1 00:00:06,400 --> 00:00:07,731 SEAN: Americans. 2 00:00:09,240 --> 00:00:12,801 When the day of judgment comes, where do they seek refuge? 3 00:00:12,960 --> 00:00:14,325 A shopping mall. 4 00:00:15,240 --> 00:00:17,641 MacDowell reckons there are 10,000 in the area. 5 00:00:17,880 --> 00:00:20,884 He says 5% of 'em may be Immunes, just like us. 6 00:00:21,120 --> 00:00:25,444 Fifteen million American Immunes, just waiting to join the cause. 7 00:00:25,600 --> 00:00:27,409 NED: Yeah, and how many of them 8 00:00:27,560 --> 00:00:29,881 are gonna go for your "we are the chosen" act? 9 00:00:30,800 --> 00:00:32,131 It ain't no act. 10 00:00:34,240 --> 00:00:35,287 Ned. 11 00:00:37,000 --> 00:00:38,161 It ain't no act. 12 00:00:39,280 --> 00:00:43,683 Fine. Good, look, Sean, the labs are gone. 13 00:00:43,840 --> 00:00:46,366 The boys took care of the ones in Lisbon and Istanbul. 14 00:00:46,560 --> 00:00:49,769 The only cure that's left is sitting on that Navy ship. 15 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:51,809 It's them we should be going after now. 16 00:00:51,960 --> 00:00:54,360 Achilles ain't no use to us until we repair the sound matting 17 00:00:54,400 --> 00:00:55,845 we scraped off in the canyons. 18 00:00:56,000 --> 00:00:58,606 Once we're good and quiet again, Ian will get her moving 19 00:00:58,760 --> 00:01:00,569 and restart the hunt for the destroyer. 20 00:01:00,720 --> 00:01:04,008 And I say we join him and the rest of our crew 21 00:01:04,160 --> 00:01:06,970 instead of mucking around in this bloody swamp. 22 00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:12,126 Come on, let's kill those Navy bastards and then bugger off back to England. 23 00:01:12,280 --> 00:01:16,729 Have you heard a bloody word I've been saying? Ned, I have a plan. 24 00:01:16,880 --> 00:01:18,370 It's a shit plan. 25 00:01:18,520 --> 00:01:20,010 - Ned. - Running from town to town, 26 00:01:20,160 --> 00:01:21,685 waiting for people to get the virus, 27 00:01:21,840 --> 00:01:25,287 and then picking through survivors looking for punters like us. 28 00:01:25,480 --> 00:01:27,130 - Ned. - I hate this place. 29 00:01:28,720 --> 00:01:29,801 The heat. 30 00:01:31,440 --> 00:01:33,408 We should be home living the life. 31 00:01:34,680 --> 00:01:36,648 And what's he still doing here? 32 00:01:38,200 --> 00:01:40,931 If it weren't for Niels, we wouldn't have found that doctor down the coast, 33 00:01:41,120 --> 00:01:42,246 and their labs. 34 00:01:42,400 --> 00:01:43,731 Yeah, all right. 35 00:01:44,200 --> 00:01:47,090 Thank you very much! 36 00:01:47,240 --> 00:01:50,369 We don't need him hanging around now creeping people out. 37 00:01:50,520 --> 00:01:52,329 He's like the grim reaper. 38 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:54,608 That's all part of the plan. 39 00:01:54,800 --> 00:01:57,770 Niels' special talent's the thing we've been looking for. 40 00:01:57,920 --> 00:02:01,129 That reaper's gonna help us find more Immunes 41 00:02:01,280 --> 00:02:02,691 just by breathing on them. 42 00:02:12,040 --> 00:02:14,520 RACHEL: My lab is low on just about everything. 43 00:02:14,680 --> 00:02:17,570 Once I have depleted the cell cultures on hand, 44 00:02:17,720 --> 00:02:20,485 we won't be able to manufacture the vaccine on the ship. 45 00:02:21,240 --> 00:02:22,366 - (DOOR CLOSES) - Anything on that sub? 46 00:02:22,520 --> 00:02:25,364 No. For all we know, they're halfway back to England by now. 47 00:02:26,240 --> 00:02:27,526 Keep widening the search area. 48 00:02:27,680 --> 00:02:30,729 Farthest on circle from point last seen, 24-hour range. 49 00:02:30,920 --> 00:02:34,720 Sir, if I may, to continue the search, we're gonna burn through all of our fuel. 50 00:02:34,920 --> 00:02:37,127 We'll top it off in Norfolk or Mayport. 51 00:02:37,280 --> 00:02:39,521 There's a naval weapons station in Charleston. 52 00:02:39,720 --> 00:02:42,849 Wait, excuse me for interrupting, but it seems to me 53 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:45,241 that the longer we seek out this submarine, 54 00:02:45,400 --> 00:02:47,000 the further it takes us off our mission. 55 00:02:47,080 --> 00:02:48,570 We need to rebuild the labs 56 00:02:48,720 --> 00:02:50,609 or find one with enough stock of cell culture. 57 00:02:50,760 --> 00:02:53,047 Where would you suggest we go? 58 00:02:55,600 --> 00:02:59,082 Which lab? Go on. Pick one. 59 00:03:01,560 --> 00:03:06,600 Phoenix, destroyed, no survivors. Salt Lake, destroyed, no survivors. 60 00:03:06,760 --> 00:03:10,242 Madison, Topeka, gone. Baltimore. 61 00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:14,286 Baltimore, which I so cleverly added to the secret lab network, gone. 62 00:03:14,440 --> 00:03:16,442 Florida. Everything we worked for! 63 00:03:16,600 --> 00:03:18,887 Captain, you don't think I'm aware of this? 64 00:03:19,040 --> 00:03:22,123 I have spent the last 20 hours trying to figure out 65 00:03:22,280 --> 00:03:24,600 why this could have happened, how this could have happened. 66 00:03:24,720 --> 00:03:28,850 But we need to stay on course 67 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:32,209 or millions more are going to die. 68 00:03:35,920 --> 00:03:37,729 That sub is the mission now. 69 00:03:48,280 --> 00:03:50,282 We'll find the people who did this 70 00:03:51,440 --> 00:03:53,090 and we'll make 'em pay. 71 00:03:54,160 --> 00:03:56,162 ♪ (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ 72 00:04:18,240 --> 00:04:20,846 TAO, sonar, nothing on subsurface. 73 00:04:21,000 --> 00:04:22,240 Roger that. 74 00:04:50,400 --> 00:04:52,243 OLIVER: (LAUGHING) I can't take this anymore. 75 00:04:52,400 --> 00:04:54,368 MAX: No, you got to listen. OLIVER: No, stop. Stop, I can't. 76 00:04:54,560 --> 00:05:00,203 So, the first mate says to the judge, "I'll have you know, a sailor I am not." 77 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:01,401 (LAUGHS) 78 00:05:01,760 --> 00:05:02,761 Oi! 79 00:05:03,040 --> 00:05:04,530 Anything on that destroyer? 80 00:05:04,680 --> 00:05:05,841 - No, mate. - Come on. 81 00:05:06,000 --> 00:05:07,764 Quiet as a church mouse. 82 00:05:07,920 --> 00:05:11,242 Just 'cause the boss is off ship ain't no excuse to lollygag. 83 00:05:11,400 --> 00:05:12,890 - Keep looking. - All right. 84 00:05:13,400 --> 00:05:15,129 - Ned wants results. - Yeah, all right. 85 00:05:15,280 --> 00:05:17,567 Don't "all right" me. 86 00:05:18,040 --> 00:05:20,725 I'm a goddamned warrant officer, class two. 87 00:05:20,920 --> 00:05:22,251 Aye, sir. 88 00:05:23,640 --> 00:05:25,210 With his knickers in a twist. 89 00:05:25,360 --> 00:05:26,486 Shut it! 90 00:05:26,720 --> 00:05:27,721 (LAUGHS) 91 00:05:32,200 --> 00:05:34,851 ALISHA: It must have transmitted to the satellite right before the attack. 92 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:36,331 Have you watched it? 93 00:05:36,520 --> 00:05:39,091 Only long enough to know that it was for you, ma'am. 94 00:05:39,240 --> 00:05:41,163 But even from what I saw... 95 00:05:43,200 --> 00:05:44,929 it wasn't easy to watch. 96 00:05:46,920 --> 00:05:47,921 (BEEP) 97 00:05:50,360 --> 00:05:53,967 Rachel, God, I pray this gets to you. 98 00:05:54,160 --> 00:06:00,281 Listen, we're under attack, Rachel, but it's important that you learn this. 99 00:06:00,440 --> 00:06:02,886 I've been working with the data you sent me about the cure, 100 00:06:03,040 --> 00:06:04,530 and I think I found a way to help, 101 00:06:04,800 --> 00:06:05,801 (RAPID GUNFIRE) 102 00:06:06,040 --> 00:06:08,122 using what I learned about the measles project. 103 00:06:08,280 --> 00:06:10,726 Now I know you think that's crazy, but it works. 104 00:06:11,360 --> 00:06:13,442 I'm sending you the data now. It's here. 105 00:06:13,640 --> 00:06:15,130 - Look, I don't... - (BANGING) 106 00:06:15,880 --> 00:06:19,202 God! Listen, Rachel. 107 00:06:19,880 --> 00:06:22,690 It's all worked out. All you have to do is... 108 00:06:22,840 --> 00:06:25,002 I just somehow pray that this file gets to you, 109 00:06:25,160 --> 00:06:26,650 that you get it off the server. 110 00:06:26,800 --> 00:06:28,040 - Rachel, you got to know that... - MACDOWELL: Okay. 111 00:06:28,440 --> 00:06:29,441 (CLATTERING) 112 00:06:29,640 --> 00:06:30,971 Rachel. 113 00:06:31,680 --> 00:06:36,242 MACDOWELL: Come on now. Take it all. We need to find that server. 114 00:06:36,960 --> 00:06:40,442 - Okay, doc, stand up. - No. Please, please. 115 00:06:40,640 --> 00:06:41,721 (GUNSHOTS) 116 00:06:45,360 --> 00:06:49,809 Well, that's how they were able to get the locations of all the labs. 117 00:06:49,960 --> 00:06:51,405 Stole them from Dr. Hunter. 118 00:06:52,440 --> 00:06:57,970 He was working on an experiment to turn my liquid injectable version of the cure 119 00:06:58,120 --> 00:07:02,409 into a powder so it could be released over populated areas 120 00:07:02,560 --> 00:07:07,327 via helicopters, planes, drones, even. 121 00:07:07,480 --> 00:07:10,006 I could manufacture a highly concentrated powder 122 00:07:10,160 --> 00:07:11,844 right here on the ship. 123 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:13,604 We wouldn't even need labs anymore. 124 00:07:13,760 --> 00:07:15,250 So people could breathe in the cure. 125 00:07:15,400 --> 00:07:17,482 It would be very much like crop-dusting. 126 00:07:17,640 --> 00:07:20,769 Mass inoculations without glassware, needles, 127 00:07:20,960 --> 00:07:22,760 all the infrastructure that we no longer have. 128 00:07:22,840 --> 00:07:24,808 Do you think Hunter was actually able to do it? 129 00:07:25,600 --> 00:07:28,444 I know that he had some good results aerosolizing the measles vaccine, 130 00:07:28,600 --> 00:07:31,490 but I won't know until we get down to his lab in Florida. 131 00:07:31,640 --> 00:07:33,608 The formulas are locked away on his computers. 132 00:07:33,800 --> 00:07:35,404 Absolutely not. 133 00:07:35,600 --> 00:07:38,570 It's a long shot, and we've got bigger fish to fry right now. 134 00:07:38,720 --> 00:07:40,324 Really? 135 00:07:41,480 --> 00:07:42,845 Bigger fish? 136 00:07:44,040 --> 00:07:46,520 And by that, I assume you mean revenge. 137 00:07:46,680 --> 00:07:49,360 By that, I mean we're not going anywhere until we take out that sub. 138 00:07:53,320 --> 00:07:56,403 The men who killed Hunter, their accent, that was Irish, right? 139 00:07:59,280 --> 00:08:00,520 Yes. 140 00:08:00,680 --> 00:08:03,081 Means the sub commander has people on the ground. 141 00:08:03,240 --> 00:08:06,005 Achilles was 200 miles offshore when it launched on the labs. 142 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:08,401 No way they were able to slip back and forth between Florida. 143 00:08:08,560 --> 00:08:11,006 Dr. Hunter's lab location was hidden on the secure server. 144 00:08:11,160 --> 00:08:13,280 The bastards never got the flash drive from their man. 145 00:08:13,320 --> 00:08:15,561 - So how'd they find it? - It doesn't matter. 146 00:08:16,400 --> 00:08:19,085 Whoever killed your friend is long gone by now. 147 00:08:19,240 --> 00:08:20,605 This is a wild goose chase. 148 00:08:20,760 --> 00:08:22,842 If all you care about is... 149 00:08:26,960 --> 00:08:29,327 Have you forgotten what we're all doing here? 150 00:08:32,160 --> 00:08:35,289 Find the cure, save the world. 151 00:08:35,880 --> 00:08:37,041 Remember? 152 00:08:45,960 --> 00:08:46,961 (HELICOPTER APPROACHING) 153 00:08:56,120 --> 00:08:57,451 Clear. 154 00:09:04,640 --> 00:09:07,166 PILOT: There's a TAC headed to the east wing. 155 00:09:08,880 --> 00:09:10,962 Nathan James, Sabrehawk One leaving the landing zone. 156 00:09:11,120 --> 00:09:12,406 Vulture Team in place. 157 00:09:12,560 --> 00:09:14,130 Roger, Sabrehawk One. 158 00:09:22,440 --> 00:09:23,441 (INSECTS BUZZING) 159 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:36,447 Clear. 160 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:40,206 Clear. 161 00:09:43,680 --> 00:09:45,523 TAYLOR: More dead doctors in the east wing. 162 00:09:50,560 --> 00:09:52,847 Nathan James, Vulture Team. 163 00:09:54,560 --> 00:09:55,891 We got what we expected. 164 00:09:58,000 --> 00:09:59,365 Roger, Vulture Team. 165 00:10:07,240 --> 00:10:08,241 (SIGHS) 166 00:10:24,560 --> 00:10:25,561 He was a giant. 167 00:10:26,960 --> 00:10:28,962 The smartest man I knew. 168 00:10:30,680 --> 00:10:34,605 Ma'am, they shot up the doctor's office pretty good, bashed the computers to bits. 169 00:10:35,440 --> 00:10:36,646 I'm so sorry. 170 00:10:38,920 --> 00:10:39,921 (SIGHS) 171 00:10:41,880 --> 00:10:42,881 (SNIFFS) 172 00:10:47,840 --> 00:10:49,888 I found these cultures. 173 00:10:52,400 --> 00:10:54,721 So at least we can continue making the cure for now. 174 00:10:59,080 --> 00:11:01,242 See if there's anything in that box to help. 175 00:11:07,320 --> 00:11:09,209 Did you find anything that links to the sub? 176 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:12,443 Aside from how good these guys are at killing? No, sir. 177 00:11:13,120 --> 00:11:16,169 Sir, they came in quiet, cut the lock at the north gate. 178 00:11:16,360 --> 00:11:18,960 But they left in a hurry and drove right over the flattened fence. 179 00:11:19,080 --> 00:11:20,445 There are muddy tracks to follow. 180 00:11:20,600 --> 00:11:22,284 Sir, may I speak freely? 181 00:11:22,440 --> 00:11:23,487 Always. 182 00:11:23,640 --> 00:11:24,687 Let's go. 183 00:11:27,360 --> 00:11:29,647 Sir, we'll take Dr. Scott back to Nathan James 184 00:11:29,800 --> 00:11:31,848 so she can finish her important work. Come with us. 185 00:11:32,040 --> 00:11:34,202 Whoever did this may have already swept through Europe, 186 00:11:34,360 --> 00:11:36,727 and we cannot allow them to get a foothold here in America, 187 00:11:36,920 --> 00:11:39,161 and we can't keep looking over our shoulder for that sub. 188 00:11:39,320 --> 00:11:43,450 We find them, we make it safe for Dr. Scott to finish her work. 189 00:11:43,600 --> 00:11:45,170 This is all the same mission now. 190 00:11:45,320 --> 00:11:46,401 Fair enough. 191 00:11:47,640 --> 00:11:51,281 But I can see it in your eyes, sir, your desire for vengeance. 192 00:11:51,480 --> 00:11:52,811 So I'm asking, 193 00:11:52,960 --> 00:11:56,760 as a man who is never more than 509 feet from his captain, 194 00:11:56,920 --> 00:11:59,321 don't let this sub become your white whale. 195 00:12:02,440 --> 00:12:03,805 Miller! Cruz! 196 00:12:03,960 --> 00:12:05,325 Aye, sir. 197 00:12:05,480 --> 00:12:07,801 Go with the master chief, get Dr. Scott back to the ship. 198 00:12:07,960 --> 00:12:09,200 The rest of you with me. 199 00:12:09,360 --> 00:12:12,284 Chief Taylor, find us a vehicle. We need to follow those tracks. 200 00:12:12,440 --> 00:12:14,602 Yes, sir. Let's go. 201 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:20,001 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS) 202 00:12:23,800 --> 00:12:28,249 When you find the people who did this, Captain... 203 00:12:35,840 --> 00:12:37,171 Kill them. 204 00:12:49,200 --> 00:12:51,567 TAYLOR: Captain, take a look. 205 00:13:24,720 --> 00:13:27,246 One trail ends, the other begins. 206 00:13:27,400 --> 00:13:30,404 Let's see if these boats can take us where we need to go. 207 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:48,685 Nathan James, Vulture Team. Over. 208 00:13:48,840 --> 00:13:50,560 Read you loud and clear, Vulture Team. Over. 209 00:13:50,680 --> 00:13:54,241 We're approximately 29.23 north, 81.55 west. 210 00:13:54,400 --> 00:13:58,291 Requesting UAV fly over our whiskey with FLIR package. 211 00:13:58,480 --> 00:14:01,051 I want a full sweep, 50-nautical-mile radius. 212 00:14:01,200 --> 00:14:04,204 These guys are hiding in the swamps. I need you to find them. Over. 213 00:14:04,960 --> 00:14:06,325 Roger, Vulture Team. 214 00:14:13,680 --> 00:14:14,761 Want one? 215 00:14:15,440 --> 00:14:16,441 No. 216 00:14:16,760 --> 00:14:18,240 - (DOOR CLOSES) - (BICYCLE BELL RINGS) 217 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:20,047 Hey. 218 00:14:21,960 --> 00:14:24,122 - SEAN: Well? - I love this town. 219 00:14:24,280 --> 00:14:27,807 Everything you hear about southern hospitality, it's true. 220 00:14:28,560 --> 00:14:32,849 I met some very kind people. They gave me sweet tea. 221 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:36,288 I had this little chat with the local sheriff. 222 00:14:36,440 --> 00:14:38,010 He says to me, he goes, 223 00:14:39,760 --> 00:14:41,489 "We're all in this together." 224 00:14:41,640 --> 00:14:42,641 (LAUGHS) 225 00:14:43,120 --> 00:14:44,531 It's funny, no? 226 00:14:44,680 --> 00:14:46,409 Yeah, I'll bet. 227 00:14:46,840 --> 00:14:48,490 How long till they're all dead? 228 00:14:48,640 --> 00:14:52,850 Well, I'm still quite contagious, so, you know, won't be long now. 229 00:14:54,120 --> 00:14:59,570 Out of the ashes, a few will rise. Our army will grow. 230 00:14:59,720 --> 00:15:03,247 Brilliant. Brilliant. You see, Ned? 231 00:15:03,680 --> 00:15:06,490 Do you understand what we have here in Niels? 232 00:15:07,400 --> 00:15:10,563 Ned, I passed a department store, and I was thinking 233 00:15:10,760 --> 00:15:14,242 that maybe you and some of your friends could get some fresh clothes, 234 00:15:14,400 --> 00:15:18,007 improve the smell on the submarine, maybe? 235 00:15:19,000 --> 00:15:20,001 (GLASS SHATTERS) 236 00:15:21,160 --> 00:15:22,685 Do you know what I think, Sean? 237 00:15:23,320 --> 00:15:24,685 I think this is a dodge! 238 00:15:24,840 --> 00:15:29,004 I think it's an excuse to duck out of your responsibilities at home! 239 00:15:29,720 --> 00:15:33,884 You're afraid! You are afraid to lead! 240 00:15:34,040 --> 00:15:36,361 You are afraid of that destroyer! 241 00:15:37,360 --> 00:15:41,206 And that's why we're stuck on this bleeding rock! 242 00:15:52,120 --> 00:15:54,168 Say that again, bruv. 243 00:15:56,520 --> 00:15:59,364 Tell me I'm afraid. 244 00:16:05,720 --> 00:16:09,122 I am culling the herd, Ned. 245 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:12,810 And the pure will have a chance to join us. 246 00:16:12,960 --> 00:16:17,443 Those who refuse my beneficence will die along with the crew of that Navy ship. 247 00:16:17,600 --> 00:16:21,127 Now, you have a choice to make. 248 00:16:22,480 --> 00:16:24,244 Do you want to help me? 249 00:16:26,560 --> 00:16:30,565 Or do you want to join our beloved mother in the grave? 250 00:16:36,520 --> 00:16:37,567 Well, 251 00:16:39,200 --> 00:16:40,690 now you've come to mention it... 252 00:16:43,120 --> 00:16:45,043 Do you think Beyoncé's immune? 253 00:16:46,440 --> 00:16:47,441 Eh? 254 00:16:49,440 --> 00:16:50,930 I mean, it's possible, 255 00:16:51,760 --> 00:16:53,728 5% and all that. 256 00:16:55,440 --> 00:16:57,602 I think she'd look rather good on my arm. 257 00:16:57,760 --> 00:16:58,761 (CHUCKLES) 258 00:16:58,960 --> 00:17:00,644 Don't you think? 259 00:17:02,240 --> 00:17:03,241 (SWITCHBLADE CLICKS) 260 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:29,049 The nearest big city is St. Augustine, but they're dark. 261 00:17:29,200 --> 00:17:30,440 If it were me, I'd head inland. 262 00:17:30,520 --> 00:17:34,127 Yeah, but north or south, that's the question. 263 00:17:34,320 --> 00:17:39,451 Sir, UAV at 5,000 feet, 30 miles north of Vulture Team. 264 00:17:43,920 --> 00:17:45,206 Nothing for miles. 265 00:17:45,360 --> 00:17:48,091 In those swamps, you'd think we'd get a heat signature 266 00:17:48,240 --> 00:17:50,163 off an alligator or something. 267 00:17:51,680 --> 00:17:53,489 Nah, gators are cold-blooded. 268 00:17:54,640 --> 00:17:58,087 In the Florida heat, they'd look about as warm as the ground around 'em. 269 00:17:58,920 --> 00:18:01,161 Right. Sorry, sir. 270 00:18:01,320 --> 00:18:03,080 We don't have too many gators where I'm from. 271 00:18:03,120 --> 00:18:05,407 Yeah, well, my son taught me that. 272 00:18:06,040 --> 00:18:09,806 He hated school, but he knew everything about animals and dinosaurs. 273 00:18:09,960 --> 00:18:10,961 (RAPID BEEPING) 274 00:18:11,160 --> 00:18:13,003 NISHIOKA: Got something, sir. Pretty high. 275 00:18:13,160 --> 00:18:16,323 Could be generators, people, maybe a large campground. 276 00:18:17,440 --> 00:18:18,441 (RADIO CHATTER) 277 00:18:19,600 --> 00:18:21,648 SLATTERY: Nothing else for miles. 278 00:18:23,640 --> 00:18:25,608 Vulture Team, we have a target. 279 00:18:25,760 --> 00:18:29,765 UAV is picking up a large heat signature about 23 miles north of your whiskey. 280 00:18:29,960 --> 00:18:34,045 30.136 north, 81.678 west. 281 00:18:35,160 --> 00:18:37,401 - These are our guys. - It's got to be. 282 00:18:37,560 --> 00:18:39,722 Only people within this boat's range. 283 00:18:39,880 --> 00:18:41,769 Nathan James, Vulture Team. 284 00:18:41,920 --> 00:18:44,446 - We're en route. Will advise. - Roger that. 285 00:18:44,640 --> 00:18:45,766 Let's move out! 286 00:19:12,880 --> 00:19:16,407 I need to turn our liquid vaccine into an aerosol form. 287 00:19:16,560 --> 00:19:18,927 And to do so, I need the proper chemical base 288 00:19:19,080 --> 00:19:22,971 to cut with our vaccine to create a stable and dry formulation. 289 00:19:23,120 --> 00:19:25,248 Something that won't degrade its potency. 290 00:19:25,400 --> 00:19:28,370 Powder base brings with it all kinds of complications. 291 00:19:28,560 --> 00:19:30,403 Which is why no one's been able to do it. 292 00:19:32,720 --> 00:19:35,041 It's utterly organic, completely simple. 293 00:19:35,200 --> 00:19:38,363 Missing just enough pieces to drive us crazy solving it. 294 00:19:39,760 --> 00:19:43,401 It's the same shape as cyclohexane, a dry-cleaning solvent. 295 00:19:43,560 --> 00:19:45,289 It's way too toxic. 296 00:19:45,440 --> 00:19:46,965 I have to ask. 297 00:19:48,160 --> 00:19:51,164 Is it possible that Dr. Hunter never solved it himself? 298 00:19:54,200 --> 00:19:57,010 No. He solved it. 299 00:19:58,520 --> 00:20:00,329 He gave his life to tell me. 300 00:20:17,360 --> 00:20:20,409 Green, Taylor, Tex, take the southern flank. 301 00:20:20,560 --> 00:20:22,324 Lieutenant Burk, Lieutenant Bivas, you're coming with me. 302 00:20:22,480 --> 00:20:23,970 We'll circle around from the north. 303 00:20:24,120 --> 00:20:25,849 - Aye, sir. - Let's move. 304 00:20:29,720 --> 00:20:31,240 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS IN DISTANCE) 305 00:20:46,680 --> 00:20:48,409 Some kind of safe zone, Captain. 306 00:20:53,760 --> 00:20:56,650 (TRUCK APPROACHING) 307 00:20:57,520 --> 00:20:58,521 (BRAKES SQUEAL) 308 00:20:59,240 --> 00:21:00,440 (ENGINE SHUTS OFF, DOOR OPENS) 309 00:21:14,160 --> 00:21:15,207 (RADIO CHATTER) 310 00:21:20,080 --> 00:21:22,924 (MAN SPEAKING ITALIAN) 311 00:21:23,120 --> 00:21:25,964 (RADIO CHATTER) 312 00:21:36,640 --> 00:21:38,404 This is not just a safe zone. 313 00:21:38,560 --> 00:21:40,881 There's at least a few mercs from the Solace here. 314 00:21:41,040 --> 00:21:43,281 And they're talking to the sub right now. 315 00:21:43,440 --> 00:21:46,330 I say again, they are communicating with the sub. 316 00:21:46,480 --> 00:21:48,403 Roger, Vulture Team. They're talking to the sub. 317 00:21:48,560 --> 00:21:49,846 That means they're at radio depth. Find them. 318 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:51,240 Aye, sir. Searching. 319 00:21:51,720 --> 00:21:53,200 Can you make out what they're saying? 320 00:21:53,320 --> 00:21:56,369 Definitely radio communication, sir, but it's encrypted. 321 00:21:56,520 --> 00:21:57,681 Okay, you know the drill. 322 00:21:57,840 --> 00:21:59,729 Yes, sir. Starting decryption now. 323 00:21:59,920 --> 00:22:04,209 I see three mercs on the inside. Another two behind the shed. 324 00:22:04,360 --> 00:22:06,601 - We can take them. - No, we wait. 325 00:22:06,800 --> 00:22:08,040 Let's see where they lead us. 326 00:22:25,280 --> 00:22:26,281 (SIGHS) 327 00:22:30,600 --> 00:22:32,409 Ma'am, I thought you might be hungry. 328 00:22:33,360 --> 00:22:35,089 How very thoughtful of you. 329 00:22:35,720 --> 00:22:38,963 Chicken and mushroom in a roux sauce, my specialty. 330 00:22:39,120 --> 00:22:40,246 Is that right? 331 00:22:40,400 --> 00:22:42,840 It's good enough for the President of the United States, so... 332 00:22:43,440 --> 00:22:46,444 You prepared food for the President? 333 00:22:46,600 --> 00:22:51,162 At Camp David. It was his favorite dish, or so I'm told. 334 00:22:51,320 --> 00:22:53,163 - You're having me on. - No. (LAUGHS) 335 00:22:53,320 --> 00:22:57,291 No, ma'am. Only the best Navy cooks get to cook for the Commander in Chief. 336 00:22:57,440 --> 00:22:59,647 Why in heaven would you leave that job? 337 00:22:59,800 --> 00:23:02,565 You got to go to sea if you want to make rank. 338 00:23:04,640 --> 00:23:07,120 You know, it's an art preparing the perfect roux, 339 00:23:07,320 --> 00:23:10,847 especially seeing how hard it is to get fresh ingredients these days. 340 00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:14,971 You see, the real secret is sifting the flour just right. 341 00:23:15,160 --> 00:23:18,080 Too heavy, and the minute it hits that butter, you got yourself a fritter. 342 00:23:18,200 --> 00:23:24,651 But you do it right, man, you got yourself a nice, rich sauce. 343 00:23:24,840 --> 00:23:27,320 Not too soupy, not too thick. 344 00:23:30,480 --> 00:23:31,891 Oh, my God! 345 00:23:33,480 --> 00:23:35,164 It's completely delicious. 346 00:23:35,320 --> 00:23:38,164 Ma'am, you haven't even tried it. 347 00:23:39,520 --> 00:23:41,010 I need a food base. 348 00:23:41,160 --> 00:23:44,528 If I can isolate it and have it adhere to the vaccine 349 00:23:44,680 --> 00:23:46,364 and form the micro powder... 350 00:23:48,040 --> 00:23:51,442 Thank you, Bacon. Thank you! 351 00:23:52,080 --> 00:23:53,730 So, you ain't even gonna taste it? 352 00:23:54,280 --> 00:23:56,760 BOY: Kick it! Come on! 353 00:23:56,920 --> 00:23:59,207 - Oh! Great save! - Yeah! 354 00:23:59,360 --> 00:24:01,124 Yeah, he scores! 355 00:24:01,280 --> 00:24:04,523 Give me something, brother. That was fun, guys. Thanks. 356 00:24:09,600 --> 00:24:11,762 Hey, thanks for the stuff. Appreciate it. 357 00:24:11,920 --> 00:24:13,445 Thanks very much. Appreciate it. 358 00:24:15,400 --> 00:24:17,767 That was fun, thanks. Hey, doll, how you doing? 359 00:24:26,120 --> 00:24:32,526 Hey, man. They are a friendly group. Handing out clothes, food, blankets. 360 00:24:32,680 --> 00:24:34,330 It's an apocalyptic love-in. 361 00:24:34,480 --> 00:24:36,721 All that's missing is music and some wacky weed. 362 00:24:36,880 --> 00:24:37,881 Americans? 363 00:24:38,040 --> 00:24:40,566 Every one of 'em. No sign of no foreign fighters. 364 00:24:40,720 --> 00:24:41,721 (VEHICLE APPROACHES) 365 00:24:41,880 --> 00:24:42,881 (RIFLE COCKS) 366 00:24:44,560 --> 00:24:45,561 (DOORS CLOSE) 367 00:24:46,400 --> 00:24:47,925 Where'd you find that? 368 00:24:48,080 --> 00:24:50,128 Commandeered by order of the Navy. 369 00:24:50,280 --> 00:24:54,365 Couple of late arrivals from out of town. No one will miss them, sir. 370 00:24:54,520 --> 00:24:56,329 Captain, it's looking like a company move. 371 00:24:56,480 --> 00:24:58,084 They're loading up the trucks and heading out over there. 372 00:24:58,240 --> 00:25:02,006 Same here. Buses arriving. They're frisking people. 373 00:25:02,160 --> 00:25:04,242 Now we got a ride. Let's follow. 374 00:25:04,400 --> 00:25:06,971 Even in civilian clothes, we're gonna stand out. 375 00:25:07,120 --> 00:25:08,929 We need to split up. 376 00:25:09,080 --> 00:25:13,768 Green, Taylor, Tex, take the truck and our gear. 377 00:25:13,920 --> 00:25:17,481 Follow the convoy. Ravit, Burk, come with me. 378 00:25:18,480 --> 00:25:20,767 We're taking the last bus out of here. 379 00:25:20,920 --> 00:25:23,810 Nathan James, we're going radio silent. 380 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:25,843 Negative, Vulture Team. Do not go dark. 381 00:25:26,040 --> 00:25:27,565 Keep contact through Green and Taylor. 382 00:25:27,720 --> 00:25:30,007 I say again, do not go dark. 383 00:25:30,160 --> 00:25:33,767 - We got a lead, XO. We need to follow it. - I say... 384 00:25:33,920 --> 00:25:35,809 Chief Taylor, you're now our rally point 385 00:25:35,960 --> 00:25:38,088 and our way out of whatever trouble we get into. 386 00:25:38,240 --> 00:25:40,208 Aye, sir. I've got your back. 387 00:25:42,280 --> 00:25:43,327 BURK: Sir? 388 00:25:43,840 --> 00:25:46,491 Ditching our gear and our weapons, you sure about this? 389 00:25:49,160 --> 00:25:50,491 Roger that. 390 00:25:58,800 --> 00:26:00,529 Take off your clothes. 391 00:26:05,120 --> 00:26:06,963 Indistinct conversations 392 00:26:48,200 --> 00:26:52,728 Everybody I knew is dead. My husband, my children. 393 00:26:53,480 --> 00:26:54,970 Four girls. 394 00:26:55,920 --> 00:26:57,251 I'm sorry. 395 00:26:58,080 --> 00:27:01,129 Don't be. I'm sure you've got your stories. 396 00:27:03,080 --> 00:27:04,923 I lost my wife. 397 00:27:06,920 --> 00:27:11,528 And then you found us. In my case, they found me. 398 00:27:11,680 --> 00:27:15,401 I was just out wandering, no place to call home. 399 00:27:16,320 --> 00:27:18,641 I didn't even know there was others like us. 400 00:27:19,680 --> 00:27:21,205 How many are there? 401 00:27:22,320 --> 00:27:23,481 Like us? 402 00:27:23,640 --> 00:27:25,927 Sean says there are millions. 403 00:27:26,120 --> 00:27:27,770 Sean? 404 00:27:27,920 --> 00:27:31,208 Have you heard him speak? Have you seen the videos? 405 00:27:31,360 --> 00:27:32,805 You have to. 406 00:27:33,000 --> 00:27:35,571 And don't you let that fancy accent of his fool you. 407 00:27:36,120 --> 00:27:39,488 I mean, he's European and all, but he's just like us. 408 00:27:39,640 --> 00:27:41,369 I'd like to meet him. 409 00:27:42,200 --> 00:27:44,520 Well, it's your lucky day 'cause that's where we're headed. 410 00:27:51,680 --> 00:27:55,162 I need to separate the myo-inositol. 411 00:27:55,360 --> 00:27:57,442 Are you sure you have the correct stereoisomer? 412 00:27:57,600 --> 00:27:59,921 I suggest we try a corn base. 413 00:28:00,440 --> 00:28:01,566 Because of the phytic acid? 414 00:28:01,720 --> 00:28:05,964 Myo is geometrically more stable, but chelation of the phytic acid 415 00:28:06,160 --> 00:28:09,369 could prevent mineral absorption into the vaccine structure. 416 00:28:10,760 --> 00:28:13,286 Worth a shot. Bacon? 417 00:28:14,600 --> 00:28:15,601 Uh... 418 00:28:15,960 --> 00:28:19,043 I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm afraid you lost me. 419 00:28:20,760 --> 00:28:23,047 At what point, exactly, did I lose you? 420 00:28:23,200 --> 00:28:25,043 About two hours ago. 421 00:28:26,520 --> 00:28:28,966 Well, let's start with the flour, shall we? 422 00:28:43,760 --> 00:28:46,491 We're headed north. I have a visual of the bus convoy. 423 00:28:46,640 --> 00:28:48,688 I believe Charlie Oscar's in the last bus. 424 00:28:48,840 --> 00:28:50,444 Roger, Cobra Team. 425 00:28:50,600 --> 00:28:54,366 Sir, the sub is transmitting. They're communicating with someone on land. 426 00:28:54,520 --> 00:28:56,080 Still cannot break the encryption, sir, 427 00:28:56,160 --> 00:28:58,640 but I have a good read on the signal bearing. 428 00:28:58,840 --> 00:28:59,966 How accurate? 429 00:29:00,120 --> 00:29:02,327 The sub appears to be holding still at radio depth. 430 00:29:02,480 --> 00:29:03,480 They're not moving, sir. 431 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:04,920 Mason, can you calculate a range? 432 00:29:05,040 --> 00:29:07,850 Yes, sir, this broadcast has a different point of origin on land. 433 00:29:08,000 --> 00:29:09,000 It's further north. 434 00:29:09,120 --> 00:29:11,202 We're triangulating approximate location for the sub. 435 00:29:11,360 --> 00:29:12,930 Ninety nautical miles. 436 00:29:13,680 --> 00:29:16,809 Can't get much closer at quiet one without tipping our hand. 437 00:29:17,520 --> 00:29:18,965 Nothing on passive sonar? 438 00:29:19,120 --> 00:29:20,121 Nothing, sir. 439 00:29:20,320 --> 00:29:23,120 She's quiet even at 30 knots, pretty much silent when she's not moving. 440 00:29:23,160 --> 00:29:25,208 Calculate a position on our target. 441 00:29:25,360 --> 00:29:26,691 I hold the sub at this location. 442 00:29:27,520 --> 00:29:30,569 Nathan James is here, making five knots. 443 00:29:31,720 --> 00:29:32,846 We have a vector plot. 444 00:29:33,040 --> 00:29:37,807 At this range, here's our dog box. TAO, hostile sub designate as Goblin One. 445 00:29:39,720 --> 00:29:43,122 Yeah, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. How is it? 446 00:29:43,880 --> 00:29:48,363 Yeah, no, no, no, no. Forget about that. Have you found the American ship? 447 00:29:48,520 --> 00:29:51,410 Not yet, but we're heading back towards you. Your brother said... 448 00:29:51,600 --> 00:29:54,251 I don't care what my brother said, all right? 449 00:29:54,400 --> 00:29:56,209 We are gonna sink those bastards. 450 00:29:56,360 --> 00:29:57,691 All right. Yes, sir. 451 00:29:57,840 --> 00:30:01,162 Now, here's what I want you to do, okay? 452 00:30:01,840 --> 00:30:03,205 XO, FIS is green. 453 00:30:03,400 --> 00:30:05,926 Hold active sonar until we have a solid track on the sub. 454 00:30:06,080 --> 00:30:07,760 Does the dog box cover the sub's location? 455 00:30:07,840 --> 00:30:09,729 Plenty big, ma'am. As long as the sub is in that box, 456 00:30:09,880 --> 00:30:11,689 the ASROC torpedo will find it. 457 00:30:11,840 --> 00:30:13,729 SLATTERY: Okay, we only get one shot at this. 458 00:30:13,880 --> 00:30:17,123 Once we go active, they'll know where we are, then they fire back. 459 00:30:17,280 --> 00:30:19,362 TAO, permission to shine lance searcher. 460 00:30:19,520 --> 00:30:21,682 - Shine lance searcher. - Shining lance searcher. 461 00:30:27,640 --> 00:30:30,405 Sonar, TAO, do you have an active contact? 462 00:30:30,560 --> 00:30:32,244 I don't understand. 463 00:30:32,400 --> 00:30:35,529 All stations, sonar. Sonar holds no active contact. 464 00:30:37,600 --> 00:30:39,200 - It's not a sub. - SLATTERY: What is it? 465 00:30:39,760 --> 00:30:41,410 The sonar signature shows nothing in the water. 466 00:30:41,560 --> 00:30:44,131 Whatever is transmitting from that spot is on the surface. 467 00:30:44,320 --> 00:30:46,163 It could be a radio relay, a buoy. 468 00:30:46,360 --> 00:30:47,521 That would explain why it's not moving. 469 00:30:47,680 --> 00:30:50,280 And that's how the sub is communicating with their people on land. 470 00:30:50,360 --> 00:30:52,283 Sub's using it to mask its location. 471 00:30:52,440 --> 00:30:54,647 We have a solid radar track on the floating relay, sir. 472 00:30:54,800 --> 00:30:57,770 Okay. Very well. 473 00:30:57,920 --> 00:31:00,400 If we can't use it to find them, we can't decrypt what they're saying, 474 00:31:00,560 --> 00:31:01,760 let's not let 'em talk at all. 475 00:31:01,880 --> 00:31:03,041 Ready an SM-2. 476 00:31:03,200 --> 00:31:07,091 MSS. TAO, kill track 5-0-2-5 with birds. 477 00:31:07,240 --> 00:31:11,006 MSS, aye. Kill track 5-0-2-5 with bird. 478 00:31:12,040 --> 00:31:13,405 Fire. 479 00:31:13,600 --> 00:31:14,647 Bird is away. 480 00:31:22,480 --> 00:31:25,370 Hello, Ned? Are you there, mate? Ned? 481 00:31:26,640 --> 00:31:27,801 Direct hit, ma'am. 482 00:31:27,960 --> 00:31:29,485 Radio signal's dead, sir. 483 00:31:30,920 --> 00:31:32,081 Hello? 484 00:31:33,800 --> 00:31:34,847 Oi! 485 00:31:35,040 --> 00:31:36,451 Ian! 486 00:31:37,840 --> 00:31:39,604 Is there anybody there? 487 00:31:41,520 --> 00:31:42,760 Shit! 488 00:32:36,880 --> 00:32:37,881 Uh-oh. 489 00:32:38,520 --> 00:32:41,683 Looks like they're taking us to the service entrance. 490 00:32:41,840 --> 00:32:43,683 Taylor, Cobra. We're splitting. 491 00:32:43,840 --> 00:32:45,888 Buses are headed to the main building. 492 00:32:47,200 --> 00:32:48,565 Find us a rally point. 493 00:32:49,040 --> 00:32:50,371 Roger. 494 00:32:56,720 --> 00:32:58,290 Here we go. 495 00:33:12,840 --> 00:33:14,922 Master Chief, any word? 496 00:33:16,120 --> 00:33:17,167 (SIGHS) 497 00:33:17,320 --> 00:33:21,484 Three teams on an undercover mission, wandering the swamps of central Florida 498 00:33:21,720 --> 00:33:24,769 led by my Commanding Officer, alone and unafraid. 499 00:33:25,520 --> 00:33:29,047 Ma'am, I love the Navy, but I don't know if I'll ever get used to this. 500 00:33:29,200 --> 00:33:32,761 I just pray they come back safe, and we get this vendetta behind us. 501 00:33:34,280 --> 00:33:35,611 They'll make it back. 502 00:33:36,480 --> 00:33:37,845 They always do. 503 00:33:38,000 --> 00:33:40,321 Find anything useful in Dr. Hunter's lab? 504 00:33:40,880 --> 00:33:41,927 Actually... 505 00:33:42,120 --> 00:33:43,770 What's that? 506 00:33:47,440 --> 00:33:50,330 Cornstarch, from the Chief's mess. 507 00:33:50,480 --> 00:33:52,528 It turns out the secret ingredient that I've been looking for 508 00:33:52,680 --> 00:33:54,603 was being used to make pancakes. 509 00:33:54,800 --> 00:33:55,847 So you found it? 510 00:33:56,000 --> 00:33:57,604 Well, I have the recipe, 511 00:33:57,800 --> 00:34:01,282 and now all I need is to build a machine to manufacture the micro powder. 512 00:34:01,480 --> 00:34:04,529 So I was hoping that you might be able to lend me 513 00:34:04,680 --> 00:34:07,126 one or two of your capable machinists? 514 00:34:08,200 --> 00:34:09,929 I think that can be arranged. 515 00:34:11,040 --> 00:34:12,121 MAN: Hold up. 516 00:34:13,040 --> 00:34:14,690 Here we go. 517 00:34:19,040 --> 00:34:20,166 Howdy! 518 00:34:20,320 --> 00:34:21,401 Howdy? 519 00:34:21,560 --> 00:34:23,289 - What? I'm from Connecticut. - Hmm. 520 00:34:25,160 --> 00:34:26,844 Whereabouts you boys come from? 521 00:34:27,040 --> 00:34:29,042 Pompano Beach, baby. 522 00:34:29,200 --> 00:34:30,645 - Fancy pants! - (LAUGHS) 523 00:34:31,520 --> 00:34:34,729 Well, come on. We got shit to do. Pull up around back. 524 00:34:37,320 --> 00:34:40,051 Pompano Beach? Nice pull. 525 00:34:40,200 --> 00:34:41,281 Well, I knew a gal 526 00:34:41,440 --> 00:34:44,410 Had a houseboat on the Intracoastal back in the late '90s. 527 00:34:45,160 --> 00:34:46,650 It was a hell of a winter. 528 00:34:49,680 --> 00:34:51,648 MAN: Welcome to Seaport Marina, everyone. 529 00:34:52,240 --> 00:34:54,322 We got coffee, baked bread. 530 00:34:55,160 --> 00:34:56,730 Please, come on in. 531 00:34:56,880 --> 00:35:00,680 Got fresh, cool water inside, plenty to eat. 532 00:35:00,840 --> 00:35:02,842 No sign of Danny or Tex. 533 00:35:03,000 --> 00:35:06,800 Armed guards every 100 yards. Barbed wire fences, roving sentries. 534 00:35:06,960 --> 00:35:08,121 It's like a fortress. 535 00:35:08,280 --> 00:35:09,611 Or a prison. 536 00:35:11,200 --> 00:35:15,046 Now, I'm sure there are those among you who say, "Why fight? 537 00:35:16,640 --> 00:35:20,167 "Why judge those who are not blessed with our purity of blood?" 538 00:35:21,000 --> 00:35:23,241 Well, I assure you, brothers and sisters, 539 00:35:23,400 --> 00:35:25,721 that we are not the ones who brought this fight. 540 00:35:25,880 --> 00:35:27,166 - WOMAN: Yeah. - Right. 541 00:35:27,840 --> 00:35:31,208 Our bodies are immune to the virus, but not to bigotry! 542 00:35:31,360 --> 00:35:32,486 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 543 00:35:32,680 --> 00:35:34,409 Not to hatred! 544 00:35:35,640 --> 00:35:38,644 You've all heard stories of Immunes dragged from their homes... 545 00:35:38,800 --> 00:35:39,847 That voice. 546 00:35:40,000 --> 00:35:41,411 ...by their own neighbors. 547 00:35:41,960 --> 00:35:42,961 I recognize it. 548 00:35:43,160 --> 00:35:44,730 We have the responsibility to protect ourselves. 549 00:35:44,880 --> 00:35:47,008 Video from Dr. Hunter's lab. 550 00:35:47,200 --> 00:35:49,521 To band together! 551 00:35:49,680 --> 00:35:51,330 These are the guys. 552 00:35:52,760 --> 00:35:55,730 For it is a fight, us against them! 553 00:35:55,920 --> 00:35:56,921 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 554 00:35:57,080 --> 00:36:01,290 Got themselves a cult. With an army behind them. 555 00:36:01,480 --> 00:36:04,370 ...to fight for our immunity and what we're trying to build here. 556 00:36:04,880 --> 00:36:06,800 - Can you do that for me? - (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 557 00:36:07,480 --> 00:36:10,290 Can you do that for me and be a warrior? 558 00:36:11,760 --> 00:36:13,330 Cobra Team, what is your whiskey? 559 00:36:13,520 --> 00:36:14,646 This is Cobra Team. 560 00:36:14,800 --> 00:36:18,043 Tiger Team is out of sight behind the building complex. 561 00:36:18,200 --> 00:36:20,851 Radio silent for 30 minutes. 562 00:36:21,000 --> 00:36:22,843 Vulture Team is in the complex. 563 00:36:24,400 --> 00:36:28,564 Gonna try to pass word to Tiger Team, but Vulture has no comms. Over. 564 00:36:28,720 --> 00:36:30,449 Roger that. Make contact with Tiger Team. 565 00:36:30,600 --> 00:36:32,762 - Get me an exfil plan now. - Roger. 566 00:36:32,960 --> 00:36:37,090 I'm looking for a rally point. We'll radio coordinates. Over. 567 00:36:37,240 --> 00:36:38,924 Any contact on the sonar? 568 00:36:39,080 --> 00:36:43,051 No, sir, but it won't take them long to figure out who blew up that radio relay. 569 00:36:53,280 --> 00:36:55,726 Friends, fellow Immunes, 570 00:36:55,880 --> 00:36:58,645 my heart fills with joy to see you all here. 571 00:36:58,800 --> 00:37:00,325 What a crowd! 572 00:37:01,920 --> 00:37:03,285 WOMAN: We love you, Sean! 573 00:37:04,680 --> 00:37:05,886 MAN: We love you, man! 574 00:37:06,080 --> 00:37:09,926 And I love you, too. Yes, I truly love all of you. 575 00:37:10,560 --> 00:37:11,800 And what a crowd! 576 00:37:13,400 --> 00:37:18,088 And more of you, more of us, arriving every hour. 577 00:37:18,240 --> 00:37:20,720 We expect 1,000 by week's end. 578 00:37:20,920 --> 00:37:23,651 That's right. We're gonna need a bigger ballroom. 579 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:26,128 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 580 00:37:31,120 --> 00:37:34,966 With the 700 in St. Augustine, the 1,200 in Gainesville, 581 00:37:35,120 --> 00:37:37,521 and the nearly 6,000, 582 00:37:37,680 --> 00:37:42,083 that's right, 6,000, across the state in Clearwater, 583 00:37:42,280 --> 00:37:43,884 our ranks are growing, 584 00:37:44,040 --> 00:37:49,365 and we are spreading our message across this great nation! 585 00:37:49,520 --> 00:37:53,366 And it all starts here with all of you, 586 00:37:53,520 --> 00:37:55,648 my beloved Immunes. 587 00:37:56,080 --> 00:37:58,481 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 588 00:38:00,360 --> 00:38:02,089 NIELS: At the safe zone in the mall, 589 00:38:02,840 --> 00:38:06,083 I found 320 immune to my disease. 590 00:38:06,240 --> 00:38:09,369 - There are still... - That's bloody good, yeah? 591 00:38:09,520 --> 00:38:12,251 ...many challenges before us... 592 00:38:12,400 --> 00:38:13,481 Creepy git- 593 00:38:13,680 --> 00:38:15,921 - (LAUGHING) - ...my brothers and sisters. 594 00:38:16,640 --> 00:38:20,611 There are many who have not yet heard our message. 595 00:38:20,760 --> 00:38:23,047 That will change, my friends, because soon, 596 00:38:24,080 --> 00:38:27,880 we are going to New Orleans to join other Immunes 597 00:38:28,040 --> 00:38:31,362 so we can get our story spread out across the country. 598 00:38:31,880 --> 00:38:36,807 But despite our many, many successes so far, 599 00:38:37,000 --> 00:38:41,927 I still can't help feel that I have failed you. 600 00:38:42,160 --> 00:38:43,161 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 601 00:38:43,320 --> 00:38:46,927 I come here as your humble messenger, 602 00:38:47,080 --> 00:38:49,367 spreading the gospel of the Immunes. 603 00:38:49,520 --> 00:38:52,842 But if America is to rise again, 604 00:38:53,840 --> 00:38:56,241 it needs a true leader. 605 00:38:56,400 --> 00:38:58,209 - Sean, we have you! - Lead us, Sean! 606 00:38:58,360 --> 00:39:02,524 No, no, no, no, not me. Not me. I come from a different land. 607 00:39:02,680 --> 00:39:05,490 American Immunes need an American leader, 608 00:39:05,640 --> 00:39:09,929 someone who has our blood, but your American spirit. 609 00:39:10,080 --> 00:39:11,411 Let's have a look at this. 610 00:39:15,680 --> 00:39:17,728 REPORTER: With Florida reporting the first cases 611 00:39:17,880 --> 00:39:20,087 of the mysterious virus that's sweeping Europe, 612 00:39:20,240 --> 00:39:23,130 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Jeffrey Michener, 613 00:39:23,280 --> 00:39:27,126 landed in Tallahassee this morning as head of the U. S. Response Team. 614 00:39:27,280 --> 00:39:30,762 From the information we have right now, we seem to have contained the virus. 615 00:39:30,920 --> 00:39:32,400 REPORTER: How did the virus get here? 616 00:39:32,440 --> 00:39:35,284 As I said, we don't know how the virus landed on our shores, 617 00:39:35,440 --> 00:39:38,842 but we're doing everything we can to meet the challenge head-on. 618 00:39:39,000 --> 00:39:42,971 My office is doing everything we can to make sure that people are safe. 619 00:39:43,280 --> 00:39:44,281 (APPLAUSE) 620 00:39:46,520 --> 00:39:50,809 SEAN: Secretary Michener shares our special gift. 621 00:39:50,960 --> 00:39:53,566 It's the reason he's alive and here with us today 622 00:39:53,720 --> 00:39:57,964 while the rest of the U.S. Government perished from this Earth. 623 00:39:58,680 --> 00:40:01,650 Now, I have some news for you. 624 00:40:02,800 --> 00:40:05,371 According to the U.S. Constitution, 625 00:40:06,000 --> 00:40:09,243 as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 626 00:40:09,440 --> 00:40:15,368 Jeffrey Michener is number 12 in the order of presidential succession. 627 00:40:15,520 --> 00:40:17,204 With the others all gone, 628 00:40:18,000 --> 00:40:22,847 well, Jeffrey Michener is your president. 629 00:40:23,240 --> 00:40:25,083 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 630 00:40:27,840 --> 00:40:30,844 You heard me right, and when we get to New Orleans, 631 00:40:31,000 --> 00:40:33,367 we will install him in his rightful office, 632 00:40:33,520 --> 00:40:37,161 where he can create a cabinet, take control of the military, 633 00:40:37,320 --> 00:40:41,803 and show the world that America is back! 634 00:40:42,000 --> 00:40:45,891 America has a new president, 635 00:40:46,040 --> 00:40:49,123 and he is one of us! 636 00:40:49,440 --> 00:40:50,441 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 637 00:40:56,040 --> 00:40:59,203 Sean, what the hell are you talking about? You didn't say anything about this. 638 00:40:59,400 --> 00:41:02,927 I told you, brother. I have a plan. 639 00:41:04,760 --> 00:41:05,761 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 640 00:41:39,280 --> 00:41:41,328 ♪ (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ 641 00:42:10,760 --> 00:42:11,761 English SDH