1 00:00:00,986 --> 00:00:04,455 Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas! 2 00:00:04,456 --> 00:00:06,657 Whoa, thank you, good sir! 3 00:00:06,658 --> 00:00:09,460 The elves will not starve this night. 4 00:00:09,461 --> 00:00:11,061 - Any sign of our bogie? - Negative. 5 00:00:11,096 --> 00:00:12,496 Are you sure our guy's gonna show? 6 00:00:12,497 --> 00:00:14,064 My C.I. said he walked this route exactly 7 00:00:14,065 --> 00:00:15,332 the last three days. 8 00:00:15,367 --> 00:00:17,434 Fine, but in ten minutes, we're calling this. 9 00:00:17,435 --> 00:00:19,203 I have to get back to my ecstasy task force. 10 00:00:19,204 --> 00:00:20,804 We have to bag a major giggle pig player soon, 11 00:00:20,805 --> 00:00:21,772 or they're gonna shut us down. 12 00:00:21,806 --> 00:00:24,808 Ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum. 13 00:00:24,809 --> 00:00:25,976 Presents! 14 00:00:25,977 --> 00:00:27,344 God, you're bad at being Santa. 15 00:00:27,379 --> 00:00:30,080 Jake, holy crap, 9:00. 16 00:00:30,081 --> 00:00:33,017 The Pontiac bandit, aka Doug Judy. 17 00:00:33,051 --> 00:00:36,320 Okay, Santa, stay calm, just like we practiced. 18 00:00:36,321 --> 00:00:40,057 Merry Judy, Mr. Doug Judy Christmas. 19 00:00:40,058 --> 00:00:41,625 Damn it! Peralta? 20 00:00:41,660 --> 00:00:42,793 No! 21 00:00:42,827 --> 00:00:43,827 Onion ring attack! 22 00:00:43,862 --> 00:00:46,630 Ah! Greasy! 23 00:00:46,631 --> 00:00:48,365 NYPD! Stop where you are! 24 00:00:48,366 --> 00:00:50,801 Come on, Santa. Why are you so fat? 25 00:00:59,177 --> 00:01:00,544 NYPD. Clear out. 26 00:01:00,579 --> 00:01:02,646 Where are you? 27 00:01:02,647 --> 00:01:04,815 Ah! Ah! Got you! 28 00:01:12,524 --> 00:01:15,059 Doug Judy, you're under arrest. 29 00:01:15,093 --> 00:01:16,093 Put your hands in the air. 30 00:01:16,094 --> 00:01:18,629 Hey, Rosa. Merry Christmas, girl. 31 00:01:18,663 --> 00:01:19,964 Shut up. 32 00:01:19,965 --> 00:01:21,298 Take a good look, kids. 33 00:01:21,333 --> 00:01:24,368 This is what happens when you're naughty! 34 00:01:24,402 --> 00:01:28,158 Sync & corrections by Rafael UPD www.addic7ed.com/ 35 00:01:44,422 --> 00:01:46,257 Attention, everyone. 36 00:01:46,258 --> 00:01:47,858 Holidays of many cultures approach. 37 00:01:47,892 --> 00:01:50,194 This truly is a joyful time. 38 00:01:50,195 --> 00:01:52,296 Join me for a festive winter party 39 00:01:52,297 --> 00:01:54,365 at Shaw's bar this friday, 7:00 till 9:00. 40 00:01:54,366 --> 00:01:55,365 Any questions? 41 00:01:55,367 --> 00:01:56,400 A.M. or P.M.? 42 00:01:56,401 --> 00:01:58,035 I'm gonna let you figure that one out. 43 00:01:58,036 --> 00:02:02,106 Also, I'd like to reiterate None allowed. 44 00:02:02,140 --> 00:02:03,574 Enjoy this merry season. 45 00:02:03,608 --> 00:02:07,177 Good people of the nine-nine, I present to you 46 00:02:07,212 --> 00:02:09,346 the seventh wonder of the world, 47 00:02:09,347 --> 00:02:13,584 Doug Judy, aka the Pontiac bandit, foiled at last! 48 00:02:15,120 --> 00:02:16,387 All right! 49 00:02:16,421 --> 00:02:18,856 Wow, you guys, thank you very much. 50 00:02:18,890 --> 00:02:19,990 All right, that's enough, Judy. 51 00:02:19,991 --> 00:02:21,992 This is my moment. You are not to enjoy it. 52 00:02:21,993 --> 00:02:23,527 I can't help it. I'm proud of you. 53 00:02:23,562 --> 00:02:24,862 You're like a son to me. 54 00:02:24,863 --> 00:02:26,363 A white, crispy son. 55 00:02:26,398 --> 00:02:28,098 How would that even work? Am I adopted? 56 00:02:28,133 --> 00:02:30,534 No, your mother's just really pale. 57 00:02:30,535 --> 00:02:31,535 Almost invisible. 58 00:02:31,536 --> 00:02:32,870 Okay. 59 00:02:32,871 --> 00:02:34,371 Anyways, it's a shame I gotta ruin celebration 60 00:02:34,372 --> 00:02:36,307 by cutting a deal and getting out of here. 61 00:02:36,308 --> 00:02:37,508 Never! Right? 62 00:02:37,509 --> 00:02:41,812 I'm just saying, I know a lot of real high-profile felons. 63 00:02:41,846 --> 00:02:44,882 Makes me a very desirable tattletale. 64 00:02:44,916 --> 00:02:46,784 We will never cut a deal with you, 65 00:02:46,785 --> 00:02:48,218 not after you screwed us last year. 66 00:02:48,219 --> 00:02:51,188 You don't want any info on a local burglary ring, perhaps? 67 00:02:51,222 --> 00:02:52,222 Not good enough. 68 00:02:52,223 --> 00:02:53,357 Testify, Captain! 69 00:02:53,358 --> 00:02:54,525 How about a guy who makes fake credit cards? 70 00:02:54,559 --> 00:02:55,960 - Negative. - You see that, Judy? 71 00:02:55,994 --> 00:02:58,295 No matter what you say, you're going to jail. 72 00:02:58,330 --> 00:02:59,697 What about drugs? 73 00:02:59,698 --> 00:03:03,500 Y'all ever heard of giggle pig? 74 00:03:03,501 --> 00:03:04,501 What do you know? 75 00:03:04,502 --> 00:03:05,669 We're listening. 76 00:03:05,670 --> 00:03:06,704 No, no, no, no, no, we're not listening. 77 00:03:06,705 --> 00:03:07,705 We can't hear him. 78 00:03:07,706 --> 00:03:11,008 Everybody shoot your guns in the air. 79 00:03:11,009 --> 00:03:13,277 Gina, you need to see this. 80 00:03:13,311 --> 00:03:14,545 Oh, Charles, I can't take that. 81 00:03:14,546 --> 00:03:16,447 It's clearly not cash, and I don't have time 82 00:03:16,448 --> 00:03:18,349 in my life to return things. 83 00:03:18,383 --> 00:03:20,017 I found this at my dad's place last night. 84 00:03:20,018 --> 00:03:21,185 It's from him to your mom. 85 00:03:21,219 --> 00:03:22,219 No! 86 00:03:22,254 --> 00:03:23,254 Yes! 87 00:03:23,255 --> 00:03:24,455 Boyle, this is bad. 88 00:03:24,489 --> 00:03:26,924 I thought our parents were just having a casual fling, 89 00:03:26,925 --> 00:03:29,093 but presents is like old people third base. 90 00:03:29,127 --> 00:03:30,494 No, that's rubbing butts together. 91 00:03:30,528 --> 00:03:31,528 What? 92 00:03:31,529 --> 00:03:32,529 But this is very close. 93 00:03:32,530 --> 00:03:35,432 Gina, they may be getting serious. 94 00:03:35,433 --> 00:03:36,634 Ugh! 95 00:03:36,635 --> 00:03:38,869 Don't you dare say that! 96 00:03:38,870 --> 00:03:41,672 Do you know how disgustingly entangled our lives will be 97 00:03:41,673 --> 00:03:43,774 if our parents turn into a real couple? 98 00:03:43,775 --> 00:03:45,276 Yes! You think I want you 99 00:03:45,277 --> 00:03:48,045 and your mom horning in on the Boyle boys mimosa brunches? 100 00:03:48,046 --> 00:03:49,079 That's our guy time. 101 00:03:49,080 --> 00:03:51,115 Ugh. We need to figure out 102 00:03:51,116 --> 00:03:54,551 what is in this horrible package, so we can determine 103 00:03:54,552 --> 00:03:56,153 where they're at in their relationship. 104 00:03:57,255 --> 00:03:58,722 What if it's a romantic book 105 00:03:58,723 --> 00:04:01,425 or, like, a picture of the two of them in a frame? 106 00:04:01,426 --> 00:04:03,460 Oh, or "his and hers" pajamas? 107 00:04:03,495 --> 00:04:05,296 The kind that dissolve in your mouth. 108 00:04:05,330 --> 00:04:08,933 Ew, no! No, Charles, ew. 109 00:04:10,368 --> 00:04:11,869 So this is where all the tape went. 110 00:04:11,903 --> 00:04:14,872 I gotta put up this pictures my daughters drew. 111 00:04:14,873 --> 00:04:16,573 And I need some 'cause I cut my hand. 112 00:04:16,608 --> 00:04:17,608 Hitchcock! 113 00:04:17,609 --> 00:04:18,909 Go to the hospital! 114 00:04:18,944 --> 00:04:20,344 And give 100 bucks to some doctor 115 00:04:20,345 --> 00:04:22,212 to give me the exact same tape? 116 00:04:22,213 --> 00:04:23,647 I don't think so. 117 00:04:23,648 --> 00:04:26,116 Wow! What's all this? 118 00:04:26,117 --> 00:04:28,052 I'm making a Christmas present for Captain Holt. 119 00:04:28,053 --> 00:04:29,520 I know, I know. 120 00:04:29,521 --> 00:04:33,724 He has a strict "no gift" policy, but I found a loophole. 121 00:04:33,725 --> 00:04:35,226 Like your loophole last year? 122 00:04:35,227 --> 00:04:38,429 So I was just gonna throw out this brand-new squash racquet, 123 00:04:38,430 --> 00:04:41,131 but then I thought, "hey, maybe the Captain could use it." 124 00:04:41,132 --> 00:04:42,132 I don't want your garbage. 125 00:04:42,133 --> 00:04:43,167 No, it was a very expensive gift. 126 00:04:43,201 --> 00:04:46,670 Aha, suspicions confirmed. 127 00:04:46,671 --> 00:04:48,839 I asked the Captain what qualified as a gift, 128 00:04:48,840 --> 00:04:51,308 and he said anything I spent money on. 129 00:04:51,309 --> 00:04:54,678 Then I realized, my time is worth nothing. 130 00:04:54,713 --> 00:04:57,781 Sounds like you're bragging, but that's just a sad statement. 131 00:04:57,816 --> 00:05:00,150 I'm making a scrapbook of his professional highlights. 132 00:05:00,151 --> 00:05:03,187 Newspaper clippings, police reports, pictures. 133 00:05:03,221 --> 00:05:08,125 It's got every moment of his career, "from Ray to Z." 134 00:05:08,159 --> 00:05:09,760 This is a very bad idea. 135 00:05:09,761 --> 00:05:12,363 I know, I'm not happy with the title either, 136 00:05:12,364 --> 00:05:14,398 but my backup was "keep holting on," 137 00:05:14,399 --> 00:05:16,333 but that just makes him sound like he's sick. 138 00:05:16,368 --> 00:05:19,737 All right, before we make a deal with this evil monster, 139 00:05:19,738 --> 00:05:21,438 can I just ask something? 140 00:05:21,439 --> 00:05:23,340 Is giggle pig really that important? 141 00:05:23,375 --> 00:05:26,644 My job, Rosa's job, and the fate of this entire precinct 142 00:05:26,645 --> 00:05:28,812 all depend upon the outcome of this task force. 143 00:05:28,847 --> 00:05:30,180 All right, fine. 144 00:05:30,181 --> 00:05:31,515 Diaz, what's our status right now? 145 00:05:31,516 --> 00:05:32,483 We've picked up a bunch of dealers, 146 00:05:32,517 --> 00:05:34,451 but our main target is Tito Ruiz. 147 00:05:34,452 --> 00:05:35,686 We believe he runs the whole operation, 148 00:05:35,687 --> 00:05:37,421 only we can't prove it because none of his people 149 00:05:37,422 --> 00:05:38,421 will turn on him 150 00:05:38,423 --> 00:05:40,891 just because he bit off a few noses. 151 00:05:40,892 --> 00:05:42,026 Babies. 152 00:05:42,027 --> 00:05:43,727 I say the only way we make a deal with Doug Judy 153 00:05:43,762 --> 00:05:46,330 is if he can give us the top guy, Tito Ruiz. 154 00:05:46,364 --> 00:05:47,798 I can give you Tito Ruiz. 155 00:05:47,832 --> 00:05:49,166 Oh, come on, Judy! 156 00:05:49,200 --> 00:05:50,834 I mean, how do we even know this is real? 157 00:05:50,869 --> 00:05:52,136 This guy's a huckster! 158 00:05:52,137 --> 00:05:53,804 He's a lie guy. 159 00:05:53,805 --> 00:05:54,805 Peralta has a point. 160 00:05:54,839 --> 00:05:56,373 You have been a lie guy to us before. 161 00:05:56,408 --> 00:05:58,509 Thank you. Give me some details. 162 00:05:58,543 --> 00:06:00,411 Ruiz and I were cellies in Attica in the '90s. 163 00:06:00,445 --> 00:06:01,612 He texted me last week. 164 00:06:01,646 --> 00:06:03,847 Needs some cars to deliver his product. 165 00:06:03,848 --> 00:06:07,585 I said no because drugs are stupid. 166 00:06:07,586 --> 00:06:09,086 Except for weed and sex pills. 167 00:06:09,087 --> 00:06:11,121 A man has needs. 168 00:06:11,156 --> 00:06:15,793 ♪ Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa ♪ 169 00:06:15,794 --> 00:06:18,495 ♪ I can't think of your last name, baby ♪ 170 00:06:18,530 --> 00:06:20,631 Enough crooning! 171 00:06:20,632 --> 00:06:22,533 Can you get us a face-to-face with Ruiz? 172 00:06:22,567 --> 00:06:25,236 Yeah, but you gotta give me zero jail time. 173 00:06:25,237 --> 00:06:26,203 No, that's not gonna happen. 174 00:06:26,238 --> 00:06:27,838 Ha-ha! Stupid Judy. 175 00:06:27,872 --> 00:06:30,307 The D.A., however, will offer a reduced sentence 176 00:06:30,308 --> 00:06:31,775 in return for Ruiz's arrest. 177 00:06:31,776 --> 00:06:33,344 5 years instead of 20. 178 00:06:33,378 --> 00:06:36,113 Oh, that's tough but fair. 179 00:06:36,114 --> 00:06:38,382 I can see why you have such intense daddy-stuff with him. 180 00:06:38,383 --> 00:06:40,217 Oh, yeah, the guy without a daddy 181 00:06:40,218 --> 00:06:41,518 is the one with daddy issues. 182 00:06:41,519 --> 00:06:43,053 Explain that logic. 183 00:06:43,054 --> 00:06:45,256 Since I'm going to jail, I wanna enjoy my time left 184 00:06:45,257 --> 00:06:47,057 on the outside. 185 00:06:47,058 --> 00:06:49,727 Put me up in a five-star hotel like the Royce. 186 00:06:49,728 --> 00:06:51,529 Unlimited room service and minibar privileges. 187 00:06:51,563 --> 00:06:54,131 Three-star hotel like the Brooklyner. 188 00:06:54,132 --> 00:06:56,200 $60 a day meal allowance. No minibar. 189 00:06:56,234 --> 00:06:58,569 Four-star hotel like the Oneida. 190 00:06:58,603 --> 00:07:01,205 200 in food, no minibar or alcohol, 191 00:07:01,206 --> 00:07:03,507 but I get to go crazy on candy and nuts. 192 00:07:03,541 --> 00:07:04,541 Agreed. 193 00:07:04,542 --> 00:07:06,710 Ow! Oh, one last thing. 194 00:07:06,711 --> 00:07:09,480 Diaz has to be nice to me. 195 00:07:09,481 --> 00:07:12,316 I want her to call me big sugar. 196 00:07:12,350 --> 00:07:13,450 Ha, hugh mistake, bud. 197 00:07:13,451 --> 00:07:14,752 She'll never agree to that. 198 00:07:14,753 --> 00:07:17,288 No, I'm in. Let's do this, big sugar. 199 00:07:17,289 --> 00:07:18,355 Ah! 200 00:07:18,356 --> 00:07:19,523 What? All right, fine. 201 00:07:19,524 --> 00:07:21,325 If this is going down, I wanna be on this case, 202 00:07:21,326 --> 00:07:23,160 and my sole focus is Doug Judy. 203 00:07:23,161 --> 00:07:25,062 He never leaves my sights. 204 00:07:25,063 --> 00:07:27,064 Love it! Pontiac bandit and Jake. 205 00:07:27,065 --> 00:07:29,300 PB&J ride again! 206 00:07:29,301 --> 00:07:33,270 ♪ Reunited and it feels so good ♪ 207 00:07:33,305 --> 00:07:34,905 It's a duet. Get in on this. 208 00:07:34,906 --> 00:07:38,342 ♪ Reunited 'cause we understood ♪ 209 00:07:38,343 --> 00:07:39,743 No! No! 210 00:07:41,127 --> 00:07:42,728 All right, big sugar. 211 00:07:42,729 --> 00:07:45,130 Four-star hotel room, you happy? 212 00:07:45,131 --> 00:07:47,333 Okay, okay. 213 00:07:47,367 --> 00:07:50,202 Okay, flat screen TV. 214 00:07:50,203 --> 00:07:51,570 King-sized bed. 215 00:07:51,605 --> 00:07:53,505 Hangers you can take off the rod? 216 00:07:53,506 --> 00:07:56,408 This is what's up. This place is nice. 217 00:07:56,409 --> 00:07:57,977 We should settle down here, Rosa. 218 00:07:57,978 --> 00:07:59,912 Now if y'all excuse me, I'ma go freshen up. 219 00:07:59,946 --> 00:08:02,014 I'm feeling stanky. 220 00:08:02,048 --> 00:08:04,249 Hold it! Not so fast. 221 00:08:04,250 --> 00:08:06,151 What? 222 00:08:06,152 --> 00:08:07,152 Let's make out. 223 00:08:07,153 --> 00:08:08,988 Not yet. 224 00:08:08,989 --> 00:08:11,123 All right, there's no windows. You can go in. 225 00:08:11,157 --> 00:08:13,492 But leave the door open, and I'm hanging on to this. 226 00:08:13,526 --> 00:08:14,760 What in the world would I do with that? 227 00:08:14,761 --> 00:08:16,562 Point it at my face until my eyeballs dry out 228 00:08:16,563 --> 00:08:17,963 and I lose my sense of sight. 229 00:08:17,964 --> 00:08:19,698 Then shove it in my mouth, so I can't yell for help, 230 00:08:19,699 --> 00:08:22,101 and finally run out the front door and disappear forever. 231 00:08:22,135 --> 00:08:24,169 Nah, I was just gonna use it to dry my undercarriage later. 232 00:08:24,204 --> 00:08:25,971 Ugh. Would you just relax, okay? 233 00:08:25,972 --> 00:08:27,306 Stop being so paranoid. 234 00:08:27,340 --> 00:08:28,574 I'm playing ball. 235 00:08:28,575 --> 00:08:30,242 I got you. 236 00:08:30,243 --> 00:08:32,845 If you'll excuse me... 237 00:08:32,846 --> 00:08:34,213 All right, we can't be too careful. 238 00:08:34,214 --> 00:08:35,381 Let's go over the plan one more time. 239 00:08:35,382 --> 00:08:37,116 Doug Judy texts Ruiz to set up a meet. 240 00:08:37,117 --> 00:08:39,018 We each have a hidden wire, and we record Ruiz 241 00:08:39,019 --> 00:08:40,819 talking about giggle pig, then take him down. 242 00:08:40,820 --> 00:08:42,388 Tac team is on call for backup... 243 00:08:42,389 --> 00:08:44,223 What are you doing? You look like a pervert. 244 00:08:44,224 --> 00:08:45,491 Putting a GPS tracker in his shoe. 245 00:08:45,492 --> 00:08:47,393 He is not getting away from me again, 246 00:08:47,394 --> 00:08:48,961 even if it means putting my favorite hand 247 00:08:48,962 --> 00:08:50,863 into his rotten stink-boot. 248 00:08:50,864 --> 00:08:51,864 Okay. 249 00:08:51,865 --> 00:08:54,300 Hoo-hoo! Did you see the menu? 250 00:08:54,334 --> 00:08:56,969 Lobster thermidor. Baked Alaska. 251 00:08:57,003 --> 00:08:59,171 It's so fancy, it don't even sound like food. 252 00:08:59,172 --> 00:09:00,973 Here, come on. Order something. 253 00:09:01,007 --> 00:09:02,241 Order it. Do it. Order it. 254 00:09:02,275 --> 00:09:03,709 No, thanks. I'm on duty. 255 00:09:03,743 --> 00:09:05,044 Come on, Peralta. 256 00:09:05,045 --> 00:09:07,513 You gonna let the criminal have all the fun? 257 00:09:07,514 --> 00:09:09,181 All right, fine. 258 00:09:09,182 --> 00:09:13,852 I'll have one lobster thermidor, extra thermidor on the side. 259 00:09:13,853 --> 00:09:15,287 I have no idea what I'm ordering. 260 00:09:15,288 --> 00:09:17,523 Me neither. We're like culinary magellans. 261 00:09:17,557 --> 00:09:19,191 You know how we take this to the next level? 262 00:09:19,192 --> 00:09:20,192 Robes! 263 00:09:20,193 --> 00:09:21,360 Robes! 264 00:09:22,395 --> 00:09:23,762 ♪ Reunited ♪ 265 00:09:23,797 --> 00:09:27,766 ♪ And it feels so good ♪ 266 00:09:27,801 --> 00:09:30,536 ♪ Reunited ♪ 267 00:09:30,537 --> 00:09:34,073 Okay, we just unwrap it, we see what's inside, 268 00:09:34,074 --> 00:09:35,241 then we perfectly rewrap it. 269 00:09:35,242 --> 00:09:36,408 Our parents never know what happened. 270 00:09:36,409 --> 00:09:39,311 Ugh, lord, you're starting to sweat. 271 00:09:39,312 --> 00:09:41,247 You're gonna blemish the wrapping paper. 272 00:09:41,248 --> 00:09:42,648 You're dabbing me really hard. 273 00:09:42,649 --> 00:09:44,316 You know what? This is taking too long. 274 00:09:44,317 --> 00:09:46,852 Just scooch, you pooch. 275 00:09:50,457 --> 00:09:51,757 You are amazing. 276 00:09:51,791 --> 00:09:53,225 How did you do that? 277 00:09:53,260 --> 00:09:54,593 I always open my gifts in advance, 278 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:56,395 so I can rehearse my reactions 279 00:09:56,396 --> 00:09:58,564 and nail those Christmas-morning candids. 280 00:09:58,598 --> 00:09:59,932 Check it out. 281 00:09:59,966 --> 00:10:01,900 Be-wonderment. 282 00:10:01,901 --> 00:10:05,437 Disbe-loving it. 283 00:10:05,438 --> 00:10:07,606 Sparkle-surprise. 284 00:10:07,641 --> 00:10:09,475 I like that. Now focus up. 285 00:10:09,476 --> 00:10:12,645 Your dad got my mom... 286 00:10:12,646 --> 00:10:15,247 A digital scale? That's bad. 287 00:10:15,282 --> 00:10:17,616 So bad, so wonderfully bad. 288 00:10:17,617 --> 00:10:19,785 Your dad might as well have circled all the parts 289 00:10:19,786 --> 00:10:21,654 of my mom's body he didn't like with a marker. 290 00:10:21,688 --> 00:10:23,155 You did that to me. 291 00:10:23,189 --> 00:10:24,290 And it didn't help at all. 292 00:10:24,291 --> 00:10:25,291 Nope. 293 00:10:25,292 --> 00:10:27,459 My mom is gonna hate this gift. 294 00:10:27,494 --> 00:10:29,862 And she'd hate it even more if we were both there 295 00:10:29,896 --> 00:10:30,996 when she opened it. 296 00:10:30,997 --> 00:10:33,165 Should we do a gift exchange dinner tonight 297 00:10:33,166 --> 00:10:34,166 with both our parents? 298 00:10:34,167 --> 00:10:35,167 Great idea. 299 00:10:35,168 --> 00:10:36,168 Maybe she'll slap him in the face 300 00:10:36,169 --> 00:10:37,336 and never talk to him again. 301 00:10:38,371 --> 00:10:41,740 Sparkle-surprise, for real! 302 00:10:41,741 --> 00:10:44,176 Three lobster thermidors, spaghetti and meatballs, 303 00:10:44,210 --> 00:10:46,130 Caesar salad with tater tots instead of croutons. 304 00:10:46,146 --> 00:10:47,746 Oh, that's me. Salad. 305 00:10:47,747 --> 00:10:48,981 I'm trying to eat healthy. 306 00:10:49,015 --> 00:10:50,950 I hear that. Your body is a temple. 307 00:10:50,984 --> 00:10:52,952 All right, I'm searching it. 308 00:10:52,953 --> 00:10:54,420 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! 309 00:10:54,421 --> 00:10:55,854 Peralta, what you doing, 310 00:10:55,855 --> 00:10:57,523 putting your fingers in my fancy feast? 311 00:10:57,524 --> 00:10:58,591 What? 312 00:10:58,592 --> 00:11:00,159 How am I supposed to escape using a lobster? 313 00:11:00,160 --> 00:11:01,594 Squeeze the lemon in my eyes, so I can't see, 314 00:11:01,595 --> 00:11:02,895 stab me in the jugular with a claw, 315 00:11:02,896 --> 00:11:04,029 and then shove the tail down my throat, 316 00:11:04,030 --> 00:11:05,030 so I can't scream for help. 317 00:11:05,065 --> 00:11:07,032 I gotta keep my eye on you, Judy. 318 00:11:07,067 --> 00:11:08,167 You're a slippery guy. 319 00:11:08,168 --> 00:11:09,568 Fair enough. That I am. 320 00:11:09,569 --> 00:11:11,770 But for right now, I'm all about helping you. 321 00:11:11,805 --> 00:11:14,273 So why don't you just chill and eat some sexy-ass lobster? 322 00:11:14,307 --> 00:11:16,308 Okay, we held up our end of the bargain. 323 00:11:16,309 --> 00:11:17,943 Text Ruiz now, friend. 324 00:11:17,944 --> 00:11:18,944 Fine. 325 00:11:20,947 --> 00:11:21,947 Tito, dot, dot, dot. 326 00:11:21,948 --> 00:11:22,948 You around, question mark. 327 00:11:22,983 --> 00:11:25,684 Wanna meet up, period. 328 00:11:25,685 --> 00:11:27,720 Speech to text, we live in a magical age. 329 00:11:27,754 --> 00:11:29,421 It's like The Jetsons. 330 00:11:29,456 --> 00:11:31,690 By the way, this Tito dude, he spooks real easy, so... 331 00:11:31,725 --> 00:11:33,058 No, there's no way you're going in alone. 332 00:11:33,059 --> 00:11:34,226 We're coming with you. 333 00:11:34,261 --> 00:11:36,362 I've already got my cover story worked out. 334 00:11:36,396 --> 00:11:38,130 My name is Dante Thunderstone. 335 00:11:38,131 --> 00:11:40,900 I stole my first car at the tender age of nine. 336 00:11:40,934 --> 00:11:42,067 You had to fend for yourself 337 00:11:42,068 --> 00:11:43,402 since your mother was struck by lightning. 338 00:11:43,436 --> 00:11:45,037 While she was pregnant with me. 339 00:11:45,038 --> 00:11:46,272 She passed. I lived. 340 00:11:46,273 --> 00:11:48,073 Some say that makes Zeus my dad. 341 00:11:48,108 --> 00:11:49,108 Oh! 342 00:11:49,109 --> 00:11:50,109 Mythic. 343 00:11:50,110 --> 00:11:51,110 That's dope. 344 00:11:51,111 --> 00:11:55,381 And, Rosa, you could be my wife... 345 00:11:55,382 --> 00:11:56,782 Rosa. 346 00:11:56,783 --> 00:11:58,851 Why would you take your wife with you to meet a drug dealer? 347 00:11:58,885 --> 00:12:00,419 'Cause we're partners in everything we do. 348 00:12:00,453 --> 00:12:01,453 Aw. 349 00:12:02,455 --> 00:12:04,690 Whoa. Tito wants to meet up. 350 00:12:04,724 --> 00:12:06,225 Great, tell him to meet us over here. 351 00:12:06,226 --> 00:12:07,426 We'll get him a lobster and a robe. 352 00:12:07,460 --> 00:12:12,097 I mean no, let's go catch him in the act. 353 00:12:13,300 --> 00:12:15,935 Sarge, I'm freaking out about my gift 354 00:12:15,936 --> 00:12:17,136 that's not technically a gift. 355 00:12:17,137 --> 00:12:19,238 Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. 356 00:12:19,272 --> 00:12:21,674 Something horrible has happened, and I don't know what to do. 357 00:12:21,675 --> 00:12:24,243 Has Captain Holt ever told you about the Brooklyn broiler? 358 00:12:24,277 --> 00:12:26,211 Yeah. Arsonist. 359 00:12:26,212 --> 00:12:28,948 Burned down 12 buildings in crown heights. 360 00:12:28,949 --> 00:12:30,950 Captain's told me about it many times. 361 00:12:31,952 --> 00:12:35,621 You flamed out. 362 00:12:35,622 --> 00:12:37,089 Dirt bag. 363 00:12:37,123 --> 00:12:40,526 Well, I think Captain may have made a... mistake. 364 00:12:40,560 --> 00:12:42,628 What are you talking about? 365 00:12:42,662 --> 00:12:44,163 I was doing follow-up research on the case 366 00:12:44,164 --> 00:12:46,265 for a fun "where are they now?" Section, 367 00:12:46,266 --> 00:12:48,000 and I don't think the broiler set three of the fires 368 00:12:48,001 --> 00:12:49,000 he was charged with. 369 00:12:49,002 --> 00:12:50,803 I gotta tell the Captain. 370 00:12:50,837 --> 00:12:52,071 Do you think he'll be upset? 371 00:12:52,105 --> 00:12:53,372 Probably not. 372 00:12:53,373 --> 00:12:55,307 I mean, he seems like the kind of laid-back guy 373 00:12:55,308 --> 00:12:57,242 who delights in having his mistakes exposed. 374 00:12:58,278 --> 00:13:00,312 Maybe next year you can do a collage 375 00:13:00,313 --> 00:13:02,047 about low points in his marriage. 376 00:13:02,082 --> 00:13:03,983 I know you're being sarcastic, sarge, 377 00:13:03,984 --> 00:13:07,052 but I really do love making collages. 378 00:13:08,321 --> 00:13:09,755 Ruiz's bodyguards. 379 00:13:09,789 --> 00:13:13,792 Prepare to be touched in some real intimate places. 380 00:13:13,827 --> 00:13:14,826 I'm clean. 381 00:13:14,828 --> 00:13:16,061 Watch it. 382 00:13:16,096 --> 00:13:18,364 Where did you get those shoes, man? 383 00:13:18,365 --> 00:13:20,099 There he is. 384 00:13:20,133 --> 00:13:21,433 Tito, what's up, my man? 385 00:13:21,434 --> 00:13:23,969 Doug Judy. Who are they? 386 00:13:24,004 --> 00:13:25,738 That's my bodyguard, Selena. 387 00:13:25,739 --> 00:13:27,473 We're doing it on the D.L. 388 00:13:27,474 --> 00:13:29,341 He's an amazing lover. I'm pregnant. 389 00:13:29,376 --> 00:13:31,844 Oh, nice! 390 00:13:31,845 --> 00:13:34,813 And this here is my partner, Dante Thunderstone. 391 00:13:34,814 --> 00:13:36,048 The one and only. 392 00:13:36,049 --> 00:13:38,517 Brrrat, brrrat, brrrat! 393 00:13:38,518 --> 00:13:39,685 Okay, Judy. 394 00:13:39,719 --> 00:13:41,287 If we're gonna do business, I gotta see how good 395 00:13:41,288 --> 00:13:42,288 you really are. 396 00:13:42,289 --> 00:13:43,522 This is a test. 397 00:13:43,556 --> 00:13:44,990 Go Jack that car right now. 398 00:13:45,025 --> 00:13:46,525 Give him the tools. 399 00:13:49,162 --> 00:13:50,162 No worries. 400 00:13:50,163 --> 00:13:53,866 That is a cinch to pinch. 401 00:13:53,900 --> 00:13:55,935 There's no way you're getting in that car alone. 402 00:13:55,936 --> 00:13:58,337 Hey, where are you going, Thunderstone? 403 00:13:58,338 --> 00:13:59,337 To steal the car. 404 00:13:59,339 --> 00:14:02,383 I Jack the rides. Judy holds my tools. 405 00:14:02,409 --> 00:14:04,009 Fine. Then you have two minutes. 406 00:14:04,044 --> 00:14:05,377 Only need one. 407 00:14:05,412 --> 00:14:07,179 That was tight. 408 00:14:07,180 --> 00:14:08,681 You played him like a boss. 409 00:14:08,682 --> 00:14:10,516 Thanks. Now I just need to magically learn 410 00:14:10,517 --> 00:14:11,884 how to steal a car. 411 00:14:11,885 --> 00:14:13,519 Braat, braat! 412 00:14:16,344 --> 00:14:17,978 Okay, okay, all I have to do is break into this car 413 00:14:17,979 --> 00:14:19,013 and drive it away without a key. 414 00:14:19,047 --> 00:14:20,314 Something wrong? 415 00:14:20,315 --> 00:14:23,117 Nope, just, uh, warming up my stealing fingies. 416 00:14:23,118 --> 00:14:24,118 Relax, Thunderstone. 417 00:14:24,119 --> 00:14:26,687 It's easy. Here. 418 00:14:26,721 --> 00:14:27,755 What are you talking about? 419 00:14:27,756 --> 00:14:29,290 Oh, just, uh, telling Thunderstone 420 00:14:29,291 --> 00:14:30,591 how I move it on the dance floor. 421 00:14:30,625 --> 00:14:33,127 Always start with a side-to-side sway. 422 00:14:33,128 --> 00:14:35,429 Real smooth, real slow. 423 00:14:35,463 --> 00:14:36,931 Real smooth and real slow. 424 00:14:36,932 --> 00:14:38,933 Yeah, and when I feel that groove, I pop it! 425 00:14:38,934 --> 00:14:40,534 Yeah. 426 00:14:40,569 --> 00:14:43,270 And I pull it, pull it back. Pull it back hard. 427 00:14:43,305 --> 00:14:45,372 Whoo! Ha-ha! Yeah. 428 00:14:45,407 --> 00:14:48,409 Yes, I love the way you dance, Doug Judy. 429 00:14:48,410 --> 00:14:51,412 All right, this next part is like french kissing. 430 00:14:51,413 --> 00:14:52,546 Got it. 431 00:14:52,581 --> 00:14:54,615 Jam it in there and move it around wildly. 432 00:14:54,649 --> 00:14:58,052 I gotta ask, Peralta, do the ladies enjoy that technique? 433 00:14:58,086 --> 00:14:59,553 Ten seconds. 434 00:14:59,588 --> 00:15:00,754 Come on. 435 00:15:03,391 --> 00:15:04,592 Ah, yes! 436 00:15:05,794 --> 00:15:08,229 Okay, let's go. 437 00:15:09,698 --> 00:15:11,632 Thank you, Charles, Regina, 438 00:15:11,666 --> 00:15:13,634 for inviting us on this double date. 439 00:15:13,635 --> 00:15:17,071 Kind of like a fun Christmas four-way, right? 440 00:15:17,105 --> 00:15:18,305 Well put, Lynn. Yeah. 441 00:15:18,340 --> 00:15:20,040 A very sweet sentiment. 442 00:15:20,041 --> 00:15:21,876 Oh, my God! I have an idea. 443 00:15:21,877 --> 00:15:22,877 Let's open presents. 444 00:15:22,878 --> 00:15:23,878 Okay. Oh. 445 00:15:23,879 --> 00:15:25,246 I wanna see what everyone got everyone 446 00:15:25,280 --> 00:15:27,715 and how everyone reacts poorly. 447 00:15:27,716 --> 00:15:29,483 Fun, fun. I just hope you like it. 448 00:15:29,484 --> 00:15:30,584 I don't know. 449 00:15:33,455 --> 00:15:35,656 A digital scale? 450 00:15:35,657 --> 00:15:39,193 Lynn Boyle, you're a horrible, horrible man. 451 00:15:39,194 --> 00:15:40,594 You went way over our price limit. 452 00:15:40,595 --> 00:15:41,595 Yes, I did. 453 00:15:41,596 --> 00:15:42,897 And I love it! Yay! 454 00:15:42,898 --> 00:15:45,566 It's gonna go so great in the guest bathroom. 455 00:15:45,567 --> 00:15:46,800 What? 456 00:15:46,801 --> 00:15:47,768 Lynn and I are moving in together. 457 00:15:47,802 --> 00:15:49,169 Mm-hmm. 458 00:15:49,170 --> 00:15:50,371 And the rent's a little steep, so we promised 459 00:15:50,372 --> 00:15:52,039 we would only exchange small gifts. 460 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:53,173 Mm-hmm. 461 00:15:53,174 --> 00:15:54,408 But you had to push it, didn't you? 462 00:15:54,409 --> 00:15:55,409 I did. 463 00:15:55,410 --> 00:15:56,977 You naughty boy. 464 00:15:57,012 --> 00:16:00,481 I had to get my pookums a present, pookums. 465 00:16:00,482 --> 00:16:04,151 Okay, well, this is wonderful, 466 00:16:04,185 --> 00:16:07,688 but I am needed elsewhere, so I'm gonna take off. 467 00:16:07,722 --> 00:16:11,158 Thank you so much. 468 00:16:11,192 --> 00:16:13,127 Nog, nog. 469 00:16:13,128 --> 00:16:15,062 Little Christmas humor. 470 00:16:15,063 --> 00:16:17,631 Yes, the "nog" from "egg nog," used in place of "knock." 471 00:16:17,632 --> 00:16:20,134 I stand corrected. He loved it. 472 00:16:20,135 --> 00:16:22,503 So I was just looking through some old files, 473 00:16:22,504 --> 00:16:25,206 and I think I may have found a mistake in a closed case. 474 00:16:25,240 --> 00:16:26,273 Which one? 475 00:16:26,274 --> 00:16:29,043 It was actually... Now that I think of it, 476 00:16:29,044 --> 00:16:30,444 if I'm remembering correctly, 477 00:16:30,445 --> 00:16:32,379 and I could be wrong on this, but... 478 00:16:32,380 --> 00:16:33,447 It's the Brooklyn broiler. 479 00:16:33,448 --> 00:16:35,349 What? That dirtbag flamed out ages ago. 480 00:16:35,350 --> 00:16:36,684 Why were you looking at that case? 481 00:16:36,718 --> 00:16:38,552 She was making you a gift... 482 00:16:38,553 --> 00:16:40,120 Not a gift, snitch. 483 00:16:40,121 --> 00:16:43,824 It didn't cost me anything, just my worthless man-hours. 484 00:16:43,825 --> 00:16:46,360 "From Ray to Z"? 485 00:16:46,361 --> 00:16:48,062 I thought I told you no gifts. 486 00:16:48,063 --> 00:16:49,863 Take this away, and bring me the broiler's file. 487 00:16:49,864 --> 00:16:51,232 I'll look into this mistake. 488 00:16:51,266 --> 00:16:52,967 Actually, the evidence is part of the scrapbook, 489 00:16:52,968 --> 00:16:54,201 so I have to leave the whole thing. 490 00:16:54,236 --> 00:16:56,103 Fine, I'll look at the relevant pages, 491 00:16:56,104 --> 00:17:00,874 but as for the rest, I will not peruse. 492 00:17:03,011 --> 00:17:05,246 Wow, sweet setup. What do you make here? 493 00:17:05,280 --> 00:17:06,947 Don't worry about it. 494 00:17:06,948 --> 00:17:08,616 Oh, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. 495 00:17:08,650 --> 00:17:10,618 We need 20 cars a week. 496 00:17:10,619 --> 00:17:13,621 I want to use them each once, then dump 'em. 497 00:17:13,622 --> 00:17:16,123 Oh, well, you picked the right man. 498 00:17:16,124 --> 00:17:18,092 So are we gonna make a deal or what? 499 00:17:18,093 --> 00:17:20,027 Or do I need to talk to your boss? 500 00:17:20,028 --> 00:17:21,161 You can talk to me. 501 00:17:21,162 --> 00:17:22,863 So you're the boss? 502 00:17:22,898 --> 00:17:25,432 Yeah, I'm the boss, and this is my place. 503 00:17:25,467 --> 00:17:26,901 And in my place, people know 504 00:17:26,902 --> 00:17:29,270 they shouldn't ask dumb questions. 505 00:17:29,271 --> 00:17:31,171 Got it? 506 00:17:31,172 --> 00:17:32,171 Yeah, I got it. 507 00:17:32,173 --> 00:17:34,929 I tried to tell him, Tito. 508 00:17:34,943 --> 00:17:37,244 All right, let's talk deets. 509 00:17:39,514 --> 00:17:40,581 Is that us? 510 00:17:40,615 --> 00:17:42,116 No, we gotta go right now! Go, go, go! 511 00:17:42,150 --> 00:17:44,118 On the ground! NYPD! 512 00:17:44,119 --> 00:17:45,553 NYPD. Nobody move! 513 00:17:47,255 --> 00:17:48,255 Diaz! 514 00:17:48,256 --> 00:17:49,323 Don't need help. Behind you. 515 00:17:49,324 --> 00:17:51,466 Bye bye, Peralta. Here's your GPS. 516 00:17:51,467 --> 00:17:52,792 No! 517 00:17:53,355 --> 00:17:54,388 Let's go! 518 00:17:54,389 --> 00:17:56,490 Ha-ha, I got you! 519 00:17:56,491 --> 00:17:59,560 Yeah, you did, but your boy Tito's getting away. 520 00:18:02,464 --> 00:18:05,066 Damn it! Damn you, Doug Judy! 521 00:18:08,570 --> 00:18:12,940 I'll never forget you, Dante Thunderstone! 522 00:18:20,048 --> 00:18:22,249 You have the right to remain Doug Judy. 523 00:18:22,250 --> 00:18:23,684 Anything you Doug or Judy can be used 524 00:18:23,685 --> 00:18:26,020 against you in a Doug of Judy. 525 00:18:26,021 --> 00:18:29,390 Sorry, I'm preoccupied by someone who will remain nameless. 526 00:18:29,391 --> 00:18:30,758 I'll start over. 527 00:18:32,994 --> 00:18:36,297 Santiago, I want to thank you for my gift. 528 00:18:36,298 --> 00:18:38,299 You like the scrapbook? I don't know. 529 00:18:38,333 --> 00:18:41,836 I'm a man of my word, so I did not peruse. 530 00:18:41,837 --> 00:18:44,972 The gift I'm referring to was you pointing out my mistake. 531 00:18:44,973 --> 00:18:47,141 Do you know why I don't accept gifts? 532 00:18:47,175 --> 00:18:50,044 Because you're so evolved, you don't need material things. 533 00:18:50,078 --> 00:18:51,312 Because I don't like brown-nosing. 534 00:18:51,313 --> 00:18:52,312 Oh. 535 00:18:52,314 --> 00:18:54,148 Youch, that was hard to watch. 536 00:18:54,182 --> 00:18:55,649 You told me to my face that I made a mistake, 537 00:18:55,650 --> 00:18:58,052 and that's as far from brown-nosing as one can get. 538 00:18:58,053 --> 00:18:59,052 I respect you for that. 539 00:18:59,054 --> 00:19:00,094 Now I have a gift for you. 540 00:19:00,122 --> 00:19:02,490 I have the complete Brooklyn broiler files. 541 00:19:02,524 --> 00:19:03,691 He was given three life sentences, 542 00:19:03,692 --> 00:19:04,925 and it should have been two. 543 00:19:04,960 --> 00:19:08,095 So I've already contacted the D.A. about the error. 544 00:19:08,096 --> 00:19:10,197 Will you please help me figure out who set those other fires? 545 00:19:10,232 --> 00:19:13,734 Ooh! More work! 546 00:19:13,735 --> 00:19:15,136 I know that sounded sarcastic, but... 547 00:19:15,170 --> 00:19:16,237 Nobody thought that. 548 00:19:16,238 --> 00:19:17,238 Not for a moment. 549 00:19:17,239 --> 00:19:19,640 Great. 550 00:19:23,311 --> 00:19:26,180 Chaz-ma-taz, how we doing, baby? 551 00:19:26,181 --> 00:19:27,815 I thought you'd be in an awful mood. 552 00:19:27,849 --> 00:19:30,651 Why would be upset when I've never had more purpose 553 00:19:30,652 --> 00:19:32,053 in my entire life? 554 00:19:32,087 --> 00:19:33,554 Are you gonna poison my dad? 555 00:19:33,555 --> 00:19:35,156 No, our parents say they're in love, 556 00:19:35,190 --> 00:19:39,126 but we both know that's just their old brains disintegrating. 557 00:19:39,161 --> 00:19:43,698 We need to break them up for their sake, for our sake, 558 00:19:43,699 --> 00:19:46,767 for the sake of this great nation. 559 00:19:46,768 --> 00:19:48,703 Agreed. 560 00:19:48,737 --> 00:19:52,540 Ew! I forgot how clammy your hands are. 561 00:19:53,909 --> 00:19:57,011 Mood unaffected. Mood unaffected. 562 00:19:57,045 --> 00:19:59,413 Attention please! Attention. 563 00:19:59,448 --> 00:20:01,882 I'm sorry to interrupt your holiday revelry. 564 00:20:01,883 --> 00:20:03,718 It truly is a fun night. 565 00:20:03,752 --> 00:20:06,487 I'd like to propose a toast to Detective Diaz 566 00:20:06,488 --> 00:20:08,990 and her task force, who successfully brought down 567 00:20:08,991 --> 00:20:11,759 Tito Ruiz and his entire giggle pig network. 568 00:20:11,793 --> 00:20:13,794 Great work, everyone. Drink up! 569 00:20:13,795 --> 00:20:15,663 Yeah! 570 00:20:18,367 --> 00:20:20,468 Hey, so I checked again. 571 00:20:20,469 --> 00:20:21,602 Doug Judy still hasn't surfaced. 572 00:20:21,636 --> 00:20:23,404 Yeah, he has. 573 00:20:23,405 --> 00:20:25,940 He just sent me this. 574 00:20:28,110 --> 00:20:29,276 What's up, Peralta? 575 00:20:29,277 --> 00:20:31,245 Greetings from paradise. 576 00:20:31,246 --> 00:20:33,647 Actually, I'm a little disappointed in the hotel. 577 00:20:33,648 --> 00:20:34,815 How do you mess up an omelet? 578 00:20:34,816 --> 00:20:36,784 It's just a flat egg. 579 00:20:36,818 --> 00:20:38,285 He pretty much just talks about the omelet 580 00:20:38,286 --> 00:20:40,688 for the next ten minutes, but... 581 00:20:40,722 --> 00:20:41,989 About my escape. 582 00:20:41,990 --> 00:20:44,792 This is my associate Kyle. 583 00:20:46,295 --> 00:20:47,595 He drove the garbage truck. 584 00:20:47,629 --> 00:20:50,298 You may also remember him as the room service water 585 00:20:50,299 --> 00:20:52,300 I had you tip so generously. 586 00:20:52,334 --> 00:20:53,901 Son of a bitch. 587 00:20:53,902 --> 00:20:56,037 Yup, and when he ordered the lobster, 588 00:20:56,038 --> 00:20:58,139 it was code for Kyle to follow him. 589 00:20:58,140 --> 00:20:59,440 Anyway, tell Diaz she loves me. 590 00:20:59,441 --> 00:21:01,509 Merry Christmas! 591 00:21:01,510 --> 00:21:02,943 Hey, first things first. 592 00:21:02,944 --> 00:21:05,212 I swear to you we are gonna catch Doug Judy. 593 00:21:05,213 --> 00:21:06,947 Yeah, I know. 594 00:21:06,948 --> 00:21:08,182 We did it once. We can do it again. 595 00:21:08,216 --> 00:21:10,718 No. We will catch him. 596 00:21:10,719 --> 00:21:12,920 More importantly, thank you. 597 00:21:12,921 --> 00:21:14,255 I know how hard that was to make that choice 598 00:21:14,256 --> 00:21:15,556 and let him get away. 599 00:21:15,557 --> 00:21:17,925 No, it was an easy call. 600 00:21:17,926 --> 00:21:19,927 I know how much this task force means to you. 601 00:21:19,928 --> 00:21:21,395 It means so much, and it's been so stressful, 602 00:21:21,396 --> 00:21:23,064 and it went so well. 603 00:21:23,065 --> 00:21:25,399 Seriously, look at me, I cannot stop smiling. 604 00:21:25,400 --> 00:21:27,401 How do people do this with their faces? 605 00:21:27,402 --> 00:21:33,377 Sync & corrections by Rafael UPD www.addic7ed.com/