1 00:02:05,526 --> 00:02:07,050 As we end up here? 2 00:02:13,600 --> 00:02:14,897 This place is horrible 3 00:02:21,208 --> 00:02:22,971 Smells like hell 4 00:02:29,516 --> 00:02:31,643 We do not belong to this hole fucking 5 00:02:51,305 --> 00:02:52,169 Hey Sam 6 00:02:52,373 --> 00:02:54,068 Pope·... what kind of, shut up! - Hello carió 7 00:02:54,341 --> 00:02:55,774 What type of flowers you said you wanted to? 8 00:02:55,976 --> 00:02:58,069 Camellias, are something that smells good 9 00:02:58,278 --> 00:02:58,937 You know? 10 00:02:59,146 --> 00:03:01,478 Something that... - All sounds like Kim Chi 11 00:03:02,182 --> 00:03:04,980 Ok, then something that is looks good, what is less roses 12 00:03:05,219 --> 00:03:06,413 Hate to make this work 13 00:03:06,587 --> 00:03:07,952 Ok 14 00:03:28,409 --> 00:03:30,775 Riggan all the note I for 1-4 they are ready for you 15 00:03:33,547 --> 00:03:35,447 Riggan are ready for you 16 00:04:15,289 --> 00:04:16,551 Oh hello friend, as these? 17 00:04:17,224 --> 00:04:18,384 Well, you already know 18 00:04:18,592 --> 00:04:21,493 I would go better if I could do Ralph leave· 19 00:04:21,929 --> 00:04:22,793 Act 20 00:04:22,996 --> 00:04:23,963 Be· well 21 00:04:24,598 --> 00:04:26,657 Screaming, I love you, I love you 22 00:04:26,934 --> 00:04:27,696 Bitch 23 00:04:28,168 --> 00:04:29,567 You do with a love like that? 24 00:04:29,770 --> 00:04:31,169 As that is... that is not love 25 00:04:31,371 --> 00:04:33,532 And t what you know, because you insist calling it love? 26 00:04:33,740 --> 00:04:34,502 You can say what you want 27 00:04:34,708 --> 00:04:35,970 But I know what that was 28 00:04:36,276 --> 00:04:37,140 That there are of you? 29 00:04:37,444 --> 00:04:38,672 That sounds like love to you? 30 00:04:38,946 --> 00:04:39,878 LametÛn be late 31 00:04:41,415 --> 00:04:42,313 Look, I'm the person to equivocad to whom to ask 32 00:04:42,516 --> 00:04:45,610 I've only known this as well from last 33 00:04:46,019 --> 00:04:46,713 Not sabrÌa 34 00:04:46,920 --> 00:04:48,854 You need to know the details, but I think that what you say is 35 00:04:49,389 --> 00:04:50,583 Love is all 36 00:04:50,791 --> 00:04:51,655 If If 37 00:04:51,859 --> 00:04:53,349 The kind of love of which I speak is 38 00:04:53,660 --> 00:04:55,924 That guy in the you're not trying to kill people 39 00:04:56,163 --> 00:04:58,358 It was love, seriously, what was 40 00:04:58,565 --> 00:04:59,554 I don't care what they say 41 00:05:00,133 --> 00:05:01,464 ...l was ready to die for it 42 00:05:01,668 --> 00:05:03,533 Pregntale or did after that dejÛ 43 00:05:04,438 --> 00:05:07,168 Got a shot in the mouth but also what did he do wrong 44 00:05:07,441 --> 00:05:09,568 Poor head Poor head, my balls 45 00:05:09,776 --> 00:05:11,539 The guy was dangerous 46 00:05:11,745 --> 00:05:13,804 As he did so bad if they are shot in the mouth? 47 00:05:14,014 --> 00:05:16,778 SolÌa carry a 22-gauge solÌamos live as fugitives, then 48 00:05:17,050 --> 00:05:17,948 Ralph, Ralph, Ralph 49 00:05:18,418 --> 00:05:19,612 The fugitives are afraid 50 00:05:19,820 --> 00:05:20,946 Est·n on the run 51 00:05:21,421 --> 00:05:23,719 So many times we have to 52 00:05:23,924 --> 00:05:25,118 You may give me a little m·s that? 53 00:05:25,659 --> 00:05:26,785 Fear It is a great idea 54 00:05:28,595 --> 00:05:29,789 We live as fugitives at that time 55 00:05:30,731 --> 00:05:32,665 Never sabÌa if saldrÌa detr·s bush 56 00:05:33,267 --> 00:05:35,929 Or a car and you start to shoot, the man was crazy 57 00:05:36,570 --> 00:05:37,764 It was capable of everything 58 00:05:38,772 --> 00:05:39,796 Christ, that nightmare 59 00:05:40,007 --> 00:05:40,564 If 60 00:05:40,774 --> 00:05:41,832 SolÌa call me at the hospital 61 00:05:42,309 --> 00:05:43,674 And decÌa, "son of a bitch 62 00:05:44,378 --> 00:05:46,141 Your days are numbered.“ 63 00:05:48,815 --> 00:05:49,543 It was too much? 64 00:05:49,983 --> 00:05:51,712 I pass I realize because 65 00:05:51,919 --> 00:05:52,908 I just want to give you a range 66 00:05:55,822 --> 00:05:56,811 Someone call 911 67 00:05:57,090 --> 00:05:58,114 This breathing? 68 00:05:58,592 --> 00:06:01,425 That pasÛ, where saliÛ? To dÛnde are you going? 69 00:06:02,062 --> 00:06:04,394 Someone call emergency - Let's call the ambulance 70 00:06:06,767 --> 00:06:08,325 That being· a demand - Ok, dÛnde are you going? 71 00:06:08,602 --> 00:06:10,126 We have to be ready in 5 minutes 72 00:06:10,337 --> 00:06:12,032 You will need·s to forget it we have to cancel 73 00:06:12,272 --> 00:06:14,467 But we are exhausted tendrÌamos to reimburse all the... 74 00:06:14,675 --> 00:06:16,040 Just do it - That step? 75 00:06:16,276 --> 00:06:17,038 As the est· Ralph? 76 00:06:17,244 --> 00:06:18,233 Be· well - Wait, wait 77 00:06:19,046 --> 00:06:20,411 You may expect? - Escchame 78 00:06:20,647 --> 00:06:23,047 Without exagerares the worst actor I've seen in my life 79 00:06:23,317 --> 00:06:25,512 The blood coming out of his oÌdos is what m·s creÌble that has been done up to now 80 00:06:25,719 --> 00:06:26,947 It is not so bad 81 00:06:28,956 --> 00:06:30,355 Ok, it's terrible 82 00:06:30,624 --> 00:06:33,787 But listen t you don't have to press in your walk-in closets 83 00:06:33,994 --> 00:06:36,554 I do not know what they dirÈ - Well, we verÈ to do 84 00:06:36,763 --> 00:06:37,491 Waiting 85 00:06:39,700 --> 00:06:41,327 That was not an accident 86 00:06:43,604 --> 00:06:44,298 What do you mean? 87 00:06:44,771 --> 00:06:45,738 I did that happen 88 00:06:46,707 --> 00:06:47,833 Oh ok 89 00:06:48,408 --> 00:06:49,397 These drunk? 90 00:06:50,110 --> 00:06:51,441 Only encuÈntrame an actor a good one 91 00:06:51,912 --> 00:06:53,777 Kenny...? - Willy Harris 92 00:06:53,981 --> 00:06:55,778 Est· doing The Hunger Games 93 00:06:56,049 --> 00:06:58,279 Michael Fassbender - Est· doing X-Men 94 00:06:58,919 --> 00:07:00,250 Such Jeremy Reynold? 95 00:07:00,520 --> 00:07:01,919 Who? - Jeremy Reynold 96 00:07:02,189 --> 00:07:03,178 He was nominated 97 00:07:04,091 --> 00:07:06,321 It is an interesting type - This is an adventure 98 00:07:07,127 --> 00:07:10,221 Crap, I have Him also? I can't believe it 99 00:07:10,497 --> 00:07:12,021 I don't care, just find someone 100 00:07:13,934 --> 00:07:15,196 Ralph we sue· 101 00:07:15,469 --> 00:07:16,800 What har· and has a case 102 00:07:20,674 --> 00:07:21,538 Just make it go away 103 00:07:22,009 --> 00:07:23,476 Look, you're my lawyer 104 00:07:24,177 --> 00:07:25,838 You're my producer, my best friend 105 00:07:26,313 --> 00:07:27,211 Truth? Now 106 00:07:27,681 --> 00:07:29,012 Go and do what you were born to make 107 00:07:29,282 --> 00:07:30,408 I don't care cÛmo, just go 108 00:07:30,617 --> 00:07:32,312 And as you expect it to do so? 109 00:07:55,409 --> 00:07:57,877 That clown has neither the half of your talent 110 00:07:58,078 --> 00:08:01,343 And you are earning a fortune in that costume tin man 111 00:08:03,650 --> 00:08:05,277 You are the real thing, Riggan 112 00:08:06,520 --> 00:08:08,579 Ok... - What we had all 113 00:08:09,656 --> 00:08:11,055 What regalaste 114 00:08:13,627 --> 00:08:16,721 You gave these fakers keys of the kingdom 115 00:08:16,930 --> 00:08:19,091 Breathe... - Listen to Me? 116 00:08:20,667 --> 00:08:22,191 Inhale and exhale 117 00:08:23,503 --> 00:08:24,197 If 118 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:25,368 AcÈptalo 119 00:08:25,572 --> 00:08:26,834 But you know that I do not irÈ 120 00:08:27,307 --> 00:08:28,239 You know I have razÛn 121 00:08:56,870 --> 00:08:57,837 Look at that 122 00:08:59,906 --> 00:09:02,340 These people do not know what you are able to 123 00:09:09,449 --> 00:09:14,944 Because someone irÌa to be the hero in a franchise of comics 124 00:09:15,288 --> 00:09:18,223 Act of Raymond Carver in the scenario 125 00:09:19,459 --> 00:09:21,120 As you probably know 126 00:09:21,561 --> 00:09:25,497 Barthes said that the cultural work done in the past 127 00:09:25,699 --> 00:09:27,599 By gods and demigods 128 00:09:27,801 --> 00:09:30,429 Now it is done in the commercial detergent 129 00:09:30,904 --> 00:09:33,168 And people of strips of comics 130 00:09:36,376 --> 00:09:37,934 If it is, absolutely 131 00:09:38,545 --> 00:09:39,341 Absolutely 132 00:09:39,846 --> 00:09:40,505 You know? 133 00:09:40,781 --> 00:09:41,475 As you said 134 00:09:41,715 --> 00:09:42,704 That 135 00:09:43,383 --> 00:09:44,213 Barthes said 136 00:09:45,285 --> 00:09:46,616 Go to Birdman as Icaro 137 00:09:46,820 --> 00:09:47,878 Ok, wait, wait 138 00:09:48,155 --> 00:09:49,247 Who is this such Barthes 139 00:09:49,456 --> 00:09:50,514 In that Birdman was? 140 00:09:51,258 --> 00:09:53,590 Roland Barthes was a French filÛsofo 141 00:09:53,927 --> 00:09:56,259 And if you knew something of the story of the century... 142 00:09:56,463 --> 00:09:59,523 Now, it is true that you've been injecting semen of pigs bebÈs? 143 00:10:01,001 --> 00:10:03,299 Apology? - As a topic of facial rejuvenation? 144 00:10:03,537 --> 00:10:04,526 Where leÌste that? 145 00:10:04,738 --> 00:10:05,898 He was sent to Twitter by 146 00:10:06,139 --> 00:10:07,766 "Whispers of PrÛstata“ 147 00:10:08,308 --> 00:10:10,105 It is not true - What sÈ, but what did you do? 148 00:10:10,410 --> 00:10:11,843 Not, I did not - Ok 149 00:10:12,045 --> 00:10:13,171 You say that is not true - Then don't you deny it 150 00:10:13,413 --> 00:10:14,903 Write·n that is, why you write something? 151 00:10:15,182 --> 00:10:16,114 I don't... 152 00:10:16,516 --> 00:10:17,505 Do not write what she said 153 00:10:17,818 --> 00:10:19,046 I did not do it, I haven't got 154 00:10:19,286 --> 00:10:20,218 Pigs bebÈs... 155 00:10:20,487 --> 00:10:23,285 These aware that the people dir· that har·s this work 156 00:10:23,723 --> 00:10:27,716 To fight against the impresiÛn that you are an actor forgotten... 157 00:10:27,928 --> 00:10:29,725 Absueltamente not, absolutely not that is why 158 00:10:29,996 --> 00:10:30,724 20 years atr·s 159 00:10:30,997 --> 00:10:32,589 I neguÈ to make Birdman 4 160 00:10:35,068 --> 00:10:36,092 Birdman 4? 161 00:10:36,369 --> 00:10:37,427 Har·s Birdman 4? 162 00:10:38,104 --> 00:10:40,470 Thanks, can come in, thank you, thank you 163 00:10:40,674 --> 00:10:41,936 Wait for good works 164 00:10:43,677 --> 00:10:45,611 The boys of advertising 165 00:10:46,446 --> 00:10:50,507 Want a movie that is the worst idea right now 166 00:10:54,821 --> 00:10:56,846 That you are doing? - I don't want to see this 167 00:10:57,324 --> 00:10:58,723 That was a gift from the team 168 00:10:59,292 --> 00:10:59,986 Don't mess with those guys 169 00:11:00,193 --> 00:11:01,160 Are the union - I don't care 170 00:11:02,896 --> 00:11:03,521 As I was? 171 00:11:03,730 --> 00:11:04,992 Well 172 00:11:05,198 --> 00:11:06,256 They talked about Ralph? 173 00:11:06,466 --> 00:11:08,058 What I did, you know? The bastard did it 174 00:11:08,568 --> 00:11:10,433 To sue us even I hope to get out of the hospital 175 00:11:10,637 --> 00:11:11,831 That you said? - I said? 176 00:11:12,038 --> 00:11:13,403 If - I said hey bastard 177 00:11:13,907 --> 00:11:14,771 I threats? 178 00:11:15,041 --> 00:11:17,305 I swear that if I get though whether a letter of attorney 179 00:11:17,777 --> 00:11:19,972 The press receive· im·genes of your computer, that I said 180 00:11:20,247 --> 00:11:21,111 Im·genes? 181 00:11:21,548 --> 00:11:23,209 Him like the nuns 182 00:11:23,483 --> 00:11:24,507 In paÒales 183 00:11:25,018 --> 00:11:26,986 That matter to you?, Not deberÌas know nothing of that anyway 184 00:11:27,254 --> 00:11:28,846 The point is that I did everything this disappeared 185 00:11:29,089 --> 00:11:30,386 True, that's great 186 00:11:30,657 --> 00:11:32,181 YES, it is fant·forecast 187 00:11:32,392 --> 00:11:33,324 Except one thing - That? 188 00:11:33,560 --> 00:11:34,549 We don't have an actor 189 00:11:35,428 --> 00:11:36,554 And if we cancel the first preview 190 00:11:36,963 --> 00:11:37,861 The press sniff· blood 191 00:11:38,064 --> 00:11:39,292 And we can't afford to miss m·s money 192 00:11:39,532 --> 00:11:40,226 For nothing - Ok 193 00:11:40,467 --> 00:11:41,365 Who do you think you should do? 194 00:11:41,868 --> 00:11:43,961 Well we hired a practitioner, usÈmoslo 195 00:11:44,638 --> 00:11:47,038 Riggan escchame for the love of God 196 00:11:47,274 --> 00:11:47,865 Listening 197 00:11:48,074 --> 00:11:50,634 Our actor soÒado not to touch· that door and dir· 198 00:11:50,844 --> 00:11:51,936 “Hey friends when I start?“ 199 00:11:55,081 --> 00:11:55,945 Can I speak to you a second? 200 00:11:56,149 --> 00:11:56,547 If that happens? 201 00:11:56,850 --> 00:11:57,874 Did you find another actor? 202 00:11:58,084 --> 00:11:58,880 Not - Ok 203 00:11:59,252 --> 00:12:00,514 Well, Mike is available 204 00:12:00,720 --> 00:12:01,516 What is? - Mike what? 205 00:12:01,721 --> 00:12:02,983 PensÈ I was doing... - What was the... 206 00:12:03,256 --> 00:12:04,985 What dejÛ or he was fired 207 00:12:05,191 --> 00:12:06,453 Michael who? - That was resignation or dismissal? 208 00:12:06,660 --> 00:12:08,628 He said that the two - Mike who? 209 00:12:08,828 --> 00:12:10,318 Seiner - If! 210 00:12:10,597 --> 00:12:13,122 Jake... - God mÌo, as you know it? 211 00:12:13,366 --> 00:12:14,765 We share a vagina 212 00:12:15,035 --> 00:12:15,933 You think you want to do that? 213 00:12:16,136 --> 00:12:17,763 As you know it? - Because I said that querÌa 214 00:12:18,038 --> 00:12:18,970 Jake, Jake 215 00:12:19,205 --> 00:12:21,036 Pregntame if you sell tickets 216 00:12:21,641 --> 00:12:24,075 The sells tickets? - Sell tickets as fuck 217 00:12:24,277 --> 00:12:25,869 Now pregntame if the critical the theatre is love 218 00:12:26,079 --> 00:12:28,946 The critical love him? - Want to sleep with the 219 00:12:29,149 --> 00:12:29,877 Hey 220 00:12:30,083 --> 00:12:31,846 Can't live without the - All for a razÛn, no? 221 00:12:32,085 --> 00:12:34,246 You can come this afternoon? - What llamarÈ to know 222 00:12:35,422 --> 00:12:36,218 Call your agent 223 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:48,893 Annie, clean theaters 224 00:12:49,169 --> 00:12:50,033 Addressed to all dinner 225 00:12:50,337 --> 00:12:51,531 And give me something of lights 226 00:12:52,238 --> 00:12:53,466 We have something good tonight 227 00:12:53,740 --> 00:12:54,434 Who is it? 228 00:12:54,741 --> 00:12:55,537 Because it really 229 00:13:09,823 --> 00:13:10,687 Intimidating, no? 230 00:13:11,825 --> 00:13:14,259 Do you have any idea of the people who have walked in these tables 231 00:13:15,195 --> 00:13:15,991 Before your 232 00:13:16,896 --> 00:13:19,330 Geraldine Page, Hellen Haze 233 00:13:19,532 --> 00:13:20,692 Jason Robardson 234 00:13:20,967 --> 00:13:23,492 Marlon Brandon and now Riggan Thomson 235 00:13:24,471 --> 00:13:27,201 Thank you for coming so soon Mike I really appreciate it 236 00:13:27,774 --> 00:13:28,502 This is what I do 237 00:13:29,042 --> 00:13:31,442 Your wrote this? - If 238 00:13:32,012 --> 00:13:34,640 Adem·s want to go, and proceedings in this - If 239 00:13:34,848 --> 00:13:35,610 It is ambitious 240 00:13:35,815 --> 00:13:36,406 Well, thank you 241 00:13:36,916 --> 00:13:37,746 Good 242 00:13:37,984 --> 00:13:39,008 It is a good theater 243 00:13:40,053 --> 00:13:41,315 I can't speak for your work but 244 00:13:41,521 --> 00:13:43,512 Let's do a bit of it, yes? 245 00:13:43,790 --> 00:13:48,557 Oh, I don't expect that you commit... - The preview is maÒana, let's work 246 00:13:48,795 --> 00:13:49,921 Ok, good 247 00:13:50,997 --> 00:13:54,125 SiÈntete free to make the script - No, only 248 00:13:54,401 --> 00:13:55,197 Let's make something out of it 249 00:13:55,835 --> 00:13:56,995 Well, ok 250 00:13:58,004 --> 00:13:59,198 Hey Èchale a look at the p·gina 20 251 00:13:59,406 --> 00:14:00,373 I'm fine, I don't need this 252 00:14:00,607 --> 00:14:01,869 Why? - I don't need the script 253 00:14:02,075 --> 00:14:03,201 Just give me an entry - What are you talking about? 254 00:14:03,777 --> 00:14:04,641 Give me a line 255 00:14:05,311 --> 00:14:06,403 CÛmo? - Give me a line 256 00:14:06,913 --> 00:14:07,709 Ok, est· well 257 00:14:08,314 --> 00:14:09,246 Ok 258 00:14:09,516 --> 00:14:10,346 DÈjame think 259 00:14:11,451 --> 00:14:12,418 If 260 00:14:12,886 --> 00:14:14,251 Hey I'm the wrong person to whom to ask 261 00:14:14,754 --> 00:14:15,982 Ok? I don't conocÌa man 262 00:14:16,189 --> 00:14:17,520 Just listen to his name, number 263 00:14:18,425 --> 00:14:19,050 Not what is 264 00:14:19,292 --> 00:14:20,884 Do not listen to the details, but I think what you say 265 00:14:21,161 --> 00:14:22,890 Is that the love all 266 00:14:24,297 --> 00:14:26,265 That is what I'm saying? I say that love is all? 267 00:14:27,667 --> 00:14:28,895 Yeah, ok, yes! 268 00:14:29,102 --> 00:14:30,364 The kind of love that I speak 269 00:14:30,570 --> 00:14:31,298 It is absolute 270 00:14:31,504 --> 00:14:32,630 The kind of love that I speak 271 00:14:33,606 --> 00:14:34,800 Not trying to kill people 272 00:14:35,308 --> 00:14:36,434 As you know the lines? 273 00:14:37,877 --> 00:14:39,640 It is one thing that I have, I don't know how it is a gift 274 00:14:41,481 --> 00:14:44,507 Come on, man, I've been away of this for a month 275 00:14:44,717 --> 00:14:46,617 Well, they're good - These lines are... 276 00:14:46,920 --> 00:14:47,579 Well 277 00:14:47,854 --> 00:14:48,980 We go again - Ok 278 00:14:49,255 --> 00:14:50,586 Look, I'm the wrong person to whom to ask 279 00:14:50,790 --> 00:14:51,848 Not conocÌ the man really 280 00:14:52,092 --> 00:14:53,559 Just listen to his name in passing but 281 00:14:54,527 --> 00:14:55,391 Not sÈ 282 00:14:55,595 --> 00:14:56,391 I do not know the details 283 00:14:56,663 --> 00:14:57,994 I think that what you say is 284 00:14:58,198 --> 00:14:59,096 Can I make a suggestion? 285 00:14:59,299 --> 00:15:00,766 If, if, dale 286 00:15:01,000 --> 00:15:01,796 For nothing 287 00:15:02,068 --> 00:15:03,433 Forget that, just... - Ok 288 00:15:04,237 --> 00:15:04,999 QuÈdate with me - If 289 00:15:05,572 --> 00:15:07,403 I am the wrong person to the which to ask, He says, but 290 00:15:07,674 --> 00:15:09,403 What is that, which is the intenciÛn in that? 291 00:15:09,642 --> 00:15:11,542 Uncomfortable with the topic for that what changes? 292 00:15:11,744 --> 00:15:12,642 It mirrors the fault 293 00:15:12,846 --> 00:15:13,813 On the marriage and this is the thing 294 00:15:14,080 --> 00:15:15,104 You have 4 lines 295 00:15:15,315 --> 00:15:15,804 After that 296 00:15:16,015 --> 00:15:17,175 They all say the same thing 297 00:15:17,650 --> 00:15:18,617 I didn't even conocÌa man 298 00:15:19,586 --> 00:15:20,848 Just listen to his name last 299 00:15:21,421 --> 00:15:22,353 Not sÈ 300 00:15:22,589 --> 00:15:23,681 I don't know the details 301 00:15:23,957 --> 00:15:24,981 The details, I say 302 00:15:25,191 --> 00:15:26,385 It is something that dirÌa my grandmother but 303 00:15:26,693 --> 00:15:27,421 The point is 304 00:15:27,694 --> 00:15:29,093 You don't know the type - If 305 00:15:29,295 --> 00:15:30,227 What we understand 306 00:15:30,497 --> 00:15:31,725 Do it work with a single line 307 00:15:31,931 --> 00:15:33,023 Even conocÌa the type 308 00:15:33,233 --> 00:15:33,995 Well? - If 309 00:15:34,667 --> 00:15:36,828 Listen, you know my lines also, isn't it? 310 00:15:38,138 --> 00:15:39,696 We can not stay hung in-line annoying? 311 00:15:39,973 --> 00:15:41,031 If, if - We can work this 312 00:15:41,241 --> 00:15:42,139 Do well, be 313 00:15:42,709 --> 00:15:45,405 Then d·melo again but cÛrtalo, intÈntalo 314 00:15:45,645 --> 00:15:46,373 Ok 315 00:15:47,080 --> 00:15:49,446 Hey I am not the right person to ask - Oh, no, but that is the thing 316 00:15:49,682 --> 00:15:51,309 You see? I am the right person to ask then that is 317 00:15:51,518 --> 00:15:54,681 To which I say? Fuck you, go to the shit I don't put yourself in that place 318 00:15:55,355 --> 00:15:57,949 Don't make me feel consents about my marriage 319 00:15:58,258 --> 00:16:01,227 While my wife is sitting same here! 320 00:16:01,494 --> 00:16:02,358 If 321 00:16:02,595 --> 00:16:03,459 I can sit? - If, siÈntate 322 00:16:03,696 --> 00:16:04,390 Good idea 323 00:16:05,098 --> 00:16:07,362 If - Then d·melo as vetea fuck 324 00:16:07,600 --> 00:16:08,692 Tr·talo, we will 325 00:16:08,935 --> 00:16:09,697 If - Only hag·moslo 326 00:16:09,936 --> 00:16:11,870 Come on, d·melo cÛgeme strong 327 00:16:12,172 --> 00:16:15,335 Come on, don't talk, just say so you are the wrong person 328 00:16:15,542 --> 00:16:17,476 Wow, not even conocÌa the man, ok? 329 00:16:17,677 --> 00:16:18,439 Cu·l is your point? 330 00:16:18,645 --> 00:16:20,010 Cu·l is my point? - If, cu·l is your point? 331 00:16:20,246 --> 00:16:21,611 That you say? Escpelo 332 00:16:22,048 --> 00:16:22,980 That you say? 333 00:16:23,449 --> 00:16:25,349 That you say? The love it is absolute? 334 00:16:25,585 --> 00:16:26,677 If, if! 335 00:16:26,920 --> 00:16:28,649 The kind of love that I speak 336 00:16:28,922 --> 00:16:29,786 It is absolute 337 00:16:30,323 --> 00:16:31,688 The kind of love that I speak 338 00:16:31,958 --> 00:16:32,890 You don't want to 339 00:16:34,294 --> 00:16:35,693 Your not trying to kill people 340 00:16:40,266 --> 00:16:41,290 If, well 341 00:16:41,768 --> 00:16:42,826 I don't know how, what do you think boss? 342 00:16:43,102 --> 00:16:44,729 Ok - You want to do this 343 00:16:45,071 --> 00:16:45,969 With me? 344 00:16:46,406 --> 00:16:47,202 What do you think? 345 00:16:47,740 --> 00:16:48,764 All have become 346 00:16:49,042 --> 00:16:50,339 It is time to mate 347 00:16:51,511 --> 00:16:52,375 TomarÈ that as a yes 348 00:16:56,616 --> 00:16:57,344 Then, who are you t? 349 00:16:58,251 --> 00:16:59,218 Is Sam, my daughter 350 00:17:00,420 --> 00:17:03,253 Your daughter? It is amazing don't look anything 351 00:17:03,523 --> 00:17:04,319 What will you do? 352 00:17:05,024 --> 00:17:06,321 Is my assistant partial 353 00:17:06,826 --> 00:17:07,724 And 354 00:17:07,961 --> 00:17:08,825 She speaks 355 00:17:09,495 --> 00:17:10,519 And is expressed? - What makes 356 00:17:10,763 --> 00:17:12,458 Yes, you can even sit 357 00:17:12,665 --> 00:17:15,190 To stay or even roll if you give him candy 358 00:17:15,668 --> 00:17:16,828 Hey welcome aboard, Mike 359 00:17:17,036 --> 00:17:17,661 Thank you capital and·n 360 00:17:20,740 --> 00:17:22,105 I'm Mike Seiner by the way 361 00:17:22,308 --> 00:17:23,002 Be who you are 362 00:17:23,743 --> 00:17:25,472 I saw you at Hot House 363 00:17:25,945 --> 00:17:27,003 At the Geffen 364 00:17:27,647 --> 00:17:28,909 You were great - Thanks 365 00:17:30,149 --> 00:17:31,377 Your ass is great 366 00:17:31,851 --> 00:17:32,749 Friend 367 00:17:32,952 --> 00:17:33,782 Seriously? 368 00:17:35,154 --> 00:17:37,054 See·s that I was... - Larry 369 00:17:37,924 --> 00:17:38,788 Larry 370 00:17:39,392 --> 00:17:41,451 This is the theater cariÒo not be so inhibited 371 00:17:41,995 --> 00:17:42,825 This here 372 00:17:43,296 --> 00:17:46,788 It was time to dress this actor 373 00:17:47,000 --> 00:17:47,864 As you have been Larry?. 374 00:17:48,067 --> 00:17:49,432 Well time that these here, s·cate clothing 375 00:17:50,470 --> 00:17:51,596 Let's see... 376 00:17:52,972 --> 00:17:54,303 You only are you going to stop it? 377 00:17:54,941 --> 00:17:57,171 This is the theater will not be so inhibited 378 00:17:57,644 --> 00:17:59,373 We will need to start zero 379 00:17:59,879 --> 00:18:01,141 We have less than 24 hours 380 00:18:02,015 --> 00:18:03,039 Take this pruÈbate 381 00:18:03,616 --> 00:18:05,982 Demons, that pasÛ? And t underwear? 382 00:18:06,219 --> 00:18:07,151 Under the bed at home 383 00:18:10,056 --> 00:18:10,681 Not 384 00:18:10,957 --> 00:18:11,787 Ok, ok 385 00:18:12,225 --> 00:18:13,419 Everything is very pequeÒo 386 00:18:13,693 --> 00:18:14,591 Not bromeas 387 00:18:16,162 --> 00:18:16,958 That is good 388 00:18:17,163 --> 00:18:18,994 Well done Larry like my son of 5 years 389 00:18:19,565 --> 00:18:20,896 None of the two has clothes interior clean 390 00:18:21,200 --> 00:18:22,360 Or hair pbico imagine 391 00:18:22,635 --> 00:18:23,329 Ok 392 00:18:23,803 --> 00:18:26,897 Good adem·s of the costume we need to new trusa and shirt 393 00:18:27,407 --> 00:18:28,533 Among other things 394 00:18:29,976 --> 00:18:30,738 What will you do? 395 00:18:31,244 --> 00:18:31,972 I hope Larry 396 00:18:32,211 --> 00:18:33,303 Finish 397 00:18:33,513 --> 00:18:35,105 And I'm just standing with my penis outside 398 00:18:35,882 --> 00:18:36,576 Good vÌstete 399 00:18:36,783 --> 00:18:37,715 The daughter of Riggan est· by here 400 00:18:37,984 --> 00:18:39,144 And I don't need to look... - Lesley 401 00:18:39,385 --> 00:18:43,151 Let Mike do not have always seen this for here mir·by giving us 402 00:18:43,423 --> 00:18:44,651 As a stalker 403 00:18:44,924 --> 00:18:46,118 I... - I do not know if drugs are 404 00:18:46,626 --> 00:18:47,650 They have fried your brain, or that 405 00:18:47,894 --> 00:18:49,828 But I don't want to go running his father 406 00:18:50,096 --> 00:18:51,427 Saying that you showed your package 407 00:18:51,631 --> 00:18:52,723 Then ask deberÌamos go 408 00:18:54,567 --> 00:18:55,693 Oh God, seriously? 409 00:18:56,169 --> 00:18:57,534 Sammy? - Sam 410 00:18:57,770 --> 00:18:58,634 Sam - Shit! 411 00:18:59,405 --> 00:19:00,099 Lesley 412 00:19:00,840 --> 00:19:02,967 Listen, when I said that - Do not worry 413 00:19:03,743 --> 00:19:04,835 It is a lot of work, isn't it? 414 00:19:07,747 --> 00:19:10,910 How is it that you always find a way to humiliate me? 415 00:19:11,150 --> 00:19:12,947 To be fair you do too f·cil 416 00:19:13,186 --> 00:19:14,585 What demons down here? 417 00:19:14,787 --> 00:19:15,685 Brought Me here 418 00:19:15,888 --> 00:19:17,753 And quedÛ? - Well it is a little... 419 00:19:17,957 --> 00:19:18,753 Listen To Mike 420 00:19:19,225 --> 00:19:20,590 This is Broadway 421 00:19:20,827 --> 00:19:22,124 And I'm here finally 422 00:19:22,395 --> 00:19:23,862 Now please just do me a favor 423 00:19:24,097 --> 00:19:25,962 I beg of you, don't fuck around 424 00:19:26,599 --> 00:19:27,327 Lesley 425 00:19:29,168 --> 00:19:31,363 See here 426 00:19:34,006 --> 00:19:34,904 Play with my balls 427 00:19:42,615 --> 00:19:43,741 TendrÈ to go shopping again 428 00:19:44,016 --> 00:19:46,143 Just something about m·s - Give him what he wants 429 00:19:46,352 --> 00:19:48,411 Est· asking for 4 times what we pagaos the other 430 00:19:48,621 --> 00:19:49,815 He deserves it, Jake 431 00:19:50,022 --> 00:19:51,421 Since we spend in fog 432 00:19:51,657 --> 00:19:52,589 Casts ·trees false 433 00:19:52,792 --> 00:19:53,656 Is a sequence of ·trees, Jake 434 00:19:53,893 --> 00:19:54,791 Are dwarves 435 00:19:54,994 --> 00:19:56,859 Don't say that you can't offend them as well 436 00:19:57,063 --> 00:19:57,654 It has been 437 00:20:01,567 --> 00:20:03,125 Don't you see what I just saw 438 00:20:04,170 --> 00:20:05,865 I can tell you that this type it's the real thing 439 00:20:06,105 --> 00:20:07,231 I can feel it in my bones 440 00:20:07,507 --> 00:20:09,065 Is the actor that we have been waiting 441 00:20:09,275 --> 00:20:11,903 Let's just do the contract please, Jake 442 00:20:12,145 --> 00:20:13,077 I conseguirÈ the money 443 00:20:15,014 --> 00:20:15,981 Ok, I harÈ - Ok 444 00:20:17,517 --> 00:20:19,508 Remove that smile from your face scare me - Ok 445 00:20:19,819 --> 00:20:20,581 Sorry 446 00:20:22,822 --> 00:20:23,811 Is it true? - If 447 00:20:24,090 --> 00:20:24,988 Seriously? - Fuck 448 00:20:25,258 --> 00:20:27,021 DÛnde est·? - Here with Larry right now 449 00:20:27,293 --> 00:20:27,987 Hello chics 450 00:20:28,294 --> 00:20:30,285 I'm going to Starbucks, want something? - I'm fine, I'm fine 451 00:20:30,563 --> 00:20:31,495 She has a good rear 452 00:20:31,764 --> 00:20:32,594 If, so is 453 00:20:32,799 --> 00:20:33,823 That goes for you also 454 00:20:34,133 --> 00:20:35,122 Look I can not do this now 455 00:20:35,501 --> 00:20:36,627 Seriously - There came to me two times already 456 00:20:38,571 --> 00:20:39,595 I think that really is going 457 00:20:42,041 --> 00:20:42,700 Good 458 00:20:42,909 --> 00:20:43,603 It is good or bad 459 00:20:44,110 --> 00:20:45,077 Riggan! - It is good 460 00:20:45,344 --> 00:20:46,174 It's good, it's great 461 00:20:46,679 --> 00:20:47,703 As I gave something more 462 00:20:49,248 --> 00:20:50,510 Ok 463 00:20:51,617 --> 00:20:52,777 Safe is mÌo? 464 00:20:53,653 --> 00:20:54,847 Well you already know these your 465 00:20:55,054 --> 00:20:58,615 Jake, and reciÈn used condoms if I believe that it is yours, if 466 00:20:59,725 --> 00:21:00,419 Idiot 467 00:21:03,496 --> 00:21:04,758 These excited? - If 468 00:21:06,599 --> 00:21:07,361 I also 469 00:21:11,103 --> 00:21:11,933 Why? 470 00:21:12,138 --> 00:21:13,002 You're not funny 471 00:21:16,843 --> 00:21:17,434 Why? 472 00:21:17,910 --> 00:21:18,877 Hey - That? 473 00:21:35,661 --> 00:21:36,855 First preview maÒana 474 00:21:39,765 --> 00:21:40,629 Here we go 475 00:21:58,684 --> 00:22:00,151 Music, outside 476 00:22:00,386 --> 00:22:01,717 34, 35 477 00:22:01,921 --> 00:22:02,353 Ready 478 00:22:05,024 --> 00:22:06,889 It was the double of a normal head - That happens? 479 00:22:07,093 --> 00:22:08,560 It is incredible - If 480 00:22:08,761 --> 00:22:10,490 I think that drink gin from truth 481 00:22:10,763 --> 00:22:11,559 Why? 482 00:22:13,199 --> 00:22:15,565 Pregntale Nick, I want you to you ask 483 00:22:15,768 --> 00:22:16,996 Why you think that 484 00:22:27,013 --> 00:22:27,843 Doing what? 485 00:22:29,549 --> 00:22:30,243 DÈjame tell you 486 00:22:30,516 --> 00:22:32,279 DÈjenme tell you something about the love of truth 487 00:22:32,752 --> 00:22:35,312 Listen well, all deberÌamos be ashamed 488 00:22:35,755 --> 00:22:38,383 When we speak as if supiÈramos what we are talking about 489 00:22:38,624 --> 00:22:39,989 When we talk about love 490 00:22:40,192 --> 00:22:41,887 For the love of God, you're going to get drunk?. 491 00:22:42,094 --> 00:22:43,584 I don't have to be drunk to say what I think 492 00:22:44,063 --> 00:22:46,657 We're not drunk, just a few drinks - Exact 493 00:22:46,866 --> 00:22:48,026 T have taken m·s a few 494 00:22:48,301 --> 00:22:49,359 Perhaps these counting? 495 00:22:49,569 --> 00:22:52,538 DÈjala in peace, but these drunk don't talk as if you 496 00:22:52,738 --> 00:22:53,329 C·llate! 497 00:22:55,575 --> 00:22:56,974 Do me a favor, for once in your life 498 00:22:57,843 --> 00:22:59,242 Honestly, c·llate for a moment 499 00:23:02,248 --> 00:23:03,044 In order to 500 00:23:03,783 --> 00:23:04,579 As decÌa 501 00:23:05,484 --> 00:23:07,418 Speaking of real love he had a couple of elderly 502 00:23:09,488 --> 00:23:10,921 In an accident on the interstate 503 00:23:13,059 --> 00:23:13,855 Some drunk guy 504 00:23:15,127 --> 00:23:16,424 Stamp the truck of his father 505 00:23:17,530 --> 00:23:18,690 Against the car of the couple 506 00:23:19,932 --> 00:23:21,194 For when he arrives at the hospital 507 00:23:21,400 --> 00:23:23,459 The guy, a fucking teenager 508 00:23:24,570 --> 00:23:25,332 He was dead 509 00:23:25,805 --> 00:23:27,602 So we took the couple of elderly emergency 510 00:23:28,941 --> 00:23:29,999 And we work like crazy in them 511 00:23:30,476 --> 00:23:31,374 The greater part of the night 512 00:23:33,579 --> 00:23:34,443 For when 513 00:23:35,448 --> 00:23:36,710 We ended up with them, us only... 514 00:23:36,949 --> 00:23:40,646 You know, we had pr·virtually plastered full body 515 00:23:43,189 --> 00:23:43,883 The husband 516 00:23:44,156 --> 00:23:44,952 The old 517 00:23:46,525 --> 00:23:47,321 I was depressed 518 00:23:48,027 --> 00:23:50,222 For a long time even after that I said 519 00:23:50,696 --> 00:23:52,027 Look at your wife managed to 520 00:23:52,298 --> 00:23:53,822 'an was depressed 521 00:23:55,568 --> 00:23:56,193 Then 522 00:23:56,469 --> 00:23:59,199 I went to Him and asked 523 00:24:01,474 --> 00:24:02,338 And I said 524 00:24:02,608 --> 00:24:03,973 That was because he could not 525 00:24:04,677 --> 00:24:05,644 See it 526 00:24:06,312 --> 00:24:07,336 In the eyes 527 00:24:08,180 --> 00:24:08,839 It could not be to see his wife 528 00:24:10,683 --> 00:24:11,581 You may imagine 529 00:24:12,284 --> 00:24:13,182 You say 530 00:24:14,086 --> 00:24:16,179 The corazÛn of this type rompÌa because 531 00:24:17,323 --> 00:24:19,188 It could not be flip t damn head 532 00:24:20,426 --> 00:24:22,360 And see his wife 533 00:24:22,828 --> 00:24:23,590 Fuck 534 00:24:25,564 --> 00:24:27,327 And what was killing 535 00:24:27,667 --> 00:24:30,192 I'm tired of this - What was killing 536 00:24:30,469 --> 00:24:32,699 Replaced my gin 537 00:24:32,972 --> 00:24:34,166 With water? 538 00:24:35,975 --> 00:24:36,873 No! 539 00:24:37,143 --> 00:24:37,973 We will - We will quÈ? 540 00:24:38,244 --> 00:24:39,541 These drunk - I'm drunk? 541 00:24:39,745 --> 00:24:41,838 Of course I am, it is assumed I am 542 00:24:42,048 --> 00:24:43,345 Because not est·s t? This is Carver 543 00:24:43,582 --> 00:24:46,016 You leave a piece of your liver on the table every time you write a fucking page 544 00:24:46,285 --> 00:24:47,877 If I need to drink gin 545 00:24:48,087 --> 00:24:49,679 Who the fuck you are t to touch it? 546 00:24:49,989 --> 00:24:51,581 Escchame, you get with the periods 547 00:24:51,857 --> 00:24:53,984 You get with the plot and you can to have the best line 548 00:24:54,193 --> 00:24:56,593 DÈjame the tool that I need 549 00:24:56,862 --> 00:24:57,829 Let people 550 00:24:58,097 --> 00:24:59,086 They are not as patÈticos 551 00:24:59,298 --> 00:25:01,459 Stop seeing the world through the screen your cell 552 00:25:01,734 --> 00:25:02,792 To have an experience of truth 553 00:25:03,035 --> 00:25:06,129 Someone cares about the truth apart from me? 554 00:25:06,405 --> 00:25:08,430 I say the scenario is false, the pl·tano it is fake 555 00:25:08,708 --> 00:25:12,041 There is No fucking in this cartÛn of shit 556 00:25:12,311 --> 00:25:13,938 The only thing real that I see in this scenario 557 00:25:14,447 --> 00:25:15,744 Is this chicken 558 00:25:15,948 --> 00:25:17,210 So trabajarÈ with the chicken 559 00:25:21,687 --> 00:25:22,483 It was interesting 560 00:25:22,688 --> 00:25:23,382 Lower the telÛn 561 00:25:24,056 --> 00:25:25,216 This good friend 562 00:25:27,226 --> 00:25:28,124 S·quenlo of here 563 00:25:28,394 --> 00:25:29,383 As you want to do that? 564 00:25:32,798 --> 00:25:33,992 Hey, wait 565 00:25:34,200 --> 00:25:34,962 What I want out - Not 566 00:25:35,768 --> 00:25:37,030 What?, We can not do that 567 00:25:37,303 --> 00:25:38,201 Of course we can 568 00:25:38,437 --> 00:25:39,301 It is our show 569 00:25:39,505 --> 00:25:40,767 Escchame - No, your escchame 570 00:25:41,040 --> 00:25:41,802 Escchame 571 00:25:42,074 --> 00:25:43,507 S·calo of my fucking work 572 00:25:43,709 --> 00:25:44,733 I'm not going to stand here 573 00:25:44,944 --> 00:25:48,880 It's crazy, no matter the preview it doesn't matter until the Times 574 00:25:49,081 --> 00:25:50,309 Sitting here in the night opening 575 00:25:50,516 --> 00:25:54,384 Get rid of Him, I don't care... - Only c·llate and escchame once 576 00:25:55,554 --> 00:25:57,988 Or well, we announced that the entrarÌa, sales doubled 577 00:25:58,190 --> 00:25:59,179 In less than a day 578 00:25:59,425 --> 00:26:02,485 We can't afford to lose m·s money and much less to Mike 579 00:26:04,063 --> 00:26:08,500 This is about respect and validate do you remember? That you told me 580 00:26:09,435 --> 00:26:10,766 So I got involved in this shit 581 00:26:14,373 --> 00:26:16,568 You are the director, put it in order, ok? 582 00:26:19,545 --> 00:26:20,239 Fuck 583 00:26:20,713 --> 00:26:22,203 This is no longer the years 90 584 00:26:24,350 --> 00:26:25,578 Your closure est· down 585 00:26:31,390 --> 00:26:32,288 Fuck 586 00:26:36,028 --> 00:26:37,427 Friend 587 00:26:38,330 --> 00:26:39,058 Your 588 00:26:39,398 --> 00:26:41,195 You were very good 589 00:26:45,704 --> 00:26:46,534 Hey 590 00:26:46,806 --> 00:26:49,502 See you in the theatre in 10 minutes - Do not think about it too much 591 00:27:01,921 --> 00:27:03,388 What demons happens it up? 592 00:27:06,325 --> 00:27:07,314 Not sabÌa that estarÌas auqui tonight 593 00:27:08,060 --> 00:27:09,118 That guy is a imbÈcil 594 00:27:10,863 --> 00:27:11,887 If you do here? 595 00:27:12,331 --> 00:27:14,765 Sam and I go to eat something after you finish 596 00:27:15,434 --> 00:27:16,901 No, I say, here now 597 00:27:17,436 --> 00:27:18,061 Good 598 00:27:18,304 --> 00:27:19,703 SÈ cu·t does this mean for you 599 00:27:20,606 --> 00:27:21,368 Oh 600 00:27:22,241 --> 00:27:23,333 Thanks, I appreciate it 601 00:27:24,877 --> 00:27:25,605 Then that happens? 602 00:27:26,612 --> 00:27:27,601 The work? Since the dress 603 00:27:27,813 --> 00:27:28,905 No, you and Sam 604 00:27:29,381 --> 00:27:30,143 Oh 605 00:27:30,416 --> 00:27:31,383 You know, it's great 606 00:27:33,118 --> 00:27:33,846 The same 607 00:27:34,119 --> 00:27:34,915 You spoke with her? 608 00:27:35,187 --> 00:27:35,915 If 609 00:27:36,355 --> 00:27:37,083 We speak 610 00:27:38,023 --> 00:27:39,957 You know, has been a craze here 611 00:27:40,226 --> 00:27:41,158 And... 612 00:27:41,260 --> 00:27:42,591 You understand dÛnde est· your mind? 613 00:27:42,795 --> 00:27:43,659 If of course 614 00:27:44,196 --> 00:27:45,857 She tries to get away from it all 615 00:27:46,065 --> 00:27:48,226 And all that put in rehabilitaciÛn in the first place 616 00:27:48,434 --> 00:27:49,366 If - Then, you already know 617 00:27:49,602 --> 00:27:50,432 What sÈ, seriously 618 00:27:50,703 --> 00:27:52,000 What I understand, I understand 619 00:27:52,204 --> 00:27:53,569 But it is all that has taken - If 620 00:27:53,772 --> 00:27:54,739 This confused - What I understand 621 00:27:55,241 --> 00:27:57,141 Look sÈ these gotten in all of this 622 00:27:57,409 --> 00:27:58,239 But you have to - Stop? 623 00:27:59,578 --> 00:28:00,408 You know what I mean 624 00:28:02,548 --> 00:28:04,140 Riggan you don't have to be a great father 625 00:28:04,383 --> 00:28:05,042 Right now 626 00:28:05,317 --> 00:28:06,306 You just have to be one 627 00:28:07,186 --> 00:28:08,118 Oh, I'm sorry 628 00:28:11,490 --> 00:28:12,514 As it going? 629 00:28:14,860 --> 00:28:15,986 I don't want to talk about it 630 00:28:16,295 --> 00:28:17,159 Shots? 631 00:28:18,464 --> 00:28:19,226 I take a beer 632 00:28:19,899 --> 00:28:20,763 Ok 633 00:28:23,836 --> 00:28:24,495 Then 634 00:28:26,672 --> 00:28:27,502 That happens to you? 635 00:28:28,874 --> 00:28:29,670 With me? - If 636 00:28:31,110 --> 00:28:31,838 Nothing 637 00:28:33,112 --> 00:28:34,807 Everything is the same I guess 638 00:28:37,650 --> 00:28:38,674 VolverÈ to enseÒar 639 00:28:39,118 --> 00:28:39,812 Oh yeah? 640 00:28:40,319 --> 00:28:41,081 Hey 641 00:28:41,987 --> 00:28:44,217 I am thinking of refinancing my house in Malib 642 00:28:45,557 --> 00:28:46,615 Why? Sorry? 643 00:28:46,892 --> 00:28:48,450 I'm thinking of refinance - Not 644 00:28:49,328 --> 00:28:51,057 You just needed escuchÈ a moment 645 00:28:52,898 --> 00:28:53,956 That being· Sam's house 646 00:28:55,234 --> 00:28:56,360 Why... 647 00:28:56,635 --> 00:28:57,624 For this work? 648 00:29:00,606 --> 00:29:01,504 I need the money 649 00:29:02,341 --> 00:29:04,070 Have you any idea what crazy that sounds like that? 650 00:29:05,744 --> 00:29:09,271 What can I say? The house durÛ m·s that the money 651 00:29:09,481 --> 00:29:10,311 You already know 652 00:29:12,151 --> 00:29:12,913 That happens 653 00:29:14,653 --> 00:29:17,087 Riggan mÌrame 654 00:29:22,294 --> 00:29:24,125 I have the opportunity to make something good 655 00:29:27,700 --> 00:29:28,530 Should I take it 656 00:29:29,768 --> 00:29:30,564 I have to 657 00:29:32,037 --> 00:29:34,062 That's funny I was here esper·ndote 658 00:29:34,640 --> 00:29:35,766 And nothing 659 00:29:35,975 --> 00:29:37,499 It could not be recalled because we ended up 660 00:29:42,915 --> 00:29:44,940 You know the last time I came here from THE 661 00:29:46,218 --> 00:29:47,310 George Clooney was sitting 662 00:29:47,519 --> 00:29:48,850 Two seats in front of my 663 00:29:49,788 --> 00:29:50,652 Well-dressed 664 00:29:50,889 --> 00:29:52,254 And that mentÛn speaker 665 00:29:53,959 --> 00:29:55,859 We ended up flying for a 666 00:29:56,328 --> 00:29:57,488 Horrible aerolÌnea 667 00:29:58,130 --> 00:30:01,361 And He was wrong, trembling 668 00:30:02,401 --> 00:30:03,129 And 669 00:30:03,569 --> 00:30:06,470 When subiÛ on board was crying, I say 670 00:30:06,705 --> 00:30:08,297 Crying, praying, yes? 671 00:30:10,175 --> 00:30:11,301 I alone sentÈ here 672 00:30:11,643 --> 00:30:13,508 The crying and I sit here 673 00:30:14,413 --> 00:30:15,311 And I thought 674 00:30:15,781 --> 00:30:16,406 Oh go 675 00:30:17,116 --> 00:30:18,014 The prÛxima maÒana 676 00:30:18,617 --> 00:30:19,675 When Sam looks at the periÛdico 677 00:30:20,986 --> 00:30:23,079 That name looks on the page front? 678 00:30:23,489 --> 00:30:24,387 The mÌo not 679 00:30:25,457 --> 00:30:26,287 You know? 680 00:30:33,298 --> 00:30:37,962 You know that Farra Faucett muriÛ the same day that Michael Jackson? 681 00:30:38,437 --> 00:30:39,199 It's not crazy? 682 00:30:55,354 --> 00:30:56,582 Where we ended up? 683 00:30:57,322 --> 00:30:59,153 Because I threw a knife kitchen 684 00:31:00,259 --> 00:31:02,352 And a time m·s late I decÌas how much you loved me 685 00:31:04,163 --> 00:31:06,563 You know just because I did not like that ridÌcula comedy 686 00:31:06,765 --> 00:31:09,063 With Goldie Hawn's not meant that is not loved you 687 00:31:10,502 --> 00:31:11,628 Is what you always do 688 00:31:11,904 --> 00:31:13,872 You confuse love with admiraciÛn 689 00:31:16,341 --> 00:31:17,706 It's your house, do what you want with her 690 00:31:17,910 --> 00:31:19,400 Just make sure to be here for your daughter 691 00:31:20,312 --> 00:31:21,108 What harÈ 692 00:31:23,182 --> 00:31:24,649 You're not Farra Faucett, Riggan 693 00:31:27,953 --> 00:31:30,080 We had to make this show a reality they offered us 694 00:31:30,722 --> 00:31:31,552 The Thompsons 695 00:31:31,824 --> 00:31:33,018 C·llate - It would have been nice 696 00:31:33,225 --> 00:31:33,714 C·llate 697 00:31:34,026 --> 00:31:35,789 A daughter crazy and addicted to drugs 698 00:31:36,061 --> 00:31:37,756 A wife with nice tits stops 699 00:31:38,864 --> 00:31:39,990 The people would have wanted to see that 700 00:31:40,933 --> 00:31:43,026 C·llate - Is m·s this shit 701 00:31:43,202 --> 00:31:43,793 C·llate 702 00:31:47,306 --> 00:31:48,830 The sun bed is here 703 00:31:49,108 --> 00:31:50,200 What does that mean? - Means that 704 00:31:50,409 --> 00:31:51,899 There is a tanning bed it outside 705 00:31:52,111 --> 00:31:53,578 They deliver here in 706 00:31:54,413 --> 00:31:55,402 Who ordered a tanning bed? 707 00:31:55,681 --> 00:31:58,912 Mike says that is part of the development your character 708 00:31:59,184 --> 00:32:00,151 Fuck 709 00:32:00,352 --> 00:32:01,512 It is a peasant 710 00:32:02,121 --> 00:32:03,145 Son of a bitch 711 00:32:09,094 --> 00:32:09,753 We will 712 00:32:10,028 --> 00:32:10,892 Let us walk - To dÛnde are we going? 713 00:32:11,130 --> 00:32:12,097 We're going to take cafÈ 714 00:32:12,798 --> 00:32:14,163 I did something for missing the respect? 715 00:32:14,399 --> 00:32:15,024 Not yet 716 00:32:15,267 --> 00:32:17,235 Look, I have a lot bet in this fucking work 717 00:32:17,436 --> 00:32:18,266 Don't tell me - If? 718 00:32:18,537 --> 00:32:19,401 People know who I am 719 00:32:19,638 --> 00:32:21,162 And... - TonterÌas 720 00:32:21,373 --> 00:32:22,499 Don't know 721 00:32:22,708 --> 00:32:24,335 Or your work, you know the type of the work of p·jaro 722 00:32:24,576 --> 00:32:27,670 Who goes and tells stories on Letterman 723 00:32:27,880 --> 00:32:30,872 Sorry not to be popular - I don't care, popular? 724 00:32:31,350 --> 00:32:34,808 The popularity is the premium slippery the prestige 725 00:32:36,221 --> 00:32:37,449 Well, I don't know how, nor that shit does that mean 726 00:32:38,524 --> 00:32:39,252 Take 727 00:32:39,558 --> 00:32:43,358 It means that my reputaciÛn est· at stake in this, and it is worth 728 00:32:43,629 --> 00:32:44,527 Much, is worth a lot! 729 00:32:44,730 --> 00:32:45,924 Exact, fuck you 730 00:32:46,165 --> 00:32:47,655 If, if this does not work 731 00:32:47,900 --> 00:32:53,202 You return to your study and your genocide cultural perpetrate, 732 00:32:53,405 --> 00:32:55,202 A imbÈcil is born every minute 733 00:32:55,407 --> 00:32:58,035 That said inventÛ the circus 734 00:32:58,243 --> 00:33:02,145 And not much has changed, if they get some shit. 735 00:33:02,447 --> 00:33:04,108 The people har· line and pay· view 736 00:33:04,383 --> 00:33:05,611 But long after you've gone 737 00:33:05,817 --> 00:33:06,841 I estarÈ in that scenario 738 00:33:07,085 --> 00:33:07,949 Gan·ndome life 739 00:33:08,153 --> 00:33:08,949 Loading my soul 740 00:33:09,221 --> 00:33:11,155 Struggling with emotions complex human 741 00:33:11,423 --> 00:33:12,788 That harÈ - Then 742 00:33:13,025 --> 00:33:16,688 If, that is tratÛ all? Struggles with complex emotions? 743 00:33:16,895 --> 00:33:23,494 We are going is not the great thing, Riggan, in New York we do things well 744 00:33:24,636 --> 00:33:25,398 AdÛnde are you going? 745 00:33:26,004 --> 00:33:27,369 Have coffee here 746 00:33:35,781 --> 00:33:36,645 Thanks Tommy 747 00:33:37,115 --> 00:33:39,811 Is reÌan in my damn face - This night is reÌan 748 00:33:40,052 --> 00:33:41,144 MaÒana what may·n on Twitter 749 00:33:41,420 --> 00:33:42,614 That will be the shit, who cares? 750 00:33:43,155 --> 00:33:46,318 This is the people that pay half of price to see us rehearse 751 00:33:46,592 --> 00:33:48,253 Stops.. - This is a drama 752 00:33:48,427 --> 00:33:49,416 Will Raymond Carver 753 00:33:49,628 --> 00:33:51,095 You don't know that it is this work 754 00:33:51,797 --> 00:33:52,525 You don't know 755 00:33:53,332 --> 00:33:54,663 For this reason they are the previews 756 00:33:54,866 --> 00:33:55,924 That's why they are called previews 757 00:33:56,168 --> 00:33:58,762 Here is where you realize what is the work 758 00:33:59,004 --> 00:33:59,629 I say 759 00:34:00,906 --> 00:34:01,600 Ok, look, look 760 00:34:02,741 --> 00:34:03,503 Escchame 761 00:34:03,942 --> 00:34:05,876 You see the woman in the end of the bar? 762 00:34:06,378 --> 00:34:08,573 It seems that the lamio back to a pauper? 763 00:34:08,780 --> 00:34:09,644 If 764 00:34:10,616 --> 00:34:12,015 The only thing that matters 765 00:34:12,284 --> 00:34:14,878 Is what she write· in 500 words, it is... 766 00:34:15,153 --> 00:34:16,142 Tabitha Dickenson, if 767 00:34:16,788 --> 00:34:17,777 And crÈelo or not 768 00:34:18,023 --> 00:34:18,990 The only opiniÛn that matter 769 00:34:19,224 --> 00:34:20,384 In the theatre of New York is yours 770 00:34:20,592 --> 00:34:21,616 If you like us 771 00:34:21,893 --> 00:34:22,552 We continue to 772 00:34:22,761 --> 00:34:23,625 If this is not so, we're screwed 773 00:34:26,164 --> 00:34:27,995 If it seems that you lamiÛ the rear a hobo 774 00:34:28,267 --> 00:34:29,165 Do me a favor 775 00:34:29,668 --> 00:34:32,228 Don't aloques by a damn preview 776 00:34:32,437 --> 00:34:34,928 In something as well, and don't tell me as does my work 777 00:34:35,173 --> 00:34:36,071 This is my city 778 00:34:36,308 --> 00:34:37,366 And to be honest 779 00:34:37,643 --> 00:34:39,235 People don't care a shit here 780 00:34:39,444 --> 00:34:41,241 You are Riggan Thomson, isn't it? 781 00:34:42,214 --> 00:34:44,239 We importarÌa taken a photo with us? 782 00:34:44,449 --> 00:34:45,074 No, No - Thanks 783 00:34:45,350 --> 00:34:46,544 We importarÌa? 784 00:34:46,818 --> 00:34:47,876 Why? - The botÛn est· down 785 00:34:52,157 --> 00:34:53,818 Who is this guy? - SolÌa be Birdman 786 00:34:56,228 --> 00:34:57,024 Ok 787 00:34:57,896 --> 00:34:58,624 Great 788 00:34:59,765 --> 00:35:00,959 That handsome, thanks 789 00:35:01,166 --> 00:35:01,894 It is very sweet - Thanks 790 00:35:02,134 --> 00:35:03,123 Handsome - Thanks 791 00:35:04,803 --> 00:35:05,929 We will 792 00:35:11,576 --> 00:35:13,874 We are already good? 793 00:35:14,146 --> 00:35:15,044 It is time to go home 794 00:35:16,181 --> 00:35:17,375 Well, I see you maÒana 795 00:35:22,521 --> 00:35:23,579 I want to know something 796 00:35:24,956 --> 00:35:26,446 Why Raymond Carver? 797 00:35:31,496 --> 00:35:32,793 Had a guy 798 00:35:33,498 --> 00:35:34,522 In the secondary 799 00:35:34,733 --> 00:35:35,961 During a work 800 00:35:36,435 --> 00:35:37,197 I was in the audience 801 00:35:38,337 --> 00:35:39,326 And the 802 00:35:39,538 --> 00:35:40,300 EnviÛ this back 803 00:35:40,839 --> 00:35:41,771 After 804 00:35:44,776 --> 00:35:46,539 Thanks for a good presentaciÛn 805 00:35:47,179 --> 00:35:48,111 Ray Carver - If 806 00:35:49,948 --> 00:35:50,915 If? 807 00:35:51,183 --> 00:35:53,674 So it's like I knew that it would be an actor 808 00:35:54,419 --> 00:35:55,249 Same here 809 00:35:59,658 --> 00:36:00,522 That is so funny? 810 00:36:01,226 --> 00:36:04,059 Nothing, it is just a cocktail napkin - Yes, and? 811 00:36:05,330 --> 00:36:06,592 I was drunk 812 00:36:10,969 --> 00:36:12,436 You're going to Hollywood, Mike? 813 00:36:12,838 --> 00:36:13,634 Not 814 00:36:15,607 --> 00:36:17,268 No, Hollywood comes here, Tabi 815 00:36:18,043 --> 00:36:19,032 Good luck with that 816 00:36:20,645 --> 00:36:22,442 A man becomes a critical 817 00:36:22,948 --> 00:36:24,279 When you can't be an artist 818 00:36:24,549 --> 00:36:26,278 In the same way that a man it becomes an informant 819 00:36:26,485 --> 00:36:27,577 When you can't be a soldier 820 00:36:28,787 --> 00:36:29,913 Flaubert, no? 821 00:36:30,622 --> 00:36:33,182 Is a clown of Hollywood in a suit, expensive 822 00:36:34,092 --> 00:36:34,922 If, what is 823 00:36:35,594 --> 00:36:37,255 But maÒana after 8 824 00:36:37,462 --> 00:36:39,293 Pay off· on that stage to risk everything 825 00:36:40,999 --> 00:36:41,988 That har·s t? 826 00:36:43,869 --> 00:36:46,201 You're not concerned that you of a bad criticism 827 00:36:47,439 --> 00:36:48,201 Insurance har·s 828 00:36:49,174 --> 00:36:50,903 If I give you a bad presentaciÛn 829 00:36:52,844 --> 00:36:53,811 Ms. Dickenson 830 00:36:54,546 --> 00:36:56,446 Mr. Seiner 831 00:38:05,617 --> 00:38:07,380 Hey - Hey 832 00:38:08,220 --> 00:38:09,084 Do you even here? 833 00:38:09,855 --> 00:38:13,120 Nothing 834 00:38:13,391 --> 00:38:15,291 Your costumes est·n the dressing room 835 00:38:15,660 --> 00:38:16,592 Great 836 00:38:16,795 --> 00:38:19,161 Great - ConseguÌ coconut water that querÌas 837 00:38:20,398 --> 00:38:23,060 If you want to do another thing... why? 838 00:38:25,337 --> 00:38:26,429 I'm not sure 839 00:38:26,705 --> 00:38:27,694 I said thanks 840 00:38:28,607 --> 00:38:30,234 Why? - For all 841 00:38:30,509 --> 00:38:31,806 I mean, you've been doing for a good job 842 00:38:32,077 --> 00:38:32,839 And you already know 843 00:38:33,078 --> 00:38:33,703 Honestly 844 00:38:33,979 --> 00:38:35,469 I've been so worried 845 00:38:35,680 --> 00:38:36,738 With all... - If 846 00:38:38,917 --> 00:38:39,713 Ok, good 847 00:38:41,186 --> 00:38:42,084 Only querÌa say that 848 00:38:46,925 --> 00:38:47,755 Why is that? 849 00:38:48,994 --> 00:38:49,790 That smell 850 00:38:50,996 --> 00:38:51,655 What is it? 851 00:38:51,897 --> 00:38:52,659 MÌrame 852 00:38:52,931 --> 00:38:53,693 MÌrame! - That? 853 00:38:53,999 --> 00:38:54,556 Why? 854 00:38:54,766 --> 00:38:56,028 Come on, you must be kidding 855 00:38:56,301 --> 00:38:57,325 Pap· - Where is? 856 00:38:59,104 --> 00:39:00,332 We can not do this please?. 857 00:39:01,640 --> 00:39:02,368 Pap· 858 00:39:02,674 --> 00:39:03,402 DÛnde est·? 859 00:39:03,842 --> 00:39:04,672 I can't believe it 860 00:39:08,513 --> 00:39:09,207 Why is this? 861 00:39:10,115 --> 00:39:10,945 Butter manÌ 862 00:39:12,284 --> 00:39:13,114 This, this 863 00:39:13,385 --> 00:39:14,147 Why is this? 864 00:39:15,954 --> 00:39:16,716 Is marijuana 865 00:39:17,389 --> 00:39:18,151 Rel·feast 866 00:39:18,356 --> 00:39:18,879 Rel·feast? 867 00:39:19,090 --> 00:39:20,057 You may not like this to me 868 00:39:20,325 --> 00:39:22,452 To you? - C·llate, you know what I'm talking about 869 00:39:22,727 --> 00:39:23,955 If you talk about it 870 00:39:24,162 --> 00:39:25,356 No, don't do that thing 871 00:39:25,564 --> 00:39:26,758 Don't think in my 872 00:39:26,998 --> 00:39:28,829 I try to do something that is important 873 00:39:29,034 --> 00:39:29,898 This is not important 874 00:39:30,101 --> 00:39:30,795 It is important for my 875 00:39:31,503 --> 00:39:32,231 Ok? 876 00:39:32,437 --> 00:39:34,268 DÈjalo to your friends cÌnicos 877 00:39:34,539 --> 00:39:35,870 Whose only ambitions 878 00:39:36,074 --> 00:39:37,132 It is to be viral but 879 00:39:37,375 --> 00:39:38,137 For my 880 00:39:38,376 --> 00:39:39,206 This is 881 00:39:39,411 --> 00:39:40,400 God mÌo, this is my career 882 00:39:42,047 --> 00:39:44,481 It is my opportunity to do something that really amount 883 00:39:44,683 --> 00:39:45,615 Will amount to who? 884 00:39:46,718 --> 00:39:47,980 You had a career, pap· 885 00:39:48,186 --> 00:39:49,585 Before the third movie of the comic 886 00:39:50,088 --> 00:39:52,750 The people empezÛ to forget who I was in this disguise of p·jaro 887 00:39:53,525 --> 00:39:55,254 Do a work-based in a book 888 00:39:55,460 --> 00:39:56,893 Writing for the past 60 years 889 00:39:57,295 --> 00:39:59,195 For people old white and rich 890 00:39:59,464 --> 00:40:02,797 Whose only concern is to take coffee and eat cake at the end 891 00:40:03,401 --> 00:40:04,868 Nobody gives a fuck m·s that you 892 00:40:06,004 --> 00:40:07,869 And enfrentÈmoslo, pap· 893 00:40:08,139 --> 00:40:09,834 You do not do this for art 894 00:40:10,108 --> 00:40:12,668 You do this because you want to feel relevant again 895 00:40:12,944 --> 00:40:13,808 Good guess 896 00:40:14,045 --> 00:40:17,503 There's a world of it outside where people fight to be relevant to daily 897 00:40:17,849 --> 00:40:19,248 And your acts as if there were no 898 00:40:20,251 --> 00:40:22,185 Things happen in a place your ignaros 899 00:40:22,454 --> 00:40:25,821 A place that apparently no you have forgotten it 900 00:40:26,091 --> 00:40:27,820 I mean, who the fuck are you t? 901 00:40:28,727 --> 00:40:29,591 You hate bloggers 902 00:40:29,861 --> 00:40:30,828 Teasing Twitter 903 00:40:31,062 --> 00:40:32,324 You don't even have a p·gina Facebook 904 00:40:33,164 --> 00:40:34,222 You are the one that does not exist 905 00:40:35,033 --> 00:40:35,863 You do this 906 00:40:36,067 --> 00:40:37,159 Because these terrified to death 907 00:40:37,402 --> 00:40:38,198 Like the rest of us 908 00:40:38,503 --> 00:40:39,527 No matter 909 00:40:39,771 --> 00:40:40,396 And you know what? 910 00:40:40,672 --> 00:40:41,195 You have razÛn 911 00:40:41,439 --> 00:40:42,406 No matter 912 00:40:42,641 --> 00:40:44,233 It is not important, ok? 913 00:40:44,476 --> 00:40:45,443 T you are not important 914 00:40:45,710 --> 00:40:46,540 Acostmbrate 915 00:41:06,164 --> 00:41:06,960 Pap· 916 00:42:51,936 --> 00:42:52,732 Lesley 917 00:42:52,937 --> 00:42:54,905 Why? - I think that I'm hard 918 00:42:55,607 --> 00:42:58,838 It is not so, just that sometimes not consider the feelings of the dem·s 919 00:42:59,110 --> 00:43:01,840 No, No, I'm getting hard, feels like this 920 00:43:03,348 --> 00:43:04,315 Are you kidding? 921 00:43:04,516 --> 00:43:05,710 Hag·moslo real, let's take 922 00:43:05,984 --> 00:43:06,916 Est·s crazy? 923 00:43:07,118 --> 00:43:08,710 Be· real, very real 924 00:43:08,887 --> 00:43:09,945 SuÈltame Mike 925 00:43:10,655 --> 00:43:12,213 Let Mike - Do not call me Mike 926 00:43:12,824 --> 00:43:13,722 Ll·mame Mel, Mel 927 00:43:14,225 --> 00:43:15,089 B·feast 928 00:43:21,766 --> 00:43:22,425 SuÈltame 929 00:43:24,869 --> 00:43:25,767 Ed - Why? 930 00:43:26,037 --> 00:43:27,095 You do here? 931 00:43:27,338 --> 00:43:28,498 I just need you to tell me because 932 00:43:28,706 --> 00:43:30,674 TÛmalo with calm, c·lmate, sÈ that is hard 933 00:43:30,909 --> 00:43:34,242 C·llate 934 00:43:34,512 --> 00:43:35,376 Do not do anything estpido 935 00:43:37,115 --> 00:43:37,877 Eddie please 936 00:43:39,150 --> 00:43:40,378 I have wrong? 937 00:43:41,085 --> 00:43:43,144 Why people don't love me?" 938 00:43:44,088 --> 00:43:45,555 Eddie, please give me the gun 939 00:43:46,724 --> 00:43:47,486 MÌrame 940 00:43:48,359 --> 00:43:51,055 He was drowned·ndome only am I not to be able to... 941 00:43:52,463 --> 00:43:55,296 You deserved to be loved, Eddie 942 00:43:55,767 --> 00:43:56,631 Seriously 943 00:43:56,835 --> 00:43:58,427 Only querÌa be that t querÌas 944 00:43:59,137 --> 00:44:01,697 Now I spend every minute praying for being someone else 945 00:44:01,906 --> 00:44:02,804 Someone who I am not 946 00:44:03,942 --> 00:44:04,636 Who is - Ok 947 00:44:04,876 --> 00:44:06,571 Just put down the gun. 948 00:44:06,811 --> 00:44:08,039 Ed, it's only because he doesn't love you 949 00:44:09,681 --> 00:44:10,648 You love Me, right? 950 00:44:11,282 --> 00:44:12,112 Not 951 00:44:14,319 --> 00:44:15,377 And never har·s? 952 00:44:15,954 --> 00:44:16,921 Sorry 953 00:44:19,891 --> 00:44:20,880 I do not exist 954 00:44:23,828 --> 00:44:24,726 I'm not even here 955 00:44:26,898 --> 00:44:27,887 None of this even matters 956 00:44:28,766 --> 00:44:30,700 I don't exist 957 00:44:32,670 --> 00:44:34,001 Ed? - I don't exist even 958 00:44:34,906 --> 00:44:35,702 Ed! 959 00:44:35,907 --> 00:44:36,874 Don't do that 960 00:44:47,085 --> 00:44:48,177 You are a imbÈcil 961 00:44:48,686 --> 00:44:50,278 Are you kidding? It was the best sex scene 962 00:44:53,157 --> 00:44:53,919 Fuck 963 00:44:54,092 --> 00:44:55,719 It is as if my head were baÒada of boloÒesa 964 00:44:55,927 --> 00:44:56,859 Give me the blood Rig 965 00:44:57,161 --> 00:44:57,923 I arreglarÈ 966 00:44:58,129 --> 00:44:59,892 Est·we were in a hotel - You must be kidding 967 00:45:00,164 --> 00:45:03,327 You can't stop it in 6 months and now you want to fuck me in front of 800 people? 968 00:45:03,568 --> 00:45:04,865 I needed to feel it real 969 00:45:05,136 --> 00:45:05,795 Ok? 970 00:45:06,004 --> 00:45:07,266 I need that intensity you know that on my 971 00:45:07,472 --> 00:45:08,200 Fuck you - From the beginning 972 00:45:11,542 --> 00:45:13,703 I was sintiÈndome only pensÈ t also 973 00:45:16,047 --> 00:45:17,981 That's never stopped you before 974 00:45:19,284 --> 00:45:20,649 Brilliant, brilliant 975 00:45:21,352 --> 00:45:22,319 What the fuck is wrong with you? 976 00:45:42,106 --> 00:45:44,040 I want your shit outside of the department 977 00:45:44,609 --> 00:45:45,871 Why? No, wait, look 978 00:45:46,144 --> 00:45:47,133 Look at what I feel 979 00:45:47,745 --> 00:45:49,645 Sorry, we can...? - No, we can not Mike 980 00:45:49,914 --> 00:45:51,973 Maybe here above are the Mr. Truth 981 00:45:52,250 --> 00:45:54,810 But in the real world where yes you matter you are a fucking fraud 982 00:45:55,353 --> 00:45:56,980 Such that truth, imbÈcil? 983 00:46:00,558 --> 00:46:01,490 It is a imbÈcil - Who made it that far? 984 00:46:01,693 --> 00:46:04,093 Nothing, he wanted to fuck me in front of the whole audience 985 00:46:04,295 --> 00:46:04,920 God mÌo 986 00:46:05,196 --> 00:46:06,220 Truth? - It is sexy 987 00:46:12,704 --> 00:46:14,865 Why I have no self-respect? 988 00:46:15,840 --> 00:46:16,932 You're an actress, cariÒo 989 00:46:17,909 --> 00:46:18,807 I am patÈtica 990 00:46:22,013 --> 00:46:22,707 Look 991 00:46:27,485 --> 00:46:28,213 You know what? 992 00:46:29,153 --> 00:46:31,519 I've always soÒado to be an actress of Broadway 993 00:46:32,824 --> 00:46:33,722 Since I was a pequeÒa and 994 00:46:33,925 --> 00:46:34,687 Now I'm here 995 00:46:35,193 --> 00:46:35,887 And I 996 00:46:36,160 --> 00:46:37,752 I am not an actress of Broadway 997 00:46:38,029 --> 00:46:39,997 I'm still a niÒa 998 00:46:42,667 --> 00:46:46,626 I've been waiting for someone I say that I have attained 999 00:46:47,405 --> 00:46:48,235 Hey 1000 00:46:48,973 --> 00:46:49,837 What you have achieved 1001 00:46:52,710 --> 00:46:53,802 What did I do? 1002 00:46:54,879 --> 00:46:58,178 Unfortunately it was with Mike in a fake hotel with a lot of people... 1003 00:46:58,383 --> 00:46:59,315 C·llate 1004 00:47:04,088 --> 00:47:04,884 Oh God 1005 00:47:05,156 --> 00:47:06,123 Hey, est· well? 1006 00:47:06,324 --> 00:47:07,313 She be· well 1007 00:47:10,395 --> 00:47:11,191 Look 1008 00:47:11,763 --> 00:47:12,991 None of this is your fault, ok? 1009 00:47:14,265 --> 00:47:15,027 Ok, look at 1010 00:47:15,233 --> 00:47:15,858 You're beautiful 1011 00:47:16,434 --> 00:47:17,628 You are talented 1012 00:47:18,636 --> 00:47:20,069 And I'm lucky to have you 1013 00:47:21,773 --> 00:47:22,637 Ok? 1014 00:47:23,374 --> 00:47:26,901 Ok 1015 00:47:35,920 --> 00:47:37,046 That was something that was sweet 1016 00:47:38,089 --> 00:47:38,953 If 1017 00:47:41,559 --> 00:47:42,457 What happens? 1018 00:47:43,861 --> 00:47:44,623 Nothing 1019 00:47:44,962 --> 00:47:47,226 2 years and He has never let me said anything like that to my 1020 00:47:49,667 --> 00:47:50,361 Hey 1021 00:47:52,437 --> 00:47:53,233 You're beautiful 1022 00:47:54,072 --> 00:47:54,902 And you are talented 1023 00:47:55,606 --> 00:47:56,664 And I'm lucky to have you 1024 00:47:58,242 --> 00:48:00,335 Ok? - What disgust 1025 00:48:12,890 --> 00:48:13,720 That you are doing? 1026 00:48:13,991 --> 00:48:14,821 Nothing 1027 00:48:24,102 --> 00:48:25,194 Do it again 1028 00:48:33,377 --> 00:48:35,402 We can talk about this like two artists adults? 1029 00:48:35,646 --> 00:48:37,580 I say, which is really the big problem... 1030 00:48:37,815 --> 00:48:38,804 L·rgate 1031 00:48:42,053 --> 00:48:43,145 You are not ready then 1032 00:48:44,088 --> 00:48:45,282 Est· well 1033 00:48:52,497 --> 00:48:53,259 Actresses 1034 00:48:54,365 --> 00:48:55,354 Fuck 1035 00:48:57,335 --> 00:48:59,860 Riggan 1036 00:49:00,638 --> 00:49:01,366 Your weapon 1037 00:49:01,639 --> 00:49:02,469 It is ridÌcula 1038 00:49:02,740 --> 00:49:04,799 I see the red cartridge in the caÒÛn 1039 00:49:05,009 --> 00:49:07,034 So you see yourself as a niÒo with a toy pl·forecast 1040 00:49:07,278 --> 00:49:08,438 When pointing to my 1041 00:49:08,646 --> 00:49:10,341 I don't feel threatened 1042 00:49:10,615 --> 00:49:11,604 For nothing 1043 00:49:12,884 --> 00:49:14,579 Get a better, please self-respect 1044 00:49:14,852 --> 00:49:15,546 Please 1045 00:49:17,421 --> 00:49:22,154 Apart from that, I think it was a hearing very fun 1046 00:49:42,547 --> 00:49:45,607 I don't think that is enough high 1047 00:49:48,586 --> 00:49:49,518 I didn't 1048 00:49:51,756 --> 00:49:52,552 You do up here? 1049 00:49:54,659 --> 00:49:55,421 Adrenaline? 1050 00:49:56,460 --> 00:49:57,757 I just got out of rehabilitaciÛn 1051 00:49:58,629 --> 00:50:00,062 It is the nearest that I get to a drug 1052 00:50:01,399 --> 00:50:02,229 Went to rehabilitaciÛn? 1053 00:50:02,900 --> 00:50:03,594 If 1054 00:50:04,502 --> 00:50:05,332 Great 1055 00:50:06,437 --> 00:50:08,735 It was not a big deal or anything but 1056 00:50:08,973 --> 00:50:10,838 That guy from American Pie was it 1057 00:50:11,142 --> 00:50:11,801 If? 1058 00:50:12,677 --> 00:50:13,735 CÛmeme 1059 00:50:17,848 --> 00:50:18,872 I love this city 1060 00:50:20,151 --> 00:50:20,947 If 1061 00:50:24,422 --> 00:50:25,719 Because acts as a imbÈcil all the time? 1062 00:50:27,225 --> 00:50:28,852 What do you do to antagonize to the people? 1063 00:50:30,828 --> 00:50:31,624 Maybe 1064 00:50:32,597 --> 00:50:34,758 In reality you don't care a shit if you fall well to the people or not? 1065 00:50:36,634 --> 00:50:37,566 Not really 1066 00:50:39,303 --> 00:50:40,270 That's great 1067 00:50:40,771 --> 00:50:41,863 What is it? 1068 00:50:42,073 --> 00:50:43,233 I don't sÈ 1069 00:50:44,642 --> 00:50:45,370 Hey 1070 00:50:46,577 --> 00:50:47,635 Hey - That? 1071 00:50:48,613 --> 00:50:49,671 Let's play something 1072 00:50:49,880 --> 00:50:50,574 A game? 1073 00:50:51,215 --> 00:50:52,079 You have 8? 1074 00:50:52,316 --> 00:50:53,340 And t 78? 1075 00:50:54,285 --> 00:50:55,946 Truth or consequence - Oh, come on 1076 00:50:56,153 --> 00:50:57,381 Not -Truth or consequence 1077 00:50:59,390 --> 00:51:00,186 Truth 1078 00:51:03,094 --> 00:51:04,789 When we met for the the first time 1079 00:51:05,062 --> 00:51:06,654 You made a comment about my rear 1080 00:51:08,366 --> 00:51:09,230 Why did you do it? 1081 00:51:11,669 --> 00:51:12,636 You have a great rear 1082 00:51:13,704 --> 00:51:15,137 And I realized 1083 00:51:16,240 --> 00:51:17,434 And only comentÈ about the 1084 00:51:19,410 --> 00:51:20,877 Truth or consequence? 1085 00:51:21,145 --> 00:51:22,043 Result 1086 00:51:22,313 --> 00:51:23,371 Seriously? - If 1087 00:51:24,382 --> 00:51:28,443 Ok 1088 00:51:28,753 --> 00:51:32,348 There is a bald passing below and I want you to escupas 1089 00:51:32,623 --> 00:51:33,419 Not 1090 00:51:33,624 --> 00:51:34,249 Said result 1091 00:51:34,525 --> 00:51:35,287 Truth 1092 00:51:35,493 --> 00:51:36,221 No, it is too late 1093 00:51:44,669 --> 00:51:45,533 Happy? 1094 00:51:45,736 --> 00:51:46,327 If 1095 00:51:50,174 --> 00:51:51,072 Truth or consequence? 1096 00:51:51,375 --> 00:51:52,273 Truth 1097 00:51:52,543 --> 00:51:53,601 You are boring 1098 00:51:53,878 --> 00:51:55,345 The truth is always interesting 1099 00:52:00,418 --> 00:52:01,680 You want to mess with me? 1100 00:52:03,421 --> 00:52:05,184 Not 1101 00:52:05,489 --> 00:52:06,387 Seriously? 1102 00:52:07,792 --> 00:52:08,690 Why not? 1103 00:52:08,893 --> 00:52:09,951 This is a second question 1104 00:52:10,261 --> 00:52:11,558 It is the second part 1105 00:52:15,166 --> 00:52:16,463 I am afraid that I could stop 1106 00:52:21,005 --> 00:52:23,496 That's not pareciÛ be a problem for you on the stage 1107 00:52:26,277 --> 00:52:29,144 That is because nothing is a problem for me on the stage 1108 00:52:31,782 --> 00:52:32,976 I want to ask you another question 1109 00:52:33,250 --> 00:52:34,615 You've done 1110 00:52:34,819 --> 00:52:35,478 A more 1111 00:52:35,686 --> 00:52:36,345 Forward 1112 00:52:38,589 --> 00:52:39,556 But you had fear 1113 00:52:41,292 --> 00:52:42,350 That you would love me? 1114 00:52:48,666 --> 00:52:50,031 You sacarÌa the eyes of the head 1115 00:52:51,669 --> 00:52:52,658 That is sweet 1116 00:52:52,903 --> 00:52:54,097 The pondrÌa in my own cr·neo 1117 00:52:55,506 --> 00:52:57,030 And mirarÌa for it to be able to 1118 00:52:57,308 --> 00:52:59,333 See the street, the way in which the to when I had your age 1119 00:53:13,557 --> 00:53:14,524 Good night 1120 00:54:07,411 --> 00:54:08,378 Do not kill the messenger 1121 00:54:10,748 --> 00:54:11,612 It is a imbÈcil 1122 00:54:14,185 --> 00:54:15,083 I told you so 1123 00:54:15,286 --> 00:54:16,310 Your fucking 1124 00:54:16,821 --> 00:54:17,913 Est· playing with you, Riggan 1125 00:54:18,422 --> 00:54:19,389 What is? 1126 00:54:21,325 --> 00:54:22,553 P·gina 12, p·gina 12 1127 00:54:31,168 --> 00:54:31,725 Where is the rest? 1128 00:54:31,936 --> 00:54:32,766 There is No rest 1129 00:54:34,171 --> 00:54:36,833 Don't worry someone will use· for pick up dog shit maÒana 1130 00:54:37,041 --> 00:54:38,406 How can you be so calm 1131 00:54:38,609 --> 00:54:39,837 Another opciÛn I have? 1132 00:54:40,110 --> 00:54:41,737 Have No fear for nothing? 1133 00:54:41,946 --> 00:54:42,469 About what? 1134 00:54:42,680 --> 00:54:44,238 On being humiliated it out 1135 00:54:44,482 --> 00:54:46,347 Not would be the first time 1136 00:54:46,550 --> 00:54:48,211 Of course not 1137 00:54:52,590 --> 00:54:53,420 You are a imbÈcil 1138 00:55:01,198 --> 00:55:03,860 By the way, I'm not pregnant so you should not worry about that 1139 00:55:08,572 --> 00:55:09,869 OlvÌdate of it 1140 00:55:11,208 --> 00:55:12,539 Is robÛ your front page 1141 00:55:13,210 --> 00:55:14,268 It robs you of your show 1142 00:55:14,512 --> 00:55:15,979 It says that you are a joke 1143 00:55:17,548 --> 00:55:19,516 Now 2 million people est·n according to Him 1144 00:55:20,317 --> 00:55:21,409 Maybe if you were, Riggan 1145 00:55:21,685 --> 00:55:22,879 Perhaps that is what you are 1146 00:55:24,188 --> 00:55:24,984 A joke 1147 00:55:45,809 --> 00:55:46,673 What demons happens? 1148 00:55:48,746 --> 00:55:49,542 That hurts - Lev·sit 1149 00:55:49,813 --> 00:55:51,747 Receding - So by Carver you are an actor? 1150 00:55:52,116 --> 00:55:52,980 Why? - Escchame 1151 00:55:53,183 --> 00:55:54,150 This is my fucking show 1152 00:55:54,652 --> 00:55:55,983 I did the work, recaudÈ the money 1153 00:55:56,186 --> 00:55:57,278 I brought the whore press 1154 00:55:58,255 --> 00:55:59,620 Oh, Jess 1155 00:55:59,890 --> 00:56:02,450 They called me to me by an interview 1156 00:56:02,660 --> 00:56:05,288 I told them the first thing that I ocurriÛ 1157 00:56:05,496 --> 00:56:06,155 Seriously? 1158 00:56:06,397 --> 00:56:07,625 The secciÛn of the art culture 1159 00:56:07,831 --> 00:56:09,822 Come on, fuck the secciÛn art 1160 00:56:10,100 --> 00:56:11,499 Tell them the first thing that you ocurriÛ 1161 00:56:11,735 --> 00:56:12,827 Truth, because that's you Mike 1162 00:56:13,037 --> 00:56:13,401 Not? 1163 00:56:13,604 --> 00:56:16,937 You are a natural kind, to those who do not care about anything, no? 1164 00:56:17,207 --> 00:56:18,139 That is the truth of the moment 1165 00:56:18,375 --> 00:56:20,639 Do you think that matters? - C·llate the fucking mouth 1166 00:56:20,878 --> 00:56:22,243 Not har·s nothing in my scenario unless I say so 1167 00:56:23,213 --> 00:56:24,202 Your scenario? 1168 00:56:24,415 --> 00:56:25,848 Oh, dÈjame to tell you something 1169 00:56:26,083 --> 00:56:28,574 This scenario has belonged to many good actors 1170 00:56:28,852 --> 00:56:29,876 But t you're not one of them - Seriously? 1171 00:56:30,120 --> 00:56:31,781 So measure your length, ok? 1172 00:56:34,058 --> 00:56:35,855 Did a few changes and divagaste some things 1173 00:56:36,927 --> 00:56:38,189 But even so come to me 1174 00:56:38,429 --> 00:56:39,760 No one cares piece of shit 1175 00:56:39,964 --> 00:56:40,487 Anyone? - If 1176 00:56:40,798 --> 00:56:43,358 My erecciÛn had 58 thousand views 1177 00:56:43,567 --> 00:56:46,764 I bet that a dildo obtendrÌa m·s that l·rgate of here 1178 00:56:46,971 --> 00:56:48,495 I don't care - If, mind you 1179 00:56:48,739 --> 00:56:53,233 You mostrarÈ, oh Mike you are so honest 1180 00:56:53,510 --> 00:56:54,442 So true, listen to 1181 00:56:55,112 --> 00:56:58,980 Escchame, you said that your father was a drunk as Carver, is it true? 1182 00:56:59,249 --> 00:57:00,273 Is it true? - Not 1183 00:57:00,551 --> 00:57:01,643 Not - Because my father if 1184 00:57:02,252 --> 00:57:03,776 My father is a drunk bastard 1185 00:57:04,822 --> 00:57:05,618 You understand? - Ok 1186 00:57:05,823 --> 00:57:06,881 Stuck us 1187 00:57:07,591 --> 00:57:11,049 Est· well because while stuck us at least I didn't think 1188 00:57:11,528 --> 00:57:12,995 Take us to the tool shed 1189 00:57:13,998 --> 00:57:15,863 Because in that shed... 1190 00:57:16,066 --> 00:57:17,795 You have No idea 1191 00:57:18,402 --> 00:57:20,336 These are things that I don't even want to mention 1192 00:57:20,571 --> 00:57:22,334 You want to tell? 1193 00:57:23,407 --> 00:57:25,068 I ganÈ a name for me same 1194 00:57:25,542 --> 00:57:28,306 But... my poor sister 1195 00:57:30,047 --> 00:57:30,911 Ok, ok 1196 00:57:31,148 --> 00:57:31,842 Ok, hey 1197 00:57:32,216 --> 00:57:32,875 Hey, hey 1198 00:57:33,217 --> 00:57:34,115 Hey 1199 00:57:34,585 --> 00:57:35,210 God 1200 00:57:36,754 --> 00:57:37,743 I didn't know 1201 00:57:38,222 --> 00:57:38,916 Sorry 1202 00:57:39,123 --> 00:57:41,216 Sorry, that's horrible 1203 00:57:42,159 --> 00:57:42,784 Sorry - If 1204 00:57:44,862 --> 00:57:45,886 Nor is it true 1205 00:57:46,597 --> 00:57:47,586 You can see I also can't pretend 1206 00:57:48,465 --> 00:57:49,397 Don't mess with me, Mike 1207 00:57:49,600 --> 00:57:50,862 You say - These a little crazy 1208 00:57:51,068 --> 00:57:53,002 DeberÌas start using that in the scenario 1209 00:57:56,774 --> 00:57:57,798 Maybe I said that, but 1210 00:57:58,008 --> 00:57:58,667 If, perhaps 1211 00:57:58,876 --> 00:57:59,433 We will 1212 00:57:59,677 --> 00:58:00,609 We will - If? 1213 00:58:00,878 --> 00:58:01,503 If 1214 00:58:01,712 --> 00:58:04,010 Why don't you go by your wings and your estpido suit bird? 1215 00:58:20,898 --> 00:58:21,728 That look, that har·n? 1216 00:58:22,232 --> 00:58:23,221 I replace? 1217 00:58:23,434 --> 00:58:25,800 You think you're a fucking Ryan Gosling or something as well? 1218 00:58:50,461 --> 00:58:51,928 You are patÈtico, Riggan 1219 00:58:52,896 --> 00:58:56,332 Pass·ndote with that faggot theatre 1220 00:58:56,533 --> 00:58:59,263 And 700 people sitting they see it as well 1221 00:59:06,243 --> 00:59:08,234 Now if you've goofed 1222 00:59:09,313 --> 00:59:14,945 You destroyed a good book with that child adaptaciÛn now you're going to destroy 1223 00:59:15,252 --> 00:59:16,617 What is left of your career 1224 00:59:18,856 --> 00:59:19,880 It is patÈtico 1225 00:59:22,259 --> 00:59:23,749 LarguÈmonos of here while we can 1226 00:59:24,728 --> 00:59:28,721 This is not true, it is a mental problem 1227 00:59:28,932 --> 00:59:29,694 Enough with that shit 1228 00:59:29,900 --> 00:59:31,834 It is not a mental problem 1229 00:59:32,102 --> 00:59:33,501 I am you, imbÈcil 1230 00:59:35,139 --> 00:59:35,935 DÈjame in peace 1231 00:59:36,140 --> 00:59:37,869 You were a movie star, remember? 1232 00:59:38,742 --> 00:59:40,141 Happy 1233 00:59:40,344 --> 00:59:41,606 I was not happy - Ignorant 1234 00:59:41,879 --> 00:59:43,278 But charming, now 1235 00:59:43,514 --> 00:59:45,607 You are a sucks cocks insignificant 1236 00:59:45,883 --> 00:59:47,145 Damn miserable 1237 00:59:47,351 --> 00:59:48,648 Always miserable - If 1238 00:59:48,919 --> 00:59:51,547 Always miserable in Hollywood 1239 00:59:52,623 --> 00:59:53,715 You're trying to deprive?. 1240 00:59:53,924 --> 00:59:54,788 That you're an artist? 1241 00:59:55,793 --> 00:59:57,226 Because you're not - Fuck you! 1242 00:59:57,661 --> 00:59:58,628 No, t vetea fuck 1243 00:59:58,929 --> 00:59:59,759 Coward 1244 01:00:00,030 --> 01:00:01,998 Missed billion 1245 01:00:02,666 --> 01:00:03,826 Gives you hesitating to that? 1246 01:00:04,134 --> 01:00:08,093 Always lose billions, and that that makes it good? 1247 01:00:10,674 --> 01:00:11,663 I do not know if you've noticed 1248 01:00:11,909 --> 01:00:13,536 But that was in the 1992 1249 01:00:13,744 --> 01:00:16,212 You may get yourself in that outfit if you would like to 1250 01:00:16,413 --> 01:00:17,437 We're not dead - MÌrame 1251 01:00:19,183 --> 01:00:20,343 Look 1252 01:00:21,051 --> 01:00:22,780 I look like a turkey 1253 01:00:24,087 --> 01:00:25,418 I'm disappearing 1254 01:00:27,057 --> 01:00:27,887 You can't 1255 01:00:28,158 --> 01:00:31,025 It's like a game of Trivia Pursuit here 1256 01:00:31,195 --> 01:00:32,753 You're not an imposter 1257 01:00:32,963 --> 01:00:35,158 You are a watcher, you know 1258 01:00:35,399 --> 01:00:38,391 I told you already, you are dead, please 1259 01:00:38,602 --> 01:00:39,534 We're not dead 1260 01:00:39,803 --> 01:00:41,031 Please only quÈdate dead 1261 01:00:41,738 --> 01:00:44,104 We're not dead - Stops shall speak unto thee plural 1262 01:00:44,341 --> 01:00:45,239 There is No us 1263 01:00:45,509 --> 01:00:46,999 I'm not your 1264 01:00:47,277 --> 01:00:50,041 BorrarÈ your whore consciousness 1265 01:00:50,247 --> 01:00:51,009 Not 1266 01:00:51,281 --> 01:00:52,305 You're Birdman 1267 01:00:53,183 --> 01:00:54,309 Because without my 1268 01:00:54,818 --> 01:00:57,116 All that's left is you 1269 01:00:57,821 --> 01:01:00,517 The sad, egoÌsta and mediocre actor 1270 01:01:00,757 --> 01:01:03,988 That clings to the last pieces of his career 1271 01:01:10,567 --> 01:01:11,659 Why demons did you do that? 1272 01:01:12,336 --> 01:01:13,633 I liked that poster 1273 01:01:15,172 --> 01:01:17,072 Always be· “we“, brother 1274 01:01:17,274 --> 01:01:18,241 Fuck you 1275 01:01:20,944 --> 01:01:21,968 DÈjame in peace 1276 01:01:41,798 --> 01:01:42,992 Hey, what happens? 1277 01:01:43,333 --> 01:01:44,357 Good 1278 01:01:45,569 --> 01:01:46,501 One hour until the telÛn 1279 01:01:46,770 --> 01:01:47,532 Yes, great 1280 01:01:56,713 --> 01:01:58,738 The money already llegÛ I just need to transfer it to the account 1281 01:01:59,016 --> 01:01:59,778 Here you have, thanks - Well 1282 01:02:00,284 --> 01:02:01,080 It's great - Then... 1283 01:02:01,752 --> 01:02:02,616 If, irÈ 1284 01:02:02,886 --> 01:02:03,648 HarÈ that - Thanks for coming 1285 01:02:04,354 --> 01:02:05,343 If - Ok 1286 01:02:09,660 --> 01:02:10,752 You know that I'm proud of you, no? 1287 01:02:13,130 --> 01:02:14,222 This tomÛ balls 1288 01:02:14,431 --> 01:02:16,092 Not est·s dead, ok 1289 01:02:16,400 --> 01:02:17,094 What sÈ 1290 01:02:18,468 --> 01:02:19,833 I think that we should cancel the preview 1291 01:02:20,837 --> 01:02:21,462 Why? 1292 01:02:21,705 --> 01:02:22,672 I'm tired, friend 1293 01:02:23,674 --> 01:02:24,663 Since I can not do this 1294 01:02:26,376 --> 01:02:27,172 I can not 1295 01:02:30,213 --> 01:02:31,339 Are you kidding 1296 01:02:32,683 --> 01:02:33,479 You know? 1297 01:02:33,717 --> 01:02:35,150 I do not believe this to be· for my 1298 01:02:38,021 --> 01:02:38,953 Is rÌen of my 1299 01:02:39,156 --> 01:02:43,991 There is a block of three rows of people esper·ndote 1300 01:02:45,562 --> 01:02:47,826 It is a full house, we are exhausted 1301 01:02:49,299 --> 01:02:50,425 Seriously? - If 1302 01:02:51,468 --> 01:02:52,799 And the French ambassador comes 1303 01:02:53,537 --> 01:02:55,903 And prÌncipe of saudi arabia to bring· one of their wives 1304 01:02:56,740 --> 01:02:58,173 And not querÌa tell you this, but 1305 01:02:58,642 --> 01:02:59,836 Martin Scorsese 1306 01:03:01,278 --> 01:03:02,404 Est· organizing the distribution of his new movie 1307 01:03:02,679 --> 01:03:03,441 And you already know 1308 01:03:03,647 --> 01:03:04,705 Don't say anything 1309 01:03:05,682 --> 01:03:07,980 Ok? 1310 01:03:08,418 --> 01:03:09,112 Ok, if 1311 01:03:09,386 --> 01:03:10,785 If I can do it 1312 01:03:11,021 --> 01:03:11,817 I can do it 1313 01:03:12,089 --> 01:03:12,851 Well - Thanks 1314 01:03:18,061 --> 01:03:18,720 CÛmo est·? 1315 01:03:20,263 --> 01:03:21,059 Be· well 1316 01:03:22,399 --> 01:03:23,263 Poor creature 1317 01:03:23,467 --> 01:03:23,956 Is it true? 1318 01:03:24,167 --> 01:03:24,826 Scorsese? 1319 01:03:25,068 --> 01:03:25,898 If 1320 01:03:26,837 --> 01:03:27,769 And I was appointed as the new Pope also 1321 01:03:29,439 --> 01:03:30,701 You are a imbÈcil, Jake 1322 01:03:32,275 --> 01:03:33,469 I am the only one who keeps this afloat 1323 01:03:48,992 --> 01:03:49,754 Hey 1324 01:03:53,897 --> 01:03:54,761 Est·s well? 1325 01:03:55,032 --> 01:03:56,329 If 1326 01:03:56,533 --> 01:03:58,330 I think I cut the hand afeit·ndome 1327 01:03:59,703 --> 01:04:01,170 Well, I only say querÌa 1328 01:04:01,905 --> 01:04:02,667 Sorry 1329 01:04:03,140 --> 01:04:03,868 Why? 1330 01:04:04,307 --> 01:04:05,069 Good 1331 01:04:05,809 --> 01:04:07,106 SÈ of what he was capable of Mike and 1332 01:04:08,478 --> 01:04:09,445 I brought him anyway 1333 01:04:09,646 --> 01:04:10,340 No, No 1334 01:04:10,547 --> 01:04:11,445 You did well, you did well 1335 01:04:11,715 --> 01:04:12,477 Are you kidding? 1336 01:04:12,682 --> 01:04:13,205 You did well 1337 01:04:15,519 --> 01:04:16,486 MaÒana is my 1338 01:04:16,753 --> 01:04:18,653 First night of opening on Broadway 1339 01:04:19,322 --> 01:04:20,118 The mÌa also 1340 01:04:21,725 --> 01:04:24,023 I just want you to know that without matter what happens 1341 01:04:24,294 --> 01:04:25,124 That 1342 01:04:26,830 --> 01:04:28,354 I am very grateful to you 1343 01:04:28,565 --> 01:04:29,589 No, No, I also 1344 01:04:31,368 --> 01:04:32,426 Hey, this is exciting 1345 01:04:34,137 --> 01:04:35,468 Adem·s we have a full house 1346 01:04:35,939 --> 01:04:37,031 Jake I just say 1347 01:04:39,209 --> 01:04:40,233 YES, it's great 1348 01:05:15,712 --> 01:05:17,475 For the mother fucking, jumps from one time 1349 01:05:19,616 --> 01:05:20,674 As you know that estarÌa here up? 1350 01:05:21,918 --> 01:05:23,715 Well not sabÌa but 1351 01:05:24,621 --> 01:05:25,588 I hoped that maybe what you were 1352 01:05:27,023 --> 01:05:28,047 Where is Lesley? 1353 01:05:30,060 --> 01:05:30,992 Lesley 1354 01:05:31,828 --> 01:05:32,817 Lesley est· moving forward 1355 01:05:34,631 --> 01:05:35,757 Smart girl 1356 01:05:36,433 --> 01:05:38,230 Oh, thank you, I appreciate it 1357 01:05:38,435 --> 01:05:39,060 It is important to 1358 01:05:41,505 --> 01:05:43,063 Ready for your final preview 1359 01:05:44,441 --> 01:05:45,339 Of course, if 1360 01:05:45,609 --> 01:05:46,371 Who did you that? 1361 01:05:49,546 --> 01:05:50,808 It could have been anyone I guess 1362 01:05:51,815 --> 01:05:52,474 If 1363 01:05:53,383 --> 01:05:55,351 I'm sorry if molestÈ Lesley 1364 01:05:56,653 --> 01:05:57,642 Well it was not Lesley 1365 01:06:01,992 --> 01:06:02,924 God mÌo 1366 01:06:03,627 --> 01:06:04,889 Are you kidding? - Not 1367 01:06:07,797 --> 01:06:08,729 Jesus christ 1368 01:06:08,932 --> 01:06:09,660 No, I... 1369 01:06:10,333 --> 01:06:12,062 The... - I think that I maybe... 1370 01:06:16,673 --> 01:06:17,332 Hey 1371 01:06:18,008 --> 01:06:18,702 Fuck 1372 01:06:20,377 --> 01:06:21,401 Tell me something 1373 01:06:22,312 --> 01:06:24,473 That is the worst thing that He has fact 1374 01:06:26,049 --> 01:06:26,913 Seriously 1375 01:06:27,184 --> 01:06:28,116 ...l was never near 1376 01:06:29,486 --> 01:06:30,248 If 1377 01:06:31,188 --> 01:06:32,587 I say, and why? That was all? 1378 01:06:33,490 --> 01:06:34,479 No, it was 1379 01:06:35,625 --> 01:06:37,217 As intentÛ reward 1380 01:06:37,527 --> 01:06:39,620 Trying to convince me constantly 1381 01:06:39,829 --> 01:06:40,761 That was special 1382 01:06:47,704 --> 01:06:50,366 Ok 1383 01:06:50,574 --> 01:06:51,734 Look 1384 01:06:52,442 --> 01:06:53,204 MÌrame 1385 01:06:54,778 --> 01:06:55,710 ...l had razÛn however 1386 01:06:56,913 --> 01:06:57,675 About what? 1387 01:06:57,914 --> 01:07:00,405 On that you are special 1388 01:07:01,518 --> 01:07:02,280 You know 1389 01:07:02,552 --> 01:07:03,610 You've been by here 1390 01:07:04,321 --> 01:07:08,621 Trying to be invisible with that routine of unsuccessful 1391 01:07:09,092 --> 01:07:10,024 But I could not 1392 01:07:10,961 --> 01:07:12,826 You are anything but invisible, you are great 1393 01:07:14,831 --> 01:07:16,196 You are a great disaster 1394 01:07:16,866 --> 01:07:18,493 It is like a candle burning at both ends 1395 01:07:18,835 --> 01:07:19,733 But it is beautiful 1396 01:07:21,538 --> 01:07:24,405 No amount of alcohol or bad attitude, what to hide· 1397 01:07:31,081 --> 01:07:34,312 I'm happy to be a actor and not a writer because that was 1398 01:07:34,918 --> 01:07:35,885 As 1399 01:07:36,853 --> 01:07:37,751 Oprah 1400 01:07:39,656 --> 01:07:40,645 Hallmark 1401 01:07:42,025 --> 01:07:43,287 R. Kelly, so wrong 1402 01:07:43,493 --> 01:07:44,653 I don't querÌa... 1403 01:08:08,485 --> 01:08:09,247 Truth or consequence? 1404 01:08:10,086 --> 01:08:10,848 Truth 1405 01:08:11,087 --> 01:08:11,781 Not 1406 01:08:16,760 --> 01:08:17,624 Truth 1407 01:08:18,161 --> 01:08:18,820 Not 1408 01:08:21,865 --> 01:08:22,854 Truth or consequence? 1409 01:08:45,522 --> 01:08:46,546 Have you any idea adÛnde are you going? 1410 01:08:47,324 --> 01:08:48,416 Absolutely not 1411 01:08:58,468 --> 01:08:59,196 As you do? 1412 01:09:00,970 --> 01:09:03,768 To do what? - As sales it all night 1413 01:09:04,007 --> 01:09:05,235 And you pretend to be someone else 1414 01:09:05,508 --> 01:09:06,372 In front of the whole such people? 1415 01:09:07,977 --> 01:09:09,968 Not I like to pretend it outside I told you already 1416 01:09:10,180 --> 01:09:13,411 I feign in almost all places but not here 1417 01:09:15,385 --> 01:09:16,249 What is worth 1418 01:09:18,688 --> 01:09:19,382 We do here? 1419 01:09:21,091 --> 01:09:21,853 What do you mean? 1420 01:09:23,326 --> 01:09:24,918 I say, what do we do here? 1421 01:10:53,082 --> 01:10:54,481 The blood should be fine - Ok 1422 01:10:54,684 --> 01:10:55,616 Prep·rate to leave in a minute - Takes 1423 01:10:56,986 --> 01:10:58,510 That was amazing 1424 01:10:59,122 --> 01:10:59,850 Well, the truth? - If 1425 01:11:03,693 --> 01:11:04,660 To tell the truth goes well 1426 01:11:05,328 --> 01:11:05,953 If 1427 01:11:08,064 --> 01:11:09,053 Hey 1428 01:11:09,999 --> 01:11:10,931 I think we need to talk 1429 01:11:11,468 --> 01:11:12,366 No, No 1430 01:11:13,269 --> 01:11:14,258 YES, I think you have razÛn 1431 01:11:14,471 --> 01:11:19,033 But I mention it because it's the chance to tell you that I'm sorry 1432 01:11:20,210 --> 01:11:21,268 I'm really sorry 1433 01:11:23,179 --> 01:11:24,578 We were able to be good parents 1434 01:11:25,081 --> 01:11:25,775 Horrible 1435 01:11:26,382 --> 01:11:28,441 Terrible hubiÈramos raised... - Serial killers 1436 01:11:28,651 --> 01:11:29,618 Justin Bieber 1437 01:11:33,156 --> 01:11:34,180 Really querÌa be a mother 1438 01:11:35,625 --> 01:11:37,456 But my body does not seem to agree 1439 01:11:44,334 --> 01:11:47,735 When I imagine being on Broadway never pensÈ see a deer bailarÌn 1440 01:11:48,471 --> 01:11:49,233 Nice touch 1441 01:12:27,110 --> 01:12:29,237 Hey Jim, you have a cigar? 1442 01:13:58,267 --> 01:13:59,757 You Are Riggan Thomson? To fuck... 1443 01:14:00,937 --> 01:14:02,097 Don't be an idiot, give me a autÛgrafo 1444 01:14:03,673 --> 01:14:04,731 You're great! 1445 01:14:07,310 --> 01:14:08,174 Oh shit 1446 01:15:05,068 --> 01:15:06,092 SeÒor to dÛnde going? 1447 01:15:09,772 --> 01:15:11,399 What will you do? - Waiting for Jake 1448 01:15:11,874 --> 01:15:13,398 This is my lawyer, Mr. Roth 1449 01:15:13,609 --> 01:15:15,474 Why? - We seek remuneraciÛn financial 1450 01:15:15,678 --> 01:15:16,610 By the wounds that... 1451 01:15:16,813 --> 01:15:18,542 I don't have time for you - Apology? 1452 01:15:41,204 --> 01:15:42,694 You do here? 1453 01:15:42,905 --> 01:15:43,599 Why? 1454 01:15:43,873 --> 01:15:45,204 I just need you to 't say why? 1455 01:15:45,475 --> 01:15:47,272 TÛmalo calmly, Ed, sÈ this is hard 1456 01:15:47,477 --> 01:15:49,104 C·llate shit 1457 01:15:49,378 --> 01:15:50,242 C·llate 1458 01:15:50,747 --> 01:15:51,645 Eddie please 1459 01:15:55,785 --> 01:15:56,774 I have wrong? 1460 01:15:59,255 --> 01:16:01,883 Why people don't love me?" 1461 01:16:03,326 --> 01:16:04,350 Eddie please, just... 1462 01:16:04,827 --> 01:16:06,260 Please just give me the gun 1463 01:16:08,831 --> 01:16:10,458 I just querÌa be what your querÌas 1464 01:16:11,167 --> 01:16:16,935 I spent all week trying to be something m·s, something that I am not 1465 01:16:17,140 --> 01:16:18,732 Lower the gun, she doesn't love you 1466 01:16:32,455 --> 01:16:33,183 Hello? 1467 01:16:33,890 --> 01:16:34,754 Who? 1468 01:16:34,991 --> 01:16:36,390 Ok, no, please 1469 01:16:36,626 --> 01:16:38,150 What are you talking about? That wheelchair? 1470 01:16:38,694 --> 01:16:40,321 Ok, Mr. Roth esccheme 1471 01:16:40,596 --> 01:16:42,587 Listen to Me? Do not hang up 1472 01:16:42,865 --> 01:16:44,127 Do not hang up, ok, listen 1473 01:16:44,367 --> 01:16:47,165 Give me 10 minutes to get ordained and we can... 1474 01:16:47,370 --> 01:16:48,803 Please do not hang up 1475 01:16:49,605 --> 01:16:51,505 Damn! 1476 01:17:41,591 --> 01:17:45,459 Pap· 1477 01:17:45,761 --> 01:17:46,557 Hey 1478 01:17:46,762 --> 01:17:47,820 These well? 1479 01:17:48,297 --> 01:17:48,991 Why? 1480 01:17:51,000 --> 01:17:52,297 You see something 1481 01:17:52,501 --> 01:17:53,593 No, I'm fine 1482 01:17:54,270 --> 01:17:55,294 I'm fine, this is good 1483 01:17:55,972 --> 01:17:56,597 You want a little? 1484 01:17:57,073 --> 01:17:57,903 Not 1485 01:17:59,408 --> 01:18:00,136 Ok 1486 01:18:00,343 --> 01:18:03,244 You think really that be·s ready for the opening maÒana? 1487 01:18:03,746 --> 01:18:04,508 If, if 1488 01:18:06,749 --> 01:18:07,613 If you, good 1489 01:18:07,884 --> 01:18:08,612 I say 1490 01:18:09,619 --> 01:18:13,646 The previews are crazy not we seem to overcome without a 1491 01:18:14,557 --> 01:18:17,492 A fire or a erecciÛn 1492 01:18:18,160 --> 01:18:18,854 I'm broken 1493 01:18:19,328 --> 01:18:20,852 I don't sleep like, you know, 1494 01:18:21,297 --> 01:18:22,093 For nothing 1495 01:18:22,598 --> 01:18:23,394 And 1496 01:18:23,633 --> 01:18:24,463 This work 1497 01:18:25,568 --> 01:18:26,933 You start to feel like 1498 01:18:27,436 --> 01:18:28,733 A versiÛn 1499 01:18:28,938 --> 01:18:31,099 Miniature and deformed of me the same 1500 01:18:31,307 --> 01:18:33,537 That follows me everywhere 1501 01:18:34,543 --> 01:18:36,170 Hits Me in the balls with 1502 01:18:36,712 --> 01:18:38,077 A pequeÒo hammer 1503 01:18:40,182 --> 01:18:42,207 Sorry, cu·l was the question? 1504 01:18:42,718 --> 01:18:43,685 No matter 1505 01:18:44,587 --> 01:18:45,576 This night was not bad 1506 01:18:46,756 --> 01:18:48,121 What sÈ - It was weird but 1507 01:18:48,391 --> 01:18:49,119 It was great 1508 01:18:49,358 --> 01:18:51,258 Do you think that they gustÛ? - Yes, I think so 1509 01:18:51,527 --> 01:18:52,391 If you, good 1510 01:18:53,129 --> 01:18:53,959 You do by the way? 1511 01:18:54,263 --> 01:18:55,025 Task 1512 01:18:55,731 --> 01:18:56,527 No, I do not 1513 01:18:57,199 --> 01:18:57,893 Not 1514 01:18:59,101 --> 01:19:00,728 In rehabilitaciÛn we made do this - Seriously? 1515 01:19:01,370 --> 01:19:02,132 What is it? 1516 01:19:02,371 --> 01:19:03,099 It is... 1517 01:19:04,006 --> 01:19:07,134 The points represent the 6 billion age of the earth 1518 01:19:07,410 --> 01:19:09,776 So that each one represents a thousand years 1519 01:19:10,546 --> 01:19:11,478 And... 1520 01:19:11,681 --> 01:19:12,773 This is 1521 01:19:13,015 --> 01:19:14,778 Few years the human have been here 1522 01:19:15,885 --> 01:19:17,216 150 thousand years 1523 01:19:19,021 --> 01:19:22,513 I think that trying to remind us that this is true our ego and self obsesiÛn 1524 01:19:27,997 --> 01:19:29,464 I was a father of fuck not? 1525 01:19:31,834 --> 01:19:32,732 No, you were 1526 01:19:35,805 --> 01:19:36,863 You were well 1527 01:19:37,173 --> 01:19:37,867 If 1528 01:19:38,441 --> 01:19:40,602 Exactly, only I was good 1529 01:19:44,613 --> 01:19:45,477 I can not 1530 01:19:46,182 --> 01:19:46,944 Pap·? - Why? 1531 01:19:47,883 --> 01:19:48,679 Oh shit 1532 01:19:48,951 --> 01:19:49,781 Sorry 1533 01:19:49,986 --> 01:19:52,614 You just clean with the human race 1534 01:19:53,489 --> 01:19:55,013 Here goes 1535 01:19:55,558 --> 01:19:56,252 Sorry 1536 01:19:58,361 --> 01:19:59,089 Hey 1537 01:19:59,929 --> 01:20:02,056 You are becoming a topic fashion 1538 01:20:02,765 --> 01:20:03,732 Seriously? - If 1539 01:20:05,468 --> 01:20:08,335 Probably you should decÌrtelo before another person to do so 1540 01:20:12,641 --> 01:20:14,268 350 thousand views 1541 01:20:14,477 --> 01:20:15,774 In less than an hour 1542 01:20:21,550 --> 01:20:23,780 CrÈelo or not this is to be able to 1543 01:20:51,747 --> 01:20:53,612 That anger to Mrs. Dickenson 1544 01:21:00,523 --> 01:21:01,285 Hey 1545 01:21:01,490 --> 01:21:03,151 I pagÛ, is a friend mÌa 1546 01:21:04,493 --> 01:21:05,255 Ok 1547 01:21:06,529 --> 01:21:07,359 Thanks 1548 01:21:19,208 --> 01:21:19,970 That was 1549 01:21:20,509 --> 01:21:23,910 20 years before I came that damn suit 1550 01:21:24,113 --> 01:21:24,738 I don't care 1551 01:21:27,650 --> 01:21:28,810 Ok 1552 01:21:29,351 --> 01:21:30,147 I just 1553 01:21:31,220 --> 01:21:33,688 You know, before you come maÒana... 1554 01:21:33,889 --> 01:21:34,651 No matter 1555 01:21:34,924 --> 01:21:35,720 Ok 1556 01:21:38,761 --> 01:21:40,228 I'm going to destroy t work 1557 01:21:42,231 --> 01:21:43,528 But even you have seen it 1558 01:21:44,100 --> 01:21:45,658 I did something to offend you? 1559 01:21:45,935 --> 01:21:47,266 In fact, if 1560 01:21:47,837 --> 01:21:51,238 You took a theatre that debiÛ be used for something m·s valuable 1561 01:21:53,542 --> 01:21:54,440 Ok, good 1562 01:21:55,377 --> 01:21:57,106 I mean, you don't even know if it is good or not 1563 01:21:57,580 --> 01:21:58,604 I don't... - It is true 1564 01:21:58,881 --> 01:22:01,475 I haven't even heard a word of it or seen something 1565 01:22:02,418 --> 01:22:07,185 But for maÒana harÈ the worst criticism there is 1566 01:22:08,090 --> 01:22:09,682 And I'm going to close t work 1567 01:22:10,960 --> 01:22:11,949 I would love to know why 1568 01:22:13,162 --> 01:22:14,322 Because I hate you 1569 01:22:15,231 --> 01:22:16,493 Everything that you represent 1570 01:22:17,700 --> 01:22:20,999 EngreÌdos, egoÌstas niÒos 1571 01:22:22,071 --> 01:22:23,698 Totally without preparaciÛn 1572 01:22:23,973 --> 01:22:24,905 Without verse 1573 01:22:25,174 --> 01:22:27,642 Unable to try to produce art of truth 1574 01:22:28,444 --> 01:22:30,469 D·more awards each other by cartoons 1575 01:22:30,713 --> 01:22:31,771 And pornografÌa 1576 01:22:32,515 --> 01:22:34,278 By measuring its value in the end week 1577 01:22:35,851 --> 01:22:37,113 Well, this is the theater 1578 01:22:37,887 --> 01:22:42,324 And you can't come in here to claim write, direct and act in your work 1579 01:22:43,159 --> 01:22:44,558 Without going through my first 1580 01:22:46,462 --> 01:22:47,429 So esfuÈrzate 1581 01:22:51,200 --> 01:22:55,159 You know, that happens in the life of a person to become a critical anyway? 1582 01:22:56,472 --> 01:22:57,803 You write, another reseÒa? 1583 01:22:59,408 --> 01:23:00,306 Is it good? 1584 01:23:00,609 --> 01:23:01,234 What is it? 1585 01:23:01,911 --> 01:23:03,435 It is bad?, You've gone to this work even? 1586 01:23:03,746 --> 01:23:04,405 DÈjame read 1587 01:23:04,613 --> 01:23:05,443 LlamarÈ the police 1588 01:23:05,948 --> 01:23:07,381 You're going to call, let's see 1589 01:23:08,184 --> 01:23:09,583 Terrible, Terrible is only a label 1590 01:23:11,487 --> 01:23:12,249 Low 1591 01:23:12,454 --> 01:23:13,352 Another label 1592 01:23:13,989 --> 01:23:14,717 Marginal 1593 01:23:14,924 --> 01:23:16,084 Marginal, seriously? 1594 01:23:17,293 --> 01:23:18,851 Sounds like you need to penicillin to heal you of that 1595 01:23:19,094 --> 01:23:19,924 It is another tag 1596 01:23:20,129 --> 01:23:21,096 These are all tags 1597 01:23:21,297 --> 01:23:22,594 Only labels all 1598 01:23:22,865 --> 01:23:25,129 You're a fucking lazy 1599 01:23:25,367 --> 01:23:27,164 You are a lazy malnacida 1600 01:23:27,670 --> 01:23:30,161 You're a... you know what is this 1601 01:23:30,472 --> 01:23:31,871 't even know what that is this? 1602 01:23:32,575 --> 01:23:33,166 You don't know 1603 01:23:33,442 --> 01:23:34,238 You know why? 1604 01:23:34,443 --> 01:23:38,470 Because you can't see it but you have a label for it 1605 01:23:38,681 --> 01:23:40,478 Cofundes all those pequeÒos noises in your head 1606 01:23:41,217 --> 01:23:42,741 With true knowledge 1607 01:23:42,952 --> 01:23:43,782 You finished? - Not yet 1608 01:23:44,520 --> 01:23:45,919 There is nothing here about technical 1609 01:23:46,121 --> 01:23:47,418 There is nothing here about structure 1610 01:23:47,656 --> 01:23:48,953 There is nothing here about intensity 1611 01:23:49,158 --> 01:23:51,149 It is only a montÛn of opinions fuck 1612 01:23:51,393 --> 01:23:54,385 Supported in comparisons an worst 1613 01:23:54,663 --> 01:23:56,494 Truth? A couple of p·rrafos 1614 01:23:56,732 --> 01:23:59,895 You know what? None of this you costÛ nothing 1615 01:24:01,370 --> 01:24:04,066 You risk nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing 1616 01:24:04,540 --> 01:24:06,303 I am a fucking actor 1617 01:24:09,979 --> 01:24:11,674 This work I costÛ all 1618 01:24:14,450 --> 01:24:15,314 So you dirÈ something 1619 01:24:15,584 --> 01:24:16,312 Take this 1620 01:24:17,686 --> 01:24:20,018 These words cowards 1621 01:24:20,489 --> 01:24:24,585 Your reseÒas of shit written without pasiÛn and mÈtetelas 1622 01:24:25,027 --> 01:24:28,224 By t creased and adjusted rear 1623 01:24:33,902 --> 01:24:35,961 You know you're not a celebrity? 1624 01:24:36,505 --> 01:24:37,563 Let us be clear on that 1625 01:24:44,146 --> 01:24:45,511 MatarÈ to your work 1626 01:26:04,827 --> 01:26:06,055 Give me a flat of whiskey 1627 01:26:14,069 --> 01:26:14,899 6.30, friend 1628 01:26:15,504 --> 01:26:16,471 CÛmo? - 6.30 1629 01:26:19,208 --> 01:26:19,970 It takes only... 1630 01:26:21,110 --> 01:26:21,667 TÛmalo 1631 01:27:02,985 --> 01:27:03,610 AdÛnde are you going? 1632 01:27:04,119 --> 01:27:05,086 It was a lot? 1633 01:27:06,054 --> 01:27:07,646 Just trying to give you a range 1634 01:27:07,856 --> 01:27:09,790 It is much I can tell because 1635 01:27:10,025 --> 01:27:11,458 Your... 1636 01:28:09,818 --> 01:28:10,978 God 1637 01:28:11,186 --> 01:28:12,949 You see yourself done fuck brother 1638 01:28:13,889 --> 01:28:16,619 You seem to have a dog run over when these hungover not? 1639 01:28:18,126 --> 01:28:18,785 If 1640 01:28:20,295 --> 01:28:20,954 We will 1641 01:28:21,230 --> 01:28:22,026 We will, lev·sit 1642 01:28:23,298 --> 01:28:24,162 It is a beautiful day 1643 01:28:25,534 --> 01:28:27,263 OlvÌdate of the Times 1644 01:28:27,769 --> 01:28:28,793 All the world has done 1645 01:28:30,339 --> 01:28:31,966 Let, p·rate 1646 01:28:33,575 --> 01:28:34,940 Then you're not a big actor 1647 01:28:35,143 --> 01:28:37,703 Who cares? You are much m·s that 1648 01:28:38,881 --> 01:28:41,441 You are better than these imbÈciles theatre 1649 01:28:42,718 --> 01:28:44,151 You're a movie star, friend 1650 01:28:44,653 --> 01:28:45,881 You're another batch 1651 01:28:46,154 --> 01:28:47,052 Don't you understand? 1652 01:28:47,723 --> 01:28:50,624 You spent your whole life doing a reputaciÛn 1653 01:28:50,826 --> 01:28:52,020 And the volaste 1654 01:28:52,294 --> 01:28:53,090 Good for you 1655 01:28:53,595 --> 01:28:54,459 Fuck 1656 01:28:54,663 --> 01:28:55,459 We will make a return 1657 01:28:56,098 --> 01:28:57,497 Est·n waiting for something giant 1658 01:28:57,900 --> 01:28:58,730 So give them that 1659 01:28:58,967 --> 01:29:00,958 AfÈitate that beard patÈtica 1660 01:29:01,169 --> 01:29:02,261 Get surgery 1661 01:29:02,471 --> 01:29:04,405 50 is the new 30, bastard 1662 01:29:04,806 --> 01:29:06,364 T were the original man 1663 01:29:06,608 --> 01:29:08,701 You painted the way for these other clowns 1664 01:29:09,177 --> 01:29:10,075 Give the people what they want 1665 01:29:10,512 --> 01:29:12,844 In the form of porn apocalÌptico 1666 01:29:13,048 --> 01:29:15,016 Birdman, the penis upward 1667 01:29:15,284 --> 01:29:17,445 See·s cÛmo, shit in the pants 1668 01:29:17,719 --> 01:29:19,346 Around the world guaranteed 1669 01:29:20,522 --> 01:29:21,887 You are m·s larger than life 1670 01:29:22,658 --> 01:29:25,422 Saves the people of their miserable lives 1671 01:29:25,928 --> 01:29:30,262 The har·s should she dump in your pants all you have to do.. 1672 01:29:42,044 --> 01:29:43,443 I'm talking about 1673 01:29:43,712 --> 01:29:49,708 Big guns, heavy missiles, look at these people, look at their eyes 1674 01:29:49,985 --> 01:29:51,976 As shine, love this shit 1675 01:29:52,187 --> 01:29:54,212 Love the chaos, the performance 1676 01:29:54,489 --> 01:29:58,425 Nothing tonterÌas spoken and filosÛficas 1677 01:30:07,102 --> 01:30:08,194 If 1678 01:30:08,904 --> 01:30:11,065 And the prÛxima time chillies 1679 01:30:12,941 --> 01:30:15,876 Exploit· in millions of tÌmpanos 1680 01:30:16,812 --> 01:30:20,077 Brillaras in thousands of screens all over the world 1681 01:30:21,416 --> 01:30:23,145 Another box-office Success 1682 01:30:24,620 --> 01:30:26,281 You are God 1683 01:30:26,555 --> 01:30:30,252 What do you see? Here you go, bastard 1684 01:30:30,926 --> 01:30:32,791 The severity or even applies to you 1685 01:30:32,995 --> 01:30:37,227 Waiting to see the faces of those they thought that est·we finished 1686 01:30:37,532 --> 01:30:38,362 Escchame 1687 01:30:38,634 --> 01:30:41,398 Let us return once and mostrÈmosles what you're made of 1688 01:30:42,070 --> 01:30:44,197 We must finish it under our own terms 1689 01:30:44,973 --> 01:30:46,304 With a grand gesture 1690 01:30:47,009 --> 01:30:49,671 Flames, sacrifice 1691 01:30:50,345 --> 01:30:51,505 Icaro 1692 01:30:52,447 --> 01:30:53,311 Because doing so 1693 01:30:54,383 --> 01:30:55,213 You listen to Me? 1694 01:30:56,251 --> 01:30:57,218 You are 1695 01:30:57,419 --> 01:30:58,408 Birdman! 1696 01:31:03,358 --> 01:31:06,521 Hey, this is real, or these filming a movie? 1697 01:31:08,764 --> 01:31:09,526 A movie 1698 01:31:10,966 --> 01:31:12,593 You're full of shit 1699 01:31:14,670 --> 01:31:16,228 Hey, dude, can I help you? 1700 01:31:18,273 --> 01:31:19,103 You have to be careful 1701 01:31:19,341 --> 01:31:20,205 Sorry, I can not speak 1702 01:31:20,909 --> 01:31:21,807 It's late 1703 01:31:22,577 --> 01:31:23,441 Music 1704 01:31:28,250 --> 01:31:28,978 These well? 1705 01:31:31,553 --> 01:31:32,918 Want me to call someone for you? 1706 01:31:35,657 --> 01:31:36,419 You know dÛnde go?. 1707 01:31:41,163 --> 01:31:41,993 If 1708 01:31:42,931 --> 01:31:43,761 SÈ to go dÛnde 1709 01:32:29,978 --> 01:32:31,673 What do you see? 1710 01:32:32,981 --> 01:32:34,278 Here is where you belong 1711 01:32:39,521 --> 01:32:40,419 Above all 1712 01:33:43,185 --> 01:33:43,981 For the music 1713 01:33:44,753 --> 01:33:47,517 Hello, seÒor? You need to pay me 1714 01:33:51,493 --> 01:33:52,619 This deaf, idiot? 1715 01:33:53,562 --> 01:33:54,620 I don't pagÛ, est· crazy 1716 01:34:29,197 --> 01:34:32,098 It wasn't bad the first act, no? - Good for nothing 1717 01:34:32,834 --> 01:34:33,858 You are doing very well... 1718 01:35:06,201 --> 01:35:07,828 Just came to say hello 1719 01:35:08,370 --> 01:35:11,601 Est· going well here outside, you are very good 1720 01:35:12,073 --> 01:35:13,131 I mean seriously 1721 01:35:13,508 --> 01:35:14,065 Thanks 1722 01:35:14,442 --> 01:35:15,170 I mean seriously 1723 01:35:15,577 --> 01:35:17,272 For the final scene, Riggan look for the final scene 1724 01:35:20,882 --> 01:35:22,179 Look at all these roses 1725 01:35:23,385 --> 01:35:25,182 And you hate roses... 1726 01:35:27,555 --> 01:35:28,351 Est·s well? 1727 01:35:28,857 --> 01:35:29,721 You seem to 1728 01:35:30,225 --> 01:35:31,487 You seem, I don't know how... 1729 01:35:31,927 --> 01:35:33,053 Unusually calm 1730 01:35:35,697 --> 01:35:36,629 I am calm 1731 01:35:38,233 --> 01:35:39,393 I'm great actually 1732 01:35:41,670 --> 01:35:42,432 You know? 1733 01:35:43,505 --> 01:35:47,236 I have a voice that speaks to me sometimes 1734 01:35:48,376 --> 01:35:49,365 He tells Me the truth 1735 01:35:50,412 --> 01:35:51,174 It is comforting to 1736 01:35:52,247 --> 01:35:53,578 Something scary but it is complicated 1737 01:35:54,683 --> 01:35:56,310 FingirÈ not escuchÈ say that 1738 01:35:56,551 --> 01:35:58,109 Ok 1739 01:35:58,386 --> 01:36:02,379 Don't believe it·s all the people there are, people paid up to $500 for the ticket 1740 01:36:05,994 --> 01:36:06,619 Hey 1741 01:36:08,730 --> 01:36:09,822 Can I tell you something funny? 1742 01:36:10,332 --> 01:36:11,162 Clear 1743 01:36:11,366 --> 01:36:14,062 Do you remember our last party anniversary? 1744 01:36:14,336 --> 01:36:16,634 Seriously, you're going to ruin a good time 1745 01:36:16,838 --> 01:36:17,964 You remember it? 1746 01:36:18,173 --> 01:36:20,368 The party where you picked up Janet Roseback in our bed? 1747 01:36:20,575 --> 01:36:22,440 Skip that part - Oh, with pleasure 1748 01:36:23,111 --> 01:36:25,079 And did you get to all the guests the house 1749 01:36:26,081 --> 01:36:27,981 And you threw everything out the window 1750 01:36:28,183 --> 01:36:28,911 What I remember 1751 01:36:29,117 --> 01:36:30,084 And you encerraste in the baÒo - Riggan 1752 01:36:30,385 --> 01:36:32,615 Why we talk about this? - I was here 1753 01:36:33,555 --> 01:36:34,419 Malib 1754 01:36:35,690 --> 01:36:38,158 And I only sentÈ on the beach for a time 1755 01:36:38,426 --> 01:36:39,484 Looking at the ocean 1756 01:36:39,995 --> 01:36:40,723 Riggan 1757 01:36:40,929 --> 01:36:41,657 And I 1758 01:36:41,896 --> 01:36:44,524 I metÌ direct the water 1759 01:36:49,871 --> 01:36:51,566 I tried to kill myself 1760 01:36:57,212 --> 01:36:59,442 It was up to the chest when was the first in my back 1761 01:37:00,015 --> 01:37:04,748 As if someone would like to pull but he burned up and then 1762 01:37:05,687 --> 01:37:07,314 I was in my chest and in my legs 1763 01:37:08,957 --> 01:37:11,551 The water was full of malaguas 1764 01:37:13,995 --> 01:37:14,893 They were on top of my 1765 01:37:15,263 --> 01:37:17,060 I had to go out fighting water 1766 01:37:17,632 --> 01:37:18,690 And I went to the 1767 01:37:19,234 --> 01:37:20,963 Beach rolling as 1768 01:37:21,436 --> 01:37:22,528 A madman in the sand 1769 01:37:23,671 --> 01:37:24,535 Crying 1770 01:37:26,641 --> 01:37:27,903 You said that you habÌas burnt by the sun 1771 01:37:29,744 --> 01:37:30,768 If, sÈ 1772 01:37:31,513 --> 01:37:32,377 T I creÌste 1773 01:37:33,281 --> 01:37:34,612 To be honest I don't importÛ a shit 1774 01:37:44,025 --> 01:37:44,889 I love you 1775 01:37:48,963 --> 01:37:50,294 I've never known how to say it 1776 01:37:50,765 --> 01:37:51,561 What sÈ 1777 01:37:55,403 --> 01:37:57,701 I really would love to not think about both 1778 01:37:57,972 --> 01:37:58,631 Why? 1779 01:37:59,574 --> 01:38:00,302 Because 1780 01:38:01,910 --> 01:38:03,400 I perdÌ of the time 1781 01:38:04,079 --> 01:38:05,011 I don't have it 1782 01:38:05,647 --> 01:38:06,671 DebÌ have been here 1783 01:38:06,915 --> 01:38:08,815 With the two of you, you know? 1784 01:38:10,185 --> 01:38:11,550 Only the three together 1785 01:38:15,590 --> 01:38:16,522 But not what I was 1786 01:38:16,991 --> 01:38:18,652 Even I was present in my own life 1787 01:38:18,860 --> 01:38:20,054 And now I don't have 1788 01:38:20,562 --> 01:38:21,426 Never the tendrÈ 1789 01:38:22,597 --> 01:38:23,757 But you have to Sam 1790 01:38:24,132 --> 01:38:25,963 Not really, I don't want to sound bad but... 1791 01:38:26,167 --> 01:38:28,032 No, don't listen to it, only this 1792 01:38:28,236 --> 01:38:29,203 What I understand, seriously 1793 01:38:29,671 --> 01:38:31,195 She needed a father 1794 01:38:32,040 --> 01:38:34,372 And in its place recibiÛ to a type that 1795 01:38:35,176 --> 01:38:37,667 It was a sensaciÛn viral in 3D 1796 01:38:37,879 --> 01:38:39,141 It was so patÈtico 1797 01:38:39,380 --> 01:38:41,575 We will not, there are things more patÈticas that 1798 01:38:41,883 --> 01:38:42,645 If, as? 1799 01:38:42,851 --> 01:38:43,715 Your moustache 1800 01:38:49,624 --> 01:38:51,387 Riggan, we are in the motel 1801 01:38:51,693 --> 01:38:52,921 The last scene has begun 1802 01:38:53,194 --> 01:38:54,058 Not est·s here 1803 01:38:54,963 --> 01:38:56,362 The last opportunity to positions 1804 01:38:57,632 --> 01:38:58,656 Better go back to your seat 1805 01:40:54,115 --> 01:40:56,640 Carrie, Carrie! 1806 01:40:58,052 --> 01:40:59,451 Eddie, you do here? 1807 01:40:59,721 --> 01:41:01,484 Why? Just tell me why? 1808 01:41:01,723 --> 01:41:02,451 Just tell me why 1809 01:41:02,657 --> 01:41:03,885 C·llate - Eddie please 1810 01:41:05,893 --> 01:41:06,882 That happens with me? 1811 01:41:07,895 --> 01:41:08,987 Tell me, what happens? 1812 01:41:09,197 --> 01:41:11,495 Why I always end up begging for people to love me? 1813 01:41:11,699 --> 01:41:13,394 CariÒo please, just give me the gun 1814 01:41:13,701 --> 01:41:16,397 Understand was drowned·ndome was not able to 1815 01:41:17,038 --> 01:41:18,528 You deserve to be loved, Eddie 1816 01:41:19,040 --> 01:41:19,768 Seriously 1817 01:41:21,909 --> 01:41:23,638 Only querÌa be that t querÌas 1818 01:41:24,312 --> 01:41:25,108 Your 1819 01:41:25,647 --> 01:41:29,481 And I spend every minute trying to be something m·s, something that I am not 1820 01:41:30,518 --> 01:41:31,576 Just lower the gun, Ed 1821 01:41:32,287 --> 01:41:33,015 She no longer loves you 1822 01:41:36,524 --> 01:41:37,548 Don't do it? 1823 01:41:38,226 --> 01:41:39,022 Not 1824 01:41:39,260 --> 01:41:40,420 And never har·s? 1825 01:41:41,429 --> 01:41:42,327 Sorry 1826 01:41:54,142 --> 01:41:55,040 I do not exist 1827 01:41:59,681 --> 01:42:00,613 I do here? 1828 01:42:02,650 --> 01:42:03,878 I don't mind 1829 01:42:04,552 --> 01:42:05,280 Hey 1830 01:44:08,743 --> 01:44:09,641 If? 1831 01:44:12,980 --> 01:44:14,072 Already reaccionÛ? 1832 01:44:14,415 --> 01:44:15,313 Just waking up 1833 01:44:21,823 --> 01:44:22,847 PensÈ that you had lost, friend 1834 01:44:25,326 --> 01:44:26,156 What demons pasÛ? 1835 01:44:28,095 --> 01:44:29,357 I was viÈndote on the stage, and then 1836 01:44:29,630 --> 01:44:30,619 Out of nothing 1837 01:44:31,132 --> 01:44:32,394 TenÌas a strange look in your eyes 1838 01:44:32,667 --> 01:44:34,567 And you were like... 1839 01:44:34,769 --> 01:44:35,667 That happens to you? 1840 01:44:35,870 --> 01:44:37,030 ...l est·... - Happy! 1841 01:44:37,405 --> 01:44:38,895 Est· live, my best friend est· live 1842 01:44:39,173 --> 01:44:39,969 And 1843 01:44:41,275 --> 01:44:43,243 It happens that it is the man of the hour 1844 01:44:43,544 --> 01:44:44,306 Who is that? 1845 01:44:44,512 --> 01:44:45,206 You must be kidding 1846 01:44:46,347 --> 01:44:47,245 LÈelo 1847 01:44:47,715 --> 01:44:50,275 I don't think so, "The unexpected under of ignorance"? 1848 01:44:50,751 --> 01:44:51,445 LÈelo 1849 01:44:53,988 --> 01:44:54,716 LÈelo aloud 1850 01:44:55,656 --> 01:44:59,615 Thomson unintentionally has given life to a new way that can only be described 1851 01:44:59,827 --> 01:45:00,486 As 1852 01:45:00,728 --> 01:45:01,888 Sper realism 1853 01:45:02,597 --> 01:45:05,088 Blood was shed, both literally as metafÛricamente 1854 01:45:05,333 --> 01:45:06,925 By the artist and the audience 1855 01:45:07,201 --> 01:45:08,065 Blood of truth 1856 01:45:08,569 --> 01:45:10,560 The blood of fact has been missing 1857 01:45:10,771 --> 01:45:12,762 The veins of the american theater 1858 01:45:14,842 --> 01:45:15,809 These happy about this? 1859 01:45:17,378 --> 01:45:19,778 Happy? I'm fuck... 1860 01:45:20,014 --> 01:45:21,914 This is the type of reseÒa that becomes legends to the people 1861 01:45:22,149 --> 01:45:23,639 Is disparÛ the nose of the face 1862 01:45:23,851 --> 01:45:25,216 Has a new nose! 1863 01:45:25,686 --> 01:45:27,449 And if you don't like we will get another 1864 01:45:28,856 --> 01:45:30,790 We will use Meg Ryan but who cares 1865 01:45:31,292 --> 01:45:32,725 Est·n lighting candles by the in Central Park 1866 01:45:33,394 --> 01:45:34,486 Turn on the TV, where est·... 1867 01:45:37,798 --> 01:45:39,231 Est·n praying for the in all the country 1868 01:45:40,001 --> 01:45:40,865 What did, what did you do! 1869 01:45:42,770 --> 01:45:43,737 I have been born again, brother 1870 01:45:44,238 --> 01:45:45,466 And I can see the future 1871 01:45:46,007 --> 01:45:47,634 This work last· forever 1872 01:45:48,075 --> 01:45:50,066 Open· in London, in paris 1873 01:45:50,344 --> 01:45:52,835 The study call· once again, we will make treatment of books already see·s 1874 01:45:53,314 --> 01:45:54,474 Then you can see the future? 1875 01:45:54,682 --> 01:45:55,808 Yes, I can see the future 1876 01:45:57,151 --> 01:45:58,209 Such that? 1877 01:45:58,819 --> 01:45:59,547 Dresses come to that? 1878 01:46:01,322 --> 01:46:02,220 Why don't you say anything? 1879 01:46:04,191 --> 01:46:05,180 This is what querÌas, no? 1880 01:46:06,460 --> 01:46:07,449 Riggan, this is what querÌas 1881 01:46:10,431 --> 01:46:11,227 If 1882 01:46:11,799 --> 01:46:12,891 Yes, this is what querÌa 1883 01:46:13,901 --> 01:46:18,634 Listen to you are going to accuse of carrying a loaded gun, ok? 1884 01:46:19,073 --> 01:46:20,062 If someone speaks to you about that 1885 01:46:20,341 --> 01:46:22,036 It was an accident - Ok 1886 01:46:22,243 --> 01:46:24,438 That's what that was? 1887 01:46:24,679 --> 01:46:25,441 An accident? 1888 01:46:25,646 --> 01:46:26,237 An accident 1889 01:46:29,450 --> 01:46:30,940 Listen, l·rguense 1890 01:46:31,185 --> 01:46:32,311 V·yanse of here 1891 01:47:17,465 --> 01:47:18,557 Violet 1892 01:47:27,308 --> 01:47:28,206 You rÌes? 1893 01:47:28,476 --> 01:47:29,704 If - That is so funny? 1894 01:47:32,146 --> 01:47:33,170 I can not smell 1895 01:47:40,421 --> 01:47:41,115 What will you do? 1896 01:47:41,355 --> 01:47:43,084 PondrÈ a picture on your page Twitter 1897 01:47:43,357 --> 01:47:45,587 I have a? - Yes, the armÈ day today 1898 01:47:47,128 --> 01:47:48,117 DÈjame see - Of course not 1899 01:47:48,396 --> 01:47:49,522 No, you look horrible 1900 01:47:49,964 --> 01:47:50,988 Oh, Wow, thank you 1901 01:47:51,232 --> 01:47:52,130 I appreciate it 1902 01:47:52,466 --> 01:47:53,626 It's a joke 1903 01:47:53,868 --> 01:47:55,563 Not really, if you look horrible 1904 01:47:57,605 --> 01:47:58,765 You have 80 thousand followers 1905 01:47:59,640 --> 01:48:00,470 In less than a day 1906 01:48:01,208 --> 01:48:03,142 Seriously? - If, asustaste all 1907 01:48:04,145 --> 01:48:05,043 DÈjame see that 1908 01:48:05,246 --> 01:48:06,042 Is already· done 1909 01:48:10,384 --> 01:48:12,352 IrÈ to find a vase for the flowers 1910 01:48:13,254 --> 01:48:13,879 Ok 1911 01:49:49,083 --> 01:49:50,107 Oh go 1912 01:50:14,041 --> 01:50:16,441 Goodbye and fuck you 1913 01:51:44,531 --> 01:51:45,793 Pope 1914 01:51:47,735 --> 01:51:51,193 Pope? 1915 01:51:53,735 --> 01:55:51,193 BY V1NC3