1 00:00:03,120 --> 00:00:06,740 Dear Diary, sometimes you have to make big decisions. 2 00:00:06,840 --> 00:00:08,900 Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions. 3 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:13,000 I had to break up with Finn before we went any further, 4 00:00:13,400 --> 00:00:16,460 before breaking up would be so painful that we wouldn't be able to be 5 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:18,300 around each other any more. Here's your jacket. 6 00:00:18,400 --> 00:00:20,260 What's going on? 7 00:00:20,360 --> 00:00:22,860 I just... 8 00:00:22,960 --> 00:00:26,060 I just want to be friends, I don't want to go out. 9 00:00:26,160 --> 00:00:28,900 What do you mean? Since when? 10 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:31,980 That's my decision. I'm sorry. 11 00:00:32,080 --> 00:00:36,080 No, Rae, what have I done?! Rae?! 12 00:00:46,920 --> 00:00:50,920 There y'are. 13 00:00:56,080 --> 00:00:58,460 I don't know what I'm more upset about. 14 00:00:58,560 --> 00:01:02,560 Having to give your Bowie back, or... 15 00:01:06,320 --> 00:01:08,700 That's a lie. 16 00:01:08,800 --> 00:01:12,800 I do know. 17 00:01:15,520 --> 00:01:19,520 Rae, I can't be friends with you right now, I just can't. 18 00:01:20,840 --> 00:01:22,060 Look... 19 00:01:22,160 --> 00:01:26,160 It's my decision. 20 00:01:28,720 --> 00:01:30,720 I'm sorry. 21 00:02:17,600 --> 00:02:21,420 Monday, the 30th of September, 1996. 22 00:02:21,520 --> 00:02:25,700 You ever see those people at school or college who are always deep in a book? 23 00:02:25,800 --> 00:02:29,620 It's not so much that they love reading, it's because when you're on your own, 24 00:02:29,720 --> 00:02:32,580 it's too embarrassing to sit and do nothing. 25 00:02:32,680 --> 00:02:36,680 You've got to look busy, like you don't care that no-one wants to talk to you. 26 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:45,940 The funny thing is that at college, if your thing is looking sad 27 00:02:46,040 --> 00:02:50,040 and contracting hepatitis, there's a place for you. 28 00:02:50,600 --> 00:02:53,980 If your thing is playing old computer games and seeing who can be 29 00:02:54,080 --> 00:02:58,080 the first to complete Golden Axe 100 times, then there's a place for you. 30 00:03:01,200 --> 00:03:05,200 If your thing is being popular, cool and getting attention off boys, 31 00:03:05,720 --> 00:03:08,020 there's a place for you. 32 00:03:08,120 --> 00:03:11,100 But I was now the crazy girl who set the fire alarm off. 33 00:03:11,200 --> 00:03:15,200 So for me - and for a few others - there was no place. 34 00:03:25,320 --> 00:03:28,260 The worst thing was that it was my own fault 35 00:03:28,360 --> 00:03:30,020 I was alone. I had friends already, 36 00:03:30,120 --> 00:03:32,260 but I couldn't be around them much at the moment. 37 00:03:32,360 --> 00:03:36,360 No matter how lonely I got, I had to give him space. 38 00:03:38,760 --> 00:03:40,760 It was the least I could do. 39 00:03:44,160 --> 00:03:47,460 There was one thing that got me through the day, though. 40 00:03:47,560 --> 00:03:48,660 Food. 41 00:03:48,760 --> 00:03:52,760 It may shock you to hear this, but I love food. 42 00:03:55,480 --> 00:03:59,480 I love how melting cheese bubbles and browns like yellow lava. 43 00:04:02,200 --> 00:04:05,340 I love having a fried egg and saving the yolk until last, 44 00:04:05,440 --> 00:04:08,780 popping its golden bubble with the corner of my toast. 45 00:04:08,880 --> 00:04:12,880 I love when chocolate cake is so sticky that it gums up your mouth 46 00:04:13,720 --> 00:04:15,720 and crawls down your throat. 47 00:04:17,280 --> 00:04:21,380 And when I'm hungry, like right now, I love it even more. 48 00:04:21,480 --> 00:04:25,480 But right here, right now, just water. 49 00:04:28,720 --> 00:04:32,720 At college, there's only one place you can go if you want some privacy. 50 00:04:35,960 --> 00:04:39,960 And for what I was doing, I needed privacy. 51 00:04:56,000 --> 00:04:58,000 Oh, my God! 52 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:05,820 Mum? Mum? 53 00:05:05,920 --> 00:05:09,920 Rae. 54 00:05:13,160 --> 00:05:17,100 What is going on? I have joined the SPG, love. 55 00:05:17,200 --> 00:05:19,620 The Stamford Pregnancy Group. 56 00:05:19,720 --> 00:05:22,380 We just hang out, you know, discuss pregnancy things. 57 00:05:22,480 --> 00:05:26,480 Right, so it's necessary for you to pump your vaginas in the air, is it? 58 00:05:27,880 --> 00:05:32,020 Oi! Where are you going with those? 59 00:05:32,120 --> 00:05:36,120 If I can't smoke, you can't smoke. 60 00:05:37,360 --> 00:05:39,940 What are they doing here? 61 00:05:40,040 --> 00:05:43,060 They needed somewhere to do their pelvic floor exercise class, 62 00:05:43,160 --> 00:05:47,160 so I suggested they come here. Is that OK? 63 00:05:47,760 --> 00:05:49,900 POP! 64 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:51,500 Yeah, that's fine with me. 65 00:05:51,600 --> 00:05:54,700 Since I'm being so cool about all this, 66 00:05:54,800 --> 00:05:57,140 would it be all right if you gave me 15 quid? 67 00:05:57,240 --> 00:05:59,100 No. 68 00:05:59,200 --> 00:06:01,100 But it's for an album 69 00:06:01,200 --> 00:06:02,260 that I really want... No. 70 00:06:02,360 --> 00:06:04,380 ..by a band that I really... 71 00:06:04,480 --> 00:06:06,660 Do you speak English, Rae? No. 72 00:06:06,760 --> 00:06:10,300 Nein, non, negative, no. Not gonna happen. 73 00:06:10,400 --> 00:06:13,080 I've just spent my last 25 quid signing up to the SPG. 74 00:06:21,280 --> 00:06:23,580 Rae, please. I just want to say... Archie, 75 00:06:23,680 --> 00:06:27,380 I don't want to speak to you. 76 00:06:27,480 --> 00:06:31,240 Here. I got you something. 77 00:06:34,640 --> 00:06:38,220 I can't believe you would join in with those wankers. 78 00:06:38,320 --> 00:06:40,340 You're supposed to be my friend. 79 00:06:40,440 --> 00:06:43,260 Do you know how horrible it is to have someone slag you off like that? 80 00:06:43,360 --> 00:06:45,500 Yeah, I know, I know. 81 00:06:45,600 --> 00:06:49,600 I can't be friends with someone who's as much of a phoney as you are. 82 00:06:50,080 --> 00:06:53,140 Rae... 83 00:06:53,240 --> 00:06:55,380 It was getting to the stage where I couldn't bear 84 00:06:55,480 --> 00:06:58,500 to be on my own any more. That's the thing about loneliness. 85 00:06:58,600 --> 00:07:01,980 It creeps and it grows inside you like a deep silence. 86 00:07:02,080 --> 00:07:03,540 I had to find someone. 87 00:07:03,640 --> 00:07:07,460 Maybe I could grab Chloe when she wasn't around Finn and just hang out. 88 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:11,560 But it looked like she had found a place to fit in, too. 89 00:07:14,760 --> 00:07:17,040 Why couldn't I? 90 00:07:35,120 --> 00:07:37,500 Oh, here she is! Listen, Psycho. 91 00:07:37,600 --> 00:07:40,460 Oh, shit! I was wondering if you could set the fire alarm off round about half-two-ish? 92 00:07:40,560 --> 00:07:43,820 I've got a PE exam I could do with avoiding. 93 00:07:43,920 --> 00:07:45,580 What's in the bag? 94 00:07:45,680 --> 00:07:48,580 Full of medication? No. 95 00:07:48,680 --> 00:07:50,660 Let us have a look, then. No, please, don't. 96 00:07:50,760 --> 00:07:52,740 Why don't you just get the fuck off her, Simmy? 97 00:07:52,840 --> 00:07:55,180 What? "What?" 98 00:07:55,280 --> 00:07:58,140 Oh, yeah, it's easy picking on girls, innit? 99 00:07:58,240 --> 00:08:01,460 Yeah, I notice you don't pick on lads any more, since you got your arse kicked 100 00:08:01,560 --> 00:08:03,020 by Dom Yeates' brother. 101 00:08:03,120 --> 00:08:05,100 Whatever, Stacey! I'm only having a laugh! 102 00:08:05,200 --> 00:08:06,620 Well, it doesn't look like it! 103 00:08:06,720 --> 00:08:10,720 So, why don't you take your tiny penis and your tiny testicles and piss off? 104 00:08:19,040 --> 00:08:20,340 You all right? 105 00:08:20,440 --> 00:08:23,460 Er... yeah, thanks. 106 00:08:23,560 --> 00:08:26,420 You're Chloe's mate, aren't you? 107 00:08:26,520 --> 00:08:30,520 Yeah. 108 00:08:31,520 --> 00:08:34,380 Have they said they don't mind me hanging out with them? Yes. 109 00:08:34,480 --> 00:08:36,480 Will you stop asking me that? 110 00:08:37,600 --> 00:08:41,100 Don't be nervous, but you need to get in with them, Rae. So that way, 111 00:08:41,200 --> 00:08:42,860 we can hang out more, too. 112 00:08:42,960 --> 00:08:45,540 Well, is there anything I should know? 113 00:08:45,640 --> 00:08:47,660 Tell me a bit about them all. 114 00:08:47,760 --> 00:08:49,140 Right, OK, then. 115 00:08:49,240 --> 00:08:50,820 OK, imagine a ladder. 116 00:08:50,920 --> 00:08:54,920 At the bottom of the ladder there's me, Chloe. 117 00:08:57,520 --> 00:09:01,520 I'm single, I enjoy Italian food, tennis and singing in the shower. 118 00:09:03,640 --> 00:09:05,900 You're at the bottom of the ladder? 119 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:08,840 Yeah, well, give me a chance, Rae. I've only been in the gang a week. 120 00:09:09,880 --> 00:09:13,880 So next up... is Lois. 121 00:09:14,600 --> 00:09:17,260 Lois is very sweet, she's just not the brightest. 122 00:09:17,360 --> 00:09:19,660 She says she's got this secret boyfriend. 123 00:09:19,760 --> 00:09:21,100 No-one's ever seen him. 124 00:09:21,200 --> 00:09:25,300 There's a very strong possibility that he's imaginary. 125 00:09:25,400 --> 00:09:26,780 Vicky, you've met before. 126 00:09:26,880 --> 00:09:28,900 She can be a bit of a bitch if she doesn't know you. 127 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:30,460 She's got this skin condition 128 00:09:30,560 --> 00:09:32,740 and she had a proper bad flare-up a couple of days ago, 129 00:09:32,840 --> 00:09:35,340 so don't mention anything. 130 00:09:35,440 --> 00:09:38,780 Then there's Amy. She's quiet, a little scary. 131 00:09:38,880 --> 00:09:42,880 And then of course, top of the ladder, there's Stacey herself. 132 00:09:48,480 --> 00:09:52,480 She likes tarot cards, dancing and the Backstreet Boys. 133 00:09:53,800 --> 00:09:56,380 Backstreet Boys? 134 00:09:56,480 --> 00:09:58,660 She's 16 years old. 135 00:09:58,760 --> 00:10:01,380 Come on then, let it all out of your system before we get in there. 136 00:10:01,480 --> 00:10:04,700 Right. Backstreet Boys make me want to scald my inner thighs 137 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:07,420 with the hottest substance known to man - strawberry jam Pop-Tarts. 138 00:10:07,520 --> 00:10:09,900 They make me want to spend months learning how to drive, 139 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:13,180 then years of working hard, saving up all my money so I can buy a Land Rover 140 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:14,420 and run them all down. 141 00:10:14,520 --> 00:10:17,820 They are everything that is wrong with the world. 142 00:10:17,920 --> 00:10:21,500 They are destroying music. 143 00:10:21,600 --> 00:10:24,340 Are you done? 144 00:10:24,440 --> 00:10:26,620 Yeah. 145 00:10:26,720 --> 00:10:30,500 One last thing. Don't mention to Vicky that Lois 146 00:10:30,600 --> 00:10:33,940 talked to her ex-boyfriend's brother Paul at Tina Mocock's party back in March 147 00:10:34,040 --> 00:10:35,700 when Stacey specifically asked her not to... 148 00:10:35,800 --> 00:10:36,980 ..cos she knew he had this weird crush 149 00:10:37,080 --> 00:10:38,700 on her sister Yasmina who's got issues. 150 00:10:38,800 --> 00:10:42,800 She doesn't want Vicky getting all hysterical. Have you got that, Rae? 151 00:10:45,800 --> 00:10:49,160 Rae? Let's do this. 152 00:11:03,040 --> 00:11:03,980 So, Rae! 153 00:11:04,080 --> 00:11:06,460 What kind of stuff are you into? 154 00:11:06,560 --> 00:11:09,780 Oh, I don't know, erm... 155 00:11:09,880 --> 00:11:13,880 arguing with my mum, drinking cider... 156 00:11:14,440 --> 00:11:16,140 Oh! Music. 157 00:11:16,240 --> 00:11:19,700 We talk more about fashion, don't we? But we all like music. 158 00:11:19,800 --> 00:11:22,980 Like Lois cried when she found out that Tupac died. 159 00:11:23,080 --> 00:11:24,340 Didn't you, Lois? 160 00:11:24,440 --> 00:11:28,440 But I'm the only one who really listens to, like, a wide variety of music, really. 161 00:11:29,240 --> 00:11:31,240 What do you think of the Backstreet Boys? 162 00:11:34,360 --> 00:11:36,300 I've never really heard any of their stuff. 163 00:11:36,400 --> 00:11:38,220 You've never heard Backstreet Boys?! 164 00:11:38,320 --> 00:11:40,380 No. 165 00:11:40,480 --> 00:11:41,460 That's unbelievable! 166 00:11:41,560 --> 00:11:44,060 So, what fashion are you into? 167 00:11:44,160 --> 00:11:45,940 Just whatever. Labels? 168 00:11:46,040 --> 00:11:48,820 Yep. 169 00:11:48,920 --> 00:11:50,420 It's all about Morton at the moment. 170 00:11:50,520 --> 00:11:53,660 Oh, it's all Morton. I love Morton. 171 00:11:53,760 --> 00:11:57,760 So, erm... why aren't you wearing any labels today? 172 00:12:01,560 --> 00:12:04,260 Lois, how are things going with your mystery boyfriend? 173 00:12:04,360 --> 00:12:06,940 We spent last night kissing. 174 00:12:07,040 --> 00:12:10,340 He's quite shy, so I guess I don't want to rush him. Anyway, 175 00:12:10,440 --> 00:12:13,100 I think I'm really falling for him. 176 00:12:13,200 --> 00:12:15,280 Don't commit to anything until you've seen his penis. 177 00:12:16,160 --> 00:12:18,540 Trust me. 178 00:12:18,640 --> 00:12:20,060 Chloe, did you get that bottle of water I asked you for? 179 00:12:20,160 --> 00:12:23,500 Yeah, yeah, I did, actually. 180 00:12:23,600 --> 00:12:25,780 There you go. Thanks. 181 00:12:25,880 --> 00:12:29,040 Oh... oh, it's not sparkling. 182 00:12:30,560 --> 00:12:32,060 Sorry. 183 00:12:32,160 --> 00:12:36,160 It's all right. Never mind. 184 00:12:37,920 --> 00:12:41,920 Oh! Before I forget, I've got my invites for my birthday on Saturday. 185 00:12:42,560 --> 00:12:46,140 Amy, Lois, 186 00:12:46,240 --> 00:12:49,420 Vicks and Chlo. 187 00:12:49,520 --> 00:12:53,520 Now, I haven't decided on a venue yet, so I ask that you all remain patient. 188 00:12:55,120 --> 00:12:56,980 Right, let's bounce, bitches. 189 00:12:57,080 --> 00:12:59,080 See you later, Rae. 190 00:13:01,640 --> 00:13:05,640 I needed a fresh approach, or I was going to be a loner for ever. 191 00:13:07,480 --> 00:13:11,480 Maybe I was wrong about the reason loners read so much at college. 192 00:13:11,800 --> 00:13:14,300 Maybe they actually want to escape reality for a while, 193 00:13:14,400 --> 00:13:17,000 disappear into a different world. 194 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:22,100 Agh! 195 00:13:22,200 --> 00:13:26,200 That's for my brother, you pig! 196 00:13:32,200 --> 00:13:36,300 Oi, oi! 197 00:13:36,400 --> 00:13:38,500 Ah, The Tempest. 198 00:13:38,600 --> 00:13:40,180 It's crap, isn't it? Is it? 199 00:13:40,280 --> 00:13:42,740 I like Caliban. 200 00:13:42,840 --> 00:13:44,580 He's a freak. 201 00:13:44,680 --> 00:13:48,680 An outsider, but deep down, he's very poetic. 202 00:13:50,200 --> 00:13:51,300 Remind you of anyone? 203 00:13:51,400 --> 00:13:55,400 Ah! 204 00:13:55,960 --> 00:13:59,380 Did I see you hanging around with Amy Malone earlier? 205 00:13:59,480 --> 00:14:00,420 Not really. 206 00:14:00,520 --> 00:14:03,100 Is she single? 207 00:14:03,200 --> 00:14:04,700 I don't know. 208 00:14:04,800 --> 00:14:06,740 Find out for me. 209 00:14:06,840 --> 00:14:09,780 She's got amazing calves. I love calves. 210 00:14:09,880 --> 00:14:13,780 Good for you. It's nice to have an interest. 211 00:14:13,880 --> 00:14:15,900 Where's your lunch? Oh, I'm not hungry. 212 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:20,000 Have one of my hot dogs. I've already eaten. 213 00:14:20,720 --> 00:14:22,620 I thought you said you're not hungry? 214 00:14:22,720 --> 00:14:26,720 I'm not hungry, because I've already eaten. 215 00:14:29,840 --> 00:14:33,840 You can't eat in front of people, can you? 216 00:14:36,800 --> 00:14:38,800 What? 217 00:14:39,360 --> 00:14:42,540 Why would I not be able to eat in front of people? 218 00:14:42,640 --> 00:14:44,220 I can eat in front of people. 219 00:14:44,320 --> 00:14:47,180 So... 220 00:14:47,280 --> 00:14:51,280 ..eat. 221 00:14:53,880 --> 00:14:55,580 I don't have to prove anything to you. 222 00:14:55,680 --> 00:14:58,540 Don't get annoyed with me, just because I'm right. 223 00:14:58,640 --> 00:15:01,620 You're not right. And I'm not annoyed. 224 00:15:01,720 --> 00:15:05,480 You look annoyed. Yeah, that's because you're annoying. 225 00:15:07,160 --> 00:15:10,100 There is one place at college you can go for a bit of privacy, 226 00:15:10,200 --> 00:15:14,180 because Liam was right. Outside of hospital, I've not eaten 227 00:15:14,280 --> 00:15:17,340 in front of another human being for eight years. 228 00:15:17,440 --> 00:15:20,280 Well, except my mum - but she's not really human. 229 00:15:28,360 --> 00:15:31,100 It makes being at college even more difficult, 230 00:15:31,200 --> 00:15:35,200 but I guess it is one bonus of being alone all the time. 231 00:15:41,800 --> 00:15:45,340 Oh, what the hell? 232 00:15:45,440 --> 00:15:48,220 Rae! Jesus! 233 00:15:48,320 --> 00:15:51,300 Sorry, did I scare you?! 234 00:15:51,400 --> 00:15:52,380 What's going on? 235 00:15:52,480 --> 00:15:54,860 I'm just sorting out a jumble sale for the SPG. 236 00:15:54,960 --> 00:15:58,960 No-one else had any space, so I volunteered our house. 237 00:15:59,760 --> 00:16:01,380 It smells like dead bodies. 238 00:16:01,480 --> 00:16:04,300 Yeah, well, there's a strong chance that people have died 239 00:16:04,400 --> 00:16:05,820 wearing some of these clothes. 240 00:16:05,920 --> 00:16:09,580 I'd definitely stay away from the pyjamas, anyway. 241 00:16:09,680 --> 00:16:13,680 Mum? Have you thought any more about that £15? 242 00:16:14,640 --> 00:16:18,640 Yeah. I've thought about how much there's no chance I'm giving it to you. 243 00:16:24,320 --> 00:16:28,320 If I had any chance of getting in with the girls, I had to do some research. 244 00:16:40,120 --> 00:16:42,180 Archie, I told you... Rae. 245 00:16:42,280 --> 00:16:44,180 ♪ Didn't mean to make you sad 246 00:16:44,280 --> 00:16:47,580 ♪ Didn't mean to make you cry 247 00:16:47,680 --> 00:16:49,940 ♪ Didn't mean to let you down 248 00:16:50,040 --> 00:16:51,740 ♪ Dark without you by my side 249 00:16:51,840 --> 00:16:54,860 ♪ In the shadows In the night 250 00:16:54,960 --> 00:16:57,020 ♪ Dark without your shining light 251 00:16:57,120 --> 00:17:01,120 ♪ My Rae of sunshine shining bright 252 00:17:02,480 --> 00:17:06,480 ♪ My Rae makes everything all right 253 00:17:07,720 --> 00:17:10,060 ♪ I'm sorry that I made you sad 254 00:17:10,160 --> 00:17:12,660 ♪ Sorry that I made you cry 255 00:17:12,760 --> 00:17:14,740 ♪ I'm sorry that I let you down 256 00:17:14,840 --> 00:17:16,820 ♪ I want you back here by my side 257 00:17:16,920 --> 00:17:20,920 ♪ My Rae of sunshine shining bright 258 00:17:22,120 --> 00:17:26,120 ♪ My Rae makes everything all right. ♪ 259 00:17:33,200 --> 00:17:35,940 Bravo! Very good, Archie. 260 00:17:36,040 --> 00:17:40,040 Thank you, Mrs Bouchtat, Mr Bouchtat. 261 00:17:41,520 --> 00:17:42,540 I'm so sorry. 262 00:17:42,640 --> 00:17:44,860 I've been trying to think of ways that I could make it up to you. 263 00:17:44,960 --> 00:17:48,960 Archie, you can make it up to me by not being so fake any more. 264 00:17:50,880 --> 00:17:54,540 Because I can't be mates with someone who's like that. 265 00:17:54,640 --> 00:17:57,660 Just be yourself. 266 00:17:57,760 --> 00:18:00,020 Can you do that? 267 00:18:00,120 --> 00:18:03,100 Yeah. 268 00:18:03,200 --> 00:18:04,860 Promise me. 269 00:18:04,960 --> 00:18:08,960 Promise. 270 00:18:36,240 --> 00:18:38,060 Rae, come here. 271 00:18:38,160 --> 00:18:41,460 We're all just talking about what we're going to do for Stacey's birthday. 272 00:18:41,560 --> 00:18:43,740 Yeah, you know, bowling's fine, but the shoes are gross. 273 00:18:43,840 --> 00:18:45,100 But they spray them. 274 00:18:45,200 --> 00:18:49,200 The spray smells worse than the actual... Rae, is that a Morton top? 275 00:18:50,800 --> 00:18:54,800 This? Is it? 276 00:18:55,680 --> 00:18:58,380 Oh, yeah. Where d'you get it from? 277 00:18:58,480 --> 00:19:00,620 Morton. How much was it? 278 00:19:00,720 --> 00:19:02,460 I didn't want to look. You know what it's like. 279 00:19:02,560 --> 00:19:04,560 Just close my eyes, hand over the money. 280 00:19:06,600 --> 00:19:09,180 Rae, we're all going to go over to mine tonight. 281 00:19:09,280 --> 00:19:13,280 Fancy it? Yeah. I could get down with that. 282 00:19:16,880 --> 00:19:19,780 Dear Diary, I am officially a girl. 283 00:19:19,880 --> 00:19:22,260 I mean, yeah, I'm not denying the existence of my vagina 284 00:19:22,360 --> 00:19:26,360 for the past 16 years, but this was it. Talking about hair, clothes, boys, 285 00:19:27,800 --> 00:19:31,820 what products to use to make your skin soft, I felt like I was involved 286 00:19:31,920 --> 00:19:35,920 in something that was making me feel feminine for the first time in my life. 287 00:19:36,600 --> 00:19:37,580 So, where's Vicky? 288 00:19:37,680 --> 00:19:39,420 She's at the opticians. 289 00:19:39,520 --> 00:19:42,460 That's not true, Lois. She told me not to say. 290 00:19:42,560 --> 00:19:45,500 Look, she's at a specialist about her skin. 291 00:19:45,600 --> 00:19:47,340 D'you know, it's gotten so bad recently. 292 00:19:47,440 --> 00:19:49,820 She should just use some cream or something, like... 293 00:19:49,920 --> 00:19:51,340 something with steroids in it. 294 00:19:51,440 --> 00:19:53,380 I think she uses something already... 295 00:19:53,480 --> 00:19:56,580 Yeah, well she should stop using so much foundation, too. 296 00:19:56,680 --> 00:20:00,680 I know she wants to hide her skin, but it doesn't. And it makes it worse. 297 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:04,280 Pretty soon, she's going to be putting it on with a trowel. 298 00:20:06,080 --> 00:20:08,220 Oh, someone should say something. 299 00:20:08,320 --> 00:20:12,320 Tell us about your love life, Rae. Who are you seeing at the moment? 300 00:20:17,360 --> 00:20:19,980 Oh, cool, the Chinese is here. Will you go and get it? 301 00:20:20,080 --> 00:20:21,140 Is it my turn? 302 00:20:21,240 --> 00:20:23,340 I don't know, we don't do turns, silly! 303 00:20:23,440 --> 00:20:25,780 Oh, all right, then. 304 00:20:25,880 --> 00:20:29,880 And will you pay for mine as well? I'll give you the cash back at college. 305 00:20:33,080 --> 00:20:37,080 Yeah. Yeah, of course. 306 00:20:38,120 --> 00:20:42,120 Oh, by the way, Rae's just broke up with Finn Nelson. 307 00:20:43,280 --> 00:20:44,980 You broke up with him? 308 00:20:45,080 --> 00:20:47,300 You broke up with Finn Nelson? Yeah. 309 00:20:47,400 --> 00:20:49,460 Is it true you got caught doing stuff in the toilets? 310 00:20:49,560 --> 00:20:50,900 No. 311 00:20:51,000 --> 00:20:54,140 Why did you break up with him? 312 00:20:54,240 --> 00:20:56,100 Well, I just wanted to be friends. 313 00:20:56,200 --> 00:20:58,260 That's so cool, Rae. 314 00:20:58,360 --> 00:21:00,860 Stacey went out with Finn, too, but he broke up with her. 315 00:21:00,960 --> 00:21:04,580 Yeah, only because he found out I was going to finish with him. 316 00:21:04,680 --> 00:21:06,380 That is the only reason. 317 00:21:06,480 --> 00:21:08,940 Oh, look who came free with the Chinese! 318 00:21:09,040 --> 00:21:10,780 Oh, hi, Vicks. Hiya. 319 00:21:10,880 --> 00:21:13,020 Hi. How was the opticians? 320 00:21:13,120 --> 00:21:16,300 Er, good, yeah. I don't need to wear glasses so, er, that's cool. 321 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:19,220 Oh, that is cool. 322 00:21:19,320 --> 00:21:21,620 So, what tests did you do? 323 00:21:21,720 --> 00:21:25,700 Erm, just standard eye tests. The letter one. 324 00:21:25,800 --> 00:21:28,120 Oh, yeah, I know the letter one. 325 00:21:31,840 --> 00:21:34,140 Help yourself, Rae, there's tons. 326 00:21:34,240 --> 00:21:38,220 Oh, erm... 327 00:21:38,320 --> 00:21:39,820 ..no. 328 00:21:39,920 --> 00:21:43,920 Seriously. You don't have to be so polite. 329 00:21:45,480 --> 00:21:49,220 No, I'm not. Erm... 330 00:21:49,320 --> 00:21:51,060 ..I'm allergic to soy. 331 00:21:51,160 --> 00:21:55,160 So, er, what have I missed, anyway? Not much. 332 00:21:56,000 --> 00:21:57,340 Oh, Rae got a cool Morton top. 333 00:21:57,440 --> 00:22:01,620 What? Yeah. 334 00:22:01,720 --> 00:22:05,100 No. No. That isn't. 335 00:22:05,200 --> 00:22:07,780 Oh... 336 00:22:07,880 --> 00:22:09,340 it's fake. 337 00:22:09,440 --> 00:22:11,620 Oh, my God! What?! 338 00:22:11,720 --> 00:22:13,980 Hang on a minute, maybe it's just a... you know, 339 00:22:14,080 --> 00:22:15,740 a label you've never seen before. 340 00:22:15,840 --> 00:22:19,140 No, look. It says Mooton! 341 00:22:19,240 --> 00:22:22,220 It does, it says Mooton! 342 00:22:22,320 --> 00:22:24,300 I thought you bought it, Rae. 343 00:22:24,400 --> 00:22:26,540 Yeah, I did buy it. Where from? 344 00:22:26,640 --> 00:22:30,640 The Asian guy on the market that sells Adididas trainers? 345 00:22:35,600 --> 00:22:39,600 I'm, erm... I'm just going to go to the toilet. 346 00:22:42,520 --> 00:22:46,700 Don't cry. Just don't cry. 347 00:22:46,800 --> 00:22:50,800 Don't cry. 348 00:22:53,200 --> 00:22:57,200 Rae? It's Stace. Can I come in? 349 00:23:07,560 --> 00:23:09,260 Rae. 350 00:23:09,360 --> 00:23:13,360 You do know it was your label we were laughing at, don't you? It's not you. 351 00:23:15,920 --> 00:23:17,900 Mooton. 352 00:23:18,000 --> 00:23:22,000 That is pretty funny. 353 00:23:22,480 --> 00:23:25,980 Look. I have something for you. 354 00:23:26,080 --> 00:23:30,080 It's an invite to my birthday on Saturday. 355 00:23:30,520 --> 00:23:33,100 It's been really cool getting to know you these past couple of days, 356 00:23:33,200 --> 00:23:37,200 so it'd mean a lot to me if you were there. 357 00:23:38,880 --> 00:23:40,880 Great! 358 00:23:51,480 --> 00:23:55,480 Thursday, the 3rd of October, 1996. 359 00:24:06,520 --> 00:24:10,520 Did I mention how much I loved hanging around with the girlies? 360 00:24:13,080 --> 00:24:16,580 Oh, Chloe, will you go and get me some crisps out the vending machine? 361 00:24:16,680 --> 00:24:18,780 Cos I feel like I'm going to be really hungry later on. 362 00:24:18,880 --> 00:24:22,880 Yeah. 363 00:24:23,800 --> 00:24:25,620 I need to talk to you guys about something. 364 00:24:25,720 --> 00:24:27,860 I was with my boyfriend last night. Did you shag him? 365 00:24:27,960 --> 00:24:31,960 No, we just kissed again. 366 00:24:32,800 --> 00:24:36,300 I want him to grab me a little, touch me a bit. 367 00:24:36,400 --> 00:24:38,860 Do you know what I mean? You want him to finger you. 368 00:24:38,960 --> 00:24:40,940 Oh! 369 00:24:41,040 --> 00:24:44,060 Is that too much to ask? Do you think it's me? 370 00:24:44,160 --> 00:24:45,980 Do you think he just doesn't fancy me? 371 00:24:46,080 --> 00:24:49,660 Lois, you're so good looking. 372 00:24:49,760 --> 00:24:53,760 Just give him some time. Like you said, he might be quite shy. 373 00:24:54,560 --> 00:24:58,560 Yeah, maybe. Aw, thanks, Rae. 374 00:24:59,840 --> 00:25:01,100 I'll see you guys later. 375 00:25:01,200 --> 00:25:05,200 Bye. See you. 376 00:25:06,280 --> 00:25:07,580 You shouldn't encourage her, Rae. 377 00:25:07,680 --> 00:25:10,100 Lois is so desperate to have a boyfriend 378 00:25:10,200 --> 00:25:11,820 that she's even started to create fictional problems. 379 00:25:11,920 --> 00:25:13,820 I find it so sad. 380 00:25:13,920 --> 00:25:15,900 Her problem is that her standards are way too high, 381 00:25:16,000 --> 00:25:17,300 and if she dropped them, 382 00:25:17,400 --> 00:25:19,140 she could probably get herself a real-life boyfriend. 383 00:25:19,240 --> 00:25:21,240 Someone should say something. 384 00:25:26,680 --> 00:25:28,660 What is this music? 385 00:25:28,760 --> 00:25:31,740 Er, Mr Wendal by Arrested Development. I hate it. 386 00:25:31,840 --> 00:25:34,420 Go and put something else on, Rae. Something good. 387 00:25:34,520 --> 00:25:35,460 This music's doing my head in. 388 00:25:35,560 --> 00:25:37,220 Archie, put summat decent on the jukebox. 389 00:25:37,320 --> 00:25:39,700 I'll do it. 390 00:25:39,800 --> 00:25:41,020 OK. 391 00:25:41,120 --> 00:25:43,220 No, I want Archie to do it. 392 00:25:43,320 --> 00:25:45,780 He knows his music. I know my music. 393 00:25:45,880 --> 00:25:49,880 If you don't like what I put on, I'll give you your 20p back. 394 00:26:10,800 --> 00:26:14,800 Tune. I love this song! 395 00:26:22,080 --> 00:26:24,080 Yeah, we practised this. 396 00:26:25,400 --> 00:26:27,400 Two, three, four... 397 00:26:29,400 --> 00:26:32,380 Well done! 398 00:26:32,480 --> 00:26:36,480 Dear Diary, because I was living off chocolate bars and crisps at college, 399 00:26:36,960 --> 00:26:39,660 my consumption levels from Mum's cupboard had skyrocketed. 400 00:26:39,760 --> 00:26:43,100 Fortunately, she had so much food in the house that she'd... 401 00:26:43,200 --> 00:26:47,040 Oh, no. 402 00:26:55,560 --> 00:26:59,740 I'll deal with you in a minute. 403 00:26:59,840 --> 00:27:01,500 I thought this was going on. 404 00:27:01,600 --> 00:27:03,940 I've been going through the bins. 405 00:27:04,040 --> 00:27:08,040 Do you know what I found? 406 00:27:09,280 --> 00:27:13,280 This. Tell me what you see, Rae. 407 00:27:14,440 --> 00:27:16,060 Seven walnuts? 408 00:27:16,160 --> 00:27:19,220 Correct. Seven walnuts. 409 00:27:19,320 --> 00:27:23,320 Now, where's the sodding whips that were attached to them? 410 00:27:24,120 --> 00:27:28,120 I... This cupboard is out of bounds. 411 00:27:28,840 --> 00:27:31,540 But... I'm locking it. 412 00:27:31,640 --> 00:27:35,640 Now, go. 413 00:27:38,880 --> 00:27:39,940 Karim! 414 00:27:40,040 --> 00:27:42,060 So what if my mum was locking the cupboard 415 00:27:42,160 --> 00:27:43,820 and I couldn't eat in the canteen? 416 00:27:43,920 --> 00:27:45,780 I could get by on stocking up from the vending machine 417 00:27:45,880 --> 00:27:49,880 during break. 418 00:27:55,080 --> 00:27:58,100 Hiya, Rae. Are you coming to the Common Room? 419 00:27:58,200 --> 00:28:00,580 Yeah, sounds good. 420 00:28:00,680 --> 00:28:04,680 I was starting to see a major drawback of being popular. 421 00:28:25,080 --> 00:28:29,080 Are you coming? What? 422 00:28:29,800 --> 00:28:32,260 Oh, shit! 423 00:28:32,360 --> 00:28:35,820 It's not about being angry with yourself 424 00:28:35,920 --> 00:28:39,920 for getting anxious, it's about finding a way to relax. 425 00:28:40,920 --> 00:28:43,060 So today, I'd like to work on some techniques 426 00:28:43,160 --> 00:28:46,500 that hopefully will go some way to achieving that. 427 00:28:46,600 --> 00:28:48,860 But before, I'd like to ask the group 428 00:28:48,960 --> 00:28:52,960 if they'd like to share any of the ways in which they relax. 429 00:28:54,280 --> 00:28:58,280 Well, I meditate. Every morning for 30 minutes. 430 00:28:59,280 --> 00:29:01,900 And then every evening for 20 minutes. 431 00:29:02,000 --> 00:29:04,300 I also do Pilates and yoga. 432 00:29:04,400 --> 00:29:07,420 I'm also doing a course in aromatherapy, it's amazing. 433 00:29:07,520 --> 00:29:09,520 You can't help but relax when you smell chamomile! 434 00:29:11,920 --> 00:29:15,920 I like watching the ducks, er, feeding the ducks. I find ducks very relaxing. 435 00:29:19,240 --> 00:29:22,860 Well, that's great, Dan, thank you. 436 00:29:22,960 --> 00:29:26,780 Er, Rae. I hope you don't mind me sharing, 437 00:29:26,880 --> 00:29:30,880 but the other day you were talking about how important music is to you. 438 00:29:31,720 --> 00:29:34,500 Yeah, I like music. 439 00:29:34,600 --> 00:29:37,440 If I feel anxious or worried, I'll just stick on a... 440 00:29:40,000 --> 00:29:43,900 Rae? 441 00:29:44,000 --> 00:29:45,820 Hiya. 442 00:29:45,920 --> 00:29:48,340 Rae? 443 00:29:48,440 --> 00:29:50,900 Can you hear me? 444 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:53,000 What happened? You fainted. 445 00:29:55,120 --> 00:29:58,580 How many fingers? Three. 446 00:29:58,680 --> 00:30:02,140 Who's the Prime Minister? John Major. 447 00:30:02,240 --> 00:30:06,240 Sad... but true. 448 00:30:06,720 --> 00:30:09,860 Please tell me you're not on some crazy diet where you starve yourself. 449 00:30:09,960 --> 00:30:11,460 I'm not on a diet. 450 00:30:11,560 --> 00:30:15,560 Rae, don't fuck around with things like this. 451 00:30:15,920 --> 00:30:19,920 You should know better than anyone what the consequences can be. 452 00:30:22,800 --> 00:30:25,780 I don't want to come to this office and get a phone call 453 00:30:25,880 --> 00:30:29,880 that's telling me that you're in some... I am not on a diet. I swear. 454 00:30:32,160 --> 00:30:34,180 I swear. 455 00:30:34,280 --> 00:30:35,700 Whatever it is you're doing, Rae, 456 00:30:35,800 --> 00:30:39,640 just promise me that you'll look after yourself. 457 00:31:15,720 --> 00:31:19,720 Are you all right, Stace? 458 00:31:21,200 --> 00:31:23,140 What you doing, Rae? 459 00:31:23,240 --> 00:31:25,300 I'm just checking out the books. 460 00:31:25,400 --> 00:31:28,940 What's in your hand? 461 00:31:29,040 --> 00:31:31,660 Nothing. 462 00:31:31,760 --> 00:31:35,760 Let me see. 463 00:31:37,200 --> 00:31:41,200 It's just a packet of crisps. 464 00:31:43,160 --> 00:31:47,160 Why are you eating a packet of crisps up here on your own? 465 00:31:52,640 --> 00:31:56,640 Are we friends, Rae? 466 00:31:58,320 --> 00:31:59,420 Of course we're friends. 467 00:31:59,520 --> 00:32:02,540 You're supposed to be able to tell your friends anything. 468 00:32:02,640 --> 00:32:06,640 So tell me what's going on. 469 00:32:12,880 --> 00:32:16,880 I just can't eat in front of people. 470 00:32:18,400 --> 00:32:20,860 Why not? 471 00:32:20,960 --> 00:32:24,960 Well, because if I eat unhealthy food then people will think, 472 00:32:27,200 --> 00:32:29,860 "Oh, look at that fat cow, no wonder she got to that size." 473 00:32:29,960 --> 00:32:33,960 And if I eat healthy food, then they think, 474 00:32:34,760 --> 00:32:36,300 "Well, who are you trying to kid, love? 475 00:32:36,400 --> 00:32:38,740 "You didn't get to that size by eating salads." 476 00:32:38,840 --> 00:32:42,180 No-one would say anything to you. 477 00:32:42,280 --> 00:32:43,780 Not while I was around. 478 00:32:43,880 --> 00:32:47,880 They might not say it, but they'll think it. 479 00:32:49,960 --> 00:32:53,960 Trust me. I can see it behind their eyes. 480 00:32:55,280 --> 00:32:59,280 You know, I used to think that I loved food. 481 00:33:00,560 --> 00:33:02,060 But I don't. 482 00:33:02,160 --> 00:33:06,160 I fucking hate it. 483 00:33:07,160 --> 00:33:11,160 Rae... 484 00:33:16,720 --> 00:33:19,140 Oh, and by the way, I've decided that we're going to go... 485 00:33:19,240 --> 00:33:22,060 'I've never opened up to someone like that before, 486 00:33:22,160 --> 00:33:25,340 'I couldn't talk to Liam about it, or Kester about it, 487 00:33:25,440 --> 00:33:29,440 'so why could I talk to Stacey? I didn't even know her. 488 00:33:31,000 --> 00:33:34,380 'I guess some people just have something about them.' 489 00:33:34,480 --> 00:33:37,980 Oh, no, Lucy Clegg. Has to be. 490 00:33:38,080 --> 00:33:40,940 She wears a baseball cap, for God's sake, she's a 16-year-old girl. 491 00:33:41,040 --> 00:33:44,460 I still think it's Sarah Holden. I don't want to play this game. 492 00:33:44,560 --> 00:33:48,300 You're such a wimp, Lois. Rae, what about you? 493 00:33:48,400 --> 00:33:49,780 What? 494 00:33:49,880 --> 00:33:51,980 Who's the biggest loser in college? 495 00:33:52,080 --> 00:33:53,580 Oh, I don't know. 496 00:33:53,680 --> 00:33:57,680 Sarah Holden has skid marks in her knickers. Skid marks! 497 00:33:58,160 --> 00:34:00,820 Eurgh! Seriously, I was almost sick! 498 00:34:00,920 --> 00:34:02,980 Eww! Oh, come on, Rae, 499 00:34:03,080 --> 00:34:04,860 who do you think? I honestly don't know. 500 00:34:04,960 --> 00:34:06,300 Rae! 501 00:34:06,400 --> 00:34:10,020 Well, Linda Carver's a bit of a loser, I guess. 502 00:34:10,120 --> 00:34:14,120 Her glasses are bulletproof. She's always walking round, reading. 503 00:34:16,040 --> 00:34:16,980 Why? 504 00:34:17,080 --> 00:34:18,700 Rae... 505 00:34:18,800 --> 00:34:21,580 What is that interesting that you have to read about it, 506 00:34:21,680 --> 00:34:24,980 every second of every day? It's just weird. 507 00:34:25,080 --> 00:34:29,080 I mean, come on. Get a fucking grip. 508 00:34:39,440 --> 00:34:43,540 Oh, my God. 509 00:34:43,640 --> 00:34:47,420 Oh, my God! This is too much. 510 00:34:47,520 --> 00:34:51,520 I can't believe you just did that, Rae. Did you see her face? 511 00:34:52,880 --> 00:34:54,880 Jesus, Rae. 512 00:35:00,040 --> 00:35:01,780 What's going on? 513 00:35:01,880 --> 00:35:06,020 Rae, come and sit down. 514 00:35:06,120 --> 00:35:10,120 I've already apologised to Karim and I wanted to say sorry to you, too. 515 00:35:11,240 --> 00:35:13,780 For losing the plot yesterday. 516 00:35:13,880 --> 00:35:17,900 I've been very stressed, running around after that SPG lot. 517 00:35:18,000 --> 00:35:21,140 I didn't once get invited to any event that I wasn't bloody hosting. 518 00:35:21,240 --> 00:35:25,240 So, I quit, got my subscription money back. 519 00:35:26,120 --> 00:35:27,500 Here. 520 00:35:27,600 --> 00:35:30,980 It's the money for that pop album you wanted. 521 00:35:31,080 --> 00:35:32,980 Is this a trap? 522 00:35:33,080 --> 00:35:37,080 No! Just take the money, Rae. 523 00:35:48,120 --> 00:35:49,820 Check out what I got from Morton. 524 00:35:49,920 --> 00:35:53,220 Nice! 525 00:35:53,320 --> 00:35:57,260 Think it's this way, come on. 526 00:35:57,360 --> 00:35:58,460 Oh, my God. 527 00:35:58,560 --> 00:36:02,560 Archie! 528 00:36:06,720 --> 00:36:08,700 Looks like she wasn't making it up. 529 00:36:08,800 --> 00:36:12,800 Excuse me a second, just going to go say hello to Arch. 530 00:36:17,520 --> 00:36:19,700 What the fuck are you doing? 531 00:36:19,800 --> 00:36:23,800 I can explain. OK, go for it. 532 00:36:25,080 --> 00:36:27,220 All right, I can't explain. 533 00:36:27,320 --> 00:36:29,820 You are leading her on exactly the same as what you did to me. 534 00:36:29,920 --> 00:36:32,540 I know, but what... Bu-bu-bu! 535 00:36:32,640 --> 00:36:36,640 You said... No! You promised that you were going to stop being fake. 536 00:36:37,840 --> 00:36:40,140 I need to stop being fake?! 537 00:36:40,240 --> 00:36:42,780 Have you looked in a mirror lately? 538 00:36:42,880 --> 00:36:45,320 Rae! 539 00:36:48,280 --> 00:36:52,280 We are so far from fucking done. 540 00:36:58,320 --> 00:37:00,260 So where's this bar? I could really do with a drink. 541 00:37:00,360 --> 00:37:04,360 It's not a bar, it's a restaurant. 542 00:37:15,880 --> 00:37:19,880 Um, can I have the four cheeses pizza? 543 00:37:31,880 --> 00:37:35,660 Rae? 544 00:37:35,760 --> 00:37:37,420 Um... 545 00:37:37,520 --> 00:37:40,500 Maybe I'll just have a small Margherita pizza, please. 546 00:37:40,600 --> 00:37:43,700 See. 547 00:37:43,800 --> 00:37:45,100 Cheers, everyone. 548 00:37:45,200 --> 00:37:49,200 Cheers. 549 00:37:51,640 --> 00:37:55,640 So I said, "Listen, no-one cares about biology apart from you..." 550 00:37:56,760 --> 00:38:00,760 "..and that is only because you get paid to teach it.". 551 00:38:03,240 --> 00:38:04,180 Chlo? 552 00:38:04,280 --> 00:38:08,280 Could you go and can get me some spare napkins? 553 00:38:09,040 --> 00:38:11,820 Why me? 554 00:38:11,920 --> 00:38:14,620 I don't know, I was... 555 00:38:14,720 --> 00:38:18,720 I was only asking a favour. 556 00:38:20,320 --> 00:38:22,900 Yeah. 557 00:38:23,000 --> 00:38:25,900 Thanks. 558 00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:30,000 I might as well tell you guys now, because it's out. I'm going out with Archie. 559 00:38:32,080 --> 00:38:33,620 From second year. 560 00:38:33,720 --> 00:38:34,940 Archie Archie?! 561 00:38:35,040 --> 00:38:36,900 Yeah. He's fit. 562 00:38:37,000 --> 00:38:41,000 I know and... we've just told each other that we love each other. 563 00:38:44,200 --> 00:38:46,820 Babe, are you all right? 564 00:38:46,920 --> 00:38:50,920 I'm... I'm just so happy. 565 00:38:55,960 --> 00:38:58,640 I'm going for a slash. 566 00:39:01,800 --> 00:39:05,800 Guys, is Amy serious about wearing that trackie top on a night out?! 567 00:39:06,640 --> 00:39:10,660 I mean, I know she's got this whole keeping her street cred thing 568 00:39:10,760 --> 00:39:13,580 going on, but seriously, she just looks rough. 569 00:39:13,680 --> 00:39:17,540 Someone should say something. 570 00:39:17,640 --> 00:39:20,380 'That's when I realised these girls weren't friends, 571 00:39:20,480 --> 00:39:24,480 'Stacey just wanted people around who had vulnerabilities that she could exploit 572 00:39:25,680 --> 00:39:28,460 'to make herself feel better. 573 00:39:28,560 --> 00:39:29,780 'That's why I was there.' 574 00:39:29,880 --> 00:39:33,880 Oh, my God, Rae - nice bracelet. 575 00:39:35,080 --> 00:39:38,180 'And to be honest, I wasn't much better. 576 00:39:38,280 --> 00:39:40,740 'I was a phoney. 577 00:39:40,840 --> 00:39:44,840 'Just like Archie.' 578 00:39:48,360 --> 00:39:52,260 Oh, thank you. 579 00:39:52,360 --> 00:39:56,360 Thanks. 580 00:39:59,560 --> 00:40:02,340 Fuck it. 581 00:40:02,440 --> 00:40:03,580 Rae, where are you going? 582 00:40:03,680 --> 00:40:06,700 I don't want to be here. 583 00:40:06,800 --> 00:40:07,820 What do you mean? 584 00:40:07,920 --> 00:40:09,860 I don't want to be around you. 585 00:40:09,960 --> 00:40:12,340 I've got nothing against the rest of you. 586 00:40:12,440 --> 00:40:14,860 What did you just say? 587 00:40:14,960 --> 00:40:16,820 You're mean. 588 00:40:16,920 --> 00:40:18,220 And you're not a nice person. 589 00:40:18,320 --> 00:40:20,740 You manipulate everybody. 590 00:40:20,840 --> 00:40:21,860 No. 591 00:40:21,960 --> 00:40:25,380 I'll tell you what this is about, Rae! 592 00:40:25,480 --> 00:40:26,740 This isn't about me, 593 00:40:26,840 --> 00:40:30,840 this is about the fact that you can't eat in front of people. 594 00:40:53,440 --> 00:40:55,020 See you later, Chlo. 595 00:40:55,120 --> 00:40:57,120 Later, girls. 596 00:41:18,040 --> 00:41:21,420 Oh, there she is. 597 00:41:21,520 --> 00:41:24,700 Be not afeared, the isle is full of noises. 598 00:41:24,800 --> 00:41:28,800 Sounds and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not. 599 00:41:29,800 --> 00:41:33,800 Why, thank you. Ha-ha. 600 00:41:35,840 --> 00:41:36,780 What are you up to? 601 00:41:36,880 --> 00:41:40,880 Eating chips and drinking beer. My very own patented relaxation method. 602 00:42:34,280 --> 00:42:36,620 I don't know why you hang around with her, Chloe. 603 00:42:36,720 --> 00:42:39,220 She's so horrible to you. 604 00:42:39,320 --> 00:42:40,620 Yeah. 605 00:42:40,720 --> 00:42:43,140 I've never seen you like this before. 606 00:42:43,240 --> 00:42:47,240 I've never seen you take orders off anyone. 607 00:42:48,320 --> 00:42:51,820 Oh, no. What are you doing here? 608 00:42:51,920 --> 00:42:54,660 Chloe, I said we weren't hanging around with her, ever. 609 00:42:54,760 --> 00:42:57,700 I don't care how long you've known her. 610 00:42:57,800 --> 00:43:00,660 I'm sorry, Rae. 611 00:43:00,760 --> 00:43:02,700 Go on, Rae. 612 00:43:02,800 --> 00:43:05,020 Piss off! 613 00:43:05,120 --> 00:43:06,380 Actually, Stacey. 614 00:43:06,480 --> 00:43:09,460 I'm apologising for not doing this sooner. 615 00:43:09,560 --> 00:43:10,620 Doing what sooner? 616 00:43:10,720 --> 00:43:14,460 Telling you to piss off. 617 00:43:14,560 --> 00:43:16,660 I had to gather my evidence first. 618 00:43:16,760 --> 00:43:17,980 What are you talking about? 619 00:43:18,080 --> 00:43:21,260 Well, on Wednesday, you said of Vicky, and I quote, 620 00:43:21,360 --> 00:43:25,140 "She needs to stop putting so much foundation on. 621 00:43:25,240 --> 00:43:29,300 "I know she wants to hide her skin, but it doesn't, it just makes it worse. 622 00:43:29,400 --> 00:43:31,500 "Pretty soon she'll be putting it on with a trowel. 623 00:43:31,600 --> 00:43:33,460 "Someone should say something." 624 00:43:33,560 --> 00:43:35,620 I didn't say that. 625 00:43:35,720 --> 00:43:39,720 On Thursday, you said of Lois, "Lois is so desperate to have a boyfriend, 626 00:43:40,960 --> 00:43:43,980 "she's even started to create fictional problems. 627 00:43:44,080 --> 00:43:45,820 "I find it so sad. 628 00:43:45,920 --> 00:43:48,180 "Do you know, her problem has always been 629 00:43:48,280 --> 00:43:49,940 "that her standards are way too high. 630 00:43:50,040 --> 00:43:53,780 "If she dropped them, then she might have a real-life boyfriend. 631 00:43:53,880 --> 00:43:55,780 "Someone should say something." 632 00:43:55,880 --> 00:43:57,540 I didn't say that, Lois. 633 00:43:57,640 --> 00:44:01,740 On Saturday, you said of Amy... I didn't say anything, Chloe. 634 00:44:01,840 --> 00:44:04,780 You've got no proof of any of this. 635 00:44:04,880 --> 00:44:07,380 Do you know, I thought you might say that. 636 00:44:07,480 --> 00:44:11,480 So I took the liberty of recording everything you said at your birthday. 637 00:44:14,960 --> 00:44:18,960 'Guys, is Amy serious about wearing that trackie top on a night out? 638 00:44:20,840 --> 00:44:24,260 'I mean, I know she's got this whole keeping the street cred thing 639 00:44:24,360 --> 00:44:26,900 'going on, but seriously, she just looks rough. 640 00:44:27,000 --> 00:44:29,360 'Someone should say something.' 641 00:44:30,400 --> 00:44:32,700 Someone is saying something, Stacey. 642 00:44:32,800 --> 00:44:35,180 I'm saying something. Amy... 643 00:44:35,280 --> 00:44:36,540 Don't bother. 644 00:44:36,640 --> 00:44:40,640 I'm saying you're a bitch and it's just come right back 645 00:44:41,400 --> 00:44:42,580 and bit you on the arse. 646 00:44:42,680 --> 00:44:44,340 Right? 647 00:44:44,440 --> 00:44:46,560 Now, piss off. 648 00:45:00,560 --> 00:45:03,660 It turned out Stacey's vulnerability was that she just 649 00:45:03,760 --> 00:45:05,020 wasn't as clever as Chloe. 650 00:45:05,120 --> 00:45:09,120 In the game of bitches, there was only one queen bitch. 651 00:45:12,160 --> 00:45:16,160 But at least Chloe was honest. 652 00:45:17,320 --> 00:45:19,740 Even if it hurt. 653 00:45:19,840 --> 00:45:21,340 Well? 654 00:45:21,440 --> 00:45:22,660 What? 655 00:45:22,760 --> 00:45:26,760 Are you going to do the right thing? 656 00:45:27,600 --> 00:45:30,060 Stay out of it, Rae. 657 00:45:30,160 --> 00:45:31,620 No. 658 00:45:31,720 --> 00:45:34,420 No, I'm not going to stay out of it. 659 00:45:34,520 --> 00:45:35,700 I'm an honest person. 660 00:45:35,800 --> 00:45:37,660 I'm not going to let this happen. 661 00:45:37,760 --> 00:45:40,140 It's none of your business, Rae. 662 00:45:40,240 --> 00:45:41,940 I mean it. 663 00:45:42,040 --> 00:45:46,060 Break-up with her, or else. 664 00:45:46,160 --> 00:45:47,420 Or else what? 665 00:45:47,520 --> 00:45:49,260 Be quiet. 666 00:45:49,360 --> 00:45:53,360 Hiya, boo-boo. 667 00:45:54,040 --> 00:45:55,140 What's going on? 668 00:45:55,240 --> 00:45:57,660 Arch? 669 00:45:57,760 --> 00:46:01,760 Nothing. Tell me. 670 00:46:06,840 --> 00:46:10,240 Archie is gay, Lois. 671 00:46:13,600 --> 00:46:16,020 What? 672 00:46:16,120 --> 00:46:19,580 Archie? 673 00:46:19,680 --> 00:46:23,220 Rae... 674 00:46:23,320 --> 00:46:25,320 Oh, my God.