1 00:00:01,160 --> 00:00:04,164 This place is under new management. 2 00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:07,441 By order of the Peaky Blinders. 3 00:00:07,720 --> 00:00:09,290 just write down "peace", right, 4 00:00:09,640 --> 00:00:13,964 between the Jews and the Italians. 5 00:00:14,280 --> 00:00:17,727 And war against the gypsies. 6 00:00:19,760 --> 00:00:21,330 - I love him, Tom. - I know. 7 00:00:21,760 --> 00:00:24,570 That's why I'll keep him away from the old business, 8 00:00:24,640 --> 00:00:26,165 put him charge of the new. 9 00:00:26,280 --> 00:00:27,930 Some idiots at the Marquis of Lorne. 10 00:00:28,280 --> 00:00:30,647 Tried to stop me and Isaiah from drinking, but it's all right. 11 00:00:30,760 --> 00:00:32,000 We fought them off. 12 00:00:32,320 --> 00:00:33,731 The Marquis, eh? 13 00:00:38,840 --> 00:00:40,251 What do we want with a 1,000-guinea horse? 14 00:00:40,440 --> 00:00:42,761 When we make our move on Sabini's racing pitches, 15 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:45,446 a good racehorse is a passport to the owner's enclosure. 16 00:00:45,640 --> 00:00:48,041 May Carleton. I breed racehorses and train them. 17 00:00:54,280 --> 00:00:57,523 I've made arrangements with men I trust. 18 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:01,561 If I should die, then you will die. 19 00:01:28,880 --> 00:01:29,881 Thanks. 20 00:01:43,840 --> 00:01:45,080 Would you stop the noise? 21 00:02:10,440 --> 00:02:12,010 You working tonight? 22 00:02:13,440 --> 00:02:15,408 Not so much work as pleasure. 23 00:02:16,160 --> 00:02:18,640 Others are doing my work for me tonight. 24 00:02:19,920 --> 00:02:20,921 Gentlemen, welcome! 25 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:22,161 Welcome! 26 00:02:22,240 --> 00:02:23,401 Mr Solomon. 27 00:02:23,520 --> 00:02:24,931 You must be Arthur. 28 00:02:25,080 --> 00:02:26,570 - That is right. -Arthur! 29 00:02:27,160 --> 00:02:29,083 - Arthur! -Pleasure to meet you, sir. 30 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:30,844 I've heard so much about you. 31 00:02:31,320 --> 00:02:33,846 Shalom. Let me just say. 32 00:02:34,720 --> 00:02:36,006 Shalom. 33 00:02:40,320 --> 00:02:41,446 For luck. 34 00:03:00,120 --> 00:03:02,805 You understand I'm the commanding officer on this operation. 35 00:03:03,240 --> 00:03:05,049 You're here purely as an observer. 36 00:03:07,600 --> 00:03:09,045 Just do your duty. 37 00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:12,327 Dear Lord, 38 00:03:13,320 --> 00:03:17,325 for what we're about to receive may the Lord make us truly grateful. 39 00:03:17,600 --> 00:03:18,806 Amen. 40 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:24,081 Amen. 41 00:03:25,680 --> 00:03:26,681 Amen. 42 00:03:29,520 --> 00:03:33,241 Passover started off way out there in the Far East, 43 00:03:33,320 --> 00:03:36,802 out in the sand, out in the desert, where me forefathers come from. 44 00:03:37,040 --> 00:03:39,168 You know, the Jews, the brews, whatever you want to call them. 45 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:42,404 It started out as a little speck on the horizon. 46 00:03:42,520 --> 00:03:43,521 Arthur, this ain't right. 47 00:03:43,600 --> 00:03:46,285 Billy, don't worry, mate, you know what I mean? If you want, you can leave. 48 00:03:46,560 --> 00:03:48,961 If you need to go to the little boys' room, you can leave. 49 00:03:49,040 --> 00:03:50,121 We going to open 'em in a minute. 50 00:03:50,240 --> 00:03:52,322 He's all right, he's all right, Billy boy. 51 00:03:52,400 --> 00:03:53,447 - Do you want to leave? -No, you're all right. 52 00:03:53,680 --> 00:03:55,489 - You want to stay? -I'll stay. 53 00:03:56,000 --> 00:03:57,525 You stay there, then, treacle. 54 00:03:57,760 --> 00:04:01,526 Okay, so the pharaoh. Have you heard of him? 55 00:04:01,640 --> 00:04:05,486 He kept my people, the Jewish people, in slavery, 56 00:04:05,560 --> 00:04:08,006 for thousands and thousands of years. 57 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:09,491 Persecuted race. 58 00:04:09,800 --> 00:04:12,724 He did, he persecuted my race. 59 00:04:12,960 --> 00:04:14,962 The killing of the innocent, right? 60 00:04:15,280 --> 00:04:18,204 Seder, this feast, that what we is having here. 61 00:04:18,520 --> 00:04:23,651 Seder is basically the day what when the Jewish angels decided, 62 00:04:23,720 --> 00:04:26,803 you know, that the evil fucking Egyptians 63 00:04:26,880 --> 00:04:28,689 had pushed their fucking luck! 64 00:04:28,760 --> 00:04:29,921 Right. 65 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:33,447 It is part of our tradition to do with Seder, right, 66 00:04:33,560 --> 00:04:38,327 that in order to make it good with God to kill a king, 67 00:04:40,000 --> 00:04:43,482 we have to carry out the Korban Pesach. 68 00:04:43,800 --> 00:04:45,290 - Right. -That, 69 00:04:45,600 --> 00:04:49,730 is the ritual sacrifice of the Passover goat. 70 00:04:54,680 --> 00:04:58,162 - It's a goat. -Yeah, and we're gonna sacrifice it. 71 00:04:59,280 --> 00:05:04,411 Tonight. That's part of the reason why we have to shut the doors as well. 72 00:05:04,960 --> 00:05:08,442 But this year we thought we'd give the fucking goat a name. 73 00:05:08,720 --> 00:05:11,530 - You've named it? -We fucking did, yeah. 74 00:05:11,840 --> 00:05:15,970 - They named the fucking goat. -The evil fucking Egyptian pharaoh, 75 00:05:16,160 --> 00:05:17,685 -the fucking enemy. -That's right. 76 00:05:17,760 --> 00:05:19,603 - You know what we called it? -What did ya call him? 77 00:05:19,680 --> 00:05:20,727 Tommy Shelby. 78 00:05:38,640 --> 00:05:41,450 - Stay where you are! 79 00:05:44,800 --> 00:05:45,961 You're all fired. 80 00:05:46,160 --> 00:05:48,128 - Fuck you. 81 00:05:48,880 --> 00:05:51,724 - That's right, let's take a load off. 82 00:05:53,200 --> 00:05:54,247 So... 83 00:05:55,520 --> 00:05:57,602 And the evil Egyptian scum... 84 00:05:58,920 --> 00:06:00,809 ...was finally cleansed, 85 00:06:01,120 --> 00:06:04,124 with the blood of the Passover goat, mate. 86 00:06:11,920 --> 00:06:13,490 That's from Sabini. 87 00:06:14,880 --> 00:06:16,723 And tell your gypsy king... 88 00:06:18,240 --> 00:06:21,722 ...whoever comes down south, shall return north 89 00:06:22,280 --> 00:06:25,648 in many fucking pieces. Huh? 90 00:06:39,560 --> 00:06:42,962 This fucking animal. He come in here, right, with a fucking gun and razor 91 00:06:43,040 --> 00:06:44,963 and he shot him in the face! 92 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:47,008 And my lads, they restrained him. 93 00:06:47,280 --> 00:06:49,248 Look at him. He's dead. Is he dead? 94 00:06:49,800 --> 00:06:51,211 He's fucking dead! 95 00:06:51,560 --> 00:06:53,528 He wants arresting or something, right? 96 00:06:53,680 --> 00:06:55,284 Surely. 97 00:07:01,840 --> 00:07:05,845 Michael! You can't take him away again, you can't take my son away! 98 00:07:06,240 --> 00:07:09,369 You come back here! No! No! 99 00:07:11,280 --> 00:07:12,441 Ow! 100 00:07:12,640 --> 00:07:15,564 Don't you fucking touch him! Get off him! 101 00:07:16,000 --> 00:07:18,002 Don't say anything! Tommy will get you out! 102 00:07:18,080 --> 00:07:19,081 Fuck! 103 00:07:19,160 --> 00:07:21,242 I'll be all right... 104 00:07:25,640 --> 00:07:30,487 You should know, that as of this night, Tommy Shelby is finished. 105 00:07:44,760 --> 00:07:47,764 Mick? This is Thomas Shelby, he's come to check up on his filly. 106 00:07:49,960 --> 00:07:51,246 Yes, I've heard about you. 107 00:07:52,960 --> 00:07:54,485 Mick is the best horseman in England. 108 00:07:56,960 --> 00:07:59,122 He likes to waste money, I know that. 109 00:07:59,360 --> 00:08:01,010 According to the reports I've been given, 110 00:08:01,080 --> 00:08:03,208 you're spending two pound a month on worming powder. 111 00:08:03,560 --> 00:08:05,085 What? You want a horse with worms? 112 00:08:05,240 --> 00:08:07,129 Horses get worms from the water trough. 113 00:08:07,720 --> 00:08:09,848 Put goldfish in them, they eat the worm eggs. 114 00:08:09,920 --> 00:08:11,001 Goldfish? 115 00:08:12,520 --> 00:08:14,522 - It'll be a gypsy thing, is it? -No. 116 00:08:15,120 --> 00:08:16,406 It's an accounting thing. 117 00:08:17,320 --> 00:08:20,324 - Goldfish cost a penny each. -Or you can win them at the fair. 118 00:08:24,320 --> 00:08:27,483 If you want, I'll dispense with the vet altogether. Excuse me. 119 00:08:31,520 --> 00:08:33,363 Did you ever consider a career in diplomacy? 120 00:08:38,240 --> 00:08:39,730 Hello, hello. 121 00:08:39,800 --> 00:08:40,881 How are you, eh? 122 00:08:41,280 --> 00:08:42,361 Goldfish, seriously? 123 00:08:42,800 --> 00:08:43,926 Yup. 124 00:08:44,480 --> 00:08:46,164 You people have a lot to learn. 125 00:09:04,240 --> 00:09:07,722 They asked me if I wanted a fire in the guest bedroom. 126 00:09:10,120 --> 00:09:11,326 I said no. 127 00:09:13,880 --> 00:09:15,041 Just one fire tonight. 128 00:09:16,960 --> 00:09:18,405 Bold and fearless, eh? 129 00:09:19,040 --> 00:09:20,121 Yes. 130 00:09:21,800 --> 00:09:23,325 Though I'm not really fearless. 131 00:09:32,920 --> 00:09:35,241 - Drink? -Why not? 132 00:09:48,920 --> 00:09:52,288 - Madam, there is a telephone call. -I'll take it in the drawing room. 133 00:09:52,560 --> 00:09:53,971 It's for Mr Shelby. 134 00:09:57,960 --> 00:09:59,200 We had a deal. 135 00:10:00,440 --> 00:10:01,646 Hey! 136 00:10:02,440 --> 00:10:04,124 We had a fucking deal. 137 00:10:04,840 --> 00:10:08,322 I would thank you to moderate your language in a place of worship. 138 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:12,128 We had a fucking deal. 139 00:10:15,440 --> 00:10:16,566 Mr Shelby. 140 00:10:18,960 --> 00:10:20,724 If you read the papers, 141 00:10:21,720 --> 00:10:24,883 you might have seen that the Home Secretary has got himself 142 00:10:24,960 --> 00:10:28,965 into a bit of a fizz about certain moral issues. 143 00:10:29,440 --> 00:10:30,646 Prostitution. 144 00:10:31,120 --> 00:10:35,011 Protection, racketeering, drinking, cocaine and, of course, 145 00:10:36,000 --> 00:10:37,411 gambling. 146 00:10:38,200 --> 00:10:39,725 And he's demanded results. 147 00:10:40,120 --> 00:10:42,566 You offered me protection. 148 00:10:42,720 --> 00:10:44,882 You promised me protection. 149 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:49,528 Well, no, you see, it was Mr Churchill that made you that promise. 150 00:10:50,800 --> 00:10:54,282 And the Home Secretary outranks him, so... 151 00:10:56,400 --> 00:10:58,971 And I can hardly be blamed if your demented brother 152 00:10:59,040 --> 00:11:02,283 decides to go on some sort of blood orgy during dinner. 153 00:11:02,360 --> 00:11:03,441 Do not fucking lie to me. 154 00:11:03,560 --> 00:11:07,042 Do not sit here in your fucking church and lie to me! 155 00:11:09,240 --> 00:11:13,529 You will need to contain your emotions or this meeting is at an end. 156 00:11:22,520 --> 00:11:23,885 Good. 157 00:11:25,480 --> 00:11:27,005 That's better. 158 00:11:29,520 --> 00:11:30,521 So... 159 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:35,482 Let us review the new situation. 160 00:11:35,800 --> 00:11:37,723 I have your brother in a prison cell, 161 00:11:37,960 --> 00:11:40,281 charged with the murder of Billy Kitchen. 162 00:11:41,440 --> 00:11:43,408 The case against him is strong. 163 00:11:44,160 --> 00:11:47,642 And I have no doubt that his destiny is to hang. 164 00:11:48,440 --> 00:11:50,727 And then there is Polly's son Michael. 165 00:11:51,040 --> 00:11:55,762 He has already admitted to helping Arthur burn down the Marquis Pub. 166 00:11:57,160 --> 00:12:00,323 Oh, he was a tough nut to crack, that boy. 167 00:12:00,400 --> 00:12:01,526 But crack he did. 168 00:12:02,320 --> 00:12:04,448 So I have your brother facing the noose. 169 00:12:04,520 --> 00:12:07,091 I have your cousin facing five years for arson. 170 00:12:07,400 --> 00:12:11,962 And I have your entire organisation in disarray 171 00:12:12,080 --> 00:12:13,764 in Birmingham and in London. 172 00:12:13,840 --> 00:12:15,001 What do you want? 173 00:12:16,400 --> 00:12:17,686 What do I want? 174 00:12:19,040 --> 00:12:20,280 I don't understand. 175 00:12:22,040 --> 00:12:23,280 I've already agreed 176 00:12:23,480 --> 00:12:25,642 to do your fucking killing for you. 177 00:12:26,960 --> 00:12:30,248 Now what is it you want from me? 178 00:12:30,680 --> 00:12:33,843 Oh. There you go, you see... 179 00:12:36,120 --> 00:12:40,489 An agreement is not the same thing as an assurance, now, is it? 180 00:12:41,960 --> 00:12:44,281 See, I found that 181 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:47,083 I wasn't sleeping so well. 182 00:12:49,000 --> 00:12:50,240 And it wasn’t just that... 183 00:12:50,520 --> 00:12:53,171 ...the smell and the noise in that room, no. 184 00:12:54,160 --> 00:12:57,448 It was the nagging doubt. The knowledge. 185 00:12:58,240 --> 00:12:59,765 The knowledge that... 186 00:13:01,640 --> 00:13:04,325 Tommy Shelby is not afraid to die. 187 00:13:06,480 --> 00:13:08,164 And therefore, 188 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:11,844 the threat to your own life might not be enough 189 00:13:12,440 --> 00:13:17,082 to make it certain that you will obey me on the given day. 190 00:13:19,280 --> 00:13:23,729 I needed also the power of life and death over your family 191 00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:26,446 and that I now have. 192 00:13:27,000 --> 00:13:30,766 Your brother, your cousin and your sister. 193 00:13:32,680 --> 00:13:37,083 I've known her address in Primrose Hill since the day she moved in. 194 00:13:38,120 --> 00:13:41,602 Now she is safe only as long as I want her to be. 195 00:13:42,800 --> 00:13:47,089 I've been ahead of you, every step of the way. 196 00:13:48,600 --> 00:13:51,604 And, as my father used to say, 197 00:13:52,720 --> 00:13:56,566 to make sure your dog obeys you, you have to show it the stick 198 00:13:57,120 --> 00:13:58,804 once in a while. 199 00:14:06,360 --> 00:14:09,489 Tommy, Arthur's in solitary confinement. Michael's in remand wing... 200 00:14:09,560 --> 00:14:12,166 Yeah, I already know. Get out, shut the doors. 201 00:14:27,160 --> 00:14:28,241 Tommy? 202 00:14:30,000 --> 00:14:31,161 It's me. 203 00:14:34,720 --> 00:14:35,801 Tommy, can you hear me? 204 00:14:37,160 --> 00:14:38,321 Yes, Grace. 205 00:14:39,400 --> 00:14:40,890 I think you called. 206 00:14:41,560 --> 00:14:42,846 I haven't slept. 207 00:14:45,640 --> 00:14:47,483 Grace, this is not a good time. 208 00:14:48,200 --> 00:14:49,406 I can call you back. 209 00:14:49,520 --> 00:14:51,602 - No, no, it's fine. It's all right. -Can we meet? 210 00:14:53,640 --> 00:14:55,642 Yes, we'll meet. 211 00:14:56,520 --> 00:14:57,646 When? 212 00:15:01,400 --> 00:15:03,607 Grace, there are some things I have to do first. 213 00:15:13,200 --> 00:15:14,440 John? 214 00:15:15,560 --> 00:15:17,961 Coppers have lifted 10 of our men in Camden town, 215 00:15:18,840 --> 00:15:20,205 the rest of them on the run. 216 00:15:20,360 --> 00:15:22,283 - Tom, they've taken Michael. -Business first. 217 00:15:22,360 --> 00:15:25,330 - They took Michael last night. -Polly, business first! 218 00:15:26,680 --> 00:15:27,681 John? 219 00:15:28,440 --> 00:15:29,680 They took all our whisky. 220 00:15:30,600 --> 00:15:32,443 So no doubt they'll be supping that for Christmas. 221 00:15:33,560 --> 00:15:35,449 They've impounded all our vans, 222 00:15:35,560 --> 00:15:37,324 put their own locks on the warehouse. 223 00:15:39,120 --> 00:15:42,681 The Eden Club and all our pubs have been raided by the coppers 224 00:15:43,240 --> 00:15:45,641 and handed back to Sabini and Solomons. 225 00:15:47,920 --> 00:15:50,241 The Black Country boys think it was Arthur who killed Billy 226 00:15:50,320 --> 00:15:52,163 because that's what the coppers told them. 227 00:15:52,960 --> 00:15:55,406 So there'll be no more free passes for our whisky boats. 228 00:15:55,480 --> 00:15:57,084 I don't give a fuck about whisky. 229 00:15:57,160 --> 00:15:58,969 I don't give a fuck about Billy Kitchen. 230 00:15:59,320 --> 00:16:02,369 I want my son out of prison now. 231 00:16:02,440 --> 00:16:03,805 Thomas, I spoke to Johnny Dogs. 232 00:16:03,880 --> 00:16:05,644 This meeting should just be family. 233 00:16:05,720 --> 00:16:07,643 - I can help. -It's family only, she's not blood. 234 00:16:07,720 --> 00:16:09,722 - Let her speak. -Tommy! Or is this a business... 235 00:16:09,800 --> 00:16:10,847 Enough! 236 00:16:13,120 --> 00:16:14,724 Enough, Polly. 237 00:16:15,360 --> 00:16:16,600 Esme. 238 00:16:17,000 --> 00:16:19,128 I spoke to Johnny Dogs. The Lees are kin. 239 00:16:19,200 --> 00:16:21,362 - The bloody Lees! -They can give us men. 240 00:16:21,440 --> 00:16:23,249 We don't need more fucking men. 241 00:16:23,720 --> 00:16:26,769 It's men that have done the damage. It's... 242 00:16:27,720 --> 00:16:31,406 It is men fighting like cockerels that have put us here in the first place. 243 00:16:32,640 --> 00:16:35,120 Esme, I'll take up their offer. We need men. 244 00:16:42,960 --> 00:16:46,681 If Michael ever gets out of prison, 245 00:16:47,360 --> 00:16:51,001 I am taking him away from this family, for good. 246 00:16:53,960 --> 00:16:56,008 This life is bad. 247 00:16:59,920 --> 00:17:02,082 This life is all bad. 248 00:17:02,360 --> 00:17:04,681 - Aunt Pol, what are you doing? -Shut up and walk. 249 00:17:13,720 --> 00:17:15,085 Thomas. 250 00:17:16,880 --> 00:17:19,201 Should I go and speak to Queen Mary Lee at the Black Patch? 251 00:17:24,360 --> 00:17:25,646 Yes. 252 00:17:26,320 --> 00:17:28,209 She can give us soldiers for a few nights. 253 00:17:28,360 --> 00:17:29,566 Mmm, good. 254 00:17:33,360 --> 00:17:36,091 John, go bring up the car. 255 00:17:56,760 --> 00:17:58,489 Imagine riding away, Thomas. 256 00:18:00,000 --> 00:18:01,923 Living the real life, you know? 257 00:18:03,280 --> 00:18:05,089 Your gypsy half is the stronger. 258 00:18:07,160 --> 00:18:08,764 You just want to ride away. 259 00:18:11,720 --> 00:18:13,882 France is the new place for us, they say. 260 00:18:15,440 --> 00:18:17,408 Lot of metal lying around still. 261 00:18:18,120 --> 00:18:20,487 Guns and trucks and spent shells and things. 262 00:18:22,200 --> 00:18:23,406 Then you go south. 263 00:18:24,880 --> 00:18:26,006 Saintes Maries. 264 00:18:27,160 --> 00:18:28,605 Where the Black Madonna is. 265 00:18:30,200 --> 00:18:32,089 My brothers go sometimes for the fair. 266 00:18:34,440 --> 00:18:35,851 It's like a home for us. 267 00:18:40,080 --> 00:18:42,208 They still let you get lost there. 268 00:18:54,080 --> 00:18:56,003 I've been to France, Esme. 269 00:18:57,960 --> 00:18:59,371 So has John. 270 00:19:01,200 --> 00:19:04,807 Now get your coat and go with your husband. 271 00:19:15,000 --> 00:19:18,129 If you ever talk about getting lost again, I'll cut you 272 00:19:19,720 --> 00:19:21,290 from this family. 273 00:19:31,120 --> 00:19:32,565 What family? 274 00:19:51,560 --> 00:19:53,210 - Come in. 275 00:19:58,440 --> 00:20:00,841 Ah. Polly. 276 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:04,650 I've come to see my son. 277 00:20:06,120 --> 00:20:07,531 Close the door. 278 00:20:11,560 --> 00:20:14,928 I've just been conducting an interrogation. 279 00:20:16,360 --> 00:20:18,203 It can be awfully hard on the hands. 280 00:20:19,080 --> 00:20:21,242 My son. Michael. Where is he? 281 00:20:21,960 --> 00:20:23,610 Do you think I need a shave? 282 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:27,490 It's been a long day. 283 00:20:28,240 --> 00:20:29,810 I need a shave, don't you think? 284 00:20:32,200 --> 00:20:35,602 Well, maybe it can wait till later. 285 00:20:38,200 --> 00:20:42,046 Your son has been having a hard time of it I'm told. 286 00:20:42,680 --> 00:20:45,160 And that is why I thought that you and I together, 287 00:20:45,320 --> 00:20:48,483 we should do whatever we can to get him freed. 288 00:20:49,760 --> 00:20:52,764 Now, I have a form here, a release form. 289 00:20:53,800 --> 00:20:55,325 With my signature, 290 00:20:56,040 --> 00:20:59,761 he can be freed by tomorrow morning at dawn. 291 00:21:16,120 --> 00:21:17,326 So sign it. 292 00:21:20,560 --> 00:21:22,642 - He didn't do anything. -"Sign it, 293 00:21:22,840 --> 00:21:25,730 "Mr Campbell. Please, sir." 294 00:21:27,120 --> 00:21:29,691 Something like that. That would be a way to say that, wouldn't it? 295 00:21:31,920 --> 00:21:33,081 Now, 296 00:21:34,440 --> 00:21:38,206 what would prompt me to do you such a favour, hmm? 297 00:21:40,880 --> 00:21:42,291 What do you want? 298 00:21:45,240 --> 00:21:46,321 Information? 299 00:21:46,440 --> 00:21:51,241 You mean inside information about Tommy Shelby's criminal empire? 300 00:21:53,120 --> 00:21:54,531 With respect, 301 00:21:55,320 --> 00:21:58,210 I would say I know more about Tommy's dealings than you do. 302 00:21:58,640 --> 00:22:02,122 He doesn't trouble the family with Irish business for instance, does he? 303 00:22:02,360 --> 00:22:03,407 No. 304 00:22:04,360 --> 00:22:05,691 So, no. 305 00:22:07,120 --> 00:22:09,487 It's not information I need. 306 00:22:16,440 --> 00:22:18,488 What else could you give me 307 00:22:20,240 --> 00:22:22,163 in return for my signature? 308 00:22:24,040 --> 00:22:26,520 I'm talking about a simple transaction here. 309 00:22:28,960 --> 00:22:30,769 I have a great curiosity. 310 00:22:32,640 --> 00:22:35,484 Like a magpie sees something, 311 00:22:37,840 --> 00:22:39,763 something shining in the mud. 312 00:22:41,760 --> 00:22:44,127 Oh, he has no need for the silver, 313 00:22:46,080 --> 00:22:47,650 but he takes it anyway. 314 00:23:14,440 --> 00:23:15,805 Sign the form. 315 00:23:16,520 --> 00:23:19,364 -"Please, sir." -Please, sir. 316 00:23:22,920 --> 00:23:25,969 I will sign that form with this hand 317 00:23:27,640 --> 00:23:29,449 when I am finished. 318 00:23:29,880 --> 00:23:32,804 - It's a deal? -It's a deal. 319 00:23:36,840 --> 00:23:39,650 - Don't cry. -Oh, I can cry. 320 00:23:40,480 --> 00:23:41,766 So... 321 00:23:43,120 --> 00:23:44,929 That is what I want. 322 00:23:45,360 --> 00:23:47,328 I need you to cry. 323 00:23:49,200 --> 00:23:50,565 I will try. 324 00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:56,530 "I need a favour, Mr Campbell, sir. 325 00:23:56,880 --> 00:24:00,930 "And I will do anything, anything in return." 326 00:24:01,080 --> 00:24:03,287 That's what you might have said. Hmm? 327 00:24:06,400 --> 00:24:08,164 I felt something 328 00:24:09,960 --> 00:24:12,008 when I had you up against that car. 329 00:24:12,200 --> 00:24:13,964 And you felt it too. 330 00:24:14,440 --> 00:24:18,331 Don't tell me you didn't, Polly, because... 331 00:24:19,000 --> 00:24:21,685 Oh, and now you think you're... 332 00:24:22,960 --> 00:24:24,803 You're so respectable, 333 00:24:25,240 --> 00:24:27,846 with your son and your house 334 00:24:28,200 --> 00:24:33,161 and your maid, but I know what you are, gypsy Fenian slut. 335 00:24:34,960 --> 00:24:37,691 Do you want to do it on the floor or on the desk, Mr Campbell? 336 00:24:47,920 --> 00:24:49,729 Now you cry. 337 00:24:51,080 --> 00:24:52,650 You cry! 338 00:25:00,400 --> 00:25:02,767 Get out. Get out. 339 00:25:04,760 --> 00:25:06,091 Get out! 340 00:25:06,640 --> 00:25:09,564 No. No! I want him free. 341 00:25:10,880 --> 00:25:12,405 I'll get him free. 342 00:25:16,640 --> 00:25:18,005 You don't need to shave. 343 00:25:20,240 --> 00:25:21,844 You don't need to do anything. 344 00:25:24,960 --> 00:25:27,281 A victory is just doing nothing as well. 345 00:25:28,760 --> 00:25:30,364 Doing it soft and gentle. 346 00:25:39,400 --> 00:25:41,482 Should I talk or not talk? 347 00:25:44,560 --> 00:25:47,450 Should it be like I'm weak and small, yes? 348 00:25:50,920 --> 00:25:52,843 Do you want me to talk or not to talk? 349 00:25:55,600 --> 00:25:56,726 Talk. 350 00:25:57,280 --> 00:25:58,770 You're small and weak. 351 00:26:00,840 --> 00:26:01,966 That's what I am... 352 00:26:03,360 --> 00:26:05,044 Small and weak. 353 00:26:06,400 --> 00:26:07,811 Look. 354 00:26:13,760 --> 00:26:15,603 You made me cry. 355 00:26:20,200 --> 00:26:21,247 No! 356 00:26:22,960 --> 00:26:24,883 We had an agreement, right? 357 00:26:25,160 --> 00:26:26,924 Yes. Yes! 358 00:26:35,880 --> 00:26:37,006 Where have you been? 359 00:26:39,120 --> 00:26:41,202 Went to the Spotted Dog in Digbeth. 360 00:26:42,200 --> 00:26:43,440 A glass or two of rum. 361 00:26:45,680 --> 00:26:47,205 Was it one glass or two? 362 00:26:47,800 --> 00:26:49,040 It was three. 363 00:26:50,720 --> 00:26:51,846 Where's the baby? 364 00:26:53,280 --> 00:26:54,566 Sleeping. 365 00:26:56,120 --> 00:26:57,531 More like five. 366 00:27:02,720 --> 00:27:04,529 It was more like six. 367 00:27:06,840 --> 00:27:08,365 Did you meet the maid? 368 00:27:09,200 --> 00:27:11,885 Talked politics with her and she got bored and went to bed. 369 00:27:16,560 --> 00:27:17,971 I phoned James. 370 00:27:18,560 --> 00:27:20,244 He talked to the lawyer anyway. 371 00:27:20,800 --> 00:27:22,802 Said he'd take Arthur's case for free, 372 00:27:23,000 --> 00:27:24,570 so we don't need Tommy. 373 00:27:28,560 --> 00:27:29,561 Pol? 374 00:27:30,800 --> 00:27:33,007 We'll get Michael free as well, I promise. 375 00:27:33,600 --> 00:27:35,728 There's no need, they'll let him out in the morning. 376 00:27:40,520 --> 00:27:43,126 If the baby wants anything at night, ring the bell by the bed. 377 00:27:45,520 --> 00:27:48,444 She gets paid to work 24 hours, that girl. She's getting lazy. 378 00:27:50,440 --> 00:27:51,805 Well... 379 00:27:54,200 --> 00:27:55,804 Take advantage if you're nice. 380 00:29:35,600 --> 00:29:37,728 You need cream on them cuts or they'll go bad. 381 00:29:45,680 --> 00:29:47,330 The screws told me why I've been freed. 382 00:29:52,720 --> 00:29:54,131 They told me what you did. 383 00:30:01,240 --> 00:30:02,651 They thought it was funny. 384 00:30:10,360 --> 00:30:11,361 Maybe it is. 385 00:30:37,120 --> 00:30:38,849 What are you doing, Tommy? 386 00:30:40,080 --> 00:30:42,162 Shovelling shit, Curly. 387 00:30:42,280 --> 00:30:43,725 Just like you. 388 00:30:50,240 --> 00:30:51,571 Why're you doing that, Tommy? 389 00:30:51,640 --> 00:30:54,689 To remind meself what I'd be 390 00:30:54,760 --> 00:30:56,524 if I wasn't who I am. 391 00:31:27,760 --> 00:31:30,127 Tommy. What's going on? 392 00:31:30,200 --> 00:31:32,851 I think Tommy's lost his mind, Charlie. 393 00:31:34,920 --> 00:31:38,083 Well, it's honest work, Curly. 394 00:31:39,400 --> 00:31:41,448 But I don't want to get used to it. 395 00:31:42,520 --> 00:31:45,000 So I'll need six cans of petrol. 396 00:31:45,760 --> 00:31:47,683 Bring them to the garage. 397 00:31:48,360 --> 00:31:50,442 Put them in the back of the car. 398 00:31:50,880 --> 00:31:52,370 Six cans? 399 00:31:53,520 --> 00:31:54,681 Tommy. 400 00:31:55,120 --> 00:31:57,726 If you ever want a job, I'll get you your own shovel. 401 00:31:59,480 --> 00:32:02,245 Petrol. Yes. Yeah. 402 00:32:53,240 --> 00:32:55,686 You're far too gorgeous for some half-blind auntie. 403 00:32:56,880 --> 00:32:58,644 She's my harshest critic. 404 00:32:58,920 --> 00:33:00,410 I have to be perfect. 405 00:33:01,840 --> 00:33:03,922 She's not half-blind, she's half-deaf. 406 00:33:05,160 --> 00:33:07,083 So what time will you be back? 407 00:33:07,400 --> 00:33:08,526 Before midnight. 408 00:33:10,240 --> 00:33:11,685 I'll be awake. 409 00:34:07,920 --> 00:34:09,251 Is this your house? 410 00:34:09,320 --> 00:34:10,481 Yes. 411 00:34:11,040 --> 00:34:12,485 Have a seat. 412 00:34:23,520 --> 00:34:25,124 Do I not get a drink? 413 00:34:25,840 --> 00:34:27,046 Please. 414 00:34:31,040 --> 00:34:33,122 - You want one? -Yes. 415 00:34:33,440 --> 00:34:34,521 Still whisky? 416 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:37,126 Yes. 417 00:34:38,080 --> 00:34:39,809 But other things have changed. 418 00:34:39,880 --> 00:34:41,609 I saw vans with your name on at the docks. 419 00:34:41,680 --> 00:34:43,205 Yes, some things have changed. 420 00:35:01,440 --> 00:35:03,124 Tommy, I really wasn't sure about coming tonight. 421 00:35:03,200 --> 00:35:05,248 I lit a fire in the bedroom upstairs. 422 00:35:06,800 --> 00:35:08,325 My plan was 423 00:35:08,400 --> 00:35:10,129 that we'd sit here for a while, 424 00:35:11,800 --> 00:35:13,484 talk about old times, 425 00:35:13,560 --> 00:35:14,925 drink some whisky. 426 00:35:18,080 --> 00:35:19,969 And I was gonna tell you 427 00:35:20,480 --> 00:35:21,606 I hadn't spent a day 428 00:35:21,680 --> 00:35:22,966 without thinking about you. 429 00:35:23,960 --> 00:35:25,530 And then we were gonna go upstairs 430 00:35:25,600 --> 00:35:27,045 and sleep together. 431 00:35:28,840 --> 00:35:31,684 But just now on the way to opening the door, 432 00:35:32,200 --> 00:35:33,531 I changed me mind. 433 00:35:36,920 --> 00:35:38,570 So just have one drink 434 00:35:38,640 --> 00:35:40,130 tell me how happy you are in New York 435 00:35:40,200 --> 00:35:41,611 and then you can go. 436 00:35:41,680 --> 00:35:43,523 - You changed your mind? -Mmm. 437 00:35:44,640 --> 00:35:45,721 So you can go. 438 00:35:46,800 --> 00:35:48,131 Well... 439 00:35:50,400 --> 00:35:51,401 As a matter of fact, 440 00:35:51,480 --> 00:35:52,845 I am happy in New York. 441 00:35:53,640 --> 00:35:54,801 And I am married. 442 00:35:54,880 --> 00:35:56,609 Oh, yeah, he's... He's rich. I know. 443 00:35:56,680 --> 00:35:57,966 And he's sweet. 444 00:35:58,400 --> 00:36:00,084 And he's kind to me. 445 00:36:00,640 --> 00:36:02,688 So what makes you think that I would have gone to bed with you 446 00:36:02,760 --> 00:36:05,366 after one whisky and some conversation? 447 00:36:05,440 --> 00:36:07,124 I was accounting for three whiskys. 448 00:36:07,200 --> 00:36:08,565 How dare you? 449 00:36:09,080 --> 00:36:10,889 It doesn't matter now, 'cause I've changed me mind. 450 00:36:10,960 --> 00:36:13,201 I came here because you asked me. 451 00:36:13,720 --> 00:36:15,449 Even though he's sweet and he's kind to you? 452 00:36:15,520 --> 00:36:16,965 And now I feel like an idiot. 453 00:36:17,040 --> 00:36:18,371 Well, then, go. 454 00:36:18,440 --> 00:36:19,646 Jesus. 455 00:36:31,240 --> 00:36:32,924 Well, you're still here. 456 00:36:37,240 --> 00:36:38,241 Are you so certain? 457 00:36:38,880 --> 00:36:40,689 That you're still in love with me? 458 00:36:42,400 --> 00:36:43,686 I was. 459 00:36:44,880 --> 00:36:46,006 But I'm not any more. 460 00:36:50,280 --> 00:36:51,884 You're not armed, Grace, are you? 461 00:36:52,280 --> 00:36:53,805 No, I'm not armed. 462 00:36:55,320 --> 00:36:58,324 I don't carry guns. I don't have to. 463 00:37:04,480 --> 00:37:06,687 You don't have a sense of humour any more, either. 464 00:37:06,800 --> 00:37:08,450 What are you talking about? 465 00:37:18,440 --> 00:37:21,683 The thing is, I hate reunions. 466 00:37:22,520 --> 00:37:24,602 I didn't want to sit here for hours talking about nothing 467 00:37:24,680 --> 00:37:27,490 and dancing around what we really want to say. 468 00:37:28,480 --> 00:37:29,845 So now, 469 00:37:30,920 --> 00:37:32,081 I know you're happy in New York. 470 00:37:32,160 --> 00:37:34,322 I know your husband's rich and sweet and kind to you. 471 00:37:34,400 --> 00:37:36,402 I know you're unarmed. 472 00:37:37,040 --> 00:37:40,442 And you didn't come here for sex because you don't love me any more. 473 00:37:41,960 --> 00:37:43,724 And it's only three minutes past. 474 00:37:45,960 --> 00:37:47,371 Another drink? 475 00:37:50,880 --> 00:37:52,484 I'll take that as a yes. 476 00:37:55,280 --> 00:37:57,760 It's good to see you, Grace. 477 00:38:00,000 --> 00:38:01,889 So you didn't light the fire? 478 00:38:06,160 --> 00:38:07,924 You see, my real plan 479 00:38:10,280 --> 00:38:11,884 was that we go out. 480 00:38:13,680 --> 00:38:15,170 I want to impress you. 481 00:38:16,120 --> 00:38:17,360 Now, 482 00:38:19,040 --> 00:38:20,804 do you like Charlie Chaplin? 483 00:38:23,640 --> 00:38:24,971 Yes, I like Charlie Chaplin. 484 00:38:25,440 --> 00:38:26,521 Good. 485 00:38:27,760 --> 00:38:30,047 I bet you've never heard Charlie Chaplin speak. 486 00:38:32,920 --> 00:38:34,570 I thought you were taking me to see Charlie Chaplin. 487 00:38:34,640 --> 00:38:35,687 I am. 488 00:38:35,760 --> 00:38:38,650 - This isn't a picture house. -No, it's not a picture house. 489 00:38:38,720 --> 00:38:41,769 So how will I see Charlie Chaplin? 490 00:38:41,880 --> 00:38:44,850 You will see him and you will hear him, just like I promised. 491 00:38:46,040 --> 00:38:47,724 There you go. There's Chaplin. 492 00:38:47,800 --> 00:38:49,404 - Oh, my God. That's him. -Mmm-hmm. 493 00:38:49,480 --> 00:38:51,005 That's really Charlie Chaplin in person. 494 00:38:51,080 --> 00:38:54,129 Yep. He's in England promoting his film. 495 00:38:54,200 --> 00:38:55,690 And how the hell do you know Charlie Chaplin? 496 00:38:55,760 --> 00:38:58,570 I don't. I know his bodyguard, Wag McDonald. 497 00:38:59,240 --> 00:39:00,844 It's that chap there. 498 00:39:01,040 --> 00:39:03,725 Wag was a bookie in Birmingham, then he went to Los Angeles. 499 00:39:04,240 --> 00:39:06,368 You see, Wag is also Romani gypsy, 500 00:39:06,440 --> 00:39:08,647 as is Chaplin, but he keeps it a secret. 501 00:39:09,400 --> 00:39:12,483 Chaplin was born on the Black Patch, a gypsy camp in Birmingham. 502 00:39:13,200 --> 00:39:16,363 That's why he gave Wag the job, even though Wag was on the run. 503 00:39:16,440 --> 00:39:17,726 Thank you. 504 00:39:19,920 --> 00:39:22,446 Thank you. See, we all have our secrets, Grace. 505 00:39:23,440 --> 00:39:25,522 Come on. I'll introduce you. 506 00:39:28,760 --> 00:39:31,923 Hello, Wag. Mr Chaplin, this is Grace. 507 00:39:32,560 --> 00:39:34,562 Hello, Mr Chaplin. 508 00:39:42,240 --> 00:39:44,561 - Hello. - Hello, Mr Campbell. 509 00:39:44,760 --> 00:39:48,162 Uh, you said you knew my sister's address in Primrose Hill, 510 00:39:48,560 --> 00:39:50,688 so I expect you have men watching the house, 511 00:39:50,760 --> 00:39:52,364 see who comes and goes. 512 00:39:53,320 --> 00:39:55,800 Well, tonight your men will see me return to the house 513 00:39:55,880 --> 00:39:57,484 with a very beautiful woman. 514 00:39:58,040 --> 00:40:00,646 She will stay until just before midnight. 515 00:40:01,080 --> 00:40:03,287 Of course, I'll close the curtains. 516 00:40:04,760 --> 00:40:06,046 Can you guess who the woman is? 517 00:40:09,440 --> 00:40:10,487 Liar! 518 00:40:10,600 --> 00:40:12,284 Sleep well, Mr Campbell. 519 00:40:22,320 --> 00:40:23,810 Tommy. 520 00:40:25,480 --> 00:40:27,209 Tommy, do you have someone? 521 00:40:35,440 --> 00:40:37,124 It's too late, Tommy. 522 00:40:38,160 --> 00:40:39,685 It's 11:00, Grace. 523 00:40:39,760 --> 00:40:41,444 I mean, it's too late. 524 00:40:44,760 --> 00:40:46,569 If you'd come with me to New York... 525 00:40:47,480 --> 00:40:49,164 I have things to do. 526 00:40:51,600 --> 00:40:53,967 You mean the coin landed the wrong way? 527 00:40:55,480 --> 00:40:57,289 It couldn't have worked. 528 00:40:58,920 --> 00:41:00,524 That was a question. 529 00:41:11,720 --> 00:41:12,881 Hey. 530 00:41:13,320 --> 00:41:15,402 Tommy, do you have someone? 531 00:41:18,760 --> 00:41:20,410 I have a racehorse. 532 00:41:21,680 --> 00:41:23,921 She's gonna win the derby. 533 00:42:18,080 --> 00:42:20,287 I'll drive you. 534 00:42:25,000 --> 00:42:26,525 When do you sail back? 535 00:42:29,280 --> 00:42:30,691 We don't know yet. 536 00:42:32,280 --> 00:42:34,009 You don't have a return ticket? 537 00:42:35,280 --> 00:42:37,044 This wasn't right, Tommy. 538 00:42:38,560 --> 00:42:40,403 When do you go back, Grace? 539 00:42:45,680 --> 00:42:47,364 They're doing tests on us. 540 00:42:47,720 --> 00:42:49,688 I don't know when they'll be finished. 541 00:42:54,280 --> 00:42:55,850 We're having treatment. 542 00:42:56,960 --> 00:42:58,689 A doctor on Harley Street. 543 00:42:59,720 --> 00:43:01,563 Some new thing, a breakthrough. 544 00:43:05,080 --> 00:43:06,809 We're trying for a baby. 545 00:43:31,480 --> 00:43:33,562 Why did you come here tonight? 546 00:43:39,960 --> 00:43:42,645 The doctor believes it's surely me who's at fault. 547 00:43:45,560 --> 00:43:46,721 I'm sorry. 548 00:43:50,560 --> 00:43:51,641 It's no one's fault. 549 00:43:51,720 --> 00:43:53,848 I'm tired of that, Tommy. 550 00:44:05,400 --> 00:44:06,845 Can I see you again? 551 00:44:11,320 --> 00:44:12,560 Grace. 552 00:44:17,800 --> 00:44:20,087 You're used to working undercover, eh? 553 00:44:22,360 --> 00:44:24,442 I've never lied to him once. 554 00:44:27,360 --> 00:44:29,044 So tell him the truth. 555 00:44:48,360 --> 00:44:49,725 Put your arms up. 556 00:44:58,040 --> 00:45:00,168 Oh, what've we got here then? 557 00:45:04,960 --> 00:45:06,325 Get your fuckin' hands off me. 558 00:45:08,440 --> 00:45:09,771 Oh, here he is. 559 00:45:10,000 --> 00:45:11,843 The King of London Town. 560 00:45:21,760 --> 00:45:23,046 You been enjoying yourself? 561 00:45:23,120 --> 00:45:24,565 Oh, yeah, it's fucking great. 562 00:45:25,560 --> 00:45:27,722 Surrounded by Sabini's men. 563 00:45:28,000 --> 00:45:29,445 Rats everywhere. 564 00:45:30,280 --> 00:45:31,850 Fucking cockneys. 565 00:45:33,000 --> 00:45:35,162 Well, at least you're going to get what you've always wanted. 566 00:45:35,760 --> 00:45:36,761 And what's that? 567 00:45:36,840 --> 00:45:39,002 Well, you tried to hang yourself twice. 568 00:45:39,080 --> 00:45:40,684 Now the King is gonna do it for you. 569 00:45:45,040 --> 00:45:47,247 - I've been a fuckin' idiot. -Yeah. 570 00:45:49,200 --> 00:45:50,929 I haven't appreciated nothing, John. 571 00:45:51,000 --> 00:45:52,490 Are you fucking repenting or something? 572 00:45:52,560 --> 00:45:53,925 Drawing. 573 00:45:54,760 --> 00:45:55,841 I used to be good at drawing. 574 00:45:55,920 --> 00:45:58,491 Arthur, please, for God's sake, I don't need this. 575 00:45:58,560 --> 00:46:00,289 I should have listened more in class. 576 00:46:00,360 --> 00:46:02,806 What fucking class? You were never there. 577 00:46:04,120 --> 00:46:05,963 I used to draw horses. 578 00:46:06,480 --> 00:46:08,482 - Arthur... -Stallions. 579 00:46:08,760 --> 00:46:10,410 - Great big ones. -Arthur. 580 00:46:10,520 --> 00:46:12,966 - They looked real. -Not stallions. Not now. 581 00:46:13,720 --> 00:46:16,326 I should have done more with me life, John. 582 00:46:16,760 --> 00:46:18,649 - Good things. -Arthur, for God's sake... 583 00:46:18,720 --> 00:46:19,960 Even Ada said it wasn't my fault. 584 00:46:20,040 --> 00:46:21,371 Arthur, will you listen? 585 00:46:21,440 --> 00:46:24,250 - They're gonna hang me, John. -They're not gonna hang you. 586 00:46:24,320 --> 00:46:25,651 Says who? 587 00:46:27,480 --> 00:46:28,925 Tommy. 588 00:46:32,400 --> 00:46:35,006 And how is Houdini gonna get me out of this? 589 00:46:35,240 --> 00:46:37,971 - Well, we... -Don't tell me. He's got a plan. 590 00:46:38,800 --> 00:46:40,609 But you don't know what that plan is, do you, John? 591 00:46:40,680 --> 00:46:41,761 I do... 592 00:46:41,840 --> 00:46:43,569 'Cause we just can't be trusted. 593 00:46:44,200 --> 00:46:45,406 All right. 594 00:46:45,640 --> 00:46:48,371 If he's so fucking clever, why am I in here? 595 00:46:48,440 --> 00:46:49,566 Well, it's... 596 00:46:49,640 --> 00:46:52,450 Why is all our men and half our whisky been lifted? 597 00:46:52,840 --> 00:46:53,966 Hmm? 598 00:46:54,200 --> 00:46:56,168 The Jew and the cockney have run rings round him. 599 00:46:56,240 --> 00:46:57,969 - Will you shut up? -Look at you. Look. 600 00:46:58,960 --> 00:47:02,089 - A big fucking man... -Fucking shut up! 601 00:47:04,680 --> 00:47:06,762 He's already told me what I've got to do. 602 00:47:24,600 --> 00:47:26,682 What business have you got here? 603 00:47:26,840 --> 00:47:28,205 I just pulled over. 604 00:47:28,280 --> 00:47:30,681 I never smoke and drive, you know? 605 00:47:30,760 --> 00:47:32,842 - Where are you from? -I'm from Ireland, 606 00:47:33,600 --> 00:47:35,807 the beautiful north where the rocks sing in the wind. 607 00:47:35,880 --> 00:47:37,484 Yeah, in the beautiful north. 608 00:47:38,000 --> 00:47:39,286 You know, I've just pulled over for a fag. 609 00:47:39,360 --> 00:47:41,169 I want to see some identification! 610 00:47:41,680 --> 00:47:42,841 Hey! 611 00:48:23,320 --> 00:48:24,401 Look. 612 00:48:24,960 --> 00:48:26,007 Come! 613 00:48:29,680 --> 00:48:30,727 See? 614 00:48:35,000 --> 00:48:38,049 Does it really stop the horses from getting worms? 615 00:48:38,480 --> 00:48:40,403 Yep. It really does. 616 00:48:46,040 --> 00:48:48,361 Anyway, I thought it would make you smile. 617 00:48:50,360 --> 00:48:51,805 I'm sorry that you had to drive through the night. 618 00:48:51,880 --> 00:48:54,645 You must be exhausted. You can go and sleep if you want. 619 00:48:56,760 --> 00:48:57,921 May. 620 00:48:59,920 --> 00:49:01,570 We have to stop. 621 00:49:02,200 --> 00:49:03,361 This. 622 00:49:04,800 --> 00:49:07,167 I came here to tell you we have to stop. 623 00:49:09,720 --> 00:49:10,721 Why? 624 00:49:11,840 --> 00:49:14,002 Because I'm me and you're you, that old thing? 625 00:49:15,200 --> 00:49:16,406 There's someone. 626 00:49:19,720 --> 00:49:21,210 For a long time. 627 00:49:26,240 --> 00:49:28,049 And I didn't want you to think anything about how 628 00:49:28,120 --> 00:49:30,202 it's gonna be after the race. 629 00:49:35,360 --> 00:49:36,805 Not many of your people know about me, 630 00:49:36,880 --> 00:49:39,611 so I haven't done the damage that would come. 631 00:49:39,720 --> 00:49:40,926 "My people?" 632 00:49:43,840 --> 00:49:45,649 Well, the damage isn't done, 633 00:49:45,800 --> 00:49:47,211 is what I mean. 634 00:49:47,280 --> 00:49:48,725 - Right. -It's... 635 00:49:51,200 --> 00:49:54,044 Even if it's like this, I want the horse to stay here. 636 00:49:54,400 --> 00:49:56,084 To stay? Yes, of course. 637 00:49:56,160 --> 00:49:57,366 Epsom is close. 638 00:49:57,440 --> 00:49:59,807 I haven't got my outfit yet so it's all right. 639 00:50:01,040 --> 00:50:03,088 You can still be with me at the enclosure. 640 00:50:03,160 --> 00:50:04,685 That's very gracious of you, sir. 641 00:50:05,600 --> 00:50:06,681 You can wear something. 642 00:50:06,800 --> 00:50:07,801 It's funny, isn't it? 643 00:50:07,880 --> 00:50:10,645 Because you'll be up there and I'll be down in the ring. 644 00:50:11,720 --> 00:50:13,449 Sort of upside down, isn't it? 645 00:50:14,480 --> 00:50:17,245 You can still be with me after and you can still wear something. 646 00:50:17,320 --> 00:50:19,209 I'll be covered in mud from the ring. 647 00:50:22,360 --> 00:50:24,328 May, forget about men like me. 648 00:50:24,400 --> 00:50:26,164 I was going to tell you how much he's improved. 649 00:50:32,200 --> 00:50:33,440 There are other men, May. 650 00:50:33,520 --> 00:50:36,410 I think she stands a chance of placing, so... 651 00:50:36,600 --> 00:50:37,761 That's the silly part of our business done. 652 00:50:37,840 --> 00:50:39,922 Are you going to drive straight off to Birmingham? Or... 653 00:50:46,040 --> 00:50:48,168 And what if I said, uh, 654 00:50:48,360 --> 00:50:51,330 "All right, I'll stay," after what I just said? 655 00:50:57,760 --> 00:50:59,603 Then that would be all right. 656 00:51:05,200 --> 00:51:07,009 You talk about damage. 657 00:51:07,280 --> 00:51:08,406 The damage not yet done. 658 00:51:08,480 --> 00:51:09,720 You don't think that half of London already thinks 659 00:51:09,800 --> 00:51:11,131 that I'm fucking a racketeer? 660 00:51:12,600 --> 00:51:15,490 Laughing about it. Laying on bets about when you'll steal the silver. 661 00:51:18,360 --> 00:51:20,931 You think your people are ruthless? Try mine. 662 00:51:24,960 --> 00:51:27,201 So that's why you carry on, eh? 663 00:51:27,800 --> 00:51:29,723 Because you can't back down. 664 00:51:31,480 --> 00:51:34,370 Amongst many other illogical reasons. 665 00:51:38,600 --> 00:51:40,409 So will you drive straight off or... 666 00:51:40,480 --> 00:51:43,131 I haven't got any petrol in the garage. 667 00:51:46,920 --> 00:51:49,048 Yeah. I have some cans of petrol in the car. 668 00:51:49,120 --> 00:51:50,849 Good. So you can go. 669 00:52:20,040 --> 00:52:21,530 They look happy in there, eh? 670 00:52:23,720 --> 00:52:24,960 And why wouldn't they be? 671 00:52:38,440 --> 00:52:39,805 Who is she? 672 00:52:41,960 --> 00:52:44,008 Someone who's sailing away. 673 00:52:53,240 --> 00:52:54,651 So let her sail. 674 00:52:58,400 --> 00:52:59,765 You've told me about her like a gentleman. 675 00:52:59,840 --> 00:53:01,763 Now kindly behave like a gangster again. 676 00:53:07,040 --> 00:53:09,202 Feel sorry for me. It's fine. 677 00:53:19,760 --> 00:53:21,922 Because your horse will come fifth or sixth. 678 00:53:23,880 --> 00:53:25,530 But I will win you. 679 00:53:33,680 --> 00:53:37,685 Mr Shelby’s just parking his car. He said for you to wait in here. 680 00:53:42,560 --> 00:53:44,403 Isn't this impressive? 681 00:53:45,400 --> 00:53:48,165 And what is it you exactly do here? 682 00:53:49,640 --> 00:53:52,849 I exactly am a secretary to Mr Shelby. 683 00:53:52,920 --> 00:53:55,207 A secretary? My, my, my. 684 00:53:56,560 --> 00:53:58,085 All that paperwork. 685 00:54:00,560 --> 00:54:01,846 Do you want tea? 686 00:54:02,520 --> 00:54:03,521 No. 687 00:54:49,400 --> 00:54:51,801 I keep everything locked up, Mr Campbell. 688 00:54:51,920 --> 00:54:53,445 Everything of value. 689 00:55:01,840 --> 00:55:03,524 Take a seat. 690 00:55:08,120 --> 00:55:10,771 How is your company treasurer, Polly? 691 00:55:13,040 --> 00:55:17,045 - Why do you ask? -Oh, just give her my regards. 692 00:55:27,760 --> 00:55:30,445 You like to play with fire, 693 00:55:30,920 --> 00:55:32,445 don't you, Mr Shelby? 694 00:55:34,120 --> 00:55:36,885 Yesterday in Belgravia, 695 00:55:37,920 --> 00:55:40,890 Field Marshal Russell's house was burnt out. 696 00:55:40,960 --> 00:55:43,531 An incendiary device was put through his letterbox, 697 00:55:43,600 --> 00:55:44,886 which means 698 00:55:46,240 --> 00:55:48,811 that he will have to find somewhere else to live 699 00:55:49,080 --> 00:55:50,764 for at least the next three months. 700 00:55:51,280 --> 00:55:52,486 Hmm. 701 00:55:53,200 --> 00:55:55,806 Which also means that your plan, 702 00:55:55,880 --> 00:55:57,803 for me to break in and shoot him in his bed, 703 00:55:57,880 --> 00:56:00,121 is now no longer an operational possibility. 704 00:56:00,200 --> 00:56:01,486 Indeed. 705 00:56:01,760 --> 00:56:05,731 But if you think a wee burn frees you from your obligations, 706 00:56:05,800 --> 00:56:08,849 -think again. -I will keep my side of the bargain. 707 00:56:09,080 --> 00:56:10,127 Oh, by God, you will. 708 00:56:10,200 --> 00:56:11,645 I will shoot your field marshal, 709 00:56:11,720 --> 00:56:14,326 but I will do it in a way that serves my purpose. 710 00:56:14,400 --> 00:56:16,323 The only purpose is my purpose. 711 00:56:16,400 --> 00:56:19,449 I will carry out your assassination at a place of my choosing. 712 00:56:21,680 --> 00:56:23,091 Listen to me. 713 00:56:23,880 --> 00:56:27,009 All operational detail must be mutually agreed. 714 00:56:27,080 --> 00:56:29,811 I'm a soldier. I've experience. I will determine where and when he... 715 00:56:29,880 --> 00:56:33,282 Now that man has 24-hour armed police protection... 716 00:56:33,360 --> 00:56:35,124 Your plan was full of holes. 717 00:56:35,200 --> 00:56:36,804 My plan was mutually agreed! 718 00:56:36,880 --> 00:56:38,769 Well, now your plan is up in smoke. 719 00:56:39,280 --> 00:56:41,886 And I have formulated the only viable alternative. 720 00:56:42,400 --> 00:56:44,164 Oh, for God's sake, what do you mean? 721 00:56:45,680 --> 00:56:47,444 How would you get to him? 722 00:56:49,840 --> 00:56:52,207 I won't. He will come to me. 723 00:56:56,800 --> 00:56:58,723 Now, listen to me, Mr Shelby. 724 00:56:59,080 --> 00:57:00,969 When this meeting is concluded, 725 00:57:01,120 --> 00:57:04,442 I must report directly to Mr Winston Churchill. 726 00:57:05,120 --> 00:57:08,522 Your relationship with Mr Churchill is not my concern. 727 00:57:09,520 --> 00:57:13,525 And Mr Winston Churchill will need to hear detail. 728 00:57:14,000 --> 00:57:16,207 Well, you tell him he'll have to trust me. 729 00:57:20,480 --> 00:57:22,767 Look, Mr Campbell. 730 00:57:23,160 --> 00:57:25,322 I will carry out my mission. 731 00:57:25,840 --> 00:57:27,001 - Good. -Good. 732 00:57:28,200 --> 00:57:30,601 But I will do it in a place where it will be impossible 733 00:57:30,680 --> 00:57:34,810 for you or your men to have me shot afterwards. 734 00:57:36,880 --> 00:57:38,484 Because that was the plan. 735 00:57:39,160 --> 00:57:40,161 Eh? 736 00:57:40,520 --> 00:57:42,727 Coppers front and back. No way out. 737 00:57:42,920 --> 00:57:44,968 Me shot dead, dumped in the Thames. 738 00:57:45,440 --> 00:57:46,885 I will do the killing, 739 00:57:47,360 --> 00:57:49,601 but at a place where that will not be an option. 740 00:57:52,120 --> 00:57:55,761 I've recently become a racehorse owner, Mr Campbell. 741 00:58:00,520 --> 00:58:01,806 It's, uh... 742 00:58:03,680 --> 00:58:06,047 Well, perhaps you can guess which one is my horse. 743 00:58:24,360 --> 00:58:26,169 Where and when? 744 00:58:28,680 --> 00:58:29,806 Epsom. 745 00:58:30,920 --> 00:58:32,001 Derby Day.