1 00:00:09,880 --> 00:00:13,880 'Tuesday, 19th of November, 1996. 2 00:00:14,880 --> 00:00:17,060 'Sorry I've not written for a while 3 00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:19,420 'but not much is going on, except life. 4 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:22,000 'Archie's been struggling since he came out. 5 00:00:24,840 --> 00:00:28,400 'Most of his old boy mates don't want anything to do with him.' 6 00:00:33,400 --> 00:00:36,100 'But he's got us. 7 00:00:36,200 --> 00:00:38,260 'And we've got him. 8 00:00:38,360 --> 00:00:40,640 'Izzy and Chop are going strong...' 9 00:00:44,360 --> 00:00:47,460 'Chop's having to get used to Izzy hanging around boys at college, 10 00:00:47,560 --> 00:00:50,780 but he's not worried. 11 00:00:50,880 --> 00:00:54,900 'It's cool having a couple who are madly in love around you. 12 00:00:55,000 --> 00:00:57,700 'It shows you that it does exist. 13 00:00:57,800 --> 00:01:01,420 'Chloe is a social phenomenon. 14 00:01:01,520 --> 00:01:04,500 'I've never met someone so confident. 15 00:01:04,600 --> 00:01:08,060 'She's started hanging out with a gang of 23-year-olds. 16 00:01:08,160 --> 00:01:10,660 'She was pretty angry with me about the fight with Amy, 17 00:01:10,760 --> 00:01:14,760 'but she's forgiven me, because that's what best mates do.' 18 00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:23,920 'As for Finn, he's started going out with Olivia, who's 24. 19 00:01:26,600 --> 00:01:28,660 'I'd never met her face to face and to be honest, 20 00:01:28,760 --> 00:01:30,940 'I wanted to keep it that way. 21 00:01:31,040 --> 00:01:35,040 'But, whatever. I'm so not bothered. 22 00:01:35,560 --> 00:01:36,860 'And as for me... 23 00:01:36,960 --> 00:01:38,380 'Liam broke up with Amy 24 00:01:38,480 --> 00:01:41,340 'and I forgave him for leaving me in the lurch. 25 00:01:41,440 --> 00:01:45,420 'We never spoke about that kiss. 26 00:01:45,520 --> 00:01:49,520 'It's great to be young and free and with no-one telling us what to do.' 27 00:01:51,120 --> 00:01:55,120 Does the Pope shit in his own hat and punch it? Punch what? 28 00:01:56,920 --> 00:02:00,420 The hatful of shit. What are you talking about? 29 00:02:00,520 --> 00:02:01,860 Oh, just give me the spliff. 30 00:02:01,960 --> 00:02:06,100 Rae! Rae! Get in the car. 31 00:02:06,200 --> 00:02:09,620 Someone'll spot you! Chill out, Archie boy! 32 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:13,720 Who's going to spot me here? 33 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:24,400 Oh, boy. 34 00:03:12,800 --> 00:03:15,180 Karim told me everything. 35 00:03:15,280 --> 00:03:17,060 You've been smoking pot. 36 00:03:17,160 --> 00:03:18,820 And don't even try and deny it 37 00:03:18,920 --> 00:03:21,980 because your eyes are bloodshot to buggery. 38 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:24,740 So, what? You drink - there's no difference. 39 00:03:24,840 --> 00:03:29,020 Yeah, well, there is a difference. Pot is illegal and I'm not a child. 40 00:03:29,120 --> 00:03:31,460 I'M not a child. You're 16, Rae! 41 00:03:31,560 --> 00:03:34,540 You're not even allowed to buy alcohol, or drive, 42 00:03:34,640 --> 00:03:37,580 or purchase fireworks, or become an MP. 43 00:03:37,680 --> 00:03:41,380 I want you back by ten from now on. Every night. 44 00:03:41,480 --> 00:03:42,900 You can't put a curfew on me. 45 00:03:43,000 --> 00:03:44,300 It looks like I just did. 46 00:03:44,400 --> 00:03:47,820 Or do not want me to buy you food and give you lifts everywhere? 47 00:03:47,920 --> 00:03:51,460 You know, all the stuff you can't do because you're not an adult. 48 00:03:51,560 --> 00:03:54,520 But... Conversation over. 49 00:03:56,720 --> 00:04:00,720 And don't expect a lift to Chloe's party tomorrow. 50 00:04:06,640 --> 00:04:10,640 'I don't want a sodding lift! God, I am sick of being treated like a kid! 51 00:04:11,200 --> 00:04:15,100 'I need to get out of this house. 52 00:04:15,200 --> 00:04:17,660 'I didn't need my mum to get by. 53 00:04:17,760 --> 00:04:19,540 'I'm 16, for God's sake. 54 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:23,640 'All I needed was the help of an old friend - Mr BMX Special.' 55 00:04:32,360 --> 00:04:36,360 'Sometimes, it's the small things in life that feel good - 56 00:04:37,120 --> 00:04:40,420 'the sun on your face, the wind in your hair... 57 00:04:40,520 --> 00:04:44,520 'Feels like freedom.' 58 00:04:49,760 --> 00:04:53,760 Argh! Bollocks! 59 00:05:02,320 --> 00:05:04,540 Hello. Hiya! 60 00:05:04,640 --> 00:05:07,540 Happy birthday. Thank you. 61 00:05:07,640 --> 00:05:10,900 What is it? 62 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:14,340 Oh, Babe! Oh! 63 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:16,700 Oh, it's like we're best mates or something! 64 00:05:16,800 --> 00:05:20,860 Oh, I wouldn't go that far. Thank you. It's lovely. Chloe? 65 00:05:20,960 --> 00:05:24,960 Thought maybe you'd like your present. 66 00:05:25,480 --> 00:05:29,340 There you go. Be careful. Are you ready? 67 00:05:29,440 --> 00:05:33,440 Go on, get on with it! 68 00:05:38,480 --> 00:05:41,700 Oh, my God! 69 00:05:41,800 --> 00:05:45,660 Oh, my God! Thank you! Thank you! 70 00:05:45,760 --> 00:05:47,140 'How was it that Chloe had a dad 71 00:05:47,240 --> 00:05:51,240 'who treated her like she wasn't still in nappies? 72 00:05:51,800 --> 00:05:53,860 'And all I had was...' 73 00:05:53,960 --> 00:05:57,960 Whose is this bike? 74 00:06:04,640 --> 00:06:08,640 Simmie said something to Archie. Something mean. 75 00:06:09,240 --> 00:06:12,860 Chop, you play football with them, can't you say something? Yeah. 76 00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:17,060 Maybe he was just joking, like, you know, just messing around? 77 00:06:17,160 --> 00:06:21,160 Forget about it. It's fine. 78 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:25,660 'Oh, God. No!' 79 00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:29,660 You all right? Yeah. 80 00:06:29,760 --> 00:06:33,140 There we go. All right? All right? Hiya. 81 00:06:33,240 --> 00:06:34,500 Do you want a drink, girl? 82 00:06:34,600 --> 00:06:36,420 'Girl? I thought I was a girl.' 83 00:06:36,520 --> 00:06:38,100 I'll have a Baileys and ice, please. 84 00:06:38,200 --> 00:06:40,060 'Look at her. 85 00:06:40,160 --> 00:06:41,540 'Just because she's 24, 86 00:06:41,640 --> 00:06:44,940 'she thinks she's more sophisticated than the rest of us, 87 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:47,780 'just because she drinks Bailey's.' 88 00:06:47,880 --> 00:06:50,140 Rae, do you want another snakebite and black? 89 00:06:50,240 --> 00:06:52,940 Yeah. No! 90 00:06:53,040 --> 00:06:56,140 No, I'll have a sherry, please. 91 00:06:56,240 --> 00:06:58,580 A sherry? Hm. OK. 92 00:06:58,680 --> 00:07:02,680 So, you're Rae? Finn has told me so much about you. 93 00:07:04,280 --> 00:07:08,340 Back in a sec. OK, little bug. 94 00:07:08,440 --> 00:07:11,740 'Little bug? What the fuck?! 95 00:07:11,840 --> 00:07:15,840 'I literally cannot watch this.' 96 00:07:17,760 --> 00:07:21,760 Oh, bollocks, I've just remembered I've got a thing with a pigeon. 97 00:07:24,480 --> 00:07:28,480 I mean... race. 98 00:07:28,920 --> 00:07:32,920 I've got to go. 99 00:07:39,320 --> 00:07:42,700 'Little bug? What does that even mean? 100 00:07:42,800 --> 00:07:44,820 'So what if she was 24, beautiful, 101 00:07:44,920 --> 00:07:47,820 had her own flat, swanky job, her own car. 102 00:07:47,920 --> 00:07:49,540 'I may as well be nine years old, 103 00:07:49,640 --> 00:07:52,980 'sitting in a boy's bedroom playing computer games. 104 00:07:53,080 --> 00:07:55,900 'I bet Olivia doesn't play computer games. 105 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:59,280 'She's far too busy being grown-up and seducing her man.' 106 00:08:03,040 --> 00:08:07,040 Whoa, there! What are you doing? 107 00:08:07,760 --> 00:08:11,760 Did you not like it? No, I liked it, but it's just... 108 00:08:13,400 --> 00:08:16,500 I don't want a girlfriend. Maybe I don't want a boyfriend. 109 00:08:16,600 --> 00:08:19,660 What? 110 00:08:19,760 --> 00:08:22,540 Are you hinting that we should have a casual relationship, Rae? 111 00:08:22,640 --> 00:08:23,820 Maybe. 112 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:26,300 Do you not like me, or something? 113 00:08:26,400 --> 00:08:28,340 No, I like you, 114 00:08:28,440 --> 00:08:31,900 but you're not the type of person to have a casual relationship. 115 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:35,700 You're not ready for that. You're too... Too what? 116 00:08:35,800 --> 00:08:37,380 ..young. 117 00:08:37,480 --> 00:08:38,900 Thanks! 118 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:41,900 Young in terms of experience. 119 00:08:42,000 --> 00:08:44,580 Great. Fine. Thanks. 120 00:08:44,680 --> 00:08:48,620 'Sometimes I felt like the world was conspiring against me.' 121 00:08:48,720 --> 00:08:51,780 Rae? 122 00:08:51,880 --> 00:08:55,880 What are you doing? Nice wheels. 123 00:09:05,080 --> 00:09:07,940 That's when I realised that my mum and Liam were right. 124 00:09:08,040 --> 00:09:12,040 I was a bloody kid... and it had to stop. 125 00:09:15,640 --> 00:09:17,300 Anything pink had to go. 126 00:09:17,400 --> 00:09:20,020 Anything with glitter on it had to go. 127 00:09:20,120 --> 00:09:24,120 Anything that resembled a Troll or a fairy or a cartoon animal 128 00:09:24,960 --> 00:09:27,720 or had a heart on it, it had to go. 129 00:09:32,440 --> 00:09:36,220 I've been clearing out a load of old junk to make way for my new stuff. 130 00:09:36,320 --> 00:09:39,100 Any complaints can be made in writing 131 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:43,200 and will be processed through the usual channels, AKA the dustbin. 132 00:09:47,760 --> 00:09:50,060 'So maybe it was going to take more than a sherry 133 00:09:50,160 --> 00:09:52,540 'and a bin bag full of glitter pens and Trolls. 134 00:09:52,640 --> 00:09:56,100 'I needed to find another way to show the world I WAS an adult, 135 00:09:56,200 --> 00:09:59,640 'to show my mum I wasn't a kid any more.' 136 00:10:27,360 --> 00:10:31,360 Is that Dad? 137 00:10:33,640 --> 00:10:37,640 Yeah, that's your dad. 138 00:10:39,440 --> 00:10:42,660 Does he live local? 139 00:10:42,760 --> 00:10:45,420 He lives in Lincolnshire, yeah. 140 00:10:45,520 --> 00:10:49,220 I want his address. 141 00:10:49,320 --> 00:10:50,980 No. 142 00:10:51,080 --> 00:10:53,660 I want to write to him. No, he... 143 00:10:53,760 --> 00:10:55,980 Mum... 144 00:10:56,080 --> 00:11:00,080 ..I'm 16. 145 00:11:01,560 --> 00:11:04,780 I'll think about it. 146 00:11:04,880 --> 00:11:08,880 'The funny thing was, I didn't even know if I would write to him. 147 00:11:09,320 --> 00:11:13,320 'But maybe he'd treat me like an adult.' 148 00:11:15,560 --> 00:11:19,560 I've, um... I've got a scan on Monday. 149 00:11:20,160 --> 00:11:23,940 Karim's starting his evening shift so he can't come. 150 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:27,220 I just want someone to be there. 151 00:11:27,320 --> 00:11:29,580 I don't feel very well. 152 00:11:29,680 --> 00:11:32,100 I'm just a little bit worried. 153 00:11:32,200 --> 00:11:33,700 Will you come with me? 154 00:11:33,800 --> 00:11:35,540 Yeah. 155 00:11:35,640 --> 00:11:39,640 'course I will. 156 00:11:46,680 --> 00:11:49,180 I'm sorry, Rae, but you have to do an assessed performance 157 00:11:49,280 --> 00:11:50,420 or you won't pass this year. 158 00:11:50,520 --> 00:11:53,460 You either involve yourself in the choir project, 159 00:11:53,560 --> 00:11:55,220 or you can become a prostitute, 160 00:11:55,320 --> 00:11:57,940 in the boys' stage adaptation of Scarface. 161 00:11:58,040 --> 00:12:00,620 It's up to you. 162 00:12:00,720 --> 00:12:01,820 So I think a cappella. 163 00:12:01,920 --> 00:12:04,060 We've still not decided what song we're going to do. 164 00:12:04,160 --> 00:12:06,220 We could easily add another part in for you. No. 165 00:12:06,320 --> 00:12:08,900 No, I'll just, erm, print stuff off, make drinks... 166 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:11,700 Chloe, listen to this. 167 00:12:11,800 --> 00:12:13,660 One, two, three... 168 00:12:13,760 --> 00:12:17,760 ♪ Stay with me 169 00:12:21,040 --> 00:12:25,040 ♪ Stay with me 170 00:12:25,680 --> 00:12:28,700 ♪ E-e-e-e-e. ♪ 171 00:12:28,800 --> 00:12:30,060 It's great. 172 00:12:30,160 --> 00:12:33,620 I mean, it needs a little bit of work, but it is great, isn't it? 173 00:12:33,720 --> 00:12:35,820 Yeah! 174 00:12:35,920 --> 00:12:38,660 Oh, by the way, I'm going to West Paddock Fair tonight with the boys, 175 00:12:38,760 --> 00:12:40,500 if you fancy it. "Boys"? 176 00:12:40,600 --> 00:12:42,500 Well... 177 00:12:42,600 --> 00:12:43,980 Men. 178 00:12:44,080 --> 00:12:45,380 No. 179 00:12:45,480 --> 00:12:47,820 No, I can't. I said I'd go with the gang, so... 180 00:12:47,920 --> 00:12:51,900 So, I saw you with your bite the other night and, well... 181 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:53,380 Well, what? 182 00:12:53,480 --> 00:12:56,200 Chloe! 183 00:13:19,480 --> 00:13:21,620 All right, this is Ian. 184 00:13:21,720 --> 00:13:24,900 That's Ben, that's Joe, and this... 185 00:13:25,000 --> 00:13:29,060 This is Saul. 186 00:13:29,160 --> 00:13:32,060 You look nice. 187 00:13:32,160 --> 00:13:33,700 What? 188 00:13:33,800 --> 00:13:37,820 You look nice. 189 00:13:37,920 --> 00:13:41,140 Thanks. So Chloe says that you're a big muso. 190 00:13:41,240 --> 00:13:43,220 What, you like Led Zep? 191 00:13:43,320 --> 00:13:46,580 Does the Pope shit in a hat and punch it? 192 00:13:46,680 --> 00:13:48,100 He sure does. 193 00:13:48,200 --> 00:13:50,540 You're a pretty cool customer, aren't you? 194 00:13:50,640 --> 00:13:53,220 Oh, well, it has been said before. 195 00:13:53,320 --> 00:13:57,320 Yeah, I like that. 196 00:13:58,160 --> 00:14:01,340 It doesn't hurt that you're... very attractive. 197 00:14:01,440 --> 00:14:03,860 Hey, Rae, you coming? 198 00:14:03,960 --> 00:14:07,060 He's going to eat a kebab and then go on a gravity wheel. 199 00:14:07,160 --> 00:14:10,220 Nothing's going to happen - my guts are made of titanium. 200 00:14:10,320 --> 00:14:14,320 You can hang out with us, Rae, if you want. 201 00:14:18,640 --> 00:14:20,420 I'll catch you guys in a bit, yeah? 202 00:14:20,520 --> 00:14:24,520 I'm just going to keep an eye on Chloe. 203 00:14:56,040 --> 00:14:58,140 No. I'm not getting in that. 204 00:14:58,240 --> 00:15:02,240 Why not? He's fine... You're fine, Ian, aren't you? 205 00:15:04,240 --> 00:15:06,580 I can walk you if you want, Rae. 206 00:15:06,680 --> 00:15:10,860 That's cool, cos that sorts out the seating arrangements. Let's go. 207 00:15:10,960 --> 00:15:14,260 Chlo, what you doing? 208 00:15:14,360 --> 00:15:18,420 Don't sweat it. 209 00:15:18,520 --> 00:15:20,820 Shall we? 210 00:15:20,920 --> 00:15:24,920 OK. 211 00:15:31,400 --> 00:15:33,180 'The more pissed I got, 212 00:15:33,280 --> 00:15:34,340 'the more I didn't care 213 00:15:34,440 --> 00:15:37,180 that Saul wasn't exactly the fittest lad in the world. 214 00:15:37,280 --> 00:15:39,780 'He wanted to hear what I thought about stuff, 215 00:15:39,880 --> 00:15:41,020 'important stuff.' 216 00:15:41,120 --> 00:15:45,120 D'you smoke? Obviously. 217 00:15:46,400 --> 00:15:49,180 All right, what do you say we just jump off here then? 218 00:15:49,280 --> 00:15:51,860 Just go to a bar or something? 219 00:15:51,960 --> 00:15:55,260 OK. But just one. 220 00:15:55,360 --> 00:15:58,420 Yeah, just a nightcap. One. 221 00:15:58,520 --> 00:16:02,520 One. 222 00:16:13,960 --> 00:16:16,980 There's something about staying up until the sun rises 223 00:16:17,080 --> 00:16:18,660 and the birds start cheeping 224 00:16:18,760 --> 00:16:20,700 that is beyond cool. 225 00:16:20,800 --> 00:16:24,140 It's freedom. 226 00:16:24,240 --> 00:16:25,780 Especially when you get back 227 00:16:25,880 --> 00:16:27,860 half an hour before your mum gets up, 228 00:16:27,960 --> 00:16:31,960 so she'll never find out. 229 00:16:35,480 --> 00:16:39,480 Ooh. Where the bloody hell have you been?! 230 00:16:43,240 --> 00:16:45,260 Been out with friends. 231 00:16:45,360 --> 00:16:48,420 Friends? 232 00:16:48,520 --> 00:16:50,380 It's six o'clock in the morning. 233 00:16:50,480 --> 00:16:52,500 I've rung everyone. 234 00:16:52,600 --> 00:16:56,420 Chloe, Archie, Izzy - I've even rung the hospital. 235 00:16:56,520 --> 00:16:58,860 Look, I'm sorry, all right? 236 00:16:58,960 --> 00:17:01,300 No, no, no, it's not fuckin' all right! 237 00:17:01,400 --> 00:17:04,340 Why didn't you call me? 238 00:17:04,440 --> 00:17:08,500 Why do you never think about anybody apart from yourself? 239 00:17:08,600 --> 00:17:11,180 Chill out. 240 00:17:11,280 --> 00:17:14,340 There is no need to curse at me. 241 00:17:14,440 --> 00:17:17,660 I've said I'm sorry. I'm 16. 242 00:17:17,760 --> 00:17:20,180 I can do what I want. 243 00:17:20,280 --> 00:17:21,660 Oh, right, yeah, yeah. 244 00:17:21,760 --> 00:17:24,460 You're 16, you can do what you want now, make your own decisions, 245 00:17:24,560 --> 00:17:27,740 like staying out till six o'clock on a Thursday night. 246 00:17:27,840 --> 00:17:29,540 Whatever. 247 00:17:29,640 --> 00:17:33,640 Don't "whatever" me. Don't you EVER "whatever" me. 248 00:17:34,280 --> 00:17:37,580 I'm pregnant, in case you hadn't noticed. 249 00:17:37,680 --> 00:17:40,060 I feel horrible! 250 00:17:40,160 --> 00:17:44,160 I haven't slept all night. 251 00:17:45,440 --> 00:17:49,440 If you want to behave like that, feel free to move out. 252 00:17:50,800 --> 00:17:53,140 No, I mean it. 253 00:17:53,240 --> 00:17:57,240 You never know, maybe your dad'll let you live with him. 254 00:17:58,120 --> 00:18:02,120 In fact, you know what... 255 00:18:09,560 --> 00:18:12,100 Here. 256 00:18:12,200 --> 00:18:16,260 You want to write to him, write to him. 257 00:18:16,360 --> 00:18:18,940 Do me a favour, move in with him. 258 00:18:19,040 --> 00:18:21,300 I've done my shift. 259 00:18:21,400 --> 00:18:23,580 What did you just say to me? 260 00:18:23,680 --> 00:18:26,020 You heard me crystal-clear, love. 261 00:18:26,120 --> 00:18:29,180 I don't want my baby growing up around someone like you. 262 00:18:29,280 --> 00:18:33,280 Fuck you. 263 00:18:57,320 --> 00:18:58,500 I knew I'd messed up, 264 00:18:58,600 --> 00:19:02,460 but there was no way my mum should've spoken to me like that. 265 00:19:02,560 --> 00:19:05,420 I bet my dad would never treat me like this. 266 00:19:05,520 --> 00:19:09,520 And it looks like I was about to be replaced anyway. 267 00:19:16,200 --> 00:19:18,860 "Dear Dad..." 268 00:19:18,960 --> 00:19:22,180 Problem was that I knew nothing about him. 269 00:19:22,280 --> 00:19:24,460 I couldn't even imagine him reading it. 270 00:19:24,560 --> 00:19:26,300 "Dear Victor... 271 00:19:26,400 --> 00:19:30,020 "just wanted to get in touch and say hi... 272 00:19:30,120 --> 00:19:34,060 "and here's my address. 273 00:19:34,160 --> 00:19:36,580 "Hope to hear from you. 274 00:19:36,680 --> 00:19:40,680 "All the best, Rae." 275 00:19:41,400 --> 00:19:43,460 Usually when I get a hangover like this 276 00:19:43,560 --> 00:19:46,500 I get the demons whispering into my ears, 277 00:19:46,600 --> 00:19:48,380 but today it was the opposite, 278 00:19:48,480 --> 00:19:51,700 things were more clear now than they'd ever been. 279 00:19:51,800 --> 00:19:54,500 I was waiting for people to treat me like an adult, 280 00:19:54,600 --> 00:19:57,720 so it was time to make adult decisions. 281 00:20:16,440 --> 00:20:20,440 'This was such a bad idea.' 282 00:20:21,480 --> 00:20:25,480 Can I help you? 283 00:20:26,640 --> 00:20:28,260 I, erm... 284 00:20:28,360 --> 00:20:30,760 Hello. 285 00:20:32,280 --> 00:20:36,280 Hiya. 286 00:20:39,480 --> 00:20:41,480 Rachel. 287 00:20:49,800 --> 00:20:52,180 I like your lamp. 288 00:20:52,280 --> 00:20:53,940 Oh, thanks. 289 00:20:54,040 --> 00:20:56,140 I work in antiques. 290 00:20:56,240 --> 00:21:00,240 It's, erm, '20s Art Deco. 291 00:21:01,680 --> 00:21:05,680 Do you want to borrow anything? Oh, I don't have a record player. What? 292 00:21:06,640 --> 00:21:08,940 You've got to have a record player! 293 00:21:09,040 --> 00:21:11,740 I mean, the sound quality is just pfff! 294 00:21:11,840 --> 00:21:15,840 I'll ask for one for my birthday but I doubt I'll get it. 295 00:21:17,280 --> 00:21:21,420 When... when is your birthday? 296 00:21:21,520 --> 00:21:25,520 Three weeks. 297 00:21:29,160 --> 00:21:32,620 Look, this is so, erm... 298 00:21:32,720 --> 00:21:36,720 I don't know, I should have rung. Are you angry with me? 299 00:21:41,400 --> 00:21:44,700 Just wanted to come and see you, 300 00:21:44,800 --> 00:21:48,800 meet you. 301 00:21:50,480 --> 00:21:54,480 If you need anything, just say it. 302 00:21:55,040 --> 00:21:59,040 Well, you could give me a lift home after this brew. 303 00:22:01,880 --> 00:22:04,860 Got a good group of friends? 304 00:22:04,960 --> 00:22:06,500 Yeah. 305 00:22:06,600 --> 00:22:08,540 The best! 306 00:22:08,640 --> 00:22:10,820 So, what do you get up to? 307 00:22:10,920 --> 00:22:14,180 Go to the pub, drive around. What, you drive? 308 00:22:14,280 --> 00:22:16,380 No, I'm 16. 309 00:22:16,480 --> 00:22:19,380 But your birthday's coming up soon, you want to get in lots of practice. 310 00:22:19,480 --> 00:22:21,380 Make sure you pass your test first time. 311 00:22:21,480 --> 00:22:25,260 Nar, my mum would never take me out. 312 00:22:25,360 --> 00:22:27,740 Oh... 313 00:22:27,840 --> 00:22:31,840 Right! What? 314 00:22:32,440 --> 00:22:36,440 What? You'll see. 315 00:22:37,000 --> 00:22:41,000 Trust me, you'll love it. 316 00:22:42,240 --> 00:22:46,240 Oh, my God! It's going to explode! Press a little lighter, slowly. 317 00:22:46,880 --> 00:22:48,420 Go on. 318 00:22:48,520 --> 00:22:49,940 There you go, you're off! 319 00:22:50,040 --> 00:22:51,420 Go on, Mrs Mansell. 320 00:22:51,520 --> 00:22:53,520 I'm driving, I'm actually driving! 321 00:22:58,680 --> 00:23:02,680 Can we go really fast? 322 00:23:06,240 --> 00:23:10,240 So, what next? 323 00:23:14,160 --> 00:23:18,160 I am angry at you... 324 00:23:18,520 --> 00:23:22,380 ..really angry. 325 00:23:22,480 --> 00:23:24,620 Me and your mum... 326 00:23:24,720 --> 00:23:28,620 if you can think of the worst matched couple in the world, that was us. 327 00:23:28,720 --> 00:23:31,260 Look, you don't have to... No, I do. 328 00:23:31,360 --> 00:23:35,360 I wanted to get in touch with you, I thought about you... 329 00:23:37,040 --> 00:23:41,040 ..but I felt... I was ashamed of myself. 330 00:23:45,320 --> 00:23:49,320 Now, look, I'm not the person you think I am. 331 00:23:50,640 --> 00:23:54,640 And I can prove it. 332 00:23:57,280 --> 00:23:59,900 No. 333 00:24:00,000 --> 00:24:04,000 If you want to stay in touch, then you ring me. 334 00:24:05,120 --> 00:24:09,100 Call before five, my mum's at work. 335 00:24:09,200 --> 00:24:10,660 I will. 336 00:24:10,760 --> 00:24:14,760 Yeah, well, we'll see won't we? 337 00:24:15,080 --> 00:24:19,080 See you. 338 00:24:22,440 --> 00:24:25,980 I knew that he probably wouldn't ring but I could handle it! 339 00:24:26,080 --> 00:24:28,540 I could handle all the men in my life! 340 00:24:28,640 --> 00:24:30,180 You look lively! 341 00:24:30,280 --> 00:24:34,280 I had a late night, I was out with someone. With who? 342 00:24:34,880 --> 00:24:36,820 Just someone. 343 00:24:36,920 --> 00:24:38,900 He's 23, you won't know him. 344 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:40,620 Does he have a name? 345 00:24:40,720 --> 00:24:44,720 No, he wasn't christened when he was born, it's a terrible shame for him. 346 00:24:45,880 --> 00:24:49,880 Look, I've been thinking about our conversation the other day. 347 00:24:51,320 --> 00:24:55,320 If you're cool with casual, then I am. Right. 348 00:24:56,760 --> 00:24:58,180 So, how about it? 349 00:24:58,280 --> 00:25:00,780 Why don't you come over tomorrow? 350 00:25:00,880 --> 00:25:03,060 We can hang out, as it were. 351 00:25:03,160 --> 00:25:05,580 I'm busy tomorrow, 352 00:25:05,680 --> 00:25:08,100 I've got a party in Uffington. 353 00:25:08,200 --> 00:25:10,380 With, erm, the nameless man? 354 00:25:10,480 --> 00:25:14,480 He'll probably be there, yeah. 355 00:25:15,240 --> 00:25:19,240 Cool, well... have a good time. 356 00:25:20,560 --> 00:25:24,560 Thanks. 357 00:25:25,480 --> 00:25:28,540 I wasn't lying to Liam, Saul had invited me 358 00:25:28,640 --> 00:25:31,180 and Chloe to some random guy's party. 359 00:25:31,280 --> 00:25:32,940 That was my life now. 360 00:25:33,040 --> 00:25:35,820 I didn't know where I'd be from one day to the next 361 00:25:35,920 --> 00:25:39,920 and I also had two men interested in whistling through my wheat field. 362 00:25:40,440 --> 00:25:44,440 I was, obviously, doing something right. 363 00:25:49,280 --> 00:25:52,420 Me and Olivia split up. 364 00:25:52,520 --> 00:25:56,520 Yes! In your face, Miss Baileys and ice! 365 00:25:59,160 --> 00:26:03,340 Sorry, mate. 366 00:26:03,440 --> 00:26:06,220 I guess, we just weren't right for each other. 367 00:26:06,320 --> 00:26:10,320 She had a mortgage. I don't even have an overdraft, for fuck's sake! 368 00:26:12,200 --> 00:26:16,200 Is there anything I can do? 369 00:26:19,560 --> 00:26:22,020 It's not just... 370 00:26:22,120 --> 00:26:24,060 What? 371 00:26:24,160 --> 00:26:28,160 I'm not just down about breaking up with Olivia, 372 00:26:28,680 --> 00:26:31,420 I'm miserable in general. 373 00:26:31,520 --> 00:26:34,060 I don't enjoy college, I never have. 374 00:26:34,160 --> 00:26:36,620 I'm only there because everybody else is. 375 00:26:36,720 --> 00:26:39,900 So, what are you going to do? 376 00:26:40,000 --> 00:26:43,140 My uncle's got this scaffolding company in Leeds. 377 00:26:43,240 --> 00:26:46,220 He said I could go up there and work with him. 378 00:26:46,320 --> 00:26:50,320 It's not exactly the dream but... 379 00:26:50,880 --> 00:26:54,880 Well, we've got to leave college at some point. 380 00:26:56,480 --> 00:27:00,480 Got to grow up, eventually, haven't we? 381 00:27:02,200 --> 00:27:06,200 So, you'd have to move? 382 00:27:07,800 --> 00:27:10,100 That's what I'm saying. 383 00:27:10,200 --> 00:27:14,200 I'm thinking about moving away. 384 00:27:18,120 --> 00:27:22,120 Cos I've got no other reason to stay. 385 00:27:22,520 --> 00:27:26,520 Have I? 386 00:27:32,080 --> 00:27:33,780 Oh, shit! 387 00:27:33,880 --> 00:27:37,380 I've got to go, I've got to be in Uffington for seven. 388 00:27:37,480 --> 00:27:41,260 Right. 389 00:27:41,360 --> 00:27:45,360 We'll chat more about this later, yeah? To be continued... 390 00:27:49,680 --> 00:27:51,720 To be continued. 391 00:28:09,480 --> 00:28:12,700 This is how adults did it. 392 00:28:12,800 --> 00:28:16,340 No parents, 393 00:28:16,440 --> 00:28:20,300 no curfews, 394 00:28:20,400 --> 00:28:24,400 no rules. 395 00:28:27,200 --> 00:28:31,200 Rae, I knew you'd make it! 396 00:28:31,560 --> 00:28:33,340 Told you she'd be here. 397 00:28:33,440 --> 00:28:35,540 Saul was getting all worried. 398 00:28:35,640 --> 00:28:39,640 There she is, look, dirty stop out! You all right, Rae? 399 00:28:42,120 --> 00:28:45,180 Yeah, I'm pretty all right. 400 00:28:45,280 --> 00:28:48,140 Come on then, people, let's fucking have! 401 00:28:48,240 --> 00:28:50,240 Woo-ooh! 402 00:30:33,360 --> 00:30:36,820 Jesus! 403 00:30:36,920 --> 00:30:40,920 You scared me. 404 00:30:44,280 --> 00:30:47,380 You've got a sexy ass! 405 00:30:47,480 --> 00:30:49,900 Has anyone ever told you that? 406 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:51,260 Yeah... 407 00:30:51,360 --> 00:30:52,820 I get it all the time. 408 00:30:52,920 --> 00:30:54,820 12, 13 times a day... 409 00:30:54,920 --> 00:30:58,920 I'm sick of hearing it, to be honest! 410 00:31:00,040 --> 00:31:01,860 Hey! 411 00:31:01,960 --> 00:31:05,660 Right... I knew it, fleshy. 412 00:31:05,760 --> 00:31:09,660 God, I've always wanted a piece of a larger lady! 413 00:31:09,760 --> 00:31:13,760 Why don't you go and get us some drinks or something? 414 00:31:14,280 --> 00:31:17,060 I don't want a drink, I just want to drink you. 415 00:31:17,160 --> 00:31:21,160 Oh, smooth. 416 00:31:23,000 --> 00:31:26,140 Stop it! I don't feel good. 417 00:31:26,240 --> 00:31:30,240 Saul, get off me! You're hurting me! 418 00:31:37,320 --> 00:31:41,300 Don't pretend like you don't love it. 419 00:31:41,400 --> 00:31:43,300 You should be loving it, 420 00:31:43,400 --> 00:31:47,400 it's not like you've got guys banging the door down, is it? 421 00:31:49,800 --> 00:31:53,800 Look how hard I am for you! 422 00:31:55,360 --> 00:31:59,360 Eh? Cos you know what you're doing to me, don't you? 423 00:31:59,800 --> 00:32:02,900 Stop being so frigid! 424 00:32:03,000 --> 00:32:06,500 Just touch me... a little. 425 00:32:06,600 --> 00:32:10,780 Come on, we don't have to do anything serious... just touch me. 426 00:32:10,880 --> 00:32:14,880 No, no, please. Why not, I can't... 427 00:32:21,800 --> 00:32:23,940 If you put another finger on me, 428 00:32:24,040 --> 00:32:28,040 I will scream this fucking house down, I swear to God! 429 00:32:33,920 --> 00:32:37,920 Chlo! 430 00:32:38,560 --> 00:32:42,560 Chloe! 431 00:32:47,280 --> 00:32:50,820 Chloe! 432 00:32:50,920 --> 00:32:53,220 Come on, Chloe, we've got to go! Why? 433 00:32:53,320 --> 00:32:55,580 Saul just tried it on with me in the toilet. 434 00:32:55,680 --> 00:32:57,460 That's what happened. 435 00:32:57,560 --> 00:33:00,220 Chloe, I said I didn't want to and then I had to run out, 436 00:33:00,320 --> 00:33:01,540 it was horrible! 437 00:33:01,640 --> 00:33:04,660 Will you please just get your things? Rae, are you deaf? I'm fine. 438 00:33:04,760 --> 00:33:08,340 I'm not coming. Listen to your friend, Rae. 439 00:33:08,440 --> 00:33:12,440 Chloe, please, I'm not feeling good. 440 00:33:15,920 --> 00:33:19,920 Fine! 441 00:33:23,400 --> 00:33:25,340 Rae... 442 00:33:25,440 --> 00:33:27,060 Can I come in? 443 00:33:27,160 --> 00:33:31,160 Yeah, yeah, of course. 444 00:33:34,800 --> 00:33:37,900 So, what's going on? 445 00:33:38,000 --> 00:33:41,780 I was in the neighbourhood. 446 00:33:41,880 --> 00:33:45,880 Well, I was 20 minutes away. 447 00:33:47,240 --> 00:33:51,240 I was at a party and this guy came on pretty strong. 448 00:33:51,600 --> 00:33:53,700 Did anything happen? 449 00:33:53,800 --> 00:33:57,060 No. 450 00:33:57,160 --> 00:34:01,160 No, it was fine... I got out of there. 451 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:03,660 But Chloe's still there. 452 00:34:03,760 --> 00:34:05,540 Is she in trouble? 453 00:34:05,640 --> 00:34:09,640 No, erm, no, no-one's in trouble. 454 00:34:10,960 --> 00:34:14,340 It was just horrible! 455 00:34:14,440 --> 00:34:18,440 I'm just fed up feeling horrible! Is everything all right? 456 00:34:21,400 --> 00:34:24,500 Rae, this is Carrie. 457 00:34:24,600 --> 00:34:27,900 Hiya. 458 00:34:28,000 --> 00:34:32,000 I'll just leave you to it. 459 00:34:34,040 --> 00:34:36,380 Well, she seems nice. 460 00:34:36,480 --> 00:34:39,500 Yeah. 461 00:34:39,600 --> 00:34:43,600 Look, erm, why don't we call your mum and get her to pick you up. 462 00:34:44,920 --> 00:34:48,920 Yeah? And we can talk about this next week, when you come in. 463 00:35:31,320 --> 00:35:34,620 I'm sorry! 464 00:35:34,720 --> 00:35:38,720 I know I messed up, I won't do it again. 465 00:35:41,760 --> 00:35:45,760 Please don't be angry with me. 466 00:35:48,240 --> 00:35:50,240 Are we still on for the scan on Monday? 467 00:36:10,200 --> 00:36:14,200 Rae. 468 00:36:14,960 --> 00:36:18,960 Archie, what's going on? Where were you last night? 469 00:36:21,240 --> 00:36:25,240 Uffington. 470 00:36:26,320 --> 00:36:27,940 What's happened? 471 00:36:28,040 --> 00:36:31,700 Kicked off. Big time. 472 00:36:31,800 --> 00:36:33,580 I knew it was going to be one of those nights 473 00:36:33,680 --> 00:36:35,020 because it was a full moon. 474 00:36:35,120 --> 00:36:37,520 You know how people go crazy on a full moon? 475 00:36:52,320 --> 00:36:55,780 It was the only time we've ever kissed. 476 00:36:55,880 --> 00:36:57,860 I didn't even mean it. 477 00:36:57,960 --> 00:37:01,960 Chop's going to be so upset. Don't tell him. It was a one-off. Great. 478 00:37:03,160 --> 00:37:07,160 Yo, yo! All right, babe. I'm just going to the loo. 479 00:37:07,880 --> 00:37:10,660 So, we having it tonight or what? 480 00:37:10,760 --> 00:37:14,760 Fucking Amy, I'm going to start with a cigarette. Who fancies a fag? 481 00:37:17,680 --> 00:37:20,260 Chop, fag? 482 00:37:20,360 --> 00:37:24,360 No? Yeah, I'll have one. Archie? 483 00:37:26,640 --> 00:37:28,060 Fag? 484 00:37:28,160 --> 00:37:29,540 Go fuck yourself. 485 00:37:29,640 --> 00:37:32,660 What was that for? 486 00:37:32,760 --> 00:37:36,760 I was only asking if you wanted a poof. 487 00:37:37,160 --> 00:37:39,780 You know what the worst thing is about this? 488 00:37:39,880 --> 00:37:43,880 It's not you two fucking twats. 489 00:37:44,560 --> 00:37:45,780 It's you. 490 00:37:45,880 --> 00:37:48,100 You're supposed to be my mate and you're sitting there 491 00:37:48,200 --> 00:37:52,200 with your thumb up your ass while they take the piss out of me. 492 00:37:53,600 --> 00:37:57,300 Archie, wait. 493 00:37:57,400 --> 00:37:59,980 You're a fucking coward. 494 00:38:00,080 --> 00:38:04,080 You deserve everything you get. 495 00:38:04,640 --> 00:38:08,660 He did get everything he deserved. So has she told him about the kiss? 496 00:38:08,760 --> 00:38:11,220 No. 497 00:38:11,320 --> 00:38:15,320 She couldn't do it. So she just broke up with him. 498 00:38:17,840 --> 00:38:21,840 Wow. That was awful. OK, we need to sort everything out tonight. 499 00:38:23,360 --> 00:38:25,740 We need to get the gang together. What gang? 500 00:38:25,840 --> 00:38:29,840 It's not a gang any more, Rae. 501 00:38:45,520 --> 00:38:49,520 Hello. I was worried your mum might answer. It's Victor. It's your dad. 502 00:38:54,440 --> 00:38:57,580 Our group has to perform a couple of groups a cappella. 503 00:38:57,680 --> 00:39:00,020 The thing is no-one knows what they're doing. 504 00:39:00,120 --> 00:39:04,120 And we haven't even decided on which songs. You should take charge. 505 00:39:04,520 --> 00:39:08,520 No. I'm only there because no other group will have me. You know music. 506 00:39:10,200 --> 00:39:14,200 If anyone can save it, you can. 507 00:39:16,560 --> 00:39:20,560 Possible? You're asking me? I'm asking you. 508 00:39:20,920 --> 00:39:24,020 No. Look... 509 00:39:24,120 --> 00:39:25,340 I've got something for you. 510 00:39:25,440 --> 00:39:29,440 It's a sort of early birthday present. 511 00:39:40,440 --> 00:39:44,440 What? I kind of owe you 16 birthday presents. 512 00:39:46,680 --> 00:39:48,300 I love it. 513 00:39:48,400 --> 00:39:50,620 Thank you. 514 00:39:50,720 --> 00:39:51,780 'And there it was. 515 00:39:51,880 --> 00:39:55,880 'Better than a party, better than car, better than anything.' 516 00:39:58,160 --> 00:40:00,220 Why don't we make this a regular thing? 517 00:40:00,320 --> 00:40:03,980 You know, every Saturday afternoon or something? 518 00:40:04,080 --> 00:40:07,300 Yeah, I'd like that. And you know you can call me any time. 519 00:40:07,400 --> 00:40:08,900 I mean that. 520 00:40:09,000 --> 00:40:13,000 And then maybe we can work up to telling your mum. 521 00:40:15,400 --> 00:40:19,400 God. Your mum is the most difficult woman in the world to live with. 522 00:40:23,000 --> 00:40:25,060 What about the quiz shows? 523 00:40:25,160 --> 00:40:29,260 She never was the brightest. She always was a bit thick. 524 00:40:29,360 --> 00:40:33,100 I'm sorry. I'm not being mean. 525 00:40:33,200 --> 00:40:37,200 It's just that she does like some stupid things. Doesn't she? 526 00:40:38,400 --> 00:40:42,400 She's a bit dumb sometimes, I guess. 527 00:40:44,680 --> 00:40:47,100 Right, let's find a song for your show. 528 00:40:47,200 --> 00:40:48,820 ♪ He's a poor boy 529 00:40:48,920 --> 00:40:51,340 ♪ Empty as a pocket 530 00:40:51,440 --> 00:40:54,420 ♪ Empty with a pocket with nothing to lose 531 00:40:54,520 --> 00:40:56,380 ♪ Sing ta na na Ta na na 532 00:40:56,480 --> 00:40:57,940 ♪ Ta na na na na 533 00:40:58,040 --> 00:41:02,040 ♪ She's got diamonds on the soles of her shoes. ♪ 534 00:41:02,560 --> 00:41:05,780 The songs you chose were mint. Why weren't you singing at the concert? 535 00:41:05,880 --> 00:41:09,340 I told you. I'm just standing in until Chloe gets back. 536 00:41:09,440 --> 00:41:12,620 That is if Chloe bothers turning up. 537 00:41:12,720 --> 00:41:16,720 Well, speak of the devil. 538 00:41:17,840 --> 00:41:21,220 Sorry I'm late. 539 00:41:21,320 --> 00:41:22,940 What's wrong with you? What? 540 00:41:23,040 --> 00:41:25,300 Aside from the fact that you turn up to rehearsals late 541 00:41:25,400 --> 00:41:27,300 when your performance is in five days. 542 00:41:27,400 --> 00:41:30,180 Or is it the fact that you let me down at the party? 543 00:41:30,280 --> 00:41:32,180 You left me stranded. 544 00:41:32,280 --> 00:41:34,780 I was in trouble and you did nothing. Babe, I didn't realise. 545 00:41:34,880 --> 00:41:36,140 I was drunk. 546 00:41:36,240 --> 00:41:38,300 I really need to talk to you about something. 547 00:41:38,400 --> 00:41:40,260 Why can't you think of anyone but yourself? 548 00:41:40,360 --> 00:41:43,860 You're supposed to be my best mate, Chloe, and you don't give a shit. 549 00:41:43,960 --> 00:41:45,580 I'm not your mum, Rae. 550 00:41:45,680 --> 00:41:49,180 I can't look after you all the time. What's that supposed to mean? 551 00:41:49,280 --> 00:41:52,060 You're fragile. You need constant management. 552 00:41:52,160 --> 00:41:54,580 It's not my fault you act like a kid. 553 00:41:54,680 --> 00:41:58,680 It's not my fault your frigid. Did Saul say that? Yeah, he did. 554 00:41:59,280 --> 00:42:01,500 And it's true. 555 00:42:01,600 --> 00:42:03,900 Look what happened with you and Finn. 556 00:42:04,000 --> 00:42:08,000 Don't you ever, ever talk about me and Finn. 557 00:42:08,720 --> 00:42:12,720 You stay away from me. I didn't mean it. 558 00:42:14,160 --> 00:42:15,100 Frigid. 559 00:42:15,200 --> 00:42:17,860 Frigid. 560 00:42:17,960 --> 00:42:20,860 'I couldn't let Chloe be right. 561 00:42:20,960 --> 00:42:24,960 'I'm not a kid and I'm not frigid. 562 00:42:25,520 --> 00:42:27,540 'Finn wanted to tell me something the other day 563 00:42:27,640 --> 00:42:29,300 'and now I wanted to hear it. 564 00:42:29,400 --> 00:42:33,400 'It was time to go and get him.' 565 00:42:48,400 --> 00:42:52,220 'I wasn't a girl any more. I could handle it.' 566 00:42:52,320 --> 00:42:56,320 Mr Nelson, is Finn at home? He's gone to Leeds. He left this morning. 567 00:42:58,000 --> 00:43:00,100 Oh, he's gone. 568 00:43:00,200 --> 00:43:04,200 He's going to come back to visit in a few weeks, maybe. When he's settled. 569 00:43:05,360 --> 00:43:07,360 Thanks. 570 00:43:26,160 --> 00:43:27,740 Hi, this is Vic. 571 00:43:27,840 --> 00:43:30,180 If you're calling for Artisan Antiques our working 572 00:43:30,280 --> 00:43:32,400 hours are 9-5... 573 00:43:46,800 --> 00:43:49,020 Rae. 574 00:43:49,120 --> 00:43:51,980 Can I come in? What's happened? 575 00:43:52,080 --> 00:43:54,100 Nothing. 576 00:43:54,200 --> 00:43:58,200 Then no, Rae, you can't just come around whenever you want. 577 00:44:00,840 --> 00:44:04,780 I'm sorry. It's just not appropriate. 578 00:44:04,880 --> 00:44:08,880 We'll talk about it at our next session. 579 00:44:11,440 --> 00:44:13,440 Good night, Rae. 580 00:44:25,920 --> 00:44:27,920 Let's have some fun. 581 00:44:39,200 --> 00:44:41,580 What are you doing? 582 00:44:41,680 --> 00:44:45,680 Don't take your clothes off. Neither of us are oil paintings, are we? 583 00:44:46,880 --> 00:44:50,880 It's probably best if we just kept our clothes on. 584 00:44:53,240 --> 00:44:56,540 Is that OK? 585 00:44:56,640 --> 00:45:00,640 Yeah. 586 00:45:20,560 --> 00:45:22,560 That was great, thanks.