1 00:48:36,500 --> 00:48:45,500 {\an8}急件 托马斯·谢尔比先生收 箭屋 沃里克 沃里克郡 2 00:49:03,000 --> 00:49:07,000 {\an9}尊敬的谢尔比先生 很抱歉告诉你此事 3 00:49:03,000 --> 00:49:07,000 {\an9}但疗养院一直无法与您本人取得联系 4 00:49:07,000 --> 00:49:13,000 {\an9}事出紧急 请您尽快联系我见面 诚挚的 哈尔福德医生 5 00:00:01,400 --> 00:00:03,940 我哥哥很抱歉没来参加会议 My brother sends his apologies for not being here 6 00:00:03,940 --> 00:00:06,600 他希望可以请你们去家里细谈 and would like to invite all of you to his home for a meeting. 7 00:00:06,600 --> 00:00:09,520 你们要做的就是和杰克·尼尔森坐在一起 All you have to do is sit with Jack Nelson and talk about 8 00:00:09,520 --> 00:00:11,040 谈谈新的黄金时代 a new golden age. 9 00:00:11,040 --> 00:00:13,600 -如果有人能杀了汤米·谢尔比 -那一定是你 If anyone is going to kill Tommy Shelby... It will be you. 10 00:00:13,600 --> 00:00:15,840 未来是属于我们的 The future belongs to us. 11 00:00:15,840 --> 00:00:18,040 你女儿得了肺结核 Your daughter has Consumption. 12 00:00:18,040 --> 00:00:20,040 肺结核是感染性很强的病 Consumption is a very infectious disease. 13 00:00:20,040 --> 00:00:22,200 露比得做X光检查 我们也得做 While they X-ray Ruby, they have to X-ray us. 14 00:00:22,200 --> 00:00:24,240 那女孩的母亲就是下咒的人 It'll be the girl's mother who laid the curse. 15 00:00:24,240 --> 00:00:26,360 也许她一直在等你女儿长到七岁 Perhaps she waited until your little girl was seven 16 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:27,640 这样你才能感同身受 so you'd know how it feels. 17 00:00:27,640 --> 00:00:30,280 我已经戒酒了 现在我能清楚地听到灵魂的声音 Now that I'm without whisky, I can hear the spirits clearly 18 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:31,600 他们都说如果我为之前的事做出补偿 and they are saying Ruby will be well 19 00:00:31,600 --> 00:00:32,600 露比就会痊愈 if I make amends. 20 00:00:32,600 --> 00:00:34,200 她死了 汤米 She's gone, Tommy. 21 00:00:57,760 --> 00:01:08,840 {\an9}# 这颗心是为你 # # In this heart lies for you # 22 00:01:08,840 --> 00:01:17,680 {\an9}# 为你而生的云雀 # # A lark born only for you # 23 00:01:17,680 --> 00:01:26,560 {\an9}# 也只为你而歌唱 # # Who sings only to you # 24 00:01:26,560 --> 00:01:30,920 {\an9}# 我的爱啊 我的爱 # # My love, my love # 25 00:01:30,920 --> 00:01:34,920 {\an9}# 我的爱 # # My love # 26 00:01:34,920 --> 00:01:46,840 {\an9}# 我等着你来 # # I am waiting for you # 27 00:01:46,840 --> 00:01:55,960 {\an9}# 只为爱护你 # # For only to adore you # 28 00:01:55,960 --> 00:02:00,760 {\an9}# 我的心属于你 # # My heart is for you # 29 00:02:00,760 --> 00:02:05,840 {\an9}# 我的爱 我的爱 # # My love, my love # 30 00:02:05,840 --> 00:02:10,160 {\an9}# 我的爱 # # My love # 31 00:02:10,160 --> 00:02:21,880 {\an9}# 我为你悲痛 # # This is my grief for you # 32 00:02:21,880 --> 00:02:33,680 {\an9}# 我要和你一起 # # I will have you with me # 33 00:02:33,680 --> 00:02:43,520 {\an9}# 把你放在我的臂弯 # # In my arms only # 34 00:02:43,520 --> 00:02:50,400 {\an9}# 只为你 # # For you are only # 35 00:02:50,400 --> 00:02:56,560 {\an9}# 我的爱 我的爱 # # My love, my love # 36 00:02:56,560 --> 00:03:02,800 {\an9}# 我的爱 # # My love. # 37 00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:26,240 亚瑟 Arthur. 38 00:03:28,800 --> 00:03:30,400 我写了一些话 I've written some words. 39 00:03:32,200 --> 00:03:33,360 我无法说出口 I can't speak 'em. 40 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:37,960 你是家里最年长的人 You're the oldest. 41 00:03:37,960 --> 00:03:39,880 你来替我说 You speak 'em for me. 42 00:03:48,760 --> 00:03:52,280 对不起 兄弟 我做不到 I'm sorry, brother. I can't do it. 43 00:04:22,680 --> 00:04:24,920 我们应该买金马车 We could have afforded a golden carriage. 44 00:04:29,600 --> 00:04:31,400 我们应该为她准备一辆金马车 She deserved a golden carriage. 45 00:04:36,240 --> 00:04:38,560 但我们并没有那么奢侈 But we didn't afford ourselves that luxury. 46 00:04:42,280 --> 00:04:43,800 因为黄金无用 Because gold doesn't work. 47 00:04:49,840 --> 00:04:52,280 这是露比教会我们的最后一堂课 That was the last lesson that Ruby taught us. 48 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:12,680 这里是露比生前最喜欢的地方 This place was her favourite place in the whole world. 49 00:05:12,680 --> 00:05:14,360 她曾经还说... And she used to say... 50 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:16,960 "爸爸… .."Dad... 51 00:05:19,800 --> 00:05:22,280 你永远不知道以后会发生什么” .. "you never know what's going to come down the river." 52 00:05:24,360 --> 00:05:25,600 这是事实 And it's true. 53 00:05:27,920 --> 00:05:32,000 露比的生命结束得太早 Little Ruby's fate came a thousand miles too soon. 54 00:05:36,720 --> 00:05:40,880 但是以她的名义 一切都会变的 But in her name and in her memory things will change. 55 00:05:44,320 --> 00:05:48,800 从今以后无论发生什么 我们都要做好事 And whatever comes down the river from now on we will make good... 56 00:05:52,560 --> 00:05:54,960 我们要促和平 行诚实善良之事 ..we will make peaceful and honest and good 57 00:05:54,960 --> 00:05:57,280 未来要比过去更好 and send it on down the river better than it was. 58 00:05:57,280 --> 00:05:59,000 我们需要这么做 来纪念露比 In her memory we will do this. 59 00:06:07,680 --> 00:06:13,720 但是现在 我们要先送露比走 无论她去往哪里 But for now, we send her on, to wherever it is you go... 60 00:06:16,040 --> 00:06:18,160 都希望那里 ..in the hope that if there is a destination... 61 00:06:20,840 --> 00:06:23,120 就像这个院子一样 ..that it's a yard like this, 62 00:06:23,120 --> 00:06:26,800 有马 有船陪她玩 with horses and boats for her to play on. 63 00:06:39,680 --> 00:06:42,720 汤姆 我准备好油了 Tom, I've got the petrol. 64 00:06:44,520 --> 00:06:46,120 谁来点火 Who will light the flame? 65 00:06:51,520 --> 00:06:52,840 杰里迈亚 Jeremiah? 66 00:06:59,040 --> 00:07:02,720 杰里迈亚 你总能逗她笑 Jeremiah, you made her laugh. 67 00:07:02,720 --> 00:07:04,320 你来点火 You light the flame. 68 00:07:04,320 --> 00:07:07,440 -不 不 不要 -莉齐 No, no! No! Lizzie... 69 00:07:07,440 --> 00:07:10,880 不行 你们不能烧了她 不行 No, you won't burn her! No! 70 00:07:10,880 --> 00:07:12,240 莉齐 嘘 嘘 没事的 Lizzie, shush, shush, shush! 71 00:07:15,360 --> 00:07:17,640 我只是想再看看她 I just want to see her. 72 00:07:17,640 --> 00:07:20,680 我们一起去看她 来吧 I just want to see her face. We'll go and see her together. Come on. 73 00:07:20,680 --> 00:07:22,920 -我们一起去看她 -好 We'll go and see her together. Yeah. 74 00:07:34,560 --> 00:07:35,920 我的宝贝 Oh, my baby. 75 00:07:55,880 --> 00:07:58,120 伤害你的恶魔会付出代价的 露比 The devils who did this will pay, Ruby. 76 00:08:02,360 --> 00:08:03,720 你这话什么意思 What do you mean? 77 00:08:07,120 --> 00:08:08,480 你是什么意思 What do you mean? 78 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:11,560 你要去哪里 Where are you going? 79 00:09:30,500 --> 00:09:35,500 浴血黑帮 80 00:10:03,840 --> 00:10:06,920 莱利 警察好像来了 Riley, I think the police are here. 81 00:10:09,360 --> 00:10:10,680 埃瓦德妮·巴维尔 Evadne Barwell? 82 00:10:12,280 --> 00:10:14,920 是我 你是谁 Yeah. Who's asking? 83 00:10:16,200 --> 00:10:18,040 我代表蓝宝石而来 I am here on behalf of the blue sapphire. 84 00:10:28,400 --> 00:10:30,800 别开枪 这儿还有孩子 Don't shoot! There are babies! 85 00:10:51,800 --> 00:10:55,520 {\an9}# 在寂静中 # # From the silence # 86 00:10:55,520 --> 00:10:59,120 {\an9}# 在夜晚里 # # From the night # 87 00:10:59,120 --> 00:11:05,960 {\an9}# 永远传来一首摇篮曲 # # Comes a distant lullaby # 88 00:11:07,840 --> 00:11:11,800 {\an9}# 听 那第一声啼叫 # # Cry, remember that first cry # 89 00:11:11,800 --> 00:11:15,400 {\an9}# 你的哥哥站在一旁 # # Your brother standing by # 90 00:11:15,400 --> 00:11:22,360 {\an9}# 还有我深爱着的 # # And lot of loved # 91 00:11:22,360 --> 00:11:30,280 {\an9}# 我深爱着的儿子们 # # Beloved sons of mine # 92 00:11:31,640 --> 00:11:37,800 {\an9}# 唱一首摇篮曲 # # Sing a lullaby # 93 00:11:39,400 --> 00:11:46,160 {\an9}# 妈妈就在附近 # # Mother is close by # 94 00:11:46,160 --> 00:11:49,320 {\an9}# 无辜的日子 # # Innocent date # 95 00:11:49,320 --> 00:11:55,600 {\an9}# 多么无辜的眼睛 # # Such innocent eyes... # 96 00:11:56,960 --> 00:12:02,840 {\an9}# 嫉妒偷走了你哥哥的生命 # # Envy stole your brother's life # 97 00:12:02,840 --> 00:12:10,160 {\an9}# 带着被谋杀了的思绪回家 # # Came home murdered piece of mind # 98 00:12:17,360 --> 00:12:25,320 {\an9}# 把噩梦留在枕头上 # # Left you nightmares on the pillow. # 99 00:13:00,520 --> 00:13:02,320 金砂 Gold dust. 100 00:13:02,320 --> 00:13:05,960 我们的交易结束了 埃斯梅 下车 Our business is done, Esme. Get out of the car. 101 00:13:05,960 --> 00:13:07,200 没完全结束 汤米 Not quite done, Tommy. 102 00:13:08,360 --> 00:13:12,120 这是个好时机 一个绝好的时机 I thought this would be a good time. In fact, it's the perfect time. 103 00:13:13,320 --> 00:13:15,160 有些事情还没结束 Some business is still unfinished. 104 00:13:17,280 --> 00:13:20,920 基督教徒说“主赐予 主带走” Christians say, "The Lord gives, the Lord takes away." 105 00:13:20,920 --> 00:13:22,960 我们的神灵也一样 Our spirits are the same. 106 00:13:22,960 --> 00:13:25,200 神灵刚刚带走了你的一个孩子 Spirits just took away your child. 107 00:13:25,200 --> 00:13:27,160 给我下车 埃斯梅 Get out of the car, Esme. 108 00:13:27,160 --> 00:13:30,160 同样的神灵将赐给你另一个孩子 汤米 But those same spirits want to give you a different child, Tommy. 109 00:13:30,160 --> 00:13:33,240 什么孩子 What child? 110 00:13:34,840 --> 00:13:37,120 失一女 A daughter lost. 111 00:13:37,120 --> 00:13:38,400 得一子 A son found. 112 00:13:41,400 --> 00:13:43,080 在你去法国之前 Before you went to France, 113 00:13:43,080 --> 00:13:46,440 很久以前 在阿普比集市你睡了一个女孩 a long time ago at Appleby Fair you slept with a girl. 114 00:13:46,440 --> 00:13:48,960 她的名字是泽尔达 我遇到她了 Her name was Zelda. I met her. 115 00:13:50,400 --> 00:13:53,920 她说你们在一颗榛子树下睡的 1914年5月 She said you slept together under a hazel tree, May 1914. 116 00:13:55,920 --> 00:14:00,400 她怀孕以后 她父亲威胁要杀了你 When she fell pregnant, her father threatened to kill you, 117 00:14:00,400 --> 00:14:03,400 但你已经入伍去了法国 but you'd already joined the army and gone away to France. 118 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:10,120 你记得那个女孩和那棵榛子树 不是吗 汤米 You remember the girl and the hazel tree, don't you, Tommy. 119 00:14:14,000 --> 00:14:16,600 不管那个男孩是谁 埃斯梅 Whoever that boy is, Esme... 120 00:14:18,040 --> 00:14:20,360 …不管他是谁 我们的交易就到这了 ..whoever he is, our business is done here. I brought you 121 00:14:20,360 --> 00:14:21,560 我带你来这个营地是有原因的 to this camp for a reason, 122 00:14:21,560 --> 00:14:23,880 而且我也把他带来了 and I brought him as well. 123 00:14:23,880 --> 00:14:25,040 他是你儿子 He is yours. 124 00:14:26,440 --> 00:14:29,160 一个有着榛子般浅褐色双眼的男孩 A boy born with hazel eyes. 125 00:14:29,160 --> 00:14:30,640 他自称公爵 He calls himself Duke. 126 00:14:32,920 --> 00:14:36,000 他妈死了 他是个贼 His mother is dead. He's a thief. 127 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:37,560 他在游乐场工作 但他说 He works the fairgrounds, but he 128 00:14:37,560 --> 00:14:40,640 他希望他的生命里不只有摩天轮和旋转木马 says he wants more to his life than big wheels and carousels. 129 00:14:44,280 --> 00:14:46,760 如果失去露比是你心中永远的痛 If the losing of Ruby has left a hole in your heart... 130 00:14:48,400 --> 00:14:50,280 我把他给你 ..I'll send him to you. 131 00:14:51,760 --> 00:14:53,440 如果你再多给我一点黄金 If you give me a bit more gold... 132 00:14:55,360 --> 00:14:58,600 我就告诉他 汤米·谢尔比可以带给一个男人的东西 ..I'll tell him Tommy Shelby can offer a man far, 133 00:14:58,600 --> 00:15:01,200 比摩天轮和旋转木马多得多得多 far more than big wheels and carousels. 134 00:15:03,520 --> 00:15:05,360 你说咱们的交易结束了吗 汤米 Is our business done or not, Tommy? 135 00:15:33,320 --> 00:15:34,920 我知道你去哪了 I know where you went. 136 00:15:48,760 --> 00:15:50,920 我要花更多的时间在下议院工作 I'm going to spend more hours working in the Commons 137 00:15:50,920 --> 00:15:52,040 和丘吉尔先生一起 with Mr Churchill. 138 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:53,320 他的战斗就是我的战斗 His fight is my fight. 139 00:15:53,320 --> 00:15:54,940 我像块石头一样坐在这里 I sat like a stone and thought about 140 00:15:54,940 --> 00:15:56,200 想着你正在以她的名义杀人 you killing someone in her name. 141 00:15:56,200 --> 00:15:58,800 谢尔比疗养院也会扩大规模 And the Shelby institutions will be expanded. 142 00:16:00,120 --> 00:16:03,280 我会设立研究肺结核病因和治疗方法的基金会 I will set up a fund to research the causes and cures for Consumption. 143 00:16:03,280 --> 00:16:05,120 你杀的那个女人有孩子吗 Did the woman you kill have children? 144 00:16:05,120 --> 00:16:08,480 -每年有一万个孩子会死去 莉齐 -睡觉去吧 汤米 10,000 children die every year, Lizzie. Go to bed, Tommy. 145 00:16:08,480 --> 00:16:10,120 我看了一些新的研究 I've been reading about new research. 146 00:16:10,120 --> 00:16:12,720 -停下然后必上你该死的双眼 -我不会... Stop and close your fucking eyes. I will not... 147 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:14,360 我不会停下! I will not stop! 148 00:16:14,360 --> 00:16:16,680 你这样下去有什么好处 What is this good that you will become? 149 00:16:26,880 --> 00:16:28,600 我杀了一个女人 I killed a woman. 150 00:16:29,720 --> 00:16:31,720 我杀了一个女人和三个男人 I killed a woman and three men. 151 00:16:31,720 --> 00:16:34,240 他们的尸体会被扔到船上 And their bodies will be thrown aboard the boat, 152 00:16:34,240 --> 00:16:35,680 和其他所有尸体一样 like all the other bodies, 153 00:16:35,680 --> 00:16:38,400 但我要从这条船上下来 然后上另一条船 but I am stepping off that boat and onto another boat. 154 00:16:40,240 --> 00:16:41,520 你明白吗 Do you understand? 155 00:16:44,560 --> 00:16:45,840 是啊 Yeah. 156 00:16:57,200 --> 00:16:59,680 疗养院的医生打来电话说 The doctor from the Sanatorium called and said that he needs 157 00:16:59,680 --> 00:17:01,640 他迫切需要和你谈一下 to speak to you urgently. 158 00:17:03,800 --> 00:17:06,920 -但我觉得现在医生已经帮不上你了 -莉齐… But I think now you are beyond the help of doctors. Lizzie... 159 00:17:10,480 --> 00:17:12,160 弗朗希斯说亚瑟来了 Frances said Arthur's here. 160 00:17:44,880 --> 00:17:46,000 汤米 Tommy? 161 00:17:47,920 --> 00:17:49,520 -汤姆 -没错 是我 Tom? Yeah, it's me. 162 00:17:51,040 --> 00:17:52,160 操 Ah, fuck. 163 00:18:11,760 --> 00:18:13,400 亚瑟 给我个火 行吗 Arthur, give me a light, will you? 164 00:18:14,440 --> 00:18:15,800 我找不到打火机了 I can't find my lighter. 165 00:18:28,240 --> 00:18:30,640 我很抱歉没能在灵车那里讲话 汤姆 I'm sorry I couldn't speak at the wagon, Tom. 166 00:18:41,120 --> 00:18:42,360 没关系 Don't be sorry. 167 00:18:45,520 --> 00:18:46,960 你在这干什么 What are you doing here? 168 00:18:50,320 --> 00:18:53,000 等着这该死的杯子接满酒 Waiting for this fucking cup to fill up. 169 00:18:57,080 --> 00:18:58,640 这个桶基本上已经空了 Nearly empty, this barrel. 170 00:19:00,360 --> 00:19:01,920 这里还有很多桶 亚瑟 There are plenty of barrels, Arthur. 171 00:19:03,400 --> 00:19:05,480 换一桶吧 Start another barrel. 172 00:19:05,480 --> 00:19:08,000 我觉得这些桶都他妈的装满了血 I thought maybe they're all full of fucking blood. 173 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:13,600 酒这破东西 汤姆… The junk, Tom... 174 00:19:15,560 --> 00:19:17,160 让人一团糟 ..fucks you up your mind. 175 00:19:21,560 --> 00:19:22,960 其实 亚瑟 You know, Arthur. 176 00:19:25,400 --> 00:19:27,200 你早就一团糟了 You was already fucked up. 177 00:19:29,600 --> 00:19:32,520 你还是个孩子的时候就已经一团糟了 You was fucked up since you were a kid. 178 00:19:34,520 --> 00:19:35,880 我是这样想的 This is my theory. 179 00:19:39,840 --> 00:19:41,600 从你12岁 我9岁 It's from that time I gave you 180 00:19:41,600 --> 00:19:44,080 我打了你那次开始 a beating when you were 12 and I was nine. 181 00:19:45,520 --> 00:19:47,320 我们为了烟打架 We were fighting over cigarettes. 182 00:19:49,880 --> 00:19:54,840 也许就是那个时候我把你放倒在地 Maybe when I had you down on the ground, 183 00:19:54,840 --> 00:19:57,960 给了你的头很多拳 I gave you one too many to the head. 184 00:19:57,960 --> 00:20:00,760 当时我们打了个平局 汤姆 It was a draw, though, Tom. 185 00:20:00,760 --> 00:20:03,760 才没有 都是我在打你 Nah, I beat you. 186 00:20:05,200 --> 00:20:08,320 -我把你按在地上 -你才没有呢 I had you pinned. You actually didn't. 187 00:20:10,360 --> 00:20:12,840 你我都知道 你的状态糟透了 We both agreed. You're so fucked, 188 00:20:12,840 --> 00:20:14,320 你都记不清了 老哥 you can't remember, brother. 189 00:20:16,280 --> 00:20:19,680 我记得 我记得这些事 I do. I do remember little things. 190 00:20:19,680 --> 00:20:21,240 我知道你记得 I know you do. 191 00:20:22,400 --> 00:20:23,680 我也记得 So, do I. 192 00:20:24,880 --> 00:20:26,680 雾气在消散 对吗 The fog and the gas is clearing, eh? 193 00:21:18,960 --> 00:21:21,280 杯子快接满了 给我 Here, that cup's nearly full. Pass it here. 194 00:21:25,560 --> 00:21:26,720 那个… That's... 195 00:21:29,560 --> 00:21:31,480 汤米…还能再装点 Tommy... stuff any more. 196 00:21:33,840 --> 00:21:35,920 你戒酒了 汤姆 You don't drink no more, Tom. 197 00:21:59,440 --> 00:22:01,880 自从波莉去世以后 亚瑟 After Polly was gone, Arthur... 198 00:22:03,200 --> 00:22:05,160 …我以为我可以一直向前走 ..I thought I could just march and march. 199 00:22:06,560 --> 00:22:08,360 保持着那该死的节奏 I just kept up that fucking left, 200 00:22:08,360 --> 00:22:10,960 左 右 左 右 左 右 right, left, right, left, right, fucking rhythm. 201 00:22:12,240 --> 00:22:13,720 再也不需要停下来 I'd never have to stop. 202 00:22:16,440 --> 00:22:17,960 然后露比走了 Then Ruby went. 203 00:22:21,880 --> 00:22:23,360 我彻底垮了 I stumbled and crashed. 204 00:22:29,120 --> 00:22:30,720 现在我在这儿… And now here I am... 205 00:22:32,440 --> 00:22:37,240 …坐在地上 ..sat on my arse on the ground 206 00:22:37,240 --> 00:22:39,440 像个他妈挖隧道的人 like a fucking tunneller.. 207 00:22:41,640 --> 00:22:43,800 …和我老哥们亚瑟一起 ..with my old comrade Arthur. 208 00:22:48,640 --> 00:22:50,280 还记得一月号吗 亚瑟 Remember the January, Arthur? 209 00:22:52,920 --> 00:22:54,160 那艘船 The family boat? 210 00:22:55,920 --> 00:22:57,720 全家人就他妈的 The whole family living on something 211 00:22:57,720 --> 00:23:00,000 靠十个桶大小的东西生活 the size of ten of these fucking barrels. 212 00:23:03,720 --> 00:23:08,000 记得那晚在砖瓦十字区 Remember that night at Tile Cross, 213 00:23:08,000 --> 00:23:11,440 我们16个人睡在船上 然后警察来了 16 of us sleeping on the boat, the coppers come. 214 00:23:12,760 --> 00:23:14,240 我们像老鼠一样在水里逃窜 We all swam like rats. 215 00:23:15,240 --> 00:23:17,080 除了亚瑟 Except for Arthur. 216 00:23:17,080 --> 00:23:21,840 亚瑟全凭一己之力用船钩把他们挡住 Arthur holds them off with a boat hook, all on his own. 217 00:23:23,800 --> 00:23:25,880 我还记得 And I remember, 218 00:23:25,880 --> 00:23:28,480 我爬回船闸往回看了看 I climbed back up at the lock and looked back 219 00:23:28,480 --> 00:23:31,600 看见你用那该死的船钩 and saw you waving that fucking boat hook 220 00:23:31,600 --> 00:23:34,640 砸向警察的脸 in the copper's faces... 221 00:23:34,640 --> 00:23:35,880 只身一人 ..on your own. 222 00:23:37,240 --> 00:23:38,760 那时我意识到了 That's when I realised. 223 00:23:40,640 --> 00:23:45,200 多年前 当我把你打倒在地的时候 When I had you on the ground, all them years ago, 224 00:23:45,200 --> 00:23:47,360 是你让我赢的 it's because you let me win. 225 00:23:50,920 --> 00:23:52,720 你想让我赢 You wanted me to win. 226 00:23:56,600 --> 00:23:58,800 从始至终 你总是想让我赢 you've wanted me to win ever since. 227 00:24:01,080 --> 00:24:07,720 如果现在再打一次 我还有胜算吗 What chance do I have... if you start doing that again, eh? 228 00:24:09,680 --> 00:24:11,920 你会停手 You'll stop. 229 00:24:11,920 --> 00:24:15,000 因为家族需要你停手 You'll stop cos the family needs you to. 230 00:24:16,400 --> 00:24:18,760 就像是达德利路那条漫长的隧道 It's like that long tunnel on the Dudley stretch. 231 00:24:19,920 --> 00:24:21,800 你记得达德利隧道的1号线吗 You remember Dudley canal, line number one? 232 00:24:21,800 --> 00:24:26,760 3公里长 漆黑无比 老鼠横行 3,172 yards of fucking pitch blackness and rats swimming. 233 00:24:26,760 --> 00:24:29,320 对 然后我们转过那个拐角 就会看到一道亮光 Yeah. Then we'd come round that corner and there'd be 234 00:24:29,320 --> 00:24:33,000 然后我们就知道了 a shaft of light. And then we'd know. 235 00:24:33,760 --> 00:24:36,720 对 我们都知道马上就出去了 Yeah. And you and me would both know it was nearly done. 236 00:24:40,440 --> 00:24:42,040 亚瑟 我们现在的处境和那时候一样 That's where we are now, Arthur. 237 00:24:44,360 --> 00:24:46,040 只要再努力向前一点儿 Just a few more yards to go. 238 00:24:48,680 --> 00:24:50,280 你就会改变自己 Then you'll change your ways. 239 00:24:53,840 --> 00:24:56,080 然后我他妈就会改变世界 And I'll change the fucking world. 240 00:25:09,440 --> 00:25:15,480 {\an9}# 就像在苔藓中沉睡 # # Like a slumber In the moss # 241 00:25:15,480 --> 00:25:22,240 {\an9}# 就像在黑暗中表演 # # Like a display In the dark # 242 00:25:22,240 --> 00:25:28,240 {\an9}# 我从一开始就爱上了你 # # I have loved you From the start # 243 00:25:28,240 --> 00:25:35,120 {\an9}# 但你假装对我冷若冰霜 # # But there's cold veneer near the cloud of you # 244 00:25:35,120 --> 00:25:39,160 {\an9}# 冷若冰霜 # # Of you # 245 00:25:39,160 --> 00:25:42,360 {\an9}# 冷若冰霜 # # Of you # 246 00:25:42,360 --> 00:25:45,280 {\an9}# 冷若冰霜 # # Of you # 247 00:25:50,360 --> 00:25:56,400 {\an9}# 你坐在镶嵌黑色宝石的蓝色宝座上 如此正直 # # Sit on back in thrones of blue And inlay black, so righteous you # 248 00:25:56,400 --> 00:25:59,880 {\an9}# 忍气吞声 # # Bear cold decree # 249 00:25:59,880 --> 00:26:03,400 {\an9}# 我面如死灰 # # It's dead to me # 250 00:26:03,400 --> 00:26:06,880 {\an9}# 当你犯了错误时 你坚持到底 # # Sit on through while your mistakes loom # 251 00:26:06,880 --> 00:26:10,600 {\an9}# 你那无可救药的视而不见 淹没了一切 # # You're stone dead blind and it's drowning all # 252 00:26:10,600 --> 00:26:13,320 {\an9}# 你这种人 # # Your company. # 253 00:26:13,320 --> 00:26:16,120 我们以为这么晚了 你应该已经吃过饭了 We assumed, at this late hour, you would've had dinner. 254 00:26:16,120 --> 00:26:17,600 这里有酒和三明治 如果你们想吃的话 There are drinks and sandwiches, if you want. 255 00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:19,960 我们不是来这儿吃东西的 We're not here to eat. 256 00:26:19,960 --> 00:26:22,080 谢尔比先生很快就会下来 Mr Shelby will be down shortly. 257 00:26:22,080 --> 00:26:24,400 请代表我们所有人告诉谢尔比先生 Please, tell Mr Shelby on behalf of us all 258 00:26:24,400 --> 00:26:26,360 改变世界可等不了 that changing the world can wait. 259 00:26:26,360 --> 00:26:28,000 他不想等 He doesn't want to wait. 260 00:26:28,000 --> 00:26:29,520 这里有香槟 There is Champagne. 261 00:26:29,520 --> 00:26:30,840 好呀 Oh, goodie. 262 00:26:41,520 --> 00:26:42,680 查尔斯 Charles? 263 00:26:45,240 --> 00:26:46,560 我听见汽车的声音了 I heard cars. 264 00:26:51,160 --> 00:26:52,520 谢尔比先生 客人们... Mr Shelby, the guests are... 265 00:26:52,520 --> 00:26:53,720 我知道 I know. 266 00:26:55,320 --> 00:26:58,800 爸爸 有一辆宾利和一辆劳斯莱斯 Dad, there's a Bentley and a Rolls-Royce. 267 00:27:01,760 --> 00:27:02,800 对 Yeah. 268 00:27:04,960 --> 00:27:06,320 去睡觉吧 查尔斯 Go to bed, Charles. 269 00:27:14,280 --> 00:27:15,800 我睡不着 I can't sleep. 270 00:27:19,240 --> 00:27:21,080 我闭上眼睛 就能看见她 I see her, when I shut my eyes. 271 00:27:22,840 --> 00:27:24,800 去找你妈妈吧 Go to your mum. 272 00:27:24,800 --> 00:27:26,880 她会醒的 She'll be awake. 273 00:27:26,880 --> 00:27:28,840 她紧紧抱着我 She holds on to me. 274 00:27:28,840 --> 00:27:30,360 让她抱紧你 Let her hold on to you. 275 00:27:31,800 --> 00:27:33,680 听见了吗 You hear me? 276 00:27:33,680 --> 00:27:35,160 让她一直抱着你 Always let her hold on to you. 277 00:27:36,400 --> 00:27:37,640 去吧 Go on. 278 00:27:42,480 --> 00:27:45,200 谢尔比先生 客人们说他们希望知道... Mr Shelby, the guests said they would understand if... 279 00:27:45,200 --> 00:27:47,280 -给他们倒酒了吗 -倒了 Have you served them drinks? Yes. 280 00:27:47,280 --> 00:27:48,520 好 Yeah. 281 00:28:01,120 --> 00:28:02,560 好了 弗朗希丝 OK, Frances. 282 00:28:08,120 --> 00:28:09,640 会议内容都在我脑子里了 The agenda is in my head. 283 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:12,960 内容都在脑子里 The agenda is in my head. 284 00:28:13,960 --> 00:28:15,200 我没问题的 I'm OK. 285 00:28:16,560 --> 00:28:17,880 我看着有问题吗 Do I look OK? 286 00:28:21,560 --> 00:28:23,800 你不会被别人打倒 If someone touches you, you won't shatter. 287 00:28:26,360 --> 00:28:28,400 唱出来 Sing it. 288 00:28:28,400 --> 00:28:30,440 唱出来 我喜欢那首歌 Sing it. I love that song. 289 00:28:30,440 --> 00:28:31,480 我… I... 290 00:28:31,480 --> 00:28:34,880 不能在人家承受丧子之痛的时候唱造反歌 ..can't be singing rebel songs in a house in grief and mourning. 291 00:28:34,880 --> 00:28:36,720 小声唱给我听 Sing it to me softly. 292 00:28:36,720 --> 00:28:37,960 那首歌让我心都碎了 It breaks my heart. 293 00:28:39,600 --> 00:28:41,480 别看他 他是英格兰人 Don't look at him. He's English. 294 00:28:41,480 --> 00:28:42,680 他可以堵上耳朵 He can block his ears. 295 00:28:46,560 --> 00:28:50,200 亲爱的 她可以在我们等待的时候 Darling, should she sing her rebel IRA song, 296 00:28:50,200 --> 00:28:51,240 唱爱尔兰共和军造反歌吗 while we wait 297 00:28:51,240 --> 00:28:53,120 会不合适吗 or would that be inappropriate? 298 00:28:56,640 --> 00:29:00,440 我去过柏林的一个会议 会议内容和现在差不多 You know I went to a meeting of similar intent to this in Berlin. 299 00:29:00,440 --> 00:29:03,200 总理亲自出席… Attended by the Chancellor himself... 300 00:29:03,200 --> 00:29:05,440 还有戈林和希姆莱 ..and Goering and Himmler. 301 00:29:07,120 --> 00:29:09,600 会开了一晚上 It lasted until the sun came up. 302 00:29:09,600 --> 00:29:13,160 我们认真讨论了这个世界的未来 We spoke about the future of the world in a serious way. 303 00:29:15,160 --> 00:29:17,440 当清晨第一缕阳光照进屋里时 When the first rays of light entered the room, 304 00:29:17,440 --> 00:29:20,360 我们都站起来注视着 好像未来世界已经近在眼前 we all stood and stared at it, as if it were the world to come. 305 00:29:21,960 --> 00:29:24,360 没有歌声 也没有嬉笑 There was no singing, no giggling. 306 00:29:27,440 --> 00:29:31,240 早餐端上来时 我们眺望着群山 And when breakfast was served on the terrace, overlooking the mountains, 307 00:29:31,240 --> 00:29:32,920 他们带上来一群犹太人 they brought up some Jews. 308 00:29:34,680 --> 00:29:37,480 我们吃鸡蛋 他们被强迫吃草 And while we ate our eggs, they were forced to eat grass. 309 00:29:39,440 --> 00:29:42,480 我们边喝咖啡边看 And we watched as we sipped our coffee. 310 00:29:48,400 --> 00:29:50,880 大家记住 这是个严肃的会议 We should all remember this is serious business. 311 00:30:00,440 --> 00:30:01,760 戴安娜 Oh, Diana. 312 00:30:04,000 --> 00:30:06,680 看看你干了什么 气氛都被你破坏了 Now, look what you've done. You have killed the mood. 313 00:30:11,840 --> 00:30:15,240 让她唱那首他妈的造反歌 活跃活跃气氛 请开始吧 Let her sing her fucking song to raise our spirits. Go on, please. 314 00:30:25,040 --> 00:30:29,680 {\an9}# 在一个名叫贝尔法斯特的小镇 # # In a neat little town they call Belfast # 315 00:30:29,680 --> 00:30:33,400 {\an9}# 我是一名学徒 # # Apprentice to trade I was bound # 316 00:30:33,400 --> 00:30:37,800 {\an9}# 在这个美好的小镇 # # And many an hour's sweet happiness # 317 00:30:37,800 --> 00:30:41,760 {\an9}# 有过多少欢声笑语 # # Have I spent in that neat little town # 318 00:30:41,760 --> 00:30:45,560 {\an9}# 不幸却发生在我身上 # # A sad misfortune came over me. # 319 00:31:00,800 --> 00:31:06,720 {\an9}# 乌鸫落在我肩膀上 给我唱了首歌 # # Blackbird, sit on my shoulder and tell me a song. # 320 00:31:09,000 --> 00:31:10,520 弄坏了吗 Did it break? 321 00:31:10,520 --> 00:31:12,160 妈妈给你修好 Mum will fix it for you. 322 00:31:14,120 --> 00:31:20,120 {\an9}# 鸟儿 我的哭声是彩色的还是黑白的 # # When I cry, do you hear in colour or black and white, bird? # 323 00:31:24,280 --> 00:31:29,520 {\an9}# 新的一天 感觉却相同 # # The morning is new but the feeling is old # 324 00:31:31,440 --> 00:31:36,120 {\an9}# 帮助我吧 乌鸫 为我缩短路程 # # Intervene, blackbird, and shorten the road # 325 00:31:40,600 --> 00:31:46,640 {\an9}# 乌鸫 我无法理解爱 # # Blackbird, the way I imagined love was wrong # 326 00:31:52,200 --> 00:31:54,560 {\an9}# 原来我已爱上他了 # # I've come # 327 00:31:54,560 --> 00:32:00,120 {\an9}# 就像我根本不清楚 乌鸫啊 # # to love him like I couldn't fathom, blackbird # 328 00:32:03,720 --> 00:32:09,160 {\an9}# 我在恐惧中渴望敲击着什么 # # What I tap away at I fear and I long # 329 00:32:11,000 --> 00:32:15,880 {\an9}# 帮帮我吧乌鸫 为我找到我的爱人 # # Intervene, blackbird, and shorten the road # 330 00:32:39,880 --> 00:32:45,920 {\an9}# 乌鸫啊 潜入我的梦乡 给我首歌吧 # # Blackbird, slip into my slumber and show me a song # 331 00:32:51,480 --> 00:32:53,680 {\an9}# 当我做梦时 # # When I dream # 332 00:32:53,680 --> 00:32:59,240 {\an9}# 你是否看到梦的颜色 # # Do you see in colour or at all, bird? # 333 00:33:03,600 --> 00:33:09,640 {\an9}# 我的梦都是平和的 但我独自一人 # # The picture is peaceful but I dream alone # 334 00:33:09,640 --> 00:33:15,080 {\an9}# 帮帮我吧 乌鸫 让我走得更快些 # # Intervene, blackbird, and shorten the road. # 335 00:33:27,880 --> 00:33:30,280 她已经走了 She's not here any more. 336 00:33:41,640 --> 00:33:45,920 {\an9}# 她的眼睛如钻石般闪耀 # # Her eyes, they shone like diamonds # 337 00:33:45,920 --> 00:33:48,040 {\an9}# 她是我的女王 # # I thought her the Queen. # 338 00:33:48,040 --> 00:33:51,080 谢尔比先生 不用安慰我 Mr Shelby. No, please, no condolences. 339 00:33:51,080 --> 00:33:52,480 谢谢你们能来 Thank you all for coming. 340 00:33:54,040 --> 00:33:55,480 现在 来看看 Now, let's try to find out 341 00:33:55,480 --> 00:33:57,840 我们的新世界该如何运作吧 how this new world of ours will look, shall we? 342 00:34:04,680 --> 00:34:07,240 莫斯利先生 我们也许可以看看 Perhaps, Mr Mosley, we can turn to what practical things 343 00:34:07,240 --> 00:34:11,600 尼尔森先生在国内时能帮到我们什么 Mr Nelson can do to further our cause, while he's in the country. 344 00:34:11,600 --> 00:34:15,120 我是美国总统的眼线 It's me who has the ear of the President of the United States. 345 00:34:15,120 --> 00:34:18,040 这也是我坐在这里的原因 不是吗 Which is kind of why I'm here, right? 346 00:34:18,040 --> 00:34:21,880 我们确实有些事想让你告诉总统 We do, indeed, have things for you to whisper into the President's ear. 347 00:34:23,560 --> 00:34:25,560 告诉他我们是英格兰人 Tell him we are England. 348 00:34:25,560 --> 00:34:28,080 我们和英格兰人有着同样的心情 We are the mood England is in. 349 00:34:28,080 --> 00:34:32,560 在爱尔兰 向英国人求和人很多 And in Ireland, appeasers to the English abound 350 00:34:32,560 --> 00:34:36,760 但我们所代表的是 but we represent the true liberated spirit of the country that... 351 00:34:36,760 --> 00:34:38,120 你们国家真正自由的精神 ..populated your own. 352 00:34:40,400 --> 00:34:43,280 我听说这两个地方都有共产党 I hear about communists in both places. 353 00:34:43,280 --> 00:34:45,400 我们是抵御他们的堡垒 We are the bulwark against them. 354 00:34:46,600 --> 00:34:49,480 说到工人阶级 When it comes to the working class, 355 00:34:49,480 --> 00:34:52,840 我们可以把我们的人从共产主义 we could move our people from Republicanism... 356 00:34:52,840 --> 00:34:54,880 转变为法西斯主义 ..to Fascism with just a nudge. 357 00:34:56,240 --> 00:34:57,320 他们信任我们 They trust us. 358 00:34:58,720 --> 00:35:01,400 你帮手很多啊 莫斯利先生 You ride with hounds, Mr Mosley. 359 00:35:01,400 --> 00:35:03,320 你会抓捕共产党人吗 Will you hunt communists? 360 00:35:03,320 --> 00:35:06,160 我的猎犬蠢蠢欲动了 Oh, my hounds are baying. 361 00:35:06,160 --> 00:35:08,000 谢尔比 Shelby... 362 00:35:08,000 --> 00:35:09,680 你是以社会主义者的身份参选吧 ..you run as a socialist. 363 00:35:17,160 --> 00:35:20,760 谢尔比先生是英国下议院中占席位最多的议员之一 Mr Shelby has one of the largest Commons majorities in England. 364 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:25,200 议院可是英国的中心 In the heart of England. 365 00:35:25,200 --> 00:35:27,760 他会在适当的时候辞去党鞭的职务 When the time comes, he'll resign his party whip 366 00:35:27,760 --> 00:35:29,440 以无党派人士身份参选 and run as an independent. 367 00:35:33,520 --> 00:35:36,920 但你真心相信我们的大业吗 谢尔比先生 But underneath, do you truly believe in the cause, Mr Shelby? 368 00:35:48,120 --> 00:35:49,960 我在这 I'm here. 369 00:35:49,960 --> 00:35:52,160 尼尔森先生 我在英国待了四个晚上 Mr Nelson, I'm here four nights... 370 00:35:59,280 --> 00:36:01,000 然后我来到这里 Four nights after and I am here... 371 00:36:03,280 --> 00:36:06,360 来到这个房间 参加了这个会议 我很认真 ..in this room, in this meeting, I am here and I am serious. 372 00:36:09,040 --> 00:36:10,520 证明给他看 Prove it to him. 373 00:36:14,640 --> 00:36:16,520 用行动证明 Prove it physically. 374 00:36:28,400 --> 00:36:29,640 消灭犹太人 Perish Judah. 375 00:36:38,200 --> 00:36:39,560 消灭犹太人 Perish Judah. 376 00:36:46,400 --> 00:36:48,360 那东西会害死我们的 That thing is going to get us killed. 377 00:36:51,520 --> 00:36:52,920 睡觉吧 Go to bed. 378 00:36:54,440 --> 00:36:57,280 他们在学校都不跟我讲话了 At school, they've stopped talking to me. 379 00:37:01,480 --> 00:37:03,120 他们说 黑衫党滚远点 They say the black rubs off. 380 00:37:06,160 --> 00:37:09,360 等他们掌权了 他们就会把她从你身边带走 When they come to power, they'll take her off you. 381 00:37:11,040 --> 00:37:12,880 他们要把我们都分开 They're going to separate us all out. 382 00:37:14,960 --> 00:37:16,520 他们会把她送到非洲去 They'll send her to Africa. 383 00:37:18,720 --> 00:37:20,560 是吗 Yeah? 384 00:37:20,560 --> 00:37:22,360 那他们会把你送去哪呢 And where will they send you? 385 00:37:23,840 --> 00:37:25,360 会把你送去哪 卡尔 Where will they send you, Karl? 386 00:37:26,520 --> 00:37:29,320 你有一半吉普赛血统 所以 You're half Gypsy, so... 387 00:37:29,320 --> 00:37:30,720 可能被送去埃及 ..to Egypt maybe? 388 00:37:35,680 --> 00:37:38,520 有些事我没告诉你 Something I never told you before... 389 00:37:38,520 --> 00:37:40,280 因为那不重要 ..because it wasn't important. 390 00:37:41,880 --> 00:37:43,120 也许现在是时候了 Maybe now, it is. 391 00:37:44,800 --> 00:37:46,280 你父亲是犹太人 Your dad was Jewish. 392 00:37:48,480 --> 00:37:51,640 他是史提福德一个裁缝的儿子 He was the son of a tailor in Stechford. 393 00:37:51,640 --> 00:37:53,200 他父母不想再被人从窗户扔石头 They changed their name to Thorne 394 00:37:53,200 --> 00:37:55,520 就给他改名叫索恩 to stop the bricks coming through the window. 395 00:37:57,760 --> 00:37:59,600 所以他们会送你去哪呢 卡尔 So, where will they send you, Karl? 396 00:38:03,000 --> 00:38:06,120 尼尔森先生 你可以回去向总统报告 Mr Nelson, you can report back to your President 397 00:38:06,120 --> 00:38:09,520 贵族阶层和精英阶层联合在了一起 that the aristocracy and the meritocracy are united 398 00:38:09,520 --> 00:38:12,560 共同坚信一个新秩序即将到来 in their conviction that a new order is coming. 399 00:38:14,600 --> 00:38:19,160 另外 尼尔森先生 我们的武器也正从德国运过来 Also, Mr Nelson, at present our weapons are coming from Germany. 400 00:38:19,160 --> 00:38:21,600 英国政府切断了我们的补给线 The British are closing our supply lines down. 401 00:38:21,600 --> 00:38:23,720 我们希望在波士顿新开一条 We would value a supply from Boston. 402 00:38:25,360 --> 00:38:28,840 我可以给你武器 只要有助于我们的事业 Weapons, I can give you, if they're to be used in a good cause. 403 00:38:28,840 --> 00:38:31,840 至于进出口的问题 And while on the subject of import and export, 404 00:38:31,840 --> 00:38:35,480 谢尔比先生 鉴于我们之间的新关系 Mr Shelby, in light of our new relationship, 405 00:38:35,480 --> 00:38:37,640 再加上你已经用一种绝佳的方式 and since you have proven your commitment 406 00:38:37,640 --> 00:38:40,080 证明了你的忠诚 in a most extraordinary way, 407 00:38:40,080 --> 00:38:44,200 波士顿现在正式对你的商品开放进口了 Boston is now officially open for the importation of your merchandise. 408 00:38:50,560 --> 00:38:51,760 好 Good. 409 00:39:32,880 --> 00:39:35,720 如果我们都达成了自己的目的 If we have established what we came here to establish, 410 00:39:35,720 --> 00:39:37,520 也许会议可以结束了 perhaps we should all say goodnight. 411 00:39:37,520 --> 00:39:38,760 当然 Absolutely. 412 00:40:26,360 --> 00:40:30,600 这就是你许多年前给我买的打字机 That's the same typewriter you bought me all those years ago... 413 00:40:30,600 --> 00:40:32,440 为了让我的职业受人尊敬一点 ..to help me become respectable. 414 00:40:33,720 --> 00:40:34,960 还记得吗 Do you remember? 415 00:40:36,680 --> 00:40:37,880 记得 Yeah. 416 00:40:45,040 --> 00:40:46,520 有封信 This arrived. 417 00:40:47,520 --> 00:40:49,000 来自疗养院的 It's from the sanatorium. 418 00:40:50,600 --> 00:40:53,840 我付过露比的医药费了 I've already paid Ruby's medical bills. 419 00:40:53,840 --> 00:40:55,800 我觉得这不是账单 I don't think it's a bill. 420 00:40:55,800 --> 00:40:58,520 上面说有急事 是高级医师发来的 It says it's urgent. It's from the senior consultant. 421 00:41:17,640 --> 00:41:19,360 你为什么不去睡觉 Why didn't you come to bed? 422 00:41:24,800 --> 00:41:26,760 你为什么不去睡觉 Why didn't you come to bed? 423 00:41:32,440 --> 00:41:34,760 我在做会议记录 I'm typing up my recollection of the meeting. 424 00:41:36,320 --> 00:41:38,520 如果会议结束后马上做 If I... if I do it straight away, 425 00:41:39,150 --> 00:41:41,280 我就能记住每个人都说了什么 I can quote people word for word. 426 00:41:42,960 --> 00:41:45,040 如果能逐字记录 The information is more... 427 00:41:45,040 --> 00:41:47,480 这些信息对丘吉尔就更有用 ..useful to Mr Churchill if it is word for word. 428 00:42:15,400 --> 00:42:16,760 我把她的椅子烧了 I burnt her chair. 429 00:42:18,960 --> 00:42:22,240 空气里有木头上的油漆的味道 The paint on the wood left a smell in the air. 430 00:42:22,240 --> 00:42:24,000 我没有开窗 I didn't open the window. 431 00:42:26,680 --> 00:42:28,280 我喜欢这味道 I quite like the smell. 432 00:42:54,040 --> 00:42:55,600 还不是时候 Not yet. 433 00:42:58,240 --> 00:42:59,640 现在还不是时候 Not yet. 434 00:43:02,160 --> 00:43:05,240 我得把这活干完 因为现在我明白了 I have this work to do cos now I know... 435 00:43:05,240 --> 00:43:06,360 我要做出改变 ..that I will change. 436 00:43:08,880 --> 00:43:10,360 必须改变 That I have to change. 437 00:43:12,120 --> 00:43:14,920 我得变好 莉齐 And change for good, Lizzie. 438 00:43:20,400 --> 00:43:21,680 还不到时候 Not just yet. 439 00:43:53,400 --> 00:43:54,520 喂 Hello? 440 00:44:17,120 --> 00:44:20,080 {\an9}# 她的心中充满爱与热诚 # # She had a heartful of love and devotion # 441 00:44:20,080 --> 00:44:23,600 {\an9}# 她的脑海中充斥着暴虐和恐怖 # # She had a mindful of tyranny and terror # 442 00:44:23,600 --> 00:44:27,800 {\an9}# 噢 我尽力了 我真的尽力了 # # Well, I try I do, I really try # 443 00:44:27,800 --> 00:44:31,960 {\an9}# 但我还是 宝贝 是的 我犯了错误 # # But I just... Baby, I do, I error # 444 00:44:31,960 --> 00:44:35,760 {\an9}# 所以来找我吧 我亲爱的 # # So, come and find me my darling one # 445 00:44:35,760 --> 00:44:39,360 {\an9}# 我已堕落至深 沦为渣滓 # # I'm down to the grounds the very dregs # 446 00:44:39,360 --> 00:44:42,480 {\an9}# 她来了 身影遮住太阳 # # Here she comes blocking the sun # 447 00:44:42,480 --> 00:44:46,560 {\an9}# 血从她腿内侧汨汨而下 # # Blood running down the inside of her legs # 448 00:44:46,560 --> 00:44:50,440 {\an9}# 空中的月亮残躯破碎 # # The moon in the sky is battered and mangled # 449 00:44:50,440 --> 00:44:54,040 {\an9}# 小礼堂的钟在叮叮铛铛 # # And the bells from the chapel go jingle-jangle # 450 00:44:54,040 --> 00:44:59,720 {\an9}# 叮叮铛铛 叮叮铛铛 叮叮铛铛 叮叮铛铛 # # Jingle-jangle, jingle-jangle Jingle-jangle, jingle-jangle # 451 00:44:59,720 --> 00:45:02,600 {\an9}# 你爱我吗? # # Do you love me? # 452 00:45:02,600 --> 00:45:05,880 {\an9}# 你爱我吗? # # Do you love me? # 453 00:45:05,880 --> 00:45:08,200 {\an9}# 你爱我吗? # # Do you love me? # 454 00:45:09,720 --> 00:45:13,120 {\an9}# 你爱我吗? # # Do you love me? # 455 00:45:14,760 --> 00:45:16,040 我看见他离开了 I saw him leave. 456 00:45:18,080 --> 00:45:21,360 他特意把这处公寓留作此用 不是吗 He keeps this apartment expressly for this purpose, doesn't he? 457 00:45:23,400 --> 00:45:25,320 你是在跟踪我吗 谢尔比先生? Are you following me, Mr Shelby? 458 00:45:26,440 --> 00:45:28,360 我受宠若惊啊 I'm flattered... 459 00:45:28,360 --> 00:45:30,320 但是为什么这样做 ..but why? 460 00:45:30,320 --> 00:45:31,960 我和人做生意的时候 When I do business with someone, 461 00:45:31,960 --> 00:45:34,720 了解他们的秘密也是我的生意之一 I make it my business to know their secrets. 462 00:45:37,360 --> 00:45:39,400 莫斯利的名声可不是什么秘密 Mosley's reputation is no secret. 463 00:45:40,400 --> 00:45:41,520 不是他 说的是你 Not him, you. 464 00:45:44,880 --> 00:45:47,280 你怎么知道我会来这? How did you know I'd come here? 465 00:45:47,280 --> 00:45:49,640 我知道很多事情 I know things. 466 00:45:49,640 --> 00:45:52,000 我知道别人在想什么 你明白的 I read people's minds, you know. 467 00:45:54,680 --> 00:45:58,000 隔着桌子警上一眼什么的 属于一种天赋 Little glances across tables. It's a gift. 468 00:45:58,000 --> 00:46:00,200 你整个家族 The whole family... 469 00:46:00,200 --> 00:46:02,000 都是女巫和巫师 ..witches and sorcerers. 470 00:46:11,320 --> 00:46:12,840 你的叔叔会和你断绝关系 Your uncle will disown you. 471 00:46:14,400 --> 00:46:16,760 在他背后和他的生意伙伴搞在一起 Fucking his business partner behind his back. 472 00:46:18,280 --> 00:46:20,000 你以为他还有道德可言? You think he has morals? 473 00:46:20,000 --> 00:46:21,280 他是一名天主教徒 He's a Catholic. 474 00:46:21,280 --> 00:46:23,760 男人肆意行事 女人则照吩咐做事 Men do what they want, women do what they are told. 475 00:46:25,880 --> 00:46:27,320 你会告诉迈克吗? Will you tell Michael? 476 00:46:28,600 --> 00:46:29,920 迈克是家族一员 Michael is family. 477 00:46:31,400 --> 00:46:32,920 我们已经和解了 We are a family healed. 478 00:46:34,840 --> 00:46:36,960 你对我 You have no interest in me... 479 00:46:36,960 --> 00:46:38,200 还有迈克 都并不感兴趣 ..or in Michael. 480 00:46:40,320 --> 00:46:42,760 你为什么不直接告诉我你的真实目的呢? So, why don't you just tell me what you actually want? 481 00:46:54,880 --> 00:46:57,520 你要陪同莫斯利 You will be with Mosley... 482 00:46:57,520 --> 00:46:58,920 随他去柏林 ..when he's in Berlin. 483 00:47:00,080 --> 00:47:01,240 当他约见 You'll be in the room, 484 00:47:01,240 --> 00:47:04,080 德国政府高级官员的时候你得在场 when he meets senior members of the German Government. 485 00:47:04,080 --> 00:47:07,440 我要知道他们谈了什么 I want to know what is discussed... 486 00:47:07,440 --> 00:47:09,280 我想知道他们做了什么决定 ..and I want to know what is decided. 487 00:47:11,960 --> 00:47:13,040 如果我说谎了呢 And if I lie? 488 00:47:15,360 --> 00:47:16,800 我看得出来 I will know. 489 00:47:25,760 --> 00:47:27,880 迈克觉得你是个魔鬼 You know Michael thinks you're the devil... 490 00:47:29,520 --> 00:47:31,600 我觉得他说的对 ..and I think he might actually be right. 491 00:47:33,360 --> 00:47:35,960 我来这还有另一个原因 That was the other reason I came here. 492 00:47:35,960 --> 00:47:39,840 迈克到底想对我做什么 吉娜 What are Michael's real intentions toward me, Gina? 493 00:47:39,840 --> 00:47:41,320 你要是撒谎 我看得出来 And if you lie, I will know. 494 00:47:47,000 --> 00:47:48,160 汤米 Tommy... 495 00:47:49,680 --> 00:47:53,080 他想要完成这笔交易 ..he intends to complete the deal. 496 00:47:53,080 --> 00:47:54,680 之后 你们俩都可以脱身 And then, you both walk away. 497 00:48:09,120 --> 00:48:10,520 操 Fuck. 498 00:49:32,640 --> 00:49:33,880 进来 Come. 499 00:49:36,280 --> 00:49:38,120 谢尔比先生 哈尔福德医生来了 Mr Shelby, Doctor Holford. 500 00:49:41,240 --> 00:49:42,440 让他进来 Send him in. 501 00:49:50,000 --> 00:49:52,040 你说我们必须面谈 You said it had to be in person. 502 00:49:52,040 --> 00:49:53,280 我就在这 Here I am. 503 00:49:55,160 --> 00:49:56,800 你可能想坐下来聊 You might want to sit down. 504 00:50:04,160 --> 00:50:07,320 谢尔比先生 我知道你还在哀卓你女儿的逝世 Mr Shelby, I know that you are still grieving for your daughter... 505 00:50:08,920 --> 00:50:10,720 但我有十万火急的消息要告诉你 ..but I have news that cannot wait. 506 00:50:15,840 --> 00:50:21,000 十天前 你在疗养院接受X光检查的时候 When you were X-rayed and examined at the sanatorium ten days ago... 507 00:50:23,200 --> 00:50:26,280 我们发现你的肺里没有肺结核 ..there was no TB found in your lung. 508 00:50:28,520 --> 00:50:31,640 但是X光可能发现了一些别的东西 But I am afraid they found something else. 509 00:50:31,640 --> 00:50:34,080 这和你女儿的病有关系 Something related to your daughter's illness. 510 00:50:37,920 --> 00:50:40,960 他们在医院里就想和你沟通 They tried to speak to you at the hospital 511 00:50:40,960 --> 00:50:42,600 但是你当时并不配合 but you were not co-operating. 512 00:50:44,120 --> 00:50:46,920 你女儿死后 After your daughter's death, 513 00:50:46,920 --> 00:50:50,760 他们没法联系到你本人 you could not be found to be informed in person. 514 00:50:50,760 --> 00:50:54,040 最后他们打电话给我 你的私人医生 Eventually, as your personal doctor, they called me. 515 00:50:57,400 --> 00:51:00,360 我还没给你上茶 你看起来像要死了一样 想喝茶吗 I didn't offer you tea. You look like death. Do you want tea? 516 00:51:02,200 --> 00:51:03,360 不用了 No. 517 00:51:05,080 --> 00:51:07,680 疗养院验了血 At the sanatorium, they conducted blood tests. 518 00:51:09,840 --> 00:51:13,560 检验表明你在图上看到的阴影 The tests suggest that the shadow you can see 519 00:51:13,560 --> 00:51:15,720 在你头骨基部 at the base of your skull... 520 00:51:15,720 --> 00:51:17,160 不是恶性肿瘤 ..is not cancer. 521 00:51:18,520 --> 00:51:20,080 而是结核瘤 It is tuberculoma. 522 00:51:22,640 --> 00:51:26,120 病源和引起肺结核的细菌是同一种 A tubercular growth caused by the same bacteria as TB. 523 00:51:29,720 --> 00:51:31,960 你可能被你女儿传染了 You may have picked it up from your daughter. 524 00:51:33,760 --> 00:51:37,960 肺结核一旦进了家门 就可能疯狂传播 Once this disease enters a household, it can run wild. 525 00:51:37,960 --> 00:51:40,560 它通过一个吻就能传播 It can be transmitted with a simple kiss. 526 00:51:44,720 --> 00:51:47,320 看来谢尔比家也不例外 It seems the Shelby household is no exception. 527 00:51:51,400 --> 00:51:55,440 谢尔比先生 我知道你还在悲痛中 Mr Shelby, as I say, I am aware that you are still grieving... 528 00:51:56,840 --> 00:51:59,280 但你必须意识到这是很严重的问题 ..but you must understand this is very serious. 529 00:52:01,520 --> 00:52:04,760 从肿瘤大小来看 它的扩散速度非常快 From the size of the tumour, expansion must've been rapid. 530 00:52:06,200 --> 00:52:09,960 我相信你已经有症状了 I have no doubt that you are already experiencing symptoms? 531 00:52:11,640 --> 00:52:13,640 你最近犯过癫痫吗 Have you recently suffered seizures? 532 00:52:15,040 --> 00:52:20,600 有过体虚 解离 幻觉的症状吗 Bouts of weakness, dissociation, hallucinations? 533 00:52:28,640 --> 00:52:30,240 你为什么没有来找我 Why didn't you come and see me? 534 00:52:32,960 --> 00:52:34,160 我有工作要做 I have work to do. 535 00:52:38,120 --> 00:52:39,600 我会传染给其他人吗 Am I a danger to others? 536 00:52:41,400 --> 00:52:43,080 不会 No. 537 00:52:43,080 --> 00:52:46,720 和肺结核不一样 结核瘤不传染 Unlike TB, tuberculoma is not infectious. 538 00:52:46,720 --> 00:52:50,880 谢尔比先生 它不会传染的 Mr Shelby, it is not infectious... 539 00:52:50,880 --> 00:52:53,240 但是按照你的情况… ..but in your case... 540 00:52:53,240 --> 00:52:55,360 恐怕不能动手术 ..I am afraid it is inoperable. 541 00:52:57,160 --> 00:52:59,120 脑瘤长在了你的脑干上 The growth is in your brain stem. 542 00:52:59,120 --> 00:53:00,520 任何试图摘除这颗瘤的行为 Any attempt to remove it 543 00:53:00,520 --> 00:53:02,960 都会造成创伤以及颅内出血 would result in trauma and brain haemorrhage. 544 00:53:07,680 --> 00:53:09,520 在你拒绝接我的电话的时候 Whilst you were refusing my calls, 545 00:53:09,520 --> 00:53:12,880 我把你的X光片给国内三个最好的外科医生看了 I showed your X-rays to three of the best surgeons in the country. 546 00:53:16,800 --> 00:53:20,040 他们都不愿意给你做手术 They all said they would not operate... 547 00:53:20,040 --> 00:53:21,400 因为手术不起作用 ..as it would be futile. 548 00:53:23,080 --> 00:53:27,360 当然 如果你想要听听别的意见 Of course, you will want a second opinion for yourself. 549 00:53:28,560 --> 00:53:31,760 可以去问圣托马斯医院的海伦·卢瑟福医生 Doctor Helen Rutherford at St Thomas'. 550 00:53:31,760 --> 00:53:33,080 她是我的朋友 She is a friend. 551 00:53:44,360 --> 00:53:45,800 这个病 This... 552 00:53:47,640 --> 00:53:49,000 会有多严重 How bad will it get? 553 00:53:55,400 --> 00:53:57,640 这颗瘤长得越大 As the tumour grows, 554 00:53:57,640 --> 00:54:01,480 你身心状况恶化的概率就越高 the rate of physical and mental deterioration will increase. 555 00:54:06,120 --> 00:54:10,840 到最后 你将需要有人时刻看护 Eventually, you will need people around you constantly, 556 00:54:10,840 --> 00:54:12,560 还得是那些非常爱你的人 who love you very much. 557 00:54:15,880 --> 00:54:17,120 我还有多长时间 How long? 558 00:54:20,760 --> 00:54:23,840 我知道你打败了很多敌人 谢尔比先生 I understand you have defeated many enemies, Mr Shelby. 559 00:54:25,280 --> 00:54:27,520 现在你有了个新的敌人 Now, you have a new one... 560 00:54:27,520 --> 00:54:28,800 长在你自己身体里 ..inside you. 561 00:54:30,280 --> 00:54:31,720 你没法打败它… You cannot defeat it... 562 00:54:33,160 --> 00:54:35,880 但你能控制它一段时间 ..but you can keep it at bay for a while. 563 00:54:35,880 --> 00:54:40,120 如果你生活规律 意志坚定 与之抗争 If you live correctly, if you are determined and if you fight... 564 00:54:40,120 --> 00:54:42,080 我问了你一个问题 I asked you a question. 565 00:54:42,080 --> 00:54:43,720 所以 我要的是答案 So, I want an answer. 566 00:54:43,720 --> 00:54:46,560 不是这些狗屁废话 I don't want your fucking platitudes. 567 00:54:46,560 --> 00:54:51,040 在我需要被人时刻照顾之前 我还有多长时间? How long before I need people around me, who love me very much? 568 00:54:55,960 --> 00:54:57,840 -抱歉 -没事的 莉齐 Sorry. It's fine, Lizzie. 569 00:54:57,840 --> 00:54:59,720 这个会计马上就走了 My accountant here was just leaving. 570 00:55:05,400 --> 00:55:07,920 我回到伦敦给你打电话 I will telephone you, when I get back to London. 571 00:55:07,920 --> 00:55:09,400 不行 我没有时间 No, I don't have enough time. 572 00:55:09,400 --> 00:55:12,080 你是个会计 只需要现在给我个数字 You're an accountant, give me a fucking number now. 573 00:55:13,400 --> 00:55:15,920 一年 One year. 574 00:55:15,920 --> 00:55:18,160 可能18个月 Perhaps 18 months. 575 00:55:18,160 --> 00:55:20,680 可以 这就是我要知道的 That's fine. That's all I need to know. 576 00:55:20,680 --> 00:55:23,960 我会对我的财务作出相应调整 谢谢 I will adjust my finances accordingly. Thank you. 577 00:55:26,040 --> 00:55:29,680 -我会写信详细解释所有影响 -好 谢谢你 I will write to you, explaining the full implications. Yeah, thank you. 578 00:55:33,520 --> 00:55:35,200 祝你度过愉快的一天 Good day. 579 00:55:43,440 --> 00:55:46,000 有什么严重的事吗 Something serious? 580 00:55:46,000 --> 00:55:48,240 没有 没有 只是… No, no, just a... 581 00:55:48,240 --> 00:55:52,440 只是一个预料之外的账单 我 ..just a bill I wasn't expecting and I... 582 00:55:52,440 --> 00:55:54,040 我得付清它 I'll have to pay it. 583 00:56:03,920 --> 00:56:06,040 你能让我自己待会儿吗 莉齐 Will you give me a minute on my own, Lizzie? 584 00:56:09,880 --> 00:56:11,240 好 Yeah. 585 00:56:26,960 --> 00:56:28,280 不是一个魔鬼… Not a devil... 586 00:56:31,360 --> 00:56:33,280 只是一个会死的凡人 ..just an ordinary mortal man. 587 00:56:39,800 --> 00:56:42,080 这个家族将会有一场战争… POLLY: There will be a war in this family... 588 00:56:44,320 --> 00:56:46,160 你们必有一人会死 ..and one of you will die. 589 00:56:48,560 --> 00:56:50,080 波莉 Polly. 590 00:56:51,880 --> 00:56:54,480 我只要活到能把我该做的事情做完就可以了 Just give me enough time to do what I have to do. 591 00:56:56,640 --> 00:56:58,080 杀 Kill. 592 00:56:58,080 --> 00:56:59,840 杀 Kill.