1 00:00:02,127 --> 00:00:03,117 (SPEAKING GREEK) 2 00:00:10,719 --> 00:00:13,086 You know, Troy started a war over an apple? 3 00:00:13,180 --> 00:00:15,263 Dad, are you gonna talk to me? 4 00:00:15,641 --> 00:00:16,722 Thank you. 5 00:00:18,352 --> 00:00:20,469 What are you going back to that den of wolves for? 6 00:00:21,063 --> 00:00:22,679 I was born in the States, Dad. 7 00:00:22,773 --> 00:00:24,765 - It's a good job. - You got a good job here with me. 8 00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:26,065 Your place is with me. 9 00:00:26,235 --> 00:00:28,318 We're pushin' the boundaries of science, of what is possible. 10 00:00:28,403 --> 00:00:30,520 You wanna go back there and do some staid, non-credited, 11 00:00:30,614 --> 00:00:32,196 boring government job, Christos? 12 00:00:32,282 --> 00:00:34,114 Dad, I wanna go home. 13 00:00:34,201 --> 00:00:35,988 Christos, your home is here. 14 00:00:36,078 --> 00:00:38,491 You're going to graduate, and you're gonna stay here, 15 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:43,242 with me, where you belong, in my lab, in our lab. 16 00:00:43,335 --> 00:00:47,796 Don't turn your back on me, son. We're gonna do great things, you and me. 17 00:00:52,928 --> 00:00:55,716 VELLEK: Thing of beauty. Perfezione. 18 00:00:55,889 --> 00:00:57,721 FLETCHER: The Rust is completely gone. 19 00:00:57,808 --> 00:00:59,800 That is truly something, Dr. Vellek. 20 00:00:59,893 --> 00:01:01,850 "Something," Fletcher? 21 00:01:01,937 --> 00:01:04,645 In 24 hours, I wiped out the Red Rust, 22 00:01:04,731 --> 00:01:06,723 and in its place, I created sui generis, 23 00:01:06,817 --> 00:01:09,525 a completely new species of plant, a healthy plant. 24 00:01:09,611 --> 00:01:12,900 It's not "something," Fletcher. This is the transformation of history. 25 00:01:12,990 --> 00:01:15,949 - It's Galileo. - Einstein, even. 26 00:01:16,702 --> 00:01:18,910 - It's beautiful, Father. - Thank you, Lucia. 27 00:01:19,162 --> 00:01:22,746 Very soon, your country will eat again as kings. 28 00:01:23,125 --> 00:01:24,115 I'm relieved. 29 00:01:24,459 --> 00:01:26,542 'Cause of what I've done here, me and my son. 30 00:01:27,379 --> 00:01:29,462 It was you, Dad. It was always you. 31 00:01:29,548 --> 00:01:31,414 Father, we need to talk about the American ship. 32 00:01:31,675 --> 00:01:33,462 - What about it? - They'll be coming after us. 33 00:01:33,594 --> 00:01:37,429 So what? It's one ship. Stavros commands an entire fleet. 34 00:01:37,723 --> 00:01:40,181 Surely, you can take care of one United States Navy ship, Admiral? 35 00:01:40,267 --> 00:01:41,474 STAVROS: Of course, il dottore. 36 00:01:41,560 --> 00:01:43,222 VELLEK: The problem, c'est fini. Finito. 37 00:01:43,437 --> 00:01:45,850 I'm not even gonna get angry at my middle son, Giorgio, 38 00:01:46,148 --> 00:01:47,559 who can't seem to take one step 39 00:01:47,649 --> 00:01:49,481 without putting his foot in a pile of dung. 40 00:01:50,193 --> 00:01:54,187 Look, this is our beginning, 41 00:01:56,158 --> 00:01:58,650 and the end of anyone who stands in our way. 42 00:02:00,829 --> 00:02:05,119 Capisce? Good. 43 00:02:18,847 --> 00:02:21,009 Giorgio, where's Demetrius? 44 00:02:21,099 --> 00:02:23,842 Otherwise occupied. 45 00:02:23,935 --> 00:02:26,348 And since when is Stavros an admiral? 46 00:02:27,606 --> 00:02:29,893 A reward from my father. 47 00:02:30,108 --> 00:02:33,943 Apparently, he earned it. 48 00:02:34,863 --> 00:02:37,025 Your father's quite harsh with you, isn't he? 49 00:02:37,115 --> 00:02:38,856 I risked my life for him. 50 00:02:38,950 --> 00:02:42,159 That American bitch nearly blew my head off! 51 00:02:42,245 --> 00:02:46,080 The one from the ship with the long black hair and the serious attitude? 52 00:02:46,375 --> 00:02:48,116 You know, Sasha. 53 00:02:48,251 --> 00:02:50,538 Yeah, but the old man doesn't give a rat's ass. 54 00:02:50,629 --> 00:02:54,373 All he cares about is his hippie mind control drugs. 55 00:02:54,549 --> 00:02:58,463 Mind control drugs? What are you talking about? 56 00:03:01,932 --> 00:03:06,051 Leave me alone, Fletcher. I am not in the mood. 57 00:03:18,865 --> 00:03:20,857 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 58 00:03:45,016 --> 00:03:46,723 CHANDLER: Vellek wants to feed the world on his terms 59 00:03:46,977 --> 00:03:49,390 and neutralize anyone who tries to oppose him. 60 00:03:49,479 --> 00:03:54,065 The same as every tyrant in history. He's just come up with a novel plan. 61 00:03:54,234 --> 00:03:58,103 That's why the world still needs people with level nine aggression. 62 00:03:58,405 --> 00:04:00,943 CHANDLER: You think that's a good thing? 63 00:04:01,032 --> 00:04:02,568 If only to fight fire with fire. 64 00:04:02,743 --> 00:04:03,733 Think about it. 65 00:04:03,827 --> 00:04:05,159 Without your aggression, would you have been able to do 66 00:04:05,245 --> 00:04:06,986 what it took to bring home the cure? 67 00:04:07,164 --> 00:04:09,076 Your dark side saved humanity. 68 00:04:09,166 --> 00:04:10,498 At the cost of my own. 69 00:04:10,876 --> 00:04:14,165 Tom, if you weren't who you are, none of us would be here right now. 70 00:04:15,213 --> 00:04:16,749 SLATTERY: And that's if we can find him at all. 71 00:04:17,674 --> 00:04:18,664 Captain. 72 00:04:18,759 --> 00:04:21,251 Based on Vellek's communication with Giorgio's mansion, 73 00:04:21,344 --> 00:04:23,711 and the top speed of a Hydra Class destroyer, 74 00:04:23,805 --> 00:04:26,889 this is now our area of uncertainty. 75 00:04:27,142 --> 00:04:28,929 That's at least 250 nautical miles. 76 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:31,727 Even with the helo and the RHIB, we can't cover that much water. 77 00:04:31,813 --> 00:04:34,897 Giorgio make contact with anyone besides the lab? 78 00:04:35,525 --> 00:04:36,686 KARA: Yes, sir. 79 00:04:37,068 --> 00:04:40,186 He made at least a dozen calls to the same location 80 00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:43,193 - over the past few weeks, on land. - Where? 81 00:04:44,576 --> 00:04:46,363 The island of Kleos. 82 00:04:46,828 --> 00:04:47,818 Mean anything to you? 83 00:04:48,455 --> 00:04:49,946 Giorgio never mentioned it. 84 00:04:50,040 --> 00:04:52,498 Kleos. It was an ancient lazaretto, 85 00:04:52,584 --> 00:04:55,122 a quarantine/prison during the Black Death. 86 00:04:55,879 --> 00:04:57,745 The Italians reopened it at the height of the Red Flu 87 00:04:57,839 --> 00:04:59,501 to try to stop the spreading. 88 00:04:59,591 --> 00:05:01,207 Obviously, no one survived. 89 00:05:01,301 --> 00:05:05,136 Land of the dead. Wonderful. What's Vellek using it for? 90 00:05:05,514 --> 00:05:07,676 Traffic data suggests a relay station, 91 00:05:07,766 --> 00:05:09,883 probably to mask communications to and from his ship. 92 00:05:09,976 --> 00:05:11,888 With Giorgio's mansion compromised, 93 00:05:11,978 --> 00:05:14,140 it may be the only way for Vellek to get secure comms. 94 00:05:14,856 --> 00:05:16,347 We can tap into that satellite signal, 95 00:05:16,441 --> 00:05:18,103 use the communications log to find that ship. 96 00:05:18,193 --> 00:05:20,856 You'd have to do it from the source, sir. The island itself. 97 00:05:20,946 --> 00:05:24,565 Kleos is about 100 miles from our PIM. We could be there in three hours. 98 00:05:25,325 --> 00:05:27,237 That's away from our area of uncertainty. 99 00:05:27,327 --> 00:05:29,034 If it doesn't work, we'll lose Vellek for good. 100 00:05:29,120 --> 00:05:30,236 But if it does, 101 00:05:30,497 --> 00:05:33,865 we'll have a constant feed into his comms in real time. 102 00:05:33,959 --> 00:05:35,791 We'll know exactly where he is. 103 00:05:37,170 --> 00:05:38,581 Set course for Kleos. 104 00:05:39,047 --> 00:05:41,664 - Yes, sir. - Cooper, assemble a team. 105 00:05:47,472 --> 00:05:50,636 - This room's off limits. - On whose orders? 106 00:05:53,061 --> 00:05:56,429 We are radio silent. No calls in, or out. 107 00:05:56,773 --> 00:05:58,514 I need to speak with England, 108 00:05:58,692 --> 00:06:01,105 make arrangements for them to take possession of the cured seeds. 109 00:06:01,194 --> 00:06:04,358 No need. Those arrangements have already been made. 110 00:06:05,198 --> 00:06:08,191 Well, if it's all the same with you, I'd like to hear that for myself. 111 00:06:11,371 --> 00:06:13,988 Fine. I'll take it up with Demetrius. 112 00:06:14,875 --> 00:06:17,208 It will do you no good. 113 00:06:19,546 --> 00:06:21,003 I'm in charge now. 114 00:06:51,077 --> 00:06:52,613 WOMAN: Captains in combat. 115 00:06:55,373 --> 00:06:56,784 RHIB is 15 mikes out, sir. 116 00:06:56,958 --> 00:06:58,290 Very well. 117 00:06:58,376 --> 00:07:01,210 We do this right, Vellek will never even know we were there. 118 00:07:01,755 --> 00:07:02,745 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) 119 00:07:03,048 --> 00:07:05,836 Demetrius, are you in there? It's James Fletcher. 120 00:07:08,678 --> 00:07:10,340 Demetrius, can I come in? 121 00:07:10,472 --> 00:07:12,964 DEMETRIUS: I cannot let anyone inside. 122 00:07:17,562 --> 00:07:20,771 Demetrius, let me in. 123 00:07:36,915 --> 00:07:37,996 What's happened to you? 124 00:07:39,960 --> 00:07:45,172 They did something to me. Dr. Vellek, he drugged me. 125 00:07:45,256 --> 00:07:46,667 Because you challenged him? 126 00:07:52,764 --> 00:07:54,005 Now, you can't? 127 00:07:57,644 --> 00:07:59,886 Mind control. 128 00:08:02,023 --> 00:08:04,231 Stand up. 129 00:08:13,660 --> 00:08:14,992 Please don't do... 130 00:08:18,415 --> 00:08:21,374 That's it? You're not gonna hit me back? 131 00:08:22,043 --> 00:08:24,706 I just hit you in the face. 132 00:08:32,595 --> 00:08:35,087 Demetrius, what's the doctor's plan? 133 00:08:35,181 --> 00:08:40,051 Now, that he's cured this Red Rust, what's this drug have to do with it? 134 00:08:40,145 --> 00:08:44,810 He promised me Greece would eat. No one would challenge us. 135 00:08:44,983 --> 00:08:45,973 Because of the drug? 136 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:49,443 I didn't know anything about the drug until now. 137 00:08:49,571 --> 00:08:53,611 He said I was the first test case. 138 00:08:53,783 --> 00:08:55,490 Now, he knows it works. 139 00:08:56,911 --> 00:08:58,573 Yes. 140 00:09:03,918 --> 00:09:08,583 Demetrius, you were a proud man. You were a ruler of people. 141 00:09:11,134 --> 00:09:12,716 And he's taken that from you. 142 00:09:12,802 --> 00:09:15,545 Doesn't that make you angry? 143 00:09:15,680 --> 00:09:20,175 I know I should be angry, 144 00:09:20,310 --> 00:09:22,893 but I can't be. 145 00:09:24,397 --> 00:09:26,229 (DEMETRIUS SNIFFING) 146 00:09:28,276 --> 00:09:29,437 I'd rather be dead. 147 00:09:32,739 --> 00:09:35,231 Sit down. 148 00:09:42,624 --> 00:09:45,162 If something were to happen to the doctor's test case, 149 00:09:45,460 --> 00:09:48,498 he'd have to reevaluate his science. 150 00:09:53,134 --> 00:09:58,004 And that would buy me some time, time I sorely need. 151 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:02,217 To get out of the mess I've created. 152 00:10:04,229 --> 00:10:07,313 Don't worry, Demetrius. 153 00:10:07,398 --> 00:10:09,264 You don't need to get angry. 154 00:10:10,527 --> 00:10:13,190 Open. 155 00:10:13,279 --> 00:10:14,690 Close. 156 00:10:14,781 --> 00:10:16,317 Swallow. 157 00:10:17,617 --> 00:10:20,234 (DEMETRIUS GASPING) 158 00:10:25,375 --> 00:10:27,367 I'll get angry for you. 159 00:10:56,906 --> 00:10:58,738 (COUGHING) 160 00:11:00,034 --> 00:11:02,868 - You okay, Master Chief? - I'm fine. 161 00:11:25,643 --> 00:11:26,975 I got eyes on target. 162 00:11:27,395 --> 00:11:30,138 Cobra copies. We're in position. 163 00:11:31,900 --> 00:11:33,016 Tiger's on station. 164 00:11:33,860 --> 00:11:35,852 We've got one hell of a welcoming party. 165 00:11:36,738 --> 00:11:39,446 I hold that dish at the southeast tower. 166 00:11:41,534 --> 00:11:43,867 JETER: We'll find the comms room at the end of that cable. 167 00:11:43,995 --> 00:11:45,987 Now, we just gotta find a quiet way in. 168 00:11:46,289 --> 00:11:47,405 Nathan James, Vulture Team. 169 00:11:47,498 --> 00:11:49,615 We are on station, preparing to infiltrate target. 170 00:11:49,709 --> 00:11:51,917 Copy that, Vulture Team. 171 00:11:52,003 --> 00:11:54,461 TAO, give us a sitrep. 172 00:11:54,547 --> 00:11:57,460 No sign of surface or air contacts, sir. 173 00:11:57,550 --> 00:12:00,167 All quiet on our end, Vulture. You are cleared to move in. 174 00:12:01,012 --> 00:12:02,173 Copy that, Mother. 175 00:12:06,809 --> 00:12:07,799 Green. 176 00:12:10,855 --> 00:12:12,062 Those look like fighters. 177 00:12:14,317 --> 00:12:15,307 Giorgio's guys? 178 00:12:15,443 --> 00:12:17,150 This must be where he trains them. 179 00:12:17,737 --> 00:12:19,103 DANNY: Well, there's at least 40 of 'em. 180 00:12:20,031 --> 00:12:21,067 Possibly armed. 181 00:12:21,241 --> 00:12:23,904 So much for sneaking in the backdoor. 182 00:12:28,581 --> 00:12:30,243 So we go in through the front. 183 00:12:31,000 --> 00:12:33,083 His fighters are from all over the region. 184 00:12:33,169 --> 00:12:37,664 - Who's gonna notice five more? - "Five?" There are seven of us. 185 00:12:37,757 --> 00:12:41,546 Looks like it's "boys only." 186 00:12:41,719 --> 00:12:44,712 All teams, rendezvous on my whiskey. 187 00:12:48,101 --> 00:12:50,593 (MAN SHOUTING ORDERS IN GREEK) 188 00:12:51,896 --> 00:12:52,886 (MEN PANTING) 189 00:12:58,403 --> 00:13:01,191 Cooper, the fighters are approaching your position. 190 00:13:01,406 --> 00:13:03,193 Copy that. 191 00:13:09,080 --> 00:13:11,163 (MEN PANTING) 192 00:13:21,384 --> 00:13:22,591 Vulture is set. 193 00:13:22,802 --> 00:13:24,668 Roger. 194 00:13:26,097 --> 00:13:27,133 Showtime. 195 00:13:27,473 --> 00:13:28,554 (ALL EXCLAIMING) 196 00:13:29,892 --> 00:13:30,882 (SPEAKING GREEK) 197 00:13:40,361 --> 00:13:42,398 Everyone, inside now! 198 00:13:43,197 --> 00:13:44,688 Come on! Inside! 199 00:13:45,992 --> 00:13:47,199 Go! 200 00:13:51,456 --> 00:13:52,663 Nathan James, they're in. 201 00:13:52,999 --> 00:13:54,490 Copy that. 202 00:13:59,255 --> 00:14:01,793 (MEN SPEAKING GREEK) 203 00:14:08,139 --> 00:14:09,721 "Boys only." 204 00:14:11,184 --> 00:14:13,722 - Aneurysm? - Well, there's no sign of hemorrhaging. 205 00:14:13,811 --> 00:14:16,599 Perhaps, it's something genetic, or chronic or preexisting? 206 00:14:16,689 --> 00:14:20,023 Pallor's normal. Means death was sudden. 207 00:14:20,109 --> 00:14:22,396 - Heart attack? - Could be a heart attack. 208 00:14:22,487 --> 00:14:23,898 Autopsy will tell us that. 209 00:14:24,072 --> 00:14:26,689 GIORGIO: Could it have something to do with the science, Dad? 210 00:14:26,783 --> 00:14:29,776 No, Giorgio, it could not have had anything to do with the science. 211 00:14:29,869 --> 00:14:32,657 I could go down to the prison, pick up more fighters for you to experiment on. 212 00:14:32,747 --> 00:14:34,158 It is too late for that, Giorgio. 213 00:14:34,248 --> 00:14:36,786 And please do not discuss things that you do not understand. 214 00:14:36,876 --> 00:14:38,663 Christos and I will get to the bottom of this. 215 00:14:38,753 --> 00:14:40,915 Of course. Why would you need either one of us, 216 00:14:41,005 --> 00:14:44,089 when you have your golden child in here to help you? 217 00:14:44,175 --> 00:14:45,336 You're an asshole, Giorgio. 218 00:14:45,426 --> 00:14:46,758 Perfect Christos. 219 00:14:46,844 --> 00:14:50,554 Do not speak to your brother in that tone of voice. 220 00:14:50,681 --> 00:14:52,843 You understand me? 221 00:14:55,728 --> 00:14:57,344 LUCIA: And what do you wanna do in the meantime, Father? 222 00:14:57,480 --> 00:14:58,516 VELLEK: Meantime? What are you talking about? 223 00:14:58,606 --> 00:15:00,438 It's no use going to the drop site if you're not ready, 224 00:15:00,525 --> 00:15:03,063 especially with the Americans after us. 225 00:15:03,152 --> 00:15:04,393 We need to change course, 226 00:15:04,529 --> 00:15:06,361 go somewhere else until you figure out what happened. 227 00:15:06,447 --> 00:15:08,734 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Nothing changes. 228 00:15:08,825 --> 00:15:10,782 Do you hear me? Nothing. We're not going to stop. 229 00:15:10,868 --> 00:15:14,202 We're not gonna change course. And we're not going to slow down. 230 00:15:14,288 --> 00:15:15,995 I'm going to find out what killed this man. 231 00:15:16,082 --> 00:15:20,372 I can tell you right now, it was not my science. 232 00:15:21,003 --> 00:15:23,962 And I'm going to prove that. 233 00:15:24,132 --> 00:15:25,122 (SAW WHIRRING) 234 00:15:26,676 --> 00:15:27,666 (SPEAKING GREEK) 235 00:15:39,105 --> 00:15:40,095 (IN ENGLISH) Let's go! 236 00:15:40,940 --> 00:15:41,930 BURK: Did you see that? 237 00:15:42,191 --> 00:15:43,807 That guy could've crushed him. 238 00:15:45,862 --> 00:15:47,899 DANNY: I'm pretty sure we just snuck into a prison. 239 00:15:51,826 --> 00:15:54,239 Forty prisoners, six guards, nine guns. 240 00:15:54,787 --> 00:15:55,994 It doesn't add up. 241 00:15:56,080 --> 00:15:58,322 These aren't the fighters Vellek's going to experiment on. 242 00:16:01,335 --> 00:16:03,292 These are the ones he's already dosed. 243 00:16:03,379 --> 00:16:05,086 - They've got no fight in 'em. - That's about right. 244 00:16:05,173 --> 00:16:06,209 I've seen Vellek's tapes. 245 00:16:06,466 --> 00:16:08,423 So, it means we gotta play nice if we wanna blend in. 246 00:16:11,095 --> 00:16:12,961 - What is it? - I've seen that guy, 247 00:16:13,389 --> 00:16:14,379 from the tapes. 248 00:16:14,557 --> 00:16:15,547 (SPEAKING GREEK) 249 00:16:19,020 --> 00:16:20,761 His name is Ares. He fought Captain Chandler. 250 00:16:20,855 --> 00:16:22,187 GUARD: Everyone, inside! 251 00:16:22,273 --> 00:16:25,141 Maybe we should have a little chat with Ares, 252 00:16:25,276 --> 00:16:26,767 - get some answers. - You read my mind. 253 00:16:26,986 --> 00:16:29,444 Burk, Miller, get Master Chief to the comms room, 254 00:16:29,530 --> 00:16:31,237 - tap that satellite. - Yes, sir. 255 00:16:31,324 --> 00:16:32,690 We'll get you on the way out. 256 00:16:32,783 --> 00:16:33,773 - Good luck. - Good luck. 257 00:16:33,868 --> 00:16:34,984 GUARD: Come on. 258 00:16:35,119 --> 00:16:36,701 Move it! 259 00:16:51,010 --> 00:16:52,046 - One more. - VELLEK: Good. 260 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:54,799 - No, no. No more. Thank you. - Come on, Dad. 261 00:16:56,224 --> 00:17:01,015 To our baby brother. We're gonna miss you. 262 00:17:01,229 --> 00:17:02,219 - Cheers. - Thank you. 263 00:17:02,313 --> 00:17:04,930 Cheers. 264 00:17:05,191 --> 00:17:06,523 So, where are you even gonna live? 265 00:17:07,318 --> 00:17:10,061 I don't know yet. They set you up with housing once you get there. 266 00:17:10,196 --> 00:17:13,189 And it's well-known the government always keeps its promises. 267 00:17:13,282 --> 00:17:14,568 Father, you swore no fighting. 268 00:17:14,784 --> 00:17:17,777 Not fighting, Lucia, darling. Just stating the obvious. 269 00:17:17,870 --> 00:17:22,160 I want Christos to be fully aware with whom he's climbing into bed. 270 00:17:22,250 --> 00:17:23,832 I know you're upset, Dad, 271 00:17:23,918 --> 00:17:25,750 but not all government scientists are bad. 272 00:17:25,878 --> 00:17:27,085 GIORGIO: Not all are bad? 273 00:17:27,213 --> 00:17:29,751 I mean, you're talking about people who shunned Dad, 274 00:17:29,840 --> 00:17:32,378 who betrayed him, who drove him out of his own country. 275 00:17:32,927 --> 00:17:34,884 The proverbial repetition of history. 276 00:17:35,054 --> 00:17:40,049 Mendel, Boltzmann, Copernicus, all ostracized, all criticized, 277 00:17:40,142 --> 00:17:42,850 for ideas that would later on change the world. 278 00:17:42,937 --> 00:17:45,099 - And they were all betrayed. - CHRISTOS: Look, 279 00:17:46,190 --> 00:17:48,102 I feel terrible about leaving you when you need me, 280 00:17:48,192 --> 00:17:50,605 - but this is something that I... - Hang on for a second. 281 00:17:50,695 --> 00:17:51,685 Is that what you think this is about? 282 00:17:51,779 --> 00:17:52,769 - Me needing you? - Father. 283 00:17:53,114 --> 00:17:54,730 The kid grows up and disappoints his father. 284 00:17:54,824 --> 00:17:56,190 That's a story as old as time. 285 00:17:56,450 --> 00:18:00,740 But don't think for one second that I need you. 286 00:18:03,124 --> 00:18:04,205 Christos. 287 00:18:12,466 --> 00:18:13,547 I love you. 288 00:18:23,686 --> 00:18:26,144 Take a look right under there. Let's look at that tissue. 289 00:18:26,230 --> 00:18:28,142 I have. There's nothing going on, 290 00:18:28,232 --> 00:18:30,975 but I will find out what killed this dude, I promise you. 291 00:18:31,068 --> 00:18:32,058 You will. 292 00:18:34,697 --> 00:18:36,404 - Giorgio? - What? 293 00:18:36,532 --> 00:18:38,569 - Is everything okay? - I don't know, man. 294 00:18:38,659 --> 00:18:40,821 But we're still on schedule, right? For my seeds? 295 00:18:41,495 --> 00:18:45,785 Yes. England will get their delivery as promised. 296 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:47,411 Because if there's a problem, 297 00:18:47,710 --> 00:18:50,293 if your father's doing something dangerous, we can deal with it. 298 00:18:50,921 --> 00:18:53,664 We're in this together, you and I. 299 00:18:55,092 --> 00:18:57,084 - Are we? - Of course. 300 00:18:59,096 --> 00:19:01,133 No, I can't help you. 301 00:19:01,432 --> 00:19:04,766 My old man, he's gonna do what he's gonna do. 302 00:19:13,444 --> 00:19:15,731 Danny and Wolf have gone off script. They're still in the courtyard. 303 00:19:15,821 --> 00:19:17,483 The rest of them have made it inside. 304 00:19:17,573 --> 00:19:21,066 And it looks as though Green has found a new friend. 305 00:19:23,579 --> 00:19:24,569 Ares. 306 00:19:27,124 --> 00:19:28,114 Who are you? 307 00:19:28,209 --> 00:19:29,871 A friend of Tom Chandler. 308 00:19:31,504 --> 00:19:33,291 I think you know him as Hercules. 309 00:19:33,923 --> 00:19:35,004 Hercules. 310 00:19:37,760 --> 00:19:40,173 Is he like me now? 311 00:19:41,972 --> 00:19:43,213 DANNY: No. 312 00:19:43,349 --> 00:19:44,806 He got out in time. 313 00:19:45,142 --> 00:19:47,885 Good. 314 00:19:48,020 --> 00:19:49,727 - That's good. - Hey, what's goin' on in here? 315 00:19:49,939 --> 00:19:50,929 (SPEAKING GREEK) 316 00:19:59,824 --> 00:20:01,031 (IN ENGLISH) What, you don't speak Greek? 317 00:20:02,284 --> 00:20:03,695 I said move! 318 00:20:07,331 --> 00:20:08,447 I'm going. 319 00:20:10,584 --> 00:20:14,043 Got to get inside, tough guy. 320 00:20:14,255 --> 00:20:19,546 Got to eat your lunch, so, you can stay big and strong. 321 00:20:21,887 --> 00:20:22,877 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 322 00:20:35,192 --> 00:20:36,433 (SPEAKING GREEK) 323 00:20:39,655 --> 00:20:41,647 (IN ENGLISH) You're not supposed to be here. 324 00:20:41,741 --> 00:20:44,700 I'm going to the cafeteria. 325 00:20:44,994 --> 00:20:48,954 Then you're not even on the right floor, idiot. Come on. 326 00:21:28,162 --> 00:21:30,199 Nathan James, Vulture, this is Cobra. 327 00:21:30,331 --> 00:21:31,947 We've made it into the control room. 328 00:21:32,166 --> 00:21:34,328 Copy that, Cobra. We hear you loud and clear. 329 00:21:34,585 --> 00:21:37,248 - Standing by for uplink. - BURK: Roger. Will advise. 330 00:21:38,130 --> 00:21:40,338 How long will it take to tap into the satellite signal? 331 00:21:40,424 --> 00:21:43,087 Depends on the level of encryption. I'd say around 20 minutes. 332 00:21:43,177 --> 00:21:46,090 Once we uplink, the ship can start processing the communications log. 333 00:21:46,180 --> 00:21:48,012 But first, we gotta find that satellite. 334 00:21:50,810 --> 00:21:51,926 Why are you following me? 335 00:21:52,144 --> 00:21:53,976 Because I have questions, Ares. 336 00:21:54,146 --> 00:21:56,308 The drugs they're giving you, how long do they last? 337 00:21:57,274 --> 00:21:58,310 I don't know. 338 00:21:59,109 --> 00:22:00,099 I can't fight. 339 00:22:00,653 --> 00:22:03,646 I want to, but I can't. 340 00:22:07,660 --> 00:22:10,152 On your feet, animal. 341 00:22:15,459 --> 00:22:18,076 GUARD: I don't know how I missed you, 342 00:22:18,295 --> 00:22:21,003 the biggest guy in the room. 343 00:22:21,090 --> 00:22:26,131 I bet everyone was afraid of you, huh? 344 00:22:26,470 --> 00:22:28,962 Look at tough guy, now. 345 00:22:30,349 --> 00:22:31,965 Just big, 346 00:22:32,393 --> 00:22:35,807 dumb animal. 347 00:22:36,480 --> 00:22:37,561 Am I wrong? 348 00:22:41,026 --> 00:22:42,483 (GROANING IN PAIN) 349 00:22:48,325 --> 00:22:49,861 Does it hurt? 350 00:22:49,994 --> 00:22:51,405 Do you want to hit me? 351 00:22:51,495 --> 00:22:53,703 Get up. Up. Come on! 352 00:22:55,958 --> 00:22:56,948 (GASPING) 353 00:22:57,167 --> 00:22:58,374 Again. 354 00:22:59,753 --> 00:23:04,248 I want to see how angry you can get. Where should I hit you next? 355 00:23:04,842 --> 00:23:08,131 Here? Or here? 356 00:23:10,723 --> 00:23:11,804 Here. 357 00:23:13,225 --> 00:23:14,261 (GUARD 2 SPEAKING GREEK) 358 00:23:44,340 --> 00:23:45,706 A man shouldn't drink alone. 359 00:23:46,091 --> 00:23:49,334 You get used to it. 360 00:23:49,470 --> 00:23:51,757 You're gonna be a hero in England, right? 361 00:23:52,681 --> 00:23:55,674 Oh, goodie. Just what I've always wanted. 362 00:23:55,851 --> 00:23:59,640 I can guarantee you, I won't be the one taking the bows. 363 00:23:59,730 --> 00:24:02,473 That's for the old man, il maestro. 364 00:24:02,858 --> 00:24:04,099 Doesn't seem fair, does it? 365 00:24:04,485 --> 00:24:07,444 You do all the dirty work, and your dad gets all the glory. 366 00:24:07,947 --> 00:24:11,861 My dad likes to say, "Not only is life not fair, 367 00:24:11,951 --> 00:24:13,943 "no one ever promised it would be. 368 00:24:14,328 --> 00:24:15,739 "You make your own fate." 369 00:24:15,829 --> 00:24:18,617 Well, I hope he appreciates what you've done. 370 00:24:18,916 --> 00:24:19,906 (GLASSES CLINKING) 371 00:24:20,000 --> 00:24:22,083 He's not thinking that clearly right now. 372 00:24:22,419 --> 00:24:24,877 Of course. He's got a lot on his plate. 373 00:24:26,006 --> 00:24:30,341 Curing the Red Rust, abolishing world hunger, mind control. 374 00:24:32,596 --> 00:24:34,679 Who said anything about mind control? 375 00:24:35,975 --> 00:24:37,091 You did. 376 00:24:37,977 --> 00:24:38,967 Did I? 377 00:24:41,397 --> 00:24:46,313 No. The mind stays the same. It's the behavior that changes. 378 00:24:46,777 --> 00:24:49,520 That's what makes the torture that much greater. 379 00:24:50,072 --> 00:24:51,279 Imagine... 380 00:24:52,574 --> 00:24:55,567 Knowing what you want, 381 00:24:56,662 --> 00:24:59,700 and not being able to fight for it. 382 00:25:00,082 --> 00:25:01,072 Wow. 383 00:25:02,292 --> 00:25:03,282 (EXHALES) 384 00:25:06,130 --> 00:25:08,463 Giorgio, listen to me. 385 00:25:08,674 --> 00:25:12,008 Your father's already proven he can cure the world of Red Rust. 386 00:25:12,094 --> 00:25:13,210 He can feed everyone. 387 00:25:14,054 --> 00:25:17,297 Talk about a more perfect world. That's a legacy. 388 00:25:17,725 --> 00:25:20,513 But if he's got other designs, dangerous designs, 389 00:25:20,602 --> 00:25:23,015 then he goes from a hero to a monster like that. (SNAPS FINGERS) 390 00:25:25,357 --> 00:25:28,850 If you really wanna protect him, and his legacy, 391 00:25:28,944 --> 00:25:30,401 protect him from himself. 392 00:25:36,410 --> 00:25:38,493 Good talk, 007. 393 00:25:48,714 --> 00:25:49,704 Found it. 394 00:25:50,424 --> 00:25:51,505 (SHOUTS IN GREEK) 395 00:26:02,770 --> 00:26:03,806 (NECK SNAPS) 396 00:26:09,109 --> 00:26:10,816 I don't think you need to do that. 397 00:26:16,992 --> 00:26:18,233 You know I could hurt you. 398 00:26:19,536 --> 00:26:20,526 Yes. 399 00:26:21,246 --> 00:26:22,703 Right. 400 00:26:22,790 --> 00:26:25,624 So you're gonna get the hell out of here and you're gonna keep your mouth shut, 401 00:26:25,709 --> 00:26:28,918 or I promise, I will hurt you. 402 00:26:37,971 --> 00:26:38,961 (DEVICE BEEPING) 403 00:26:41,600 --> 00:26:42,590 (DOOR SHUTS) 404 00:26:42,684 --> 00:26:44,596 Nathan James, we've cracked the satellite signal. 405 00:26:44,686 --> 00:26:46,643 Sending you its ID and coordinates for uplink. 406 00:26:47,856 --> 00:26:50,018 We're on it, Cobra. Standby for confirmation. 407 00:26:50,692 --> 00:26:54,857 See, I see no sign of hemorrhage. I see no sign of genetic deficiency. 408 00:26:54,988 --> 00:26:58,026 We've done the blood tests. Have to start on the heart. 409 00:26:58,117 --> 00:26:59,107 (DOOR SHUTS) 410 00:27:04,957 --> 00:27:06,869 What do you want, Giorgio? We're working. 411 00:27:06,959 --> 00:27:07,949 (CLEARS THROAT) 412 00:27:10,045 --> 00:27:12,332 What do you want? 413 00:27:13,507 --> 00:27:14,543 GIORGIO: I was thinking, 414 00:27:15,175 --> 00:27:17,041 you cured the Red Rust. 415 00:27:17,136 --> 00:27:19,844 Why don't we go home for a little while, 'til things cool off? 416 00:27:19,930 --> 00:27:23,469 Then you can ship out the product. The world can wait. 417 00:27:23,559 --> 00:27:26,347 Are you suggesting that we just give up, Giorgio? Is that what you're doing? 418 00:27:26,436 --> 00:27:27,972 Because if you're suggesting that we just give up, 419 00:27:28,063 --> 00:27:30,680 why don't you have the balls to say exactly what you mean? 420 00:27:30,858 --> 00:27:35,023 Dad, it's not giving up. It is a safe move. 421 00:27:35,946 --> 00:27:38,609 You know, Giorgio, you leave me speechless. 422 00:27:38,907 --> 00:27:43,447 And now, you compound your innate ignorance with weakness. 423 00:27:43,912 --> 00:27:47,531 I have no words for what you are. Get out. 424 00:27:48,167 --> 00:27:50,830 Let's go back to work, Christos. 425 00:27:58,927 --> 00:28:01,840 - How often are you injected? - Only once. 426 00:28:03,140 --> 00:28:04,130 (GUARDS SPEAKING GREEK) 427 00:28:16,236 --> 00:28:18,353 Ares, if they only injected you once, 428 00:28:18,488 --> 00:28:20,354 how are they keeping all of you like this? 429 00:28:28,874 --> 00:28:30,536 Ares, is the drug in the food? 430 00:28:31,877 --> 00:28:34,836 No. The drug is the food. 431 00:29:13,752 --> 00:29:14,868 You again. 432 00:29:14,962 --> 00:29:18,455 - Well, it's not that big a ship. - It's not that small, either. 433 00:29:20,467 --> 00:29:23,676 I can't fight my father. He's too strong. 434 00:29:23,762 --> 00:29:27,676 No, Giorgio, you're not fightin' him. You're protectin' him. 435 00:29:38,235 --> 00:29:39,567 What would I have to do? 436 00:29:39,945 --> 00:29:41,686 Just let me call England. 437 00:29:41,780 --> 00:29:43,692 They'll send scientists to safeguard the cure. 438 00:29:43,782 --> 00:29:46,149 We'll take your father in, get him the help that he needs, 439 00:29:46,243 --> 00:29:47,905 that he deserves. 440 00:29:47,995 --> 00:29:52,080 He'll still be known as the man that fed the world. 441 00:29:55,502 --> 00:29:59,212 It's too late. We're almost to Malta. 442 00:29:59,589 --> 00:30:01,501 - Malta? What's Malta? - You can't stop him. 443 00:30:01,591 --> 00:30:02,798 Is that the drop site, Giorgio? 444 00:30:03,635 --> 00:30:06,252 - What's the plan? - Look, man, don't worry about it, okay? 445 00:30:06,346 --> 00:30:07,837 A deal's a deal. 446 00:30:07,973 --> 00:30:11,762 My old man will get your people the cure, as promised. The rest is... 447 00:30:12,185 --> 00:30:14,472 What? Giorgio, what's the rest? 448 00:30:14,563 --> 00:30:16,976 World domination? Turning your enemies into sheep? 449 00:30:17,107 --> 00:30:20,726 You don't understand him. No one does. 450 00:30:20,819 --> 00:30:22,026 That's 'cause he's insane. 451 00:30:24,156 --> 00:30:27,740 Let me help you. It doesn't have to play out like this. 452 00:30:31,705 --> 00:30:35,244 I'm starting to dislike you, Commander. 453 00:30:42,507 --> 00:30:43,497 (DEVICE BEEPING) 454 00:30:46,428 --> 00:30:47,714 KARA: Sir, we have decryption. 455 00:30:50,974 --> 00:30:54,433 - The ship's coordinates. - Yes, sir. 456 00:30:54,519 --> 00:30:56,977 And the older ones match those from Giorgio's mansion. 457 00:30:57,064 --> 00:30:59,147 Gotcha, asshole. 458 00:30:59,232 --> 00:31:00,768 Cobra, we have confirmation. 459 00:31:00,984 --> 00:31:02,896 Copy that. 460 00:31:04,529 --> 00:31:05,610 Nice work, Master Chief. 461 00:31:05,906 --> 00:31:07,613 Let's get the hell out of here. 462 00:31:09,618 --> 00:31:11,985 Hey, tough guy. 463 00:31:12,245 --> 00:31:13,736 What's wrong? 464 00:31:14,498 --> 00:31:17,536 You don't like bread? You don't like rice? 465 00:31:17,626 --> 00:31:21,961 Everyone likes rice. Eat! Now! 466 00:31:28,095 --> 00:31:29,211 Stand up! 467 00:31:30,430 --> 00:31:31,887 Stand up! 468 00:31:39,439 --> 00:31:40,520 Hey! 469 00:31:40,607 --> 00:31:41,597 (SPEAKING GREEK) 470 00:31:59,000 --> 00:32:01,458 - We gotta go. Can you walk? - (COUGHING) 471 00:32:01,670 --> 00:32:03,457 I said, "Eat!" 472 00:32:04,464 --> 00:32:05,750 (ALARM BLARING) 473 00:32:07,592 --> 00:32:08,673 That doesn't sound good. 474 00:32:12,180 --> 00:32:13,512 (ALARM CONTINUES) 475 00:32:23,275 --> 00:32:25,187 Who's the tough guy now, vlaka? 476 00:32:25,694 --> 00:32:26,730 Ares, come on! 477 00:32:27,195 --> 00:32:28,276 (GRUNTING) 478 00:32:45,338 --> 00:32:46,795 Hey! Come on! 479 00:32:47,215 --> 00:32:48,456 You can be free! 480 00:32:49,426 --> 00:32:51,133 (GUARDS SPEAKING GREEK) 481 00:32:52,888 --> 00:32:55,050 Tell Hercules to keep fighting. 482 00:32:59,728 --> 00:33:02,186 Nathan James, we're blown. Request immediate extract. 483 00:33:02,564 --> 00:33:06,353 Copy that, Vulture. Sunshine's headin' your way. 484 00:33:09,446 --> 00:33:10,436 (GUNFIRE) 485 00:33:11,615 --> 00:33:13,902 - Is he hit? - No, but he's hurt. 486 00:33:13,992 --> 00:33:15,574 Come on. 487 00:33:49,277 --> 00:33:50,518 Mate, I need to use that radio. 488 00:33:50,779 --> 00:33:53,066 I already told you, you're not allowed. 489 00:34:02,123 --> 00:34:03,204 (NECK SNAPS) 490 00:34:14,052 --> 00:34:17,216 So, Vellek isn't just injecting the fighters with Nostos, 491 00:34:17,305 --> 00:34:19,297 he's baking it right into their food. 492 00:34:19,391 --> 00:34:20,802 It appears so, sir. 493 00:34:20,892 --> 00:34:22,474 So, that's why he wanted the seeds. 494 00:34:22,561 --> 00:34:23,642 He cures the Red Rust, 495 00:34:23,728 --> 00:34:26,721 mixes in the Nostos to create food that'll pacify his enemies. 496 00:34:26,815 --> 00:34:29,478 It's the perfect weapon. People eating it won't even know. 497 00:34:29,568 --> 00:34:31,434 Well, even if they did, what choice would they have? 498 00:34:31,528 --> 00:34:32,894 They either eat it, or starve. 499 00:34:33,196 --> 00:34:34,687 Jesus. 500 00:34:34,823 --> 00:34:37,611 Your work paid off. We narrowed down our search area. 501 00:34:37,784 --> 00:34:39,491 But now, Vellek knows we're coming. 502 00:34:39,661 --> 00:34:41,277 He always knew. 503 00:34:41,496 --> 00:34:43,863 Sir, we're getting an incoming transmission. 504 00:34:43,957 --> 00:34:45,823 - Broadcast the call. - Aye, sir. 505 00:34:45,959 --> 00:34:48,952 FLETCHER: I say again, Nathan James, this is Commander James Fletcher. 506 00:34:49,045 --> 00:34:51,378 - You were right about Dr. Vellek. - Can we triangulate that signal? 507 00:34:51,464 --> 00:34:52,796 - No, sir. It's coming from satellite. - He's got the cure for the Red Rust, 508 00:34:52,882 --> 00:34:54,043 - but he's got other plans. - Untraceable. 509 00:34:54,134 --> 00:34:58,879 A biological weapon, something to do with behavior control. 510 00:34:59,055 --> 00:35:00,887 I'm not sure exactly how he's planning on using it, 511 00:35:00,974 --> 00:35:02,806 but we're on a warship headed to Malta. 512 00:35:02,934 --> 00:35:06,018 I say again, we're headed to Malta. You must stop him. 513 00:35:06,104 --> 00:35:09,597 You're the only ones who can. I know this doesn't make things right. 514 00:35:09,691 --> 00:35:12,183 You must believe me, I only did this to serve my country. 515 00:35:14,571 --> 00:35:16,358 Sasha, I'm so sorry I hurt you. 516 00:35:16,781 --> 00:35:19,774 I hope even if you don't forgive me, that you'll understand. 517 00:35:19,868 --> 00:35:22,827 - I never meant to... - (STATIC) 518 00:35:22,912 --> 00:35:23,902 What happened? 519 00:35:26,750 --> 00:35:29,538 Come on. 520 00:35:30,295 --> 00:35:31,376 We lost the signal. 521 00:35:38,637 --> 00:35:41,095 Malta. That sounds about right. 522 00:35:47,646 --> 00:35:48,978 - Giorgio. - Who were you talking to? 523 00:35:49,064 --> 00:35:53,104 Look, I know you have your doubts. But we have to do something. 524 00:35:53,401 --> 00:35:56,565 We have to stop your father. He's gone mad. 525 00:35:57,155 --> 00:35:58,771 We can make things right. 526 00:36:00,325 --> 00:36:01,315 GIORGIO: Think. 527 00:36:03,453 --> 00:36:07,037 Does anyone else know you're here? 528 00:36:07,957 --> 00:36:09,368 Did you get through to anyone? 529 00:36:11,336 --> 00:36:12,952 No. I couldn't get a signal. 530 00:36:13,505 --> 00:36:19,046 Okay. Okay. Just hang on. 531 00:36:23,431 --> 00:36:24,467 (DOOR OPENS) 532 00:36:31,564 --> 00:36:32,554 (EXHALES) 533 00:36:32,649 --> 00:36:35,642 You really think you could turn my own son against me, man? 534 00:36:36,069 --> 00:36:37,810 Huh? You don't get it. 535 00:36:37,946 --> 00:36:39,312 We're family. 536 00:36:39,489 --> 00:36:42,106 Whatever the crap between us, his blood is my blood, 537 00:36:42,200 --> 00:36:45,284 and you're a punk, Fletcher. A con man. 538 00:36:45,453 --> 00:36:47,160 Matter of fact, a two-bit con man. 539 00:36:47,247 --> 00:36:51,241 I found this buried deep in the tissue of the esophagus of Demetrius. 540 00:36:51,418 --> 00:36:53,080 Your little poison pill. 541 00:36:55,213 --> 00:36:58,706 I mean, who in the hell do you think you're dealing with here, Fletcher? 542 00:36:58,800 --> 00:37:01,588 My science is perfect! My mind's like a knife! 543 00:37:01,678 --> 00:37:03,795 You can't play me. 544 00:37:04,389 --> 00:37:05,379 (SIGHS) 545 00:37:05,515 --> 00:37:07,757 I'm just so disappointed in you. 546 00:37:08,017 --> 00:37:10,304 I invite you on my ship. I feed you. 547 00:37:10,395 --> 00:37:13,433 I was gonna feed your entire country. 548 00:37:17,318 --> 00:37:18,479 You're a lunatic. 549 00:37:18,653 --> 00:37:20,235 No, no, no, Fletcher. 550 00:37:20,321 --> 00:37:23,064 A lunatic is the mind that refuses to evolve. 551 00:37:23,158 --> 00:37:25,866 Lunacy is this world, here and now, 552 00:37:25,952 --> 00:37:29,787 doing the same thing over and over, going down the same street, 553 00:37:29,873 --> 00:37:33,207 falling in the same manhole, expecting different results. 554 00:37:33,960 --> 00:37:38,546 The sad cycle of failure, but I'm gonna change all that. 555 00:37:38,631 --> 00:37:41,294 I'll ask you one more time. Who did you call? 556 00:37:41,384 --> 00:37:45,503 It doesn't matter, son. They're not gonna stop us, now. 557 00:37:45,680 --> 00:37:48,673 So, now, what? Are you gonna kill me? 558 00:37:49,184 --> 00:37:52,427 No, man. I don't kill you. I abhor violence. 559 00:37:56,941 --> 00:37:58,148 Giorgio, listen. 560 00:37:58,526 --> 00:38:01,234 I understand why you told him, I do, but we can fix this. 561 00:38:01,404 --> 00:38:03,441 You and me, together, we can make things right... 562 00:38:29,349 --> 00:38:33,059 The guy who caused all our problems may have just solved them. 563 00:38:33,228 --> 00:38:34,935 Or maybe this is another trick. 564 00:38:35,522 --> 00:38:37,263 Either way, we'll handle it. 565 00:38:38,107 --> 00:38:40,895 But my guess is you were always right about him. 566 00:38:43,196 --> 00:38:46,735 Well, if that's the truth, it probably just cost him his life. 567 00:39:28,283 --> 00:39:29,364 (GRUNTING) 568 00:39:56,144 --> 00:39:57,134 (SIGHS) 569 00:40:12,577 --> 00:40:15,115 CHRISTOS: Hey, Dad. 570 00:40:15,246 --> 00:40:17,112 Christos, I was worried about you. 571 00:40:17,206 --> 00:40:18,697 CHRISTOS: What are you worried about? 572 00:40:18,833 --> 00:40:21,496 The Nostos blended seamlessly with the Red Rust cure. 573 00:40:21,586 --> 00:40:23,248 No need for injections. 574 00:40:23,338 --> 00:40:25,295 - One plant contains it all. - (CHUCKLES) 575 00:40:25,548 --> 00:40:28,086 - You really did it. - I did it, didn't I? 576 00:40:28,468 --> 00:40:29,925 It's gonna be a bumper crop. 577 00:40:30,803 --> 00:40:36,595 The secret was in just one base pair on the 4th DNA strand of Elaeis virilis, 578 00:40:36,684 --> 00:40:38,175 our beautiful palm seed. 579 00:40:39,729 --> 00:40:41,095 Come and look at it. It's magnificent. 580 00:40:41,814 --> 00:40:43,851 - Come on, come on. - (LAUGHS) 581 00:40:44,734 --> 00:40:48,944 It was just one... One switch, A to G. 582 00:40:49,030 --> 00:40:52,614 No, no, look, look, look, look. This one switch, A to G, 583 00:40:53,159 --> 00:40:54,570 on that one base pair. 584 00:40:54,661 --> 00:40:57,278 That's it. That's it. Nothing more complicated than that. 585 00:40:57,705 --> 00:41:00,038 But I'm making it so complicated. 586 00:41:00,124 --> 00:41:01,660 I mean, I can't believe I'm making it so complicated. 587 00:41:01,751 --> 00:41:04,334 It's like a schoolboy could've figured this out. 588 00:41:04,420 --> 00:41:06,707 And yet, it got by me, got by you. 589 00:41:06,798 --> 00:41:10,212 It's magnificent. It's semplice. 590 00:41:10,301 --> 00:41:13,465 (SPEAKING GREEK) 591 00:41:16,224 --> 00:41:19,558 You are the most magnificent son. 592 00:41:19,936 --> 00:41:21,143 Love you. 593 00:41:21,229 --> 00:41:23,437 Love you, love you, love you, love you more than olives, 594 00:41:23,523 --> 00:41:26,266 and I really love olives. 595 00:41:26,359 --> 00:41:27,645 Let me look. 596 00:41:28,861 --> 00:41:31,444 God. It's magnificent, huh? 597 00:41:42,375 --> 00:41:44,367 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 598 00:42:09,152 --> 00:42:10,142 English - SDH