1 00:00:10,611 --> 00:00:11,463 Tom? 2 00:00:11,464 --> 00:00:13,732 Are they coming to help or to finish the job? 3 00:00:13,733 --> 00:00:15,353 In the jeep... now. 4 00:00:15,354 --> 00:00:17,021 We don't know who blew up that plane. 5 00:00:17,022 --> 00:00:18,622 - (GUNFIRE) - CHANDLER: There's your answer. 6 00:00:18,623 --> 00:00:20,258 - (ENGINE STARTS) - Go, go, go! 7 00:00:20,259 --> 00:00:22,093 (GUNFIRE CONTINUES) 8 00:00:22,094 --> 00:00:23,294 Weapons?! 9 00:00:23,295 --> 00:00:24,919 In the bag. 10 00:00:28,699 --> 00:00:30,099 (TIRES SCREECHING) 11 00:00:46,316 --> 00:00:47,548 (GRUNTS) 12 00:00:50,120 --> 00:00:52,186 (GUN COCKS) 13 00:00:57,660 --> 00:00:59,559 Look out! 14 00:01:00,896 --> 00:01:03,163 (TIRES SCREECH) 15 00:01:04,166 --> 00:01:05,565 (GRUNTS) (GLASS SHATTERS) 16 00:01:20,781 --> 00:01:22,249 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 17 00:01:22,250 --> 00:01:23,317 KARA: Copy. 18 00:01:23,318 --> 00:01:25,352 25 nautical miles off the coast 19 00:01:25,353 --> 00:01:32,958 in vicinity of 2.60 north by 106.94 east. 20 00:01:35,262 --> 00:01:37,796 I just got off the phone with the Vietnamese. 21 00:01:37,797 --> 00:01:39,265 Eight of their own security team 22 00:01:39,266 --> 00:01:41,200 were gunned down outside a nightclub. 23 00:01:41,201 --> 00:01:44,203 We put the James in Vietnam to send a message. 24 00:01:44,204 --> 00:01:46,672 Peng just sent one right back to us. 25 00:01:46,673 --> 00:01:49,208 Captain Chandler's plane will be in secure airspace in less than four hours. 26 00:01:49,209 --> 00:01:51,476 We'll get a better read on Peng when we talk to him. 27 00:01:51,477 --> 00:01:53,478 (DOOR CLOSES) 28 00:01:53,479 --> 00:01:55,580 The James is safely off the Vietnamese coast. 29 00:01:55,581 --> 00:01:58,049 They're at EMCON, awaiting further instructions from us. 30 00:01:58,050 --> 00:02:00,018 Still no word from any of the missing sailors? 31 00:02:00,019 --> 00:02:01,023 No, sir. 32 00:02:09,427 --> 00:02:11,595 SLATTERY: Who the hell is in charge here? 33 00:02:11,596 --> 00:02:12,796 Damn it. 34 00:02:12,797 --> 00:02:14,764 My man needs a doctor. 35 00:02:14,765 --> 00:02:16,033 The dressing isn't stopping the bleeding. 36 00:02:16,034 --> 00:02:17,868 At least let me take a look at it. (GRUNTS) 37 00:02:17,869 --> 00:02:19,936 Hey, hey, hey. If we're hostages, you don't want to lose one. 38 00:02:19,937 --> 00:02:21,738 - (GRUNTS) - Hey, get your hands off her! 39 00:02:21,739 --> 00:02:23,040 (GRUNTS) 40 00:02:23,041 --> 00:02:24,840 I want to talk to the man in charge! 41 00:02:24,841 --> 00:02:26,709 I want to talk to the man in charge! 42 00:02:26,710 --> 00:02:29,077 (MEN SHOUTING IN NATIVE LANGUAGE) 43 00:02:38,989 --> 00:02:42,124 Hang in there, Mason. 44 00:02:42,125 --> 00:02:44,026 Hang in there, buddy. We're gonna get you some help. 45 00:02:44,027 --> 00:02:46,528 Does anyone speak English? Our man needs help. 46 00:02:46,529 --> 00:02:48,062 - (GRUNTS) - He needs help! 47 00:02:48,931 --> 00:02:50,894 Don't just stand there! 48 00:02:52,468 --> 00:02:54,248 RIOS: I can help him if you give me some damn equipment. 49 00:02:54,249 --> 00:02:54,903 (LABORED BREATHING) 50 00:02:54,904 --> 00:02:57,105 SLATTERY: Hang in there, buddy. 51 00:02:57,106 --> 00:02:59,306 RIOS: Just give me some equipment! 52 00:02:59,307 --> 00:03:01,295 Hang in there. 53 00:03:20,487 --> 00:03:23,729 Sync and corrections by btsix www.addic7ed.com 54 00:03:23,730 --> 00:03:25,798 CHANDLER: I say again, this is Zephyr. 55 00:03:25,799 --> 00:03:27,600 Alpha Team, come in. 56 00:03:27,601 --> 00:03:30,403 Anyone from Alpha Team, this is Zephyr. 57 00:03:30,404 --> 00:03:32,604 Are you sure this is on the right channel? 58 00:03:32,605 --> 00:03:35,541 It's the right channel, and it's been clear all week. 59 00:03:35,542 --> 00:03:37,909 - Alpha Team, Zephyr... come in. - We've been operating on EHF. 60 00:03:37,910 --> 00:03:40,412 It's completely secure. 61 00:03:40,413 --> 00:03:41,746 If they're not answering, 62 00:03:41,747 --> 00:03:43,682 it's because Peng took them out, that mother f... 63 00:03:43,683 --> 00:03:46,418 Hey! You need me to drive? 64 00:03:46,419 --> 00:03:47,986 I'll be fine, sir. 65 00:03:47,987 --> 00:03:51,555 Let's just get out of this hellhole. 66 00:03:55,060 --> 00:03:56,060 (CHEERING) 67 00:03:56,061 --> 00:03:57,861 Hey, no comms in the area. 68 00:03:57,862 --> 00:03:59,163 Phones are still down. 69 00:03:59,164 --> 00:04:00,798 Radios are still FUBAR. Nothing I can do. 70 00:04:00,799 --> 00:04:01,932 Let's get out of here. 71 00:04:01,933 --> 00:04:03,234 (WOMAN SPEAKING VIETNAMESE) 72 00:04:03,235 --> 00:04:04,935 Thank you. That's very sweet of you. 73 00:04:04,936 --> 00:04:06,869 We have to get back to our ship. Thank you. 74 00:04:06,870 --> 00:04:08,538 We're sticking out like sore thumbs. 75 00:04:08,539 --> 00:04:10,940 We got to get a change of clothes before we get to the pier. 76 00:04:10,941 --> 00:04:13,743 OOD, any contact on radar or visual? 77 00:04:13,744 --> 00:04:16,498 - No, sir. - Anything? 78 00:04:16,499 --> 00:04:19,549 No, and local frequencies are clear. 79 00:04:19,550 --> 00:04:20,850 They all had radios, 80 00:04:20,851 --> 00:04:22,352 and not one of them had a chance to contact us. 81 00:04:22,353 --> 00:04:24,820 - Must've been a very quick hit. - You were right. 82 00:04:24,821 --> 00:04:26,955 We should've warned them earlier. 83 00:04:26,956 --> 00:04:28,424 It was a tough call. 84 00:04:28,425 --> 00:04:29,858 Okay. 85 00:04:29,859 --> 00:04:32,495 St. Louis said stay offshore, but they didn't say 86 00:04:32,496 --> 00:04:34,597 we had to sit here with our thumbs up our asses. 87 00:04:34,598 --> 00:04:36,365 You want to find those three boats? 88 00:04:36,366 --> 00:04:38,734 They disappeared around that bay one hour before the attack. 89 00:04:38,735 --> 00:04:41,102 If we chase them, we could be out of position for a rescue. 90 00:04:41,103 --> 00:04:42,337 If our people are on those boats, 91 00:04:42,338 --> 00:04:44,138 we still have a chance to catch them. 92 00:04:47,209 --> 00:04:50,145 OOD, head 1-8-5 toward Do Son. 93 00:04:50,146 --> 00:04:54,114 OOD: Left full rudder... Steady course 1-8-5. 94 00:04:58,019 --> 00:05:00,086 Damn it. I can't see shit without my glasses. 95 00:05:00,087 --> 00:05:01,021 I need clamps. 96 00:05:01,022 --> 00:05:03,157 I need clamps! Clamps! 97 00:05:03,158 --> 00:05:05,425 Rags and gauze are not enough. 98 00:05:05,426 --> 00:05:06,593 (LABORED BREATHING) 99 00:05:06,594 --> 00:05:08,928 Green got away. 100 00:05:08,929 --> 00:05:12,232 M-Maybe Burk did, too. 101 00:05:12,233 --> 00:05:13,467 No doubt. 102 00:05:13,468 --> 00:05:15,635 Probably back on the James right now. 103 00:05:15,636 --> 00:05:16,802 They had EMPs. 104 00:05:16,803 --> 00:05:18,504 That's how they cut off the comms. 105 00:05:18,505 --> 00:05:21,239 I know, son. I know. 106 00:05:23,377 --> 00:05:26,745 (DOOR OPENS) 107 00:05:26,746 --> 00:05:28,147 (MAN SHOUTS IN JAPANESE) 108 00:05:28,148 --> 00:05:30,416 (MEN SHOUTING IN NATIVE LANGUAGE) 109 00:05:30,417 --> 00:05:32,484 What are they doing? Are they taking him? 110 00:05:32,485 --> 00:05:34,653 (SHOUTING CONTINUES) 111 00:05:34,654 --> 00:05:36,588 No, no, no, no! 112 00:05:36,589 --> 00:05:38,557 Stop! Stop! No, no! 113 00:05:38,558 --> 00:05:39,791 This man can't be moved! 114 00:05:39,792 --> 00:05:41,759 This man can't be moved! Put him back! 115 00:05:41,760 --> 00:05:44,829 - No! No! - (GRUNTS) 116 00:05:44,830 --> 00:05:46,698 You son of a bitch! 117 00:05:46,699 --> 00:05:49,567 You son of a bitch! 118 00:05:49,568 --> 00:05:51,669 (MEN SPEAKING NATIVE LANGUAGE) 119 00:05:51,670 --> 00:05:53,503 (LOCK CLINKS) 120 00:05:55,333 --> 00:05:57,273 Maybe they've got a doctor for him. 121 00:06:07,207 --> 00:06:10,341 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) 122 00:06:20,620 --> 00:06:22,961 BURK: They're looking for us. 123 00:06:23,623 --> 00:06:24,989 I count eight. 124 00:06:24,990 --> 00:06:27,358 They want us alive, right? 125 00:06:27,359 --> 00:06:29,393 That gives us the advantage. 126 00:06:29,394 --> 00:06:32,162 We need a couple of them alive... 127 00:06:32,163 --> 00:06:36,265 if we're gonna find out where our people are. 128 00:06:44,064 --> 00:06:45,153 Sir? 129 00:06:45,471 --> 00:06:47,405 Shackleton and Hayward are scheduled to dock in Okinawa 130 00:06:47,406 --> 00:06:48,740 in less than three hours. 131 00:06:48,741 --> 00:06:51,122 I suggest we refuel them immediately 132 00:06:51,123 --> 00:06:52,790 and deploy them to Hai Phong. 133 00:06:52,791 --> 00:06:55,026 Refuel, yes, but we still might need those ships 134 00:06:55,027 --> 00:06:56,427 to investigate the mutations in Japan. 135 00:06:56,428 --> 00:06:58,296 Let's not forget why we sent Chandler to Asia 136 00:06:58,297 --> 00:06:59,497 in the first place. 137 00:06:59,498 --> 00:07:00,898 I don't think it's prudent 138 00:07:00,899 --> 00:07:02,565 to send anybody else into the region 139 00:07:02,566 --> 00:07:04,534 till we have a better sense of the situation, sir. 140 00:07:04,535 --> 00:07:08,771 Uh, Mr. President, someone took 13 of our people. 141 00:07:08,772 --> 00:07:12,609 Now, I don't care if it's Peng, the Vietnamese, or pirates. 142 00:07:12,610 --> 00:07:14,611 The James is sitting out there without its X.O., 143 00:07:14,612 --> 00:07:18,047 without its C.O.... On its own. 144 00:07:19,782 --> 00:07:21,650 Once the James comes off EMCON, 145 00:07:21,651 --> 00:07:24,920 we're going to need to have full communication capability. 146 00:07:24,921 --> 00:07:27,189 Audio noise we can deal with. We're not getting any video. 147 00:07:27,190 --> 00:07:30,159 Val was working on it before she left, 148 00:07:30,160 --> 00:07:32,428 but see what you can figure out. 149 00:07:32,429 --> 00:07:33,562 Okay. 150 00:07:33,563 --> 00:07:35,398 And if you're right, Alex, if it is Peng, 151 00:07:35,399 --> 00:07:38,166 this could be a trap to get our only three west-Pac destroyers 152 00:07:38,167 --> 00:07:39,300 in one place. 153 00:07:39,301 --> 00:07:40,735 MICHENER: I agree. 154 00:07:40,736 --> 00:07:41,895 We wait till we hear from Captain Chandler. 155 00:07:41,896 --> 00:07:44,490 Meantime, nothing leaves this room. 156 00:07:44,491 --> 00:07:46,981 - Understood? - Yes. 157 00:07:52,481 --> 00:07:54,848 CHANDLER: What makes you think this friend of yours 158 00:07:54,849 --> 00:07:56,250 will be willing to help us? 159 00:07:56,251 --> 00:07:58,118 She was a pilot for Doctors Without Borders, 160 00:07:58,119 --> 00:07:59,753 one of the best I've ever seen. 161 00:07:59,754 --> 00:08:02,122 When the plague hit, she couldn't get out of China, 162 00:08:02,123 --> 00:08:03,990 but she still risked getting infected 163 00:08:03,991 --> 00:08:06,326 to run aid to isolated regions. 164 00:08:06,327 --> 00:08:07,928 Before Peng emerged, 165 00:08:07,929 --> 00:08:10,796 I used my contacts to help her target the hardest-hit areas. 166 00:08:10,797 --> 00:08:13,566 We smuggled food, fuel, other provisions. 167 00:08:13,567 --> 00:08:16,335 Once Peng took power and you delivered the cure, 168 00:08:16,336 --> 00:08:20,106 I slipped into a more diplomatic role. 169 00:08:20,107 --> 00:08:21,674 Jesse did not. 170 00:08:21,675 --> 00:08:22,808 (ELECTRONIC MUSIC BLARING) 171 00:08:22,809 --> 00:08:25,178 Uh, she's a bit paranoid about new people. 172 00:08:25,179 --> 00:08:28,080 Why don't you hang here? Let me talk to her first. 173 00:08:28,081 --> 00:08:29,814 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 174 00:08:29,815 --> 00:08:31,616 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 175 00:08:31,617 --> 00:08:33,051 SASHA: Jesse? 176 00:08:33,052 --> 00:08:34,719 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 177 00:08:34,720 --> 00:08:36,353 Jesse?! 178 00:08:37,856 --> 00:08:39,224 (SIGHS) 179 00:08:39,225 --> 00:08:43,528 You want to do the honors? 180 00:08:43,529 --> 00:08:44,861 Yes, sir. 181 00:08:44,862 --> 00:08:47,264 ♪ We all fall down ♪ 182 00:08:47,265 --> 00:08:49,032 ♪ Ring around the Rosie ♪ 183 00:08:49,033 --> 00:08:51,469 ♪ Pocketful of posies ♪ 184 00:08:51,470 --> 00:08:53,337 ♪ Ashes, ashes ♪ 185 00:08:53,338 --> 00:08:56,107 ♪ We all fall down ♪ 186 00:08:56,108 --> 00:08:58,209 ♪ Ring around the Rosie ♪ 187 00:08:58,210 --> 00:09:00,744 ♪ Pocketful of posies ♪ 188 00:09:00,745 --> 00:09:01,978 ♪ Ashes, ashes ♪ Jesse? 189 00:09:01,979 --> 00:09:05,815 ♪ We all fall down ♪ 190 00:09:05,816 --> 00:09:07,350 Jesse? 191 00:09:07,351 --> 00:09:10,153 (MUSIC CONTINUES) 192 00:09:10,154 --> 00:09:13,055 (AUSTRALIAN ACCENT) Oh, hey, Sasha. 193 00:09:13,056 --> 00:09:15,425 (GRUNTS) Jesus, Jesse! 194 00:09:15,426 --> 00:09:17,494 Who are these? Your goons? 195 00:09:17,495 --> 00:09:19,161 Come to finish the job for Peng? 196 00:09:19,162 --> 00:09:20,962 What are you talking about? 197 00:09:20,963 --> 00:09:22,231 You don't know? 198 00:09:22,232 --> 00:09:24,299 I don't have a clue. 199 00:09:24,300 --> 00:09:25,567 Guangzhou... That little hellhole 200 00:09:25,568 --> 00:09:27,169 no one was supposed to know about. 201 00:09:27,170 --> 00:09:29,971 We show up... It's crawling with PLA. 202 00:09:29,972 --> 00:09:33,008 If you had told me Peng was moving his missiles, 203 00:09:33,009 --> 00:09:34,709 we wouldn't have walked into a trap! 204 00:09:34,710 --> 00:09:36,477 I didn't have any idea about Peng moving anything! 205 00:09:36,478 --> 00:09:38,279 Well, it was bad luck for us, 206 00:09:38,280 --> 00:09:40,414 or someone told them we were coming. 207 00:09:40,415 --> 00:09:42,250 'Cause Lau Hu was there waiting. 208 00:09:42,251 --> 00:09:47,087 My brother, all my friends... Mowed down. 209 00:09:47,088 --> 00:09:50,191 Jesse, I didn't know anything about that. 210 00:09:50,192 --> 00:09:51,825 You have to believe me. 211 00:09:51,826 --> 00:09:53,226 Believe you? 212 00:09:53,227 --> 00:09:56,463 You already got a deluxe suite in Peng's mansion. 213 00:09:56,464 --> 00:09:58,731 Or have you moved into the master? 214 00:09:58,732 --> 00:10:00,200 CHANDLER: Hey. 215 00:10:00,201 --> 00:10:02,202 Do you know who I am? 216 00:10:02,203 --> 00:10:06,005 I came here to stop Peng from hoarding the cure. 217 00:10:06,006 --> 00:10:07,907 Now, he just tried to kill me... 218 00:10:07,908 --> 00:10:09,308 All of us, actually. 219 00:10:09,309 --> 00:10:12,645 I think anyone I'm with at this point is fair game. 220 00:10:12,646 --> 00:10:15,247 And his MSS are 10 minutes behind us. 221 00:10:15,248 --> 00:10:17,783 I'm very sorry about your friends. 222 00:10:17,784 --> 00:10:19,418 I've lost too many myself. 223 00:10:19,419 --> 00:10:20,819 And as far as I'm concerned, 224 00:10:20,820 --> 00:10:22,488 Peng's been pissing all over their graves, 225 00:10:22,489 --> 00:10:25,391 but your cover's blown now. 226 00:10:25,392 --> 00:10:27,124 So we should all probably go. 227 00:10:27,125 --> 00:10:29,627 (MUSIC CONTINUES) 228 00:10:29,628 --> 00:10:31,929 We need the helo. 229 00:10:31,930 --> 00:10:33,931 (SIGHS) 230 00:10:33,932 --> 00:10:36,167 God damn it. 231 00:10:36,168 --> 00:10:38,068 Let's go. 232 00:10:44,041 --> 00:10:46,058 - Sonar? - Nothing yet, sir. 233 00:10:46,059 --> 00:10:47,450 And we are clear of land. 234 00:10:47,451 --> 00:10:48,732 WOMAN: We've got something on radar. 235 00:10:48,733 --> 00:10:50,113 - Sonar has it, as well. - Is it a ship? 236 00:10:50,114 --> 00:10:52,316 It's broadcasting a commercial radar 237 00:10:52,317 --> 00:10:55,419 and identifying it as a fishing vessel on the AIS, 238 00:10:55,420 --> 00:10:58,088 but it's not one of the three ships we tracked coming in. 239 00:10:58,089 --> 00:11:01,289 Sonar, give me a set of cans. 240 00:11:08,990 --> 00:11:10,333 Got some engine noise. 241 00:11:12,402 --> 00:11:14,002 That's the same ship that ID'd itself 242 00:11:14,003 --> 00:11:16,004 as the Chinese Class B fishing vessel. 243 00:11:16,005 --> 00:11:17,339 Yes, sir. I believe so, sir. 244 00:11:17,340 --> 00:11:18,673 You can change your call sign, 245 00:11:18,674 --> 00:11:20,375 but not the way your engine rattles. 246 00:11:20,376 --> 00:11:21,843 Gator, tell the OOD to get us closer. 247 00:11:21,844 --> 00:11:24,011 - GATOR: Roger. - Any sign of those other two ships? 248 00:11:24,012 --> 00:11:25,347 - No, sir. - It's been five hours. 249 00:11:25,348 --> 00:11:26,747 They could be long gone by now. 250 00:11:37,759 --> 00:11:39,326 Who are they? 251 00:11:39,327 --> 00:11:41,328 I don't think they're Vietnamese. 252 00:11:41,329 --> 00:11:43,163 SLATTERY: Seems like a hodgepodge. 253 00:11:43,164 --> 00:11:45,766 Heard some Thai, some Chinese. 254 00:11:45,767 --> 00:11:48,167 Chinese writing on the side of the freighter. 255 00:11:49,904 --> 00:11:51,571 You all right, kid? 256 00:11:51,572 --> 00:11:53,673 (CHUCKLING) Yeah, just seasick. 257 00:11:53,674 --> 00:11:56,942 This boat's a lot rockier than the James. 258 00:11:56,943 --> 00:11:58,511 Hey. 259 00:11:58,512 --> 00:12:00,813 Bend your knees, hold them to your chest, close your eyes. 260 00:12:00,814 --> 00:12:02,948 Every 60 seconds, open them again for a 5 count. 261 00:12:02,949 --> 00:12:04,871 Do it again. 262 00:12:05,486 --> 00:12:07,052 4:32. 263 00:12:07,053 --> 00:12:08,820 Been at sea, what? 264 00:12:08,821 --> 00:12:10,155 Figure three hours? 265 00:12:10,156 --> 00:12:12,957 I got us at 12 to 14 knots, holding steady. 266 00:12:12,958 --> 00:12:14,693 Direction? 267 00:12:14,694 --> 00:12:17,429 Based on the roll of the ship, if the wind's held east, 268 00:12:17,430 --> 00:12:19,063 south, southeast, don't you think? 269 00:12:19,064 --> 00:12:20,865 Away from China. 270 00:12:20,866 --> 00:12:22,701 Away from Vietnam. 271 00:12:22,702 --> 00:12:25,336 Where are they taking us? 272 00:12:25,337 --> 00:12:27,604 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) 273 00:12:32,444 --> 00:12:35,845 (BOAT BEEPS, ENGINE SPUTTERING) 274 00:12:42,120 --> 00:12:46,689 (MEN SHOUTING IN FILIPINO) 275 00:12:52,763 --> 00:12:55,064 All eight are coming. 276 00:12:55,065 --> 00:12:56,866 Let's leave two alive. 277 00:12:56,867 --> 00:12:58,667 (SHOUTING CONTINUES) 278 00:13:15,618 --> 00:13:17,718 (GRUNTS) 279 00:13:26,528 --> 00:13:27,862 (GRUNTS) 280 00:13:27,863 --> 00:13:29,530 BURK: It's on, Danny boy! 281 00:13:29,531 --> 00:13:31,998 I just killed one! 282 00:13:41,965 --> 00:13:44,166 - (GROANS) - Now I've got two. 283 00:13:45,936 --> 00:13:47,403 That makes four. 284 00:13:49,006 --> 00:13:50,872 (GRUNTS) 285 00:13:53,977 --> 00:13:55,944 (BOTH GRUNTING) 286 00:14:07,123 --> 00:14:09,056 (GRUNTS) 287 00:14:58,104 --> 00:14:59,804 (SPEAKS THAI) 288 00:15:00,703 --> 00:15:02,974 I don't speak that language, douchebag. 289 00:15:03,939 --> 00:15:05,269 (GRUNTS) 290 00:15:05,765 --> 00:15:07,298 Damn it. That's seven. 291 00:15:07,299 --> 00:15:08,900 (GROANS) 292 00:15:08,901 --> 00:15:11,569 Just tell me that last one is still breathing. 293 00:15:11,570 --> 00:15:12,936 (GRUNTS) 294 00:15:16,976 --> 00:15:18,743 I hold that vessel at 1.3 nautical miles 295 00:15:18,744 --> 00:15:20,645 north-northwest of our current position. 296 00:15:20,646 --> 00:15:22,013 OOD, all full ahead. 297 00:15:22,014 --> 00:15:23,614 Bring her around. Intercept that boat. 298 00:15:23,615 --> 00:15:24,982 We're gonna board it, 299 00:15:24,983 --> 00:15:26,683 and we're gonna find out where our people are. 300 00:15:26,684 --> 00:15:28,785 (OOD SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) 301 00:15:28,786 --> 00:15:31,187 Fishing vessel six kilometers southeast 302 00:15:31,188 --> 00:15:32,489 of the Do Son peninsula, 303 00:15:32,490 --> 00:15:34,057 this is U.S. Navy Warship 1-5-1, 304 00:15:34,058 --> 00:15:35,993 two kilometers off your port bow, 305 00:15:35,994 --> 00:15:37,995 hailing you on channel 1-6. 306 00:15:37,996 --> 00:15:39,195 Over. 307 00:15:39,196 --> 00:15:40,862 (STATIC) 308 00:15:47,270 --> 00:15:50,139 Fishing vessel six kilometers southeast of the... 309 00:15:50,140 --> 00:15:52,808 They're on the move and increasing speed. 310 00:15:52,809 --> 00:15:54,777 North-northwest, headed 3-4-0. 311 00:15:54,778 --> 00:15:57,346 OOD, adjust course... 3-4-0. 312 00:15:57,347 --> 00:15:58,747 You stay on his ass. 313 00:15:58,748 --> 00:16:00,948 (OOD SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY) 314 00:16:06,155 --> 00:16:07,689 Hey, can you put out the cigarette? 315 00:16:07,690 --> 00:16:09,591 Are you afraid of lung cancer? 316 00:16:09,592 --> 00:16:11,560 We got bigger problems, right? 317 00:16:11,561 --> 00:16:14,029 MSS 10 minutes behind us? 318 00:16:14,030 --> 00:16:15,863 Could be. 319 00:16:15,864 --> 00:16:17,631 Or not. 320 00:16:17,632 --> 00:16:19,567 I mean, Peng did try to kill us, too, 321 00:16:19,568 --> 00:16:22,068 if it's any consolation. 322 00:16:23,672 --> 00:16:26,806 You're quiet. 323 00:16:29,077 --> 00:16:30,711 Processing. 324 00:16:30,712 --> 00:16:33,312 I know that look. 325 00:16:33,313 --> 00:16:36,182 You're not processing. 326 00:16:36,183 --> 00:16:38,007 You're brooding. 327 00:16:41,521 --> 00:16:43,856 You have to understand, Mr. President, 328 00:16:43,857 --> 00:16:46,826 people have been doing things a certain way to survive. 329 00:16:46,827 --> 00:16:48,327 Now you want to change all that. 330 00:16:48,328 --> 00:16:51,797 These ration cards are becoming a very inflammatory issue. 331 00:16:51,798 --> 00:16:53,932 I know it's an adjustment, but if you've learned one thing 332 00:16:53,933 --> 00:16:56,034 from all this, it's that the American people are resilient. 333 00:16:56,035 --> 00:16:57,087 BEATTY: They are resilient. (SIGHS) 334 00:16:57,088 --> 00:16:59,239 You do realize that his honeymoon period 335 00:16:59,240 --> 00:17:01,907 - is coming to an end. - The people support him. 336 00:17:01,908 --> 00:17:03,341 People have a very short memory, 337 00:17:03,342 --> 00:17:05,410 and you got to know that out there on the street, 338 00:17:05,411 --> 00:17:08,779 it's Chandler and Dr. Scott who get the credit. 339 00:17:08,780 --> 00:17:10,748 CASTILLO: My wife was at the market today. 340 00:17:10,749 --> 00:17:12,083 Guy comes into the store, 341 00:17:12,084 --> 00:17:14,251 wants to buy six boxes of cereal. 342 00:17:14,252 --> 00:17:15,820 He's got enough money, 343 00:17:15,821 --> 00:17:17,387 but his rations for the week say he can only have one. 344 00:17:17,388 --> 00:17:18,723 Then he looks up on the shelves 345 00:17:18,724 --> 00:17:20,725 and sees 300 boxes sitting there. 346 00:17:20,726 --> 00:17:23,093 Half that cereal's going to go stale. 347 00:17:23,094 --> 00:17:24,160 These guys. 348 00:17:24,161 --> 00:17:25,996 They kept their regions together 349 00:17:25,997 --> 00:17:28,564 by their own grit and mettle for almost a year. 350 00:17:28,565 --> 00:17:30,000 From where they sit, 351 00:17:30,001 --> 00:17:32,102 if the cure would've landed there instead of here, 352 00:17:32,103 --> 00:17:34,638 one of them would be calling the shots right now. 353 00:17:34,639 --> 00:17:36,205 That's preposterous. 354 00:17:36,206 --> 00:17:37,507 Beatty was a senator, 355 00:17:37,508 --> 00:17:39,308 and Castillo owned a limousine company. 356 00:17:39,309 --> 00:17:41,443 And Michener was a lowly cabinet Secretary. 357 00:17:41,444 --> 00:17:44,379 Approved by Congress, which makes him the president. 358 00:17:44,380 --> 00:17:45,681 He's unelected. 359 00:17:45,682 --> 00:17:47,983 And let's not forget, he's an immune. 360 00:17:47,984 --> 00:17:50,285 MICHENER: I know your constituents don't want to hear it, 361 00:17:50,286 --> 00:17:52,220 but it's an issue of hoarding versus sharing. 362 00:17:52,221 --> 00:17:54,222 If this guy has more than he needs, 363 00:17:54,223 --> 00:17:56,458 he needs to be sending it to places without the resources. 364 00:17:56,459 --> 00:17:58,693 (SIGHS) We're doing what we can, Mr. President, 365 00:17:58,694 --> 00:18:01,495 but you're asking people to change their core beliefs 366 00:18:01,496 --> 00:18:03,564 about how our society should function. 367 00:18:03,565 --> 00:18:05,700 - (DOOR OPENS, CLOSES) - Rationing is just not in the American DNA. 368 00:18:05,701 --> 00:18:09,103 I hear what you're saying, gentlemen. 369 00:18:09,104 --> 00:18:10,138 Captain Chandler's plane 370 00:18:10,139 --> 00:18:11,539 is supposed to be over clear air space, 371 00:18:11,540 --> 00:18:13,107 but we cannot reach the plane. 372 00:18:13,108 --> 00:18:16,043 We tried Sasha Cooper and our security team in Hong Kong. 373 00:18:16,044 --> 00:18:17,778 We cannot raise them, either. 374 00:18:17,779 --> 00:18:19,312 When are they due to land in Pearl Harbor? 375 00:18:19,313 --> 00:18:20,580 5 1/2 hours. 376 00:18:20,581 --> 00:18:24,217 Our ships are refueling in Okinawa as we speak. 377 00:18:24,218 --> 00:18:25,552 Let's not go there yet. 378 00:18:25,553 --> 00:18:27,087 Just keep trying the plane. 379 00:18:27,088 --> 00:18:28,420 Yes, ma'am. 380 00:18:30,038 --> 00:18:32,892 - Hold your horses, Alex. - You may not want to admit it, 381 00:18:32,893 --> 00:18:35,194 but he's got problems here at home. 382 00:18:35,195 --> 00:18:37,563 How he handles this issue abroad... 383 00:18:37,564 --> 00:18:39,699 It's gonna have to be with strength. 384 00:18:39,700 --> 00:18:41,767 I understand your concerns, gentlemen, 385 00:18:41,768 --> 00:18:43,803 but you're gonna have to be patient. 386 00:18:43,804 --> 00:18:45,670 The course has been decided. 387 00:18:46,907 --> 00:18:48,639 CAMERON: Where's that boat? 388 00:18:48,640 --> 00:18:50,942 GATOR: Still 60 miles south-southwest. 389 00:18:50,943 --> 00:18:53,678 I hold that vessel at 30 knots. 390 00:18:53,679 --> 00:18:55,013 Stay on them. 391 00:18:55,014 --> 00:18:57,916 30 knots? That's no fishing vessel. 392 00:18:57,917 --> 00:18:59,884 They're headed for Cat Ba Pass. That's too narrow for us. 393 00:18:59,885 --> 00:19:01,586 If we come around this island here, 394 00:19:01,587 --> 00:19:03,988 we might be able to cut them off at daybreak. 395 00:19:03,989 --> 00:19:05,288 OOD, left full rudder. 396 00:19:05,289 --> 00:19:07,191 We'll intercept them on the other side. 397 00:19:07,192 --> 00:19:08,253 Left full rudder! 398 00:19:12,580 --> 00:19:14,030 Peng's got patrols all over these waters. 399 00:19:15,028 --> 00:19:16,733 This is how she keeps it off the radar. 400 00:19:17,461 --> 00:19:18,602 Once we get to Kowloon, 401 00:19:18,603 --> 00:19:20,771 I have a van stashed on the other side. 402 00:19:20,772 --> 00:19:23,206 Let's hope for your sake it's still there. 403 00:19:23,207 --> 00:19:25,674 - For your sake, too. - Doesn't bother me. 404 00:19:25,675 --> 00:19:27,143 I got nothing to live for. 405 00:19:27,144 --> 00:19:30,880 Well, hey, we've all lost pretty much everything. 406 00:19:30,881 --> 00:19:32,514 And if you really want to hurt Peng, 407 00:19:32,515 --> 00:19:35,384 this should be the only thing that matters to you. 408 00:19:35,385 --> 00:19:38,187 - (MAN SPEAKING CHINESE) - Hey! 409 00:19:38,188 --> 00:19:41,155 (SPEAKS CHINESE) 410 00:19:42,625 --> 00:19:43,779 Back at the apartment, 411 00:19:44,627 --> 00:19:46,508 you asked me to wait in the hall. 412 00:19:47,950 --> 00:19:50,198 You were trying to get to her first to keep her quiet. 413 00:19:50,199 --> 00:19:53,368 It wasn't just food and fuel before Peng. 414 00:19:53,369 --> 00:19:54,568 It was cure. 415 00:19:55,547 --> 00:19:56,737 And it was well after Peng... 416 00:19:56,738 --> 00:19:59,306 While you were working as a diplomat. 417 00:19:59,307 --> 00:20:00,439 (SIGHS) 418 00:20:01,486 --> 00:20:02,943 I stopped a few weeks ago 419 00:20:02,944 --> 00:20:04,678 when I thought it might be getting too hot. 420 00:20:04,679 --> 00:20:06,180 She's been pissed at me ever since. 421 00:20:06,181 --> 00:20:08,615 Does Rivera know? The president? 422 00:20:08,616 --> 00:20:09,950 No, of course not. 423 00:20:09,951 --> 00:20:11,685 I would never jeopardize them like that. 424 00:20:11,686 --> 00:20:15,321 Always got to do things your own way. 425 00:20:15,322 --> 00:20:17,123 Sasha knows best. 426 00:20:17,124 --> 00:20:18,357 They needed deniability, 427 00:20:18,358 --> 00:20:20,193 and it's not like I even could've told them anyway. 428 00:20:20,194 --> 00:20:22,862 You know there's no secure comms from Hong Kong to the States. 429 00:20:22,863 --> 00:20:25,131 You do realize that may be why my people got hit. 430 00:20:25,132 --> 00:20:26,900 You think Vietnam was retribution 431 00:20:26,901 --> 00:20:28,701 for what I've been doing with Jesse? 432 00:20:28,702 --> 00:20:29,935 My plane, too. 433 00:20:29,936 --> 00:20:31,569 If Peng knew anything about this, 434 00:20:31,570 --> 00:20:34,873 he would've strung me out by my balls the second he found out. 435 00:20:34,874 --> 00:20:38,043 Like you said, he plays the long game... 436 00:20:38,044 --> 00:20:41,879 and he was gonna kill you as soon as I took off. 437 00:20:43,183 --> 00:20:45,717 I'm sorry about your people, Tom... 438 00:20:45,718 --> 00:20:47,118 but I promise you 439 00:20:47,119 --> 00:20:49,787 there is something much bigger going on here 440 00:20:49,788 --> 00:20:52,889 than me and that girl smuggling cure across the borders. 441 00:21:16,491 --> 00:21:18,256 (GRUNTS) 442 00:21:24,094 --> 00:21:26,561 (SPITS) 443 00:21:28,068 --> 00:21:29,978 (GROANS) 444 00:21:39,645 --> 00:21:42,212 Are we even sure he's Vietnamese? 445 00:21:42,213 --> 00:21:46,316 This blade's got some other kind of writing on it. 446 00:21:49,721 --> 00:21:51,922 CAMERON: We're coming into open water. 447 00:21:51,923 --> 00:21:53,923 Tell me we have eyes on that boat. 448 00:21:53,924 --> 00:21:55,224 I'm picking them up now. 449 00:21:55,225 --> 00:21:57,994 I hold them bearing 2-7-0 at 6,000 yards. 450 00:21:57,995 --> 00:21:59,896 They're threading the islands. 451 00:21:59,897 --> 00:22:01,864 Charted depth here is 14 feet. 452 00:22:01,865 --> 00:22:03,633 Damn it. 453 00:22:03,634 --> 00:22:04,834 Bare steerage, OOD. 454 00:22:04,835 --> 00:22:06,636 All ahead... 1/3 for 3 knots. 455 00:22:06,637 --> 00:22:08,871 Lost them again. 456 00:22:08,872 --> 00:22:10,673 They're gone. 457 00:22:10,674 --> 00:22:12,407 (SIGHS) 458 00:22:13,976 --> 00:22:17,112 CHANDLER: So, I hear you're quite a pilot. 459 00:22:17,113 --> 00:22:18,980 How long till we meet this helo of yours? 460 00:22:18,981 --> 00:22:20,516 You're getting a little impatient. 461 00:22:20,517 --> 00:22:23,151 I had other plans for myself today. 462 00:22:23,152 --> 00:22:25,387 WOLF: Whoa, whoa, whoa. 463 00:22:25,388 --> 00:22:26,654 What's this? 464 00:22:26,655 --> 00:22:28,456 JESSE: Welcome to Hong Kong. 465 00:22:28,457 --> 00:22:29,424 (BRAKES SQUEAL) 466 00:22:29,425 --> 00:22:32,460 I've never seen a checkpoint here. 467 00:22:32,461 --> 00:22:34,394 It's for us. 468 00:22:42,904 --> 00:22:45,405 (SPEAKS JAPANESE) 469 00:22:45,406 --> 00:22:46,673 Eat. 470 00:22:46,674 --> 00:22:48,474 Eat! Eat! 471 00:22:51,979 --> 00:22:55,248 Filet mignon and apricots? 472 00:22:55,249 --> 00:22:58,418 When they took me to the bathroom before, 473 00:22:58,419 --> 00:23:01,119 I could see the rest of their crew. 474 00:23:01,120 --> 00:23:03,689 They were eating beans out of a can. 475 00:23:03,690 --> 00:23:05,624 (RAY VOMITS) 476 00:23:05,625 --> 00:23:06,925 Sorry, guys. 477 00:23:06,926 --> 00:23:09,729 We got to get him some fluids. 478 00:23:09,730 --> 00:23:12,998 He needs water. Water. 479 00:23:12,999 --> 00:23:14,834 Yeah, a little clean-up wouldn't hurt, either. 480 00:23:14,835 --> 00:23:16,869 Water. Huh? 481 00:23:16,870 --> 00:23:18,632 (SPEAKS JAPANESE) 482 00:23:22,175 --> 00:23:23,808 - JETER: What are you doing? - (GUNS COCK) 483 00:23:23,809 --> 00:23:25,643 - Hey, hey! - (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 484 00:23:25,644 --> 00:23:27,479 - What are you doing? - Leave this kid alone. 485 00:23:27,480 --> 00:23:29,146 He's a kid! He just wants water! 486 00:23:29,147 --> 00:23:31,082 Leave him alone! He's just a kid! 487 00:23:31,083 --> 00:23:32,950 TOSHIRO: We take your man to get fresh air. 488 00:23:32,951 --> 00:23:36,419 Now... you eat. 489 00:24:03,414 --> 00:24:05,782 (SPEAKS CHINESE) 490 00:24:05,783 --> 00:24:09,082 (SPEAKS CHINESE) 491 00:24:09,919 --> 00:24:13,387 (SPEAKS CHINESE) 492 00:24:18,795 --> 00:24:24,932 (MEN SPEAKING CHINESE) 493 00:24:41,783 --> 00:24:44,683 (GRUNTING) 494 00:24:53,661 --> 00:24:55,327 Get down! 495 00:24:56,564 --> 00:24:59,538 Jesus, Sasha. I said get down. 496 00:24:59,539 --> 00:25:00,749 And I heard you. 497 00:25:01,534 --> 00:25:02,767 (GRUNTS) 498 00:25:07,816 --> 00:25:09,774 (ENGINE STARTS) 499 00:25:23,037 --> 00:25:24,550 Just a bunch of random stuff. 500 00:25:24,551 --> 00:25:26,357 I can't figure out where they're from. 501 00:25:26,358 --> 00:25:28,793 How are you doing? 502 00:25:28,794 --> 00:25:31,629 I'm fine. It's him I'm worried about. 503 00:25:31,630 --> 00:25:32,863 (LABORED BREATHING) 504 00:25:34,565 --> 00:25:37,467 Get medieval on his ass. 505 00:25:37,468 --> 00:25:38,702 I'll wait. 506 00:25:38,703 --> 00:25:40,703 (GASPING) 507 00:25:45,476 --> 00:25:48,745 He's going into shock. Hey! Hey! 508 00:25:48,746 --> 00:25:50,879 Stay with me! Stay with me! 509 00:25:52,403 --> 00:25:56,475 He's... losing... blood. 510 00:25:56,476 --> 00:25:58,053 He said you're losing blood. 511 00:25:58,054 --> 00:25:59,722 What? You speak English? 512 00:25:59,723 --> 00:26:03,358 He won't like that. 513 00:26:03,359 --> 00:26:05,293 Who the hell is he talking about? 514 00:26:05,294 --> 00:26:06,962 Who? Who won't like that? 515 00:26:06,963 --> 00:26:09,563 Who do you work for?! Who sent you, huh?! 516 00:26:11,333 --> 00:26:12,533 (SCOFFS) 517 00:26:14,069 --> 00:26:16,469 Damn it! 518 00:26:23,290 --> 00:26:26,289 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION IN DISTANCE) 519 00:26:26,290 --> 00:26:28,111 Headed south now, I think. 520 00:26:30,285 --> 00:26:32,528 Feels like we're just turning in circles. 521 00:26:32,529 --> 00:26:34,596 They don't want us to know where we are. 522 00:26:35,832 --> 00:26:38,733 Unless they're not taking us anywhere. 523 00:26:40,236 --> 00:26:42,503 Unless they're keeping us here. 524 00:26:48,343 --> 00:26:52,580 (BRAKES SQUEAL, ENGINE SHUTS OFF) 525 00:26:53,616 --> 00:26:55,850 Sit tight, kids. Be back in a jiff. 526 00:26:55,851 --> 00:26:57,118 (DOOR CLOSES) 527 00:26:57,119 --> 00:26:58,620 We left a lot of bodies back there. 528 00:26:58,621 --> 00:27:01,555 How long till MSS is on our trail? 529 00:27:01,556 --> 00:27:05,192 Checkpoints send reports every half hour. 530 00:27:05,193 --> 00:27:07,061 When Peng doesn't hear from them, 531 00:27:07,062 --> 00:27:08,494 he'll send reinforcements. 532 00:27:10,932 --> 00:27:12,866 This is an irradiated zone. 533 00:27:12,867 --> 00:27:16,737 There's a nuclear power plant six miles inland. 534 00:27:16,738 --> 00:27:18,304 And there was a leak? 535 00:27:18,305 --> 00:27:19,906 More of a meltdown. 536 00:27:19,907 --> 00:27:21,340 Few months back. 537 00:27:21,341 --> 00:27:22,742 No one could sustain the safety protocols. 538 00:27:22,743 --> 00:27:26,378 So this is where she keeps her helo? 539 00:27:26,379 --> 00:27:27,914 Takes nine minutes to get in there. 540 00:27:27,915 --> 00:27:29,983 Gives us 11 minutes to get the bird in the air 541 00:27:29,984 --> 00:27:31,183 before the radiation kills us. 542 00:27:31,184 --> 00:27:32,652 11 minutes? 543 00:27:32,653 --> 00:27:35,385 More or less. 544 00:27:38,357 --> 00:27:40,325 Sir, I'm on the phone with Pearl Harbor. 545 00:27:40,326 --> 00:27:42,594 They can't find the plane anywhere on their radar. 546 00:27:42,595 --> 00:27:44,796 It's not answering their radio calls, either. 547 00:27:44,797 --> 00:27:47,232 Mr. President, there's an incoming call from Hong Kong. 548 00:27:47,233 --> 00:27:48,600 It's President Peng. 549 00:27:48,601 --> 00:27:49,968 President Peng. 550 00:27:49,969 --> 00:27:53,704 Mr. President, I understand it is very late there, 551 00:27:53,705 --> 00:27:57,508 so I am sorry to add to your troubles in Vietnam. 552 00:27:57,509 --> 00:27:58,943 No. No. 553 00:27:58,944 --> 00:28:00,277 Do you have some news for us? 554 00:28:00,278 --> 00:28:02,513 I'm afraid I do. 555 00:28:02,514 --> 00:28:04,548 It seems that Captain Chandler's plane 556 00:28:04,549 --> 00:28:06,383 had some very serious engine trouble 557 00:28:06,384 --> 00:28:08,519 as it tried to take off from our airport. 558 00:28:08,520 --> 00:28:13,388 Unfortunately, the plane went down. 559 00:28:14,158 --> 00:28:17,159 Plane went down? 560 00:28:18,129 --> 00:28:20,997 Are there any survivors? 561 00:28:20,998 --> 00:28:24,233 We are searching the waters now... 562 00:28:24,234 --> 00:28:26,368 but we are not hopeful. 563 00:28:26,369 --> 00:28:28,370 We walked right into this. 564 00:28:28,371 --> 00:28:31,206 It is certainly suspicious, Mr. President, 565 00:28:31,207 --> 00:28:33,241 with what happened in Vietnam. 566 00:28:33,242 --> 00:28:34,743 As I have told you, 567 00:28:34,744 --> 00:28:37,646 there are many rogue elements operating in the region. 568 00:28:37,647 --> 00:28:39,948 We suspected pirates at first, 569 00:28:39,949 --> 00:28:42,850 but your pilot radioed in with engine trouble. 570 00:28:42,851 --> 00:28:45,352 We are sending the transmission now 571 00:28:45,353 --> 00:28:48,189 between your pilot and our air traffic control. 572 00:28:48,190 --> 00:28:50,992 Yes. Obviously, we'd very much like to hear that recording. 573 00:28:50,993 --> 00:28:55,596 I assure you we will conduct a thorough investigation 574 00:28:55,597 --> 00:28:58,299 and keep you fully informed. 575 00:28:58,300 --> 00:29:01,285 Well, we appreciate that, President Peng, 576 00:29:01,286 --> 00:29:03,254 and we will speak soon. 577 00:29:03,871 --> 00:29:05,338 (RECEIVER CLICKS) 578 00:29:05,339 --> 00:29:06,606 You're not buying that, are you? 579 00:29:06,607 --> 00:29:08,574 I'm not jumping to any conclusions, 580 00:29:09,320 --> 00:29:11,213 and neither should anyone in this room. 581 00:29:12,174 --> 00:29:14,039 Let's hear that transmission. 582 00:29:56,121 --> 00:29:58,088 WOLF: You stole a Chinese army helo? 583 00:29:58,089 --> 00:30:00,157 We're in China. What did you expect? 584 00:30:00,158 --> 00:30:01,925 What's the range on this thing? 585 00:30:01,926 --> 00:30:03,326 About 600 miles. 586 00:30:03,327 --> 00:30:04,928 Just enough to get us to Hai Phong. 587 00:30:04,929 --> 00:30:06,964 Depending on the winds. 588 00:30:06,965 --> 00:30:09,265 You okay? Just a bit nauseous. 589 00:30:09,266 --> 00:30:12,301 Might be a good idea we get out of here. 590 00:30:12,302 --> 00:30:14,637 JESSE: All right, buckle up. 591 00:30:14,638 --> 00:30:18,474 - Grenade launchers? - Can't be too careful. 592 00:30:18,475 --> 00:30:19,742 (ENGINE SPUTTERS) Shit. 593 00:30:19,743 --> 00:30:21,610 Oh, you're bloody kidding me. 594 00:30:21,611 --> 00:30:22,879 Hot start? 595 00:30:22,880 --> 00:30:25,680 Get the battery and the alligator clips out of the car. 596 00:30:25,681 --> 00:30:28,850 You can't jump a 28-volt battery with 12 volts. 597 00:30:28,851 --> 00:30:30,652 There's an old pickup on the other side of the generator. 598 00:30:30,653 --> 00:30:31,952 We can use that. 599 00:30:51,072 --> 00:30:52,806 (COUGHING) 600 00:30:53,629 --> 00:30:54,907 MSS is coming. 601 00:30:54,908 --> 00:30:57,311 - You need a daisy chain? - Yeah. 602 00:30:57,312 --> 00:30:58,936 I'll buy you some time. 603 00:31:07,554 --> 00:31:10,824 - (TIRES SCREECH) - We're clear! 604 00:31:10,825 --> 00:31:12,192 (ENGINE SPUTTERS) 605 00:31:12,193 --> 00:31:15,195 My turbines still aren't spinning fast enough. 606 00:31:15,196 --> 00:31:17,595 (ELECTRICITY ZAPS) 607 00:31:17,596 --> 00:31:20,265 Can't hold them off much longer! 608 00:31:20,266 --> 00:31:22,533 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 609 00:31:26,005 --> 00:31:29,308 (TIRES SCREECH) 610 00:31:29,309 --> 00:31:30,976 - (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) - Try it now! 611 00:31:30,977 --> 00:31:32,644 (ENGINE STARTS) 612 00:31:32,645 --> 00:31:34,784 JESSE: I've got the generator online. 613 00:31:34,785 --> 00:31:38,415 Pull the pins and get your asses in here. 614 00:31:38,416 --> 00:31:40,951 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 615 00:31:46,191 --> 00:31:48,491 (TIRES SCREECH, MEN SPEAK INDISTINCTLY) 616 00:31:53,998 --> 00:31:55,597 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 617 00:32:08,391 --> 00:32:09,927 You all right? 618 00:32:09,928 --> 00:32:12,521 You don't happen to have a Geiger counter on you? 619 00:32:22,527 --> 00:32:24,662 Feels like it was last week 620 00:32:24,663 --> 00:32:26,797 we were standing under that arch... 621 00:32:26,798 --> 00:32:28,965 spreading the cure. 622 00:32:30,401 --> 00:32:32,501 (CLEARS THROAT) 623 00:32:34,016 --> 00:32:36,126 It's possible Peng's lying. 624 00:32:36,856 --> 00:32:40,064 You heard the transmission from the cockpit. 625 00:32:40,065 --> 00:32:41,466 (SIGHS) 626 00:32:41,467 --> 00:32:44,868 Our Air Force captain confirmed the voices. 627 00:32:47,473 --> 00:32:51,241 (SIGHS) 628 00:32:52,645 --> 00:32:55,779 GATOR: We're currently 16 miles out of position, sir. 629 00:32:56,815 --> 00:32:58,248 Damn it. 630 00:32:58,249 --> 00:32:59,616 OOD, any visual? 631 00:32:59,617 --> 00:33:01,452 - OOD: Negative, sir. - Anything? 632 00:33:01,453 --> 00:33:04,555 There's no sign of them or our people. 633 00:33:04,556 --> 00:33:07,890 We need to return to position for a rescue. 634 00:33:11,062 --> 00:33:14,163 Never should've gone to that stupid party. 635 00:33:14,164 --> 00:33:17,867 All the senior leadership off ship at the same time. 636 00:33:17,868 --> 00:33:20,569 We were on a diplomatic mission. 637 00:33:21,505 --> 00:33:24,173 Cameron is more than capable. 638 00:33:24,174 --> 00:33:26,208 Burk and Green will find them, 639 00:33:26,209 --> 00:33:28,009 and they'll find us. 640 00:33:47,562 --> 00:33:50,030 Flares starboard side... Green, red, green, 641 00:33:50,031 --> 00:33:52,700 bearing 3-5-0, but they're at least 10 miles out. 642 00:33:52,701 --> 00:33:55,102 That's our sequence, and they're on the move. 643 00:33:55,103 --> 00:33:59,840 TAO, give me full radar and sonar sweeps of the area. 644 00:33:59,841 --> 00:34:01,942 OOD, make course along that bearing. 645 00:34:01,943 --> 00:34:05,010 Right standard rudder, steady course 3-5-0. 646 00:34:06,647 --> 00:34:08,815 You better be right about that ship, 647 00:34:08,816 --> 00:34:10,683 'cause we're running low on fuel 648 00:34:10,684 --> 00:34:13,586 and in the next 10 minutes, we're gonna be in the drink. 649 00:34:13,587 --> 00:34:16,790 SOP says they'll be within a 20-mile radius of Hai Phong. 650 00:34:16,791 --> 00:34:19,191 We got to be within radio range by now. 651 00:34:19,192 --> 00:34:20,959 Don't bother. It's busted. 652 00:34:24,297 --> 00:34:27,666 Suitable extraction points would be here, here, and here, 653 00:34:27,667 --> 00:34:30,936 but it's gonna take at least 20 minutes to close the distance. 654 00:34:30,937 --> 00:34:34,139 Hey, Burky, where the hell are they? 655 00:34:34,140 --> 00:34:37,041 They should be closer to shore. 656 00:34:41,647 --> 00:34:45,683 New surface contact bearing 0-4-0 at one nautical mile 657 00:34:45,684 --> 00:34:47,885 heading 2-4-5 at 35 knots. 658 00:34:47,886 --> 00:34:49,219 Bridge, TAO. 659 00:34:49,220 --> 00:34:50,421 AIS signals confirmed. 660 00:34:50,422 --> 00:34:52,323 Hostile vessel is back. 661 00:34:52,324 --> 00:34:55,406 All fire stations manned, ready to engage on your mark. 662 00:34:55,407 --> 00:34:56,971 Birds with five inch, sir. 663 00:34:56,972 --> 00:34:58,509 Negative, TAO. We do not fire. 664 00:34:58,510 --> 00:34:59,986 There could be hostages onboard. 665 00:34:59,987 --> 00:35:01,883 Recommend adjusting course to intercept. 666 00:35:01,884 --> 00:35:03,600 Cut them off before they get to our people. 667 00:35:03,601 --> 00:35:06,396 Agreed. OOD, make course 0-2-0. 668 00:35:06,397 --> 00:35:08,273 - All engines ahead flank. - OOD: Aye, sir. 669 00:35:08,274 --> 00:35:10,206 - Helm, right standard rudder. - They're going towards those islands, 670 00:35:10,207 --> 00:35:11,541 closing in on our people. 671 00:35:11,542 --> 00:35:12,975 CCS, override all safeties. 672 00:35:12,976 --> 00:35:15,277 Enable battle short. We'll cut them off. 673 00:35:15,278 --> 00:35:16,645 (ALARM BLARING) 674 00:35:16,646 --> 00:35:18,246 Time to rethink your travel plans. 675 00:35:18,247 --> 00:35:20,248 Tell me your radar works, at least. 676 00:35:20,249 --> 00:35:21,750 - Don't touch that. - Sasha. 677 00:35:21,751 --> 00:35:23,519 Your ship will identify us as Chinese. 678 00:35:23,520 --> 00:35:25,087 They'll think we're trying to attack them. 679 00:35:25,088 --> 00:35:26,655 You don't think I know that? 680 00:35:26,656 --> 00:35:29,491 - There has to be another way. - One problem at a time. 681 00:35:29,492 --> 00:35:31,359 Are you two sleeping together? 682 00:35:31,360 --> 00:35:33,394 Turn it on. 683 00:35:33,395 --> 00:35:36,030 Unknown aircraft approaching from 0-8-0. 684 00:35:36,031 --> 00:35:37,532 110 knots. 685 00:35:37,533 --> 00:35:38,766 Sir, we have incoming. 686 00:35:38,767 --> 00:35:40,300 Appears to be a Chinese helo. 687 00:35:42,505 --> 00:35:43,872 We got the James. 688 00:35:43,873 --> 00:35:46,273 She's 10 miles out, due west-southwest. 689 00:35:46,274 --> 00:35:48,308 SASHA: What are you doing? 690 00:35:48,309 --> 00:35:49,476 Saying hello. 691 00:35:49,477 --> 00:35:52,712 Aircraft just changed her squawk. 692 00:35:54,148 --> 00:35:58,870 1-2-0-9. 1-2-0-9? 693 00:35:58,871 --> 00:35:59,926 Does that mean something to you? 694 00:35:59,927 --> 00:36:00,954 - ALISHA: No, no. That can't be. - What is it? 695 00:36:00,955 --> 00:36:02,455 I-It's the CNO. 696 00:36:02,456 --> 00:36:03,756 That's his birthday... December 9th. 697 00:36:03,757 --> 00:36:05,424 He'd sometimes use that as his ID tag. 698 00:36:05,425 --> 00:36:08,460 CNO? Here? On a Chinese helicopter? 699 00:36:08,461 --> 00:36:10,195 30 seconds before we lose the contact. 700 00:36:10,196 --> 00:36:11,764 Hail our guys on that boat. 701 00:36:11,765 --> 00:36:13,899 Let them know they got trouble. 702 00:36:15,035 --> 00:36:16,235 (GROANS) 703 00:36:16,236 --> 00:36:17,937 DANNY: Hang in there, buddy! 704 00:36:17,938 --> 00:36:20,871 We're almost home. 705 00:36:22,374 --> 00:36:25,376 Distress warning, 1:00. 706 00:36:25,377 --> 00:36:28,647 I'm guessing red's not good. 707 00:36:28,648 --> 00:36:31,215 No. 708 00:36:31,216 --> 00:36:34,553 Looks like two of our boys down there on a speedboat. 709 00:36:34,554 --> 00:36:36,888 They're being pursued! We need to help. Keep moving. 710 00:36:36,889 --> 00:36:39,629 We're running on fumes. We need to land. 711 00:36:39,630 --> 00:36:41,370 I said keep going! 712 00:36:42,917 --> 00:36:43,961 Oh, heads up! 713 00:36:43,962 --> 00:36:45,360 Heads up! 714 00:36:50,068 --> 00:36:51,333 Get us in closer. 715 00:36:52,938 --> 00:36:54,336 Cover fire! 716 00:36:56,073 --> 00:36:57,606 BURK: They're gaining on us! 717 00:37:05,348 --> 00:37:06,915 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 718 00:37:21,798 --> 00:37:25,365 Yes! Yes! 719 00:40:03,216 --> 00:40:07,852 (MAN SPEAKING NATIVE LANGUAGE) 720 00:40:16,834 --> 00:40:21,381 Sync and corrections by btsix www.addic7ed.com