1 00:00:08,931 --> 00:00:10,591 - I've been travelling the world 2 00:00:10,689 --> 00:00:12,169 for the past 25 years. 3 00:00:13,793 --> 00:00:16,453 I've met so many people in so many countries 4 00:00:16,551 --> 00:00:18,031 that everyone thinks of me 5 00:00:18,137 --> 00:00:19,897 as the man who's been everywhere. 6 00:00:21,034 --> 00:00:22,624 But in all these years, 7 00:00:22,724 --> 00:00:25,974 there's been one big gap in my passport. 8 00:00:26,068 --> 00:00:30,028 Nothing less than the fifth largest country on Earth. 9 00:00:32,413 --> 00:00:35,003 A country blessed with a melting pot of peoples 10 00:00:35,103 --> 00:00:36,863 and an abundance of resources. 11 00:00:38,551 --> 00:00:40,971 A country that's risen almost out of nowhere 12 00:00:41,068 --> 00:00:43,968 to become a 21st-century superpower. 13 00:00:45,482 --> 00:00:47,792 It's the host of the next World Cup 14 00:00:47,896 --> 00:00:50,236 and the next Olympic Games. 15 00:00:50,344 --> 00:00:52,454 It's a country whose time has come. 16 00:00:53,827 --> 00:00:55,757 How can I say I've seen the world 17 00:00:55,862 --> 00:00:57,662 when I haven't seen Brazil? 18 00:00:59,448 --> 00:01:01,618 OK, waterfall, we defy you! 19 00:01:01,724 --> 00:01:03,724 We defy you! 20 00:01:14,586 --> 00:01:15,896 In this episode, 21 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:17,280 I'll be meeting a lot of people 22 00:01:17,379 --> 00:01:18,549 I feel I've met before, 23 00:01:18,655 --> 00:01:22,655 in an epic landscape, both natural and man-made. 24 00:01:22,758 --> 00:01:25,098 For this is southern Brazil, 25 00:01:25,206 --> 00:01:27,376 where European and Asian immigrants 26 00:01:27,482 --> 00:01:29,412 have created a very different culture 27 00:01:29,517 --> 00:01:30,997 from the rest of the country. 28 00:01:31,103 --> 00:01:33,483 And it can still spring plenty of surprises. 29 00:01:33,586 --> 00:01:34,786 I don't know what I'm doing 30 00:01:34,896 --> 00:01:36,996 to the ecological balance here, but there you go! 31 00:01:37,103 --> 00:01:39,283 [chuckles] 32 00:01:54,620 --> 00:01:57,720 Well, I'm on the last leg of my Brazilian journey. 33 00:01:57,827 --> 00:02:00,277 We're sailing down the coast from Rio. 34 00:02:00,379 --> 00:02:03,239 Behind me is Brazil's other rainforest, 35 00:02:03,344 --> 00:02:05,794 the Mata Atlantica, the Atlantic rainforest. 36 00:02:05,896 --> 00:02:07,166 We're approaching a town 37 00:02:07,275 --> 00:02:08,925 which was once one of the most prosperous 38 00:02:09,034 --> 00:02:10,144 in the whole of Brazil. 39 00:02:10,241 --> 00:02:12,001 It's called Parati, 40 00:02:12,103 --> 00:02:14,933 where the gold came out and the slaves went in. 41 00:02:18,517 --> 00:02:22,237 300 years ago, Parati lay at the end of the Camino d'Oro, 42 00:02:22,344 --> 00:02:25,214 the Gold Trail, which led through the mountains 43 00:02:25,310 --> 00:02:27,210 to the goldmines of the interior. 44 00:02:29,551 --> 00:02:32,481 It was a road built by slaves for other slaves 45 00:02:32,586 --> 00:02:34,546 to carry the gold, which, for 100 years 46 00:02:34,655 --> 00:02:37,305 made this little town fabulously wealthy. 47 00:02:40,310 --> 00:02:42,970 But pirates made a habit of robbing the galleons 48 00:02:43,068 --> 00:02:45,028 that set sail from Parati. 49 00:02:45,137 --> 00:02:46,997 The gold trade moved north, 50 00:02:47,103 --> 00:02:49,663 and the town fell into a steady decline 51 00:02:49,758 --> 00:02:51,448 which left it largely untouched 52 00:02:51,551 --> 00:02:53,071 by the modern world. 53 00:02:53,172 --> 00:02:55,452 A living embodiment of the colonial period 54 00:02:55,551 --> 00:02:57,101 can be found here 55 00:02:57,206 --> 00:03:00,306 in the shape of Prince John De Orleans e Briganza, 56 00:03:00,413 --> 00:03:04,313 a staunch republican who's heir to the Brazilian throne. 57 00:03:04,413 --> 00:03:07,483 I think people would be quite interested to know 58 00:03:07,586 --> 00:03:11,616 that there was, there is still a royal line in Brazil 59 00:03:11,724 --> 00:03:13,594 which you represent. 60 00:03:13,689 --> 00:03:15,409 - It's a very interesting story, yes. 61 00:03:15,517 --> 00:03:18,447 Peter the First, my great-great grandfather, 62 00:03:18,551 --> 00:03:20,381 he was married to 63 00:03:20,482 --> 00:03:22,722 Leopoldina Habsburg from Austria. 64 00:03:22,827 --> 00:03:25,167 Napoleon was married with her sister, Marie-Louise. 65 00:03:25,275 --> 00:03:26,475 - OK. 66 00:03:26,586 --> 00:03:27,656 Napoleon was the brother-in-law. 67 00:03:27,758 --> 00:03:28,688 Yes. 68 00:03:28,793 --> 00:03:30,413 'Brother-in-law or not, 69 00:03:30,517 --> 00:03:33,657 'the Portuguese court fled Napoleon's invading troops 70 00:03:33,758 --> 00:03:36,138 'for the safety of Brazil. 71 00:03:36,241 --> 00:03:38,071 'Their arrival, in Don John's opinion, 72 00:03:38,172 --> 00:03:41,072 'laid the foundations of today's nation state.' 73 00:03:41,172 --> 00:03:43,102 - A very interesting thing. 74 00:03:43,206 --> 00:03:46,276 Brazil, before their arrival, it was a colony. 75 00:03:46,379 --> 00:03:48,619 After their arrival in 1808, 76 00:03:48,724 --> 00:03:50,934 Brazil turned into a nation. 77 00:03:51,034 --> 00:03:52,794 In the one moment to the other, 78 00:03:52,896 --> 00:03:55,136 the founding of many institutions, 79 00:03:55,241 --> 00:03:58,861 cultural, scientific, and political institutions. 80 00:03:58,965 --> 00:04:00,135 Is she one of the princesses? 81 00:04:00,241 --> 00:04:01,451 Yes. 82 00:04:01,551 --> 00:04:03,831 - Princess Isabel. - Beautiful. 83 00:04:03,931 --> 00:04:05,591 She signed the law 84 00:04:05,689 --> 00:04:08,029 giving total freedom to slaves in 1888. 85 00:04:08,137 --> 00:04:10,547 - She's your great... - Great-grandmother. 86 00:04:10,655 --> 00:04:12,095 Grandmother of my father. 87 00:04:16,000 --> 00:04:17,720 - The gold that lay on the other side 88 00:04:17,827 --> 00:04:19,407 of the mountains may have run out, 89 00:04:19,517 --> 00:04:21,857 but it's been replaced by something else 90 00:04:21,965 --> 00:04:24,335 the rest of the world buys from Brazil. 91 00:04:26,034 --> 00:04:27,694 A half-hour flight from Parati 92 00:04:27,793 --> 00:04:31,003 brings me to one of Brazil's great success stories. 93 00:04:33,206 --> 00:04:35,586 Well, it was until I took the controls! 94 00:04:39,034 --> 00:04:41,244 I'm in the simulator at Embraer, 95 00:04:41,344 --> 00:04:43,344 a Brazilian aircraft builder 96 00:04:43,448 --> 00:04:45,968 which turns out 200 planes a year. 97 00:04:48,241 --> 00:04:49,341 - Down, down. 98 00:04:49,448 --> 00:04:50,478 - Yeah! 99 00:04:55,275 --> 00:04:58,095 From being almost bankrupt 15 years ago, 100 00:04:58,206 --> 00:05:00,376 it's now the third largest manufacturer 101 00:05:00,482 --> 00:05:03,722 of commercial planes in the world. 102 00:05:03,827 --> 00:05:05,687 Some people still think of Brazil 103 00:05:05,793 --> 00:05:07,933 as being too laid-back and relaxed 104 00:05:08,034 --> 00:05:10,284 for the competitive world of modern industry. 105 00:05:10,379 --> 00:05:12,339 Embraer, with its smart management, 106 00:05:12,448 --> 00:05:13,928 technical expertise, 107 00:05:14,034 --> 00:05:16,524 and skilled 17,000-strong workforce 108 00:05:16,620 --> 00:05:18,520 is the perfect riposte. 109 00:05:18,620 --> 00:05:20,690 This is a company snapping at the heels 110 00:05:20,793 --> 00:05:22,763 of Boeing and Airbus. 111 00:05:27,931 --> 00:05:30,281 And they've found a job for me in the paint shop 112 00:05:30,379 --> 00:05:31,829 with Felipe Galvan. 113 00:05:31,931 --> 00:05:34,661 - For me, this colour blue is difficult to paint. 114 00:05:34,758 --> 00:05:35,998 - Is it? Why? 115 00:05:36,103 --> 00:05:38,623 - Because the blue is very dark. Like a mirror. 116 00:05:38,724 --> 00:05:40,004 - Yeah. - Like a mirror. 117 00:05:40,103 --> 00:05:43,453 When I paint it's difficult to pass, the speed. 118 00:05:43,551 --> 00:05:45,971 I need to very, very specifically... 119 00:05:46,068 --> 00:05:49,478 You have to be very, very careful, otherwise, yeah. 120 00:05:49,586 --> 00:05:51,236 - It's enough? 121 00:05:51,344 --> 00:05:52,974 - These are my fashionable shoes! 122 00:05:53,068 --> 00:05:56,138 These are Paul Smith of London. 123 00:05:56,241 --> 00:05:58,591 Paul, if you're watching, look what they're doing. 124 00:05:58,689 --> 00:06:00,659 They're redesigning your shoes! 125 00:06:00,758 --> 00:06:02,168 - The shoes Nike. 126 00:06:02,275 --> 00:06:04,205 - Nike. - Nike?! 127 00:06:04,310 --> 00:06:05,830 Made in Brazil! Made in Brazil! 128 00:06:05,931 --> 00:06:07,241 No, no, no. 129 00:06:07,344 --> 00:06:09,004 - Now we're ready to paint. - What colour? 130 00:06:09,103 --> 00:06:10,933 - The colour is dark blue. - Oh, no. 131 00:06:11,034 --> 00:06:12,214 - It's a difficult one. - You told me. 132 00:06:12,310 --> 00:06:13,550 Yes. 133 00:06:13,655 --> 00:06:16,335 That's a lovely colour. It's sort of azure blue. 134 00:06:16,448 --> 00:06:18,758 Very, very blue. 135 00:06:18,862 --> 00:06:20,102 - OK? - Wow. Yeah. 136 00:06:20,206 --> 00:06:21,446 Ready to paint. 137 00:06:21,551 --> 00:06:23,551 - Paint your shoes, no? - Yeah, good. 138 00:06:23,655 --> 00:06:25,165 Get off! 139 00:06:26,379 --> 00:06:27,899 - Alright, so this goes on. - Put your mask. 140 00:06:29,862 --> 00:06:31,172 - Wow! 141 00:06:31,275 --> 00:06:32,895 Space man time! 142 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:34,620 - Your hair, it's blue! 143 00:06:34,724 --> 00:06:35,934 - 'Felipe, having finally 144 00:06:36,034 --> 00:06:37,694 got over his obsession with my shoes, 145 00:06:37,793 --> 00:06:40,413 'turns his attentions to a bigger game. 146 00:06:40,517 --> 00:06:43,447 'The tail fin of a Kazakhstan airliner.' 147 00:06:43,551 --> 00:06:45,591 [bright music] 148 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:53,790 Two fingers here? All right. 149 00:06:54,620 --> 00:06:57,070 Press! Press! Press! 150 00:07:03,827 --> 00:07:05,717 - Yes? Let's go again. - Right. 151 00:07:09,724 --> 00:07:11,524 OK. That's it. 152 00:07:11,620 --> 00:07:14,030 Now we need to wait 10 minutes 153 00:07:14,137 --> 00:07:17,137 until the surface has got cold. 154 00:07:17,241 --> 00:07:19,591 You must be hungry. What time did you have breakfast? 155 00:07:19,689 --> 00:07:20,859 - 4.00am. - 4.00am? 156 00:07:20,965 --> 00:07:22,135 4.00am. 157 00:07:22,241 --> 00:07:24,451 4.30am. And lunch now. 158 00:07:24,551 --> 00:07:25,901 And another breakfast 2.00pm. 159 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:27,240 Ah. 160 00:07:27,344 --> 00:07:29,414 So you have three meals a day by 2.00pm? 161 00:07:29,517 --> 00:07:31,757 What food do you like? What's your favourite? 162 00:07:31,862 --> 00:07:33,282 Meat. 163 00:07:33,379 --> 00:07:34,899 - Barbecure. - "Barbecure"? Barbecue! 164 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:36,030 Oh, yeah. 165 00:07:36,137 --> 00:07:37,997 - Brazilians love barbecue. - Yeah. 166 00:07:38,103 --> 00:07:40,173 - Now pasta! 167 00:07:40,275 --> 00:07:41,995 Always pasta. 168 00:07:43,344 --> 00:07:45,034 Do you have a surprise? 169 00:07:45,137 --> 00:07:47,207 Surprise pea. 170 00:07:47,310 --> 00:07:48,760 - What? - Surprise pea. 171 00:07:48,862 --> 00:07:50,312 Surprise pea? 172 00:07:50,413 --> 00:07:52,173 There. It's good. 173 00:07:52,275 --> 00:07:55,545 - 'Felipe was so keen to get a job at Embraer 174 00:07:55,655 --> 00:07:57,445 'that he left his own engagement party 175 00:07:57,551 --> 00:07:58,831 'to make the interview. 176 00:07:58,931 --> 00:08:00,721 'He's never looked back.' 177 00:08:00,827 --> 00:08:03,927 The first time I entered the building, the paint shop, 178 00:08:04,034 --> 00:08:07,524 I saw many guys painter there. 179 00:08:07,620 --> 00:08:09,070 And I stood just looking. 180 00:08:09,172 --> 00:08:11,172 It was amazing painting. "Whoosh!" 181 00:08:12,172 --> 00:08:13,552 - Yeah. - And I told myself, 182 00:08:13,655 --> 00:08:14,895 "I want to be one of them." 183 00:08:15,000 --> 00:08:17,830 And I have friends, a lot of friends there, 184 00:08:17,931 --> 00:08:21,171 and they helped me to get the job here. 185 00:08:21,275 --> 00:08:24,275 - Does it pay well? - Yeah. Pays very well. 186 00:08:24,379 --> 00:08:26,449 What sort of... 187 00:08:26,551 --> 00:08:30,241 Today, I earn more or less 3,500 reals a month. 188 00:08:30,344 --> 00:08:32,554 - 3,500 reals a month. 189 00:08:32,655 --> 00:08:34,375 That's about 1,500 pounds. 190 00:08:34,482 --> 00:08:36,282 I'm just trying to think, a month. Not bad. 191 00:08:36,379 --> 00:08:37,619 Not bad. 192 00:08:37,724 --> 00:08:38,934 So how did it change your life? 193 00:08:39,034 --> 00:08:40,144 Everything. 194 00:08:40,241 --> 00:08:41,591 Like what? 195 00:08:41,689 --> 00:08:43,999 Because this job I bought my apartment, my house. 196 00:08:44,103 --> 00:08:45,553 Everything that I have today. 197 00:08:45,655 --> 00:08:48,375 And I have a good car, a good life. 198 00:08:48,482 --> 00:08:50,832 I have a good life. 199 00:08:50,931 --> 00:08:52,171 - Yeah. - I buy everything. 200 00:08:52,275 --> 00:08:53,475 I have Xbox. 201 00:08:53,586 --> 00:08:56,476 - I buy my Xbox. Everything. - Yeah. 202 00:08:56,586 --> 00:08:57,996 What would you like to do? 203 00:08:58,103 --> 00:08:59,903 Would you like to go up from painting 204 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:02,790 to some other thing? To administration? 205 00:09:02,896 --> 00:09:05,856 No, I don't think about this. I like to be a painter. 206 00:09:05,965 --> 00:09:07,095 That's enough for me. 207 00:09:07,206 --> 00:09:08,206 You're happy doing what you're doing. 208 00:09:08,310 --> 00:09:11,550 Yeah. I stop with what I have now. 209 00:09:11,655 --> 00:09:13,375 'He's an enviable combination 210 00:09:13,482 --> 00:09:15,072 'of hard work and happiness.' 211 00:09:18,482 --> 00:09:21,552 Embraer's speciality is short-haul commercial jets. 212 00:09:21,655 --> 00:09:23,755 One of their regular customers 213 00:09:23,862 --> 00:09:25,662 is Dutch carrier KLM. 214 00:09:25,758 --> 00:09:28,518 They've taken 21 Cityhoppers 215 00:09:28,620 --> 00:09:31,660 and are today taking delivery of their 22nd. 216 00:09:33,172 --> 00:09:34,662 It's an important moment 217 00:09:34,758 --> 00:09:37,338 marked by a very silly ceremony... 218 00:09:37,448 --> 00:09:39,168 ..involving the Brazilian seller, 219 00:09:39,275 --> 00:09:40,755 the Dutch buyer and me! 220 00:09:41,827 --> 00:09:43,857 - You wear the clogs? - OK, yes. 221 00:09:43,965 --> 00:09:46,305 Good for flying! 222 00:09:46,413 --> 00:09:48,283 OK. There we go. 223 00:09:49,724 --> 00:09:51,244 I hope they fit. 224 00:09:51,344 --> 00:09:54,144 They look a little big for me. Oh, they're very snug! 225 00:09:54,241 --> 00:09:55,901 Is it just one? 226 00:09:58,068 --> 00:09:59,278 There we go. 227 00:09:59,379 --> 00:10:01,409 Thank you very much. That's very kind of you. 228 00:10:01,517 --> 00:10:03,207 What is next is we have Dutch fish. 229 00:10:03,310 --> 00:10:04,830 What you call eel. 230 00:10:04,931 --> 00:10:09,031 It's smoked eel. When it's smoked, we call it "paling". 231 00:10:09,137 --> 00:10:11,067 Paling. Oh, I never knew that. 232 00:10:11,172 --> 00:10:13,002 Very similar to your name. 233 00:10:13,103 --> 00:10:16,663 People ask where my name comes from. 234 00:10:16,758 --> 00:10:19,718 I've never heard it coming from smoked eel! 235 00:10:19,827 --> 00:10:21,617 So that's something useful. 236 00:10:21,724 --> 00:10:23,004 - I like eel. - You should try it. 237 00:10:23,103 --> 00:10:24,313 OK. 238 00:10:29,275 --> 00:10:31,025 - Just try it. - Thank you very much. 239 00:10:31,137 --> 00:10:34,307 I'll be the first to try it. A bit of "paling". 240 00:10:34,413 --> 00:10:36,763 It's really good, actually. 241 00:10:47,482 --> 00:10:48,342 It might seem a bit whacky, 242 00:10:48,448 --> 00:10:50,898 but this is a very, very important part 243 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:52,720 of the whole delivery process. 244 00:10:52,827 --> 00:10:55,067 Because they're here, the KLM people, 245 00:10:55,172 --> 00:10:56,722 to do final checks, 246 00:10:56,827 --> 00:10:58,477 and then in a week's time, 247 00:10:58,586 --> 00:11:00,616 they'll have to write the big cheque 248 00:11:00,724 --> 00:11:02,694 to pay for the plane. 249 00:11:02,793 --> 00:11:05,143 So that's why everyone's very happy and jolly, 250 00:11:05,241 --> 00:11:07,791 but underneath it all, there's a lot of money 251 00:11:07,896 --> 00:11:10,206 hanging on this cloggy, palingy moment! 252 00:11:13,931 --> 00:11:15,521 - Can I have one more? - Of course! 253 00:11:15,620 --> 00:11:17,450 I like this paling. 254 00:11:17,551 --> 00:11:20,211 For some reason. I don't like all paling. 255 00:11:20,310 --> 00:11:21,340 Mmm! 256 00:11:25,586 --> 00:11:27,336 'Taisse is the woman from Embraer 257 00:11:27,448 --> 00:11:29,788 'who's been cashing in those big KLM cheques 258 00:11:29,896 --> 00:11:31,516 'for the past few years.' 259 00:11:31,620 --> 00:11:34,170 You've obviously got a good relationship with KLM. 260 00:11:34,275 --> 00:11:37,755 Does anybody else provide smoked eels and... 261 00:11:37,862 --> 00:11:39,902 No, no. Not really. 262 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:42,760 But I must confess, in the beginning, 263 00:11:42,862 --> 00:11:46,002 we were expecting something more serious, 264 00:11:46,103 --> 00:11:47,343 more cool. 265 00:11:47,448 --> 00:11:51,378 Then, when they come, they come with smiling faces 266 00:11:51,482 --> 00:11:53,902 and very open-minded talking to us, 267 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:56,340 doing this kind of exchange culture thing. 268 00:11:56,448 --> 00:11:59,308 So it surprised us a lot. 269 00:11:59,413 --> 00:12:02,003 [all cheer] 270 00:12:03,310 --> 00:12:05,240 How do you feel when it all goes through? 271 00:12:05,344 --> 00:12:07,104 Do you feel proud of what's being done here? 272 00:12:07,206 --> 00:12:08,616 Totally. Totally. 273 00:12:08,724 --> 00:12:12,214 To see the airplane going back home 274 00:12:12,310 --> 00:12:15,790 with the customer very satisfied, 275 00:12:15,896 --> 00:12:16,856 it's part of us. 276 00:12:16,965 --> 00:12:19,445 We are proud of it, we are proud of our product 277 00:12:19,551 --> 00:12:20,971 and we represent Brazil. 278 00:12:21,068 --> 00:12:24,238 This is for us. It's crazy. 279 00:12:30,896 --> 00:12:34,066 - Crazy it may be, but as another $40-million-worth 280 00:12:34,172 --> 00:12:36,002 of airliner takes to the sky, 281 00:12:36,103 --> 00:12:39,103 one Brazilian company is getting it exactly right. 282 00:12:42,448 --> 00:12:44,898 A few minutes' flying time from Embraer, 283 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:47,000 the vast megalopolis of Sao Paulo, 284 00:12:47,103 --> 00:12:49,553 largest city in the southern hemisphere, 285 00:12:49,655 --> 00:12:52,165 rises like a man-made forest. 286 00:12:52,275 --> 00:12:56,475 40 million people, one in five Brazilians, 287 00:12:56,586 --> 00:12:59,616 live in Sao Paulo and its surrounding state. 288 00:12:59,724 --> 00:13:03,344 This is the economic and financial heart of Brazil, 289 00:13:03,448 --> 00:13:06,068 and it's already full to overflowing. 290 00:13:07,103 --> 00:13:09,143 [radio chatter] 291 00:13:12,310 --> 00:13:13,760 The very rich Paulistas 292 00:13:13,862 --> 00:13:16,832 have grown so impatient with the crush and the congestion 293 00:13:16,931 --> 00:13:18,931 that they no longer live on the ground 294 00:13:19,034 --> 00:13:20,694 but in the skies above. 295 00:13:22,827 --> 00:13:27,547 Sao Paulo is the helicopter capital of the world. 296 00:13:27,655 --> 00:13:29,475 It's not surprising 297 00:13:29,586 --> 00:13:32,926 that it's also the traffic jam capital of the world. 298 00:13:33,034 --> 00:13:35,034 One of them recently reckoned 299 00:13:35,137 --> 00:13:36,967 to be nearly 200 miles long! 300 00:13:37,068 --> 00:13:38,928 So here in the city, 301 00:13:39,034 --> 00:13:42,484 there are 400 helicopters making 300 journeys a day. 302 00:13:42,586 --> 00:13:45,656 The rich and successful go from building to building 303 00:13:45,758 --> 00:13:47,308 to make meetings without ever 304 00:13:47,413 --> 00:13:48,863 having to touch the ground. 305 00:13:48,965 --> 00:13:50,995 I'm going with one of those people today, 306 00:13:51,103 --> 00:13:53,343 in the helicopter with Wilson Quintella, 307 00:13:53,448 --> 00:13:55,788 king of Brazilian garbage! 308 00:14:05,241 --> 00:14:07,521 Wilson Quintella can look down on Sao Paulo 309 00:14:07,620 --> 00:14:09,550 with some satisfaction. 310 00:14:09,655 --> 00:14:12,065 Last year, his waste management company, 311 00:14:12,172 --> 00:14:13,792 Estre Ambiantal, 312 00:14:13,896 --> 00:14:16,166 made a 400 million pound turnover 313 00:14:16,275 --> 00:14:19,235 from everything that Sao Paulo throws away. 314 00:14:21,793 --> 00:14:23,723 Wilson, like many multi-millionaires, 315 00:14:23,827 --> 00:14:25,997 travels his empire by air. 316 00:14:26,103 --> 00:14:27,483 Today, he's flying me 317 00:14:27,586 --> 00:14:29,476 to one of his biggest landfill sites, 318 00:14:29,586 --> 00:14:31,066 just outside Sao Paulo. 319 00:14:31,172 --> 00:14:33,002 "Waste is just the beginning" 320 00:14:33,103 --> 00:14:34,793 is the company slogan. 321 00:14:34,896 --> 00:14:37,066 As far as Wilson's concerned, 322 00:14:37,172 --> 00:14:39,172 every rubbish tip has a silver lining. 323 00:14:42,482 --> 00:14:44,722 So you're in the right business. 324 00:14:44,827 --> 00:14:46,857 - Garbage is big business. - Yes. 325 00:14:46,965 --> 00:14:48,545 It's growing a lot. 326 00:14:48,655 --> 00:14:51,275 We... Brazil brought about 40 million people 327 00:14:51,379 --> 00:14:52,999 who was in poverty. 328 00:14:53,103 --> 00:14:56,593 40 million people who were poor are now consumers? 329 00:14:56,689 --> 00:14:58,829 It's making 40,000 tonnes per day. 330 00:14:58,931 --> 00:15:02,001 That's the waste of a city like Sao Paolo. 331 00:15:02,103 --> 00:15:03,723 Wilson, this is not just about 332 00:15:03,827 --> 00:15:05,617 collecting people's garbage. 333 00:15:05,724 --> 00:15:06,864 This is business, isn't it? 334 00:15:06,965 --> 00:15:08,065 - Oh, yeah. - It's big money. 335 00:15:08,172 --> 00:15:09,932 Yeah. Well, big money, I don't mean... 336 00:15:10,034 --> 00:15:11,314 I don't know. 337 00:15:11,413 --> 00:15:13,693 - Not big money. - Your profits last year 338 00:15:13,793 --> 00:15:15,383 - were good. - It is good, yeah. 339 00:15:15,482 --> 00:15:17,832 And it's growing all over the world. 340 00:15:17,931 --> 00:15:20,411 But I believe the most interesting thing 341 00:15:20,517 --> 00:15:23,137 that we can do an environment business 342 00:15:23,241 --> 00:15:25,971 joined with an economical business. 343 00:15:26,068 --> 00:15:28,098 We can get money from the recycle. 344 00:15:28,206 --> 00:15:30,826 I believe that is what will change completely 345 00:15:30,931 --> 00:15:32,691 this market for now onward. 346 00:15:32,793 --> 00:15:36,313 Maybe one day we are going to pay to the garbage. 347 00:15:36,413 --> 00:15:39,003 For instance, like cans, like paper, 348 00:15:39,103 --> 00:15:41,033 all these have a market. 349 00:15:41,137 --> 00:15:44,447 Nowadays, China imports more plastic 350 00:15:44,551 --> 00:15:47,481 coming from the recycling business 351 00:15:47,586 --> 00:15:50,026 than the total consumption of Brazil, 352 00:15:50,137 --> 00:15:51,927 in terms of plastic. 353 00:15:52,034 --> 00:15:53,934 - Recycling used to be confined 354 00:15:54,034 --> 00:15:56,624 to poor people scavenging rubbish tips. 355 00:15:56,724 --> 00:15:58,934 Wilson acknowledges their contribution 356 00:15:59,034 --> 00:16:02,524 by offering them a safe and secure role in his business. 357 00:16:02,620 --> 00:16:04,590 In Brazil, this market is booming 358 00:16:04,689 --> 00:16:07,589 because we are having economic growth 359 00:16:07,689 --> 00:16:09,659 and besides that we have a new law 360 00:16:09,758 --> 00:16:12,788 that obliges to finish with dumping 361 00:16:12,896 --> 00:16:15,306 and obliges at least to recycle 20% 362 00:16:15,413 --> 00:16:16,593 of the total waste. 363 00:16:16,689 --> 00:16:18,379 It's going to be a revolution in Brazil, 364 00:16:18,482 --> 00:16:20,072 as we have a huge opportunity 365 00:16:20,172 --> 00:16:21,722 for companies like ours. 366 00:16:21,827 --> 00:16:23,307 Not to make money, 367 00:16:23,413 --> 00:16:25,383 but to do something good for society. 368 00:16:25,482 --> 00:16:26,722 And make a profit. 369 00:16:26,827 --> 00:16:28,167 - And make some money. - Come on. 370 00:16:33,896 --> 00:16:36,616 The scavengers who eke a living from rubbish dumps 371 00:16:36,724 --> 00:16:39,214 have recently received the ultimate accolade. 372 00:16:39,310 --> 00:16:40,830 To become characters 373 00:16:40,931 --> 00:16:43,381 in one of Brazil's hugely popular soap operas. 374 00:16:43,482 --> 00:16:45,282 Avenida Brasil. 375 00:16:46,137 --> 00:16:49,657 [speaking Portuguese] 376 00:17:02,896 --> 00:17:04,786 - One of the stars of Avenida Brazil 377 00:17:04,896 --> 00:17:06,476 is Carolina Ferraz, 378 00:17:06,586 --> 00:17:10,206 a much-admired actress with over 20 soaps under her belt. 379 00:17:10,310 --> 00:17:11,720 She's the perfect person 380 00:17:11,827 --> 00:17:13,787 to show me round the make-believe world 381 00:17:13,896 --> 00:17:15,476 where the stories are filmed 382 00:17:15,586 --> 00:17:18,096 and to explain just how they do it. 383 00:17:18,206 --> 00:17:23,306 And here, if you look, you have all the outside cities. 384 00:17:23,413 --> 00:17:25,173 They built the scenario outside. 385 00:17:25,275 --> 00:17:27,515 Each soap opera has its own. 386 00:17:27,620 --> 00:17:29,900 So we go there and we shoot. 387 00:17:30,000 --> 00:17:31,590 Shall we get out and have a look? 388 00:17:33,689 --> 00:17:36,069 [speaks Portuguese] 389 00:17:44,689 --> 00:17:46,379 So what's actually happening now 390 00:17:46,482 --> 00:17:47,932 in this part of the story? 391 00:17:48,034 --> 00:17:49,594 They are shooting the soap opera, 392 00:17:49,689 --> 00:17:51,449 telenovela, called Avenida Brasil. 393 00:17:51,551 --> 00:17:53,901 Which is the one I'm shooting now as well. 394 00:17:54,000 --> 00:17:55,480 And this is the neighbourhood, 395 00:17:55,586 --> 00:17:56,996 the outside set. 396 00:17:57,103 --> 00:17:58,523 We have the poor neighbourhood. 397 00:17:58,620 --> 00:18:00,520 Everything that happens, happens here. 398 00:18:00,620 --> 00:18:02,030 This is the poor neighbourhood? 399 00:18:02,137 --> 00:18:03,477 We're in the middle of a shooting. 400 00:18:03,586 --> 00:18:05,166 Everything is happening. 401 00:18:05,275 --> 00:18:08,205 Everyone's acting. We're acting, they're acting. 402 00:18:09,793 --> 00:18:11,863 It's very realistic, actually. 403 00:18:11,965 --> 00:18:13,965 A lot of extras, 404 00:18:14,068 --> 00:18:16,998 a lot of camera shooting at different angles. 405 00:18:17,103 --> 00:18:18,413 If you think about it, 406 00:18:18,517 --> 00:18:20,407 we shoot something like 30 scenes per day. 407 00:18:20,517 --> 00:18:22,137 30 scenes a day. 408 00:18:22,241 --> 00:18:24,721 So it's like shooting a whole movie a week. 409 00:18:24,827 --> 00:18:26,687 What sort of character do you play? 410 00:18:26,793 --> 00:18:31,173 I play part of the comic part of the soap opera. 411 00:18:31,275 --> 00:18:34,065 I play a very rich woman who is going to lose everything. 412 00:18:34,172 --> 00:18:35,172 I'm going to become poor 413 00:18:35,275 --> 00:18:36,545 and I'm going to come and live here. 414 00:18:36,655 --> 00:18:38,475 Doesn't sound very comic! 415 00:18:38,586 --> 00:18:40,996 It's in the comic way. It's not tragic. 416 00:18:41,103 --> 00:18:42,973 - No. - I'm going to come here 417 00:18:43,068 --> 00:18:45,138 and I'm going to make lots of confusion 418 00:18:45,241 --> 00:18:46,721 with all the characters. 419 00:18:46,827 --> 00:18:48,237 It's going to be fun! 420 00:18:49,448 --> 00:18:51,968 [speaks Portuguese] 421 00:18:57,931 --> 00:18:59,451 - There's something about the soap operas. 422 00:18:59,551 --> 00:19:03,101 I see them on television sets all over Brazil. 423 00:19:03,206 --> 00:19:05,066 Tell me how popular they are. 424 00:19:05,172 --> 00:19:07,412 It's like our Hollywood. People love it. 425 00:19:07,517 --> 00:19:09,757 People truly, they don't go out of their houses 426 00:19:09,862 --> 00:19:12,792 because they want to stay and watch the soap operas. 427 00:19:12,896 --> 00:19:15,276 And because we don't have a soap opera 428 00:19:15,379 --> 00:19:17,169 that goes on for 10 years, 429 00:19:17,275 --> 00:19:20,375 our soap operas, they go on for something 430 00:19:20,482 --> 00:19:24,102 like six to eight months, maximum eight months. 431 00:19:24,206 --> 00:19:26,166 So everybody knows that it's going to end. 432 00:19:26,275 --> 00:19:28,275 So everybody wants to follow it to know 433 00:19:28,379 --> 00:19:31,069 what is going to happen, how it's going to finish. 434 00:19:31,172 --> 00:19:33,722 Who is going to marry who in the end. 435 00:19:33,827 --> 00:19:35,517 - This is... - You say everybody. 436 00:19:35,620 --> 00:19:37,660 What size of audience does that mean? 437 00:19:37,758 --> 00:19:40,858 It's huge. It's something like 72 million people 438 00:19:40,965 --> 00:19:42,785 watching you every night. 439 00:19:42,896 --> 00:19:44,756 It's amazing. It's crazy, isn't it? 440 00:19:44,862 --> 00:19:47,142 Is it like people sort of working out 441 00:19:47,241 --> 00:19:49,591 their own dreams through you? 442 00:19:49,689 --> 00:19:52,589 Or is it more real life? 443 00:19:52,689 --> 00:19:55,999 They sort of have a social obligation. 444 00:19:56,103 --> 00:19:59,973 They always bring different issues, topic issues, 445 00:20:00,068 --> 00:20:03,168 that people as a society should discuss. 446 00:20:03,275 --> 00:20:05,095 Because it's so popular. 447 00:20:05,206 --> 00:20:07,716 And we are in such a poor country. 448 00:20:07,827 --> 00:20:10,097 So we use this, because it's very popular, 449 00:20:10,206 --> 00:20:12,336 to debate different issues. 450 00:20:17,241 --> 00:20:19,971 - Setting a part of Avenida Brasil in the rubbish dump 451 00:20:20,068 --> 00:20:21,478 has given a voice 452 00:20:21,586 --> 00:20:23,896 to a previously marginalised under-class. 453 00:20:28,862 --> 00:20:31,522 - This is what is new in Brazil. 454 00:20:31,620 --> 00:20:33,210 They're starting to have 455 00:20:33,310 --> 00:20:35,340 these kind of characters coming out 456 00:20:35,448 --> 00:20:37,208 and they're speaking to society. 457 00:20:37,310 --> 00:20:38,720 This is what is fresh now. 458 00:20:38,827 --> 00:20:40,167 - It's so... - Previously, 459 00:20:40,275 --> 00:20:42,685 no-one would have bothered about them or listened. 460 00:20:42,793 --> 00:20:44,933 They wouldn't have space to come out. 461 00:20:45,034 --> 00:20:47,834 That's not about people paying attention to them, 462 00:20:47,931 --> 00:20:51,341 they didn't just have the chance to come out. 463 00:20:51,448 --> 00:20:52,858 And you think this is because 464 00:20:52,965 --> 00:20:55,235 Brazil itself is more confident and prosperous 465 00:20:55,344 --> 00:20:57,034 so they don't feel threatened 466 00:20:57,137 --> 00:20:59,067 by people at the bottom of the pile? 467 00:20:59,172 --> 00:21:02,452 Now people have more real chances. 468 00:21:04,689 --> 00:21:06,339 - Increasingly, the voices 469 00:21:06,448 --> 00:21:08,168 that are being heard in Brazil 470 00:21:08,275 --> 00:21:09,965 are the voices from the shanty town, 471 00:21:10,068 --> 00:21:12,788 none louder than that of Criolo. 472 00:21:17,551 --> 00:21:20,341 Criolo is a rapper, poet and composer. 473 00:21:20,448 --> 00:21:22,898 His poems are eloquent but enigmatic, 474 00:21:23,000 --> 00:21:25,590 delivering a message that has struck a chord 475 00:21:25,689 --> 00:21:27,279 with a generation who have grown up 476 00:21:27,379 --> 00:21:28,689 at the bottom of the pile. 477 00:21:28,793 --> 00:21:32,623 Carolina is an admirer, and has taken me to meet him. 478 00:21:32,724 --> 00:21:35,454 When you were growing up and what you saw around, 479 00:21:35,551 --> 00:21:37,831 did it make you angry in any way, 480 00:21:37,931 --> 00:21:40,031 the way people were treated? 481 00:21:40,137 --> 00:21:41,547 The way people lived? 482 00:21:41,655 --> 00:21:43,585 Did it make you angry with the system? 483 00:21:46,551 --> 00:21:49,001 - TRANSLATOR: 'We can't feel how hot the pot of soup is 484 00:21:49,103 --> 00:21:51,453 'if we are the vegetables inside the soup. 485 00:21:51,551 --> 00:21:55,761 'Our system here has been broken for 80 years 486 00:21:55,862 --> 00:21:57,932 'and we are the ones paying for the super-glue 487 00:21:58,034 --> 00:21:59,524 to keep the thing together.' 488 00:22:01,000 --> 00:22:03,100 - The economy is going well at the moment. 489 00:22:03,206 --> 00:22:05,096 It seems to be going well for Brazil. 490 00:22:05,206 --> 00:22:08,066 Do they notice any change as a result of that? 491 00:22:14,517 --> 00:22:17,687 - 'The detail seems to be in the word he used before - 492 00:22:17,793 --> 00:22:19,553 "seems" to be going well.' 493 00:22:19,655 --> 00:22:21,615 Yeah. 494 00:22:23,758 --> 00:22:26,998 - 'Anyway, we have to think that this situation 495 00:22:27,103 --> 00:22:29,173 'has to last for at least 50 years, 496 00:22:29,275 --> 00:22:31,855 'otherwise, I don't know. 497 00:22:31,965 --> 00:22:33,895 'To think that five or 10 years 498 00:22:34,000 --> 00:22:36,690 would change a single leaf under this tree.' 499 00:22:38,379 --> 00:22:40,549 - His bleak views might be uncomfortable 500 00:22:40,655 --> 00:22:42,235 for many Brazilians. 501 00:22:42,344 --> 00:22:43,764 But the man himself 502 00:22:43,862 --> 00:22:45,902 doesn't behave like a prophet of doom. 503 00:22:50,448 --> 00:22:52,378 Criolo remains engagingly loyal 504 00:22:52,482 --> 00:22:54,342 to the streets where he grew up. 505 00:22:54,448 --> 00:22:57,068 Streets where poverty is endemic, 506 00:22:57,172 --> 00:22:58,412 but where the compensations, 507 00:22:58,517 --> 00:22:59,857 like the music that nurtured him, 508 00:22:59,965 --> 00:23:02,095 still raise the spirits. 509 00:23:04,206 --> 00:23:09,926 [Singing in Portuguese] 510 00:23:28,448 --> 00:23:29,688 - On the other side of Sao Paulo 511 00:23:29,793 --> 00:23:31,483 are the affluent streets 512 00:23:31,586 --> 00:23:34,516 which cater for the burgeoning new middle class. 513 00:23:36,068 --> 00:23:37,338 Someone who did more than most 514 00:23:37,448 --> 00:23:38,588 to set this tide in motion 515 00:23:38,689 --> 00:23:40,589 is the man credited with turning 516 00:23:40,689 --> 00:23:43,999 the Brazilian economy round in the 1990s. 517 00:23:44,103 --> 00:23:47,343 He's former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 518 00:23:47,448 --> 00:23:49,658 known to all as FHC. 519 00:23:49,758 --> 00:23:51,898 I talked to him about his home city. 520 00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:53,860 Being in Sao Paulo, 521 00:23:53,965 --> 00:23:56,965 I'm aware of the importance of immigration to this city. 522 00:23:57,068 --> 00:23:58,068 Yes. 523 00:23:58,172 --> 00:24:03,142 I suppose people saw Brazil then as like America? 524 00:24:03,241 --> 00:24:05,141 It was a dream for them. 525 00:24:05,241 --> 00:24:07,141 This is a kind of America. 526 00:24:07,241 --> 00:24:09,211 In our minds, we are European. 527 00:24:09,310 --> 00:24:13,860 We consider ourselves as kind of a part of Europe. 528 00:24:13,965 --> 00:24:15,585 This is senseless, because we are not! 529 00:24:15,689 --> 00:24:18,969 But then the feeling was much more European. 530 00:24:19,068 --> 00:24:21,788 And I used to say in our culture, 531 00:24:21,896 --> 00:24:25,616 we are much more Americans than Europeans. 532 00:24:25,724 --> 00:24:27,454 This is a new nation. Migration. 533 00:24:27,551 --> 00:24:30,101 Blacks in Brazil like in America. 534 00:24:30,206 --> 00:24:33,516 The true melting pot is not US, it's Brazil. 535 00:24:33,620 --> 00:24:36,280 - Yes. Yes. - Because in the US, 536 00:24:36,379 --> 00:24:38,789 they live together. 537 00:24:38,896 --> 00:24:40,096 But they don't integrate each other. 538 00:24:40,206 --> 00:24:41,136 No. 539 00:24:41,241 --> 00:24:44,721 In Brazil, it's much easier to be part of the similar 540 00:24:44,827 --> 00:24:46,757 confusion of things. 541 00:24:46,862 --> 00:24:49,002 - Yes. - It's how you live 542 00:24:49,103 --> 00:24:52,793 with the other is more relaxing here. No doubts. 543 00:24:55,103 --> 00:24:57,663 - Sao Paulo may indeed be the greatest melting pot 544 00:24:57,758 --> 00:25:00,998 on the planet, but there are distinct advantages 545 00:25:01,103 --> 00:25:03,343 to not looking particularly Brazilian. 546 00:25:04,620 --> 00:25:06,660 Supermodels, like Gisele Bundchen, 547 00:25:06,758 --> 00:25:09,278 could hardly be less of a Brazilian stereotype. 548 00:25:09,379 --> 00:25:12,859 She's made a fortune from her Teutonic looks. 549 00:25:12,965 --> 00:25:14,785 And, unsurprisingly, 550 00:25:14,896 --> 00:25:17,826 she's become a model for all potential models. 551 00:25:17,931 --> 00:25:20,591 Her brand of tall, long-legged elegance 552 00:25:20,689 --> 00:25:24,029 is drawn largely from an area some way from Sao Paulo. 553 00:25:27,931 --> 00:25:30,831 500 miles south, in the city of Blumenau, 554 00:25:30,931 --> 00:25:33,551 white European immigrants predominate. 555 00:25:33,655 --> 00:25:35,965 Here, where the buildings are half-timbered 556 00:25:36,068 --> 00:25:37,518 and the beer drunk in steins, 557 00:25:37,620 --> 00:25:39,480 is a fertile recruiting ground 558 00:25:39,586 --> 00:25:41,376 for some of the most sought-after models 559 00:25:41,482 --> 00:25:42,862 in the world. 560 00:25:44,413 --> 00:25:45,833 One of them, 561 00:25:45,931 --> 00:25:48,901 a second-generation German, local girl Priscila Falaster, 562 00:25:49,000 --> 00:25:50,520 is already well-established 563 00:25:50,620 --> 00:25:52,380 on the fashion runways of the world. 564 00:25:52,482 --> 00:25:56,522 Is it a big ambition of girls in Brazil 565 00:25:56,620 --> 00:25:58,310 to be a model? 566 00:25:58,413 --> 00:26:01,593 Like Gisele Bundchen, or someone like that? 567 00:26:01,689 --> 00:26:03,619 Is it something that girls want to be? 568 00:26:03,724 --> 00:26:05,284 Yes. 569 00:26:05,379 --> 00:26:08,519 Everybody wants so much to be a model here. 570 00:26:08,620 --> 00:26:12,450 Maybe because we have Gisele Bundchen 571 00:26:12,551 --> 00:26:15,901 and the girls say, "Oh, my god, I want this life." 572 00:26:16,000 --> 00:26:20,140 Do you feel quite proud of what you've done, you know, 573 00:26:20,241 --> 00:26:22,691 for you're here in Blumenau? 574 00:26:22,793 --> 00:26:24,593 - Yes. - Do you feel quite good? 575 00:26:24,689 --> 00:26:26,339 - You've done... - I am so proud. 576 00:26:26,448 --> 00:26:29,168 I am so proud because I love here. 577 00:26:29,275 --> 00:26:32,405 When I have been German, 578 00:26:32,517 --> 00:26:37,547 I'm so happy because my grandfather is from there. 579 00:26:37,655 --> 00:26:39,825 And here I am so proud 580 00:26:39,931 --> 00:26:43,071 because it's one beautiful city. 581 00:26:43,172 --> 00:26:46,032 And they have culture, do you understand? 582 00:26:46,137 --> 00:26:48,337 And they have German's buildings. 583 00:26:48,448 --> 00:26:51,518 - Yeah. - I love. I love here. 584 00:26:54,172 --> 00:26:57,002 [gentle music] 585 00:27:02,241 --> 00:27:04,171 - I think I know what she means 586 00:27:04,275 --> 00:27:06,165 as I see everywhere around me 587 00:27:06,275 --> 00:27:09,235 a world I'd never expected to find in the land of sun, 588 00:27:09,344 --> 00:27:11,004 sea, and samba. 589 00:27:13,310 --> 00:27:15,930 I've now reached the deep south of Brazil, 590 00:27:16,034 --> 00:27:18,724 over 3,000 miles from where I started 591 00:27:18,827 --> 00:27:21,027 just up by the Venezuelan border. 592 00:27:21,137 --> 00:27:22,337 And the immigrants 593 00:27:22,448 --> 00:27:24,898 who've settled this part of Brazil are very different. 594 00:27:25,000 --> 00:27:28,240 [speaking German] 595 00:27:31,379 --> 00:27:35,239 My preconceptions of Brazil need some readjusting 596 00:27:35,344 --> 00:27:37,594 as I find myself drawn ever more deeply 597 00:27:37,689 --> 00:27:41,929 into a different place and a different time. 598 00:27:42,034 --> 00:27:43,454 [music plays] 599 00:27:43,551 --> 00:27:45,071 In the small town of Pomoroj, 600 00:27:45,172 --> 00:27:48,212 90% of the inhabitants not only speak German, 601 00:27:48,310 --> 00:27:49,790 but speak it 602 00:27:49,896 --> 00:27:52,066 with a 19th-century Pomeranian dialect. 603 00:27:52,172 --> 00:27:54,722 And funny hats are obligatory. 604 00:27:59,241 --> 00:28:00,621 Like so many immigrants, 605 00:28:00,724 --> 00:28:03,034 the Germans of Pomeroj stick to their old ways 606 00:28:03,137 --> 00:28:06,237 with a fervour that the homeland rarely equals. 607 00:28:07,896 --> 00:28:10,136 Complete with whoops, yells, accordions, 608 00:28:10,241 --> 00:28:11,971 and dances that Health and Safety 609 00:28:12,068 --> 00:28:13,548 would have banned years ago! 610 00:28:17,206 --> 00:28:21,966 [German traditional music] 611 00:28:33,034 --> 00:28:34,484 Drinking a lot of beer 612 00:28:34,586 --> 00:28:37,446 helps if you're wielding an axe right next to your foot! 613 00:28:38,724 --> 00:28:40,834 I've been enlisted to help Ingo Pens, 614 00:28:40,931 --> 00:28:44,661 who serves ice-cold Pilsner from a motorcycle side-car. 615 00:28:44,758 --> 00:28:47,788 Ingo sees my potential as a travelling barman. 616 00:28:47,896 --> 00:28:49,786 Ooh, what a creamy top that is. 617 00:28:49,896 --> 00:28:51,136 OK? 618 00:28:51,241 --> 00:28:54,791 Tip it up a little, dear. That's it. There we go. 619 00:28:54,896 --> 00:28:56,206 - Hi. - Hi, yes, now you'll want 620 00:28:56,310 --> 00:28:57,450 a lot. You're hot. 621 00:28:57,551 --> 00:29:00,101 You're hot. Heit. 622 00:29:00,206 --> 00:29:01,996 Strong beer. There. 623 00:29:03,103 --> 00:29:04,413 Oops. 624 00:29:07,793 --> 00:29:09,763 - Prost. Beifall. - Very good. To the team. 625 00:29:09,862 --> 00:29:11,282 To the team! 626 00:29:13,827 --> 00:29:16,717 Then, just when I thought I could get quietly pissed... 627 00:29:18,241 --> 00:29:20,141 Oh! Thank you! 628 00:29:22,655 --> 00:29:24,305 Ah, well, here we go. 629 00:29:26,103 --> 00:29:27,213 Ah. 630 00:29:27,310 --> 00:29:30,720 OK. Yes. Yes. Yes. All right, I've got that bit. 631 00:29:30,827 --> 00:29:33,097 [music plays] 632 00:29:51,068 --> 00:29:52,898 After some initial embarrassment, 633 00:29:53,000 --> 00:29:54,450 I get into the swing of it 634 00:29:54,551 --> 00:29:57,241 and soon we're a fully-fledged dancing unit. 635 00:30:08,379 --> 00:30:09,969 Thank you! 636 00:30:12,896 --> 00:30:14,896 They call this the European Valley, 637 00:30:15,000 --> 00:30:16,860 largely settled by Germans 638 00:30:16,965 --> 00:30:18,965 who don't seem in any hurry to assimilate. 639 00:30:19,655 --> 00:30:21,135 My evening with Ingo 640 00:30:21,241 --> 00:30:23,071 is hardly going to break the mould. 641 00:30:23,172 --> 00:30:25,382 He's taking me to a bierkeller! 642 00:30:29,655 --> 00:30:32,655 The band is led by a man called Michael Lochner, 643 00:30:32,758 --> 00:30:35,238 who, for once, is not Brazilian German. 644 00:30:35,344 --> 00:30:37,664 He's actually German German! 645 00:30:43,586 --> 00:30:45,406 He came here for a beer festival, 646 00:30:45,517 --> 00:30:47,757 met a local girl and stayed. 647 00:30:47,862 --> 00:30:51,932 [singing in foreign language] 648 00:30:54,241 --> 00:30:57,031 His band is quintessentially Brazilian, 649 00:30:57,137 --> 00:30:59,167 and they don't take it all too seriously. 650 00:30:59,275 --> 00:31:02,995 One of their biggest hits is called White Sausage Samba. 651 00:31:04,965 --> 00:31:08,165 So you're really dealing with a quite difficult fusion 652 00:31:08,275 --> 00:31:12,545 of Brazilian and German and Portuguese and German. 653 00:31:12,655 --> 00:31:14,615 It's quite challenging. 654 00:31:14,724 --> 00:31:17,344 - It's very complicated. - And with the music as well. 655 00:31:17,448 --> 00:31:20,238 You've got brass band and you've got guitar. 656 00:31:20,344 --> 00:31:23,524 You're playing samba and you're playing oom-pah-pah! 657 00:31:23,620 --> 00:31:27,100 - We recorded about 15 CDs. - OK. 658 00:31:27,206 --> 00:31:30,966 Up until today, our record company 659 00:31:31,068 --> 00:31:37,168 don't know where to put them - German, Brazilian, rocking. 660 00:31:37,275 --> 00:31:39,475 What place in the record store 661 00:31:39,586 --> 00:31:41,756 will we put this record? 662 00:31:41,862 --> 00:31:44,552 It's complicated. Folk? I don't know! 663 00:31:44,655 --> 00:31:47,235 - 'He's not the only one who's confused. 664 00:31:47,344 --> 00:31:48,694 'After a few beers, 665 00:31:48,793 --> 00:31:50,833 Michael looks distinctly like a woman!' 666 00:32:01,827 --> 00:32:04,447 So the German and Brazilian senses of humour 667 00:32:04,551 --> 00:32:08,211 can appreciate the same thing? 668 00:32:08,310 --> 00:32:09,720 Or not? 669 00:32:09,827 --> 00:32:11,857 I think it's different! 670 00:32:11,965 --> 00:32:13,715 What's the German... All right, 671 00:32:13,827 --> 00:32:15,617 we know the German sense of humour. 672 00:32:15,724 --> 00:32:17,034 It's nice and good. 673 00:32:17,137 --> 00:32:19,167 They love Monty Python so it must be great. 674 00:32:19,275 --> 00:32:20,895 But Brazilian sense of humour? 675 00:32:21,000 --> 00:32:22,480 How different is that? 676 00:32:22,586 --> 00:32:23,926 What do they laugh at? 677 00:32:24,034 --> 00:32:28,454 It's... It's... For me, it's a little bit superficial. 678 00:32:28,551 --> 00:32:30,241 Is it? 679 00:32:30,344 --> 00:32:32,074 I think Brazil, it's a country 680 00:32:32,172 --> 00:32:34,102 for many immigrating countries - 681 00:32:34,206 --> 00:32:36,656 Italians, Germans, Portuguese, 682 00:32:36,758 --> 00:32:38,308 Spanish, all. 683 00:32:38,413 --> 00:32:40,173 This is... It's complicated. 684 00:32:40,275 --> 00:32:43,165 - Yes. - To mix this mixture, 685 00:32:43,275 --> 00:32:46,275 to understand the same kind of humour. 686 00:32:47,724 --> 00:32:51,144 [singing] 687 00:33:04,620 --> 00:33:07,480 - The surprises of southern Brazil keep on coming. 688 00:33:07,586 --> 00:33:09,516 Like this wonderful railway train. 689 00:33:09,620 --> 00:33:13,000 Brazil's railway heyday was 100 years ago 690 00:33:13,103 --> 00:33:14,593 and it's rare to find a train 691 00:33:14,689 --> 00:33:16,139 that still carries passengers. 692 00:33:16,241 --> 00:33:18,691 We're running on a freight line 693 00:33:18,793 --> 00:33:20,833 cut through the Mata Atlantica. 694 00:33:20,931 --> 00:33:23,451 The scenery is spectacular 695 00:33:23,551 --> 00:33:27,831 and we few lucky passengers are thoroughly spoiled. 696 00:33:27,931 --> 00:33:29,931 I'm sharing my champagne 697 00:33:30,034 --> 00:33:34,314 with a serious young Brazilian called Marcelo. 698 00:33:34,413 --> 00:33:36,903 It's a good way to see the forest, isn't it? 699 00:33:37,000 --> 00:33:38,660 Yes. 700 00:33:38,758 --> 00:33:41,998 Because there are no roads here, only the railway. 701 00:33:42,103 --> 00:33:43,593 It gives us this chance to see it. 702 00:33:43,689 --> 00:33:44,969 It's beautiful. 703 00:33:45,068 --> 00:33:47,588 Yes, it's so beautiful. And it's amazing 704 00:33:47,689 --> 00:33:50,789 because 12% of the bio-diversity of the world 705 00:33:50,896 --> 00:33:52,826 is right here. 706 00:33:52,931 --> 00:33:55,001 12% of the bio-diversity of the world. 707 00:33:55,103 --> 00:33:56,593 Yes. 708 00:33:56,689 --> 00:33:58,899 You see all this, the forest, 709 00:33:59,000 --> 00:34:02,520 and it makes you feel quite spiritual, in a way. 710 00:34:02,620 --> 00:34:04,590 You know, about how this came to be. 711 00:34:04,689 --> 00:34:06,549 Why is it so beautiful, all that. 712 00:34:06,655 --> 00:34:10,475 Do you have a religious belief? Are you a Catholic? 713 00:34:10,586 --> 00:34:12,716 No, I'm a spiritualist. 714 00:34:12,827 --> 00:34:15,617 - I believe in spiritualism. - Right. 715 00:34:15,724 --> 00:34:17,384 - Yeah. - I believe in that. 716 00:34:17,482 --> 00:34:21,242 And I believe too, that the forest is a big soul. 717 00:34:21,344 --> 00:34:25,694 It provide us our energy, our light. 718 00:34:25,793 --> 00:34:28,863 Everything that we need comes from the forests. 719 00:34:28,965 --> 00:34:32,205 Do many people, young Brazilians like you, 720 00:34:32,310 --> 00:34:34,380 feel the same thing? 721 00:34:34,482 --> 00:34:38,142 Yes, it's amazing because many people feel like me. 722 00:34:38,241 --> 00:34:41,341 Many people now is feeling this important thing. 723 00:34:41,448 --> 00:34:44,478 The nature, human people, the animals, 724 00:34:44,586 --> 00:34:46,306 everything is connected. 725 00:34:46,413 --> 00:34:50,143 We can change, we need to change this world. 726 00:34:50,241 --> 00:34:52,171 We are part of everything. 727 00:34:53,448 --> 00:34:54,998 What is your... 728 00:34:55,103 --> 00:34:58,723 This is from Maori culture. 729 00:34:58,827 --> 00:35:01,097 - Maori? - Maori culture. 730 00:35:01,206 --> 00:35:05,546 I pass one week Dreaming with the Maori people. 731 00:35:05,655 --> 00:35:07,025 - Dreaming? - Dreaming. 732 00:35:07,137 --> 00:35:08,717 Oh, yes, doing the Dream culture. 733 00:35:08,827 --> 00:35:10,897 And the Maori people, one man, 734 00:35:11,000 --> 00:35:15,310 with tattoo, is teaching me to carve. 735 00:35:15,413 --> 00:35:17,383 - Oh, right. - I never did that before. 736 00:35:17,482 --> 00:35:19,142 Of course, I've seen that in... 737 00:35:19,241 --> 00:35:20,931 This is the first job that I made. 738 00:35:21,034 --> 00:35:24,724 And when I give for the person, like this, 739 00:35:24,827 --> 00:35:27,377 - and have a pray. - OK. 740 00:35:27,482 --> 00:35:29,622 I have a pray and desire everything. 741 00:35:29,724 --> 00:35:31,414 This is for you, Michael. 742 00:35:31,517 --> 00:35:33,407 This is for you. 743 00:35:33,517 --> 00:35:35,717 You're gonna use this to protect. 744 00:35:35,827 --> 00:35:38,857 To protect your family, to protect your body, 745 00:35:38,965 --> 00:35:40,755 your mind, your spirits. 746 00:35:40,862 --> 00:35:42,902 This is a gift for you right now. 747 00:35:43,000 --> 00:35:47,690 OK. Receive my love, the universe love. OK? 748 00:35:47,793 --> 00:35:49,553 Do you know you can feel? 749 00:35:49,655 --> 00:35:51,375 This is for you. 750 00:35:52,965 --> 00:35:54,855 - Thank you. - This is yours. 751 00:35:54,965 --> 00:35:56,895 - This is mine? - This is for you. 752 00:35:57,000 --> 00:35:58,790 This is for you. 753 00:35:58,896 --> 00:36:01,166 That's... I'm very touched. 754 00:36:01,275 --> 00:36:03,475 Very touched. Thank you. 755 00:36:03,586 --> 00:36:05,306 This is a gift for you, my friend. 756 00:36:05,413 --> 00:36:08,313 Michael. My old new friend. 757 00:36:09,827 --> 00:36:12,757 - Thank you. - You are welcome. 758 00:36:13,793 --> 00:36:15,383 My encounter with Marcelo 759 00:36:15,482 --> 00:36:18,522 is typical of many I've had on my way through Brazil. 760 00:36:18,620 --> 00:36:20,240 There's a sense of openness 761 00:36:20,344 --> 00:36:22,974 and un-self-consciousness about people here. 762 00:36:23,068 --> 00:36:25,138 If they like you, they'll tell you. 763 00:36:25,241 --> 00:36:26,551 There's nothing better 764 00:36:26,655 --> 00:36:28,335 than a breath of Brazilian fresh air 765 00:36:28,448 --> 00:36:30,858 to blow the dust off British reserve. 766 00:36:39,862 --> 00:36:43,382 I can't leave Brazil without reminding myself once again 767 00:36:43,482 --> 00:36:45,592 of the size, scale and beauty 768 00:36:45,689 --> 00:36:47,969 of its rarely visited interior. 769 00:36:48,068 --> 00:36:50,688 I'm flying 500 miles to the west 770 00:36:50,793 --> 00:36:52,933 where the central plateau drops away. 771 00:36:53,034 --> 00:36:57,594 Below lies a very different vista of lagoon and forest. 772 00:36:57,689 --> 00:36:59,759 It's the largest wetland in the world. 773 00:36:59,862 --> 00:37:01,692 They call it the Pantanal 774 00:37:01,793 --> 00:37:03,973 and the transport is traditional. 775 00:37:04,068 --> 00:37:08,718 Take the camera off for the undignified bit! 776 00:37:10,413 --> 00:37:12,283 So, in like that. Hold it there. 777 00:37:14,379 --> 00:37:15,829 Very good. 778 00:37:17,482 --> 00:37:19,032 - OK? - Good. 779 00:37:19,137 --> 00:37:20,997 This is about the speed I like! 780 00:37:22,655 --> 00:37:24,475 - Thank you, Alex. Thanks. - You're welcome. 781 00:37:31,103 --> 00:37:32,693 - 'Alex and my fellow horsemen 782 00:37:32,793 --> 00:37:34,383 'are the Brazilian counterpart 783 00:37:34,482 --> 00:37:36,522 'of the Gauchos in Argentina, 784 00:37:36,620 --> 00:37:37,970 'and here, as there, 785 00:37:38,068 --> 00:37:39,688 'their life is inextricably linked 786 00:37:39,793 --> 00:37:41,103 'to the movement of cattle. 787 00:37:42,827 --> 00:37:43,857 'The young cattle 788 00:37:43,965 --> 00:37:45,545 'are particularly vulnerable to predators, 789 00:37:45,655 --> 00:37:47,445 'as I'm to find out.' 790 00:37:52,137 --> 00:37:55,097 You're going to be looked at. 791 00:37:55,206 --> 00:37:58,996 'This calf has been attacked and needs to be treated. 792 00:37:59,103 --> 00:38:01,483 'One of the team keeps the mother at bay 793 00:38:01,586 --> 00:38:04,136 'whilst Alex supplies some modern medicine.' 794 00:38:12,448 --> 00:38:15,278 He has been attacked by a jaguar. 795 00:38:15,379 --> 00:38:18,999 - Oh, really? What damage has been done? 796 00:38:19,103 --> 00:38:20,693 - Been attacked. - Yes, attacked. 797 00:38:20,793 --> 00:38:21,833 You see it has bitten his neck. 798 00:38:21,931 --> 00:38:22,931 OK. 799 00:38:23,034 --> 00:38:26,524 He's lucky because the mum is really courage. 800 00:38:26,620 --> 00:38:28,450 The mother would have attacked the jaguar? 801 00:38:28,551 --> 00:38:29,831 - Yes. - Defending him. 802 00:38:36,482 --> 00:38:38,172 I'm going to leave him. 803 00:38:42,620 --> 00:38:44,690 So you were just able to put some antiseptic on? 804 00:38:44,793 --> 00:38:46,033 Yeah. 805 00:38:46,137 --> 00:38:50,617 Antiseptic. If it's too big, we get some dry shit. 806 00:38:50,724 --> 00:38:51,664 - Dry shit? - And put it in. 807 00:38:51,758 --> 00:38:52,718 - Really? - Yeah. 808 00:38:52,827 --> 00:38:53,857 And that helps heal the wound? 809 00:38:53,965 --> 00:38:54,995 Yeah. 810 00:38:56,931 --> 00:38:58,551 You don't often see that. 811 00:38:58,655 --> 00:39:00,205 Calf attacked by jaguar. 812 00:39:00,310 --> 00:39:01,930 Anyway, better go. 813 00:39:02,034 --> 00:39:03,864 Calves to save, work to be done. 814 00:39:03,965 --> 00:39:05,825 Come on, camera. 815 00:39:08,758 --> 00:39:10,828 They respect the old ways here, 816 00:39:10,931 --> 00:39:12,831 even down to the mighty curved horn 817 00:39:12,931 --> 00:39:15,101 that's carried to summon the cattle. 818 00:39:37,448 --> 00:39:40,378 There's a peace and serenity here in the Pantanal 819 00:39:40,482 --> 00:39:45,172 that's like nectar after the crowded cities of the coast. 820 00:39:45,275 --> 00:39:48,025 The cattle ranch, or fazenda, where I'm staying, 821 00:39:48,137 --> 00:39:51,337 has been run by the Rondon family for nearly 100 years. 822 00:39:51,448 --> 00:39:55,858 Pollyanna Rondon, the naturalist among the family, 823 00:39:55,965 --> 00:39:58,855 tells me about the reality of living in a wetland. 824 00:39:58,965 --> 00:40:03,205 The water will reach about 1.5 metres high. 825 00:40:03,310 --> 00:40:05,830 Really? So where we are here, 826 00:40:05,931 --> 00:40:07,591 it would be up to about there. 827 00:40:07,689 --> 00:40:09,279 - Yes. - In the wet season. 828 00:40:09,379 --> 00:40:10,759 We would never do walking here! 829 00:40:10,862 --> 00:40:12,792 Just the top of my hat would be sticking out! 830 00:40:15,482 --> 00:40:17,662 - They are ducks. - Yes. 831 00:40:17,758 --> 00:40:19,898 Over there, those big... 832 00:40:20,000 --> 00:40:21,660 - Are they the jab... - Jabiru. 833 00:40:21,758 --> 00:40:23,278 Jabiru stork. 834 00:40:23,379 --> 00:40:24,969 Yes. They're the big... 835 00:40:25,068 --> 00:40:26,928 There's a couple of Jabiru stork. 836 00:40:27,034 --> 00:40:29,104 - They are dating already. - Are they? 837 00:40:29,206 --> 00:40:30,756 They are. 838 00:40:30,862 --> 00:40:33,862 They are normally in couples. They live together. 839 00:40:33,965 --> 00:40:36,785 And over there we also have some aigrettes. 840 00:40:36,896 --> 00:40:38,856 - Yes. - And we also have some ibis, 841 00:40:38,965 --> 00:40:40,615 over there. 842 00:40:40,724 --> 00:40:41,664 Yes. 843 00:40:41,758 --> 00:40:43,478 We call quiticaca in Portuguese. 844 00:40:43,586 --> 00:40:45,096 The names in Portuguese 845 00:40:45,206 --> 00:40:47,376 are related to the sound they produce. 846 00:40:47,482 --> 00:40:51,282 This bird makes something like, "Quiticaca! Quiticaca!" 847 00:40:51,379 --> 00:40:52,659 Right. 848 00:40:52,758 --> 00:40:54,238 I know the pentivi? 849 00:40:54,344 --> 00:40:55,864 - That's a bird, isn't it? - Yes. 850 00:40:55,965 --> 00:40:57,715 How does it go? 851 00:40:57,827 --> 00:41:00,657 - Pentivi! - Pentivi! Pentivi! Yeah. 852 00:41:20,034 --> 00:41:22,794 'Lunch with Pollyanna and her father-in-law 853 00:41:22,896 --> 00:41:25,896 'is a simple affair of two pigs and a half a calf.' 854 00:41:26,000 --> 00:41:28,100 Just to get an idea of the scale, 855 00:41:28,206 --> 00:41:30,206 the Pantanal is big, isn't it? 856 00:41:30,310 --> 00:41:31,790 It's an enormous area. 857 00:41:31,896 --> 00:41:34,896 They say we are the size of Holland and Belgium together. 858 00:41:35,000 --> 00:41:36,450 Holland and Belgium? 859 00:41:36,551 --> 00:41:38,831 Belgium's always dragged in as a country 860 00:41:38,931 --> 00:41:40,551 to measure size by! 861 00:41:40,655 --> 00:41:42,925 Holland AND Belgium! That's a tricky one! 862 00:41:43,034 --> 00:41:44,594 'Guillerme Rondon 863 00:41:44,689 --> 00:41:47,409 'is a descendant of the great Brazilian explorer, 864 00:41:47,517 --> 00:41:49,377 'Colonel Candido Rondon, 865 00:41:49,482 --> 00:41:52,792 'the first man to map and settle the Pantanal.' 866 00:41:52,896 --> 00:41:54,476 This idea of Brazilian - 867 00:41:54,586 --> 00:41:56,336 what is Brazilian and all that. 868 00:41:56,448 --> 00:41:58,898 Being a Pantanero, is something which is more 869 00:41:59,000 --> 00:42:00,860 important than being a Brazilian? 870 00:42:00,965 --> 00:42:03,445 - Or is it... - You answer this! 871 00:42:03,551 --> 00:42:06,241 [speaks Portuguese] 872 00:42:08,448 --> 00:42:09,718 Yes. 873 00:42:09,827 --> 00:42:11,997 - Yes. - Yes, because it's... 874 00:42:12,103 --> 00:42:13,763 [speaks Portuguese] 875 00:42:13,862 --> 00:42:17,312 - It comes from the soul. - Comes from the soul. 876 00:42:17,413 --> 00:42:19,553 Yes, something you feel. Yes. 877 00:42:25,413 --> 00:42:26,723 - I see this. 878 00:42:26,827 --> 00:42:29,027 Like Espacion who was serving the meat for us. 879 00:42:29,137 --> 00:42:31,307 He's proud of being a Pantanal man. 880 00:42:31,413 --> 00:42:34,143 Much more he would say that than a Brazilian. 881 00:42:34,241 --> 00:42:36,211 Of course he's happy to be a Brazilian, 882 00:42:36,310 --> 00:42:39,140 but he would say, "I am a Pantanal man." 883 00:42:39,241 --> 00:42:41,101 - And be proud of it. - Yes. 884 00:42:49,068 --> 00:42:51,068 'To see more of this unique wetland, 885 00:42:51,172 --> 00:42:53,072 'I take to the river in the company 886 00:42:53,172 --> 00:42:54,972 'of another proud Pantanal man, 887 00:42:55,068 --> 00:42:57,448 'my guide, John. 888 00:42:57,551 --> 00:43:00,411 'Pollyanna joked that they don't have big game here, 889 00:43:00,517 --> 00:43:02,067 'only small game. 890 00:43:02,172 --> 00:43:03,762 'But there's some impressively ferocious life 891 00:43:03,862 --> 00:43:04,932 on the riverbank.' 892 00:43:05,793 --> 00:43:08,003 So tell me, John, it's a... 893 00:43:08,103 --> 00:43:11,903 The spectacled or Paraguayan caiman. 894 00:43:12,000 --> 00:43:12,900 Yeah. 895 00:43:13,000 --> 00:43:14,830 It reaches a maximum of three metres. 896 00:43:14,931 --> 00:43:17,171 - Yeah. 897 00:43:17,275 --> 00:43:20,135 - They rest in the day, hunter at night. 898 00:43:20,241 --> 00:43:21,861 - What does it hunt? 899 00:43:21,965 --> 00:43:26,205 - It hunts mainly fish. - Yeah. 900 00:43:26,310 --> 00:43:29,240 Up to frogs and baby capybara 901 00:43:29,344 --> 00:43:31,764 it can swallow whole. 902 00:43:31,862 --> 00:43:34,002 They rest there with their mouth open, do they? 903 00:43:34,103 --> 00:43:36,793 Ah, he's moved now. 904 00:43:36,896 --> 00:43:39,586 Opening the mouth is for innards and metabolism. 905 00:43:39,689 --> 00:43:43,999 - Ah. - Regulating the function 906 00:43:44,103 --> 00:43:46,003 - of the ambience. - OK. 907 00:43:52,241 --> 00:43:53,901 Sorry. Sorry! 908 00:43:58,827 --> 00:44:00,237 Now here's something else 909 00:44:00,344 --> 00:44:02,034 I've never seen on safari before. 910 00:44:02,137 --> 00:44:03,717 A capybara. 911 00:44:03,827 --> 00:44:06,237 It's the largest rodent in the world. 912 00:44:06,344 --> 00:44:09,314 Seems oddly embarrassed about the fact! 913 00:44:11,379 --> 00:44:13,689 Tell me about the capybara. 914 00:44:13,793 --> 00:44:18,033 The capybara is the biggest rodent of the world. 915 00:44:18,137 --> 00:44:21,207 That is the male 916 00:44:21,310 --> 00:44:25,660 which reaches about 65 to 70 kilograms. 917 00:44:25,758 --> 00:44:28,308 - Do they live on land or in the water? 918 00:44:28,413 --> 00:44:31,623 - They spend some time on the land and in the water. 919 00:44:31,724 --> 00:44:33,594 They're easy prey for puma and jaguar. 920 00:44:33,689 --> 00:44:35,619 - And jaguar, right. 921 00:44:35,724 --> 00:44:39,104 And you said caiman can also eat them. 922 00:44:39,206 --> 00:44:40,446 The caimans eat the baby ones. 923 00:44:40,551 --> 00:44:41,721 Eat the babies, yes. 924 00:44:41,827 --> 00:44:44,027 - It can swallow whole. - Right. 925 00:44:44,137 --> 00:44:46,687 - Their self-defence is to jump in the water 926 00:44:46,793 --> 00:44:48,553 if it's scared of something. 927 00:44:48,655 --> 00:44:49,925 - OK. 928 00:44:57,103 --> 00:44:58,833 As the day wears on, 929 00:44:58,931 --> 00:45:01,481 John finds a spot for some quiet fishing. 930 00:45:01,586 --> 00:45:03,406 It's what he's trying to catch 931 00:45:03,517 --> 00:45:05,207 that worries me slightly. 932 00:45:05,310 --> 00:45:08,660 - You're catching piranha? - Catching piranha, yes. 933 00:45:08,758 --> 00:45:10,068 Let it go down. 934 00:45:10,172 --> 00:45:11,592 Like this. 935 00:45:11,689 --> 00:45:13,279 - Short and fast. - OK. 936 00:45:13,379 --> 00:45:15,899 - OK? - Yep. 937 00:45:16,000 --> 00:45:18,380 'I'm not a natural fisherman, 938 00:45:18,482 --> 00:45:20,552 'but the thought that I might bring to the surface 939 00:45:20,655 --> 00:45:21,545 'something that could strip flesh 940 00:45:21,655 --> 00:45:23,515 'from my bones in seconds 941 00:45:23,620 --> 00:45:26,030 'makes me more than usually nervous.' 942 00:45:27,206 --> 00:45:28,856 Yes, that's good. 943 00:45:28,965 --> 00:45:31,335 Work the fish. Work the fish as well, please. 944 00:45:31,448 --> 00:45:34,338 Oh. Escaped it. 945 00:45:36,310 --> 00:45:38,100 John's refusal to let me give up 946 00:45:38,206 --> 00:45:40,096 strengthens my determination. 947 00:45:40,206 --> 00:45:41,996 This is my Moby Dick moment. 948 00:45:42,103 --> 00:45:43,933 It's him or me. 949 00:45:44,034 --> 00:45:45,384 - Ahh! - Almost. 950 00:45:45,482 --> 00:45:46,862 Almost! 951 00:45:50,379 --> 00:45:51,829 I can feel it eating. 952 00:45:51,931 --> 00:45:53,721 I can feel it nibbling. 953 00:45:53,827 --> 00:45:56,997 If you have a long bite, just pull it up strong. 954 00:45:57,103 --> 00:45:58,973 Pull up, not... Wait, wait! 955 00:45:59,068 --> 00:46:01,238 Ooh! Wa-hey! 956 00:46:01,344 --> 00:46:03,414 This has become dangerous! 957 00:46:05,206 --> 00:46:06,686 Well, we got one! 958 00:46:09,344 --> 00:46:11,344 'OK, I nearly took John's eye out, 959 00:46:11,448 --> 00:46:13,618 'but at least I've seen a piranha. 960 00:46:13,724 --> 00:46:15,764 'And where there's one, there must be others.' 961 00:46:16,620 --> 00:46:17,860 OK. 962 00:46:17,965 --> 00:46:21,475 Then, quite suddenly, the struggle is over. 963 00:46:21,586 --> 00:46:23,856 - May I help you? - Yep. 964 00:46:24,793 --> 00:46:27,073 So hold like this. 965 00:46:27,172 --> 00:46:29,662 OK. You can take it off. 966 00:46:29,758 --> 00:46:32,478 Take it off and hold like this. 967 00:46:35,068 --> 00:46:37,758 Sorry, old mate. Nothing against you personally. 968 00:46:37,862 --> 00:46:40,032 - This kind is a... - Is this a... 969 00:46:40,137 --> 00:46:43,407 Yellow piranha. This kind is a cannibal. 970 00:46:43,517 --> 00:46:46,067 This kind is a cannibal piranha? 971 00:46:46,172 --> 00:46:47,622 Hmm. 972 00:46:47,724 --> 00:46:50,724 So it obviously thought this was another piranha. 973 00:46:50,827 --> 00:46:52,477 Ooh, very sharp teeth. 974 00:46:52,586 --> 00:46:55,476 Very sharp. Don't want to get near those. Yeah. 975 00:46:55,586 --> 00:46:57,656 Let's have a look at it. 976 00:47:00,172 --> 00:47:01,972 His teeth are worth a look. 977 00:47:06,034 --> 00:47:07,724 Just introduce him to the viewers. 978 00:47:07,827 --> 00:47:09,447 So he's a cannibal piranha 979 00:47:09,551 --> 00:47:11,101 and that's the old teeth, yes. 980 00:47:11,206 --> 00:47:12,826 That's pretty nasty. 981 00:47:12,931 --> 00:47:14,591 There are some accidents here 982 00:47:14,689 --> 00:47:16,549 because this fish is very slippery. 983 00:47:16,655 --> 00:47:18,995 Slippery. It could suddenly... 984 00:47:19,103 --> 00:47:22,453 People do not hold and escape the hand and bite. 985 00:47:22,551 --> 00:47:24,551 I'm not going to hold it. No, absolutely not. 986 00:47:24,655 --> 00:47:26,515 Are you going to make some sashimi with it? 987 00:47:26,620 --> 00:47:27,860 - Here now? - Now? 988 00:47:27,965 --> 00:47:29,135 - It would be nice now. - OK. 989 00:47:29,241 --> 00:47:31,031 Lovely here. 990 00:47:32,413 --> 00:47:34,833 Freshest sashimi you'll ever get! 991 00:47:34,931 --> 00:47:36,761 This is John's party-piece. 992 00:47:37,965 --> 00:47:40,335 Five minutes ago, it was swimming around, 993 00:47:40,448 --> 00:47:42,478 merrily looking for another... 994 00:47:44,551 --> 00:47:46,861 ..another piranha to eat. 995 00:47:46,965 --> 00:47:49,585 Then disaster struck. 996 00:47:49,689 --> 00:47:51,789 Palin, after 12 false attempts, 997 00:47:51,896 --> 00:47:54,066 snatched the little beast from the water 998 00:47:54,172 --> 00:47:57,412 and now it's sashimi time. 999 00:48:07,551 --> 00:48:08,521 Just throw that to the caiman. 1000 00:48:08,620 --> 00:48:09,660 - Wow. 1001 00:48:10,862 --> 00:48:12,172 OK. 1002 00:48:12,275 --> 00:48:13,785 Caiman! 1003 00:48:13,896 --> 00:48:15,716 Here you are, caiman. 1004 00:48:17,586 --> 00:48:19,856 I don't know what I'm doing to the ecological balance, 1005 00:48:19,965 --> 00:48:21,275 but there you go. 1006 00:48:21,379 --> 00:48:23,449 [chuckles] 1007 00:48:40,689 --> 00:48:42,929 A beautiful sky, isn't it? 1008 00:48:43,034 --> 00:48:44,724 Fantastic clouds. 1009 00:48:48,068 --> 00:48:50,378 - This place is so quiet. - It is, isn't it? 1010 00:48:52,379 --> 00:48:54,339 After you've spent a few days in Sao Paulo, 1011 00:48:54,448 --> 00:48:56,618 anywhere is quiet! 1012 00:49:01,068 --> 00:49:02,688 Here we go. 1013 00:49:08,689 --> 00:49:10,829 Here we go, a bit of piranha sashimi. 1014 00:49:13,586 --> 00:49:15,026 Mmm! 1015 00:49:15,137 --> 00:49:17,757 It's good. Very good. 1016 00:49:17,862 --> 00:49:19,972 Piranha sashimi at sunset. 1017 00:49:23,551 --> 00:49:25,311 Thank you, Brazil. 1018 00:49:50,344 --> 00:49:54,104 It's our last day here, and as dusk turns to night, 1019 00:49:54,206 --> 00:49:55,716 Guillerme serenades us 1020 00:49:55,827 --> 00:49:57,857 with his own songs of the Pantanal. 1021 00:49:59,103 --> 00:50:02,383 [sings in Portuguese] 1022 00:50:04,793 --> 00:50:06,383 I'll be sad to leave the good company 1023 00:50:06,482 --> 00:50:08,212 and immense restfulness of this place, 1024 00:50:08,310 --> 00:50:12,000 but another more epic wetland beckons. 1025 00:50:17,758 --> 00:50:19,658 The Iguazu Falls 1026 00:50:19,758 --> 00:50:22,068 is the biggest waterfall system in the world 1027 00:50:22,172 --> 00:50:25,592 and perhaps the most sublime of Brazil's natural wonders. 1028 00:50:25,689 --> 00:50:27,969 There couldn't be a more memorable place 1029 00:50:28,068 --> 00:50:29,758 for me to end my journey. 1030 00:50:31,241 --> 00:50:32,521 This is where the borders of Brazil 1031 00:50:32,620 --> 00:50:35,660 touch the borders of Argentina and Paraguay. 1032 00:50:35,758 --> 00:50:37,378 All three countries 1033 00:50:37,482 --> 00:50:40,622 share responsibility for protecting the National Park 1034 00:50:40,724 --> 00:50:42,594 that surrounds the falls. 1035 00:50:44,137 --> 00:50:46,167 Biologist Marina Da Silva 1036 00:50:46,275 --> 00:50:50,515 came here from Sao Paulo to work on the Brazilian side. 1037 00:50:50,620 --> 00:50:53,070 She has to keep close contact with her neighbours. 1038 00:50:53,172 --> 00:50:54,932 Over there, that's Argentine, is it? 1039 00:50:55,034 --> 00:50:56,594 Yes. That's the Argentine side. 1040 00:50:56,689 --> 00:50:58,029 - Brazil over there. - Yeah. 1041 00:50:58,137 --> 00:50:59,547 How do they all get on, Argentine, 1042 00:50:59,655 --> 00:51:00,995 Paraguay and Brazil? 1043 00:51:01,103 --> 00:51:04,793 - Is it OK? - Quite interesting. 1044 00:51:04,896 --> 00:51:07,856 We have a very good relationship 1045 00:51:07,965 --> 00:51:10,685 among these three countries. 1046 00:51:10,793 --> 00:51:13,833 Anything you shouldn't talk about to them? 1047 00:51:13,931 --> 00:51:15,591 About soccer. 1048 00:51:15,689 --> 00:51:17,719 We are completely... 1049 00:51:17,827 --> 00:51:20,137 - Oh, dear. Deadly rivals! - Yeah. 1050 00:51:20,241 --> 00:51:21,521 Don't talk about the World Cup! 1051 00:51:21,620 --> 00:51:22,860 No. 1052 00:51:24,379 --> 00:51:25,969 It's impossible. 1053 00:51:28,655 --> 00:51:30,405 - Are you optimistic for the future 1054 00:51:30,517 --> 00:51:32,587 of the protection of the environment? 1055 00:51:32,689 --> 00:51:33,619 Do you think things 1056 00:51:33,724 --> 00:51:36,344 are going to be different in the next 10 to 15 years? 1057 00:51:36,448 --> 00:51:38,138 I think so. 1058 00:51:38,241 --> 00:51:41,381 I prefer to believe. 1059 00:51:41,482 --> 00:51:44,832 Because things are better than seven years 1060 00:51:44,931 --> 00:51:47,171 when I arrived here. 1061 00:51:47,275 --> 00:51:50,405 So I have good reasons to believe. 1062 00:51:50,517 --> 00:51:54,067 People, the children, are different. 1063 00:51:54,172 --> 00:51:56,662 They think different about them. 1064 00:51:56,758 --> 00:51:58,308 The young people 1065 00:51:58,413 --> 00:52:00,663 are more interested in the environment. 1066 00:52:00,758 --> 00:52:03,588 They don't like the behaviour of the parents, 1067 00:52:03,689 --> 00:52:05,409 for example. 1068 00:52:05,517 --> 00:52:06,447 Right. 1069 00:52:06,551 --> 00:52:10,761 The wrong behaviour about poaching, for example. 1070 00:52:10,862 --> 00:52:12,552 So I really believe 1071 00:52:12,655 --> 00:52:13,785 that things here will be better. 1072 00:52:13,896 --> 00:52:14,996 Yeah. 1073 00:52:17,620 --> 00:52:20,210 'Marina's view of what lies ahead is encouraging. 1074 00:52:20,310 --> 00:52:23,690 'She sees her country not just as a superpower, 1075 00:52:23,793 --> 00:52:25,553 'but a superpower with a social 1076 00:52:25,655 --> 00:52:27,545 'and environmental conscience. 1077 00:52:27,655 --> 00:52:29,275 'They'll face challenges, 1078 00:52:29,379 --> 00:52:31,339 but with a new set of priorities.' 1079 00:52:39,206 --> 00:52:41,306 OK, waterfall, we defy you! 1080 00:52:41,413 --> 00:52:43,343 We defy you! 1081 00:52:46,068 --> 00:52:48,138 The Iguazu Falls seem to symbolise 1082 00:52:48,241 --> 00:52:51,141 just how much Brazil has of everything. 1083 00:52:51,241 --> 00:52:54,211 How this bounty will be used by the next generation 1084 00:52:54,310 --> 00:52:57,380 will have repercussions far beyond its borders. 1085 00:53:03,931 --> 00:53:06,691 Well, I've come to the end of my Brazilian journey, 1086 00:53:06,793 --> 00:53:09,213 from the border with Venezuela in the north, 1087 00:53:09,310 --> 00:53:11,790 to the border with Argentina here in the south. 1088 00:53:11,896 --> 00:53:13,896 And from what I've seen and heard, 1089 00:53:14,000 --> 00:53:16,450 it only confirms my initial impression 1090 00:53:16,551 --> 00:53:18,661 that Brazil is going to be a very powerful force 1091 00:53:18,758 --> 00:53:20,028 for the future. 1092 00:53:20,137 --> 00:53:22,477 And I think they know it, too. 1093 00:53:22,586 --> 00:53:24,096 There's a sense of optimism, 1094 00:53:24,206 --> 00:53:26,616 a feeling that it's a good time to be Brazilian. 1095 00:53:26,724 --> 00:53:28,104 There are many problems here, 1096 00:53:28,206 --> 00:53:30,786 but there's also a remarkable sense 1097 00:53:30,896 --> 00:53:32,406 of tolerance and harmony 1098 00:53:32,517 --> 00:53:34,407 and simple enjoyment of life. 1099 00:53:34,517 --> 00:53:37,337 Not bad qualities for a potential superpower! 1100 00:54:10,689 --> 00:54:13,689 Captions edited by Ai-Media ai-media.tv