1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,500 {\pos(99,242)}人人影视 原创翻译 双语字幕 2 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:04,500 {\pos(235,237)}字幕组招新中 请访问 YYSubs.com 3 00:00:23,390 --> 00:00:26,390 {\pos(192,215)}翻译 草草 4 00:00:31,530 --> 00:00:34,530 {\pos(192,215)}翻译 哈里不是波特 5 00:00:42,540 --> 00:00:45,540 {\an9}{\pos(344.615,172.636)}时间轴 大葱 6 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:52,000 {\an7}{\pos(38.769,168.545)}校对 苏葵 7 00:00:57,430 --> 00:01:00,430 {\an7}{\pos(37.538,170.182)}后期 渔夫 8 00:01:06,440 --> 00:01:09,440 {\pos(192,210)}字幕总监制 苏葵 9 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:16,570 {\an8}{\pos(192,50)}太阳召唤 第一季 第四集 10 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:26,980 *伟大的年轻船长* *Mighty young captain* 11 00:00:28,010 --> 00:00:30,220 *在海上勇往直前* *Bold on the sea* 12 00:00:31,450 --> 00:00:33,730 *士兵和水手* *Soldier and sailor* 13 00:00:36,800 --> 00:00:38,920 *健健康康* *Free of disease* 14 00:00:44,640 --> 00:00:48,940 亲爱的阿丽娜 已过了几周 你还是全无音讯 Dear Alina, weeks gone and still no word from you. 15 00:00:50,310 --> 00:00:51,790 这是我第三封信了 This is my third letter. 16 00:00:58,860 --> 00:01:00,840 我的小队被派去了彻纳斯特 My unit has been sent to Chernast 17 00:01:01,030 --> 00:01:02,980 菲尔达人总在夜里入侵这里 where the Fjerdans keep attacking at night. 18 00:01:06,160 --> 00:01:07,980 前哨就快到了 The outpost isn't far now. 19 00:01:13,290 --> 00:01:15,550 我本想贿赂一个御风者替我给你带个信儿 I tried bribing a Squaller to get word to you. 20 00:01:16,530 --> 00:01:17,620 他却嘲笑了我 He laughed at me. 21 00:01:18,860 --> 00:01:21,990 我请求中尉代我给小王宫写信 I petitioned the lieutenant to write to Little Palace on my behalf. 22 00:01:20,220 --> 00:01:24,890 {\an8}圣者已至 23 00:01:22,270 --> 00:01:24,890 {\an8}太迟了 24 00:01:23,510 --> 00:01:25,340 他让我解散前问我 Before he dismissed me, he asked, 25 00:01:26,850 --> 00:01:28,910 "她是你什么人" "What is she to you, anyway?" 26 00:01:31,340 --> 00:01:32,910 我不知该如何回答 And I wasn't sure how to answer. 27 00:01:36,500 --> 00:01:37,290 萨沙 Sasha. 28 00:01:40,840 --> 00:01:41,650 森雅 Ksenya. 29 00:01:45,860 --> 00:01:46,620 寇申 Koshin. 30 00:01:47,970 --> 00:01:50,340 我眼前总会浮现起那天在小艇上你的脸 I can't stop seeing your face that day on the skiff. 31 00:01:52,140 --> 00:01:53,620 我可能永远都忘不掉了 I'm not sure I ever will. 32 00:01:55,020 --> 00:01:55,960 瓦洛克 Valok. 33 00:01:57,050 --> 00:01:57,860 米凯尔 Mikhael. 34 00:02:00,050 --> 00:02:02,820 还有...里诺拉 And... Lenora. 35 00:02:04,970 --> 00:02:06,080 就这些了 各位 That's all, folks. 36 00:02:11,880 --> 00:02:13,390 我喜欢她那么做 I love it when she does that. 37 00:02:14,960 --> 00:02:15,610 给 Here. 38 00:02:19,350 --> 00:02:21,580 一股炖羔羊味儿 Smells like braised lamb. 39 00:02:22,810 --> 00:02:24,130 你个白痴 You're an idiot. 40 00:02:24,630 --> 00:02:26,600 怎么了 我喜欢炖羔羊 What? I love braised lamb. 41 00:02:26,710 --> 00:02:27,580 闭嘴吧 Shut up. 42 00:02:28,210 --> 00:02:33,430 追踪队 欧斯奥塔刚下达了新任务 Pathfinders, a new open assignment has come down from Os Alta. 43 00:02:33,860 --> 00:02:36,560 彻纳斯特以北的所有部队 Every unit north of Chernast 44 00:02:37,020 --> 00:02:39,960 都要自愿组建一支追踪队 is tasked with volunteering a tracking party. 45 00:02:40,870 --> 00:02:44,640 奇利甘将军以受邀去小王宫参观为奖励 General Kirigan is offering a visit all the way to the Little Palace 46 00:02:45,120 --> 00:02:48,820 悬赏寻找摩若佐瓦的牡鹿 for the one who can find Morozova's Stag. 47 00:02:49,710 --> 00:02:50,920 然后它出现了 And then there it was. 48 00:02:52,090 --> 00:02:54,240 我知道那是你画的 I knew the drawing was yours. 49 00:02:57,630 --> 00:03:00,310 没错 就是那个古老的神话生物 That's right, the ancient, mythical creature. 50 00:03:01,170 --> 00:03:03,380 但是要抓活的 麻烦了 Except in the flesh, if you please. 51 00:03:05,030 --> 00:03:07,540 志愿者 So, volunteers. 52 00:03:08,320 --> 00:03:11,370 黑暗将军终于还是疯了 The Black General has finally lost it. 53 00:03:12,190 --> 00:03:15,030 为第二军团的鬼扯浪费我们的士兵 Wasting our soldiers on Second Army nonsense. 54 00:03:15,580 --> 00:03:17,400 现在他们找到了太阳召唤者 Now they have a Sun Summoner, 55 00:03:17,670 --> 00:03:19,850 那些老传说就又被拿上台面了 all the old folk tales are back on the table. 56 00:03:20,770 --> 00:03:21,530 我愿意 I'll do it. 57 00:03:22,880 --> 00:03:23,620 我去 I'll go. 58 00:03:38,960 --> 00:03:39,770 进来 Come in. 59 00:03:41,350 --> 00:03:42,510 早啊 美女 Morning, sunshine. 60 00:03:42,900 --> 00:03:44,080 有信来吗 Have any letters arrived? 61 00:03:44,420 --> 00:03:45,110 没有 No. 62 00:03:47,280 --> 00:03:49,200 我要去骑马吗 I'm going horse riding? 63 00:03:49,680 --> 00:03:51,030 跟奇利甘将军 With General Kirigan. 64 00:03:51,890 --> 00:03:54,640 我需要训练 不是被满城展示 I need to train, not be trotted around town. 65 00:03:55,200 --> 00:03:57,630 我越早能做到我该做的事 就越早能回归... The sooner I can do what I need to do, the sooner I can get back to-- 66 00:03:57,630 --> 00:03:58,590 你的人生吗 Your life? 67 00:04:00,890 --> 00:04:02,640 这就是你的人生了 This is your life. 68 00:04:03,200 --> 00:04:05,070 对 我的人生 Yeah, my life. 69 00:04:05,070 --> 00:04:06,890 佐娅时刻等着 Where Zoya is waiting 70 00:04:07,490 --> 00:04:10,640 御风把我打在墙上 或火坑里 to squall me into a wall or an open fire pit. 71 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:12,310 她被逐出王宫了 She's off the palace grounds. 72 00:04:12,820 --> 00:04:13,830 你没听说吗 Didn't you hear? 73 00:04:14,340 --> 00:04:17,010 他让她离开了 要她去考虑清楚轻重缓急 He sent her away to reassess her priorities. 74 00:04:17,930 --> 00:04:19,900 来吧 别让他久等 Come on, you don't want to keep him waiting. 75 00:04:20,530 --> 00:04:23,670 那可不行 怎么 他生气了吗 Saints forbid. Why? Is he angry? 76 00:04:25,520 --> 00:04:26,790 这样或许能哄他开心 This might do the trick. 77 00:04:30,790 --> 00:04:33,300 黑是他的颜色 不是我的 Black is his color. Not mine. 78 00:04:41,300 --> 00:04:42,940 -早 -早 - Morning. - Morning. 79 00:04:49,020 --> 00:04:50,220 你没穿你的凯夫塔 You're not wearing your kefta. 80 00:04:50,220 --> 00:04:52,320 你不喜欢我给你选的颜色吗 Did you not like the color I chose for you? 81 00:04:52,380 --> 00:04:54,030 只有你穿那个颜色 You're the only one who wears it. 82 00:04:55,100 --> 00:04:57,540 告诉我 你就那么想跟大家一样吗 Tell me, are you so anxious to be like everyone else? 83 00:04:58,400 --> 00:05:02,010 希望有一天能知道那是什么感觉 将军 It would be nice to know what that feels like, someday, General. 84 00:05:05,640 --> 00:05:07,030 时候未到 Well, that day is not today. 85 00:05:11,680 --> 00:05:14,150 而且 叫我亚历山大吧 Please, call me Aleksander. 86 00:05:30,660 --> 00:05:34,620 {\an7}{\pos(272.615,175.909)}东拉夫卡 克里比斯克 87 00:05:43,540 --> 00:05:44,400 那么 So... 88 00:05:46,210 --> 00:05:47,140 还挺顺利啊 That went well. 89 00:05:48,740 --> 00:05:49,600 天啊 Saints! 90 00:05:51,030 --> 00:05:52,870 小王宫冬日庆典 The Little Palace winter fete. 91 00:05:53,030 --> 00:05:54,680 没有妮娜 他别想找到办法 There's just no way he can find a way 92 00:05:54,680 --> 00:05:56,460 接近太阳召唤者 to the Sun Summoner without Nina. 93 00:05:58,360 --> 00:06:00,120 尤其是在这场荒唐的派对上 Especially during this ridiculous party. 94 00:06:00,130 --> 00:06:02,100 那里到时会到处都是第二军团 The place will be crawling with Second Army. 95 00:06:02,300 --> 00:06:03,280 走运了 We're in luck. 96 00:06:03,760 --> 00:06:05,300 我们应该是可以继续了 There's a good chance we can crack on. 97 00:06:05,940 --> 00:06:08,040 现在离首都只有三天脚程 Now that we're three days' travel from the capital, 98 00:06:08,070 --> 00:06:10,600 接下来就是想办法进入小王宫了 the next play is finding a way inside the Little Palace. 99 00:06:10,810 --> 00:06:12,130 克里比斯克档案馆里 It turns out the Kribirsk archives 100 00:06:12,130 --> 00:06:14,120 有小王宫的蓝图 house the Little Palace blueprints. 101 00:06:14,140 --> 00:06:17,570 但...那是锁起来的 But... they're kept under lock and key. 102 00:06:18,320 --> 00:06:20,730 大众休想看到 Far from the prying eyes of the masses. 103 00:06:21,380 --> 00:06:22,360 太好了 Yes. 104 00:06:22,870 --> 00:06:25,790 -什么意思 -盗窃时间到 - What does that mean? - Time for a heist. 105 00:06:29,710 --> 00:06:32,250 我留给你一枚子弹 做个念想 I leave you a bullet, to remember me. 106 00:06:34,110 --> 00:06:36,340 我们要保证永不相忘 米洛 Let's promise never to forget each other, Milo. 107 00:06:37,720 --> 00:06:39,050 但我现在得走了 But I must go now. 108 00:06:40,270 --> 00:06:42,840 我把你交给这位美丽的酒吧女侍照顾 I leave you in the care of this lovely barmaid, 109 00:06:43,310 --> 00:06:45,090 她需要你的支持 who needs your support here. 110 00:06:58,780 --> 00:06:59,980 我有个任务交给你 I have a job for you. 111 00:07:00,880 --> 00:07:03,060 我们得搭车去小王宫东边 We need to hitch a ride east to the Little Palace. 112 00:07:05,900 --> 00:07:06,860 去交朋友 Make friends. 113 00:07:09,860 --> 00:07:12,120 那是最难的任务 But that's the hardest job. 114 00:07:12,320 --> 00:07:14,090 你不是成功赢得了我们的友谊吗 You managed to win us over, didn't you? 115 00:07:25,930 --> 00:07:26,960 你看到了什么 What do you see? 116 00:07:28,980 --> 00:07:30,820 有些人眼里的我 Someone's version of me. 117 00:07:30,910 --> 00:07:33,870 或许是真实的你终于出现了 Or perhaps the real you has finally emerged. 118 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:46,510 你对小王宫里的生活适应得还好吗 How are you adjusting to life in the Little Palace? 119 00:07:48,530 --> 00:07:49,760 训练挺好的 Training is good. 120 00:07:50,520 --> 00:07:52,350 我觉得还算顺利吧 Well, I think it's going well. 121 00:07:52,880 --> 00:07:55,080 巴格拉有点让人捉摸不透 是吧 It's hard to tell with Baghra sometimes, isn't it? 122 00:07:55,660 --> 00:07:56,530 向来如此 Always. 123 00:07:58,200 --> 00:07:59,640 你的房间还满意吗 Is your room satisfactory? 124 00:08:00,150 --> 00:08:03,070 我以前都没用过暖床石呢 Well, I've never had warming stones put in my bed before. 125 00:08:04,750 --> 00:08:06,050 很高兴有珍雅在 I'm glad to have Genya. 126 00:08:07,560 --> 00:08:09,830 我就是不太清楚这条路通向哪 I'm just not sure I understand where this road leads. 127 00:08:10,920 --> 00:08:14,210 我了解你的感受 斯达科夫小姐 I do know how you feel, Miss Starkov. 128 00:08:16,730 --> 00:08:20,160 我小时候 会跑来这里 躲起来 When I was a boy, I used to run away and hide here. 129 00:08:21,660 --> 00:08:22,670 当我意识到 Once I realized that 130 00:08:22,670 --> 00:08:25,950 自己是拉夫卡最被仇视的格里莎的后裔 I was a descendant of the most hated Grisha in Ravka, 131 00:08:27,900 --> 00:08:28,970 我就会来这里 I'd come here, 132 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:31,460 丢一枚硬币 throw a coin. 133 00:08:32,060 --> 00:08:33,600 在喷泉中许愿 Make a wish in the fountain. 134 00:08:34,190 --> 00:08:36,660 一遍遍地许同一个愿 Same wish, over and over again. 135 00:08:38,000 --> 00:08:39,400 让我成为其他任何人 That I could be anyone else. 136 00:08:46,660 --> 00:08:48,430 这是他的故事吧 This is his story, isn't it? 137 00:08:49,440 --> 00:08:51,370 你就从这些老画判断的吗 You know it just from these old pictures? 138 00:08:51,720 --> 00:08:52,520 当然 Of course. 139 00:08:53,030 --> 00:08:55,730 所有孩子都学过历史 不止是格里莎 Every child learns the history, not just Grisha. 140 00:08:57,310 --> 00:09:00,580 数百年前 国王阿纳斯塔斯 Hundreds of years ago, Anastas, the King, 141 00:09:00,600 --> 00:09:02,850 雇了一个格里莎做他的军事顾问 hired a Grisha as his military adviser. 142 00:09:05,630 --> 00:09:07,270 一名暗影召唤者 A Shadow Summoner. 143 00:09:07,270 --> 00:09:09,800 直说吧 黑色异端 You can say it. The Black Heretic. 144 00:09:10,880 --> 00:09:12,840 异端对权力的渴望膨胀了 The Heretic grew hungry for more power, 145 00:09:12,840 --> 00:09:15,790 国王因担心争辩 便悬赏取他 and the King, fearing a coup, put a bounty on his head, 146 00:09:15,790 --> 00:09:17,690 和所有追随他的格里莎的性命 and any Grisha that stood by him. 147 00:09:18,250 --> 00:09:20,040 异端知道自己寡不敌众 The Heretic knew he was outnumbered, 148 00:09:20,040 --> 00:09:21,990 便企图制造自己的大军 so he attempted to create an army of his own 149 00:09:21,990 --> 00:09:23,440 他使用了摩若佐瓦 using the same forbidden science 150 00:09:23,440 --> 00:09:26,180 为给自己制造增强器使用过的禁术 Morozova once used to create his amplifiers. 151 00:09:27,140 --> 00:09:28,230 但他失败了 But he failed. 152 00:09:28,230 --> 00:09:30,110 却创造出了黑幕 He created the Fold instead. 153 00:09:30,620 --> 00:09:31,940 并因此丧命 And was killed by it. 154 00:09:32,780 --> 00:09:34,330 还害死了无数其他人 Along with countless others. 155 00:09:39,130 --> 00:09:40,720 我受的教育还可以吧 Was I properly schooled? 156 00:09:43,310 --> 00:09:47,930 我毕生都在努力撤销先祖犯下的深重罪孽 I have devoted my life to undoing the great sin of my forebearer, 157 00:09:49,090 --> 00:09:50,820 但我从未被视为破解之法 but I am never seen as the solution. 158 00:09:51,930 --> 00:09:54,970 只会让人们想起那个大麻烦 Only as a reminder of the problem. 159 00:09:55,580 --> 00:09:57,500 而且他们总需要个人来怪罪 And they always need someone to blame. 160 00:09:59,490 --> 00:10:01,980 所以你才那么看我 是吗 That's why you look at me like that, isn't it? 161 00:10:03,740 --> 00:10:05,480 我是你的破解之法 I'm your solution. 162 00:10:07,480 --> 00:10:08,710 但如果我失败了 Only, if I fail... 163 00:10:09,810 --> 00:10:10,950 他们会与我反目 they'll turn on me. 164 00:10:12,960 --> 00:10:14,990 我就成了新异端 And I'll be the brand-new Heretic. 165 00:10:22,140 --> 00:10:23,550 如果你相信什么 If you believe anything... 166 00:10:25,240 --> 00:10:27,430 相信我绝不会允许那种事发生 believe I will not let that happen. 167 00:10:31,070 --> 00:10:32,830 多谢你的安慰 但... I appreciate the sentiment, but... 168 00:10:37,510 --> 00:10:39,220 我会陪在你身边 I shall be right by your side. 169 00:10:42,860 --> 00:10:46,190 你和我要改变世界 阿丽娜 You and I are going to change the world, Alina. 170 00:10:49,970 --> 00:10:51,200 我送你回去吧 I should get you back. 171 00:10:52,760 --> 00:10:55,030 巴格拉讨厌人迟到 Baghra does hate tardiness. 172 00:11:04,550 --> 00:11:07,580 亲爱的阿丽娜 这可能是我最后一次给你写信了 Dear Alina, this may be my last letter to you. 173 00:11:08,340 --> 00:11:11,760 这头牡鹿跟你似乎有什么关系 我不清楚缘由 This stag has some connection to you, I don't know how or why, 174 00:11:12,190 --> 00:11:14,510 但如果为你的将军找到他 我们就能团聚 but if tracking it down for your general is what will reunite us, 175 00:11:14,510 --> 00:11:16,900 那...我们早日见了 then... I'll see you soon. 176 00:11:18,230 --> 00:11:19,320 那是核果吗 Is that stone fruit? 177 00:11:19,920 --> 00:11:20,800 你不用这么客气的 You didn't have to. 178 00:11:20,930 --> 00:11:23,080 这是给我的 Oh, these are for me. 179 00:11:23,830 --> 00:11:27,320 拜托 你不会真以为我们会让你自己去吧 Please, you didn't actually think we'd let you go on your own? 180 00:11:32,060 --> 00:11:33,720 我只求你能追踪到 All I ask is that you track down 181 00:11:33,720 --> 00:11:35,960 一只活蹦乱跳的公猪做晚餐 one of those skittering billyboars for dinner. 182 00:11:36,260 --> 00:11:37,380 我都不懂 I don't even understand 183 00:11:37,380 --> 00:11:38,960 你怎么总能找到那小玩意 how you keep finding those little bastards, 184 00:11:38,960 --> 00:11:42,090 但我光说起那个就流口水了 but my mouth is salivating just talking about them. 185 00:11:42,480 --> 00:11:43,890 我要你一半赏金 I want half your cut. 186 00:11:53,920 --> 00:11:55,900 好 我们开始吧 Okay, let's get on with it. 187 00:11:55,900 --> 00:11:58,940 手伸出来 手掌相对 Hands out. Palms face each other. 188 00:12:01,930 --> 00:12:02,710 光 Light. 189 00:12:05,940 --> 00:12:06,830 再来 Again. 190 00:12:13,270 --> 00:12:14,140 停下 Stop it! 191 00:12:15,140 --> 00:12:17,260 你开始了我就停下 I'll stop when you start. 192 00:12:22,480 --> 00:12:24,140 你睡眠不足 You're not sleeping enough. 193 00:12:31,560 --> 00:12:32,550 不够 Not enough. 194 00:12:32,910 --> 00:12:34,900 远远不够 Not nearly enough. 195 00:12:38,380 --> 00:12:41,810 有一次 巴格拉放了一群蜜蜂叮我 One time, Baghra released a hive of bees on me. 196 00:12:41,820 --> 00:12:44,060 最糟的是 还成功了 Worst part is, it worked. 197 00:12:44,290 --> 00:12:45,390 真的 It really did. 198 00:12:46,400 --> 00:12:47,920 那之后 我就能随时召唤了 I could summon at will after that. 199 00:12:54,490 --> 00:12:55,740 反正 不要紧的 Anyway, it doesn't matter. 200 00:12:56,130 --> 00:12:58,320 等玛尔来了 就会好起来 Once Mal gets here, it will be better. 201 00:12:59,010 --> 00:13:00,600 他跟我一起经历了一切 He's seen me through everything. 202 00:13:01,510 --> 00:13:03,390 他会知道该说什么 让我撑过去 He'll know the right thing to say to get me through this. 203 00:13:03,990 --> 00:13:06,670 希望能吧 我们有好多事要谈 Hopefully. We've got lots to talk about. 204 00:13:06,670 --> 00:13:07,460 玛尔 Mal? 205 00:13:09,380 --> 00:13:11,270 他帅吗 他很帅吧 Is he handsome? He's very handsome, isn't he? 206 00:13:11,280 --> 00:13:12,400 听你说他名字的样子就知道了 I can tell by the way you said his name. 207 00:13:12,400 --> 00:13:13,570 -不是那样的 -真的吗 - It's not like that. - You sure? 208 00:13:13,570 --> 00:13:15,290 这个帅小伙什么时候来 When is this strapping lad coming? 209 00:13:16,020 --> 00:13:18,940 我已经邀请了他...随时会来吧 I've invited him, so... any day now. 210 00:13:18,940 --> 00:13:21,340 务必让他们宣布他的到来 我们到时好陪着你 Make sure he's announced so we can be with you when he arrives. 211 00:13:39,510 --> 00:13:42,090 好 盗窃皇家档案馆 All right. Royal Archives heist. 212 00:13:42,590 --> 00:13:43,710 计划如下 Here's the game plan. 213 00:13:44,390 --> 00:13:46,350 看守全天候戒备 Watchmen are on guard around the clock. 214 00:13:46,560 --> 00:13:49,430 我们要尽可能安静地进出 We want to get in and get out as quietly as possible. 215 00:13:50,730 --> 00:13:53,460 所以不能用重武器 杰斯帕 That means the hardware stays in the holster, Jesper. 216 00:13:53,770 --> 00:13:55,270 好吧 Ugh, fine. 217 00:13:55,270 --> 00:13:57,650 伊奈什 屋顶穹顶正下方就是 Inej, the dome on the roof is directly above the repository 218 00:13:57,660 --> 00:13:59,990 存放小王宫蓝图的贮藏室 where the blueprints to the Little Palace are kept. 219 00:14:00,640 --> 00:14:02,090 知道了 我就从那里进 Got it. That's my way in. 220 00:14:05,780 --> 00:14:07,810 日安啊 先生 Good day to you, sir. 221 00:14:07,940 --> 00:14:11,500 我叫伊万诺夫斯基 大名鼎鼎的名雕塑家 My name is Ivanovski. The sculptor, yes. 222 00:14:11,500 --> 00:14:12,530 好啊 All right. 223 00:14:12,530 --> 00:14:14,680 我非常需要你帮助 I am in desperate need of your assistance. 224 00:14:14,680 --> 00:14:17,890 我要为冬日庆典雕一座 I am working on a real showstopper 225 00:14:17,920 --> 00:14:19,120 能震惊四座的作品 for the winter fete. 226 00:14:19,120 --> 00:14:22,240 我需要小王宫入口处的尺寸 I need the dimensions to the Little Palace entrances. 227 00:14:22,270 --> 00:14:26,730 我的大作可能太大 塞不进王宫门框 The grand piece may be too grand to fit through the doorframe. 228 00:14:26,730 --> 00:14:28,170 如果要把雕塑 The King will have my head 229 00:14:28,170 --> 00:14:31,120 放在庭院里 国王非杀我头不可 if his statuary must be parked in the courtyard. 230 00:14:31,200 --> 00:14:32,570 该死的庆典 Damned fete. 231 00:14:33,360 --> 00:14:36,030 我每天都要去调蓝图 I have to pull the blueprints every day. 232 00:14:37,310 --> 00:14:38,280 等着 Wait here. 233 00:14:38,390 --> 00:14:39,640 屏息静待 With bated breath. 234 00:14:41,390 --> 00:14:42,580 我会用磷留下一条足迹 I'll set a trail of phosphorus 235 00:14:42,580 --> 00:14:44,290 指引你找到目标 that will lead you straight to the target. 236 00:14:45,750 --> 00:14:47,200 贮藏室时刻紧锁 The repository is secured at all times 237 00:14:47,200 --> 00:14:49,030 上锁装置由两部分组成 behind a two-part lock mechanism. 238 00:14:52,550 --> 00:14:55,320 伊奈什 你必须怎么进的 就怎么出 So, Inej, you have to leave the way you came in. 239 00:14:59,570 --> 00:15:02,670 小王宫入口处的尺寸 Dimensions to the entrances of the Little Palace. 240 00:15:03,660 --> 00:15:05,500 愿太阳召唤者保佑你 May the Sun Summoner bless you. 241 00:15:05,500 --> 00:15:07,150 我不是信徒 Oh, I'm not a believer. 242 00:15:07,150 --> 00:15:08,800 老实说 No, truth be told, 243 00:15:09,590 --> 00:15:10,740 我也不信 neither am I. 244 00:15:11,230 --> 00:15:13,770 日落两小时后 你就动手 杰斯帕 Two hours after sunset is when you'll go in, Jesper. 245 00:15:14,760 --> 00:15:16,040 你得混进去 You'll need to blend in. 246 00:15:16,520 --> 00:15:17,350 轻松 Easy. 247 00:15:19,040 --> 00:15:20,980 灯阀门在二楼 The lighting valves are on the second floor. 248 00:15:26,310 --> 00:15:28,560 我以灯光熄灭为信号 I'll take my cue once I see the lights go out. 249 00:15:33,760 --> 00:15:36,120 沿着你留的足迹找到蓝图 And then follow your trail straight to the blueprints. 250 00:15:37,860 --> 00:15:40,350 档案管理员一天要取图好几次 The archivist has to pull them a number of times a day, 251 00:15:40,350 --> 00:15:42,540 我们不能偷 否则必会被发现 so we can't steal them or they'll know something is up. 252 00:15:42,540 --> 00:15:44,450 那就做副本 So? Make a copy. 253 00:15:44,600 --> 00:15:47,700 但要小心 手重了会让墨洇开 But careful. If you're heavy-handed, you'll bleed the ink. 254 00:15:47,750 --> 00:15:49,000 我心里有数 I know what I'm doing. 255 00:15:57,220 --> 00:15:59,180 阀门关了 我不知道怎么回事 Valve was turned off! I don't know how. 256 00:15:59,180 --> 00:16:00,680 莱夫呢 去找他 Where's Lev? Find him! 257 00:16:23,110 --> 00:16:24,880 -有动静吗 -没有 - Anything? - Nothing. 258 00:16:40,610 --> 00:16:41,400 让开 Move! 259 00:17:11,620 --> 00:17:13,160 出手有点慢了吧 Bit slow on the draw there. 260 00:17:13,570 --> 00:17:14,750 或者正及时 Or just in time. 261 00:17:23,280 --> 00:17:23,930 将军 General... 262 00:17:25,430 --> 00:17:26,620 您找我 长官 You wanted to see me, sir? 263 00:17:26,620 --> 00:17:28,160 对 费迪勒 Yes, Fedyor. 264 00:17:28,960 --> 00:17:29,660 告诉我 Tell me, 265 00:17:30,160 --> 00:17:33,560 你接触过一个叫妮娜·赞尼克的摄心者吗 have you worked with a Heartrender by the name of Nina Zenik? 266 00:17:33,560 --> 00:17:36,310 以前共事过 她曾是第二军团的翘楚 Once, yes. She's one of the best in the Second Army. 267 00:17:36,440 --> 00:17:37,320 是啊 Quite. 268 00:17:37,990 --> 00:17:40,420 妮娜一直在为我执行重要任务 Nina's been on a priority mission for me 269 00:17:40,550 --> 00:17:41,970 但却没按时传来消息 and she's not reported in. 270 00:17:42,620 --> 00:17:45,260 如果她还活着 她可能需要帮助 If she's alive, she may need our help. 271 00:17:45,820 --> 00:17:46,870 就我对妮娜的了解 长官 Knowing Nina, sir, 272 00:17:47,330 --> 00:17:48,360 她肯定活得好好的 she's very much alive. 273 00:17:48,370 --> 00:17:50,900 我不想听你的猜测 费迪勒 I don't need your conjecture, Fedyor. 274 00:17:51,780 --> 00:17:53,570 我要你为我找到她 I need you to find her for me. 275 00:18:02,620 --> 00:18:04,560 -不如... -不 看 - What about... - No, look. 276 00:18:05,330 --> 00:18:06,380 这条走廊如何 How about this hallway? 277 00:18:06,380 --> 00:18:08,830 不行 看 守卫塔 No go. See? Guard tower. 278 00:18:10,340 --> 00:18:11,340 根本没路进去 There's no way in. 279 00:18:11,640 --> 00:18:12,700 也没路出来 And no way out. 280 00:18:12,880 --> 00:18:15,550 我就觉得这计划行不通 Well, I thought this plan might not work. 281 00:18:36,940 --> 00:18:40,470 那是...魔鹿屎吗 Is that... magical deer scat? 282 00:18:40,910 --> 00:18:42,070 这群不一样 This herd is different. 283 00:18:43,110 --> 00:18:45,130 即便结了霜 它们也没挨饿 Even in the frost, they're not going hungry. 284 00:18:45,820 --> 00:18:47,430 它们的首领很厉害 Their alpha is exceptional. 285 00:18:48,150 --> 00:18:49,720 它对这片土地非常熟悉 It knows these lands incredibly well. 286 00:18:51,300 --> 00:18:52,220 我们继续走吧 Let's keep moving. 287 00:18:58,470 --> 00:19:01,910 走吧 大块头 真是了不起的屎 Let's go, big guy. That's amazing shit. 288 00:19:15,990 --> 00:19:18,120 -你手里拿的是什么 -没什么 - What's that in your hand? - Nothing. 289 00:19:19,790 --> 00:19:22,430 你捡了牡鹿屎吗 杜布洛夫 Did you pick up the stag shit, Dubrov? 290 00:19:22,600 --> 00:19:24,730 以防我们没有找到那头牡鹿 In case we don't find the actual Stag. 291 00:19:25,150 --> 00:19:26,350 什么 为什么 What? Why? 292 00:19:26,970 --> 00:19:27,840 牡鹿不是可以赋予格里莎 Isn't the Stag one of these 293 00:19:27,840 --> 00:19:30,770 更多能力的生物之一吗 creatures that gives the Grisha more power? 294 00:19:31,120 --> 00:19:31,720 对 Yeah. 295 00:19:31,720 --> 00:19:33,460 想着这玩意也许能换几枚硬币 Reckon this will fetch a few coins. 296 00:19:33,460 --> 00:19:35,230 -你真是... -天才吗 - You're... - A genius? 297 00:19:35,630 --> 00:19:38,850 你就不能拿个东西把它包起来吗 天啊... Couldn't you have wrapped it in something? For Saints' sa-- 298 00:19:38,850 --> 00:19:41,590 冷静 是干的 Calm down. It's dry. 299 00:19:45,840 --> 00:19:48,240 -我要分一半的钱 -好 - I want half your cut. - All right. 300 00:19:51,580 --> 00:19:54,190 我不明白为什么我要白费功夫来写这封信 I'm not even sure why I bother to write this letter. 301 00:19:54,850 --> 00:19:55,490 这边走 This way. 302 00:19:55,790 --> 00:19:57,500 我可能根本没机会把它寄出去 I may never have a chance to send it. 303 00:19:58,390 --> 00:19:59,830 但我会找到牡鹿 But I will find the Stag. 304 00:20:00,750 --> 00:20:03,010 这是我仍能给予你的东西 It's the one thing I can still give you. 305 00:20:04,420 --> 00:20:05,680 也许只有这个了 Maybe the only thing. 306 00:20:38,510 --> 00:20:39,830 我给你带来了吃的 I brought you food. 307 00:20:42,560 --> 00:20:44,120 很可能下了毒吧 It's likely poisoned. 308 00:20:51,470 --> 00:20:53,330 如果你愿意 我可以接着吃 I'll keep eating it, if you prefer. 309 00:20:53,330 --> 00:20:55,670 好吧 那就是没下毒 All right, so not poisoned. 310 00:20:55,990 --> 00:20:57,240 但我不傻 But I'm no fool. 311 00:20:58,290 --> 00:20:59,710 你有求于我 You want something from me. 312 00:21:00,400 --> 00:21:04,520 女巫都太习惯于欺骗 所以无法接受善意吗 Are witches so used to deceit, they can't accept good manners? 313 00:21:04,520 --> 00:21:05,600 善意 Manners? 314 00:21:06,910 --> 00:21:10,210 你用链子锁着我 让我挨饿 还有脸说善意 Oh, you talk of manners when you have me in chains, starving. 315 00:21:10,250 --> 00:21:12,420 -我想让你吃东西 -为什么 - I'm trying to feed you. - Why? 316 00:21:18,020 --> 00:21:19,170 好吧... All right... 317 00:21:21,520 --> 00:21:23,610 我确实有求于你 I do want something from you. 318 00:21:27,120 --> 00:21:28,210 答案 Answers. 319 00:21:30,520 --> 00:21:32,100 你的父母也是格里莎吗 Are your parents also Grisha? 320 00:21:32,110 --> 00:21:34,250 你的父母也是奴隶贩子吗 Are your parents also slavers? 321 00:21:34,430 --> 00:21:36,900 你天生就是女巫还是后天的选择 Were you born a witch or was that by choice? 322 00:21:36,900 --> 00:21:39,320 你天生就是个浑球还是后天的选择 Were you born a prick or was it a choice? 323 00:21:41,840 --> 00:21:43,300 他们教了你什么 What do they teach you? 324 00:21:43,480 --> 00:21:44,400 除了说 Aside from the fact that 325 00:21:44,400 --> 00:21:46,520 我们是邪恶的 必须钉在木桩上被烧死以外 we're evil and should be burned at the stake? 326 00:21:46,520 --> 00:21:49,320 还有你们会杀我们 只要有机会 That you kill us. Every chance you get. 327 00:21:49,320 --> 00:21:51,280 因为你们想置所有的格里莎于死地 Because you want all Grisha dead. 328 00:21:54,850 --> 00:21:56,470 我为什么还要和你争论呢 Why am I even arguing with you? 329 00:21:57,160 --> 00:22:00,020 你不是来改变你的想法 You're not here to change your mind on anything. 330 00:22:01,100 --> 00:22:05,000 只是为了在我死时 让你自己好受些 Only to make yourself feel better about sending me to my death. 331 00:22:10,390 --> 00:22:12,260 我对你什么感觉都没有 I feel nothing about you. 332 00:22:13,650 --> 00:22:17,230 我猜那使你很擅长你的工作 Well, I guess that makes you good at your job. 333 00:22:18,140 --> 00:22:19,800 也会让你成为一个很可怕的人 And also a terrible person. 334 00:22:19,800 --> 00:22:20,640 可怕 Terrible? 335 00:22:21,710 --> 00:22:25,220 使用魔法让人的心脏停跳的人有什么资格说可怕 Says the one who uses magic to stop a man's heart. 336 00:22:25,730 --> 00:22:27,440 你知道摄心者是干什么的吗 Do you even know what a Heartrender does? 337 00:22:27,440 --> 00:22:28,300 知道 Yes. 338 00:22:29,340 --> 00:22:32,580 可以让血液沸腾的女巫 A witch who can boil blood. 339 00:22:33,480 --> 00:22:35,670 你知道我们也可以平复怒火吗 Did you know we can also soothe tempers? 340 00:22:36,320 --> 00:22:38,770 安抚痛苦中的人 Calm someone in pain? 341 00:22:39,380 --> 00:22:41,230 抚慰他们的心灵 Ease their mind. 342 00:22:42,620 --> 00:22:45,030 别紧张 只要我的手被这些绑着 Relax, I can't do anything to you 343 00:22:45,030 --> 00:22:46,740 我就无法对你做任何事情 as long as my hands are in these. 344 00:22:48,930 --> 00:22:52,860 你说过你的老板会追杀我 You said that the man you work for will hunt me down. 345 00:22:54,950 --> 00:22:56,020 你是说暗主吗 You mean the Darkling? 346 00:22:56,020 --> 00:22:57,270 你真可悲 You're pathetic. 347 00:22:57,270 --> 00:22:59,940 你带着你那悲催的屁善意来这里 You come here with your sad little peace offering 348 00:22:59,950 --> 00:23:01,740 却只是想要关于他的情报 when all you want is information on him? 349 00:23:01,940 --> 00:23:03,290 你想吃东西 You want to eat. 350 00:23:03,290 --> 00:23:05,290 我宁愿饿着也不会当叛徒 I'd rather starve than be a traitor. 351 00:23:16,020 --> 00:23:16,660 好吧 Okay. 352 00:23:20,900 --> 00:23:22,610 你不必告诉我们任何事 You don't have to tell me anything. 353 00:23:24,800 --> 00:23:25,840 吃吧 Just take it. 354 00:23:41,330 --> 00:23:42,090 看见没有 You see? 355 00:23:43,720 --> 00:23:45,270 也没那么糟糕吧 That wasn't so bad. 356 00:23:47,820 --> 00:23:50,420 我不会拾你们这种人的牙慧 I will not take scraps from the likes of you. 357 00:24:00,610 --> 00:24:01,310 你会的 You will. 358 00:24:14,890 --> 00:24:16,590 你有什么计划吗 Got any plans up your sleeve? 359 00:24:19,790 --> 00:24:21,850 克里比斯克也不是最差的 I mean, Kribirsk isn't the worst. 360 00:24:22,500 --> 00:24:23,910 我们可以开间酒吧 We can open up a bar. 361 00:24:24,510 --> 00:24:26,710 酿东拉夫卡啤酒给西部的人喝 Brew East Ravkan beer for the Westerners? 362 00:24:26,710 --> 00:24:28,250 闭嘴 杰斯帕 Shut up, Jesper. 363 00:24:28,880 --> 00:24:30,160 我好想米洛 I miss Milo. 364 00:24:30,860 --> 00:24:31,800 朋友们 Friends. 365 00:24:33,210 --> 00:24:34,690 你怎么这么高兴 What are you so cheery about? 366 00:24:35,850 --> 00:24:36,510 这位是马可 This is Marko 367 00:24:36,510 --> 00:24:39,600 马可是叫作庞卓肯玩家的 Marko is the leader of the traveling troupe 368 00:24:39,600 --> 00:24:42,310 巡回马戏团团长 known as the Pomdrakon Players. 369 00:24:43,220 --> 00:24:46,570 他们受邀去今年的冬日庆典上表演 They have been invited to perform in this year's winter fete. 370 00:24:46,570 --> 00:24:47,980 毕生的梦想 A lifelong dream. 371 00:24:47,980 --> 00:24:49,010 是啊是啊 Yes, yes. 372 00:24:49,010 --> 00:24:51,760 一个进入小王宫的机会 A chance to get inside the Little Palace. 373 00:24:51,760 --> 00:24:53,330 但他们的主力明星 But they lost their star performer 374 00:24:53,330 --> 00:24:58,070 因为不幸的诡异事故无法表演了 due to an unfortunate freak accident. 375 00:25:01,040 --> 00:25:03,400 他们迫切地需要一位 They are in desperate need of someone 376 00:25:03,400 --> 00:25:06,030 有技巧的人去替换他们的明星 with the skills to replace their star performer, 377 00:25:06,030 --> 00:25:09,600 作为凯特丹最主要的人才管理者 and as Ketterdam's premier talent manager, 378 00:25:09,900 --> 00:25:11,130 我有了个主意 I had an idea. 379 00:25:19,700 --> 00:25:21,530 一位朋友曾经说过 As a friend once said, 380 00:25:22,250 --> 00:25:24,480 "如果我解决不了 我们就都哪也别想去了" "If I can't crack this, none of us are going anywhere." 381 00:26:13,050 --> 00:26:15,150 你肯定是圣者派来的 The Saints must have sent you. 382 00:26:15,150 --> 00:26:17,290 太好了 演出可以继续了 Yes. The show will go on. 383 00:26:17,290 --> 00:26:17,910 来 Now. 384 00:26:19,920 --> 00:26:22,620 你能传下这个吗 Can you... fit into this? 385 00:26:23,450 --> 00:26:24,790 她当然能 Of course she can. 386 00:26:25,550 --> 00:26:27,550 那是属于她的颜色 Those are her colors, 387 00:26:27,550 --> 00:26:30,050 但是 伊奈什 but the thing is, Inej... 388 00:26:31,030 --> 00:26:32,660 是打包出售的 comes as part of a package deal. 389 00:26:33,010 --> 00:26:34,650 别想白跟来 No free rides. 390 00:26:35,300 --> 00:26:36,460 你有什么才艺 What are your talents? 391 00:27:11,250 --> 00:27:12,530 舞台属于你了 先生 Stage is yours, sir. 392 00:27:13,470 --> 00:27:14,680 我自己想办法去 I'll make my own way. 393 00:27:29,450 --> 00:27:32,930 我觉得我需要增强器 提升我的能量 I think I need an amplifier. Something to boost my strength. 394 00:27:33,170 --> 00:27:35,140 你靠自己都无法照亮门口 You can't light a doorway on your own. 395 00:27:35,480 --> 00:27:36,700 你有什么可增强的 What would you amplify? 396 00:27:36,710 --> 00:27:37,850 奇利甘碰我时 When Kirigan touched me-- 397 00:27:37,850 --> 00:27:41,180 奇利甘将军不能永远做你的拐杖 General Kirigan can't be your crutch forever. 398 00:27:41,630 --> 00:27:44,150 而且使用增强器就是野蛮懒惰的... And the use of amplifiers is a barbaric, lazy practice-- 399 00:27:44,150 --> 00:27:45,960 你至少可以试试给我点鼓励 You could try to be encouraging. 400 00:27:45,960 --> 00:27:47,200 我不是你妈妈 I'm not your mother. 401 00:27:48,380 --> 00:27:50,930 但你大概会永远想寻找那个吧 But I guess you'll always be looking for one of those. 402 00:27:59,680 --> 00:28:02,960 她可算出现了 欢迎 There she is. Welcome. 403 00:28:04,870 --> 00:28:06,800 那茶应该开始生效了 That tea should be taking effect. 404 00:28:08,230 --> 00:28:08,940 什么 What? 405 00:28:20,900 --> 00:28:22,120 你在哪 孩子 Where are you, child? 406 00:28:23,010 --> 00:28:24,170 我在孤儿院 I'm at the orphanage. 407 00:28:25,160 --> 00:28:26,320 你站岗 You stand watch. 408 00:28:26,450 --> 00:28:28,710 看到人来了 就给我个信号 If you see anyone coming, give me a signal. 409 00:28:29,130 --> 00:28:31,410 等我拿到我的写生簿 我们就跑 Once I have my sketchbook, we run. 410 00:28:31,790 --> 00:28:33,850 再不回头 好吗 We never look back. Right? 411 00:28:36,360 --> 00:28:39,080 我们还要去那片地里躲多少次 How many times will we be out there in that field? 412 00:28:39,270 --> 00:28:42,970 即便不是格里莎想分开我们 战争也会的 If it's not the Grisha trying to separate us, it will be the war. 413 00:28:43,820 --> 00:28:46,770 我们不能一直躲下去 但我们可以跑 We can't hide forever, but we can run. 414 00:28:47,820 --> 00:28:48,630 一起跑 Together. 415 00:28:50,090 --> 00:28:50,960 一起跑 Together. 416 00:28:56,140 --> 00:28:57,590 这是哪天 What day is this? 417 00:28:57,890 --> 00:28:59,430 测试员来的那天 The day the testers came. 418 00:28:59,880 --> 00:29:01,370 以为你们能躲起来吗 Thought you could hide? 419 00:29:02,330 --> 00:29:03,360 你们错了 Well, you're wrong. 420 00:29:05,530 --> 00:29:06,150 来吧 Come on. 421 00:29:12,630 --> 00:29:14,430 他这样我们无法测试 We cannot test him like this. 422 00:29:14,460 --> 00:29:15,920 他的伤让测试无法进行 His injury makes it impossible. 423 00:29:15,920 --> 00:29:17,350 那你来我这边吧 孩子 You stay with me then, boy. 424 00:29:20,390 --> 00:29:21,150 来 Come. 425 00:29:23,880 --> 00:29:25,460 不用担心什么 There's nothing to worry about. 426 00:29:26,090 --> 00:29:29,090 如果你不是格里莎 你的生活会继续照旧 If you're not Grisha, your life will carry on as it always has. 427 00:29:29,520 --> 00:29:30,670 但如果你是 But if you are, 428 00:29:31,180 --> 00:29:33,190 有全新的世界等待着你 a whole new world awaits you. 429 00:29:34,540 --> 00:29:36,730 这一切都会成为渐远的过去 And all of this will fade into the past. 430 00:29:40,770 --> 00:29:41,880 会刺痛一下 This will prick. 431 00:29:42,440 --> 00:29:45,150 呼吸 胳膊放松 Just breathe and relax your arms. 432 00:29:45,380 --> 00:29:46,810 这天发生了什么事 What happened on this day? 433 00:29:47,220 --> 00:29:48,340 我做了测试 I was tested. 434 00:29:49,290 --> 00:29:52,210 我知道测试员需要突然的疼痛来检测格里莎能力 I knew the testers used sudden pain to detect Grisha power. 435 00:29:52,990 --> 00:29:55,070 但如果我本就很疼 那就不会起效了 But it wouldn't show if I was already in pain. 436 00:29:56,020 --> 00:29:57,620 所以我保护了自己 So I protected myself. 437 00:29:58,960 --> 00:30:00,260 她不是格里莎 She is not Grisha. 438 00:30:21,460 --> 00:30:23,120 我不知道我真是格里莎 I wasn't aware I was Grisha. 439 00:30:24,020 --> 00:30:27,150 我只是想尽我所能避免被跟玛尔分开 I was just doing whatever I could to not be separated from Mal. 440 00:30:27,380 --> 00:30:30,190 你靠否认自己保护了自己 You protected yourself by denying yourself. 441 00:30:30,630 --> 00:30:32,290 他一个人时会遭到霸凌 He was bullied when he was alone. 442 00:30:33,240 --> 00:30:35,370 我考虑的不是自己 而是他 I wasn't thinking of me, I was thinking of him. 443 00:30:36,270 --> 00:30:37,600 我们本打算一起逃跑 We planned to run away together. 444 00:30:37,600 --> 00:30:38,540 是你的打算 You had plans. 445 00:30:38,550 --> 00:30:41,410 或许他本就没想跑 想想看 他现在在哪 Perhaps he never did, because where is he now? 446 00:30:42,940 --> 00:30:43,740 我不知道 I don't know. 447 00:30:44,350 --> 00:30:46,150 那你究竟在为谁克制 Who are you holding back for, then? 448 00:30:47,900 --> 00:30:49,550 召唤光吧 Bring the light. 449 00:30:56,480 --> 00:30:57,430 我努力了 I'm trying. 450 00:30:58,830 --> 00:31:01,250 还有多少拉夫卡孩子要因这场战争而变成孤儿 How many more Ravkan children need to be orphaned to this war 451 00:31:01,250 --> 00:31:03,530 就因为你不敢面对真相 because you are afraid to face the truth? 452 00:31:56,200 --> 00:31:56,870 阿丽娜 Alina. 453 00:31:59,010 --> 00:32:01,610 我...打扰你了吗 Am I... disturbing you? 454 00:32:03,550 --> 00:32:04,430 完全没有 Not at all. 455 00:32:05,510 --> 00:32:06,370 睡不着吗 Can't sleep? 456 00:32:10,670 --> 00:32:11,290 进来吧 Come in. 457 00:32:12,660 --> 00:32:13,190 给 Here. 458 00:32:21,040 --> 00:32:22,810 这是现在的地图吗 Is this map current? 459 00:32:23,470 --> 00:32:24,390 是的 It is. 460 00:32:25,210 --> 00:32:29,280 我们的敌人因你的存在而感到了威胁 Our enemies are threatened by your mere existence. 461 00:32:30,910 --> 00:32:34,270 但拉夫卡只有团结一致 才能应对他们 But Ravka can only stand up to them if we present a united front. 462 00:32:36,740 --> 00:32:41,260 而现在西拉夫卡出现了起义的传言 And there is talk of uprising in the West, 463 00:32:41,430 --> 00:32:46,290 还是由我们尊敬的第一军团将军带领 led by our... esteemed First Army General. 464 00:32:48,410 --> 00:32:51,430 我们自己人 背弃了我们 Our own people, turning their backs on us. 465 00:32:52,760 --> 00:32:53,270 亚历山大 Aleksander-- 466 00:32:53,280 --> 00:32:55,810 长久以来 我一直在 I have been fighting this war... 467 00:32:57,310 --> 00:32:59,660 独自作战 alone for so long. 468 00:33:01,220 --> 00:33:05,660 我埋葬了那么多好士兵 I have buried so many good soldiers. 469 00:33:07,750 --> 00:33:08,540 和朋友 Friends. 470 00:33:10,730 --> 00:33:12,200 军饷不多了 The coffers are running dry, 471 00:33:12,200 --> 00:33:14,990 绞索在收紧 the noose tightens... 472 00:33:16,100 --> 00:33:19,150 而我们自己人 又把矛头指向格里莎 and our own people are turning against Grisha, 473 00:33:19,150 --> 00:33:20,910 就像他们的先祖曾经那样 just as their kin once did. 474 00:33:41,290 --> 00:33:42,520 你不是独自一人 You are not alone. 475 00:33:54,960 --> 00:33:57,110 我等你等了好久 I have been waiting a long time for you. 476 00:34:03,010 --> 00:34:03,880 我该走了 I should go. 477 00:34:42,140 --> 00:34:42,940 船长 Captain. 478 00:34:44,950 --> 00:34:46,790 风暴要赶上我们了 The storm is overtaking us. 479 00:34:47,720 --> 00:34:48,880 我们很快就会被卷进去 We'll be in it soon. 480 00:34:50,280 --> 00:34:51,660 船可能会被搅碎 It may break the ship. 481 00:34:52,790 --> 00:34:55,900 如果情况变糟 杀了俘虏 If it gets bad, kill the captives. 482 00:34:56,260 --> 00:34:56,850 长官 Sir? 483 00:34:57,420 --> 00:34:59,000 我们可绝不希望船进水时 The last thing we want is for one of them 484 00:34:59,000 --> 00:35:01,780 他们有谁逃脱了 to get loose when we're taking on water. 485 00:35:02,480 --> 00:35:06,140 但长官 他们应该受审的 But, sir, they are due to stand trial. 486 00:35:07,260 --> 00:35:07,960 那又如何 So? 487 00:35:40,620 --> 00:35:42,840 我觉得我的小脚趾夜里冻掉了 I think my little toe froze off in the night. 488 00:35:44,770 --> 00:35:47,080 哪个更糟 霜还是黑幕 What's worse? The frost or the Fold? 489 00:35:47,250 --> 00:35:48,150 -黑幕 -黑幕 - The Fold! - The Fold! 490 00:35:56,250 --> 00:35:58,660 我们进入菲尔达人领地了 We're crossing into Fjerdan territory. 491 00:36:02,050 --> 00:36:03,160 不 No. 492 00:36:03,240 --> 00:36:05,520 灰树是圣树 他们不会做标记的 Ash trees are sacred, they won't mark them. 493 00:36:06,200 --> 00:36:08,230 你确定鹿群往那边去了吗 You sure the herd went that way? 494 00:36:10,510 --> 00:36:12,120 最后调头的机会 Last chance to turn around. 495 00:36:15,890 --> 00:36:19,240 让你俩分了奖金吗 跟上吧 And have you two split the prize? Keep up! 496 00:36:23,410 --> 00:36:24,220 我一直给你写信 I keep writing to you 497 00:36:24,220 --> 00:36:26,630 就好像我的信能在我之前到你面前 as if these words could reach you before I do. 498 00:36:27,440 --> 00:36:30,000 但或许我是在练习要对你说什么 But maybe what I'm doing is rehearsing what to say to you. 499 00:36:31,610 --> 00:36:33,300 我本来早该说的话 What I should have said much sooner. 500 00:36:53,290 --> 00:36:54,390 有我的吗 Anything for me? 501 00:37:16,950 --> 00:37:17,810 一起跑 Together. 502 00:37:18,760 --> 00:37:19,690 好 Okay. 503 00:37:20,450 --> 00:37:21,340 一起跑 Together. 504 00:37:25,330 --> 00:37:26,510 这是阿丽娜 This is Alina. 505 00:37:26,520 --> 00:37:28,480 你在科尔姆森的小伙伴吗 Your little friend from Keramzin? 506 00:37:28,480 --> 00:37:29,350 这就是她吗 This is her? 507 00:37:29,990 --> 00:37:31,520 "小伙伴" "Little friend"? 508 00:37:51,760 --> 00:37:54,160 需要其他人是软弱 Needing anyone else is weak. 509 00:38:21,490 --> 00:38:22,350 好姑娘 Good girl. 510 00:38:23,570 --> 00:38:25,060 现在真是开始了 Now the work begins. 511 00:38:31,280 --> 00:38:35,470 事实上 你照亮奇利甘的帐篷时 有个声音 Truth is, when you lit up Kirigan's tent, there was a sound. 512 00:38:37,080 --> 00:38:38,220 很高的音调 A high tone. 513 00:38:39,400 --> 00:38:40,710 我知道那是你 I knew it was you. 514 00:38:41,710 --> 00:38:42,980 我们小时候 你握着我的手时 When we were kids, you'd hold my hand 515 00:38:42,980 --> 00:38:45,370 有时我脑海深处就会出现那个声音 and sometimes I'd hear it in the back of my head. 516 00:38:47,880 --> 00:38:50,100 现在是半夜 但我醒着 It's the middle of the night, but I'm awake. 517 00:38:50,740 --> 00:38:52,800 杜布洛夫和他的小膀胱也醒了 And as is Dubrov and his tiny bladder. 518 00:38:53,770 --> 00:38:55,300 我又听到那个声音了 Then I hear that sound again. 519 00:38:56,170 --> 00:38:59,130 轻柔地呼唤我 Softly. Calling to me. 520 00:39:32,480 --> 00:39:34,290 玛尔 怎么了 Mal, what is it? 521 00:39:57,350 --> 00:39:58,070 杜布洛夫 Dubrov! 522 00:40:15,580 --> 00:40:16,970 玛尔 救命 Mal! Help! 523 00:40:23,790 --> 00:40:24,360 杜布洛夫 Dubrov! 524 00:40:24,910 --> 00:40:25,500 救命 Help! 525 00:40:29,900 --> 00:40:30,820 没了吗 Is that all of them? 526 00:41:06,290 --> 00:41:09,920 小崽子们 欢迎开启你们的事业 Welcome, runts, to the start of your career. 527 00:41:10,580 --> 00:41:12,510 你们成功撑过了基本训练 You managed to survive basic. 528 00:41:12,720 --> 00:41:14,580 现在真正的冒险开始了 Now the real adventure begins. 529 00:41:15,020 --> 00:41:16,570 首先 First things first. 530 00:41:16,570 --> 00:41:17,770 你身上的制服 The uniform on your back 531 00:41:17,770 --> 00:41:20,790 就是发给你们唯一的制服 is the only uniform that will be issued to you 532 00:41:20,790 --> 00:41:23,460 直到你们成为全职士兵 until you become full-time soldiers. 533 00:41:27,620 --> 00:41:29,850 不好意思 我在找阿丽娜·斯达科夫 Excuse me. I'm looking for Alina Starkov. 534 00:41:31,720 --> 00:41:32,490 为什么找她 Why her? 535 00:41:33,180 --> 00:41:35,170 我和她是老朋友 我们一起长大的 She and I are old friends. We grew up together. 536 00:41:35,170 --> 00:41:36,170 你不能见她 Well, you can't see her. 537 00:41:36,170 --> 00:41:38,020 她跟军需官打了一架 She got in a fight with the quartermaster. 538 00:41:38,540 --> 00:41:40,590 他辱骂了她 她就打了她 He called her a name and she hit him. 539 00:41:40,590 --> 00:41:42,940 现在她被关了禁闭 他则去泡吧了 Now she's in the brig and he's in the pub. 540 00:41:46,720 --> 00:41:48,030 你是军需官吧 You're the quartermaster, aren't you? 541 00:41:48,030 --> 00:41:48,870 嗯 Yeah. 542 00:42:25,620 --> 00:42:26,940 玛尔 你来了 Mal? You're here. 543 00:42:27,980 --> 00:42:30,350 等等 你也进来了 为什么 Wait, you're here. What for? 544 00:42:31,590 --> 00:42:32,610 老样子 The usual. 545 00:42:34,320 --> 00:42:35,530 我也是 Same here. 546 00:42:37,200 --> 00:42:38,060 发生了什么 What happened? 547 00:42:43,760 --> 00:42:45,080 11针呢 Eleven stitches. 548 00:42:48,920 --> 00:42:49,750 我们成一对了 We match. 549 00:42:57,250 --> 00:42:58,140 是啊 We do. 550 00:43:11,360 --> 00:43:12,500 你找我 You wanted to see me? 551 00:43:12,570 --> 00:43:14,280 我需要你帮我个忙 I need you to do something for me. 552 00:43:21,460 --> 00:43:22,340 抹掉这个 Erase it. 553 00:43:28,390 --> 00:43:30,610 确保另一个也死了 Make sure the other one is dead. 554 00:43:47,710 --> 00:43:48,510 米凯尔 Mikhael. 555 00:44:11,040 --> 00:44:15,340 对不起 真对不起 I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. 556 00:45:11,830 --> 00:45:14,490 阿丽娜 如果你能收到信 Alina, if you get this letter, 557 00:45:15,180 --> 00:45:17,460 要知道 我跟你说真北时 know that when I told you about true north, 558 00:45:18,130 --> 00:45:19,600 我说的是你 I was talking about you. 559 00:45:20,640 --> 00:45:22,840 你是我的真北 You are my true north... 560 00:45:23,660 --> 00:45:25,680 我现在看得清通向你的道路了 and I can see my way to you now.