36:17,057 Stop, Freya! 648 00:36:26,935 --> 00:36:30,109 You're just much of a bloodsucker as the rest of them. 668 00:38:18,546 --> 00:38:21,425 Seeking some respite from the darkness? 670 00:38:28,014 --> 00:38:30,608 perhaps there's solace 671 00:38:30,809 --> 00:38:33,153 in that fact that you avenged Cami today. 672 00:38:33,353 --> 00:38:35,196 And yet, to do right by Camille, 673 00:38:35,396 --> 00:38:37,239 we sacrifice someone she cared about. 674 00:38:40,485 --> 00:38:41,907 Our family is safe. 675 00:38:42,111 --> 00:38:44,990 Our family is fractured. 676 00:38:47,534 --> 00:38:51,835 There is no victory to celebrate today. 677 00:38:52,038 --> 00:38:53,665 My demons won. 678 00:38:53,873 --> 00:38:55,295 Lucien is not your demon. 679 00:38:55,500 --> 00:38:56,672 You may have sired him, 680 00:38:56,876 --> 00:38:59,675 but you did not create that monster. 681 00:38:59,879 --> 00:39:04,851 Today, I feel, we may have created a new monster entirely. 682 00:39:16,312 --> 00:39:19,031 I'm not in the mood for company. 683 00:39:19,232 --> 00:39:21,485 Neither am i, Marcel. 684 00:39:23,069 --> 00:39:24,195 Neither am i. 685 00:39:27,615 --> 00:39:30,585 But, see, 686 00:39:30,785 --> 00:39:34,665 what happened to Cami, 687 00:39:34,873 --> 00:39:37,968 what happened to Davina... 688 00:39:39,836 --> 00:39:41,463 ...cannot go unanswered. 690 00:39:52,348 --> 00:39:55,602 I don't like vampires. 691 00:39:55,810 --> 00:39:56,902 I don't like you. 692 00:39:58,771 --> 00:40:01,069 But I do respect you. 693 00:40:05,695 --> 00:40:09,165 Same stuff that made Lucien. 694 00:40:09,365 --> 00:40:11,788 I extracted it from Aurora's heart. 695 00:40:11,993 --> 00:40:14,246 And you decided to bring it to me? 696 00:40:14,454 --> 00:40:15,376 Marcel, you once drove 697 00:40:15,580 --> 00:40:16,797 the Mikaelson's out of this city 698 00:40:16,998 --> 00:40:19,922 by summoning the one person they fear most. 699 00:40:20,126 --> 00:40:23,050 That was brilliant. 700 00:40:23,254 --> 00:40:25,632 And I want you to do that one more time. 701 00:40:25,840 --> 00:40:28,684 Only this time, you be the thing that they fear. 702 00:40:31,804 --> 00:40:35,354 New Orleans is our home, Marcel. 703 00:40:35,558 --> 00:40:37,026 And it's time we took it back.